RTCM 3.1

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The document discusses RTCM Standard 10403.1 for differential GNSS services. It provides information on the structure and purpose of the standard.

RTCM is the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, a non-profit organization that develops standards for wireless communications including GPS.

This standard was developed as a more efficient alternative to previous versions. It aims to be more efficient, easy to use, and adaptable to new situations compared to the previous version 2 standard.

RTCM 10403.

RTCM Paper 177-2006-SC104-STD

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OCTOBER 27, 2006


Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services 1800 N. Kent St., Suite 1060 Arlington, Virginia 22209 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.rtcm.org

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The Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services (RTCM) is an incorporated non-profit organization, with participation in its work by international representation from both government and non-government organizations. The RTCM does not work to induce sales, it does not test or endorse products, and it does not monitor or enforce the use of its standards.

The RTCM does not engage in the design, sale, manufacture or distribution of equipment or in any way control the use of this standard by any manufacturer, service provider, or user. Use of, and adherence to, this standard is entirely within the control and discretion of each manufacturer, service provider, and user.

For information on RTCM Documents or on participation in development of future RTCM documents contact: Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services 1800 N. Kent St., Suite 1060 Arlington, Virginia 22209-2109 USA Telephone: +1-703-527-2000 Telefax: +1-703-351-9932 E-Mail: [email protected]

RTCM 10403.1
RTCM Paper 177-2006-SC104-STD

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OCTOBER 27, 2006


Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services 1800 N. Kent St., Suite 1060 Arlington, Virginia 22209 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.rtcm.org

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RTCM 10403.1

This standard has been developed by RTCM SC-104 as a more efficient alternative to the documents entitled "RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential Navstar GPS Service, Version 2.x. Service providers and vendors represented on the SC-104 Committee requested the development of a new standard that would be more efficient, easy to use, and more easily adaptable to new situations. The main complaint was that the Version 2 parity scheme, which uses words with 24 bits of data followed by 6 bits of parity, was wasteful of bandwidth. Another complaint was that the parity was not independent from word to word. Still another was that even with so many bits devoted to parity, the actual integrity of the message was not as high as it should be. Plus, 30-bit words are awkward to handle. The new standard, Version 3, is intended to correct these weaknesses. Unlike Version 2.x, the Version 3 standards do not include tentative messages. The messages in Version 3 have undergone testing for validity and interoperability, and are considered to be permanent. Future modifications of the standard may change the meaning of reserved bits or provide additional clarifying text, but no changes will be made in the data fields. Changes will require new messages to be developed. In addition to the messages described in this document, the Committee is also developing a number of new messages, which are described in a separate document. As new messages and capabilities have been demonstrated through validity and interoperability testing, they will be incorporated into future versions of the Version 3 standard, either as Supplements or as a new revision of standard 10403.x. Supplements will be made available electronically to those who have purchased the standard. Periodically, accumulated Supplements will be incorporated into a complete revision of standard 10403.x. The initial release of the new standard, i.e., Version 3.0 (RTCM Paper 30-2004/SC104-STD), consisted primarily of messages designed to support real-time kinematic (RTK) operations. The reason for this emphasis was that RTK operation involves broadcasting a lot of information, and thus benefits the most from an efficient data format. Version 3.0 provided messages that supported GPS and GLONASS RTK operations, including code and carrier phase observables, antenna parameters, and ancillary system parameters. This release, Version 3.1 now designated as RTCM Standard 10403.1, incorporates GPS Network Corrections, which enable a mobile receiver to obtain accurate RTK information valid over a large area. In addition, new GPS and GLONASS messages provide orbital parameters to assist in rapid acquisition. A Unicode text message is also provided for the transmission of textual data. Finally, a set of messages are reserved for vendors who want to encapsulate proprietary data in their broadcasts. RTCM SC-104 believes that the new Standard 10403.1 for DGNSS services will prove useful in supporting highly accurate differential and kinematic positioning as well as a wide range of navigation applications worldwide throughout the next decade.

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RTCM 10403.1

1 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE...................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Scope............................................................................................................................ 1-2 APPLICATION LAYER................................................................................................... 2-1 PRESENTATION LAYER ............................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1.1 Version 3 Database Architecture........................................................................ 3-1 3.1.2 Message Groups .................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1.3 Operation with Multiple Services ....................................................................... 3-4 3.1.4 Reference Receiver Time and Observations ...................................................... 3-5 3.1.5 GPS Network RTK corrections........................................................................... 3-6 3.1.6 Proper handling of antenna phase center variation corrections ...................... 3-6 3.2 Message Type Summary.......................................................................................... 3-10 3.3 Data Types ................................................................................................................ 3-12 3.4 Data Fields ................................................................................................................ 3-14 3.5 Messages.................................................................................................................... 3-40 3.5.1 GPS RTK Messages .......................................................................................... 3-40 3.5.2 Stationary Antenna Reference Point Messages............................................... 3-45 3.5.3 Antenna Description Messages ........................................................................ 3-48 3.5.4 GLONASS RTK Observables............................................................................ 3-50 3.5.5 System Parameters ............................................................................................ 3-55 3.5.6 GPS Network RTK Correction Messages......................................................... 3-56 3.5.7 GPS Ephemerides ............................................................................................. 3-63 3.5.8 GLONASS Ephemerides................................................................................... 3-66 3.5.9 Unicode Text String .......................................................................................... 3-69 3.6 Proprietary Messages .............................................................................................. 3-72 TRANSPORT LAYER...................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Description.................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Example ...................................................................................................................... 4-3 DATA LINK LAYER ........................................................................................................ 5-1 PHYSICAL LAYER.......................................................................................................... 6-1

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RTCM 10403.1


1.1 Introduction

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The Global Positioning System (GPS) and the GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) are satellite-based positioning systems that are currently providing global service 24 hours each day. Collectively, these two systems, plus other systems currently being designed and implemented, notably Galileo, are called Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). GNSSs typically provide navigation and positioning services having accuracies in the 5-40 meter range (2drms). Differential operation provides meter-level accuracy, while Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) operation provides decimeter accuracy or better. The RTCM Special Committee 104 (SC-104), Differential GNSS Service, has examined the technical and institutional issues and formulated recommendations on the data format and content that are designed to support the most stringent applications in an efficient manner. The Committee has attempted to accommodate the widest possible user community, including not only maritime users, but land-based and airborne users as well. Radiolocation, surveying, and radionavigation applications are supported. Standard 10403.1 (i.e. Version 3.1) describes messages and techniques for supporting GPS and GLONASS operation with one reference station or a network. However, the format is specifically designed to make it straightforward to accommodate new systems that are under development, Galileo in particular, as well as modifications to existing systems (e.g., new L2C and L5 signals). It can also accommodate augmentation systems that utilize geostationary satellites with transponders operating in the same frequency bands. Generically these are called Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBASs), and they have been designed to be interoperable. The first to be implemented is the Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS), which has been developed by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to supplement the GPS. The second is the European Geostationary Navigational Overlay System (EGNOS), which will soon be implemented to augment both GPS and GLONASS. The new systems will be accommodated by adding new messages. Specifically, this document contains four new sets of messages that were not in Version 3.0: (1) GPS Network RTK Corrections, which enable a real-time kinematic rover receiver to accept and process pseudorange and carrier phase observables from a coordinated network of reference stations, (2) a GPS Ephemeris message, which provides a record of the GPS satellite ephemerides in use by the reference station, (3) a GLONASS Ephemeris message, which provides a record of the GLONASS satellite orbit parameters in use by the reference station, (4) a UNICODE message, which provides textual information, and (5) a set of message types reserved for proprietary use by vendors who wish to broadcast special information to their users. The Committee assumes that Selective Availability has been permanently set to zero on the GPS satellites, so that the GPS signal variations will be dominated by natural causes. No system modifications, augmentations or new systems are considering this kind of intentional accuracy degradation.


