UNIT - IV (Compatibility Mode)
UNIT - IV (Compatibility Mode)
UNIT - IV (Compatibility Mode)
Dr. K. Subrahmanyam Professor in CSE
Empirical phase
Data entry, data storage, data management actions, etc..
Analytic phase
Statitistical analysis of data and interpretation ...Calculations using various softwares like (SPSS- STATA-SYSAT)
Dissemination phase
Publishing by converting to pdf and posting on web, etc...
Heuristic refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery. requirements on the optimisation task.
Classification of EA Methods
General EA Process
Step 4.1 : Selection: Sort the population by the objective function value and copy a given percentage (say 20%) of the population for remainder of the population. Then randomly select two parent chromosomes from the above population according to their fitness. Step 4.2 : Crossover : Perform the crossover of the parents for a crossover probability to form a new offspring. If no crossover is performed then the off spring are exact copies of the parents. Step 4.3 : Mutation - perform the mutation of offspring at each locust (position in the chromosome) for a mutation probability. Also evaluate fitness function f(x) of the offspring. Step 4.4 : Acceptance place the new offspring in a new population Step 4.5 : Increment the Generation Count by one ( GC = GC+1)
Simulated Annealing
Metropolis et al. (1953) have developed an algorithm to find an equilibrium of a system containing large number of atoms for a known temperature (T). This algorithm forms the basis for the development of many simulated annealing algorithms to solve combinatorial problems.
Simulated Annealing
Step1: Get an initial feasible solution s0 and compute the related value of the objective function f(s0) Step2: Get an initial temperature, T>0. Step3: Generate a feasible solution s1 in the neighbourhood of s0 and compute the related value of the objective function f(s1) Step 4: Compute d = f(s1) - f(s0)
Simulated Annealing
Step5 : if d>= 0 , set s0= s1; otherwise set s0= s1 with the probability e(d/T). Step 6: Set T = r X T. Step 7 : if T > s, then go to step 3; otherwise go to step 8. Step 8: Use local optimization to reach a local optimum starting from the last s0 value.
T is the temperature, r (0 to 1) is used lower the temperature at each computational step and s is the small positive number provided by the user. T, r & s are known as control parameters
Neural Network-Based Face Detection Neural network based optimization of drug formulations
Evolutionary computation
Neural Networks