Bleach d20 Supplement

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D20 Classless System Suppliment

Table of Contents
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE: 1 QUINCIGAMI PRESTIGE PATH......................................................................................................... PAGE: 2 BOUNTO RACE AND NEW FEATS .................................................................................................. PAGE: 3 SQUAD ZERO PRESTIGE PATH...................................................................................................... PAGE: 7 VASTO LORDE PRESTIGE PATH .................................................................................................... PAGE: 10 BAKKOTOU WIELDER PRESTIGE PATH ........................................................................................ PAGE: 14 FOURTH DIVISION SPECIALIST PRESTIGE PATH .................................................................... PAGE: 15 ONMITSUKIDO HAKUDA EXPERT PRESTIGE PATH .................................................................... PAGE: 16 GEIST DER RACHE PRESTIGE PATH ........................................................................................ PAGE: 17 CAZADOR PESTIGE PATH .......................................................................................................... PAGE: 18 RONSOTENGAI MASTER PRESTIGE PATH .............................................................................. PAGE: 19 KYUUJUTSU MASTER PRESTIGE PATH ................................................................................... PAGE: 20 CHANGES TO THE CORE GAME ............................................................................................... PAGE: 21 CREDITS ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE: 22

A Quincigami is a former Quincy that has lost their powers before they died thus placing them back into the cycle of reincarnation. Once dead, their Reiatsu is enough that they were able to become a Shinigami. Somewhere along the line however, a piece of their former life found them, and they once again begin to grasp their Quincy heritage. When a Shinigami realizes that they were once a Quincy in life, they begin to regress old powers, the first of which is the redesign of their Zanpakutou as a Ranged Weapon, and the need to focus through a Quincy Cross to access some powers. Once their Zanpakutou spirit recognizes their new knowledge, it continues to be able to shift back and fourth between it's old form and it's new, giving the Quincigami remarkable versitility and power. Prerequisites: Must have retrained the Quincy Feat for the Shinigami Feat Ranged Combat: 6+ Ranks Weapon Combat: 6+ Ranks Must have lost the Alive Feat by dying (If you lose the alive feat by dying, please retrain the alive feat with another feat that you meet the prerequisites for.) Must own a Quincy Cross. 1 RANGED ZANPAKUTOU [PRESTIGE] Your Zanpakutou has recognized the fact that you were once a Quincy, and as such reforms itself into a ranged weapon of your choice as if you had chosen the Renewed Release feat. Using a Quincy Cross as a focus makes your Zanpakutou's critical modifier 1 higher than normal (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4, to a maximum of x7) 2 Any Flash or Reiatsu Feat 3 SHIFTING RELEASE [PRESTIGE] Your Shinigami heritage cannot be denied, as such, you gain an Alternate Release for your Zanpakutou that is the equal of your original Zanpakutou. You may shift your Zanpakutou's form back and forth between these two forms a number of times equal to 3 + Wisdom Modifier. Using a Quincy Cross as a focus makes this transition easier, and that focus may count as 1 shift per day, and you may transfer one point per 4 levels of Release Powers between the two forms. 4 Any Character or Flash Feat 5 SEELE SCHNEIDER RELEASE [PRESTIGE] The epitome of your power as a Quincigami. Once per day per three character levels, you make your Zanpakutou split into both your ranged and melee forms. You may then use your melee Zanpakutou as a Quincy Arrow of unprecedented power with all it's enchantments attatched. Using this power eliminates your Zanpakutou's melee form for 1d4 rounds. If used more than 3 times in one day, the Quincigami must rest for a full day before using it again. Using a Quincy Cross as a focus makes this easier, reducing the time between shots to one round, and the times per day that it can be used increases to one half character level.

Bounto Feats
BOUNTO [SOUL]* Bounts are living beings just as Quincy are, but the difference being they have a special component that is encompassed by a human soul. Bounts absorb human souls, making them their own. It is these abilities that have named Bounts at various times in Human history as vampires. As the accidental creations of a Shinigami scientist they were once affiliated with Soul Society. Currently the Bounts in general are only a small tribe of beings from what they once were. Due to their circumstance they are neither affiliated with Soul Society nor the living world, they are pariahs, accepted in neither dimension. Prerequisite: Exclusive of the Shinigami, Hollow and Quincy Feats Benefit: You gain a Doll that is much like a Zanpakutou, though it is useless unless released. Each Bounto gains a bite attack that deals 1d4 + Str Modifier Damage. As you gain more power, your bite does more damage, adding 1d4 to the damage each time you gain an additional attack from the appropriate attack skill. Each point of damage the Bounto's bite does to an opponent, adds one week to the Bounto's life as it sucks that directly from the soul of the victim they are attacking. (IE If you did 52 damage, the Bounto would add 1 year to their Maximum Lifespan) Unlike a Zanpakutou, your Doll begins with it's initial release active. This release works as Shikai, but your Doll becomes a medium sized summoned creature. You can call your Doll's release for for One minute per (Character Level + Constitution Bonus) per day. A Doll is built just as a Character is, except that it gains Living Construct Traits, Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and Low Light vision. They cannot pick the Shinigami, Quincy or Hollow feats. In lieu of this, each Doll chooses an Element, and their attacks deal 1d6 damage of that element, which enhances by 1d6 each time the Doll itself gains an extra unarmed attack through the skill. There are special feats that are available to Bounto that can alter their Dolls. Dolls may create special attacks like Zanpakutou wielders create their Shikais. To do this they use their Spell Score (Charisma unless the Doll takes the Spellcaster feat) to determine the number of Release Points available to them. Dolls always have the same alignment as their Bounto, but conflict can arise if the Bounto is harmed, or is found unworthy. Once every 30 days, the Bounto must make a will save with a DC equal to the Doll's Charisma Score. Failure means that the Bounto loses their Doll. Success means that the Doll has found you worthy of continued use. If the Bounto is brought down to less than one quarter of it's hit points it must immediately make the same roll as if a month had passed. Rolls from damage do not count towards their monthly roll. If your Doll is destroyed, the Bounto instantly begins aging at a rate of 1d6 years every round (battle time, not real time). A Fortitude Save with a DC equal to the last attack roll made against their Doll can be made to stave off the effects of this for one minute per success. If the Bounto can gain access to another Doll that will be willing to fight along side them, the aging ends, and actually reverses, returning the Bounto to the age they were when they became a Bounto. INDOMINABLE SPIRIT [SOUL]* Prerequisite: Bounto Feat, Willpower 9+ Ranks Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on your roll to control and maintain worthiness in your Doll's eyes as you are a commanding force of spirit. POWERFUL DOLL [SOUL]* Prerequisite: Bounto Feat, Willpower Skill 6+ Ranks Benefit: You gain your Wisdom Bonus as extra points to improve your Doll's Physical Statistics as per the Point Buy system. WEAPON FORM [SOUL]* Prerequisite: Bounto Feat Benefit: Your Doll isn't a creature, but is a weapon instead. You gain your Spell Score as Release Points to build your Doll's Weapon Release Form in the same manner you would build a Shikai. TWIN DOLL [SOUL]* Prerequisites: Bounto Feat, Must have a Twin Sibling, May only be taken at the same time you take the Bounto Feat. Benefit: You and your twin sibling are connected by your soul, and as such share one doll. When creating your Doll, they gain a +4 bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, and they gain one and a half times the

