Sri Nanak Prakash in English

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"Sri Nanak Prakash"

by Kavi Bhai Santokh Singh Ji

Adiya 1-191/2

Quatrain Within the city of Kartarpur Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji resided.
In this city Bhai Lehna Ji was transformed to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji
and installed on the throne of the Guru. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
returned back to Sachkhand (the realm of truth, heaven) but his light
immersed within the body of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji. 6.

In the way a King takes of his dress and robes to change into princely
garments in order to be seated within his court. In the same way Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji left for the city of Khadoor where if one was to
meditate on his name then their sins within the age of Kaljug were
eradicated. 7.

Couplet Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji sat on the throne of the Guru
residing in the city of Khadoor. For the sake of all other beings they
began to give divine sermons on the name of God. 8.


Savaiya One day Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji was sat on his throne within
the congregation and he focused his mind and eyes on the feet of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Then within the heard of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji
emerged the following deliberation, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji eradicated
all doubts within his devotees. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji themselves
were the manifestation of God. There is no difference between the two
as there is no difference between a wave of water and the ocean. 9

, ?
, ?
Savaiya Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji forever remained immersed in colour
of love and wondered where did Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis birth take
place on this earth? What did Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji do during their
childhood and youth? Is there any Sikh who knows Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Jis complete history? The details of the Gurus travel from
nation to nation erasing fruitless actions and eradicating sin? This is
what Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji is consciously thinking while immersed in
the love for Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 10.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the greatest of all and the
knower of all. He eradicated fear and the three causes of pain from
the heart of the devotee. The Sikh who listens or reads this eulogy
they will gain all their mind desires as well as gain liberation. 11.

Quatrain At the same time Bhai Bala Ji was thinking to himself, Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the divine manifestation of the Lord I wonder
who is currently sitting on his throne? At that point he desired to get a
glimpse of the current Guru. 12.

Bhai Bala Ji was sat in a congregation in Talwandi and asked who the
current Guru was to which a Sikh replied, From the Trihan caste a
male by the name of Angad is currently sat on the throne of the Guru.

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' ' , ' ? '

Kabit When Bhai Bala Ji heard this then the hair on his hair stood
up. At that point Bhai Bala Ji got up and began to make his way in the
direction of Khadoor Sahib knowing his body had aged considerably
and he did not have long left. It was the full moon in the month of
Katak when Bhai Bala Ji arrived at Khadoor Sahib to see Guru Angad
Dev Ji. Bhai Bala Ji saw Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji for the first time and
when he did he folded his hands, bowed his head in respect to the
Guru. Once he gained a glimpse of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji, Bhai Bala
became intoxicated with joy and realised that his decision to come to
see the Guru was for a fruitful purpose. With the instructions given by
Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji he sat down and was imbued in peace. Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji greeted Bhai Bala by saying Satkartar (God is
true) and then asked, O brother tell me, where have you come from?

, ,

Couplet Bhai Bala Ji placed his offering which he brought with him in
front of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji. Then Bhai Bala offered a supplication
before which he responded to the Gurus question. 15.

' !

Quatrain O Sri Guru Angad Dev you are the merciful Guru please
listen to my supplication. My name is Bhai Bala and I am from the
Sandhu caste. I reside in the town of Talwandi in which I was also
born. 16.

O Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji had a great desire to get a glimpse of your
presence and thus I have arrived here. You are the one who gives
material riches and the virtue of content. O Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji I
have heard your great praise. 17.
' ?
Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji asked Bhai Bala, Who is your Guru and tell
me what faith do you belong to? Your words are sweet ad your nature
seems very calm. Is seems as is the wind of lust and desire has never
ensnared you. 18.
Bhai Bala Ji folded his hands and said, O Guru Ji you are all
knowledgeable. But if you are still asking about querying why I am
here then I will tell you everything. 19.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was my Guru and was complete in every
aspect. The dust from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis feet was able to
eradicate all the sins in the age of Kaljug. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was
the metaphorical lion who fought with the falsehood which was the
metaphorical elephant. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a metaphorical
cloud who assisted the loving devotion which is a metaphorical field.
? '
Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji heard this and replied, You spent time in the
company of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, when did you adopt the teachings
of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and become imbued in the love of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji? 21.

Bhai Bala Ji said, O merciful Lord, listen to this, I remained in the
congregation of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for a very long time. Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji was three years older than me. During his childhood,
youth and adulthood I remained in Guru Nanak Dev Jis presence. 22

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Couplet With the merciful gaze of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji I
accompanied them to foreign countries. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji saved
many people during this time. I remained ever close to the feet of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 23.

The abode of piety, Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji heard these words and
their devotees gained considerable faith for loving devotion. Guru
Angad Dev Ji got up from his throne and hugged Bhai Bala. Guru
Angad Dev Ji gained a feeling of happiness in his heart. 24.

Quatrain Then tears began to flow from the eyes of Sri Guru Angad
Dev Ji once they visualised the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in their
mind. At the same time Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji hugged Bhai Bala.
Bhai Bala was remembering the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji with
complete love and devotion. The tears from the eyes of Guru Angad
Dev Ji continue to fall on the ground. Within the heart of Sri Guru
Angad Dev Ji is great loving devotion for God along with enthusiasm
to love the lord. 25.
The sun had now set and day had become night. Bhai Bala Ji
remained at Sri Khadoor Sahib. The Sikh congregations all gathered
within which Bhai Bala Ji sat. 26.

During the night Bhai Bala Ji continues to tell the congregations from
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis life. Sri Guru Angad Dev Jis mind remains
intoxicated in the thoughts of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and for the whole
night remained in the same posture. 27.

Then the dawn came when the sun rose diminishing the night. Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji came out of his meditation posture and bathed.
After bathing Guru Angad Dev Ji sat back on his throne and called for
Bhai Bala. Bhai Bala Ji arrived quickly to pay his respects to Guru
Angad Dev Ji. 28.

, '
Couplet Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji uttered from his mouth, Now recite
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis life story. From the birth of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Jis birth and make us all understand his message. 29.


Quatrain Bhai Bala made the following supplication as a reply to Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji. O Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji I do not know about
Guru Nanak Dev Jis birth. From many other people I have heard
about the story of Guru Nanak Dev Jis birth and what I can do is tell
you about what I have heard. 30.

On the advent of the full moon in the month of Kattak the twenty
seventh zodiac sigh was in the sky during this auspicious time. Now I
will continue to tell you what else I have heard. At the time of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Jis birth a horoscope was made by the local pandit
(priest). 31.

Understand Baba Kalu Ji to be the father of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Within his house the horoscope is still preserved. It has been some
considerable time since Baba Kalu Ji left the earth and went to
heaven. His younger brother by the name of Lalu (Lal Chand) is still
alive to this day. 32

Couplet O my graceful Guru, the age of Baba Lalu Ji is grand and
his body is suffering from the effects of old age. Baba Lalu still resides
in the town of Talwandi. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji heard all of this as
recounted by Bhai Bala. 33.

Quatrain After hearing all this from Bhai Bala Ji, Sri Guru Angad Dev
Ji was pleased and delighted. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji was immersed in
so much love that his eyes began to water as if he was a metaphorical
cloud showering love. The graceful Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji uttered the
following beautiful words, O Bhai Bala Ji how can we gain this
horoscope of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji? 34.
? '

Who is the Sikh that is able to gain the birth horoscope of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji so that I may look at it? Bhai Bala Ji said, If we are to
search and have faith then we will gain this horoscope. 35.

By going to Baba Lalu Jis house and meeting him only then can this
horoscope be obtained? For this reason send a Sikh to carry out this
duty. The desire you have in your mind will be completed.36.
Couplet Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji said, O Bhai Bala only you are able
to complete this task. You live in the city of Talwandi please go to the
address and locate the horoscope.37.

' !

Quatrain Bhai Bala Ji replied with the sweet word, O Sri Guru
Angad Dev Ji you are the abode of bliss, please send another Sikh to
accompany me so that we may return quickly. O Sri Guru Angad Dev
Ji you are the protector of the meek.38.
We will find the house of Baba Lalu if the horoscope is there then we
will find it and bring it back here. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji was very
pleased with Bhai Bala. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji blessed Bhai Bala by
saying, You will never forget the Lord. 39.

Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji called for a Sikh by the name of Lala Panoo
and said to him, You have great love for the Sikh faith of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji and it continues to grow similar to the rising level of the
rivers in the month of Saavan. 40.

Couplet Accompany Bhai Bala to Talwandi which is the city where
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest. Bring the horoscope of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Jis birth and in this way your human birth will be fruitful.

Quatrain Bhai Lala Panoo heard the words of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji
which please his body (inner peace). He got ready to accompany Bhai
Bala. He understood his fortune to be blessed that he was going to be
able to see the horoscope of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 42.
' '
Bhai Lala Panoo heard this, prostrated in front of Guru Angad Dev Ji
and said Satkartar. He adopted the thought of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
in his mind and began to accompany Bhai Bala to Talwandi. Both of
the males made their ways whilst intoxicated in the glorious thoughts
of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. They both listen and speak of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji whilst walking. 43.

' !
When they both arrived in Talwandi both of them went to the house of
Baba Lalu to meet him. Both of them folded their hands and bowed to
Baba Lalu. They said to Baba Lalu, O Bhai Lalu we have come to
complete a task for the sake of others. 44.

Couplet The next Guru who is a knowledgeable master is called
Guru Angad Dev Ji. He is the possessor of great powers. There is no
difference between Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Sri Guru Angad Dev
Ji. 45.

Quatrain Guru Nanak Dev Ji passed the title of Guru to Sri Guru
Angad Dev Ji and he is requesting the birth horoscope from you
regarding Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji is very eager
to see this horoscope. He heard about this and quickly sent a Sikh to
accompany me to your house. 46.

Baba Lalu said, I do not know about this birth horoscope. You are the
beloved friend of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji first tell me about a doubt I
have? 47.
? '
Following the passing of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was his successor Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji or Baba Sri Chand Ji? Who is currently occupying
the blissful throne of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji? Who gained this seat?
Was it the son of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji (Baba Sri Chand Ji) or his
disciple (Guru Angad Dev Ji)? 48.

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Couplet Bhai Bala Ji replied, Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji is the Guru and
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji placed five paisas (an old Indian coin) and a
coconut in front of Guru Angad dev Ji and bowed his head. 49.

Quatrain How can one equate themself to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji as
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji personally installed him on his throne? I have
searched myself and found Guru Angad Dev Ji to have great wisdom.
I have found them to be that precious as if a person was to dig the
earth they may find a priceless diamond. 50.

Baba Sri Chand Ji is the progeny of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and this is
what he is known for and for this reason they will continue to respect
him. However Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji was bestowed the seat of
Guruship for this reason he is the second Nanak. 51.
' '
After hearing this Bhai Lalu said the following, You can search the
house to see if you can find this horoscope as all of my brothers
(Baba Kalu Ji) paperwork is gathered in one area and I do not know
what is contained within them. 52.

' !
Couplet Bhai Bala Ji said, O Lalu, you are the brother of Baba Kalu
Ji and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis parents are no longer alive. For this
reason this horoscope can only be in your possession. 53.


Quatrain Without you who else can complete this task we have?
Please get up and assist us in locating this birth horoscope. Baba
Lalu got up and assisted Bhai Bala in searching the address for the
horoscope. 54.

Whilst searching for the horoscope many days passed and on the fifth
day they found the horoscope. Baba Lalu passed the horoscope into
the hands of Bhai Bala who in turn passed it to the hands of Bhai Lala
Panoo. 55.

After taking possession of the horoscope Bhai Lala Panoo said, O
Bhai Bala Ji you should accompany me. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji will be
very pleased to see this as it will assist others. 56.
' '
Bhai Bala heard these words and thought to himself, What has been
said relates to my personal bliss. Then both of them (Bhai Bala and
Bhai Lala Panoo) left together in the direction of Khadoor Sahib. 57.

Couplet Baba Lalu Ji gave five paisa and a coconut to the two Sikhs
as an offering to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji and said the following; 58.


Quatrain Please give this offering to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji from
me. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji is the divine Guru without any faults. If
Baba Sri Chand is to say or do anything out of anger then please be
forgiving like the earth. 59.

Bhai Bala Ji replied, Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji is the manifestation of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He does not have any of the five vices within him
and none of them come near to the Guru just as the darkness is
expelled by sunlight. 60.

Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji has complete control over his mind and his
body is made up from complete knowledge. The meditation which is a
metaphorical moon is manifest in the world. The pair of Sikhs then
took the horoscope and headed in the direction of Sri Khadoor Sahib
where the merciful Guru was residing. 61.

, ' '
Couplet Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji was sat on this throne and both of
the Sikhs bowed to the feet of the Guru in reverence. Sri Guru Angad
Dev Ji was in great delight and said to the Sikhs, May you forever
remember the Lord in your hearts. 62.

Quatrain Guru Angad Dev Ji was very pleased with Bhai Bala as
they took the horoscope into his hands. With great respect Sri Guru
Angad Dev Ji placed this horoscope on his head. He did this with
great love in his heart. 63.
' '

Guru Angad Dev Ji said to Bhai Bala, You have given me an
opportunity to see my Guru again. With this the doubts in my heart
have now been removed. When Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji saw the
letters in on the horoscope he found it to be written in a Sahaskrit
alphabet. Seeing this Guru Angad Dev Ji said, 64.
Whoever can understand these letters, can they read what is written
and explain he meaning through translation? I would like this
translated into Gurmukhi so that Sikhs in the future can read and
recite it. 65

Sortha The Satguru is the treasure trove of grace, when Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji became manifest on the earth a large number of people
remained in his congregation and gained great knowledge. 66.

' ,
Couplet There was a landowner from the Kheira social caste by the
name of Mehima who said in the presence of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji,
O King there is a Sikh by the name of Paira Mokha who lives in the
city of Sultanpur. 67.

' '
Quatrain This Sikh learned from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the
languages of Gurmukhi and Sahaskriti. He is capable of both reading
and writing the languages. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji said to Bhai
Mehima, You should go and respectfully bring him hear quickly. 68.
' '
Bhai Mehima arrived at the house of Bhai Paira Mokha in Sultanpur
with great pace he brought him to the presence of Sri Guru Angad
Dev Ji. Bhai Paira fell to the feet of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji in respect
and was instructed, O Brother, this horoscope which will give bliss,
can you read this for me? 69.

' '
Bhai Paira took the horoscope into his hands and began to read it.
The goddess Saraswati (who stands for knowledge and art) was
dancing on the tongue of Bhai Paira (This is metaphoric to Bhai Paira
reading the word of the horoscope). Once it was read to the Guru, Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji became very pleased with the task completed by
Bhai Paira. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji Said, O Bhai Paira please
translate this into the Gurmukhi script. 70.

Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji requested for a parchment of paper which he
received and later wrote the whole horoscope in Gurmukhi. The
merciful Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji sat on his throne while other Sikhs
were sat in the congregation listening to the translation taking place.

( In this stanza a number of the Sikhs listening to the discourses are
named) The knowledgeable Baba Buddha Ji was present who had
defeated the vice of attachment. In his youth he heard the discourses
of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and in this age made him a Brahmgiani (one
who has divine knowledge). 72.

He remained alive to see six different Gurus occupy the throne. He
remained immersed in the service of the Gurus and his words always
became true. Baba Buddha Ji was sat content and ready to listen to
this eulogy which eradicates all pain and trouble. 73.

The son of Baba Tejbhan who was named Amar Das was also sat
listening to the eulogy. He served Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji and due to
this was able to cut the causes of pain. He later assumed the position
as the third Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Amas Das Ji. At that moment in time
he was also listening to this eulogy. 74.

There was another Guru orientated Sikh by the name of Bhai Jeeva.
He accepted the instructions of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji and served him
with both mind and body. He served Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji with
prepared beautiful food with great love and devotion. 75.

Another Sikhs was named Bhai Paroo from the Jhulka caste. He was
known by the name of Parmhans (one who is of the highest ascetic
state). He had become detached from the falsehood of the world and
become attached to the truth of the Lord. He was able to separate a
mixture of milk and water (the truth and falsehood) in the way a swan
could. 76.

One of the beloved Sikhs present was named Dhinna who was similar
in character to Bhagat Sain. He had earned the Sikhism started by Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He forever remained in contemplation of the
Guru. 77.

These were some of the Sikhs who were sat listening to the eulogy of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. There were many other Sikhs present at the
time listening to the life story of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 78.

Couplet Bhai Bala Ji started to utter the eulogy of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji while Bhai Paira Mokha sat writing the eulogy whilst correcting
the language and grammar. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji had this eulogy
written for the benefit of the world. 79.
Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is saying listen to the eulogy which is written in
quatrains and different measures. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the
manifestation and transcendent form of God. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is
similar to a cloud of bliss and I bow in reverence to him. (This is said
in order to start the eulogy). 80.
' '

The second Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is the about the horoscope being translated has now been
Adhyai 03

Kabit (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji writes an invocation to the glory of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji) Some poets state that the feet of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji are similar to the wish fulfilling tree known as Parajaat. Some
pets compare the feet of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the blemish-less white
lotus blossom. However the wish fulfilling tree of the demi gods known
as Parajaat is not conscious and unable to grant liberation like Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The white lotus blossom only opens its face
(blooms) during the day while at night it closes. The feet of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji are conscious and the fulfiller of all desired by his
devotees? Both day and night the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
remain in bloom granting liberation. For this reason I have understood
that both the Parajaat and the lotus blossom cannot actually be used
metaphorically as they do not fully give the praise deserved. 1.
: *

Quatrain (Now Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is describing the form of Bhai
Bala) Bhai Bala is holding a water container made out of gourd shell
and is wearing a Kashera. On top of his body he is wearing a white
blanket. On top of his head was a turban shaped like a hat. Bhai Bala
Ji also had a long white uncut beard. 2.

Bhai Bala Ji had begun to focus on the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
and came to prostrate at the feet of Sri Guru Angad dev Ji in
reverence. Bhai Bala then began to recount the life history/story of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji from his ambrosial mouth. 3.

Thus spoke Bhai Bala
The age of Kaljug is a period of intense pressure when God manifest
on the earth. There was a vast amount of danger and sin in the world.
Before the arrival of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji there was turbulent and
violence. Due to this the barbarians began to rule (sin began to
prevail). 4.

The Islamic faith has spread far and wide at a considerable pace. The
people became burdened with the weight of their ever increasing sins.
The cows (a sacred animal to the sanatan faith) and the poor were
being killed. In the age of Kaljug this sort of ignorance had come into
being. 5.

The minds of the Kings had become polluted and low. The great
actions that they were to perform had all been forgotten and moved
aside. The advisers to the king had become greedy and people
remained infatuated with the lustful sin of adultery. 6.
Couplet Foolishness, enmity, gambling, lowly acts, pain and its
causes, it was as if the world had become similar to Rahoo who was
the son of the demon Singka. It was as if they had surrounded
righteousness in the way the darkness surrounds the full moon. 7.

Quatrain The Kings did not listen to the problems of another. The
Qazis had become ensnared in gaining bribes. They were able to
make something false seem true so that the name of the true Lord
was never recited. 8.

The language of the foreigners (Arabic and Persian) became
prevalent throughout the land. Everyone discarded their own faiths
and living in accordance with righteousness. The fruitful acts were
forgotten about and people became attached to sinful acts instead.
The material and costly possessions of the poor were repeatedly
stolen and looted. 9.

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If someone was to do something in order to assist a worthy cause,
jealous individuals would prevent this by causing problems. Because
of this it would just create more people with negative attitudes who feel
hurt by their sentiments being ruined. People remained engrossed in
the thoughts of slandering other, wanting other peoples material
objects and sexual desire for other peoples wives. 10.

Couplet The Jangams (followers of Shiva), the Sevaras (The Jains),
the nomadic Digamburas (the naked wondering order of the Jains)
and the disciples from the six schools of thought were all constantly
engaged in argumentative debates. 11.
: *

Quatrain In the world was the twelve orders of the Yogis who had
forgotten about the Lord and did not love the divine. The Brahmins
were locked in debating the essence of the Shastras through complex
argumentative debates. 12.

Some people shaved their head and face to consider themselves as
Sanyasis. However their heart was always involved in the desires for
other peoples riches and women. They considered themselves to be
detached from the world however they remained engrossed in material
desires then the householders. 13.


The knowledgeable pandits had become corrupt like thieves so how
could they be able to protect and help their people. The work of the
Kings is to look after their population as if they are a thorny bush
however they are actually eating the good and material possessions of
the populations through tax. 14.
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Couplet The earth had become over burdened with the sin of these
individuals and the spirit of righteousness had vanquished. The loving
devotion of God had disappeared from the world and the people
began to live in fear. 15.

Quatrain In the end the earth remembered the name of God she
requested shelter and support from the Lord. She said, O Lord you
are the greatest of all and have no beginning. O God you are the
supreme deity and leader of the demi gods who forever remains the
same. 16.

O God you are the protector and helper of the meek and poor. O Lord
you are the master of the meek who cares for them whilst invisible to
the human eye. You are exempt from old age, immortal, who cannot
be eulogised and does not adopt guises or forms. You are exempt
from fear, away from the effects of Maya, unaccountable and
unknowable. 17

During the age of Kaljug the amount of sin has increased and due to
this I am overburdened by its weight. The present time is very painful
and hurtful. Without your assistance O Lord I am unable to survive.
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Couplet In the age of Satjug righteousness had four feet (Sat, Soch,
Tap and Daan) whilst in Treta there was only three. In the age of
Dwapur two feet remained whilst the age of Kaljug was left with one.

Quatrain The dark age of sin known as Kaljug has started and for
this reason I am over burdened by this weight. With righteousness
standing on its last foot (Daan) the world cannot be sustained and
without your assistance the world can not survive. 20

O the great Lord please listen to my supplication, please assist me in
such a way that I will be able to settle. After listening to the
supplication of the earth who was in considerable distress then the
Lord responded. 21.


For this specific reason I have sent many people to the earth who
have started their various faiths. The reason for which I had sent them
was not carried out instead they started their various orders. 22.

They did not tell the earth about the glory of my name and did not
teach people about loving devotion to me. Through the name of God
the earth can gain support and shelter. These are the words said by
the Lord. 23


When the name of God and its keertan is done in the world then you
will be sheltered. For this reason I personally will adopt a transcendent
form and manifest on the earth as no one else will be able to perform
this task. 24.

In this way Gods words gave a refuge to the lamenting earth. By
adopting this faith all the burden of the earth will be decimated. In this
way the words of the Lord resonated from the sky causing great
happiness in the heart and in the mind of the earth. 25

The progeny of Sri Ram Chandar was still in existence and had no
blemishes and for this reason Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest into the
clan of the Bedis who like a night lotus bloomed with the arrival of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was like the soothing moon. The non
transcendent Lord adopted a transcendent form and manifest on the
earth and was known in the form of the Satguru. 26.
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Couplet The bad deeds are like the night and the age of Kaljug is
wrought with fear. The false hood spread in the world was like the
array of stars in the night sky. In the way that many nocturnal flowers
bloom in the night so had many faiths and beliefs bloomed. At that
time the majority rule was by the Islamic faiths. 27.

Quatrain In order to dispel the darkness Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest
as if he was the rising sun. In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
illuminated the world. The Guru was like the sun whilst his discourses
were like the rays of the sun. The saints on seeing the sun like Guru
had their lotus like hearts in full bloom. 28.

Those living in falsehood and atheists all felt the pain of the sun like
Guru as the owls do when the sun rises. Those who believed in the
Guru were in bliss as the Chaki is when it sees the sun rise. The
radiance of meditation was illuminated throughout the world. The
ignorance within the devotees was dispelled by the Guru. 29.

Those great beings were awoken once they gained wisdom and
knowledge. In the way a person leaves a dream and awakens the
devotees left their sinful past gaining knowledge and devotion. In order
to sustain the wisdom of the great beings Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
manifest into the clan of the Bedis. 30.

: ,

Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Couplet The reason for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifesting into the
world I have explained with my conscious thoughts. Now Sri Guru
Angad Dev Ji who is the granter of bliss, listen to the narration of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Jis eulogy. 31.

Quatrain The land of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like a king of all other
lands as all the pain and anguish had disappeared. The numbers of
elephants had dropped in this area and was situated close to the river
called Ravi which had a beautifully coloured stream. 32.

It is as if the streaming river is fanning the king like land. All of the
characteristics of a king are settling in this land. It is as if the sister of
the moon deity (Chanab) is showing her splendour on one side of the
location where the water is rapid and causing waves. 33.
' '

It is as if the waves of water from the river are fanning the land in order
to add to its glory. The season is forever good in this land where the
land is constantly farmed. How can a bad period of time affect this
holy place? 34

It was if all the seven causes of turmoil were non existent at this time.
The clans of thieves left this area and ran away. Here the nomadic
travellers would become allured to the land and others forget their
attachments for their family once arriving in the vicinity. 35.

Here the vegetation, flowers, fruit, trees all stood in elegance so that
travellers can rest and eat when going through the land. In this land
lived the fearless individuals and wise knowledgeable people who
propagate both righteousness and piety. 36.

There are those who come on their own accord to the land such as the
saints whose mind forever remains imbued in the name of God. These
people are complete knowledgables and have earned and gained the
virtues of the Lord. In this land beautiful horses are born which are
brave and quick as well as having other attributes. 37.

Here other great animal species are taking birth which are all due to
the will of the Lord. This land is beautiful in every way and due to this
its fame is spread over the country. 38.

Within this land a beautiful village of Talwandi existed. All four social
castes used to live here in harmony. This village was surrounded by
beautiful gardens (countryside) which had splendid flowers bringing
further fame. 39.

This village is surrounded by a wall in all four directions. The village is
competing with great mountains to show its importance and status.
The walls are so tall that it seems that they are able to speak to the
clouds due to their lofty position. The walls are able to prevent
invaders or strangers from entering the village. 40.

The houses give the village great splendour and are able to give the
residents bliss in every season (adverse weather). It is as if the layout
of the village is similar to a game of Choupar where the treasury is
full. 41.

In order for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to manifest the village of Talwandi
was transformed into a heaven. The cows in the village give milk as if
it was elixir and the people were beautiful and intelligent like the demi
gods. 42

The village of Talwandi was so glamorous and wondrous that by
seeing it Vishwakarma was surprised. In this village lived the readers
of the Vedas and those who are priests for the fire ceremony as well
as the people who perform six daily rituals. 43.

In this way the wise and clever Brahmins lived in this village, the social
caste of the warriors (Kshatris) lived in the village imbued with the
warrior essence. The Kshatris are brave and live in accordance to
their intellect and politics. The social class of the Vais live according to
the teachings of the Vedas. 44.

The social class of the Shudras serve all the people in the village and
take great pride in their duties. The people of this village remain pain
and illness free keeping their mood happy. People read the prayers of
the Vedas to keep their healthy conditions. 45.

The clan of the Bedis lived in the village of Talwandi and were
adorned with weapons. The clan have created a place from where
they begin preparations for war, sacrificial fire worship and a pillar is
their insignia or sign. 46.

They have discarded both far and misery and in the sacrificial fire
instead of using spoons to clarified butter in to the fire pit they use the
sword in pour blood from their enemies body into the fire. 47.

Such a clan of Bedis exists in Talwandi whose fame is known
throughout the world. This is where they are currently residing. In this
clan lived a male by the name of Shiv Ram. 48.

His mind was tranquil due to the name of God and adopted the virtue
of Sato (truth, luminosity). He had eradicated the virtues of Rajo
(worldly) and Tamo (darkness). Due to him becoming engrossed in
the meditation of God he took off his weapons and did no harm to any
creature. He adopted the refuge of the lotus feet of the Lord. 49.

Baba Shiv Rams wifes name was Banarasi. She adopted the
righteous values of serving her husband. In this household were born
two great sons of great wisdom. The
Eldest of the two was Kalu whilst the youngest was Lalu. 50.

Kalu was of great fortune and became very righteous. He used to
meditate, perform austerities and keeping a daily routine by which he
was able to eradicate numerous deeds from past lives. 51.

He had a great desire for many births which was that God who is the
one who sustains the world should come into my household. (The
word use here is Vishnu, this is written in gurmukhi with only one
aunkar under the N and due to this represents Vish creation, Nu
the provider. This is a request to God and not the demi god Vishnu).
This desire constantly remained in his heart. He had heard that
through meditation one can please the Lord. 52.

(Baba Kalu Ji are thinking to themselves) If God is to understand me
to be a being without any virtues then this isnt an issue as the divine
manifestations have already taken place in the anthropomorphic forms
of the pig (Varah), the fish (Mach), the tortoise (Kach) and households
of ignorant individuals and that of low social castes. 53.

O Lord due to love and devotion you manifest in places that one would
never imagine to carry out your duty. Your glory is written about and
contained in the Vedas. An example in the household of Rishi
Kashyap and Adutti you manifested int eh form of Bavan. 54.

In this way you manifest to destroy the demons. Baba Kalu ji remained
engrossed in the remembrance of the Lord. So when this pious soul
came into the form of Baba Kalu after many other births the Lord
completed his desire. 55.

When the fateh Shivram saw his son Kalu he married him off into a
famous household. His wife was righteous and a treasure trove of
virtues who was warm and caring but who could actually state this?

The great female (Mata Tripta Ji) after a considerable duration of time
she started to perform many religious austerities. Some time had
passed while the couple remained married and lived in the loving
thought of God. 57.

In the village of Talwandi lived the ruler Rai Bular who loved Baba
Kalu as if he they were brothers. Whatever work needed to be over
seen in the land was handed to Baba Kalu. 58.

