كتاب اسئلة جميل
كتاب اسئلة جميل
كتاب اسئلة جميل
Chapter-01_Surgical Anatomy.pdf
Chapter-04_Diagnostic Technique.pdf
Chapter-05_Urinary Obstruction.pdf
Chapter-06_Neurogenic Bladder and Incontinence.pdf
Chapter-07_Sexual Function and Male Infertility.pdf
Chapter-08_Urinary Tract Infection.pdf
Chapter-09_Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.pdf
Chapter-10_Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract.pdf
Chapter-11_Congenital Anomalies.pdf
Chapter-12_Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension.pdf
Chapter-13_Renal Failure and Medicorenal Disease.pdf
Chapter-16_Female Urology.pdf
Chapter-17_Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics.pdf
Chapter-18_Independent Study Questions.pdf
MCQs in Urology
MCQs in Urology
Third Edition
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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© 2012, Niranjan Agarwalla
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courtesy of the author. Where appropriate, the readers should consult with a specialist or
contact the manufacturer of the drug or device.
MCQs in Urology
First Edition : 1996
Second Edition : 2002
Third Edition : 2012
ISBN 978-93-5025-927-6
Printed at:
Dedicated to
This edition came late because of so many reasons, and in between the
8th edition of the Campbell’s Urology passed it time. It was strenuous
to remake up the mind set after a gap of many years amidst busy
practice and social responsibilities, and when the habit of reading like
students is no more there. Still, I did my job sincerely.
A new chapter “Molecular Biology, Immunology, and Genetics” has
been included.
Many questions from the last edition have been deleted, and about
1000 new questions have been added to this edition.
I hope and believe that this work will be gracefully accepted by the
Niranjan Agarwalla
Preface to the First Edition
Niranjan Agarwalla
• Smith’s General Urology, 13th (SU) edition, 1992: 14th (SU14)
edition, 1995.
• Campbell’s Urology 6th (CU), 7th (CU7) and 9th (CU9) editions.
• Manual of Urology-Diagnosis and Therapy, 1st edition (MU), 1990.
• American Urological Association Update Series (AUA) - Vol. XII,
1993: Vol. XIII, 1994: Vol. IV, 1995.
1 Surgical Anatomy
Surgical Anatomy
1C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6C
2 MCQs in Urology
7D 8D 9A 10 B 11 A 12 A 13 D
Surgical Anatomy 3
14. Which adrenal gland assumes a more pyramidal shape and rests
more superior to the upper pole of that kidney?
A. Left B. Right (CU 21)
16. The adrenal cortex is _____ derived and forms 80 to 90 per cent
by weight of the gland:
A. Ectodermally B. Mesodermally
C. Endodermally D. Neural crest (CU 21)
17. The adrenal cortex has three layers of cells; zona reticularis (R),
zona glomerulosa (G), and zona fasciculata (F). They are
arranged from outside inwards in which order:
C. GRF D. FGR (CU 21)
21. The adrenal vein of which side is shorter and enters directly into
the inferior vena cava:
A. Left
B. Right
C. Right is shorter but left one enters directly to IVC
D. Left is shorter but right one enters directly to IVC
(CU 22)
14 B 15 B 16 B 17 A 18 A 19 D 20 A 21 B
4 MCQs in Urology
22 B 23 C 24 A 25 A 26 A 27 C 28 B 29 B 30 A
Surgical Anatomy 5
36. The renal vein (V), artery (A), and pelvis (P) normally lie
anteroposteriorly in which order:
A. V, A, P B. P, A, V
C. A, V, P D. P, V, A (CU 27)
37. The right renal artery is _____ than the left:
A. Shorter
B. Equal in length
C. Longer
D. Of variable length (CU 27)
31 B 32 B 33 C 34 E 35 D 36 A 37 C
6 MCQs in Urology
38. The main renal artery divides into four or more segmental
vessels, with five branches most commonly described. The first
and most constant segmental division is a:
A. Posterior branch
B. Apical
C. Middle
D. Lower
E. Upper
F. None of the above (CU 27)
39. The main renal artery and each segmental arteries as well as
their multiple succeeding branch arteries are all:
A. Resistant to atherosclerosis
B. End arteries
C. Without anastomosis or collateral circulation
D. B and C (CU 27)
40. In the kidney, the segmental arteries branch in which order:
A. Interlobar, lobar, interlobular, arcuate
B. Lobar, interlobar, interlobular, lobular, arcuate
C. Lobar, interlobar, arcuate, interlobular
D. Lobar, interlobar, arcuate, lobular (CU 28)
41. The afferent arterioles to the glomeruli are the branches of
which artery:
A. Lobar B. Interlobar
C. Arcuate D. Interlobular (CU 28)
42. Stellate veins are ____ in renal parenchyma:
A. Subcapsular venous plexus
B. Interlobular venous plexus
C. Arcuate venous plexus
D. Extracapsular venous plexus (CU 29)
43. The right renal vein is ____ than the left:
A. Longer
B. Shorter
C. Equal in length (CU 29)
44. The left renal vein is generally ____ times the length of the
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. One and half (CU 29)
38 A 39 D 40 C 41 D 42 A 43 B 44 B
Surgical Anatomy 7
45. The left renal vein tends to enter the inferior vena cava at a
slightly ____ level than the right and more anterolaterally:
A. Higher B. Lower
C. Anteriorly D. Posteriorly (CU 30)
46. Variations of the main renal artery and vein are common,
present in one quarter to one-third of individuals. The most
common variation is the:
A. Multiple renal veins
B. Supernumerary renal arteries
C. Arteriovenous fistula
D. None of the above (CU 30)
47. The supernumerary renal arteries usually arise from the lateral
aorta, occur perhaps more commonly on the left than the right
and may enter the renal hilum or directly onto the parenchyma
of one of the poles of the kidney. To which pole it is more
A. Upper
B. Middle
C. Lower
D. Equal frequency (CU 30)
48. Supernumerary renal arteries are more common in ____ and
may in unusual cases arise from celiac, superior mesenteric or
iliac arteries:
A. A normally placed kidney
B. Renal fusion
C. An ectopic kidney
D. Atrophic kidney (CU 30)
49. On the left it is more common to see the renal vein divide and
send one limb anterior and one posterior to the aorta to reach
the inferior vena cava. It is a so- called:
A. Renal collar
B. Venous collar
C. Venous tie
D. Aortic collar (CU 30)
50. From the left kidney the lymphatic trunk primarily drain into
which lymph nodes:
A. Interaortocaval
B. Lateral paracaval
C. Lateral paraaortic
D. All of the above (CU 31)
45 A 46 B 47 A 48 C 49 A 50 C
8 MCQs in Urology
51. From the right kidney the lymphatic trunk drains primarily to
which lymph nodes:
A. Lateral para-aortic
B. Interaortocaval
C. Lateral paracaval
D. Both B and C (CU 31)
52. Some lymphatics from the ___ kidney may cross over from ____
to ____ and drain primarily into ____ lateral para-aortic lymph
nodes near the ____ renal hilum, although this is not common:
A. Right; right to left; left; left
B. Left; left to right; right; right
C. Left; right to left; left; left
D. Right; left to right; right; right (CU 31)
53. Podocytes are specialized epithelial cells which are covered
A. Bowman’s capsule
B. Malpighian corpuscle
C. Glomerular capillaries
D. Collecting ducts (CU 31 BHU)
54. With the capillary endothelium the foot process of what help to
form the selective filter across which the first urinary filtrate
exists the blood:
A. Podocytes
B. Vasa recti
C. Macula densa
D. Glomerular capillary network (CU 31)
55. Which are the first structures of the gross renal collecting
A. Major calyces
B. Minor calyces
C. Collecting ducts
D. Proximal tubules (CU 32)
56. Renal parenchymal scarring secondary to infection is typically
most severe occurring often at renal poles overlying:
A. Compound papillae
B. Compound calyces
C. Dromedary humps
D. White line of Toldt (CU 34)
51 D 52 A 53 C 54 A 55 B 56 A
Surgical Anatomy 9
57 D 58 B 59 A 60 A 61 C 62 D 63 B 64 C
10 MCQs in Urology
65. The primary pacemaker cells of the ureter are located in:
A. Minor calyces B. Major calyces
C. Distal tubules D. Renal pelvis (CU 40)
66. The bladder wall is frequently described as having three
muscular coats. But this is true only around which part of the
A. Dome B. Lateral wall
C. Posterior wall D. Outlet (CU 43)
67. The main blood and nerve supply entering the bladder base is
A. Median umbilical ligament
B. Dorsolateral ligament
C. Venterolateral ligament
D. Puboprostatic ligament (CU 45)
68. The superior, middle and inferior vesical arteries are branches
from the ____ division of the hypogastric artery:
A. Posterior B. Anterior
C. Lateral D. Medial (CU 45)
69. Reaching the bladder the ureter is crossed __ by the vas:
A. Anteriorly B. Posteriorly
C. Medially D. Laterally (CU 46)
70. The intravesical ureter is about 1.5 cm long and is divided into
an intramural segment and submucosal segment. The length of
the later is:
A. 1.0 cm B. 0.1 cm
C. 0.8 cm D. 0.5 cm (CU 47)
71. Waldeyer’s sheath surrounds the:
A. Juxtavesical ureter (distal 3 to 4 cm)
B. Intravesical ureter
C. Intramural segment of ureter
D. Both A and C (CU 47)
72. The longitudinal fibres of the intravesical ureter diverge at the
ureteral orifice and continue uninterrupted into the base of the
bladder as:
A. Deep trigone
B. Superficial trigone
C. Bell’s muscle
D. Mercier’s bar (CU 47)
65 A 66 D 67 B 68 B 69 A 70 C 71 D 72 B
Surgical Anatomy 11
73. In the male the fibres of the superficial trigone terminate at the
level of the verumontanum and in female, the same fibres
terminate at the level of the ____:
A. External meatus
B. Bladder neck
C. Midurethra
D. Anywhere between bladder neck and external meatus
(CU 47)
74. All the fibres forming Waldeyer’s sheath continue downward
uninterrupted into the base of the bladder forming the ____:
A. Deep trigone
B. Superficial trigone
C. Bell’s muscle
D. Mercier’s bar (CU 47)
75. The interureteric ridge forming the base of trigonal structure is
also called:
A. Bell’s muscle
B. Mercier’s bar
C. Rice’s bar
D. White line Toldt (CU 47)
73 A 74 A 75 B 76 A 77 B 78 B
12 MCQs in Urology
79. The only fibres that could exert any sphincteric action are the
semicircular muscular fibres surrounding the ____ female
urethra and proximal (Prostatomembranous) urethra in male:
A. Proximal B. Distal
C. Mid D. Entire (CU 49)
80. The bulk of the external sphincter is around the membranous
urethra in the male and the mid-urethral third in the female. It
is always most developed ___ ly and thinnest or incomplete ____
A. Posterior; anterior
B. Anterior; posterior
C. Left laterally; right laterally
D. Right laterally; left laterally (CU 49)
81. Histologically the striated muscle of the urethra has slow twitch
fibres (low amplitude long time sustaining contraction) and fast
twitch fibres. The former constitute about ____ per cent of the
overall striated muscle mass:
A. 65 B. 35
C. 50 D. 15 (CU 50)
82. Out of the 65 per cent fast twitch fibres of the striated urethral
muscle mass ____ per cent are fatigue resistant:
A. 15 B. 50
C. 35 D. 65 (CU 50)
83. What is the length of the male external sphincter?
A. 1 cm B. 1 inch
C. 1 mm D. 4 cm (CU 50)
84. Which part of the male urethra is the widest and most
A. Prostatic B. Membranous
C. Bulbous D. Penile (CU 51)
85. Which is the thickest segment of the male urethra?
A. Prostatic (3 cm)
B. Membranous (2-2.5 cm)
C. Bulbous
D. Penile (15 cm) (CU 52)
86. Which is the narrowest part in the entire male urethra?
A. Internal meatus
B. External meatus
C. Membranous urethra
D. Bulbous urethra (CU 52, CMC, BHU)
79 D 80 B 81 B 82 A 83 B 84 A 85 B 86 B
Surgical Anatomy 13
87 C 88 A 89 A 90 D 91A 92 B 93 B 94 C 95 A 96 B
14 MCQs in Urology
A. External oblique
B. Internal oblique
C. Transversus
D. Inguinal ligament (CU 58)
97. In the genital ridge are the undifferentiated gonads. They
start to differentiate into testis by which week:
A. 6th B. 7th
C. 8th D. 9th (CU 58)
98. The stretched length of the seminiferous tubule is about:
A. 1 foot B. 2 feet
C. 6 feet D. 3 feet (CU 59)
110. The nerve not involved in supplying the scrotal wall is the:
A. Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
B. Pudendal nerve
C. Ilioinguinal nerve
D. Genitofemoral nerve
E. Iliohypogastric nerve (AUA 94-3)
111. The membranous urethra:
A. Is lined by simple squamous epithelium
B. Has an outer circular striated sphincter
C. Has no submucosal nerve
D. Lies below the urogenital hiatus of the pelvic diaphragm
E. Is fixed in the position by the bony attachments of the striated
sphincter (AUA 94-3)
112. The muscle of the perineum not attached to the perineal body
is the:
A. Bulbospongiosus
B. Ischiocavernosus
C. Rectourethralis
D. Striated external urethral sphincter
E. Deep transversus perinei (AUA 94-3)
113. At the pelvic inlet, the true and false pelves are separated by the:
A. Pectinet line B. Arcuate line
C. Levator plate D. Pelvic fasciae (CU 7 89)
114. Which of the following form a sling that suspends the female
urethra beneath the pubis?
A. Uterosacral and pubourethral ligaments
B. Pubovisceral and suspensory ligament of the clitoris
C. Pubourethral and pubovisceral ligament
D. Suspensory ligament of the clitoris and posterior urethral
ligament (CU 7 117)
115. The kidney has how many constant vascular segments?
A. Three B. Four
C. Five D. Six (CU 7 2975)
116. The Smith’s space is a space between:
A. Skin and dartus
B. Dartus and Buck’s fascia
C. Buck’s fascia and tunica albuginea
D. Tunica albuginea and erectile tissue (CU 7 3377)
117. The descending portion of the duodenum, the ______ part, is of
most importance to the urologist because is lies immediately
anterior to the renal hilim and pelvis.
110 E 111 B 112 B 113 B 114 D 115 B 116 D 117 B
Surgical Anatomy 17
A. 1st B. 2nd
C. 3rd D. 4th (CU9-19)
118. Posterolateral gluteal skin and skin in pubic region is the
sensory function of _______nerve.
A. Iliohypogastric
B. Ilioinguinal
C. Genitofemoral
D. Lateral cutaneous of thigh (CU9-19)
119. Gerota's fascia envelops kidney in all aspects except____where
it is not closed but instead remains an open potential space.
A. Inferiorly B. Superiorly
C. Medially D. Laterally (CU9-25)
120. Renal hilar structures from anterior to posterior are:
A. Renal pelvis, renal artery, renal vein
B. Renal vein, renal artery, renal pelvis
C. Renal vein, renal pelvis, renal artery
D. Renal artery, renal pelvis, renal vein (CU9-25)
121. Typically there are 7 to 9 papillae per kidney, but this number
is variable, varying from ____to____.
A. 4-8 B. 6-20
C. 6-10 D. 2-14 (CU9-31)
122. Renal papillae are arranged in two longitudinal rows situated
approximately—degree from one another.
A. 90 B. 60
C. 100 D. 45 (CU9-31)
123. The progression of arterial supply in the kidney is as follows:
A. Renal artery(RA)-Segmental artery(SA) - Interlobar
artery(IA)-Arcuate artery (AA) - Interlobular artery (ILB)-
Affarant artery (AFA)
B. RA - SA - IA - AA - AFA - ILB
C. RA - SA - AFA - ILB - AA - IA
D. RA - SA - ILB - IA - AA - AFA (CU9-25)
124. Signal travel with sympathetic nerves and result in visceral type
of pain referred to the sympathetic distribution of the kidney
and ureter __ through __.
A. T8, L2 B. T9, L1
C. T10, L1 D. T12, L2 (CU9-37)
2 Physiology
1A 2B 3B 4C 5A 6D 7A
Physiology 21
8A 9B 10 B 11 C 12 A 13 D
22 MCQs in Urology
14. The kidneys receive ____ per cent of cardiac output while
constituting only one half of one per cent of the total body mass:
A. 20 B. 30
C. 40 D. 25 (CU 70)
15. The kidney excrete net acid at a rate equal to the rate of
extrarenal net acid production which approximately is:
A. 1-2 mEq/kg/day
B. 0.3-1 mEq/kg/day
C. 2-4 mEq/kg/day
D. 4-6 mEq/kg/day (CU 79)
16. Normal filtered load of bicarbonate is about 4500 mEq/day. Less
than 0.1 per cent of it appear in the final urine. Approximately
____ per cent of the filtered bicarbonate is reclaimed by the
proximal tubule:
A. 60 B. 70
C. 80 D. 90 (CU 79)
17. In proximal renal tubular acidosis (type 2) nephrocalcinosis and
renal calculi formation are rare. In this disease the excretion of
which of the following is increased:
A. Citrate B. Phosphate
C. Both A and B D. Potassium
E. Sodium F. Calcium
G. Both A and F (CU 81)
18. Inability to produce a urine pH less than 5.4 even when
challenged with ammonium is found in:
A. Proximal renal tubular acidosis (type 2)
B. Distal renal tubular acidosis (type 1)
C. Complete renal tubular acidosis
D. Incomplete renal tubular acidosis (CU 81)
19. Patients of both complete and incomplete RTA of type 1
presents with nephrocalcinosis. The former group are ___ and
the later are ____:
A. Acidotic; nonacidotic
B. Nonacidotic; acidotic
C. Both are acidotic
D. Both are nonacidotic (CU 82)
20. More than 90 per cent of potassium undergoes glomerular
filtration. Most of it is reabsorbed in:
A. Proximal tubule B. Loop of Henle
C. Distal tubule D. Collecting ducts
E. Both A and B (CU 83)
14 A 15 B 16 C 17 G 18 B 19 A 20 E
Physiology 23
21 F 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 D 26 A 27A 28 B 29 A
24 MCQs in Urology
30 B 31 A 32 B 33 D 34 C 35 A 36 A 37 A
Physiology 25
38. Which part of the kidney has been shown to contain the highest
concentration of immunoreactive endothelin (a potent
A. Renal cortex B. Inner medulla
C. Outer medulla D. Loop of Henle
(CU 100)
39. Kidney metabolises which of the following hormone the most:
A. Insulin B. Parathyroid
C. Calcitonin D. Glucagone
B. Prolactin F. Angiotensin
G. Growth hormone H. Vasopressin
I. Gastrin (CU 101)
40. In men what per cent of filtered insulin is excreted in the urine:
A. Less than 1 B. 05
C. 10 D. 3 (CU 101)
41. The increase in glucagon levels found in uraemia is due to____:
A. Hypersecretion of the hormone
B. Decrease in metabolic clearance
C. Both A and B
D. None of A, B or C (CU 102)
42. Advancing renal failure is almost universally accompanied by
rise in circulating levels of PTH. This is a consequence of:
A. Increased secretion of the hormone
B. Impaired degradation of the hormone in the liver
C. Impaired degradation of the hormone in the kidney
D. All of the above
E. Both B and C
F. None of the above (CU 102)
43. Which of the following has the least biologic activity?
A. Angiotensin I
B. Angiotensin II
C. Angiotensin III (CU 104)
44. Latent pacemaker for ureteral peristalsis are located in:
A. Minor calices
B. Major calices
C. Pelvicaliceal border
D. Other than A, B, C areas of the ureter (CU 114)
45. Conduction in the ureter is similar to that in cardiac tissue and
the conduction velosity in the ureter is:
38 B 39 E 40 A 41 B 42 D 43 C 44 D 45 C
26 MCQs in Urology
A. 0-6 cm/sec
B. 5-6 cm/sec
C. 2-6 cm/sec
D. 6-8 cm/sec (CU 115)
46. The resting ureteral pressure is approximately:
A. 0-5 cm H2O
B. 4-5 cm H2O
C. 0-5 mm Hg
D. 4-5 mm Hg (CU 120)
47. The pressure of the superimposed ureteral con-traction ranges
from 20 to 80 cm H2O and occurs ____ times per minute:
A. 2-6 B. 2-8
C. 0-6 D. 5-10 (CU 120)
48. The best method now available for differentiating obstructive
from nonobstructive dilatation of the ureter depend on
assessing the:
A. Intraluminal pressure
B. Pressure at the UVJ
C. Efficacy of urine transport
D. None of these is best (CU 126)
49. Whitaker and associates have concluded from a large clinical
experience that a pressure in the ureter less than 15 cm H2O
correlates with a nonobstructive state, whereas pressure greater
than____cm H2O invariably correlates with obstruction:
A. 20 B. 22
C. 25 D. 32 (CU 127)
50. Two factors that appear to be most useful in facilitating stone
passage from the ureter are:
A. Increase in intraureteric pressure due to more of peristaltic
B. Increase in hydrostatic pressure proximal to calculus
C. Relaxation of the ureter in the region of the stone
D. Relaxation of the ureter distal to the stone
(CU 129)
51. Hydroureteronephrosis of pregnancy begins in the second
trimester of gestation and subsides _____ after parturition:
A. Within three months
B. Within the first month
C. Within three weeks
D. Within six weeks
E. Within 12 weeks (CU 129)
46 A 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 B,C 51 B
Physiology 27
C. Tabes dorsalis
D. Multiple sclerosis (CU 150)
61. Two most commonly used anticholinergics to treat detrusor
A. Carbamylcholine
B. Bethanechol
C. Propantheline
D. Oxybutynin (CU 151, CMC)
62. The transmitter candidates within the urinary bladder afferents
A. Substance P
B. Vasoactive intestinal peptide
C. Cholecystokinin
D. Calcitonin gene-related peptide
E. A, C and D
F. All of A, B, C and D (CU 159)
63. Voiding depends on a spinobulbospinal reflex re-layed through
a region of rostral brainstem referred to as pontine micturition
center (PMC) or:
A. Barrington’s nucleus
B. Onuf’s nucleus
C. Red nucleus
D. Dentatus nucleus (CU 160)
64. In patients with spinal cord lesions, naloxone _____ detrusor
A. Exacerbates
B. Inhibits
C. Has no role in (CU 166)
65. Visceral pain is best described by:
A. Sharp, crampy pain
B. Bloated, intense feelings of pain
C. Burning and stabbing symptoms
D. Dull, deep, aching symptoms
E. Vague, nondescript sensations (AUA 93-9)
66. Visceral pain:
A. Is referred to the skin or somatic area from the affected organ
B. Is rarely referred beyond the affected viscera
C. Usually does not involve the pleura or perito-neum
D. Is pathognomonic of hollow structures
E. Seldom involve any structures except the hollow organs
(AUA 93-9)
61 C,D 62 F 63 A 64 A 65 D 66 A
Physiology 29
67 D 68 C 69 B 70 A 71 D 72 A 73 A
30 MCQs in Urology
74 C 75 A 76 C 77 A 78 D 79 C
Physiology 31
80 B 81 E 82 C 83 C 84 B
32 MCQs in Urology
85 E 86 B 87 A 88 A 89 A 90 B 91 A
Physiology 33
92 A 93 D 94 C 95 A 96 C 97 A 98 A
34 MCQs in Urology
A. CO 2 B. CO
C. NO D. O2 (CU9-1135)
113. ____ does not inhibit release of antidiuretic hormone.