number of Release Points when creating their special attacks. Penalty: If the Doll dies both twins are aged just as a normal Bounto, and they must find another doll willing to take both on. If one dies because of aging, they both die. Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time adds another sibling to the mix, and increases the chances of dying. The positive effect is that it adds an additional +2 to all Physical statistics per sibling, and adds the twin's combined Wisdom modifiers to the number of Release Points gained by the Doll to create special attacks. DOLL MERGE [SOUL]* Prerequisites: Bounto Feat, 3d4 Bite Damage, 3d6 Doll Damage Benefit: For One minute per level per day, the Bounto and their Doll may merge into one incredibly powerful being. Merging with your Doll is a Full Round action if your Doll has not been released yet, and is a Standard Action if it has. When Merged, the new being uses the better of the two separate being's Physical and Mental Statistics, and adds the weaker one's modifiers to the stronger. Each statistic is ascertained separately for this effect. The Bounto is always in control of the combined form, but gains all the Special Attacks of the Doll, and gains a number of Release Points equal to the sum of their Mental Statistic Modifiers to buy new attacks (This sum is ascertained before the combination.) If the Merged Bounto is killed during this process, the Doll and Bounto separate and they are both reduced to zero hit points, destroying the Doll. A doll destroyed in this manner regenerates in 1d4 days, and does not cause the Bounto to age, but the Bounto is unconscious until the Doll regenerates. Special: If the user of this feat has the Twin Doll feat, the Merging gains the bonuses of the feat on top of the normal (The merged form has a +4 to all physical statistics, and the extra points for more special attacks is multiplied by 1.5). No matter how many times the user of this feat has the Twin Doll feat, this effect only applies once. BOUNTIFUL HARVEST [SOUL]* Prerequisite: Bounto Feat, Fortitude 5+ Ranks Benefit: When calculating bonus lifespan gained through damage dealt by an unreleased Doll, double that number. Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time double the effect again (IE, x2 become x3 etc) WEAPON RELEASE [SOUL]* Prerequisite: Bounto Feat, Weapon Attack Skill 5+ Ranks Benefit: Your Doll gains the ability to have a second form that you can use in melee combat. This can be a one or two handed weapon, but can only be a Melee Weapon. You gain one half your spell score to create the weapon, and may release your Doll to this form for One Minute per level per day. Special: Once chosen, the form of your Weapon Release can never be changed, but the enhancements can be rewritten with the Renewed Release feat. CREATE BITTO [SOUL, EVIL]* Prerequisites: Bounto Feat, Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Weapon Attack Skill 9+ Ranks, Bountiful Harvest Feat, Must sacrifice a Bounto. Benefits: Sacrificing a Bounto, you transform them into Bitto. A Bitto is a Swarm with a number of Hit Dice equal to the Bounto sacrificed. They have an initiative equal to yours and ranks equal to one half the Sacrificed Bounto's HD + 3 in the Unarmed Attack skill. Within the Swarm a target is susceptible to Drain and Distraction. Each round that a creature spends within the swarm, they must make a Fortitude Save DC (10 + One Half the Sacrificed Bounto's HD) or be nauseated for that round. If a Bitto hits, the next round, the Target takes 1 damage to all mental statistics. Bitto take half damage from weapons. They are otherwise just like Swarms. Damage from a Bitto Swarm adds time to the controlling Bounto's life just like unreleased damage and damage dealt to mental scores is x10 towards this effect. Creating Bitto is an undeniably evil act, and if this feat is used, the user will be forced into Jigoku upon death.

New General Feats

IMPROVED RAGE [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Rage, Fortitude Save 8+ Ranks Benefit: You may Rage 2 more times per day. Special: You may take this feat more than once, it's effects stack. You cannot take this feat again however, If you have not added any ranks to your Fortitude Save for the level you want to take it. IMPROVED FLURRY OF BLOWS [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Flurry of blows, unarmed attack bonus 7+, See Special Benefit: Your penalty to all attacks in a round in which you use Flurry of Blows is reduced to -2 Special: You may take this two more times, once when your unarmed attack bonus reaches +9 and again at +11. Reduce the penalty by 1 for each additional application of this feat. IMPROVED CHANNEL DIVINITY [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Channel Divinity Prestige Power, Wisdom 13+ Benefit: You gain 2 more Channel Divinity points per day Special: This feat may be taken more than once, it's effects stack

New Flash Step Feats

IMPROVED FLASH STEP [SOUL] Prerequisites: Flash Step Benefit: You may Flash Step twice more each day. Special: You may take this feat more than once, the effects stack. FAR STEP [SOUL] Prerequisites: Flash Step, Increased Flash Step, Dex 18+ Benefit: Your Flash Steps are faster than most, You gain a +20 bonus on the Tumble skill check for Flash Step (This supersedes Increased Flash Step's bonus. INCREDIBLE STEP [SOUL] Prerequisites: Flash Step, Improved Flash Step, Dex 18+, Far Step Benefit: You gain an additional use of Flash Step per Flash Step feat, including this one. Also, lower the DC of all Flash Steps by 5. FLASH STEP SPRING ATTACK [SOUL] Prerequisites: Increased Flash Step, Flash Step Decoy, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack Benefit: You may use one of your uses of Flash Step to make a Spring Attack. This Spring Attack leaves your opponent flatfooted against the attack made with Flash Step Spring Attack. You must still successfully roll your Flash Step check, and if you fail to cover at least the distance to your target, this attack fails, and the use of Flash Step is wasted. BLURRING STEP [SOUL] Prerequisites: Reflex 12+ Ranks, Increased Flash Step, Combat Expertise. Benefit: You've mastered the art of blending the Flash Step with normal movement. For one round per level per day, you may act as if you had the effects of the Blur spell cast upon you. Your miss chance for this effect is 15+Level% (IE: a Level 20 character with this feat would have a 35% miss chance). Using this feat uses one of your flash steps for the day. Special: You may take this more than once, up to 4 total times, each time adding 5% miss chance to your maximum.