In this way Baba Kalu Ji lived his life in merriment and both he and his
wife desired for a son to be born in their household. Initially God
blessed them with a gifted daughter in the womb of Mata Tripta Ji who
was called Nanaki. 59.
* '

In that way that the goddess Parbati was the daughter of the
Himalayan Mountains and his consort Maina, Nanaki was the
virtuous daughter of Baba Kalu Ji and Mata Tripta Ji. Nanaki was the
form of devotion and meditation. 60.

- -

Some time passed and the Lord became aware of the devotion of
Baba Kalu Ji and thought to himself, I should go to the earth and
manifest as his son. After this the king of the world was to manifest
on the earth. 61.

Then the Lord manifest as the second child of Mata Nanaki who had
accumulated great merit from penances performed. The stomach of
the mother began to grow it was as if a second moon was radiating
luminance. 62.


Even if Mata Tripta Ji was not wearing any jewellery even then she
remained beautiful and elegant. Whichever house Mata Tripta Ji sat in
she glorified due to her beauty. 63.

If one is to listen to these complements and have suspicions to its
reality then the Lord who glorifies the world, galaxies, dimensions and
universe, why would he not glorify the place in which he is residing?
(The womb of Mata Tripta) 64.

, , , ,

When the master of the universe manifest in the womb of Mata Tripta
Ji those people who were considered apostates and sinful all became
pure and righteous. They spoke the truth, content, righteous and
earned a truthful living. They began to do such fruitful deeds. 65.

A scented breeze began to flow through which all pain, worries and
illness all disappeared. The clouds began to form full of rain to
celebrate the manifestation of the Lord. The rain bringing clouds
fulfilled the desires of the mass population. 66.

The trees began to grow large amounts of fruit to show their
happiness for the impending manifestation of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

The land of Talwandi was becoming green and fertile. The land was
very excited by the impending manifestation. Both the conscious and
insentient beings in Talwandi were overjoyed with the impending
manifestation of the Lord. 68.

When the ten months of pregnancy had passed then the full moon of
the month of Sat arrived. The sky is full of stars glorifying it in the way
the virtues glorify a devotee. 69.

Those clouds carrying no water in Talwandi all went away from the
land in a way that the ills and pains all are dispelled from the true
congregation. It was the advent of the full moon in the month of Kattak
and the moon was bright as the splendour of the Lord.70.

It was the Bikrami year of nine plus six (15) and twenty six years (1526
Bikrami) when the divine Lord, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest.
Everyone was very pleased at the time but did not know what the
cause of such euphoria was. 71.

The beings who lived on the earth or in the ether all meditated on the
deathless Lord which made them joyful. Due to the joyous occasion
they were blowing their conch shells and shouting, be victorious at
the arrival of the Guru. 72.

The demi gods got together and started to rub sandalwood and mixed
it with saffron and camphor. They sprinkled this over the house of
Baba Kalu Ji and also threw leaves from the Kusam tree (this tree is
a heavenly tree kept with the demigods due to its beauty) in
celebration. 73.


All the midwife got ready to assist and serve Mata Tripta Ji as the son
had just been born (Guru Nanak Dev Ji) and she was in a state of
ecstasy. At that time eight lamps were alight in the house of Baba
Kalu Ji but their light was not as bright as the child Guru, Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. 74.


The Lord Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is illuminating in form and beautiful.
The midwife was surprised on seeing the form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji and thought, this child has taken birth and instead of crying is
actually laughing. She could not understand what was taking place in
front of her eyes. 75.


When all other children are born into the world they arrive with the
sound of crying but this child is laughing as if he is internally in a state
of euphoria. Bhai Santokh Singh Ji states how can this midwife who
doesnt have the right level of intellect comprehend what is taking
place before her eyes? This child is actually the Lord manifest who is
exempt from the cycle of transmigration. 76.

The midwife ran to inform Baba Kalu of the joyous news. She said to
him, O Baba Kalu Ji you house is full of joy and congratulations as a
radiant son has been born into your family I wish you much
happiness. 77.

After hearing that a child had been born from this message given by
the midwife a sense of peace and bliss propagated in the heart of
Baba Kalu Ji. It was as if a poor family had obtained the wish fulfilling
tree Kalapbrich, this was the sense of bliss Baba Kalu Ji felt. 78.

After hearing the news Baba Kalu went and bathed whilst wearing his
clothing as advised and instructed by Vedic rituals. He focused his
complete thoughts on the Lord, folded his hands and prostrated in
respect to the divine. 79.

In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifested in the world in order to
give the earth some peace and spread the meditation of the Lords
name. Later I will narrate the events that took place in the life of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji within which assisted great numbers of people. 80.

The third Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is regarding the birth of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now been
Adhyai 04

Kabit (Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is now explaining with humility the
details of his poetry and poetical composition) my poetry is like a blind
individual where I have not conformed to any of the previous methods
of composing poetry such as Boli, Pingli, Nangi, Moi Hoi, Belori, Arth
Heen, Desh Kaal, Virodhi and Gun Agon because I do not understand
any of them. I do not understand the nine different types of Alankars
(literal embellishments, metaphors) used in creating poetry. There are
no virtues in either me or my poetical compositions as the style of
writing is completely wrong. However there is alone one virtue in my
composition, O saints hear this as it contains the blemishless praise
for the Guru and God which I find pleasing. 1.
: ,

Couplet In the way the flow of the river Ganges does not flow
straight but the knowledgeable do not find a fault in the river. Instead
they bathe in the water and drink from it. (Take this composition to be
like the Ganges where only the knowledgeable will bathe and drink the
divine eulogy). 2.


Bhai Bala Ji is speaking;
Quatrain Bhai Bala Ji say to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji, Listen to the
eulogy of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji which is pure and full of virtues. It
had now become morning and Baba Kalu Ji called his servant and
said, Quickly run to the Brahmins house. 3.


His name is Hardayal and he is great astrologist. Bring him to my
house without any delay. The servant heard this and went into the
house of the Brahmin and stood at the door shouting for him. 4.

Pandit Hardayal Ji heard the calls and quickly came out of his house.
The servant said, O Brahmin, Baba Kalu has sent me here, please
come with me as he is requesting your presence in his house. 5.

Pandit Hardayal Ji replied, I will come once I have completed my
meditation, I will not do any other tasks after my meditation. The
servant heard the reply and relayed the message to Baba Kalu Ji. 6.

Once Pandit Hardayal Ji had completed his daily meditation five
Gharis of the day had passed when he arrived at the house of Baba
Kalu Ji where everyone was is a buoyant mood. Pandit Hardayal Ji
blessed Baba Kalu Ji and was very pleased. 7.
: ,


Couplet Baba Kalu Ji brought the Pandit into his house and sat him
down next to him. 8.
: !

Quatrain Baba Kalu Ji said, O Brahmin listen to this, God has
blessed my household with a son. Please have mercy on me also by
letting me know what the stars project for my sons destiny. 9.

Please tell me about both the good and bad omens and write out the
birth horoscope for my son. Pandit Hardayal Ji said, O Baba Kalu Ji
please provide me with some paper and sandalwood. I will pray to the
demi god Ganesh and then see what is written in the stars. 10.

Pandit Hardiyal Ji asked, When the child was born what did he say or
do? Tell me what he said? At what time was this child born? Call the
midwife and find out these details? 11.

The midwife of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was called Doulata who was
called by Baba Kalu Ji. He also requested that the provisions be
requested as per the instructions of the Pandit. 12.
: ,
Couplet Pandit Hardiyal Ji had all the items required to read the
stars which were brought by Baba Kalu Ji. He sat next to the Brahmin
and said the following. 13

Quatrain When the child was born the time was one Ghari and two
Pahirs of the night. It was also the advent of Pooranmashi (full moon).
Then Pandit Hardiyal asked the midwife, What did this child say or do
when he was born? 14.

' !
The Midwife Doulata said the following, O knowledgeable one listen
to what I have to say, many children have been born thanks to my
services but what this child did on birth I have never seen before. 15.

In a way that two wealthy people are to meet they are pleased, in the
same way the child on birth was pleased and laughed. He has great
characteristics on his limbs and is not similar to other beings. 16.


Couplet Pandit Hardiyal heard all of the words spoken by Doulata
and became to deliberate on the stars. All of the stars in the sky were
visible due to the time of day. 17.
: -


Quatrain This child was born with great destiny. The Pandit then
began to consciously think to himself, This must be some divine
manifestation and due to this Baba Kalu Ji is very fortunate. 18.

(Pandit Hardiyal Ji continues to ponder on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis
manifestation); It must be Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva who have
manifested. As the characteristics of a divine manifestation as all
present in this child. A whisk will forever be waved on this individuals
head and his birth has taken place at an auspicious life. 19.

He will be the king of the world and victorious over the world. The
Pandit then desired to see the child and inspect his form. 20.
: ,


Couplet The Pandit then said to Baba Kalu Ji, Show me the child.
The midwife Doulata was summoned by Baba Kalu Ji. 21.

Quatrain (Baba Kalu Ji are speaking to Doulata) Bring the child to
this knowledgeable individual. The midwife on hearing this went to
the residence of Baba Kalu and asked for the child but Mata Tripta Ji
refused to hand the child over in the manner that a materialistic
individual grasps his wealth. 22.


Mata Tripta Ji said, It is a cold season outside and due to this the
child will catch a cold. The limbs of the child are firm so why do they
want to the child to be outdoors? The Pandit outside again asked to
see the child and then Mata Tripta Ji handed over her beloved son.

The midwife Doulata brought the child out of the house whose face
was radiant and beautiful. His face was small and illuminated but great
in glory like the Bohar. (The bohar is a very small piece of land in the
Triveni where the Lord is to manifest as a very small abstract being
and sit on this when the world is to enter dissolution. Even though the
land is small it had great fame and glory). 24.
: ,


Couplet The Pandit was a very knowledgeable being and recognised
the divine characteristics of the Guru. He gained a sense of happiness
in his heart and stood up. 25.

Quatrain He became imbued with love for the child and due to this
bowed to the young child consider himself to be lucky and grateful. He
looked at the child in the same way a holy man looks at his beloved
master and becomes pleased. 26.

He saw the beautiful characteristics of the childs limbs and continues
to inspect the rest of the childs features. The feet of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji are firm and beautiful like the petals of a lotus blossom. 27.

The arms, knees and shoulders are all long and beautiful of the child.
The nails of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are red in colour. The fingers of
the child were all of the same length and his chest was widely spaced.

In his left hand he had a mark showing a whisk and a mark of a
canopy in his right hand. (These are signs used by astrologers). Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Jis cheeks were full and round while he had a long
nose making him look beautiful. 29.


There is a small image of a crescent moon on the head of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji as he glorifies the area. The eyebrows are shaped like
upturned bows and the brows do not meet. Pandit Hardayal Ji said, O
Baba Kalu Ji listen to me your son is very astute and he has the
twenty two virtues within him. 30


The palms of Guru Nanak Dev Jis hands are long which represents
that this individual will have great riches but not actually retain it for his
own purposes. Pandit Hardayal Ji states he has learned the
knowledge of the Samundrik Granth (a text on palm reading and
astrology) and from this is explaining the different fortunes of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. This child has all of the good virtues. 31.

- -

Pandit Hardayal Ji realised that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis fame would
be known far and wide. He eventually realised that Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji was actually the transcendent form of the Lord who is supreme
truth, supreme bliss and complete consciousness. After the Pandit
had seen the Guru then the maid Doulata took the baby back to Mata
Tripta Ji. 32.
- *

A ritual feast for Hindu priests was held in celebration of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Jis manifestation in accordance with the Vedas. Baba
Kalu Ji is requesting for the knowledgeable men to name the child and
explain the meaning of the letters and name given. 33.

Pandit Hardayal Ji said, O Baba Kalu Ji the name of this child is great
and due to this I will name him after great deliberation. Please
complete your rituals in accordance to your family clan. Whichever
beggar comes to your house do not let them go empty handed. 34.
: ,


Couplet After saying this Pandit Hardayal Ji left and checked
through the astrological readings. He then places a garland of leaves
and flowers above his door as a sign of happiness. 35.

Quatrain Many beggars came to house of the Bedis for offerings as
did the eunuchs. People came carrying kettle drums, bells and chains
to make music and dance due to the joyous occasion. 36.

Folk songs are being sung with sweet voices form the people who
come to the house. The entire village females came to the abode all
dressed up wearing jewellery. 37

The eyes of the individuals seem intoxicated like that of an elephant
and the women sang like they were cuckoos. Those who were
wearing new cloths had pale and slim stomachs. 38.

The women were wearing gold which was encrusted with jewels. All
other types of jewellery were also worn to the house of the Bedis. The
females are wearing anklets, bracelets and a silver chain around their
waists. These all make noises when the women dance. 39.

There was a large gathering at the Bedis house who was excited to
see the child. The heavenly dances adopted a form to try and trick the
people of the earth came to see the Guru who came to give the feeling
of bliss to the world. 40.

The heavenly dancers came into the house of Baba Kalu and
celebrated the arrival of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Numerous drums
were being beaten outside the house of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The
Dhadhis and Bards arrived at the door of Baba Kalu Ji and gained
considerable wealth. 41.

Both men and women are at the door of Baba Kalu Jis house offering
their congratulations and due to this the size of the gathering grew
more. Whatever a person desires as an offering that is what they
receive from Baba Kalu Ji. 42.
: ,
Couplet Baba Kalu Ji completed all the rituals in accordance to
custom of the Bedis clan. All men and women are praising his fame
and glory. 43.

Quatrain Many people have seen sons born to great families, but no
one has celebrated as Baba Kalu Ji has with such enthusiasm. All the
men and women and saying this between them and all agree that the
child born into this household is a blessed child with great fortune. 44.

The six customs were carried out (such as to give offerings, to do well,
etc) Rice was thrown in all directions of the house and worship was
done to eight goddesses. The females in the house were bowing so
that the child will have a happy life. (Remember these were the Hindu
customs performed before the rise of Sikhism) 45.

When the child had been born for thirteen days then Pandit Hardayal
Ji came to the house and spoke to Baba Kalu Ji. He said, This childs
name should be Nanak as there is no name as great as this. 46.

The Pandit said this and put the child into a small Chola (traditional
Indian clothing). Baba Kalu Ji then said the following, This seems to
be a name made up of both Hindu and Muslim vocabularies and a
name should not be made in this way. 47.

Please deliberate on the name again and then we will name the child.
You need to see which is great and which is not. We will adopt a
name that is considered great by my lineage for my son. 48.
: ,
Couplet The previous names that have been used in the Hindu
religion have been used after great deliberation. So for these reasons
deliberate on a name so that no one will find a flaw in it. 49.

Quatrain After hearing this Pandit Hardayal Ji said the following,
Your son is a great manifestation just like the manifestations of Ram
and Krishan. Only the Hindus accept them and not the Muslims. 50

Both faiths will accept your son as divine and his devotees with be
both Hindus and Muslims. The feet of your son are similar to a ship
guiding people to safety through divine knowledge to liberation. 51.

Whoever remains in your sons company will cross over the worldly
ocean. He will be well known throughout the world. He will assist many
people to cross over the worldly ocean to liberation. He will be the one
who will give others the name of God to meditate one. 52.
: ,


Couplet He will be known from the land to the sky and within nature.
He will be the worshipper of the one divine and omnipresent God. 53.

' ,
Quatrain The earth, the mountain and the oceans will give way to
your son on his travels. Both day and night the elements will be in
accordance to his will. I have deliberated long and hard on the name
of Nanak. For this reason I have given this beautiful name to your
son. 54.

Both the Hindus and Muslims will recite his name. Understand the
great glory of his name. There are great things written in this childs
birth horoscope and that is what I have told you. 55.

O Baba Kalu Ji there is no falsehood in what I have told you. Have
faith in what I have said and consider this to be the truth. Baba Kalu Ji
asked, Then at least tell me the meanings of the name Nanak.
Pandit Hardayal Ji replied, The letters of the name are great so
deliberate on their meanings in your heart. 56.
: * ,


Kabit This is the meanings from the Sanskrit script of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Jis name. The first letter is N which means one who is
complete. The next letter is A (Aira) and with the third letter being K
in the name. This makes the syllable AK whilst the last two letters are
A and N making the syllable An. The meaning of the name is that
this being is one who has no (An) pain (Ak). The meaning of the word
Ak is pain and the whole world is trapped in pain. The being who
suffers no pain remains forever in bliss. This is the meaning for the
name Nanak who is the subordinate to the devotees and is forever
the supreme truth, supreme consciousness and complete bliss. 57.
: ,


Couplet When Baba Kalu Ji heard the words of the Pandit he was
internally happy. He blissfully gave an offering to the Pandit and then
Pandit Hardayal Ji returned home. 58.

Quatrain Pandit Hardayal Ji on his way home pondered in his mind
on many things. He thought to himself, I have aged considerable and
become old. For this reason I am regretting the actions I have done
during my life. 59.

- '

I will not be able to see the glorious life of this child, these are the
wavering thoughts in the mind of Pandit Hardayal Ji. He is thinking to
himself, May I remain alive until I see this childs glory and my fortune
will or will not allow this. 60

When this child leaves his childhood and becomes in his youthful
years many people will be in this childs congregation and swim across
the worldly ocean. I will then make a supplication to the Guru and ask
that to free me from the bondage's of work and liberate me. 61.
: ,
Couplet If the Guru is the knower of all then through his intuition he
can read what I am thinking in his young form. If he has this power
then he can show me something that will happen in my life and
through his mercy grant me a divine sermon. 62

Quatrain When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is at the age when he can
give out knowledgeable sermons please O Lord let me live til this
moment. In this way whilst deliberating on these thoughts Pandit
Hardayal Ji went home whilst meditating on the name of God yearning
for salvation. 63.

After this moment a considerable time elapsed and Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji continue to grow. This is similar to how a devotee grows in
knowledge and his vices decrease. 64.

The fourth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is regarding the name of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now been
Adhyai 05


Kabit (This invocation to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is similar to the
details given on the fifth and thirtieth stanza of the Sri Jap Ji Sahib).
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is similar to Brahma and can propagate both
the virtues of dispassion and knowledge in the heart of a devotee. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is similar to Vishnu in the way he nourishes the
virtue of knowledge in the heart of the devotee. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
is similar to Shiva in the way he destroys the vices in the heart of the
devotee. In the way the moon is able to sooth with its rays so can Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji sooth the heat from the vices of sin in the heart of
an individual. In the way the sun dispels darkness Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji is able to dispel the noose of attachment from the heart of the
devotee. In the way a diva can illuminate a room so can the light of
knowledge Guru Nanak Dev Ji places in the mind of an individual.
Once the mind becomes enlightened it eradicates Maya and one is
able to see the truth about the existence. If a person is to adopt the
shelter of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis feet then they will become liberated
from the cycle of births and deaths. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like the
ship who can ferry a person across the worldly ocean to safety. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Couplet Mata Tripta Ji puts the child Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to rest in
the cradle and sometimes he is being carried in another persons
arms. With great love Mata Tripta Ji takes care of Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji who has a moonlike illuminating face which Mata Tripta Ji embraces
and kisses. 2.

Quatrain Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis face is like a lotus blossom and
Mata Tripta Ji on seeing it is playing the beautiful game of life
eradicating all causes of pain. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis eyes are like
the white leave of a blossom and the nose is that beautiful that the
blossom cannot be even considered in comparison to it. 3.

Mata Tripta Ji took out some beautiful ornaments and put them on Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Small bells are tied to the waist of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji and add to the glory of the child Guru. 4.

On the arms of the Guru small bracelets are placed while anklets are
placed on his heels. Those people who see the Guru become
attached to him. The two teeth that are now in the mouth of the Guru
add to his glory as if there were two pearls in a coral shell/reef. 5.

In an enclosed area Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the granter of
liberation have began to crawl. By crawling Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji pull
their lotus feet behind him which brings joy to Mata Tripta Ji. On
seeing this she laughs while Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives out joyful
shrieks which were sweet. 6.

All of the females from the Bedi clan come and see Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji and by doing this become intoxicated with his glimpse. They all
take the Guru one by one into their arms, love him and hold him with
bliss. 7.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji stammers sweetly all the man and
women find this adorable and loving. The mother seeing her son loves
him and when Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji crawls the dirt from the earth
attaches itself to him. 8

When the dirt attaches to the child it makes his complexion dirty so
Mata Tripta Ji washes his limbs with water. She washes his body,
clothes him then carries him again in her arms. 9.

Couplet A small thin piece of clothing is worn by Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji which is placed on him by his mother Mata Tripta Ji. Mata Ji
then fed the child milk and placed him in a cot. 10.

Quatrain Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remained asleep in his cot for two
Gharis. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji woke up he was imminently alert
to the world. Sri Guru Nanak Dev played whilst in his cot and pulled
himself up supporting his weight on his feet to stand in the cot. 11.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now gained the strength in his legs and is
able to stand on his own. He used to play on his own in a lovable way.
When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji played with other children they could be
heard due to their anklets. The eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are
beautiful and add to the elegance of his face. 12.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji does not return home until he is called by his
mother. He plays with the other kids in the alleyways chasing them.
Later Mata Tripta Ji calls Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji home so that he can
eat. Mata Tripta Ji never gets tired of seeing her son and feels exalted
when she sees him. 13.

Couplet Mata Tripta Ji fed Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji yoghurt and rice of
which he only eats half of the meal before running off to play with his
friends. He plays with other children and no one can understand his
miraculous game. 14.

Quatrain Sometimes Baba Kalu Ji would be holding Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji on his lap. By seeing the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji it
brought great happiness to Baba Kalu Ji. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji later
leaves his fathers lap and goes and plays with the other children. 15.

By seeing the beautiful face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji both the men
and women all stop and stare. These people all stop to talk to Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji and hear his sweet words. 16.
All the men and women say between themselves, Baba Kalu Ji is
blessed as if a child like this is born into a household then all the
members of that family are exalted. 17.

Couplet The love in an individuals mind is attracted to the image of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. In a way that all the streams and rivers make
their way to the sea all people are attracted to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Quatrain The eyes of all the individuals are similar to Chakors while
the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was like a moon to which all the
eyes found bliss. The form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was illuminating
like the sun while the face of all individuals is like a lotus blossom
which blooms on its seeing the Guru. 19.
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By listening to the sweet words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji they become
intoxicated as the dear does on hearing the horn. In this way Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji plays the childhood games. The individual who focuses
of the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji can cross the world over to
salvation. 20.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was aged five he then started to play in
this manner. Whatever item he finds in the house he takes it with him
when he leaves and loses it. 21.

' ,
Couplet Whether it is be utensils, jewellery or clothes he takes it
from his home and throws it away where the poor live. 22.

' 7
Quatrain Each day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji do the same where they
are merciful to those who are unfortunate. One day Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji took an expensive cooking utensil from the house and threw
this in front of a poor person who he saw walking. 23.

' ' ? , '
When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji came home Mata Tripta Ji saw that he
had returned home empty handed she was very cross. She asked
him, Where have you thrown the utensil? You had it in your hand one
minute and now it is gone. 24.

On being questioned Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji failed to reply to Mata Ji.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remains completely silent. Mata Tripta Ji at that
point picked up a stick in order to punish Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 25.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji fearing his mother was like a young
dear who lowered his eyes. Both of the eyes filled with tears and tears
rolled down the Gurus face as if it was water from two streams. 26.

Quatrain At that moment Baba Lalu Ji (uncle of Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji) came to the house and prevented anything happening to the Guru.
Still Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis mother was still angry and continued to
say, My son has committing some mischievous acts. 27.

Whatever item he likes in the house he takes with him and does not
return it. For this reason I am not happy with this hard hearted and
insensitive attitude. I have not seen another child like this. 28.

, '
He has already lost a large amount of items and he does not seem to
understand. I was ready to punish him but due to your uncle arriving
you have been saved. Do not do this again. 29

Couplet in this way Mata Tripta Ji made Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
understand but straight way she became full of the love and
attachment she had for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. She grabbed Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Jis hand and sat him in her lap. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is
the master of mercy and piety. 30.

Quatrain Mata Tripta Ji is using a beautiful piece of cloth to wipe the
tears from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis eyes. She has become engrossed
with attachment for the child and in her mind is regretting her actions
towards the child. She is thinking to herself, God has only blessed our
family with one son. 31.

The child is still of young age and has no know what is his and isnt.
He does not seem to have any attachment to the items we have at
home. When he is older he will understand all of this for this reason it
is not good to frighten him. 32.
' |
In this way Mata Tripta Ji deliberated in her heart and lovingly let him
go from her lap. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji then left and started to play
with the other children. A glimpse of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is able to
eradicate all pains that a person can suffer. 33.

Couplet by seeing the characteristics of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji his
father Baba Kalu Ji remembers the advice of Pandit Hardayal Ji.
Whilst wrestling with his thoughts in his mind Baba Kalu Ji arrived at
the house of Pandit Hardayal Ji. 34.

7 ' 7
Quatrain When Baba Kalu Ji met Pandit Hardayal Ji he said the
following, It was good that you checked the astrological signs on the
birth of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji however not even one of the things you
said about my son has come true. You praised my son and said he
would have infinite virtues. 35.

From seeing the childs characteristics I have come to the following
conclusion that this child will lose the wealth of the household. You
said that a canopy would be held on top of my sons head however he
is already losing the initial possession in the house which God has
already granted. 36.
, ,
Whatever he picks up he loses. If we are to ask him about the said
item he does not tell us anything. From what you stated that my son
was to have numerous virtues if you look at him it seems he actually
has no virtues. You seem to me a person with great knowledge
however everything you said has turned out to be completely wrong.

, 7 '
Couplet Did you say these things just to please my mind? Did you
fail in your astrological formulas and equations? 38.

Quatrain Pandit Hardayal Ji listened to the complaint which was said
with complete faith by Baba Kalu Ji. Then to assure Baba Kalu Ji the
great Pandit said the following; 39.
' 7
, 7 7
Baba Kalu Ji I realised one characteristic of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis
straight away. Due to your delight at the time I did not disclose this.
That characteristic has now manifested which I did not tell you about
at the childs birth. 40.

All of the family of this child will not realise the glory of this child.
However infinite others will benefit from the glory of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji. Only some of the family will gain anything from the child as
they will be unable to grasp his values. 41.

When he comes into adolescence his fame will continue to grow in
the way the Bavan manifestation controlled the three domains in one
moment and grew to a gigantic form in an instant. The Kings and the
saints will follow your son in the way the residents of Mathura
accepted Sri Krishna. 42.

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He will have the virtue of being the epitome of righteousness like Sri
Ram Chandar and you will understand this when he is older. He will
be knowledgeable like Rishi Vyas and those who accept him will be
ones with great fortune and destiny. 43.

Couplet Have faith in your son and forget about the love you have
for false material possessions. He is the grand form of the Lord who is
both the root of the insentient and conscious forms. 44.

Quatrain The words of Pandit Hardayal Ji were great for Baba Kalu
Ji and he accepted only some of it as the horse forcefully accepts it
reins into its mouth. The praise of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like the
ocean of ambrosial elixir. The words of Pandit Hardayal Ji are great
like a pearled rosary. 45.
' '

In a way a vegetable salesman does not know the value of the elixir or
pearls so it the same for Baba Kalu Ji accepting the virtues and praise
of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Baba Kalu Ji does not accept these words
to describe his son. Baba Kalu Ji then returned home and continued
with his worldly work. 46.

Later that day the sun set and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji returned home.
Mata Tripta Ji on seeing her son becomes exalted and feeds him with
her own hands. 47.

Couplet Then Mata Tripta Ji prepared and fed milk to the Guru then
placed him in his cot. The face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is beautiful
and Mata Tripta Jis eyes were fixed to it as the Guru is the residence
of all bliss. 48.

Quatrain When there was only one and a quarter Pehirs left the
Mata Tripta Ji had a great dream. The beautiful demi gods were all in
her house celebrating. 49.

They were throwing the petals from the Kalapbrich from both of their
hands and throwing the fragrance of sandalwood. All these fine
fragrances were being thrown in the house over Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji. In the middle of the room is a beautiful throne which is encrusted
with white pearls. 50.
She saw that her son, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sat on the throne.
He looked so beautiful that an infinite number of Kamdev (the demi
god of love) could not equate to the beauty. The demi gods are
clasping their hands and worshipping Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. They are
making numerous loving supplications to the Guru. 51.

, ' '
' , !
Couplet They are praising the Guru and are shouting, Be
victorious. They are all saying to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, You are
pure, complete and divine Lord who is endless. 52.


Quatrain In order to give the earth some support you have taken
form in the lineage of the Bedi clan. You have come to manifest the
remembrance and meditation of the Lords name. You are also
manifest to destroy sin, falsehood and enemies of righteousness. 53.

Quatrain O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji you are the one who is going to
guide the beings in the age of Kaljug by bringing them into the true
congregation (Satsangat). You have manifest to meditate on the name
of God and to focus on his feet while eradicating the cycle of
transmigration for your saints. 54.

You have come to provide support and shelter while at the same time
you eradicate ignorance and bad actions from being committed. You
will destroy the ego of the rulers and Sidhs whilst propagating the
recitation of the incantation of Waheguru. 55.

Couplet For this reason Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji you manifest into the
world and the demi gods continued to praise him in this manner. After
they had worshipped Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji they returned to their
abodes from where they initially came from. 56.

Quatrain Mata Tripta Ji on seeing the dream was shocked and is
unable to understand or recognise her sons glory. When she woke up
she doubted what she had witnessed and started looking at the limbs
of her son. 57.

