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In China there are seven mountains that are high. Mount Everest is the worlds tallest mountain. In the middle of China is the famous Gobi Desert. China has two great rivers, the Yellow River and Yangtze River. Another name for Yellow River is Chinas Sorrow because of the damage due to ooding.


INTERESTING FACTS In ancient China people traveled in boats on rivers. Most people used a donkey and a cart. Wood carriages for were rich people. The emperor had the bests carriage. Ancient Chinese medicine used acupuncture. Acupuncture is thin needles that are inserted all over your body. The wheelbarrow was invented by the ancient Chinese and a chain called the Dragons Backbone that lifted water uphill. They also invented the rst compass, paper and kites. Classic Chinese symbol is a circle that symbolizes balance. Chinese writing symbol for peace. The number 5 is a symbol for good luck and 2003 symbol is a sheep. The Great Wall of China is a very long wall along the border in China. It was built to keep enemies out. Soldiers and guards lit torches when enemies attack to warn guards in the next watch tower.

The climate in ancient China is a lot like North America because of the similar seasons. Climate of China varies because of the mountain areas and the deep valleys. Some areas get very cold winters and summers get very hot in the desert. When the snow melts from the mountains the rivers overow and oods the land. The coast of China get typhoons in the summer. China has many different weather systems.

Cultural and Social Needs

Poor people lived in homes that only had one room. The house was made of earth and the roof was made of thatch. Rich people lived in a house with one door. The houses were bigger with no windows. The rooms were around the court yard. Rice is very common in China. People in China drink tea. It grows there . In China they grow millet and and make it into porridge. They grow cucumbers , oranges, lemons , and apricots. in Ancient China. Polo, acrobatics and football were also favourite sports. Guitars were used to play folk music. Most of the stringed instruments are called qin. One of them is similar to a harp, another like a violin. Flutes were used for folk music and they were made of bamboo. Music was a very important part of the Chinese culture.

The emperor is in charge of the government. There were many kings that worked under the emperor. Farmers paid taxes to the Lords who gave them to the kings who passed them on to the emperor. The rst emperor was Qin and he was not nice. It was illegal to whine and you could be put to death without a trial.

Physical needs (Homes, Food, and Clothing

The ancient Chinese used the cocoon of the silkworm to get silk to make clothes. Rich people wore clothes made of silk. You could get punished if you were poor and wore silk. Poorer people wore clothes made of plant bers or cotton. There were rules about the colour of clothes you could wear. Only the Emperor could wear yellow. Poor people had to wear black and blue.

Social Needs (Sports, arts, and education)

Most kids did not get to go to school. They had to work in elds and look after their little brothers and sisters. only some boys go to school. If they did good in school they get a job with the government. There was only one teacher for the whole school. Boys nished school when they were 16 or 17. They lifted weights and did exercises for training in the military . They did wrestling and martial arts. Swordsmanship and throwing arrows was throw in g arrows was very popular

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