SENKA [SOUL] Your mastery of Flash Step is of awesome proportions. You're so fast, people never see you coming. Prerequisites: Flash Step, Flash Step Decoy, Blurring Step Benefit: Using one use of Flash Step, you may make an opposed Tumble check against one opponent. Should you win, your next attack catches them flatfooted, even if they have Uncanny Dodge or the improved version. FLASH STEP ANTICIPATION [SOUL] Prerequisites: Flash Step, Senka Benefit: If an opponent moves through a threatened square while they are using Flash Step, you may attempt an attack of opportunity. Unless you have Combat Reflexes, you can only make one such attack per turn, regardless of how many attacks of opportunity they incur. TWIN FLASH STEP [SOUL] You're so good, you can take people with you Prerequisite: Flash Step, Improved Flash Step Benefit: By spending a use of Flash Step, and adding 10 to the DC of your Flash Step, you may take someone with you, provided they do not exceed your maximum push/pull weight.

Fan Service Feat

WELL ENDOWED [GENERAL]* You are endowed with an extremely generous physique, which offers you several advantages when confronting the gender of your choice Prerequisites: Not a Eunuch.... or an Amazon Benefit: Your distracting accouterments give you a +2 to charisma based checks against those that would find your appearance attractive You suffer a -2 to charisma based checks against those that do not find your gender attractive. As illustrated, this feat can be taken multiple times, its effects stack. (This feat replaces Buxom)

Squad Zero Member

Beyond the rank of Captain, there is the mysterious Squad Zero, otherwise known as The Royal Guard of the Spirit King himself. While this team of incredibly powerful Shinigami rarely involves itself with tasks outside the realm of the Spirit King, from time to time a situation arises that requires their touch. Such events may include the theft of the Spirit Key, a Vasto Lorde invasion, and other such epic events that would be outside the power of a normal Captain. Outwardly they appear in all instances to be a Shinigami, but all wear captains jackets with the standard symbol for a squad on their backs, with the kanji for Zero within. Each has reached the pinnacle of power for their Zanpakutou, and some rumor that there is even a further stage beyond Bankai that is practiced by the Squad Zero members. Only those that are truly of epic proportions are even brought into this squad however, and as such, nearly nothing is known about them, and even saying that someone was promoted TO the squad is a crime. No one is publicly promoted to the Zero Squad, they just retire from Shinigami life. Prerequisites Level 5 Captain Character Level 21+ 1 MURIKAI (IMPOSSIBLE RELEASE) [PRESTIGE] Your Bankai has been reformed and enhanced to incredible levels by just being in the presence of the Spirit King. For one round per (Character Level + Constitution Score) per day, you may push your already released Bankai into this ultimate Murikai. You cannot release Murikai from base form or Shikai. Releasing Murikai is a full round action. To create a Murikai, you gain release points equal to three times your spell score. In addition to the chart for Bankai and Shikai, the following chart (And associated descriptions) are available for your Murikai.
Murikai Ability Costs Special Ability Critical Blast Dread Everdancing Belief Auto-Reincarnating Flaying Unnerring Accuracy Bashing Distant Shot Souldrinking Release Point Cost 6 7 8 8 10 6 6 6 6 15

Auto-Reincarnating: Any creature struck in combat by this weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) or be destroyed as if by the disintegrate spell. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 damage per the user's character level, if this results in death, the creature is disintegrated. Hollows killed in this way are brought to the Soul Society or Jigoku as normal and the Reincarnation cycle is not interrupted by any means. Spells that return life to a target cannot be used short of an effect resembling True Resurrection or Wish. If he wills it, the Spirit King may return a creature that was the victim of this power to life. Bashing: A Bashing weapon automatically attempts to bull rush a target on each successful attack. When Bull rushing in this manner you make the opposed strength check using your Weapon Attack Skill Ranks as the strength bonus. If you win the opposed strength bonus, you push the target back 2 feet per point by which you won the challenge (IE if you won by 15 points, you would push the target 30 feet.) IF the target strikes anything on the way, they take damage as if they fell the distance.