A. Hypo-osmolarity B. Hypercolemia
C. Ethanol D. Phenytoin
E. hypoglycemia (CU9-1137)
114. If plasma level exceeds ___ mg%, the filtered load exceeds the
reabsorptive threshold and urinary glucose is detected.
A. 180 B. 200
C. 250 D. 300 (CU9-1140)
115. Pseudohyponatremia is most commonly seen with abnormal
elevation of serum lipids or glucose. For every 1 gm/dL increase
in triglyceride, measured sodium is decreased by ___mEq/Lt,
and for every 100 mg/dL increase in glucose, measured sodium
is decreased by 1.6 mEq/Lt.
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four (CU9-1147)
116. The sentinel biochemical event in renal ischemia is the ____.
A. Depletion of ATP
B. Elevation of ADP
C. Elevation of lactic acid
D. Elevation of inosine, and hypoxanthine (CU9-1330)
117. In cryoablation of renal lesions, temperature less than ___ are
necessary for cell death.
A. 20°C B. 25°C
C. Minus 10°F D. Minus 20°C (CU9-1808)
118. The enzyme phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-trasferase (PNMT),
which catalyses the methylation of norepinephrine to form
epinephrine is almost solely localised to the ___.
A. Liver
B. Adrenal medulla
C. Adrenal cortex
D. Peripheral adipose tissue (CU9-1828)
119. The ionic conduction underlying pacemaker activity in the
upper urinary tract is due to the opening and slow closure of
voltage-activated ____ type Ca2+ channels which are amplified
by prostanoids.
A. K B. L
C. M D. N (CU9-1895)
120. The following agent causes more marked ureteral relaxation and
aid in stone passage.
A. Theophylline B. Rolipram
C. Nifedipine D. Deflazacort
E. Tamsulosin (CU9-1916)
121. The following drug potentiate the contractile effect of BaCl2 on
the ureter unlike others mentioned.
A. Ampicillin B. Histamine
C. Serotonin D. Carbachol
E. Gentamicin F. Tetracycline (CU9-1920)
122. The 'hammock hypothesis' that abdominal pressure transmitted
through the proximal uretra presses the anterior wall against the
posterior wall is one of the processes of urinary continence in
women is proponed by:
A. DeLancey B. Ashok Kumar
C. Krishnamurty D. Bazeed (CU9-1936)
123. Because the ureter is a vesicoelastic structure, the resting or
contractile force developed at any given length depends on the
direction in which the change in length is occurring and on the
rate of length change. This is referred to as ____.
A. Hysteresis B. 13, 87
C. 50, 50 D. 65, 35 (CU9-1902)
124. In the male, the rhabdoshincter consists of 35% fast-twich and
65% slow-twich fibers. In the female the ratio of slow-twich to
fast-twich fibers is ____% fast-twich, and ____% slow-twich.
A. 87, 13 B. 13, 87
C. 50, 50 D. 65, 35 (CU9-1937)
125. Brain imaging studies have indicated that micturition is
controlled predominantly by the ___ side of the brain.
A. Left B. Right
C. Front D. Back (CU9-1946)
126. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide is manu-factured by the
A. Bladder smooth muscle
B. Liver
C. Hypothalamus
D. Parathyroid (CU9-1956)
127. In human, detrusor ___ receptors are throught to be the most
important for contraction.
A. M1 B. M2
C. M3 D. M4 (CU9-2071)
128. Only ____% of the total serum testosterone is unbound. It is
only this testosterone that is available for prostate uptake for
metabolism to DHT.
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five (CU9-2686)
129. DHT is the major form of testosterone found within the
prostate and is ____ fold higher than testosterone.
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five
E. Six (CU9-2686)
130. Men older than 50 years may have an increase in total plasma
estradiol levels of approximately 50% with minimal change,
____ , in free estradiol level.
A. < 20 B. < 30
C. < 20 D. < 10 (CU9-2688)
131. Seminal vesicle secretion contains varying amounts of free
sugars: 1. Fructose 2. Glucose 3. Sorbitol 4. Ribose 5. Sucrose
A. All except 5 B. Only 1
C. Only 1, 2, and 3 D. All 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
132. ___is/are not required in the coagulation process of semen.
A. Sodium citrate B. Heparin
C. Fibrinogen D. Factor XII
E. All of the above F. Only A, B, and C (CU9-2725)
133. The mature average prostate gland is ___ gm and remains
relatively constant until about age 50.
A. 18 B. 20–25
C. 27–32 D. 15–18 (CU9-2886)
134. The estradiol is ___ fold more potent at suppressing LH and FSH
secretion by the pituitary compared to testosterone.
A. 1000 B. 700
C. 5000 D. 500 (CU9-3083)
135. Atrial natriuretic peptide possesses the following functions
A. Increase in GFR B. Natriuresis
C. Diuresis D. Renal vasoconstriction (CU9-3158)
3 Reproduction
1A 2A 3B 4 C,D 5 B 6A
Reproduction 41
14 B 15 D 16 E 17 E 18 C 19 A 20 A
Reproduction 43
C. Androstenedione
D. Dehydroepiandrosterone
E. Pregnenolone
F. Progesterone (CU 193)
21. In the male, approximately 8 mg of testosterone is produced
daily. About ___ per cent is produced by the Leydig cells and the
rest by the adrenal:
A. 75 B. 80
C. 85 D. 90
E. 95 (A Lange Medical Book, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 3rd
edn, 1987, p. 478)
22. The primary and acute regulation of testosterone production is
dependent on:
A. FSH B. Prolactin
C. LH D. Activin
E. Inhibin (CU 194)
23. Testosterone reaches a maximum concentration during the _____
decade of life, then reaches a plateau, and declines thereafter:
A. 1st and 2nd B. 2nd or 3rd
C. 3rd and 4th D. None of A, B, C (CU 194)
24. Sertoli cell secretory products include laminin, ceruloplasmin,
transferrin, sulfated glycoproteins 1 and 2, plasminogen
activator, somatomedin like substances, T-proteins, inhibin, H-
Y antigen, clusterin, cyclic proteins, growth factors, somato-
medin and androgen-binding protein. It also secretes which two
types of collagen:
A. Type I B. Type II
C. Type III D. Type IV (CU 196)
25. The blood testis barrier is a specialised junctional complex
between adjacent ____ cells, which separates the basal
compartment from the abdominal compartment:
A. Sertoli B. Leydig
C. Sustentacular D. Purkinje (CU 197)
26. The epithelium of the seminiferous tubule is populated by cells
that give rise to approximately _____ spermatozoa daily in the
human male:
A. 20 million B. 50 million
C. 123 million D. 140 million (CU 198)
21 E 22 C 23 B 24 A,D 25 A 26 C
44 MCQs in Urology
27 B 28 B 29 C 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A
Reproduction 45
A. Deferential artery
B. Internal spermatic artery
C. Cremasteric artery
D. External spermatic artery (CU 204-205)
35. The vena marginalis epididymis of Haberer is formed when the
venous drainage from which part/parts of the epididymis
A. Caput B. Corpus
C. Cauda D. Corpus and cauda
E. Corpus and caput (CU 205)
36. In humans, approximately half of the total number of
epididymal spermatozoa are stored in the:
A. Caput region B. Corpus region
C. Caudal region D. None of the above (CU 206)
37. The human spermatozoon is approximately ___ um in length:
A. 40 B. 50
C. 60 D. 70 (CU 212)
38. The lumen of the ductus deferens is approximately 0.05 cm in
diameter; and the length is:
A. 30 to 35 cm B. 35 to 40 cm
C. 25 to 30 cm D. 50 to 55 cm (CU 213)
39. The ductus deferens receives nerve fibres from both the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Which supply is
of minor importance in the motor activity of the ductus deferens:
A. Adrenergic supply B. Cholinergic supply
C. None of the above (CU 213)
40. Pencil cells are found in the lining of the lumen of the:
A. Ductus deferens
B. Epididymis
C. Ductuli efferentes
D. Proximal convoluted tubule
E. Loop of Henle (CU 213)
41. Abnormal overgrowth of the human prostate resulting in
benign prostatic hyperplasia occurs in almost 80 per cent of the
male population by the age of:
A. 60 B. 80
C. 70 D. 90
E. 50 (CU 221)
35 D 36 C 37 C 38 A 39 B 40 A 41 B
46 MCQs in Urology
42. The secretion of the sex accessory tissues, such as the prostate,
seminal vesicles, and Cowper’s gland constitute most of the
volume and chemical composition of the seminal plasma: fluids
from the other parts of the male reproductive tract, such as the
testes and epididymis, make-up less than per cent of the total
semen volume:
A. 5 B. 4
C. 3 D. 2
E. 1 (CU 222)
43. The seminal vesicles are absent in the:
A. Dog B. Cat
C. Bear D. Aquatic mammals
E. All of the above F. None of the above (CU 223)
44. The seminal vesicles weigh ______ in the humans and develop
as paired pouches (capacity, 4.5 ml each), forming from the vas
A. 4-5 gm B. 8-9 gm
C. 6-7 gm D. 10-12 gm (CU 225)
45. At the midpoint of the prostatic urethra between the apex of the
prostate and the bladder neck (i.e. at the upper end of the
verumontanum), the posterior wall of the urethra is kinked
anteriorly is such a way that the entire proximal urethra is
angled ____ degrees anterior to the course of the distal urethral
A. 25 B. 30
C. 35 D. 40
E. 45 (CU 226)
46. The anterior fibromuscular stroma of the prostate constitutes up
to one third of the total bulk of the prostate. It is entirely
lacking in glandular elements. This statement is:
A. True B. False (CU 226)
47. Which is the largest anatomical subdivision of the prostate?
A. Peripheral zone B. Central zone
C. Preprostatic tissue D. Transition zone (CU 226)
48. The peripheral zone contains ____ per cent of the total glandular
tissue of the prostate, and it is in this region that almost all
carcinomas arise. Further-more, this is the tissue sampled in
most random biopsies of the prostate:
A. 1 B. 5
C. 25 D. 75 (CU 226)
42 E 43 E 44 B 45 C 46 A 47 A 48 D
Reproduction 47
49 B 50 B 51 C 52 D 53 B 54 A 55 A
48 MCQs in Urology
56 C 57 A 58 A 59 A 60 D
Reproduction 49
61 A 62 B 63 B 64 A 65 B 66 C 67 G 68 A
50 MCQs in Urology
4 Diagnostic Technique
1B 2E 3F 4A 5B
Diagnostic Technique 51
6A 7D 8D 9D 10 F 11 A 12 B
52 MCQs in Urology
13 C 14 A 15 D 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 A 21 C
Diagnostic Technique 53
22 B 23 C 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 B 28 B
54 MCQs in Urology
A. Cystoscopy
B. Cystoscopy and cytology
C. Cystoscopy, cytology and biopsy (CU 381)
29. One of the vasoactive drug or drug combinations is injected into
one of the corpora cavernosa with a 27 gauge needle to evaluate
erectile vascular function; a tourniquet is placed at the base of
the penis immediately before the injection and left for ____
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four (CU 387)
30. According to the current NCRP (National council on radiation
protection and measurements), maximum permissible dose
equivalent of occupational exposure for a fertile woman, with
respect to fetus, is____ in gestation period:
A. 1.0 rem B. 0.5 rem
C. 12 cGy D. 5.0 rad (CU 400)
31. Which of the following is an ionic contrast media:
A. Iohexol B. Iopamidol
C. Ioxaglate D. Iothalamate (CU 415, BHU)
32. Which is a nonionic contrast media:
A. Iodamide B. Iohexol
C. Iothalamate D. Diatrizoate (CU 414, JIPMER)
33. There is lesser incidence of reaction with the newer media
(dimers and ratio-3, three iodine atoms; one particle) in contrast
to ionic monomeric tri-iodinated ratio-1.5 media: this is partly
because of their ____:
A. Higher osmolality
B. Lower osmolality
C. Lower iodine content
D. Higher iodine content (CU 413)
34. Large doses of contrast medium _____ diuresis:
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Does not affect the rate of (CU 413)
35. Normally, contrast material is excreted rapidly and the calices
are visualised within _____ minutes:
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 (CU 418)
29 B 30 B 31 D 32 B 33 B 34 A 35 B
Diagnostic Technique 55
36 F 37 B 38 C 39 B 40 C 41 D 42 A
56 MCQs in Urology
A. A retrograde cystogram
B. An antegrade cystogram (CU 435)
43. The meglumine salts of diatrizoate and iothalamate are almost
universally used for cystourethrography. Solutions of 15 per
cent are generally adequate for cystography, whereas ___per
cent solutions usually render adequate opacification of the
A. 20 B. 30
C. 40 D. 50 (CU 436)
44. ‘Spin’ is a term which comes in the basics of:
A. Ultrasonography B. CT scan
C. MRI D. Doppler ultrasonography (CU 486)
45. A 35-year-old female presents to the urologist with left flank
pain. Intravenous urography demonstrates an exophytic 3 cm left
upper pole mass. Ultrasonography demonstrates a homogeneous,
hyperechoic lesion with no through transmission. The next step
in the imaging work-up should be:
A. Contrast enhanced MRI
B. 99mTc DTPA renogram
C. Follow-up ultrasound in six months
D. No further work-up is needed
E. Unenhanced CT to confirm a fat containing lesion
(AUA 94-1)
46. Imaging features of benign renal lesions on contrast enhanced
CT includes:
A. Thick or nodular walls
B. Chunky, irregular calcification
C. No enhancement
D. Heterogeneous attenuation
E. Ill-defined margin with normal parenchyma (AUA 94-1)
47. An 83-year-old female is referred for a second opinion regarding
a 6 cm right renal lesion. Ultra-sound demonstrates a hetero-
geneous, hypoechoic right upper pole renal mass adjacent to the
liver parenchyma. The next step in the imaging work-up is:
A. Color and pulse Doppler ultrasonography of the renal veins
and inferior vena cava
B. CT examination with and without IV contrast media
C. Renal angiography
D. Contrast enhanced spin echo MRI
E. Spin echo and gradient recalled echo MRI (AUA 94-1)
43 B 44 C 45 E 46 C 47 B
Diagnostic Technique 57
48 B 49 E 50 B 51 D 52 C 53 D
58 MCQs in Urology
54 A 55 A 56 D 57 E
Diagnostic Technique 59
58 B 59 A 60 D 61 B 62 B 63 C 64 C
60 MCQs in Urology
65 B 66 C 67 D 68 A 69 A 70 E 71 D
Diagnostic Technique 61
72 B 73 A 74 D 75 B 76 E 77 A
62 MCQs in Urology
78 E 79 C 80 A 81 B 82 B
Diagnostic Technique 63
83 C 84 B 85 A 86 C 87 B 88 C
64 MCQs in Urology
89 D 90 B 91 C 92 B 93 A 94 C 95 A
Diagnostic Technique 65
A. Sonography
B. Color Doppler imaging
C. Radionuclide flow studies
D. Venography (percutaneous with microneedles) (CU 7 213)
96. Missed torsion of testis that is several days old present typically
as a photopenic central area surrounded by a rim of increased
radioactivity, that is:
A. Golf hole sign B. Doughnut sign
C. Stadium sign D. Moon sign (CU 7 229)
97. A major contribution of _____ in adrenal adenomas is its ability
to differentiate benign from metastases:
A. Spiral CT B. Sonography
C. Color Doppler D. MRI (CU 235)
98. In comparison with living donor renal arteriography, three
dimensional CT angiography:
A. Offers the advantages of being less invasive, more rapid to
perform and less expensive, with less radiation exposure
B. Suffers from the disadvantages of being invasive, time con-
suming, more expensive, and with more radiation exposure
C. Offers the advantages of being less invasive, more rapid to
perform with disadvantages of being more expensive and
more radiation exposure
D. Offers all of the above mentioned advantages except that
there is more of radiation exposure (CU 7 511)
99. The p-nitro-a-acetylamino-B hydroxypropriophenole (NAP) test
is used to differentiate:
A. S. haematobium from S. japonicum
B. S. japonicum from S. mansoni
C. Cryptococcus from aspergillus
D. M. tuberculosis from nontuberculous mycobacteria
(CU 7 820)
100. Which is the most sensitive imaging method for detection of
ureterovesical uretero-reflux?
A. Video micturating cystourethrography
B. Radionuclide cystography
C. Color Doppler
D. Spiral CT (CU 7 932)
101. It has been reported to differentiate upper from lower motor
neuron lesions of the lower urinary tract:
96 B 97 D 98 A 99 D 100 B 101 D
66 MCQs in Urology
5 Urinary Obstruction
1A 2B 3A 4E 5C 6A
72 MCQs in Urology
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy
C. Both hypertrophy and hyperplasia (CU 503)
7. What occurs after ingestion of a large protein meal:
A. Increase in renal blood flow
B. Increase in GFR
C. Decrease in renal blood flow and increase in GFR
D. Hyperperfusion and decreased GFR
E. Both A and B (CU 504)
8. Obligatory renal growth (growth associated with the growth of
the rest of the kidney) occurs at a predetermined standard rate
regardless of the host’s age or size. This statement is:
A. True B. False (CU 505)
9. Impairment of urinary concentrating ability is the most
consistent and probably the ___ derangement of physiologic
function that occurs with obstructive uropathy:
A. Last B. First
C. Only D. A and C (CU 506)
10. Match the following:
A. It is used to assess 1. I-hippuran
functioning of renal
cortical tissue
B. It is used to assess 2. Tc-DMSA
the GFR and cortical
renal blood flow
C. This measures renal 3. Tc-DTPA
blood flow and
correlates with the GFR (CU 506)
11. Studies in humans demonstrated that partial obstruction
impairs all measured renal function except:
A. Urinary concentration
B. Urinary dilution
C. Renal blood flow
D. Glomerular filtration rate (CU 508)
12. Normal renal pelvic pressure measured through a ureteral
catheter is 11 mm Hg, and it is _____ mm Hg with percutaneous
A. 4.5 B. 5.5
C. 6.5 D. 7.5 (CU 509)
13 B 14 A 15 A 16 C 17 A 18 A
74 MCQs in Urology
19 B 20 A 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 C 25 A
Urinary Obstruction 75
26 D 27 D 28 A 29 B 30 E
76 MCQs in Urology
31 A 32 B 33 C 34 E 35 A
Urinary Obstruction 77
36 C 37 D 38 B 39 D 40 D 41 A 42 B
78 MCQs in Urology
43 A 44 A 45 A 46 A 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 A
Urinary Obstruction 79
A. 75 and 90 B. 65 and 80
C. 55 and 75 D. 45 and 60 (CU9-2397)
51. Not true about management of posterior urethral values.
A. Today, the goal is not to remove the posterior urethral values
but to incise them so that they are not suspected across the
urethra, obstructing the urine flow.
B. Well placed incisions can disrupt the integrity and allow the
values to lie freely along the walls of the urethra when child
C. The value remnants resolve after incisions and there is often
no evidence of them on later cystoscopic examination
D. Procedure of choice is to cut values with Whitaker book either
blindy or fluoroscope control. (3591)
52. The terms valve bladder syndrome and full value bladder were
coined by _______ to describe a chronic condition in patients
with values in which, despite successful value edition, intrinsic
bladder dysfunction leads to deterioration of the upper urinary
tracts and incontinence.
A. Mitchell B. Glassberg
C. Bellinger D. Koff and associates (CU9-3596)
53. This is not a true statement:
A. The long term outcomes of anterior urethral values are similar
to those of the posterior urethra.
B. Congenital urethral structures are rare anomalies that
produce the same pathologic and clinical problems as
posterior urethral valves.
C. Though duplication of urethra is a rare anomaly, most occur
in the horizontal plane.
D. Values are the only urologic anomaly considered for antenatal
intervention. (CU9-3601)
51 D 52 A 53 C
80 MCQs in Urology
1A 2C 3A 4B 5A
Neurogenic Bladder and Incontinence 81
6C 7C 8A 9A 10 B
82 MCQs in Urology
11 B 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 A 16 C
Neurogenic Bladder and Incontinence 83
17 B 18 D 19 D 20 C 21 B
84 MCQs in Urology
22 C 23 B 24 D 25 C 26 D 27 C
Neurogenic Bladder and Incontinence 85
A. I B. IIa
C. III D. IIb (CU9-1977)
28. ____ 's "loop system" of classification of voiding dysfunction is
primarily neurologic system based.
A. Bors-Comarr B. Lapides
C. Bradley D. Hald-Bradley (CU9-1984)
29. The combination of asymmetry of symptoms and signs, the presence
of resting tremor, and a good response to levodopa best
differentiates parkinson's disease from parkinson’s produced by
other causes. Wyndaele and colleagues (2005) endorse additional
criteria for distinguishing lower urinary tract symptoms caused by
multiple systemic atrophy from those caused by Parkinson's disease.