Upon inspection she found that her son had sandalwood sprinkled all
over him due to this all the limbs were fragranced. Mata Tripta Ji could
not understand what had actually occurred she wonders was it real or
actually a dream. 58

Mata Tripta Ji is deliberating on the event in her heart and has
become worried as she does not know if the incident really occurred or
was an imaginative experience. She has however realised the glory of
her son and accepts that he is the manifestation of the Lord. 59.

Couplet The feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the reason for which
the demi gods came to worship him. With great loving devotion they
worshipped the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and again and again
prostrated to his feet in respect. 60.


7 7 7
Quatrain (Mata Tripta Ji is thinking to herself) I remember seeing
this all as if it was a dream however I can actually see the sandalwood
on the body of my son. In this way she continued to deliberate on this
until the morning when the sun rose. 61.

' ! , '
At that moment Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was the knower of all
realised that his mother Mata Tripta Ji had realised what had occurred.
For that reason Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji engrossed his mothers mind in
attachment. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji woke up then they made
themselves look sad and said to his mother, O Mother I am hungry
please make some food for me. 62.

After saying this Mata Tripta Ji forgot all about the events in the night
and in her heart only had the worry about her hungry son. She fed her
son and gave him some yogurt and only thought of him as she did
previously. 63.

Couplet When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji ate his food he went out to
play with his friends who had come to see him. When Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji left he could be heard by his anklets making loud noises. 64

, ,
Quatrain In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remained in his games.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji ran then so did all of the other children.
When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped and stood still or sat down so
did all the other children. 65.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji used to tell all of the other children numerous
stories which are imbued with dispassion and meditation to God. The
children listen to the discourse, accept the teachings and adopt the
practices from the stories. The thirst for stories seems to increase with
the children. 66.

The face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like a lotus blossom and his
words are full of fragrance. It draws the attention of all due to the
sweet essence contained in his words. The other children are like
bees that surround Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. They all listen to the words
with their ears and become engrossed in bliss. 67.

Couplet Whichever person comes or goes on his/her way they stand
still when they hear Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as his words are sweet as
if they were spoken by a knowledgeable individual. These people all
sing the praises of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 68.

' '

Quatrain What is this young child saying? He is just a child but his
parables are priceless. The face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like the
moon and his words are like the ambrosial elixir. Those people who
are listening are drinking this elixir. 69.

All of the children love Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as they do not leave him
alone and stare at his radiant face. When the protector of the week Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji goes home the children do not leave him and go
with him. 70.
When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji leaves the house the children go along
with him. In this way they remain in a state of bliss. The children with
pure hearts become liberated by the protector of the meek, Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. 71.

7 ,
Couplet The games from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis childhood life
have been narrated with great bliss. The Sikh who adopts the form of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis feet within his heart will gain the essence of
peace. 72

The fifth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which is
regarding the childhood play of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now been
Adhyai 06

Savaiya The fame of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like a garden of lotus
blossoms that gives endless bliss. The pure unblemished swans
remain in this garden as the goddess Saraswati who add to the
continuous fame of the Guru. Thos people who accumulate virtues
remain in the garden as if they were bees hovering around the flowers
and smell the beautiful fragrance of the Gurus glory. I am a poor
individual who has clasped his hands and begs at the door of the Guru
so that my mind can be controlled. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Chitarpada Chand (This is a measure which has four lines like a
quatrain but only focuses on virtues) In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji used to play with the children and hold discourses with them. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is adorned with jewellery adding to his glory. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the one who has mercy on the meek, granter of
bliss and eradicator of sin. Out of all the knowledgeable people Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the greatest and is sat under a tree with the
other children sometimes and on other occasions at home. The
children all surround Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and are becoming exalted
by seeing his divine form. 2.

, ,
, ,
, ,
' , , 7
Marhari Chand (This measure comprises of lines made up of twenty
line letters each) Baba Kalu Ji on seeing his son is very pleased and
realises that my son is now mature enough to be educated. He is
thinking to himself, The family occupation is very difficult and if Nanak
could do maths in the way I do then this is the age he should start
learning. As the village revenue official a large number of people rely
on us and by educating my son he will be able to do the same. If I was
to sit him with Pandhay and educate him then he will be able to do the
maths as I can. 3.
, ' ;
, , ' 7

The educated people say, The father who does not educate his son is
deemed to be his sons enemy. Without being educated one cannot
gain fame and this is well known throughout the world. My son is not
one to earn a vast amount of money and he does not understand the
way of the world. In this way Baba Kalu Ji is thinking to himself that
the next morning I will take him to Pandhay for education. 4
, ,
, ,
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, ,
When the morning came Baba Kalu Ji took Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
with him after he got ready. A tray containing rice and betel nuts was
taken by Baba Kalu Ji in both of his hands. The clothes adorning Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji are beautiful adding to his glory. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji accompanied his father. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is following
such a wonderful way in the way a baby elephant follows its mother
and the mother remains pleased. 5.

, '
' ,
Savaiya The feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are like lotus blossoms
and he holds the finger of his father with his hand while they walk. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was wearing bracelets on his arms and a black
cord around his waist. Sri Guru Nanak Dev was wearing earrings
which were shining and also wearing a necklace. The eyes of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji are long like the leaves of a lotus blossom and on his
head he is wearing a turban. Once they arrived at the school they saw
a number of boys learning from the teacher. 6.

Couplet Baba Kalu Ji took Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is a cloud of
bliss and sat with Pandhay. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis face was radiant
like the sun and his devotees on seeing him bloom like a lotus
blossom. 7.

' ! ,
, '

Kabit Baba Kalu Ji said, O Pandhay listen to me, Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji is my son, please teach him and give him this virtue with love.
When my son has learned a vast amount from you I will reward you
with wealth, clothes and other items. Within either one or two years
get my son ready. In this way Baba Kalu Ji relayed his desire to get
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji educated. Baba Kalu Ji left his son with
Pandhay and returned home. Pandhay saw that it was a good time to
teach the child, focused on the goddess Saraswati who is the
knowledgeable being that assists education. 8.
7 , 7 ' 7

' 7 , '

, '
Pandhay then began to scribe the numbers in order to educate Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji on numeracy as he had no previous education on
this topic. Because Baba Kalu Ji had left Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji did
whatever the teacher (Pandhay) told him. The children all repeated the
teachings after the teacher. The teacher assumed the children were
without concept or knowledge. And thought to himself that it will not
take long to educate these pupils. He thought to himself that the child
(Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) will learn quickly and due to this he would
also gain wealth quickly. The child is very clever and due to this there
is no other child like him. 9.
7 ,
, 7 ' ? '
, ' ,
' ,
The whole day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was taught whatever Pandhay
said to him. When the day turned to evening Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
returned home. Mata Tripta Ji saw Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and picked
him up to put him in her lap. Mata Tripta Ji asked, What did you learn
today? Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji informed her of what he had learned. It
had turned to night and following his meal Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji fell
asleep. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji never feared in his mind and if one was
to see him they would also feel bliss in their mind. The next morning
Baba Kalu Ji again took Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Pandhay. On
seeing Pandhay he praised Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and this brought
happiness to the mind of Baba Kalu Ji. 10.
' ,
, , ' ?
7 ,
, 7 '
Pandhay got all the children together in the school and then separated
them all into different places. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was very bright
and due to this he was given the education on numeracy. Pandhay is
saying the numbers again and again but Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
remains quiet. Pandhay asked, Why are you not speaking today as
yesterday you were repeating everything but today you are not even
listening. You should repeat the words as you did yesterday as the
other children are doing. When you are older this education will be of
great use to you. Your mind is wavering toward playing games and if
you do so then I will punish you by hitting you with this stick. 11

' 7 , ?
, ? ' !
, '
Marhari Chand After listening to Pandhay Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
said the beautiful words, What have you actually learned? Are you
trying to teach me the same as you to make me the same as you?
What have you actually gained? What education is worth learning
which one can take with them when they pass away? Please tell me
about this and give me a reply so that my mind can be put at rest?
After that you can educate me in anything you wish. 12.
' ,
_ ,
, ? '
Then Pandhay hearing this from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was surprised
and was filled with a strange sense of emotion. He then replied,
Through education you can learn all the knowledge of maths. You will
learn all that is needed to know about weights and their values.
Through this you will know all about addition of the weights. You will
be able to do the work that is currently done by your household.
Through this education your family are able to eat daily so why do you
not happily learn this type of knowledge? 13.
' , !
, |
, 7 , '
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, O Gopal Pandhay listen to me. Due to
the various practices you teach the soul of a being becomes trapped
in the mortal world. Due to the attachment to the world later the soul is
troubled by the angels of death. When a person is to go into the court
of the Lord the soul will only feel pain and this education will not assist
the soul. This will not be able tot prevent the pain caused by the
angels of death. When a person goes through the majority of his life
he begins to regret his earlier actions when they go to the abode of the
angels of death. If one is to deliberate on what I am about to mention
then can this account be changed. (Account of sins and merits
accumulated in a birth). 14.

, 7
Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis face is blemishless like a lotus
blossom; he is the abode of bliss and the granter of liberation. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji had mercy on Pandhay and to give him liberation
said the following shabad (hymn); 15.
Hymn recited in the measure of Sireeraag by the first King Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji.

' ' 7

Quatrain Bhai Santokh Singh Ji says, The meanings to this hymn
are very difficult which I will translate now the beautiful words said by
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. These are the first divine and beautiful words
uttered by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 16

For this reason Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji adopted a divine
manifestation on the earth. From such a young age Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji started to assist the world with his divine words. At this age Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji should not have been revealing these divine words
but did so as the world was uneasy and mentally disturbed by sin. 17.

Gopal Pandhay is the first individual that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji saved
from the worldly ocean by reciting this sacred hymn. The sacred
hymns are similar to the four Vedas and whoever understands this will
be able to cross the worldly ocean. 18.

, 7
Couplet The human body is like a diva lantern which is filled with the
oil of attachment. In this lantern are stones of desire and the flame is
of knowledge and realisation. 19.

7 '
Quatrain Due to the grace of the Guru when a person is close to him
then they will gain knowledge and realisation by dropping to the feet of
the Guru. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest in order to eradicate all pain
and due to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji being pleased with Gopal Pandhay
he was given this divine sermon. 20.
' ! 7

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, O Gopal Pandhay the oil which is like
attachment is burned away by the flame of knowledge and realisation
destroying all. Within your eyes you should put the great mascara of
the Lords faith. With the ego of the human body one should rub clean
in order to dispel it. 21.

With the great knowledge one should adopt it as if it was a piece of
paper. One should hold with their mind the pen made out of love. By
asking the Guru for a sermon one should make their consciousness
the writer. By doing this one should deliberate on the truth and
falsehood and write the details. 22.

, ,
Couplet You should learn to write this sort of account on a board
with which you will never have a deficit. Write the name of God and its
praise whose end cannot be found. 23.

Quatrain The place where the righteous king (Dharamraj) takes
your account from the angels of death by seeing the true sign of the
Lords name they will let you go. In a way a King takes his treasure
with him then no other person prevents this from travelling as is the
same as the name of the Lord. 24.

However on meeting the King one accepts an offering from the
treasure trove and due to fear within their hearts the people who carry
the treasure do not reluctantly touch it. O Gopal Pandhay if you have a
similar account in your heart then you will be able to cross this deep
worldly ocean. 25.
The place where the feeble soul goes to your beloved friend the
Lords name will assist you. Those people who accept the refuge and
shelter of the omnipresent Lord they will not need to anyone. 26.


Couplet Listening to this Gopal Pandhay deliberated on the words
and was totally surprised. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is like a full moon
whose words are true. 27.

7 '
Quatrain Gopal Pandhay was like a Chakor who was mesmerised by
the moon. He thought to himself, This child is no ordinary child and
not like any other child. This child has great powers and is merciful to
all those people who are stuck in the age of Kaljug under the burden
of sin. 28
7 7
' ,
Gopal Pandhay understood the message being conveyed to him and
got ready to ask a question. It was as if Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the
lotus blossom and Gopal Pandhay as the bee was ready to ask the
question. He asked, Those people who have become great through
the meditation to God I have heard of them and seen them but they
are seen as poor. 29.
' , |
They do not get a decent amount of food to eat or clothing to wear.
They eat what they receive and live an impoverished life. Due to this
my faith for them has disappeared from my mind. Whether you are
knowledgeable or ignorant you will die in the same way. 30.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the one who gives support to the
earth and righteousness. After hearing the response from Gopal
Pandhay uttered the second verse of the shabad in order to give him
faith and content. 31.

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' 7
Quatrain Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, O Gopal Pandhay do not adopt
such an idea in your heart. As in this manner the ignorant people die.
The ignorant people die in a state of pain and due to this they are
trapped in a cycle of transmigration always coming and going. What
sort of an account is this? 32.

The saints devoted to the Lord forever remain consciously happy and
they have no fear of the angels of death in their mind. They remain
forever happy both in this world and the next. They consider God as
forever close and constantly meditate on his name. 33.

They remain in their conscious and forget about their mortal body. In
the court of the Lord they gain great praise. They gain the saffron
mark on their forehead to show the greatness and their constant focus
on the Lord. 34.

, '
Couplet The Lord has great mercy on those who have gained the
name of God. Those who speak of anything other than the Lord have
no use. 35

7 7
Quatrain Gopal Pandhay listened to the words of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji and his mind became enchanted as a snake would become by
the music of a charmer. The words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are full of
humility so he asked the bestower of bliss, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the
following question; 36.

In an instant God created the Kings and Emporers. Within their
minds they do not have any love for the lord. They remain forever
engrossed in the bliss of sin and vices. They never remember the
name of the Lord in their mind 37

' 7
Day and night they remain in this condition as a bee remains at the
nectar of a lotus blossom so do they with vices and sin. Even in their
final moments they do not remember the name of the Lord just as a
sinner forever remains engrossed in sin so the kings. 38.

Couplet God has granted the body, mind and wealth. Those who do
not know the Lord are ignorant. In the way a frog remains in the mud
he does not recognise the value of the Lotus blossom so is the
condition of the kings. 39.


Quatrain They waste their life without meditating on the name of the
Lord. They never consciously remember the Lords name. They live
blissfully involved in materialistic pleasures. In their hearts they do not
have any worries. 40.
? ?
Gopal Pandhay asks, O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji how are they then
living in bliss? When they go in front of the Lord what happens to
them? O True Lord i now have these two questions in my mind. O
please have some mercy on me and answer these questions. 41.

After hearing these questions Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who had eyes
like lotus blossoms said the following words in order to eradicate the
troubles of the world. In order to gain dispassion from the material
items of the world Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited the third part of this
shabad. 42.

( , )
' ,
Couplet Those people who meditated on the Lord with a desire all
had to undergo the cycle of transmigration. These people became
engrossed and trapped in the sexual enjoyment. After death they will
go to hell. 43.

' 7 7
Quatrain The kings are given great names in the world and some
are born as beggars who go from house to house for alms. They only
have a few days of happiness in the world. Those who are stuck living
their lives in this way forget about fearing the angels of death. 44

, 7
When they reach the court of the Lord they will understand this. They
will regret their life decisions and shake their heads realising their
faults. The glory from meditating on the name of God will become
know to their consciousness. 45.
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The numerous angels of death with trouble and watch the individual
soul and will place a very heavy chain around your neck. They will
attach the soul to burning hot pillars as well as throwing them into
cauldrons of boiling oil. 46.

Couplet - The angels of death will cut small pieces of metal which
they will make read by burning on a fire will be placed in your mouth
whilst being hit to the head. People will suffer in such an agony and no
one will hear their woes. 47.


Quatrains In hell there are numerous pains and tortures and those
who do not remember the Lords name will suffer this torment. Those
who are engrossed in their vices have wasted their life as they have
not focused their thoughts on the love of the Lord. 48

7 '
In the way a thief may come to the point of his punishment everyone
sees his bad traits and no one lets him off the punishment. In this way
a person stands in front of the angels of death on his own and suffers
many different types of punishment 49.

, '
Couplet Whether it is sons, women or other forms of bliss a person
gets such as wealth and a kingdom are all with the being. If one is to
waste their life without remembering the name of God then accept it
as the Lord is not pleased with this individual. 50.
' ,

, ;

When Gopal Pandhay heard this sermon a desire within his mind
sprouted. The discourse of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was like a chain
fastened to the elephant like mind making it subservient. 51.
: ,

Quatrain Gopal Pandhay said, I have realised that you are one with
great powers. Your words are the granter of liberation however I have
one doubt so please eradicate this and then I will accept you as my


If the emperors of the world are trapped in a spell of attachment they
never remember the name of God then why doesnt the Lord make
them fear so that they will remember him? 53.

Due to having no fears they remain trapped in the sin of lustful desire
and have forgotten to meditate on God. They remain engrossed in the
love of their mind and body. They are unable to eradicate the love they
have for desires. 54.
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Couplet To remain still in the universe is the belief of people and
due to this people collect material possessions. Listening to this
request Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the protector of the meek replied; 55.


Quatrain Those people who God creates fear for both day and night
forget about the fear of the Lord. Every moment is bringing them
closer to their death and their body is daily heading towards old age.

Those people are engrossed in the lust for sexual pleasures and
desire bringing their body into a frail condition. These people are
known as the Pathans and Emperors who at the end merge with the
dust after death which I have witnessed. 57.

The attachment for material possessions and the body are both false
as when you leave here then nothing will assist you. Nothing will
accompany you further into the next world and people will waste their
life on accumulating such things out of attachment. 58.
: ,
Couplet The knowledgeable being is trapped in his ignorance and
does not understand his moment of death. It is as if a blind individual
is walking towards an open mouthed snake. 59.

Quatrain Through the grace of the Lord a being is able to meet the
Guru (spiritual master) and if this happens then they will not suffer the
wrath of the angels of death. If the Guru is able to give his sermon
then the being will gain the eye liner of knowledge. It one gains this
discourse then they will not fear the snake like death. 60.

The being who has imbued his or her mind into the loving devotion of
God then will give up their attachment to their body and material
possessions. The being will focus on gaining a direct knowledge of
God and renounce all worldly work. 61.

They understand the world and their body to be false. They have
eradicated all thoughts and desire linked to lustful desire and sin. The
doubts that they had about their own form are now the basis or trying
to realise their true form. 62.
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Couplet By remaining in contact with the congregation of the Guru
one is able to meditate on the true name of God. The doubts are then
removed and one gains a feeling of inner bliss within. 63.


Quatrain When they have gained realisation into their soul then
even if the body is in pain the being does not realise it. The being does
not know about the bliss of lustful desire or vices. The being remains
immersed in God and never forgets him. The being has got rid of
duality and remains in a constant state. 64.


They are free from the cycle of births and deaths. They have gained
the status of liberation and become the form of the Lord. In this way
Gopal Pandhay adopt this into your heart! Do not become engrossed
in the pride attached to the body. 65.

By meditating on the Lord one is able to eradicate the vice of pride.
Do not focus on anything other than the name of God. Make your
human birth fruitful by meditating on God and escaping from the cycle
of birth and death. 66.
: ,
Couplet Listening to such a discourse from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji,
Gopal Pandhay fell to the Gurus feet. He said, O Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji I am one who is trapped and have an impure mind. I was
unable to understand you knowledge and spiritual state as the
manifest form of the Lord. 67.

Quatrain The words uttered by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were similar
to a striking sword which is sharp due to the knowledge of the Lord.
The sword (which is the word of God) is held in the hand of meditation
which is gained through the adoption of dispassion. 68.

Whichever warrior is to come and stand in front of this sword will have
their limbs of ignorance dismembered. They will then gain a realisation
of their true form and later a feeling of bliss in the realm of truth. 69.


The cowards who are trapped in the fear of sexual desire are all
apostates from God. They have wasted their life in this world and
ruined their chance of being in the next world. It is as if they are
fighting a religious battle and instead of looking forward they have
taken their eye off the battle and look back. 70.
: ,
Couplet Those people who are graced by the Guru such as Gopal
Pandhay are granted the gift of liberation. One begins to focus their
mind in the meditation of the Lord once they hear the discourses of the
Guru. 71.

Quatrain Gopal Pandhay said, O True Guru the words you have
said are truly priceless. In the way a lock can only be opened with a
key in the same way your words are the key that have opened my
lock. O True Guru the words which I was going to teach you please
forgive me as I have understood that you are actually the
manifestation of God. 72.

After saying this Gopal Pandhay repeatedly bowed at the feet of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He said O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji a glimpse of
your divine form is able to eradicate the three causes of distress (Aadi
causes of mental illness, Biyaadi causes of physical illness,
Upadhi affliction of physical pain). You are known as the son of
Baba Kalu Ji however you have come to assist the beings from the
age of Kaljug. 73.

After gaining such a knowledgeable teaching Gopal Pandhay became
quiet. He became immersed in an inner state of bliss which is an
ocean compared to the rain drop like bliss found in the world. It was as
if a dumb individual had been fed a sweet dessert and could not
explain the feeling such was the feeling of bliss inside Gopal Pandhay,
it was unexplainable. He had gained the spiritual state of a being with
divine knowledge. 74.

The sixth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is regarding the spiritual discourse given to Gopal Pandhay by Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now been completed.
Adhyai 07
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Kabit In the way that the rays of the sun are very bright and manifest,
in the way that a King is able to punish those who have done wrong, in
the way that the brain glands behind the ear of an elephant make it
intoxicated all of these give glory to the objects (the sun, the king and
the elephant). In the way clarified butter can be found in rice pudding,
in the way content is found within a warrior fighting a battle, within
water one gains bliss (from drinking and eradicating thirst), in the way
that the moon resonates a glow, in the way the lotus blossom has a
sweet fragrant smell and the complete beings who are with God are
able to give liberation, in this way all of these things have great fame
and glory. In the way a charitable being gives money and gains praise,
in the way the Raags (musical melodies or compositions) gain praise
when sung in this way The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains all the
aesthetic flavour and bliss within it. 1.

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Bhai Bala Ji is saying
Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the granter of liberation had
returned home with anklets on his feet and a cord around his waist
both which had bells making noises. 2.

Quatrain Mata Tripta Ji on seeing Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, O
son you have returned home before the evening from the school of
Gopal Pandhay. Your father will be very angry as you are not
interested in education but in playing all the time. 3.

When Mata Tripta Ji said this then a tear came from the eye of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the one who gives bliss
to the saints is now standing on this earth. When Mata Tripta Ji saw
her son in a state of dispassion she grabbed him by the hand and
softly tried to explain what she had said. 4.

She said, O Son for you I will daily create jewelled ornaments and you
will forever gain sweet delights to eat. I you are able to gain the
education to learn and complete our family trade which you can do
when you are older. 5.
: ' ,
Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are residing in their house when the
evening had set in. Baba Kalu Ji returned home and saw his graceful
son with his eyes. 6.

' ?
Quatrain With great love and bliss Baba Kalu Ji embraced Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji he then sat Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on his lap whilst on a
stool. Baba Kalu Ji then said, O Son please tell me what you have
learned today at school? What did Gopal Pandhay teach you? 7.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard his fathers question he told him
everything. After that the other children arrived at the house and Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji left the house accompanying them. 8.

All the children played in the street on a night of the full moon. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is then narrating stories to the other children about
the divine message given to him about the Lord. 9.
: ,
Couplet Once the children heard the sweet ambrosial words of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji all of the children would go silent. The children
listen with loving attention and are never satisfied thirsting for more.

Quatrain Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis tongue is like a bow while the
words spoken are like arrows. The arrows are attached with the sweet
hymns uttered by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji which have made the tips
sharp. The reasoning and argumentative words given by Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji are the holder of the arrows. 11.

All of the accompanying children carry the signs of the stigma of these
arrows on their hearts. The children become intoxicated hearing the
words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and they become free of pain. The
children do not leave the company of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and
return home. Due to this their parents come and take them back
home. 12.

The parents take their children back to their houses but the children
due to having their minds intoxicated do not wish to leave the Gurus
side. They wish to just listen to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
through which they increase their love of the Guru. 13.


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is surrounded in all four directions by children
similar to how the moon is surrounded by stars. All of the sins of the
children are being destroyed by the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is sat with the children bringing them glory. All
sit listening to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji making the
congregation of Indar embarrassed. 14.

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All of the children are sat focusing on the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji and none are sat looking at the Gurus back. All of the children are
sat thinking to themselves that Guru Nanak Dev Ji is giving this
sermon specifically for them. They have controlled all of their sense
organs and sit attentively listening. 15.
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Couplet One day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was playing with the other
children he returned home. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was fed by his
mother and then in his beautiful young form fell asleep. 16.

Quatrain There was only one Pehir remaining until Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji was to wake up, this had been the routine of the Guru since he
adopted his divine form. When the Guru woke he bathed and put on
some beautiful clothes. 17.


When the day had started then Baba Kalu Ji held the hand of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji and walked in the direction of Gopal Pandhays school.
On arriving at the school Baba Kalu Ji said to Gopal Pandhay, Please
educate my son with all of your focus. 18.

Gopal Pandhay heard this and after paying his respects gave the
following reply, Your son is already completely educated and he does
not require any further education. Only an individual more educated
can teach him. In the world I can not see another being as educated
as your son. 19.
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Couplet Do not just understand your son to be only your son as he
is a divine manifestation. He is educated without the need for formal
education. He is actually the teacher to us all. 20.

* *

Quatrain Do not get too worried about educating your son. Your son
is actually the creator of the different types of knowledge. It is as if
someone compares a diva against the sun to eradicate the darkness
there really is no comparison. 21.

What sort of radiance and illumination can a diva give? The
illumination given in comparison to the sun is too minute. Baba Kalu
Ji heard the praise of his son and was greatly pleased. 22.

When the two then later returned home Baba Kalu Ji continued his
daily work. Whatever Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji desired to do that day he
did by playing with his friends. 23.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis forehead is broad and gives
radiance to the face of the Guru which allures others into a sense of
attachment. The eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are wide like lotus
blossoms and great like a well. 24.

Quatrain In between the two lips of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are his
sparkling teeth which appeared as jewels encrusted on the house of
Saraswati. The arms of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are also splendorous
whilst his ears are adorned with earrings bringing him glory as if he
was a king. 25.


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is looking to his father with the same gaze that
can assist a person to cross the worldly ocean. One day Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji collected some paper and made it into a small book. 26.

If any child is born into a family they usually imitate the actions of their
parents. In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji collected his papers and
played in his manner. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji started to write the
accounts of the apostates and elderly. 27.
: ,
Couplet At that moment Baba Kalu Ji came home and saw his
beautiful son. Then Baba Kalu Ji said with great love and bliss. 28.
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Quatrain O son why have you gathered all of the papers? You are
sat silently what are you studying? Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis focus did
not waver as it is on the papers in front of him. 29.

In the way in which a Pandit deliberates on the Vedant Shastar is how
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji focuses on the papers and does not look away
for a single moment. Hearing his fathers question Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji replied the following ambrosial words from his mouth. 30.

I am reading the Gita of 100 stanzas. With great love I am
deliberating on its meanings. Due to reading the Gita I am deliberating
that one who reads about the Lord walks on the path of
righteousness. 31.
: ,
Couplet Baba Kalu Ji was surprised to hear to hear the response of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Baba Kalu Ji became intrigued and wondered
if what he heard was actually true or false. 32.

Quatrain Baba Kalu Ji said, Read the Gita to me and explain the
meanings. Tell me the meanings that you have understood. After
hearing the blissful words of Baba Kalu Ji, the eradicator of pain, Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji began to explain the meanings. 33.


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the complete Guru explained the meanings.
The feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are the granter that will assist one
in crossing the worldly ocean. The small Gita that Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji created is being explained. Baba Kalu Ji became so intoxicated that
he was like a deer intoxicated by the chimes of a bell. 34.

Initially Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, read the stanzas of the Gita. Through
listening to it one gains great essence. Then he explained all of the
meanings and its intricate summary. 35.

- '
After listening to it Baba Kalu Ji deliberates on the words said by
Gopal Pandhay that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis intellect is greater then
any other and was right all along. Who else can have such a great
intellect at a young age? 36.
: ,
Couplet Baba Kalu Ji after listening to the Gita went to see Mata
Tripta Ji. Baba Kalu Ji following a great deliberation praised Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji from his heart. 37.

- -
Quatrain Initially the astrologer Pandit Hardayal Ji praised Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. He told me about the greatness of all of his limbs then
he said Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was of great intellect. 38.

- ! -

Now I have seen him with papers for educated people and with great
love was consciously playing like a child. I asked him what he was
playing and my son then replied with some beautiful words. 39.

He said he was reciting the prayer of the 100 stanzas Gita. He read it
to me as if he had learned to do so from a Pandit. Now the intellect of
our son is very great. Who knows what he will be when he is older?

Hearing this Mata Tripta Ji replied, In our son are all of the great
characteristics and his features are so beautiful as if a lotus blossom
is in bloom. He has never cried out. 41.

He plays happily with the other children and does not ever use
abusive language. He always says sweet words and never fights.
Every being who meets him praises him. All of the children remain
attached and surround him. 42.

He speaks like a grand educated individual. All of the elder children
also love Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. In this way both parents praised
their son. In this way there was great delight in their hearts. 43.

At that moment Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was playing with the children in
the alleys of Talwandi. Sometimes he jumps from the trees to the
ground with the other children. Sometimes he would close his eyes to
play the role of the maid. (This is a game of modern day tick or
chase). 44.


Sometimes he would run away and can not be caught by the person
playing the role of the maid. Then he would carry some of the children
on his shoulders so that everyone would know he is playing the role of
the maid. 45.

