Navin Paneeri Guru Nanak Dev Ji (Part 1 English) - Bhai Vir Singh Children

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Navin Paneeri

Storiesfrom the life o/Guru Nanak Dev

Volume -1
Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan
Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Gale Market
New Delhi -110 001
Page 1
Navin Paneeri
Stories from mc IifcofGWlI Nanak Dcv(Vol. I)
C Bhai Vir Singh Sahirya Sadan, New Delhi
New Edition, 2007
Ba$Cd on Guru Na.nak Chamatku by Bhai Vir Singh
Punjabi Narration: Dr. Giani Bhajan Singh
English Translation: Prof. Surjit Singh Chawla
NilS!: Bodh Raj
Publishcr: Bh:Li Vir Singh Sahity.l Sadan,
Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi -110 001
rhonc 2336 3510, Fax. 2374 4347
Printcr: Sundcr Printcn
24n79, Nalwa Stm;:l, Pahar Ganj
New Ddhi-I 10055
Price: Rs. 55/-
Page 2
Birth of Guru Nanak Dev
Shri Guru Nanak Dev is
our first Guru. He was born in
1469 A.D. The name of his
father was Mehta Kalu Ram.
His mother was called Tripta.
The Guru was born at Rai
Bhoi's Talwandi. As the Guru
was born in this town it was
given the name of Nankana
Sahib. This town is situated in
Pakistan at a distance of
.seventy five kilometres from
Bibi Nanaki was .the only sister of Guru Nariak Dev. She
was elder to him by five years. Her beloved brother was given
a name similar to her's. In those days Behlol Lodhi ruled over
India. Rai Bular was the local ruler at Rai Bhoi's Talwandi.
Mehta Kalu Ram used to look after the estates and properties
of Rai Bular and was also called Patwari. Generally a child
cries at the time of his birth but the Guru carne to the world
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Gurdwara Sri Nankana Sahib
The house of Mehta Kalu Ram in which Guru Nanak
Dev was born was turned into a Gurdwara and came to be
known as Gurdwara Janam Sthan. The town was also
renamed twice. At first it was called Rai Pur. Then it was
named Rai Bhoi's Talwandi. After the birth of Guru Nanak
Dev it came to be known as Nankana Sahib.Guru Nanak
Dev spent his childhood here and performed many miracles.
There are the five other Gurdwaras which were u ~ in the
memory of Guru Nanak Dev at Nankana Sahib :-
1. Gurdwara Kiara Sahib 4.. Gurdwara Bat lila
2. Gurdwara Tambu Sahib 5. Gurdwara Mal Ji Sahib.
3. Gurdwara Palli Sahib
Page 4
Har Dayal Pandit prepares the
"The family rejoiced at the birth of Guru Nanak Dev.
Whosoever came to congratulate, looked at the childand felt
that he had been blessed. This had never happened at the
birth of any other child in the town. Pandit Har Dayal was
called to cast the child's horoscope. He made his calculations
and said "This child is a holy person. He is not an ordinary
child. He is the messenger of the Almighty and has come to
the world to show the people the path of holiness." He also
told Mehta Kalu Ram to be careful and not to consider him
like other children. With great reverence he bowed to the
child and saluted him.
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A Charming Childhood
Even during the first two years of his childhood it was
observed that his behaviour was different from that of other
children. He would lie down quietly in the cradle. Even when
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hungry he WQUId not cry. He would not weep to make others
lift him and carry himabout. lying in the cradle he would look
at the sky. Feeling drowsy he would 90 to sleep. All were
astonished that the child did not behave at all like other
Time and again his sister who was then a girl of six, would
come, look at him and talk in short sweet words. He too
wOlild 90 on looking at her and listen to her sweet and loving
words. The smile on his lips created the impression that he
was listening carefully. The child's charming behaviour
pleased one and all.
Page 7
A Kind Child
As a child Nanak became popular throughout the town.
Wherever he went people would stop him, talk to himand ask
questions. His answers filled them with wonder and joy.