The following all but one suggest multiple systemic atrophy.
A. Voiding dysfunction secondary to Parkinson's disease defies
“routine” classification within any system.
B. Urinary symptoms precede or present with parkinsonism
C. Urinary incontinence
D. Significant postvoid residual
E. Initial erectile failure
F. Abnormal striated sphincter EMG (CU9-2018)
30. Spinal column (bone) segments are numbered by the vertebral
level, and these have a different relationship to the spinal cord
segmental level at different locations. The spinal cord
terminates in the cauda equine at approximately the spinal
column level ___.
A. L1 B. L2
C. L3 D. L4 (CU9-2021)
31. The Fowler syndrome refers to urinary retention in young
women in the absence of overt neurology disease. A bladder
capacity of ___ with no sensation of urgency is required for the
A. 600 ml B. 700 ml
C. 1000 ml D. 800 ml (CU9-2040)
32. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of ___.
A. Thiamine B. B6
C. B 12 D. Lutein (CU9-2042)
33. There are involuntary detrusor contractions, but the patient is
aware of them and can voluntarily contract the sphincter,
prevent incontinence, and abort the detrusor contraction. This is
type ___ overactive bladder.
28 A 29 A 30 A 31 C 32 A 33 B
86 MCQs in Urology
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 (CU9-2056)
34. The absence of bulbocavernous reflex in ___ is almost always
associated with a neurologic lesion, but the reflex is not
detectable in up to ____% of otherwise normal___.
A. Women: 10 : men B. Men : 30 : women
C. Women : 40 : men D. Men : 10 : women (CU9-2060)
35. According to the Third International Consultation on
Incontinence, a pad weight of more than 1.3 gm over ___ hours
is considered a "positive" test.
A. 6 B. 12
C. 18 D. 24
E. 36
36. "Eyeball urodynamics" is ___
A. Simple cystometry
B. Multichannel urodynamics
C. Free flowmetry
D. Continuous ambulatory urodynamics (CU9-2064)
37. The International Continence Society Committee definition of
(2002) of overactive bladder is: (CU9-2079)
A. Urgency, with or without urge incontinence
B. Urgency with incontinence
C. Urgency without incontinence
D. A+ usually with nocturia
E. D+ and frequency
38. 'D' grade of recommendation for the drug used in treating
detrusor overactivity. (Oxford assessment, modified).
A. Dicyclomine B. Flavoxate
C. Propantheline D. Solifenacin (CU9-2093)
39. ____ is currently, together with oxybutynin, the first-line
therapy for patients with overactive bladder - detrosor
A. Tolterodine B. Darifenacin
C. Solifenacin D. Trospium (CU9-2097)
40. Tolterodine is superior to Solifenacin in treating overactive
bladder in respect to the majority of the efficacy variables.
A. True
B. Solifenacin is superior
C. Non is superior to each other (CU9-2099)
34 B 35 D 36 A 37 E 38 B 39 A 40 B
Neurogenic Bladder and Incontinence 87
41 D 42 D 43 C 44 D 45 A
88 MCQs in Urology
1. Sperms remain viable within the cervical mucus and crypts for
A. 48 hours B. 72 hours
C. 74 hours D. 24 hours (CU 661)
2. Lubricants that have been demonstrated not to impair in vitro
sperm motility include all, except:
A. Peanut oil B. Safflower oil
C. Vegetable oil D. Petrolatum jelly
E. Saliva F. Raw egg white (CU 662)
3. Oligospermia has been found in more than 50 per cent of men
with bilateral cryptorchidism and ___ per cent of men with
unilateral cryptorchidism:
A. 10 B. 20
C. 30 D. 40 (CU 662)
4. Approximately 30 per cent patients affected after the ages of 11
to 12 develop unilateral mumps orchitis, whereas ____ per cent
may be affected bilaterally:
A. 05 B. 10
C. 50 D. 60 (CU 662)
5. Oligospermia is identified in approximately ____ per cent or
more of testicular cancer and lymphoma patients at the time of
A. 30 B. 40
C. 50 D. 60 (CU 662)
6. Anosmia is associated with:
A. Kallamann’s syndrome
B. Katagener’s syndrome
C. Young’s syndrome
D. Immotile cilia syndrome (CU 662)
1A 2E 3C 4B 5D 6A
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 89
7. The frequent use of hot tubs has been found to result in a ____
per cent decrease in sperm motility:
A. 10 B. 15
C. 20 D. 25 (CU 663)
8. One of the following is not true:
A. Decreased testicular size, whether unilateral or bilateral,
correlates with impaired spermatogenesis
B. The normal fertile adult testis is greater than 4 cm in length
and greater than 10 ml in volume
C. Asymmetry of the spermatic cords, accentuated by the
Valsalva maneuver, suggests the presence of a varicocele
D. Thickening and asymmetry of the spermatic cords that
persists in the supine position suggests the possibility of a
lipoma of the cord
E. Bilateral thickening of the cords, resolving with the patient in
the supine position, suggests the presence of bilateral
varicoceles (CU 663)
9. Fewer than ____ per cent of cases of male infertility are due to
a primary hormonal abnormality, which is rare in patients with
sperm concentrations greater than 5 million sperm/ml:
A. 3 B. 7
C. 10 D. 5 (CU 664)
10. The semen specimen for analysis should be examined in the
laboratory within how many minutes of collection:
A. 30 B. 60
C. 90 D. 120 (CU 665)
11. Normal semen fructose concentrations ranges from 120 to:
A. 200 mg/dl B. 250 mg/dl
C. 350 mg/dl D. 450 mg/dl (CU 667)
12. Patients with obstructed seminal vesicles and congenital absence
of the seminal vesicles, which is usually associated with bilateral
absence of the Vas deferens, demonstrate all but:
A. Fructose negative semen
B. Small volume ejaculate
C. The pH of the semen greater than eight
D. Semen that do not coagulate (CU 667)
13. Most commonly, a normal sperm-cervical mucus interaction test
result is defined as one in which more than _____ sperms are
present/hpf field:
A. 5 to 10 B. 20 to 40
C. 10 to 20 D. 30 to 40 (CU 671)
7A 8B 9B 10 D 11 D 12 C 13 C
90 MCQs in Urology
14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 D 19 A
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 91
20 B 21 A 22 B 23 A 24 A 25 A 26 C
92 MCQs in Urology
27 A 28 G 29 E 30 A 31 C 32 C
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 93
33 C 34 B 35 E 36 E 37 B
94 MCQs in Urology
38 D 39 C 40 E 41 C 42 C
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 95
43 C 44 E 45 B 46 C
96 MCQs in Urology
47 D 48 D 49 E 50 C 51 E 52 B
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 97
53 C 54 D 55 C 56 C 57 D 58 B
98 MCQs in Urology
64 A 65 C 66 D 67 A 68 B 69 A
100 MCQs in Urology
70 C 71 A 72 C 73 B 74 A 75 D 76 A 77 A
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 101
A. 1.5 cm B. 1 cm
C. 5 mm D. 3-4 mm (CU9-628,706)
78. It has been suggested that an ROS-TAC (reactive oxygen
species—total antioxidant capacity) score of ___ is abnormal and
associated with infertility.
A. Less than 30 B. More than 50
C. Less than 100 D. Less than 70 (CU9-632)
79. Microdeletion of sections of ___ chromosome have been
identified in sapproximately 13% of azzos-permic men and 3 to
7% of oligospermic men.
A. Short arm of Y B. Long arm of Y
C. Short arm of X D. Long arm of X (CU9-632)
80. The intratesticular testosterone concentration is ___ fold higher
than serum levels owing to local production.
A. 50 B. 200
C. 100 D. 150 (CU9-636)
81. The androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is ___ linked genetic
disorder caused by mutations in the androgen receptor gene.
A. X- B. Y-
C. Both X- and Y- D. None of A, B, C (CU9-638)
82. Androgen receptor gene is located on X chromosome at___, and
is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait.
A. Xp6-11 B. Xq11-12
C. Xp32 D. Xp53 (CU9-638)
83. Varicocele repair of grade___should be done in adolescents
associated with unilateral testicular growth retardation.
A. I B. II
C. III D. II or III (CU9-642)
84. Testicular atrophy develops in up to 80% of ___ patients during
A. Sertoli cell only syndrome
B. Myotonic dystrophy
C. Grade III varicele
D. Noonan's syndrome (CU9-643)
85. With cisplatin based chemotherapy, most patients will become
azzospermic: however, the majority will recover
spermatogenesis with ___.
A. Four years B. Six months
C. 72 weeks D. Two years (CU9-644)
78 A 79 B 80 C 81 A 82 B 83 D 84 B 85 A
102 MCQs in Urology
86. Semen quality usually returns to base line with ___ after
A. 24 months B. 12 months
C. Six months D. Three months (CU9-644)
87. Carnitine is found in high concentration in epididymis. They are
believed to protect sperms against ___.
A. Radiation damage
B. Chemotherapy damage
C. Oxidative damage
D. Ischemic damage (CU9-644)
88. Most common cause of obstructive azzospermia in patients who
have not undergone elective sterili-zation:
A. Antisperm anibodies
B. Iatrogenic injury to the Vas
C. Secondary to infection
D. Congenital BL absence of Vas deferens (CU9-647)
89. ___ is currently the imaging modality of choice for the evalu-
ation of patients with suspected ejaculatory duct obstruction.
A. TRUS B. Vesiculography
C. MRI D. CT scanning
E. Chromotubation (CU9-648)
90. Testis and epididymis contribute less than ___% to the ejaculate
A. 25 B. 20
C. 10 D. 05 (CU9-648)
91. Penile vibratory stimulation results in ejaculation best in
patients with:
A. Upper motor neuron lesions injuries above T10
B. Peripheral neuron lesions after retroperitoneal surgeries
C. Lower motor neuron lesions injuries below T12
D. Drug induced anezaculation (CU9-649)
92. There is evidence of increase in sex chromosomal abnormalities
in children born from ICSI cycles. This is:
A. True B. False (CU9-649)
93. Open testicular biopsy specimen should not be placed in ___
according to a recent study:
A. Formal saline
B. Zenker's solution
C. Bouin's solution
D. Buffered gluteraldehyde solution (CU9-653)
86 A 87 C 88 D 89 A 90 D 91 A 92 A 93 A
Sexual Function and Male Infertility 103
94 C 95 D 96 B 97 D 98 A 99 D 100 B
104 MCQs in Urology
A. Slidenafil B. Tadalafil
C. Vardenafil D. None (CU9-776)
115. All of the following nitrates are absolutely con-traindicated in
patients taking PDE - 5 inhibitors except:
1. Sublingual nitroglycerine
2. Isosorbide mononitrate
3. Isosorbide dinitrate
4. Amyl nitrite
5. Amyl nitrate
A. Three B. Four
C. Both 3 and 4 D. None (CU9-778)
116. Past use of nitrates that is more than ___ before use of PDE-5
inhibitors, is not considered a contraindication.
A. Seven days B. Two weeks
C. Five days D. Three days (CU9-778)
117. Most potent intracavernous agent./agent com-bination for the
treatment and diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.
A. Papaverine B. A+Phentolamine
C. Alprostadil D. Thymoxamine
E. B + C (CU9-779)
118. The dose range of the mixture containing 2.5 ml papaverine (30
mg/ml), 0.5 ml of phentolamine (5mg/ml), and 0.05 ml of
alprostadil (500 µg/ml) for intracavernous injection is:
A. 1-2 ml B. 0.1 - 1.0 ml
C. 0.5 - 2.0 ml D. 0.5 - 1.5 ml (CU9-780)
119. Both diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders 4th
edition revised (DSM-IV-R) and international classification of
diseases - 10 (ICD-10) definition refer to this/these as essential
component/ components for the diagnosis of premature
A. Short ejaculatory latency
B. Lack of control over ejaculation
C. A+ B+ sexual dissatisfaction
D. Intravaginal ejaculatory latencytime (IVELT) of 2-3 times
120. Meta analysis of drug treatment studies has demonstrated
that___exerts the strongest ejaculatory delay.
A. Clomipramin B. Sertraline
C. Fluoxetine D. Paroxetin
E. Tramadol (CU9-785)
133 A 134 A
110 MCQs in Urology
1A 2A 3C 4E 5B
Urinary Tract Infection 111
6A 7D 8B 9A 10 B 11 B 12 B 13 D
112 MCQs in Urology
14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 A 19 D
Urinary Tract Infection 113
20 A 21 B 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 A 26 A
114 MCQs in Urology
27 B 28 A 29 A 30 A 31 B 32 C 33 A 34 A
Urinary Tract Infection 115
42. The most specific and best test for diagnosing Lympho-
granuloma venereum is:
A. Culture of C. granulomatis
B. Culture of C. trachomatis
C. Flei skin test
D. Histological examination of the lesion (CU 839)
43. The preferred treatment for Lymphogranuloma venereum is:
A. Doxycycline 100 mg BD for 20 days
B. Tetracycline 500 mg 4 times per day for 21 days
C. Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times per day for 21 days
D. Sulfisoxazole 500 mg 4 times per day for 21 days
(CU 839)
44. Chancroid is caused by:
A. H. ducreyi B. C. trachomatis
C. C. granulomatis D. T. Pallidum (CU 839)
45. The current recommendation for the treatment of scabies is:
A. Crotamiton 10 per cent
B. Lindane 1 per cent
C. Permethrin 1 per cent (CU 841)
46. Which of the following genital ulcers has a red and rough
(“beefy”) base?
A. Syphilis B. Herpes
C. Chancroid D. LGV
E. Donovanosis (CU 835)
47. The primary site specific treatment of genital warts is
cryotherapy for all of the following except:
A. Vaginal B. Cervical
C. Meatal D. Urethral
E. Anorectal (CU 842)
48. AIDS was first described in:
A. 1981 B. 1991
C. 1983 D. 1982 (CU 847)
49. The primary manifestation of HIV infection is the depletion of
a particular type of T-cell:
A. CD8+ B. CD6+
C. CD4 D. CD2+ (CU 849)
50. The only species so far, besides humans, that is susceptible to
infection with HIV is:
A. Chimpanzees B. Monkeys
C. Syrian hamsters D. Armadillo (CU 850)
42 B 43 A 44 A 45 B 46 E 47 D 48 A 49 C 50 A
Urinary Tract Infection 117
51. The centers for disease control (CDC) system classifies HIV-
infected-persons into four categories; Asymptomatic infection is
A. Class I B. Class II
C. Class III D. Class IV (CU 852)
52. The ELISA for HIV antibodies remains negative for —months
despite appearance of specific antibodies on the Western Blot:
A. 1 to 2 B. 2 to 3
C. 3 to 4 D. 4 to 5 (CU 853)
53. The average risk of HIV infection from a single heterosexual
contact may be less than ___ per cent:
A. 0.1 B. 01
C. 10 D. 0.05 (CU 854)
54. It is possible for an infected donor to transmit HIV during the
‘window period’ prior to development of antibodies; this period
is generally estimated to be ____ months or less:
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four (CU 855)
55. The risk of seroconversion following exposure to HIV
seropositive patients through a needlestick injury appears to be
less than:
A. 0.1 per cent B. 01 per cent
C. 10 per cent D. 0.05 per cent
E. 0.5 per cent (CU 855)
56. The risk for hepatitis B infection from an accidental needlestick
is estimated at ___ per cent per stick:
A. 0.12 B. 12
C. 1.2 D. 0.5 (CU 855)
57. Safe sexual practices by all persons on concurrent antiviral
therapy for HIV are not recommended:
A. True B. False (CU 857)
58. Hailey-Hailey disease is:
A. Darter’s disease
B. A contact dermatitis of genital region
C. Familial benign chronic pemphigus
D. Erythroplasia of Queyrat (CU 870)
59. Bowen’s disease refers to lesions on keratinising surfaces; the
lesions occurring on the glans and inner aspects of the prepuce
are referred to as:
51 B 52 B 53 A 54 C 55 E 56 B 57 B 58 C 59 A
118 MCQs in Urology
A. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
B. Extramammary Paget’s disease
C. Bowenoid papulosis
D. Pearly penile papules (CU 870)
60. Lichen sclerosus is:
A. Plasma cell balanitis
B. Zoon’s balanitis
C. Balanitis xerotica obliterans
D. Neurodermatitis of genital region (CU 872 JIPMER)
61. A suspected diagnosis of erythrasma is confirmed clinically by
a rapid response to orally administered:
A. Ciprofloxacin B. Erythromycin
C. Tetracycline D. Chloramphenicol (CU 874)
62. Evenly pigmented nevi that are smaller than ___ in diameter
need not be removed or biopsied if the patient can state that
they have been present and unchanged for at least several years:
A. 5 mm B. 6 mm
C. 7 mm D. 8 mm (CU 879)
63. Which of the following is not true about pearly penile papules:
A. These lesions are found on the corona of the glans penis as
closely set, but not confluent, papules about 1 mm in diameter
B. They may be white, pink or red
C. The papules generally encircle the corona in carefully aligned
rows: one, two or three rows may be present
D. These lesions need to be treated with topical steroids
(CU 880)
64. Which of the following account for 90 per cent of urogenital
lymphatic filariasis?
A. Wuchereria bancrofti B. Brugia malayi
C. Brugia timori D. Dirofilaria (CU 907)
65. Human occult filariasis is characterised by circulating
eosinophilia, eosinophilic infiltrates of affected lymph nodes or
lung, and granulomas around damaged microfilariae. Micro-
filariae are often surrounded by stellate hyalin precipitates___:
A. Splendore-Hoeppli bodies
B. Meyers-Kouvenaar bodies
C. Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
D. Von Hanseman bodies (CU 909)
66. Which of the following drugs, in a single oral dose of 20 to 25
ug/kg, has proved to be an effective microfliaricide, nearly
60 C 61 B 62 C 63 D 64 A 65 B 66 B
Urinary Tract Infection 119
67 C 68 B 69 A 70 D 71 A 72 B 73 A
120 MCQs in Urology
74 A 75 A 76 B 77 C 78 A 79 A 80 C 81 A
Urinary Tract Infection 121
A. Histoplasmosis B. Geotrichosis
C. Mucormycosis D. Sporotrichosis (CU 932)
82. What is significant candiduria?
A. More than 10,000 to 15,000 colonies per ml
B. More than 1,000 to 2,000 colonies per ml
C. More than 3,000 colonies per ml
D. More than 25,000 to 30,000 colonies per ml (CU 938)
83. True about amphotericin B:
A. It crosses the placenta; however, penetration into the CSF,
vitreous tumour, and normal amniotic fluid is minimal
B. Renal toxicity occurs even if it is used as a bladder irrigant
C. Renal excretion is the primary route of elimination
D. Haemodialysis immediately clears the drug from plasma
(CU 944)
84. It is a triazole, has a narrow spectrum of antifungal activity but
achieves good renal excretion:
A. Ketoconazole B. Miconazole
C. Fluconazole D. Flucytosine (CU 947)
85. The ideal pH for growth of Candida fungi ranges from:
A. 5.1 to 6.4 B. 6.2 to 7.4
C. 7.4 to 8.2 D. 6.0 to 8.0 (CU 947)
86. Which of the following antituberculous drugs was discovered
A. Streptomycin B. Isoniazid
C. Rifampicin D. Para-aminosalicylic acid (CU 952)
87. Which is the most virulent and infective of all mycobacteria?
A. M. kensarii B. M. bovis
C. M. africanum D. M. tuberculosis (CU 954)
88. The site most commonly affected by tuberculosis of the ureter is:
A. Ureterovesical junction
B. Pelviureteric junction
C. Midureter
D. Intramural portion of the ureter (CU 958)
89. Which is not true about tuberculosis of the urinary bladder?
A. Bladder lesions are without exception secondary to renal
B. The earliest forms of infection starts around ureteric orifice
C. Tuberculous ulcers are frequent and are an early finding
82 A 83 A 84 C 85 A 86 A 87 D 88 A 89 C
122 MCQs in Urology
90 C 91 B 92 D 93 A 94 C 95 E
Urinary Tract Infection 123
96 D 97 B 98 B 99 A 100 D
124 MCQs in Urology
154. More than 95 per cent of all recurrent infections in females are
____ of the urinary tract:
A. Chronic infections B. Nosocomial infections
C. Unresolved infections D. Reinfections (CU 7 537)
155. The optimal period of antibiotic therapy (with TMP-SMX, TMP,
or a fluoroquinolone) for treating uncomplicated cystitis in
women is ____ days, and for men ___ days:
A. 3, 7 B. 1, 3
C. 7, 21 D. 7, 3 (CU 7 590)
156. In Fournier’s gangrene, a plain film of the abdomen early may
be helpful:
A. In identifying air
B. In detecting calcifications
C. In detecting necrotic areas
D. In detecting the extent of cellulitis (CU 7 604)
157. Cryptococcal infection of the prostate requires systemic therapy,
and the drug of choice is:
A. Amphotericin B B. Flucytosine
C. Itraconazole D. Fluconazole (CU 7 790)
158. ______ is similar to candida species in morphology, growth
characteristics, clinical manifestations and response to
antifungal therapy:
A. Aspergillus
B. Torulopsis glabrata
C. Cryptococcus neoformans
D. Coccidioides immitis (CU 7 786)
159. The classical triad of lassitude, loss of weight and anorexia is
_____ seen in early stages of genitourinary tuberculosis:
A. Never B. Almost always
C. Rarely D. Seldom (CU 7 818
160. An appropriate threshold value now a days for defining
significant bacteriuria is___ cfu/ml of a known pathogen.
A. 10 5 B. 10 2
C. 10 D. 10 4 (CU 9 240)
161. It has no coverage on gram-positive pathogen in UTI.
A. Aztreonam B. Amikacin
C. Vanocomycin D. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole
(CU 9 246)
A. 78,86,100 B. 100,86,76
C. 90,80,98 D. 87,68,100 (CU 9 377)
177. Treatment of choice now for syphilis is:
A. 1 gm ceftriaxone single dose
B. Benzthiazide penicillin G 2 to 4 million units IM as single dose
C. Azithromycin 4 gm single dose
D. Oral doxycline 100 mg BD for 14 days (CU 9 377)
178. Chalmydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial STD
worldwide. virulent serotypes are:
A. A to K B. B to J
C. D to K D. D to M (CU 9 378)
179. Most highly recommended treatment for uncomplicated
gonorrhea is___ .