RTCM 10403.1
The higher efficiency of the new format, coupled with the absence of Selective Availability, will make it possible to support RTK services with significantly reduced bandwidths. The U.S. Coast Guards NDGPS-GWEN expansion would be able to support a decimeter-level RTK using the new standard, as well as supporting all existing services with a reduced data broadcast burden. The Committee expects that it will find use in vessel tracking systems as well. Potential land uses include robotic mining, construction, and rapid surveying. In summary, the Committee expects that the Version 3 format will support the most stringent and unique applications of these high-accuracy positioning techniques. 1.2 Scope

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This standard defines a flexible messaging structure to support augmentation of navigation systems. It is the purpose of this structure to provide integrity and capability for existing and future applications an efficient manner. In order to promote these qualities this standard has been designed using a layered approach adapted from the Open System Interconnection (OSI) standard reference model. 1) Application Layer 2) Presentation Layer 3) Transport Layer 4) Data Link Layer 5) Physical Layer Application Layer considerations are briefly discussed in Section 2, and include instructions on creating and applying data for navigation and positioning applications. Section 3, which comprises the bulk of the document, addresses the Presentation Layer, and describes the messages, the data elements, and the data definitions. The Transport Layer is described in Section 4, and includes the definition of the message frames, the method of implementing variable-length messages, and the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) that provides message integrity. The Data Link Layer is tailored around the Physical Layer, which defines how the data is conveyed at the electrical and mechanical level.


RTCM 10403.1

The Application Layer defines how the Version 3 messages can be applied for different end user applications. The fundamental feature of Differential Service is that it is a broadcast service, not a 2-way data link. As such, information is developed centrally by a Service Provider, who has an institutional or commercial interest in providing a positioning or navigation service. Recently, point-to-multipoint services using cell phones and Internet connections have become popular, but such services primarily support a one-way flow of information. In general navigation applications are serviced very well with 1-10 meter horizontal accuracy positioning. (An exception is the GNSS-based aircraft landing system, called the Local Area Augmentation System, or LAAS. A separate standard has been developed for this by RTCMs sister organization, RTCA, Inc., which develops aviation standards.) Conventional differential GNSS service supports these applications nicely, and they utilize broadcast links with relatively low data rates. These low data rates can be supported by low-frequency broadcasts that are received over large areas, and it just so happens that high accuracy is maintained over hundreds of miles. As innovative engineers and scientists have found uses for sub-meter accuracy positioning, RTK service has increased in importance. RTK service requires the transmission of significantly more data, so that generally line-of-sight broadcasts and point-to-multipoint services that utilize higher bandwidths are employed. Tropospheric and ionospheric variations cause phase and time delay variations in the GNSS signals that limit the area over which a given accuracy can be achieved. For example, relative positioning accuracies of one centimeter or better using single-frequency GNSS signals can be achieved only over distances of 10 kilometers or so (from reference station to user). Using dual-frequency GNSS signals enables one to estimate the ionospheric effects, and water vapor measurements can be made which improve tropospheric delay estimation, so that using these techniques the range can be extended to 50 kilometers or so in certain parts of the world. Dual-frequency RTK is very common, thus is supported by this standard. Because RTK provides relative positioning, the knowledge of the absolute (usually fixed) position of the reference station enables the user to achieve high absolute position accuracies, too. To achieve the highest accuracy, it is important to account for GNSS antenna variations. Antenna patterns differ slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer and even from model to model. Differential GNSS service supports this by transmitting messages with reference station antenna information. Antenna patterns can also vary between different units of the same model and can vary due to environmental effects, but these can be mitigated by manufacturing design and reference site selection, respectively. Such variations are outside the scope of this document. The applications of RTK to air, water and land operations are too many to enumerate, but a sampling is useful: Marine Hydrographic surveying, dredge operations, navigation in narrow channels, buoy placement and auditing, even tidal height Air Aerial surveying, landing system testing, calibration of other navigation systems Land Surveying, building and bridge construction, surface mining, agriculture, road construction, asset location and management 2-1

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RTCM 10403.1
It turns out that the RTK requirements for all these different applications dont vary that much. The broadcast link bandwidth and update rates are primarily determined by the accuracy requirements and the signal blockage environment. Otherwise the required services are similar for air, land and sea applications.

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RTCM 10403.1

3.1 3.1.1 Introduction Version 3 Database Architecture

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RTCM 10403.1 is written in a database format, loosely patterned after the recent NMEA 2000 standard. Whereas the NMEA standard is written for a networked set of different electronic units, the Differential GNSS Version 3 standard is written for a centralized distribution of data. For the Version 3 broadcast every bit counts in the frequently repeated messages, so while lining up on byte boundaries is desirable, forcing each data field to occupy whole numbers of bytes is not practical. Also, the NMEA 2000 database has a wide disparity between Data Dictionary (DD) and Data Field (DF) records. In the case of RTCM 10403.1 broadcasts, there would be little difference. As a consequence, rather than utilize both DF and DD tables, these are collapsed into one DF definition. Rather than referring to Parameter Groups, this document will use the more familiar term Message Types. In the tables below, the GPS and GLONASS RTK messages are defined so as to avoid placing flags in the messages that change the length or the meaning of data elements in the message. There is some variability that cant be avoided, because the number of satellites is not fixed. However, it is possible to determine the number of satellites by examining the message length as defined in the transport layer, because the number of satellites is the only variable quantity employed. For messages whose lengths don't line up with byte boundaries, the reference station designer should use zeros for undefined bits to fill out the last unfilled byte. 3.1.2 Message Groups

Message types contained in the current Version 3 standard (RTCM 10403.1) have been structured in different groups. For proper operation of a particular service the provider needs to transmit messages from each of several groups, as shown in Table 3.1-1. In particular, the provider must transmit at least one message type from each of the following groups: Observations, Station Coordinates, and Antenna Description. The different message types in each group contain messages with similar information content. The shorter ones contain the minimum needed to provide the service, while the other message types contain additional information for enhancing the performance of the service. For example, Message Type 1001 contains the shortest version of a message for GPS Observations, namely L1-only observables. For a broadcast link limited in throughput, use of 1001 might be appropriate. Message Type 1002 contains additional information that enhances performance. If throughput is not limited and the additional information is available, it is recommended to use the longer version of messages. Similarly Message Type 1003 provides minimum data for L1/L2 operation, while Message Type 1004 provides the full data content. The shorter observation messages save throughput, but contain less information. However, since the additional information in the longer observation messages does not change very often, they could be sent less often.


