Viwa Topics - Physiology: Fluid Balance
Viwa Topics - Physiology: Fluid Balance
Viwa Topics - Physiology: Fluid Balance
FLUID BALANCE What is osmolality? How do you set about fluid balance in postoperative day 1? What are the types of IV fluids? What are the indications? How does normal saline distribute in body compartments? What do you mean by osmolarity and osmolality? What is the importance of their difference? How do you measure osmotic pressure? How does fluid is distributed in body? CARDIOVASCULAR What is cardiac output? What are the factors affecting cardiac output? How is blood pressure regulated in the body? Explain events in cardiac cycle. What is the importance of jugular venous pressure? Draw the JVP pattern and explain about CVP. How does the coronary circulation is regulated? What is the Valsalva maneuver? What are the uses of it? What are the cardiac arrhythmias you know? What are blood pressure regulating hormones? How do they act? What are the principles of ECG? How do you give CPR? What are the causes for non-recovery? What information can you gather from an ECG? What are the pressure changes occur in cardiac cycle? Draw the pressure changes in left ventricle. What is the basis of vasoconstrictor drugs? What is Starlings law? How does it affect the heart? Do you think pulse pressure is a good indicator of blood volume? What are the causes of postural hypotension? How do you measure cardiac output by Ficks principal? What are the other methods available? What are Starlings forces? What are the changes occur in standing? Tell about baroreceptors. What is Echocardiogram? What is M mode? What are the uses of Doppler? What is a murmur? What information can you gather from murmurs? What are the changes occur in body in exercise?
Tell about CVP monitoring. What are the uses of PCWP? What are the congenital cyanotic heart diseases you know? What is an A-V fistula? What is the clinical significance? What are the cardiac inotropes? What are the uses? What are the CVS, respiratory and endocrine responses to change from supine position to erect position? SHOCK What is shock? A patient says he had bled. BP, pulse normal. What do you do? What are the effects of removing 2L of blood rapidly? Tell me about physiological basis for the management of shock. How does the kidney react to reduced perfusion?
RESPIRATORY What is respiratory quotient What is oxygen debt? What happens to it in athletes What are lung function tests and their use in surgery? Tell about pulmonary edema. Explain how CO2 is being transported in blood. What is 2,3-DPG? Explain the importance. How is respiration brought under control? Tell about postoperative hypoxia. Draw the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve. Why it is sigmoid shaped? What are the factors shifting it to right? What are the conditions where 2,3-DPG production is elevated? What are the effects of high altitude? How does cerebral edema occur in high altitude? What are the physiological changes occur in response to hypoxia? What are the principals of treatment of bronchial asthma? How oxygen is transported from environment to cells? How carbon dioxide is transported from cells to environment? What are the types of hypoxia? RENAL & ACID BASE BALANCE What is pH? What are the normal and maximal pH values compatible with life? What is Henderson Hasselbalch equation? Tell about buffers
What is the normal urine output? Why a patient may develop oliguria following surgery? Tell about acid base balance. What are the endocrine functions of kidney? What do you know about the renal replacement therapy? What is the composition of dialysate fluid? What are the functions of kidney? How does the kidney control each electrolyte? Tell about micturition reflex. How does bladder control is maintained? What are the causes for polyurea? Tell about urodynamic studies. How the bladder control is maintained? How does the body maintain electrolyte balance? What are the methods available to measure renal function? Tell about glomerular-tubular balance and tubulo-glomerular feedback. What are the factors influencing GFR? What are the causes of urinary retention? What is metabolic acidosis? How do you manage diabetic ketoacidosis? What is neurogenic bladder? Tell about urine concentrating mechanisms. What is juxtaglomerular apparatus? Draw and label cells. What are the importances? Tell how messages pass from macula densa to JG cells.