Though a child, he would talk wisely like grown up people.
Even then he used to talk of God and often utter the word 'so;'
which means God. Even great scholars could not talk of the
secrets of life in the manner in which the Guru was talking in
his childhood.
From the very early days of his childhood he was kind
hearted. He wanted to give all that he had in charitv to the
needy. He did not have any feelings of attachment. Whatever
he had he would give to the person who asked for it or needed
it. He had a small pot. A holy man said to him that he did not
have any pot to drink from. The child Guru gave his own
drinking pot to the sadhu and came back home.
Page 8
The Guru was sent to School
When the Guru was of school going age, his father took
him to Pandit Gopal Das, the village priest. He used to teach
the children of the village in his school. Guru Nanak Dev, was
admitted to the school.
As was his practice Pandit Gopal Das wrote the first four
letters of alphabet on the wooden slate. The Guru read out
those words at once. The next day the priest tried to teach
him how to write the first ten numbers. The Guru wrote down
these numbers with such ease that it appeared as if he knew
everything about the numbers. On the third day he wanted to
teach how to spell different words. The Guru easily wrote
'soi'. The priest asked him what he had written. The Guru
smiled and said, "It means God - our Creator."
After some days the priest saw a long verse written on
Guru's wooden slate. Only a scholarly poet could have
written it. The priest told Mehta Kalu Ram, 'He has been sent
by the Almighty to teach the Pandits.' '
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Then the Guru was sent to
the Maulvi
Then his father sent him to the village mosque to learn
the court language, Persian. In those days the Muslimpriests
used to teach Persian and the Hindu priests used to give
instruction in Indian languages and Sanskrit. The Maulvi gave
the Persian Primer to the Guru and tried to teach him the
alphabet. The Maulvi was surprised to see that the Guru was
able to read all that he had written. After a few days he saw
that the Guru had written a lot in Persian. He was astonished
to find that the Guru had been writing about God. What he
had written could be written only by priests, scholars and
prophets. The Maulvi said, "You are not my student. You are
the very light of God. You have not come to be taught. You
are here in this world to teach us."
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The Guru declines to wear the Sacred
According to the Hmdu custom of those days when a chikl
reached the age of eleven hewas given the sacred thread to wear.
On the occasion of performing this ceremony Mehta Kalu Ram
invited a large number of people. Pandit Har Dayal occupied
hImself in making preparations for this ceremony. He twisted
seven different threads to prepare the sacred thread and asked
Guru Nanak Dev to wear it. But the Guru declined to wear it. He
said, "I won't wear this sacred thread. Give me the sacred thread
that never breaks or gets dirty. I want that sacred thread which
after the death of a man accompanies his soul to the next world."
The Pandit was taken aback. He said, "I do not have such a
sacred thread. What type of sacred thread have you in mind?"
The Guru said, "Take the cotton of kindness and spin the thread
of contentment. Tie the knot of truth and virtue. I want to wear
:he sacred thread having these qualities. Every one should wear
such a sacred thread."
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He became a Cowherd
His parents observed that he would remain absorbed in
thoughts all the time but was happy while roaming about in
open fields and talking to the people. They thought that he
should be given such a job as kept him busy and happy. He
was asked to look after the cattle. Thus the Guru became a'
cowherd. The Guru left the cattle for grazing in a lonely place
and himself sat down to meditate on God. The cattle entered
the lush fields and spoiled the growing crops. The farmer
drove the animals out and complained to Rai Bular. Guru
Nanak Dev was asked to present himself in the court of Rai
Bular. Rai Bular then sent his men to the fields of the farmer to
draw an estimate of the loss suffered by him. They visited the
fields and reported that no damage whatsoever had been
done to the standing crops. Everyone agreed that the Guru
was not an ordinary child. He was God in human form. He
could not be proved wrong.