RTCM 10403.1
Table 3.1-1. RTK Message Groups Group Name Observations Sub-Group Name GPS L1 GPS L1 / L2 GLONASS L1 GLONASS L1 / L2 Station Coordinates Antenna Description Network RTK Corrections Network Auxiliary Station Data Message Ionospheric Correction Differences Geometric Correction Differences Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences System Parameters Satellite Ephemeris Data Unicode Text String Proprietary Information Message Type 1001 1002 1003 1004 1009 1010 1011 1012 1005 1006 1007 1008 1014 1015 1016 1017 1013 1019 1020 1029 Currently assigned message numbers 4088 4095

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Auxiliary Operation Information

The basic types of RTK service supported in this initial version of the standard are (1) GPS, (2) GLONASS, and (3) combined GPS/GLONASS. Since a full GLONASS constellation is not operating at the time of publication, the most likely service types will be GPS and combined GPS/GLONASS. Table 3.1-2 shows various levels of RTK services that could be supported today, with the Message Types that support them. It also provides the appropriate set of messages for both the mobile and reference station receivers for each service.


RTCM 10403.1
Table 3.1-2. Message Types Supporting Different RTK Service Levels Service Group Mobile Receiver (minimum decoding requirement) 1001-1004 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 1003-1004 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 Reference Station Message Type(s) Minimum Service Operation 1001 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1003 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 Full Service Operation 1002 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1004 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1009-1012 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 1011-1012 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 1001-1004 1009-1012 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 1009 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1011 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1001 1009 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1010 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1012 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1002 1010 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013

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Precision GPS L1 only

Observations (GPS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information

Precision GPS RTK, L1 & L2

Observations (GPS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information

Precision GLONASS L1 only

Observations (GLONASS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information


Observations (GLONASS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information

Precision GPS and GLONASS L1 only

Observations (GPS) Observations (GLONASS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information


RTCM 10403.1
Service Group Mobile Receiver (minimum decoding requirement) 1003-1004 1011-1012 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 1003-1004 1005 and 1006 1007 and 1008 Reference Station Message Type(s) Minimum Service Operation 1003 1011 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1003 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1014 1017 Full Service Operation 1004 1012 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1004 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1013 1014 1015 and 1016

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Precision GPS and GLONASS RTK, L1 & L2

Observations (GPS) Observations (GLONASS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information

Precision GPS Network RTK

Observations (GPS) Station Description Antenna Description Auxiliary Operation Information Network RTK Corrections

Service Providers can provide a variety of different services ranging from a basic to a complete service. A basic service would involve, e.g., a GPS single-frequency operation, with no attempt to optimize accuracy or ambiguity resolution time. A complete service would provide dualfrequency operations, possibly involving both GPS and GLONASS, attempting to optimize accuracy, baseline length, and ambiguity resolution time, as well as providing helpful ancillary data for quick startup and post-mission analysis. Mobile equipment should be designed to decode all the message types in a group, even if all the information is not processed. For example, by decoding a Message Type 1002, the RTK observable data that matches that of Message Type 1001 can be utilized, but the additional information may be ignored. If the mobile equipment only operates on L1, it should still be designed to decode Message Types 1003 and 1004 and to pull out the L1 information. 3.1.3 Operation with Multiple Services

Providing information for multiple GNSSs (e.g., GNSS1=GPS and GNSS2=GLONASS) can be accommodated if guidelines are carefully followed. In particular: 1. The messages for all satellites of a particular system should be grouped in one message. For example, for GPS L1/L2 operation, each 1003 or 1004 message should contain the data for


RTCM 10403.1
all GPS satellites that are processed. This ensures that a GPS-only mobile receiver will be certain that all relevant data has been received even if the Synchronous GNSS Message Flag, which indicates that more GNSS data (e.g., GLONASS) referenced to the same time epoch will be transmitted next, is set to 1. 2. When the extended messages, i.e., Message Types 1002, 1004, 1010, and 1012, are transmitted, they should include the entire set of satellites processed. 3. For combined GPS/GLONASS operation, GPS data should be transmitted first. This is because it will reduce latency for GPS-only mobile receivers, while combined GPS/GLONASS mobile receivers will suffer no penalty. 4. If the GNSS1 and GNSS2 data are not synchronous (i.e., the observations are not taken within one microsecond of each other), the Synchronous GNSS Message Flag should be set to zero for each set. When the GLONASS constellation becomes complete and/or the Galileo system becomes operational, these rules may have to be re-examined and modified. 3.1.4 Reference Receiver Time and Observations

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The reference receiver shall maintain its clock to align the measurement epoch times to the GNSS system time if possible. This is commonly referred to as Clock Steering. If clock steering is not possible, the observation shall be adjusted to correct for the receiver clock offset When adjusting for clock offset, the consistency between the observations shall be maintained: Transmitted Pseudorange = Raw Pseudorange (Clock Offset * PhaseRange Rate) (Clock Offset * Speed of light) Transmitted PhaseRange = Raw PhaseRange (Clock Offset * PhaseRange Rate) (Clock Offset * Speed of light) The resulting receiver epoch time should align with the GNSS system epoch time to within 1 s. Note that the PhaseRange has the same sign as the Raw Pseudorange. For combined GNSS operation, if all GNSS observables are measured at the same instant of receiver time (in other words, if GNSS1 and GNSS2 clocks are based on the same oscillator), the clock offset utilized in the formulas above should be identical for the correction of all observations across both satellite systems and frequencies. The relations of differences between different clock biases in the observations are maintained in their original form. In this case, "Single Receiver Oscillator Indicator" (DF142) should contain 1. Also, "Synchronous GNSS Message Flag" (DF005) should indicate that GNSS measurements are synchronous as described in point 3.1.3. Some reference station installations may not allow for identical clock offsets over all the satellite systems tracked (for example, if two or more independent receiver boards produce the observations). Correspondingly, the "Single Receiver Oscillator Indicator" (DF142) should be set to "0". However, in such a case all GNSSs might be still synchronous, indicating that the observations have been obtained within one microsecond. The "Synchronous GNSS 3-5

RTCM 10403.1
Message Flag" (DF005) should identify the proper state. It should be noted that the conditions for DF005 and DF142 refer to the configuration of the reference station equipment, thus do not change during the transmission of a data stream. 3.1.5 GPS Network RTK corrections

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The fundamental functionality of networking software that combines the information of several permanent reference stations is the determination of integer ambiguities between the reference stations. The resulting integer ambiguities may be used for reducing the original raw reference station observations. This manipulation of the raw observations leaves the general properties of the carrier phase observations (troposphere, ionosphere, phase center variations, etc.) untouched, since only integer numbers have been introduced. This process is named integer ambiguityleveling and the resulting observations of permanent reference stations are (integer) ambiguityleveled. An application accessing ambiguity-leveled observations of a single reference station will not see any difference. The modeling requirements within the application are identical. However, when an application uses the observations of more than one reference station, the application will no longer have to account for integer ambiguities between the reference stations on the same ambiguity level. Roving user equipment receiving observations of more than one reference station on the same ambiguity level and utilizing the observations in its positioning algorithm may switch from one reference station to another without reinitialization of its filter. In order to preserve throughput Network RTK messages utilize data fields that extend the approach described above: the raw observations are reduced by the geometric representation of the satellite and receiver distance; and inter-reference station single differences are used (see Appendix A). Network RTK Corrections are designed as additional information for improved performance and precision. A service provider utilizing the network capability will broadcast previously defined Precision GPS RTK messages for the Master Reference Station, but will broadcast Auxiliary Reference Station information as well. Until this version of the standard is revised or a new version published, service providers are advised to limit the data stream to information associated with one single Master Reference Station and its associated Auxiliary Reference Stations. Participating mobile receivers must be designed to accept and process the Network RTK Corrections. Mobile equipment operating close to the Master Reference Station may be designed to use the Observation, Station Description, and Antenna Description information of the Master Reference Station exclusively. 3.1.6 Proper handling of antenna phase center variation corrections