A. Levofloxacin 250 mg
B. Cefixime 400 mg
C. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg
D. Ceftriaxone 125 mg IM single dose (CU 9 379)
180. A single 2 gm dose of metronidazole is effective in most cause
of ___ in which “strawberry vulva” or “strawberry cervix” are
A. Trichomoniasis
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. Bacterial vaginosis
D. Lymphogranuloma venereum (CU 9 380)
181. Condyloma acuminata caused by HPV types ___ are low-risk for
conversion to invasive carcinoma of external genitalia.
A. 16,18,45 B. 6,11
C. 16,33,51 D. None of above (CU 9 380)
182. Over 99% of cervical cancers and 84% of anal cancers are
associated with HPV, most commonly:
A. 16,18 B. 6,11
C. 32,61 D. 39,45 (CU 9 381)
183. Recommended treatment of choice for patient-applied therapy
of genital warts (condyloma accu-minata):
A. Podofilox 0.5% solution or gel and imiquimod 5% cream
B. Podophyllin resin 20 to 25%
D. CO2 laser therapy
C. Bichloroacetic acid 80 to 90% (CU 9 381)
9 Benign Prostatic
1E 2D 3A 4A 5A
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 141
6C 7E 8B 9C 10 D
142 MCQs in Urology
11 C 12 A 13 A 14 E 15 D 16 C
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 143
17 B 18 C 19 C 20 D 21 A 22 E
144 MCQs in Urology
23 B 24 A 25 C 26 B 27 A 28 A 29 C 30 C
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 145
31 A 32 C 33 A 34 A 35 F
146 MCQs in Urology
36. Two types of laser generators are used for interstitial laser
therapy of prostate: the Dornier ITT system and Indigo
LASEROPTIC system. The former uses ____laser.
A. Nd:YAG B. Diode
C. KTP D. Holmium : YAG (CU 9 3823)
37. Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) uses ___ laser.
C. Diode D. Holmiium:YAG (CU 9 2828)
38. Open prostatectomy should be considered when the obstructive
tissue is estimated to weigh more than ___ grams.
A. 60 B. 75
C. 50 D. 70 (CU 9 2846)
39. One mathematical model suggests a baseline___ benefit-to-risk
ratio as defined by the number of cancers prevented for each
excess high-grade prostate cancer in those taking Finasteride
(Klein et al, 2005) (009-2870)
A. 5:1 B. 10:1
C. 3:1 D. 7:1
40. Androgen ablation with luteinizing hormone (LHRH) analogs
will cause an average ____% volume decrease with androgen
deprivation in prostate with and without cancer. The decrease
ranges up to 60% in large glands and as little as 10% in small
A. 20 B. 30
C. 40 D. 50 (CU 9 2887)
41. Prostate volume decreases by approximately 21% at ___ months
using agents like finasteride.
A. 3 B. 6
C. 9 D. 12 (CU 9 2887)
42. Regardless of initial PSA value, a PSA velocity greater than ___
per year is frequently associated with prostate cancer and
warrants biopsy.
A. 0.5 – 0.75 B. 0.75 – 1.0
C. 0.25 – 0.5 D. 0.01 – 0.25 (CU 9 2888)
43. 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors for treatment of BPH have been
shown to lower PSA by about ____% after 12 months of
A. 30 B. 40
C. 50 D. 60 (CU 9 2916)
36 A 37 B 38 B 39 A 40 B 41 B 42 B 43 C
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 147
44 C
148 MCQs in Urology
10 Tumours of
Gastrourinary Tract
6A 7C 8B 9D 10 D 11 A
150 MCQs in Urology
12 B 13 E 14 B 15A 16 C 17 A 18 A
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 151
A. CT scan B. Angiography
C. Ultrasonography D. MRI
E. IVU (CU 1072)
24. The classic angiographic picture of renal cell carcinoma is/are
A. Neovascularity
B. Arteriovenous fistula
C. Pooling of contrast media
D. Accentuation of capsular vessels
E. A and C
F. A, B and C
G. All of A, B, C, D
H. None of the above (CU 1072)
25. Most common sites of metastases from renal cell carcinoma:
A. Liver, lungs, vertebrae, thyroid
B. Lungs, vertebrae, CNS
C. Lungs, liver, subcutaneous tissue, CNS
D. Lungs, liver, subcutaneous tissue and bones (CU 1073)
26. Treatment of choice in a patient with renal cell carcinoma in his
solitary kidney:
A. Partial nephrectomy
B. Radical nephrectomy and renal transplant
C. Excision of the tumour
D. Enucleation of the tumour
E. Primary radiotherapy (CU 1076)
27. Treatment of preference in bilateral renal tumours:
A. Primary radiotherapy
B. Primary chemotherapy
C. Excision of the tumour
D. Partial nephrectomy (CU 1076 CMC)
28. Most commonly employed chemotherapeutic agent for treating
metastatic renal cell carcinoma is ___:
A. Methotrexate B. Vinblastine
C. 6-mercaptopurine D. Interferon (CU 1079)
29. Removal of the primary tumour in the patient with metastases
for purpose of either prolonging survival or causing regression
of metastatic lesion is known as ____:
A. Adjunctive nephrectomy
B. Palliative nephrectomy
C. Neoadjunctive nephrectomy
D. None of A, B, and C (CU 1083)
24 G 25 C 26 C 27 C 28 B 29 A
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 153
37 B 38 A 39 C 40 D 41 D 42 A 43 B
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 155
44 D 45 C 46 B 47 A 48 D 49 B
156 MCQs in Urology
50 A 51 C 52 A 53 A 54 A 55 B 56 C
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 157
57 B 58 D 59 A 60 B 61 D 62 B 63 A
158 MCQs in Urology
64 A 65 C 66 A 67 A 68 B 69 B 70 A 71 A
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 159
72 B 73 C 74 D 75 B 76 C
160 MCQs in Urology
77 D 78 C 79 B 80 A 81 A 82 B 83 A
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 161
84 B 85 A 86 C 87 A 88 A 89 B 90 C 91 D
162 MCQs in Urology
A. 4 to 8 B. 1 to 2
C. 2 to 3 D. 12 to 24 (CU 1213)
135. Local radiation therapy is most useful for pain control in
terminal stage of prostate cancer. In general, 5000 rads are given
for hip or long bone pain, 3000 rads for chest pain (ribs), and
______ rads for vertebral pain or impending collapse of a
A. 4000 B. 5000
C. 6000 D. 2000 (CU 1214)
136. The appendix testis, which is found in 90 per cent of autopsy
cases, is a remnant of:
A. Mesonephric duct B. Wolffian duct
C. Müllerian duct D. Genital ridge (CU 1122)
137. There is a known tendency for a patient to develop contralateral
germinal tumour of testis in approximately ___ per cent of cases:
A. 4 B. 3
C. 1 D. 2 (CU 1224)
138. The average annual rate (age adjusted) of germ cell neoplasm
of the testis is highest in:
A. United States and Great Britain
B. Africa and Asia
C. China and Russia
D. Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany and New Zealand
(CU 1225)
139. The peak incidence of seminoma is between the ages of:
A. 30 to 35 years B. 35 to 39 years
C. 40 to 45 years D. 45 to 56 years (CU 1225 BHU)
140. Malignant testicular lymphomas are predominantly tumours of:
A. Men over 50 years of age
B. Children below 10 years of age
C. Young adults
D. Men over 70 years of age (CU 1225)
141. Approximately 2 to 3 per cent of testicular tumours are bilateral:
the most common histologic type occurring bilaterally is:
A. Nonseminoma
B. Seminoma
C. Leyding cell tumours
D. Gonadoblastoma (CU 1225)
142 B 143 A 144 C 145 A,B 146 D 147 A 148 B 149 D 150 A
Tumours of Gastrourinary Tract 171
A. Equally B. More
C. Less (CU 1237)
151. The nuclei contains characteristic filamentous chromatin in:
A. Typical seminoma
B. Anaplastic seminoma
C. Gonadoblastoma
D. Supermatocytic seminoma (CU 1237)
152. According to the Boden/Gibb staging system for testicular
tumours, disseminated disease above the diaphragm, or visceral
disease is:
A. Stage I B. Stage II
C. Stage III D. Stage IV (CU 1230)
153. In stage I and stage II (low volume) seminoma, the inferior
portion of the irradiation field should include the contralateral
inguinal region in which of the following clinical situation?
A. In patients with retained spermatic cord remnant
B. In patients with histories of herniorrhaphy or prior
C. In homosexuals with previous attacks of chancroid
D. In patients with active lymphogranuloma venereum
(CU 1237)
154. Patients with stage 1 seminoma treated with postorchiectomy
radiation have 5 year survival rates approximating:
A. 100 per cent B. 90 per cent
C. 80 per cent D. 95 per cent (CU 1237)
155. The overall disease free survival rates in patients with stage IIB
seminoma treated with abdominal irradiation to approximately:
A. 50 per cent B. 60 per cent
C. 45 per cent D. 65 per cent (CU 1238)
156. Which of the following combinations have often found to be
effective against disseminated testicular seminomas as well as
nonseminomatous tumours?
A. Cisplatinum, vinblastine, bleomycin
B. Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, bleomycin
C. Cyclophosphamide, cisplatinum, cytarabine
D. Cisplatinum, adriamycin, carmustine (CU 1238)
157. In cases of disseminated seminomas, response rate seem to be
somewhat better when ____ based chemotherapy is given as the
primary treatment with no prior radiation:
A. Bleomycin B. Cisplatin
C. Vinblastine D. Cyclophosphamide (CU 1238)
158. The most common testis tumour in infants and children:
A. Yolk sac tumour B. Teratoma
C. Choriocarcinoma D. Embryonal carcinoma (CU 1240)
159. Embryoid bodies are found in:
A. Embryonal carcinoma B. Teratoma
C. Seminoma D. Yolk sac tumour (CU 1240)
160. Approximately _____ per cent of patients are reportedly sub-
fertile at the time of diagnosis of a nonseminomatous germ cell
A. 70 to 80 B. 65 to 70
C. 50 to 60 D. 40 to 50 (CU 1241)
161. Modified retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: the similar
dissection is performed with the exception of the right lateral
margin, that it is only carried to the lateral margin of the inferior
vena cava rather than all the way to the right ureter in which
sided testicular tumour?
A. Right B. Left (CU 1242)
162. The tumouricidal dose of radiation therapy for nonsemino-
matous germ cell testicular tumours ranges between _____ far in
excess of that required to sterilize seminoma:
A. 4000 and 5000 cGy B. 6000 and 7000 cGy
C. 2000 and 3000 cGy D. 8000 and 9000 cGy (CU 1243)
163. In the surgical treatment of stage II nonseminomatous germ cell
testicular tumour a complete bilateral lymphadenectomy is
indicated when:
A. The tumour markers are positive following orchiectomy
B. Suspicious looking lymph nodes are encountered at
C. Serum markers, CT scan and laparotomy findings are
collectively negative
D. There is doubt that it may be stage III tumour (CU 1245)
164. The following agent has single-agent activity in patients with
testicular cancer:
A. Cisplatinum B. Bleomycin
C. Vinblastine D. Etoposide (CU 1247)
165. The most common site of origin of extragonadal germ cell
tumour is:
A. Mediastinum
B. Retroperitoneum
C. Pineal gland
D. Sacrococcygeal region (CU 1249 BHU)
166. Extragonadal germ cell tumours predominantly affect males,
although a female predominance has been noted with:
A. Mediastinal region
B. Sacrococcygeal region
C. Retroperitoneal region
D. Pineal gland region (CU 1249)
167. Approximately ____ per cent of interstitial cell tumours, the
most common of the sex-cord mesenchyme tumours, are
A. 10 B. 5
C. 15 D. 20 (CU 1250)
168. Statement A: The prognosis for Leydig cell tumours is good
because of their generally benign nature:Statement B: The
persistence of virilizing and feminising features following
orchiectomy is an indication of malignancy
A. Both A and B are true
B. A is true and B is false
C. Both are false
169. The most common testicular tumour in dogs is:
A. Sertoli cell tumour B. Seminoma
C. Choriocarcinoma D. Leydig cell tumour (CU 1251)
170. Approximately ___ of patients with gonadoblastomas are
phenotypic females, usually presenting with primary ameno-
rrhea and sometimes with lower abdominal masses:
A. One-fourth B. Four-fifth
C. Three-fourth D. One third (CU 1252)
171. Radical orchiectomy is the first step in therapy, and high
incidence of bilaterality (50%) argues for contralateral
gonadectomy when ____ is present:
A. Seminoma
B. Sertoli cell tumour
C. Leydig cell tumour
D. Gonadoblastoma (CU 1253)
172. The usual presentation of malignant mesothelioma of testis is
A. Pain B. Hydrocele
C. Epididymoorchitis D. Haematemesis (CU 1253)
173. The most frequent presentation with primary testicular
carcinoid is:
A. Pain
B. Rapid testicular enlargement
C. Hydrocele
D. Slow, progressive, painless, enlargement of testis (CU 1253)
174. The most common secondary neoplasms of testis and most
common of all testis tumours in patient over 50 years of age:
A. Lymphoma
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Malignant mesothelioma
D. Metastatic tumours (CU 1254)
175. Which of the following organs appears to be a prime initial site
of relapse in male children with acute lymphocytic leukemia?
A. Kidneys B. Ureters
C. Testis D. Epididymis (CU 1255)
176. According to the Rappaport classification, most of the testicular
lymphoma are:
A. Histiocytic B. Lymphocytic
C. Undifferentiated D. Burkitt’s lymphoma (CU 1254)
177. The common primary sites/sources of metastatic tumours of the
testis in decreasing order of frequency are:
A. Melanoma, kidney, prostate, lung, gastrointestinal tract
B. Prostate, lung, gastrointestinal tract, melanoma, kidney
C. Lung, prostate, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, melanoma
D. Kidney, prostate, lung, melanoma, gastrointestinal tract
(CU 1255)
178. The most common tumours of the paratesticular tissues:
A. Mesothelioma B. Cystadenoma
C. Adenomatoid tumours (CU 1256)
179. The most common malignant spermatic cord tumour is:
A. Rhabdomyosarcoma B. Liposarcoma
C. Fibrosarcoma D. Leiomyosarcoma (CU 1257)
180. Cutaneous nevi occurring on the skin of the penis need not be
distinguished from malignant melanoma by biopsy:
A. True B. False (CU 1264)
A. Verrucous carcinoma
B. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
C. Bowen’s disease
D. Bowenoid papulosis (CU 1268)
188. Metastasis from which tumours is extremely rare:
A. Carcinoma in situ
B. Verrucous carcinoma of nonpenile sites
C. Bowenoid papulosis
D. Verrucous carcinoma of penis (CU 1269)
189. The Buschke-Lowenstein tumour differs from condyloma
acuminatum in that:
A. The later, no matter how large, remains superficial, sparing
adjacent tissue
B. The etiology of the former is seldom viral
C. 5-fluorouracil cream local application is the treatment of
choice in the former
D. The later is grossly indistinguishable from squamous cell
carcinoma (CU 1269)
190. When Bowen’s disease occurs on the penis, it is called:
A. Bowenoid papulosis
B. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
C. Paget’s disease
D. Carcinoma in situ (CU 1269)
191. Invasive carcinoma of the penis is most commonly diagnosed
during which decades of life:
A. 4th and 5th
B. 5th to 6th
C. 6th to 7th
D. 7th to 8th (CU 120 BHU)
192. Carcinoma of the penis is almost unknown in _____ population,
among whom neonatal circumcision is customary:
A. Pakistani B. Japanese
C. Paraguay D. Jewish (CU 1270)
193. In which country, carcinoma of the penis is the most common
genitourinary malignancy?
A. Paraguay B. United States
C. India D. Norway (CU 1271)
194. No consistent aetiologic relationship of penile carcinoma has
been found to all of the following except:
A. Syphilis
B. Chancroid
C. Granuloma inguinale
D. Sexually transmitted HPV (CU 1271)
195. Metastatic enlargement of the regional lymph nodes in
carcinoma of the penis eventually leads to chronic infection,
skin necrosis, and death from all of the following except:
A. Inanition B. Sepsis
C. Haemorrhage D. Renal failure (CU 1272 JIPMER)
196. Which is not true about carcinoma of the penis:
A. The strongest prognostic indicator for survival is the tumour
B. No harmful effects regarding tumour dissemination secondary
to biopsy are recognised
C. The majority of the tumours are squamous cell carcinoma
D. Most malignancies are of moderate grade (CU 1274)
197. The Jackson staging system of penile carcinoma is a:
A. Clinicopathologic one
B. Clinical one
C. Pathologic one (CU 1276)
198. According to TNM classification of penile carcinoma, tumour
invading urethra or prostate is:
A. Tl B. T2
C. T3 D. T4 (CU 1277)
199. In a 61-year-old patient, carcinoma of the penile shaft has
involved the epidermis only:
A. A total penectomy is ideal
B. A partial penectomy is the choice
C. Primary radiotherapy is very effective and will give good
cosmetic result
D. Removal of the skin and subcutaneous tissue may be
adequate (CU 1277)
200. ‘Chemosurgery’ with reference to penile carcinoma is:
A. Mohs micrographic surgery
B. Microsurgery after 12-hour application of local
C. Surgery followed immediately by local 5-fluorouracil
D. Doing amputation of penis during the course of chemo-
therapy (CU 1278)
A. Lupron
B. Decadron 100 mg IV
C. Ketocomazole 400 mg po Q 8 h
D. Orchiectomy
E. Radiation therapy
209. Effective and safe therapy for hot flushes after orhiectomy for
metastatic prostate cancer includes:
A. Flutamide
B. Clonidine
C. LHRH-agonist plus flutamide
D. DES 5 mg/day
E. Low dose oral testosterone replacement (AUA 94-8)
210. A 68-year-old potent male with known advanced cancer of the
prostate has rapid development of obstructive voiding symptoms
with occasional incontinence. He desires transurethral resection of
the prostate and refuses hormonal therapy. To assess his urinary
functional prognosis with TURP, which of the following
procedures is most important to accomplish preoperatively?
A. Bone scan and plain film radiographs of the LS spine
B. Urodynamic evaluation with urethral pressure profile
C. Prostate specific antigen and prostate acid phosphatase
D. Cystoscopy
E. Alkaline phosphatase and LDH (AUA 94-8)
211. A 77-year-old male with metastatic carcinoma of the prostate
and in urinary retention undergoes bilateral simple orchiectomy.
One week following surgery, the catheter is removed but the
patient is unable to void. Optimal therapy at this point is:
A. Transurethral resection of the prostate
B. Flutamide 250 mg po q8h
C. Replace catheter—schedule another voiding trial in one to two
D. Ketoconazole 400 mg po q8h
E. External beam radiotherapy to the prostate (AUA 94-1)
212. In spinal cord compression due to metastatic prostate cancer,
immediate surgical decompression is recommended for all of
the following except:
A. Unstable spine
B. Prior radiation therapy
C. Poor response to radiotherapy
D. Slow onset paraparesis
E. Rapid onset of spinal cord compression (AUA 94-8)
265. Seventy percent of prostate cancers arise form ___ zone and it
is the zone most frequently affected by chronic prostatitis.
A. Peripheral B. Central
C. Transitional D. All of A, B, C (CU 9 63)
266. Testicular carcinoma in situ (CIS) is widely regarded as
preinvasive precursor of all testicular germ cell tunors except:
A. Typical seminoma
B. Anaplastic seminoma
C. Spermatocytic seminoma
D. Mature teratoma (CU 9 896)
267. Risk factors for the development of testicular CIS include 1.
History of testicular carcinoma 2. Extra-gonadal germ cell tumor
3. Cryptorchidism 4. Contralateral testis with unilateral
testicular cancer 5. Atrophic contralateral testis with unilateral
testicular cancer 6. Somatosexual ambiguity 7. Infer-tility.
A. Only 1,2,3,4 B. Only 4,5,6,7
C. All D. 3,4,5,6 (CU 9 897)
268. Lymphatic metastasis is common to all forms of germinal testis
tumors, although, ____ almost uniformly disseminates by means
of vescular invasion as well.
A. Pure choriocarcinoma
B. Spermatocytic seminoma
C. Polyembryoma
D. Immature teratoma (CU 9 901)
269. The American Join Committee on cancer staging for germ cell
tumors is unique, because, for the first time a serum tumor
marker category (S) is used to supplement the prognostic stage
defined by anatomy alone. The LDH of 1.5 – 10 X N, hCG 5,000
– 50,000 mIU/ml, and AFP of 1,000 – 10,000 ng/ml comes under
A. S0 B. S1
C. S3 D. S2 (CU 9 904)
270. Testis sparing surgery is an option in patients with organ
confined tumors of less than ___ cm in diameter occurring in a
solitary testis or associated with contralateral tumor.
A. 3 B. 3.5
C. 2 D. 2.5 (CU 9 909)
271. It is a fact that roughly ___ of patients with histologically pure
seminoma of testis who ultimately die of the disease are found
to harbor nenseminomatous elements in metastatic sites.
A. ¾rd B. ½
C. 1/3th D. ¼th (CU 9 909)
272. Stage II and stage IIb seminoma patients with bulky
retroperitoneal disease have traditionally received adjuvant
radiation. More recently, however, adjuvant chemotherapy has
been preferred to retroperitoneal irradiation for retroperitoneal
disease larger than ___ cm in diameter.
A. Four B. Three
C. Two D. Five (CU 9 912)
273. Histopathological changes in pulmonary toxicity due to
bleomycin include destruction of ___ pne-umocytes.
A. I and II B. III
C. IV D. All (CU 9 913)
274. Lymphoma constitutes the most common secondary neoplasm
of testis and the most frequent of all testicular tumors in
patients older than ___ years.