Where the soil is soft it is collected into a mound off which the children
take turns to leap off. This is the beautiful child from the Bedi lineage
whose jewellery is making noise. 46.

There are lots of kids present from Buddhist families who only keep a
small amount of hair on their head. A lot of Brahmin children are
playing with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the granter of liberation. 47.

Once a child came into contact with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji then they
continually return as if they were enchanted by a spell. Those people
whose fortunes on their forehead have awakened they speak to the
Guru and grasp the opportunity with glee. 48.
: ,

Naraj Chand Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the form who originally does
no play but it here playing with the children in a transcendent form. By
meeting all of the other children he plays with them. Guru Nanak Dev
Ji manifest in this form to eradicate ignorance and falsehood. Kavi
Santokh Singh Ji is clasping his hands and is bowing in respects to Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 49

The seventh Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is regarding the divine youthful play of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
has now been completed.
Adhyai 08
, -

Kabitt (This invocation is about the role the Guru plays in the life of
the Gursikh) In the way the arrow pierces a target, the way Birbhadar
killed Dach (Birbhadar was a demon who cam from the hair of the
demi god Shiva after his wife Sati had immolated herself. Sati has
immolated herself in fire when her father Dach failed to invite Shiva to
a religious event and slandered him. Birbhadar was sent to kill Dach
for his sins), in the way a net is thrown over fish in a river, in the way a
lion goes to hunt, in the way a hawk goes after its prey, in the way the
goddess Chandi killed the demon Biralach (Chandi is remembered
through the various praises found in the Sri Dasam Granth. During her
battles in the Devi Puran she fights a demon called Birlach who has a
anthropomorphic form with a human body and a cats heat!), in the way
Parasram killed the Kashatris (Parasram is also known as the Ram
with an Axe was an Avesha Manifestation. Parasram killed the warrior
caste over twenty one times in his life as they had become corrupt and
insolent), in the way Sri Ram Chandar crossed the ocean to defeat
Ravan (Sri Ram Chandar travelled to Lanka with the Monkey Army of
Sugreev's in order to rescue his wife Sita who had been abducted by
the demon Ravan), in the way Balram went to defeat the King of
Maghud, Jarasandh (Balram was the brother of Sri Krishna who
travelled to the land of Maghud in order to defeat Jarasandh the
demon who waged war against the demi gods. He was eventually
defeated by Bhim who was one of the Pandav brothers who featured
in the great Mahabharat), in the way Indar went up into the mountains
to throw the chakra of Vishnu at the enemies of the saints is the way in
which the Guru kills the attachment in the body of the Gursikh. 1.
: !
' ,
Couplet Bhai Bala Ji said, O Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji listen to the
following discourses. In the way the Lords manifestation Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji plays as he destroys the sins of his devotees. 2.

Savaiya By meeting with the other children Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
plays while his father Baba Kalu Ji calls him home. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji is adorned with beautiful clothes while he plays in the alleys of
Talwandi. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he sits and sometimes he
gathers the children to utter sweet words. He is fed by Mata Tripta Ji
who becomes please by merely watching him. 3.



One day Baba Kalu Ji thought to himself, without education Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji is wasting his life. What work and what could he do in
order to gain wealth? He should not do any other work other then that
of the family as if he is to do a different trade then people with slander
him. It is my duty to educate my child as he will not learn in his older
life. 4


Baba Kalu Ji took his son with him so that he could learn Farsi. Baba
Kalu Ji sat with the Mulla and began to praise his son, Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji. Please teach my child lovingly. He is very intelligent and will
learn quickly. Tell me what day I should bring him to you as watching
him being educated will give me a sense of satisfaction. 5.


Kabitt The Mulla replied, Tomorrow is a good day for you to bring
your son to the school. I will teach him lovingly and not say anything to
compromise your beliefs. Your son seems bright so take him some
now and I will see him tomorrow. Baba Kalu Ji returned home and all
of the people in the house ate their evening meal then went to sleep.
In the morning when Baba Kalu Ji saw the master of bliss, Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji he said to his son, Please study hard daily and do not
focus on playing all the time. 6.


- !

Baba Kalu Ji took some sweets and a silver rupee to the school which
was given to the Mulla to distribute while he started to write on the
board. The Mulla read the Kalaam then wrote the initial Persion letter
of Alif followed by the rest of the alphabet. It takes some time for the
Mulla to recite the letters but not for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Mulla
was surprised and assumed Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji must have been
educated before or is here lovingly learning from him. He could not
tell. 7.


' -
The Mulla thought to himself, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is mastering the
difficult letters of the Farsi alphabet with ease. This child is young but
his mind is wise like an elderly male. The Siharis and Muktas (special
letters), accumulation, accounts were all mastered by Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji. The children aged ten years at the school are anot equal to the
intellect of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This cannot be the work of any
ordinary individual Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji must be a divine
manifestation. In the way one cannot understand God the Mulla could
not comprehend Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 8.

The Mulla started to praise Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Baba Kalu Jis
sons intellect is great. He has easily mastered the difficult language of
Farsi. People come to see the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to test
his intellect. People are surprised at hearing his words. All of the
people are praising Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as his age is small but his
intellect is great. By hearing the sweet words both the Hindus and
Muslims they love Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and remain happy and never
upset or in pain. 9.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji speaks such sweet words and gives
discourses to his Sikhs as a Rishi would to his audience. By using the
Farsi alphabet he uses it to meditate on the Lord erasing sin like the
water from the sacred Ganges River. In the way the priceless words
from the Pandit are very sweet words and said with love so are the
words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Di and they are worthy of worship.
People listen to the praise of God and then repeat the teachings once
they get home. Great is Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who has come in the
age of Kaljug to give praise to the name of God. 10
: ,



Savaiya People leave their homes and work to go and see Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. They stare at the complexion of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
which they find blissful. People ask Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji numerous
questions in order to eradicate their scepticism and they listen to the
beautiful words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. People have realised that
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is infact a divine manifestation and due to this
people gained a greater faith in the Guru. Such great unknowable
words are being spoken and they are unshakable and strong intellect
like an iron double edged sword. 11.
: ,
Couplet All of the people understood the power of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji so he changed his behaviour. He began to act like a child who
was ignorant and did not know anything. He did this in order to
conceal his powers. 12.

Savaiya Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji goes out of the village of Talwandi
and lies in the shade of a tree. If someone calls him he does not
respond as he remains internally focused on God and in a state of
bliss. Sometimes he lies down in the house and his mother tries to
wake him but she is unable to as he remains silent. He remains lying
in the same place for up to two days at a time and due to this people
say the following: 13.


' * *

The son of Baba Kalu Ji was great with a vast intellect but know he
seems clueless, what is the reason for the change? He remains
intoxicated in resting but his appearance shows that he is in a state of
dispassion. It is as if the shadow of a ghost has been cast over him.
He does not care for the stories inside or outside of his house. When
he speaks he does not open his eyes. Those people who do not know
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji say this about him. 14.



Baba Kalu Ji seeing his son in such a state has become consciously
concerned. Many people have advised him on what to do and he has
tried many methods. Then Baba Kalu Ji went back to the Mulla for
advice and told him everything about Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. O Mulla
it seems that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has lost all of his intellect. What
method did you use to teach him Farsi? Please accompany me and
see what state he is in and tell me what is causing his condition. 15.

- -

The Mulla accompanied Baba Kalu Ji to his house where Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji was resting. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was lying down with
a white sheet covering him without a care in the world. Lots of people
had gathered to listen to the words uttered by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The Mulla and Baba Kalu Ji were shocked to see Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji as he seemed lost in comparison to the last time the Mulla saw him.



Kabitt The Mulla sat near Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and made the
following supplication, You have been graced by the Lord as in such
a small age you have been able to gain vast intellect. Your sweet
words are said in order to assist and support others. You character is
very good and with great love your word will increase your glory and
praise. Why do you not speak? What is the reason for this? Your
father is that worried about you that he has put aside his daily duties.
: ,
Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remained in silence and gave no
answer. Then the Mulla said the following words. 18.
- -


Savaiya All of the people standing close to you all desire to listen to
your utterances. Why do you not say anything? Everyone is becoming
saddened by this face. Please speak for a short amount of time as
everyone is shocked to see you no longer talk. Please speak about
the path to God from what you have in your mind. 19.
: ' ,
- -

Aril Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard the request by the Mulla in
complete humility. He asked for the path to God to be spoken about.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji opened his eyes and sat in front of everyone.
After this he uttered the following shabad in the Raag (musical
measure) of Tilang to eradicate everyones pain. 20.
In the stanzas numbered twenty one to thirty Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
commences his updesh to the Mulla in Raag Tilang. This shabad can
be found in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the first Shabad in Raag
Tilang on Ang 721


Quatrain (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says the following through the
shabad) O Mulla if you really want to know about my condition the
carefully listen to what I have to say. As you mentioned the Lords
name i am giving you this reply. 21.

Those individuals who believe that this world is eternal need to
realise that all is false other then the name of God. It is false like the
floating land of Raja Harichand which is like a cloud or the wager
waged by a gambler. 22.

Whichever individual grabs at this life believing it to be true then in his
final moments they will regret their actions. Those people who
consider this world as perishable do not care for the anything in the
world. 23.

I do not love the material objects of this world as this is the false
reality. I constantly have a fear of the angel of death above my head
who without delay will take one from this world. 24.

In this way a person should adopt such fear in their heart and they will
not get too attached to their work or this world. Hearing such a
discourse the Mulla was shocked and said to the Guru; 25.


You are still a young child so how are you uttering such deep and
wise words as those said by a saint or an elderly individual. Elderly
individuals like me who have passed the majority of life need to have
such knowledge like these utterings. 26.


At your age you should be playing like a child and you should not
consciously think of such things. In the prime of your life you will have
wealth and a wife through which you will live in bliss. 27.

These ideas of meditation and fear you should do adopt when you are
in your old age. Now you should live in happiness with your relatives.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard the words of the Mulla and realised he
was living without fear. 28.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered such beautiful words within was a
divine sermon. O Mulla Ji you talk about this age in my life but without
meditation on the name of God this life is wasting away. 29.

The average length of an individuals life is one hundred years and if
a person is lucky enough to live this long let me tell you about their life.
Fifty years of that life is wasted through sleep and the other fifty years
is wasted before your eyes. 30.

The first fifteen years of your life are passed through ignorance and
childhood. Any life over the age of eighty years involves a person
losing their sight and their hearing. 31.
: ,
Couplet The organs of a person begin to fail and they are no longer
able to control them. The actions of the body become difficult so how
can a person adopt the name of God within their heart at this moment
in their life? 32.

Quatrain Now listen to the details of the remaining years of a
persons life which pass without the worship of God. Just
accumulating the time taken to urinate or pass bodily waste passes a
number of years. 33.

Through both eating and drinking a number of years pass as well as
living happily with your life partner. The rest of an individuals life is
passed by earning wealth, committing both good and bad actions 34.

To spend your life raising and loving your children both day and night
you become more attached to them. In this way a persons life has
passed them by and in the end a person leaves the world empty
handed. 35.

This is the account of an individuals life where a person wastes his
life without meditating on the name of God. The life breaths of a
human being are priceless and people waste them attaching
themselves to material objects and in the end loses his life. 36.

At the moment a person begins to understand this he turns his mind
away from sin and lustful desire. The individuals then realises that
God is omnipresent and prays to him. What I have said I will now
explain to you. 37

: * !
Couplet (This is the expounding of the above verse) O Lord I am
making a supplication to you please with your grace tentatively listen
to this. O God you are the true for, the greatest and the most graceful.
Please bless me with the virtue of your name. 38.

Quatrain Those people who have given both their mind and body to
the devotion of God. With great humility they ask for the name of God
so they can meditate. At that moment the Lord has mercy on them
and grants them his divine name. 39.

The Mulla heard the beautiful words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji through
which falsehood and ignorance were dispelled. Then the Mulla said to
Baba Kalu Jis son, You are blessed as your mind is already imbued
with love for God. 40.

The words which you have said are the complete truth. Your mind is
full of Love for the feet of the Lord. Your complete family are all
worried about you and are in pain to see you in such a way. 41.

Please show some attachment to your family so that they will be
pleased. You attachment draws the others in. Your father (Baba Kalu
Ji), your uncle (Baba Kalu Ji) and other family members do not like the
attitude that you have adopted. 42.

With these people interact, play and talk to as well as do the family
work with enthusiasm. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the friend of the meek
heard the words of the Mulla and said the following divine words; 43.


Quatrain (Explanation by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the above
stanza) With the fathers, brothers, wives and sons to have
attachment is all false. Without material riches they all leave you and if
you have them then they will remain with you. 44.


When the angels of death come and grab your life force then how can
these relatives help you? At your final moments you are alone then
what of this individuals greatness? 45.


When a person leaves this world the love of God is the only
commodity to accompany them. Those people who have not
meditated on the name of God will go on the path to hell. They will
then endure numerous punishments. 46.

Then a person will have no relative as their support with who he
remained a fool! When the Mulla realised the teachings of Guru
Nanak Dev Ji was true in his heart and that the love of God should be
imbued in him. 47.

He realised that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis heart was filled with the love
of God and due to this his mind had changed (mental focus) in the
same way that an elephant can be prodded into following a certain
direction. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the treasure trove of virtues
was saying the truth as we constantly remain engrossed in attachment
for others which is falsehood. 48.

In the end there is no one to protect you or to go along with you. The
being goes alone and endures the pain. The individual lives in
ignorance and does not realise this. The being remains engrossed in
attachment both day and night. 49.

This is what the Mulla is deliberating over within his heart and said the
following words to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, You are of such a young
age but have a great intellect. You are a granter of peace or a
manifested saint. 50.

In such a young age you have understood the method to worshipping
the Lord as well as performing good actions is your mindset. You have
forgotten all of your thoughts from your mind and instead replaced it
with the love for God. 51.

You have turned your mind away from the lure of lustful desires and
are soaked in the love for the Lord. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
heard the praise given by the Mulla then he recited the third part of the
shabad. 52.

: '

Quatrain (Guru Nanak Dev Ji are explaining the above shabad)
Both day and night with bad thoughts a young person wastes his life
and does not know any better. In order to appease the mind the he
does not meditate on the Lord and no matter what he tries he
continues to be engrossed in lustful thoughts and desire. 53.

It is as if one is to uproot the wish fulfilling tree known as Kalapbrich
and plant the Kikkar tree (Maya) in their garden. It is as if one is to
leave the immortal elixir and drink alcohol or get rid of the sandalwood
and replace it with bamboo. 54.

How can these people gain a feeling of peace if they forget about God
and grasp onto lustful desires and feelings. All of a persons life has
slowly passed but one has never loved the Lord. 55.

The Mulla listened to the words and his faith in Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
increased. He folded his hands and made the following supplication,
There is no other individual equal to you. 56.

God has granted you such a beautiful form which is soaked with love
for God. Listening to this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited the fourth part
of the shabad which has the power to eradicate ego. 57.



Quatrain (Guru Nanak Dev Ji explaining the meanings to the shabad
above) The true congregation is soaked in the love of the Lord they
cannot do any other work then meditating on the Lord. They have
given both their mind and body to the Lord focusing their complete
thoughts on the one God. 58.

I am the dust of the feel of these individuals. I am filled with infinite
numbers of negative virtues. With the grace of the merciful saints
bless and forgive me for my faults. 59.

With great humility listening to the utterances the Mulla gained a
peaceful mind. Showing his humility he joined both of his hands and
said, O Swami, with your grace please merge me with the one God!

Please forgive me for the misguided words I said earlier as I am
insolent and ignorant. Your faith in the Lord is complete and who in
this world is to understand this? 61.

I have come under the shelter of your feet so please eradicate my
cycle of transmigration. Out of the wise you are the wisest so please
grant me a sermon to eradicate my pain. 62.

You are a friend of the poor, eradicator of pain and an ocean of
mercy. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard such humble words he
gave a merciful look towards the Mulla and said the following words;

In the sand of the world the mind is like gold which is mixed into the
sand. The gold has to be separated and sifted from the sand. The
meditation of God is like the fire on the wood used to take out the
impurities of sin in the gold. 64.

The gold becomes pure and can be made into jewellery. Once made
into jewellery the name of God is the jewel which is embedded. The
jewellery is to be placed around the neck of intellect then both in this
world and the next one a person will gain great praise. 65.

The true name of God should be focused and meditated destroying
the ego in the process. In the true congregation one should serve
continuously which will grant an individual bliss. 66.

The words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were like a sword by which the
soul of the Mulla was pierced and the pride of the body was destroyed.
Through the sharpened sword his heart was pierces. The relatives of
pride have also been pierced such a doubt. 67.

The world is a place of pain and the Mulla recognised the glory of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Mulla crossed his hands in respect and
bowed to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He then said, You have eradicated
my ignorance. 68.


O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji you are the complete form of the Lord or
saint. You should save people with your wisdom. Whatever comes
into your mind perform and no one will be able to reverse this. 69.


I have heard your sermon and have turned my back on the worlds
troubles. I will now meditate on the name of God. After saying this,
the Mulla returned home and did not speak with anyone. 70.

The love for God awoke with the Mulla and he gave up all sexual and
lustful desire. As long as he lived he meditated on the name of God
and at his final moments he went to heaven. 71.

The eighth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is the about the divine sermon to the Mulla has now been
Adhyai 09

Couplet The goddess Saraswati is worthy of respect whose colour is
white and the granter of bliss through the invocations. The fingers of
the goddess are happily playing with the beautiful sitar and I forever
pay my respects to her. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Quatrain Baba Kalu Ji thought to himself that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
should be adorned with a sacred thread known as the Janayoo. The
Pandit at the time was name Hardayal who was invited to Baba Kalu
Jis house. 2.


Baba Kalu Ji explained his thoughts to Pandit Hardayal Ji, O Pandit Ji
as a family from the Kshatri lineage we should complete all of our
duties. Hearing such a request Pandit Hardayal Ji replied, Bring all of
the ingredients required. 3.

The day that the sacred thread was to be worn is regarded as
auspicious and due to this it should be commenced to gain great
praise. Baba Kalu Ji heard the words of Pandit Hardayal Ji and
gathered all of the ingredients required for the ceremony. 4.


All of the food was gathered in order to feed people including goats
were ordered to feed those who had a diet of meat. All of the Khsatris
that were invited were the family of Baba Kalu Ji and when they came
showed their invitations. 5.


In the same village lived many other individuals who knew about those
rituals of the Vedas were all invited. They all came to the house of
Baba Kalu Ji. 6.

The floor of the house was cleaned using cow dung (this is a common
Sanatan ritual) then the floor is then covered in flour. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji was then called and was then sat with the Brahmins and
Kshatris. 7.

In this way the congregation was like a mass of stars and Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji was the moon being surrounded. He sat with great glory
giving all bliss. 8.


The rituals of the Kshatris were ancient were commenced by Pandit
Hardayal Ji. Pandit Hardayal Ji started to explain the ritual of the
Kshatris and started to place the sacred thread around the neck of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 9.


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the disperser of pain and granter of liberation
looked what was happening and asked, O Pandit tell me what is
taking place? For what reason is this sacred thread worn? 10.
' ?

! ?
By wearing this sacred thread what glory does a person gain? By
wearing this sacred thread what exalted position does a person attain?
If I was not to wear this what would I lose? O Pandit Hardayal please
explain this to me. 11.

Pandit Hardayal Ji heard the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji a desire
rose in the mind of the Pandit that his doubts and faults will be
dispelled. He had already heard a divine sermon from the mouth of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji and hoped that now all of his scepticism and
causes of distress will be destroyed. 12.

Pandit Hardayal Ji was aware of the glory of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
but still spoke in order for his ignorance to be dispelled. Those who
wish to promote the religious affairs of the Brahmins and Kshatris
have to wear the sacred thread. 13.

Until either a Brahmin or Kshatri does not undergo this ceremony until
then they cannot be given the sacred thread. Without the sacred
thread neither the Brahmin nor Kshatri can be considered religious so
understand this offering. 14.

When the Brahmins or Kshatris take this sacred thread in accordance
to the terms of the Vedas then they would be admitted entry into the
faith. With grace Sri Guru Nanak dev Ji listened to the words of the
Pandit and spoke the following beautiful words. 15.

If this is the religious rites of the Brahmins and Kshatris that one can
only survive once they have worn the sacred thread or do they survive
through performing great acts. Does the religion remain intact through
the sacred thread or through mercy which propagates positive
actions? (Guru Nanak Dev Ji are questioning the rites of the sacred
thread where the goats are slaughtered as part of the ritual while Guru
Jis concept is one of compassion and mercy) 16.

If one is to wear the sacred thread and then later commit sin by killing
in pursuit of wealth. In their final days they also do not eradicate their
enmity and continue to slander and lie, 17.

Whether it be a Brahmin, a Kshatri or a male from a low caste they
will suffer the punishment from the angels of death due to their sinful
acts. Then what reward does this sacred thread give to these
individuals as their actions would have resulted in them being
condemned to hell? 18.

All of the great intellectuals and Brahmins sat at the location were in
silence and did not say anything. Nobody provided an answer to the
question raised by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as they were all consciously
thinking that the words were true. 19.

All of the people present actually desired to listen to the views of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji so Pandit Hardayal Ji said, Tell me which person
wears the sacred thread does not go to hell? By what means can one
prevent the angels of deaths bad treatment? 20.
In these stanzas Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji utters divine Gurbani and this
shabad Can be found on ang 471 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji please advise us of this as everyone wishes
to hear your words and become pleased. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis
then spoke from his lotus mouth such words to make one understand
how the angels of death respect the sacred thread. 21.


Quatrain (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are explaining the meanings of the
shabad above) Understand this sacred thread to be pure but only a
few individuals can wear this. This sacred thread made of knowledge
should be worn around the heart and this being will be great who has
eradicated all the causes of distress. 22.

This individual will gain bliss both in this world and the next. They will
gain respect from Dharamraj in the righteous court. If you have a
sacred thread like this place this around my neck as it will destroy all
sin. 23.

If one is to put a knot in the sacred thread that you give it then burns
with the body once a person is cremated. This is in fact a false action
that people do in order to show others but are in fact fools. 24.


Pandit Hardayal Ji heard the beautiful words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
and became very pleased. All of his bodily hair was standing erect. He
said, I said before that when you are older I will hear your divine
sermons within which there is nothing but truth. 25.

Only a few individuals will understand you while others with not.
Listening to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji my mind has now
become focused. My life has now become fruitful as Guru Nanak Dev
Ji is the abode of the universe and I have become a client of the great
bard. 26.

I am in complete bliss and can not find anything to say. My only
inclination was to hear your words, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The other
Brahmins and intellectuals were sat in the house of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji all started to talk about the rituals of the sacred thread
ceremony. 27.

O Child this sacred thread is considered pure in accordance to the
Vedas. From the beginning this has been considered pure and part of
the Kshatri and Brahmin custom. This is considered as the protector
of the faith. 28.

This ritual has been going since the advent of the demi god Brahma.
The four sons of Brahma also wore this sacred thread. If we are to
start a new custom then great child stop the old one first. 29.

For this reason continue the previous customs of our social castes.
Why do you wish to change this? After hearing these questions from
the Brahmins, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji replied in order to make them
realise their false reasoning for the sacred thread. 30.


Quatrain (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are explaining the shabad above)
O Pandits you are giving this kind of sacred thread which can be
purchased for four small coins. At the end of your life will burn in the
funeral pyre and follow the soul to the next world where it was
supposed to come of some use. 31.

This sacred thread will not be able to be of any use in the next world
and is only for show in this world. I have no work that involves
attachment to this world so for what reason should I consciously adopt
this sacred thread? 32.

When the angels of death grab you and beat you this sacred thread
will give you no strength. In place of the sacred thread the name of
God will be the dispeller of pain. The individual who is a liar and is
trapped in a life of sinful acts such as theft they will receive a severe
punishment. 33.

For this reason meditate on the true name of the Lord and if you do
you will cross this worldly ocean to safety. If you are to meditate on the
name of God this will remain with you in this world and the next. With
great devotion meditate on his name both day and night. 34.

There is a vast congregation of Brahmins and Kshatris in the house of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who have heard these divine words and their
minds are surprised. No one has the power to answer Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji as the words spoken are the complete truth. 35.

Then those individuals who knew Baba Kalu Ji all said the following,
O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, you are very clever so please listen to our
request. The holy word which you have spoken is true. 36.

Still your father has spent a lot of money on this ritual so that you can
wear the sacred thread which gives glory. If you do not wear this
sacred thread then all this expense will be wasted. Including all of the
materials your father has collected for this event. 37.

All of the Brahmins and Kshatris have come to your house so please
wear this glorious sacred thread. If a person is not to follow the rituals
of his family then they become ostracised. 38

So with all the people present including your family please them once
by just wearing the sacred thread. All of the people here are pleased
that you will be adorned with the sacred thread and if you do not they
will become upset. 39.

If you are to wear the sacred thread once then after that you can do
as you consciously believe is correct. After hearing the request from
the Bedi lineage Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who had lotus eyes said the
following; 40.
The translation continues below with the shabad again coming from
the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on ang 471;


Couplet This is a custom of society to wear this sacred thread and
when the thread becomes old it breaks. When it breaks another is put
around the individuals neck, it is false like the rest of this world. 41.


If you have a permanent sacred thread then place it around my neck
and a sacred thread of knowledge around my heart. By placing such a
sacred thread around me the desires of the mind should disappear
and one will gain the status of the indestructible Lord. 42.

In this way the liberator of all Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered this holy
hymn to give a spiritual sermon. While Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was
uttering such word the Brahmins surrounding him quickly threw the
sacred thread over him. 43.

The abode of bliss, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji then went silent as Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji destroyed the falsehood of the Brahmins. The
whole of the family present were very pleased because the fear in their
mind had been eradicated. 44.

By listening to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Pandit Hardayal Ji
said the following, O true king I must be blessed to hear such elixir
like words from your mouth. Your words are completely true and
cleanse the heart of an individual. 45.

People are bound to these worldly rituals and due to this they cannot
break them of their social caste divide. For these reasons please tell
us about this pure sacred thread that you wish to wear so that we may
become pure as well. 46.

Say it so that all the intellectuals, Brahmins, Kshatris and Bedis will
hear the reasons what sacred thread is imperishable and goes with
you from one world to the other. Hearing this, the lotus eyed Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji said the following hymn to cut an individuals bondage.



Quatrain - (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says) Those people who wear
such a sacred thread become liberated from fear. Where that being
goes he will receive respect and his glory will be well know. 48.

The sacred thread of the Lords name is not destroyed and remains
with you in every world. Those who are fortunate are able to wear this
sacred thread. The vices of lust and anger have made your mind
impure which can be made clean again through the meditation of the
Lords name. 49.

Those people are able to wear this sacred thread but the people of
today have forgotten all about this and have done the opposite.
Pandit Hardayal Ji heard such a sermon from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
that he adopted it in his heart with permanence. 50.

Pandit Hardayal Ji is continually saying, You are blessed to Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. You are the knower of your own knowledge. No one
else has realised your glory as you have dispelled my pride. 51.

Whoever Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji blesses with their graceful sight their
cycle of births and deaths is extinguished. At that moment Baba Kalu
Ji spoke, The food is now ready for all. 52.
! '

For this reason please stand up and sit yourselves in an orderly
manner. Please do not delay and partake in the food. The Brahmins
all got up and took off their religious clothing and all sat in an orderly
manner. 53.

The Kshatri relatives were all present also sat down in an orderly
manner. All of the people were given leaves as plates and the people
preparing the food began to serve it. 54.

With great care they serve rice pudding topped with sugar then
clarified butter. The food was served swiftly with great care. Rice is
served along with lentil balls and bhajis. This is all served in yogurt
along with spices and coriander. 55.

There are many types of food in the kitchen and before the partaking
of food the name of God is recited by all. All of the people enjoyed the
flavour of the meal following which everyone washed their hands. 56.

Baba Kalu Ji paid his respects to all the Pandits, Brahmins and
intellectuals who came to his house with goods. After they were all
pleased they departed from the house. The desire the Pandit Hardayal
Ji had in his mind had now been acquired which was the sacred
thread of knowledge. His consciousness had immersed itself with the
name of God through love and it was like a shade protecting him. 57.

The meanings of the pure knowledgeable sacred thread that was
recited by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, one who is to hear it or narrate the
incident will not be required to wear a materialistic sacred thread. They
will just increase their love for the feet of the Guru. 58.
: ,
Couplet However many relatives, Kshatris, Brahmins and Pandits
that came to the house of Baba Kalu Ji all returned home to praise Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the protector of the poor. 59.

The ninth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is about the event of the sacred thread has now been competed.
Adhyai 10
: !



* *
Savaiya (Invocation) O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji please grant me a
boon from your great lips that this text is for your glory and my desire it
that it will be completed. (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji is saying) I am a
sacrifice to you as with your power I am about to write this poetry in its
various measures and metres. All of the impediments that are going to
obstruct me please remove them as only in that way will this Granth
be completed. These impediments are like the darkness of a new
moon night while this Granth is like the light illuminating full moon. 1.

: ,
Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Couplet After the previous events Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji now keep
themselves hidden. He remains in bliss and blooming but does not let
others know. 2.

Quatrain Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji constantly remains dispassionate
and for this reason those ignorant individuals due not understand his
glory. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji does not open his eyes to look at people
and he does not even move his lips to speak to others. 3.

Sri Guru Nanak Dis bodily activity is done effortlessly and if he does
not do anything on a day he remains happily settled. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji has changed his perception to that where he is looking
internally and focuses within with his two eyes. 4.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji perceived the world to be false like a childs play
where something is made and later destroyed. Due to this he does not
desire any anything. All the males and females in the village of
Talwandi say, Baba Kalu Jis attitude has been upturned! 5.

