Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition

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Appendix II:

A account f<tr sth absent fi'om (clis)aclrarrtageol

accuse sb of' accust()meclt() (eive) advice on
(be) admitted tcr aclclictedto an ¿llls\\'el'to

a d v i s es h r ¡ n a b o t t ts l l L afl'¿riclof' an att¿rck otr

(dis)agreewith sb ab<tttt/onstlr ¿r¡¿2s¡l ¿t/bv

aim at amusecl at/rvith
amout)t to anglv at sth
apologise to sb firr sth angrv n'ith slr
apph' to sb/sth firr sth annoyed alrout sth
appoint sb to annoved u'ith slr
( d i s ) a p p r o v eo f zrnxiousabout
argue n'ith/sb abotrt/fbl sth asharncclof
arrest sb for sth astonishedatlby
arrive at a btrilclirtg (trn)au'areot
arrir,e in a citv/t<lr'vn/c()untrv
ask for
attend to

bargain u'ith sb fin'sth bad at sth

be to blante firr sth boled n'ith sth
bcg fbr lrtiuncl to l
begin rvith sth btrsv u'ith I

believe in
b e l , r n {t o
benefit frrlrrr
l¡lanre sb frlr sth
blarne sth orl sb
boast aboutiol'
bclrrou fiom

c c:areabotrt slt/stlt (irr)r::r¡rableo1' ¿rc(rlt l l)al is,rtt bct n'ecl t

cale for slrrstlt cal'eftrl of a r:<lntplaittt alrottt
change ittto r:¿ueless abotrtiof' :r conlrecti()lr l;etrr'cett/ir it lr
charge sb rtith stlr certain ¿rb()t-tt/()f' a clll e tol'
charge sb/sth firt' stlr close tt-r
cheatsb out ()f sth r'ottccrlrcrl alrout/lirr'
choose ti'otlr/bcttlecrr confident ol/aborrt
coinciclerr'ith of
cc¡llabot'aterr'itlr consisterrt r'r'itlr
collidervith (:()lttel)t \\'itll
c:otnbineu'itlr crazr' ¿rbottt
colnllle llt ()ll cr'<lnrle rl n'ith
cclrntnturicate u ith crtrcl ttl
c()rnp¿irc n'itll/tt.r t:tu'i<lttsal-¡out
colllpensate slr lirl stlr
c o m p e t e a g z r i r r s st l r
colnpetc lr'itlt sb firl' sth
c o r n p l a i t t t o s l t a l t < l t t toi [ ' s t l t
c()ncentl'ate Otr sth
ct.¡nf'esssth to slt
congl'atulatc sb otr sth
(:ol)nect to/w'ith
contr¿rst rlith
contrilrr.rte t.<r
cotrvitrcesb o1'stlr

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