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Cobra provided shade
One day a wonderful thing happened. It was witnessed
by the people of the town as well as the ruler Rai Bular. They
saw that the child Nanak who had accompanied the cattle
was asleep in the forest under the tree while the cattle were
grazing in the forest. The bright Sun covered the face of the
sleeping Guru. Instantly a Cobra came out of the trunk of a
tree and spread its hood to provide shade over the face of the
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Guru to provide shade from the rays of Sun. The onlookers
were wonder struck at this sight. Normally tbe snakes sting
men to death but this deadly cobra had spread its hood to
provide shade to the Guru. It could have killed the Guru but
hog become his slave ond servant. The news spreod through
the town ond when the people of the town came to the spot
they saw the Cobra disappearing majestically into the trunk
of the tree. .
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What did Rai Bular realise
Rai Bular and Bibi Nanaki were the first to realise that
Guru Nanak was not an ordinary man but a messenger of
God and had been specially sent by Him to this world. On
hearing from the village Pandit and Maulvi that the Guru had
not come to them for getting instructions but for teaching
them, Rai Bular specially went to see the Guru. He was
deeply affected by the Guru's noble words and his handsome
magnatic face shinning with the divine halo. He had seen the
cobra spreading its hood to provide shade to the sleeping
Guru. He had also seen that the damage done to the fields by
the grazing cattle had been undone mysteriously. So long as
the Guru stayedat Rai Bhoi's Ta1wandi, Rai Bular would go to
see him every day. Whenever Mehta Kalu Ram complained
to Rai Bular about Guru's lack of interest in the affairs of the
world, Rai Bular would tell him, "God has come to your
house. Don't be angry with him. Don't worry. I am here to
serve him.

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Exchange of Ideas with His Father
One day Mehta Kalu Ram gathered all the members of
his family and said to Guru Nanak, "My dear son, you are
now a grown up young man. I worry about you. I want that
you should get intosome vocation. If you want to be a farmer,
there is land enough for you. If you so desire I can set up a
shop for you. If you feel like travelling around you can trade in
horses. If you do not like any such profession, then like me.
you too can take up a job."
The Guru spoke to his father with great respect and
affection and said, "Every one has to leave this world. We can
take with us nothing out of the wealth we gather here. I am
worried about my life in the next world. I wonder how shall
people fare in the next world. I am doing everything that you
have spoken of'. The father said, "Nothing of what you are
doing can be seen by me." The Guru Ji said, "My mind
ploughs my body which is like a field and sows the name ot
God. Patience is the planker for this field. In the same way I
have put the merchandise of Name in the shop of my years
and am doing business. I am in service of the Lord and all the
time I try to understand His orders and put themin practice."
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The Physician was called
Guru Nanak Dev was then fifteen years of age. He was
loved fly one and all. Although he was in his teens but all the
time he remained absorbed in his thoughts and appeared to
be very serious. For days together he would lie and
contemplate in the bed. He would neither eat nor talk to any
one. Although he had a fresh, glowing face, his body had
become feeble. All those who looked at him would tell his
father KaJu Ram that his son was suffering from some serious
disease. They would say, "Show your beloved son to a
physician. Get proper treatment for him. He neither plays nor
laughs, nor eats nor drinks anything. If his body were healthy
he would not keep lying iike this. His illness is the real reason
for not taking up any job."
Mehta KaJu Ram was already worried about his son.
When his friends and relatives spoke about Guru Nanak Dev,
his anxiety increased. He went to the famous vaid (Physician)
Hari Das and spoke to him about the degenerating health of
his son. The vaid accompanied Mehta Kalu Ram to his house
to cure the Guru.
Mehta Kalu Ram told the vaid in detail about the
sickness from which his son was suffering. "Myson," he said,
"never asks for food, We persuade him to accept some food
,after a couple of days. He keeps lying all the time. He does not
talk to anyone freely. He surely suffers from some disease
which makes him indifferent to everything. He was not like
this earlier. Please treat him." When the vaid wanted to feel
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the Guru's pulse the Guru at once sat up and said 10 him,
"why have you come here." The vaid told him that he had
come to cure him. The GUru started talking to him like an old,
experienced, wise man, 'There is nothing wrong either with
my arms or veins. No part of my body suffers from any
disease whose symptoms can' be found by you. There is a
pain deep down in my heart. You can neither know the cause
nor understand the nature of this pain. I will regard you a vaid
if you understand your own inner sickness. You should try to
find out a cure for the diseases of the mind and body."
