IJACSA - Volume 3 No. 7, July 2012
IJACSA - Volume 3 No. 7, July 2012
IJACSA - Volume 3 No. 7, July 2012
The parameter, r, is the time-dependent yield curve, the
general discussion of which is beyond the scope of this paper.
Without loss of generality, we use the United States Treasury
on-the-run bond yield curve, which we observe once. We
interpolate between the tenors (i.e., Treasury maturity dates)
using polynomial curve fitting, the coefficients of which we
cache and apply for all bonds in the inventory.
A portfolio is a collection instruments, in our case, bonds.
The fair value, P(|
), of a portfolio, |
, with a basket of Q bonds
is functionally defined as follows:
) P(b
( j,q)
, r)
C. Bond portfolio generation
We generate simple bonds that model a wide range of
computational scenarios. The goals are to 1) produce a
sufficient number of bonds to mimic realistic fixed-income
portfolios and 2) avoid biases in commercial-grade bonds that
depend on prevailing market conditions. Specifically, we have
the collections, n
={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10,
30}, and o
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
27 | P a g e
Where U is an MxM orthogonal matrix, V is an NxN
orthogonal matrix, and S is an MxN matrix with the diagonal
elements represents the singular values, s
of X. Using the
subscript T to denote the transpose of the matrix. The columns
of the orthogonal matrix U are called the left singular vectors,
and the columns of the orthogonal matrix V are called the right
singular vectors. The left singular vectors (LSCs) of X are
eigenvectors of XX
and the right singular vectors (RSCs) of X
are eigenvectors of X
X. Each singular value (SV) specifies the
luminance of an image layer while the corresponding pair of
singular vectors (SCs) specifies the geometry of the image [13].
U and V are unitary orthogonal matrices (the sum of squares of
each column is unity and all the columns are uncorrelated) and
S is a diagonal matrix (only the leading diagonal has non-zero
values) of decreasing singular values. The singular value of
each eigenimage is simply its 2-norm. Because SVD
maximizes the largest singular values, the first eigenimage is
the pattern that accounts for the greatest amount of the
variance-covariance structure [3,4].
SVD is robust and reliable orthogonal matrix
decomposition method. Due to SVD conceptual and stability
reasons, it becomes more and more popular in signal
processing area. SVD is an attractive algebraic transform for
image processing. SVD has prominent properties in imaging.
This section explores the main SVD properties that may be
utilized in image processing. Although some SVD properties
are fully utilized in image processing, others still needs more
investigation and contributed to. Several SVD properties are
highly advantageous for images such as; its maximum energy
packing, solving of least squares problem, computing pseudo-
inverse of a matrix and multivariate analysis [1,2]. A key
property of SVD is its relation to the rank of a matrix and its
ability to approximate matrices of a given rank. Digital images
are often represented by low rank matrices and, therefore, able
to be described by a sum of a relatively small set of
eigenimages. This concept rises the manipulating of the signal
as two distinct subspaces [3,4]. Some hypotheses will be
provided and verified in the following sections. For a complete
review, the theoretical SVD related theorems are firstly
summarized, and then the practical properties are reviewed
associated with some experiments.
- SVD Subspaces: SVD is constituted from two
orthogonal dominant and subdominant subspaces. This
corresponds to partition the M-dimensional vector space
into dominant and subdominant subspaces [1,8]. This
attractive property of SVD is utilized in noise filtering
and watermarking [7,9].
- SVD architecture: For SVD decomposition of an image,
singular value (SV) specifies the luminance of an image
layer while the corresponding pair singular vectors (SCs)
specify the geometry of the image layer. The largest
object components in an image found using the SVD
generally correspond to eigenimages associated with the
largest singular values, while image noise corresponds to
eigenimages associated with the SVs [3,4]
- PCA versus SVD: Principle component analysis (PCA)
is also called the Karhunen-Love transform (KLT) or
the hotelling transform. PCA is used to compute the
dominant vectors representing a given data set and
provides an optimal basis for minimum mean squared
reconstruction of the given data. The computational basis
of PCA is the calculation of the SVD of the data matrix,
or equivalently the eigenvalues decomposition of the data
covariance matrix SVD is closely related to the standard
eigenvalues-eigenvector or spectral decomposition of a
square matrix X, into VLV, where V is orthogonal, and
L are diagonal. In fact U and V of SVD represent the
eigenvectors for XX and XX respectively. If X is
symmetric, the singular values of X are the absolute
value of the eigenvalues of X [3,4].
- SVD Multiresolution: SVD has the maximum energy
packing among the other transforms. In many
applications, it is useful to obtain a statistical
characterization of an image at several resolutions. SVD
decomposes a matrix into orthogonal components with
which optimal sub rank approximations may be obtained.
With the multiresolution SVD, the following important
characteristics of an image may be measured, at each of
the several level of resolution: isotropy, spercity of
principal components, self-similarity under scaling, and
resolution of the mean squared error into meaningful
components. [5,14].
- SVD Oriented Energy: In SVD analysis of oriented
energy both rank of the problem and signal space
orientation can be determined. SVD is a stable and
effective method to split the system into a set of linearly
independent components, each of them bearing its own
energy contribution. SVD is represented as a linear
combination of its principle components, a few dominate
components are bearing the rank of the observed system
and can be severely reduced. The oriented energy
concept is an effective tool to separate signals from
different sources, or to select signal subspaces of
maximal signal activity and integrity [1, 15]. Recall that
the singular values represent the square root of the
energy in corresponding principal direction. The
dominant direction could equal to the first singular vector
from the SVD decomposition. Accuracy of
dominance of the estimate could be measured by
obtaining the difference or normalized difference
between the first two SVs [16].
Some of the SVD properties are not fully utilized in image
processing applications. These unused properties will be
experimentally conducted in the following sections for more
convenient utilization of these properties in various images
processing application. Much research work needs to be done
in utilizing this generous transform.
SVD decomposes a matrix into orthogonal components
with which optimal sub rank approximations may be obtained.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
28 | P a g e
The largest object components in an image found using the
SVD generally correspond to eigenimages associated with the
largest singular values, while image noise corresponds to
eigenimages associated with the smallest singular values. The
SVD is used to approximate the matrix decomposing the data
into an optimal estimate of the signal and the noise
components. This property is one of the most important
properties of the SVD decomposition in noise filtering,
compression and forensic which could also treated as adding
noise in a proper detectable way.
A. Rank Approximation
SVD can offer low rank approximation which could be
optimal sub rank approximations by considering the largest
singular value that pack most of the energy contained in the
image [5,14]. SVD shows how a matrix may be represented by
a sum of rank-one matrices. The approximation a matrix X can
be represented as truncated matrix X
which has a specific rank
k. The usage of SVD for matrix approximation has a number of
practical advantages, such as storing the approximation X
of a
matrix instead of the whole matrix X as the case in image
compression and recently watermarking applications. Assume
X e R
. Let p =min(m,n), kp be the number of nonzero
singular values of X. X matrix can be expressed as
1 i
i i i
v u s ~ s
+ s
+.+ s
i.e., X is the sum of k rank-one matrices. The partial sum
captures as much of the energy of X as possible by a matrix
of at most rank r. In this case, energy is defined by the 2-
norm or the Frobenius norm. Each outer product (u
is a
simple matrix of rank 1and can be stored in M+N numbers,
versus M*N of the original matrix. For truncated SVD
transformation with rank k, storage has (m+n+1)*k. Figure (1)
shows an example for the SVD truncation for rank k =20.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Truncated SVD (a) Original (b) Truncated SVD
B. Orthogonal Subspaces
The original data matrix X is decomposed into the
orthogonal dominant components US
, which is the rank k
subspace corresponding to the signal subspace and US
which corresponds to the orthogonal subdominant subspace
that defines the noise components. In other words, SVD has
orthogonal Subspaces; dominant and subdominant subspaces.
SVD provides an explicit representation of the range and null
space of a matrix X. The right singular vectors corresponding
to vanishing singular values of X span the null space of X. The
left singular vectors corresponding to the non-zero singular
values of X span the range of X. As a consequence, the rank of
X equals the number of non-zero singular values which is the
same as the number of non-zero diagonal elements in S. This is
corresponding to partition the M-dimensional vector space (of
the mapping defined by X) into dominant and subdominant
subspaces [8]. Figure (2) shows image data dominant subspace
with the image truncated to k=30 SVD components, and its
subdominant; noise subspace. The SVD offers a good and
efficient way to determine the rank(X), orthonormal basis for
range(X), null(X), ||X||
, ||X||
and optimal low-rank
approximations to X in || ||
or || ||
, etc.
rank(X) = r = the number of nonzero singular values.
range(X) = span(u
, u
, . . . , u
null(X) = span(v
, v
, . . . , v
This subspaces SVD property that offers splitting the image
space into two distinct subspaces, the signal and the noise,
triggers proposing a contribution in watermarking application
in this paper. The contribution utilizes the resemblance
between the SVD domain with any noisy image (signal
subspace + noise subspace), or the watermarked image form
(image signal+watermark signal).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2. SVD subspaces (a) Original Image (b) Image Data subspace (c)
Noise subspace
C. Image Denoising
SVD has the ability to manipulate the image in the base of
two distinctive data and noise subspaces which is usually used
in noise filtering and also could be utilized in watermarking
[7,9]. Since the generic noise signal filtering model assumes
the noise can be separated from the data, SVD locates the noise
component in a subspace orthogonal to the data signal
subspace. Therefore, SVD is used to approximate the matrix
decomposing the data into an optimal estimate of the signal and
the noise components. Image noise manifests itself as an
increased spatial activity in spatial domain that guides to
increasing the smaller singular values in SVD domain. As there
is an added noise, singular values are non-uniformly increased
(although some may decrease) by amount that depends on the
image and the noise statistics, the medium values are increased
by largest amount, although smallest singular values have the
largest relative change. This depicted function will be more or
less skewed for different images and noise types. For Singular
vectors which are noised, it is hard, if not impossible to
analytically describe influence of noise on noised singular
vectors. Singular vectors that correspond to smaller singular
values are much more perturbed. Degradation from noising of
singular vectors is much bigger than that caused by increased
singular values. Incautious changes in singular vectors can
produce catastrophic changes in images. This is the reason why
the filtering operations are limited to slight filtering of noise in
singular vectors [7]. Based on the fact of non-uniformly
affecting the SVs and SCs by noise based on its statistics,
smallest SVs and faster changing singular vectors which
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
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correspond to higher r values are highly affected with the noise
compared to the larger SVs and their corresponding SCs. [7,8].
This intuitive explanation is validated experimentally as shown
in figure (3).
Figure (3) shows the 2-dimensional representation of the
left and right SCs.
The slower changing waveform of the former SCs is versus
the faster changing of latter SCs. Figure (4) shows the
orthogonality of the different subspaces by carrying out
correlation between different slices. Figure (5) shows the SVD
based denoising process by considering the first 30
eigenimages as image data subspace and the reminder as the
noise subspace. By removing the noise subspace, image
displayed in figure(5b) represents the image after noise
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. 2D Representation of SCs: (a) Original Image (b) Left SCs; U (c)
Right SCs; V
Figure 4. Correlation is carried out between different subspaces (slices)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5. SVD Denoising (a) Original Noisy MRI Image (b) Image Data
subspace (c) Noise subspace
D. Image Compression
SVD with the maximum energy packing property is usually
used in compression. As mentioned above, SVD decomposes a
matrix into orthogonal components with which optimal sub
rank approximations may be obtained [5, 14].
As illustrated in equation 2, truncated SVD transformation
with rank r may offer significant savings in storage over storing
the whole matrix with accepted quality. Figure (6) shows the
bock diagram of the SVD based compression.
Figure 6. SVD based Compression
Compression ratio can be calculated as follows;
100 *
mk k nk
+ +
Where R is the compression percentage, k is the chosen
rank for truncation; m and n are the number of rows and
columns in the image respectively. R for the truncated image
shown in figure (1) is 15.65 and for the one located in figure
(2) are 23.48. Figure (7) shows compressed images with
different chosen ranks for truncation that result in different
compression ratios. Table 1 illustrates the different truncation
levels k used for compressing image shown in figure (7) and
the resultant compression ratio for each truncation level. Peak
Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is also illustrated in the table 1
corresponding to the different compression ratios to offer
objective quality measure
Number of
truncated levels k
90 70.4498 37.7018
80 62.6221 36.0502
60 46.9666 32.7251
40 31.311 32.7251
20 15.6555 .92..42
10 7.8278 .523.22
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7. SVD Based Compression (a) Original (b) Compression 47%
(truncation to k=60) (c) Compression 16% (truncation to k=20)
E. Image Forensic
For the current digital age, digital forensic research
becomes imperative. Counterfeiting and falsifying digital data
or digital evidence with the goal of making illegal profits or
bypassing laws is main objective for the attackers [15]. The
forensic research focuses in many tracks; steganography,
watermarking, authentication, labeling, captioning, etc. Many
applications were developed to satisfy consumer requirements
such as labeling, fingerprinting, authentication, copy control for
DVD, hardware/ software watermarking, executables
watermarks, signaling (signal information for automatic
counting) for propose of broadcast monitoring count [15].
The SVD packs the maximum signal energy into as few
coefficients. It has the ability to adapt to the variations in local
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
l a
i o
y select
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
30 | P a g e
statistics of an image. However, SVD is an image adaptive
transform; the transform itself needs to be represented in order
to recover the data. Most of the developed SVD based
watermarking techniques utilizes the stability of singular values
(SVs) that specifies the luminance (energy) of the image layer
[13,18]. That is why slight variations of singular values could
not influence remarkably on the cover image quality.
Developed SVD based techniques either used the largest SVs
[13,19] or the lowest SVs to embed the watermark components
either additively [18] or by using quantization [20]. D. Chandra
[18] additively embedded the scaled singular values of
watermark into the singular values of the host image X as
described above.
The Proposed Perceptual Forensic Technique
A new perceptual forensic SVD based approach which is
based on global SVD (GSVD) is proposed in this paper,. This
technique is developed to be private (non-blind) forensic tool.
The proposed forensic tool is based on efficient additively
embedding the optimal watermark data subspace into the host
less significant subspace (noise subspace). This forensic tool
can be utilized in all the forensic applications with some kind
of adaptation in the embedding region based on the required
robustness. Although many SVD based embedding techniques
for many forensic purposes are carried out additively in
singular values, they considered scaled addition without
considering the wide range of singular values. The proposed
scaled addition process that carried out for the SVs is treated
differently because of the wide range of the SVs sequence
which required to be flatted for convenient addition.
Embedding is carried out by getting the SVD for image X and
watermark W as follows in Eq. (4-a) and Eq. (4-b). The scaled
addition is as in Eq. (4-c). Finally watermarked image "Y" is
reconstructed from the modified singular values S
of the host
image as in Eq.(4-d).
s s < < - o +
Otherwise ) i ( S
k q 1 , M i k M if )) q ( S ( log ) i ( S
) i ( S
w h
Where S
and S
are the singular values for the modified
media, host media and embedded data respectively. o is a
scaling factor which is adjustable by user to increase (or
decrease) the protected image fidelity and decrease (or
increase) the security of watermark protection, and robustness
at the same time. k is user defined, and could be chosen
adaptively based on the energy distribution in both of the host
and the embedded data (watermark). k represents the size of
range(embedded data) and null(host data). Since the SVs has
wide range, they should be treated differently to avoid the
abrupt change in the SVs sequence of the resultant
watermarked media which sure will give sever degradation.
Therefore, log transformation is proposed to solve this problem
by flatten the range of watermark SVs in order to be
imperceptibly embedding.
The detection is non-blind. The detection process is
performed as the embedding but in the reverse ordering. Obtain
SVD of the watermarked image "Y" and "X" as in Eq. (5-a,b).
Then obtain the extracted watermark components S'
as shown
in Eq.(5-c). Finally, construct the reconstructed watermark W
by obtaining the inverse of the SVD.
Y = U
X = U
(i) = Exp((S(i)-S
(i))/o) for M-k<i<M (5-c)
Fidelity measure by using Normalized Mean Square Error
(NMSE) or Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used to
examine perceptually of the watermarked image. The security
of the embedding process lays on many parameters, number of
selected layers used in truncation as Truncated SVD (TSVD)
for the watermark efficient compression, the starting column in
host SVD components that were used for embedding.
Experimentally examining this proposed forensic technique is
carried out as compared to commonly used developed
technique [19].
Figure (8) shows the watermarked image by using proposed
forensic technique (as in Eq.4) compared to the already
developed Chandra's scheme [19]. Figure (8a) shows the effect
of logarithmic transformation in the SVs sequence range.
Chandra's scheme that used constant scaling factor o to scale
the wide range of SVs produced anomalous change (zoomed
part) in the produced watermarked SVs sequence compared to
the original SVs sequence while the proposed technique
produces SVs smoothed sequence much similar to the original
SVs sequence.
Figure (8c, d) show the watermarked images by using
scaled addition of the SVs [sv01] and by using the proposed
logarithmic scaled of SVs addition with using the same scaling
factor (o=0.2). Objective quality measure by using NMSE
values for developed and proposed techniques are 0.0223 and
8.8058e-009 respectively. Subjective quality measure shows
the high quality of the resultant image from the proposed
technique compared to the developed one. Figure (9) also
examines the transparency by using a kind of high quality
images; medical images.
Both objectively and subjectively measures proves the
superiority of the proposed technique in transparency. NMSE
values for developed and proposed techniques are 0.0304 and
8.3666e-008 respectively.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
31 | P a g e
(b) (c) (d)
Figure 8. Effect of logarithmic transformation on SVs range (a) SVs
sequences of original, scaled and logged one. (b)Watermark (c)Watermarked
image using scaled addition of watermark SVs (d) Watermarked image using
scaled addition of log of watermark SVs
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9. Perceptual SVD forensic: (a) Original (b) Watermark
(c)Watermarked image using scaled addition of watermark SVs (d)
Watermarked image using scaled addition of log of watermark SVs
Since each singular value of image SVD specifies the
luminance (energy) of the image layer and respective pair of
singular vectors specifies image topology (geometry). That is
why slight variations of singular values could not influence
remarkably on the cover image quality [13]. Singular values
distribution and their decaying rate are valuable characteristics.
A. Singular Values Distribution
Since SVs represent the luminance, SVs of two visual
distinct images may be almost similar and the corresponding U
and V of their SVD are different because they are representing
image structure. This fact was examined and proved [15].
Figure(10) shows the closeness among the SVs of two different
images. Figure (11) demonstrates the reconstruction of the
image from its truncated 30 singular vectors and singular
values of the image itself and the two different images used in
the previous figure with NMSE; 0.0046, 0.0086 and 0.0292
respectively. This makes hiding any data in SVs values is
vulnerable to illumination attack and fragile to any illumination
processing [15]. This valuable feature could be utilized with
more research in the application such as; Stegano-analysis for
SVD based steganography and forensic techniques,
Illumination attacking for SVD based forensic techniques and
image enhancement by using selected SVs of a light image
analogy with the histogram matching [15].
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Similarity of SVs (a) Original Image (b) Faked image (c) SVs of
both of (a) and (b).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11. Reconstructed Image From 30 SVD truncated components (a) its
SVs (b) SVs of figure(10a) (c) SVs of figure(10b)
B. Singular Values Decaying
singular values are non-uniformly increased (although
some may decrease) by amount that depends on the image and
the noise statistics, the medium values are increased by largest
amount, although smallest singular values have the largest
relative change. This depicted function will be more or less
skewed for different images and noise types [7, 9].
Relying on the fact that says "Smooth images have SVs
with rapid decaying versus slow decaying of SVs of randomly
images", slope of SVs could be used as a roughness measure.
Figure (12) shows the rapid decaying of singular values of
smooth image versus those of the noisy image.
Figure 12. Rate of SVs decaying
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
32 | P a g e
C. Image Roughness Measure
Roughness measure is inversely proportional with the
decaying rate. Roughness measure could be used in the
application of perceptual based nature that considers the human
visual system (HVS) such as perceptual coding and perceptual
data embedding. Figure (13) shows the rapid decaying of
singular values of smooth low pass filtered image versus those
of the original image without filtering. The payload capacity of
any host image to hide data could also be measured also based
on roughness measure. Since the condition number (CN) is the
measure of linear independence between the column vectors of
the matrix X. The CN is the ratio between largest and smallest
SVs. The CN value could be used for the block based
processing by finding the CN for each block as follows;
min B
max B
CN =
Sensitivity to noise increases with the increasing of the
condition number. Lower CN values correspond to random
images which usually bear more imperceptible data
embedding. Conversely, the higher CN correspond to smooth
images which don't bear embedding data, Smooth blocks ( high
CN till ) and rough detailed blocks (with low CN till one for
random block).
is the roughness measure in a block B.
. d Rf =
d is a constant.
ranges from d for highly
block to 0 for the completely homogenous smoothly block.
This valuable feature could be utilized with more research in
the adaptive block based compression.
Figure 13. LPF Effect on SVs of an image and its smoothed version
Since singular vectors specifiy image geometry, two visual
distinct images may have singular values but the U and V of
the SVD are different [15]. First singular vectors are slower
changing waveforms, they describe global shape of the scene in
the vertical and horizontal direction. This was experimentally
examined in figure (3). One of the important applications of
SVD is the analysis of oriented energy. SVD is a stable and
effective method to split the system into a set of linearly
independent components, each of them bearing own energy
contribution. Thus signal space orientation can be determined.
The oriented energy concept is an effective tool to separate
signals from different sources, to separate fill noisy signals or
to select signal subspaces of maximal signal activity [1,2]. The
norm of a matrix is a scalar that gives some measure of the
magnitude of the elements of the matrix [18,20].
A. Main dominant directions in the image structure.
For SVD, each direction of the critical oriented energy is
generated by right singular vector V with the critical energy
equal to the corresponding singular value squared. The left
singular vectors U represent each samples contribution to
the corresponding principle direction. It is well known in the
earlier works that the singular values can be seen as the
measure of concentration around the principal axes. The image
orientation can be obtained from the first singular vector (note
that the gradient vector are orthogonal to the image orientation
we seek, so after obtaining the principal direction of the
gradient vectors, we need to rotate by t /2 to get the
orientation we want) [16]. Singular values represent the square
root of the energy in corresponding principal direction. The
dominant direction could equal to the first singular vector (SC);
from the SVD decomposition. Accuracy of dominance of
the estimate could be measured by obtaining the difference or
normalized difference between the first two SVs [16]. Figure
(14) shows three different images; brain, horizontal rays and
vertical rays. Figure (14) also displays the SCs; U and V for all
the images as well as their SVs in a graph. Graph of the SVs
shows the difference in convergence to a rank.
(a) (b) (c)
(e) (f) (g)
(h) (i) (j)
Figure 14. Figure 14 SVD orientation (a-c) brain, horizontal and vertical
images respectively (d) Their SVs. (e-g) V for each image respectively (h-j) U
for each image respectively.
0 50 100 150 200 250
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Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
33 | P a g e
B. Frobenius based Energy Truncation
The norm of a matrix is a scalar that gives some measure of
the magnitude of the elements of the matrix [18,20]. For n-
element vector A, Norm is equivalent to Euclidean length
therefore Norm-2 sometimes called Euclidean Norm. Euclidean
length is the square root of the summation of the squared vector
1 i
) A ( ) A ( Norm
where A
,is n-element vector i =1,..,n are the components
of vector V
o =
1 i
A pre-selected number "k" of SVD components (k image
layers) is to be truncated for efficient truncation in different
applications. This number of image layers could be selected
based on the energy content instead of using hard-threshold
value. Frobenius norm could be used as the base of content
energy measurement, the required specified contained energy;
could be represented as follows;
E = (12)
where A is the image and the A
is the approximated or
truncated image at rank "k". Truncated layers could be
specified by specifying the number of layers "k" required to
have 90% of the host ( 9 . 0 E
> )
C. Frobenius based Error Truncation
Frobenius error agrees with the error based on visual
perception, thus a threshold to preserve the required quality can
be controlled by using Frobenius norm; by specifying an error
threshold to avoid exceed it
= c (13)
is the Frobenius error that is calculated from the
Frobenius norm of the difference between the image A and its
truncated version A
and normalized with the Frobenius norm
of the image A. Frobenius norm can be used to check the error
threshold. Find the needed rank that bound the relative error by
controlling the Frobenius norm to be less than a predefined
bounded threshold. Simply proper "k" number could be
selected to satisfy a predefined constraint either on Frobenius
energy or Frobenius norms error.
D. SVD-based Payload Capacity Measure
SVD transformation of an image may be utilized to give a
clue about the image nature, or may be used in a HVS based
classification process for image blocks roughness. Image
payload capacity and permissible perceptual compression could
be achieved by many SVD based methods; as Frobenius energy
or Frobenius norms error. The Frobenius based energy of first k
values is high means that the image is more smooth and hence
it has low capacity for data embedding and this can be proved
by considering Eq.(10). Conversely, the detailed image will
have less Frobenius energy for the same number layers "k",
compared to the higher Frobenius energy of smoothed image.
On the other hand, the sensitivity to noise is increased (low
capacity) for smooth image and decreased (high capacity) for
rough images. Therefore, the capacity of the image to bear
hidden information or to bear more compression without
perceptually noticeable effects is increasing for rough or high
detailed image and vice versa. Therefore, the chosen suitable
number of k layers can lead to a certain predefined quality
PSNR. Figure(15) shows the capacity of the image in carrying
hidden data or has compression in adaptively block based
manner. The block based capacity calculation uses 16x16 block
(a) (b)
Figure 15. Block based Capacity calculation (a) Original (b) Capacity
Despite the attention it has received in the last years, SVD
in image processing is still in its infancy. Many SVD
characteristics are still unutilized in image processing. This
paper proposed a through practical survey for SVD
characteristics in various developed image processing
approaches. The paper also proposed contribution in using
unused SVD characteristics in novel approaches such as
adaptive block based compression, perceptual multiple
watermarking, image capacity for hiding information,
roughness measure, etc, All these contributions were
experimentally examined and gave promising results compared
to developed ones. The main contributions in this paper are a
novel perceptual image forensic technique, a new prospective
vision in utilizing the SVD Properties, reviewing and
experimental valuation of the developed SVD based
application such as denoising, compression, a new block based
roughness measure for application such as perceptual
progressive compression as well as perceptual progressive data
hiding. Image denoising and compression were thoroughly
examined and provided good results although they are image
dependent. Perceptual fragile forensic tool gives highly
promising results compared to the commonly used SVD based
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Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
34 | P a g e
tool. Energy based truncation and error based truncation as well
as the roughness measures are promising in many application.
The paper also suggests some open research issues which
require more research and development such as calculating the
block based dominant orientation, adaptively image fusion,
block based robust forensic, etc. On the other hand, more
utilization for proposed valuable feature of closeness between
the SVs of different images used in applications such as;
Stegano-analysis for SVD based steganography and forensic
techniques, Illumination attacking for SVD based forensic
techniques, image enhancement by using SVs matching in
analogy with the histogram matching, etc. The proposed SVD
based roughness measure could be also utilized in the
application such as; adaptive block based compression, payload
capacity measure for images in forensic tool, etc.
[1] M Moonen, P van Dooren, J Vandewalle, Singular value
decomposition updating algorithm for subspace tracking, SIAM Journal
on Matrix Analysis and Applications (1992)
[2] T. Konda, Y. Nakamura, A new algorithm for singular value
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digital image processing, IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
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Decomposition and Vector Quantization for Image Coding, IEEE
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for encryption and watermarking. Security, Steganography, and
Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2004: 725-736
[7] K. Konstantinides, B. Natarajan, and G.S. Yovanof, Noise Estimation
and Filtering Using Block-Based Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE
Trans. Image Processing, vol. 6, pp. 479- 483, March 1997.
[8] E. Ganic and A. M. Eskiciogulu, Secure DWT-SVD Domain Image
Watermarking: Embedding Data in All Frequencies, ACM Multimedia
and Security Workshop 2004, Magdeburg, Germany, September 20-21,
[9] V.I. Gorodetski, L.J. Popyack, V. Samoilov, and V.A. Skormin, SVD-
Based Approach to Transparent Embedding Data into Digital Images,
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for Computer Network Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
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[11] Singh, S.K., Kumar, S. A Framework to Design Novel SVD Based
Color Image Compression, Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2009.
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[12] A. Shnayderman, A. Gusev and A. M. Eskicioglu, A Multidimensional
Image Quality Measure Using Singular Value Decomposition,
IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2004, Image Quality and
System Performance, San Jose, CA, January 18-22, 2004.
[13] Ganic, N. Zubair, and A.M. Eskicioglu, "An Optimal Watermarking
Scheme based on Singular Value Decomposition," Proceedings of the
IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, and
Information Security (CNIS 2003), pp. 85-90, Uniondale, NY,
December 10-12, 2003
[14] R. Karkarala and P.O. Ogunbona, Signal Analysis Using a
Multiresolution Form of the Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE
Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, pp. 724-735, May 2001.
[15] Rowayda A. Sadek, "Blind Synthesis Attack on SVD Based
watermarking Techniques" International Conference on Computational
Intelligence for Modeling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'2008.
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Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 13(8) (1991),
[17] H. Demirel, G. Anbarjafari, and C. Ozcinar, "Satellite Image Contrast
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Rowayda A. Sadek received B.Sc., MSc and PhD degrees from
Alexandria University. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Computer
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Arab Academy on
Technology and Marine. She is on temporary leave from Helwan University.
Her research interests are in Multimedia Processing, Networking and Security.
Dr. Rowayda is a member of IEEE.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
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A Modified Feistel Cipher Involving XOR Operation
and Modular Arithmetic Inverse of a Key Matrix
Dr. V. U. K Sastry
Dean R & D, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Hyderabad, India.
K. Anup Kumar
Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engg
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Hyderabad, India.
Abstract In this paper, we have developed a block cipher by
modifying the Feistel cipher. In this, the plaintext is taken in the
form of a pair of matrices. In one of the relations of encryption
the plaintext is multiplied with the key matrix on both the sides.
Consequently, we use the modular arithmetic inverse of the key
matrix in the process of decryption. The cryptanalysis carried out
in this investigation, clearly indicates that the cipher is a strong
one, and it cannot be broken by any attack.
Keywords- Encryption; Decryption; Key matrix; Modular
Arithmetic Inverse.
In a recent development, we have offered several
modifications [1-4] to the classical Feistel cipher, in which the
plaintext is a string containing 64 binary bits.
In all the afore mentioned investigations, we have
modified the Feistel cipher by taking the plaintext in the form
of a matrix of size mx(2m),where each element can be
represented in the form of 8 binary bits. This matrix is divided
into two halves, wherein each portion is a square matrix of
size m. In the first modification [1], we have made use of the
operations mod and XOR, and introduced the concepts mixing
and permutation. In the second one [2], we have used modular
arithmetic addition and mod operation, along with mixing and
permutation. In the third one [3], we have introduced the
operations mod and XOR together with a process called
blending. In the fourth one [4], we have used mod operation,
modular arithmetic addition and the process of shuffling. In
each one of the ciphers, on carrying out cryptanalysis, we have
concluded that the strength of the cipher, obtained with the
help of the modification, is quite significant. The strength is
increased, on account of the length of the plaintext and the
operations carried out in these investigations.
In the present investigation, our interest is to develop a
modification of the Feistel cipher, wherein we include the
modular arithmetic inverse of a key matrix. This is expected to
offer high strength to the cipher, as the encryption key
induces a significant amount of confusion into the cipher,
on account of the relationship between the plaintext and the
cipher text offered by the key, as it does in the case of the Hill
In what follows we present the plan of the paper. In section
2, we discuss the development of the cipher and mention the
flowcharts and the algorithms required in the development of
the cipher. In section 3, we illustrate the cipher with an
example. Here we discuss the avalanche effect which throws
light on the strength of the cipher. We examine the
cryptanalysis in section 4. Finally, we present computations
and conclusions in section 5.
Consider a plaintext P having 2m
characters. On using
EBCIDIC code, this can be written in the form of a matrix
containing m rows and 2m columns, where m is a positive
integer. This matrix is divided into a pair of square matrices P
and Q
, where each square matrix is of size m. Let us consider
a key matrix K whose size is m x m.
The basic relations governing the encryption and the
decryption of the cipher, under consideration, can be written in
the form
= ( K Q
K ) mod N,
i = 1 to n
= P
i - 1
, (2.1)
= ( K
) mod N, i = n to1
i -1
= Q
, (2.2)
where, P
and Q
are the plaintext matrices in the i
iteration, K the key matrix, N is a positive integer, chosen
appropriately, and K
is the modular arithmetic inverse of K.
Here, n denotes the number of iterations that will be carried
out in the development of the cipher.
The flow charts governing the encryption and the
decryption are depicted in Figures 1 and 2 respectively.
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The algorithms corresponding to the flow charts can be
written as
1. Read P, K, n, N
2. P
= Left half of P.
3. Q
= Right half of P.
4. for i = 1 to n
= ( K Q
K ) mod N
= P
5. C = P
/* represents concatenation */
6. Write(C)
1. Read C, K, n, N
2. P
= Left half of C
3. Q
= Right half of C
4. for i = n to 1
= ( K
) mod N
= Q
5. P = P
/* represents concatenation */
6. Write (P)
The modular arithmetic inverse of the key matrix K is
obtained by adopting Gauss Jordan Elimination method [5]
and the concept of the modular arithmetic.
Consider the plaintext given below:
Dear Ramachandra! When you were leaving this country
for higher education I thought that you would come back to
India in a span of 5 or 6 years. At that time, that is, when you
were departing I was doing B.Tech 1
year. There in America,
you joined in Ph.D program of course after doing M.S. I have
completed my B.Tech and M.Tech, and I have been waiting
for your arrival. I do not know when you are going to
complete your Ph.D. Thank God, shall I come over there? I do
wait for your reply. Yours, Janaki. (3.1)
Let us focus our attention on the first 128 characters of the
above plain text. This is given by
Dear Ramachandra! When you were leaving this country
for higher education I thought that you would come back to
India in a span (3.2)
On using EBCIDIC code, (3.2) can be written in the form
of a matrix having 8 rows and 16 columns. This is given by
Read K, P, n
for i = 1 to n
= ( K Q
K ) mod N
, Q
Fig 1. The process of Encryption
C = P
|| Q
Read K, C, n
for i = n to 1
= ( K
) mod N
, Q
Fig 2. The process of Decryption
P = P
|| Q
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37 | P a g e
68 101 97 114 32 82 97 109 97 99 104 97 110 100 114 97
33 32 87 104 101 110 32 121 111 117 32 119 101 114 101 32
108 101 97 118 105 110 103 32 116 104 105 115 32 99 111 117
110 116 114 121 32 102 111 114 32 104 105 103 104 101 114 32
101 100 117 99 97 116 105 111 110 32 73 32 116 104 111 117
103 104 116 32 116 104 97 116 32 121 111 117 32 119 111 117
108 100 32 99 111 109 101 32 98 97 99 107 32 116 111 32
73 110 100 105 97 32 105 110 32 97 32 115 112 97 110 32
Now (3.3) can be written in the form of a pair of square
matrices given by
68 101 97 114 32 82 97 109
33 32 87 104 101 110 32 121
108 101 97 118 105 110 103 32
110 116 114 121 32 102 111 114
P0 = (3.4)
101 100 117 99 97 116 105 111
103 104 116 32 116 104 97 116
108 100 32 99 111 109 101 32
73 110 100 105 97 32 105 110
97 99 104 97 110 100 114 97
111 117 32 119 101 114 101 32
116 104 105 115 32 99 111 117
32 104 105 103 104 101 114 32
Q0 = (3.5)
110 32 73 32 116 104 111 117
32 121 111 117 32 119 111 117
98 97 99 107 32 116 111 32
32 97 32 115 112 97 110 32
Let us take the key matrix K in the form
53 62 124 33 49 118 107 43
45 112 63 29 60 35 58 11
88 41 46 30 48 32 105 51
47 99 36 42 112 59 27 61
K = (3.6)
57 20 06 31 106 126 22 125
56 37 113 52 03 54 105 21
36 40 43 100 119 39 55 94
14 81 23 50 34 70 07 28
On using the encryption algorithm mentioned in section 2,
we get
47 36 206 218 60 59 123 231 136 21 102 153 8 73 110 244
73 133 152 198 214 246 181 216 219 86 197 165 70 115 201 31
95 27 149 155 233 115 150 255 233 44 85 154 100 29 189 243
196 5 152 137 225 237 35 158 142 228 195 135 76 243 1 238
233 223 102 67 156 183 123 146 131 183 190 72 128 179 0 5
205 185 126 90 88 195 182 149 176 26 183 212 219 50 69 189
106 233 188 190 71 35 180 237 243 247 198 73 199 225 125 217
4 218 198 221 31 99 91 29 251 152 197 93 37 36 141 183
On adopting the decryption algorithm, we get back the
original plaintext matrix given by (3.3)
Now we examine the avalanche effect. In order to achieve
this one, firstly, let us have a change of one bit in the plaintext.
To this end, we change the first row, first column element
of the plaintext from 68 to 69. On using the modified plaintext
and the encryption algorithm, we get the cipher text in the
182 108 50 76 228 143 108 194 82 71 102 45 35 114 42 205
136 59 104 240 46 91 111 139 182 196 145 144 118 247 206 246
183 231 51 76 131 162 190 193 13 118 54 243 150 255 160 118
222 183 253 242 134 155 217 219 57 228 143 175 234 217 190 149
11 49 141 164 151 169 3 76 128 195 188 119 38 28 44 6
207 17 23 230 197 93 29 205 190 30 219 124 244 202 186 103
159 174 73 254 88 164 214 32 30 239 150 239 105 115 59 236
242 254 30 225 123 169 182 107 236 237 147 244 150 46 23 45
On comparing (3.7) and (3.8) in their binary form, we
notice that they differ by 516 bits (out of 1024 bits).
Now let us consider a change of one bit in the key. In order
to have this one, we change the first row, first column element
of the key form 53 to 52.
On using this key and the encryption algorithm, given in
section 2, we get the cipher text in the form
70 219 194 242 76 237 163 193 37 187 209 38 42 205 50 14
222 249 226 2 204 99 107 123 90 236 109 171 98 210 163 57
228 143 175 141 202 205 244 185 203 127 244 150 42 205 50 14
222 249 226 2 204 68 240 246 145 207 71 114 97 195 166 121
128 247 116 239 179 33 206 91 189 201 65 219 223 36 64 89
128 2 230 220 191 45 44 97 219 74 216 13 91 234 109 153
34 222 181 116 222 95 35 145 218 118 249 251 227 36 227 240
190 236 130 109 99 110 143 177 173 142 253 204 98 174 146 146
On converting (3.7) and (3.9) into their binary form, we
notice that they differ by 508 bits ( out of 1024 bits ).
C =
C =
C =
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Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
38 | P a g e
From the above analysis we conclude that the cipher is
expected to be a strong one.
In the study of cryptology, cryptanalysis plays a prominent
role in deciding the strength of a cipher. The well-known
methods available for cryptanalysis are
a) Cipher text only attack ( Brute Force Attack )
b) Known plaintext attack
c) Chosen plaintext attack
d) Chosen cipher text attack
Generally, an encryption algorithm is designed to
withstand the brute force attack and the known plaintext attack
Now let us focus our attention on the cipher text only
attack. In this analysis, the key matrix is of size m x m. Thus,
it has m
decimal numbers wherein each number can be
represented in the form of 8 binary bits. Thus the size of the
key space is
(2) = (2
(10) .
If we assume that the time required for the computation of
the encryption algorithm with one value of the key, in the key
space is
then the time required for the computation with all the keys
in the key space
10 x 10
10 x 3.12 x 10
= 3.12 x 10
In this analysis, as we have taken m=8, the time required
for the entire computation is
3.12 x 10
This is enormously large. Thus, this cipher cannot be
broken by the cipher text only attack ( Brute Force Attack ).
Now let us study the known plaintext attack. In this case,
we know, as many plaintext cipher text pairs as we require. In
the light of this fact, we have as many P
and Q
, and the
corresponding P
and Q
available at our disposal. Now our
objective is to determine the key matrix K, if possible, to
break the cipher.
From the equations (2.1) and (2.2) we get
P1= ( K Q0 K ) mod N ,
Q1= P0 ( K Q0 K ) mod N ,
P2= ( K ( P0 ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) K ) mod N
Q2= ( ( K Q0 K) mod N ) ( K ( ( P ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) K ) mod N )
P3= ( K ( ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) ( K ( ( P0 ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) K ) mod
N ) mod N )
Q3= ( K ( ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) (K ( ( P0 ( K Q0 K ) mod N ) K ) mod N)
From the above equations we notice that, P
and Q
can be
written in terms of P
, Q
, K and mod N. These equations
are structurally of the form
= F ( P0, Q0, K, mod N ), (4.1)
= G ( P0, Q0, K, mod N ), (4.2)
where F and G are two functions which depend upon, P
, K and mod N. on inspecting above equations in the
analysis, we find that the equations (4.1) and (4.2) are
nonlinear in K.
Though the matrices P
and Q
, corresponding to the
plaintext P, and the matrices P
and Q
corresponding to the
ciphertext C are known to us, as the equations (4.1) and (4.2)
are nonlinear in K, and including mod N at various instances,
it is simply impossible to solve these equations and determine
K. Thus, this cipher cannot be broken by the known plaintext
As the relations (4.1) and (4.2) connecting P
, Q
and P
and Q
are formidable (being nonlinear and involving mod
N), it is not possible to choose a plaintext or a cipher text and
then determine the key K. Thus we cannot break the cipher in
case 3 and case 4.
In the light of the above facts, the cryptanalysis clearly
indicates that the cipher is a strong one.
In this analysis the programs for encryption and decryption
are written in C language.
The entire plaintext given by (3.1) is divided into 4 blocks.
In the last block we have appended 5 blank characters to make
it a complete block, for carrying our encryption.
The cipher text corresponding to the entire plaintext is
obtained as given below
126 209 11 27 146 208 146 91 221 105 30 05 238 91 61 160
185 109 190 46 219 18 70 65 219 223 59 218 223 156 205 50
14 138 251 04 53 216 219 206 91 254 129 219 122 223 247 202
26 111 103 108 231 146 62 191 171 102 250 84 44 198 54 146
94 164 13 50 03 14 241 220 152 112 176 27 60 68 95 155
21 116 119 54 248 123 109 243 211 42 233 158 126 185 39 249
98 147 88 128 123 190 91 189 165 204 239 179 203 248 123 133
238 166 217 175 179 182 78 139 133 203 113 89 177 7 122 75
31 180 66 198 228 180 120 36 150 247 90 66 247 45 158 208
92 182 223 23 109 137 35 32 237 239 157 237 111 206 102 153
07 69 125 130 26 236 109 231 45 255 64 237 189 111 251 229
13 55 179 182 115 201 31 95 213 179 125 42 22 99 27 73
47 82 06 153 01 135 120 238 76 56 88 13 158 34 47 205
138 186 59 155 124 61 182 249 233 149 116 207 63 92 147 252
177 73 172 64 61 223 45 222 210 230 119 217 229 252 61 194
247 83 108 215 217 219 39 69 194 229 184 172 216 131 189 37
189 162 22 55 37 163 193 36 183 186 210 49 123 150 207 104
46 91 111 139 182 196 145 144 118 247 206 246 183 231 51 76
131 162 190 193 13 118 54 243 150 255 160 118 222 183 253 242
134 155 217 219 57 228 143 175 234 217 190 149 11 49 141 164
151 169 03 76 128 195 188 119 38 28 44 06 207 17 23 230
197 93 29 205 190 30 219 124 244 202 186 103 159 174 73 254
88 164 214 32 30 239 150 239 105 115 59 236 242 254 30 225
123 169 182 107 236 237 147 162 225 114 220 86 108 65 222 146
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197 141 201 104 240 47 114 217 237 09 37 189 214 145 251 68
23 45 183 197 219 98 72 200 59 123 231 123 91 243 153 166
65 209 95 96 134 187 27 121 203 127 208 59 111 91 254 249
67 77 236 237 156 242 71 215 245 108 223 74 133 152 198 210
75 212 129 166 64 97 222 59 147 14 22 03 103 136 139 243
98 174 142 230 223 15 109 190 122 101 93 51 207 215 36 255
44 82 107 16 15 119 203 119 180 185 157 246 121 127 15 112
189 212 219 53 246 118 201 209 112 185 110 43 54 32 239 73
From the cryptanalysis carried out in this paper, we
conclude that this cipher is a strong one and it cannot be
broken by any attack.