A. 50 B. 60
C. 70 D. 80 (CU 9 930)
275. Biopsy is essential to diagnose leukemic infiltration of the testis,
orhiectomy is probably unwarranted, and treatment of choice is
testicular irradiation with ___ cGY in 10 fractions.
A. 1000 B. 2000
C. 3000 D. 4000 (CU 9 931)
276. ___ appears to be the most frequently deteted type HPV in
primary and metastatic invasive penile carcinoma.
A. 18 B. 11
C. 16 D. 32 (CU 9 962)
277. Nuclear accumulation of ___ (presumably mutated) was shown
to be an independent predictor of lymph node metastasis in
squamous penile cancer.
C. P53 D. P52 (CU 9 0979)
278. Squamous cell carcinoma is characteristically radio-resistant,
and dosage required to sterilize the tumor ___ thousand rads
that may cause urethral fistula, stricture or stenosis with or
without penile necrosis, pain, and edema.
A. Two B. Four
C. Six D. Eight (CU 9 985)
321 B 322 A
198 MCQs in Urology
11 Congenital Anomalies
15 B 16 B 17 A 18 D 19 B 20 A 21 C
Congenital Anomalies 201
22 A 23 C 24 B 25 B 26 B 27 A 28 B
202 MCQs in Urology
29. In crossed ectopia, the crossed kidney usually lies _____ to its
normal counterpart on that side:
A. Cranial B. Caudal
C. Left lateral D. Right lateral (CU 1373)
30. In crossed ectopia with fusion, no further rotation is likely once
the two kidneys have joined; an anteriorly placed pelvis
suggests_____ fusion:
A. Late B. Early
C. Medial D. Lateral (CU 1373)
31. Which is the second most common anomaly of fusion of
A. Sigmoid kidney B. Lump kidney
C. Disc kidney D. L-shaped kidney (CU 1373)
32. The highest incidence of associated anomalies occur in children
with solitary renal ectopia; the most common is either absence
of vas deferens or ____ in males, or vaginal atresia or unilateral
uterine abnormality in female:
A. Absence of seminal vesicle
B. Cryptorchidism
C. Hemianopsia
D. Apnia (CU 1375)
33. The most common of all renal fusion anomalies is:
A. Horse-shoe kidney B. Lump kidney
C. Disc kidney D. Sigmoid kidney (CU 1376)
34. In its mature form, the pelvis and the ureters of the horse-shoe
kidney are usually ______ placed, crossing ventrally to the
A. Medially B. Laterally
C. Posteriorly D. Anteriorly (CU 1376)
35. The horse-shoe kidney is usually located adjacent to the:
A. L-1 or L-2 vertebra
B. L-3 or L-4 vertebra
C. L-4 or L-5 vertebra
D. L-2 or L-3 vertebra (CU 1377, BHU)
36. The abnormality of horse-shoe kidney occurs between ____
weeks of gestation:
A. 2nd and 4th B. 4th and 6th
C. 6th and 8th D. 8th and 10th (CU 1376)
29 B 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 A 34 D 35 B 36 B
Congenital Anomalies 203
37 D 38 A 39 B 40 C 41 A 42 B 43 A 44 A 45 B
204 MCQs in Urology
A. Agenesis B. Duplication
C. Triplication D. Atresia and hypoplasia (CU 1406)
46. In duplication, about one-third of the renal parenchyma is
served by the ______ collecting system, on the average:
A. Upper B. Lower
C. Middle D. Posterior (CU 1409)
47. The primary form of obstructed megaureter is associated most
commonly with a ____ adynamic segment (the functionally
obstructed megaureter):
A. Proximal B. Distal
C. Midureteric (CU 1413)
48. The “yo-yo” effect is:
A. The regurgitation of the bolus of urine into the upper ureter,
in case of obstructed megaureter
B. The churning of the bolus of urine in the upper segment of
the ureter, after regurgitation from the lower adynamic
segment of obstructed megaureter
C. The persistence of E.coli infection in the obstructed
D. The chronic renal failure occurring due to functionally
obstructed megaureter (CU 1413)
49. The megaureter in prune-belly syndrome is:
A. Most often nonobstructed
B. Most often obstructed
C. Most often cyclical
D. Never leads to renal failure (CU 1414)
50. Three areas of the ureter are particularly liable to congenital
ureteral stenosis. They are, in order of decreasing frequency:
A. Midureter at the pelvic brim, ureteropelvic junction, distal
ureter just above the ureterovesical junction
B. Distal ureter just above the ureterovesical junction,
ureteropelvic junction, midureter at the pelvic brim
C. Ureteropelvic junction, midureter at the pelvic brim, distal
ureter just above the ureterovesical junction (CU 1415)
51. Ureteral valves are uncommon causes of ureteral obstruction
consisting of transverse folds of redundant mucosa that contain
smooth muscle. Transverse, nonobstructing mucosal folds are
present in ___ per cent of ureters in newborns and gradually
disappear with growth:
46 A 47 B 48 B 49 A 50 B 51 B
Congenital Anomalies 205
A. 15 B. 5
C. 10 D. 25 (CU 1415)
52. Congenital spiral twists of the ureter seldom give rise to
obstruction and hydronephrosis. This is:
A. True B. False (CU 1416)
53. Primary congenital vesicoureteral reflux is classified as a
disorder of ureteral termination in which the orifice is too ___
and ____ and is loosely attached to the angle of a poorly
developed trigone:
A. Low: Lateral B. Low: Medial
C. High: Lateral D. High: Medial (CU 1418)
54. Of all ectopic ureters, ____ per cent are associated with a
duplicated system, and most of these occur in females:
A. 90 B. 80
C. 70 D. 60 (CU 1419)
55. In females affected with an ureter not opening at the normal
location at the angle of the trigone, about ___ present with
urinary incontinence:
A. Half B. One-fourth
C. One-third D. One-fifth (CU 1421)
56. In reports from countries with mostly white population, single-
system ectopic ureters constitutes 20 per cent of all ectopic
ureters and most occur in males. In ___ , by contrast, 70 per cent
of all ectopic ureters are single system, mostly noted in females
with vaginal drainage:
A. India B. Norway
C. Sri Lanka D. Japan
E. Mexico (CU 1421)
57. Who classified ureteroceles and simple (or intravesical or adult)
and ectopic varieties?
A. Ericsson B. Stephen
C. Passerini D. Glazel (CU 1422)
58. Who’s classification of ureteroceles include stenotic, sphincteric,
sphincterostenotic and cecoureterocele types?
A. Ericsson B. Stephen
C. Campbell D. Smith (CU 1422)
59. In most paediatric series, ____ ureteroceles are more common:
52 B 53 C 54 B 55 A 56 D 57 A 58 B 59 A
206 MCQs in Urology
A. Ectopic
B. Intravesical
C. Both occur with equal frequency (CU 1423)
60. Persistence of which of the following veins is the embryonal
cause of preureteral vena cava:
A. Left supracardinal vein
B. Right posterior cardinal vein
C. Right supracardinal vein
D. Subcardinal vein (CU 1425, CMC)
61. The incidence of preureteral vena cava is about one in 1500
cadavers and is three to four times more common in:
A. Males B. Females
C. Eunuchs D. Male pseudohermaphroditism
(CU 1426)
62. Herniation of the ureter is an extremely rare condition and most
of these are:
A. Paraperitoneal B. Intraperitoneal
C. Retroperitoneal (CU 1428)
63. Which of the following conditions has been designated as “pan-
bud anomaly”?
A. Renal hypoplasia
B. Renal hypodysplasia
C. Medullary sponge kidney
D. Parapelvic and renal sinus cysts (CU 1448)
64. Infantile polycystic kidney disease is:
A. Autosomal recessive
B. Autosomal dominant
C. X-linked disorder
D. Multifactorial genetic disease (CU 1451)
65. Which is not true about the clinical features of ‘Infantile’
polycystic kidney disease:
A. The earlier the age at which the patient is identified, the more
severe is the disease
B. In infants in whom this disease is evident at birth, the usual
clinical course is death within the first two months as result
of uremia or respiratory failure
C. Children whose disease appears later in life develop renal
failure and hypertension more rapidly than those in whom this
disease is manifested at birth
D. In general, the clinical problems of children whose disease
appears later in life are the consequence of liver disease rather
than the renal condition (CU 1451-52)
60 D 61 A 62 A 63 B 64 A 65 C
Congenital Anomalies 207
66 B 67 B 68 D 69 D 70 A 71 C 72 B
208 MCQs in Urology
73 A 74 A 75 A 76 A 77 A 78 B
Congenital Anomalies 209
85 D 86 A 87 B 88 A 89 B 90 A 91 A
Congenital Anomalies 211
C. Dehydroepiandrosterone
D. Androstenedione (CU 1544)
92. During testicular descent, the ____ precedes the ____ in its
journey into the scrotum:
A. Epididymis: Testis B. Testis: Epididymis (CU 1544)
93. The cremasteric reflex is most active between the second and
seventh years of age. It is ____ at birth:
A. Absent B. Weakly present
C. Present but not in its active form (CU 1545)
94. In ____ per cent of patients with cryptorchidism, the defect is
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20 (CU 1545)
95. It is generally accepted that one of the factors mentioned below
somehow play the major role in promoting the descent of the
testis into the scrotum; and that is:
A. Traction
B. Differential growth
C. Intra-abdominal pressure
D. Epididymal maturation
E. Hormonal (CU 1546)
96. The most common location of an ectopic testis in a clinical
situation is:
A. Perineum
B. Femoral canal
C. Superficial inguinal pouch
D. Suprapubic area
E. Opposite scrotal compartment (CU 1548)
97. In a young child with bilateral nonpalpable testes, ultrasound
scanning failed to locate the testes; CT scanning and MRI could
not be performed as he did not cooperate; testicular vein is blind
ending on venography. Can one unequivocally state that the testes
are absent?
A. Yes B. No (CU 1549)
98. The basal gonadotropin levels are extremely high in a boy of
age seven years and there is no response by testosterone to
exogenous hCG. The diagnosis goes in favour of:
A. Bilateral anorchia
B. Bilateral cryptorchidism
C. Transverse testicular ectopia
D. Bilaterally atrophied testes (CU 1549)
92 A 93 A 94 B 95 E 96 C 97 B 98 A
212 MCQs in Urology
114. Most infants will void within the first 12 hours of life, and more
than 90 per cent will void by 24 hours. Urinary output in the
term infant is approximately 1 to 2 ml/kg/hour; in the preterm
infant, urinary output is approximately:
A. 0.5 ml/kg/hour B. 4 ml/kg/hour
C. 6 ml/kg/hour D. 8 ml/kg/hour (CU 1601)
115. The most common cause of sexual ambiguity is:
A. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
B. Reifenstein syndrome
C. Persistent müllerian duct syndrome
D. 17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency (CU 1602)
116. The fluid most commonly found in neonatal ascites is _____, and
obstructive uropathy is the usual underlying cause:
A. Urine B. Chyle
C. Meconium D. Bile (CU 1602)
A. Fluoroscopic examination
B. Nuclear voiding cystourethrogram
C. Voiding cystourethrogram in continuation with IVU
D. Cystourethroscopy (CU 1680)
134. Which of the following is an ideal prophylactic anti-microbial
agent for VUR case, that has low serum levels, high urinary
levels, and has minimal effect on the normal fecal flora?
A. Erythromycin B. Nitrofurantoin
C. Cephalexin D. Trimethoprim (CU 1681)
135. Nitrofurantoin should not be used in children with glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency because it is an oxidising agent
and can cause:
A. Hypertension B. Severe anaemia
C. Hemolysis D. Obstructive jaundice (CU 1681)
136. Ureterocele most frequently occur in a ratio:
A. Females (4:1)
B. Males (4:1)
C. Females (10:1)
D. Males (10:1) (CU 7 1831)
137. Match the following spectrum of prune-belly syndrome with its
category classification:
A. External features may 1. Category
be mild or incomplete; classification II
uropathy is less severe;
renal function is stable
B. Oligohydramnios, 2. Category
pulmonary hypoplasia, classification III
or pneumothorax. May
have urethral obstruction
or patent urachus and
club foot
C. Typical external features 3. Category
and uropathy of the full- classification I
blown syndrome but no
immediate problem with
survival. May have mild
or unilateral renal dysplasia.
May or may not develop
urosepsis or gradual azotemia (CU 7 1923)
153. Other names that have been applied to this syndrome include triad
syndrome, Eagle-Barrett syndrome, and abdominal musculation
A. Beckwith-Wiedemann
B. Prune-belly syndrome
C. Gitelman’s
D. Neonatal Bartter’s (CU9-3482)
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 (CU9-3712)
164. The most common clinical presentation for Mayer-Rokitansky-
Küster-Hauser syndrome is:
A. Infertility
B. Dyspareunia
C. Primary amenorrhoea
D. Pelvic kidney (CU9-3827)
165. The patient with bilaterally impalpable testes or a unilaterally
impalpable testis and hypospadias should be regarded as having
an intersex disorder until pro-ven otherwise, whether or not the
genitalia appear ambiguous.
A. True B. False (CU9-3827)
166. Most common entity of persistent urogenital sinus:
A. Genital ambiguity state
B. Pure urogenital sinus
C. Cloacal anomalies
D. Female exstrophy (CU9-3846)
1. Factors suggesting that the reflux will cease with growth and
will not impede renal development or function include all of the
following except:
A. Grade 4 reflux or less
B. Orifice in the ‘B’ or ‘C’ position with a stadium or horse-shoe
C. Relatively young child
D. Intravesical ureter more than 5 mm in length
E. Freedom from obstruction or infection (CU 1696)
2. Match the following according to the Lyon classification of
ureteric orifice morphology in primary reflux:
A. Volcano-shaped 1. Type D
orifice on cystoscopy
B. Golf hole orifice 2. Type A
C. Stadium orifice 3. Type C
D. Horse-shoe orifice 4. Type B (CU 1692)
3. The radiographic appearance of renal scarring develops over a
period of at least:
A. 3 months B. 6 weeks
C. 8 months D. 6 months (CU 1701)
4. About ___ per cent of patients with ureteropelvic junction
obstruction will be found to have reflux:
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20 (CU 1703)
5. The length of the submucosal course of the ureter when the
bladder is full is the single most useful guideline in estimating
the probability that the reflux will subside spontaneously. It
normally measures approximately ___ mm at birth, 10 mm by
age of 10 years, and 13 mm at adulthood:
A. 3 B. 5
C. 8 D. 2 (CU 1705)
6 D 7 C 8 C 9B
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 225
16 B 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 B 21 A 22 A, B
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 227
23 C 24 A 25 B 26 D 27 A
228 MCQs in Urology
28 C 29 A 30 D 31 B 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 A 36 A
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 229
A. Prune-Belly syndrome
B. Klinefelter’s syndrome
C. Turner’s syndrome
D. Kimmelsteil-Wilson syndrome (CU 1855)
37. In neonates with Prune-belly syndrome, there is a considerable
variability in the severity of the disorder and in the urgency with
which urologic advice is sought. For this reason, patients are placed
into different groups according to the severity. The combination
of ‘external features’ are mild or incomplete; uropathy is less severe
and renal function stable’ comes under which category:
A. I B. II
C. III D. IV (CU 1856)
38. Which of the following portions of urethra are entirely depen-
dent on androgen action for differentiation?
A. Prostatic and membranous
B. Bulbous and penile
C. Prostatic and bulbous
D. Membranous and penile (CU 1872)
39. It is now generally accepted that the folds of which type of
posterior urethral valve are not obstructive and do not exist as
a clinical entity:
A. I B. II
C. III D. IV (CU 1872)
40. Type I urethral valves make-up more than 95 per cent of these
lesions. It is:
A. An obstructing membrane situated distal to the verumon-
tanum, at the level of the membranous urethra
B. An obstructing membrane that radiates in a distal direction
from the verumontanum posteriorly toward the membran-
ous urethra anteriorly
C. A valve radiating in a cranial direction from the verumon-
tanum to the posterolateral aspect of the bladder neck
D. A continuous valve that radiates in a distal direction from the
verumontanum toward the membranous urethra, and in a
cranial direction toward the bladder neck (CU 1874)
41. Most neonates who die as a result of posterior urethral valves
die from:
A. Respiratory causes B. Renal causes
C. Infectious causes D. Cardiac causes (CU 1877)
37 C 38 B 39 B 40 B 41 A
230 MCQs in Urology
42 D 43 B 44 A 45 A 46 A 47 C
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 231
48 A 49 C 50 B 51 A 52 C 53 A 54 C
232 MCQs in Urology
55 C 56 A 57 C 58 A 59 A 60 B 61 B
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 233
62 B 63 A 64 B 65 A 66 A 67 A 68 D
234 MCQs in Urology
69 A 70 D 71 B 72 D 73 A 74 A 75 D
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 235
83 B 84 C 85 D 86 A 87 A 88 B 89 D
Paediatric Urology and Renovascular Hypertension 237
51 99m
99m 131
C. Tc-DMSA D. I-MIBG (CU 1992)
90. In which stage neuroblastoma does not have survival rate on the
order of 80 per cent?
A. Stage I B. Stage II
C. Stage III D. Stage IV-S (CU 1994)
91. All of the following factors are important in the prognosis of
neuroblastoma except:
A. Site of origin
B. Samuel index
C. DNA content of tumour cells
D. Lymph nodal status
E. Age at diagnosis
F. Serum ferritin level (CU 1994)
92. For disseminated neuroblastoma (stages III and IV),____ alone
appears to be the most important prognostic variable:
A. Serum ferritin B. Shimada index
C. Stage of disease D. Age at diagnosis (CU 1995)
93. An increased incidence of rhabdomyosarcoma has been reported
in patients with:
A. Neurofibromatosis
B. Oral hemangioma
C. Prune-belly syndrome
D. Hemihypertrophy (CU 1997}
94. Incomplete removal of biopsy with gross residual disease comes
under ___ group of rhabdomyosarcoma:
A. Group I B. Group II
C. Group III D. Group IV (CU 1999)
95. Maternal diethylstilbesterol during pregnancy has been strongly
implicated in the aetiology of:
A. Adenocarcinoma of the infant vagina
B. Clear cell adenocarcinoma
C. Lymphohemangioma
D. Adenocarcinoma of the extrophied bladder (CU 2002)
96. Testicular tumours in children represent roughly two per cent of
all testicular tumours, and peak age incidence occurs at roughly:
A. 1 year B. 2 years
C. 3 years D. 4 years (CU 2002)
90 C 91 B 92 A 93 A 94 C 95 B 96 B
238 MCQs in Urology
97. The half-life of AFP is ___ days so that, after successful removal
of a yolk cell tumour, levels should be normal (less than 20 ng/
ml), usually within one month:
A. 5 days B. 8 days
C. 3 days D. 11 days (CU 2003)
98. A child younger than one year of age has an AFP level that
rapidly falls to normal after radical inguinal orchiectomy for
germ cell tumour and has no evidence of metastatic spread:
A. Should be observed for two years with chest radiographs and
serum AFP levels
B. A course of vincristine and actinomycin D must be given for
a total of six courses over one year
C. Radiotherapy should be routinely given to iliac group of
lymph nodes
D. Chemotherapy should be given with vincristine, bleomycin,
and cisplatin (CU 2004)
99. Gonadoblastoma of childhood, a neoplasm containing an
intimate mixture of germ cells and germinal stromal cells. Is
bilateral in:
A. One-fourth of cases B. One-third of cases
C. Half of the cases (CU 2005)
100. The most common tumour that arises in an undescended testis
is the seminoma. If the testis is brought down into the scrotum,
the incidence of which tumour rises:
A. Seminoma B. Embryonal carcinoma
C. Gonadoblastoma D. Lymphoma (CU 2006)
101. The prognosis for an individual who develops a malignancy in
a surgically treated undescended testis:
A. Parallels that of an individual with normally descended gonads
who develops a malignancy
B. Is worse than that of an individual with normally descended
gonads who develops a malignancy because of distortion of
the anatomy of lymphatics
C. Is better than the individual with normally descended testis
who develops a malignancy due to destruction of inguinal
lymphatics during orchiopexy
D. Cannot be compared with the malignancy of an individual
developing it in a normally descended testis (CU 2006)
102. For operational purposes, the World Health Organisation has
defined hypertension in adults as a systolic pressure greater than
160 mm Hg and/or a diastolic pressure greater than:
A. 90 mmHg B. 95 mmHg
C. 100 mmHg D. 110 mmHg (CU 2018)
103. In children, a rise in blood pressure occurs with age, with an
upper limit of normal reaching ____ by age 12 to 15 years:
A. 130/80 mmHg B. 120/70 mmHg
C. 140/90 mmHg D. 110/70 mmHg (CU 2018)
104. Which of the following is the most common fibrous lesion
leading to renovascular hypertension?
A. Intimal fibroplasia
B. Fibromuscular hyperplasia
C. Medial fibroplasia
D. Perimedial (subadventitial) fibroplasia (CU 2021)
105. The half life of plasma renin is usually reported as between
____, and its major site of metabolism is in the liver:
A. 5 and 10 minutes B. 10 and 15 minutes
C. 15 to 20 minutes D. 20 to 25 minutes (CU 2024)
106. The only laboratory finding of importance in renovascular
hypertension is ____, although it is found in less than 20 per cent
of cases:
A. Hyponatremia B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypokalemia D. Hypercalcaemia (CU 2027)
107. ____ per cent of the large population of patients of essential
hypertension have high peripheral renin activity (PRA):
A. 8 B. 16
C. 24 D. 32 (CU 2031)
108. The treatment of choice of patients with renovascular
hypertension due to medial fibroplasia is:
A. ACE inhibitors
B. Converting enzyme inhibitors (CEIs)
C. Percutaneous transluminal renal artery angioplasty
D. Surgical intervention (CU 2039)
109. All of the following are suitable lesions for treatment with
percutaneous renal artery angioplasty, except:
A. Fibromuscular dysplasias
B. Bilateral, osteal stenosis
C. Nonoccluded atherosclerotic renal artery stenoses
D. Recurrent stenosis following initially successful percutaneous
renal artery angioplasty (CU 2038)
A. AT4 B. AT3
C. AT2 D. AT1 (CU9-1163)
156. ___ remains the gold standard for diagnosing renal arterial
disease, and it is the test against which the results of all other
tests are compared.