The vaid was irritated and said, "This child calls me a
patient." The Guru interrupted him and said, "vaidji, you are
a sick man. You suffer frum ego and pride. Not only you but
every one suffers fr-om these diseases but no body really
understands." The vaid was satisfied and said, "You are
correct. I ama physician who cures the body but you cure the
mind. You treat only the spiritual sick."
Page 20
The True Bargain
All agreed that the son of Mehta Kalu Ram was a man of
great nobility and spiritual power and that what he knew, was
not known even to great hermits and saints. But Mehta Kalu
Ram used to worry aU the time that his son was a grown up
man and he should take to business and bear the
responsibility of supporting the family. He felt that even after
the visit of the vaid he would stiD waste time lying down,
roaming about and moving in the company of holy men His
talk of trading in God's Name had not been to the liking of his
One day his father gave him twenty rupees. He said to
him, "go to the neighbouring town, Chuharkana. Find out
some merchandise which is not available in our town. Buy it
from there and sell it at a profit here. When you have learnt to
trade in the neighbouring areas you may start going to far
off places. Try to strike asood bargain. Don't go alone. Take
Bala alongwith you."
Respecting the wishes of his father Guru Ji left for
Chuhar kana in the company of Bala. When they had almost
reached Chuharkana he came across a group of holy men in a
deserted place. Guru Ji went to them and started discussing
spiritual matters With Head of those mendicants. He said,
"We had been meditating to dontrol the desires of the body.
We eat when God gives us something to eat. We have been
without food for the last three days."
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Guru Ji thought, 'Hunger causes the greatest suffering
to human beings. The noblest thing to do is to satisfy a man's
hunger. My father will surely feel happy if Ispend this amount
to feed these holy men. This true bargain will bring benefit
here and hereafter.'
Guru Ji presented the money to the Chief of the holy
men. He tried to persuade the Guru to spend the money only
as per the directions of his father. But Guru Ji said, "I must
obey the orders of my Lord. I think this is the best bargain."
The chief said, "Money is of no use to us. If you want to feed
us then please buy us provisions with this money."
Guru Ji left for Chuharkana a10ngwith BaJa, bought the
provisions like Oour. rice and gheeand presented these tothe
chief who said, "For you the world's' pain is like your own
. .. .
pam .
After striking the True Bargain the Guru came back to
Ta1wandi, sat on the banks of a dry pond and sent BaJahome.
Mehta Kalu Ram came running and finding Guru in deep
meditation, could not contain his anger and slapped him. In
the meanwhile Bib; Nanaki reached there and restrained her
father. Many other people also gathered at that spot.
Rai Bular called Mehta Kalu Ramandwas angry with him
for having slapped the Guru. He gave twenty rupees to Mehta
Page 22
Kalu Ram and said, "God has come to your house. Don't be
angry with him. Whatever loss he incurs will be made up by
At the place where the Guru fed the holy men stands
Gurdwara Sacha Sauda.
Page 23
Guru Nanak and Mardana
Mardana alongwith his parents lived in the same town-
Raj Boo's Talwandi. The members of his family used to do
sundry jobs for the household of Mehta Kalu Ram. Guru
Nanak used to spend hours on end in meditation in lonely
deserted places. This would make his parents anxious and
they would search for him. Mehta Kalu Ram therefore asked
Mardana to play with Nanak, to entertain him and to look
after him. Mardana was ordered to remain with the Guru all
the time.