It may be noted here that this cipher has gained enormous
strength due to the multiplication of the plaintext matrix with
the key matrix and the process of iteration, which is changing
significantly the plaintext, before it becomes the cipher text.
[1] V.U.K Sastry and K. Anup Kumar, A Modified Feistel Cipher
involving a key as a multiplicant on both the sides of the Plaintext matrix
and supplemented with Mixing Permutation and XOR Operation,
International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications ISSN:
2229-6093. Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 23-31, 2012.
[2] V.U.K Sastry and K. Anup Kumar, A Modified Feistel Cipher
Involving a Key as a Multiplicant on Both the Sides of the Plaintext
Matrix and Supplemented with Mixing, Permutation, and Modular
Arithmetic Addition, International Journal of Computer Technology
and Applications ISSN: 2229-6093. Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 32-39, 2012.
[3] V.U.K Sastry and K. Anup Kumar, A Modified Feistel Cipher
Involving a Pair of Key Matrices, Supplemented with XOR Operation,
and Blending of the Plaintext in each Round of the Iteration Process,
International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Technologies ISSN: 0975-9646. Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 3133-3141, 2012.
[4] V.U.K Sastry and K. Anup Kumar, A Modified Feistel Cipher
involving a pair of key matrices, Supplemented with Modular Arithmetic
Addition and Shuffling of the plaintext in each round of the
iteration process, International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technologies ISSN: 0975-9646. Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 3119-
3128, 2012.
[5] William H.press,Brain P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T.
Vetterling, Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing,
second Edition, 1992, Cambridge university Press, pp. 36-39.
[6] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and
Practice, Third Edition, Pearson, 2003.
Dr. V. U. K. Sastry is presently working as Professor in
the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE),
Director (SCSI), Dean (R & D), SreeNidhi Institute of
Science and Technology (SNIST), Hyderabad, India. He
was Formerly Professor in IIT, Kharagpur, India
and Worked in IIT, Kharagpur during
1963 1998. He guided 12 PhDs, and published more
than 40 research papers in various international journals.
His research interests are Network Security & Cryptography, Image
Processing, Data Mining and Genetic Algorithms.
Mr. K. Anup Kumar is presently working as an
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, SNIST, Hyderabad India. He
obtained his B.Tech (CSE) degree from JNTU
Hyderabad and his M.Tech (CSE) from Osmania
university, Hyderabad. He is now pursuing his PhD
from JNTU, Hyderabad, India, under the supervision
of Dr. V.U.K. Sastry in the area of
Information Security and Cryptography. He has 10
years of teaching experience and his interest in research area includes,
Cryptography, Steganography and Parallel Processing Systems.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
40 | P a g e
A Modified Feistel Cipher Involving Modular
Arithmetic Addition and Modular Arithmetic
Inverse of a Key Matrix
Dr. V. U. K Sastry
Dean R & D, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Hyderabad, India.
K. Anup Kumar
Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engg
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Hyderabad, India
Abstract In this investigation, we have modified the Feistel
cipher by taking the plaintext in the form of a pair of square
matrices. Here we have introduced the operation multiplication
with the key matrices and the modular arithmetic addition in
encryption. The modular arithmetic inverse of the key matrix is
introduced in decryption. The cryptanalysis carried out in this
paper clearly indicate that this cipher cannot be broken by the
brute force attack and the known plaintext attack.
Keywords- Encryption; Decryption; Key matrix; Modular
Arithmetic Inverse.
In a recent investigation [1], we have developed a block
cipher by modifying the Feistel cipher. In this, we have taken
the plaintext (P) in the form of a pair of matrices P
and Q
and introduced a key matrix (K) as a multiplicant of Q
both its sides. In this analysis the relations governing the
encryption and the decryption are given by
= ( K Q
K ) mod N,
= P
i - 1
= ( K
) mod N, (1.2)
i -1
= Q
Here, multiplication of the key matrix, mod operation and
XOR are the fundamental operations in the development of the
cipher. The modular arithmetic inverse of the key plays a vital
role in the process of the decryption. Here N is a positive
integer, chosen appropriately, and n denotes the number of
iterations employed in the development of the cipher.
In the present paper, our objective is to develop a block
cipher by replacing the XOR operation in the preceding
analysis by modular arithmetic addition. The iteration process
that will be used in this cipher is expected to offer a strong
modification to the plaintext before it becomes finally the
cipher text.
Now, we present the plan of the paper. We introduce the
development of the cipher, and present the flowcharts and the
algorithms, required in this analysis, in section 2. In
section 3, we deal with an illustration of the cipher and discuss
the avalanche effect, then in section 4 we study the
cryptanalysis of the cipher. Finally, in section 5, we mention
the computations carried out in this analysis and draw
Let us now consider a plaintext P. On using the EBCIDIC
code, the plaintext can be written in the form of a matrix
which has m rows and 2m columns. This is split into a pair of
square matrices P
and Q
, wherein both the matrices are of
size m.
The basic equations governing the encryption and the
decryption, in the present investigation, assume the form
= ( K Q
K ) mod N,
= ( P
i - 1
+ P
) mod N i = 1 to n
= ( K
) mod N, (2.2)
i -1
= (Qi
) mod N i = n to 1
The flowcharts depicting the encryption and the decryption
processes of the cipher are presented in Figures 1and 2.
Here it may be noted that the symbol || is used for placing
one matrix adjacent to the other. The corresponding algorithms
can be written in the form as shown below.
Algorithm for Encryption
1. Read P, K, n, N
2. P
= Left half of P.
3. Q
= Right half of P.
4. for i = 1 to n
= ( K Q
K ) mod N
= ( P
+ (K Q
K) ) mod N
5. C = P
/* represents concatenation */
6. Write(C)
i = n to 1,
i = 1 to n,
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41 | P a g e
Algorithm for Decryption
1. Read C, K, n, N
2. P
= Left half of C
3. Q
= Right half of C
4. for i = n to 1
= ( K
) mod N
= ( Q
- P
) mod N
5. P = P
/* represents concatenation */
6. Write (P)
Let us now consider the plain text given below.
Dear Janaki, I have received your letter. You sent me a
wonderful cryptography program and a letter along with that. I
started working six years back on web security. Really I am
finding it very difficult to hit upon an interesting problem. As
the complexity of network security is growing in all directions.
I am slowly losing my hope; I am thinking now whether I
would really contribute in a significant manner and get a Ph.D.
Please come and join me, so that, we shall lead a comfortable
life. (3.1)
Consider the first 128 characters of the above plaintext.
This is given by
Dear Janaki, I have received your letter. You sent me a
wonderful cryptography program and a letter along with that. I
started w (3.2)
On using the EBCIDIC code we get
68 101 97 114 32 74 97 110 97 107 105 44 32 73 32 104
97 118 101 32 114 101 99 101 105 118 101 100 32 121 111 117
114 32 108 101 116 116 101 114 46 32 89 111 117 32 115 101
110 116 32 109 101 32 97 32 119 111 110 100 101 114 102 117
108 32 99 114 121 112 116 111 103 114 97 112 104 121 32 112
114 111 103 114 97 109 32 97 110 100 32 97 32 108 101 116
116 101 114 32 97 108 111 110 103 32 119 105 116 104 32 116
104 97 116 46 32 73 32 115 116 97 114 116 101 100 32 119
P can be written in the form
68 101 97 114 32 74 97 110
97 118 101 32 114 101 99 101
114 32 108 101 116 116 101 114
110 116 32 109 101 32 97 32
108 32 99 114 121 112 116 111
114 111 103 114 97 109 32 97
116 101 114 32 97 108 111 110
104 97 116 46 32 73 32 115
Read K, P, n
for i = 1 to n
= ( K Q
K ) mod N
, Q
Fig 1. The process of Encryption
C = P
|| Q
Read K, C, n
for i = n to 1
, Q
Fig 2. The process of Decryption
P = P
|| Q
= (P
+ P
) mod N
i -1
= ( Q
) mod N
= ( K
) mod N
P =
P0 =
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97 107 105 44 32 73 32 104
105 118 101 100 32 121 111 117
46 32 89 111 117 32 115 101
119 111 110 100 101 114 102 117
103 114 97 112 104 121 32 112
110 100 32 97 32 108 101 116
103 32 119 105 116 104 32 116
116 97 114 116 101 100 32 119
Now we take
53 62 124 33 49 118 107 43
45 112 63 29 60 35 58 11
88 41 46 30 48 32 105 51
47 99 36 42 112 59 27 61
K = (3.6)
57 20 06 31 106 126 22 125
56 37 113 52 03 54 105 21
36 40 43 100 119 39 55 94
14 81 23 50 34 70 07 28
On using the encryption algorithm, given in section 2, and
the key matrix K given by (3.6), we get the cipher text C in the
171 52 200 66 75 118 174 146 146 70 219 232 147 05 228 153
219 71 135 111 124 241 1 102 49 181 189 173 118 54 213 177
105 81 156 242 71 215 198 229 102 250 92 229 191 250 75 21
102 153 07 111 124 241 01 102 34 120 123 72 231 163 185 48
225 211 60 192 123 186 119 217 144 231 45 222 228 160 237 239
146 32 44 192 01 115 110 95 150 150 48 237 165 108 06 173
245 54 204 145 111 90 186 111 47 145 200 237 59 124 253 241
146 113 248 95 118 65 54 177 183 71 216 214 199 126 230 49
On using the cipher text (3.6) and the decryption
algorithm, we get back the original plaintext (3.2)
Now let us study the avalanche effect. To this end, we
change 4
row, 2
column element from 116 to 117 in (3.3).
On using this modified plaintext and the encryption algorithm
we get the corresponding cipher text in the form
49 86 105 144 118 247 209 224 146 221 232 156 241 01 102 49
181 189 173 118 54 213 177 105 81 156 242 71 215 198 229 102
250 92 229 191 250 75 21 102 153 07 111 124 241 01 102 34
120 123 72 231 163 185 48 225 211 60 192 123 186 119 217 144
231 45 222 228 160 237 239 146 32 44 192 01 115 110 95 150
150 48 237 165 108 06 173 245 54 204 145 111 90 186 111 47
145 200 237 59 124 253 241 146 113 248 95 118 65 54 177 183
71 216 214 199 126 230 49 87 73 146 103 100 146 54 222 23
On comparing (3.7) and (3.8) in their binary form, we
notice that they differ by 514 bits out of 1024 bits.
Let us now consider a one bit change in the key. This is
achieved by replacing 4
row , 4
column element 42of K by
43 .
Now on using the modified key and the encryption
algorithm we get the cipher text C in the form
51 145 164 146 108 237 147 173 155 18 82 72 85 155 19 71
182 102 90 237 150 142 218 60 11 150 219 226 237 177 36 100
29 189 243 189 173 249 204 211 32 232 175 176 67 93 141 188
229 191 232 29 183 173 255 124 161 166 246 118 206 121 35 235
250 182 111 165 66 204 99 105 37 234 64 211 32 48 239 29
201 135 11 01 179 196 69 249 177 87 71 115 111 135 182 223
61 50 174 153 231 235 146 127 150 41 53 136 07 187 229 187
218 92 206 251 60 191 135 184 94 234 109 154 235 72 216 185
On comparing (3.7) and (3.9), after converting them into
their binary form, we find that the two cipher texts under
consideration differ by 518 bits out of 1024 bits. From the
above analysis, we conclude that the cipher is expected to be a
strong one.
The different approaches existing for cryptanalysis in the
literature are
1. Cipher text only attack( Brute Force Attack )
2. Known plaintext attack
3. Chosen plaintext attack
4. Chosen cipher text attack
In this analysis, the key is a square matrix of size m.
Thus the size of the key space = (2)
If we assume that the time required for encryption is 10
seconds then the time required for the computation with all the
keys in the key space [1]
= 3.12 x 10 (4.1)
Q0 =
C =
C =
(3.9) C =
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When m = 8 , the time required for the entire computation
can be obtained as
3.12 x 10
As this time is very large, the cipher under consideration
cannot be broken by the brute force attack. Now let us
examine the known plaintext attack. In the case of this attack,
we know as many plaintext cipher text pairs as we require. In
the light of this fact, we have P
, Q
and P
, Q
in as many
instances as we want. Keeping the quotations governing the
encryption in view ( see algorithm for encryption ), we can
write the following equations connecting the plaintext and the
cipher text at different stages of the iteration process.
= ( K Q
K ) mod N
= ( P
+ ( K Q
K ) ) mod N
= ( K ( ( P
+ ( K Q
K ) ) mod N ) K ) mod N
= ( (( K Q
K ) mod N ) + ( K (( P
+ ( K Q
K ) )
mod N ) K ) ) mod N
= ( K (( (( K Q
K ) mod N ) + ( K (( P
+ ( K Q
K ) ) mod N ) K ) ) mod N ) K ) mod N
= ( (( K ( ( P
+ ( K Q
K ) ) mod N ) K ) mod N
) + ( K (( (( K Q
K ) mod N ) + ( K (( P
+ ( K
K ) ) mod N ) K ) ) mod N ) K) ) mod N
In view of the above system of equations we can write the
entities at the n
stage of the iteration as follows:
= F (P
, Q
, K, mod N),
= F (P
, Q
, K, mod N), (4.2)
Here it is to be noted that, the initial plaintext can be
obtained by concatenating P
and Q
. The cipher text which
we get at the end of the iteration by concatenating P
and Q
Though we have as many relations as we want between the
cipher text and the plain text, the key matrix K cannot be
determined as the equations (4.2) are nonlinear and involving
mod N. In the light of the above discussion, we conclude that
this cipher cannot be broken by the known plaintext attack.
In the literature of the cryptography [2], it is well known
that a cipher must be designed such that it withstands at least
the first two attacks. As the relations given in (4.2) are very
complex, it is not possible either to choose a plaintext or to
choose a cipher text to attack the cipher. In the light of the
afore mentioned facts, we conclude that this cipher is a strong
one and it cannot be broken by any means.
In this paper, we have developed a block cipher by
modifying the Feistel cipher, in this modification, the plaintext
is taken in the form of a matrix of size mx(2m). The iteration
process is carried out by dividing this matrix into two equal
halves wherein each one is of size mxm. In this analysis, we
have used multiplication of a portion of the plaintext (Q
) with
a key matrix on both the sides of Q
. Here we have made use
of modular arithmetic addition as a primary operation in the
cipher. The modular arithmetic inverse of the key is used in
the decryption process.
Programs are written for encryption and decryption in C
language. The entire plaintext given in (3.1) is divided into 4
blocks. Wherein each block contains 128 characters. We have
appended the portion of the last block with 15 characters so
that it becomes a full block. On carrying out encryption (by
using the key and the algorithm for encryption), we get the
ciphertext corresponding to the complete plaintext (3.1).
93 182 36 140 131 239 117 164 120 23 185 108 246 130 229 66
73 111 117 219 124 93 182 36 140 131 183 190 119 181 191 57
154 100 29 21 246 8 107 177 183 156 183 253 3 182 245 191
239 148 52 222 206 217 207 36 125 127 86 205 244 168 89 140
109 36 189 72 26 100 6 29 227 185 48 225 96 54 120 136
191 54 42 232 238 109 240 246 219 231 166 85 211 60 253 114
79 242 197 38 177 0 247 124 183 123 75 153 223 103 151 240
247 11 221 77 179 95 103 108 157 23 11 150 226 179 98 14
244 150 126 209 11 27 146 209 224 146 88 220 191 104 132 183
182 207 104 46 91 111 139 182 196 145 144 118 247 206 246 183
231 51 76 131 162 190 193 13 118 54 243 150 255 160 118 222
183 253 242 134 155 217 219 57 228 143 175 234 217 190 149 11
49 141 164 151 169 3 76 128 195 188 119 38 28 44 6 207
17 23 230 197 93 29 205 190 30 219 124 244 202 186 103 159
174 73 254 88 164 214 32 30 239 150 239 105 115 59 236 242
254 30 225 123 169 182 107 236 237 147 162 225 114 220 86 108
65 222 146 253 162 49 185 45 9 58 210 23 184 69 163 193
36 183 186 210 49 123 150 207 104 46 91 111 139 182 196 145
144 118 247 206 246 183 231 51 76 131 162 190 193 13 118 54
243 150 255 160 118 222 183 253 242 134 155 217 219 57 228 143
175 234 217 190 149 11 49 141 164 151 169 3 76 128 195 188
119 38 28 44 6 207 17 23 230 197 93 29 205 190 30 219
124 244 202 186 103 159 174 73 254 88 164 214 32 30 239 150
239 105 115 59 236 242 254 30 225 123 169 182 107 236 237 147
162 225 114 220 86 108 65 222 146 203 27 146 209 224 94 229
179 218 71 237 16 92 182 223 27 223 59 218 223 156 205 50
14 138 251 4 53 216 219 206 91 254 129 219 122 223 247 202
26 111 103 108 231 146 62 191 171 102 250 84 44 198 54 146
94 164 13 50 3 14 241 220 152 112 176 27 60 68 95 155
21 116 119 54 248 123 109 243 211 42 233 158 126 185 39 249
98 147 88 128 123 190 91 189 165 204 239 179 203 248 123 133
238 166 217 175 179 182 78 139 133 203 113 89 177 7 122 75
This cipher has acquired a lot of strength in view of the
multiplication with key matrix, the modular arithmetic
addition and mod operation. From the cryptanalysis, it is worth
noticing that the cipher is a strong one.
[1] A modified Feistel cipher involving XOR operation and modular
arithmetic inverse of a key matrix (Accepted for publication, IJACSA,
Vol 3, No 7 )
[2] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and
Practice, Third Edition, Pearson, 2003.
Dr. V. U. K. Sastry is presently
working as Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE), Director (SCSI), Dean (R & D),
SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST),
Hyderabad, India. He was Formerly Professor in IIT,
Kharagpur, India and Worked in IIT, Kharagpur during
1963 1998. He guided 12 PhDs, and published more
than 40 research papers in various international journals.
His research interests are Network Security & Cryptography, Image
Processing, Data Mining and Genetic Algorithms.
Mr. K. Anup Kumar is presently working as an
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, SNIST, Hyderabad India. He
obtained his B.Tech (CSE) degree from JNTU Hyderabad
and his M.Tech (CSE) from Osmania University,
Hyderabad. He is now pursuing his PhD from JNTU,
Hyderabad, India, under the supervision of Dr. V.U.K.
Sastry in the area of Information Security and Cryptography. He
has 10 years of teaching experience and his interest in research area includes
Cryptography, Steganography and Parallel Processing Systems.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
44 | P a g e
The Japanese Smart Grid Initiatives, Investments, and
Amy Poh Ai Ling
Graduate School of Advanced
Mathematical Sciences
Meiji University,
Kanagawa-Ken, Japan.
Sugihara Kokichi
Graduate School of Advanced
Mathematical Sciences
Meiji University,
Kanagawa-Ken, Japan.
Mukaidono Masao
Computer Science Department
School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University,
Kanagawa-Ken, Japan
Abstract A smart grid delivers power around the country and
has an intelligent monitoring system, which not only keeps track
of all the energy coming in from diverse sources but also can
detect where energy is needed through a two-way communication
system that collects data about how and when consumers use
power. It is safer in many ways, compared with the current one-
directional power supply system that seems susceptible to either
sabotage or natural disasters, including being more resistant to
attack and power outages. In such an autonomic and advanced-
grid environment, investing in a pilot study and knowing the
nations readiness to adopt a smart grid absolves the government
of complex intervention from any failure to bring Japan into the
autonomic-grid environment. This paper looks closely into the
concept of the Japanese governments go green effort, the
objective of which is to make Japan a leading nation in
environmental and energy sustainability through green
innovation, such as creating a low-carbon society and embracing
the natural grid community. This paper paints a clearer
conceptual picture of how Japans smart grid effort compares
with that of the US. The structure of Japans energy sources is
describe including its major power generation plants,
photovoltaic power generation development, and a comparison of
energy sources between Japan and the US. Japans smart
community initiatives are also highlighted, illustrating the
Japanese government planned social security system, which
focuses on a regional energy management system and lifestyle
changes under such an energy supply structure. This paper also
discusses Japans involvement in smart grid pilot projects for
development and investment, and its aim of obtaining successful
outcomes. Engagement in the pilot projects is undertaken in
conjunction with Japans attempt to implement a fully smart grid
city in the near future. In addition, major smart grid awareness
activities promotion bodies in Japan are discuss in this paper
because of their important initiatives for influencing and shaping
policy, architecture, standards, and traditional utility operations.
Implementing a smart grid will not happen quickly, because
when Japan does adopt one, it will continue to undergo
transformation and be updated to support new technologies and
Keywords- Japanese Smart Grid; Initiative; Investment;
Collaboration; Low Carbon Emission.
Culture encroachment happens through the interplay of
technology and everyday life. The emergence of the smart grid
creates a drastic increase in the demand for the smart supply of
energy flows [1]. The Japanese version of the smart city is
envisaged for the post-fossil fuel world. Alternative energy
sources, such as solar, wind, and nuclear power, are harnessed
in mass quantities [2]. In Japan, smart grid implies energy
transmission and distribution to promote the stability of the
electric power supply, by using information and
communication technology while introducing a high level of
renewable energy [3]. The focus will be on how to stabilize
power supplies nationwide as large amounts of wind and solar
power start entering the grid. This is because, unlike
conventional power sources, such as hydro, thermal, and
nuclear power, solar and wind energies are prone to the
vagaries of the weather. People in Japan are still not familiar
with the smart grid concept because the system has yet to gain
currency. According to a nationwide survey released in
December 2010 by the advertising agency Hakuhodo Inc., only
36.4% of about 400 respondents aged from 20 to 70 years said
they understood, or had heard of, a smart grid [4].
To address the likely impact of the smart grid on customers,
utilities, and society as a whole, it may be necessary to conduct
a pilot study [5]. It is widely understood that the new services
enabled by the smart grid will include different rate designs
that encourage curtailment of peak loads and make more
efficient use of energy. The future grid will be an autonomic
environment that helps users to not only share large-scale
resources and accomplish collaborative tasks but also to self-
manage, hence reducing user interventions as much as possible
[6]. This paper discusses the Japanese concept of the smart grid
and the differences between the smart grid movements in Japan
and the US. The Japanese government aims to achieve a low-
carbon society, employing the natural grid as a major source of
energy supply for the country, whereas the US is focusing on
its business and infrastructure development. This paper mainly
focuses on Japans smart grid structure, discusses Japans
initiatives, investments, and collaborations, and examines how
the full implementation of the smart grid is anticipated to come
into play comparing to an early written paper referring to the
natural grid whereby only the smart community is illustrated
Conceptual analysis is adopted as our methodology with the
application of the hermeneutic circle. The hermeneutic circle is
used for interpretive reasons [8] and because it enables a
conceptualanalytical research method. Philosophers and
theologians in reviewing something that is not explicitly
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Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
45 | P a g e
present commonly apply this approach. This study investigates
the assumptions of different Japanese smart grid initiatives,
investments, and collaborations, for which the hermeneutic
circle is a natural choice of research methodology. The
methodology refers to the idea that what one understands of the
text as a whole is established by reference to the individual
parts, and what one understands of each individual part is
established by reference to the whole [9].
Our approach begins with determining and explaining the
meaning of the Japanese version of the smart city. This
followed by literature reviews describing the initiatives adopted
by the Japanese government and the companies supporting the
smart grid concept of going green and the attempts to create a
low-carbon society. Then, Japans energy resources are listed,
and its major power generation sources and photovoltaic (PV)
power generation development are elaborated on. The efforts
are then evaluated by using Japans smart grid community
approach and its smart grid pilot projects layout. Note that the
four main stages of this study are supported by three main
elementstheory, data and practice, which serve as a strong
reference for the sources obtained. Initiative, investment, and
collaboration are the main keywords in our contribution to the
literature review, which design to ensure that the sources used
are relevant to the topics studied.
The main objectives of adopting smart grid technology
differ by region. Japans main objective is to achieve a total
shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy [10], generating a
low-carbon society. Reducing carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions
is by no means easy, and is thought to require a large number
of combined measures. One such measure is the utilization of
renewable energy, and Japan promotes this measure through
the development and employment of the natural grid.
In June 2010, the Japanese cabinet adopted a new Basic
Energy Plan. This was the third such plan that the government
had approved since the passage of the Basic Act on Energy
Policy in 2002, and it represented the most significant
statement of Japanese energy policy in more than four years,
since the publication of the New National Energy Strategy in
2006. Among the targets are a doubling of Japans energy
independence ratio, a doubling of the percentage of electricity
generated by renewable sources and nuclear power, and a 30%
reduction in energy-related CO
emissions, all by 2030 [11].
A. Low-carbon Society
It was believed that a low-carbon society would not be
realized without a fundamental shift in energy source use. The
Japanese smart grid concept aims to make the best use of local
renewable energy with a view to maximizing total efficiency.
The Japanese government is aiming to increase the
reliability of the grid system by introducing sensor networks
and to reduce opportunity losses by introducing smart meters.
The introduction of the smart grid will promote the use of
renewable energy by introducing a demand response system.
By focusing on electric vehicle (EV) technology, Japan is
moving toward introducing charging infrastructure for electric
cars [10]. Recently, increasing numbers of PV and wind power
plants have been installed across the country as clean energy
sources that emit no CO
B. Natural Grid
There is an urgent need to develop and adopt products,
processes, and behaviors that will contribute toward more
sustainable use of natural resources. In developing new green
technologies and approaches, engineers in Japan are finding
inspiration from natural products and systems. Since 2010, the
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Kansai
Electric Power Company have been testing the effects of smart
meters on load leveling under the Agency for Natural
Resources and Energy project.
There are five major elements in a community grid system.
The smart office refers to intelligent building design involving
cabling, information services, and environmental controls, and
envisages a desire for architecture with permanent capacity for
EVs for office energy backup. In order to accelerate grid
modernization in schools, the Japanese government started to
develop a vision of schools that operate by drawing energy
supply from PVs; this government program assists in the
identification and resolution of energy supply issues and
promotes the testing of integrated suites of technologies for
schools. The smart house projects relate to smart houses
interacting with smart grids to achieve next-generation energy
efficiency and sustainability [13], and information and
communication technology-enabled collaborative aggregations
of smart houses that can achieve maximum energy efficiency.
The potential benefits of smart houses include cheaper power,
cleaner power, a more efficient and resilient grid, improved
system reliability, and increased conservation and energy
efficiency. A smart house enables PVs and EVs to stabilize
demand and supply fluctuations. Smart factory systems enable
full factory integration of the PV cell into the bitumen
membrane. The PVs and EVs in a smart factory are supplied to
support its production process. Smart stores refer to the
charging outlets in parking areas and the deployment of public
charging stations for EVs. The arrows indicate that there exist
real-time energy flows and information flows in a community
grid system. Japans national grid system will be enhanced by
utilizing low-energy sources such as geothermal, hydraulic,
battery systems, and nuclear.
The natural grids are expected to play a vital role in making
effective use of renewable energy and providing a stable supply
of power by controlling the balance between electricity supply
and demand by using telecommunications technology.
C. A Comparison of the Smart Grid Movements in Japan and
the US
The energy sources in Japan and the US differ greatly, and
the implementation of the smart grid tends to differ between
countries, as do the timing and adoption of these technologies
[14]. Japan is pushing for advanced integrated control,
including demand-side control, so as to be ready to combine
unstable power (that is, reliant on weather conditions), such as
solar, with its strong foundation of a highly reliable grid, as
show in Table I.
With regard to Japans nuclear contribution to energy
supply, as of 2010, Japans currently operating 54 commercial
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nuclear reactors have a total generation capacity of 48,847 MW,
and about 26% of electricity comes from nuclear power [15].
This compares with 104 licensed-to-operate nuclear power
plants operating in 31 states in the US (with 69 pressurized
water reactors and 35 boiling water reactors, which generate
about 19% of US electrical power [16]. Japans 10 electric
power companies are monopolies, being electric giants
vertically integrated in each region. By contrast, there are more
than 3,000 traditional electric utilities established in the US,
each with an interdependent structure. For this reason, utilities
supply of nuclear energy to customers differs greatly between
Japan and the US. In aiming toward a low-carbon society,
Japan depends greatly on nuclear power as an energy source,
whereas the US, in implementing its smart grid, focuses more
on business and infrastructure.
In terms of reliability, Japan already has a highly reliable
grid compared with the US, which needs more reliable and
distributed networks across the nation to develop its smart grid
system. Japan is developing its smart grid at a steady pace and
has already been investing in grid projects for almost 20 years;
over this period, there have been many developments. With
proper security controls, smart grids can prevent or minimize
the negative impact of attacks by hackers and thus increase the
reliability of the grid, thereby gaining the trust and meeting the
satisfaction of users [17].
Description Japan US
Nuclear as % of all
energy sources
26% 19%
No. of electric power
10 electric power
companies (all
More than 3,000
electric utilities
integrated in each
Energy supply
0.725 million
A few thousand
to more than five
A low-carbon
Focus on
business and
- Japan already has
a highly reliable
- Going for
integrated control,
including demand-
side control, to
unstable renewable
- Need for highly
transmission and
- Need for
demand response
for peak shaving
and need to
avoid additional
Smart grid focus
- More than $100
billion investment
in the 1990s to
upgrade generation,
transmission, and
SCADA network
- Last mile and
- Home solar
- Little
(approx. $30
billion) in the
1990s into grid
- Now working
across entire grid
- Last mile and
DSM are also
Cyber security research
Protect smart
meters, mutual
monitoring, privacy
in cloud computing
Grid computer,
Since smart grid cyber security is significantly more
complex than the traditional IT security world, Japan focuses
on areas of smart grid cyber security concerns beyond smart
metering, such as mutual monitoring and privacy in cloud
computing. On the other hand, the US is enhancing its smart
grid cyber security in the age of information warfare, especially
in the area of grid computer and cryptography security.
In conclusion, the US focuses on businesses and
infrastructure, whereas Japan is striving to move toward a low-
carbon society by developing the smart grid system.
Energy resources in Japan are very limited and for that
reason about 97% of oil and natural gas has to be imported;
about half of these primary energy sources are converted to
electric power; the commercial and residential sectors account
for about 27% of total energy consumption, of which space
heating and air conditioning account for 24.5% of total
household electricity consumption [19].
Japans energy sources can be categorized into 11 groups:
electric power for commercial and industrial use; electric
power for residential use; gasoline; kerosene; heavy oil; light
oil; city gas; butane gas; propane gas; coal; and coke.
A. Japans Major Power Generation Sources
Unlike most other industrial countries, Japan does not have
a single national grid, but instead has separate eastern and
western grids. The standard voltage at power outlets is 100 V,
but the grids operate at different frequencies: 50 Hz in eastern
Japan and 60 Hz in western Japan [20]. Japans major power
generation sources are list as below.
1) Hydroelectric Power
This is one of the few self-sufficient energy resources in
resource-poor Japan. Hydroelectric power is an excellent
source in terms of stable supply and generation cost over the
long term [12]. Although steady development of hydroelectric
power plants is desired, Japan has used nearly all available sites
for the construction of large-scale hydroelectric facilities, and
so recent developments have been on a smaller scale. As the
gap in demand between daytime and nighttime continues to
grow, electric power companies are also developing pumped-
storage power generation plants to meet peak demand. The
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share of pumped-storage generation facilities in total
hydroelectric power capacity in Japan is growing year by year.
The Okumino Hydroelectric Power Plant functions as a
pumped-storage plant; the other one is the Arimine Daiichi
Hydroelectric Power Plant [21].
2) Thermal Power
A diverse range of fuels including coal, oil, and liquid
natural gas (LNG) are used for the important power-generating
role played by thermal power plants. In particular, in response
to global environmental concerns, electric power companies are
promoting the introduction of LNG-fired plants, as they emit
less CO
and other pollutants. To enhance thermal efficiency
further, combined-cycle generating plants with both gas and
steam turbines have been installed. As a result, the gross
thermal efficiency, or the maximum designed value, now
exceeds 50%.
The two major thermal power plants are the Noshiro
Thermal Power Plant (coal fired) and the Nanko Thermal
Power Plant (LNG fired). Despite its small size, Japan has the
third largest geothermal energy potential in the world after the
US and Indonesia. However, in terms of harnessing that heat
and turning it into power, Japan only ranks eighth, after
countries with much smaller populations, such as Iceland and
New Zealand. Today, Japan only generates about 0.1% of its
electricity in 19 geothermal energy plants, many of which are
located in the Tohoku region, where the Fukushima nuclear
power plant is located [22].
3) Nuclear Power
Japans first commercial nuclear power plant started
operation in the Ibaraki Prefecture in 1966. As of January 19,
2011, Japan has 54 reactors operating around the country [23],
accounting for around one-third of the countrys total electric
power output. By 2018, the nuclear output share is expected to
reach 40%. Currently, there are 3 plants under construction,
and another 10 that are in the advanced planning stages.
Establishing a smart grid has been considered problematic
in Japan because of the monopoly on electricity supply, and
hence, there has been virtually no discussion of the smart grid.
Japans recent tsunami-induced nuclear crisis has, not
surprisingly, sent a signal about TEPCOs ability to supply
sufficient energy to the nation. The World Nuclear News
reported that Japan derives about 30% of its electricity from 54
nuclear reactors, seven of which were down for routine
maintenance when the earthquake and tsunami struck on March
11, 2011. Four more reactors were disabled during the disaster
and remain unstable, and more than one-third of Japans
nuclear-generated power was unavailable during that period
[24]. Three days after the tsunami struck, TEPCO reported that
its 12 thermal power units and 22 hydroelectric units had been
knocked out by the earthquake. This meant that only 33 GW of
capacity were available to meet 37 GW of demand on the day
of the earthquake, resulting in power outages to 2.4 million
households [25]. This phenomenon has made the government
realize that it needs a plan to overcome sudden energy
B. PV Power Generation
The Japanese government developed its new policy on PV
systems in 2010 based on the principles of energy security,
global warming prevention, and an efficient supply of energy to
end users across the nation. Its goal, set to be achieved by 2030,
is focused on increasing independent energy supplies from
38% to about 70%, and increasing the proportion of electricity
generation with zero emissions from 34% to about 70% [26].
This new policy is supported by the governments aim of
becoming a leading nation in environmental and energy
sustainability through green innovation.
Source: IEA PVPS
Figure 1. Cumulative Installation of PVs in Japan, Germany, the US, Spain,
and Italy
Figure 1 illustrates the cumulative installation of PVs in
Japan and four other countries, namely Germany, the US,
Spain, and Italy, extracted from data on trends in PV
applications. As of 2009, Japan clearly ranks third, lagging far
behind Germany. The demand for PV systems in Germany has
remained persistently high for a full two years. Spain ranks
second and Spanish companies and research centers are taking
the lead in the recent revival of concentrated solar power, with
expansive banks of solar mirrors being assembled around the
country for concentrated solar plants.
In the context of Japans PV power generation development,
the expected change in domestic electricity demand in Japan in
relation to the expected installed PV system capacity by 2030,
along with the actual cumulative installed PV system capacity
as of 2007. Domestic electricity demand is expected to increase
sharply between 2010 and 2030. This is correlated with the
expected installed PV system capacity, which experienced a
sharp upturn in 2010, following the development of the
detection of unintentional islanding, and the development of
technology that curtails the restriction of PV system output.
Expanding installation of PV systems may increase the stability
of extra-high voltage transmission systems. At the final stage of
PV system development, it is predicted that imbalances
between output from PV systems and existing systems may
influence frequency on utility systems.
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The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
Organization (NEDO) and the European Commission
(European Union) will jointly launch a project to develop
concentrator PV cells, thus aiming to achieve a cell conversion
efficiency of more than 45%, which is the highest efficiency in
the world [27].
In addition, Sunetric, Hawaiis largest locally owned and
operated solar installer, has donated two solar PV systems to
raise funds for two local charities assisting Japan following the
tsunami that hit northeast Japan on March 11, 2011. The first is
the American Red Cross Hawaii State Chapter and the second
is the With Aloha Foundation [28].
In summary, the Japanese government is encouraging
further deployment of the conventional installation of
residential PV systems for the sake of the PV community. Its
current PV communities include Kasukabe and Yoshikawa in
Saitama, Matsudo in Chiba, Kasugai in Aichi, Kobe in Hyogo,
Tajiri in Osaka, Ota in Gunma, Wakkanai in Hokkaido,
Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi, and Kitakyusyu in Fukuoka.
Although the national subsidy program for residential PV
systems introduced by Japans Ministry of Economy, Trade,
and Industry (METI) was terminated, some local governments
have programs for residential PV systems in the regions.
C. A Comparison of Japanese and US Energy Sources
Japan lacks significant domestic sources of fossil fuels,
except coal, and must import substantial amounts of crude oil,
natural gas, and other energy resources, including uranium. In
1990, Japans dependence on imports for primary energy stood
at more than 85%, and the country has a total energy
requirement of 428.2 million tons of petroleum equivalent [29].
Figures 2 and 3 compare energy sources in Japan and the US.
Source: EIA
Figure 2. Energy Sources in Japan (data of 2007)
Source: EIA
Figure 3. Energy Sources in the US (data of 2007).
For Japan, the shares for coal, natural gas, and nuclear
energy are similar, and the remaining share is split between
hydroelectricity, petroleum, and other renewables. For the US,
the large share for coal is followed by natural gas and nuclear,
with smaller shares for hydroelectricity, then petroleum. Japan
is to be commended for having such a systematic and
comprehensive energy planning process. While maintaining its
goal of going green, Japan is utilizing more low-carbon energy
sources such as geothermal, hydraulic, battery systems, and
nuclear as major providers of energy.
Japans smart community initiative is based on a systemic
approach. There are five identified action items: sharing vision
and strategy for smart communities; social experiments for
development and demonstration; standardization and
interoperability; data-driven innovation and privacy protection;
and smart communities for development. To address
simultaneously the three Es (environment, energy security, and
economy) requires the right mix and match of power sources
through renewable and reusable energy (RE) utilizing storage.
Table II illustrates the future social system at which Japan
is aiming, concentrating on the regional energy management
system (EMS) and lifestyle changes under such an energy
supply structure.
The development of Japans smart community is divided
into three stages: the first is the development plan for the
current period up to 2020; the second is the development plan
for 2020 to 2030; and the third is the development plan for
2030 onward.
es, 1%
m, 13%
tric, 8%
Gas, 26%
Coal, 26%
es, 2%
m, 2%
tric, 6%
Gas, 22%
Coal, 49%
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Current period to
Period from 2020
to 2030
2030 onward
Solar panel prices will
decrease significantly
because of the large-
scale introduction of
panels to houses and
commercial buildings.
Because of a
decline in PV
prices, more PV
systems will be
installed at houses.
competitiveness of
RE will improve
as fossil fuel prices
increase more than
twofold. Use of
RE will be
prioritized and
nuclear power will
be used as a base.
Measures will be
introduced to maintain
the quality of
electricity supply
while the large-scale
introduction of PV
systems is conducted
mainly for the grid
side. Storage cells will
be installed at
A regional EMS,
which contributes
to the effective use
of RE generated at
houses, will
become more
An EMS that can
provide an
optimized balance
in terms of
economy and
security between
regional EMS and
the grid will be
As the regional EMS
is further
technology and
knowledge will be
A regional EMS
will be achieved as
storage cells
become cheaper
and are further
An EMS that
creates demand by
charging EVs at
the time of
excessive RE
reliance, and
supplies energy to
the grid at times of
high demand, will
be used.
The cost of storage
cells will decrease
because of technology
development and
Distribution and
networks that
enable two-way
between the
demand side and
the grid side will
be actively
Remote reading using
smart meters will start.
The home EMS
and the regional
EMS will be
integrated. All
power generated at
houses will be
used optimally.
A fully automated
home EMS will be
The home EMS will
be disseminated. Some
houses will install
home servers. Demand
demonstration will
Various services
using home
servers will be
Demonstration of EVs
will start.
EVs will be used
for power storage
as well.
Source: NEDO
With regard to the relation between the regional EMS and
the grid, the decrease in solar panel prices following their
large-scale introduction will cause more PV systems to be
installed at houses, which is expected to create cost
competitiveness in RE. The EMS will become more important
and will provide an optimized balance in terms of economy and
security. When EMS technology and knowledge has
accumulated and the cost of storage cells has fallen because of
technology development, the distribution and transmission
networks that enable two-way communication between the
demand and grid sides will be actively established. By that time,
the EMS that creates demand by charging EVs at times of
excessive reliance on RE, and supplies energy to the grid at
times of high demand, will be used.
As for the development of houses, the remote reading of
smart meters will start when the home EMS and the regional
EMS are integrated and all power generated at houses will be
used optimally. At the same time, the home EMS, followed by
various services using home servers, will be disseminated.
When the demonstration of EVs has started and when EVs are
used for power storage, a fully automated home EMS will be
achieved. In addition, zero-energy buildings (ZEBs) will be
introduced from 2020 to 2030, initially for new public
buildings. The introduction of ZEBs is expected to reduce
emissions greatly for all new buildings as a group.
The aims of Japans smart community are: (a) to cut energy
costs through competitive advantage and establish a new social
system to reduce CO
emissions; (b) to introduce widespread
use of RE; and (c) to facilitate the diversification of power
supplier services [30]. This approach is also directed at helping
Japanese customers see how cutting their energy costs can give
them a competitive advantage.
In addition, a consortium of Japanese companies is
preparing a report on the feasibility of smart community
development projects in Gujarat, India. According to
preliminary estimates by Japanese experts, of the 6.23 million
tons of hazardous waste generated in India annually, 22%
comes from Gujarat. This report prompted the Gujarat
government to sign a memorandum of understanding for
developing Surat as an eco-town along the lines of
Kitakyushu Eco-Town in Japan and for developing Dahej
along the lines of the reduce, reuse, and recycle-oriented
environmentally smart community development concepts
prevalent in Japan [31].
On April 8, 2010, four sites were selected from four cities
in Japan to run large-scale, cutting-edge pilot projects on the
smart grid and smart community (budget request for FY2011:
18.2 billion yen) [25]. The community EMS will be achieved
based on a combination of the home EMS, the building EMS,
EVs, PVs, and batteries. Not only METIs smart grid-related
projects, but also projects in other ministries, such as
communications, environment, agriculture, and forestry, will be
implemented at these four sites (Figure 4).