Antennas designed for precise RTK operation account for so-called antenna phase center offsets and variations in the centimeter-range. These offsets and variations can be corrected within precise RTK equipment using calibration information. Antenna model type calibrations are available from several sources (e.g. IGS, and NGS). For high precision applications in particular individual antenna calibrations are sometimes performed. Also, within permanent reference station networks individually calibrated antennas are increasingly being used. The proper handling of dissimilar antennas is a pressing issue for the interoperability of RTK network data. Therefore for Network RTK operation adjustments may be made to raw observations for the Master Reference Stations as depicted in messages (1001 1004) for antenna biases (phase


RTCM 10403.1
center offsets and phase center variations). When corrections of antenna phase center variations are required, one should ensure that consistent sets are used throughout the application. The best way to ensure a consistent set of antenna phase center variations is to use only information from a single source (e.g. IGS, NGS) and ensure that the same form of representation is used consistently throughout each application (note the difference between absolute and relative representations). Note that reference station network software and rover firmware are different applications and thus may use different representations. It is recommended that published antenna parameters be used as they are. It is crucial to avoid mixing different forms of representation, and/or fine-tuning given sets of information by assembling a new set out of different sources (e.g. mixing offsets of one calibration with phase center variations with another calibration for one antenna). Offsets and phase center variations comprise a self-consistent set of information for a particular antenna. Both parts of the information are correlated with each other. The shape of one particular antenna phase pattern may be represented in principle by an indefinite number of different consistent sets of information (e.g. the introduction of a different value in the offset will be compensated by the antenna phase center variations). In the event that it is necessary to change Master Reference Stations within a Precision Network RTK operation, a bias error could occur in the rover position as a consequence of using inconsistent phase center correction sets at the rover (e.g., obtained from different sources). Furthermore, achieving consistency of antenna correction models within large network setups would require storing antenna phase center corrections for dozens of Master Reference Stations, in order to allow use of the most accurate information that would be obtained from individually calibrated antennas. There is another approach to achieving consistent operation of user equipment, which is recommended here: namely, the observation data messages (1001 1004) for all Master Reference Stations of a homogenous Network should be referenced to a single antenna (preferably, the ADVNULLANTENNA). The modification of the observation information with respect to antenna phase center variations must be indicated in the disseminated data stream using antenna descriptor messages (1007 or 1008). The antenna descriptor field must then state the descriptor of the antenna (e.g., ADVNULLANTENNA ). Note that the reduction to the ADVNULLANTENNA is defined through the correction of the antenna phase center offsets and variations based on the absolute antenna correction representation. 3.1.7 Scheduling of Network RTK messages Scheduling of the Network RTK messages is a crucial procedure in the rover application. In general the concept chosen for Network RTK messages accommodates a number of different schemes. In order to achieve interoperability, some guidelines are necessary that limit the scheduling but not the resulting performance. The recommended guidelines for scheduling are: First, dissemination of raw observation message (1003 or 1004) containing Master Reference Station data at a high data rate (0.5 2 Hz) immediately when information is available (low latency). Next, dissemination of ionospheric (dispersive) and geometric (non-dispersive) Correction Difference messages for all Auxiliary Reference Stations ((1015 and 1016) or 1017) at identical epoch time. The chosen epoch time should be identical to an epoch

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RTCM 10403.1
time as for raw observations of the Master Reference Station. The update rate may be identical or at a lower data rate than for raw observations. For operation with Correction Difference messages 1015 and 1016, the epoch time of both should be identical. The maximum interval should not exceed 15 seconds. When Correction Differences are updated at a lower rate than the Master Reference Station observations, both the dispersive and the non-dispersive components may be filtered to reduce the effect of noise. Next, Station Information messages (1014). The complete set of Station Information messages for all Master and Auxiliary Reference Stations within the data stream may be distributed over time in order to optimize throughput. The dissemination should be completed after a maximum time span of 15 seconds (optimization of start-up time of rover operation). Other messages with additional information as needed for proper rover operation (see Table 3.1-2) should be transmitted as for single baseline operation required.

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Scheduling schemes within these bounds are recommended for best operation of a Network RTK provider service with Network RTK messages. These recommended guidelines are based on the scheduling used during interoperability testing, using two different update rates. These rates were chosen to represent typical RTK operations in the field, and are described in Tables 3.1-3 and 3.1-4. Other update rates can be employed, but a Service Provider should be aware that these are the only ones that were actually tested for interoperability. Table 3.1-3 High Update, for Ease of Comparison Between Different Data Streams Group Name Observations (GPS) Station Description Antenna description Network RTK Network RTK Network RTK Network Auxiliary Station Data GPS Ionospheric Correction Difference GPS Geometric Correction Difference Message Type 1004 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 1014 1015 1016 1 Hz 1 Hz Update Rate 1 Hz As typical in an RTK operation As typical in an RTK operation


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Table 3.1-4 Update Rate for Typical Operation Group name Observations (GPS) Station Description Message Type 1004 1005 or 1006 1007 or 1008 Network Auxiliary Station Data GPS Ionospheric Correction Difference GPS Geometric Correction Difference 1014 1015 1016 Update completed every 10 seconds Update completed every 10 seconds Update rate 1 Hz As typical in an RTK operation As typical in an RTK operation

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Antenna description Network RTK Network RTK Network RTK


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Message Type Summary

The message types for supporting RTK GPS and GLONASS operation are shown in Table 3.2-1. Table 3.2-1. Message Type Table Message Type 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 Message Name L1-Only GPS RTK Observables Extended L1-Only GPS RTK Observables L1&L2 GPS RTK Observables Extended L1&L2 GPS RTK Observables Stationary RTK Reference Station ARP Stationary RTK Reference Station ARP with Antenna Height Antenna Descriptor Antenna Descriptor & Serial Number L1-Only GLONASS RTK Observables Extended L1-Only GLONASS RTK Observables L1&L2 GLONASS RTK Observables Extended L1&L2 GLONASS RTK Observables System Parameters Network Auxiliary Station Data GPS Ionospheric Correction Differences No. of Bytes * 8.00+7.25*Ns 8.00+9.25*Ns 8.00+12.625*Ns 8.00+15.625*Ns 19 21 5-36 6-68 7.625+8*Ns 7.625+9.875*Ns 7.625+13.375*Ns 7.625+16.25*Ns 8.75+3.625*Nm 14.625 9+3.75*Ns Ns = Number of Satellites Nm = Number of Message Types Transmitted Ns = No. of Satellites Ns = No. of Satellites Notes


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Message Type 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 10211028 1029 40014095

Message Name GPS Geometric Correction Differences GPS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences RESERVED for Alternative Ionospheric Correction Difference Message GPS Ephemerides GLONASS Ephemerides RESERVED for Coordinate Transformation Messages Unicode Text String Proprietary Messages

No. of Bytes * 9+4.5*Ns 9+6.625*Ns

Notes Ns = Number of Satellites Ns = Number of Satellites

62 45

One message per satellite One message per satellite


N = Number of UTF-8 Code Units These message types are assigned to specific companies for the broadcast of proprietary information. See Section 3.6.