Belief: This weapon is aligned to one part of your moral compass (Choose one of the following per placement of this enchantment: Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic) and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. When a weapon of belief strikes an opposed alignment target (Lawful opposes Chaotic, Good opposes Evil), this power deals +3d6 points of bonus aligned damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of aligned damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is 3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is 4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any opposed aligned creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the power upon their ammunition. Critical Blast: On command, an critical blast weapon is sheathed in elemental power (choose from the following each time this is placed, Fire, Ice, Acid, Electricity, Sonic) (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this power washes over the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus elemental damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of elemental damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is 3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is 4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus elemental damage upon their ammunition. Distant Shot: A distant shot weapon can be used against any target within line of sight at no penalty for range. Dread: A dread weapon excels at attacking one type of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +4d6 points of bonus damage against the foe, and if it scores a successful critical hit against the foe, that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 27) or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. (This even affects creatures immune to critical hits or death magic.). You must choose your Dread Target from the following List (Shinigami, Human, Hollow, Quincy, Bounto) You may instead choose an origination or type of character (for example, you may choose The Kido Corp, or Divine Casters as a Dread Target, but not all Kido Wielders as this is too broad) Everdancing: An everdancing weapon is much like a dancing weapon, though it can be loosed with a free action and will fight as long as desired. It can move up to 60 feet away from its owner. Its owner can instruct it to move to a different target as a move-equivalent action. If its owner is rendered unconscious or otherwise unable to direct it, it will fight the same opponent as long as that opponent is conscious and within range. The owner of an everdancing weapon can grasp it again as a free action (assuming it is within reach). Flaying: A Flaying weapon has it's Critical Modifier doubled once again beyond Keen (IE if had a Weapon with a 20 crit, with Keen, that would make it 19-20, a Flaying weapon would make it 17-20.) and it's critical modifier increases by 1. (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4 etc) Souldrinking: A souldrinking weapon is a terror to behold. Each successful attack forces a Fortitude Save (DC 21) or it steals a level from it's target. This type of level loss can result in permanent level loss. Once per day, a Souldrinking weapon can confer onto it's wielder a number of levels up to a maximum of it's enchantment bonus. These are not actual levels, but grant a bonus equal to the granted levels to all d20 rolls, and temporary hit points equal to your (Level x Constitution Modifier). Temporary hit points are lost first. The bonuses granted by this enhancement last for one minute per point of enchantment bonus on the weapon and you cannot grant yourself levels if you have not drained the same amount of levels before this point. Levels stored within the sword last for one week before they are lost if they are not used. Unerring Accuracy: Ranged attacks made with this weapon negate the AC bonus granted by any cover short of total cover. The weapons ranged attacks also ignore any miss chance from concealment (including total concealment, but the wielder must still aim his or her attacks at the correct square). 2 Any Feat 3 SUMMON DIVINITY [PRESTIGE] You summon a sliver of the Spirit King's divine power. Once Per day per ten character levels, you may place yourself into a state of divine rapture. You gain a +6 bonus to all physical statistics, a +5 Divine Bonus to your Armor Class and Defense Skills (This does not give the bonus twice through the Reflex Save Skill), Damage Reduction 10/- and Spell Resistance equal to 10+Character Level. While in this state you are immune to binding

kido, and kido that induces starvation or dehydration. You are also immune to damage that is not dealt in dice (IE if a spell says it deals a certain percentage of your HP, you are immune) and the Auto-Reincarnating special ability. This lasts for 3 + Wisdom Modifier in rounds. At the end you are reduced to one half your hit points and are exhausted. If you have the Rage ability or the Hollow Frenzy ability, or both, you may use any combination of the three, including all three at once. Increase the step to which you are tired afterwards for each additional enhancement you induce (If you used 2 you are unconscious after they end, if you used all three, you are dying, reduced to -1 hp, and must make a stabilization roll) 4 Any Feat 5 GREATER MURIKAI [PRESTIGE] You're power over the nearly incomprehensible power of the Murikai grows stronger. Double the length of time you can release this form. Also, your own power has grown as well. Gain up to one additional attack if your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 20. 6 Any Feat 7 SUMMON GREATER DIVINITY [PRESTIGE] You are more used to channeling the divinity of the Spirit King through your body. Reduce by one step the level of tiredness you feel after using the Summon Divinity feature (Exhausted becomes Fatigued, Unconscious becomes Exhausted, and Dying becomes Unconscious.) 8 Any Feat 9 PERFECT MURIKAI [PRESTIGE] You have mastered the power granted to you by the Spirit King. Triple the length of time you can release your Murikai form, and gain up to one additional attack if your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 25, or up to two additional attacks if your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 30. 10 Any Feat.

Vasto Lorde
A Vasto Lorde is a Hollow of unimaginable power. It is said that if there are 10 Vasto Lorde, the Soul Society will crumble under their power. Their power eclipses the best of Captains, and can only be held at bay by Squad Zero. It has been speculated that the Espada themselves were Vasto Lordes, this is untrue for even within the Espada, there was room for advancement, and growth, which shows that the Vasto Lorde are even more powerful than they. Cuatro Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer showed the first inkling of what a Vasto Lorde's power might be by activating his Resurreccin: Segunda Etapa, but that is by far not the limits of Hollow Powers. Truly powerful Vasto Lordes have become Abominations of the night. Truly vile creatures that border on godhood. Encountering a Vasto Lorde is surely a testament to your own power, for they are harbingers of apocalypse and doom, and do not enter fray for merely anyone that comes along. Truly it takes a massive concentration of spiritual pressure to make a Vasto Lorde even begin to contemplate moving from his position of power. Only for the most powerful, most succulent treats will a Vasto Lorde risk injury. Prerequisites Level 5 Espada Character Level 21+ 1 - RESURRECCION: SEGUNDA ETAPA [PRESTIGE] The second stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Ressurreccion: Segunda Etapa, or Second Step of Ressurrection, gives the Vasto Lorde an incredible power boost, multiplying the original Ressureccion boost by one and a half, and adding the Vasto Lorde's Constitution Modifier to his Damage Reduction and Natural Armor. A Vasto Lorde may hold this form for one round per (Character Level + Constitution Modifier) per day. 2 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the chart below) or Feat 3 CERO OSCURAS [PRESTIGE] Immense in power, the Cero Oscuras functions as a basic Cero that has been intensified. The cero oscuras can be used Once per day per 10 character levels of the Vasto Lorde. Once per Week, the Vasto Lorde may twice Widen the line created by the Cero, but this leaves him fatigued after use. 4 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the chart below) or Feat 5 HYPER-EVOLUTION [PRESTIGE] Creatures of chaos, and change, Vasto Lordes have the unique ability to instantly evolve and adapt to attack forms used on them. Whenever an attack form is used on a Vasto Lorde, with the exception of Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, the Vasto Lorde can make a Fortitude Save DC (Enemy Hit Dice + Enemy Constitution Modifier + 20). If they succeed, they become immune to that attack form for one round per point of Constitution Modifier. This ability may be used 3+Intelligence Modifier times per day.