Before he used to say great sayings to assist others so why does he
now remain silent? May be he has been affected by the evil eye of
another as he forever remains intoxicated. 6.

Some other people are saying, Maybe he has been affected by some
ghost or animal as he neither listens nor speaks. Many days had
passed while Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remained in this state. One day
Baba Kalu with great love, 7.

He sat Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in his lap and rubbed his hand over his
sons head. He then kissed Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on the forehead
and gained a state of bliss. He looked at his son and thought to
himself, If my son starts to work then slowly his mind will turn to more
vocational work. 8.

If I am to start him off doing small tasks and amounts of work then
slowly i will increase it and his mind will become involved in his work.
Baba Kalu Ji thought to himself in this manner and then said, You
should go and graze the cows and buffalos daily. 9.

! '

You are the only son in our house. Without you working how will this
house work? Do not waste your life sitting at home. Put your mind into
your household duties. 10.

Your mind remains in a state of dispassion. If you put your efforts into
this work then the amount of milk produces will increase. The
employed servants who look after the cattle have ruined the way of
grazing our animals. For this reason bring the cattle green grass to
eat. 11.

In this loving manner Baba Kalu Ji spoke to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
and he accepted the task. He replied, I will definitely go in the
morning. With your permission I will surely graze the cattle. 12.


After saying this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to sleep. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji eradicated the cycle of transmigration for his followers. In the
morning Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji woke up and got ready to graze the
household cattle. 13.


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji opened the ropes of the cattle then when he
got all the animals together they set off. He held a stick and a bell and
fed the animals green grass. 14.

In the previous age the name Gopal (grazer of cows) was well known
and that name has now manifested for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. All day
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave fresh grass to the grazing cattle. 15.

In the evening Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji brought the cattle back so that
he could eat. The beautiful white and black cattle all ate their grass as
well. Baba Kalu Ji seeing this was very pleased as his son was now
working. 16.


He thought to himself that slowly that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji will
become more involved in work. He will become more attached to his
house and discard his state of dispassion. That evening Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji remained in his house as a blossomed lotus. 17.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji ate his food and drank his milk. He covered his
body with a blanket and fell asleep. In the morning Baba Kalu Ji woke
up and said to his son, O Nanak it is time to get up. 18.

' *

Listening to his fathers request, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji got up and
then untied the cattle to follow them. Where there was along green
field Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the cattle into it. 19.

At that moment Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji fell asleep while the cattle
remained in the field eating. All of the wheat growing in the field was
devoured by the cattle when the farmer of the field arrived. 20.


Seeing his field in the state it was he was shocked. He said, Which
thick skinned individual has done this to my field? I watered my field
daily to make it green so which fool has destroyed my field? 21

The cows have eaten all of the greenery and sat in the field. It seems
that someone has taken my field to be without an owner. Hearing
these words Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji woke up and started to remove
the cattle from the fields. 22.

The landowner got very angry and began to shout loudly, I will not
allow you to go home without being punished. Pay for the damages
you have caused in my field or I will take you to Rai Bular. 23.

After saying this, the landowner took control of all the cattle. His mind
is enveloped in pain and anger. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said the
following from his lotus lips, O landowner release my cattle and give
up your sorrow. 24.

However much was written in your Karma is what God has left you.
Whatever is ruined was going to be destroyed. If you are to fight or
dispute this them the fact of the matter is nothing returns. 25.

If this was written in your destiny then no one can ruin this at all.
Everything is in the hand of God. God does not need to listen to the
words of another. 26.

Understand this in your mind and release my cattle. What has
happened has happened there is no reason to talk about it. The
landowner did not listen to a word by said by the Guru as his mind is
clouded by a sense of pain. 27.

Arguing and arguing they arrived at the court of Rai Bular. The
landowner said the following in a loud voice, He has destroyed my
field. 28.

My field was full of tall wheat which was all eaten today by the cattle.
This child is the son of the accountant Baba Kalu Ji who has forgotten
his duties and is from a family of administrative power. 29.

So Rai Bular, please do justice otherwise he will continue to feed the
cattle and destroy all the fields in your district. If the fields are to be
destroyed daily like this then how will the land owners survive? 30.

Rai Bular listened to the words of the landowner and became angry.
He looked at Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and said some harsh words, You
seem to have forgotten your fear for everyone. You are just a simple
child and graze your cattle in the field belonging to the landowner. 31.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remained silent he called for one of his
servants, This child is internally intoxicated and does not talk so go
and call Baba Kalu Ji as his son has ruined someones field and he
should pay the price for the damage. 32.


The servant went and called Baba Kalu Ji and said, Come and see
the actions of your son. He has ruined the field belonging to a
landowner by allowing his cattle to graze in there. 33.

- -

Hearing this Baba Kalu Ji was pained and thought, O Son Nanak you
will never let me live in bliss and peace. Baba Kalu Ji along with the
servant went to see Rai Bular and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 34.


When Rai Bular Ji saw Baba Kalu Ji he said the following harsh
words, Listen Kalu you seem to have no fear. You have sent your
intoxicated son to graze the cattle who have later gone on to ruin this
males field. 35.

How is this going to be solved? In the meantime take your cattle
home. Hearing this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was the holder of all
the powers and virtues said, 36.


Rai Bular in this field their no faults. For what reason do you wish to
reimburse the lost crop? If you look in the field not one leaf is broken.
You have said all of
this for no reason due to anger. 37.

If the cattle have eaten the crop of these fields then take whatever
you want from us. If there is a loss then those who are intelligent whilst
listening to the words of the landowner do not worry. 38.

After hearing the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the worker of the
field said, Not even one grain has been left by this individual. So send
one of your employees to check for themselves as I would never lie to
you. 39.

, '
After listening to both the landowner and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the
mind of Rai Bular became sceptical. In order to find out the truth
requested for one of his employees. The employee walked around the
perimeter of the field and could not find any fault in the field. 40.

He returned and told Rai Bular his findings, I have walked around the
four sides of the field and found neither and animal tracks or any plant
in the field broken. Everything is complete in every way. 41.

, !
From all four directions I have checked and there is not one plant
broken. The crop is unbroken, green and long. The landowner is lying
to you and he is worthy of punishment. 42.


Hearing this, the landowner was totally shocked and went to see his
field. He saw his field was totally full of green crop. He remained quiet
as if he was intoxicated. 43.

, -
In his mind he thinks to himself, I saw that this whole field had been
destroyed and I went to Rai Bular without wasting a moment but on my
return it is full and green. What has happened here as I cannot
understand it? 44.

* *

The landowner became embarrassed and did not return to Rai Bular.
Even after realising the glory of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji he could not
even fall to the Gurus feet. Due to his misfortune his fortune did not
awaken. Due to his surprise he was in love with his field again. 45.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with his father Baba Kalu Ji went on their
way home. The owner of the land was shown to be a liar even though
the cattle ate the crop in his field. 46.

Rai Bular accepted that the landowner was intoxicated but wondered
why he made a complaint to him without their being any damage to
the field. Rai Bular regretted his actions from earlier. He thought to
himself why did I say such harsh things to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and
intimidate him? 47.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the master of the universe playing such a
great game. He went to graze his cattle as an excuse to save other
beings. 48.

Without bias the cattle went into the field and ate without anyone
preventing them. The crop was left without any leaves and without the
knowledge of the landowner became full again. 49.

The cattle all became fattened and great. The udders of the cattle are
great and give lots of milk. A large amount of butter is collected daily
pleasing Baba Kalu Ji. 50.

In a large utensil yoghurt is kept and churned daily to make butter
which is used daily and fed to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 51.

The cattle were all given milk daily making them strong making their
bodies looking glorious. In this way some time passed while Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji assisted other beings on the earth. 52.

The tenth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is about the event of the grazing of cattle has now been completed.
Adhyai 011
: ,

Savaiya - By clasping both hands together i prostrate to you Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji as your feet are like a cloud of bliss which destroys all
pain and trouble. Your feet are like lotus blossoms and my mind is like
the bee attracted to them keeping me aware from the root of
attachment and ignorance which is very powerful. The impostors are
like stars outshone by the sun like Guru. The sins are hot like the fire
but the Guru cools this and is like the radiance of the moon. Guru
Nanak Dev Ji is the destroyer of all impediments that obstruct his
devotees and forever grants bliss. 1.
: * ,
Bhai Bala Ji says -
Couplet - The beautiful life story of the Lord manifest as Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji is being beautifully expounded while he grows like a
blossoming flower showing its glory during the rainy season. 2.

Quatrain - The beautiful soft leaved trees are showing their glory and
the multi coloured plants continued to show their beauty. In this
season the victorious Basant king returns with his army and the
females prepare for the arrival of their partners by decorating
themselves with make up longing to eradicate the strain of separation.


The leaves from the forest trees fall off and the red flowers are
blooming everywhere. The warriors wearing red coloured clothing are
ready to go into battle. 4.

Seeing the mango's growing in the groves the king is becoming
pleased so that the nightingale chirps with its beautiful voice. The
mind is crying out the details of the Basant (rainy season) king. The
females seeing the anger that the males have in them are kicking
them out of their land. 5.

Seeing the colour of the flowers the bees collect their sustenance from
them. It seemed as if there was an orchestra and singers in front of
the metaphorical king Basant. 6.

The birds are singing beautifully as if they were bards singing the
praise of the metaphorical king Basant. The air blows the fragrance on
the females to the men to assist in ending their separation. 7.

New flowers coloured white, black, red and yellow are standing and
are blooming giving great glory. Small branches are sprouting on the
trees as if they are the aigrette on the crown of the King of Basant. 8.

In this way the jungle looks beautiful and is where Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji walks through daily. The residence of virtues Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
in the month of Vaisakh is grazing his cattle there. 9.

By seeing the new green grass Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji grazes the
cattle there. When the day had come to midday and the sun was
shining very bright. 10.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was tired and whilst grazing the cattel found a
place to rest. Seeing such a lovely tree and its shade Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji decided to rest. 11.


A cool fragrant breeze was blowing and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
collected some soft leaves and spread a white sheet over them. On
top of this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the granter of mercy lay to rest. 12.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji closed his eyes and went to sleep. Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji is the eradicator of conscious problems and had fallen
asleep at this location. When six gharis had passed through sleep the
shade of the tree moved. 13.

The Sun had gone in a western direction and the sun was shining on
the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The sharp sun rays were going on
the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji causing sweat which shined like the
water on the flowering lotus blossom. 14.

- -
It was like the moon was the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji out of
which drops of ambrosial nectar where dripping. It was as if Sheshnag
had realised in his heart that he should shield the sun from the Guru.

Sheshnag is white like the milk of a cow and adopted the form of a
snake to come to the location. Seeing the blissful face of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji he prostrated with love. 16.

He then circumbulated Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji three times (this was
done to give his mind body and soul to the Guru). He stood close to
the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and spread his hood which looked
like a stream from the Ganges river. 17.

In this way the white hood of Sheshnag was getting great glory as if it
was like the ocean. The shadow of the hood covers the face of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji and he does not move as if he was insentient. 18.

In this way some time elapsed and h gave shade to Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji with great pleasure. At this time Rai Bular was returning with
soldiers to Talwandi. 19.

He arrived close to the location where Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was
asleep, here his fortune blossomed as well as the return of his great
deeds. He was escorted by an army on beautiful horses and had great
desire to return home. 20.


? -
When he saw this snake he assumed that someone was using a
sheet to cover themselves from the sun. He wondered why they had
given up the shade of the tree for the shade of the sheet? 21.

He continued to think in this manner until he got closer to Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji he heard the hissing of the Snake and realised it wasn't
a sheet but a snake. He Saw that it was a snake with a big hood which
was spread very wide. 22.

Thinking about what to do the mind of Rai Bular became
encompassed with mercy. he thought 'If this child is the die the snake
will eat it. If this person is to live then he is a divine manifestation and
the white snake is serving them.' 23.

He sent his servant to go and inspect further, when he did this the
snake slid away into a whole int he ground. Rai Bular stopped his
horse and got off to see further, what amazing feat he has just
witnessed. 24.

When he went close he heard the noise of the horses which woke Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji opened as if
they were the blooming of two lotus blossoms. The eyes are like the
bee which stays close to the blossom. 25.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji realised that Rai Balar was on
horseback close to him. He was closely followed by his army. Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji got up and bowed his head to Rai Bular due to him
being his elder. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the being who destroys the
sins in the age of Kaljug. 26.

Rai Bular who was the carer of the village got off his horseback and
hugged Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. With great love he embraced Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji and kissed his forehead. 27.

- -

In his mind was great love for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and realised that
he was some divine manifestation. After this day he kept firm faith in
this conviction and never wavered. 28.


He understood that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was God and with his mind
bowed to the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He became so imbued
with love in that moment that he was unable to speak. He realised that
the Guru was the divine liberator. 29.

Rai Bular got on his horse and left but found all his hair was standing
on end. He went back to his house very pleased and sat down. In his
mind he is deliberating that this child (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) will be
able to cut the cycle of transmigration for everyone. 30.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji leaves his childhood and became
youthful I will make a supplication to him and sing his praises. To have
a glimpse of the Lord is essential to the Yogis I will ask for this great
elevated position. 31.

My previous fortunes have come into existence and for this reason the
Lord has manifest in an area close to me. To meet and speak to the
Lord cannot be summed up by the Hindu and Semitic scriptures. 32.

He sent his servant to go and get Baba Kalu Ji and when he came
with great devotion he sat him close to him. He said, "Baba Kalu Ji do
not every get angry with your child as he is a divine manifestation who
has entered your house." 33.

"Understand that a great fortune from your previous lives has become
manifest. There is no other that I have seen like you. Whatever food or
clothes he desire should be given to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and never
upset him in any way." 34.

"Never say anything bad to your son and understand him to be the
Lord." The Rai Bular told Baba Kalu Ji explained the incident with the
snake. 35.

"The sun was bright and the snake using his hood provided shade for
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Once Sheshnag saw us he disappeared."
Baba Kalu Ji did not really show faith in the incident and replied,
"Really, if he has got any powers we will realise soon." 36.

Saying this Baba Kalu Ji did not adopt this incident with any firm faith
and left the house of Rai Bular. This was due to being enveloped by
the attachment of Maya. In the way it traps one into their worldly work
is the same as an individual controlling the instrument being played.

What is both praise and fault to a puppet? Who can be happy or angry
with a puppet? The work of Maya is in accordance to the will of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji and only through his desire Maya works to elude
beings. 38.

Baba Kalu Ji arrived home very happy and lovingly embraced Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji who was the sign of the Bedi lineage. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji daily grazes the cattle which pleases Baba Kalu Ji and the
incident with the snake pleases Rai Bular. 39.


Due to this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is pampered/loved by Baba Kalu Ji
and seeing the child soothes his eyes. From that day the praise of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was existent from one house to another. 40.


Wherever men and women meet they speak between themselves
about the snake incident. With great love Rai Bular embraced the
child and praised him in his house. 41.

The son of Baba Kalu Ji is a powerful manifestation and controls hos
powers on his own without giving away his true abilities. In this way the
season of Basant passed with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji grazing the
cattle. 42.

Then the hot seasons began with the son blazing in all four directions.
In this month the ground is heated like the heart of someone who is
jealous. 43.

* *
The hot air is blowing which is heating the men and women at the time
like a foolish person talking slanderous about another making their
hearts heated. 44.

The Rays of the sun are sharp/hot causing the small pond of water to
evaporate and cause pain to the animals living in the water. In the way
a person of the world lives without meditating on the name of God they
remain trapped int he cycle of births and deaths. 45.

When the water evaporates all is left is mud in the ground and when
that is dried the land splits and this is a lesson in devotion and love
being provided. The mud is saying without my beloved water I have
become cracked so all people without the love of God why hasn't your
heart split/broken? In the way a large amount of dust with wind can
create a dust storm swirling like a being who does not have a
complete Guru. 46.

The water seen from an optical illusion caused by heat animals run
towards it without any content. In this way the mind runs after the
lustful desires for its pleasure but it does not ever become fully
satisfied. 47.

The animals and birds look for the shade from the trees provide. By
finding the shade they sit in bliss as a being who is looking to become
a student desiring to meet the Lord finds bliss in the Satsangat. 48.


The cold water is liked by all beings during the hot season so is the
holy words of Gurbani. These are the characteristics of this hot season
that the Lord of the world Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is enjoying his life.


Where there is the shade of a tree that is where Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji is grazing his cattle. Where there is cold water and cold houses is
the location where Guru Nanak Dev Ji plays his games. 50.

He spends the whole day playing in the jungle and the night at home.
The dust from taking the cattle out becomes attached to the skin of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji as if their was a speck of dust on a lotus blossom.

Mata Tripta Ji puts Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on her lap and becomes
exalted in doing so. She cleans his face with complete motherly love
and stares at his face. Whilst doing this she says lovable things such
as, "O Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji you should not graze the cattle in the
jungle anymore." 52.

"The sun is very sharp and it affects your skin by making it go pale as
your skin colour was beautiful before. By walking in the jungle your
skin is being effected so you should play happily in the village." 53.


"You spend all of your day in the jungle but we wish to have a glimpse
of your all the time. Now our employee will graze the cattle in order to
prevent our separation with you." 54.

Mata Tripta Ji showed her motherly love to her son Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji when Baba Kalu Ji arrived in the house. Baba Kalu Ji said, "He
is the only son in our household and we have made him the protector
of our cattle." 55.

"He spends all of his day in the jungle and for this reason he seems to
be steeped with dispassion. So from now on we will not send our son
to graze the cattle as we do not want his limbs to become sore from
this work." 56.

When both the husband and wife agreed to the same ideal their love
with their child increased. Then Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was no longer
sent into the jungle, instead his mother and father took bliss from the
fact that their son was at home. 57.
: ,
Couplet - Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the ocean of bliss and is very
intelligent. The manifestation of his great form is evident in the world.
In order to reveal the name of God to the world the body of the Guru is
increasing in size. 58.

The eleventh Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is about the event of Rai Bular gaining faith in Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji has now been completed.
Adhyai 12

Couplet (This invocation is to the power of the Lord known as
Chandi) you are very fast to cut and kill the demons (the five evils) and
your arms are hard like sticks. You are the bestower of boons and the
creator of the world. Due to this I bow at your feet. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji is saying-
Quatrain- Bhai Bala Ji said to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji, Listen to this
life story of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is one to eradicate all three
types of distress. Then later came the rainy season and the sky was
filled with numerous clouds. 2.

The clouds came as if a devotees previous fortune had become
manifest and a great soul had come to protect the world. The dark
clouds had appeared as if the goddess Kali was coming and the
lightening was like her way of fighting in a battle. 3.
The brows of Kalka are bent like the bow belonging to Indar. The way
lightning sounds and creates thunder is the same way Kali is
screaming. In the way when lightning strikes all snakes hide, in the
same way when Kali strikes all the demons run in fear. 4.

Kali strikes like the thunder from the clouds in a battlefield. In the way
the peacocks enjoy the thunder in the same way the demi gods enjoy
watching Kali in the battlefield. The lightning is so fast that is causes a
beautiful scene like the flashing of the sword held by Kali. 5.
7 7 '

In the way the herons come out in the lightening are like the teeth of
Kali who is a black/dark form. At that moment all the frogs converge
together and croak very loudly as if someone was in a temple praying
loudly. 6.

The uncultivated grass dies when the rain starts to fall in the same
way sin eradicates due to an individuals meditation. In the way the
small streams meet with rivers they all take the form of the ocean
when they merge with it losing their own identity. 7.

In the way a salvation desiring devotee obtains divine knowledge and
becomes the form of God and loses their own identity. The small
ponds of water were forgotten as if they were beings who had
accepted the path of Maya. 8.

The dust had all settled due to the rain that was falling in the way one
meets the Guru and their ego becomes settled and content. People
are remaining at home due to the rain causing mud as those who
have become engrossed in the meditation of Gods name had become
settled. 9.

In the way this rain is being played out I will describe the life of Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji with great happiness so please listen attentively.
One day Baba Kalu Ji sat Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on his lap and with
paternal love was looking at the moonlit radiance of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Jis face. 10.
' ! 7

Baba Kalu Ji said, O son you are very intelligent now and for this
reason you do not go with the cattle to the jungle. My wish is that you
take two of the bulls from the ranch. 11.

You should plough the land and stay close to home. Take a mound
and a quarter from the house and start sowing your own field. It is your
responsibility to take care of this field. 12.

You have to protect it from deer and all other animals so that it
doesnt get ruined. If you are to bring the produce from the field into
the house then I will increase your number of workers. 13.

So carry out this type of work and your house will become plentiful.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard the words of his father which were all
about the desire of material objects. 14.
' ! '

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, O father as you request I will do. Baba
Kalu Ji weighed the seed and put one of his workers to assist Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. 15.
7 '
He took both the plough and the seeds and went to plough the land.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji sometimes personally ploughed the land and
spread the seed out in the field.

When the evening came Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji returned to his house
and on seeing Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis face Baba Kalu Ji bloomed. In
the hands of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is a great blessing and who has
the knowledge to say what it is? 17.

In the third day the seed sprouted to show its greenery. As the earth
was so pleased to see Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji sowing seeds that it
made the seed sprout so quick. When Baba Kalu Ji went to see the
field he was very pleased. 18.

He thought to himself, My son Nanak will be a great land owner. He
will create his own village. He can earn money though a variety of
methods. These are the thought going through Baba Kalu Jis mind
on his way home. 19.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji thought to himself, My fathers desire for
worldly wealth is increasing daily and I need to stop this right now.
This is my fathers desire and I need to stop this quickly. 20.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji sits down to rest from the work in the
field, he does not stop any of the wondering animals from entering the
field. There are some horse, cows and deers all entered the field and
are not prevented. He sits in bliss watching. 21.

In one or two days the animals ate everything in the field, not even one
plant remained intact. Baba Kalu Ji went to see the field and saw Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat close to it. 22.

Then a large number of cattle were moving freely and Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji is the cloud of bliss who allowed them to do so openly. Seeing
this Baba Kalu Ji got very angry at seeing this and started to say some
very harsh words. 23.
' 7

I am witnessing by bad fortune by having you born into my household
as you are destroying everything. Since a young age I have watched
you in the same manner emptying the house by losing everything we
owned. 24.

This I your age to earn a living but your actions are not rewarding in
any way. After I die how are you going to support your family? It looks
to me like you will leave your house and wonder with the saints. 25.

' '
Baba Kalu Ji kept on looking at Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and continued
his bad words towards the child Guru. Seeing the actions of Guru
Sahib, Baba Kalu Ji grew very angry. What was the benefit of having
you born into my family? I would have been better off if you were not
even born into my house. 26.
Usually any family that has one son gains much wealth through his
vocation but you are wasting your life away. Then Baba Kalu Ji left
and made his way to Pandit Hardayal Jis house whilst seething with
anger to utter such harsh words. 27.

Baba Kalu Ji said to Pandit Hardayal, The scriptures such as the
Vedas and Purans are all false. From what you have said the opposite
is occurring. Either you do not understand it or have read them wrong.
Maybe you have just been telling me lies! 28.

7 ,
You told me that a canopy of greatness will be aloft over my sons
head but he has reduced our greatness already. He had sown a field
but that has now been destroyed and is without any greenery. He
grazes the cattle but is not aware of what they are doing. 29.
7 ' '
From the day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji became manifest he has not
done anything to earn a living. What I previously had in material
wealth has slowly deteriorated. So what you prophesised for my son
has all turned out to be false. 30.
' !
Pandit Hardayal was very intellectually advanced and said the
following in praise of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, O Kalu you seem to
have forgotten everything from the beginning. You had great faith in
my words but you seem to have lost your way again. 31.

Again and again I have tried to make you understand that he has
come to the earth for the benefit of others. Look he explained the
meanings of the Bhagawat Gita to you, he has not been educated by
anyone but he continues to recite such wonderful utterances. 32.
Look he bestowed on me divine knowledge and due to this my mind
has stopped wondering. He will assist an infinite number of people
and whoever meditates on the shabad given to them by Nanak they
will gain divine knowledge. 33.

I see him as the form of the Lord who is controlling the world. He is
very powerful and is the storehouse of all the great virtues. Baba Kalu
Ji heard the words of Pandit Hardayal Ji and returned home still very
angry in his mind. 34.

' '
After that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the creator of the world remained
dispassionate and hidden away. Only a few of the individuals in
Talwandi liked to see an individual with supernatural powers and is a
Satsangi of the Guru. 35.

The people who have an impure mind are unable to comprehend that
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the root of complete bliss. They dont
understand that he is the form of the liberating Lord. Outside of the
village is a tree where Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji used to sit under during
the day. 36.

He sits on his own here and passes the time. He neither meets
anyone nor talks. The tree is beautiful and full of leaves under which
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji sits below. 37.

When two pehirs of the day had passed the eyes of the Guru began to
feel heavy. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid down a blanket and lied down
on the blanket. 38.

When four gharis had passed Rai Bular passed down the route to
where Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sleeping. He was surprised to see
what he was witnessing he stopped and did not say anything. 39.

Rai Bular said to his companions, Look at this amazing event that is
taking place around Nanak who is the beautiful son of Baba Kalu Ji.
He has great powers even while he sleeps. 40.
' | 7
All of the shadows belonging to the other trees have moved but the
shadow of the tree that Guru Nanak Dev Ji has not moved and has
remained giving him shade. He is definitely a powerful manifestation
who remains hidden. 41.

In the way that fire is subtly in your ash but cannot be comprehended.
If there is anyone who understands this they can find it. 42.

The Guru will not remain hidden and whoever serves him why wont
their cycle of life and death be cut? I already had seen a great feat
where a snake had provided shade for the Guru. 43.

Now I am witnessing a tree continually giving shade against the sun.
From both of these incidents it created great surprise and wonder.
After saying this he folded both hands and bowed his head on the
earth he was standing at. 44.
7 7

With great faith he turned around and headed back to the village with
increasing love and affection in his heart. He is wondering and
pondering over scepticism and lowly eradicating them. 45.

He was very pleased when he sat at home. Baba Kalu Ji went to see
Rai Bular. Rai Bular sat him down with great respect spoke to him. 46.
' ' !

O Baba Kalu Ji you are of great fortune, to have such a son born in
your house you should be exalted. Baba Kalu your attitude is very
hard; never say anything bad to him. 47.

Because of your son my village is being purified and people are living
in bliss. Not even through forgetfulness do not scold your son. Make
sure you give him food and clothing with bliss. 48.
' '

I have been born into the Muslim faith so I am upset that he will not
be able to partake from my food. Otherwise with great respect I would
let him reside in my household and through his lotus feet one is able
to gain a fruitful human birth. 49.
I will buy him the most beautiful clothing which I will give to you so
that you can put it on him. Whatever material desires you need for him
I will provide them so that my birth will be fruitful. 50.

7 '
Baba Kalu Ji heard the loving words uttered by Rai Bular of love and
faith. Baba Kalu Ji who had a great attachment to wealth folded his
hands and said. 51.

Rai Bular because of your graciousness I have everything in my
house. I have great wealth and material possessions. I do not lack
anything in my house and have adequate wealth and fortune. 52.

However there is one thing that is increasingly worrying to me, the
things that I have are depleting in numbers. You praise my son Nanak
but I do not understand what he is thinking. 53.

Whatever vocation I have prepared him for he hoes not do properly.
In his young years he kept on losing the items from the house and
then I asked him to graze cattle but he ended up feeding all the
harvest stock to the animals. 54.

From birth he has taken control of his breaths but has not done
anything to earn a living. He remains intoxicated and not involved in
anything. He leaves his house and stays outside the village. 55.

Rai Bular said, Baba Kalu Ji your mind is very ignorant. You are
unable to comprehend his ways. Your mind is trapped in the lust for
wealth so how can you understand his great way. 56.

Baba Kalu Ji head the response to his fears came home very quickly
and fell into his household duties and not even pondering on his sons
virtues for even a moment. 57.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the creator of the world and great
Lord and continues his play in the village of Talwandi. Bhai Santokh
Singh Ji says that a person should meditate on his name and leave all
other support to adopt this support. 58.
' '
The twelth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which
is about the shade of the tree has now been completed.
Adhyai 13.

Couplet (Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is making an invocation) I fold both
of my hands and prostrate at the feet of Saraswati who is the goddess
of knowledge. She has eyes like lotus blossoms and the knowledge
she gives blossoms like a flower. You remain unattached to the world
and are in the waves of Gurbani. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji says-
Quatrain Then the next season commenced of Sarad which is the
goddess of knowledge. This season is as unblemished as the moon.
' '

In this season it seems that the sky has blue clothing on it and the
clouds are filled with water giving the season beauty. The stars are
like jewellery on the season and the swans are like the lotus feet of the
season. 3.

The lotus blossoms are the hands of the season like the shining of
luminescent moon. The heat of the sun reduces like the ignorant mind
and the coolness of knowledge is increasing. 4.

Due to the advent of ancestor worship all the families gather in this
season or have set off on this path. The kings worship the weapons,
projectiles, Chandi and Ganesh following which they attack other
lands. 5.

The clouds then disperse their water and become white and lose all of
their power. All the small animals also die out and the desires of an
individual all disperse due to the knowledge gained through the
worship of god. 6.

Couplet Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is of a beautiful form and is sat at
home. He is the bestower and giver of bliss. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
keeps their thoughts hidden in this season. 7.