* Fill bits (zeros) must be used to complete the last byte at the end of the message data before the CRC in order to maintain the last byte boundary. Thus the total number of bytes must be the next full integer if fill bits are needed. For example, 55.125 computed bytes means 56 bytes total.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution


Data Types

The data types used are shown in Table 3.3-1. Note that floating point quantities are not used. Table 3.3-1. Data Type Table Data Type bit(n) char8(n) int14 int16 int17 int20 int21 int22 int23 int24 int30 int32 int38 uint3 uint4 uint5 uint6 uint7 bit field 8 bit characters, ISO 8859-1 (not limited to ASCII) 14 bit 2s complement integer 16 bit 2s complement integer 17 bit 2s complement integer 20 bit 2s complement integer 21 bit 2s complement integer 22 bit 2s complement integer 23 bit 2s complement integer 24 bit 2s complement integer 30 bit 2s complement integer 32 bit 2s complement integer 38 bit 2s complement integer 3 bit unsigned integer 4 bit unsigned integer 5 bit unsigned integer 6 bit unsigned integer 7 bit unsigned integer Description 0 or 1, each bit character set -8192 to +8191 32,767 65,535 -524,288 to +524, 287 1,048,575 2,097,151 4,194,303 8,388,607 536,870,911 2,147,483,647 -137,438,953,472 to +137,438,953,471 0 to 7 0 to 15 0 to 31 0 to 63 0 to 127 3-12 -1,048,576 indicates data not available -2,097,152 indicates data not available -4,194,304 indicates data not available -8,388,608 indicates data not available -536,870,912 indicates data not available -2,147,483,648 indicates data not available -32,768 indicates data not available -65,536 indicates data not available Range Data Type Notes Reserved bits set to 0 Reserved or unused characters: [0x00]

RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Data Type uint8 uint10 uint11 uint12 uint16 uint17 uint18 uint20 uint23 uint24 uint25 uint27 uint30 uint32 intS5 intS11 intS22 intS24 intS27 intS32 utf8(N)

Description 8 bit unsigned integer 10 bit unsigned integer 11 bit unsigned integer 12 bit unsigned integer 16 bit unsigned integer 17 bit unsigned integer 18 bit unsigned integer 20 bit unsigned integer 23 bit unsigned integer 24 bit unsigned integer 25 bit unsigned integer 27 bit unsigned integer 30 bit unsigned integer 32 bit unsigned integer 5 bit sign-magnitude integer 11 bit sign-magnitude integer 22 bit sign-magnitude integer 24 bit sign-magnitude integer 27 bit sign-magnitude integer 32 bit sign-magnitude integer Unicode UTF-8 Code Unit 0 to 255 0 to 1023 0 to 2047 0 to 4095 0 to 65,535 0 to 131,071 0 to 262,143 0 to 1,048,575 0 to 8,388,607 0 to 16,777,215 0 to 33,554,431 0 to 134,217,727


Data Type Notes

0 to 1,073,741,823 0 to 4,294,967,295 15 1023 2,097,151 8,388,607 67,108,863 2,147,483,647 00h to FFh See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 8-bit value that contains all or part of a Unicode UTF-8 encoded character


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Note 1. Sign-magnitude representation records the number's sign and magnitude. MSB is 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers. The rest of the bits are the numbers magnitude. For example, for 8-bit words, the representations of the numbers -5 and +5 in a binary form are 10000101 and 00000101, respectively. Negative zero is not used. 3.4 Data Fields

The data fields used are shown in Table 3.4-1. Each Data Field (DF) uses one of the Data Types of Table 3.3-1. Note that the Data Field ranges may be less than the maximum possible range allowed by the Data Type. Table 3.4-1. Data Field Table DF # DF001 DF002 DF003 DF Name Reserved Message Number Reference Station ID 0-4095 0-4095 DF Range DF Resolution Data Type bit(n) uint12 uint12 Data Field Notes
All reserved bits should be set to 0. However, since the value is subject to change in future versions, decoding should not rely on a zero value. Self-explanatory The Reference Station ID is determined by the service provider. Its primary purpose is to link all message data to their unique source. It is useful in distinguishing between desired and undesired data in cases where more than one service may be using the same data link frequency. It is also useful in accommodating multiple reference stations within a single data link transmission. In reference network applications the Reference Station ID plays an important role, because it is the link between the observation messages of a specific reference station and its auxiliary information contained in other messages for proper operation. Thus the Service Provider should ensure that the Reference Station ID is unique within the whole network, and that IDs should be reassigned only when absolutely necessary. Service Providers may need to coordinate their Reference Station ID assignments with other Service Providers in their region in order to avoid conflicts. This may be especially critical for equipment accessing multiple services, depending on their services and means of information distribution.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF004 DF005

DF Name GPS Epoch Time (TOW) Synchronous GNSS Message Flag

DF Range 0-604,799,999 ms

DF Resolution 1 ms

Data Type uint30 bit(1)

Data Field Notes

GPS Epoch Time is provided in milliseconds from the beginning of the GPS week, which begins at midnight GMT on Saturday night/Sunday morning, measured in GPS time (as opposed to UTC). If the Synchronous GNSS Message Flag is set to 0, it means that no further GNSS observables referenced to the same Epoch Time will be transmitted. This enables the receiver to begin processing the data immediately after decoding the message. If it is set to 1, it means that the next message will contain observables of another GNSS source referenced to the same Epoch Time. Note: Synchronous" here means that the measurements are taken within one microsecond of each other The Number of GPS Satellite Signals Processed refers to the number of satellites in the message. It does not necessarily equal the number of satellites visible to the Reference Station. 0= Divergence-free smoothing not used 1= Divergence-free smoothing used


No. of GPS Satellite Signals Processed GPS Divergencefree Smoothing Indicator GPS Smoothing Interval GPS Satellite ID






See Table 3.4-4


The GPS Smoothing Interval is the integration period over which reference station pseudorange code phase measurements are averaged using carrier phase information. Divergence-free smoothing may be continuous over the entire period the satellite is visible. A GPS Satellite ID number from 1 to 32 refers to the PRN code of the GPS satellite. Satellite IDs higher than 32 are reserved for satellite signals from Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBASs) such as the FAAs Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS). SBAS PRN codes cover the range 120-138. The Satellite IDs reserved for SBAS satellites are 40-58, so that the SBAS PRN codes are derived from the Version 3 Satellite ID codes by adding 80. The GPS L1 Code Indicator identifies the code being tracked by the reference station. Civil receivers can track the C/A code, and optionally the P code, while military receivers can track C/A, and can also track P and Y code, whichever is broadcast by the satellite. 0 = C/A Code; 1 = P(Y) Code Direct


1-63 (See Table 3.4-3)



GPS L1 Code Indicator



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF011

DF Name GPS L1 Pseudorange

DF Range 0-299,792.46 m

DF Resolution 0.02 m

Data Type uint24

Data Field Notes

The GPS L1 Pseudorange field provides the raw L1 pseudorange measurement at the reference station in meters, modulo one lightmillisecond (299,792.458 meters). The GPS L1 pseudorange measurement is reconstructed by the user receiver from the L1 pseudorange field by: (GPS L1 pseudorange measurement) = (GPS L1 pseudorange field) modulo (299,792.458 m) + integer as determined from the user receiver's estimate of the reference station range, or as provided by the extended data set. If DF012 is set to 80000h, this field does not represent a valid L1 pseudorange, and is used only in the calculation of L2 measurements.


GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange

262.1435 m (See Data Field Note)

0.0005 m


The GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange field provides the information necessary to determine the L1 phase measurement. Note that the PhaseRange defined here has the same sign as the pseudorange. The PhaseRange has much higher resolution than the pseudorange, so that providing this field is just a numerical technique to reduce the length of the message. At start up and after each cycle slip, the initial ambiguity is reset and chosen so that the L1 PhaseRange should match the L1 Pseudorange as closely as possible (i.e., within 1/2 L1 cycle) while not destroying the integer nature of the original carrier phase observation. The Full GPS L1 PhaseRange is constructed as follows (all quantities in units of meters): (Full L1 PhaseRange) = (L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange field) Certain ionospheric conditions might cause the GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange to diverge over time across the range limits defined. Under these circumstances the computed value needs to be adjusted (rolled over) by the equivalent of 1500 cycles in order to bring the value back within the range. See also comments in sections 3.1.6 and 3.5.1 for correction of antenna phase center variations in Network RTK applications. Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 80000h in this field indicates the L1 phase is invalid, and that the DF011 field is used only in the calculation of L2 measurements.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF013

DF Name GPS L1 Lock Time Indicator

DF Range See Table 3.4-2

DF Resolution

Data Type uint7

Data Field Notes

The GPS L1 Lock Time Indicator provides a measure of the amount of time that has elapsed during which the Reference Station receiver has maintained continuous lock on that satellite signal. If a cycle slip occurs during the previous measurement cycle, the lock indicator will be reset to zero. The GPS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity represents the integer number of full pseudorange modulus divisions (299,792.458 m) of the raw L1 pseudorange measurement.


GPS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity GPS L1 CNR

0-76,447,076.790 m

299,792.458 m



0-63.75 dB-Hz

0.25 dB-Hz


The GPS L1 CNR measurements provide the reference station's estimate of the carrier-to-noise ratio of the satellites signal in dB-Hz. The value 0 means that the CNR measurement is not computed. The GPS L2 Code Indicator depicts which L2 code is processed by the reference station, and how it is processed. 0= C/A or L2C code 1= P(Y) code direct 2= P(Y) code cross-correlated 3= Correlated P/Y The GPS L2 Code Indicator refers to the method used by the GPS reference station receiver to recover the L2 pseudorange. The GPS L2 Code Indicator should be set to 0 (C/A or L2C code) for any of the L2 civil codes. It is assumed here that a satellite will not transmit both C/A code and L2C code signals on L2 simultaneously, so that the reference station and user receivers will always utilize the same signal. The code indicator should be set to 1 if the satellites signal is correlated directly, i.e., either P code or Y code depending whether anti-spoofing (AS) is switched off or on. The code indicator should be set to 2 when the reference station receiver L2 pseudorange measurement is derived by adding a cross-correlated pseudorange measurement (Y2-Y1) to the measured L1 C/A code. The code indicator should be set to 3 when the GPS reference station receiver is using a proprietary method that uses only the L2 P(Y) code signal to derive L2 pseudorange.


GPS L2 Code Indicator



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF017

DF Name GPS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference

DF Range 163.82 m (See Data Field Note)

DF Resolution 0.02m

Data Type int14

Data Field Notes

The GPS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference field is utilized, rather than the full L2 pseudorange, in order to reduce the message length. The receiver must reconstruct the L2 code phase pseudorange by using the following formula: (GPS L2 pseudorange measurement) = (GPS L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (GPS L2-L1 pseudorange field) Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 2000h (-163.84m) means that there is no valid L2 code available, or that the value exceeds the allowed range. The GPS L2 PhaseRange - L1 Pseudorange field provides the information necessary to determine the L2 phase measurement. Note that the PhaseRange defined here has the same sign as the pseudorange. The PhaseRange has much higher resolution than the pseudorange, so that providing this field is just a numerical technique to reduce the length of the message. At start up and after each cycle slip, the initial ambiguity is reset and chosen so that the L2 PhaseRange should match the L1 Pseudorange as closely as possible (i.e., within 1/2 L2 cycle) while not destroying the integer nature of the original carrier phase observation. The Full GPS L2 PhaseRange is constructed as follows (all quantities in units of meters): (Full L2 PhaseRange) = (L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (GPS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange field) Certain ionospheric conditions might cause the GPS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange to diverge over time across the range limits defined. Under these circumstances the computed value needs to be adjusted (rolled over) by the equivalent of 1500 cycles in order to bring the value back within the range. Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 80000h in this field indicates an invalid carrier phase measurement that should not be processed by the mobile receiver. This indication may be used at low signal levels where carrier tracking is temporarily lost, but code tracking is still possible. See also comments in sections 3.1.6 and 3.5.1 for correction of antenna phase center variations in Network RTK applications.


GPS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange

262.1435 m (See Data Field Note)

0.0005 m



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF019

DF Name GPS L2 Lock Time Indicator

DF Range See Table 3.4-2

DF Resolution

Data Type uint7

Data Field Notes

The GPS L2 Lock Time Indicator provides a measure of the amount of time that has elapsed during which the Reference Station receiver has maintained continuous lock on that satellite signal. If a cycle slip occurs during the previous measurement cycle, the lock indicator will be reset to zero. The GPS L2 CNR measurements provide the reference station's estimate of the carrier-to-noise ratio of the satellites signal in dB-Hz. The value 0 means that the CNR measurement is not computed. Since this field is reserved, all bits should be set to zero for now. However, since the value is subject to change in future versions, decoding should not rely on a zero value. The ITRF realization year identifies the datum definition used for coordinates in the message.

DF020 DF021

GPS L2 CNR ITRF Realization Year

0-63.75 dB-Hz

0.25 dB-Hz

uint8 uint6

DF022 DF023 DF024 DF025

GPS Indicator GLONASS Indicator Galileo Indicator Antenna Ref. Point ECEF-X 13,743,895.3471 m Antenna Ref. Point ECEF-Y 13,743,895.3471 m Antenna Ref. Point ECEF-Z 13,743,895.3471 m 0.0001 m

bit(1) bit(1) bit(1) int38

0=No GPS service supported 1=GPS service supported 0=No GLONASS service supported 1=GLONASS service supported 0=No Galileo service supported 1=Galileo service supported The antenna reference point X-coordinate is referenced to ITRF epoch as given in DF021.