6 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the chart below) or Feat
Vasto Lorde Hollow Growth Powers Elemental Immunity Increased Vitality Empower Spell-Like Ability Maximize Spell-Like Ability Elemental Mastery Supernatural Transmogrification Ability Enhancement

7 OVERWHELMING MALEVOLENT AURA [PRESTIGE] Anywhere a Vasto Lorde goes, living energy seems to wither. In a radius of 100 feet around the Vasto Lorde, all living creatures, and Shinigami must make a Fortitude Save DC (20 + One Half the Vasto Lorde's HD + The Vasto Lorde's Charisma Modifier) or take 1 negative level per 10 hit dice of the Vasto Lorde. This never results in actual level loss, but persists as long as the creatures are in the aura. If this level loss would make a creature's level hit 0, the creature must save vs Massive Damage or be instantly slain, and his soul absorbed into the Vasto Lorde giving the Vasto Lorde 5 temporary hit points.

Elemental Immunity: The Vasto Lorde gains immunity from one of the natural elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Acid or Sonic) If the Vasto Lorde already has immunity to the element chosen, it heals one hit point for every three hit points of damage from that element. If chosen again, this becomes one hit point per two damage, and if chosen a third (or fourth) time, it becomes direct healing Increased Vitality: Choose one of the following effects. You gain that effect for your character. You may take this hollow growth power multiple times, if you choose the same bonus more than once, the effects stack. Increased Health: If you do not have the Blooded feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the hit points you gain per level. Increased Skill: If you do not have the the Seasoned feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the skill points you gain per level. Increased Power: If you do not have the Enlightened feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the spell points you gain per level. Increased Reactions: Gain a +2 to your Reflex Skill Increased Heartiness: Gain a +2 to your Fortitude Skill Increased Mind: Gain a +2 to your Willpower Skill Increased Flurry: Gain a +1 to your Unarmed Attack Skill Increased Attack: Gain a +1 to your Weapon Attack Skill Increased Aim: Gain a +1 to your Ranged Attack Skill Empower Spell-Like Ability: A vasto lorde can apply the Empower Spell feat to one of its spell-like abilities that it can use twice per day. If the vasto lorde has limited use of the spell-like ability, the empowered ability uses up two uses of the ability. If the vasto lorde can use the ability at will, there is no cost for empowering the ability. The vasto lorde does not need to specify a spell-like ability when it chooses this feat; it can apply the feat to any spell-like ability it possesses. Maximize Spell-Like Ability: The Vasto Lorde can apply the Maximize Spell feat to one of its spell-like abilities that it can use three times per day. If the Vasto Lorde has limited use of the spell-like ability, the maximized ability uses up three uses of the ability. If the Vasto Lorde can use the ability at will, there is no cost for maximizing the ability. The Vasto Lorde does not need to specify a spell-like ability when it chooses this feat; it can apply the feat to any spell-like ability it possesses. Elemental Mastery: Choose one of the following, and gain that as an extraordinary ability Air Mastery: Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against the Vasto Lorde Earth Mastery: A Vasto Lorde with this ability gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or water-borne, the Vasto Lorde takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Fire Mastery: Those hit by a Vasto Lorde with this power's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20 + One half Character Level + Constitution Modifier) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame. Creatures hitting a Vasto Lorde with this ability with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the Vasto Lordes attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save. The DC is Constitution-based. A Vasto Lorde with this ability gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or Vasto Lorde with this ability is land-bound, the Vasto Lorde takes a -4

penalty on attack and damage rolls. A Vasto Lorde can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. It can easily overturn even large craft (ships of up to 5 feet in length per Hit Dice of the Vasto Lorde) and stop massive vessels (ships of less than 10 feet in length per HD). Even ocean-going behemoths (ships of less than 20 feet in length per HD) can be slowed to half speed. Supernatural Transmogrification: Choose one Spell-Like ability you possess. This ability becomes a Supernatural ability and is usable at will every 1d4+1 rounds. You may no longer effect this ability with the Hollow Growth Powers Maximize Spell-Like Ability or Empower Spell-Like Ability Ability Enhancement: Choose one of your Statistics. It gains a bonus equal to one half the number of Hollow Growth Powers you have. This ability can only be chosen once per Statistic (IE only once for Strength, once for Dexterity, etc) and once chosen, the bonus increases by 1 per 2 Hollow Growth Powers. 8 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the chart above) or Feat 9 UNDYING MALEVOLENCE [PRESTIGE] Nearly a god unto itself, the Vasto Lorde has perfected it's ability to use it's second release. Double the amount of time the Vasto Lorde may use it's second release form. 10 One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the chart above) or Feat

Bakkotou Wielder
Forbidden by Soul Society for the danger to the wielder, some have found a way to enact ancient rituals that force their Zanpakutou to begin to gain Hollow Traits. Different than a Vizard or an Arrancar, there are some very similar elements between the two. The true drawback of the Bakkotou is that over time, if you are weak, the Bakkoutou drains your life energy and kills you, sucking your soul into the Bakkotou to use as power for the next user foolish enough to activate it. Strong wielders generally give off enough Reiatsu to satiate their Bakkotou without taking penalties. Prerequisites Shinigami Feat Shikai Spellcraft 6+ Ranks Exclusive Constant Release, Greater Constant Release. 1 BAKKOTOU [PRESTIGE] Your Zanpakutou is forever changed into a Bakkotou. The spirit within is now a hollow, with no chance at redemption. It wants nothing more than to consume spirit energy, and does so with every swing. Every time you kill an opponent, one point goes into your Bakkotou as a Soul Charge. When you gain 10 or more Soul Charges, your Bakkotou gains a Hollow Growth Ability. This can only be a Monstrous Feat, Scent, or a Supernatural Ability, which it confers to it's wielder. In exchange, when a Hollow Growth Ability is gained, the user must make a Fortitude Saving throw (DC 10 + The total number of Hollow Growth Abilities gained thus far) or take 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain. If the Fortitude Saving throw fails, the wielder must make a Willpower Save with the same DC as the Fortitude save, or take 1d4 permanent Wisdom drain. If either ability becomes 0, the Bakkotou wielder dies, and is sucked into the Bakkotou, and the weapon itself gains an extra Hollow Growth Ability and becomes dormant waiting for the next user. In all other ways, the Bakkotou is a Zanpakutou except that you cannot take Bankai or Constant Release feats with a Bakkotou. A Bakkotou begins with 1 Hollow Growth Power that it can legally take per point of Charisma Bonus of the wielder. (Max 3, Min 1) 2 Any Base or Character Feat 3 BAKKOTOU RESILLIANCE [PRESTIGE] Through trial and error, and surviving the harrowing trials the Bakkotou places on you, you have steeled yourself to the malevolent spirit of the Bakkotou. You now only make a saving throw once every two Hollow Growth Abilities gained. You also gain a bonus to your saving throws equal to your Charisma Modifier. 4 Any Base or Soul Feat 5 BAKKOTOU FINAL RELEASE [PRESTIGE] The Bakkotou version of Bankai, this is a combination of Bankai and Resserrection. For one round per (Level + Constitution Modifier) per day, you may release your Bakkotou's full power. Doing so you gain a number of Physical Alteration Hollow Growth abilities or Combat Manuver Hollow Growth Abilities equal to your Bakkotou's other Hollow Growth Abilities. You take on a chitinous Arrancar appearance, but your sword is still available to you with all it's abilities still intact.