Quatrain The Guru are the sign of the Bedi lineage that remains
alone in his house. If there is a great saint or being Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji leaves the house and goes to see them. 8.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji congregates with the saints but the Guru
doesnt congregate with the ignorant individuals. The eulogy of the
Lord is being listened to with the saints with complete love. 9.

, , , ,
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remains dispassionate and remains
unattached from the world. Those people of the same age, caste,
lineage and wealth did not have the same interests as Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji. 10.

The childhood friends of the Guru come and sit with him. These are
the friends who used to play with him. Satguru Nanak Dev Ji also
meets them and greets them as if they were unknown to him. 11.

Seeing the dispassionate state of the Guru, Mata Tripta Ji began to
worry. She went and sat with the Guru. Seeing the state of her son
she was shocked. With love and affection she said to him. 12.
' !

Son listen, and deliberate on this, you should do your work with your
consciousness linked to it. Why are you associating with the detached
saints? The life of a householder should be done with joy. 13.

If you do not like farming then learn accounting or trade. With intent
do your worldly work and control the household expenses. 14.

If you work with your heart interested in the task you will earn a large
amount of wealth which you could bring into the house. When you
become rich people will praise you for being rich and supporting your
family. 15.

That person will marry his daughter to you. We will gain glory from
all. Everyone sees you as detached from the worldly deeds and
everyone laughs at us. 16.

They all say, look at that boy he is of no use. He does not have the
knowledge to do anything. They believe you to be mentally incapable
or that we have no control or power over you. 17.

We find these words and remarks very hurtful. These people are
jealous of our family. Tell me how can we cope with such remarks? It
hurts our mind as if a Jujebe tree (Jujebe tree is full of thorns) was
close to a banana. 18.
| , '
Leave the congregation of the detached saints and sit with your
relatives. Whatever occupation they perform you should also do. 19.

Guru Nanak listened to the words of his mother but none of the words
struck his mind. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji covered his mouth with a cloth
and did not offer a response. 20.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in a state of Para Bhagti and his inner
state was in a state of bliss. Day and night Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
remain silent. He does not talk to anyone he sees. 21.

| ' |
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is intoxicated in a state of bliss. People look at
the form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and see that he neither eats nor
drinks. He keeps his mouth covered and does not talk. 22.

' ! !
Mata Tripta Ji lovingly feeds sweet food to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. She
says, O son your body is becoming weak. Tell us what is wrong with
you? 23.
' ' ?
Your colour has become yellow and you do not move your limbs. You
no longer converse with anyone. With your friends why dont you meet
them and play? 24.
' , ?

Day and night you remain alone. Why do you remain in a lying
position, why dont you attach yourself to anyone? You do not eat
happily so maybe you have an illness in your stomach? 25.

Mata Tripta Ji continued to question her son in this manner as she
wants to heal her son. Sometimes she remembers Shiva in her mind,
sometimes Chandi and other times Ganesh in order to seek a cure for
her son. (Remember this is prior to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis universal
message.). 26.

Mata Tripta Ji is thinking to herself, O God please cure my son,
whatever the cure is I will give an offering for it. She folds her hands
and prostrates on the floor. She continues to make supplications to
God. 27.
She held her sons hand and said, Son please tell me of your ailment
so that it can be diagnosed. Without delay I will call the doctor. 28.

The master of the Bedi lineage remained silent, he did not offer any
reply. All of their relatives and associates come in order to gain news
on his condition and offer their advice. 29.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji refuse to eat any food or drink any water. All the
Bedis seeing this became anxious. All of the family began to worry.
They say neither do we know the illness or the sure. 30.
? ,
All the Bedis met and said to Baba Kalu Ji, Your son is definitely ill.
Look to see how this has occurred. You only have one son and he has
become ill. 31.

Call a doctor and get him diagnosed. Do not worry about your
attachment to money. If your son is diagnosed he will survive and will
earn lots of wealth. 32.
7 ? '
You have forgotten your attachment for your son but why have you
become engrossed to money. Baba Kalu Ji heard the words of his
relatives and at that moment his younger brother Baba Lalu Ji was sat
next to him. 33.

' '
Baba Lalu Ji requested for the doctor to attend by sending a
messenger to his house. The name of the doctor was Hardas. Some
great fortune of his had just manifest as he was on his way to the
Guru. 34.
, '
, ' ! '
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the master of peace had a cloth over him.
Hardas came to the location where Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sat. Baba
Kalu Ji said to the doctor, Listen, check him properly and diagnose
him. 35.
Day and night he just sleeps and does not eat or drink. His face has
changed colour, he is weak and mentally he has changed. Please
diagnose him and start him on a cure to his illness. 36

The intelligent doctor listened to the request of Baba Kalu Ji and sat
next to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the creator of the world. He
removed the cloth from the body of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and
grabbed the hand of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 37.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are the one who dispels all pain, here the
doctor is looking at the face of the Guru. The Guru has graced the
doctor with this opportunity. Guru Nanak Dev Ji pulled his hand from
the doctors. Then to give an updesh Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat up. 38.

' 7 , ? '
The eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were like lotus blossoms, he is the
one who brings peace and breaks the bonds of bondage from the
earth he said, O doctor by holding my hand tell me what you are
thinking of in your heart? 39.
, , ,
The doctor heard this and said, I am looking for your illness in your
body. There are four ways that a person gets ill and I am looking for
them in your body. 40.

No matter, whatever I find out of the four as the illness I will provide
you with the medicine to cure the illness. I will tell you what to avoid
and you will be happy again. 41.

You will want to eat again, your weakness will go. Guru Nanak Dev
Ji who has lotus eyes heard the words of the doctor and as the abode
of peace uttered the following gurbani. 42.


7 '

Quatrain Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says From birth I am inflicted with
an illness which is the attachment and pride. Due to this everyone is in
pain. The cycle of birth and death is the affliction. There is no
diagnosis for this illness. 43.

So see yourself as ill as if you are ill how can you diagnose another?
If one is able to administer the medicine to eradicate ego then they will
live in peace. 44.

If you can diagnose this and eradicate their own ego then that is a
true doctor. They become liberated from the cycle of birth. They will
not be afflicted by any illness. 45.
, 7
, '
One should be able to recognise the illness and also provide the cure
for the ailment. If you wish to listen to this in your heart I will tell you
how. I will tell you how to find the illness and cure it. 46.

When the doctor heard the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji he was
surprised and started to deliberate on the words. He thought to
himself, No one in the village has ever questioned me before. I heard
of this childs praise before but today I am seeing his grace for myself.

He is a powerful and true manifestation. I should ask him now so that
he will be able to save me. The doctor was deliberating on such
thoughts; he folded his hands and made a supplication to Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji. 48.
' ' '
Hearing your words I have a great desire in my heart which is
increasing like the growing twigs of a tree. Please O Lord grace me so
that my mind will become stable and peaceful. 49.

' 7
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who has a face like a lotus blossom said the
beautiful words, Within the body is pride and attachment. These are
the cause of all illnesses. 50.

The soul is separate from the body. Understand the difference
between conscious and insentient. The soul is pure and is exempt
from everything if you understand this then you will be able to
eradicate any ailment. 51.

To see another person, their riches, their assets you should never
want them as this is an illness. The cure is to make all people and see
them as your friends. This is the medicine. 52.

, , ,
The way a person sees a friend happy also brings them happiness,
you should keep this attitude when you meet anyone. Your own
virtues, own wealth and own praise if you are to be egotistical over this
then this is the actual illness similar to vomiting. 53.

You should praise the Lord who is within everyone and by adopting
humility in your heart you should eat daily. When you gain hunger in
your heart the thirst for the name of God increases. This hunger
increases while people think of it as an
illness. 54.
The greed of desires is similar to a cough; it increases and does not
recede. Understand material objects to be false and that way the
cough will disappear. 55.

Lust, anger and attachment are like the feeling of pain which
weakens an individual. The words of the Guru are the cure for the
illness and will eradicate. 56.
Slander is like vomiting, and you begin to grow weak. The world and
human life is full of illnesses. So serve the Guru as the dirt from his
feet is what eradicates these illnesses. 57.

The doctor heard these words from the lotus faced Guru and he
became full of humility. He saw the Guru as the bringer of justice and
understood what he was saying. 58.
' 7
He folded both of his hands and bowed at the feet of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji and made the following supplication, O True King due to my
ignorance I thought you were ill and through your play you have
eradicated my illness. You are the great soul who has all the good
virtues. 59.
7 7

Your words have affected my ignorance like an arrow that has
pierced it. I have learned how a person becomes ill and gains a cure.
Under your protection I have understood this. 60.
7 ' '
Now True King have mercy on me and alleviate the afflictions on my
mind. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, You should join the true congregation
and your illness will disappear. 61.

The doctor Hardas prostrated in front of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and he
understood the glory of the Guru. He returned home and forever was
involved in the satsangat. Any fears in his heart were eradicated.

Couplet The Guru, who is the granter of grace, graced the doctor
Hardas. O mind forever meditate on the Lord and focus on the Lord in
your mind. 63.
' '
The thirteenth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is about the updesh to the Vaid has now been completed.
Adhyai 14


Couplet -- Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the ocean of peace and I clasp my
hands and bow to him. Through the grace of the Guru the great
sinners have all gained liberation. 1.

Quatrain -- the grace of the Guru is our support. Within me there is not
even a small amount of great intellect which I can use to describe one
great virtue. The way the mind is very blunt but I have one inclination. I
am unable to get a small seashell but I yearn for a precious jewel. 2.

| ' '
Through whatever intellect that the Guru calls me with in this way I
write this blissful eulogy. Within me I do not have the power to utter
one word of the eulogy, this text that I am creating is all through the
grace of the guru. 3.


Bhai Bala Ji is saying;
Quatrain -- Bhai Bala Ji is saying Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji to listen to
the beautiful eulogy of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Some days he
remained at home in a dispassionate state, he is the insignia for the
Bedi lineage. 4.

Sometimes Baba Kalu Ji has faith in some as listening to his sons
praise makes him very surprised. However the illusion known as Maya
brings it into a state of confusion this causes is mind to think about
many wrong things. 5.
' '
His father says "from the words said my son is the house of virtues but
he does not know how to earn money. People are listening to the
words and praise of the Guru and due to this he is gaining fame and
glory but people do not understand that he is actually destroying my
wealth." 6.

The season known as Sardi came to a close, the poet Santokh Singh
Ji is saying listen to this. Within the ponds lotus blossoms or began to
die due to the cold. They are dying in the same way that a person's
fame goes if they are in contact with the bad congregation. 7.

My living in the hot seasons brings happiness as if he was serving an
intellectual king. The rays of the sun have become weak as if a king
becomes lazy. 8.

The people of the world began to shake due to the cold even the deer
living in the jungle feel this pain. It is as if a king loses his power the
thieves begin to cause distress for the community. 9.

The nights have become longer and people now use quilts when
sleeping. Through this method they gain a peaceful night's rest. It is as
if a devotee gains the dust from the feet of the Guru through this
method they eradicate the cycle of birth and death. 10.

The people like the call rays of the Moon in the same way that the
intellectual people like the true congregation where they can worship
the name of God. Both cold air in cold water causing distress to the
poor people. 11.

As if a person was without the care of the Guru then the vices cause
distress to the devotee. In this season Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is
doing the giver of peace remains in a sleepy state. 12.

He does not talk to anybody nor does he meets anyone. He remains
alone and in this manner he past two months. After this he started to
go out. 13.

Suddenly Guru Nanak Dev Ji began to eat and drink as normal upon
seeing this as a mother became very happy. She realised that his
body had overcome its illness. Due to her happiness she gave our
large amounts of goods to people as charity. 14.

She made the new and beautiful clothes which she put on her son.
Again and again the mother looks at the beautiful face of Guru Nanak
and understood herself to be of great fortune. 15.
7 ,
In accordance to his father's wishes Guru Nanak began to sit and
associate with family. He began to speak to people and meet them
with everybody including all the people in the village. 16.

The form of the Guru was gaining great glory due to being aged
between 11 and 15 years. The words of the Guru are beautiful, sweet
and enchanting. The eyes of the Guru are beautiful like a blooming
lotus blossom. His eyes and black and beautiful like the Stones of the
Gandika River. 17.

Sortha -- the brows of the Guru are upturned like the bow of the demi
god Kamdev. The Moon is without blemish like the brow of the Guru
which is held in the sky. 18.

Quatrain -- very slowly walked the Guru and through his graceful look
the pain suffered by others was eradicated. The Guru is the insignia of
the Bedi lineage he does as he pleases and does not do any of the
house work. 19.

In this way the Guru spent some of his time which was a small amount
of time in comparison to his lifespan. One day Baba Kalu was sat in
his house when he called his son who had a blossom like face. 20.

In order to teach him how to earn money Baba Kalu sat his son close
to him. With love and care he spoke to his son as he was not earning
any money. 21.
' !

" Guru Nanak you are my only son so there is no other who can
manage to do the work of bringing money into the house. But you
have forgotten how to earn any money as if you have become a
dispassionate saint." 22.

" Now tell me out as a family man live in this manner? Both day and
night pass without you doing any work. If you are to carry out the
duties of the house whilst I am alive then I will understand that my son
is the granter of peace". 23.

" When you're born this desire in the increased and that my son by the
name of Nanak will be well known in the world. If you are to earn well
it would give me great glory and because of that everybody in the
village will know me." 24.
' '
" By looking at the full moon both men and women praise the Moon.
When you are born this a manner that people used to praise me
however it is like there has been a lunar eclipse and due to this have
eclipsed my fame. You have ruined my fame in this manner." 25.

7 7
" You have no desire to do this and you do not wish to follow any of the
aspects from our social caste. I have tried many ways to teach you
that have now grown tired. You have never owned any money for the
household." 26.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji quietly listened to his father and remain silent like
a meditating holy man. Baba Kalu Ji continued to say harsh words to
his son however he just remained silent and did not get angry. 27.

Went to Gharis had passed and the Guru remained silent at that point
the heated heart of his father had cooled. Then Guru Nanak Dev Ji
said some priceless words which opened the lock to the blissful room
within Baba Kalu Ji. 28.
' ! |

Guru Nanak Dev Ji said "my father my initial fault please forgive me
for it. From now on I will not ruin any of your homely duties. Whatever
is your wish will do so with love and devotion." 29.

" Whatever is my duty I will do so." The words of Guru Nanak were
sweet soft and humble. By hearing these Baba Kalus heart and mind
cooled. 30.

You realise that his son was now under his will and due to this started
speaking about earning wealth. "Listen son you initially been farming
you were told to look after the cattle by doing this you ruined the
fields". 31.

" In my mind I had one desire that if you were to make money from
farming I would have bought you a separate village of your own.
However the those thoughts are now diminished as if a person desired
to see the peak of the mountain but has settled just a glimpse of the
mountain from distance." 32.

" Now son take this 20 rupees from me and go to another city find a
valuable object and purchase it if you believe it to be of value." 33.

" If you are to purchase a good bargain and we are later to sell it for a
profit I will be very pleased with you and will share the proceeds of the
profit with you. If you are to start this business venture then I will allow
you to keep your profits separate from mine. This is an easy way of
doing business." 34.

! '
" In this way increase your wealth than the female folk from the village
will say that the son of Baba Kalu is very great. Take with you Bhai
Bala and go with great ambition." 35.
Bhai Bala Ji said, "O eradicator of pain Guru Angad Dev Ji listen to
this, Baba Kalu Ji sent one of his servants to my house and I went
along with him to where Baba Kalu and the Guru Nanak Dev Ji were
sitting." 36.

' !
With great respect they sat me down and in order to send me with
Guru Nanak Dev Ji he said the following, "Bala you are one who
understands and have a superior intellect so go with my son Nanak."
" In whichever item you believe to be a bargain and great care bring it
back home". After saying this Baba Kalu Ji gave 20 rupees. He gave
the money to me and told me to take care of it. 38.

After seeking permission from Baba Kalu Ji I got ready to go with Guru
Nanak Dev Ji who is to dispel the pain of the world. I took with me a
large cloth which I draped over my shoulder. 39.

We walked some distance from the village and during this time I was
taught some great teaching by Baba Kalu Ji. At this point he returned
back to the village but even on his way back he kept on looking
around to see his son. 40.

The house of virtues Guru Nanak Dev Ji walked slowly and whilst on
Route was uttering some beautiful words. The sermon was full of
details to do with meditation, dispassionate and knowledge which
were being provided to me. 41.

All the small villages and the large ones were passed through during
the walk. Whilst walking the pair came to a jungle and at this point
Guru Nanak Dev Ji started to look in this direction. 42.

He saw a very beautiful ashram where there were a large number of
people meditating on the name of God. Some people were meditating
with their arms in the air and some people were hanging from trees
while meditating. 43.
Some people were standing on just one leg whilst meditating; all of
these people had gained bliss from mentally reaching the next world.
Some people were sitting in a Sidh position and others were sitting in
a Padam position. Some of them were drinking water and remain
without food. 44.

All of their limbs are white in colour due to being smeared with Ashes
along with their long matted hair. Some of them are naked whilst
others are covered by leaves.
Some of the people are sat close to a fire enjoying its warmth. 45.

Some of them are sat in water up to their neck whilst others are sitting
alone meditating on the name of God. Some people have stood in a
stationary position whilst others do not talk to anyone. 46.

Others are suppressing their minds thoughts and they have given up
all worldly pleasures. Some of the holy man are discussing the unity of
God with great love. 47.
, ?

There was one Mahant and what was he like? He was sat there doing
his austerities whilst his genital region was covered using the
materials from a tree. He was sat on a deerskin. 48.
He had long matted hair which was tied as if it was a crown and he
was meditating on the name of God. The Guru was watching him
whilst stood stationary, seeing this he said the following. 49.
' '

" Bala we have been searching but now I have found the true
acquisition. To not serve these holy men I do not deem correct. It is as
if a person is walking and en route finds a fake jewel than an
intellectual person will always test to see if there is
genuine." 50.

" If an individual is searching for honey and comes across the
Ambrosio nectar than they consider themselves to be fortunate. This
is what my father told me to do that one should find a true bargain will
acquisition." 51.
" I can not find a better bargain than this and even if we are to walk
everywhere we will not find one. We should give this 20 rupees to
these holy man so that they can purchase clothing and food." 52.
' 7 !
After listening to the words of Guru Nanak I spoke out of fear of Baba
Kalu Ji, "Nanak we have been sent as traders to earn a profit." 53.
, ,
, '
" Your father is somebody who gets angry very quickly so think about
this very carefully as I do not want to get in trouble. He is your father
and you are his son and this is an issue between the pair of you. I your
servant and I will not argue with you." 54.

' 7 '
" Whatever you to believe to be correct I urge you to go ahead and do
that. I am your servant and will do as you request. When we were little
we used to play together and even then I did not abandon you." 55.

, '
" Whatever you commanded me to do I followed and did so with
happiness. Whatever you believe to be correct you do!" After saying
this I handed the money over to Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 56.

The Guru took the money into his hands and went and sat with the
Mahant known as Santren in the ashram. We were folded our hands
and bowed to him after which we sat down. The poet Santokh Singh Ji
says it is similar to when Sri Ram Chandar paid his respects to Agsat
Muni. 57.

' |, ?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji said with his sweet and graceful voice, "O great
being day and night you meditate whilst naked do you not wear
clothes or do you not have any?" 58.
, ?
" The season is now harsh which affects the body in the rain you feel
cold and in the heat you feel hot. Do you eat food would you live
without it like you do with the clothing?" 59.

" You have great limbs which you have covered with Ashes. You seem
to be a great
saint and a demeanour shows you to be great. Please answer these
questions for me." 60.
' 7 '
Hearing this, the leader of the holy man said the following, "the guise
of a saint and I have adopted within this these are the type of clothes
that we were." 61.

Next you asked about our food, if we are to go begging food this
looks very bad as it shows we are still yearning for food. We are sat on
the throne of content and eat what is given and on this throne we are
happy." 62.

" We gain according to our previous karma and this is what is serving
yesterday. Through our austerities we have gained a large army i.e.
content, knowledge, piety, mercy, etc. In this way we defeat the
arming of attachment." 63.

" Then the canopy of truth is above us, and by seeing this canopy and
our glory our enemies are defeated. Since we have started to gain this
bliss our mind is not yet enchanted by anything else." 64.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji heard the words of the Mahant and was very
pleased. After hearing this he said, "I desire to know your name as
your blessed and have stood firm on your religion." 65.
' '
" You have given up everything and have taken shelter of the one God.
You have given up the world and have adopted the ways of the saints.
You have a great intellect and have adopted a great way you are a
great saint. You are propagated the plant of peace." 66.
' !

Then the Mahant said, "oh intellectual male you are the treasure
house of all virtues in such a short page you have already discarded
the bad deeds. You already desire to be one of the true congregation."
" My name is Santren and my spiritual master chose this name for me.
My spiritual master gave me a turban of humility as respect to which
my fame and meditation has increased." 68.

' 7 , ! '
Hearing the name of the saint Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was very
pleased as if he had heard an intellectual reciting poetry. At that point
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said to me, "Bala Ji, I cannot do this
acquisition." 69.
' '
' ,
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji then with his hands placed the money in front
of the Mahant and said, "we should feed all of these holy men food. I
have understood their ways that they do not beg for anything as they
do not see it as acceptable." 70.
" If someone is to give you something without asking for it then you are
to eat it with love and devotion. Now God has sent this food for, you so
eat it happily." 71.
7 '
The Mahant said, "you're of a young age but your mannerisms seem
exceptional. It seems that you are doing what your father has told you
to do. Your father has actually sent you to do something with this
money and if you want to go home with nothing then your father will be
very angry with you and will kick you out the house." 72.
' !
7 ' '
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji replied, "O holy man at my father's permission I
am doing what he requested and investing in something not find the
value. My father told me to do something that will be of benefit." 73.
7 '
The Mahant listened to the soothing words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
and said, "if this is your final decision then take this money to a city
and buy some food for us and bring back." 74.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had the words of the Mahant he started
to walk towards the city. From here he acquired some flour for the
price of five rupees. 75.

He also purchased some fine long rice for another five rupees. For
another three rupees he purchased some clarified butter. For another
three rupees he purchased some white sugar. 76.

With another three rupees he purchased some milk and then gave the
rest of the money to a man with a cart. Then the king of the world Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji took all of this to the holy men in the jungle. 77.

' '
Taking care of everything he placed it all in front of the Mahant. Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the carer of all of his devotees. Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji then said, "please let us prepare the kitchen so that your saints
can eat as much as their desire." 78.

' , '
Sortha -- the Mahant hearing the words of the king of the world Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, "our saints will make their food with their own
hands you should go back to your village." 79.

Couplet -- then Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who had a Lotus complexion
left the jungle towards his village. Bhai Santokh Singh Ji is bowing to
the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji with his hands clasped on the
ground. 80.
' '
The fourteenth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is the meditating holy men has now been completed.

couplet (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji is now making an invocation to Sri
Guru Angad Dev Ji) the feet of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji are like lotus
blossoms they are like the clouds of bliss and give liberation. I place
my forehead on the earth and now to Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji his
shelter is able to eradicate even the greatest pains. 1.

Bhai Bala Ji is saying
quatrain -- when we left the holy men to come back the holy man then
asked the Mahant the following question, "the boy was at such a
young age his words were full of meditation and dispassionate nature."
? '
" He met you Mahant with great love and affection and he had a very
gracious nature. When they came back to as with all the food why did
your permission to leave?" 3.
7 '
7 7
Hearing this question the Mahant replied, "this child is a great being
and the powerful manifestation who has come to the for the sake of
others. He is powerful, knowledgeable and is a treasure trove of all
virtues. He is keeping himself hidden from the world people do not
understand who you truly is." 4.

" I was unable to cope with his magnificence. For this reason I gave
him permission to leave." After saying this the holy men made their
food and ate it. The food is full of flavour and everybody began to eat
it. 5.
' 7
The holy man-made rice pudding using the clarified butter and sugar.
All the holy man became full after eating their meals and due to them
being happy in their mind said, "we understand that God is the one
that gave us this meal". 6.

" It seems as if the Lord has manifested as the young child to find out
how we were and to feed us. For seven days we had remained hungry
and after eating the food we are full." 7.

At the same time Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was walking towards his
village and half of the journey was covered. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
began to think to himself and due to this it was causing him to hesitate
to walk to the village. 8.

' 7
The house of treasured Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji began to worry and he
said to Bhai Bala Ji, "what have we done what I do say when I get
home?" 9.
, '
7 ' 7
" My father will be very angry, he will be abusive towards us and
threatening." Bhai Bala Ji replied, "this is no fault of mine I try to stop
you." 10.

" I tried to stop you at that moment and what you have done is the
opposite of what your father wanted." By now Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
was beginning to worry. He thought to himself, whatever happens now
happens whether was right or wrong! 11.
Bhai Bala Ji said, "I do not even have one worry as the money
belonged to you and you spent it. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji compared
you are not an intellectual and everybody will realise that our ages are
similar." 12.
' '
" I am a servant and I do as you ask. Your father sent me with you
knowing that I would assist you. For this reason he should not be
unhappy with me. Have you did good or bad it should not affect me."

In this way they are both talking and they had reached their village of
Talwandi. Bhai Bala Ji says that he returned to his home however Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not return into the village. 14.

On the outskirts of the village there was a dried up pool is where Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat. When Baba Kalu Ji had heard that Bhai Bala
Ji had returned to the village he began to worry. 15.
' ' , ? 7 ?
Bhai Bala Ji says that Baba Kalu Ji got one of his servants asked me
to come to his home address. He looked at me with anger in his eyes
and said, "where is the money and where is my son? Why has he left
you and why has he remained behind?" 16.
7 ? '
? 7 ?
" I told you to go and purchase a bargain if you do this or did you not?
Without telling me what happened you have returned to your house. In
which village do you leave my son? Did you have a good argument?
Why have you returned without him?" 17.

After listening to the words of Baba Kalu Ji which were full of anger I
told him the truth. "We went into a jungle full of holy men and we
ended up sitting with them." 18.

" We had a question and answer session with them and the money
was given to them so they could purchase food. Then Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji said that we were to make an acquisition which would make
profit as Baba Kalu Ji said and this is a profitable acquisition." 19.

" The money was given to the holy men and we returned home. His
son is currently sitting somewhere outside of the village. He is afraid of
you as he knows you are going to be angry. He thought about what he
had done and due to this he did not return." 20.
, 7
' 7 '
Hearing this Baba Kalu Ji became very angry in a way that clarified
butter melts due to the intense heat of fire. Baba Kalu Ji said to Bhai
Bala Ji, "tell me where he is and accompany me to where he is." 21.

Baba Kalu Ji was saying many things out of anger and he took me
along with him. When Mata Tripta Ji had heard about the squandered
wealth in Baba Kalu Ji had gone in to find his son. 22.

At that moment more than Mata Tripta Ji called for daughter as she
was worried from seeing her husband anger. She sent all of her
servants along with all the other people from the village who were
aware of what had happened. 23.

Outside the village they found the dried up pool where Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji was sitting. When Baba Kalu Ji saw him he started to turn them
off and used abusive language. 24.
' ' ? !
' 7 ? 7 '
Baba Kalu Ji grabbed Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and in anger asked,
"you're the destroyer of my house where are the 20 rupees? Where is
the acquisition that you have purchased? By taking both in my house
you have ruined my good name." 25.
The Lotus faced Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had all this but remained
quiet. Baba Kalu Ji tries to have a conversation with but he still
continues to say nothing. Baba Kalu Ji was very angry and this made
people fear him. 26.

Baba Kalu Ji hit Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on his right cheek using his left
hand using full force. And Baba Kalu Ji using is right hand grabbed Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji ears. 27.

Tears began to flow from the eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The
water was streaming from the eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as if two
fish are drinking water and this is the opposite. 28.

The tears are flowing from the eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and it is
giving him glory in this manner, it is as if the drops of water flowing
down the side of a Lotus Blossom. In the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji is turning dark due to the physical abuse as if they are insects or
over a Lotus Blossom. 29.

7 ,
It is as if the moon has no blemish and now features a shadow of a
deer. Then his sister Bibi Nanaki arrived at the location. She grabbed
Baba Kalu Jis hand who was still very angry at the time. 30.
7 '

Then a lot of people from the village came to see what was
happening. They tried to prevent Baba Kalu Ji and make him
understand. They took the ocean of peace Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji with
them. They clean the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 31.

They said sweet things to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in order to calm him
down. They slowly walked Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji into the village. At
that point his mother was looking out to the edge of the village to see
what's happening. Her heart was full of love. 32.

She saw that some had been crying and his eyes were full of tears.
These tears do not seem to stop listening to be imbued with love. She
had a son and put his head towards her neck, she also began to cry.
She was crying so much that her tears wet her sons limbs. 33.

After coming home the mother looked at her son's face. She was
looking at his beautiful face was cleaning his tears and she said to
him, "now some do not do any work. Whatever you desire to do just
do that within the village." 34.
" Even if you are not to do any of the household work neither will
nothing go wrong and there will be no arguments or fights. God has
already given all of the material objects that we require in this house
so we can live peacefully. You can remain at home imbued and
coloured in the name of God." 35.

7 '
The people of the village who saw the incident took place they all went
to the house off Rai Bular. This was their Rai Bular was sat in his glory
and they told him what had taken place. 36.

They told him, "Baba Kalu Ji had given his son 20 rupees which he
had donated to the holy men so that they can eat. Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji is an individual or great mercy and piety. As he cannot bear to see
anybody hungry or without food." 37.
" Baba Kalu Ji hit him with some force and was not worried at all for
his son." When Rai Bular heard this about Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who
he adored very much. 38.