MUSCLE Tell about oxygen utilization of muscle. How the energy source changes in an athlete? What do you know about reflexes? Tell about knee jerk. What is the function of muscle spindle? What is action potential? How is it brought about? What are the differences of action potential between skeletal and cardiac muscle? What are the effects of changes of [K+] on the heart muscle? What is tetany? What happens to tension building with the length? Draw striations of a skeletal muscle. What are the effects on action potential from changes in [K+], [Ca+] and [Na+]. Explain why heart muscle cannot be tetanized. What is isovolumetric contraction? 3
What is muscle tone? NEUROPHYSIOLOGY What is Glutamate? Tell about normal pain pathways. How to modify? What will happen if you remove CSF? Explain visual reflex What is Monroe Kellie doctrine What are the effects of increased intacranial pressure? What are the functions of cerebellum? What are the parts of cerebellum? What are the functions of basal ganglia? What are the effects of lesions of basal ganglia? What are the functions of reticular formation? What is synaptic delay? How does the synaptic transmission occur? Tell about nerve conduction tests. What is pain? What is corneal reflex? What is lateral medullary syndrome? What do you know about brain death? Tell about sympathetic nervous system. Explain the rationale for the treatment of Parkinsons disease. What is referred pain? What are the explanatory theories? What is CSF? What are the functions? What are opioides? What are opioid receptors? What are the causes and effects of raised intacranial pressure? What are the functions of hypothalamus? Give a description about cranial nerves Explain visual pathways. What is the auditory pathway? How do you obtain a CSF sample? What are the layers that the needle passes? Explain the visual pathway. How do the impulses generate? What are the steps in nerve conduction? What is tympanic reflex? Explain how sound is perceived? How does local anaesthetics act? What are the stages of sleep? What is blood-brain barrier? What is the significance? What are the effects of transection of spinal cord at T 10 level? Describe components of stretch reflex. What is neuromuscular junction? What are nicotinic receptors? What are the locations of muscariic receptors? 4
What is brainstem death? What is cortical death? How do you diagnose? ENDOCRINOLOGY How can you assess the growth hormone function? What happens with GH abnormalities? What are the effects of growth hormone? What happens if the pancreas is removed? How is thyroid hormones regulated? What happens in excess of T3? What are the functions of Growth hormone? What are the abnormalities of the function of the thyroid gland? What are the antithyroid drugs you know? How do they act? Tell about sexual development in man. What are the thyroid investigations you know about? What happens if you remove adrenal gland? Tell about iodine metabolism. What is puberty? What are the abnormalities of sexual differentiation? What are the effects of insulin? What are the effects of removal of pituitary gland? How does the anterior pituitary function regulated? How do oral hypoglycemic drugs act? What are the types of insulin? What are the functions of adrenal gland? Tell about functions of thyroid Hormones. How do you investigate for a goiter? How do you manage thyrotoxicosis? What is Cushings syndrome? What are the causes? What are the manifestations of Conns syndrome? What is escape phenomenon? What are the posterior pituitary hormones? What are the functions? What is exocrine pancreas? What are the hormones secreted by endocrine pancreas? What are the complications of diabetes? What is the physiological basis for them? How does glucocorticoid secretion is regulated? What are the stimulations for milk production? Do you think pancreas is an essential organ to life? Give reasons. How do you replace functions of pancreas? What is rennin angiotensin aldosterone mechanism? What are the functions? What are the hormones secreted by adrenal medulla? What are the functions of aldosterone?
CALCIUM METABOLISM What are the functions of calcium in the body? What are the hormones important in regulation of calcium metabolism? Why tetany occurs in tourniquet test? Tell about hypocalcaemia. What is PTHrH? Tell about Ca metabolism. What happens if PTH level increases? What are the effects of vitamin D deficiency? Tell about changes in calcium metabolism.
TEMPERATURE REGULATION How does the body control temperature? GIT How is the stomach motility is regulated? What are the functions of liver? What are the functions of gall bladder? How the functions are regulated? What is peristalsis? Tell about the abnormal patterns of peristalsis. Explain the process of swallowing. Explain the pathophysiology of jaundice. What is dumping syndrome? What are the causes? How to prevent? How does a food bolus moved down the gut? Tell about malabsorption Tell about proteins in diet. What do you know about GIT hormones? What are APUD cells? What are the functions of liver? What are the functions of stomach? Tell about iron absorption. What do you mean by stomach motility? Tell us about vitamin A. What are the functions of colon? Tell the mechanism of vomiting. What are the consequences of profuse vomiting? What are the functions of stomach? What are the physiological adaptations? What are the functions of rectum? 6
What is the significance of GORD? Tell about intestinal blood flow regulation. Tell about bilirubin metabolism. What are the stimuli for gall bladder contractions? How acid is secreted from stomach? What is proton pump? What is the function of lower esophageal sphincter? What are the factors preventing acid reflux? Tell about hormonal regulation of gastric emptying.
BLOOD & IMMUNOLOGY What is an antibody? What are the different classes? What are the functions? What are blood group antigens? How to prove paternity? Tell about vitamin K What are the synthetic anticlotting factors? How do they act? What is hemolytic disease of newborn? What is Coombs test? Why Rhogam is given? What is the difference between serum and plasma? Tell about hemoglobin. How it is metabolized? What is the Coombs test? What are the uses? What happens with storage of blood? How do you cross match? What are the factors needed for the production of red blood cells? Where does it occur? Tell about plasma proteins and their functions. How can you assess the clotting system? What happens to clotting in liver disease? What are the anticlotting mechanisms? What are the bleeding disorders encountered in surgical practice? Try to classify the causes? What are the constituents of blood? What is the definition of anemia? What are the indices helpful in differentiating causes? OTHER Tell about the oxygen cascade. Tell about amino acid pool. What is the difference between creatinine and creatine? What is BMR? What are the factors affecting BMR? How to measure BMR? 7
What are the functions of nitric oxide in the body? What are cytokines? What is the importance of cAMP? What is Webbers syndrome? Why folic acid is given with methotrexate? Why folic acid should be given with vitamin B12 How does Aspirin act? What are the basic functions of DNA? How does it differ from the functions of RNA? Endocrine response of MRT What are the functions of nitrogen in body? Tell about vitamin B12. Tell about glucose metabolism. What are the functions of skin? How melanin is produced? How MSH is secreted? What are the actions of MSH? What are the conditions with abnormal melanin production? Tell me a particular tumor with abnormal MSH production.