Five months later in 2010, the Japan Wind Development
Company, the Toyota Motor Corporation, the Panasonic
Electric Works Company, and Hitachi Ltd. started a smart grid
demonstration project in Rokkasho Village, in the Aomori
Prefecture, aiming to verify technologies that allow for the
efficient use of energy for the achievement of a low-carbon
society [32]. Six months later, the HawaiiOkinawa
Partnership on Clean and Efficient Energy Development and
Deployment began, with the aim of helping the two island
regions switch from thermal power to renewable energy
systems, which are considered crucial for reducing CO
emissions but whose power supply is unstable [33].
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Source: METI
Figure 4. Energy Sources in the US (data of 2007).
A. Smart Grid Pilot Project in Yokohama City (Large Urban
There were 900 units of PV systems installed in the so-
called progressive city of Yokohama in 2009, and the Japanese
government plans to install about 2,000 more 10 years hence
[34]. The aim of the Yokohama Smart City Project is to build a
low-carbon society in a big city, involving 4,000 smart houses.
This project is a five-year pilot program being undertaken with
a consortium of seven Japanese companies; they are the Nissan
Motor Co., Panasonic Corp., Toshiba Corp., TEPCO, the
Tokyo Gas Co., Accentures Japan unit, and Meidensha Corp.
The project focuses on the development of the EMS, which
integrates the home EMS, the building EMS, and EVs. It is
expected to generate PVs with a capacity of 27,000 KW. The
EMS, which integrates suburban, urban, and apartment areas,
will have PV use of heat and unused energy.
B. Smart Grid Pilot Project in the Kyoto Keihanna District
(R&D Focus)
The Smart Grid Pilot Project in the Kyoto Keihanna District
involves the Kyoto Prefecture, Kansai Electric Power, Osaka
Gas, Kansai Science City, Kyoto University, Doshisha, Yamate,
the Sustainable Urban City Council, and other local
governments and utilities. It makes use of the smart tap,
which visualizes energy consumption controlling home
electronics energy usage. It is also a pilot project to test
electric power virtual coloring technology, which actualizes
the overall home EMS. This project calls for the installation of
PVs in 1,000 houses and an EV car-sharing system. It also
studies nanogrid management of PVs and fuel cells in houses
and buildings on the visualization of demand. This project
grants Kyoto eco-points for the usage of green energy.
C. Smart Grid Pilot Project in Toyota City (Regional City)
The Toyota Rokkasho Village in the Aomori Prefecture
began to experiment with the smart grid in September 2010.
The key feature of the project is the pursuit of optimal energy
use in living spaces at the community level at the same time as
achieving compatibility between environmental preservation
and resident satisfaction. This project involved Toyota City,
and companies including Toyota Motors, Chubu Electric
Power, Toho Gas, Utilities, Denso, Sharp, Fujitsu, Toshiba,
KDDI, Circle K Sunkus, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and
Dream Incubator. The project focuses on the use of heat and
unused energy as well as electricity. It has a demand response
with more than 70 homes and 3,100 EVs. Through this project,
houses that contain an IT network of electrical appliances and
other household equipment, solar panels, household storage
batteries, onboard automobile storage batteries, and other
devices, can develop household power leveling and optimized
energy usage. As of June 2011, model smart houses in the
Higashiyama and Takahashi districts of Toyota City for testing
EMSs had been completed successfully and had begun trial
operations under the Verification Project for the Establishment
of a Household and Community-Based Low-Carbon City in
Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture [35].
D. Smart Grid Pilot Project in Kitakyushu City (Industrial
This project involves 46 companies and organizations,
including the Kitakyushu City Government, GE, Nippon Steel,
IBM Japan, and Fuji Electric Systems. It focuses on real-time
management in 70 companies and 200 houses. Energy
management will be controlled by the home EMS and the
building EMS. The pilot project study of the energy system
integrates demand-side management and the high-energy
system. The Kitakyushu Hibikinada area is promoting low
carbon emissions, recycling, and nature coexistence in a
balanced manner. This project implements various
demonstrations, including communications, urban planning, a
transportation system, and lifestyle, with an emphasis on the
demonstration of energy projects such as electric power.
Implementation within five years, from FY2010 to FY2014,
involving the operation of 38 projects, is worth 16.3 billion yen
The Kitakyushu Smart Community Project focuses on the
development of technologies and systems related to a smart
grid with an eye on international standardization and the
expansion of international business, and the presentation of
new urban planning for a smart city, by developing various
human-friendly social systems compatible with next-generation
traffic systems and an aging society. In addition, a recycling
community will be constructed in which all sorts of waste will
be used as raw materials for other industrial fields to eliminate
waste and move toward a zero emissions community.
E. Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Rokkasho Village
In September 2010, the Toyota Motor Corp. began a two-
year project with Japanese Wind Development, Panasonic
Electric Works, and Hitachi Ltd. in the village of Rokkasho,
Aomori Prefecture, where wind power stations with large-
capacity batteries were built several years ago [8]. The project
involves a so-called smart grid village composed of six smart
houses equipped with automatic electricity control systems,
eight Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid vehicles, and a battery
system, all powered exclusively by renewable energy sources
and detached from the national electricity grid. Families of the
employees of the corporations participating in the project reside
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in these smart houses, where they go about their normal lives
In addition, an experimental situation has been created in
isolation from the external power grid, where approximately
eight kilometers of private distribution line has been laid
between the Rokkasho-mura Futama Wind Power Station and
where the smart houses stand. The station is outfitted with 34
units of 1,500 KW windmills with a total capacity of 51,000
KW, and is equipped with large-capacity network-attached
storage batteries of 34,000 KW. The objective of the
experiment is to examine such factors as changes in electricity
usage in different seasons and at different times of day, and
investigate trends in electricity usage based on different family
configurations. The experiment will help create a system that
efficiently balances electricity supply and demand.
F. Smart Grid Trail Project in Okinawa
The Okinawa Electric Power Company has begun operating
a smart grid to control the supply of renewable-energy-derived
electricity for the 55,000-strong population of the remote
Okinawa Prefecture island Miyako-jima. The project is part of
the HawaiiOkinawa Partnership on Clean and Efficient
Energy Development and Deployment, an agreement between
the US Department of Energy, METI, the State of Hawaii, and
the Prefecture of Okinawa, which was signed in June 2010.
The HawaiiOkinawa partnership is intended to foster the
development of clean and energy-efficient technologies needed
to achieve global energy security and meet climate change
challenges. Japan and the US designated Hawaii and Okinawa
as the representatives for this groundbreaking partnership
because of their demonstrated leadership and experience in
clean energy and energy efficiency. The trials started in
October 2010. The infrastructure links the existing power grid
to a four MW solar power plant and a sodium sulfide battery
complex capable of storing four MW of power. Some lithium
ion batteries have also been installed. In addition, the system
also controls power from existing 4.2 MW wind farms situated
on Miyako-jima. Okinawa Electric spent 6.15 billion yen
(US$75.8 million) on the infrastructure, two-thirds of which
was subsidized by the national government [33]. The programs
will help the two island regions switch from thermal power to
renewable energy systems, which are considered crucial for
reducing CO
emissions, but whose power supply is unstable.
Each of the smart grid pilot and demonstration projects has
its own challenges. Building smart grids requires meeting the
requirements for the electricity supply, including the power
sources and transmission lines, and the communications
infrastructure of each specific country and region, as well as
introducing such elements as renewable energy generation
facilities, EVs and plug-in hybrid vehicles, storage batteries,
Eco Cute electric water heating and supply systems, and heat
storage units.
Currently, possibilities in new electricity distribution
methods and vast advances in information and communications
technology are raising the prospect of a shift from todays
conventional supplydemand adjustment approach to one that
optimizes both supply and demand. The Japanese government
is strongly promoting the efficient use of energy by developing
smart grid pilot projects and the promotion of the natural grid
A. Smart Grid Project in Hawaii
A project supported by Japans NEDO, in cooperation with
the State of Hawaii, the Hawaiian Electric Company, the
University of Hawaii, and Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, whose involvement is based on the JapanUS
Clean Energy Technologies Action Plan, was started in
November 2009 [38]. Hitachi Ltd., Cyber Defense Institute
Inc., the JFE Engineering Corporation, Sharp Corporation,
HewlettPackard Japan Ltd., and Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd.
were among those selected as contractors for a joint JapanUS
collaboration supporting a smart grid project on the Hawaiian
island of Maui, which will serve as the project site. A
feasibility study is expected to be completed by the middle of
September 2011 [39]. Subject to the results of the feasibility
study, the project is expected to be implemented by the end of
March 2015.
While appearing to be state-of-the-art technological
marvels, smart grids expose energy production and distribution
to higher levels of security vulnerability than ever before. In
considering this matter, the project will incorporate the
installation of smart controls in the Kihei area on Maui at the
regional and neighborhood levels to improve the integration of
variable renewable energy resources, such as PV systems [40].
Installation of the smart grid technology is expected to begin in
late 2012, with the project becoming operational in 2013. The
demonstration project is scheduled to run from 2013 to 2015.
This project may be useful for the design of future micro-grids
that will provide secure backup and UPS services to distributed
energy residences and light industry. Independent, distributed
energy appliances in homes and businesses guarantee the
highest possible level of security and reliability in a national
power system.
B. Smart Grid Pilot Project on the Island of Jeju
Large electronics conglomerates in Japan and Korea, such
as Sharp, Panasonic, Samsung, LG, SK Telecom, and KT, are
building a domestic smart grid pilot on the island of Jeju, which
is south of Seoul in South Korea [41].
In March 2011, IBM announced that two new utilities had
joined its Global IUN Coalition, a group of utility companies
designed to further the adoption of smarter energy grids around
the world: TEPCO from Japan and KEPCO from Korea. These
two companies are in charge of the worlds largest
comprehensive smart grid test bed in Jeju Island, which brings
together smart technologies in the areas of generation, power
grids, electrical services, buildings, and transportation [42].
C. Smart Grid Project in New Mexico
Toshiba, Kyocera, Shimizu, the Tokyo Gas Company, and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will spend $33.4 million on a
smart grid project at Los Alamos and Albuquerque, New
Mexico [30]. NEDO will participate in research at Los Alamos
and Albuquerque and in collective research on the overall
project. Toshiba will install a one MW storage battery at the
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Los Alamos site, while Kyocera and Sharp will test smart
homes, energy management, and load control technologies.
The Microgrid Demonstration Project in Los Alamos
involves concentrated PV energy generation and the
installation of power storage cells on distribution lines of 2 to 5
MW. In addition, absorption experiments on PV output
fluctuations will be conducted using PV-induced efficiencies
obtained by changing grid formation, and a distribution
network with high operability will be installed and
demonstrated by introducing smart distribution equipment. The
smart house is intended to maximize demand response by using
a home EMS and a demonstration will be carried out to verify
its effectiveness relative to an ordinary house. The micro-grid
demonstration in commercial areas of Albuquerque focuses on
demonstrating the demand response by using facilities in
industrial and commercial buildings. The move is prompted by
the aim of catching up with the US, which has taken the lead in
developing technological global standards [41]. It is also
intended to evaluate smart grid technology from Japan and the
US based on research results obtained at the five demonstration
sites of the New Mexico project [30].
D. ZEBs in Lyon in France
NEDO is holding discussions with Grand Lyon, the second
largest city in France, to introduce Japanese leading-edge
technologies for ZEBs in France and to establish an EV-
charging infrastructure coinciding with the Lyon Confluence
urban development project in Lyon [30].
One important initiative is having members engage in smart
grid promotional activities that complement activities in
existing organizations and groups that currently influence and
shape policy, architecture, standards, and traditional utility
operations [43]. A few major smart grid awareness and
activities promotion bodies and associations affirm the
successful implementation of smart grids in Japan and raise
peoples awareness through education.
A. The Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA)
The JSCA is a member of the Global Smart Grid Federation
[44], which aims to promote publicprivate cooperative
activities relating to the development of smart communities by
tackling common issues such as dissemination, deployment,
and research on smart grid standardization. The JSCA has
members from the electric power, gas, automobile, information
and communications, electrical machinery, construction, and
trading industries as well as from the public sector and
academia. Four working groups have been established at a
practical level for discussion and deliberation in order to
facilitate the JSCAs activities. The four working groups are
the International Strategy Working Group, the International
Standardization Working Group, the Roadmap Working
Group, and the Smart House Working Group. Each group
supports smart grid development in Japan.
METI is reviewing closely Japans PV/CSP technologies
and programs to support smart grid development in Japan.
C. Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
The DPJ is promoting the development and diffusion of
smart electricity grid technologies.
While NEDO is committed to contributing to the resolution
of energy and global environmental problems and further
enhancing Japans industrial competitiveness, it strongly
supports numerous smart grid research and development
projects. NEDO aims to develop the worlds most efficient
concentrator PV cells.
In addition, Japan is promoting smart grids by conducting
discussions and undertaking projects in an integrated manner
with the participation of various stakeholders [45]. Two months
ago, nine Japanese companies - Shimizu Corporation, Toshiba
Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Meidensha Corporation,
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Fuji
Electric Co., Ltd., Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. and The
Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd. launched a demonstration study for
the Albuquerque Business District Smart Grid Demonstration
Project consigned to them by the New Energy and Industrial
Technology Development Organization (NEDO), to be carried
out as part of its Japan-U.S. Collaborative Smart Grid
Demonstration Project, took will took place form March 2012
to March 2014 [46].
Smart technologies improve human ability to monitor and
control the power system. Smart grid technology helps to
convert the power grid from static infrastructure that is
operated as designed to flexible and environmentally friendly
infrastructure that is operated proactively. This is consistent
with the Japanese governments goal of creating a low-carbon
society, maximizing the use of renewable energy sources, such
as photovoltaic and wind power. Nevertheless, publicprivate
sector cooperation across various industries is necessary to
establish smart communities.
This paper provided sufficient information for the reader to
understand the Japanese concept of the smart grid and the
governments associated strategy and the significance of the
governments contribution to Japans energy supply capacity,
without documenting full case studies in detail.
Japan chosen to be at the boundary at some time in the
duration of the smart grid revolution because they already have
had a reliable grid system. Recent the Japanese association is
bringing up large-scale grids that deal with the power like how
the internet does with the information data.
This paper painted a conceptual picture of Japans smart
community initiatives and its investment in and collaboration
on smart grid pilot projects. With emphasis on Japanese
initiatives, investment, and collaboration, comparison tables,
figures, and graphs relating to smart grid developments were
used to enable understanding of the issues. Although the Asia
Pacific region is quickly catching up in smart grid
developments and adoption, because the energy sources of
different countries vary significantly, the methods and timing
with which countries adopt this technology differ. Japan is
currently focusing on last mile and demand-side management
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and home solar power. Researchers have started to address
challenges caused by large-scale solar power generation
connected to the power grid as well as information security
issues. Because the smart grid remains a novel field of study in
Japan, it has great potential for further research.
This study was supported by the Meiji University Global
COE Program Formation and Development of Mathematical
Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis, Meiji Institute for
Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), and the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
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Grid Concept and the Strategy of Asias Energy-Balance Pioneer, The
Ninth International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia, submitted.
[8] Heinz K. Klein, Michael D. Myers, A Set of Principles for Conducting
and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems, MIS
Quarterly, Vol. 23, Issue 1, May 1999, pp. 6794.
[9] Ramberg Bjorn, Kristin Gjesdal, Hermeneutics, Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Library of Congress Data, November 2005.
[10] Shinsuke Ito, Japans Initiative on Smart GridA Proposal of Nature
Grid, Information Economy Division, Ministry of Economy Trade and
Industry, December 2009, available at http://documents.eu-
[11] John S. Dufeld, Brian Woodall, Japans New Basic Energy Plan,
Energy Policy, Vol. 39, Issue 6, June 2011, pp. 37413749.
[12] Electricity Review Japan, The Federation of Electric Power
Companies of Japan, 2011.
[13] Anke Weidlich, Smart House / Smart Grid, ICT Challenge 6: Mobility,
Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, Smart Houses
Interacting with Smart Grids to Achieve Next-Generation Energy
Efficiency and Sustainability Project ICCS-NTU,. December 2009.
[14] Kelly McGuire, The Smart Grid Movement: Japan vs. U.S., TMCnet
News, Technology Marketing Corporation, January 2010, available at
[15] Nuclear Power Plants in Japan, Nuclear Power Generation,
Information Plaza of Electricity, The Federation of Electric Power
Companies of Japan, June 2011.
[16] Power Reactors, Nuclear Reactors, United States Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (U.S. NRC), May 2011, available at
[17] Amy Poh Ai Ling, Masao Mukaidono, Selection of Model in
Developing Information Security Criteria on Smart Grid Security
System, Smart Grid Security and Communications, The Ninth
International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with
Applications (ISPA), No. 108, May 2011, Korea.
[18] Ryusuke Masuoka, Smart Grid: Japan and US, Fujitsu Laboratories of
America Inc., January 21, 2010.
[19] Japan Energy Conservation Handbook, 20042005, available at
[20] Electricity in Japan, Japan Guide, available at http://www.japan-
[21] Profile of Japans Major Power Generation Sources, Energy and
Electricity, Information Plaza of Electricity, The Federation of Electric
Power Companies of Japan, available at
[22] Tomoko A. Hosaka, Japan Creating Smart City of the Future,
Associated Press Japan, October 2010.
[23] Nuclear Power Plants, World-Wide, European Nuclear Society,
available at http://www.euronuclear.org/info/encyclopedia/n/nuclear-
[24] Rolling Blackouts as Japanese Efforts Continue, Regulation and
Safety, World Nuclear News, March 2011.
[25] Phil Carson, Smart Grid More Attractive, Post-Japan?, Intelligent
Utility, Mar. 2011, available at
[26] Masaya Yasui, Japanese Policy on Photovoltaic Systems, ANRE,
METI, Japan, October 2010, pp. 47.
[27] Aiming at Developing the Worlds Highest Efficiency Concentrator
Photovoltaic Cells, New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization, European Commission, European Union,
May 2011, available at http://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100147758.pdf
[28] Sunetric Offers Free Solar PV Systems to Raise Money for Japan,
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[29] Martyn Williams, A Legacy from the 1800s Leaves Tokyo Facing
Blackouts, Computerworld, Retrieved March 2011.
[30] Hiroshi Watanabe, Smart Community Activities in Japan, Korea
Smart Grid Week, November 2010, available at
[31] Kitakyushu Citys Challenge Toward a Low-Carbon Society,
Kitakyushu Smart Community Creation Project, Green Frontier, 2011,
available at http://www.challenge25.go.jp/roadmap/media/s5_en.pdf
[32] Four Companies Start Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Rokkasho,
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[33] HawaiiOkinawa Partnership on Clean and Efficient Energy
Development and Deployment, METI, June 2011.
[34] Smart Grid of the Future Urban Development, Japanese Nikkan
Kogyo Shimbun, June 2010.
[35] Toyota City Low-Carbon Project Model Homes Completed, Asahi,
June 2011.
[36] Japan to Help Gujarat in Smart Community Project, Rediff, January
[37] Living Off the Grid, Cover Story, Highlighting Japan, February 2011,
available at http://www.gov-online.go.jp/pdf/hlj/20110201/1213.pdf
[38] U.S. and Japan Companies Collaborate on Smart Grid Project in
Hawaii, Sharp Corporation, May 2011, Press Releases, available at
[39] US and Japan Collaborating on Smart Grid Project in Hawaii; EV
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[40] US and Japan Work on Maui Smart Grid for Electric Vehicles,
Sustainable Transport News, Brighter Energy News, May 2011.
[41] Katie Fehrenbacher, The New Smart Grid Players: Korea, Japan, China,
Oh My!, GigaOM, WordPress, February 2010.
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[42] Japanese, Korean Utilities Join Smart-Grid Coalition, Greenbang, May
2011, available at http://www.greenbang.com/japanese-korean-utilities-
[43] Guido Bartels, Smart Grids Progress Extends Beyond the Boundaries
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Grid Wise Alliance, Talks About Smart Grid, Renesas, October 2010.
[44] Japan Smart Community Alliance, June 2011, available at
[45] Shinsuke Ito, Japans Initiative on Smart GridA Proposal of Nature
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Industry, December 2009.
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Amy Poh Ai Ling received her BBA and MSc from
National University of Malaysia (UKM). She received her PhD
in Mathematical Sciences from Meiji University. She was
awarded Role Model Student Award (2003) and Excellent
Service Award (2010) from UKM, and Excellent Student
Award (2012) from Meiji University. She worked at Sony
EMCS and Erapoly Sdn. Bhd. She is currently a postdoctoral
affiliate with Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences as
JSPS Research Fellow. She has an enthusiasm for statistical calculation, smart
grid and safety studies.
Professor Sugihara Kokichi received his Masters and
Dr. Eng. degrees from University of Tokyo. He worked at
Electrotechnical Laboratory of the Japanese Ministry of
International Trade and Industry, Nagoya University and
University of Tokyo before joining Meiji University. His
research area is mathematical engineering, including
computational geometry, computer vision, computer graphics and robust
computation. He is currently the leader of CREST research project of Japan
Science and Technology Agency on Computational Illusion.
Professor Mukaidono Masao served as a full-time lecturer
at Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
in Meiji University from 1970. Even since then, he was
promoted to Assistant Professor on 1973 and as a Professor on
1978. He contributed as a researcher in an Electronic Technical
Laboratory of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
(1974), Institute of Mathematical Analysis of Kyoto University (1975) and as a
visiting researcher at University of California in Berkeley (1979). He then
became the Director of Computer Center (1986) and Director of Information
Center (1988) in Meiji University. At present, he is a Professor and Dean of the
School of Science & Technology, Meiji University. He is also the honourable
Councillor of Meiji University.
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Evaluating the Role of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Support towards
Processes of Management in Institutions of Higher
Michael Okumu Ujunju
Dr. G. Wanyembi
Mr. Franklin Wabwoba
Department of Computer Science
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Abstract The role of Information and Communication
Technology in achieving organizations strategic development
goals has been an area of constant debate, and as well perceived
in different management dimensions. Most universities are
therefore employing it (ICT) as a tool for competitive advantage
to support the accomplishment of their objectives. Universities
are also known to have branches or campuses that need strong
and steady strategic plans to facilitate their steady expansion and
growth. Besides, production of quality services from the various
levels of management in these universities requires quality
strategic plans and decisions. In addition, to realize the steady
growth and competitive advantage, ICT not only has to be an
additive but a critical component towards supporting
management processes in the universities. This research sought to
determine the role of ICT in supporting management processes in
institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The research
investigated how the different levels of management used ICT in
their management processes and whether the use had any effect
on management processes. The research further made
recommendations to the universities on better use of ICTs in their
management processes. A public university in Kenya was used as
a case study in this research.
Keywords- ICT; Competitive advantage; Strategic management;
Information and communication technology (ICT) has
become an important tool in modern management of
universities. This is because information is a critical tool in
facilitating management decisions and therefore, ICT is seen
to be a crucial tool to help in facilitating acquisition of this
information required in management decisions for universities.
Manual and mechanical systems can no longer cope in the
current demands of management processes in universities.
This is due to the fact that accurate and timely data is a critical
resource in planning and decision making (Acosta, 2004). To
achieve this therefore, ICT must come in handy to facilitate
the process of acquiring accurate and summarized data needed
to facilitate management processes. It is in this context that
there is dire need for a successful transition to the new
technology in order for university managements to engage in
quality management practices. Intranet and database systems
are key components in the formation of ICT infrastructure, and
hence their existence enhances greater management control by
enabling departments in universities and their campuses to
have greater access to information needed for management
processes. This will enable them (managements) to function
more effectively and efficiently, and since projections will be
more accurate or now available, university managements can
make long-term strategic plans during their management
processes, (Nyandiere, 2007). Most of organizations endeavor
to employ Information Communication Technology as a tool
for competitive advantage for the accomplishment of the
objective of organization as well as enhance the alignment
between Information Communication Technology and
management strategy, (Mohammed, 2010). To achieve the
former, ICT has been leverage to improved service and lower
the cost of conducting strategic management functions.
In the modern world of technology in which Universities
exist, they (Universities) need ICT services since it plays a
significant strategic role in the management of Universities.
ICT makes it easy for a Universitys decision making because
they have information at hand. With the aid of ICT, university
managers have more information at their reach than ever
before; modern ICT improves good organization and
usefulness at each stage of the management decision making
procedure. It is therefore imperative for Universities to take
ICT seriously for the purpose of sustaining steady growth as a
result of making quality and timely strategic plans. Without
adequate level of ICT use, chances of making poor and
untimely management decisions will prevail and this will
constantly lead to the universities stunted growth.
The research adopted the theory of organizational
Information Processing developed by (Galbraith, 2005). The
theory identifies three important concepts: information
processing needs, information processing capability, and the
fit between the two to obtain optimal performance in
organizations. According to the theory, organizations need
quality information to cope with environmental uncertainty
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and improve their decision making. Environmental uncertainty
stems from the complexity of the environment and dynamism,
or the frequency of changes to various environmental
variables. The theory further postulates that, organizations
have two strategies to cope with uncertainty and increased
information needs for their management processes: (1)
develop buffers to reduce the effect of uncertainty, and (2)
implement structural mechanisms and information processing
capability to enhance the information flow and thereby reduce
uncertainty. The theory is presented as a model in Figure 1.
As it can be seen from the model, organization design
strategy has sub units. These sub units require an integrated IT
system that will improve information flow and reduce
uncertainty within organizational sub units. Increasing the
capacity to process information required in management
processes will require (1) an investment in vertical information
systems and (2) creation of lateral relations to portray an
image of how the levels of management will interact in the
management processes. Creation of slack resources and self-
contained tasks will reduce the need for information
processing after a satisfactory confirmation that indeed output
of a process doesnt require further intervention of an
information processing system. Increasing the capacity to
process information and reducing the need for information
processing are products aimed at fulfilling management goals
which are key entities of management.
Fig I. Organizational Information processing model
Source: Galbraith (2005)
A lot was borrowed from this model for this research,
especially when we talk of integrating ICT in management
processes of universities in Kenya, and understanding that ICT
can indeed play greater roles towards improving the processes
of management in universities. The model was adopted
because; accurate and timely information is a key element in
management processes. Acquiring this information requires a
processing model which cannot be complete without focusing
on Information and Communications technology
A. ICT in Management of Higher Learning Institutions
Through the emergence of fast and powerful computers,
networks and infrastructure, delivery of immediate and
relevant information enables policymakers in an organization
to make quick and accurate decisions,
(Newmann, 1994). (Laudon, 2003) while commenting on
the role of information systems in organizations indicates that
ICTs provide tools for data collection, analysis, storage and
dissemination to support decision making in organization.
University environments are equally changing in the
technology front. Arising from his studies of Universities in
Philippines (Asia), [1] notes that quick and accurate decisions
of institutions of higher learning managers require readily
available and relevant information thus making ICT a vital
tool in todays business world providing tools for information
collection, storage, and management to facilitate
communication and decision making processes. He points out
that institutions of higher learning too, must cope with the
emerging trends of competing on the ICT platform, thus they
need to continually assess their current status, and that of their
competitors to formulate and manage their own strategies if
only to stay abreast with the latest challenges of the
information age. ICTs play and will continue playing an
important role in higher education institutions (HEIs)
(Katz, 2001) quotes EDUCAUSE president, Brian
Hawkins, who in 1999, in his paper Technology, Education,
and the Very Foggy Crystal Ball asserted three propositions
about the impact of ICT on higher education, that is;
a) That the new technology affords exciting
opportunities for more effective teaching;
b) That the new technology offers scalability that is
greatly needed;
c) That the new technology will transform higher
education beyond what we know it to be today.
Technology has provided exciting opportunities for
teaching and management including the recent e-learning
initiatives in addition to transforming HEIs management
operations. ICTs in higher educational institutions have come
about from developments in corporate businesses where ICTs
have been incorporated into organizational functions to
improve their performance. As (Tusubira & Mulira, 2005),
having extensively studied operations of Makerere University
(Uganda), argue that at the organizational level, the integration
of ICT in organizational functions has been brought about by
three main factors: increased efficiency, cost effectiveness,
and competitiveness.
The research was conducted through case study. The study
was concerned with determining the role played by
information and communication technology in supporting
management processes in institutions of higher learning.
of slack
5.Creation of
6.Investments in
of lateral
Organization design strategy
Reduce the need for
Information processing
Increase the capacity
to process information
1. Rules and programs
2. Hierarchical referral
3. Goal setting
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The sample size used was put into strata or groups, each
stratum representing each of the three levels of management.
Purposive sampling was then used where a group of people
believed to be reliable enough for the study were targeted.
Questionnaires were used to collect data from staff in each
of the three levels of management. They included both open-
end and closed-end questions. They were physically
administered by the researcher to 107 respondents out of
which 70 were responded to. Unstructured interviews were
also conducted with the senior university management staff.
All data collected were analyzed using qualitative and
quantitative approaches which were facilitated using Statistical
Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0. Cross
tabulations showing percentages and frequency distributions
were used to analyze data collected.
The demographic information of respondents was
presented and discussed based on gender and the possibility of
having used ICT tools like a computer before for each
respondent interviewed. This information is presented in tables
and the figures.
Respondents were asked of their sex and close observation
shows that there is a significant variation in the distribution by
sex of staff as shown in Table 1. Findings in table 1 reveal
that, male respondents were majority (60%) compared to
female respondents (40%). These findings suggest that, there
is a gender gap between women users of ICT and men, and
that women are not well accessible to ICTs as compared to
men. There is therefore need to mainstream gender concerns
into the ICT arena by providing opportunities for ICT training
and develop clear policies, guidelines and strategies to remove
this gender gap that disadvantages women from accessing
ICTs in institutions of higher learning.
In determining whether respondents had used ICT in their
work procedures before, they were asked to state whether they
had used ICT tools like a computer before. Results in Table II
show that, many staffs (98.6%) had used ICT tools. They were
therefore not new to the technology. Knowledge of ICT is a
factor that seemed to motivate employees to embrace and
positively integrate ICT in management processes and work
Views on how ICT tools were used by staff in carrying out
their duties is as shown in Table III. The various ways in
which ICT is used in processes of management as established
by the findings are supported by
(Ruiz-Mercader, 2006). In his statement he acknowledges
that the best ways organizations use ICTs is to obtain, to
report, to process, to accumulate and to exchange information.
Furthermore in a knowledge management context, ICT can
support transformation within and between tacit and explicit
Views on how ICT tools had the impact on overall work
performance of staff in different levels of management is as
shown in Table IV.
Frequency Percent
Valid male
42 60.0 60.0 60.0
28 40.0 40.0 100.0
70 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent
Valid yes
69 98.6 98.6 98.6
1 1.4 1.4 100.0
70 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent
Valid writing reports
22 31.4 31.9 31.9
20 28.6 29.0 60.9
4 5.7 5.8 66.7
general typing
14 20.0 20.3 87.0
E-mail and
9 12.9 13.0 100.0
69 98.6 100.0
Missing 99
1 1.4
70 100.0
Frequency Percent
Valid motivate to
24 34.3 34.3 34.3
and reduce
4 5.7 5.7 40.0
work and
makes it
28 40.0 40.0 80.0
of realistic
5 7.1 7.1 87.1
results from
9 12.9 12.9 100.0
70 100.0 100.0
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This research was conducted in a public university and the
results may not be generalized to private universities due to
different operational dynamics. It would be worthwhile if
further research was conducted to establish if the same results
would work for private universities in Kenya.
The research determined and evaluated the role of ICTs in
supporting processes of management in institutions of higher
learning in Kenya. There was a gender gap between women
users of ICTs and men in their work of management as per the
results in Table 1, which showed 40% for women users and
60% for men. There is total need for this gap to be removed.
Views of respondents on the use of ICT tools were very
positive (98.6%). This shows that ICT use in management is
highly embraced and this improves management practices.
From Table 3, it could be seen that ICT tools are used in a
number of ways in supporting duties of management. This is
an indicator of positive acceptance by staff on embracing ICTs
in their duties of management. The use of ICT in works of
universities management is observed that indeed, it simplifies
work and makes it easier for universities staff to enjoy their
work and hence generate quality decisions for the running of
their universities.
This research gives the following suggestions as
recommendations for better use of ICTs in processes of
management in institutions of higher learning;
1) Provide opportunities for ICT training and develop
clear policies, guidelines and strategies for better use of ICT
equipment by all, regardless of sex.
2) All affected users should be trained properly on any
new upcoming software or computer hardware constituting
ICT infrastructure.
Universities should use current ICTs technologies as
possible in all areas of operations so that to maintain
consistency in their modern management practices if quality
management has to be maintained.
3) Use ICT resources only for authorized purposes to
avoid abusing the resources in process of executing duties.
4) ICT resources can be shared. There is needed to be
considerate in the use of shared resources. Refrain from
monopolizing systems, overloading networks with excessive
data, degrading services, wasting ICT resource time, disk
space, manuals or other resources.
[1] Acosta F.R. (2004), Information Technology Strategic Plan of Olivarez
College unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Baguio,
[2] Nyandiere, C. (2007). Increasing role of computerbased information
systems in the management of higher education institutions. In M.
Kashorda, F. Acosta and C. Nyandiere (eds). ICT Infrastructure,
Applications, Society and Education: Proceedings of the Seventh
Annual Strathmore University ICT Conference. Strathmore University
Press: Nairobi
[3] Mohammed, A. H., Altemini, M.S, & Yahya Y. (2010). Evaluating the
performance of Information Technology on Strategic Planning,
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT
[4] Galbraith, J.R. (2005) Designing Complex Organizations. Reading.
MA: Addison-Wesley
[5] Newmann, S. (1994). Strategic information systems Competition through
information technologies. New York:Macmillan.
[6] Laudon, K.C. and Laudon J.P.(2003): Management Information Systems:
Managing the Digital Firm, 7th ed., New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
[7] Katz, R. N. (2001) The ICT Infrastructure: A Drive for Change
[8] Tusubira,F F & Mulira, N. (2005). Integration of ICT in Higher Education
Institutions: Challenges and best practice recommendations based on
experience of Makerere University & Other organisations. Makerere
[9] Ruiz-Mercader J., Merono-Cerdan A. L., Sabater-Sanchez R. (2006),
Information technology and learning: Their relationship and impact on
organisational performance in small businesses, International Journal
of Information Management, Volume 26, Issue 1, February 2006, pp. 16-
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Smart Grids: A New Framework for Efficient Power
Management in Datacenter Networks
Okafor Kennedy .C, Udeze Chidiebele. C
R & D Department, Electronics Development Institute
(FMST-NASENI), Awka, Nigeria.
Electrical Electronics Engineering, Federal University of
Technology Owerri,, Nigeria.
E. C. N. Okafor, C. C. Okezie,
Electronics and Computer Engineering Department, Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Abstract The energy demand in the enterprise market segment
demands a supply format that accommodates all generation and
storage options with active participation by end users in demand
response. Basically, with todays high power computing (HPC), a
highly reliable, scalable, and cost effective energy solution that
will satisfy power demands and improve environmental
sustainability will have a broad acceptance. In a typical
enterprise data center, power managment is a major challenge
impacting server density and the total cost of ownership (COO).
Storage uses a significant fraction of the power budget and there
are no widely deployed power-saving solutions for enterprise
storage systems. This work presents Data Center Networks
(DCNs) for efficient power management in the context of SMART
Grids. A SMART DCN is modelled with OPNET 14.5 for
Network, Process and Node models. Also, an Extended SMART
Integration Module in the context of SMART DCN is shown to be
more cost effective than the traditional distribution grid in DCNs.
The implementation challenges are discussed also. This paper
suggests that smartening the grid for DCN will guarantee a
sustainable energy future for the enterprise segments.
Keywords- energy; density; enterprise; power budget; framework
smart grids.
Contemporarily, most discussions and professional
conferences now focus on the power industry and its resurgent
energy challenges. It is a worldwide goal to optimize energy
demand, consumption and CO2 emissions [1] in all critical
sectors of any economy. Energy reduction in enterprise setups
is a major concern to operators and regulators all over the
world. A part of this energy reduction scheme concerns the
telecommunication industry and ICT that participates in a
direct, indirect and systematic ways [2]. Characteristic
examples are green networks, smart buildings, smart grids,
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), energy efficient
electronics (OLEDS, photonics, nanotechnology) and the
application of embedded systems towards low carbon and
energy efficient technologies [2],[3].
The IT/Telecommunication industry suffers from myriads
of persistent power challenges in the electricity power supply
as well as optimizing the available energy reserves. This
research suggests that a power solution that will help this
critical sector to manage demand growth, conserve energy,
maximize asset utilization, cost and improve grid security
reliability as well as reduce carbon foot print will go a long
way in solving the persistent power issues faced by the
enterprise market segments. In our context, a new proposal for
power management in an energy efficient data centers (fixed
broadband networks) and its challenges form the basis for this
According to [4], a Data Centre is the consolidation point
for provisioning multiple services that drive an enterprise
business processes. It is also known as the server farm or the
computer room. The data center is where the majority of
enterprise servers and storage systems are located, operated
and managed like the Enterprise resource planning solutions
(ERPs), application servers, security systems (IDS). It
generally includes redundant or backup power supplies,
redundant data communications connections, environmental
controls (e.g. Air conditioning, fire suppression) and security
devices. DCNs have attracted a lot of interest in todays
enterprise network segments [5]. The work in [6] proposed a
technology to fix the energy demands for reliable delivery in
DCNs. However, the requirement to serve the Data Center
environment mandates that a new grid framework with
enhanced performance characteristics , hence, this paper
proposes SMART GRID model for efficient power
management in DCNs.
The paper is organised as follows. Related work is
summarised in Section 2. Data center networks and energy
requirements are discussed in this section. We presented Smart
Grids Proposal for DCNs in Section 3. Smart Grids Reference
Model is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 presents a cost
effective distribution model for DCNs. Section 6 discussed the
challenges of SMART GRID Implementation and finally
conclusions and future work are presented.
Following the definition in [4], various proposals have
been presented on how to optimize performance in DCNs. The
work done in [1] gave a review of energy efficiency in
telecommunication networks while concentrating on data
center, fixed line and cellular networks. Representative sample
of literatures on DCN traffic, design methodology and
management were studied in [6], [7], [8], [9]. According to the
EPA report in [7], the two largest consumers of electricity in
the data center are:
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Support infrastructure 50% of total.
General servers 34% of total.
Since then, significant strides have been made to improve
the efficiency of servers in DCNs. High density blade servers
and storage are now offering much more compute capacity per
Watt of energy. Server virtualization is allowing organizations
to reduce the total number of servers they support, and the
introduction of Energy Star servers have all combined to
provide many options for both the public and private sectors to
reduce that 34% of electricity being spent on the general
Essentially, the outline in [9], presents a holistic power
design considerations for DCNs. According to the EPA,
most data centers consume 100% to 300% of additional power
for the support systems than are being used for their core IT
operations. However, through a combination of best practices
and migration to fast-payback facility improvements, this
overhead can be reduced to about 30% of the IT load. Within
corporations, the focus on power management in data centers
is driven primarily by a desire to reduce the tremendous
electricity costs associated with operating a data center. Hence,
going green is recognized as a way to reduce operating
expense significantly for the IT infrastructure.
In general, the telecommunication sector accounts for
approximately 4% of the global electricity consumption [10].
Figure 1 shows a typical DCN.
Fig. 1: A Typical Data Center Network
From fig.1 The power consumption of a data center is
related to the associated power consumed by each module in
the DCN. Efficiency at individual parts is an important step for
smartening the data center but optimization is achieved when
the efficiency is aimed at the overall data center design.
The power distribution in a typical data center is divided
into an in-series path and an in-parallel path to feed the
switchgear and the cooling systems, respectively [1]. Thermal
heat at the switchgear, UPS and PDUs, creates losses owing to
AC/DC/AC conversions. As shown in fig.1, the parallel path
feeds the cooling system for heat protection in the data
center. The power consumption at different layers of the data
center is presented in Table 2. it is observed that the power
consumption pattern in a DCN is dependent on the input
workload to the data center and the surrounding environmental
characteristics. The authors in [11] presented a power saving
estimation scheme; correlation aware power optimization
(CARPO) which achieves energy savings mainly by turning
off unused switches after conducting correlation-aware
consolidation. The work explains that the dynamic power in a
DCN is relatively much smaller compared with the static
power consumption of the network devices. As such, for a
given DCN topology and workloads, it is possible to
approximately estimate the energy savings of a DCN using a
correlation aware power optimization scheme that dynamically
consolidates traffic flows onto a small set of links and switches
in a DCN and then shuts down unused network devices for
energy savings. By their empirical measurements, the power
consumption model of the entire network in their testbed is
given by:
P = 6.67.Ns +
(Pi.Ji) (1)
where Ns is the number of active virtual switches, Pi is the
active power of a single port at the data rate level i and Ji is the
corresponding number of active ports at that data rate level.
This work argues that energy redundant devices in a DCN
can not be adequately taken care of by CARPO owing
various sources of estimation errors in the conventional power
management approach. Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b presents DCN
network and nodel models for different functionalities of the
network .The DCN model was splitted into core, aggregation
and access layers. The energy consumption is higher at the
access part of the network. Also, at the core layer which
provides for data centers computations, storage, applications
and data transfer, the drain is considerable. We observed that
the backbone (aggregation) networks present lower energy
demands.On these basis, this work argues that an energy
efficient architecture should focus on intelligent and efficient
access techniques that is efficient in its operation. Hence, we
propose a SMART grid model with optimized power
management. Basically, the main functionalities of the
SMART DCN includes regeneration, transportation, storage,
routing, switching and processing of data. As ealier stated, the
largest part of energy is consumed for routing/switching,
regeneration and processing of data. Both communication
protocols and electronic devices are responsible for this
consumption and this imposes challenges for more
sophisticated transport techniques, thermal removal from
switches or the servers and less redundant data transfers. A
characteristic example of energy efficiency in DCN
equipments is shown in Table 1.
The proposed model in this work is self configurable and
stable under all load conditions. Since the power consumption
of a DCN is largely dependent of its workload, mainly because
the network equipment, it now becomes very imperative to
adapt SMART grid based DCN so as to put network devices,
such as switches and routers, into a sleep state during periods
of very inactive traffic activities, and buffer the packets during
the inactive period to transmit in future time. This will
gurantee return on investment in todays typical multi-tiered
DCNs. In this case, high degrees of oversubscription on the
network devices will result to good energy savings for the
ms Equip
Data Center
Switch gear
y Energy
e Energy
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DCN. As a result, frequently putting network devices into
cold state under low traffic intermittently in a DCN will
cause packets to be buffered around the deactivated DCN
devices and their paths.
The framework in fig.1 serves as a good energy svaing
model but lacks the capacity to handle energy drain in
redundant components.
Fig. 1b. The CARPO framework [11].
Equipments Power Efficiency (W/Gbps)
Router 40
IP Switch 25
Transport TDM 80
ATM Switch 80
Figure 2a: DCN Model for SMART Grid Integration
The power consumption at different layers of the data
center is presented in Table 2.
It can be observed that the useful work of data center is
associated to a percentage of power, smaller than the 30%
delivered to the IT equipments.
In Fig 2a. We modelled a SMART DCN with OPNET
modeller 14.5 as well as generating various node and process
models for the setup.