' '
His heart was full of love for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji he sent one of his
servants to the house of Baba Kalu Ji. He said, "bring the Lotus eyed
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to my house along with Baba Kalu Ji who
seems to have no fear of God." 39.

After saying this Rai Bular was very angry you felt pain in his heart and
his lips began to tremble. Because of what happened he started to
take cold breath and he thought to himself that within his village a
great injustice just a place. 40.
, '

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is powerful, does not ever want to fight and is
graceful. Within my village a great disrespect has taken place towards
him. Due to this great stigma of sin will attach itself to me. In this way
is thinking is my hand is very upset and angry. 41.
Then the servant brought Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Rai Bular. The
heart of Rai Bular was full of love as if it was full of water, and this love
had now become a fountain. 42.

The eyes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were full of tears and like a cloud
the waters falling from the eyes of the guru. Rai Bular got off his
throne and hugged Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 43.

Rai Bular was unable to talk properly and tears started streaming from
his eyes and he had soaked the limbs of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji with
his tears. Rai Bular wishes to speak when he can't and his intellect
has become enchanted by attachment to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 44.

The other people present in the court of Rai Bular began to feel
sympathetic, they will do so Baba Kalu Ji to be very harsh. They are
telling Rai Bular what took place and are slandering Baba Kalu Ji.
They all understand in their hearts that what Baba Kalu Ji did was very
wrong. 45.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was turning blue and he was still crying. At that
point in Rai Bular said the following words out of anger. 46.
' @ 7
, ,
" Baba Kalu Ji your attitude is very feisty your very harsh and cruel.
You did not
listen to one word that I said to you. You're bad, and intelligent and
without mercy. Your heart does not listen to the news from the other
world." 47.

" Daily your greed for wealth is increasing once your son is great and
you do not understand his glory. Your son has forgotten and discarded
all of the things regarded as bliss in this world and he only looked
towards the next world." 48.
' '

" This type of son should not have been born in your house as you
were born into the cache of warriors but you are not one. It is as if they
wish fulfilling tree has been born on this earth and is like a pearl has
come from an oyster. The oyster has no concern for the Pearl and that
is the same as you Baba Kalu Ji." 49.

" I have understood that the rightful place for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to
stay in your house. You do not understand the knowledge of God."
Baba Kalu Ji was embarrassed in this way and he said to Rai Bular.
" Rai Bular your very angry with me, look into mind and deliberate on
who you actually angry with. I gave Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 20 rupees
in order to go on purchase a commodity but he gave it away to the
holy men." 51.
7 '
" But on his way back he hit outside the village and he did not tell me
what took place. Bhai Bala Ji told me what took place and told me that
he was sitting in the empty pool." 52.
7 '
' ,
" From the time that he was born to be independent he has ruined
everything in my house." Rai Bular heard this and replied, "your heart
is like a stone and you slander Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji." 53.

" Neither do you love your son or fearful of God. You do not seem to
have any intellect with in you. Because of greed your heart is without
love and affection. You cannot understand the miracles and fame of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji." 54.

" It is as if you had the philosopher's Stone in your house and have
discarded it. Instead you seem to have gone begging for seashells. It
is as if a person does not know about stone and comes across a
valuable diamond and because they do not have knowledge they
suffer. In the same way you do not understand your son and suffer."

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji took birth in the Hindu household but I do
understand the ways of the Muslim household. It would be very
strange if I was to bring Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji into my house who is
the granter of liberation. 56.

" Baba Kalu Ji you seem to be just greedy in your mind so whatever
money you want for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji take it from my house."
After he said this one of the servants who came with Baba Kalu Ji was
sent to Rai Bulars wife Rani Khokhri." 57.

7 7
The servant went and got 20 rupees and gave it to Rai Bular. When I
will argue this money to Baba Kalu Ji then Baba Kalu Ji said out of
embarrassment. 58.

" I have not come here for money but he ruined everything in the
house tell me after I die housing in to run the house?" 59.

" The money you are about to give me who has given me all the other
blissful items in my house? Due to your grace I have everything in my
house. Due to your grace any worries are far away from them." 60.
7 ' '

Rai Bular said, "now take this money and do not do this again.
Whatever is your expense on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji take that from
me." 61.

" Baba Kalu Ji you cannot comprehend your sons glory as your heart is
enchanted by greed. You only understand Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as
blissful if he is to earn a living for your household. If a person is to
follow the true path you believe a person to be worthless" 62.

7 '
" The holy men and the world never seem to coexist happily. The
people of the world accumulate wealth while the holy follow the path to
liberation. You only understand the money in your house so take it
from me." 63.

Rai Bular is offering the money to Baba Kalu Ji but he does not
accept. Between the two they speak. The people are witnessing this
incident said the following. "Understand the command of Rai Bular
and accept what you say." 64.

" Again and again he should not refuse the money from Rai Bular as
you should not discard an offering from your elders. Your son's eyes
are like Lotus Blossom's and you should treat him with respect. Your
son is the one who will break the bonds for
the Saints." 65.

7 7
Rai Bular said these things many times and gave his money into the
hands of Baba Kalu Ji. Baba Kalu Ji walked home with regret, he was
greatly embarrassed and went home and sat down. 66.

Although men and women in the village of Talwandi all agreed that
what took place was very bad. They said initially Baba Kalu Ji hit his
son and then afterwards he took money from Rai Bular and came
home. 67.

Everybody agreed that these two things that Baba Kalu Ji did were
very bad and people are slandering his name. Baba Kalu Ji heard the
village slandering his name he was unable to say anything in reply. 68.

In his mind he was very upset and he regretted what he did
deliberating on what took place. He thought to himself, "my life is that
bad at the moment I feel like dying. Due to this I'm being slandered."

' ! '
Baba Kalu Ji took the 20 rupees back to Rai Bular and he said,
"please take your money back as all of the village slandering me." 70.
At that point Rai Bular said, "get rid of the anger from the heart I had
borrowed 20 rupees from your son and that is what it. Now you are not
to be angry towards your son again." 71.
' 7
' ? '
Baba Kalu Ji said, "since his birth he has not even earned one small
coin. So where did you view this 20 rupees from? If he wants to earn
his own money there would be no arguments in my house." 72.
' ' '

Rai Bular replied, "Baba Kalu Ji you have no knowledge all of the
Maya that you see in the universe is under the will of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji. In the same way a wife lives in accordance to her husband."
" All of my horses, elephants, chariots, current, clothes and my fame
are all due to the grace of the Lotus eyed Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji." 74.

Sortha -- in this way Rai Bular try to make Baba Kalu Ji understand on
how to adopt great faith and he is trying to propagate the love for Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the heart of Baba Kalu Ji. 75.

couplet -- Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji whose face is like the moon is the
one to eradicate pain and sin. He is now wondering through the village
is his own accordance. He is the one to give this world and blissful
meditation to the saints.
' , '
The fifteenth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad)
which is the conversation between Rai bular and Baba Kalu Ji has
now been completed.
Adhyai 16 of the Sri Nanak Parkash
, ,

Couplet: (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji now makes an invocation to Sri Guru
Amar Dass Ji) Sri Guru Amar Dass Ji are beyond any praise, absolute
Truth is their form. He bestows Knowledge in the mind of Sikhs, and
are generous like the biggest of Kings. 1.

Baba Kalu Jis daughter Bebe Nanaki, who stayed at his place,was
very pretty,and was like a treasure trove of good qualities. EvenRai
Bular treated her like his own daughter. Her engagement was fixed
with a good family. 2.

In Sultanpur lived Jai Ram Ji, who belonged to Khatri clan and was a
man of good intellect. The auspicious relation was confirmed with him,
and both were compatible with each other. 3.

The beautifully decorated wedding party entered the town of in-laws.
The accompanying horses and elephants, and the beautiful colours of
clothes worn by the wedding party looked elegant. 4.

Their bodies were decorated with beautiful gold ornaments, and the
studded gems were shining and glittering. Money was being showered
with open-heartedness, which made poor people very happy. 5.

Many drums were being played, and wonderful antics performed,
which delighted the minds of Bedis. Upon receiving permission, the
wedding party rested, and lights were lit upon sunset. Then,
circumambulations were performed, Brahmins were given donations,
and women sang wedding songs. Rituals of both sides were duly
performed, much dowry was given that brought many praises, and
everyone was happy. 6.


In this way, Jai Ram Ji got married and happily returned back to his
home. When few dayspassed, Baba Kalu Ji said to Guru Nanak Dev
Ji, Go to Sultanpur and bring your sister back home. But house of
grace Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not agree and remained quiet; he,
who is not afraid of anyone, kept his gaze lowered. In the end, Baba
Kalu Ji went to Rai Bular and told the whole story I have tried my
best to explain to (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji), but he still wont go bring
his sister back home. 7.


Rai Bular sent his servant to bring the storehouse of all joys Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji, and respectfully made the light of love Guru Ji sit near
him. He lovingly ran his hand on Gurujis forehead and explained the
whole story to him, and said, Firstly, please go and bring your sister
back home. Secondly, go spend some time there, so that your mind
feels happy and, without making any effort, it would also help (Baba)
Kalu Ji get rid of his mental turmoil. Then you can do anything that
feels natural to you; but for now, it is appropriate that you go to your
sisters place. 8.


Considering the old age ofthe states ruler, and his affectionate nature,
the lord of the world Guru Ji agreed; the words of Rai Bular appealed
to his mind. Bhai Bala Ji saysSri Guru Angad Dev Jeo! Drink the
ambrosial nectar! Listen how the destroyer of hypocrisy Guru Nanak
Dev Ji agreed to go. He always loved me, and considering me his own
bestowed much grace on me. Guruji called me and asked me to
accompany him. The emblem of Bedi clan Guru Ji came home and
had collected suitable gifts for his sister. Mata Tripta Ji bade farewell
to the reciter of Lords name Guru Ji with much love and affection. 9.

, , , , , , , ,

The bestower of peace, the emancipator lotus-eyed Guru Ji have

beautiful feet; theystarted walking slowly on the path to Sultanpur.
Because of the autumn season, the leaves in the woods had dried up,
and trees were naked like sinners going on their way to hell.Having
eaten mango blooms, the throats of Koels were singing beautifully;
they were enjoying themselves. Many other birds, like parrots, herons,
quails, geese, cocks, ravens, crows, peacocks, etc. were also singing.
, ,

Sparrows, bumblebees, wagtails, snipes, cranes, and other colourful
birds were also singing there. Crossing the woods, they happily
reached Sultanpur where they sawmen and women of the town in
happy, colourful moods. They were joyously singing songs of spring,
and rich and poor were dancing together in their houses without any
worries or inhibitions. They were clapping their hands and hurled
affectionate abuses, and (because of holi) were throwing colourful
water at each other. 11.

Then, lotus-faced Guru Ji, whose mere name is enough to break all
bondages, reached his sisters house. He was cordially invited inside
and made to sit, and questions of his well-being were asked, which
spread happiness everywhere. After staying there for one day, Guru Ji
requested permission to leave; Jai Ram Ji, who respected the
embodiment of light Satguru Ji, said: Stay at my place, I will serve
you as you tell me. Seeing your saintly form, all sins are eradicated.


Parmanand, Jai Ram Jis father, said to him, Bid him farewell for now,
he will come here some other time. He has been sent by his parents
to fetch his sister, thus it is appropriate that he goes. He can come
and stay some other time. Considering this, everyone bade farewell,
and Guru Ji started his journey on the pleasing and beautiful path
back to Talwandi. The emblem of Bedi clan Guru Ji reached home,
and his mother was ecstatic to see him again. 13.

The instant Rai Bular heard that most loving Guru Ji is back, he sent
his servant to Guru Jis place. He invited him, and made him sit next
to him which gave much peace to his heart, and made his eyes
moist.With great love and affection he enquired about his well-being.
Bearer of fortitude, Absolute Guru Ji told about his health, and praised
Jai Ram Ji. 14.
, ,

Afterwards, the eradicator of all pains, whose teeth are as white as the
Chandni flowers, the young shoot of happiness, from whom even god
of love feels ashamed, slowly walked back home. 15.

' ,

On the beautiful face of Satguru Ji was small black beard, which
looked as if art of beautification itself was expressing its form, or like
the shadows on the moon, or like the beauty of bumblebee hovering
on the face of lotus. His arms were long and shapely, and shoulders
broad and beautiful. His compassion-filled eyes were stealing
everyone's hearts. On his cheeks shone beautiful curly hair, and the
priceless dimple on the chin wonanyone who saw it. 16.

Guru Ji, whose nature from the very beginning was that of non-
indulgence and full of concentration, were untouched by happiness,
sorry, anger, etc.; like petals of lotus flower cannot be touched by
drops of water. The saviour of the world would remain immersed in
unbroken bliss, although his body would keep performing worldly
actions. Those who do company of such Satguru are beyond all
praises. 17.
, ,

The emblem of Bedi clan Guru Ji would always remain in
contemplative mood; this is how he passed his days for the liberation
of the world. 18.


Then, Jai Ram Ji, dressed in beautiful clothes, came to his in-laws at
Talwandi to bring his wife back. On hearing the news of his arrival, Rai
Bular immediately invited him to his place, and gave him much
respect on his arrival. After enquiring about his well-being, Rai Bular's
heart filled with joy as he said this about emancipator Guru Ji, "Jai
Ram Ji, consider (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) to be all-powerful and very
special person. (Baba) Kalu keeps fighting with him all the time; he
knows nothing about the wise". 19.

' !

Agree to what I say - respectfullykeep him at your home, and get his
marriage fixed somewhere there. O friend! Dispel all your concerns
and serve him well, and dont say anything wrong to him, even by
mistake. Consider (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev) Ji to be Supreme if you
wish to make your lifes journey successful and obtain salvation.
Firstly, this is what I say, secondly, you are related to him, and thirdly,
see your personal welfare in this and gladly serve him in every way
possible. 20.

Querulous (Baba) Kalu Ji keeps fighting with him, that is why he
(Guru Ji) remain sad. When you go back to your home, I will send him
to you. 21.

Hearing this, Jai Ram Ji became elated, and said, I believe my good
fortunes have awakened. If the one you are praising enters my house I
would consider my life successful. I will serve him with body, mind and
wealth, and will also employ servants to obey his every command.
Saying this, he bade farewell to Rai Bular, and headed back to his
home. 22.
, ,

After meeting Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and offering his salutations to
his in-laws, Jai Ram Ji got his wife, Nanaki Ji, to sit in the palanquin.
, ,

Treading slowly, Jai Ram Ji and servants reached back home. Both
husband and wife sang praises of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and
remembered him fondly. 24.
' ' !

( Bhai Bala is saying) Now I narrate to you how Satguru Ji spent his
time after that. Please listen, O bestower of peace Guru Angad Dev
Ji!At home, he would meet and mix with everyone without any
difference, but his internal state would remain unaffected; just like
King Janak led householder's life totally detached from his body, that
story is evident today. Guru Ji kept his divine powers hidden, like
flames hide themselves beneath ashes. 25.

Ignorant people could not recognise his true self, which is why they
would get together and say, He (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) is dim-witted,
hence cannot perform tedious worldly affairs. 26.
, ,

The moon of Bedi Clan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji would remain in
unaffected, carefree state. How could people with inferior intellect,
who are like the lotus flower that turns its face away from the moon,
identify Guru Ji? 27.
, ' ,

All-virtuous, God-form Guru Ji were spending his days like this, when
a saint happened to arrive at Talwandi. 28.

Wearing saintly garb, he prepared a nice seat for himself and sat on
the outskirts of Talwandi. At that moment, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
impulsively reached there, and saying 'Kartar, Kartar' sat next to him.
Guru Ji had a gold ring on his little finger, and carried a brass water
vessel in his hand, because he was of a generous disposition. The
saint asked Guru Ji, "What is your name, what clan do you belong to,
and on whom you have got your faith fixed". 29.


Guru Ji said, "My name is Nanak, consider my mind and body as that
of the Formless. I belong to Khatri clan, and my caste is Bedi". The
saint said, "How can you become the Formless yourself? Answer me,
what is the proof of this?" Guru Ji said, "You are a saint, you possess
positive intellect, you do not know the secret of the Formless." Saying
this, bestower of peace Guru Ji took off the ring from his finger and
offered it to the saint along with the brass water vessel. 30.
' ,
, ,

Returning the objects, the saint said to Guru Ji, "Consider them
received, now take them back. They are of no use to me; take them to
your house!" Guru Ji said, "I have offered them to you, how can I take
them back now? The religious principle breaks if one takes back what
has already been offered." Hearing this, the saint became happy and
said, "It appears to me the Lord Himself secretly takes care of your
entire affairs." The saint then went away, and the bestower of peace to
the Sikhs, the beautiful faced Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji returned back
home. 31.
! '
, ,
On seeing the ring missing from his finger, (Baba) Kalu Ji got
extremely angry, spoke ill words to him, and said, Son, now tell me
honestly where you have lost the vessel, andto whom you have given
the ring ? You have always given me worries, you neverlearn a thing.
How long can I keep telling you, you pay no heed! Instead you keep
destroying the house like this. You are not interested in anything I
have to say to you. Go wherever you wish, do not come back to our
house. Earn and eat on your own. This (Baba) Kalu Ji said to Guru Ji
with remorse-filledheart. 32.

' ,
Forget about your income, you have wasted my earnings too. You do
not possess the intellect to do business. Every day I fruitlessly waste
my time with you, but you remain either quiet, or nod half-heartedly.
You do not agree to anything I tell you. You are like a mine of endless
suffering for me. Someone quickly ran to Rai Bular and told this story,
who immediately called Baba Kalu Ji over, and said, What has
happened to you? I have explained to you many times before, still you
do not agree to anything I tell you. I have lost all my faith on you. 33.

( Baba) Kalu (Ji) you are harder than stone, how can my water-like
words penetrate you? (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) is as delicate as a
banana, even a light breeze can shake him up. 34.
, ' '

Guru Nanak Dev Jis father said, Listen to me! He had a ring on his
finger, I have no idea what he has done with it, whether he has thrown
it away or given to someone? It is my guess, and belief, that since he
regularly meets and holds discussions with holy men, he must have
handed the ring and vessel to them; now he has gone quiet and wont
speak about it. 35.


If I earn some money from somewhere, he throws it away without
thinking twice. All his companions of same age have taken care of
household affairs. But, he knows nothing about work, and is always in
forefront when it comes to giving. Not for once I wish for his earned
money, all I want now is he earns and eats himself. 36.

' , '
Rai Ji! Reflect and tell me what my crime is.How long will it go on like
this? When I die, how will he earn his livelihood? He is young now, yet
he does not work. Rai Bular pondered for a while, and said, There
are fights in your house every day, take my advice and send (Sri Guru)
Nanak (Dev Ji) to Jai Rams house. 37.
, '

You get angry and speak bad words to him every day, and (Sri Guru)
Nanak (Dev Ji) is always upset and sad at home. You two do not get
along, it is as if you are walking in opposite directions. You have greed
in your heart, while he is generous, saintly and of compassionate
disposition. He then sent a servant and called Guru Ji over, made him
sit next to him and respectfullysaid - .38.
, , ,

I will write you a letter, you go to Sultanpur. There your mind will be at
ease, I will also feel content, and ignorant (Baba) Kalu (Jis) fighting
will also cease. 39.
, ,

Saying this, he wrote a letter addressed to Jai Ram Ji (Sri Guru)
Nanak (Dev Ji) is coming to you, consider this your good fortune... 40.

and serve him as much as possible. Rai Bular wrote the letter
which almost made him drunk in Guru Jis love. He looked at the
compassionate form of Guru Ji and handed him the letter, and called
me (Bhai Bala Ji) to accompany Guru Ji on his journey. 41.

Rai Bular then gave Guru Ji a warm embrace, and kissed his
forehead; a teardrop fell from his eye on the ground. It was as if Rai
Bular could not contain the pain of separation in his heart, or in his
eyes, thus it was leaking out from his eyes. 42.

Rai Bular placed his hand on Guru Jis forehead and consoled him;
this is how Rai Bular lovingly said his farewell to Guru Ji. Afterwards,
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached home where he met his weeping
mother. She said, Lords ways are mysterious, one cannot
understand Him. 43.

I have got only one son, even he has been separated from me. The
Lord could not bear it, and has distanced him from me. Taking Guru
Ji in his arms, she started taking long, cold sighs. Her pain was so
intense; it was as if her very life was being taken away from her. 44.
! '
She said, Son! You tell me, how will I live without you? I wont be able
to bear it, will keep drinking the poison of separation. Who will I look at
after you have gone? I have only one son, even he is not going to be
with me. 45.

Guru Ji folded his hands and paid his respects to his weeping mother.
He also paid his respects to his father with folded hands. Then he met
his childhood friends, and took me (Bhai Bala Ji) along, and started
the journey. 46.

Narrating tales of detachment and contemplation, the emancipator
Guru Ji walked on the path. When entire distance was covered,
Sultanpur came near and Guru Ji entered a beautiful marketplace. 47.

The king of Bedis Guru Ji reached Jai Ram Jis house. Seeing him,
Sister Nanaki Ji came running, and folding her hands placed her
forehead on Guru Jis lotus feet. Treasure house of compassionGuru
Ji saw this, and said... 48

Sister, you are older than me in age. It is my duty that I pay my
salutations to you. But you have done the opposite. My dear sister, it is
not appropriate what you have just done. 49

Bebe Nanaki Ji said, If I be honest, if you are just a brother to me
then I will agree to whatever you say. But, you are not anyones
brother, I see you as Lord of the world instead. In my heart, even I do
not consider you my brother. 50.

Your true form is limitless, which has no beginning and no end. You
have no mother or father or any relative, you are matchless. That
benevolent Lord has used His own will to take on the human form for
the emancipation of all lowly people of the world. 51
Please propagate righteous ways in this Kaljug, and put an end to
evil practices, and meaningless rituals. Please give me such a
blessing too. Be merciful on me, and never forget me. 52.
' '

Meanwhile, Jai Ram Ji had arrived where Guru Ji were sitting with his
sister (Bebe) Nanaki Ji. Seeing him, Guru Ji got up to pay his
respects, but Jai Ram Ji stopped him from doing so, and paid his
respects. 53.

Jai Ram Ji said, You have purified my house with your presence.
Every day we would desperately wait for your arrival. You are saintly,
matchless and most compassionate; you have made me extremely
happy with your holy presence.54.
' ,

Please wear any dress you want, happily eat whatever you wish to
eat, this house is your own, rest here if you wish, or have holy
congregations and remember the Name of that Lord. 55.

In this way, both parties were happy to be with each other. And with
this ends the Sixteenth Adhyai of Sri Nanak Prakash.

Sri Guru Nanak Prakash (Poorbardh) Adhyai Sixteenth, Episode
description Going to Sultanpur ends.

Couplet: (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji is making an invocation to Sri Guru
Ram Dass Ji): Sri Guru Ram Dass Ji are the treasuoose of dere-trove
of happiness for their followers. In an instant, they destroy the fear of
the nath. 1.

' '

Quatrain: (Bhai Bala Ji is saying): In this way, they happily and
respectfully served Guru Ji. Ever benevolent Satguru Ji happily spent
his time in Sultanpur. One time Guru Ji, who came to his world to
liberate the lowliest of people of Kaljug, were sitting with his sister and
brother-in-law. 2.

Lotus eyed, house of all good qualities, God-form Guru Ji said,
Please listen to me! Idlers are not considered good; this is what
elders say, and is also a well-known saying. It is the worlds way that
those who work are liked by everyone, and I thought of doing opposite
to this tradition. Now tell me any work of your liking; something that
can keep me busy and entertained. 3.

Listening to this, Bebe Nanaki Ji said, Your mind is entertained by
listening to and contemplation of words of divine Wisdom. You are the
lord of the world, and are of saintly disposition, thus keep holding
discussions with holy men. You are the root of worldly people, you are
the provider of everything, and all angels and demons worship you.
Whatever food and wealth we have in our house is all because of your
blessings. Therefore, take anything you wish, and spend it the way you
want. 4.

, ,
Jai Ram Ji also said beautiful words, Please take whatever you wish
from this house. The worldly society and its affairs are all false; they
do not appeal to you, then why do you want to be trapped in this? Look
at the likes of me, who have renounced the Lord and are shamefully
trapped in worldly affairs. Thus, please stay at home and praise the
Lord and receive His love, and keep bestowing peace and happiness
upon me. 5.

Lotus-eyed Guru Ji replied, Sister, listen to what the Knowledge says.
Those who eat by working with their hands make their bodily life
successful. Those who earn money themselves and eat after feeding
the hungry, and give food and clothing to the saints, they shower their
compassion on such people, and they achieve liberation from the
cycle of birth and death. 6.

Then Jai Ram Ji said, My mind obeys anything you say. I cannot
refuse your order; even Rai Bular himself has praised you. Tell me if
you have studied accounting, I can arrange that work for you. Guru Ji
said, I am aware of all methods of accounting; everything that is used
to maintain affairs of giving and taking, I am well versed with all of
them. 7.
, ,

You could handle the affairs of Nawab Daulat Khans Modi-Khana

(provisions store). Please handle this work, if you feel like doing so. 8.

Guru Ji accepted Jai Ram Jis suggestion, and said, Lord will handle
this work of mine. It is famously known Lord is friend of the helpless;
He is the treasure-trove of compassion, helper of the saints and
protects the sanctity of His name. Jai Ram Ji said, I am thinking in
my heart that you will be able to carry out this work, as you know the
societys ways very well. Lets go to the Nawab house and meet him. It
is a good day today, lets not delay any more. 9.

Both went to Daulat Khans house, where Guru Ji told the whole
matter to him. Seeing Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis face the Nawab said,
He will be able to work at the provisions store, since he appears to be
intelligent and responsible. Happily he gave a dress and one
thousand rupees to Guru Ji. Taking the dress and money, Guru Ji and
Jai Ram Ji returned back home. 10.
, ,

( With the money) Guru Ji stocked lots of materials in the store, and
would distribute goods to customers with his own hands. 11.
, ,

Having taken permission from his sister, Guru Ji had start preparing
meals in the provision store itself. 12.

, , , , ,
', ,

This way, Guru Ji would administer the store. Thousands of people
would come and make purchases from Guru Ji. Anyone who came to
his shop would return back happy. The store had wheat flour, pulses,
clarified butter, turmeric, black and red pepper, sugar cubes, sugar-
drops, jaggery, etc. in stock. The store was always full of people, and
people had to wait in long queues to be served. From dawn to dusk,
Guru Ji would count the goods and hand them to customers. 13.

' ' '
Seeing Guru Jis increase in income and resources, Jai Ram Ji and
Bebe Nanaki Ji got thrilled. Bebe Nanaki Ji said to her husband, Now
my brother will be able to save enough money for his marriage. Find a
suitable house for him, but keep in mind that you find someone of the
same status; that would please father (Baba) Kalu Ji, and his wish of
getting his son married here will also be fulfilled. 14.
, ,

Hearing this Jai Ram Ji said, (Guru Ji) have started working, now I
shall look for a decent Khatri home and plan his marriage. 15.

( Bhai Bala Ji is saying): O emancipator Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji!
Please listen One night I said to Guru Ji, I would like your
permission to leave, I want to back to my village and take up farming,
as it is appropriate to earn and eat myself. Guru Jis beautiful curly
hair danced on his soft cheeks, it was as if two fish could be seen on
moons surface. Guru Ji said, (Bhai) Bala! Why are you sad? Tell me
what is going on in your mind, remember the Lord in your mind and
spend your time. 16.
? ,

O wise man! Do not think in your mind that we have taken up this
work for earning money. We have to spend some time here; this work
is of no use to us. We will do the real work that we are here to do, and
we will take you along with us wherever we go. We get along well, so
stay my dear friend! Lets do the work on hand together for now. 17.
, ,

( Bhai Bala Ji is saying) By saying so, Guru Ji changed my mind, and I
stayed, for even I could not cope without the company of emblem of
Bedi clan Satguru Ji. 18.
, ,

I folded my hands and said, I have always agreed to your every wish.
O emancipator, grant me a blessing that I never go against your
desires. 19.
! , ,

Satguru Ji said, (Bhai) Bala (Ji), you are my friend. Imbibe in your
mind that those who tread on the path of Truth are liberated from the
cycle of birth and death. 20.
, ,

Hearing this, I wrapped my hands around Guru Jis lotus feet, and
started doing whatever work the ever-forgiving Guru Ji would tell me to
do. 21.
, ,

I would stock the store with goods brought from other places. The
store would overflow with stock, so much so that it almost appeared
like a warehouse. 22.
, ,

Any beggars that would come to beg, would go back smiling; and
hearing their stories, even more beggars would come. Guru Ji would
bestow them with food grains, materials, etc. 23.

If a hungry person or anyone without proper clothes asked Guru Ji, he
would not return back empty-handed. 24.

This caused Daulat Khan to bear some extra expenses, but he was
also contributing towards lots of charitable work. Hearing his praises,
needy people would come in hordes, and everyone would get what
they needed. 25.
, ',

The glory of the store spread all over the town, and every household
shared the prosperity, like a partridge gets excited by basking in the
moonlight. 26.
, ,

At the store, accounts were tallied every month, and Guru Ji would
take his accounts book to the clerk, and count the total sales done.
, ,

Whenever the accounts were tallied, the balance would always show
profit, which amazed people, and some would also feel jealous. 28.
, , '
But what these people of low intellect did not know was Guru Ji are
God-form, therefore there was nothing surprising about it, as they are
the Creator, the very axis of creation, and the absolute emancipator.
, ,

Some would exclaim, Little does Daulat Khan know that he (Guru Ji)
is wasting his money. He will eventually get caught when the balance
shows heavy losses, then he will suffer. 30.
, , '

While others would say the opposite, He (Guru Ji) generously gives
goods in charity, which is why there is such prosperity. 31.