Mardana had a sweet voice and a beautiful style of
singing. The Guru began to listen to his songs. He would ask
Mardana to sing songs in glory of the Creator. When the
Guru himself started composingdivine songs Mardana would
set these to music. Mardana became such a steadfast friend
of the Guru that he accompanied him through his four
tRlvels. He was the Guru's companion for the longest period.
He performed Kirtan for the Guru and many Muslimsingers
&om among his descendants continued singing Gurbani in
the Sikh religious assemblies.
Page 24
Bibi Nanaki'. Love for Guru Nanak Dev
Mehta KaJu Ram had two children, 8ibi Nanaki and
Guru Nanak Dev.They had great love for each other. Euen
when she played with other girls, 8ibi Nanaki usedto thinkof
her brother.
the one which expressed the feelings of a sister wishing to
meet her brother.
8ibi Nanaki would play with Guru Nanak Dev and
showered great affection on him. When the child Nanak
Ieamed to walk she would never stop him or get angry with
him. She would simply followhim. Shewas the first to feel that
her brother was not an ordinary child. He was the very image
of God. When Guru Nanak came back to the town after
spending the money on the holy men she requested her
father not to beat the Guru.
She was marriedtoBhaiJai Ramof SultanPur Lodhi. He
was an officer under Daulat Khan Lodhi who was the ruler of
the ar.ea. Bibi Nanaki left for the house of her in-laws but she
would often come to Talwandi to see her brother.
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Guru Nanak moved to Sultan Pur
Bib; Nanaki thought of asking her brother to settle at
Sultan Pur. She consulted her husband in this regard and got
a letter sent to her father. Rai Bular also liked the suggestion.
He too realised that Mehta Kalu Ram had not been able to
understand the fact that the Guru was not an ordinary person
and was often unnecessarily angry with him. Under pressure
from Rai Bular Mehta Kalu Ram also agreed that the Guru
should go to Sultan Pur Lodhi. Guru Nanak left Talwandi of
Rai Bho; and walked down to Lahore from where he went to
Goindwal where he stayed for sometime before crossing the
river Beas. He reached Sultan Pur where Bibi Nanaki and
Bhai Jai Ram welcomed him warmly and received him with
great respect and affection.
Page 26
Guru Nanak became a Modi
Daulat Khan Lodhi was the governor of the province and
Sultan Pur was his capital. Jai Ramwas an officer who served
Daulat Khan. He occllpied a high position and was
considered to be a dependable officer. Finding a favourable
opportunity he informed Daulat Khan Lodhi that
in-law had come to stay with him. He was well versed in
Persian and Hindi and was a very honest young man. Daulat
Khan invited Guru Nanak Dev to his court. He was so much
pleased after talking to Guru Nanak that he immediately
appointed him as Modi (the chief storekeeper) in the
Provisions store for his citizens. He also offered him decent
salary. Besides salary he was also to get flour, pulses, ghee,
sugar and rice from the Sultan's store.
Thus within a few days of his coming to Sultan Pur he
became the ChietAdrninistrator ofthe store. He was different
from other storekeepers. He spoke sweetly and purchased
provisions of the best Quality. He never allowed under
If a hungry, poor and helpless person approached him
out of pity for the man the Guru would give him provisions
from his own share or give him money from his own earnings.
He never gave any thing out of state stocks and never
permitted 3ny damage to the provisions in the store.
Page 27
The Guru did not give up his spiritual work even after
becoming a store keeper. He would talk to people in the
morning and evening and inspire them to attach themselves
to God. At dawn he used to take a bath in the river Wayyain
and meditate on God. Even while at work in the store he used
to utter 'Dhann Nirankar' (God is great) and while weighing
provisions he would constantly chant 'Tera' (1 am Yours). He
would do full justice to the work and at the same time
remember God and repeat His name.
The weights which were used by the Guru are still there
at Gurdwara Hatt Sahib, Sultan Pur Lodhi.
