Week 7000 Years
Week 7000 Years
Week 7000 Years
George Burnside
The Scriptures divide time into seven Periods as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From Creation to the Flood. From the Flood to Abraham. From Abraham to David. From David to the Babylonian Captivity. From the Captivity to Christ. From the Time of Christ to His Return. The Millennium.
These periods are clearly set out in God's infallible Word. Furthermore, great prominence is given to the beginning and the ending of each of these periods. 1. The first period is set out in Genesis 5:3-29. Here ten generation of man reach from the creation of Adam and Eve to Noah and the flood. This is a period of 1656 years from Eden to the world wide flood. 2. Genesis 11:10-26. Here again in ten generations, the history of mankind is covered from the Flood to Abraham. 3. "From Abraham to David are fourteen generations." This is clearly stated in Matthew 1:17. 4. From David to the Babylonian captivity is again fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17. 5. From the Captivity to Christ are fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17. 6. The sixth period stretches from the coming of the Messiah to His return in glory. This period is divided into seven periods as in the Seven Churches, the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets of Revelation. 7. The Millennium, or the Day of the Lord, is the seventh and final period when the earth keeps its Sabbath. This 1,000 years is mentioned seven times in the New Testament. 2 Peter 3:8, One day is with the Lord as a thousand years." In Revelation 20, the "thousand years," is found six times in the first seven verses. Here the Sabbath millennium is not for the wicked, but only for the people of God. The ungodly are as Sabbathless as Satan. They rise not until the thousand years are finished. Revelation 20:5. On a wilderness earth, "here is to be the home of Satan with his evil angels for a thousand years. For six thousand years Satan's work of rebellion has made the-earth to tremble." (1) These seven periods cover the span of time that stretches from God's two eternities. "From eternity in the past, to eternity of the future," "From everlasting to everlasting." (2) 1 Corinthians 4:3, (Margin)."Man's Day. The word translated judgment in this verse is translated "day" in all other places in the New Testament, and thus the margin here is correct. It matters little how we are