After getting the alms, some beggars went to Talwandi and sang
praises of Guru Ji, (Son of Baba Kalu) has become the storekeeper
of Nawab Daulat Khan. He has taken a solemn vow of giving
donations to the poor. He cannot bear to see anyone hungry or
uncovered, which is why the distributor of happiness Guru Jis wealth
has increased manifold. He is earning an earnest and charitable living;
beggars and needy keep thronging his doorsteps. 32.

Hearing this, all the beggars of Talwandi got together and beaming
with hope came to Guru Ji. They got whatever they wanted, and
nobody returned back disappointed. Hearing Guru Jis such wonderful
laudations, Rai Bular got elated as if he had found some mine of
happiness, and an intense desire to have Guru Ji nearby him arose in
his heart. 33.

When Baba Kalu Ji happened to hear Guru Jis praises, he thought to

himself, Maybe I should go and get the money he has earned. He is
of carefree disposition, and does not know the art of saving money. I
should give him some counselling, and bring back the money he has
earned. Thinking like that, he got ready to go meet Guru Ji, and went
to Rai Bular. 34.


I want to go enquire about well-being of everyone at Sultanpur,
please give me the permission to leave. Rai Bular said, Meet him
with compassion; do not scold him! Other than that, hug him and give
him my love. After hearing these words, the father of emancipator
Guru Ji paid his respects and came back home. 35.


Guru Jis mother was intensely emotional; shedding tears of

separation she gave her messages for her son to Baba Kalu Ji. He
then purchased sweetmeats, attached oxen to the cart and set off on
the journey. Slowly the entire journey was completed, and he reached
Sultanpur. Seeing his son sitting at the store, he stopped the cart and
stepped down. His heart was filled with love for Guru Ji. 36.
As soon as Guru Ji saw his father, he rushed towards him and paid
his respects. Baba Kalu Ji held Guru Jis arms and raised him up, and
clenched him tightly in his arms. (Bhai Bala Ji is saying), Afterwards I
went and touched his feet. O fulfiller of all desires Guru Angad Dev
Jeo, kindly listen! After asking each others well-being, he took
beautiful Guru Ji, and both sat on the cot. 37.

Baba Kalu Ji made Guru Ji sit on his lap and stroked his forehead in
affection. Having been away from his son for so long, new seeds of
affection had sprouted in Baba Kalu Jis heart. The sight of
overflowing stock of goods in the store made him very happy. Some
moments went by, and Baba Kalu Ji struck the conversation. 38.

You have been working at Nawabs storehouse for quite some time
now, how much money you have saved so far? Hearing this, lotus-
eyed Guru Ji said, I have earned a lot since I came here, but no
money remains in my hands, it comes and goes so quick; I have not
saved a single penny, income and spending have been equal. 39.
, ,
All the affection Baba Kalu Ji had for his son got eroded in an instant
with waves of greed. Now he had no affection in his heart anymore.

The instant Guru Jis words hit his ears, Baba Kalu Ji got enraged,
and started telling him to save money, Ever since you were born you
have never given me any joy, you have always caused me much
suffering by wasting money. On one hand there are noble sons who
earn money, and receive praises from everyone in the family. But you
never learned a thing, and have unwittingly walked in opposition
direction from me. 41.

You have been working in the store for so long, and you havent
earned even a single penny! Then he took out his anger on me (Bhai
Bala Ji) and said, You stay with him, and still he lost all the wealth?
Lotus-eyed Guru Ji gestured me (Bhai Bala Ji) with tilted eyes and
forbade me from saying anything. Angry and frustrated Baba Kalu Ji
said profoundly ill words, but the lord of the world remained silent. 42.
, ,

Baba Kalu Ji said, Earn and bring back all the wealth that you have
wasted from my house. I came here to collect something or the other,
but you have lost everything. 43.
, ,

He is a young man now, yet has not gained any wisdom. His intellect
is still the same as before, profit and losses both are same to him! 44.

You are not worried about the family. Spend the money, or lose it, it
is all the same to you. If someone else was in my place, he would
have taught you a good lesson! You have absolutely no care for
money! An intelligent man in your place would have saved a lot by
doing this work. What will you spend when you get married? I am sure
you will ask me for my hard-earned money then also.
! ,

O son! You have grown up now, stop being so careless, be
responsible. Walk in the opposite direction of your old habits and save
money like a responsible man. You do not have to give me your
earned money if you do not wish to; just keep it separate with you.
There are many household chores that need attention from time to
time, how will they be completed if the hands are empty? 46.
, ,

Baba Kalu Ji narrated many ways of saving money. Carefully choosing
his words, and juggling between anger and love, he kept explaining to
Guru Ji. 47.
, , '

After encouraging his son with words of affection, he set off towards
Jai Ram Jis house. 48.

Sri Guru Nanak Prakash (Poorbardh) Adhyai 17 event narration
Running the Storehouse ends here.

( Bhai Santokh Singh Ji is making an invocation to Sri Guru Arjan Dev
Ji): I place my forehead in the feet of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, whose
radiance is spreading all over the universe, who listens to every prayer
of the heart, and whose words are the like hard-hitting arrows of
Arjuna (of Mahabharata). 1.
, ,

( Bhai Bala Ji is saying): Filled with love for his daughter, Baba Kalu Ji
met Bebe Nanaki Ji. He sat down and gave her whatever edible goods
he had brought with him. 2.
, ,

Then Jai Ram Ji arrived, who respectfully paid his respects. Everyone
was happily sitting together in the house. 3.

Everyone enquired about each others well-being; then Baba Kalu Ji
eagerly said - . 4.

My son had come to you; you did not explain anything to him. He has
been doing wrong activities, and has destroyed my house. 5.
You took no care of him, what have you done? He (Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji) is not aware of anything, where has he thrown away the
money? 6.
- -
This is why I did not marry him, I hoped something would be worked
out, and he will stop wasting money. 7.
If proper watch and care was taken, how could large amounts of
wealth disappear like this? 8.
! '
Bebe Nanaki Ji said, Dear father! Listen. Brother has started working
now, this you have witnessed yourself. Talks of his engagements are
in progress, but keep in mind he is of detached disposition. 9.
' ' '
He has not done you any harm by coming here. If he builds or
destroys, it is his own earnings. Jai Ram Ji told him, We are actively
looking to get him engaged. 10.
, !

Baba Kalu Ji got happy, and said, Look for a suitable family, Jai Ram!
Get him married to a very wealthy family of Khatri clan. 11.


Jai Ram Ji said, There is a person called Moola belonging to Chaona
caste, he has a daughter. He is employed as accountant in village
Randhawa. I have made all the enquiries, and it is my understanding it
will be a happy alliance. Baba Kalu Ji said, Please do as you see fit.
You are a wise man, and our respect in society is mutual. My daughter
is happy, and is in peace; now I desire to see (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev
Ji) happy in life too. 12.
! , '

Jai Ram Ji said, Kalu Ji! You are a father figure to me, kindly relocate
here in Sultanpur, bring (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Jis) mother along too.
, ,
' ,

, '
Baba Kalu Ji said, I have got an ancestral house, besides there I live
a very happy and content life. I have been appointed accountant of Rai
Bular, and everyone obeys me, how can I leave that place? I say to
you again, call me as soon as you have fixed his engagement, I will
not waste time in coming. Apart from that, do make sure my son does
not waste any more money. Keep guiding him, I am always worried
about him. 14.
, ,
, ' , '
Bebe Nanaki Ji said, My dear father! Listen. You say he keeps
wasting my wealth. But now he is earning himself whether he keeps it
or wastes it, he does not take any money from you anymore. He is a
charitable person who feeds the hungry, and provides clothes to the
unclothed. It is our duty to forbid him if he engages in wrongful actions,
but stopping him from performing auspicious works is sinful. 15.
! '

Dear father! It is his magnanimity that he feeds the Faqirs wherever
he meets them. He has got no greed in his heart, and his mind is
always focussed on doing charitable deeds. 16.
- -
But we are scared of Daulat Khan; the balance might go in negative
as everyday there is a huge crowd of beggars outside the store.
Everyone keeps saying he is wasting the money. 17.

But when the balance sheet is prepared, it always shows high profits,
and no losses, and that saves our honour. 18.
' '
He is the manifestation of Lord Himself who has come on this earth;
he is no ordinary human form. 19.

Hearing this Baba Kalu Ji said, Pray for the best and get the accounts
tallied now, if you foresee any profits. 20.

You know what is on my mind, agree to it and plan a way of sneaking
money from (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji). 21.
For him, millions and nothing are both the same; device a plan so
that we can extract money from him. 22.
, ,

Call (Bhai) Bala (Ji) and explain to him, and he will be able to
convince him (Guru Ji). 23.

Jai Ram Ji immediately sent a servant and called (Bhai) Bala (Ji) over.
When he took a seat Baba Kalu Ji said, You are a wise friend of (Sri
Guru) Nanaks (Dev Ji). 24.

I am advising you just as I would advise my own son. Now, you
remain alert and make sure he does not waste any more money. 25.

Because of you, our honour will be saved, and money will not go to
waste. Hearing this, Bhai Bala Ji got a little annoyed, and said .26.

We have absolutely no greed in our hearts, Mehta Ji! Why do you
cast your doubts? We do not wish to eat luxuriously, or waste money
on unnecessary clothes. 27.

( Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) is supreme saint, lords own manifestation.
Anyone who lives near him is liberated, and keeping faith on him
purifies the mind. 28.
We have obtained this human body with
great blessings. It is our duty to sail the worldly ocean and reach the
other side. Mehta Ji! Listen, if you so long for his wealth, kindly stay
with your son, (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji). 29.

My only desire is that I do not disobey any of his orders. I do not have
any greed for wealth, the way you have in your heart. 30.

Therefore, stay with your son, relocate your base here and keep
collecting whatever profits you may obtain. 31.

We are not able to save any money. He is the master, and I am his
servant. How can the talk of saving wealth materialise? I cannot
refuse his orders. 32.

Hearing this Jai Ram Ji said, Mehta Ji, listen! This (Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji) is free from all desires. What Bhai Bala Ji has told you is
absolutely correct. Consider it to be true, just like my mind considers it
the truth. 33.

Dont keep anger in your heart, (Bhai) Bala (Ji) has no fault in this.
When (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) will get married, he will not waste
money, rather would always want more. 34.

I will call you when the engagement is finalised, do not worry at all!
After his engagement, he will get attached to the woman, and would
not waste any money. 35.

Bhai Bala Ji got up as soon as he heard this, and went to the place
where Guru Jis store was well-adorned. And, Baba Kalu Ji had spent
some more time at Bebe Nanaki Jis house. 36.

Then Baba Kalu Ji got ready to head back to Talwandi. Coaxing Guru
Ji he said, Son! You are going to get married soon, there is not much
time left in that. 37.

Thus, start saving money for the marriage. Drop your old, adverse
habits. Then he met his daughter and son-in-law with much affection.

Then they met Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Bala Ji, and saying
kind words to them he then went back to Talwandi, and Guru Ji kept
working at the provisions store. 39.

Guru Ji kept performing his duties as before. He would distribute food
and clothing to the needy, and nobody would go home empty-handed.

By now Guru Jis glory had spread to every household, and in the
hearts of men and women of Sultanpur. It was like a line of swans, or
like the beautiful flower spreading its fragrance all around. 41.

Similar to the generosity of banyan tree, Guru Ji would distribute
goods to people. Every day huge crowds would form, and patient Guru
Ji would give them the goods, and that made him happy. 42.
, ,

Some time passed like this when a back-biter happened to come to
Jai Ram Jis house and told him everything in secret. 43.
Guide the brother of your wife (Guru Ji) to stop wasting the money
like that. Keep in mind what I tell you he has absolutely no fear in his
heart. 44.

He distributes money to the Faqirs, and this way keeps destroying
Nawabs house. You are well aware of the habits of the Turks; their
dictatorial rule is not oblivious to you. 45.

Jai Ram got scared, who went straight back and called Bebe Nanaki,
O daughter of great man! I have heard from many a people -. 46.

. . Nanak spends the money as if he is some big king. People keep
coming to me and tell me all this, which pierces my heart. 47.

What corrective measure should I take that could save my honour. I
am drowning in the sea of worries. Plan something so that I sail
across to the safe side. 48.

Hearing this, Bebe Nanaki said, If you mind has been cast over by
doubts, then do that which appeals your mind, that which can destroy
all your doubts. 49.

Your mind has lost faith, then why do you ask me for suggestions?
You know the greatness of my brother, and you yourself used to tell
me that every day. 50.

My mind has eternal faith, and it never wavers. (Sri Guru) Nanak
(Dev Ji) is Lord-form, some benevolent saint he is. 51.

The entire play of Maya is under the command of (Sri Guru) Nanak
(Dev Ji). If you still want to test him, get the balance done right here
and now. 52.

Either there will be profit or at least sales will be equal to purchases.
Do not listen to those who lie. Hearing this, Jai Ram Ji said, I will not
do this task. 53.
I have the same faith in my heart, why I should get the accounts
verified? Bebe Nanaki Ji insisted, Listen! Do not think much, just get
the balance done. 54.

Do not waste any more time, and call my moms son over. A maid
called Tulsa was sent where treasure-trove of happiness Guru Ji
were sitting. 55.
' ?

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked her, Tulsa, what brings you here? The
maid replied, You sister has lovingly -. 56.

. . requested you to kindly show your presence, which is why I am
here. So, please get up and go to your sisters house. 57.
, '

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, Tulsa! You leave, I am coming. Then
Guru Ji called me (Bhai Bala Ji) and asked. 58.
? !

( Bhai) Bala! Why have they called me? My mind says someone has
said something against me to them, this is my understanding of the
situation. 59.
Narrating the story of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Guru Angad Dev Ji, Bhai
Bala Ji had made it interesting. Then Bhai Bala Ji said, Listen further
Guru Angad Dev Jeo! O house of happiness Nanak Ji! 60.

Who can bite-bite against you? I have not witnessed any bad trait in
you, and you do not perform any bad deed at all. Hearing this Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji said -. 61.

( Bhai) Bala! Bring all the sugary stuff from the store. Taking 5
pounds of sugar-drops, Guru Ji started walking. 62.

Guru Ji arrived at her sisters house. I (Bhai Bala Ji) also accompanied
him. On his arrival, sister got up and spread a beautiful cot for him. 63.

The emblem of Bedi clan Guru Ji said, Bebe Ji! Tell me, what is the
reason for calling me here? You called me, and I have come. 64.
! '

Daughter of Kalu Ji replied, Brother! I was longing to see you, so I
sent Tulsa to call you over. Seeing you my heart has blossomed. 64.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, Dear Sister! A doubt has arisen in my
mind, so kindly tell me why you have called me here? 66.

Bebe Nanaki Ji replied, You know everything. You are the all-knower;
you can know everything without anyone saying anything. 67.

Dear Sister! It appears to me someone has said something about me
to you. I was suspecting this from the start. Please do the balance
now. 68.

It has been some time since the last audit. Lets see what does
balance comes to. This will eradicate all doubts; I wished to get it done
earlier. 69.

Bebe Nanaki Ji comforted Guru Ji by saying, Dear brother! There is
no doubt. Give and take has been going on since ancient times. The
wealth will not reduce. 70.

Dear sister! What you say is absolutely true. There is no shame in
tallying the accounts. Now waste not any more time! Kindly compare
the accounts. 71.

This will clear minds of all doubts, and will blacken the faces of back-
biters also. Hearing this, Bebe Nanaki Ji said, Whatever thought has
born in your mind - 72.

Hear that thought and follow it; anything that pleases your mind.
Guru Ji took Jai Ram Ji with him, and headed off to the palace of
Nawab Daulat Khan. 73.

Guru Ji then sat next to the accountant just like ordinary worldly
people. Whatever income and expenses were made, he narrated
them all and got them written down. 74.
, ,

When the account performed calculations on three and half months of
transactions, a profit of 135 rupees came out in favour of bestower of
blessings Guru Ji. 75.

This is the profit that came out when lotus-eyed Guru Ji got the
calculations done, and that made Jai Ram Ji both shameful and glad.

He cursed the moment when he doubted Guru Ji by coming under the
influence of that liar. Both got up and came back to Jai Ram Jis
house. The support of his servants Guru Ji had taken seat on the cot.

Bebe Nanaki Ji enquired, Tell me the result of the audit? The house
of happiness Guru Ji said, Brother-in-law knows it all, please ask
him. 78.

And here are the keys to the provisions store; I cannot spend more
time here. It is me and the Lord now, you handle your work! 79.

Guru Ji got ready to leave but Jai Ram Ji rushed and held his feet and
started begging him to stay. 80.

Sobbing heavily sister said, O brother! How can this be? First kill me,
and then go wherever you wish! Stay if you want to see me alive. 81.

You are of gentle and innocent disposition. To perform false deeds is
not even in your mind. We are forever making mistakes, brother! Why
dont you forgive us? 82.
! ,
Lotus-eyed Guru Ji said, Jai Ram Ji, listen! What if there are any
losses again, why I should continue with this work? 83.
, ,
, , , !

Jai Ram Ji humbly said, I was not aware of your true powers. I had
only seen portion of it, and was unaware of the rest. My heart has
witnessed your true potential now. You are the Absolute Almighty,
destroyer of the dirt of evils of Kaljug, all qualities filled Avtaar. Please
forgive my sins! O destroyer of suffering! I came under the influence of
someone, and that had caused doubt in my mind. 84.
! ,
, ,

Then sister said, O bestower of happiness, please listen! If the money

is ever in shortage, I will arrange it somehow and restore the balance,
but please do not go, stay here with us. We will never question you
again, will remain quiet and obtain happiness by being in your
presence. Please drop the anger. Be merciful on us, and do not cause
separation by going some other way. 85.

I (Bhai Bala Ji) added, It is supreme truth that there is no one

comparable to (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev) Ji. He is the sovereign of all the
temporal manifestations of Vishnu, Krishna and Indra. Both his lotus
feet are the source of bliss, happiness, emancipator, and are
destroyer of sins. He is the most compassionate, lord of the world, sun
of knowledge, and is all-capable. 86.
! ,

( Bhai Bala Ji is saying): O Sri Guru Angad Dev Jeo, listen! To ease
the atmosphere, I folded my hands, and said these amusing words.
, ,
, !
, ,

( Guru Ji), Your sister and her husband are humbly pleading before
you. They are filled with your love, and are holding your feet
requesting you to stay at your brother-in-laws house. Please do not
reject them again, and stay here. O house of compassion, bestower of
happiness Guru Jeo! Just have a look at the conditions of these
devotees. If fire of anger burns in the minds of elders, it is
extinguished with water of requests and humility. 88.
, ,
, ',
Listening to me (Bhai Bala Ji), lotus-eyed Guru Ji became most
compassionate, and the bestower of happiness lovingly said, Bhai
Bala! I do not treat your words casually, keep this in mind, this is how I
feel for you. Saying so, lord of the helpless, the most compassionate
Guru Ji had stayed there. That Guru Ji, whose presence is enough to
eradicate all sufferings, they are the lord of his devotees. 89.
, ,
Husband and wife (Jai Ram Ji and Bebe Nanaki Ji) lovingly said, O
house of wisdom! (Bhai Bala Ji) you are great, you are great! Today
you have blessed us a new brother in a way. 90.
, ' ,

You serve him (Guru Ji) day and night, which is why he showers his
blessings on you. He has filled your heart with his devotion, and that is
why all your doubts have been destroyed. 91.

Everyones heart was filled with peace, and Guru Ji started walking
towards the provisions store. Guru Ji were walking slowly, and the
poet Kavi Santokh Singh is sacrifice to that divine walk. 92.
, ,

Nawab Daulat Khan gave Guru Ji the profit in the audit, and happily
handed him another 1700 rupees. 93.
, ,

Lots of Hindus and Muslims came and congratulated Guru Ji, and
animatedly said, We had heard that Guru Ji had left the provision
stores work. 94.
, ,
That saddened us, because you are a philanthropist. But as soon as
we heard you have taken up the job again, we became overjoyed. It is
our prayer the ocean of qualities Guru Ji, what you did is wonderful!
, ,

Daulat Khan rewarded Guru Ji appropriately, and bade farewell to him,
and fearless Guru Ji resumed his duty at the storehouse as before.

Sri Guru Nanak Parkash (Poorbardh) Adhyai 18 episode narration
Audit Performed ends here.

Adhyai 19

( Kavi Santokh Singh Ji makes an invocation to Sri Hargobind Sahib
Ji): Contemplating on the lotus feet of Sri Hargobind Sahib Ji, I now
begin narrating the peace giving story. O Sikhs! Listen with
concentration! 1.


( Bhai Bala Ji is saying): This way, time glided by swiftly and Guru Ji
efficiently handled the provisions store work. Holding weighing scale in
one hand, Guru Ji would weigh more than asked for, and people
would gladly accept them. Hearing Guru Jis praises, beggars from far-
off places would come to him, and get whatever goods they wished
for. Everyone was amazed and perplexed, they wondered if Guru Ji
have found a treasure, or some chemical for producing gold. 2.

, '
What these nave people did not know was Guru Ji are the
manifestation of the Lord Himself; that the source of happiness has
taken the human form to uproot the growth of ignorance, and to get
people to chant His name. They were also unaware that all the nine
treasures, and eighteen occult powers stand in their court with folded
hands, waiting for the next order. How can there be a shortage of
anything when Lord Himself is pervading in Maya. 3.


In village Pakho Ke Randhawe lived a Khatri named Moola; some
mediators came to Sultanpur with the marriage proposal of his
daughter. Identifying Jai Ram Jis house, they came in and he most
respectfully made them sit at an auspicious place. Bebe Nanaki Ji was
so exultant that she found it hard to contain herself. The invited guests
of the clan were congratulating her, and she was accepting them
gladly. The women collectively sang songs, which completed the
clans rituals. The efforts were lauded, and lots of donations were
made. 4.


Jai Ram Ji was very happy, he invited the relatives to his place and
after choosing the auspicious time, Guru Ji were made to sit for the
Shagun ceremony. A Tilak (coloured mark on the forehead) was
applied on Guru Jis forehead, grains of rice were touched (a ritual)
and sweets were given to him, upon which the Brahmins gave their
blessings. The women were singing and teasing, which tickled and
entertained everyone. Because of such excitement at Sultanpur, a
person was immediately sent to Talwandi. 5.

- ,

When Guru Jis mother Mata Tripta Ji heard the news, she became
ecstatic as if she had found all the nine treasures of the world. She
came out with sweetmeats in her hand, and stuffed them in the mouth
of person who brought the news. She expressed her joy by repeatedly
saying I am sacrifice to this moment!, and gave five rupees and
decorated him with a robe of honour. Then she invited women of the
family to sing songs, and that made her immensely happy. 6.

, ,
As soon as Baba Kalu Ji heard the news, he became happy like a
peacock that becomes joyous on listening to thunderclouds. The
beggars were asking for more money, and he was receiving their
blessings by giving them what they wanted. Everyone was
congratulating him, and the whole house was adorned with highly
decorated and well-dressed women. Considering Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji as manifestation of the Lord, they were singing: 7.
, ,

Relationship of Bedi clan with righteousness is now affirmed.
Manifestation of Truth, son of Baba Kalu Ji, has purified the entire
clan. 8.
, ,

Guru Nanak Dev Jis materal grandparents were called over, who
came straightaway and received the customary gifts. 9.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis maternal grandfather Rama Ji, respectable
maternal uncle Krishna Ji, and his maternal grandmother Bhirayi Ji
had all arrived on hearing the news. 10.

Everyone got together and made the occasion more beautiful. They
happily performed the rituals of the clan. After meeting everyone,
Baba Kalu Ji said, Dont delay anymore, get ready to go to Sultanpur.

Lets go and spend money, be quick and place your feet on the path
to Sultanpur. Saying so, everyone gathered their belongings and fixed
oxen to their carts. 12.

Baba Kalu Ji and his brother Lalu Ji both got ready. They were
reminiscing on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis charitable deeds, and were
desperate to see Guru Ji, like a bumblebee is desperate in love for
lotus flower.

To go to Sultanpur, there were 12 men and women in total, which
included happy maternal uncles and grandparents, and few servants
too. 14.

Then Baba Kalu Ji went to meet Rai Bular Ji at his place, and said,
My son (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji), who is your servant, has been
engaged, and for that I have been invited. 15.

If you permit, we would like to go and spend money there. Listening
to Baba Kalu Ji Rai Bular said, (Kalu Ji!) Do not say such
inappropriate words! 16.

Consider Nanak my Master instead, and I am his servant. May Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji bless me so that this desire remains forever in my
heart. 17.

Never repeat the words you have just uttered in ignorance. You are
unaware of the greatness of the one you call your son, all three worlds
obey His orders. 18.
, ,

Go now, and spend as much money as you wish, but do not scold Sri
(Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) on meeting him. 19.

Hearing this Baba Kalu Ji said, O king! Please do not bring any doubt
in your heart. Utter auspicious words, wish us peace and the
permission to leave. 20.
! ' '

Rai said, (Baba) Kalu! (Ji), you are loud-mouthed, I had to say this to
stop you from that. The way you always quarrelled with him when he
was here, do not say anything inappropriate there. 21.

Baba Kalu Ji said, O most wise Rai Ji! You are like Lord to me. I have
only got one son (Sri Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji), why would I say bad
words to him? 22.

Rai said, Go and perform this auspicious work, May Khuda bless you.
Give lots of love and touch the house of happiness Guru Jis lotus feet
from my side. 23.

Pay my warmest regards to the lotus-eyed Guru Ji. Baba Kalu Ji

paid his respects, and taking Rai Bulars permission, Kalu Ji left the
place. 24.

Then they mounted on the cart, and forgetting all worries behind
started the journey. They were being pulled by their sons love like a
fish gets pulled with fishing hook. 25.

They were carrying lots of money for spending on various objects.
Every day they would travel as much as they could to complete the
journey quickly. Accompanying with them was the family bard (Bhai)
Mardana (Ji), whose greatest fortunes had awakened. 26.

Eventually they reached Sultanpur, and all the men and women
present there congratulated them. Then everyone unmounted the cart
and entered Jai Ram Jis house. 27.

Bebe Nanaki Ji met them with great love and affection. Mother took
her in embrace and lovingly ran hand on her head. (Baba) Kalu Jis
obedient daughter was full of beauty and virtue. 28.

With great joy she met and paid appropriate respects to everyone. At
that time Jai Ram Ji came out and met and greeted everyone. 29.

When Sri (Guru) Nanak (Dev Ji) heard of his fathers arrival, he
immediately got up and came to the house, and placed his head on
his fathers feet. (Baba) Kalu (Ji) gave him many blessings. 30.

( Baba) Kalu (Ji) took his son in embrace and repeatedly kissed his
forehead. Everyone was looking at the face of house of peace (Guru
Ji) whose body hair had stood on end with overflowing love. With
immense joy, everyone gave (Guru Ji) much love. 31.
, !
Emancipator (Guru Ji) then asked: Dear father, tell me about Rai
Bular in Talwandi; is his body and mind in good health? 32.

( Baba) Kalu (Ji) replied, Son, listen! I had completely forgotten about
this topic. It is good that you have reminded me; with the Grace of God
everything is well there. 33.

That highly wise man sends his love-filled greetings to you. He said
lovingly touch feet of the one he desperately longs to see. 34.

( Guru Ji) got up after hearing about his beloved Rai Bular. He then
went to his mother with folded hands, and placed his head on her feet,
(and Guru Jis mother) lifted him up and took him in her embrace. 35.

Tears rolled down from her moist eyes, and her heart was cooled and
soothed with joy. (Mata Ji) looked at the face of her son, which was
the house of happiness, and considering the auspicious time of the
celebrations held back her tears. 36.
Mata Ji said, The pace of fate has separated me from you, it has not
given me the joy of my sons union. Still, I consider myself fortunate
because now I am going to witness the marriage ceremony of my
son. 37.

She kept watching in awe her sons beautiful face, and still would not
feel satiated. Then benevolent Guru Ji got up and went to his uncle
and offered his salutations. 38.

Lalu Ji (Guru Jis uncle) lovingly hugged him and became elated by
looking at Guru Jis moon-like beautiful face. He felt immense joy in
his heart, just like a miser who clutches his wealth in joy and cannot
let go. 39.

This son is born in our family to give us happiness, and has . The
future God only knows, Lalu Ji said this lovingly. 40.

Afterwards, the destroyer-of-sorrows Guru Nanak Dev Ji got up and
saluted his maternal grandfather by touching his feet. He lifted Guru Ji
by his arms and took him in his embrace, and tears of joy filled his
eyes. 41.

No beggar could be seen at that place, and he did not want to leave
Guru Ji from his embrace. Guru Nanak Dev Jis maternal grandmother
Bhirayi (Ji) uttered. 42.

Let him go now, you have given him enough love. Let him meet
others too and take away their pain of separation. 43.

Rama Ji (Maternal grandfather) replied, No, I will not let him go until I
am not satisfied. I will only let him go after I have given lots of alms
after revolving money over his head. 44.

Hearing this, Bhirayi Ji said, Then revolve as much money over his
head as you wish. Rama Ji replied, There is no beggar in sight in this
veranda, who should I give the money to? 45.
' -

Then Bebe Nanaki Ji sent her maid Tulsaa to go fetch a beggar.
When Rama Ji realised that the beggars have arrived, he arranged for
twenty rupees in loose change. 46.

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