A. CT angiography
B. Intra-arterial angiography
C. MR angiography
D. Duplex ultrasonography (CU9-1172)
157. Revasularisation to preserve renal function in isch-emic
nephropahy is generally not worthwhile with severe azotemia
– serum creatinine level ___ mg/dL.
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Six (CU9-1175)
158. In evaluating the results of surgical revascularization for reno-
vascular hypertension, most studies have considered patients to
be cured if the blood pressure is ____ mm Hg or less post-
A. 130/80 B. 120/70
C. 140/90 D. 150/100 (CU9-1179)
159. The International Continence Society Committee definition of
(2002) of overactive bladder is:
A. Urgency, with or without urge incontinence
B. Urgency with incontinence
C. Urgency without incontinence
D. A + usually with nocturia
E. D+ and frequency (CU9-2079)
160. Calyceal diverticula are ____, that are filled with urine.
A. Acquired, secretory urothelium lined eventration
B. Congenitally derived, nonsecretory urothelium lined eventration
C. Most common in patients suffering from TB
D. None of the above (CU9-1442)
161. Congenital bladder diverticula have been associated with a
number of syndromes except:
A. Menkes B. Williams
C. Ehlers-Danlos D. Fetal alcohol
E. Isaac (CU9-2361)
162. In the human male, neonatal surge in testosterone are observed
to peak between ___ months of age. During this period, serum
levels rise to 60 times normal prepubertal levels and often reach
the adult range.
170. If there are five or more spots (cafe-au-lait macules) each more
than ___ mm in diameter in prepubertal patients or six or more
spots more than 15 mm in postpubertal children, neurofibro-
matosis type 1 (Von Recklinghausen’s disease) should be suspected.
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20 (CU9-3207)
171. Glanular preputial adhesions usually separate before the age of
___ years, but may persist in some boys for longer periods.
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 2 (CU9-3209)
172. An atypical presacral dimple may indicate spina bifida or cord
tethering if the dimple if off center, more than ___ cm from the
anal verge at birth or deeper than 0.5 cm.
A. 2.5 B. 3.5
C. 4.5 D. 5.5 (CU9-3210)
173. The combination of ___ or more congenital midline lesion like
port-wine stain, subcutaneous lipoma, dermal sinuses, tails, and
localized hypertrichosis, suggest occult spinal abnormalities.
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 (CU9-3210)
174. In the work-up of suspected renovascular hyperten-sion, ___-
enhanced MR angiography is a noninvasive modality with
comparable accuracy to digital sub-traction angiography.
A. Technetium B. Gallium
C. Indium D. Gadolinium
175. The Schwartz formula for the estimation of glome-rular filtration
rate, height (cm) X 0.45/creatinine (mg/dL), is applicable to ___.
A. Age < 18 months
B. Age > 18 months and weight < 70 Kg
C. Male with weight > 70 Kg
D. Age > 18 months and weight < 50 Kg (CU9-3230)
176. Future hypertension (at least a 10% to 20% risk) in children with
gross pyelonephritic nephropathy (reflux nephropathy) occurred
when renal scarring was ___.
A. Segmental B. Focal
C. Unilateral D. Bilateral
E. Independent of the degree of scarring (CU9-3259)
177. ____ is the most common cause of viral hemorrhagic cystitis in
A. Adenovirus B. Polyomavirus
C. Herpes simplex D. Herpes zoster (CU9-3263)
178. The most common cause of micropenis is ______.
A. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
B. Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
C. Robinow’s syndrome
D. Idiopathic (CU9-3752-53)
179. The following statement about cryptorchidism is not true.
A. Birth weight alone is the principal determinant of cryptor-
chidism at birth and at 1 year of life, independent of the length
of gestation.
B. Cryptorchidism may be acquired in a significantly greater
number of cases, in large part because of retractile testes
(Barthold and Gonzalez, 2003).
C. Approximately 70% to 77% of cryptorchid testes will spont-
aneously descended, usually by 3 months of age.
D. By 1 year of age, the incidence of cryptorchidism declines to
about 2% and remains constant throughout adulthood.
E. Definitive treatement of an undescended testis should take
place between 6 and 12 months of age. (CU9-3763-64-65-75)
180. _______ between 2 and 3 months of age of a neonate with
cryptorchidism appears to be critical for male fertility.
A. Total number of germ cells
B. Total number of Leydig cells
C. Tranformation of gonocytes into Ad spermatogonia
D. Total number of sertoli cells (CU9-3772)
181. Prevalence of carcinoma in situ is ___ in patients with cryp-
A. 1.7 % B. 40%
C. 13.5% D. 3.8% (CU9-3773)
182. In the hormonal management of cryptorchidism, the most effective
treatment was demonstrated to be a total dose of at least 10,000 IU
of exogenous hCG to achieve maximal stimulation of the Leydig
cells and avoid complication associated with doses exceeding 15,000
IU. A typical treatment schedule is _____ IU/m2 given by
intramuscular injection twice a week for four weeks.
A. 1000 B. 1200
C. 1500 D. 1700 (CU9-3775)
1A 2A 3C 4D 5C 6A 7C 8C
Renal Failure and Medicorenal Disease 255
9D 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 A
256 MCQs in Urology
23 D 24 C 25 A 26 A 27 B 28 C 29 C 30 B
258 MCQs in Urology
A. Nil disease
B. Berger’s disease
C. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
D. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (CU 7 329)
31. Renal vein thrombosis occurs in 15 per cent to 20 per cent of
patients with the nephrotic syndrome, but in up to 50 per cent
of those with:
A. Nil disease
B. Nephritis syndrome
C. Berger’s disease
D. Membranous glomerulonephritis (CU 7 450)
32. Not a true statement:
A. Gross hematuria in patients with IgA nephropathy usually
appears during an acute infection
B. In patients who develop nephrotic syndrome with Henoch-
Schönlein purpura approximately 50 per cent will develop
end-stage renal disease within 10 years
C. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most frequent cause of
ARF in children
D. Prognosis of hemolytic-uremic syndrome is poor in patients
who have diarrhoeal forms of the disease, are more than one
year of age, or have oliguria, hypotension, or severe
peripheral nervous system disease (CU 7 1675)
33. Find out the wrong statement from the following:
A. Recurrent or permanent microhematuria seldom occur in a
familial form
B. Idiopathic membranous nephropathy is rarely seen in
C. Renal glucosuria is defined by the presence of glucosuria
when the plasma glucose is less 120 mg/dl
D. Although older children may have less risk of renal scarring
from infection than those younger than five years, vulner-
ability for scarring persists until puberty (10–15 years old)
(CU 7 1676-1684)
34. Urinary sediment finding of eosinophils is sugge-stive of the
diagnosis of ___.
A. Prerenal/obstruction
B. Acute glomerulonephritis/vasculitis
C. Acute Tubular necrosis
D. Acute interstitial nephritis (CU9-1134)
31 D 32 D 33 A 34 D
Renal Failure and Medicorenal Disease 259
35 D 36 C 37 D 38 A 39 D 40 C
260 MCQs in Urology
14 Urolithiasis
1. Epitaxy is:
A. Haematuria due to spontaneous rupture of renal artery aneurysm
B. The deposition of one type of crystal upon the surface of
another in formation process of renal calculus
C. Spontaneous intraperitoneal rupture of urinary bladder
D. Haemorrhage from Little’s area (CU 2096, CMC)
2. The transit time of urine from the normal kidney to the normal
bladder is estimated to be:
A. 5 to 10 minutes B. 5 to 10 seconds
C. 20 to 60 seconds D. 1 to 3 minutes (CU 2096)
3. Matrix content of a given stone varies, but most solid urinary
calculi have matrix content of about ____ per cent by weight:
A. 15 B. 10
C. 6 D. 3 (CU 2097)
4. It increases the solubility of some components of urine,
especially uric acid:
A. Creatinine B. Creatine
C. Urea D. Alanine (CU 2099)
5. Investigators have implicated trace metals in the inhibition of
urinary stone formation, especially the calcigerous type of
stone. One of the following seems to be the most frequently
mentioned of these substances:
A. Zinc B. Magnesium
C. Gold D. Aluminium (CU 2099)
6. When a stone is impacted in the ureter, the most painful area:
A. Is located just proximal to the area of impaction
B. Is located several centimetres distal to the site of impaction
C. Is typically felt in the whole ureter line
D. May be located around the impaction of the calculus
(CU 2102)
1B 2A 3D 4C 5A 6D
Urolithiasis 261
7A 8A 9B 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 C
262 MCQs in Urology
14. The initial and immediate therapy for patients with uric acid
lithiasis involves:
A. Advising the patient to consume a diet that limits protein
intake to less than 90 gm a day
B. Giving medications to alkalize the urine to a level between pH
6.5 and 7.0
C. Advising the patient to take enough fluids to have urinary
output in excess of 1500 ml or even 2000 ml per day
D. Advising allopurinol 300 to 600 mg per day (CU 2116)
15. Cystinuria is an inherited defect in renal tubular reabsorption of
four amino acids:
A. Cystine, omithine, alanine, guanine
B. Cystine, arginine, lysine, methionine
C. Cystine, ornithine, lysine, arginine
D. Leucine, isoleucine, cystine, methionine (CU 2117)
16. Normal individuals in general excrete ____ of cystine in urine
per day:
A. Less than 100 mg B. Less than 50 mg
C. More than 200 mg D. More than 400 mg (CU 2117)
17. The basic abnormality in the formation of struvite calculi is
maintenance of urinary pH:
A. Lesser than 6.4 B. Greater than 7.2
C. Greater than 7.0 D. Greater than 5.4 (CU 2118)
18. Which of the following organisms does not produce urease:
A. Pseudomonas B. Mycoplasma
C. E. coli D. Staphylococcus (CU 2120)
19. Twice daily irrigation with 20 to 50 ml of solutions of 0.25 or
0.5 per cent _____ greatly reduce struvite encrustation and calculi
formation in catheterised patients of neurogenic bladder:
A. Povidone-iodine B. Hydrogen peroxide
C. Dakin’s fluid D. Acetic acid
E. Citric acid (CU 2121)
20. Solutions ‘G’ and ‘M’ developed by Suby for dissolving struvite
calculi are composed of:
A. Citric acid monohydrate, anhydrous magnesium oxide,
anhydrous sodium carbonate, distilled water
B. Rinacidin, acetic acid, citric acid monohydrate, distilled water
C. Anhydrous magnesium oxide, anhydrous magnesium phos-
phate, distilled water
D. Citric acid monohydrate, anhydrous magnesium ammonium
phosphate, distilled water and hemiacridin (CU 2121)
14 C 15 C 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 D 20 A
Urolithiasis 263
21 B 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 B 26 D 27 A 28 C 29 B
264 MCQs in Urology
A. Pseudomonas B. Proteus
C. Staphylococcus D. Klebsiella (CU 2134)
30. Radiolucent renal calculi are:
A. Uric acid, matrix, xanthine, 2, 8-hydroxyadenine
B. Uric acid, cystine, triamterene, ammonium acid urate
C. Matrix, silicate, xanthine, uric acid, phosphate
D. Whewellite, Weddellite, Burshite, Struvite, Whit-lockite, uric acid
(CU 2135)
31. There are several factors that influence choice of treatment for
ureteral calculi, e.g. duration of symptoms, size of the calculus, renal
function status, degree of impaction, etc. if a stone has not moved
downward within a period of ____, watchful waiting should be
abandoned and other methods of treatment should be instituted:
A. 1 week B. 2 weeks
C. 3 weeks D. 4 weeks
E. 6 weeks (CU 2139)
32. The most accurate and certain means of diagnosing vesical
calculi remains the:
A. Roentgenographic study
B. Sounding with a urethral dilator
C. Cystoscopic examination
D. CT scanning (CU 2141)
33. Generally, stones in the prostate are composed of calcium
phosphate. True prostatic calculi are composed solely of ___ and
A. Whewellite B. Weddellite
C. Brushite D. Whitlockite (CU 2142)
34. Which of the following parameters remain the absolute contra-
indication to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?
A. Cardiac pacemaker and renal artery calcification
B. Pregnancy and uncontrolled coagulation parameters
C. Severe orthopaedic deformities and serum creatinine more than
3 mg/dl
D. Children and obstruction distal to stone (CU 2164)
35. Which of the following types of stones, does not fragment
readily with ESWL?
A. Calcium phosphate dihydrate
B. Calcium oxalate dihydrate
C. Uric acid stones
D. Small cystine stones (CU 2165)
30 A 31 B 32 C 33 D 34 B 35 A
Urolithiasis 265
36. The most common site of stone fragment retention after ESWL is:
A. Ureterovesical junction
B. Pelviureteric junction
C. Lower calyx
D. Prostatic urethra (CU 2165)
37. Which of the following lithotriptors has the advantage of being
truly anaesthesia-free with no general, spinal, epidural, or local
anaesthesia, or sedoanalgesia needed:
A. Electromagnetic B. Piezoelectric
C. Microexplosive D. Laser (CU 2166)
38. Steinstrasse is:
A. A ‘stone street’ when a series of fragments line up in the
ureter like a logjam
B. The name of the technique of placing a stent in the ureter after
C. The procedure of choice for removal of retained stone
fragments after three months of extracorporeal shock wave
D. The application of PCNL after a failed ESWL (CU 2169)
39. In general, one minute fluoroscopy exposure time at 90 kV and
3.0 mA delivers approximately:
A. 1 rad B. 2 rads
C. 3 rads D. 4 rads
E. 5 rads (CU 2170)
40. The first percutaneous nephroscomy done for specific purpose
of removing a kidney stone was performed by Fernstrom and
Johannson in:
A. 1967 B. 1986
C. 1976 D. 1989 (CU 2183)
41. Extravasation of the irrigation fluid is a complication of
percutaneous stone removal. Most adults in otherwise good
health can absorb ____ ml of extravasated normal saline without
A. 250 B. 750
C. 1000 D. 1500 (CU 2192)
42. Endoscopically, a renal papilla appears:
A. As star-shaped, deep red, nonfriable epithelium
B. As cylinder, pink, with dilated capillaries on it
C. As a clubbed structure, red, pulsatile
D. As a rounded cone, with a pink, easily friable epithelium
(CU 2197)
36 C 37 B 38 A 39 C 40 C 41 C 42 D
266 MCQs in Urology
43. This anatomic landmark within the lateral ureteral lumen near
the ureteropelvic junction usually signifies the close proximity
of the renal pelvis endoscopically:
A. Visibility of a lip of ureteral mucosa
B. Narrowing of the ureteral lumen
C. Thinning of the wall of the ureter looking almost transparent
D. Sudden change in the angle in the course of the ureter
(CU 2198)
44. Ureteral dilation to ____ is sufficient to allow passage of the
operating instruments, and thus for all available experimental
and clinical evidence suggests that dilation to this size has no
detrimental effect on the structure or function of the orifice:
A. 8 Fr. or 9 Fr. B. 10 Fr. or 11 Fr.
C. 12 Fr. or 13 Fr. D. 14 Fr. or 15 Fr. (CU 2208)
45. Subacute method of dilation of the ureter for ureteroscopy is:
A. A two-stage procedure
B. Dilating with cone-shaped metal bougies
C. Dilation done over a preplaced guidewire
D. Dilation done with flexible fascial dilators
46. A balloon dilating catheter for ureteroscopy with maximum
inflation pressure of — atmospheres is usually sufficient for
dilation of normal ureters:
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20 (CU 2212)
47. Generally, a ____ per cent solution of radiographic contrast
material is used to inflate the balloon of ureteral balloon dilator
in order for it to be visible fluoroscopically:
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 100 (CU 2214)
48. The most severe complication of ureteropyeloscopy is:
A. Ureteric perforation B. False passage
C. Avulsion D. Infection
E. Stricture formation (CU 2225)
49. All of the following complications of ureteroscopy can be
managed conservatively except:
A. Ureteric stricture
B. Avulsion of the lower third of the ureter
C. Ureteral perforation
D. Infection (CU 2226)
43 A 44 D 45 A 46 C 47 B 48 C 49 B
Urolithiasis 267
50 F 51 A 52 D 53 A 54 E 55 B
268 MCQs in Urology
C. Inducing hypercalciuria
D. Homogeneous nucleation of calcium oxalate
E. Permissible incrementation (AUA 95-5)
67. One of the most important risk factors associated with enteric
hyperoxaluria is:
A. Hyperabsorption of calcium in the small bowel
B. Diminished citrate absorption in the terminal ileum
C. Increased colonic absorption of free oxalate
D. Increased absorption of bicarbonate in the ileum
E. Hyperabsorption of oxalate in the jejunum (AUA 95-5)
68. The primary abnormality in patients with renal hypercalciuria
is considered to be:
A. Hyperabsorption if intestinal calcium
B. Elevation of serum parathyroid hormone levels
C. Increased 1, 25-(OH)2 vitamin D levels
D. Impairment of renal tubular reabsorption of calcium
E. Excessive mobilisation of calcium from bone (AUA 95-5)
69. In order to make the diagnosis of renal hypercalciuria, one must
identify both:
A. Increased intestinal absorption of calcium and hyperthy-
B. Renal leak of calcium with normal intestinal calcium absorption
C. Secondary hyperparathyroidism and renal leak of calcium
D. Hyperparathyroidism and increased intestinal calcium
E. Primary hyperparathyroidism and increased intestinal calcium
absorption (AUA 95-5)
70. Renal tubular acidosis may be associated with urinary calculi
because of:
A. Hyperoxaluria and hypercalcaemia
B. Hypercitraturia and hypercalciuria
C. Hypermagnesuria and hypocitraturia
D. Hypercalciuria and hypocitraturia
E. Hypouricosuria (AUA 95-5)
71. The primary defect in absorptive hypercalciuria type I is considered
to be:
A. A renal leak of calcium
B. Calcium mobilisation from bone
C. Excessive dietary calcium intake
D. Primary hyperabsorption of intestinal calcium
E. Parathyroid induced hypercalciuria (AUA 95-5)
67 E 68 D 69 C 70 D 71 D
Urolithiasis 271
79 D 80 A 81 B 82 D 83 C 84 E
Urolithiasis 273
85 A 86 C 87 B 88 E 89 C 90 B
274 MCQs in Urology
A. Ultrasonic
B. Laser
C. Electrohydraulic
D. None of A, B or C is true (CU 7 2784)
109. Urinary calculi have been associated with several treatments of
HIV infection: The strongest is with protease inhibitors
A. Indinavir B. Valacyclovir
C. Famciclovir D. Achclovir (CU9-397)
110. Inhibitors of calcium oxalate stone formation:
A. Citrate B. Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein
C. Osteopontin D. Bikunin
E. All of above F. Only A and D (CU9-1370)
111. Most potent stimulator of intestinal calcium ab-sorption:
A. 1,25(OH)2 D3 B. Parathyroid hormone
C. Calcitriol D. Osteopontin (CU9-1371)
112. The most important pathogenic factor in uric acid stone for-
A. Low urine volume
B. Hyperuricosuria
C. Low urine pH
D. Congenital uric acid metabolic disorders (CU9-1382)
113. The matrix component of calcium based urinary stones comprise
only 2.5% of the dry weight of the stone, whereas pure matrix
stones may contain upward of ___% proteins.
A. 35 B. 65
C. 85 D. 15 (CU9-1388)
114. ‘Coffin-lid’ crystals in urinary sediment are seen in patients
A. Calcium oxalate monohydrate calculi
B. Struvite calculi
C. Apatite calculi
D. Brushite calculi (CU9-1395)
115. Hour glass microscopic appearance is seen in ___ urinary calculi.
A. Calcium oxalate monohydrate
B. Calcium oxalate dehydrate
C. Calcium phosphate apatite
D. Magnesium ammonium phosphate (CU9-1397)
124 C 125 A
280 MCQs in Urology
15 Urosurgery
Preoperative Care
1. Which of the following two factors remain the two strongest
predictors of perioperative cardiac morbidity?
1. Recent myocardial infarction (less than 6 months)
2. Congestive heart failure
3. Smoking
4. Diabetes
5. Age over 70 years
6. More than 5 ventricular premature beats/minute
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3
C. 1 and 4 D. 1 and 5 (CU 2315)
2. Perioperative myocardial infarction usually occurs in the first
postoperative week and is silent in about:
A. 25 per cent of patients
B. 50 per cent of patients
C. 75 per cent of patients
D. 100 per cent of patients (CU 2327)
3. The most common complication of epidural analgesia is:
A. Malignant hyperthermia
B. Thromboembolism in the lower limbs
C. Hypertension
D. Hypotension (CU 2327)
1A 2B 3D 4A
Urosurgery 281
5B 6D 7D 8D 9D
282 MCQs in Urology
10 A 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 C
Urosurgery 283
22 C 23 C 24 C 25 A 26 E 27 B
Urosurgery 285
29. Which of the following varieties of adrenal cysts accounts for
the highest percentage of these lesions?
A. Parasitic cysts B. Epithelial cysts
C. Pseudocysts D. Endothelial or lymphangiomatous cysts
(CU 2381)
30. The term primary hyperaldosteronism (originally coined by Conn)
describes the clinical syndrome characterised by:
A. Hypertension, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, acidosis, and
periodic paralysis
B. Hypotension, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and alkalosis
C. Hypertension, hypokalemia, hypernatremia, alkalosis, and
periodic paralysis due to an aldosterone secreting adenoma
D. Hypertension, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, alkalosis
(CU 2384 BHU)
31. Hypertension is by far the most consistent sign associated with
pheochromocytoma. The most common pattern found in children
and patients with multiple endocrine adenoma Type II is:
A. Sustained hypertension
B. Paroxysmal hypertension
C. Both A and B
D. Sustained hypertension with superimposed paroxysms
(CU 2389)
32. The most common site of origin of neuroblastoma is:
A. Adrenal B. Renal
C. Ganglionic D. Mediastinal
E. Pelvic (AUA 93-35)
33. Appropriate evaluation of patients suspected of having neuro-
blastoma include all of the following except:
A. Bone marrow biopsy B. Urine catechol determination
C. Brain scan D. Bone scan
E. CT scan (AUA 93-35)
28 C 29 D 30 C 31 A 32 A 33 C
286 MCQs in Urology
39. Which of the following statements related to renal tolerance to
warm ischaemia is incorrect?
