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INTERESTING FACTS Egypt had many symbolic and religious items.

They believed in the afterlife, magic and gods. Different symbols were a cobra to represent the king, They prepared dead bodies and mummied them so they would have life after death. The Sphinx statue was a stone sculpture with a human head and a lions body representing intelligence and strength. Another famous item was a Death Mask of King Tut. Pyramids are ancient monuments that hold the dead bodies in tombs of kings and also gold and treasures.

. The Nile River is the worlds longest river and life depended on the Nile. They have tall cliffs, deserts and soft limestone. In ancient Egypt good farm land was along the Nile River.

Ancient Egypts climate was very dry because it is mostly desert. Very little rain fell in Egypt so the weather was very HOT and dry. Egypt has only two seasons, hot summers and mild winters.


Cultural and Social Needs

Men and women wore lightweight linen clothes because of hot weather. Men wore kilts, women wore straight tting dress with straps on shoulders. Working men wore loin cloth and women wore short skirt. Children were allowed to go nude. Wealthy people wore long robes and leather sandals. Most people went barefoot. All homes were made of sun dried bricks from mud and straw and had at roofs. Ramps were used instead of stairs. Rich Egyptians lived in huge villas along the Nile with 25-30 rooms. Their homes had tiled oors, gardens with pools and the doors were built 4 feet off the ground to keep out sand and dust. Poor people had small, nice one room homes. Some lived in huge country homes In ancient Egypt they played instruments like drums, guitars, trumpets, harps, recorders, and rattles. The musicians played at the festivals and parties in ancient Egypt. People would clap and sing to keep a rhythm and work faster. The people in ancient Egypt made sculptures and paintings. Their art usually showed symbols of death and religion. When you look at ancient Egypt art it communicates with you. When people look at art they have ideas and learn from the pictures called hieroglyphics.

The Ancient Egypt government was ruled by the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh owned everything and had many helpers. His most important helper was Vizier. The Vizier reported to the Pharaoh each day and the Vizier was also the court judge.

The dads taught the boys in ancient Egypt. The boys could go to school in the village. The sons did the same jobs as there dad. Girls were trained by their mothers and the girls could be dancers and bakers. Daughters of rich people learned read and write.

Physical Needs (Homes, Food, and CLothing)

The poor people of Ancient Egypt ate unleavened bread, dried sh, onions, beer and vegetables. The rich people ate 15 kinds of bread, sheep, fowl, goats, fruit, honey, pigs, wine, butter and cheese. Both ate with their hands.

Social needs (sports, arts, and education)

In ancient Egypt they like to go shing. They also do rowing, long jump, and swimming. They played ball games and ran marathons. They played games like checkers and dice games. Ancient Egyptians also played sports like javelin throwing and archery.

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