4 Division Specialist
One of the least respected squads of all the Gotei 13, yet possibly the most important, the 4th division is responsible for the lives of Shinigami everywhere. They are the battlefield medics, surgeons, doctors and generally healers. Also, they service the Seireitai itself , cleaning streets, gutters and regulating sewage. The 4th Division Specialist is a master of healing, someone that might even be able to recombine a soul before it passes onto it's next incarnation. To those that don't know them, they seem weak, effeminate and foolish. Never willing to fight, always healing everyone on a battlefield that is still alive, even enemies. The worst offenders of the prejudice is Squad 11, who value strength over everything else. Prerequisites Spells: Access to a Spell list with 9th level healing spells. Spells: Must be able to cast at least 3 Kido of the Healing subtype Heal: 8+ Ranks 1 CHANNEL DIVINITY You gain a pool of Divine Channeling per day equal to 3+Wisdom Modifier. You may use these points in several ways. Unless noted, a Channel Divinity usage targets one creature or spell (Either the caster or the target or the target spell)
Usage Empower Healing (as the feat) Maximize Healing (as the feat) Add 1d8 points to a healing spell Imbue liquid with Sleep Imbue liquid with Deep Slumber Gain +4 bonus on Fort Saving Throw for one turn Give +4 bonus on Will Saving Throw for one turn Use a Healing Kido without spending Spell Points Remove Disease/Blindness/Deafness Divine Channeling Point Cost 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2



2 Bonus Base Feat or +2 Channel Divinity Points 3 HEALING AURA [PRESTIGE] By using one use of Divine Channeling, you may use a Healing Kido with a range of Touch in a 20 foot burst per Divine Channeling point spent. You may not use more than your Fourth Division Specialist levels in points for this effect. 4 Bonus Base Feat or +2 Channel Divinity Points 5 RECOMBINATION [PRESTIGE] If you can get to a being that's been slain (that was alive or not beforehand) within 1d4 rounds per character level of it's death, you can spend a number of Channel Divinity points equal to it's HD to reform it's essence into the body it was before it moves on the path of reincarnation. NOTE: If used on a Hollow, the Hollow must make a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to it's own Hit Dice or revert back to it's original Plus State.

Onmitsukid Hakuda Expert

The Onmitsukid is a special strike unit under the command of the Central 46 Chambers. It is divided into five units, each of which has its own special duties to carry out. These duties range from relaying information to patrol, discipline and assassination. If the Gotei 13 are the considered as an exterior guard, then the Onmitsukid is an interior, covert guard. Originally a separate branch of Soul Society's army, the Onmitsukid was traditionally tied to the Shihin family. When the Commander-in-Chief would gain a title within the Gotei 13, the Onmitsukid would become attached to that division as well. The Special Forces is generally commanded by a member of the noble family Shihin, though the last member to hold this position was Yoruichi Shihin before she departed Soul Society around 100 years before the main story line. Since that time, the Special Forces seem to be highly merged with the Gotei 13's 2nd Division. The first branch of the Onmitsukid. It is ranked the highest of the five branches in the division. Their responsibilities including punishment and assassination of ex-comrades who break the law and acting as scouts during battle against Hollows. Its members are dressed all in black and are known for their cold-bloodedness. They specialize in combat using Hakuda. It is normally headed by the the Commander-in-chief of the Onmitsukid. Hakuda is a system of unarmed combat mastery that forsakes the Zanpakutou until either the finishing blow, or the direst need. Prerequisites: Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Flash Step, Supersonic Strike Skills: Unarmed Attack, Balance, Jump and Tumble 8+ Ranks Special: Must be chosen by the head of the Onmitsukid for training. 1 HAKUDA DOUBLE TAP [PRESTIGE] You may surrender quantity for quality. By surrendering all your other attacks in a full attack action, you may make an attack at your highest attack bonus with a bonus equal to one half your Strength Modifier (If you have the Weapon Finesse Feat, you use one half your Dexterity Modifier instead). If this attack hits, it automatically threatens critical and does double damage (Thus if the critical hit is confirmed the attack does x3 damage). When calculating damage, add one and a half times your strength modifier instead of normal. 2 Bonus Flash or Reiatsu Feat 3 HAKUDA COUNTERATTACK [PRESTIGE] You may surrender striking for counter-striking. By surrendering all your attacks in a full attack action, you may instead gain those attacks as attacks of opportunity against any opponent that attacks you in melee regardless if they hit you or not. For purposes of these attacks, your opponent is denied their Dexterity Bonus to AC, but only counts for sneak attack purposes if you are four or more character levels above them. 4 Bonus Flash or Soul Feat 5 HAKUDA FLASH KICK [PRESTIGE] You can move your body in such a way that your opponent might not see your attack until it's too late to block or dodge. You may use Hakuda Flash Kick three times per day plus once per point of your Dexterity Modifier. When you use Hakuda Flash Kick, make an attack roll as normal. Your opponent must then make a Spot Check with a DC equal to your roll. If they make the check, they defend normally with a -2 penalty to their AC. If they miss the check, they are also considered flat-footed (And are denied their Dexterity Bonus to AC)