0.0001 m


The antenna reference point Y-coordinate is referenced to ITRF epoch as given in DF021.


0.0001 m


The antenna reference point Z-coordinate is referenced to ITRF epoch as given in DF021.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF028 DF029 DF030 DF031

DF Name Antenna Height

DF Range 0-6.5535 m

DF Resolution 0.0001 m

Data Type uint16 uint8 char8 (n)

Data Field Notes

The Antenna Height field provides the height of the Antenna Reference Point above the marker used in the survey campaign. The Descriptor Counter defines the number of characters (bytes) to follow in DF030, Antenna Descriptor Alphanumeric characters. IGS limits the number of characters to 20 at this time, but this DF allows more characters for future extension. 0=Use standard IGS Model 1-255=Specific Antenna Setup ID# The Antenna Setup ID is a parameter for use by the service provider to indicate the particular reference station-antenna combination. The number should be increased whenever a change occurs at the station that affects the antenna phase center variations. While the Antenna Descriptor and the Antenna Serial Number give an indication of when the installed antenna has been changed, it is envisioned that other changes could occur. For instance the antenna might been repaired, or the surrounding of the antenna might have been changed and the provider of the service may want to make the user station aware of the change. Depending on the change of the phase center variations due to a setup change, a change in the Antenna Setup ID would mean that the user should check with the service provider to see if the antenna phase center variation in use is still valid. Of course, the provider must make appropriate information available to the users.

Descriptor Counter 0-31 Antenna Descriptor Antenna Setup ID 0-255


DF032 DF033

Serial Number Counter Antenna Serial Number


uint8 char8 (n)

The Serial Number Counter defines the number of characters (bytes) to follow in Antenna Serial Number Alphanumeric characters. The Antenna Serial Number is the individual antenna serial number as issued by the manufacturer of the antenna. A possible duplication of the Antenna Serial Number is not possible, because together with the Antenna Descriptor only one antenna with the particular number will be available. In order to avoid confusion the Antenna Serial Number should be omitted when the record is used together with reverse reduction to model type calibration values, because it cannot be allocated to a real physical antenna.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF034 DF035

DF Name GLONASS Epoch Time (tk) No. of GLONASS Satellite Signals Processed GLONASS Divergence-free Smoothing Indicator GLONASS Smoothing Interval GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number)

DF Range 0-86,400,999 ms 0-31

DF Resolution 1 ms 1

Data Type uint27 uint5

Data Field Notes

GLONASS Epoch Time of measurement is defined by the GLONASS ICD as UTC(SU) + 3.0 hours. It rolls over at 86,400 seconds for GLONASS, except for the leap second, where it rolls over at 86,401. The Number of GLONASS Satellite Signals Processed refers to the number of satellites in the message. It does not necessarily equal the number of satellites visible to the Reference Station.



0= Divergence-free smoothing not used 1= Divergence-free smoothing used


See Table 3.4-4


The GLONASS Smoothing Interval is the integration period over which reference station pseudorange code phase measurements are averaged using carrier phase information. Divergence-free smoothing may be continuous over the entire period the satellite is visible. A GLONASS Satellite ID number from 1 to 24 refers to the slot number of the GLONASS satellite. A Satellite ID of zero indicates that the slot number is unknown. Satellite IDs higher than 32 are reserved for satellite signals from Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBASs). SBAS PRN codes cover the range 120-138. The Satellite IDs reserved for SBAS satellites are 40-58, so that the SBAS PRN codes are derived from the Version 3 GLONASS Satellite ID codes by adding 80. Note: For GLONASS-M satellites this data field has to contain the GLONASS-M word n, thus the Satellite Slot Number is always known (cannot be equal to zero) for GLONASS-M satellites.


0-63 (See Table 3.4-3)



GLONASS L1 Code Indicator


0 = C/A Code; 1 = P Code


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF040

DF Name GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number

DF Range 0-20 (See Table 3.4-5)

DF Resolution 1

Data Type uint5

Data Field Notes

The GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number identifies the frequency of the GLONASS satellite. By providing both the Slot ID and the Frequency Code of the satellite, the user instantly knows the frequency of the satellite without requiring an almanac. 0 indicates channel number 07 1 indicates channel number 06 .. 20 indicates channel number +13


GLONASS L1 Pseudorange

0-599,584.92 m

0.02 m


The GLONASS L1 Pseudorange field provides the raw L1 pseudorange measurement at the reference station in meters, modulo two light-milliseconds (599,584.916 meters). The L1 pseudorange measurement is reconstructed by the user receiver from the L1 pseudorange field by: (L1 pseudorange measurement) = (L1 pseudorange field) modulo (599,584.916 m) + integer as determined from the user receiver's estimate of the reference station range, or as provided by the extended data set.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF042

DF Name GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange

DF Range 262.1435 m (See Data Field Note)

DF Resolution 0.0005 m

Data Type int20

Data Field Notes

The GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange field provides the information necessary to determine the L1 phase measurement. Note that the PhaseRange defined here has the same sign as the pseudorange. The PhaseRange has much higher resolution than the pseudorange, so that providing this field is just a numerical technique to reduce the length of the message. At start up and after each cycle slip, the initial ambiguity is reset and chosen so that the L1 PhaseRange should match the L1 Pseudorange as closely as possible (i.e., within 1/2 L1 cycle) while not destroying the integer nature of the original carrier phase observation. The Full GLONASS L1 PhaseRange is constructed as follows (all quantities in units of meters): (Full L1 PhaseRange) = (L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (GLONASS L1 PhaseRange GLONASS L1 Pseudorange field) Certain ionospheric conditions might cause the GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange to diverge over time across the range limits defined. Under these circumstances the computed value needs to be adjusted (rolled over) by the equivalent of 1500 cycles in order to bring the value back within the range. Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 80000h in this field indicates an invalid carrier phase measurement that should not be processed by the mobile receiver. This indication may be used at low signal levels where carrier tracking is temporarily lost, but code tracking is still possible. The GLONASS L1 Lock Time Indicator provides a measure of the amount of time that has elapsed during which the Reference Station receiver has maintained continuous lock on that satellite signal. If a cycle slip occurs during the previous measurement cycle, the lock indicator will be reset to zero. The GLONASS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity represents the integer number of full pseudorange modulus divisions (599,584.916 m) of the raw L1 pseudorange measurement


GLONASS L1 Lock Time Indicator

See Table 3.4-2



GLONASS Integer 0-76,147,284.332 L1 Pseudorange m Modulus Ambiguity

599,584.916 m



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF045

DF Name GLONASS L1 CNR GLONASS L2 Code Indicator

DF Range 0-63.75 dB-Hz

DF Resolution 0.25 dB-Hz

Data Type uint8

Data Field Notes

The GLONASS L1 CNR measurements provide the reference station's estimate of the carrier-to-noise ratio of the satellites signal in dB-Hz. The value 0 means that the CNR measurement is not computed. The GLONASS L2 Code Indicator depicts which L2 code is processed by the reference station. 0= C/A code 1= P code 2, 3 Reserved The GLONASS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference field is utilized, rather than the full L2 pseudorange, in order to reduce the message length. The receiver must reconstruct the L2 code phase pseudorange by using the following formula: (GLONASS L2 pseudorange measurement) = (L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (L2L1 pseudorange field) Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 2000h (-163.84) means that there is no valid L2 code available, or that the value exceeds the allowed range