A. Histologically renal ischaemia is most damaging to the
B. In general, 30 minutes is the maximum tolerable period of
arterial occlusion before permanent damage is sustained
C. The solitary kidney is more resistant to ischaemic damage
than the paired kidney
D. Continuous occlusion of both the renal artery and vein for an
equivalent time interval is more damaging
E. Intermitted clamping of the renal artery with short periods of
recirculation is also more damag-ing than continuous arterial
occlusion (CU 2417)
34 B 35 D 36 B 37 A 38 A 39 A
Urosurgery 287
47 C 48 A 49 B 50 B 51 A 52 C 53 C
Urosurgery 289
54. The ureter can close its own defect by regenerating all of its
components. The defect is first bridged by transitional cell
epithelium and mucosal healing is complete at 3 weeks with
smooth muscle bridging at:
A. 4 weeks B. 5 weeks
C. 6 weeks D. 8 weeks (CU 5553)
55. How many days are required for the resumption of the passage
of electrical activity across an anastomotic ureteral site?
A. 28 daysB. 35 days
C. 42 daysD. 56 days (CU 2553)
56. During the healing phase, an ureteral defect may be watertight
within ___ hours. Urine flow through an anastomosis does not
seem to interfere with the organisation of repair: however, with
continued urine flow the process requires a longer time:
A. 12 to 24 hr B. 24 to 48 hr
C. 48 to 72 hr D. 72 to 96 hr (CU 2554)
57. Which of the following are the two most common complications
of renal revascularisation surgery?
A. Anastomotic leak and graft necrosis
B. Haemorrhage and thrombosis
C. Stenosis and haemorrhage
D. Haemorrhage and embolism (CU 2547)
58. The defect in ureter after ureterotomy is first bridged by
transitional cell epithelium, and mucosal healing is complete at:
A. 2 weeks B. 3 weeks
C. 4 weeks D. 6 weeks (CU 2553)
59. In which of the following disease processes requiring ureterolysis,
the contralateral normal ureter may also require prophylactic
A. Retroperitoneal fibrosis
B. Endometriosis
C. Periaortic aneurysmal fibrosis
D. Previous radiation therapy (CU 2553)
60. Ureterolysis alone is inadequate treatment to prevent reinvolve-
ment by the fibrotic process. At this point, the ureters may be
handled in all of the following ways except:
54 C 55 A 56 B 57 B 58 B 59 A 60 D
290 MCQs in Urology
61 E 62 D 63 A 64 D 65 C 66 A
Urosurgery 291
Trauma and
Urinary Diversion
67. Rupture of the posterior urethra is not uncommonly associated
with pelvic fracture, particularly the Malgaigne fracture, and
that is:
A. Vertical fracture through ilium or one or more pubic rami
B. Avulsion of the anterior inferior iliac spine
C. Fracture of the pubic ramus (single fracture of the ring)
D. Disruption of the symphysis pubis anteriorly and that of
sacroiliac joint posteriorly (CU 2583)
68. The radiographic view of posterior urethral rupture with the
intact vesical neck and bladder distended with contrast material
well above the symphysis has been referred to as:
A. ‘Tear drop’ B. ‘Pie in the sky’
C. ‘Light bulb’ D. ‘Thimble’ (CU 2583)
69. Which of the following is not a major complication of posterior
urethral injury?
A. Urinary incontinence B. Urinary retention
C. Stricture D. Impotence (CU 2584)
70. Of posterior urethral disruption, ___ per cent is complete:
A. 100 B. 95
C. 85 D. 75 (CU 2585)
71. The attachments of Colles fascia becomes the limiting factor for
extravasation of urine and blood during penile trauma if:
A. The Buck’s fascia is ruptured
B. The Dartos fascia is ruptured
C. The tunica albuginea is disrupted
D. The intercavernous septum is torn (CU 2585)
72. In degloving injury of the penis, the thin split-thickness graft
less than___to the shaft of the penis sometimes do not permit
proper corporal expansion during erection and a source of
discomfort to the patient:
A. 0.15 cm B. 0.15 inch
C. 0.15 mm D. 0.20 mm (CU 2591)
73. The small bowel is about 22 feet long: its largest diameter is in the:
A. Duodenum B. Jejunum
C. Ileum D. Terminal ileum (CU 2596)
67 A 68 B 69 B 70 B 71 A 72 A 73 A
292 MCQs in Urology
74 C 75 A 76 A 77 E 78 A 79 D
Urosurgery 293
80. Which of the following is the best agent for antibiotic bowel
preparation before urinary intestinal diversion operation?
A. Kanamycin B. Neomycin
C. Erythromycin D. Metronidazole (CU 2600)
81. Which of the following is not a good principle of intestinal
anastomoses in order to minimise morbidity and mortality
from intestinal surgeries?
A. Adequate exposure
B. Maintain a good blood supply to the severed ends of the bowel
C. Preventing local spillage of enteric contents
D. The anastomotic line should be everted and not inverted
E. Not to tie the suture so tight that the tissue is strangulated
(CU 2601)
82. The critical point of the enteroenterostomy by a single layer
suture anastomosis, where most leaks occur, is the:
A. At the mesenteric border
B. At the antimesenteric border
C. At the proximal segment
D. At the distal segment (CU 2603)
83. The most common cause of postoperative (urinary intestinal
diversion) bowel obstruction is:
A. Recurrent cancer B. Adhesions
C. Volvulus D. Internal hernia (CU 2607)
84. The site of abdominal stomas for urinary diversion should be
well away from skin creases, scars, umbilicus, belt lines, bony
prominences, and should be at least ___ away from the planned
incision line:
A. 3 cm B. 5 cm
C. 7 cm D. 10 cm (CU 2608)
85. One of the most difficult complication of ureterointestinal
anastomoses to manage is stricture. This is generally caused by
ischaemia, urine leak, radiation, or infection. The incidence of
urine leak for all types of ureterointestinal anastomoses is 3 to
5 per cent. This incidence of leak can be reduced to near zero if:
A. The anastomosis is retroperitonealised
B. A pedicle flap of peritoneum is placed over the anastomosis
C. The bowel is fixed to the abdominal cavity preferably adjacent
to the site of ureterointestinal anastomosis
D. Soft silastic stents are utilised (CU 2612)
80 A 81 D 82 A 83 B 84 B 85 D
294 MCQs in Urology
86 A 87 E 88 A 89 B 90 A 91 A
Urosurgery 295
92. There are five components of renal function: match the following
two columns:
A. Renal blood flow 1. Urinary protein
B. Glomerular filtration 2. By water deprivation
C. Tubule transport 3. Inulin clearance
D. Glomerular 4. By ammonium
permeability chloride loading
E. Concentration and 5. Nephrogram
dilution (CU 2619)
93. Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis may occur if ____ is utilised
for urinary intestinal diversion:
A. Stomach B. Jejunum
C. Ileum D. Colon
E. Rectum (CU 2620)
115. During transvesical prostatectomy. If excessive bleeding occurs
from the prostatic fossa, there are various techniques that are
effective in controlling bleeding. One of them is the placement
of no. 1 or no. 2 nylon pursestring suture around the vesical
neck, and the suture is brought out through the skin and tied
snugly. This is:
A. Described by malament
B. O’Connor technique
C. Described by Wilson Hey
D. Harris procedure (CU 2856)
116. Who described plication of the posterior capsule using chromic
catgut on a 5/8 circle needle to control intraoperative bleeding
from the prostatic fossa during transvesical prostatectomy?
A. O’Connor B. Harris
C. Millin D. Freyer (CU 2856)
117. Who is given credit for doing the first transurethral surgery to
relieve bladder outlet obstruction in the 16th century?
A. Ambrose pare B. Nesbit
C. Nitze and Leiter D. George Wyeth (CU 2900)
118. Nesbit’s is one of the standard techniques of doing TURP. This
is divided into:
A. Five stages B. Four stages
C. Three stages D. Two stages (CU 2906)
119. In Nesbit’s stage I, the resection of the prostate begins at the
bladder neck, starting at the:
A. 12 O’clock position B. 6 O’clock position
C. 9 O’clock position D. 3 O’clock position (CU 2910)
120. The most common area of damage to the external urinary
sphincter during TURP is at the:
135. The preferred management of catheter loss on the fifth day after
radical prostatectomy is:
A. Blind replacement of catheter
B. Observation
C. Placement of suprapubic cystotomy tube percutaneously
D. Retrograde urethrography and cystography
E. Endoscopic passage of a guidewire with coaxial placement of
catheter (AUA 94-6)
136. A patient, seven days after radical prostatectomy, has more than
90 cc fluid draining through each Jackson-Pratt drain. The most
important initial step is to:
A. Determine if the fluid is lymph or urine
B. Pull the drain back
C. Take the drain off the suction
D. Sclerose the drain tract
E. Inject the drain with contrast (AUA 94-6)
137. Rectal injury during radical retropubic prostatectomy:
A. Occurs in about 5 per cent of all radical prostatectomies
B. Can often be managed with primary closure
C. Is more common with stage A prostate cancer
D. Indicates pathologically advanced disease
E. Mandates diverting colostomy (AUA 94-6)
138. A patient eight weeks after radical prostatectomy, complains of
decreased force of stream. Evaluation shows a bladder neck
contracture. Preferred initial management is:
A. Balloon dilatation B. “Hot” loop incision
C. Office dilatation D. “Cold” knife incision
E. “Hot” loop resection (AUA 94-6)
D. Prostate growth
E. Recurrent bleeding
147. The highest percentage of patients who have relief of symptoms
and the greatest magnitude of improvement in symptoms are
those patients treated with:
A. Transurethral incision of the prostate
B. Balloon dilatation
C. Transurethral resection of the prostate
D. Finasteride
E. Alpha adrenergic blockers (AUA 94-18)
148. What is felt to be the optimum level of temperature for safely
inducing irreversible changes in malignant cells but spares
normal cells?
A. 45-47°C B. 47-49°C
C. 37-39°C D. 42-45°C
E. 39-41°C (AUA 93-3)
149. What is the treatment of choice for a healthy 70-year-old male
with a 60 gm trilobar BPH with severe symptoms of prostatism
and high residual urine?
A. TUDP and prostate stent
B. Prostate stent C. TUDP
D. TURP E. TUIP (AUA 93-3)
150. Transurethral laser induced prostatectomy (TULIP):
A. Uses laser energy in the 20 to 40 Watt range
B. Relieves bladder outlet obstruction by vapourising prostatic tissue
C. Is performed by using an Argon pulse dye laser
D. Is frequently associated with significant haemorrhage
(AUA 93-3)
151. The most accurate and simplest method of catheter placement
for transurethral dilatation of prostate (TUDP) is:
A. Endoscopy
B. Digital palpation
C. Fluoroscopy
D. A combination of fluoroscopy and endoscopy
E. Transrectal ultrasound
152. Which of the following statements about TUDP is true?
A. Does not require any prophylactic antibiotic therapy
B. Can be performed using local anaesthesia
C. Is a painless procedure
D. Needs hospitalisation routinely
E. Needs general or spinal anaesthesia (AUA 93-3)
Erectile Dysfunction
158. The stamp test, Snap Gauge band, and Rigiscan device all:
A. Are used to measure penile rigidity
B. Are used to measure penile rigidity during home nocturnal
C. Are very sensitive and specific methods to be utilised as
singularly diagnostic tools of impotency
D. Are visual sexual stimulation tests (CU 3037)
159. The normal postintracavernosal injection (of vasoactive agents)
values in potent patients are cavernosal artery diameter of __
and peak flow velocity of more than 30 cm/second:
A. 0.08 cm B. 0.03 cm
C. 0.05 cm D. 0.08 inch (CU 3042)
160. Under normal physiologic condition during equilibrium, the
pudendal arterial inflow to the phallus is approximately:
A. 20 to 30 ml/minute
B. 3 to 5 ml/minute
C. 100 to 125 ml/minute
D. 10 to 15 ml/minute (CU 3046)
161. Currently, the only absolute contraindication to pharmacoca-
vernosometry testing in the impotent patient is:
A. The patient who is receiving a monoamine oxidase inhibitor
B. The presence of peyronie’s disease
C. The patient who is receiving a tricyclic antidepressant
D. The presence of Ladderhose’s disease (CU 3046 CMC)
162. The agent of choice for radioisotope measurement of venous
outflow in an impotent patient:
157 B 158 B 159 A 160 B 161 B 162 B
Urosurgery 307
A. 133Xe
B. 99mTc labelled autologous red blood cells
C. 123I-MIBG
D. Indium-111 labelled granulocytes (CU 3050)
163. A site specific leak is noted in the dorsal vein at an abrupt location
along the penile shaft on corporal veno-occlusive function test.
This finding suggest which of the following as the etiology of
A. Penile fracture from coitus
B. Peyronie’s disease
C. Previous defective penile surgery
D. Unresolved priapism (CU 3050)
164. All of the following have been used as nonhormonal medical
therapy for impotency except:
A. Yohimbine B. Trazodone
C. Guanethidine D. Nitroglycerin (CU 3053)
165. Intracavernosal pharmacotherapy with this agent has been
associated with hepatotoxicity:
A. Papaverine B. Trazodone
C. Guanethidine D. Phenoxybenzamine (CU 3057)
166. Burning pain at the time of injection during PIPE has been seen
most commonly with:
A. Papaverine B. Phentolamine
C. Prostaglandin E1 (CU 3056)
167. Corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction may be said to exist if
flow rates to maintain various intracavernosal pressure are ____
under conditions of presumed smooth muscle relaxation:
A. Decreased - lesser than 3 ml/minute
B. Elevated - greater than 3 ml/minute
C. Elevated - greater than 6 ml/minute
D. Decreased - lesser than 1 ml/minute (CU 3079)
168. Ways to minimise autoinflation occurring with 3-piece inflatable
penile implants include all of the following except:
A. Putting less fluid in the reservoir
B. Using a lock-out mechanism on the pump to prevent flow of
fluid through the system
C. Frequent complete deflation of the device
D. Assuring that the reservoir cavity is adequate in volume so it
will not restrict reservoir expansion
E. Removing the pseudocapsule from around the reservoir
(AUA 94-27)
163 A 164 C 165 A 166 C 167 B 168 E
308 MCQs in Urology
174. Suprapubic tube drainage should be avoided in bladder cancer
to prevent tumour implantation along the tube tract. This is:
A. False now-a-days B. True (CU 2750)
A. Scrotal B. Inguinal
C. Retroperitoneal D. Laparoscopic
E. Radiologic (AUA 94-10)
213. All of the following agents can safely be used for embolisation
of the varicocele except:
A. Inflatable balloons
B. Ethanol
C. Papaverine
D. Gianturco coils
E. Coils combined with sclerosing agents (AUA 94-10)
214. The best prognostic factor when performing a vasovasostomy is:
A. Presence of sperm in the vas fluid
B. Vasectomy less than 10 years prior
C. Watery vas fluid
D. Creamy vas fluid
E. Presence of a sperm granuloma (AUA 94-11)
215. A 24-year-old male presented with a two- year history of
primary infertility and findings of azoospermia on two semen
analysis performed by his wife’s gynecologist. A review of
these reports indicates that he had a volume of semen of 3.5 cc
and a qualitatively positive fructose test. His past medical
history revealed that he had bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphies
as a child. His physical examination was unremarkable and his
FSH, LH and testosterone levels were normal. The next step in
his evaluation would be:
A. A quantitative fructose test
B. A testicular biopsy
C. A vasogram
D. Direct epididymal sperm aspiration and in vitro fertilisation
E. An inguinal vasovasostomy (AUA 94-11)
216. Which of the following statements is true about vasovasostomy?
A. Free-hand, loupe magnification and microscopic magnification
are equally useful in vasectomy reversal procedure
B. Absence of sperm in the intraoperative vas fluid indicates the
presence of epididymal obstruction
C. After nine years following a vasectomy, microscopic
reconstruction should be by way of a vasoepididymostomy
D. The one-layer and two-layer microsurgical techniques are
associated with equal pregnancy rates
E. Fibrin glue and laser assisted techniques decrease granuloma
formation and improve patency rates (AUA 94-11)
217. Almost all patients with cystic fibrosis have bilateral congenital
absence of the Vas deferens. A primary genital phenotype of this
disorder without pulmonary manifestations has been described
that consists of:
A. Testicular and epididymal cysts
B. Absence of the caput epididymis
C. Renal anomalies including unilateral agenesis
D. Immotile cilia syndrome (AUA 94-11)
218. The human fetal gubernaculum is composed of:
A. Fibrous tissue B. Striated muscle
C. Smooth muscle D. Mesenchyme
E. Elastin (AUA 94-12)
219. The advantage of two-layer anastomosis during vasostomy
compared to a modified one-layer anastomosis is primarily:
A. Improved mucosal apposition
B. Greater tensile strength
C. Decreased operating time
D. Improved hemostasis
E. None of the above
220. Vasoepididymostomy may be indicated in each of the following
circumstances except:
A. As a primary reconstruction after vasectomy
B. Following a failed vasovasostomy
C. For rete testis obstruction
D. For primary epididymal obstruction
E. Following iatrogenic bilateral vas ligation (AUA 94-11)
221. Reports of epididymal sperm aspiration in combination with in
vitro fertilization techniques have shown that:
A. Sperm must pass through the epididymis to gain motility
B. Sperm from the caput epididymis may have fertilising
C. Pregnancy is now possible for majority of men born with
congenital absence of the vasa deferentia
D. Development of an alloplastic spermatocele is no longer
E. These methods are satisfactory alternatives to vasovasostomy
(AUA 94-11)
222. Ejaculatory duct obstruction is usually associated with each of
the following except:
A. Low semen volume
B. Normal gonadotropins
250. You are consulted by a burn center to see a newly admitted patient
with burns to the anterior scrotum and penis. On examination, the
patient is uncircumcised, and the entire phallus was burned and the
dorsum has a full thickness burn. The urethral meatus, although
burned, is visible. Your recommendation for management of
urinary tract during resuscitation includes:
A. Placement of Foley catheter
B. Placement of suprapubic catheter
C. Perineal urethrostomy and placement of Foley catheter
D. Penile escharotomy and placement of Foley catheter
E. Placement of condom catheter (AUA 95-4)
251. The Palomo procedure involves which of the following?
A. A low, inguinal approach
B. Ligation of the internal spermatic vein and artery
C. Sparing the internal spermatic artery
D. Easy access to the external spermatic vein
E. High likelihood of vas deferens injury (AUA 95-14)
252. In varicocele treatment, procedures vary in technical difficulty
and can be unsuccessful. The technical failure rate in varicocele
ablation is highest with which of the following methods?
A. Retroperitoneal (high) incisional repair
B. Inguinal incisional repair
C. Sublinguinal incisional repair
D. Percutaneous ablation
E. Laparoscopic ligation (AUA 95-14)
253. Which of the following is most suggestive of stenosis of a
vesicostomy stoma?
A. Bacteriuria B. Skin rash
C. Small stomal size D. Moderate residual urine
E. Recurrent pyelonephritis (AUA 95-16)
254. Pronounced eversion of the stomas differs from prolapse in the
following way:
A. Prolapse may incarcerate and require emergency surgery to
B. Prolapse is the large epithelialised stoma common with VUR
C. Pronounced eversion is due to chronic skin irritation and
D. Pronounced eversion required resection of the protruding
bladder when stoma is compressed
E. Prolapse is treated by widening the fascial defect after
reduction (AUA 1995-16)
C. Abdominal aorta
D. Common adrenal vein (CU 7 2917)
275. Which approach is commonly used for patients with pheochro-
mocytomas, for pediatric patients and for some patients with
adrenal carcinoma?
A. Transabdominal B. Thoracoabdominal
C. Flank D. Modified posterior (CU 7 2960)
276. Hypothermic circulatory arrest can be safely maintained for at
least ____ minutes without incurring a cerebral ischemic event
during radical nephrectomy with intrahepatic or suprahepatic
vena caval involvement of renal cell carcinoma?
A. 50 B. 40
C. 30 D. 20 (CU 7 3002)
277. Patients with ureteral strictures of greater than ___ cm in length
have a significant risk of restenosis after endopyelotomy and are
more appropriate candidates for open pyeloplasty:
A. 4 B. 3
C. 2 D. 1 (CU 7 3066)
278. It is the simplest type of urinary diversion to perform and is
associated with the fewest number of intraoperative and
immediate postoperative complications:
A. Ileal conduit B. Jejunal conduit
C. Colon conduit (CU 7 3146)
279. Ammoniagenic coma in patients with urinary intestinal diversion
has been reported in those with:
A. A serum creatinine of greater than 2 mg/dl
B. Radiation enteritis
C. Inflammatory bowel disease
D. Cirrhosis (CU 3154)
280. Skin graft occurs in two phases; imbibition and inosculation. The
initial phase imbibition lasts ____ hours:
A. 24 B. 48
C. 72 D. 96 (CU 7 3317)
281. A graft harvested at greater than 0.002 to 0.0022 inch is
considered to be _____:
A. Thick split-thickness skin graft
B. Medium split-thickness skin graft
C. Full-thickness skin graft
D. Thin split-thickness skin graft (CU 7 3317)
324. Embolic materials such as ____ is/are not used to treat hemorrhage
form pelvic trauma as they produce very peripheral occlusion of
small vessels, thereby risking ischemia of nontarget organs.