Page 28
The Marriage of Guru Nanak Dev
Historians have recorded that Guru Nanak Dev's
marriage with Bibi Sulakhani took place at Batala. The
marriage party was a unique one. Many saints and holy men
had joined it. This marriage became the talk of the town. The
wall near which the marriage party halted, has been
preserved till today, at Batala. The people in the
neighbourhood were astonished to see such a marriage party
Page 29
and bride groom. Mehta Kalu Ram had never hoped that his
son would agree to the marriage proposa1. But the Guru
agreed to his marriage with Bibi Sulakhani because he
considered the life of a house holder to be the best.
In Sultan Pur there is a Gurdwara caUed Sehra Sahib. It
was here that the bridegroom's wreath was tied to his head.
Thus with his marriage the family life of the Guru started.
Earlier he used to live with Bibi Nanaki. After his marriage he
started living in a separate house. Ample quantities of food
was cooked in the morning and evening and given to the
needy. Kirtan was performed both in the morning and the
evening and Mardana used to sing hymns in the company of
Guru Nanak Oev.
Two sons were born to the Guru. They were named
Lakhmi Oas and Shri Chand.
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The Marriage of Mardana's Daughter
Mardana went to Talwandi for a few days and on his
return told Guru Nanak Dev that every one at Talwandi
remembered him. Rai Bular too was happy to know that the
Guru was happily absorbed in meditation on God.
Mardana told the Guru that his daughter lVas of
marriagable age but he had no money to spend on her
marriage. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, "God will bless you. He
helps one and all. .. The Guru told Bhai Bhagirath to go to
Lahore and purchase all that was needed for the marriage of
Mardana's daughter. The provisions were brought next day
and thus the worries of Mdrdana came to an end.
Page 31
Congregation at Sultan Pur
As Guru Nanak Dev worked in the store many people
were drawn to. hIm. Owing to his kind nature and sweet
speech many became his devotees. They would come to his
house in the morning and listen to hymns sung with great love
Page 32
and devotion. The divine hymns cast a spell on one and all.
After the Kirtan they would ask questions regarding life in this
world and the next. His dnswers fully satisfied them. The
number of people at the ~ y holy assembly at his house
swelled up. In this way a very large number of people became
his disciples and devotees.
Page 33
Mansukh came to see the Guru
Mansukh was the owner of a blS shop at Lahore. Bhai
Bhagirath had gone to his shop to purchase provisions for t.he
marriage of Mardana's daughter. He gave him the list and
Mansukh promised to provide the needed goods. Bhagirath
told Mansukh, "Guru Nanak Dev is the very image of the
Almighty. It was difficult to say whether God Himself has
come to this world as Guru Nanak or He has sent His beloved
emissary. He acts like human beings but in the holy assembly
he is like God Himself'
Page 34
Mansukh made up his mind to see the Guru and
accompanied Bhai Bhagirath to Sultan Pur. On the way he
thought, "If the Guru knows everything he will call me by my
name". When both came to the Guru and bowed to him in
reverence, the Guru said, "You have become a benefactor.
You had gone to do one good deed but you have done two.
The man who has come with you needs peace of mind.
Although his name is Mansukh he does not have peace of
mind". Mansukh fell at the Guru's feet and tears of love filled
his eyes. He said, "You are the perfect Guru. You are God
Himself." Mansukh stayed there for a number of days and
enjoyed the bliss of the holy assemblies.
One day the Guru called Mansukh and told him that
there are three things which one should understand and do
(1) There is only one God. We can realise Him not
through the body but through the mind. If the intentions are
good we can see Him within ourselves. By remembering His
Name and listening to Kirtan we can learn to love Him.
(2) Joys and sorrows are the outcome of our actions.
Sorrows shaDid not unsettle us and joy should not make us
forget the Lord.
(3) Pride is a sickness. [t misleads a man. We should
avoid it. Humility can overcome it. BY remembering God we
shun pride.