Figure 2b: DCN Process Model for SMART Grid Integration
Since, this work is not centered on performance analysis,
we rather observed the system response after configuring the
power parameters as well as the traffic parameters.
The proposed model in Fig. 8b, is believed to address
energy demands of figure 2a.
Ports/switches to
be Turned Off
Data rate of each link
CARPO: Correlation-Aware Power Optimization
Correlation Analysis
Traffic Consolidation Link Rate Adaptation
Data Center Network (DCN)
CC= Correlation Coefficient ; AL= Active Link
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NCPI Equipments Percentage of power consumption
[Total 70%]
Switchgear, Light
IT Equipments Percentage of power consumption
relative to [Total 30 %]
Power Supply
Figure 2c: A Node Model For SMART DCN
In a SMART DCN model, configuring a network to
operate in an efficient manner is a complex task. However,
optimizing energy consumption and total network
optimization is considered very critical for power management
in DCN. For a network to work in an energy efficient way
enhancing environmental sustainability, it must create
flexibility for the deployment of future networks to off grid
areas that rely on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and
sensor networks that rely on battery power supply. Minimizing
power consumption on the DCN will have a great effect on the
cost of operation of a network and this makes it more
affordable in general.
This paper opions that network optimization in terms of
energy efficiency can be achieved by providing the following
key metrics viz: efficiency to network dimensioning,
efficiency in network processes, efficiency at the access
network,etc for better power management of the equipments
as shown in Fig.3. Optimization of DCN equipments is the
first step for an energy efficient network. This will be taken
care of by the SMART DCN architecture which has provision
for low power IT devices and equipments, and efficient
battery technology. In addition, recycling of equipments is
considered as a valuable solution for energy efficiency as well.
Fig. 3: Main factors of energy efficient networks.
DCNs infrastructure (Data centers and servers) constitute
critical components of networks providing data processing,
storage, regeneration, etc. A metric for energy efficiency of
data center is the Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCIE)
and the Data Center energy Productivity (DCeP) [15].
According to [15], DCIE expresses the fraction of the total
power supplied to the data center and is delivered to the IT
A SMART energy efficient data center requires
operational and planning actions that will correspond to the IT
equipment needs and incorporate the use of energy
proportional servers, such as blade servers with good cooling
units. Also, the planning actions again will consider the
exploitation of virtualization, remote monitoring and
management of the data center,while using vertical rightsizing
procedures and actions to reduce cooling needs through
optimal design of the DCN domain. Finally, by using
SMARD grid architure in DCNs, power management will
grantee zero down time.
In designing the SMART data center capacity, it will
involve many different variables that includes: the housing
infrastructure, network feeds necessary to keep the DCN
functional, the storage and hardware processing units.
Balancing all of these variables to design a data center that
meets the project scope and keeps the DCN in constant
operation is very essential for power management of a
planned DCN. According to [9], the design of data centers is
dependent on the balance of two critical sets of capacities:
Remote Monitoring
Efficient Access
(planning) Efficient
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1. Data center capacities: Power, cooling, physical
space, weight load, bandwidth (or connectivity), and
functional capacities.
2. Equipment capacities: The various devices (typically
equipment in racks) that could populate the data center in
various numbers
The knowledge of the equipment requirements was used to
determine the size of the center, the amount of power and
cooling needed, the weight load rating of the raised floor, and
the cabling needed for connectivity to the network. Hence,
data center size as well as in-feeds determines how much
equipment to be deployed in Fig. 2a. The work in [9] proposes
a new method for designing a data center based on the critical
capacities called rack location units (RLUs). The actual
process of defining RLUs to determine the capacities of a data
center boils down to careful planning which enhances
flexibility. The Rack Location Unit (RLU) system is a
completely flexible and scalable system that can be used to
determine the equipment needs for a data center of any size,
whether 100 or 100,000,000 square feet. RLUs are defined
based on specific DCN device requirements. These
requirements are the specifications that come from the
equipment manufacturers. These requirements are:
1. Power (how many outlets/circuits it requires, how
many watts it draws)
2. Cooling (BTUs per hour that must be cooled)
3. Physical space (how much floor space each rack
needs, including the cooling dimensions)
4. Weight (how much a rack weighs)
5. Bandwidth (how it connects to the network)
Functional capacity (how much computational power,
physical memory, disk space, as well as how many spindles,
MFLOPS, database transactions, and any other measures of
rack functions).
However, this work only seeks to adapt smart grid
functionality into DCN for efficient power management
(reliability, improvement, loss control, and cost optimization)
while presenting its economic implications.
As shown in figure 2a, we seek to adapt smart grid to
monitor and manage the transport of electricity from all
generation sources to meet the varying electricity demands of
the SMART DCN. The Smart grid framework co-ordinates the
needs and capabilities of the SMART DCN, minimizing costs
and environmental impacts while maximizing system
reliability, resilience and stability. In context of this paper,
smart grids electricity system (transmission and distribution)
powers the storage (SAN) module of the DCN. Fig. 4 and Fig.
5 show our proposed DCN Smart Grid Model and Smart Grid
By leveraging on Smart Grids that improves the efficiency,
reliability, economics, and environmental sustainability, an
efficient Power management in DCN can thus be achieved.
The DCNs, with the integration of SMART grids will now :
1. Increase reliability, efficiency and safety of the power
2. Enable decentralized power generation thereby
aloowing DCNs effectively manage energy usage.
3. Allow flexibility in power consumption at the
DCNs side to allow supplier selection (distributed
generation, solar, wind, and biomass).
4. Increase GDP by creating more new, green-collar
energy jobs related to renewable energy industry.
Fig. 4: DCN Smart Grid Model
Figure 5: Smart Grid Components
From Fig. 4, this paper recommends that regulators and
DCN operators streamlines the technical, financial and
regulatory details that will enable the maximization of the
potential of smart grids. From Fig. 5, smart grid is a highly
complex combination and integration of multiple digital and
non-digital technologies and systems which outlines the main
component of a smart grids viz : i) new and advanced grid
components, ii) smart devices and smart metering, iii)
integrated communication technologies, iv) decision support
and human interfaces, v) advanced control systems.
Smart Device
Data Center
Decision Support &
Human Interfaces
New Advanced Grid
Smart Devices:
Smart Meter
Integrated ICT
Smart Grid
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New and advanced grid components allow for efficient
energy supply, better reliability and availability of power. The
components includes: advanced conductors and
superconductors, improved electric storage components, new
materials, advanced power electronics as well as distributed
energy generation. Superconductors are used in multiple
devices along the grid such as cables, storage devices, motors
and transformers. The rise of new high-temperature
superconductors allows transmission of large amounts of
power over long distances at a lower power loss rate to DCNs.
Distributed energy can be channelled to the DCN to be served,
hence this will improve reliability, and can reduce greenhouse
gas emissions while wideing an efficient SMART energy
delivery to the DCN.
Smart devices and smart metering include sensors and
sensor networks. Sensors are used at multiple places along the
grid, e.g. at transformers, substations and at customers/DCNs.
They play an outstanding role in the area of remote monitoring
and they enable demand-side management and thus new
business processes such as real-time pricing. The design
technique for digital meters is influenced by three major
factors namely; desired device cost, efficiency and overall size
[21]. While the cost is influenced by users general
affordability, the efficiency and size must strictly comply with
standard. This work proposes the adaptation of Fig. 6 in our
DCN Smart grid model.
Fig. 6: Block Diagram of Digital Energy (Smart) Meter [21]
There are four major layers identified in SG integrations as
shown in Fig. 7. The SG decision intelligence (layer-4)
comprises of application programmes that run in relays,
intelligent electronics, substation automation systems (SAS),
control centers (CC) and enterprise zones. These programs
process the information collected from the sensors or
dispatched from layer-3 (ICTs) and then provide control
directives and business process decisions via layer 1 (Power
C-T-S-C). The advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
creates a 2-way handshake platform for demand response and
other grid distribution roles. Layer-1 is primarily for energy
conversion, transmission, storage and consumption. This gives
the platform for DCN power interfacing. The traditional grid
energy distribution lacks storage, fast reactive and real power
regulation and distributed distribution. This accounts for
numerous power management challenges in DCN.
As depicted in Fig. 8b, the Extended SMART Integration
Module (ExSim) for DCN is presented to address the
limitations of Fig. 8a. In addition, it supports grid-feeder
connection, AC and DC bus systems, coordination and
optimization of energy supply. The Energy storage block
houses all available energy options (wind, hydro, and solar PV)
which provides for a short to medium-term power supply
buffer for uninterrupted DCN operation hence improving
reliability and reduction in energy losses.
A smart grid strategy requires information integration
across autonomous systems. From IT perspective, some of it
challenges includes: Economic, Political and regulatory
policies: The regulators will need to understudy and take into
account the load demands in DCNs and come up with
environmental friendly green policies. In this context, existing
regulatory framework for DCNs needs to take care of future
scalability and match consumers intrests at large. Dynamics in
Technology in accordance with Moores Law: Unlike other
low carbon energy technologies, smart grids must be deployed
in both existing systems (which in some cases are over 40
years old) as well as within totally new systems and it must be
deployed with minimum disruption to the daily operation of
the electricity system [22]. Also, Despite Moores laws, most
countries still have epilleptic technologies that is still at a
very initial stage of development and are yet to be developed
to a significant level. As the technologies advances, it will
reduce the delivery and full deployment by vendors.
i. With legacy operational systems and business
processes, the challenge by stakeholders to
endorsement of and upgrade to SMART Grids
platforms will have to be addressed conclusively,
else this will constitute a major barrier.There is need
for DCN operators, and other consumers orientation
to understand power delivery intricacies before
venturing into implementation. Smart grid low
content carbon economy should be analyzed in the
context of environmental sustainability for all stake
holders in DCN as well as other users.
ii. The high cost of implementation of smart grid will
call for power deregulation to attract investors that
will generate funds for its rollout.
v Technical expertise (Need for extensive training and
Fig. 7: layers in SG integrations
Integrated Communications
Sensor- Actuator
Power Conversion
Power Storage
Power Transport
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Following the limitations of the tradition energy supply for
DCNs in Fig. 8a, this work proposes an optimized Smart Grid
model for DCNs as shown Fig. 8b.
Fig. 8a: Traditional Distribution System in DCN
Fig. 8b: Optimized SG model for DCNs (ExSim)
This paper proposes SMART Grids as a better alternative
to DCN power management. The worlds electricity systems
face a number of challenges, including ageing infrastructure,
continued growth in demand, the integration of increasing
numbers of variable renewable energy sources, etc. There is an
urgent need to improve the availability, reliability, security of
supply as well as lowering carbon emissions for environmental
sustainability. Smart grid technologies offer better ways to
meet these challenges and also develop a cleaner energy
supply that is more energy efficient, more affordable and more
sustainable. Also, Extended SMART Integration Module for
DCN is proposed as a cost effective SMART GRIDS model.
Since the contemporary digital society depends on and
demands a power supply of high quality and high availability,
implementing SMART Grids for the enterprise market
segments yeilds a colossal gain.
Smart grid is a new technlogy that seeks to revolutionize
the current electricity grids into a flexible decentraized service
network for operators and clients, future work will ascertain
the correlation between SMART grid acceptance index and
demand response coefficient. Also, drivers for SMART grids
like increase in demand and peak load increase will be
investigated. Various model validation experiments will be
analysed with MATLAB software in the future work.
[1] G. Koutitas,, and P. Demestichas, A Review of Energy Efficiency in
Telecommunication Networks, Telfor Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010.
[2] Report on Climate Change, International Telecommunication Union
(ITU), Oct. 2008.
[3] H. Scheck, Power consumption and energy efficiency of fixed and
mobile telecom networks, ITU-T, Kyoto, 2008.
[4] http://ieee802.org/802_tutorials/Data-Center-Bridging-Tutorial-Nov-
[5] Okafor kennedy,
Udeze Chidiebele. C,. C,
Prof. H. C. Inyiama, Dr.
C.C okezie, Cloud Computing: A Cost Effective Approach to
Enterprise Web Application Implementation (a Case for Cloud ERP
Web Model),(Unpublished)
[6] Okafor K.C., SVLAN Approach to Congestion Management in Data
Center Networks, M.Eng Thesis , University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 2010.
[7] A. Greenberg, et al, Towards a Next Generation Data Center
Architecture: Scalability and Commoditization,(Unpublished).
[8] White Paper: Data Center Definition and Solutions.[Online]Available:
http://www.cio.com/article/print/499671, August 14, 2009.
[9] R. Snevely, Enterprise Data Center Design and Methodology,
Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems.
[10] A. Gladisch, C. Lange, R. Leppla, Power efficiency of optical versus
electronic access networks, Proc. European Conference and Exhibition
on optical communications, Brussels, 2008.
[11] Xiaodong Wangy, Yanjun Yao, Xiaorui Wangy, Kefa Lu, Qing Cao,
CARPO: Correlation-Aware Power Optimization in Data Center
Networks, (Unpublished)
[12] L. A. Barroso, U. Holzle, The data center as a computer: An
introduction to the design of warehouse-scale machines, Morgan and
Claypool, ISBN:9781599295573, 2009.
[13] N. Rasmussen, Allocating data center energy costs and carbon to IT
users, APC White Paper, 2009.
[14] A.Vukovic, All-optical Networks Impact of Power Density, Panel
on Challenges of Electronic and Optical Packaging in Telecom and
Datacom Equipment, Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 2003
[15] U.S Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Program,
Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency, Public
Law 109-431, page 94, August 2007.
[16] Smartgrids Advisory Council. "Driving Factors in the Move Towards
Smartgrids" (PDF). European Smart grids Technology Platform: Vision
and Strategy. European Commission. p. 9.ISBN 92-79-01414-5.
[17] Smart Sensor Networks: Technologies and Applications for Green
Growth, December 2009
[18] Smartgrids Advisory Council. "Driving Factors in the Move Towards
Smartgrids" (PDF). European Smartgrids Technology Platform: Vision
and Strategy. European Commission. p. 9. ISBN 92-79-01414-5.
[19] National Energy Technology Laboratory (2007-07-27) (PDF). A Vision
for the Modern Grid. United States Department of Energy. p. 5.
Retrieved, 2008-11-27.
[20] DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) (2009), Smart Grid System Report
[21] M.C. Ndinechi, O.A. Ogungbenro, K.C. Okafor, Digital Metering
System: A Better Alternative For Electromechanical Energy Meter In
Nigeria International journal of academic research vol. 3. No.5.
September, 2011.
[22] White paper: Technlogy Roadmap. www.iea.org, 2011
Okafor Kennedy. C. is a Senior R & D Engineer. He has B.Eng & M.Engr in
Digital Electronics & Computer Engineering from the University of Nigeria
Nsukka, (UNN). He a Cisco expert and currently works with the ICT
department of Electronics Development Institute, ELDI. He is a member of
IEEE, IAENG and NCS. Email: [email protected]. ECN Okafor is
AC Bus
AC Bus
Loads +N
Loads +N
Ac Bus
Dc Bus
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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66 | P a g e
a senior lecturer in the electrical electronics department of Federal University
of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. He is an expert consultant in power systems
engineering. His current research interest is on power systems engineering and
smart grid. E-mail: [email protected]
Udeze Chidiebele C. received his B.Eng and M.Sc in Electrical Electronics
Engineering with Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka, Nigeria .He is a Senior
R & D Engineer with Electronics development Institute Awka, Nigeria and
also a member of NSE. He is currently running his Ph. D program in computer
and control systems engineering. His current research interest is on data center
networks, wireless sensor networks and control systems engineering. Email:
[email protected]
C.C Okezie is a senior lecturer in the electronic and computer department of
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. She received her B. Eng, M. Eng, and
Ph.D from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu,
Nigeria. She majors in digital systems and control engineering and has many
publications to her credit. Email- [email protected].
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
67 | P a g e
An Online Character Recognition System to Convert
Grantha Script to Malayalam
Department of Computer Science
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Cochin-22, India
Sumam Mary Idicula
Department of Computer Science
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Cochin-22, India
Abstract This paper presents a novel approach to recognize
Grantha, an ancient script in South India and converting it to
Malayalam, a prevalent language in South India using online
character recognition mechanism. The motivation behind this
work owes its credit to (i) developing a mechanism to recognize
Grantha script in this modern world and (ii) affirming the strong
connection among Grantha and Malayalam. A framework for the
recognition of Grantha script using online character recognition
is designed and implemented. The features extracted from the
Grantha script comprises mainly of time-domain features based
on writing direction and curvature. The recognized characters
are mapped to corresponding Malayalam characters. The
framework was tested on a bed of medium length manuscripts
containing 9-12 sample lines and printed pages of a book titled
Soundarya Lahari writtenin Grantha by Sri Adi Shankara to
recognize the words and sentences. The manuscript recognition
rates with the system are for Grantha as 92.11%, Old Malayalam
90.82% and for new Malayalam script 89.56%. The recognition
rates of pages of the printed book are for Grantha as 96.16%,
Old Malayalam script 95.22% and new Malayalam script as
92.32% respectively. These results show the efficiency of the
developed system.
Keywords- Grantha scripts; Malayalam; Online character
recognition system.
Analysis of handwritten data using computational
techniques has been accelerated with the growth of computer
science developing human-computer interaction. To obtain
handwritten data in digital format, the writing can be scanned
or the writing itself can be done with the aid of special pen
interfaces. The two techniques are commonly known as off-line
and on-line handwriting respectively. Offline handwriting
recognition focuses recognition of characters and words that
had been recorded earlier in the form of scanned image of the
document. In contrast, online handwriting recognition focuses
on tasks when recognition can be performed at the time of
writing through the successive points of strokes of the writer in
a fraction of time.
This paper is an attempt to perform online character
recognition for Grantha script and is the first of its kind to the
best of our knowledge. Grantha script is an ancient language
evolved from Brahmic script. The Dravidian-South Indian-
languages have succeeded Grantha and Brahmi. Many of our
ancient literature are in Grantha. Extract the knowledge from
this extinct language is difficult. Grantha has a strong linkage
with Malayalam characters, so our work uses this similarity to
convert the Grantha script into Malayalam. This boosts our
system into extra mile.
The recognition of handwritten characters in Grantha script
is quite difficult due to the numerals, vowels, consonants,
vowel modifiers and conjunct characters. The structure of the
scripts and the variety of shapes and writing style of individuals
at different times and among different individual poses
challenges that are different from the other scripts and hence
require customized techniques for feature representation and
recognition. Selection of a feature extraction method is the
single most important factor in achieving high recognition
performance [1]. In this paper a framework for recognizing
Grantha script and mapping to its corresponding Malayalam
character is described.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the
related work in the field of Indic scripts. Section 3 portrays an
overview of the Grantha Script. Section 4 details the features of
Malayalam language whereas Section 5 points to the snaps of
linkage between Grantha Script and Malayalam. Section 6
depicts the framework for recognizing Grantha script by
converting to Malayalam using online character recognition
mechanism. Section 7 describes the feature extraction
techniques adopted in this framework. Section 8 explains
implementation details and Section 9 analyses and discusses
the experiments and their results. The paper is concluded in
Section 10.
Many works have been done in linguistics and literature
focusing on the recognition of simple charactersindependent
vowels and isolated consonants. There are three well studied
strategies for recognition of isolated (complex) characters for
scripts like Devanagari, Tamil, Telugu, Bangla and Malayalam.
(i) Characters can be viewed as composition of
strokes.[2],[3],[4],[5],[6] (ii) Characters may be viewed as
compositions of C, C', V and M graphemes [7] (iii) character
can be viewed as indivisible units. [8].
The Grantha script is evolved from ancient Brahmic script
and it has parenthood of most of the Dravidian-south Indian-
languages. In Sanskrit, Grantha stands for manuscript. In
Grantha, each letters represents a consonant with an inherent
vowel (a). Other vowels were indicated using a diacritics or
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separate letters. Letters are grouped according to the way they
are pronounced. There are 14 vowels. Of these 7 are the basic
symbols. Long vowels and diphthongs are derived from these.
Also there exists 13 vowel modifiers, and there are no full
vocalic short l and full vocalic long l modifier. Grantha
admits 34 basic consonant characters. As with all Brahmi
derived scripts, the consonant admits the implicit vowel
schwa. Pure consonant value is obtained by use of the virma.
Grantha has two diacritic markers: the anuswra () and
the visarga (). The anuswra is a latter addition and in
Archaic as well as Transition Grantha the letter ma is used to
represent the nasal value. A special feature of Grantha is the
use of subsidiary symbols for consonants. These are three in
number: the use of a subsidiary ya and two allographs for ra
depending on whether ra precedes the consonant or follows it
[9]. The Fig.1 gives the symbols used in Grantha script.
The consonant is represented in two ways. When
following a consonant it is written as under the consonant;
but when it precedes a consonant it takes the form written
after the consonant or conjunct.
Complex consonantal clusters in Grantha script use the
Samyuktaksaras (conjunct letters) very widely. The
Samyuktaksaras of Grantha is formed in the following three
ways [10]. They are stacking, combining and using special
signs as shown in the following Table I. Combined with vowel
signs, these Samyuktaksaras are considered as a single unit and
placed with the Vowel signs.
-r- Conjunct
-y- Conjunct
, ,
Malayalam is a Dravidian language consisting of syllabic
alphabets in which all consonants have an inherent vowel.
Diacritics are used to change the inherent vowel and they can
be placed above, below, before or after the consonant. Vowels
are written as independent letters when they appear at the
beginning of a syllable. Special conjunct symbols are used to
combine certain consonants. There are about 128 characters in
the Malayalam alphabet which includes Vowels (15),
consonants (36), chillu (5), anuswaram, visargam,
chandrakkala-(total-3), consonant signs (3), vowel signs (9),
and conjunct consonants (57). Out of all these characters
mentioned, only 64 of them are considered to be the basic ones
as shown in Fig. 2.
The properties of Malayalam characters are the following
Since Malayalam script is an alphasyllabary of the Brahmic
family they are written from left to right.
- Almost all the characters are cursive by themselves.
They consist of loops and curves. The loops are written
frequently in the clockwise order
- Several characters are different only by the presence of
curves and loops.
- Unlike English, Malayalam scripts are not case
sensitive and there is no cursive form of writing.
Malayalam is a language which is enriched with vowels,
consonants and has the maximum number of sounds that are
not available in many other languages as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 1. Grantha characters
Figure 2. 64 basic characters of Malayalam
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Figure 3. Rare Sounds of scripts available only in Malayalam language
The foundation of Malayalam script owes itself to Grantha
script. They have much similarity with Grantha scripts. When
Grantha scripts were used to write Sanskrit sounds/phonemes,
it was called Kolezhuthu (rod script).
A. Challenges between Grantha and old scripts of Malayalam
1. Complex stacking conjuncts up to Triple conjuncts are
present in Grantha and it is up to two conjuncts in the old script
of Malayalam.
2. Complex Combining Conjuncts with 4 (or more)
consonantal clusters are present in Grantha but in old
Malayalam script it is only up to 2 consonantal clusters.
B. Challenges between Grantha and new scripts of
1. The special vowelless forms of the Grantha
consonants & , & rarely in printings. This sort
of consonants including this can be seen in manuscripts.
2. Number of vowels is decreased by the absence of
characters corresponding to
3. Complex stacking conjuncts are present in Grantha
and it is absent in the new script of Malayalam.
4. Complex Combining Conjuncts with 4 (or more)
consonantal clusters are present in Grantha but in new
Malayalam script it is only up to 2 consonantal clusters.
The framework designed comprises of five modules. The
first module preprocesses the datasets, to necessitate the way
for feature extraction. The second module is the feature
extraction module. The features extracted here are time domain
features based on writing direction and curvature, which is
discussed in detail in the following section. The next two
modules are part of the classification process namely trainer
and recognizer. The knowledge feature vector of the model
data from the trainer is fed as one of the inputs to the
recognizer in the testing phase. The recognizer is aided with the
Grantha conjugator, which could extract the rules from
conjunct characters. The fifth module is the converter, where
the conversion of Grantha script to old and new Malayalam
characters is done. The converter is supported by intellisence
feature, which is incorporated to avoid the problem
corresponding to the absence of certain characters in new script
of Malayalam by providing the equivalent word by searching
from a dictionary. Also Malayalam conjugator aided the
converter to form rules from conjunct characters to be
converted to new scripts of Malayalam. The entire framework
is presented in the following Fig.4.
This is the module where the features of handwritten
characters are analyzed for training and recognition which are
explained below. In proposed approach, each point on the
strokes with values of selected features (time-domain features
[11], [12] writing direction and curvature) are described in the
consecutive sub sections.
A. Normalized x-y coordinates
The x and y coordinates from the normalized sample
constitute the first 2 features.
B. Pen-up/pen-down
In this system the entire data is stored in UNIPEN format
where the information of the stroke segments are exploited
using the pen-up/pen-down feature. Pen-up/pen-down feature is
dependent on the position sensing device. The pen-down gives
the information about the sequence of coordinates when the
pen touches the pad surface. The pen-up gives the information
about the sequence of coordinates when the pen not touching
the pad surface.
C. Aspect ratio
Aspect at a point characterizes the ratio of the height to the
width of the bounding box containing points in the
neighborhood. It is given by
) ( ) (
) ( 2
) (
A + A
t y t x
t y
t A
Where and are the width and the height of the
bounding box containing the points in the neighborhood of the
point under consideration. In this system, we have used
neighborhood of length 2 i.e. two points to the left and two
points to the right of the point along with the point itself.
D. Curvature
The curvature at a Point (x (n), y (n)) is represented by
cos (n) a and sin (n). It can be computed using the following
formulae [11].
) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) ( + + = n Cos n Sin n Sin n Cos n Sin u u u u |
) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) ( + + + = n Sin n Sin n Cos n Cos n Cos u u u u |
E. Writing direction
The local writing direction at a point (x (n), y (n)) is
described using the cosine and sine [12].
) ( ) (
) ( sin
n n n n
n n
n u
) (t x A ) (t y A
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Figure 4. System Architecture
The above elements will be the feature vector for training
and recognition modules. The classifier used here is k-NN.
Dynamic Time Warping DTW distance is used as the distance
metric in the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier. Dynamic Time
Warping is a similarity measure that is used to compare
patterns, in which other similarity measures are practically
unusable. If there are two sequences of length n and m to be
aligned using DTW, first a nXm matrix is constructed where
each element corresponds to the Euclidean distance between
two corresponding points in the sequence. A warping path W is
a contiguous set of matrix elements that denotes a mapping
between the two sequences. The W is subject to several
constraints like boundary conditions, continuity, monotonicity
and windowing. A point to point correspondence between the
sequences which satisfies constraints as well as of minimum
cost is identified by the following eqn.6.
/ min ) , (
Q, C are sequences of length n and m respectively. Wk
element is in the warping path matrix. The DTW algorithm
finds the point-to-point correspondence between the curves
which satisfies the above constraints and yields the minimum
sum of the costs associated with the matching of the data
points. There are exponentially many warping paths that satisfy
the above conditions. The warping path can be found
efficiently using dynamic programming to evaluate a
recurrence relation which defines the cumulative distance (i, j)
as the distance d(i, j) found in the current cell and the minimum
of the cumulative distances of the adjacent elements. [13].
The online character recognition is achieved through two
steps i) Training and ii) Recognition. Training of the samples is
done setting the prototype selection as hierarchical clustering.
Recognition function predicts the class label of the input
sample by finding the distance of the sample to the classes
according to the K-Nearest Neighbor rule. DTW distance is
used as the distance metric in the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier.
The top N nearest classes along with confidence measures are
returned as the identified letters.
Conversion from Grantha to Malayalam words are done in
two ways. They are converted to old and new scripts of
Malayalam. Due to the challenges posed (section V.(A)) the
conversion between Grantha and New scripts of Malayalam is
a very tedious task when compared with the old Malayalam
script. So we adopted the Malayalam conjugator. Following
Algorithm 1 explain the conversion of Grantha word to
Malayalam old and new script.
Algorithm 1. Conversion of Grantha word to Malayalam
old and new script
Input: Grantha Word W
Output: Malayalam Word W
and W
in old script and
new script respectively
for each character w
(i) in W
if (w
(i)== )
temp_store = w
(i-1) = w
) ( ) (
) ( cos
n n n n
n n
n u
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(i) = temp_store;
for each character w
(i) in W
Set char_type;
if char_type= = vowel or char_type==consonant
Set w
(i) and w
(i) directly
else if char_type == complex stacking form of
conjunct letters
Find R from conjugator// example of R=
Set w
(i) and w
else if char_type==combined form of conjunct letters
Find R from conjugator //example of R=
Set w
(i) and w
= Concatenate (w
= Concatenate (w
Medium length manuscripts containing 9-12 sample lines of
which 34-42 characters are in each line varied which are
collected to perform experiments. So, in effect, in each
manuscript the number of characters are varied from 306-504.
Experiment is conducted to evaluate the character recognition
system. The collection of basic characters which can be used to
make all the characters of Grantha script is formed by a rule
based system. It is understood that some characters are
frequently misclassified. So experiments are conducted on
those characters to find their similarity measure and Confusion
matrix of such characters are shown in Fig 5. The correct word
limiter space in manuscript was not able to be recognized and it
is resolved by searching the possible word from the dictionary
while making the conversion between Grantha and Malayalam.
Test is conducted to recognize 26712 symbols and 3180 words
from the manuscript.
Test is also conducted on the printed pages of the Grantha
copy of the book titled Soundarya Lahari to recognize the
words and sentences. Each page consists of 32-35 lines and
words vary from 160-190. The test is conducted only to
recognize 455 lines due to the availability of limited number of
pages. Table 2 summarizes the result of recognition rate of
words. The recognition rate for the different symbols in
Grantha Script was tried with classifiers like k-NN and SVM.
Specific experiments were done with and without DTW
algorithm using k-NN classifier. A bar graph is plotted in Fig 6
with different classifiers and recognition rates.
Figure 5. Confusion Matrix of Frequently misclassified characters
Grantha old Malayalam new Malayalam
manuscript 92.11% 90.82% 89.56%
book 96.16% 95.22% 92.32%
Figure 6. Category-wise comparison of recognition rates using different
This paper presented a framework for recognizing Grantha
script, by converting to Malayalam using online character
recognition mechanism. The framework was designed with
different modules to perform the same. The feature extraction
module was designed explicitly by taking into consideration of
the different features of Grantha script, which is discussed in
detail in this paper. The framework was implemented and
tested with manuscripts as well as a book. Experiments were
conducted to analyze the different phases of the framework.
Different distance measures for evaluating the similarity were
tried with, of which DTW method showed considerable
recognition rates. It has been observed that there are frequently
misclassified characters. They have been studied in detail with
the aid of confusion matrix Also the recognition rate was
evaluated against two classifiers, namely, k-NN and SVM
classifier. Polynomial, sigmoid and RBF kernel functions were
used for testing with SVM classifier.
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LOQES: Model for Evaluation of Learning Object
Dr. Sonal Chawla 1, Niti Gupta 2, Prof. R.K. Singla 3
Department of Computer Science and Applications
Panjab University
Chandigarh, India
Abstract Learning Object Technology is a diverse and
contentious area, which is constantly evolving, and will inevitably
play a major role in shaping the future of both teaching and
learning. Learning Objects are small chunk of materials which
acts as basic building blocks of this technology enhanced learning
and education. Learning Objects are hosted by various
repositories available online so that different users can use them
in multiple contexts as per their requirements. The major
bottleneck for end users is finding an appropriate learning object
in terms of content quality and usage. Theorist and researchers
have advocated various approaches for evaluating learning
objects in form of evaluation tools and metrics, but all these
approaches are either qualitative based on human review or not
supported by empirical evidence. The main objective of this
paper is to study the impact of current evaluation tools and
metrics on quality of learning objects and propose a new
quantitative system LOQES that automatically evaluates the
learning object in terms of defined parameters so as to give
assurance regarding quality and value.
Keywords- Learning Objects; Learning Object Repository; Peer
Review; Quality Metrics; Reusability Metrics; Ranking Metrics.
All Learning Objects are the basic building blocks of
technology enhanced education. It is a collection of content
items, practice items, and assessment items that are combined
based on a single objective. LOs are very popular these days
as it supports reusability in different context leading to
minimization of production cost. Different practitioners have
defined learning objects in different ways based on its intrinsic
characteristics such as interoperability, reusability, self-
contentedness, accessibility, durability; adaptability etc., still
there is no consensus regarding its correct definition.
According to IEEE Learning Technologies Standard
Committee, Learning Object is any entity, digital or non
digital that can be used, reused or referenced during
technology supported learning [1]. This definition references
both digital and non-digital resources. Therefore, to narrow
down its scope, David Wiley suggests any digital resource
that can be reused to support learning [2]. It includes digital
images, video feeds, animations, text, web pages etc.
irrespective of its size. Rehak and Mason propose that a
learning object should be reusable, accessible, interoperable
and durable [3]. Similarly, Downes considers that only
resources that are shareable, digital, modular, interoperable
and discoverable can be considered learning objects [Downes,
2004]. Kay & Knaack define Learning objects as interactive
web-based tools that support the learning of specific concepts
by enhancing, amplifying, and/or guiding the cognitive
processes of learners [4]. Learning Objects are beneficial
for learners as well as developers or instructors as it provides a
customized environment for knowledge sharing and
development of e-learning course module. Learning objects
can be developed by the programmer as per the requirements
using various authoring tools such as office suites, Hypertext
editors, Vector graphic editors etc. or can be extracted from
the repositories on the basis of metadata stored in Learning
Object Repositories such as MERLOT (Multimedia
Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching),
WORC (University of Wisconsin Online Resource Center),
ALE (Apple Learning Exchange) etc. Metadata is the
description of learning resources such as name of the author,
most suitable keywords, language and other characteristics
which makes it possible to search, find and deliver the desired
learning resource to the learner. The major bottleneck for end
users is finding an appropriate learning object that are
published in various learning object repositories in terms of
various parameters like quality, reusability, granularity and
context usage etc.
Fig.1 Conceptual Framework of Learning Object Repositories
The growth in the number of LOs, the multiplicity of
authors, increasing diversity of design and availability of
trained and untrained educators has generated interest in how
to evaluate them and which criteria to use to make judgments
about their quality and usefulness [5]. According to Williams
(2000), evaluation is essential for every aspect of designing
learning objects, including identifying learners and their needs,
Content Developers
Educators Learners
Learning Objects
Digital Repository of
Learning Objects
Delivery Modes Delivery Medium
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conceptualizing a design, developing prototypes,
implementing and delivering instruction, and improving the
evaluation itself. Theorist and researchers have proposed
different studies for evaluating LOs in terms of reusability,
standardization, design, use and learning outcomes. The major
problems with these studies are that they are not supported by
empirical evidence, covers limited number of objects and
evaluate only the qualitative phenomenon.
A. Theoretical Approaches to evaluate Learning Objects
Researchers have followed two distinct paths for
evaluating learning objects Summative and Formal. The
summative approach deals with final evaluation of LOs
(Kenny et al., 1999; Van Zele et al., 2003; Adams et al., 2004;
Bradley & Boyle, 2004; Jaakkola & Nurmi, 2004; Krauss &
Ally, 2005; MacDonald et al., 2005) based on informal
interviews or surveys, frequency of use and learning outcome.
The main goal of this approach has been to determine whether
participants valued the use of learning objects and whether
their learning performance was altered. The formative
assessment works during the development phase of learning
objects where feedback is solicited from small groups at
regular intervals. [4]
Nesbit et al. (2002) outline a convergent evaluation model
that involves multiple participants learners, instructors,
instructional designers and media developers. Each group
offers feedback throughout the development of a LO. Finally a
report is produced that represents multiple values and needs.
The major drawback of convergent evaluation model is limited
no. of participants and difference in opinions and beliefs. [6]
Nesbit and Belfer (2004) designed an evaluation tool
Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) which includes
nine items: content quality, learning goal alignment, feedback
and adaptations, motivation, presentation design, interaction,
accessibility, reusability and standards. This instrument has
been tested on a limited basis ( Krauss & Ally, 2005; Vargo et
al., 2003) for a higher education population, but the impact of
specific criteria on learning has not been examined [7].
MERLOT developed another evaluation model which
focuses on quality of content, potential effectiveness as a
teaching learning tool, and ease of use. Howard Rose &
Harrigan (2003) tested the MERLOT model with 197 students
from 10 different universities. The results were descriptive and
didnt distinguish the relative impact of individual model
components. Coachrane (2005) tested a modified version of
the MERLOT evaluation tool that looked at reusability, quality
of interactivity, and potential for teaching, but only final
scores are tallied, so the impact of separate components could
not be determined. Finally, the reliability and validity of the
MERLOT assessment tool has yet to be established [4].
Kay & Knaack (2005, 2007a) developed an evaluation tool
based on a detailed review of research on instructional design.
Specific assessment categories included organisation/ layout
learner control over interface, animation, graphics, audio, clear
instructions, help features interactivity, incorrect content/
errors, difficulty/ challenge, useful/ informative, assessment
and theme/ motivation. The evaluation criteria were tested on
a large secondary school population [9, 10].
Based on above theories Kay & Knaack (2008) proposed a
multi component model for assessing learning object The
Learning Object Evaluation Metric (LOEM) which focused on
five main criteria interactivity, design, engagement, usability,
and content. The model was tested on a large sample and the
results revealed that four constructs interactivity, design,
engagement and usability demonstrated good internal and inter
rater reliability, significantly correlated with student and
teacher perception of learning, quality , engagement and
performance. But there is little finding as how each of these
constructs contributes to the learning process [4].
Munoz & Conde (2009) designed and developed a model
HEODAR that automatically evaluates the Los and produce a
set of information that can be used to improve those Los. The
tool is implemented in the University of Salamanca framework
and initially integrated with LMS called Moodle but the results
are not yet tested [11].
Eguigure & Zapata (2011) proposed a model for Quality
Evaluation of Learning Objects (MECOA) which defines six
indicators: content, performance, competition, self-
management, meaning and creativity to evaluate the quality of
Los from a pedagogical perspective. These indicators are
evaluated by four actors: teachers, student, experts and
pedagogues. The instrument was designed and incorporated
into AGORA platform but the results are not empirically
tested [12].
Metrics are the measurement of a particular characteristics
grounded from the field of Software Engineering. Researchers
have proposed various metrics for quantitative analysis of
different dimensions of learning objects such as quality of
metadata stored, reusability, learning style, ranking, cost
function etc, but the empirical evaluation is performed at small
scale and that on individual basis.
Fig.2 Types of Learning Object Evaluation Metrics
A. Quality Metrics
The quality of the content as well as the metadata of
learning objects stored in learning object repositories is an
important issue in LOR operation and interoperability. The
quality of the metadata record directly affects the chances of
learning object to be found, reviewed or reused. The
traditional approach to evaluate the quality of learning object
metadata is by comparing the values of metadata with the
values provided by metadata experts. This approach is useful
for small sized and small growing repositories but become
impractical for large or federated repositories. Thus, there is a
Learning Object Evaluation Metrics
Quality Metrics Reusability
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need for automation of quality assessment of learning object
metadata. Quality metrics are small calculation performed
over the values of different fields of the metadata record in
order to gain insight of various quality characteristics such as
completeness, accuracy, provenance, conformance to
expectations, coherence and consistency, timeliness and
accessibility. The values obtained from the metrics are
contrasted with evaluations by human reviewers to a sample of
learning object metadata from a real repository, and the results
are evaluated. The various quality metrics proposed by Ochoa
and Duval are:
Metric Name Metric Formula
Where P(i) is 1 if the i
field has a non-null value, 0
otherwise. N is the number of fields
the probability of a value of the i
nominal field.
Flesch(description_text) is the value of the Flesch index
for the text present in the title and description of the
1) Simple Completeness:
This metric tries to measure the completeness of the
metadata record. It counts the number of fields that doesnt
contain null values. In the case of multi-valued fields, the
field is considered complete if at least one instance exists. The
score could be calculated as a percentage of possible fields and
divided by 10 to be in a scale from 0 to 10. For example,
according to this metric, a record with 70% of its fields filled
has a higher score (q=7) then one in which only the 50% has
been filled (q=5).
2) Weighted Completeness:
This metric not only counts the no. of filled fields, but
assign a weight value to each of the fields. This weight value
reflects the importance of that field for the application. The
obtained value should be divided by sum of all the weights and
multiplied by 10. The more important fields could have a
weight of 1 while the unimportant fields could have a weight
of 0.2. For e.g. if the main application of the metadata will be
to provide information about the object to a human user, the
title, description and annotation fields are more important than
the identifier or metadata authors fields. If a record contains
information for title, description and annotation then its score
will be (3/3.2*10=9) which is higher than the record with
information for title and metadata author (1.2/3.2*10=4).
3) Nominal Information Content:
This metric tries to measure the amount of information that
the metadata possess in its nominal fields, the fields that can
be filled with values taken from a fixed vocabulary. For
nominal fields, the Information Content can be calculated as 1
minus the entropy of value.
Entropy is the negative log of the probability of the value
in a given repository. This metric sums the information
content for each categorical field of the metadata record. The
metadata record whose level of difficulty is set to high
provides more unique information about the object then the
record whose difficulty level is medium: or low, thus
possess a higher score. If records nominal fields contain only
default values, they will provide less unique information about
the about the object and possess lower score.
4) Textual Information Content
This metric tries to measure the relevance and uniqueness
of words contained in the records text fields, the fields that
can be filled with free text. The relevance and uniqueness
of a word is directly proportional to how often the word
appears in the record and inversely proportional to how many
records contain that word. This relation is handled by TF-IDF
(Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency).
The number of times that the word appears in the
document is multiplied by the negative log of the number of
documents that contain that word. The log of the sum of all
the TF-IDF value of all the words in textual fields is the result
of the metric. For example, if the title field of a record is
Lectures of C++, given that lecture and C++ are
common words in the repository, will have lower score than a
record whose title is Introduction to Object Oriented
Programming in C++ because the latter one contains more
words and object, oriented, programming are less
frequent in repository.
5) Readability
This metric tries to measure how accessible the text in the
metadata is, i.e. how easy is to read the description of the
learning object.
The readability indexes count the number of words per
sentence and the length of the words to provide a value that
suggest how easy is to read a text. For example, a description
where only acronyms or complex sentences are used will
receive a higher score but lower in quality than a description
where normal words and simple sentences are used.
Ochoa & Duval (2006) designed an experiment to evaluate
how the quality metrics correlate with quality assessment by
human reviewers and the result showed that Textual
Information Content metric seems to be a good predictor [8].
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l Info.
-.395 -.457 -.182 .842 .257
Sign. .085 .043 .443 .000 .274
B. Reusability Metric
Reusability is the degree to which a learning object can
work efficiently for different users in different digital
environments and in different educational contexts over time.
Reusability of a learning object is a major issue these days as
developing a quality educational material is costly in terms of
time and resources. A lot of research has been going on to
improve the reusability of learning objects by defining
standards such as SCORM, IMS etc. so as to resolve the issue
of interoperability among different platforms. The factors that
determine the reusability of a learning object can be classified
as structural or contextual. From Structural factor point of
view, a learning object should be self-contained, modular,
traceable, modifiable, usable, standardized and properly
grained. As per contextual point of view, learning object must
be generic and platform independent, so that it can be used in
various contexts irrespective of any subject or discipline. To
measure the reusability of learning object, various metrics
have been proposed grounded on the theory of software
engineering which measures various reusability factors.