A. Gelfoam sponge B. Gelfoam pledgets
C. Ivalon particles D. Gelfoam powder
E. Coils F. C and D (SU16-113)
325. Total renal ablation using transcatheter emboli-zation may be
indicated in certain circumstances. Embolic agent of choice is
A. Gelfoam sponge B. Absolute ethanol
C. Stainless steel coils D. 1% silver nitrate (SU16-115)
326. Percutaneous transcatheter embolization is used for:
A. Ovarian vein varices B. Primary varicocele
C. High flow priapism D. All of above (SU16-116)
327. In catheter directed fibrinolysis of native renal artery or
aortorenal bypass graft thrombosis ______ is currently the most
frequently used agent in United States.
A. Low molecular heparin
B. Tissue plasminogen activator
C. Streptokinase
D. Urokinase (SU16-119)
16 Female Urology
1A 2C 3A 4A
Female Urology 335
5C 6C 7D 8B 9A 10 A 11 B
336 MCQs in Urology
12 E 13 C 14 B 15 B
Female Urology 337
16 D 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 A
338 MCQs in Urology
21 D 22 C 23 A 24 E 25 B 26 D 27 A 28 E
Female Urology 339
29 A 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A 35 B
340 MCQs in Urology
36 C 37 B 38 B 39 A 40 B 41 B
Female Urology 341
48. Not a true statement for women with SUI (ICI committee-2005).
A. PFMT and vaginal cones have similar effect.
B. Electrical stimulation is superior to PFMT
C. PFMT is less effective than surgery
D. Muscle bulk is not a prerequisite for improved continence
with PFMT (CU9-2132)
49. Uterine prolapse is a part of the ___ compartment (anatomic
classification of pelvic floor prolapse) and can vary from
minimal to procidentia.
A. Anterior B. Middle
C. Posterior D. Perineal body defect (CU9-2200)
50. A synthetic polypropylene monofilament mesh with pore size
under 150 µmm, optimal for inciting fibrous tissue ingrowth,
used as tension free vaginal tape procedure is type___ mesh.
A. I B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 (CU9-2251)
51. In postoperative voiding dysfunction, complica-tions, or oveall
continence when compared TOT with TVT procedures:
A. TOT is superior to TVT
B. TVT is superior to TOT
C. No difference (CU9-2269)
52. GAX-collagen used as injection therapy for urinary incontinence
is biocompatible biodegradable and elicits a minimal inflam-
matory reaction without foreign body reaction. It begins to
degrade in ___ weeks and is completely degraded in 19 months.
A. 6 B. 12
C. 18 D. 24 (CU9-2274)
53. Regardless of the technique of intraurethral injection chosen for
treating voiding dysfunction, the goal is closure of bladder outlet
such that there is apposition, as evidenced endoscopically, with
the exception of ___ injection.
A. GAX-collagen B. Silicon polymers
C. Durasphere ESP D. Etylene vinyl alcohol (CU9-2280)
54. The most widely used injectable agent for urinary incontinence.
A. Autologus fat B. Silicone polymers
C. GAX-collagen D. Durashere (CU9-2282)
55. Urethral over dilatation to ___ Fr in females can achieve the
same objective as external urethral sphincterotomy in males, but
is rarely performed (Wein and Barrett, 1988).
48 B 49 B 50 A 51 C 52 B 53 D 54 C 55 B
Female Urology 343
A. 30 – 40 B. 40 – 50
C. 50 – 60 D. 60 – 70 (CU9-2303)
56. Clear vaginal discharge after hysterectomy does not invariably
represent a VVF or incontinence. Less common causes include:
1. Peritoneovaginal fistula
2. Lymphatic fistula
3. Vaginitis
4. Fallopian tube fluid
5. Normal vaginal secretions
A. All except 4 B. All except 5
C. All D. All except 1 and 2 (CU9-2327)
57. The operative approach to hysterectomy is an important factor
for development of a postoperative VVF as bladder injuries are
at least ___ times more common during abdominal hyste-
rectomy compared to vaginal ones.
A. Three B. Four
C. Two D. Five (CU9-2326)
58. The VVF tracks that remain open ___ weeks or more after
adequate Foley drainage and anticholinergic medication are
unlikely to resolve spontaneously/without further intervention.
A. Three B. Four
C. Six D. Eight (CU9-2330)
59. The conservative measures (injection of fibrin sealant into the
fistula tract after fulguration with or without bovine collagen as
an additional “plug”) are useful for small, oblique fistulas,
usually less than ___ mm in diameter.
A. 3 – 4 B. 2 – 3
C. 4 – 5 D. 3.5 – 4.0 (CU9-2330)
60. It is generally accepted that VVF resulting from obstructed labor
(unlike those uncomplicated postgynecologic) should be
associated with a ___ delay before definite repair.
A. 1 – 2 months B. 2 – 3 months
C. 3 – 6 months D. 6 – 8 weeks (CU9-2330)
61. The omentum is particularly useful structure in the repair of
VVF due to its favorable following properties:
1. Ability to be mobilized on a well-vascularised pedicle in to
the deep pelvis without tension.
2. Its inherent lymphatic properties
3. Its ability to contribute to healing even in the presence of
56 C 57 A 58 A 59 B 60 C 61 D
344 MCQs in Urology
62 A 63 A 64 A 65 C 66 A 67 B 68 B
Female Urology 345
A. Randolph B. Schmid
C. Kogan D. Hung
E. Crawford (CU9-3854)
69. The following one test are 100% specific for bladder transitional
cell carcinoma.
A. Gram’s stain B. Lugol’s solution
C. Giemsa stain D. Methylene blue (SU16-57t)
70. The following antibiotic is not safe for developing fetus during
A. Fosomycin trometamol
B. Aminoglycosides
C. Monobactamus
D. Cephalosporins (SU16-222t)
69 B 70 B
346 MCQs in Urology
17 Molecular Biology,
Immunology and
1B 2A 3A 4A 5B 6A
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics 347
15 C 16 B 17 D 18 D
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics 349
19 A 20 A 21 D 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 C 26 D
350 MCQs in Urology
1. Ectoderm
2. Mesoderm
3. Endoderm
A. Only 3 B. Only 1
C. 2 and 3 D. All 1 ,2 and 3 (CU9-536)
27. Insulin like growth factors (IGFs) are secreted by:
A. Beta cells of pancreas
B. Prostatic stromal cells
C. Vascular endothelium
D. Parietal cells of stomach (CU9-537)
28. The concentration of immunoreactive endothelin-1 ( the most
potent endogenous vasoconstrictor known) are highest in:
A. Prostatic secretions B. Seminal fluid
C. Renal cortex D. Adrenal medulla (CU9-537)
29. Bridging the gap between extra cellular matrix and the
cytoskeleton are the ___ which act not only as structural
elements but also as a type of receptor.
A. Integrins B. E-Cadherin
C. Caveolin D. Anoikins. (CU9-539)
30. Loss of interaction between normal epithelial cells and the
extracellular matrix leads to apoptosis, a process known as ___.
A. Anoikis B. Natural cell death
C. Furnaro D. Mesenchymal transition (CU9-539)
31. Caveolins (abundant in endothelium, smooth muscles, and
fibroblasts) are ___ that are the major constituents of plasma
membrane structure called caveolae.
A. Sugars B. Proteins
C. Phospholipids D. RNAs (CU9-540)
32. ___ virus induced human malignancies play a major role with
hepatitis B and papilloma viruses (responsible for 80%).
C. mRNA D. Both A and C (CU9-541)
33. Given the physical limitation of oxygen diffusion in solid
tissue, which is limited to 200:M, the growth of a tumor over ___
requires supporting vasculature.
A. Five mm B. One cm
C. Two cm D. Two mm (CU9- 542)
34. Not an angiogenesis activator :
27 B 28 B 29 A 30 A 31 B 32 A 33 D 34 D
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics 351
43 C 44 A 45 C 46 C 47 A 48 A 49 C 50 A
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics 353
51 B 52 A 53 C 54 A 55 C 56 A 57 A
354 MCQs in Urology
58 A 59 A 60 C 61 D 62 D
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics 355
63 A 64 D 65 D
356 MCQs in Urology
18 Independent Study
1A 2D 3A 4E 5A
Independent Study Questions 357
6A 7B 8B 9A 10 D 11 C
358 MCQs in Urology
12 C 13 D 14 A 15 D 16 C 17 D 18 A
Independent Study Questions 359
19 A 20 B 21 A 22 B 23 B 24 A
360 MCQs in Urology
A. Ketoconazole B. Bicalutamide
C. Abarelix D. Nilutamide (CU9-3088)
39. The time of onset of change in the amniotic fluid (AF) is critical
and reflects a normal shift from where most of the AF is
placental transudate to where it becomes predominantly a
product of the fetal urine. By weeks most of AF is fetal
A. 14 – 16 B. 16 – 18
C. 18 – 20 D. 20 – 22 (CU9-3178)
40. “Calcification in wall of cyst may even be thicker and nodular,
septa may have minimal enhancement, especially those with
calcium: require no surgery “ comes under category
Bosnaik’s classification of simple and complex renal cysts.
A. I B. II
E. IV (CU9-3348)
41. The following guideline in management of priapism is not true.
A. In stuttering priapism, administration of an oral beta agonist
(terbutaline) once or twice daily is first line therapy . If this
treatment is unsuccessful, an oral alpha adrenergic
(pseudoephedrine) is recommended.
B. If priapism has been present longer than 48 hours, ischemia
and acidosis impair the intracavernous smooth muscle
response to sympathomimetics.
C. American urological association also recommended concurrent
intracavernous treatment beginning with corporal aspiration
and irrigation.
D. In adolescents, the phenylephrine should be diluted with
normal saline to a concentration of 100 to 500 µg/mL, and 1
mL injections should be made every 3 to 5 minutes for up to
1 hour. (CU9-3755)
42. The color code of 18 French Foley’s catheter is ____.
A. Green B. violet
C. Orange D. Red
E. Yellow F. White
43. Renal hypertension is found in __ per cent patients with
A. 5-15 B. 15-20
C. 20-30 D. 2-5 (SU-658)
39 D 40 C 41 A 42 D 43 A
Independent Study Questions 363
44 B 45 D 46 A 47 F 48 B 49 A,C
364 MCQs in Urology
57 C 58 A 59 C
366 MCQs in Urology
60. About ____ per cent of patients with complete lower motor
lesion are capable of psychogenic erection?
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 90 (SU 700)
61. The most common hormonal disease associated with erectile
failure is:
A. Diabetes mellitus B. Androgen deficiency
C. Hypothyroidism D. Hyperthyroidism (SU 700)
62. Impotence in diabetes mellitus is mostly due to ____ factors:
A. Vascular B. Neurogenic
C. Psychogenic D. Combination of all (SU 700)
63. Impotence occurs in more than ____ per cent of patients after
priapism due to fibrosis of corpora:
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 100 (SU 701)
64. Impotence reportedly occurs in 25 per cent of young diabetics and
in almost 75 per cent of elderly patients. Insulin dosage and
duration and adequacy of control appear unrelated to sexual
function. This statement is:
A. True B. False (SU 702)
65. Impotence occurs in about ____ per cent of patients undergoing
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 100 (SU 701)
66. Rigiscan device is used:
A. In monitoring the nocturnal erectile activity
B. In intracavernous injection tests
C. In hypnotherapy for impotence
D. As vacuum constriction device in impotent patients
(SU 703)
67. Patients with — impotence have an exaggerated erectile
response to vasodilator injection and have a higher rate of
A. Psychogenic B. Neurogenic
C. Hormonal D. Arteriogenic (SU 703)
68. A patient complaining of decreased sexual interest rather than
erectile failure has probably — type of impotence:
60 A 61 A 62 D 63 B 64 A 65 B 66 A 67 B 68 A
Independent Study Questions 367
A. Hormonal B. Psychogenic
C. Neurogenic D. Vasculogenic (SU 704)
69. The penile brachial pressure index (PBPI) ratio below ____ is
strongly indicative of arteriogenic impotence:
A. 0.5 B. 0.9
C. 0.6 D. 1.2 (SU 704)
70. The overall incidence of adverse reaction to urographic contrast
media is:
A. 2 per cent B. 5 per cent
C. 7 per cent D. 10 per cent (SU 62, CMC)
71. Which of the following is incorrect about the dimension of the
A. The long diametre (the length) of the kidney is the most
widely used and most convenient radiographic measurement
B. In adults, the length of a normal kidney is approximately 3 to
4.5 times the height of the second lumbar vertebra
C. In children over 2 years of age, the length of the normal
kidney is approximately equal to the distance from the
bottom of the first to the top of the fourth lumbar vertebral
D. The average adult kidney is about 12 to 14 cm long, and the
left kidney is ordinarily slightly longer than the right one
(SU 66)
72. Absolute contraindications to MRI are all but:
A. Pregnancy
B. Patients with intraocular metal fragments
C. Patients with an electrically, magnetically, or mechanically
activated implants (including cardiac pacemakers, biostimu-
lators, neurostimulators, cochlear implants, and hearing aids)
D. Patients with intracranial aneurysm clips, unless the referring
physician is certain that the clip is made of nonferromagnetic
material (SU 101)
73. Currently, which of the following is usually used for trans-
catheter embolisation of renal tumours?
A. 100 per cent ethanol
B. 2×2×2 mm Gelfoam
C. Ivalon particles
D. Autologous blood clots (SU 115)
69 C 70 B 71 C 72 A 73 A
368 MCQs in Urology
74 A 75 B 76 D 77 A 78 C 79 D 80 C
Independent Study Questions 369
81 B 82 C 83 A 84 A 85 A 86 B 87 A 88 D
370 MCQs in Urology
92. In the normal female, the base of the bladder is about ____
above a line drawn from the inferior margin of the pubis to the
sacrococcygeal joint:
A. 2 cm B. 2 inch
C. 0.2 inch D. 5 cm (SU 582)
89 A 90 A 91 A 92 A 93 A,B 94 B 95 B
Independent Study Questions 371
A. 20 B. 30
C. 40 D. 50 (SU 14 485)
96. The theoretic advantage of—as an alternative form of external
irradiation is related to their relative lack of dependence on the
presence of oxygen and the associated relative resistance to the
repair of sublethal damage:
A. Heavy-charged particles
B. Protons
C. Neutrons
D. All of the above (SU 14 486)
97. As a rule radiotherapy is not recommended for cancer of the
penis and male urethra greater than___:
A. 3 cm B. 4 cm
C. 5 cm D. 6 cm (SU 14 491)
98. The first sign that the fibre-optic transmitting the laser is bent
excessively is:
A. Burning of the finger
B. Sensation of warmth
C. Immediate numbness of the finger
D. Getting an electric-like shock (SU 14 463)
99. The major tissue constituent absorbing the Nd:YAG beam
energy is ____:
A. Protein B. Fat
C. Water D. Blood (SU 14 464)
100. The depth of penetration of the Nd:YAG laser beam is roughly
____ fold more than that of CO2 laser beam:
A. 50 B. 30
C. 20 D. 100 (SU 14 465)
101. The argon laser, from a practical standpoint, causes lesions
whose depth of thermal damage is:
A. Intermediate between that of the CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers
B. Much less than that caused by Nd:YAG laser
C. Thirty times less than that caused by CO2 laser
D. Twenty times more than that caused by pulsed dye laser
(SU 14 466)
102. Which of the following procedures require a 2 to 3 day period
of Foley catheter drainage in 75 per cent of patients following
surgery for BPH?
C. Renal hypercalciuria
D. Idiopathic hypercalciuria (MU 126)
125. Drugs of choice in renal hypercalciuria are:
A. Thiazide diuretics
B. Orthophosphates
C. Cellulose phosphate
D. Calcium channel blockers (MU 127)
126. Exogenous hyperoxaluria results when ascorbic acid is taken in
amounts greater than:
A. 20 gm a day B. 10 gm a day
C. 5 gm a day D. 2 gm a day (MU 128)
127. The single most important factor in maintaining urethral
continence is:
A. Coaptation of the urethral mucosa
B. Striated muscle fibres
C. Smooth muscle within the urethral wall
D. Functional length of the urethra (MU 134)
128. Significant stress incontinence is defined as occurring:
A. Two or more times a month
B. Ten or more times a month
C. Two or more times a day
D. Four or more times a day (MU 135)
129. In most instances stress incontinence in women results from
defect in pelvic support of the bladder neck and that is:
A. Type I incontinence B. Type II incontinence
C. Type III incontinence D. Type IV incontinence (MU 135)
130. The most common complication of intracavernosal pharmaco-
therapy with papaverine and phentolamine is:
A. Penile induration
B. Priapism longer than 8 hours
C. Pain at injection site
D. Local haematoma (MU 135)
131. Sterility is synonymous with infertility but usually used to
mean permanent, irreversible infertility. This statement is:
A. True B. False
C. Still controversial (MU 157)
132. The epididymis is an extremely long, tightly coiled tube that the
sperms traverse over a period of approximately:
125 A 126 C 127 C 128 A 129 A 130 D 131 A 132 B
376 MCQs in Urology
A. 24 days B. 12 days
C. 36 days D. 64 days (MU 157)
133. Bone scans are more sensitive than skeletal radiography and are
able to detect lesions up to ___ before they are apparent on X-
A. 3 months B. 6 months
C. 8 weeks D. 4 weeks (MU 170, JIPMER)
134. Which of the following remains the most accurate staging
method available for cancer prostate?
A. Pelvic lymphadenectomy
B. Transrectal ultrasonography
C. CT scanning
D. Lymphangiography (MU 170)
135. Lymphangiography has an overall accuracy of about 70 per cent
in detecting pelvic nodal metastases from prostatic cancer. All of
the following are responsible for understaging except:
A. Nodes completely replaced by tumour
B. Metastases that are too small
C. Presacral nodes are not visualised
D. Internal iliac nodes are visualised only in 50 per cent of
E. External iliac and obturator nodes are not visualised
(MU 170)
136. In teletherapy, the amount of radiation absorbed by soft tissues
exposed to 1 rad is generally approximately 1 rad. Bony
structures absorb approximately ____ as much as soft tissues.
This difference becomes important when the X-ray beam must
traverse bone to reach its target:
A. Four times B. Ten times
C. Twice D. Six times (MU 198-199)
137. A WBC count of less than 2000/mm3 or a platelet count of less
than ____ is an absolute indication to stop radiotherapy until
recovery occurs:
A. 80,000/mm3 B. 50,000/mm3
C. 60,000/mm3 D. 75,000/mm3 (MU 202)
138. Clinically radiation nephritis is characterised by azotemia,
proteinuria, hypertension, and very severe anaemia, which
typically develops at least ____ after radiation therapy:
A. 6 months B. 12 months
C. 24 months D. 18 months (MU 202)
A. Hypokalaemia B. Hyperuricemia
C. Hypercalcemia D. Hypercitraturia (CU 7 1795)
181. Which of the following does not come in the differential
diagnosis of bilateral renomegaly and renal cysts?
A. Tuberous sclerosis
B. Autosomal recessive polycytic kidney disease
C. Von Hippel-Lindau disease
D. Ask-Upmark kidney (CU 7 1804)
182. Herniation of the ureter is an extremely rare condition. In a
searched literature most of them were:
A. Paraperitoneal B. Femoral
C. Inguinal D. Scrotal (CU 7 1852)
183. Which of the following is a wrong statement?
A. One of the typical indications for antivesicoureteral surgery is
noncompliance with medical management
B. In the endoscopic treatment of reflux, a bulking material is
injected under direct vision at the 12 O’clock position into the
subureteral space approximately 1 to 2 cm proximal to the
ureteral orifice
C. It is generally agreed that the cause of primary obstructive
megaureter is an aperistaltic juxtavesical segment 3 to 4 cm
long that is unable to propagate urine at acceptable flow rates
D. In the strictest sense, only a male patient may harbor the
complete Prune-Belly syndrome. Yet about 3 per cent cases
occur in genetic females
184. Postoperative hypospadias repair erections are a problem in the
postpubertal patients. The best medication is probably:
A. Diazepam B. Estrogens
C. Cyproterone acetate D. Amylnitrate pulvules (CU 7 2115)
185. All of the following statements are true except:
A. If the basal gonadotropin levels (FSH in parti-cular) are very
low, in a boy less than 9 years of age, further work-up is not
necessary to diagnose bilateral anorchia
B. If the testicular vessels are seen to end blindly on laparoscopy,
this signifies that the testis as absent on that side and that no
surgical exploration is necessary
C. Aggressive chemotherapy appears to be the mainstay of
therapy in the care of patients with synchronous bilateral
Wilms’ tumour
D. Neuroblastoma is the most common malignant tumour of
A. Spironolactone B. Nifedipine
C. Amiloride D. Phantolamine (CU 7 2947)
193. Not a true statement:
A. Metyrosine has been recommended in addition to phenoxy-
benzamine or propranolol during preparation of the patient
of pheochromocytoma for anaesthesia and surgery
B. In patients with pheochromocytoma it is recommended that
induction with an intravenous agent such as thiopental,
followed by isoflurane as the agent of choice as an inhalation
agent for general anaesthesia
C. The greatest determinant of mortality in patients with renal
trauma is the nature and extent of the renal injury
D. A transvaginal ureterolithotomy should be used only in a
patient with a large, fixed, distal ureteral stone that can be
easily palpated bimanually (CU 7 2956-3089)
194. Which of the following is a wrong statement?
A. The most common complication of endopyelotomy is failure
to relieve obstruction
B. Balloon dilation is generally effective only with strictured
ureteral segments less than one cm length and of short
C. The weakest point of the urinary bladder is the vesicoureteral
junction; sudden blunt force applied to the full bladder
produces intraperitoneal rupture at this point
D. Deterioration of the upper tracts in patients with urinary
intestinal diversion is more likely when the culture becomes
dominant for proteus or pseudomonas (CU 7 3066-3153)
195. Complete or partial rupture of the prostatomembranous urethra
with extravasation confined to below the urogenital diaphragm
on retrograde urethrogram is:
A. Type I urethral injury
B. Type II urethral injury
C. Type III injury
D. Type IV injury (CU 7 3109)
196. Find out the wrong statement:
A. The bladder volume achieved through augmentation must be
adequate to handle the patient’s urinary output for an
acceptable period of time (usually 4 hours)
B. Video urodynamics can predictably say which patient will be
able to void spontaneously and empty well after a bladder
197 B