Geist Der Rache

There have been times, in the history of the Quincy, where people have experimented with learning the ways of the enemy to better defeat them. This research was quickly and effectively reduced to ashes any time it was found out, but sometimes, the texts that detailed out the process known as Machtvakuum survived the generations. Machtvakuum is the way in which a Quincy can cause his body to begin pulling spirit particles into itself without the Quincy's bidding, this overflowing the Quincy with power, like the Quincy Final Form, but with less risk. Once the Quincy knows how to perform Machtvakuum, he can materialize a set of targeting goggles that allow this extra power to be used called a Gesichtsmaske. The Gesichtsmaske can only be maintained for a short time before it disappears, but it gives the Geist Der Rache several hollowlike abilities. Prerequisites: Feat: Hollow Within, Quincy Will Save: 10+ Ranks Special: Must have faced and subdued the inner hollow 1 GESICHTSMASKE [PRESTIGE] By concentrating a massive amount of spirit particles to one area, one is able to form a spiritual mask to awaken the other powers of a Geist der Rache. When donning his Gesichtsmaske, which is a move action, the Geist der Rache gains phenomenal speed and power. With the mask on, the Geist gains an enhancement bonus to Dexterity equal to his character level, and a bonus to the DC of any attack that requires a reflex saving throw equal to their newly modified Dexterity Modifier. The Geist also gains a bonus to movement at a rate of 10 feet per 3 character levels. Donning a Gesichtsmaske lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Character Level + Constitution Modifier, but can be spread over multiple uses. 2 Bonus Flash or Reiatsu Feat 3 GEIST SCHRITT [PRESTIGE] Through their mask, the Geist can increase the power of his shots, and his defensive capabilities. With their mask down, the Geist gains a bonus on Ranged Shot damage equal to 1d6 per five character levels (+1d6 for first level), and a bonus to all Dexterity based d20 rolls equal to 1 + 1 per five character levels as long as they move 10 or more feet per round. Each 20 feet beyond the first 10 that the Geist moves in the round garners an additional 1d6 to Damage and +1 to all Dexterity Based d20 Rolls. If the Geist moves more than 90 feet in a round, they garner a 20% miss chance. 4 Bonus Flash or Reiatsu Feat 5 WELLE VON NICTS [PRESTIGE] The Geist gains the ability to charge an arrow with power and fire it in a line, much like the Hollow attack Cero. The attack is a 60 foot line, and deals 1d6 damage per character level. Targets must make a reflex save (10 + One-Half Character Level + Constitution Modifier) to take half damage. A Quincy may fire this attack once every 1d4 rounds.


Like the Quincy, Hollows have also learned to fight the enemy with their own techniques. While some choose to persue the adversarial relationship with the Shinigami, others choose to attack the more deadly threat of the Quincy. Though, yes, there are less Quincy, what they do is more devastating to the soul. Where the Shinigami simply cleanses the soul of it's dark emotions, and purifies the soul of it's evil deeds while a Hollow, the Quincy simply erase the soul from existence. To any being, this is a fate worse than purification. Even if they lose all their memories... they still exist after being killed by a Shinigami. The Cazador (Spanish for Hunter) learns to drawn spirit particles to himself. While this helps him stave off mindless rage and the hunger for souls that plauge most Hollow, the Cazador can also use these spirit particles much like a Quincy. Prerequisites: Unarmed attack bonus 12+, Cero and Magic Fang Hollow Growth powers Special : Must have had his mask removed either by exposition to the Orb of Distortion, or by his own free will after having feasted on the flesh of an Adjucha of maximum potential (Level 5, Hollow Level 18+ or Arrancar Level 1+) 1 BLOODWIND [PRESTIGE] The Hollow powers acquired via the Hollow Growth feat are now sealed in an item that resembles a Quincy Cross. It's weapons are considered Quincy Cross damage for the purposes of damage reduction and feat prerequisites, and once per day per Cazador prestige feat it garners, it can use it's Natural Attacks (Including unarmed attack) at a range of 30 feet per five character levels. 2 RESURRECCIN [PRESTIGE] When Releasing his true Hollow form (a standard action), an Cazador gains an immense boost to its Hollow powers. During Resurreccin, the Cazador benefits from an enhancement bonus to dexterity, charisma and constitution equal to twice his number of Hollow Growth feats. The Cazador also gains a bonus to land speed equal to 5 feet per Hollow Growth Feat. An Cazador's Resurreccin lasts for one minute per constitution bonus points per day. Its total time may be spread amongst as many uses as needed. 3 MURCURIO [PRESTIGE] The Cazador adds it's Charisma bonus (If any) to her AC as a Dodge Bonus 4 SAETA [PRESTIGE] The Cazador can finally use it's bow as a Quincy. It can use it's Unarmed Attack skill as the Ranged Shot skill (Use the Cazador's dexterity bonus as the bonus to this skill instead of Wisdom). It's Saeta damage is equal to a Quincy of the Cazador's character level. 5 GARGANTA [PRESTIGE] Once per day you may create a Gate as per the spell, with a spellcaster level equal to your character level, and the following restrictions. One of the Gate exits must be the Hueco Mundo, and the creature you can call through the Gate must be one of its denizens.