1) Cohesion:
This Cohesion analyzes the relationship between different
modules. Greater cohesion implies greater reusability.
Learning Object involves number of concepts. Fewer
the concepts, greater the module cohesion.
Learning object should have a single and clear learning
objective. The more learning objectives it has, the less
cohesive it will be.
The semantic density of a learning object shows its
conciseness. More conciseness shows greater
Learning object must be self-contained and exhibit
fewer relationship and instances so as to be highly
Thus the cohesion of learning object depends on semantic
density, aggregation level, and number of relationships
concepts and learning objectives.
Cohesion Capability of reuse Value
Very High Independent and fully self-contained objects. 5
Self-contained objects including some
Medium Objects with multiple dependencies. 3
Low Objects with multiple dependencies. 2
Very low Completely dependent objects. 1
2) Coupling:
Coupling measures interdependencies between various
modules. A module must communicate with minimum number
of modules and exchange little information so as to minimize
the impact of changing modules. Lower coupling implies
greater reusability. Coupling is directly proportional to number
of relationships present, so a learning object should be self
contained and referenced to fewer objects to increase
3) Size and Complexity:
Granularity is a major factor that measures the reusability
of a particular object, as finely grained learning objects are
more easily reusable. Granularity is directly proportional to
the following LOM elements:
Size of the Learning Object.
Duration or time to run the learning object.
Typical Learning Time i.e. estimated time required to
complete the learning object.
Size Description Value
Very Small Atomic resources 5
Small Small sized resources 4
Medium Medium sized lessons 3
Big Big sized aggregated courses 2
Very Big Very big sized courses 1
4) Portability
Portability is the ability of a learning object to be used in
multiple contexts across different platforms.
Technical portability depends on delivery format of
the learning object as well as on the hardware and
software requirements to run that particular Learning
Description Value
Very High The object is based on a technology available on
all systems and platforms (e.g. html).
High The object is based on a technology available on
many systems and platforms.
Medium The object is based on a technology that is not
available on many systems (i.e. common
platform specific file format).
Low The object is based on a technology that is
hardly available on different systems (i.e.
uncommon proprietary file format).
Very low The object is based on a proprietary technology
that is not available on many systems (i.e. a
specific server technology).
Educational portability deals with vertical and
horizontal portability. Vertical portability means
possibility to be used or reused on different
educational levels such as primary, higher or
secondary, whereas horizontal portability determines
the usage among various disciplines.
5) Difficulty of Comprehension
Difficulty to understand a learning object directly
influences the reusability of that object in an aggregated
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Description Value
Very High Object is generic, pedagogically neutral, used
on different education levels.
High Object can be used for several disciplines and
educational levels.
Medium Object can be used in specific area and
discipline without modifications.
Low Object can be used in different educational
context and level with several modifications.
Very low Object can be hardly reused on different
educational contexts and levels..
C. Ranking Metrics
LOR uses various strategies to search learning objects as
per end user requirements such as metadata based search and
simple text based search. In both cases the retrieval of
appropriate learning object depends on the quality of the
metadata and content matching capacity of LOR. Ochoa and
Duval proposed various ranking metrics which are inspired on
methods currently used to rank other types of objects such as
books, scientific journals, TV programs etc. They are adapted
to be calculable from the information available from the usage
and context of learning objects.
Fig.3 Types of Relevance Ranking Metrics
1) Topical Relevance Ranking Metrics
These metrics estimate which objects are more related to
what a user wants to learn. For this, first step is to estimate
what is the topic that interests the user and second step is to
establish the topic to which each learning object in the result
list belongs. The source of information for first step is query
terms used, course from which the search was generated and
the previous interactions of the user with the system and for
the second step is classifications in the learning object
metadata, from the topical preference of previous learners that
have used the object or the topic of courses that the object
belongs to.
a) Basic Topical Relevance Metric
This metric makes two nave assumptions: 1) topic needed
by the user is fully expressed in the query 2) object is relevant
to just one topic. The relevance is calculated by counting the
no. of times the object has been previously selected from the
result list when same query terms have been used.
BT Relevance Metric is the sum of the times that the object
has been selected in any of those queries.
Similarity between two queries range (0-1)
o Learning object to be ranked
q query performed by user
representation of i
previous query
NQ Total no. of queries
Similarity between two queries can be calculated either as
the semantic differences between the query terms or the no. of
objects that both queries have returned in common.
b) Course-Similarity Topical Relevance Metric
The course in which the object will be reused can be
directly used as the topic of the query. Objects that are used in
similar courses should be ranked higher in the list. The main
problem to calculate this metric is to establish which courses
are similar. For this SimRank algorithm is used that analyzes
the object-to-object relationship to measure the similarity
between those objects.
CST Relevance Metric is calculated by counting the no. of
times that a learning object in the list has been used in the
universe of courses.
o learning object to be ranked
c course where it will be inserted or used
ith course present in the system
NC Total no. of courses
NO Total no. of objects
c) Internal Topical Relevance Metric
This algorithm is based on HITS algorithm which states
the existence of hubs and authorities.
Hubs pages that mostly points to other useful pages
Authorities pages with comprehensive information about
a subject.
Hubs correspond to Courses and Authorities correspond to
Learning Objects. Hub value of each course is calculated as
no. of inbound links that it has. Rank of each object is
calculated as the sum of the hub value of the courses where it
has been used.
Ranking Metrics
Ranking Metrics
Ranking Metrics
Ranking Metrics
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o learning object to be ranked
ith course where o has been used.
N Total no. of courses where o has been used.
2) Personal Relevance Ranking Metrics
This metric tries to establish the learning preference of the
user and compare them with the characteristics of the learning
objects in the result list. The most difficult part is to obtain an
accurate representation of the personal preferences. The
richest source of information is the attention metadata that
could be collected from the user. The second step is to obtain
the characteristics of the object which is collected from
metadata or contextual and usage information.
a) Basic Personal Relevance Ranking Metric
For a given user, a set of the relative frequencies for the
diff. metadata field values present in their objects is obtained.
Val (o , f) .The frequencies for each metadata field are
calculated counting the no. of times that a given value is
present in the given field in the metadata. Once the frequencies
are obtained they can be compared with the metadata values of
the objects in the result list. If the value present in the user
preference set is also present in the object, the object receives
a boost in its rank equal to the relative frequency of the value.
o learning object to be ranked
f field in the metadata standard
v value that the f field could take
u user
ith object previously used by u
N Total no. of objects
ith field considered for calculation of the metric
NF Total no. of those fields
b) User-Similarity Personal Relevance Ranking Metric
USP Relevance Metric is calculated by finding the no. of
times similar users have reused the objects in the result list.
SimRank algorithm is used to find similar users.
o learning object to be ranked
u user that performed the query
representation of the ith user
NU Total no. of users
3) Situational Relevance Ranking Metrics
This metric tries to estimate the relevance of the object in
the result list to the specific task that caused the search. This
relevance is related to the learning environment in which the
object will be used as well as the time, space and technological
constraints that are imposed by the context where learning will
take place. Contextual information is needed in order to
establish the nature of the task and its environment.
a) Basic Situational Relevance Ranking Metric
In formal learning contexts, the description of the course,
lesson or activity in which the object will be inserted is a
source of contextual information which is usually written by
the instructor. Keywords can be extracted from these texts and
used to calculate a ranking metric based on the similarity
between the keyword list and the content of textual fields of
the metadata record. Similarity is defined as the cosine
distance between the TF-IDF vectors of contextual keywords
and the TF-IDF vector of words in the text fields of the
metadata of the objects in the result list. TF-IDF is a measure
of the importance of a word in a document that belongs to a
TF Term Frequency or the no. of times that the word
appear in the current text
IDF Inverse Document Frequency or the no. of
documents in the collection where the word is present.
o learning object to be ranked
c course where the object will be used
ith component of the TF-IDF vector representing the
keywords extracted from the course description
ith component of the TF-IDF vector representing the
text in the object description
M dimensionality of the vector space (no. of different
b) Context-Similarity Situational Relevance Ranking
A fair representation of the kind of objects that are relevant
in a given context can be obtained from the objects that have
already been used under similar conditions.
o learning object to be ranked
c course where the object will be used
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object contained in the course c
f field in the metadata standard
v value of the f field in the object o
NF Total no. of fields
Researchers have proposed various metrics but the main
drawback is that these metrics are not implemented in any
quality evaluation tool. The results of these metrics have been
analyzed by conducting empirical analysis on small scale and
that on individual basis. The main objective of this paper is to
propose a model LOQES that automatically assesses the
quality of learning object by employing various metrics
discussed above on the defined parameters and give a
quantitative rating that acts as quality indicator, which is
beneficial for the learning object community. This system will
apply on newly developed learning objects and acts as a
certification mechanism. The tool first extracts the metadata
fields of learning object on the basis of information supplied
by the contributor. Then it applies various quality metrics on
the metadata information to estimate the correctness and
accuracy of metadata records. Afterwards, this information is
used to estimate the value of other defined parameters by
employing various metrics such as reusability, granularity,
linkage, complexity etc. The aggregate of all the scores of the
above parameters helps in calculating the overall rating of that
particular learning object. The main benefit of this model is
that it is a quantitative model which automatically evaluates
the learning object and is not based on peer review.
In this paper, the main emphasize is on proposing a
quantitative model that automatically assesses the quality of
learning object on the basis of various metrics proposed.
Presently all the evaluation tools are qualitative and based on
expert review. Researchers have also specified the need for an
automatic assessment tool due to large dissemination of
learning objects. The main task left for future work is to
develop the system and execute an empirical study with full
implementation of these metrics in real world and comparing
their performance.
[1] Learning Technology Standards Committee (2002) (PDF), Draft
Standard for Learning Object Metadata. IEEE Standard 1484.12.1, New
York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, P.45.
[2] Wiley (David A). Connecting learning objects to instructional theory: A
definition, a metaphor, and taxonomy.
[3] Rehak, Daniel R.; Mason, Robin (2003), "Engaging with the Learning
Object Economy", in Littlejohn, Allison, Reusing Online Resources: A
Sustainable Approach to E-Learning, London: Kogan Page, pp. 2230.
[4] Kay & Knaack (2008), A Multi-Component Model for Accessing
Learning Objects: The Learning Object Evaluation Metrics (LOEM)
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, v24 n5 p574-591.
[5] Haughey, M. & Muirhead, B. (2005). Evaluating learning objects for
schools. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 8(1).
[6] Nesbit & Belfer (2002). A Convergent Participation Model for
Evaluation of Learning Objects, Canadian Journal of Learning &
Technology, v28 n3 p105-20.
[7] Nesbit & Belfer (2004). Collaborative Evaluation of Learning Objects,
[8] Towards Automatic Evaluation of Learning Object Metadata Quality
[9] Kay, R. H. & Knaack, L. (2005). Developing learning objects for
secondary school students: A multi-component model. Interdisciplinary
Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 1, 229-254.
[10] Kay, R. H. & Knaack, L. (2007a). Evaluating the learning in learning
objects. Open Learning, 22(1), 5-28.
[11] C. Muoz, M..C. Gonzlez, and F.J.G. Pealvo, "Learning Objects
Quality: Moodle HEODAR Implementation", ;in Proc. WSKS (1),
2009, pp.88-97.
[12] A. Zapata, V. Menendez, Y. Eguigure, M. Prieto (2009) Quality
Evaluation Model for Learning Objects from Pedagogical Perspective. A
Case of Study, ICERI2009 Proceedings, pp. 2228-2238.
[13] Juan F. Cervera, Mara G. Lpez-Lpez, Cristina Fernndez, Salvador
Snchez-Alonso, Quality Metrics in Learning Objects, Metadata and
Semantics, 2009, pp. 135-141.
[14] Javier Sanz-Rodriguez, Juan Manuel Dodero, and Salvador Sanchez-
Alonso. 2011. Metrics-based evaluation of learning object reusability.
Software Quality Control 19, 1 (March 2011), 121-140.
[15] Laverde, Andres Chiappe; Cifuentes, Yasbley Segovia; Rodriguez,
Helda Yadira Rincon, Towards an Instructional Design Methodology
Based on Learning Objects, Educational Technology Research and
Development, v55 n6 p671-681.
[16] Xavier Ochoa and Erik Duval. 2008. Relevance Ranking Metrics for
Learning Objects. IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol. 1, 1 (January 2008), 34-
[17] Aprioristic Learning Object Reusability Evaluation
[18] A Preliminary Analysis of Software Engineering Metrics-based Criteria
for the Evaluation of Learning Object Reusability
a. http://online-journals.org/i-jet/article/viewArticle/794
[19] Learnometrics: Metrics for Learning Objects
[20] www.wikipedia.com
[21] Ranking Metrics and Search Guidance for Learning Object Repository
Dr. Sonal Chawla
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
Niti Gupta
Research Scholar,
Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
Dr. R. K. Singla
Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
80 | P a g e
FHC-NCTSR: Node Centric Trust Based secure
Hybrid Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Prasuna V G
Associate Professor. Basaveswara Institute of Information
Technology, Barkathpura,
Hyderabad, INDIA,
Dr. S Madhusudahan Verma
Professor , . Dept of OR&SQC,
Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, AP, INDIA
Abstract To effectively support communication in such a
dynamic networking environment as the ad hoc networks, the
routing mechanisms should adapt to secure and trusted route
discovery and service quality in data transmission. In this
context, the paper proposed a routing protocol called Node
Centric Trust based Secure Hybrid Routing Protocol [FHC-
NCTSR] that opted to fixed hash chaining for data transmission
and node centric trust strategy for secure route discovery. The
route discovery is reactive in nature, in contrast to this, data
transmission is proactive, hence the protocol FHC-NCTSR
termed as hybrid routing protocol. The performance results
obtained from simulation environment concluding that due to the
fixed hash chaining technique opted by FHC-NCTSR, it is more
than one order of magnitude faster than other hash chain based
routing protocols such as SEAD in packet delivery. Due to the
node centric strategy of route discovery that opted by FHC-
NCTSR, it elevated as trusted one against to Rushing, Routing
table modification and Tunneling attacks, in contrast other
protocols failed to provide security for one or more attacks listed,
example is ARIADNE that fails to protect from tunneling attack.
Keywords- Ad hoc network, Dynamic source routing; Hash cains;
Manet; Mobile ad hoc networks; NCTS-DSR; Routing Potocol;
SEAD; Secure routing .
As ad-hoc networks do not rely on existing infrastructure
and are self-organizing, they can be rapidly deployed to
provide robust communication in a variety of hostile
environments. This makes ad hoc networks very appropriate
for a broad spectrum of applications ranging from providing
tactical communication for the military and emergency
response efforts to civilian forums such as convention centers
and construction sites. With such diverse applicability, it is not
difficult to envision ad hoc networks operating over a wide
range of coverage areas, node densities, mobility patterns and
traffic behaviors. This potentially wide range of ad hoc
network operating configurations poses a challenge for
developing efficient routing protocols. On one hand, the
effectiveness of a routing protocol increases as network
topological information becomes more detailed and up-to-
date. On the other hand, in an ad hoc network, mobility may
cause frequent changes in the set of communication links of a
node [1], requiring large and regular exchanges of control
information among the network nodes. And if this topological
information is used infrequently, the investment by the
network may not pay off. Moreover, this is in contradiction
with the fact that all updates in the wireless communication
environment travel over the air and are, thus, costly in
transmission resources. Routing protocols for ad hoc networks
can be classified either as proactive, reactive or hybrid.
Proactive or table driven protocols continuously evaluate the
routes within the network, so that when a packet needs to be
forwarded, the route is already known and can be immediately
used. Examples of proactive protocols include DSDV [2],
TBRPF [3], and WRP [4]. In contrast, reactive or on-demand
protocols invoke a route determination procedure on an on-
demand basis by flooding the network with the route query.
Examples of reactive protocols include AODV [5], DSR [6],
and TORA [7]. The on-demand discovery of routes can result
in much less traffic than the proactive schemes, especially
when innovative route maintenance schemes are employed.
However, the reliance on flooding of the reactive schemes
may still lead to a considerable volume of control traffic in the
highly versatile ad hoc networking environment. Moreover,
because this control traffic is concentrated during the periods
of route discovery, the route acquisition delay can be
significant. In Section II, we explore the third class of routing
protocols the hybrid protocols.
The diverse applications of ad hoc network pose a
challenge for designing a single protocol that operates
efficiently across a wide range of operational conditions and
network configurations. Each of the purely proactive or purely
reactive protocols described above performs well in a limited
region of this range. For example, reactive routing protocols
are well suited for networks where the call to mobility ratio
is relatively low. Proactive routing protocols, on the other
hand, are well suited for networks where this ratio is relatively
high. The performance of both of the protocol classes degrades
when they are applied to regions of ad hoc network space
between the two extremes. Given multiple protocols, each
suited for a different region of the ad hoc network design
space, it makes sense to capitalize on each protocols strengths
by combining them into a single strategy (i.e. hybridization).
In the most basic hybrid routing strategy, one of the protocols
would be selected based on its suitability for the specific
networks characteristics. Although not an elegant solution,
such a routing strategy has the potential to perform as well as
the best suited protocol for any scenario, and may outperform
either protocol over the entire ad hoc network design space.
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However, by not using both protocols together, this
approach fails to capitalize on the potential synergy that would
make the routing strategy perform as well as or better than
either protocol alone for any given scenario. A more
promising approach for protocol hybridization is to have the
base protocols operate simultaneously, but with different
scopes (i.e., hybridization through multi scoping). For the
case of a two-protocol routing strategy, protocol A would
operate locally, while the operation of protocol B would be
global. The key to this routing strategy is that the local
information acquired by protocol A is used by protocol B to
operate more efficiently. Thus the two protocols reinforce
each others operation. This routing strategy can be tuned to
network behavior simply by adjusting the size of the protocol
As scope. In one extreme configuration, the scope of protocol
A is reduced to nothing, leaving protocol B to run by itself. As
the scope of protocol A is increased, more information
becomes available to protocol B, thereby reducing the
overhead produced by protocol B. At the other extreme,
protocol A is made global, eliminating the load of protocol B
altogether. So, at either extreme, the routing strategy defaults
to the operation of an individual protocol. In the wide range of
intermediate configurations, the routing strategy performs
better than either protocol on its own.
The rest of the paper, section II explores the related work,
section III discuss the route discovery strategy of FHC-
NCTSR and section IV describes the data transmission
approach that fallowed by section V, which explores
simulations and results discussion. Section VI is conclusion
and section VII explores the bibliography.
There are known techniques for minimizing Byzantine
failures caused by nodes that through malice or malfunction
exhibit arbitrary behavior such as corrupting, forging, and
delaying routing messages. A routing protocol is said to be
Byzantine robust when it delivers any packet from a source
node to a destination as long as there is at least one valid route
[8]. However, the complexity of that protocol makes it
unsuitable for ad hoc networks. Hauser et al[9] avoid that
defect by using hash chains to reveal the status of specific
links in a link-state algorithm. Their method also requires
synchronization of the nodes. Hu[10] introduced another
technique called SEAD that uses a node-unique hash chain
that is divided into segments. The segments are used to
authenticate hop counts. However, DSDV distributes routing
information only periodically. The protocols[8, 9, 10] failed to
perform when networks with hops in large scale due to their
computational complexity in hash chain measurement. In
many applications, reactive or on demand routing protocols
are preferred. With on demand routing, source nodes request
routes only as needed. On demand routing protocols performs
better with significantly lower overhead than periodic routing
protocols in many situations [11]. The authentication
mechanism of Ariadne[11] is based on TESLA[12]. They use
only efficient symmetric-key cryptographic primitives. The
main drawback of that approach is the requirement of clock
synchronization, which is very hard for wireless ad hoc
networks. And the protocols [8, 9, 10, 11, 12] failed to protect
networks from one or more attacks such as tunneling attack.
The protocol FHC-NCTSR proposed in this paper having
much scope to perform better in large networks, since its less
computational complexity. The node centric and two hop level
authentication strategies that opted by FHC-NCTSR helps to
deal with various attacks that includes tunneling attack.
Objective of the NCTS-DSR route establishment process is
preventing unauthorized hops to join in root during route
request process
A. Privileges assumed at each node that exists in the network
- The node that belongs to the network contains the
capabilities fallowing
- Able to generate hash method based id for
broadcasting packets
- Ability to issue digital certificate
- Ability to maintain the id of hop from which egress
data received and id of hop to which ingress data
- Elliptic Curve based cryptography functionality will
be used to protect data transmission
B. Hop node registration process
Hop nodes exchange their digital certificates recursively
with a time interval
Each node submits its certificate to one and two
hop level nodes.
is time interval for node h to submit its digital
certificate to neighbor hop nodes
t is interval threshold
is distance that can travel by a node h in
interval threshold t
C. Description of the notations used in route detection
source node
destination node
relay node
node from which egress data
received by
node from which egress data received by
, and two level hop to
node to which ingress data send by
digital certificate of hop h
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address of hop node h
( ) lt cer cTs iTs
h n n
r e
( )
lt cer
is certificate life time of the
hop node h
current time stamp at the relay node
is timestamp at created( cer
Is RREQ unique ID that generated in
secure random way
is set of packet ids those transmitted by a
D. Root Request Process
1) Process of RREQ construction at relay hop node of the
source node.
RREQ packet at source node
n contains
< add
, add
, p
, cer
, cer
, cer
Note: Here cer
is null.
Step 1: a. If p S
id p
e then RREQ packet will discarded
b. else adds p S
id p
e to S
and continues
step 2
Step 2: a. If ( ) lt cer
is valid and cer cer
n n
i r
== then
continues step 3,
b. else discards RREQ packet.
[Here cer
is because the current node certificate is available
at sender node as certificate of one hop node that acts as
target for ingress transaction]
Step 3: a. If cer
is null then assumes sender is source and
continues step 4.
b. Else If
is not null and
( ) lt cer
n n
e e
cer cer
n n
e e
is valid and continues
step 4
else RREQ will be discarded.
Step 3:
a. If cer
is null then assumes sender is source and
continues step 4.
b. Else If
is not null and
( ) lt cer
n n
e e
cer cer
n n
e e
is valid and continues step 4
else RREQ will be discarded.
is certificate of the node that exists as two hop
level to current rely node.
for senders node is
for current rely node]
( )
lt cer cTs iTs
n n n
e r e
Here cTs
is timestamp at current relay node
is certificate carried by RREQ packet
Step 4:
a. If ( ) lt cer
n n
s s
< and cer cer
n n
s e
== then source node n
is valid and continues step 5
b. If cer
is valid then that RREQ packet will be considered
and continues step 5 else that packet will be discarded.
Step 5:
a. If
add add
n n
d r
then Update the RREQ packet as add
< ,
, , cer
> and
transmits to
n .
b. Else if add add
n n
d r
identified as destination node and
starts RREP process
2) Process of RREQ construction at relay hop node of the
source node
Once packet received by next hop (in that packet referred
as) then continues the above four steps in sequence with minor
changes, described here:
Step 1:
If p S
id p
e then RREQ packet will discarded else adds
to S
and continues step Step 2:
Step 2:
a. If ( ) lt cer
is valid and cer cer
n n
i r
== then continues
step 3, else discards RREQ packet.
[Here cer
is cer
because the current node certificate is
available at sender node as certificate of one hop node that
acts as target for ingress transaction]
Step 3:
a. If
is not null and
( ) lt cer
n n
e e
cer cer
n n
e e
is valid and continues step 4,
else RREQ will be discarded.
is certificate of the node that exists as two hop
levels to current rely node.
for senders node is
for current rely node]
( )
lt cer cTs iTs
n n n
e r e
is timestamp at current relay node
is certificate carried by RREQ packet
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Step 4:
a. If ( ) lt cer
n n
r e
< and cer cer
n n
r e
== then node n
valid and continues else discards the RREQ packet
Step 5:
a. If
add add
n n
d r
then update the RREQ packet as add
< ,
, { , , ...... , , }
1 2 2 1
add add add add add
n n n n n
r r r
, cer
> and transmits to
. b. Else if add add
n n
d r
identified as destination node
and starts RREP process
When compared algorithm in table 2 with algorithm in
table 1, a change can be observable at step 3, we are not
accepting certificate carried by RREQ as null, since
representing in RREQ packet is not source node.
n receives RREQ it performs verification as
mentioned in table 2.
Upon successful validation, It performs fallowing
If RREQ that was received is valid then It collects ECPK
and calculates ECPK
(Elliptic curve cryptography approach
explained in next section B).
Then it constructs RREP packet at n
as follows:
{ , , , , , , , , } add add ECPK lst cer cer cer p
s d d n n n n n id
r e i d d
Since the RREP packet constructed at
n , cer
is null.
A. Process of RREP packet validation and construction at
first hop node of the destination node
Here n
is hop node of the
Step 1: If n lst
r n
e then continues step 2 else discards
RREP packet
Step2: If p S
id p
then RREP packet will discarded
else adds p
to S
and continues step 3
Step 3:
If ( ) lt cer
is valid and cer cer
n n
i r
then continues step 4,
else discards RREP packet.
[Here cer
is cer
because the current node certificate is
available at sender node as certificate of one hop node
that acts as target for ingress transaction]
Step 4: If cer
is null then assumes sender is source of the
RREP and continues
Else If
is not null and
( ) lt cer
n n
e e
cer cer
n n
e e
is valid and continues
step 4,
else RREP will be discarded.
is certificate of the node that exists as two hop
level to current rely node.
for senders node is
for current rely node]
( )
lt cer cTs iTs
n n n
e r e
Here cTs
is timestamp at current relay node, cer
certificate carried by RREP packet
Step 5: If ( ) lt cer
n n
d d
< and cer cer
n n
d e
== then source
node n
is valid and continues step 5
else that packet will be discarded.
Step6: If add add
n n
s r
then Update the RREP packet as
, , , , , , , , add add ECPK lst cer cer cer p
n n d n n n n n id
s d r e r i r
< >
and transmits to
n .
Else if add add
n n
s r
identified as source node and
stops RREP process
B. Process of RREP construction at relay hop node of the
source node
Once RREP packet received by next hop (in that packet
referred as n
) then verifies and continues the process as
described in table 4:
Step 4:
is not null and
( ) lt cer
n n
e e
Step 1:
If n lst
r n
e then continues step 2 else discards RREP
Step 2:
If p S
id p
e then RREP packet will discarded
else adds p
to S
and continues step 3
Step 3:
If ( ) lt cer
is valid and cer cer
n n
i r
== then continues
step 4,
else discards RREP packet.
[Here cer
is cer
because the current node
certificate is available at sender node as certificate of
one hop node that acts as target for ingress
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cer cer
n n
e e
is valid and continues step 5,
else RREP will be discarded.
is certificate of the node that exists as two hop levels
to current rely node.
for senders node is
for current rely node]
( )
lt cer cTs iTs
n n n
e r e
is timestamp at current relay node,
is certificate carried by RREP packet
Step 5:
If ( ) lt cer
n n
r e
< and cer cer
n n
r e
== then node n
is valid
and continues step 5 else discards the RREP packet
Step 6 :If add add
n n
s r
= then update the RREP packet as
, , , , , , , , add add ECPK lst cer cer cer p
n n d n n n n n id
s d r e r i r
< >
and transmits to
n .
Else if add add
n n
s r
identified as source node and stop
RREP process, collects routing path information.
1) Elliptic Curve Cryptography for constrained
To form a cryptographic system using elliptic curves, we
need to find a hard problem corresponding to factoring the
product of two primes or taking the discrete algorithm.
Consider the equation Q kP = , where , Q P belongs to
elliptic curve over (2 )
GF and 2
k < . It is relatively easy
to calculate Q given k and P , but it is relatively hard to
determine k given Q and P . This is called the discrete
algorithm problem for elliptic curves.
Key exchange can be done in the following manner. A
large integer 2
q = is picked and elliptic curve parameters a
and b . This defines an elliptic curve group of points. Now,
pick a base point G = (x1,y1) in E (a,b) whose order is a very
large value n. The elliptic curve E and G are the parameters
known to all participants.
A key exchange between users A and B can be
accomplished as follows:
a) A selects an integer
n less than n . This is private
key of user A. Then user A generates a public key
ECPK n G = ; then the public key
ECPK is appoint
on E.
b) User B similarly selects a private key
n and
computes a public key
c) User A generates the secret key *
k n ECPK =
and user B generates the secret key *
k n ECPK = .
The calculations in step 3 produce the same result.
* *( * ) *( * ) *
n ECPK n n G n n G n ECPK
Strength of this key exchange process is to break this
scheme, an attacker would need to be able to compute k given
G and kG, which is assumed hard and almost not possible in
constrained environments
C. Elliptic Curve Encryption/Decryption
The plaintext message m is taken as input in the form of
bits of varying length. This message m is encoded and is sent
in the cryptographic system as x-y point
P . This point is
encrypted as cipher text and subsequently decrypted. The SHA
hash function algorithm can be used as Message digestion and
Signature authentication and verification for the message.
As with the key exchange system, an
encryption/decryption system requires a point G and an elliptic
group E (a, b) as parameters. Each user A selects a private key
n and generates a public key *
ECPK n G = .
To encrypt and send a message
p to user B, A chooses a
random positive integer k and produces the cipher text
consisting of pair of points { , }
m m B
c kG p kECPK = +
User A has used public key
ECPK of user B. To decrypt
the cipher text, user B multiplies the first point in the pair by
secret key of user B and subtracts the result from the second
( ) ( ) ( )
m B B m B B m
p kECPK n kG p k n G n kG p + = + =
The implementation of elliptic curve algorithm is done over
(2 ) GF for providing security of more than 128 bits.
Here in this section we describe the procedure of
authentication data packets forwarded from the source node to
the destination node, along the selected route, while checking
for faulty links.
In DSR, the source route information is carried in each
packet header.
A. FHC: Fixed Hash Chaining
An algorithmic description of the FHC for data packet
1. A verification process takes place for egress of each
node in routing path.
2. A counter sign
pw will be used for data packet
that to be sent currently in sequence.
3. Packet
p transmits data
d .
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4. An irreversible code
t generated by applying a
secure hash function
( ) h
f on countersign
pw .
5. Let
pw as countersign for next packet
p that is in
sequence, which fallows the packet
6. Packet
p includes data
d , and irreversible code
will be generated by hashing
pw using
( ) h
f .
7. Hash Tag
H will be generated by using secure
( ) h
f that uses
d ,
t and
pw as input.
p Is then transmitted that includes the
H ,
d ,
t ,
pw of packet
p that sent before
p in
sequence to authenticate
d .
Algorithm to authenticate sequence transmission of the
( )
cs will be selected for
that includes
to be transmitted.
( ) ( )
( )
h p
f cs
( )
cs will be selected for
with data
be transmitted in sequence,
( ) ( )
( )
h p
f cs
( ) h
f to the
( )
cs that creates
authentication tag for
referred as
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( , , )
n c
p h n n p
at f d t cs = < > ;
from a source node
to a destination node
through hops in path selected through optimal route
selection strategy.
The currently transmit
( )
cs of packet
p that transmitted
to authenticate
In the interest of route maintenance, every hop in rout
contains a cache that maintains hop list describing the route
selected using an optimal route selection model. We apply
( ) h
f on cache of each hop of the route to verify the integrity
of the hop list cached.
Architecture of the proposed protocol
Proposed model provides ting packet contains
( )
, ,
p c c
at d t and a countersign
an authentication protocol for a wireless ad hoc network where
packets are transmitted serially. By serially, we mean a current
p is immediately preceded by a previous packet
p ,
and followed immediately by a next packet
p .
More particularly, during a route discovery phase, we
provide secure route selection, i.e., a shortest intact route, that
is, a route without any faulty links. During route maintenance
phase, while packets are forwarded, we also detect faulty links
based on a time out condition. Receiving an acknowledgement
control packet signals successful delivery of a packet.
For packet authentication, we use
( ) h
f described by
Benjamin Arazi et al [21]. The hash function encodes a
countersign to form a tag.
( ) h
f we mean that the countersign cannot be decoded
from the tag and the countersign is used only once, because
part of its value lies in its publication after its use. We have
adapted that protocol for use in an ad hoc network where
multiple packets need to be sent sequentially. Therefore, if a
number of packets are sent sequentially, the countersign needs
to be refreshed each time. Thus, a single authentication is
associated with a stream of future packets that is significant
difference between proposed and existing hash chain
techniques. The existing models require stream of future
events. In addition, the countersign is used to authenticate
but not for future packets.
As an advantage over prior art asymmetric digital signature
or secret countersigns do not need to be known ahead of time
or distributed among the nodes after the system becomes
operational. It should also be noted, that each countersign is
used only one time, because the countersign is published to
perform the authentication.
( ) h
f as implemented by the proposal is ideal for
serially communicating packets along a route in an ad hoc
network, without requiring the nodes to establish shared secret
countersigns beforehand.
The protocol includes the following steps. Select a random
cs . Form a tag
t ,
t =
( )
( )
h r
f cs , Construct a
mac . Form a hash value
( )
( , , )
r h r r r
H f mac t cs = < > , and make it public. Perform
the act and reveal , ,
r r r
mac t cs to authenticate the act.
B. Data transmission and malicious hop detection
To send a packet
m that is a part of data to be sent to
destination node
n , the source node
n picks two counter
r r
cs cs
and fixes the time limit to receive either one of
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packet delivery acknowledgement ack or a control packet
mn that acknowledges about malicious link in the route
path. The source node sends message with the format
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 ( ) 1
{ , ( ), ( , ( )), ( , ( ), )}
i i h r ds i h r h i h r r
msg m f cs f m f cs f m f cs cs
+ +
to the
n along the route.
( ) ( )
( , ( ))
ds i h r
f m f cs is a digital signature to verify
( )
( , ( )
i h r
m f cs by intermediate hops of the route selected, so
that every
n and
n can verify that
( )
( , ( ))
i h r
m f cs is
valid and indeed generated by the claimed
n .
Then each hop updates route table entry for source node S
by recording
( )
( )
h r
f cs as ( )
r s
hcs n ,
( ) 1 ( ) 1
( , ( ), )
h i h r r
f m f cs cs
+ +
( )
e s
h n , which is used to
authenticate an immediate fallowing message
1 i
When sending the data packet
1 i
, the
n selects another
2 r
and forwards the
1 i
to the first hop of
the selected path:
1 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 1
{ , ( ), , ( , ( ), )}
i i h r r h i h r r
msg m f cs cs f m f cs cs
+ + + + + +
Each node on the route calculates
( )
( )
h r
f cs and compares
with ( )
r s
hcs n that available in routing table, if results equal
cs will be authenticated as valid. The
n then calculates
( ) 1 ( ) 1
( , ( ), )
h i h r r
f m f cs cs
+ +
, and compares with
( )
e n
h s
result is equivalent then claims the validity of
1 ( ) 1
( , ( ))
i h r
m f cs
+ +
. The node then updates its routing entry
by recording
1 ( ) 1
( )
r h r
hrc f rc
+ +
= and
( 2) ( ) ( 2) ( ) 2 1
( ) ( , ( ), )
e s h i h r r
h n f m f cs r
+ + +
= , and forwards the
data packet to the node along the route as specified in the
header of the packet header.
During the packet sending process described earlier, if any
of the checks fails, then the packet is dropped. If both checks
succeed, then the node updates its routing entry associated
n . If the check at
n , then either
1 h
( ) 1 ( ) 1
( , ( ), )
h i h r r
f m f cs cs
+ +
msg has been modified, or
1 h
( ) 1 ( ) 1
( , ( ), )
h i h r r
f m f cs cs
+ +
1 i
In either case, the current hop node
n drops the packet.
Consequently, hop node
1 h
does not receive a valid ack
after time out, and the node can report a malicious activity at
( , )
h h
n n
is not authentic or a
timeout is not pending, the node discards the ack . Otherwise;
the node cancels the timeout and forwards the ack to the
next node.
When a node receives
mn , it verifies its authenticity,
and that a timeout is pending for the corresponding data
packet, and that the link reported in the
mn is the first
downstream to the node that generated
mn . If the
mn is
not authentic, or a timeout is not pending, or the link is not the
downstream to the node reporting
mn , then the node
mn . Otherwise, the node cancels the timeout and
further forwards the
mn control packet. Upon receiving
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mn , the source node deletes the link that connecting
referred in
mn and finds a new route. In this proposed
model, the packets are always received as in the order they
sent. This is because all packets are forwarded along the same
route in DSR. In the case of congestion and buffering, the
messages are stored in a first-in-first-out buffer according to
the order that they are received.
The experiments were conducted using NS 2. We build a
simulation network with hops under mobility and count of 50
to 200. The simulation parameters described in table 5.
Authentication ensures that the buffer is properly allocated to
valid packets. The simulation model aimed to compare
ARIADNE [11] and FHC-NCTSR for route establishing
phase, SEAD[10] and FHC-NCTSR for data transmission. The
performance check of ARIADNE[11] and FHC-NCTS
protocols carried out against to the threats listed below.
a) Rushing attack
b) Denial of service
c) Routing table modification
d) Tunneling
The protection against tunneling attack is the advantage of
the NCTS-DSR over Ariadne.
Number of nodes Range 50 to 200
Dimensions of space 1500 m 300 m
Nominal radio range 250 m
Sourcedestination pairs 20
Source data pattern (each) 4 packets/second
Application data payload size 512 bytes/packet
Total application data load
128 to 512 kbps
Raw physical link bandwidth 2 Mbps
2 seconds
40 seconds
Cache size 32 routes
Cache replacement policy FIFO
Hash length 80 bits
certificate life time 2 sec
The metrics to verify the performance of the proposed
protocol are
a) Data packet delivery ratio: It can be calculated as
the ratio between the number of data packets that are sent by
the source and the number of data packets that are received by
the sink.
b) PACKET DELIVERY FRACTION: It is the ratio of
data packets delivered to the destinations to those generated
by the sources. The PDF tells about the performance of a
protocol that how successfully the packets have been
delivered. Higher the value gives the better results.
c) AVERAGE END TO END DELAY: Average end-to-
end delay is an average end-to-end delay of data packets.
Buffering during route discovery latency, queuing at interface
queue, retransmission delays at the MAC and transfer times,
may cause this delay. Once the time difference between
packets sent and received was recorded, dividing the total time
difference over the total number of CBR packets received gave
the average end-to-end delay for the received packets. Lower
the end to end delay better is the performance of the protocol.
d) Packet Loss: It is defined as the difference between
the number of packets sent by the source and received by the
sink. In our results we have calculated packet loss at network
layer as well as MAC layer. The routing protocol forwards the
packet to destination if a valid route is known, otherwise it is
buffered until a route is available. There are two cases when a
packet is dropped: the buffer is full when the packet needs to
be buffered and the time exceeds the limit when packet has
been buffered. Lower is the packet loss better is the
performance of the protocol.
e) ROUTING OVERHEAD: Routing overhead has been
calculated at the MAC layer which is defined as the ratio of
total number of routing packets to data packets.
Figure 3(a) shows the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) for
FHC-NCTSR, ARIADNE and SEAD. Based on these results it
is evident that FHC-NCTSR recovers most of the PDR loss
that observed in ARIADNE against to SEAD. The
approximate PDR loss recovered by FHC-NCTSR over
ARIADNE is 1.5%, which is an average of all pauses. The
minimum individual recovery observed is 0.18% and
maximum is 2.5%. Figure 3(b) indicates ARIADNE minimal
advantage over FHC-NCTSR in Path optimality. FHC-
NCTSR used average 0.019 hops longer than in ARIADNE
because of the hop level certification validation process of the
FHC-NCTSR that eliminates nodes with invalidate certificate.
Here slight advantage of ARIADNE over FHC-NCTSR can be
The packet delivery fraction (PDF) can be expressed as:
* '
- P is the fraction of successfully delivered
- c is the total number of flow or connections,
- f is the unique flow id serving as index,
R is the count of packets received from flow
N is the count of packets transmitted to flow
f .
Figure 3(c) confirms that FHC-NCTSR is having fewer
packets overhead when compared to ARIADNE. Due to stable
paths with no compromised or victimized nodes determined by
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FHC-NCTSR this advantage become possible. The Packet
overhead observed in ARIADNE is average 5.29% more than
packet overhead observed in FHC-NCTSR. The minimum and
maximum packet overhead in ARIADNE over FHC-NCTSR
observed is 3.61% and 7.29% respectively. It is quite evident
from fig 3(c), that SEAD is not stable to handle the packet
overhead, over a period of time the packet overhead is
abnormal compared to other two protocols considered.
MAC load overhead is slightly more in FHC-NCTSR over
ARIADNE. We can observe this in figure 3(d), which is
because of additional control packet exchange in FHC-
NCTSR for neighbor hop validation through certificate
exchange. The average MAC load overhead in FHC-NCTSR
over ARIADNE 1.64%. The minimum and maximum MAC
load overhead observed is 0.81 and 3.24% respectively.
(a) Packet delivery ratio comparison using line chart
(b) Bar chart representation of Path optimality
(c) A line chart representation of Packet overhead comparison report
(d) Mac load comparison represented in bar chart format
(e) Hash chaining cost comparison report
In fig 3(e) we describe the performance of FHC-NCTSR
over ARIADNE and SEAD in terms of Hash chain evaluation
cost. Let be the cost threshold to evaluate each hash in hash
We measure the Hash chain evaluation cost as
1 1
z n
i j
= =
, here z is number of nodes and n is number of hashes, as
of the chaining concept of SEAD and ARIADNE z is equal to
n but in FHC-NCTSR n always 2
This paper was presented an evaluation of security
protocols such as QoS-Guided Route Discovery [13],
sQos[15], Ariadne [16] and CONFIDANT [17], which are
based on reactive DSR approach, and describes their
limitations and attacks against these protocols that can be
subtle and difficult to discover by informal reasoning about
the properties of the protocols.
The proposed a hybrid protocol FHC-NCTSR protocol
applies digital signature exchange on the RREQ and RREP
that they contribute the neighbors within 2 hops away from a
node in computing them and a fixed hash chaining technique
was used to achieve scalable data sending process. In route
discovery phase, these digital signatures enable the protocol to
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avoid malicious nodes from participating in routing and route
discovery and also able to detect falsified routing messages
and the responsible nodes.
And the fixed hash chaining in data transfer limits the
computation cost and resource utilization.
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Simultaneous Estimation of Geophysical Parameters
with Microwave Radiometer Data based on
Accelerated Simulated Annealing: SA
Kohei Arai
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
Abstract Method for geophysical parameter estimations with
microwave radiometer data based on Simulated Annealing: SA is
proposed. Geophysical parameters which are estimated with
microwave radiometer data are closely related each other.
Therefore simultaneous estimation makes constraints in
accordance with the relations. On the other hand, SA requires
huge computer resources for convergence. In order to accelerate
convergence process, oscillated decreasing function is proposed
for cool down function. Experimental results show that
remarkable improvements are observed for geophysical
parameter estimations.
Keywords- simulated annealing; microwave radiometer water
vapor; air-temperature; wind speed.
Microwave radiometer allows estimation of geophysical
parameters such as water vapor, rainfall rate, ocean wind speed,
salinity, soil moisture, air-temperature, sea surface temperature,
cloud liquid, etc. based on least square method. Due to the fact
that relation between microwave radiometer data (at sensor
brightness temperature at the specified frequency) and
geophysical parameters is non-linear, non-linear least square
method is required for the estimations. Although there are some
methods which allow estimation optimum solutions, Simulated
Annealing: SA method is just one method for finding global
optimum solution.
