Introduction To Evidence Based Medicine: Maisuri T. Chalid

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Maisuri T. Chalid

In an Ideal World
The most effective care for every condition would be known Every clinician would know the most effective care for every patient Every clinician would practice the most effective care that she/he knows

In the Real World

Much of what should be known is not known Much that is known, is not known by most clinicians Clinicians often fail to practice what they know to be the most effective form of care

Evidence-based medicine is the systematic, scientific and explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.

Evidence-based medicine
creates the need for clinically important information about diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and other clinical and health care issues.

Evidence-based medicine
Requires new skills of the clinician, including efficient literature-searching, and the application of formal rules of evidence in evaluating the clinical literature. A process of lifelong learning, selfdirected learning, problem-based learning in which caring for one's own patients is now considered to be an integral component of undergraduate medical curricula, postgraduate training and clinical practice.

Why is EBM important?

The textbook collections too old Lack of knowledge appropriate resources Lack of time to find the needed information. Has confirmed the management decision
lead to a new therapy Changed medication & diagnostic test corrected a previous plan.

The EBM Process

The Steps in the EBM Process

EBM always begins and ends with the patient. To begin this process, consider the following clinical scenario:

Anatomy of a good clinical question (PICO)

Patient or problem (P)
What are the most important characteristics of the the patient? (the primary problem, disease, co-existing conditions, sex, age, which relevant to diagnosis & treatment)

Intervention, prognostic factor, or exposure ( I )

Which main intervention, prognostic factor, or exposure are you considering? dose/intensity/timing?

Anatomy of a good clinical question (PICO) Comparison ( C )

What is the main alternative to compare with the intervention? between two drugs, a drug and no medication or placebo, or diagnostic tests?

Outcomes Measures(O)
What can you hope to accomplish, measure, improve or affect? What are you trying to do for the patient? Relieve or eliminate the symptoms/ the number of adverse events? Improve function or test scores?

The Literature Search

Raw material ~ 115 journal titles

Top Yielding Journals

N England Journal of Medicine JAMA BMJ Lancet Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews

Select the resoursces

MEDLINE will give you access to the primary literature. Secondary resources such as ACP Journal Club, POEMS, Clinical Inquiries, Clinical Evidence, will provide you with an assessment of the original study. Cochrane Library provides access to systematic reviews which help summary results from a number of studies.

Detailed list of resources for practicing EBM

For this question, we have chosen MEDLINE as our resource. MEDLINE is comprehensive resource for health-related literature searches and is acces everyone through PubMed.
Formulate the strategy

Step 1: Search each important concept separately.

Enter the term for Pauline's condition: congestive heart failure. PubMed => map your term to an appropriate Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). Click on DETAILS to see what terms PubMed used in its search. To be sure it found the appropriate MeSH Terms and Text Words.

Next, Clear the search box and enter the term for the intervention, digoxin. Click on Details to see what terms PubMed used in its search.

Next, Clear the search box and enter the term for the outcome, hospitalization. Click on Details to see what terms PubMed used in its search.

Step 2: Combine the separate sets of articles.

Click on History to view the 3 separate sets of articles you retrieved. Combine them to identify those articles that contain all 3 terms. In PubMed use the "#".

Step 3: Limit the results to the appropriate publication type, language, human.

Review the results

Review the titles and abstracts to identify potentially relevant articles

EVALUATING THE EVIDENCE 3 basics questions

Are the results of the study valid? What are the results? Will the results help in caring for my patient?

Are the results of this therapy study valid? Randomization Follow up (80% or better) Blinding (the more blinding the better) Baseline similarities (established at the start of the trial)

Take a moment to reflect on how well you were able to conduct the step of EBM Process. Did you ask a relevant, well focused question? Do you have fast and reaccess to the necessary resources? Do you know how to use them efficiently? Did you find a pre-appraised article? If not, was it difficult to critically evaluate the article?


World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva,Switzerland

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