Ranstengai Master
A master of Ransotengai doesn't just control his own body when it's disabled. He can control others, and even, at the extremes of the power, cause someone to lose control of themselves completely. When originally created this is a high level technique that allows the user to control their body parts using strings of spirit energy controlled by their brain, forming lines or strings out of countless spiritrons. By using this technique, the user can control their body as one would a puppet, allowing them to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force that would impede normal movement. It was originally created to allow elderly Quincy to fight effectively, and is rare enough that Mayuri had never encountered a Quincy (out of the 2661 that he examined or studied) who could use it before Ury. A Master of this technique can take decades to create, and most will never achieve the power needed to gather so many spiritrons to control another or to cut off someone from their own movement. Those that do are feared throughout the worlds as a master of both body and soul. Prerequisites: Feat: Quincy, Spellcaster, Enlightened Skills: Concentration: 10+ Ranks, Willpower: 10+ Ranks 1 RANSOTENGAI [PRESTIGE] You gain the ability to control your own body even after it's been disabled. Once per day, if the Ransotengai Master would be disabled through a kido or from punishment to the body, they may expend 3 spell points, and then 1 spell point per round after the first to get their body moving again. As long as they continue to spend spell points (1 per round), they remain as able as they did before they were disabled, removing any penalties to physical statistics (even due to age). If a master is reduced to -10 hit points while this technique is in place, it immediately ends, and the master dies, just as he would normally. 2 Bonus Flash or Reiatsu Feat 3 RANSOTENGAI MARIONETTE [PRESTIGE] Once per day, per point of wisdom modifier you posses, you may attempt to use your Ransotengai on another being with a soul. Creatures of the Undead or Construct subtype can never be controlled by this technique. To use this technique, the Ransotengai Master makes a Concentration check with a DC equal to (10 + one half the target's HD + the target's Wisdom Modifier) and expends 3 Spell Points. Should they make the DC, if unwilling the target gets a will save at the same DC. Should the target fail, they are no longer in control of their body, the Ransotengai Master is. They must expend 2 Spell Points per Round there after to keep control of the body. Whether or not the target makes his will original will save, the 3 original spell points are spent. 4 Bonus Flash or Reiatsu Feat 5 RANSOTENGAI SCHNEIDER [PRESTIGE] With this technique, the Ransotengai Master may cut off someone's mobility, end the effect of someone else's Ransotengai or free someone (including themselves), from the Ransotengai Marionette effect. To cut off someone's movement takes the same effort as the Ransotengai Marionette ability. Should the Target fail his Will Save he is fully disabled (considered -1 HP and stable). Should the target make the will save, their Hit points are halved as their soul is literally sheered. To end someone's Ransotengai or Ransotengai Marionette effects, the master spends 3 Spell Points and forces the target to make a will save, opposed by one of their own. Should the Master win, the selected effect ends prematurely. Should the target win, the losing master is drained of 3 additional spell points to reflect mental strain. The first effect may be used once per day. The other effects of this feat may be used as long as the Master has Spell points to spend.


Kyuujutsu Master
There are archers, and then there are master ranged specialists. A Kyuujutsu Master is such a being. They have taken the art of ranged combat to a level that most people don't even think exists, being able to ignore walls, and sometimes even the density of the material they are firing at. To be a Kyuujutsu master means that you have studied angles, and precision to an extreme. You have knowledge of geometry that would make people wonder what you do with your time. You have an intrinsic mastery of balance and knowledge of weak points that even helps you in unarmed combat at times. Prerequisites: Feats: Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (One Ranged Weapon), Weapon Specialization (One Ranged Weapon) Skills: Ranged Shot, Reflex, Spot and Search 8+ Ranks 1 DOUBLE SHOT [PRESTIGE] By sacrificing accuracy for power, a Kyuujutsu Master can severely effect target. A Kyuujutsu Master can sacrifice her remaining attacks in a round to fire off two weapons at once, each striking the same part for maximum damage. The double attack takes a -2 penalty, but if it hits, it threatens critical and does double damage (If the critical is confirmed, the attack does triple damage) 2 Bonus Reiatsu or Soul Feat 3 TRICK SHOT [PRESTIGE] Once per day per point of wisdom bonus (minimum 1), the kyuujutsu master is able to gain one of the Eight following benefits. +10 insight bonus to Ranged attack rolls for 1 round, or +5 insight bonus to ranged attack damage rolls for 1 round, or Ignore all cover and concealment penalties with ranged attacks (save for total concealment and full cover) for 1 round, or Strike at two targets with one attack, or Knock the target prone if the attack hits, or Halve the target's land speed if the attack hits, or Ignore your character level in Damage Reduction, or Remove the ability modifier from your target's next round of attacks 4 Bonus Reiatsu or Soul Feat 5 RAIN OF ARROWS By sacrificing all your attacks in a round, you may make one attack on every creature within 10 feet per 2 character levels of yourself. This may be used once per day per point of Wisdom bonus you posses.


Changes to the Game

When I decided to do this supplement, I did a lot of little things fixing little errors that made things either redundant or broken. Firstly, most instances of Spellscience or Reiatsu Ranking have been replaced by Spell Score, Spell Score is either Constitution or the first Statistic that governs your spells when you take the Spellcaster feat. Next, I created an actual Reiatsu rating, due to the fact that the Sense Motive skill goes on percentage of Reiatsu sensed. This score is equal to [Spell Score + Intimidate Ranks+ 20] multiplied by Character Level and allows a guess at someone's approximate power. Animal Form: The line that once said Once per Day now reads Once per day per three character levels Spellcaster: The Prerequisites now read: Spellcraft 5 Ranks, Any one knowledge skill 4 Ranks. The line that said you can pick a spell list now reads You gain the ability to cast spells from one spell list as approved by your GM Hollow Growth Powers: Renamed and changed several to rid the game of the fact that Hollows DON'T get claws... Alive: The first line read You are one of the few Shinigami. It now reads You are one of the few Spiritually Aware beings... Hollow Within: Shinigami prerequisite removed, replaced with Must have been injured by a Hollow and survived. Hollow Rage: This line has been added to the end of the feat. You are fatigued at the end of the combined rage instead of exhausted. Increased Flash Step: Now has the prerequisites: Flash Step and Tumble 6+ Ranks Flash Step Defense: Now includes Blurring Step in it's prerequisites. Buxom: Removed Next, I edited remarkably overcomplicated things in some of the Prestige Paths. Kido Corps: Senkaimon: Removed ALL of this,and replaced it with a usage of the Gate Spell with Teleport's chance for error. Shinigami Only Prestige Paths: Added the feat Shinigami to the prerequisites (Not with Captain though) Espada: Added 3 more levels to it, which they gain a Bonus Feat per level (In addition to the feat normally gained) Then, lastly, I made sure it was apparent that the Kido lists were examples of the Kido's shown in the Anime. And... that's all the changes I made. Hope everyone likes them.


Tite Kubo: Writer and Illustrator of the Bleach Manga Behold the Void: I think this is the guy that created the Classless Bleach d20 system Dionon: This is Me, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already. Feel free to use it as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it. Jusditz and Zoultan: Two people who have a talent for finding the loopholes in systems and have been invaluable in helping me root out the ones in this game system that even my discerning eye missed. Giants in the Playground and Gleemax community: For constantly inspiring me to create d20 stuff. Wikipedia contributors (GNU Free documentation license) The Hypertext D20 SRD (Open Gaming License) Peter Kisner for the classless d20 inspiration Deviantart: For having such a great selection of pictures to use.


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