Other methods, such as steepest descending method,
conjugate gradient method, etc. gives one of local minima, not
the global optimum solution. SA, on the other hand, requires
huge computer resources for convergence. In order to
accelerate the convergence process, not the conventional
exponential function with the temperature control, but
osculated decreasing function is employed for cool down
function. Geophysical parameter estimation based on simulated
annealing is proposed previously [1]. It takes relatively long
computational time for convergence. Moreover, optimization
with constraints makes much accurate estimation of
geophysical parameters. Some of the constraints is relation
among the geophysical parameters.
Geophysical parameters have relations each other. For
instance, sea surface temperature and water vapor has a
positive relation, in general.
Therefore, it is better to estimate several geophysical
parameters simultaneously rather than the estimation for single
parameter. The proposed method is based on modified SA
algorithm and is for simultaneous estimation for several
geophysical parameters at once. Some experiments are
conducted with Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer:
AMSR [2] onboard AQUA satellite. Then it is confirmed
that the proposed method surely works for improvement of
estimation accuracy for all the geophysical parameters.
The following section describes the proposed method
followed by some experimental results. Then conclusion with
some discussions is followed in the final section.
A. Schematic View of AMSR Observations
AMSR onboard AQUA satellite observes sea surface
through the atmosphere with absorptions due to atmospheric
molecules, water vapor, aerosol particles as shown in Fig.1.
Such atmospheric continuants also radiated depending on their
temperature and emissivity. Attenuation due to absorption can
be shown in Fig.2.
Using absorption spectrum due to water (22.235GHz), it is
possible to estimate water vapor in the atmosphere. It also is
possible to estimate air-temperature at the sea surface with
much lower frequency channels, 5 to 10 GHz. Using oxygen
absorption frequency, it is possible to estimate air temperature
profile. Meanwhile, cloud liquid water can be estimated with
around 37GHz frequency channel.
Figure 1 Radiative transfer from the sea surface to the AMSR onboard AQUA
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Figure 2 Attenuation due to atmospheric continuants, water vapor, cloud liquid,
and oxygen.
On the other hand, there is sea surface model. Incident
microwave energy (incident energy) reflects at the sea surface
(radiant energy) and penetrates a little bit (transparent energy)
as shown in Fig.3 (a). Sea surface can be modeled as shown in
Fig.3 (b). There are some models for shape of the ocean waves
such as non-symmetrical Gaussian function. Depending on
ocean wind speed, forms or bubbles are generated at the sea
surface results in changing the emissivity of the sea surface.
More detailed description of sea surface model is described in
the following section.
Figure 3 Sea surface model
Observed brightness temperature at AMSR can be
expressed with equation (1).
] [
j i
B S j BU B
where T
, T
, , ,T
, T
are at sensor brightness
temperature, radiance from the atmosphere, atmospheric
transparency, sea surface emissivity, sea surface temperature,
reflected atmospheric radiance at sea surface, respectively.
Root Mean Square: RMS difference between actual brightness
temperature acquired with microwave antenna and model based
brightness temperature with geophysical parameters is
expressed with equation (2).
| ]) [ ( | ) , , (
T T T T V W T f (2)
The RMS difference is a function of sea surface
temperature, water vapor, ocean wind speed. Thus geophysical
parameters can be estimated through minimization of the RMS
B. Observation Models
There are some atmospheric and ocean surface models in
the microwave wavelength region. Therefore, it is possible to
estimate at sensor brightness temperature (microwave
radiometer) with the geophysical parameters. The real and the
imaginary part of dielectric constant of the calm ocean surface
is modeled with the SST, salinity (conductivity). From the
dielectric constant, reflectance of the ocean surface is estimated
together with the emissivity (Debue, 1929 [3]; Cole and Cole,
1941 [4]). There are some geometric optics ocean surface
models (Cox and Munk, 1954 [5]; Wilheit and Chang, 1980
[6]). According to the Wilheit model, the slant angle against the
averaged ocean surface is expressed by Gaussian distribution
There is a relation between ocean wind speed and the
variance of the Gaussian distribution function as a function of
the observation frequency. Meanwhile the influence due to
foams, white caps on the emissivity estimation is expressed
with the wind speed and the observation frequency so that the
emissivity of the ocean surface and wind speed is estimated
with the observation frequency simultaneously. Meanwhile, the
atmospheric absorptions due to oxygen, water vapor and liquid
water were well modeled (Waters, 1976 [7]). Then atmospheric
attenuation and the radiation from the atmosphere can be
estimated using the models. Thus the at-sensor-brightness
temperature is estimated with the assumed geophysical
Sea surface temperature estimation methods with AMSR
data are proposed and published [8] while ocean wind retrieval
methods with AMSR data are also proposed and investigated
[9]. Furthermore, water vapor and cloud liquid estimation
methods with AMSR data are proposed and studied [10].
The proposed method allows minimize the square of the
difference between the actual brightness temperature with
microwave radiometer onboard satellite and the estimated
brightness temperature using simulated annealing with the
assumed geophysical parameters. Then the geophysical
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parameters are estimated when the square of the difference
shows the minimum.
In order to minimize the square of the difference between
the actual and the estimated brightness temperatures, a non-
linear optimization method is used. Because the relation
between the geophysical parameters and the brightness
temperature is not linear so that nonlinear optimization
methods are appropriate to use. Newton-Raphson iterative
method, conjugate gradient method, etc., are well known and
are widely used methods. These methods, however, do not
ensure to reach the global optimum. These methods tend to fall
in one of local minima. Only simulated annealing ensures to
reach a global optimum solution.
At-sensor-brightness temperature, TB is represented with
equation (1). The first term of the equation (1) is the
contribution from the atmosphere while the second term is that
from the ocean surface which consists of the Sea Surface
Temperature: SST of T
and the atmospheric radiance reflected
at the ocean surface, T
. is the atmospheric transmittance
and is expressed with equation (3).
where denotes the absorption coefficient and h is the
observation angle while denotes the emissivity of the ocean
surface as a function of dielectric constant and the ocean winds.
The first term of the equation (1) is represented as follows:
where T denotes air-temperature at the altitude of h. Thus
the at-sensor-brightness temperature is estimated with the
assumed geophysical parameters, SST, wind speed, water
vapor and cloud water. Then the following cost function, the
square of the difference between the actual AMSR brightness
temperature, T
and the estimated brightness temperature, is
defined as equation (2). Then simulated annealing finds the
global optimum solution, the minimum cost function at which
the best estimation of the set of the geophysical parameters.
The cloud water is ignored from the cost function because
the cloud free data are selected for the experiment. In order to
emphasize the effectiveness of the proposed method, cloud free
data were reselected in this study. In this case the emissivity of
the ocean surface is the function of SST and wind speed.
Through a regressive analysis with the second order
polynomial with a plenty of experimental data, the following
empirical equations are derived for the observation frequency
of 10.65 GHz in normal direction.
The conventional geophysical parameter estimation method
is based on regressive analysis with a plenty of truth data and
the corresponding microwave radiometer data [11].
A. Preliminary Experiment
1km mesh size of Global Data Assimilation System: GDAS
data is used for truth data of geophysical parameters. Rectangle
area is extracted as a test site. The two corners are as follows,
15 degree N, 125 degree East
30 degree N, 135 degree East
south east china sea area. AMSR data used for the
experiments is shown in Fig.4. Aqua/AMSR-E which is
acquired at around 6 a.m. Japanese local time on 25 April in
2004 is used for the experiments. Rectangle in the Fig.4 shows
test site.
(a)Browse (b) Footprint
Figure 4 AQUA/AMSR-E data used acquired at 17:00 UT on April 25 in 2004.
One of the conventional methods is regressive equation as
shown in equation (5).
Bi ij j j
T c c P
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where T
denotes observed brightness temperature with
AMSR frequency channel i while j denotes geophysical
parameter and c
are regressive coefficients. Using AMSR data
(AQUA/AMSR-E data used acquired at 17:00 UT on April 25
in 2004) and the corresponding GDAS data, regressive
equation is created as follows,
where denotes the emissivity. The suffixes H and V mean
horizontal and vertical polarizations. Such these relations
between the emissivity and SST as well as wind speed are used
in the estimation of brightness temperature. Geophysical
parameters of the test site are shown in Table 1. Also regressive
analysis between geophysical parameters and brightness
temperature is conducted. Table 2 shows the regressive
Scatter diagrams for sea surface temperature, ocean wind,
water vapor are shown in Fig.5 (a), (b), (c), respectively.
Horizontal axes of Fig.5 are GDAS data derived geophysical
parameter values while vertical axes show AMSR derived
geophysical parameters. Linear approximation functions are
also shown in the figure. There are systematic differences
between GDAS and AMSR derived geophysical parameters in
particular for ocean wind.
Geophysical Parameter Mean Variance
Sea Surface Temperature 298.7[K] 6.1
Ocean Wind 6.0[m/s] 2.5
Water Vapor 24.4[mm] 29.9
Sea Surface Temp. Ocean Wind Water Vapor
C01:178.15 C02:102.21 C03:-176.88
C11:0.7413 C12:-0.4719 C13:0.3383
C21:-0.2994 C22:0.4831 C23:-0.2257
C31:-0.7920 C32:0.1768 C33-1.6291
C41:0.2522 C42:-0.5609 C43:0.8949
C51:2.5049 C52:-0.0124 C53:5.6032
C61:-1.2528 C62:0.2142 C63:-2.8837
C71:-1.5317 C72:-0.4605 C73:-2.8433
C81:0.8166 C82:0.2954 C83:1.4401
(a)Sea Surface Temperature
(c)Water Vapor
Figure 5 Scatter diagrams for sea surface temperature, ocean wind, water vapor
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Also regressive errors for these geophysical parameters are
shown in Table 3.
Geophysical Parameters RMS Error
Sea Surface Temperature 0.530[K]
Ocean Wind 0.754[m/s]
Water Vapor 0.899[mm]
B. Estimation Accuracy of the Proposed Method
Simulated Annealing: SA utilized proposed method is used
to minimizing the aforementioned RMS difference between
model based and the actual brightness temperature data. Fig.6
shows scatter diagrams between GDAS derived geophysical
parameter values and those for the proposed method. Scatter
diagrams for sea surface temperature, ocean wind, water vapor
are shown in Fig.6 (a), (b), (c), respectively. Horizontal axes of
Fig.6 are GDAS data derived geophysical parameter values
while vertical axes show those derived geophysical parameters
by the proposed method. Meanwhile, Fig.6 (d) shows
convergence processes for these geophysical parameters. As
shown in the figure, RMS difference of estimated and GDAS
derived geophysical parameter values decreases in comparison
to the conventional regressive analysis based method. Trends
of scatter diagrams for these geophysical parameters are almost
Vertical axis of Fig.6 (d) shows residual error of SA.
Residual errors for these geophysical parameter decreases
sharply until the number of iteration is 10
, then gradually
decreases beyond that. In particular, residual error for sea
surface temperature decreases gradually until the number of
iteration is over 10
. It still decreases monotonically.
C. Simultaneous Estimation of Geophysical Parameters
Some of geophysical parameters are highly correlated. For
instance, there is much evaporation in high sea surface
temperature areas, then water vapor shows also high. The
following geophysical parameter estimation method is
(1) Estimate one geophysical parameter (A), then the other
geophysical parameter (B) is estimated with the constraint
of the previously estimated geophysical parameter (A),
(2) Then estimate the geophysical parameter (A) with the
constraint of the estimated geophysical parameter (B),
(3) Repeat the processes (1) and (2) until the residual error is
less than the prior determined certain value.
This method is referred to the simultaneous estimation
method hereafter. RMS error of geophysical parameter
estimation by the simultaneous estimation method is shown in
Table 4.
(a)Sea Surface Temperature
(b)Ocean Wind Speed
(c)Water Vapor
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(d)Convergence Processes
Figure 6 Scatter Diagrams between GDAS derived geophysical parameter
values and those derived from the proposed method.
Geophysical parameters RMS Error
Sea Surface Temperature
Ocean Wind
Sea Surface Temperature
Water Vapor
Ocean Wind
Water Vapor
Also these three geophysical parameters can be estimated
simultaneously. RMS errors for these geophysical parameters
estimated by the simultaneous estimation method with three
geophysical parameters are shown in Table 5.
Geophysical parameters RMS Error
Sea Surface Temp. 0.373[K]
Ocean Wind 0.731[m/s]
Water Vapor 0.787[mm]
In comparison to the RMS error of Table 4, RMS errors of
the simultaneous estimation method for ocean wind speed and
sea surface temperature are improved. On the other hand, water
vapor estimation accuracy in Table 5 shows some degradation
comparing to the combination between ocean wind speed and
water vapor in Table 4. This accuracy, however, is still better
than the conventional regressive analysis based method.
Method for geophysical parameter estimations with
microwave radiometer data based on Simulated Annealing: SA
is proposed. Geophysical parameters which are estimated with
microwave radiometer data are closely related each other.
Therefore simultaneous estimation makes constraints in
accordance with the relations. As results, it is found that the
proposed method is superior to the conventional regressive
analysis based method by 27, 25, and 22% improvements for
sea surface temperature, ocean wind speed, and water vapor,
respectively. Simulated Annealing which allows find global
optimum solution is used for improvement of estimation
accuracy in the near future.
The author would like to thank Jun Sakakibara for his effort
to experiments.
[1] Kohei Arai and J.Sakakibara, Estimation of SST, wind speed and water
vapor with microwave radiometer data based on simulated anealing,
Advances in Space Research, 37, 12, 2202-2207, 2006
[2] K.Tachi, Kohei Arai and Y.Satoh, Advanced Microwave Scanning
Radiometer -Requirements and Preliminary Design Study-, IEEE
Trans.on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.27, No.2, pp.177-183,
[3] Debue, R. Polar Molecules, Chemical Catalog, New York, 1929.
[4] Cole, K.S., Cole, R.H. Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics. J. Chem.
Phys. 9, 341351, 1941.
[5] Cox, C.S., Munk, W.H. Measurement of the roughness of the sea surface
from photographs of the sun_s glitter. J. Opt. Sci. Am. 44, 838850,
[6] Wilheit, T.T., Chang, A.T.C. An algorithm for retrieval of ocean surface
and atmospheric parameters from the observations of the Scanning
Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR). Radio Sci. 15, 525544,
[7] Waters, J.R. Absorption and emission by atmospheric gasses. in: Meeks,
M.L. (Ed.), Methods of Experimental Physics, vol. 12B.Academic,
Orland, 1976 (Chapter 2.3).
[8] Dong, SF; Sprintall, J; Gille, ST, Location of the antarctic polar front
from AMSR-E satellite sea surface temperature measurements,
[9] Konda, M., A. Shibata, N. Ebuchi, and K. Arai, An evaluation of the
effect of the relative wind direction on the measurement of the wind and
the instantaneous latent heat flux by Advanced Microwave Scanning
Radiometer, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 395-404, 2006.
[10] Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, J. Famiglietti, and D. Ryu, A
comparison of an impedance probe for estimation of surface soil water
content over large region, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 311, pp. 49-58,
[11] Wentz, F. AMSR Ocean Algorithm, second version of ATBD,
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Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and 1982,
respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science, and Technology
of the University of Tokyo from 1974 to 1978 also was with National Space
Development Agency of Japan (current JAXA) from 1979 to 1990. During
from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre for Remote Sensing as a Post-
Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada. He was appointed professor at Department of Information Science,
Saga University in 1990. He was appointed councilor for the Aeronautics and
Space related to the Technology Committee of the Ministry of Science and
Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was also appointed councilor of
Saga University from 2002 and 2003 followed by an executive councilor of the
Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005. He is an adjunct professor
of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also was appointed vice
chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR in 2008. He wrote 30
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Task Allocation Model for Rescue Disabled Persons
in Disaster Area with Help of Volunteers
Kohei Arai
Graduate School of Science and
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
Tran Xuan Sang
Faculty of Information Technology
Vinh University
Vinh City, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Uyen
Faculty of Information Technology
Vinh University
Vinh City, Vietnam
Abstract In this paper, we present a task allocation model for
search and rescue persons with disabilities in case of disaster. The
multi agent-based simulation model is used to simulate the rescue
process. Volunteers and disabled persons are modeled as agents,
which each have their own attributes and behaviors. The task of
volunteers is to help disabled persons in emergency situations.
This task allocation problem is solved by using combinatorial
auction mechanism to decide which volunteers should help which
disabled persons. The disaster space, road network, and rescue
process are also described in detail. The RoboCup Rescue
simulation platform is used to present proposed model with
different scenarios.
Keywords- Task Allocation Model; Multi Agent-based Rescue
Simulation; Auction based Decision Making.
Persons with disabilities suffer a much higher risk in the
case of disasters than persons without disabilities. The data of
recent disasters i.e. Tsunami, Katrina and earthquake shows
that the mortality of disabled people during the disaster were
very high (Ashok Hans, 2009). The reason for this is because
many handicapped people may face physical barriers or
difficulties of communication that they are not able to respond
effectively to crisis situations. They were not able to evacuate
by themselves. Obviously, disabled people need assistances to
While in the past, persons with disabilities were not taken
in consideration during the planning and mitigation of disaster
management, in more recent years, this group of population has
been realized as a prior target to help in emergency situations.
It is important to learn the needs of persons with disabilities
and the various forms of disabilities in order to help them
effectively and minimize the mortality. The rescue process for
persons with disabilities is a dynamic process under uncertainty
and emergency, therefore it is not easy to predict what will
happen in the rescue process. In that case, the computer
simulation can be used to simulate the rescue process with
various scenarios in the disaster area.
Most computer based simulation evacuation models are
based on flow model, cellular automata model, and multi-
agent-based model. Flow based model lacks interaction
between evacuees and human behavior in crisis. Cellular
automata model is arranged on a rigid grid, and interact with
one another by certain rules [1]. A multi agent-based model is
composed of individual units, situated in an explicit space, and
provided with their own attributes and rules [2]. This model is
particularly suitable for modeling human behaviors, as human
characteristics can be presented as agent behaviors. Therefore,
the multi agent-based model is widely used for evacuation
simulation [1-4].
Recently, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is also
integrated with multi-agent-based model for emergency
simulation. GIS can be used to solve complex planning and
decision making problems [5-7]. In this study, GIS is used to
present road network with attributes to indicate the road
We develop a task allocation model for search and rescue
persons with disabilities and simulate the rescue process to
capture the phenomena and complexities during evacuations.
The task allocation problem is presented by decision of
volunteers to choose which victims should be helped in order to
give first-aid and transportation with the least delay to the
shelter. The decision making is based on several criteria such
as health condition of the victims, location of the victims and
location of volunteers.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
reviews related works. Section 3 describes the proposed rescue
model and the task allocation model. Section 4 provides the
experimental results of different evacuation scenarios. Finally,
section 5 summarizes the work of this paper.
There is considerable research in emergency simulation by
using GIS multi-agent-based models. Ren et al. (2009) presents
an agent-based modeling and simulation using Repast software
to construct crowd evacuation for emergency response for an
area under a fire. Characteristics of the people are modeled and
tested by iterative simulation. The simulation results
demonstrate the effect of various parameters of agents. Zaharia
et al. (2011) proposes agent-based model for the emergency
route simulation by taking into account the problem of
uncharacteristic action of people under panic condition given
by disaster. Drogoul and Quang (2008) discuss the intersection
between two research fields: multi-agent system and computer
simulation. This paper also presents some of the current agent-
based platforms such as NetLogo, Mason, Repast, and Gama.
Bo and Satish (2009) presents an agent-based model for
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hurricane evacuation by taking into account the interaction
among evacuees. For the path finding, the agents can choose
the shortest path and the least congested route respectively.
Cole (2005) studied on GIS agent-based technology for
emergency simulation. This research discusses about the
simulation of crowding, panic and disaster management. Quang
et al. (2009) proposes the approach of multi-agent-based
simulation based on participatory design and interactive
learning with experts preferences for rescue simulation. Silvia
et al. (2005), Ranjit et al. (2001) and Santos et al. (2010) apply
the auction mechanism to solve the task allocation problem in
rescue decision making.
Through the view of this background, this study will focus
mainly on task allocation for volunteers to help disabled
persons. With effective task allocation method, it can improve
the rescue process. By considering the number of volunteers,
number of disabled persons and traffic condition as changing
parameters, we also draw the correlations between these
parameters and rescue time.
A. Rescue Simulation Model
The ability to receive critical information about an
emergency, how to respond to an emergency, and where to go
to receive assistance are crucial components of an evacuation
plan. In practical evacuation process, we assume that after the
warning is issued; all disabled persons send information to the
emergency center via a special device. This device measures
the condition of the disabled persons such as heart rate and
body temperature; the device can also be used to trace the
location of the disabled persons by GPS. Emergency center
will collect that information and then broadcast to volunteers
smart-phones through the internet. After checking the condition
of victims, volunteers make their own decision to help victims
and inform the emergency center.
The centralized rescue model is presented which has three
types of agent: volunteers, disabled people and route network.
The route network is also considered as an agent because the
condition of traffic in certain route can be changed when
disaster occurs. The general rescue model is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Centralized Rescue Model
In simulation environment, we try to set up as close as
possible to these above assumptions. Before starting
simulation, every agent has to be connected to the emergency
center in order to send and receive information. The types of
data exchanged between agents and emergency center are listed
as below.
Message from agent
A1: To request for connection to the emergency center
A2: To acknowledge the connection
A3: Inform the movement to another position
A4: Inform the rescue action for victim
A5: Inform the load action for victim
A6: Inform the unload action for victim
A7: Inform the inactive status
Message from emergency center
K1: To confirm the success of the connection
K2: To confirm the failure of the connection
K3: To send decisive information
Before starting simulation, every agent will send the
command A1 to request for connection to the emergency
center. The emergency center will return the response with
command K1 or K2 corresponding to the success or failure of
connection respectively. If the connection is established, the
agent will send the command A2 to acknowledge the
connection. The initial process of simulation is shown in Figure
Agent Center
connection True
Request for connection
Figure 2. Initial Process
After the initial process, all the connected agents will
receive the decisive information such as location of agents and
health level via command K3; after that the rescue agents will
make a decision of action and submit to the center using one of
the commands from A3 to A7. At every cycle in the simulation,
each rescue agent receives a command K3 as its own decisive
information from the center, and then submits back an action
command. The status of disaster space is sent to the viewer for
visualization of simulation. The repeated steps of simulation
are shown in Figure 3.
Action command and updated states of
disaster space
Decisive information
Figure 3. Simulation Cycle
A. Disaster Area Model
The disaster area is modeled as a collection of objects of
Nodes, Buildings, Roads, and Humans. Each object has
properties such as its positions, shape and is identified by a
unique ID. From table1 to table 4 present the properties of
Nodes, Buildings, Roads and Humans object respectively.
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These properties are derived from RoboCup rescue platform
with some modifications.
Property Unit Description
x,y The x-y coordinate
Edges ID The connected roads and buildings
Property Description
x, y The x-y coordinate of the representative point
Entrances Node connecting buildings and roads
Floors Number of floors
BuildingAreaGround The area of the ground floor
BuildingAreaTotal The total area summing up all floors
The state that specifies how much it is burning
0: unburned
1: Burning 0.01 0.33
2: Burning 0.33 0.67
3: Burning 0.67 1.00
The code of a construction material
Code Material Fire transmission rate
0 Wooden 1.8
1 Steel frame 1.8
2 Reinforced concrete 1.0
Property Unit Description
StartPoint and
ID Point to enter the road. It must be the node
or a building
Length and Width [mm] Length and width of the road
Lane [Line] Number of traffic lanes
BlockedLane [Line] Number of blocked traffic lanes
ClearCost [Cycle] The cost required for clearing the block
Property Unit Description
Position ID An object that the humanoid is on.
PositionInRoad [mm]
a length from the StartPoint of road when the
humanoid is on a road, otherwise it is zero
Health level of human.
The humanoid dies when this becomes zero
Health level dwindles by DamagePoint in
every cycle. DamagePoint becomes zero
immediately after the humanoid arrives at a
Road object
StartPoint EndPoint
Width Node Node
Figure 4. Node object Figure 5. Road object
Building object
StartPoint EndPoint
Figure 6. Building object Figure 7. Human object
The topographical relations of objects are illustrated from
Figure 4 to Figure 7. The representative point is assigned to
every object, and the distance between two objects is calculated
from their representative points.
C. Task Allocation Model
The decision making of volunteers to help disabled persons
can be treated as a task allocation problem [10-14]. The task
allocation for rescue scenario is carried out by the central
agents. The task of volunteers is to help disabled persons; this
task has to be allocated as to which volunteers should help
which disabled persons in order to maximize the number of
We utilize the combinatorial auction mechanism to solve
this task allocation problem. At this model, the volunteers are
the bidders; the disabled persons are the items; and the
emergency center is the auctioneer. The distance and health
level of disabled person are used as the cost for the bid. When
the rescue process starts, emergency center creates a list of
victims, sets the initial distance for victims, and broadcasts the
information to all the volunteer agents. Only the volunteer
agents whose distance to victims is less than the initial distance
will help these victims. It means that each volunteer agent just
help the victims within the initial distance instead of helping all
the victims. The initial distance will help volunteers to reduce
the number of task so that the decision making will be faster.
The aim of this task allocation model is to minimize the
evacuation time. It is equivalent to minimize the total cost to
accomplish all tasks. In this case, the cost is the sum of distance
from volunteers to victims and the health level of victims. The
optimization problem is formed as follows.
Given the set of n volunteers as bidders: {
and set of m disabled persons considered as m tasks:
Let I is a collection of subsets of D. Let x
= 1 if the j
set in
I is a winning bid and c
is the cost of that bid. Also, let
if the
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The constraint will make sure that each victim is helped by
at most one volunteer.
To illustrate with an example of bid generation, lets
assume that a volunteer A has information of 5 victims (d
, d
, d
, d
). The initial distance is set to 200 meter. The
volunteer estimates the distance from himself to each victims
and select only victims who are not more than 200 meter from
his location. Assume that, the victim d
and victim d
selected to help with the cost is 180.1. The bid submitted to
center agent is Bid
= ({d
, d
}, 180.1).
This optimization problem can be solved by Heuristic
Search method of Branch-on-items (Sandholm, 2002). This
method is base on the question: Which volunteer should this
victim be assigned to?. The nodes of search tree are the bids.
Each path in the search tree consists of a sequence of disjoint
bids. At each node in the search tree, it expands the new node
with the smallest index among the items that are still available,
and do not include items that have already been used on the
path. The solution is a path which has minimum cost in the
search tree.
To illustrate with an example of a task allocation of
volunteers to help disabled persons, lets assume that there are
four volunteers and 3 disabled persons; The initial distance is
set to 200 meter; At the time
{ }
For example, the volunteer
}, {
} and {
} =
Possible bids are listed as below.
Bid Volunteer Disabled person Cost
b1 v1 {d3} 350
b2 v2 {d1} 440
b3 v2 {d3} 400
b4 v2 {d1,d3} 850
b5 v3 {d2} 300
b6 v3 {d3} 450
b7 v4 {d1} 440
b8 v4 {d2} 270
b9 v4 {d1,d2} 740
The bid b
and b
have the same task {d
}; b
and b
the same task {d
}; b
, b
and b
have the same task {d
}. The
more expensive bids will be removed.
Bid Volunteer Disabled person Cost
b1 v1 {d3} 350
b2 v2 {d1,d3} 850
b3 v4 {d1} 440
b4 v4 {d2} 270
b5 v4 {d1,d2} 740
Then, the search tree is formed as below.
}/850 {d
}/440 {d
}/270 {d
}/350 {d
Figure 8. Branch on Items based Search tree
The winner path is
= =
d u J
1 1
With respect to the cluster representatives
C and
where N is the number of data points; m is
the fuzzifier parameter; k is the number of clusters; and
d is
the squared Euclidean distance between
data points
X and cluster representative
C . It is noted
u should satisfy the following constraint:
= =
N j u
. ,......., 1 , 1
The major process of FKM is mapping a given set of
representive vectors into an improved one through partitioning
data points. It begins with a set of initial cluster centers and
repeats this mapping process until a stopping criterion is
satisfied. It is supposed that no two clusters have the same
cluster representative. In the case that two cluster centers
coincide, a cluster center should be perturbed to avoid
coincidence in the iterative process. If q <
d , then 1 =
u and
0 =
u for j i = , where q is a very small positive number. The
fuzzy k-means clustering algorithm is now presented as
1) Input a set of initial cluster centers )} 0 ( {
j o
C SC = and
the value . c Set . 1 = P
2) Given the set of cluster centers ,
SC compute
. 1 1 k to j and N to i = =
Update memberships
using the following equation:
( ) (
ij ij
d u
q <
, set 1 =
u , where q is a very small
positive number.
3) Compute the center for each cluster using Eq.(4) to
obtain a new set of cluster representatives ,
1 + p
p j
x u
) (
, 1 ) 1 ( ) ( k to j for p C P C
j j
= < c
then stop, where
, 1 ) 1 ( ) ( k to j for p C P C
j j
= < c 0 > c
is a very small positive number.
Otherwise set
p p +1
and go to step 2.
B. Seed region growing
In this section, we select the center of the cluster or the
nearest point to this cluster as an initial seed of region growing
algorithm. The seed position (pixel_x, pixel_y) can be grown
by merging neighboring pixels whose properties are most
similar to the premerged region. The neighbors can be chosen
based on either their distance from the seed point or the
statistical properties of the neighborhood. Then each of the 4 or
8 neighbours of that pixel are visited to determine if they
belong to the same region. This growing expands further by
visiting the neighbours of each of tthese 4 or 8 neighbor pixels.
This recursive process continues until either some termination
crierion is met or all pixels in the image are examined. The
result is a set of connected pixels determined to be located
within the region of interest. The algorithm used for this task
can be stated in two steps [10]:
Step1: Gradient based homogeneity criteria
Success of region grow algorithm depends on the initial
seed selection and criteria used to terminate the recursive
region grow. Hence choosing appropriate criteria is the key in
extracting the desired regions. In general, these criteria include
region homogeneity, object contrast with respect to
background, strength of the region boundary, size, and
conformity to desired texture features like texture, shape, and
We used criteria mainly based on region homogeneity and
region aggregation using intensity values and their gradient
direction and magnitude. This criterion is characterized by a
cost function which exploits certain features of images around
the seed [11]. These cost functions are verified for their match
with the specified conditions of homogeneity criteria by
comparing their values. If there is a match then pixel under
consideration is added to the growing region otherwise
excluded from consideration.
Gradient based cost functions used in our implementation
are defined below.
2 2
/ kG G G G
y x n
+ =
Such that 1 0 < <
Where G
is the horizontal gradient component, G
is the
vertical gradient component; k is the constant parameter which
controls the region grow, and G
is the largest gradient
magnitude present in the image.
min max max
/ ) , ( G G y x G G G
Such that
1 0 < <
Where G(x,y) is the gradient magnitude at pixel under
consideration and G
is the minimum gradient present in the
Step2: Stack based seeded region growing algorithm
We have implemented the 2D seeded region grow
algorithm using stack data structure. Since, the stack is simple
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to implement and efficient in the data access, we used stack to
traverse the neighborhood pixels around the seed location. In
our implementation we considered 4-neighbours while growing
the region as shown in Fig.(2). Similar pseudo code for our
implementation is as follows:
Initialize the stack:
For each seed location
Push seed location to stack
While (stack not empty)
Pop location
Mark location as region
Mark location as visited node
If homogeneity criteria matches for locations left
neighbor pixel
If left neighbor is not visited
Push left neighbor to stack
If homogeneity criteria matches for locations To p
neighbor pixel
If top neighbor is not visited
Push top neighbor to stack
If homogeneity criteria matches for locations bottom
neighbor pixel
If bottom neighbor is not visited
Push bottom neighbor to stack
Figure 2. Four neighbors considered for region grow
Similar concept is extended for segmentation of 3D data set
using region growing method as shown in Fig. (2). In 3D
segmentation, 6 neighbors are considered during segmentation.
Two additional pixels along z-axis from 2 adjacent slices are
considered along with 4 neighbors.
C. Performance measures
To compare the performance of various outputs of seed
region growing technique, several methods such as: Jaccard
similarity coefficient [12], Dice similarity coefficient [13],
sensitivity and specificity [10] are used. In this section, we use
sensitivity (SENS) and specificity (SPEC) method which
almost gives good stable results [9]. Below, let consider the
sensitivity and specificity measure. Sensitivity and specificity
are statistical measures of the performance of a binary
classification test, commonly used in medical studies.
Sensitivity measures the proportion of the automatically
segmented region R
pixels that are correctly identified as such.
Specificity measures the proportion of the correspondent region
of the manually segmented image R
pixels that are correctly
identified. Given the following definitions:
TP is true positive, R
pixels that are correctly classified as
FP is false positive, R
pixels that are incorrectly identified
as interest R
TN is true negative, R
pixels that are correctly identified as
FN is false negative, R
pixels that are incorrectly identified
as R
We compute different coefficients reflecting how well two
segmented regions match. The Sensitivity and specificity is
formulated as follows [13]:
A SENS of 1.0 represents perfect overlap. In this case two
regions can be merged into one segment. Whereas an index of
0.0 represents no overlap.
Algorithm 3: Sensitivity and specificity measure similarity
k i R
,....., 3 , 2 , 1 , =
For i=1 to k
For j=2 to k
Compute SENS (R
Compute SPEC (R
, R
If ABS (SENS SPEC) < 0.5 then
) (
j i i
R R R =
End If
End For
End For
Numerical results
For example, if one has a 7x7 discrete image F on the
square grid (see Figure 3(a)). We can apply our algorithm as
the following:
Step1:According to the fuzzy k-means clustering algorithm,
we can divide the image F into six clusters with centers
(1,32,53,29,77,2) as shown in figure (3(b,c,d,e,f,g)).
x-1,y-1 x,y-1 x+1,y-1
x-1,y x,y x+1,y
x-1,y+1 x,y+1 x+1,y+1
1 1 2 50 30 29 29
2 1 2 55 31 32 30
1 1 1 0 30 31 29
2 1 1 0 0 30 31
3 2 1 77 33 32 28
1 1 1 0 31 30 29
1 0 1 0 28 33 32
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Step2:according to seed region growing algorithm2, we can
obtain six regions R
, R
, R
, R
, and R
as shown in figure
Step3: According to sensitivity and specificity measure
algorithm3, we compute SENS and SPEC measure between
regions (a-f) as shown in figure (5(a-f)).
From the previous calculation, we note that SENS and
SPEC of regions (1,6) and regions (2,4) are high. Therefore, the
regions (R
, R
) and (R
) can be merged according
sensitivity and specificity measure as shown in figure
The experiments were performed with several data sets
using MATLAB. We used a high-resolution T1-weighted MR
phantom with slice thickness of 1mm, different noise and
obtained from the classical simulated brain database of McGill
University Brain Web [14] (see Fig.(7)).
The advantages of using digital phantoms rather than real
image data for validating segmentation methods include prior
knowledge of the true tissue types and control over image
parameters such as modality, slice thickness, noise, and
intensity inhomogeneities.
The quality of the segmentation algorithm is of vital
importance to the segmentation process.
The comparison score S for each algorithm can be found in
Zanaty et al.[15-17], and defined as:
Where A represents the set of pixels belonging to a class as
found by a particular method and
A represents the
reference cluster pixels.
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 31 32 0
0 0 0 0 0 31 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 33 32 0
0 0 0 0 31 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 33 32
0 0 0 0 30 29 29
0 0 0 0 0 0 30
0 0 0 0 30 0 29
0 0 0 0 0 30 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 28
0 0 0 0 0 30 29
0 0 0 0 28 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 77 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0
2 0 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 3.The fuzzy k-means clustering, (a) Original image, and (c-g)
1 1 2 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 30 29 29
0 0 0 0 31 32 30
0 0 0 0 30 31 29
0 0 0 0 0 30 31
0 0 0 0 33 32 28
0 0 0 0 31 30 29
0 0 0 0 28 33 32
0 0 0 50 0 0 0
0 0 0 55 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 30 29 29
0 0 0 0 31 32 30
0 0 0 0 30 31 29
0 0 0 0 0 30 31
0 0 0 0 33 32 28
0 0 0 0 31 30 29
0 0 0 0 28 33 32
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 77 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Figure 4.The seed region growing, (a-f) regions
1,2 0 0.5
1,3 0 0.57
1,4 0 0.31
1,5 0 0.58
1,6 1 1
2,1 0 0.5
2,3 0 0.574
2,4 1 1
2,5 0 0.58
2,6 0 0.31
3,1 0 0.57
3,2 0 0.574
3,4 0 0.93
3,5 0 0.92
3,6 0 0.93
4,1 0 0.31
4,2 1 1
4,3 0 0.93
4,5 0 0.51
4,6 0 0.25
5,1 0 0.58
5,2 0 0.58
5,3 0 0.92
5,4 0 0.51
5,6 0 0.966
6,1 1 1
6,2 0 0.31
6,3 0 0.93
6,4 0 0.25
6,5 0 0.966
1 1 2 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 30 29 29
0 0 0 0 31 32 30
0 0 0 0 30 31 29
0 0 0 0 0 30 31
0 0 0 0 33 32 28
0 0 0 0 31 30 29
0 0 0 0 28 33 32
0 0 0 50 0 0 0
0 0 0 55 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 77 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 6. The merged regions after sensitivity and specificity measuring
0 0 0 50 0 0 0
0 0 0 55 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 5.The sensitivity and specificity measure between regions,
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A. Experiment on MRIs
The original image size is 129129 pixels, as shown in
Fig. 7 obtained from the classical simulated brain. We apply
our technique to segment images generated at various noise
levels (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9%).We generate various
inhomogeneities and boundary weakness by controlling noise
and RF levels (0% and 20%) respectively.
Table I shows the score S of WM using our technique at
various noise and RF levels. These results show that our
algorithm is very robust to noise and intensity; homogeneities
and inhomogeneities. The best S is achieved for low noise and
low RF, for which values of S are higher than 0.97.
Noise/RF 0 20%
0% 0.97 0.95
1% 0.96 0.94
3% 0.94 0.93
5% 0.90 0.92
7% 0.88 0.84
9% 0.85 0.80
B. Comparative results
In this section, we compare the performance of our
technique with two recent methods: Del-Fresno et al. [19] and
Yu et al. [20] techniques which gave good results in brain
segmentation. The segmentation results of these algorithms are
presented in Figs.(6a), (6b), and (6c) respectively. The
performance of each segmentation method on this dataset is
reported in Table 2.
Table II shows the scort S of WM using different
techniques for the Brain data. In this Table, we compare
between proposed method, Del-Fresno et al. [18] and Yu et al.
[19] techniques. In particular, although the segmentation
quality logically deteriorates in the presence of noise (0% and
6%) and variations in intensity, the robustness of the present
technique is highly satisfactory compared with the results of
other segmentation techniques [18,19].
Noise 3% 6%
RF 0% 20% 0% 20%
Proposed method 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.85
Del-Fresno et al.[3] 0.94 0.89 0.91 0.84
Yu et al.[6] 0.90 0.90 0.88 0.83
In this paper, we have presented an approach for medical
image segmentation, which integrates three existing methods:
fuzzy k-means clustering, seed region growing, and sensitivity
and specificity algorithms. The first two methods have a
common advantage: they have no constraints or hypothesis on
topology, which may change during convergence. The third
method is used to merge similar regions. An initial partitioning
of the image into primitive regions has been performed by
applying a fuzzy clustering on the image. This initial partition
is the input to a computationally efficient seed region that
produces the suitable segmentation. The sensitivity and
specificity algorithm is used to perform a suitable merging of
regions which produces the final segmentation. It is observed
that the proposed method has shown higher robustness in
discrimination of regions because of the low signal/noise ratio
characterizing most of medical images data.
By comparing the proposed methods with Del-Fresno et al.
[18] and Yu et al. [19] methods, it is clear that the proposed
algorithm can estimate the correct tissues WM and GM much
more accurately than the established algorithms. Although, the
accuracy of WM and GM clusters are varied according to noise
factor, but we have shown that the proposed method gives
better accuracy than Del-Fresno et al. [18] and Yu et al. [19]
techniques with high noise level.
Future research in MRI segmentation should strive toward
improving the computation speed of the segmentation
algorithms, while reducing the amount of manual interactions
needed. This is particularly important as MR imaging is
becoming a routine diagnostic procedure in clinical practice. It
is also important that any practical segmentation algorithm
should deal with 3D volume segmentation instead of 2D slice
by slice segmentation, since MRI data is 3D in nature.
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[14] Brain Web, Simulated Brain Database, McConnell Brain Imaging
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[15] Zanaty E. A., S. Aljahdali Fuzzy algorithms for automatic magnetic
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Ashraf Afifi is an assistance professor, faculty of computers and
information technology, Taif University, Saudi Arabia. He received his MSC
Degree in digital communication in 1995 from zagazig University, Egypt. He
completed his Ph. D. studies in 2002 from zagzig University,Egypt. His
research interests are digital communication, and image segmentation. In these
areas he has published several technical papers in refereed international
journals or Conference proceedings.
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GUI Database for the Equipment Store of the
Department of Geomatic Engineering, KNUST
J. A. Quaye-Ballard
, R. An
, A. B. Agyemang
, N. Y. Oppong-Quayson
and J. E. N. Ablade
PhD Candidate, College of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.
Professor, Dean, College of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.
Lecturer, Department of Geomatic Engineering, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana
Research Assistant, Department of Geomatic Engineering, College of Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
Abstract The geospatial analyst is required to apply art,
science, and technology to measure relative positions of natural
and man-made features above or beneath the earths surface, and
to present this information either graphically or numerically. The
reference positions for these measurements need to be well
archived and managed to effectively sustain the activities in the
spatial industry. The research herein described highlights the
need for an information system for the Land Surveyors
Equipment Store. Such a system is a database management
system with a user-friendly graphical interface. This paper
describes one such system that has been developed for the
Equipment Store of the Department of Geomatic Engineering,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
(KNUST), Ghana. The system facilitates efficient management
and location of instruments, as well as easy location of beacons
together with their attribute information; it provides multimedia
information about instruments in an Equipment Store. Digital
camera was used capture the pictorial descriptions of the
beacons. A Geographic Information System (GIS) software was
employed to visualize the spatial location of beacons and to
publish the various layers for the Graphical User Interface
(GUI). The aesthetics of the interface was developed with user
interface design tools and coded by programming. The developed
Suite, powered by a reliable and fully scalable database, provides
an efficient way of booking and analyzing transactions in an
Equipment Store.
Keywords- Survey Beacons; Survey Instrument; Survey
Computations; GIS; DBMS.