Page 35
The Guru disappeared in the River
While at Svltan Pur the Guru used to 90 to the river
Wayyain for a bath at dawn. One day he handed over his
clothes to an attendant, entered the river but did not come
out. The attendant came back home and said that the Guru
had been drowned in the river. AU the members of the family
and Nawab Daulat Khan came rushing to the river. A
thorough search was carried out but in vain. All were stricken
with sorrow. Sulakhani was extremely worried. Bibi Nanaki
would console themby saying, "My brother was born to bring
deliverence to the world. He is destined to save people from
drowning. He himself can never die by drowning in the river."
She asked Bhai Jai Ram not to informher parents at Talwandi
of this incident. She said, "I am sure my brother will come
back home. The river cannot take away from us the image of
God" Mardana would roam on the banks of the river the
whole day and sing hymns of sorrow and separation. Guru's
disciples would also roam on the banks of the river in the
hope of finding the Guru.
On the third day the Guru came out of the river at a place
three miles away from the city. Gurdwar.l Sant Ghat is now
situated at that spot. The people of the town came rushing
and were over joyed to see the Guru again. Sultan Khan
Lodhi came and said, "What had happened to you. Where
were You?" The Guru did not answer his questions. Despite
their pleadings he did not talk to any member of his family. At
last Mardana came there and sitting near the Guru started
singing a hymn. He sang all those hymns which he had learnt.
The Guru told Mardana to play on the Rabab while he himself
started singing a hymn. Thus the Guru broke his silence.
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. ..

The Guru was asked to offer Namaz

After coming out of the river when the Guru spoke next
morning, he said, "None is Hindu none Musalman." He
meant that a rnan who tells l ~ s underweighs or whose acts
are those Gf an evil man <:an neither be a Muslimnor a Hindu.
The Qazi gave a different meaning to his words and
complained against him to the Nawab. The Nawab called the
Guru and respectfully said, "If you consider both the Hindus
and Muslims the same, then come with me and offer Namaz."
The Guru accompanied the Nawab, the Qazi led the prayers
but the Guru did not offer Namaz. He simply stood and
smiled, The Qazi was angry and said, "Why did you not offer
the Narnaz along with all of us? You kept smiling and raade
fun of us," The Guru said sweetly and patiently, "Please be
truthful. Kindly tell me, while offering prayers were you
ihinking of God or the mare which has recently given birth to
a colt. Were you not worried that the colt may fall into the
well?" Then the Guru addressed Nawab Daulat Khan and
said, "Your were also thinking of buying horses at Kabul."
The Nawab admitted that the Guru was correct. The Qazi
also accepted that his mind was not absorbed in the prayers.
The'Guru said, "God accepts our prayers only when we offer
them sincerely. What is the use of offering prayers when the
mind strays?" Those who had gathered there felt that the
Guru could read the minds of the people and know their
feelings. They bowed to the Guru in reverence.
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The Guru leaves Sultan Pur Lodhi
When the Guru disappeared in the river Wawain
different stories were concocted by different people. Some
said that the Guru had distributed the provisions from the
state warehouse among the needy. Those who were jealous
complained to the Nawab to this effect. When the Nawab
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asked the Guru to resume his work,he refused to do so. The
Nawab said, "'s there any shortage in the store? The Guru
said, "Weigh the provisions and you will come to know."
When the provisions in the store were actually weighed they
were found to be in excess. The Guru had not even drawn the
provisions which were due to him."
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After leaving his job the Guru would sit at a lonely place
out side the city and spend his time in singing hymns or
meditating on God. His fame spread far and wide. People
started coming to him in large numbers. Hindus said that he
was the very image of God and the Muslims said that God
spoke through him.
At last the Guru decided to leave ~ n Pur. He called
Bibi Nanaki and told her to look after his family. The Nawab
and the people of the town pleaded with himto stay there and
assured him of all comforts. The Guru consoled the people
and said that he would do what God willed. He Said, "God
wishes that I should leave this place and do the work
entrusted to me by Him. I am leaving this place to perform
that work." The Nawab, the members of Guru's family and
the people of the town all got together to bid farewell to the
Guru and returned with tearful eyes.
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