Scientists around the world are addressing the need to
increase access to research data [1]. Software Applications
such as the Dataverse Networ, which is an open-source
Application for publishing, referencing, extracting and
analyzing research data, have been developed to solve the
problems of data sharing by building technologies that enable
institutions to reduce the burden for researchers and data
publishers, and incentivize them to share their data [2]. One
of the technologies that most people have become accustomed
to hearing about, at work or on the internet is Database. A
database is a structured collection of records or data that is
stored in a computer system [3]. Accessibility and storage of
large amount of data is important for a designing a database
system [4-7]. [4] highlights on the requirements for efficient
Database Management System (DBMS). In recent years, the
object-oriented paradigm has been applied in areas such as
engineering, spatial data management, telecommunications,
and various scientific domains. This is a programming
paradigm using object-oriented data structures consisting of
data fields and their links with various methods to design
applications and computer programs [7, 8]. Programming
techniques may include features such as data abstraction,
encapsulation, measuring, modularity, 3D visualization,
polymorphism and inheritance [3]. The conglomeration of
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and database
technology has led to this new kind of database. These
databases bring the database world and the application-
programming world closer together, in particular by ensuring
that the database uses the same type of system as the
application program. A database system needs be managed
with a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which is a Human-
Computer Interface (HCI), that is, a way for humans to
interact with computers. The GUI employs windows, icons
and menus which can be manipulated by use of a mouse and
often to a limited extent by use of a keyboard as well. Thus, a
GUI uses a combination of technologies and devices to
provide a platform for the tasks of collection and producing
information [9]. To support the idea of this research, many
interesting databases associated with GIS have been developed
in many parts of the world to support decision makers in their
investigations [e.g. 10-13].
A series of elements conforming to a visual language have
evolved to represent information stored in computers. This
makes it easier for people with few computer skills to work
with and use computer software. The most common
combination of such elements in GUIs is the Window Icon
Menu Pointing (WIMP) device paradigm, especially in
personal computers [9]. A major advantage of GUIs lies in
their capacity to render computer operation more intuitive and,
thereby, easier to learn and use. For example, it is much easier
for a new user to move a file from one directory to another by
dragging its icon with the mouse than by having to remember
and type practically mysterious commands to accomplish the
same task. The user should feel in control of the computer, and
not the other way around. This is normally achieved in
software applications that embody the qualities of
responsiveness, permissiveness and consistency.
Sustaining the activities of the Geoinformation industry,
for example, calls for proper management of coordinates to
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which survey measurements are referred as well as effectual
keeping of records. KNUST is a renowned university with
adequate resources for running a DBMS at various
departmental levels and, in recognition of the urgent need for
crossing over from analogue to relevant digital methodologies
this work was undertaken to produce a prototypical DBMS for
the Department of Geomatic Engineering equipment store. In
the latter part of the 1980s significant losses were incurred
during a fire outbreak in the block that used to house the
departments equipment. The effects of those losses are still felt
and to support this need for a computerized record-keeping
routine with regular back-ups. Furthermore the extremely
large volume of equipment and other stuff makes data retrieval
and Instrument location quite difficult in the store. In addition,
locating beacons on campus is also a major problem. This
calls for development of a database (of all beacons on KNUST
campus), and to have such database integrated in a Geographic
Information System (GIS) to facilitate identification and
locating of beacons. The GIS would integrate modules for
capturing, storing, analyzing, managing, and presenting data
linked to location; a merging of cartography, statistical
analysis, and database technology [14]. With regards to
meeting the above-mentioned objectives, a database of all
equipment in the departments Equipment Store has been
developed with a graphical user interface of all equipment
shelf locations. It is a fully scalable GUI database of beacons
on KNUST campus. Software has also been developed for
record-keeping (of the use of all equipment in the Store) in a
digital environment; certain survey computational procedures
have also been developed in the application to use beacon
coordinate information seamlessly.
A questionnaire was issued to help study how records are
kept at the Equipment Store; how beacons can be easily
identified in the field; how surveyors obtain beacon
information for their jobs; and how GIS could be used to
improve procedures for lending of equipment and to better
manage information on beacons. The data used for the
research included the beacons Coordinate data, which include
their Descriptions, Northings, Eastings, Elevations and
Revision Dates; a video coverage of the Geomatic Equipment
Store; pictures and videos of various sections of the Store. The
programming languages and Application software employed
were Visual Basic (vb.net) for the development of graphical
user interface Applications; C-Sharp (C#) for encompassing
imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented
and component-oriented programming disciplines. Extensible
Application MarkUp Language (XAML) was used for creating
user interfaces in WPF and for serializing .NET object
instances into a human readable format. Adobe Photoshop
was also used for its extensive amount of graphics editing
features. Other Applications employed include the .NET
framework for building the software application; Windows
Presentation Foundation (WPF), a graphical display system
designed for the .NET, framework; the Entity Framework for
accessing data and working with the results in addition to
DataReaders and DataSets; and Environmental Systems
Research Institute (ESRI) ArcObjects Library to support the
GIS application on the desktop. The logical structure of the
methods used for the design of the application is depicted in
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Logical structure of methods
When an application starts, the Component Object Module
(COM) will be initialized. An entity data context is created for
the database and its objects are loaded onto the GUI by means
of data binding. The GUI running on .NET Framework
connects to a GIS dataset via COM Interop. Whenever a
record needs to be updated, it undergoes validation. Backing-
up the database can be done onto a web server or an external
A. Procedure
The whole suite comprises four applications, namely
BeaconBase, LendingBase, InstruVisio and Survcom. The
BeaconBase application has a database of all the survey
beacons on campus with their coordinates in the Ghana
National Grid System. The LendingBase application is used
for recording lending transactions that occur in the Equipment
Store, with details of the borrower and all instruments
borrowed. The layout controls used for both BeaconBase and
LendingBase applications include the DockPanel, Grid,
StackPanel and the Tab Control. The root layout element used
is the Grid. Two DockPanels are docked at the Top of the
Window and Stretched Horizontally across the screen. The
InstruVisio is a multimedia and interactive interface for the
instruments stored at the Equipment Store. Multimedia files
were encoded in Expression Encoder software for InstruVisio
interface. Other controls used were defined in XAML code for
InstruVisio interface.
The SurvCom is an application created on the Multiple
Document Interface (MDI) architecture of the Windows Form
platform. Most of the procedures for developing the
application were as in the procedures for the other applications
mentioned earlier. MDI applications facilitate the display of
multiple documents or forms at the same time, with each
document displayed in its own window. MDI applications
often have a Window menu item with submenus for switching
between windows or documents.
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The SQL server compact 3.5 database was employed in
designing the LendStore Database (a database for lending),
which has ten fields - PersonID which is the primary key field
(type integer), Date (type datetime), PersonName (type
nvarchar), PersonDepartment (type nvarchar), PersonPhone
(type nvarchar), IsReturned (type Boolean), ReturnDate (type
datetime), Remarks (type nvarchar), and TotalInstru (type
integer); LendingDetails Table, which has five fields: Id which
is the primary key field (type integer), InstrumentName (type
nvarchar), Quantity (type integer), PersonID which is a foreign
key field (type integer) and Serial (type nvarchar); and the
Instrument Table, which has six fields: ID which is the
primary key field (type integer), InstrumentName (type
nvarchar), Unused (type nvarchar), Used (type nvarchar),
Remaining (type nvarchar) and Description (type nvarchar);
and the BeaconDB Database (a database for the beacons),
which has one table with nine fields: BeaconID (type integer),
BeaconName (type nvarchar), Northing (type nvarchar),
Easting (type nvarchar), Elevation (type nvarchar),
Description (type nvarchar), Photo (type nvarchar),
RevisionSurveyor (type nvarchar) and Date (type datetime).
The Microsoft Expression Blend and the Visual Studio
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) were the GUI
design and coding software used respectively. A new project
was created for each of the applications under the suite.
Expression Blend was employed in the design of the WPF
windows. The query language used is the Language-Integrated
Query (LINQ). LINQ-To-Entities and Entity Structure Query
Language (SQL) are a groundbreaking innovation in Visual
Studio and the .NET Framework version 3.5 that bridges the
gap between the world of objects and the world of data. In a
LINQ query, one always works with objects, and that suited
the object-oriented approach used in this work.
B. Ethical Considerations
Security issues were considered when developing the
software suite. The data in the database was protected against
unauthorized disclosure, alteration and destruction. The user is
allowed to do only what is expected to be done to avoid
inconsistencies in the database which could produce errors in
the software. Data integrity or accuracy/correctness of data in
the software was also considered. Though this attribute cannot
be absolutely met, validation principles were inculcated into
the software to ascertain as much as possible that data entering
or leaving the software database was reliable. Data loss, which
is the unforeseen loss of data or information in a computer
system, can be very disastrous; this was also very much taken
into account. Studies have consistently shown hardware failure
and human error to be the most common causes of data loss.
To avoid such disasters, a BackUp module was integrated. The
database can be uploaded through a network stream onto an
internet server for backup. Where there is no network
available, an external device could be used for backing up data
in a very fast and simple way.
C. Integrating GIS
The BeaconBase application connects to a GIS dataset to
query geographic data. The algorithm used to match the
Beacon feature in the GeoDatabase is depicted graphically in
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2: Conceptual algorithm for connecting to GIS
To bind DataControl to data the Expression Blend software
was used to automatically generate XAML code for that
purpose. Classes describe the structure of objects and are a
fundamental building block of object-oriented programming.
Four object classes were created: winBackUp, winAbout,
winBeaconBase and winSettings, all of which inherits from
the base class System.Windows.Window.
A. The InstruVisio Application
The developed InstruVisio application has the following
features: database of all instruments in the instrument store; a
vivid description of all instruments and their use; visualization
of all rooms through a video display; the ability to show the
shelf location of each instrument in the store; a display of job
types and instruments needed for each job; a built-in search
engine to help determine with ease the location of instruments.
An audio module has been incorporated using Microsoft
speech synthesizer. It reads out, on request, the description of
each instrument in the store. The application runs with a
graphical user interface that is user-friendly and it afford the
user total control. It displays an aesthetically pleasing view of
buttons and an animated pop-up of windows to show the
rooms in the Store, as depicted in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3: The InstruVisio Application interface
The program starts with a video display to show the
current state of the Equipment Store. Individual videos of each
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room can also be played on request by the user. The program
is such that any new user can visualize the instrument store
without necessarily going there. A Carousel displays in a
window all instruments in the store and their description.
B. The BeaconBase Application
The BeaconBase application has the following features:
database of all the survey Beacons in the study area;
management features, such as adding a new beacon, editing a
Beacons information, Updating Beacon area photo; exporting
beacon data locally onto a disk drive and printing in hardcopy;
performing bearing and distance computation between any
two beacons; visualizing beacon in a GIS window; viewing
Beacon coordinates in various units; and a fast search engine
algorithm. The application launches with a user-friendly
interface. All the beacons in the study area are loaded from the
database into memory. The customized data template of a
listbox in the left panel is populated with a collection object.
The user can select a Beacon from the list and instantly get
information about the beacons - Coordinates, Picture and
Revision Date. These data can be downloaded onto a local
drive or printed out. The selected beacon can be visualized
graphically in a GIS map. The user can add new beacons to
the collection or edit data on the already existing beacons from
the user-friendly interface. The spatial locations of the beacons
can also be integrated with a GIS. Fig. 4 shows the
BeaconBase Application interface.
Fig. 4: The BeaconBase Application interface
C. The LendingBase Application
The LendingBase application has the following features: a
form for recording new lending with details of borrower and
all instruments borrowed; issuing a return note on a lending
after the borrower has returned all instruments; viewing the
lending history in a flexible and intuitive chart panel; editing
instrument information in database; graphically generating the
recent lending statistics - this statistics is very important
because it highlights the rate of collection of each instrument
in the Store; safe deletion of unwanted records - safe deletion
here refers to the records not being totally cleared but
transferred into a recycle bin so that it can be reviewed at a
later time in case there is a problem. It is important to make it
possible for deleted data to be recalled/restored to back-up
database onto the web server or some other external storage
device. This facilitates retrieval of data in case of damage to
computer hardware. It is especially important because it helps
prevent (or provide the necessary remedy for) program failure
when it occurs due to data loss. An audio module has been
incorporated to provide an audio rendition of the status of
transactions. A built-in Search engine makes it possible to
search for transactions that were executed in the past, and so
help to study the trend of use and, therefore, the possible
causes of what faults might result with any particular
After the application launches, all the lending records in
the database are loaded into memory and populated into the
DataGrid. The user can select a record from the DataGrid,
which contains the name of the borrower, department, date of
borrowing, phone number, return status and date of return.
Details about the lending such as all instruments lent, quantity
and corresponding serial numbers are displayed concurrently
in the bottom panel. The application was designed with the
aim of placing the user in absolute control. The user can add
new records, with all the details pertaining to the record, in the
AddNew Form. Thus, the user can see at a glance a pie chart
showing in relative terms the quantity of instruments currently
available in the Equipment Store, instruments lent out, and
faulty instruments. The user can safely delete any record. Such
deleted record will not be completely deleted from the
database, but will be moved to a temporary space from where
it may be restored whenever so desired. The borrower can be
issued a return note on the lending transaction after he/she has
returned all instruments. The quantity of available instruments
in the database is automatically updated. The trend in recent
lending activity in the Equipment Stores can be depicted
graphically in a chart - a line chart, bar chart or pie chart. The
data points of Fig. 5 shows a line chart of the total numbers of
instruments lent out from the office in a day.
Fig. 5: The Lending Application interface
D. The SurvCom Application
The SurvCom application consists of modules for the
following computations: area, detailing, horizontal curve
setting out parameters derivations, and leveling - for both rise
& fall method and height of collimation method. These
computational types have been included because they are the
most common day-to-day computational routines of the land
surveyor. However, the system has the capability of adding
other computational procedures. The Area Computation
application calculates area by coordinates and, also, facilitates
conversion from one unit of area to another. For example one
can convert from square metres to hectares. Fig. 6 shows the
Area Computation Application interface.
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Fig. 6: The Area Computation Application interface
The Detailing Application uses the method of detailing by
rays and can compute coordinates of practically infinite
number of points and from an infinite number of instrument
stations (Fig. 7). Use is made of observational values taken
from field with a Total Station, which include the horizontal
and vertical circle readings, and the slope distances. These are
used to compute the coordinates of the points in question.
Fig. 7: The Detailing Application interface
The Horizontal Circular Curve Design Application
computes the setting-out parameters of a horizontal circular
curve. The required input values include deflection angle for
the curve, curve length or radius of curvature, chainage of the
intersection point for the forward and back tangents, as well as
multiples of chord lengths for setting-out the curve (Fig. 8).
The Leveling Application computes the reduced level from
back-sight, foresight and inter-sight values. It computes the
reduced level using the rise & fall method or height of
collimation method depending on the users preference (Fig.
9). The developed Suite was subjected to considerable testing.
The test participants included lecturers and students from the
Department of Geomatic Engineering. The final design was
based on feedback from test participants. The design
considerations included a requirement for the suite to run
optimally under Microsoft Windows Vista or higher Operating
System; Graphics Application Programming Interface (API):
DirectX; Random Access Memory (RAM) of at least 256MB;
audio output devices like speakers. The compiled suite was
built with MS Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1; Telerik Rad
Controls for WPF version Q2 2009; ESRIs ArcObjects
runtime license; and Developer Express v2009 vol1 controls.
Running LendingBase initiates a window that pops up to
display a Table with a design Form of the record keeping
requirements of the Equipment Store.
Fig. 8: The Horizontal Circular Curve Design Application interface
Fig. 9: The leveling Application interface
The menu bar has options for new entry and return of
transaction, backing up data on a web server or on an external
storage device, quantity of available instruments for lending,
statistical data on recent issuing out of instruments and
deletion of data in case of error in the entry. Summary of all
details of each transaction is displayed on a record-details
panel found at the bottom. These options allow the user of the
program to be in control of every facet of instrument lending
in the Equipment Store. Other Information about the program
makeup can be found in the About section of the menu bar.
The BeaconBase program displays an artistic window with
a well-organized menu bar. The menu bar buttons include
Add, Delete, Save, Print, Edit, Visualize, Mark, Help, Back up
and Export Data. It also has a drop-down button that displays
units of beacons with which the user may want to work in. The
Visualize button shows, in a GIS environment, the spatial
location of the beacon. There is also a section with the list of
beacons on KNUST campus; a single click on any beacon in
the list displays the beacons coordinates as well as a
photograph of it to depict its current state. Any other
information about the program is found in the About section of
the menu bar. The InstruVisio Application launches with a
window which plays a video coverage of the Equipment Store.
There are buttons on the menu bar for the Carousel,
EnterOffice, Help and About. The Carousel gives information
and location of all instruments in the office. The EnterOffice is
for visualizing any room in the office and shows the shelf
locations of instruments. There is also a drop-down button
which displays the various survey job types and the
instruments required for such jobs. This is meant to assist the
user in his/her choice of instruments for the survey work on
This SurvCom program consists of a set of applications
that automate certain survey computations. The Area
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Computation is an application which with a click of a button,
computes the area of a parcel from given coordinates. Its menu
bar has Open Document, Add and Remove, Save, Cut, Paste
and Compute buttons. The Detailing Application has a
window with textboxes in which the initial Station name and
coordinates with horizontal circle readings are input. In the
Table, subsequent horizontal circle readings and vertical circle
readings of targets will be entered as well as their slope
distance. The Compute button in the program will then initiate
the computations of all coordinates of points which can be
plotted for detailing. The horizontal circular curve design
application has a window with a section where the user may
enter the deflection angle for a curve, curve length or radius of
curvature, chainage of the intersection point for the forward
and back tangents. The application then generates chord
lengths for setting out the curve. The user may then enter the
point names, their chord lengths, chainages and their
individual tangential angles. Upon clicking the Calculate
button, the application will automatically generate the
cumulative tangential angles, give a sketch of the look of the
curve and provide a general report on the work. The general
report includes the through chainage of the start and end
points, initial and final sub-chord lengths, the external
distance, tangent length, and length of long chord. The
Leveling Application displays a window with a menu bar. The
program buttons are for Add, Remove, Open document, Cut,
Paste, Help and Run. When File is clicked, options on method
of computation pop up. These methods are the Rise & Fall
method and the Height of collimation method. Depending on
the users discretion any method can be selected for
computing the reduced levels.
During the collection of data from the Equipment Office,
considerable problems were encountered due to some of the
analogue procedures employed at the time. For example, as
regards the information on the beacons, there were problems
with some of the coordinates since some characters were not
legible on the printouts due to the age paper medium of
storage. They were old, tearing and deteriorating. These
realizations helped to appreciate the relevance of this work the
A digital information and management system for the
Equipment Store of the KNUST Department of Geomatic
Engineering has been produced. That is, the objective of the
research of creating a database of instruments in the
Equipment Store with a GUI was achieved. This incorporated
a fully scalable GUI database of beacons on KNUST campus
integrated with its spatial location; a software to manage and
archive the record keeping of instruments in a digital
environment; and lastly automation few survey computations.
The database for all the instruments in the office gives relevant
descriptive information of each instrument in a very
comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. A fully scalable GUI
database of beacons on KNUST campus has also been
developed and successfully integrated in a GIS geodatabase to
provide spatial and graphical data for the beacons. The
LendingBase Application manages, archives and records
instruments and their daily lending transactions in a digital
environment. The SurvCom provides a predefined automation
of some survey computations for the user. The modules of the
applications are user-friendly and provide an efficient and
effective way of managing survey instruments and records to
help sustain the activities and contributions of the Land
Surveyor. Although the system in its current form can only be
said to be prototypical, it can be modified or extended to cover
any Equipment Office practice or extent of land coverage.
Any Survey Firm, private or public, where records need to be
kept on survey beacons and on the daily use of survey
equipment can use this Suite to manage the relevant concerns.
The importance of good record-keeping on surveyors beacons
and equipment cannot be over-emphasized as our dear nation
enters the efficiency-demanding realm of oil and gas
exploration. The BeaconBase Application can be employed by
small or large organizations where coordinates data are
collected, archived and used; such as with the use of the
Global Positioning System (GPS). This can support decision
makers in area where monitoring, such as grassland, wetlands,
desertification, drought, etc. where beacon database are
needed for decision makers in their investigations.
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Comparative Study between the Proposed GA Based
ISODAT Clustering and the Conventional Clustering
Kohei Arai
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
Abstract A method of GA: Genetic Algorithm based ISODATA
clustering is proposed.GA clustering is now widely available. One
of the problems for GA clustering is a poor clustering
performance due to the assumption that clusters are represented
as convex functions. Well known ISODATA clustering has
parameters of threshold for merge and split. The parameters
have to be determined without any assumption (convex functions).
In order to determine the parameters, GA is utilized. Through
comparatives studies between with and without parameter
estimation with GA utilizing well known UCI Repository data
clustering performance evaluation, it is found that the proposed
method is superior to the original ISODATA and also the other
conventional clustering methods.
Keywords- GA; ISODATA; Optimization; Clustering.
Clustering is the method of collecting the comrades of
each-other likeness, making a group based on the similarity
and dissimilarity nature between object individuals, and
classifying an object in the heterogeneous object of a thing [1].
The classified group calls it a cluster. The criteria which
measure how many objects are alike have the degree
(similarity) of similar, and the degree (dissimilarity) of
dissimilarity [2]. The object with high similarity is one where
a value is larger more alike like a correlation coefficient in the
degree of similar, and the object with low similarity is not one
where the value of the degree of dissimilarity is conversely
larger ] alike. The degree of dissimilarity is well used in these
both. The degree of dissimilarity is also called distance
(distance). There is a definition of the distance currently used
by clustering how many. The clustering method can be divided
into the hierarchical clustering method and the un-hierarchical
clustering method [3].
Hierarchical clustering [4] (hierarchical clustering method)
is the clustering method for searching for the configurationally
structure which can be expressed with a tree diagram or a
dendrogram [5], and is method into which it has developed
from the taxonomy in biology. A hierarchy method has a
shortest distance method, the longest distance method, the
median method, a center-of gravity method, a group means
method, the Ward method, etc [6]. By a hierarchy method,
there are faults, such as the chain effect that computational
complexity is large.
A non-hierarchy method is the method of rearranging the
member of a cluster little by little and asking for the better
cluster from the initial state [7],[8],[9]. It is more uniform than
this as much as possible within a cluster, and it is a target to
make it a classification which differs as much as possible
between clusters. The typical method of a non-hierarchy
method has the K-means method and the ISODATA method
A method of GA: Genetic Algorithm [11] based
ISODATA clustering is proposed. GA clustering is now
widely available. One of the problems for GA clustering is a
poor clustering performance due to the assumption that
clusters are represented as convex functions. Well known
ISODATA clustering has parameters of threshold for merge
and split [12],[13]. The parameters have to be determined
without any assumption (convex functions). In order to
determine the parameters, GA is utilized. Through
comparatives studies between with and without parameter
estimation with GA utilizing well known UCI Repository data
clustering performance evaluation, it is found that the
proposed method is superior to the original ISODATA.
ISODATA based clustering with GA is proposed in the
previous paper [14]. In this paper, comparative study of the
proposed ISODATA GA clustering method with the
conventional clustering methods is described.
In the next section, theoretical backgrounds on the widely
used conventional clustering methods and Genetic Algorithm:
is reviewed followed by the proposed clustering method
based on ISODAT with GA. Then experimental result with
simulation data of concave shaped distribution of data is
shown for demonstration of effectiveness of the proposed
method followed by experimental results with UCI repository
of standard datasets for machine learning. In particular,
clustering performance of the proposed GA based ISODATA
clustering method is compared to those of the other
conventional clustering methods. Finally, conclusion and some
discussions are described.
Theoretical Background
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A. K-Means Clustering
The k-mean method is that of the non-hierarchical type
clustering method proposed by MacQueen, Anderberg [15],
Forgy and others [16] in the 1960s. Based on the given initial
cluster center of gravity, this method uses the average of a
cluster and classifies. The process flow is shown as follows.
1. Several k of a cluster is determined and the k cluster
center of gravity is given as initial value. There are the
following methods in selection of the initial cluster
center of gravity. (1) Use the result of the clustering
performed before. (2) Presume from knowledge other
than clustering. (3) Generate at random.
2. To all individuals, distance with the k cluster center of
gravity is calculated, and distance arranges an
individual to the cluster used as the minimum.
3. The center of gravity of each cluster is re-calculated by
the individual rearranged by 2.
4. If it is below threshold with the number of the
individuals which changed the affiliation cluster, it
will be regarded as convergence and processing will
be ended. When other, it returns to 2. and processing is
Like this fault, the sum in a cluster which is all the distance
of an individual and its cluster center of gravity decreases in
monotone. That is, the k-means method is a kind of the
climbing-a-mountain method. Therefore, although the k-means
method guarantees local optimal nature, global optimal nature
is not guaranteed. The result of clustering changes with setup
of the initial cluster center of gravity.
The ISODATA method is the method developed by Ball,
Hall and others in the 1960s. The ISODATA method is a
method which added division of a cluster, and processing of
fusion to the k-means method. The individual density of a
cluster is controllable by performing division and fusion to the
cluster generated from the k-means method. The individual in
a cluster divides past [a detached building] and its cluster, and
the distance between clusters unites them with past close. The
parameter which set up division and fusion beforehand
determines. The procedure of the ISODATA method is shown
as follows.
1. Parameters, such as the number of the last clusters, a
convergence condition of rearrangement, judgment
conditions of a minute cluster, branch condition of
division and fusion, and end conditions, are
2. The initial cluster center of gravity is selected.
3. Based on the convergence condition of rearrangement,
an individual is rearranged in the way of the k-means
4. It considers with a minute cluster that it is below
threshold with the number of individuals of a cluster,
and accepts from future clustering.
5. When it is more than the threshold that exists within
fixed limits which the number of clusters centers on
the number of the last clusters, and has the minimum
of the distance between the cluster centers of gravity
and is below threshold with the maximum of
distribution in a cluster, clustering regards it as
convergence and ends processing. When not
converging, it progresses to the following step.
6. If the number of clusters exceeds the fixed range,
when large, a cluster is divided, and when small, it will
unite. It divides, if the number of times of a repetition
is odd when there is the number of clusters within
fixed limits, and if the number is even, it unites. If
division and fusion finish, it will return to 3. and
processing will be repeated.
Division of a cluster: If it is more than threshold with
distribution of a cluster, carry out the cluster along with the
first principal component for 2 minutes, and search for the new
cluster center of gravity. Distribution of a cluster is re-
calculated, and division is continued until it becomes below
Fusion of a cluster: If it is below threshold with the
minimum of the distance between the cluster centers of
gravity, unite the cluster pair and search for the new cluster
center of gravity. The distance between the cluster center of
gravity is re-calculated, and fusion is continued until the
minimum becomes more than threshold.
Although the ISODATA method can adjust the number of
certain within the limits clusters, and the homogeneity of a
cluster by division and fusion, global optimal nature cannot be
guaranteed. Since the ISODATA method has more parameters
than the k-means method, adjustment of the parameter is still
more difficult.
C. Heredity Algorithm
A heredity algorithm (Genetic Algorithms: GA) is an
optimization algorithm modeled after the theory of evolution
of Darwin, and it will be advocated by Holland
in the 1960s.
The solution in question is expressed as an individual and an
each object is constituted from GA by the chromosome. An
individual evolves by selection, intersection, and mutation,
and searches for an optimum solution.
The general procedure of GA is shown as follows.
1. N individuals with a chromosome are generated as the
initial population (population). Simultaneous search of
the N points can be carried out by these N individuals.
2. Fitness value is searched for based on the fitness value
function beforehand defined to each individual.
3. Selection is performed based on fitness value. That is
what is screened out of N individuals of current
generation and the thing which survives the next
generation. The probability of surviving the next
generation becomes high so that the fitness value of an
individual is high, but the low individual of fitness
value may also survive in the next generation. This is a
role which controls lapsing into a partial solution.
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Tournament selection
: It is the method of repeating this
process until it selects a certain number of individuals at
random from the population, fitness value chooses the best
thing in it and the population's number of individuals is
Elite strategy
: How many individuals with the maximum
fitness value call it the elite. The method of certainly leaving
the elite to the next generation regardless of a selection rule is
called elite strategy. The elite individual saved by an elite
strategy participates in neither intersection nor mutation.
4. By the set-up intersection probability or the intersection
method, the selected individual is crossed (crossover)
and a new individual is generated.
5. By the method of the set-up mutation rate or mutation,
mutation is performed and a new individual is
6. Fitness value is re-calculated to a new chromosome
7. If end conditions are fulfilled, let the best individual
then obtained be the semi optimum solution in question.
Otherwise, it returns to 3.
GA is the multipoint search method, and is excellent in
global searching ability, also is widely applied to various
optimizations or a search problem.
D. Real Numerical Value GA
Early GA performed intersection and mutation by the bit
string which carried out the binary coding of the variable, and
has disregarded the continuity of a variable. On the other hand,
GA which performs intersection in consideration of the
continuity of a variable and mutation is called the real
numerical value GA (Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms)
the numerical value itself. In this research, the threshold of an
initial cluster center and division/fusion is optimized based on
the real numerical value GA.
GA with a general flow of processing of the real numerical
value GA is the same. Since the coding method is merely
different, the original intersection method and the mutation
method are used.
The intersection method of real numerical value GA daily
use has the BLX-alpha method
, single modal normal
distribution crossing method (Uni-modal Normal Distribution
crossover: UNDX)
:, etc., and the mutation method has
mutation, uniform mutation, etc. by a normal distribution.
The BLX-alpha crossing method: This intersection method
determines a child as follows,
1. Two parent individuals are set to a and b.
2. The section [A, B] of intersection is calculated by
the following formulas.
b a b a B
b a b a A
) , max(
) , min(
3. A uniform random number determines a child
individual from the section [A, B].
Mutation by a normal distribution: It can be happened
mutation by a normal distribution. The normal distribution
used at this time will be decided with the random number
according to the normal distribution of the average of x
distribution delta 2, if a parent individual is set to x. The
individual generated exceeding the range of x [XMIN,
XMAX] is stored in within the limits.
It decided to use GA also for the determination of the
threshold of the separation in clustering by ISODATA, and
integration. It is because a clustering result will constitute
inevitably the cluster that cluster distribution becomes the best
for a case to a convex function wholly in the bottom if this sets
up an fitness value function which makes the maximum the
ratio of synthesis of distribution between clusters, and
synthesis of cluster internal variance. By the method of
repeating separation and integration like ISODATA, it decided
to avoid an above-mentioned problem by controlling this
threshold. The consecutiveness distribution form based on it
needs the concept of the distance in the feature space, and to
be judged for this control, and in order to perform this, GA is
used in this paper.
A. Partial Mean Distance
As partial mean distance is shown in Fig.1, the average of
the distance between the individuals belonging to the same
cluster of a certain part within the limits is called partial mean
distance. It can ask for the sum of partial mean distance all
over the districts by moving the range of a part by the Moving
method little by little. The window of the Moving
Window method here is a super-sphere in n-dimensional
Euclidean space.
Since distribution of a cluster is not necessarily uniform
distribution, when the window of the Moving Window method
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is moved at equal intervals, useless calculation may be carried
out in a place without an individual. In order to avoid this, in
this paper, in all individuals, it will move for every individual
and the sum of partial mean distance all over the districts will
ask for the super-sphere centering on an individual.
Figure 1Partial mean distance
Making the sum of partial mean distance all over the
districts into the minimum, the density of an individual, an
individual can be made to belong to a separate cluster along a
crevice in a small place, i.e., a place with a crevice that is, the
boundary line of a cluster can be made so much to a concave
B. Difference from the Conventional ISODATA Method
The ISODATA method is a method which cluster
distribution assumes to be a convex function. When cluster
distribution is a concave function, by the ISODATA method, it
can respond to some extent by division and fusion, but if the
procedure of the conventional ISODATA method is followed,
the cluster classified correctly once may be destroyed.
Since equivalence will be carried out if the individual
rearrangement in the process of the ISODATA method is the
k-means method in fact and a cluster can be divided in a
straight line with a Voronoi figure
, when cluster distribution
is a concave function, the cluster divided by division and
fusion with the curve may be destroyed by rearrangement of
an individual. Then, after the proposal method unites the last
of the ISODATA method, it does not rearrange an individual
and is ended.
When cluster distribution is a concave function, suppose
that former data was divided by the threshold of suitable
division. Since the distance between clusters changes into the
united process when uniting a cluster after this, as for the turn
of fusion, a result will be affected. When it does so, even if
there is a threshold of suitable fusion, a desirable fusion result
may not be brought. By the proposal method, in order to
depend for the fusion result of a cluster only on the threshold
of fusion, simultaneous fusion of the cluster filled to the
threshold of fusion is carried out.
Moreover, since the center of a cluster is presumed by Real
Coded GA: RCGA by the proposal method, even if a
clustering result reduces the number of times of a repetition of
the ISODATA method for which it does not depend on
correction of the center of a cluster by repetition of the
ISODATA method to some extent, it hardly influences a
clustering result. Therefore, in this paper, the number of times
of a repetition of the ISODATA method is set to 2 for the
improvement in calculation speed.
C. Selection of Fitness Value Function
Since the cluster that F is made into the maximum and that
cluster distribution will become [as for the result of clustering]
the best for a case to a convex function wholly in the bottom if
an fitness value function setup is carried out will be
constituted, it is not suitable when cluster distribution is a
concave function.
As make into the minimum of the sum of partial mean
distance all over the districts, since only the crevice within the
limits between parts will be observed if a fitness value
function setup is carried out, a cluster may not become a lump.
F Fitness
In this equation, F expresses a false F value, d denotes the
sum of partial mean distance all over the districts, and m
expresses weight.
Here, when asking for the sum of partial mean distance,
selection of the range of a part has large influence on a result.
If the range of a part is too small, a crevice cannot be covered
and the boundary line of a cluster cannot be made correctly.
Moreover, when the range of a part is too large, locality may
lose. The radius of a super-sphere which expresses the range
of a part with the proposal method for an object as one cluster
is enlarged little by little from the shortest distance between
individuals to the maximum distance, and it asks for the sum
of partial mean distance. In the time of the radius of a super-
sphere becoming at least in the width of a crevice, the sum of
partial mean distance reaches one peak. In order to carry out
the certain cover of the crevice, the sum of partial mean
distance makes a few radiuses this becomes a peak, the range
of the part actually using a super-sphere with a large radius.
D. Set-up Parametersfor RCGA
The selection method, tournament selection and an elite
strategy is used. The size of tournament selection is set as 3.
Using the BLX-alpha method, the intersection method sets
the value of alpha as 0.5, and sets up intersection probability to
Using the mutation method by a normal distribution, the
mutation method sets the value of sigma as 0.5, and sets up
mutation probability to 1%.
Termination conditions: the elite, five-generation
maintaining t as a thing and five generations of differences of
the average fitness values and the elite's fitness value
continuing 2% in within the limits.
By the ISODATA method, the threshold of an initial
cluster center, division, and fusion is presumed by GA.
A. Performance Evaluation Method
A different clustering result is obtained from the separate
clustering method in many cases. Also by the same clustering
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method, it sometimes often results in changing with setup of a
parameter. The criteria of evaluation are needed in order to
compare the result of clustering. F value (pseudo F statistic) is
one of the valuation bases often used. F is defined by the
following formulas.
k n
l l
l l l l
j C i
j i
j C i
j i
) (
) ( ) (
where n as for the total number of individuals and k, as for
Cj, Clusters j and li express the number of clusters, Individual
i and #j express the average of Cluster j, and # expresses the
average of all individuals. F is criteria which consider
simultaneously the variation within a cluster, the variation
between clusters, and the number of clusters, and the figure is
the ratio of distribution between groups, and group internal
variance. Since group internal variance with large distribution
between groups means the small thing if F is large, a
clustering result shows a good thing. However, since cluster
distribution assumes it as the convex function in F, in the case
of the concave function, it is not suitable.
In the case where the correct answer of a classification is
known, the error E of a result can be searched for from the
number of individuals c classified correctly.
% 100
c n
B. Selection of Fitness Value Function
The proposal method experiments by making the data of
simple degree of convection to verify whether it can respond
not only when cluster distribution is a convex function, but in
the case of a concave function.
As shown in Fig.2, it experiments using the data containing
two clusters of degree of convection. It clusters by the
ISODATA method and the proposal method with a random
parameter, and the result of clustering is compared. The result
of an experiment is shown like a lower figure. The error which
cannot understand the cluster of degree of convection in a
straight line, and cannot classify it according to the
conventional ISODATA method correctly from this
experimental result is 12.5%. And by the proposal method, it
turns out that an error becomes 0% and it can classify
according to division and fusion correctly with a curve.
C. Experiemnt 2
Next, it experiments using the Iris data set of UCI
, a Wine data set, a Ruspini data set, and a New
thyroid data set. Iris is a 4-dimensional data set with a number
of individuals 150 and three categories. Wine is a 13-
dimensional data set with a number of individuals 178 and
three categories. Ruspini is a 2-dimensional data set with a
number of individuals 75 and four categories. New thyroid is a
5-dimensional data set with a number of individuals 215 and
http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/(standard dataset for machine learning)
three categories. These four data sets are criteria data sets
often used for comparison of the clustering method. When
clustering an Iris data set by the case where a parameter is
presumed by GA, change of the fitness value of 50 generations,
i.e., the process of convergence, is shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 2 Original data Figure .3 ISODATA method (Random)
Figure 4 Proposed method (ISODATA-GA)
Figure 5 Convergence process of GA
In this figure, a red line expresses the elite's fitness value,
and expresses the average of fitness value with the green line.
This figure shows being completed by the average of fitness
value. Then, the similar result was obtained in the experiment
of a Wine data set, a Ruspini data set, and a new thyroid data
set. The data of the experimental result of these data sets is
gathered in Table 1.
Error (%) The ISODATA method
The proposed method
Iris 21.33 11.33
Wine 34.65 11.34
Ruspini 46.76 4.00
New thyroid 31.63 15.81
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In the table, compared with the conventional ISODATA
method, the direction of the proposal method shows that the
error decreases 22.97%, respectively. Although optimizing
took about 100-time long time from the conventional
ISODATA method, accuracy went up certainly.
D. Experiemnt 3
Comparative study on clustering performance and
processing time between the proposed ISODAT GA method
and the conventional clustering methods of (1) Minimum
Distance Method, (2) Maximum Distance Method, (3) Median
Method, (4) Gravity Method, (5) Group Average Method, (6)
Ward Method, (7) K-Means Method with the best random
initial cluster center selection, (8) K-Means Method with the
average random initial cluster center selection, (9) ISODATA
Method with the best random initial cluster center selection,
(10) ISODATA Method with the average random initial
cluster center selection is conducted with Iris dataset of UCI
repository. Table 2 shows clustering performance of the
proposed and the other conventional clustering methods.
Although processing time required for the proposed
ISODATA GA clustering is three times much longer, F value
which represents the ratio of inner cluster variance to between
cluster variance of the proposed ISODATA GA shows the best
value together with clustering error (it also shows almost
minimum value). In particular, 6.2% of clustering error is
reduced by the proposed ISODATA GA clustering method in
comparison to the conventional ISODAT with best selection
of initial cluster center randomly (ISODATA(Ran.Best)),
separability between clusters, F are almost same though. Also
68.7% of separability improvement is observed in comparison
to the conventional ISODATA(Ran.Ave.). Therefore,
parameter (merge and split of the clusters) estimation based on
GA as well as initial cluster center determination with GA are
effective to improve clustering performance.
Iris dataset is four dimensional data which consists of 150
of the number of data points with the number of categories
(cluster) of three. It may say that Iris is the typical dataset
among UCI repository.
The proposed clustering method is based on the
conventional ISODAT method. One of the problems of the
ISODATA method is relatively poor clustering performance.
For instance, ISODAT as well as the other conventional
clustering method do not work well if the probability density
function of data is distributed as concave, then linear
discrimination function does not work well. Taking such
probability density function into account, parameters for
merge and split of the clusters can be adjusted with GA. Also
the proposed ISODATA GA method determines initial cluster
center with GA. Clustering performance depends on the
designated initial cluster center. Therefore, if not appropriate
initial cluster center is determined, then cluster results become
bad. The proposed ISODATA GA method determines most
appropriate initial cluster center by using GA. Therefore,
cluster results become excellent. The experimental results
show that most appropriate cluster result can be obtained with
the proposed ISODATA GA for the situation of shape
independent clustering with concave shape of input data
distribution. Also the experimental results with UCI repository
show that the proposed ISODATA GA method is superior to
the conventional ISODATA clustering method with randomly
determined initial cluster center. It is also found that the
proposed ISODATA GA method is superior to the other
typical conventional clustering methods.
F E(%) Process Time(s)
Minimum Distance Method
277.493 32 0.14
Maximum Distance Method
484.899 16 0.14
Median Method
501.303 10 0.156
Gravity Method
555.666 9.33 0.156
Group Average Method
399.951 25.33 0.14
Ward Method
556.841 10.67 0.14
560.366 11.33 0.06
210.279 46.23 0.06
560.4 10.67 0.225
560.366 11.33 0.313
175.465 38.64 0.313
560.4 10.67 1.523
The author would like to thank Dr. XingQiang Bu for his
effort to experimental studies.
[1] Kohei Arai, Fundamental theory for pattern recognition, Gakujutu-
Tosho-Shuppan Pub. Co., Ltd.,1999.
[2] Hartigan, J.A., Clustering Algorithms, NY: Wiley, 1975.
[3] Anderberg, M.R. , Cluster Analysis for Applications, New York:
Academic Press, Inc., 1973.
[4] Bottou, L., and Bengio, Y., "Convergence properties of the K-means
algorithms," in Tesauro, G., Touretzky, D., and Leen, T., (eds.)
Advances inNeural Information Processing Systems 7, Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press, 1995
[5] V. Vapnik. The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory. Springer-Verlag,
New York, 1995.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012
131 | P a g e
[6] L.Breiman and J.Friedman, Predicting multivariate responses in multiple
linear regression, Technical report, Department of Statistics, University
of California, Berkley, 1994.
[7] R.J.Williams, Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for
connectionist reinforcement learning, Machine Learning, 8, 3-4, 229-
256, 1992.
[8] L.P. Rieber, Computer, Graphics and Learning, Madison, Wisconsin:
Brown & Benchmark, 1994.
[9] C. Yi-tsuu, Interactive Pattern Recognition, Marcel Dekker Inc., New
York and Basel, 1978.
[10] R.K. Pearson, T. Zylkin, J.S. Schwaber, G.E. Gonye, Quantitative
evaluation of clustering results using computational negative controls,
Proc. 2004 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Lake Buena
Vista, Florida, 2004.
[11] Goldberg D., Genetic Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 1988, or, Holland
J.H., Adaptation in natural and artificial system, Ann Arbor, The
University of Michigan Press, 1975.
[12] Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman The Elements of
Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Springer,
New York, 2001.
[13] Jensen, J.R., Introductory Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, New
York, 1996.
[14] Kohei Arai and XianQiang Bu, ISODATA clustering with parameter
(threshold for merge and split) estimation based on GA: Genetic
Algorithm, Reports of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga
University, Vol. 36, No.1, 17-23, 2007
[15] MacQueen, J.B., Some Methods for Classification and Analysis of
Multivariate Observations,, Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley
Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 281-
Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and
1982, respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science, and
Technology of the University of Tokyo from 1974 to 1978 also was with
National Space Development Agency of Japan (current JAXA) from 1979 to
1990. During from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre for Remote
Sensing as a Post-Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. He was appointed professor at Department of
Information Science, Saga University in 1990. He was appointed councilor for
the Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee of the
Ministry of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was also
appointed councilor of Saga University from 2002 and 2003 followed by an
executive councilor of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005.
He is an adjunct professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also
was appointed vice chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR in
2008. He wrote 30 books and published 332 journal papers.
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Improving the Rate of Convergence of Blind
Adaptive Equalization for Fast Varying Digital
Communication Systems
Iorkyase, E.Tersoo
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
Michael O. Kolawole
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Federal University of Technology, Akure
Abstract The recent digital transmission systems impose the
application of channel equalizers with bandwidth efficiency,
which mitigates the bottleneck of intersymbol interference for
high-speed data transmission-over communication channels. This
leads to the exploration of blind equalization techniques that do
not require the use of a training sequence. Blind equalization
techniques however suffer from computational complexity and
slow convergence rate. The Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA)
is a better technique for blind channel equalization. This paper
examined three different error functions for fast convergence and
proposed an adaptive blind equalization algorithm with variable
step size based on CMA criterion. A comparison of the existing
and proposed algorithms speed of convergence shows that the
proposed algorithm outperforms the other algorithms. The
proposed algorithm can suitably be employed in blind
equalization for rapidly changing channels as well as for high
data rate applications.
Keywords- Blind Equalization; Channel Equalizer; Constant
Modulus Algorithm; Intersymbol interference; Variable Step Size.
One of the most important advantages of the digital
transmission systems for voice, data and video communication
is their higher reliability in noise environment in comparison
with that of their analog counterparts. Both existing wired and
wireless communication systems have significantly made a
shift to digital transmission of data. Unfortunately, most often
the digital transmission of information is accompanied with a
phenomenon known as intersymbol interference (ISI). This
means that the transmitted pulses are smeared out so that
pulses that correspond to different symbols are not separable.
ISI is a common problem in telecommunication system and
wireless communication systems, such as television
broadcasting, digital data communication, and cellular mobile
communication systems.
In telecommunication systems, ISI occurs when the
modulation bandwidth exceeds the coherent bandwidth of the
radio channel where modulation pulses are spread in time. For
wireless communication, ISI is caused by multipath in band-
limited time-dispersive channels, and it distorts the transmitted
signal, causing bit errors at the receiver. ISI has been
recognized as the major obstacle to high-speed data
transmission with the required accuracy and multipath fading
over radio channels.
Obviously, for a reliable digital transmission system, it is
crucial to reduce the effect of ISI. This can be achieved by the
technique of equalization [1, 2]. Equalization is one of the
techniques that can be used to improve the received signal
quality in telecommunication especially in digital
communication. In a broad sense, the term equalization can be
used to describe any signal processing operation that
minimizes the ISI. Two of the most intensively developing
areas of digital transmission, namely digital subscriber lines
(DSL) and cellular communication (GSM) are strongly
dependent on the realization of reliable channel equalizers [3,
4, 5].
There are generally two approaches to equalization:
conventional equalization, and blind equalization. In
systems employing conventional equalization, a training
sequence is transmitted over the channel prior to the
transmission of any useful data. The training sequence is a
data sequence that is a priori known to the receiver. The
receiver uses the relationship between the known training
sequence and the sequence it actually receives to construct an
approximation of the inverse transfer function for the channel.
The equalizer is then configured to use the inverse transfer
function and thereby induce minimal ISI.
Conventional equalization is problematic in some
communication systems, such as mobile and multi-point
communication systems, because the training sequence uses
up scarce bandwidth resources that could otherwise be used to
transmit useful data. Such systems, therefore, often use blind
equalization, which is a form of equalization that does not
require the use of a training sequence.
It is desirable to improve the ability of digital
communication systems to minimize ISI, including
communication systems employing blind equalization.
Systems achieving such reduced ISI are capable of achieving
reduced data error rates at prevailing data transmission rates,
or can obtain higher data transmission rates without sacrificing
data integrity, in order to obtain better overall system
performance [6].
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In order to provide an efficiently high data rate
transmission with high accuracy in digital communication
without spectral wastage, advanced signal processing
techniques are necessary. As earlier mentioned, several digital
communication systems are inherent with rapid varying
channel characteristics. The assumption that a communication
channel is stationary over a transmission period is not valid.
For communication systems like mobile communication this
assumption results in performance degradation. There arises a
need for algorithms that can exercise tracking ability in the
face of fast changing characteristics of communication
channels [7].
The rate of convergence becomes very pivotal in the
development of any such algorithms. This paper considers an
adaptive blind equalization technique based on Constant
Modulus Criterion using different error functions and a
comparison of their speed of convergence is made.
The baseband Model of a communication system for
channel equalization is shown in Fig 1.
In Fig. 1, our communication channel and equalizer are
both modeled using a Finite Impulse Response filter (FIR). Of
course, the channel and equalizer can also be modeled as
Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR).
However, it is dangerous to update the poles of an IIR
filter in real-time, because it is possible that they could move
outside the unit circle, hence causing instability in the system.
From Figure 1, the relationship between the input and
output of the FIR channel filter is,
k n x k h n b ) ( ) ( ) ( (1)
The input to the equalizer is,
) ( ) ( ) ( n v n b n r + = (2)
This implies that,
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( n v k n x k h n r
+ =
where ) (k h is the channel response.
) ( k n x is the input to the channel at time k n .
) (n v represents the additive noise (zero mean)
) (n r is the input to the equalizer.
The output of the system ) (n y is given as,
) ( ) ( n r w n y
= (4)
where ) (n y is the equalizer output and
w is the tap
weight vector.
The equalizer model (4) forms the basis for the discussion
of the blind adaptive algorithms in the following subsection.
A. Constant Modulus Algorithm Criterion
The CMA criterion may be expressed by the non-negative
cost function
q CMAp
parameterized by positive integer, p
and q .
) (n x
) (n b
) (n v
) (n r ) (n y
) ( n x
) (n e
Figure 1: Baseband model of a Communication System for Channel Equalization.
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R n y E
q p
) (
where R is a fixed constant, chosen for each form of
modulation schemes, represents the statistics of the transmitted
J in (5) is a gradient based algorithm [8] and
works on the premise that the existing interference causes
fluctuation in the amplitude of the output that otherwise has a
constant modulus. For the simplest case we put 2 = p and
2 = q , we have
( )
) (
R n y J
= (6)
It updates equalizer coefficients by minimizing the cost
function. The steepest gradient descent algorithm [9] is
obtained by taking the instantaneous gradient of
J which
results in an equation that updates the system.
)) ( ( ) ( ) 1 ( n f g n w n w = + (7)
)) ( ( ) ( )) ( ( n y n r n f g
= (8)
( )
) (
) (
)) ( ( R n y n y
n y
V = (9)
( )
) ( ) ( )) ( ( n y R n y n y = (10)
where w n
( )
is the equalizer coefficient, ) (n r is the
receiver input, is the step size constant and )) ( (
n y is
the error function for CMA
With the above expression, )) ( ( n y for the error
function, the usual CMA becomes:
( )
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 ( n y R n y n r n w n w + = +
( )
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 ( n y R n y n r n w n w
i i
+ = +
w is the
i tap of the equalizer. The signed error
version of CMA (SE-CMA) takes
| | )) ( ( sgn )) ( (
1 2
n y n y = (13)
and updates the equalizer as;
( ) { }
) ( ) ( sgn ) ( ) ( ) 1 ( n y R n y n r n w n w + = +
B. Proposed Error Functions
In this section we construct three error functions
)), ( ( n y
= i 3, 4, 5. Assume the source to be a real BPSK
(Binary Phase Shift Keying) with equiprobable alphabet and
unity dispersion . 1 = R Note that the dispersion constant R is
chosen for each form of modulation scheme. Let the product
of the squared deviations of the output be | | ) (n y P . For real
BPSK source, | | ) (n y P is taken as [10]:
( )( ) | |
1 ) ( 1 ) ( + n y n y
in the
case of ( ) ) (
n y and
( )( ) | |
1 ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( + n y n y n y
In the case of
( ) ) (
n y
Using a step size parameter , the updated equation can
be written as
( ) ) (
) ( ) 1 ( n y P n w n w V = + (15a)
( )
) (
) ( 2
) (
n w w
n y P
n w
( )
) (
) (
) (
) ( n r
n y
n y P
n w
= (15c)
The factor is used merely for convenience. The above
algorithm might experience gradient noise amplification
whenever ( ) ) (n y P is large. Hence we normalized the
correction term above by dividing with ( ) ) (n y P a + with the
choice of a = 1. This idea comes from the well-known
normalized LMS algorithm, which can be viewed as the
minimum-norm solution. The positive constant a is used to
remove numerical difficulties that arise when the denominator
is close to zero. Thus the equation (15c) becomes;
( )
( )
) (
) ( 1
) (
) (
) ( ) 1 ( n r
n y P
n y
n y P
n w n w
= + (16)
With the expressions
( )( ) | |
1 ) ( 1 ) ( + n y n y
( )( ) | |
1 ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( + n y n y n y
( ) ) (n y P
respectively, we
arrive at:
| |
| |
1 ) ( 1
) ( 1 ) ( 4
)) ( (
n y
n y n y
n y (17)
| || |
| |
2 2
2 2
1 ) ( ) ( 1
1 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 4
)) ( (
n y n y
n y n y n y
n y (18)
Further, as the step size controls the rate of
convergence, with a large value giving fast convergence and a
smaller value providing better steady state performance we
introduce a variable step size, , as done in the case of
traditional least mean square (LMS) algorithm [11]. We
suggest )) ( (
n y (proposed error function) as:
)) ( ( ) ( )) ( (
4 5
n y n n y = (19)
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)) ( ( ) 1 ( ) (
n y n n | + = (20)
with , 1 0 < < 0 > | and
), (
) (
) (
) (
where a condition of
max min
0 < < must be satisfied.
The initial value of variable step size ) 0 ( is chosen
according to the upper bound constant
In equation (20), and | are two fixed parameters
which control the variation of within two limits
. The updated equation in (8) with the step-size and
error function as in (19) and (20) respectively is thus a
variable step-size algorithm. The effectiveness of the three
error functions (algorithms) with the usual CMA algorithm is
shown through simulation in the next section.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the error functions
proposed which affect the speed of convergence of the
equalizer, we assume that the transmitted signal is a zero mean
distributed random sequence and is modulated using binary
phase shift keying (BPSK) in which case the dispersion
constant R is taken unity.
Also for the simulation the following parameters were
(i) a two-tap filter | |
w w w
1 0
= ,
(ii) a constant step size 001 . 0 = and
= 0.00001
= 0.1 for variable step size algorithm,
(iii) = 0.97, and | = 0.0005, and equalizer
initialization coefficients of 2 and 0.5.
The additive noise after the channel is neglected, owing to
the fact that in most digital communications the dominant type
of distortion for which the equalizers are employed is the time
varying multipath fading phenomenon, intersymbol
interference (ISI).
Also, the BPSK modulation scheme used in this work is
relatively immune to the additive noise levels present in
communication channels.
Figures 2 to 4 show the plot of squared error against the
iteration number for the usual Constant Modulus Algorithm
(CMA) and the three different algorithms examined in this
The effects that the blind adaptive equalizer has on the
signal quality are shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. The algorithms
aim at altering the filter impulse response so as to reduce and
ultimately minimize the cost function. This is clearly seen in
these Figures where the curves descend with time and then
level out at their minimum. The time constant, or, more
generally the convergence time of the algorithm, is indicated
by the rate at which the cost function is reduced.
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
CMA with Fixed Step Size
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
CMA with Fixed Step Size
Figure 3: Squared error versus iteration for CMA
algorithm with step size 0.001.
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
Normal CMA
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
Normal CMA
Figure 2: Squared error versus iteration for normal
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The Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) no doubts, does
reduce the cost function, however, as observed in Figure 2, the
normal CMA tends to diverge even after 1msec (10
iterations) of the time when the adaptation begins. This shows
that it converges at some local minimum after a long time,
comparatively. The algorithms with fixed step size shown in
Figure 3 tend to continue improving the equalizers
performance even beyond 0.5msec point. The effect of the
proposed algorithm with variable step size is quite obvious as
can be seen in Figure 4.
The performance of this algorithm improves dramatically
over the first few milliseconds and then flattens out. This
variable step size algorithm appears to outperform all the other
algorithms in this work because it ultimately minimizes the
cost function to it minimum in a very short time, restoring the
constant modulus of the transmitted signal, thus recovering the
original signal. Note that the time it takes an algorithm to
converge is significant: it is the measure of its ability to track
the changing impulse response of the propagation channel.
From these results, it has been demonstrated that the
equalizer, which employs this algorithm, does a good job of
computing the new coefficient every 0.5msec, which is good
for fast varying channels.
The quality of service that a blind equalizer is able to
provide is marked by its convergence speed; that is, the
number of received samples that it needs to provide good
enough estimates of the channel characteristics. This work has
examined different error functions that might be incorporated
into the Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) for fast
convergence. The proposed variable step size algorithm out-
performs the other two models in terms of convergence. The
proposed algorithm can suitably be employed in blind
equalization for rapidly changing channels as well as for high
data rate applications. Based on our investigations blind
method is a promising approach towards high data rate
transmission and warrants further research in future
communication technologies.
[1] Kolawole, M. O. (2002). Satellite Communication Engineering, New
York: Marcel Dekker
[2] Ai, B., Yang, Z., Pan, C., Ge, J., Wang, Y. and Lu, Z. (2006). On the
Synchronization Techniques for Wireless OFDM Systems, IEEE
Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 52, no. 2, pp 236-244.
[3] Proakis, J. G. (2001). Digital Communication, Mc Graw-Hill
Companies, Inc., International Edition.
[4] Adinoyi, A. Al-Semari, S. and Zerquine, A. (1999). Decision Feedback
Equalization of Coded I-Q QPSK in Mobile Radio Environments,
Electron, Lett., vol. 35, pp. 13-14.
[5] Samueli, H., Daneshrad B., Joshi R., Wong B. and Nicholas H. (1991).
A 64-tap CMOS echo canceller/decision feedback equalizer for 2B1Q
HDSL transceivers, IEEE Journal Selected Areas in Communication,
vol.9, pp. 839-847.
[6] Iorkyase, E.T. (2010). A High Performance Blind Adaptive Channel
Equalization Technique for Combating Intersymbol Interference in
Digital Communication, MEng Thesis, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure,
[7] Iorkyase, E.T. and Kolawole, M. O. (2010). Comparative Study of
Fixed and Variable Step Size Blind Equalization Algorithms in
Communication Channels, International Journal of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 125-130
[8] Kazemi, S., Hassani H. R., Dadashzadeh G., and Geran F. (2008).
Performance Improvement in Amplitude Synthesis of Unequally
Spaced array Using Least Mean Square Method, Progress in
Electromagnetic Research B, vol. 1, pp. 135-145.
[9] Kundu, A. and Chakrabarty, A. (2008). Fractionally Spaced Constant
Modulus Algorithm for Wireless Channel Equalization Progress in
Electromagnetic Research B, vol. 4, pp. 237- 248.
[10] Nelatury, S. R. and Rao, S. S. (2002). Increasing the Speed of
Convergence of the Constant Modulus Algorithm for Blind Channel
Equalization IEEE Transaction on Communication, vol. 50. No. 6.
[11] Kwong, R. H. and Johnston, E. W. (1992). A Variable Step Size LMS
Algorithm, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 40, pp. 1633-1642.
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
Proposed Variable Step Size CMA
0 5000 10000 15000
iteration number
Proposed Variable Step Size CMA
Figure 4: Squared error versus iteration for the proposed
adaptive blind equalization algorithm with variable step size
based on CMA criterion.
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Throughput Analysis of Ieee802.11b Wireless Lan
With One Access Point Using Opnet Simulator
Isizoh A. N.
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Okide S. O.
Department of Computer Science,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Nwokoye A. O.C.
Department of Physics and Industrial Physics,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Ogu C. D.
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Abstract This paper analyzes the throughput
performance of IEEE 802.11b Wireless Local Area
Network (WLAN) with one access point. The IEEE
802.11b is a wireless protocol standard. In this paper, a
wireless network was established which has one access
point. OPNET IT Guru Simulator (Academic edition) was
used to simulate the entire network. Thus the effects of
varying some network parameters such as the data-rate,
buffer-sizes, and fragmentation threshold were observed
on the throughput performance metric. Several simulation
graphs were obtained and used to analyze the network
Keywords- Data-rate; buffer size; fragmentation threshold;
throughput; Media Access Control (MAC).
A network is a group of devices, such as computers that
are connected to each other for the purpose of sharing
information and resources. Shared resources can include
printers, documents and internet access connections. A
network can be wired or wireless. 802.11b is one of the IEEE
protocol standards for wireless networks. It uses a modulation
technique known as Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
Wireless network has some attributes or parameters such
as data-rates, buffer sizes, fragmentation threshold (FTS), etc.
It also has some qualities of service or metrics like the
Throughput, Delay, Media access delay, Data dropped,
Retransmission attempts, etc. But analysis here is only for
A. Throughput Analysis
In a wireless network, system throughput is defined as the
fraction of time that a channel is used to successfully transmit
payload bits.
Throughput can be obtained by analyzing the possible
events that may happen on a shared medium in a randomly
chosen slot time [2].
Let P
, P
and P
be the probabilities that a randomly
chosen slot corresponds to an idle slot, a collision, and a
successful transmission, respectively.
Moreover, let , T
and T
be the duration of the slot
corresponding to an idle slot, a collision, and a successful
transmission, respectively.
We can obtain the average duration represented by T
that a generic slot lasts as follows:
col col succ succ idle avg
. (1)
Now, the throughput S can be calculated as
S = E[Payload information transmitted in a slot
time] (2)
E[Length of a slot time]
col col succ succ idle
P xE P
P xE P
] [ ] [
. (3)
Where E[P] is the average payload size (in terms of time
unit), and thus ] [P xE P
is the average amount of payload
information successfully transmitted in a generic slot time.
By dividing the numerator and denominator of equation (2)
by ) (
) succ succ
T P , the throughput can be expressed as follows:
succ succ
/ ] [
Accordingly, the above analysis applies to both two-way
and four way handshakes transmission. To specifically
compute the throughput for a given handshake, we only need
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to specify the corresponding values of T
. Note that
the idle slot time, , is specific to the physical layer [3].
A network which has one access point and four nodes was
set up as shown below.
Fig. 1: A network with one access point and four nodes
Simulations were carried out using OPNET IT Guru
simulator (Academic edition). The effects of varying three
network parameters on the throughput as a performance metric
were analyzed. The parameters are: the data-rate, buffer size
and fragmentation threshold (FTS).
A. The Data-Rates (Mbps)
This signifies the speed of the nodes connected within a
network. The WLAN model in OPNET IT Guru 9.1 supports
data transfer at 1, 2, 5.5 and 11Mbs. These data rates are
modeled as the speed of transmitters and receivers connected
to WLAN MAC process. Each data rate is associated with a
separate channel stream, from the MAC process to the
transmitter and from the receiver to the MAC process. The
values for different data-rates used for the simulation are
shown in table 1.
Scenario_1 Scenario_2 Scenario_3
Data-rates 1Mbps 5.5Mbps 11Mbps
Buffer Sizes 12800bits 12800bits 12800bits
None None None
Based on the simulation of the three scenarios for the data-
rates, the graphs in figure 1 were obtained. It is found that
when the data-rate was increased from 1Mbps to 11Mbps, the
throughput increased. This is predictable from the theoretical
view point that as data-rate increases, the number of bits
received increases [4].
Thus based on the graphical result below, it can be said
that when data-rate increases in a network, the throughput
increase; but when the network is overloaded with several
stations, that same throughput decreases, since throughput is
the number of bits successfully transmitted per second.
The 5.5Mbps is good for the network, and that is why the
graphs first rose sharply before they became stable. Stability
of a network is what matters in any network design, and that is
why this simulation was performed using long duration of 300
seconds in order to get a good performance study.
Fig. 2: Throughput study for data-rates of 1Mbps, 5.5Mbps and 11Mbps
B. Buffer Size (bits)
This parameter specifies the maximum length of the higher
layer data arrival buffer. If the buffer limit is reached, data
received from the higher layer are discarded until some
packets are removed from the buffer so as to have some free
spaces to store new packets. The table 2 shows the buffer sizes
Scenario_1 Scenario_2 Scenario_3
Data-rates 11 Mps 11 Mbps 11Mbps
Buffer Sizes 1000bits 6400bits 12800bits
None None None
The graphs of figure 3 show that when the size of the
buffer was increased, the throughput increased. For small size
of buffer, the throughput reduces to zero, meaning that packets
are dropped or discarded because the buffer has no space to
accommodate more packets.
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Fig.3: Graphs analyzing throughput for different buffer sizes
C. Fragmentation Threshold (Bytes)
This parameter specifies the value to decide if the MAC
Service Data Unit (MSDU) received from the higher layers
needs to be fragmented before transmission [5]. The number
of fragments to be transmitted is calculated based on the size
of the MSDU and the fragmentation threshold. Table 3 shows
the three scenarios for the simulation study.
The first one is with no fragmentation of incoming packets.
The second one is with a fragmentation of 16 bytes, and the
third one is with a fragmentation of 256 bytes.
Scenario-1 Scenario-2 Scenario-3
Data-rates 11 Mps 11 Mbps 11Mbps
Buffer Sizes 12800bits 12800bits 12800bits
None 16 bytes 256 bytes
The simulation result in figure 4 indicates that proper
fragmentation enhances throughput.
Having completed this simulation, it is seen that when a
network parameter is tuned to different scenarios, the
throughput performance metric is usually affected. The
following points are to be noted from the results of this
1) When the data-rate in a wireless network is increased,
the throughput increases; and packets are delivered more
accurately, hence less requirement for retransmission.
2) For a very small size of buffer, if data-rate is increased,
the throughput reduces to zero, meaning that packets are
dropped or discarded because the buffer has no space to
accommodate more packets.
3) Proper fragmentation enhances throughput. But
fragmentation increases the size of queue and the number of
data dropped in a transmission.
[1] Okeshi P.N., Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Global
Publishers Co., Lagos, Nigeria, 2009.
[2] Achinkole S. O.,Computer Networks, Orient Printers and
Communications, Accra, Ghana, 2010.
[3] Makta M. H., Basic Computer Communication, Educational Printing
& Publishers, Accra, 2008.
[4] Ede K. I.,A Guide to Wireless Communication Networks, Excellent
Series Printers, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009.
[5] Borah D. K., Daga A., Lovelace G. R., and Deleon P., Performance
Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11a and b WLAN Physical Layer on the
Maritain Surface, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Canada, 2005.
Fig 4: Throughput result for different FTS
BPM, Agile, and Virtualization Combine to Create
Effective Solutions
Steve Kruba
Northrop Grumman
15010 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, VA, USA
email: [email protected]
Steven Baynes
Northrop Grumman
15010 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, VA, USA
email: [email protected]
Robert Hyer
Northrop Grumman
15010 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, VA, USA
email: [email protected]
AbstractThe rate of change in business and government
is accelerating. A number of techniques for addressing
that change have emerged independently to provide for
automated solutions in this environment. This paper will
examine three of the most popular of these technologies
business process management, the agile software devel-
opment movement, and infrastructure virtualization
to expose the commonalities in these approaches and
how, when used together, their combined effect results in
rapidly deployed, more successful solutions.
KeywordsAgile; BPM; business process management;
Rapid Solutions Development; Virtualization; Workow
Supporting change in todays dynamic environment re-
quires a strategy and tools that can adapt to unforeseen events.
Such tools have evolved in three key areas independently in
response to this pressure.
Business Process Management (BPM) is both a manage-
ment discipline and a set of technologies aimed at automating
organizations key business processes. Agility is a key feature
of the products that support this market.
Agile Software Development is an approach for creat-
ing custom software and is designed to overcome some of
the short-comings of more traditional approaches such as the
waterfall methodology. It achieves agility through an itera-
tive development approach that focuses on producing work-
ing software as quickly as possible.
Infrastructure Virtualization has expanded from server
virtualization to storage, network, and desktop virtualization.
The emphasis is on providing computing resources transpar-
ently to users and applications so that solutions can be stood
up and modied quickly, and managed more easily and effec-
The term agile has become popular for describing an im-
portant feature of modern information technology architec-
tures. Agile within the context of each of the three technolo-
gies described in this article has a slightly different connota-
tion, but the underlying principle remains the same. We will
examine these similarities as well as the differences.
We will examine each of these approaches separately
within their agile context and will discuss how in combina-
tion they are becoming increasingly important to creating suc-
cessful solutions. Examples from our experiences with our
Northrop Grumman e.POWER
R 1
BPM product will be used
to illustrate some of these ideas.
When acquiring new software tools, organizations typi-
cally begin by examining the feature set of various products
to determine which one is best at satisfying a set of require-
ments. We can lose sight of the fact that what were really
looking for is a solution to a problemnot the tool itself.
This might seem like either an obvious or a nonsensical
statement, depending on how you look at it. Hasnt that al-
ways been the case with software development? you might
ask. But the fact of the matter is that deploying systems has
gotten more complicated in recent years. Quality issues, se-
curity issues, and compatibility issues have been given in-
creased visibility as organizations have been burned by not
appreciating their importance.
The effort involved in deploying nished solutions has be-
come a signicant part of the solution creation process. De-
ployment costs can be comparable to development cost when
using model-driven tools in the BPM space. If those deploy-
ment (and support) costs can be reduced through technologies
such as virtualization, that is signicant.
Combining an effective software development tool with a
powerful methodology like the agile process can be very ben-
ecial. But writing software is probably not the best approach
if there are solutions available that satisfy the requirements
with pre-written software.
And nally, when we step back to thing about solutions,
we begin to focus on the effectiveness of the solutions pro-
duced. Key benets for BPM and the agile methodology are
on how well the solutions produced meet the actual needs of
their stakeholders. Very often with complex systems require-
ments, asking stakeholders to dene what they need is prob-
lematic because they simply do not have the experience to
articulate the details. Both BPM and agile are specically de-
signed to reduce the risk of producing well-constructed solu-
tions that are not effective at satisfying the true requirements;
e.POWER has been providing solutions for government and commercial
customers for over fteen years and is a registered trademark of the Northrop
Grumman Corporation.
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Figure 1. Model-Driven Architecture
i.e., producing a good solution that is not the right solution.
Its worth noting that a signicant percentage of business
solutions today involve some level of business process au-
tomation. Unlike other middleware components, rather than
being just another tool used in constructing the solution, BPM
software orchestrates the entire solution, even though it typ-
ically has to interact with many other infrastructure compo-
nents (e.g., other applications and services) that satisfy im-
portant solution requirements.
In the next sections, well examine the three technologies
in more detail. We will repeat the key theme of how they
improve the agility of the overall solution in the generic sense
(as opposed to the agile software sense) and hopefully gain
insights into how to view these engagements from an overall
solution perspective.
Business process management, or BPM, is a management
discipline typically supported by technology.[3] The purpose
of BPM is process improvement. Software tools provide the
technology base under which these goals are achieved. A typ-
ical BPM solution is composed of tasks performed by people
and tasks performed by automated agents.
The BPM market, represented by over 100 vendors, is
one of the fastest growing software segments per Gartner
Dataquest while business process improvement has been
ranked number 1 for the past ve years by CIOs in the an-
nual Gartner CIO survey.[4]
BPMSs such as e.POWER provide design environments
that partition the work so that users with diverse skill-sets can
work independently when developing a solution. Business
users and business analysts play a major role in dening the
business process and associated rules and can use graphical
interfaces for dening these components. Graphics artists,
rather than developers, can be used to design and implement
the layout of user interfaces. Software developers create cus-
tomizations that access legacy data from related applications,
enhance the user interface by extending the out-of-the-box
functionality when necessary, and extend the functionality of
the process engine through exposed interfaces.
A key differentiator of BPMSs is that they are model-
driven. Other toolsets servicing the BPM market and
other business software segments are either parameterized,
conguration-driven, or require writing custom software for
the majority of the functionality. The difference is that
BPMSs provide this functionality out-of-the-box.[5]. Pa-
rameterized or conguration-driven products are similar, but
the connection between the production instantiation of the
model is not as direct as model-driven products and only offer
options that were pre-conceived by the product developers.
Model-driven products offer much greater exibility.
Gartner has written a lot on this topic.[2] [7] [8]
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Figure 2. Our Agile/Iterative Approach
A pictorial representation of model-driven BPM is shown
in Figure 1. A graphical tool is used to dene the busi-
ness process, the results of which are stored in a backend
repositoryoften a relational database. Likewise an applica-
tion designer is used to dene an application that is process
aware. This information is used by the process engine for
enforcing the business rules and routing rules and by applica-
tions servers that drive the user interfaces. This same infor-
mation is also available to end-users as they interact with the
system for managing and performing work.
Note that some model-driven tools are used to dene,
not just the business process, but also applications that are
process-enabledthe right-hand-side of Figure 1. The user-
interfaces needed to actually process work within the business
process are an important part of the solution, and being able
to generate those interfaces through conguration rather than
coding is a very powerful capability.[5]
The combination of capabilities provided by
BPMSs fundamentally changes the way solutions
are constructed in this problem space.
A BPMS product is purpose-built to create BPM solutions.
Within the BPMS framework, the features that are common to
all process problems are built into the product so that archi-
tects using the products simply deploy these pre-built com-
ponents, augmented by customized components needed to
represent the uniqueness of each particular solution. Frame-
works such as service component architectures (SCA) within
a service oriented architecture (SOA) are synergistic with
BPMSs for the customization components. BPMSs could be
viewed as pre-compiled frameworks.
This solutions-orientation is designed for rapid deploy-
ment and increased effectiveness. Being able to construct
these solutions quickly while using these expressive tools to
create more effective solutions is a key benet. Effectiveness
is achieved by using the tools to improve requirements vali-
dation, design, and solution creation, while improving quality
and reducing risk.[5]
As we will see in the next sections, this agility can be am-
plied by other components of the solution infrastructure.
This section is not intended to be a how-to guide on agile
software developmentthere are a number of other excellent
resources. We will, however, include a discussion of agile
principles to see how they relate to agility the other two tech-
nologies, illustrated by our experience in developing our own
Agile software development is rst and foremost an it-
erative methodology for producing quality software. Agile
development is characterized by frequent engagement of all
stakeholders, including customers, developers, quality per-
sonnel, and management. Agile software development em-
ploys multiple development cycles to produce robust, testable
feature sets, followed by integrated system testing.
We especially like the following quotation on the goal of
agile software development.[6] This emphasizes the fact that
all projects are time-bound and helps to avoid the problem of
At the end of a project we would rather have 80%
of the (most important) features 100% done, than
100% of all features 80% done.
A. e.POWER Agile Development
To provide insight into agile development, we thought we
would describe our rst-hand experience using agile develop-
ment for product releases of the e.POWER product over the
past six years.
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Figure 3. Release Timeline
Our approach consists of three phases for delivering a
quality product: planning, multiple development cycles, and
stabilization. Figure 2 illustrates this approach.
The planning phase begins with dening a vision state-
ment and is followed by developing a list of features. Prelimi-
nary requirements are then collected and analyzed after which
we can focus on the most important requirements rst. Con-
sistent with the agile manifesto[1], planning requires frequent
involvement with our stakeholders. We kick off our planning
sessions with a meeting with our advisory forum membership
to be certain that we collect their high-level input as well as
their detailed requirements.
After completing the planning phase, we are in a position
to commit to what we will do in the iterative cycles. Each
cycle is a mini-waterfall model, but much shorter, where we
nalize requirements, perform analysis, design the software,
build it, and test it. Every iteration or cycle contains a slice
of the product, delivering small pieces of complete, working
The cycles provide opportunities for stakeholders that are
not already part of the development cycles to review com-
pleted functionality. Since each cycle produces working soft-
ware, demonstrations of that functionality are quite natural
and simple to produce. These reviews also provide the op-
portunity to reprioritize the features and requirements list be-
tween cycles, since everyone is now more engaged and aware
of the evolving solution.
Figure 3 provides an example of a release timeline of a
past release of the e.POWER product. We have used this tem-
plate for several years to manage the process. This one page
summary of each release has been very effective at providing
management, developers, and testers with visibility into the
process and managing to the schedule.
After completion of the nal cycle, we enter the last, or
stabilization phase. At this point we perform complete sys-
tem regression testing. Since we support multiple platforms
for each release, we do platform testing during this phase.
The conguration control board reviews the nal require-
ments against our solution and documentation can now be
nalized. Our quality manager is responsible for leading our
nal total product readiness
process, which authorizes the
product for commercial release.
B. Relationship of Agile to BPM Solution Creation
Our experiences with agile development of our software
product may be interesting, but how does that relate to cus-
tomers creating BPM solutions? They are related in two ways:
Software products are comprised of much more than just software. Total
product readiness is a term that we use to include the full breadth of ca-
pabilities that must be delivered for a product release, including marketing
collaterals, release announcement materials, installation scripts, on-line help,
documentation, training materials, etc.
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BPM solutions typically involve writing some custom
software. To the extent this is minimal, the more robust
and effective the solution can be.[5] But when signicant
customization is required, an iterative agile approach can
be benecial.
Perhaps more importantly, the methodology used in
writing software for agile software development is very
similar to the iterative approach that we have used over
the years in creating e.POWER solutions, including the
model-driven aspects of the solution. The difference re-
lates to code creation vs. solution creation. For agile
BPM we are able to reduce the need to write custom
software, replacing it with model manipulationa non-
programming effort.
Virtualization is a much over-hyped technology, but not
without some justication. Data centers world-wide are mov-
ing to virtualization to simplify operations, reduce hardware
costs, reduce cooling and energy costs, and expedite solution
Although virtualization gained recognition initially with
data center servers and has been in common usage for many
years, virtualization has experienced much increased popular-
ity recently in the areas of storage, networking, and desktops.
The following sections provide a high-level summary of
the important subtopics on virtualization so that we can relate
virtualization to our overall theme.
A. Hardware
Hardware virtualization abstracts the physical computer
hardware from the operating system, allowing applications
not originally designed for that combination to run on the
new, virtualized platform.
Improved management features greatly reduce the man-
power needed to congure, secure, backup, and operate virtu-
alized servers than their physical counterparts. Furthermore,
server virtualization solutions form the basis for cloud com-
puting, which can be viewed as virtualization on steroids. Pri-
vate clouds are virtualization platforms with even richer man-
agement features. The importance to our discussion is that
adding new solutions to those environments becomes even
easier yet, reducing operating costs.
Key aspects of virtual servers include higher availability
(virtualization hardware can bring up ofine copies of the
server automatically), faster provisioning of new servers, au-
tomatic provisioning of new servers based on templates and
security access rights, and much simpler hardware upgrades
since the virtual machine is independent of the hardware.
These are all aspects of agility that are important to our topic.
B. Storage
In a manner similar to hardware virtualization, storage vir-
tualization abstracts the physical computer storage from the
logical storage referenced in applications through the oper-
ating system. The original impetus for storage virtualization
may have been hardware independencethe desire to be able
to swap out one vendors disk drives for another vendors
when the old technology became obsolete. In general, fea-
tures such as vendor independence, over-provisioning, repli-
cation, pooling, improved utilization, snapshots, etc., so sig-
nicantly reduce operating costs that they typically offset any
concern for a slight reduction in performance.
C. Network
Network virtualization uses software so that reconguring
the physical network is not necessary to implement opera-
tional changes. The major benet of network virtualization
is simplied management of the network infrastructure. As
new solutions are deployed, as new hardware is elded, and
as work-patterns evolve to support changing business require-
ments, network administrators can modify network congu-
rations more easily than in the past.
D. Desktop
Desktop or client virtualization breaks the connection be-
tween users and their physical desktop machines. Multiple
users share instances of servers for their desktop computing
needs. Users require physical devices such as keyboards and
monitors to interact with their virtual desktop servers, but
these devices can be components of a system running a differ-
ent operating system, or a purpose-built device limited to user
interaction. In either case, an individual user can be granted
access to one or more virtual desktops for specic work-tasks.
For some business cases, desktop virtualization offers sig-
nicant benets, but is not necessarily optimal for all use
cases. When appropriate, desktop virtualization offers sim-
pler and faster provisioning of new desktops, simplied desk-
top management in areas such as backups and patch manage-
ment, better security, and improved reliability,
E. Performance Issues
Adiscussion of virtualization would not be complete with-
out consideration of the performance implications. Virtual-
ization provides an extra layer between applications and the
physical hardware resources that has an associated cost. Our
discussions will center around server virtualization.
For server virtualization, the hypervisor or Virtual Ma-
chine Monitor allows multiple operating systems to run con-
currently on the machine hardware.
Type 1 or bare-metal hypervisors run directly on the host
hardware while the virtual operating system(s) run on top
of them. These tend to be more efcient than Type 2 hy-
pervisors. Type 1 hypervisors include Microsoft Hyper-V,
VMWare ESX and ESXi, and Citrix Xen Server.
Type 2 hypervisors run on top of a host operating system
such as Microsoft Windows, adding an additional level be-
tween applications and the hardware. Type 2 hypervisors in-
clude VMWare workstation, VMWare server, and Microsoft
Virtual Server.
The Virtual Insanity website has a useful graphic that illus-
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Figure 4. VMWare ESX Performance Improvements
trates the improvement in server virtualization performance
in the VMWare ESX producta Type 1 bare-metal hypervi-
sor. As you can see from Figure 4, dramatic improvements
have been made, reducing overhead from 3060% in ESX 2
to 210% in ESX 4.[9] Note corresponding improvements in
network throughput and disk input/output (IOPS) as well. The
point is that for mission critical systems, you need to bench-
mark your virtualized applications to insure adequate respon-
siveness and choose carefully to meet your needs.
Some Type 2 hypervisors are free and can be useful for
some of your needs. For development and support of the
e.POWER product, our primary need is to provide support
for many old releases of the product, but since the activity
levels are low, performance is not a critical issue. For pro-
duction customers, we provide target memory and CPUs re-
quired to support designated workloads, and those targets are
somewhat diluted when deployed in virtual environments.
Depending on those activity levels, additional hardware may
be needed, the cost of which may well be recouped in re-
duced operating and support costs, especially with the mini-
mal overhead of the latest releases of Type 1 hypervisors.
On virtualized hardware, a key consideration is whether
the storage is housed on internal drives or external storage.
On platforms such as VMWare, complete lesystems are en-
capsulated when stored locally and are signicantly less re-
sponsive than external storage such as SAN storage or NFS.
Server virtualization platforms have special drivers for exter-
nal storage that overcome this limitation.
F. Our Experience
We thought it would be valuable to include information on
our experience with virtualization, primarily with hardware
virtualization. The following chart summarizes the benets
we have seen from this transition over the past several years.
Ability to setup virtual machines quickly and move them
or turn them on or off as needed
Reduced hardware investment and on-going power costs
More efcient use of hardware resources
Reduced labor expenses in moving virtual machines to
new hardwareno operating system reinstallation nec-
Features such as snapshot facilitates testing of instal-
lation scripts and conguration
Entire virtual machines are backed up as a single le
Virtual machines are indistinguishable from physical
machines from an end-user perspective
So what are some of the common themes we see in the
three technologies presented above? At a high level, they
center around the concept of agility: providing the ability to
create solutions that are both quick to produce and adaptable
to needs that evolve over time. Speed is an important compo-
nent but equally important is effectiveness, emphasizing the
overall development process from needs assessment through
deployment. The three approaches highlighted in this article
are not the only ones that apply these principles, but are three
of the most visible today and touch on all aspects of solutions
in the business context. An organization that emphasized at
least these three would be well served.
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Agility is about embracing change, knowing that user re-
quirements will evolve as the emerging solution provides
greater visibility into the nal product. BPMS and agile
toolsets make it possible to iterate towards a solution because
of the exibility they introduce into the creation process. We
are often at a loss to express what the ultimate solution needs
to look like, but we can more readily recognize it when we
see it.
A high level summary of principles that are shared among
these three approaches are as follows.
People are the key to solutions. Technology has reached
a level of renement where we no longer should be opti-
mizing bits and bytes, but optimizing people, including
process participants, architects and developers, and sup-
port staff.
Engage stakeholders continuously throughout the solu-
tion development process. Continuous feedback with it-
erative evolution of the solution fundamentally improves
the creation process.
Working software is the best visualization tool for work-
ing software. Modern software has become increasingly
expressive, for which there is no substitute.
Task the right people for each aspect of solution creation
based on domain knowledge. The tools now allow busi-
ness people to participate in this process, allowing in-
formation technology professionals to focus on the IT-
aspects of solutions.
Modularity is a theme seen in all three of these tech-
nologies, allowing participants to easily conceptualize
the current component of interest.
Virtualization makes infrastructure less of an impedi-
ment to productivity. People can more easily gain access
to infrastructure resources in creating and managing so-
Creating successful automated solutions is challenging in
todays highly competitive environment. Solutions must be
conceived and implemented quickly in a manner that allows
them to adapt as needs change. For a large class of busi-
ness problems, this requires the capabilities of a business pro-
cess management suite. BPMSs differentiate themselves by
their rapid solutions creation capabilities achieved through
a model-driven architecture. Since signicant BPM projects
require some custom software for critical parts of the solu-
tion, agile principles are very compatible with BPMSs and
Northrop Grummans e.POWER product software is devel-
oped using an agile software development methodology.
Creating or evolving a solution rapidly is of little conse-
quence if it cannot be elded in a like manner and this is
where virtualization becomes important. The underlying un-
derpinnings of agility in each of these aspects of solution cre-
ation work together to insure that solutions are effective and
deployed in a timeframe that meets the needs of their business
[1] http://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html, 2001.
[2] M. Blechar. The changing concept of model-driven ap-
proaches. Gartner, pages 18, August 2009.
[3] Michelle Cantara. BPM research index: Business pro-
cess management technologies. Gartner, pages 111,
September 2009.
[4] Gartner EXP worldwide survey of nearly 1,600 CIOs
shows IT budgets in 2010 to be at 2005 levels.
http://www.gartner.com/ it/page.jsp ?id=1283413, Jan-
uary 2010.
[5] S. Kruba. Signicance of rapid solutions development to
business process management. International Journal of
Computer Science and Information Security, 8(4):299
303, 2010.
[6] Malotaux. Evolutionary project management methods.
http://www.malotaux.nl/doc.php?id=1, August 2007.
[7] D. Plummer and J. Hill. Three types of model-driven
composition: Whats lost in translation? Gartner, pages
110, August 2008.
[8] D. Plummer and J. Hill. Composition and BPM will
change the game for business system design. Gartner,
pages 121, December 2009.
[9] Life as a VMWare virtual machine, 2010.
http://www.virtualinsanity.com /index.php /2010/08/17
Steve Kruba is chief technologist for Northrop Grummans
process-oriented commercial software products, including
e.POWER, and a Northrop Grumman Technical Fellow.
Steve has 42 years of experience developing software and so-
lutions for customers. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathe-
matics and a Master of Science in Management Sciences from
the Johns Hopkins University.
Steve Baynes is the department manager for the e.POWER
product development team with extensive agile experience.
He is a certied ScrumMaster, member of the Agile Alliance
organization and speaks often on Agile development. As the
manager for the e.POWER product, Steve works with busi-
ness development, project implementation teams, and cus-
tomers to continually improve the e.POWER product from
both a feature and quality perspective.
Bob Hyer is chief architect for the e.POWER product devel-
opment team. Bob has over 30 years of experience develop-
ing software solutions and software products for government
and commercial customers. He has a Bachelors of Science
in Business Management from Virginia Tech and a Master of
Science in Technology Management from American Univer-
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