GLONASS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference

163.82 m (See Data Field Note)




RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF048

DF Name GLONASS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange

DF Range 262.1435 m (See Data Field Note)

DF Resolution 0.0005 m

Data Type int20

Data Field Notes

The GLONASS L2 PhaseRange - L1 Pseudorange field provides the information necessary to determine the L2 phase measurement. Note that the PhaseRange defined here has the same sign as the pseudorange. The PhaseRange has much higher resolution than the pseudorange, so that providing this field is just a numerical technique to reduce the length of the message. At start up and after each cycle slip, the initial ambiguity is reset and chosen so that the L2 PhaseRange should match the L1 Pseudorange as closely as possible (i.e., within 1/2 L2 cycle) while not destroying the integer nature of the original carrier phase observation. The Full GLONASS L2 PhaseRange is constructed as follows (all quantities in units of meters): (Full L2 PhaseRange) = (L1 pseudorange as reconstructed from L1 pseudorange field) + (GLONASS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange field) Certain ionospheric conditions might cause the GLONASS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange to diverge over time across the range limits defined. Under these circumstances the computed value needs to be adjusted (rolled over) by the equivalent of 1500 cycles in order to bring the value back within the range. Note: A bit pattern equivalent to 80000h in this field indicates an invalid carrier phase measurement that should not be processed by the mobile receiver. This indication may be used at low signal levels where carrier tracking is temporarily lost, but code tracking is still possible. The GLONASS L2 Lock Time Indicator provides a measure of the amount of time that has elapsed during which the Reference Station receiver has maintained continuous lock on that satellite signal. If a cycle slip occurs during the previous measurement cycle, the lock indicator will be reset to zero. The GLONASS L2 CNR measurements provide the reference station's estimate of the carrier-to-noise ratio of the satellites signal in dB-Hz. The value 0 means that the CNR measurement is not computed.


GLONASS L2 Lock Time Indicator GLONASS L2 CNR

See Table 3.4-2



0-63.75 dB-Hz

0.25 dB-Hz



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF051

DF Name Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number

DF Range 0-65,535 days

DF Resolution 1 day

Data Type uint16

Data Field Notes

Modified Julian Day number (MJD) is the continuous count of day numbers since November 17, 1858 midnight. For example, the first day in GPS week 0 has MJD 44244. The full MJD number shall always be transmitted. At this point in time the rollover of the MJD is quite far away in time, but experience with the Y2K problem showed that the actual life of software and applications can be considerably longer than expected. Therefore, it is foreseen to have a rollover of the MJD in calendar year 2038. At day 65,536 MJD the counter will start at 0 again. Seconds Of Day (UTC) are the seconds of the day counted from midnight Greenwich time. GPS seconds of week have to be adjusted for the appropriate number of leap seconds. The value of 86,400 is reserved for the case that a leap second has been issued. The Number of Message ID Announcements to follow informs the receiver of the number of message types and the frequency of their broadcast by the reference station.


Seconds of Day (UTC) Number of Message ID Announcements to Follow (Nm) Leap Seconds, GPS-UTC Message ID Message Sync Flag Message Transmission Interval Number of Auxiliary Stations Transmitted

0-86,400 s

1 second





DF054 DF055 DF056 DF057

0-254 s 0-4095

1 second 1

uint8 uint12 bit(1)

See the GPS/SPS Signal Specification, available from the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Information Service. 255 indicates that the value is not provided. Each announcement lists the Message ID as transmitted by the reference station. 0=Asynchronous not transmitted on a regular basis 1=Synchronous scheduled for transmission at regular intervals Each announcement lists the Message Transmission Interval as transmitted by the reference station. If asynchronous, the transmission interval is approximate. Number of Auxiliary Reference Stations transmitted in conjunction with designated Master Reference Station. Defines the number of different messages received of one type.

0-6,553.5 s

0.1 seconds



0 31



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF059

DF Name Network ID

DF Range 0 - 255

DF Resolution 1

Data Type uint8

Data Field Notes

Network ID defines the network and the source of the particular set of reference stations and their observation information belongs to. The service provider should ensure that the Network ID is unique in the region serviced. The Network ID indicates an area and its reference stations where the service providers will provide a homogenous solution with leveled integer ambiguities between its reference stations. In general the area indicated by Network ID will comprise one subnetwork with a unique Subnetwork ID. (See description on how to use Network IDs and Subnetwork IDs in Section 3.5.6.). Station ID of Master Reference Station. The Master Reference Station must have the identical ID as one of the reference stations used within the same data stream for providing observation or correction information. The Master Auxiliary Concept allows in principle for several Master Reference Stations in the same data stream. Every Master Reference Station would require a separate raw observation message transmitted for the identical reference station. However for the current version of the standard it is recommended to have only one Master Reference Station in a data stream (see also Section 3.1.5). Station ID to identify Auxiliary Reference Station used to derive attached information.


Master Reference Station ID

0 4095



Auxiliary Reference Station ID Aux-Master Delta Latitude

0 4095



13.1071 degrees

25 x 10-6 degrees


Delta value in latitude of Antenna Reference Point of Auxiliary Reference Station minus Master Reference Station in geographical coordinates based on GRS80 ellipsoid parameters for the same ECEF system as used in message 1005 or 1006 within the same data stream. Note: in severe ionospheric conditions it may not be possible to provide complete service over the entire allowed range, because Ionospheric Correction Differences may exceed the allowed range of DF069.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF063

DF Name Aux-Master Delta Longitude

DF Range 26.2142 degrees

DF Resolution 25 x 10-6 degrees

Data Type int21

Data Field Notes

Delta value in longitude of Antenna Reference Point of Auxiliary Reference Station minus Master Reference Station in geographical coordinates based on GRS80 ellipsoid parameters for the same ECEF system as used in message 1005 or 1006 within the same data stream. Note: in severe ionospheric conditions it may not be possible to provide complete service over the entire allowed range, because Ionospheric Correction Differences may exceed the allowed range of DF069. Delta value in ellipsoidal height of Antenna Reference Point of Auxiliary Reference Station minus Master Reference Station in geographical coordinates based on GRS80 ellipsoid parameters for the same ECEF system as used in message 1005 or 1006 within the same data stream. Epoch time of observations used to derive correction differences Set to 1 in case messages with the same Message Number and Epoch Time will be transmitted in sequence. Set to 0 for last message of a sequence. Number of correction differences for GPS satellites contained in message. Only one message per Auxiliary-Master Reference Station pair and Epoch Time is allowed. Each message shall contain respective correction differences for all satellites tracked at the relevant Master-Auxiliary Reference Station combination GPS Satellite IDs only


Aux-Master Delta Height

4194.303 m

1 mm


DF065 DF066

GPS Epoch Time (GPS TOW) GPS Multiple Message Indicator

0 - 603,799.9 sec 0-1 0 - 15

0.1 sec 1 1

uint23 bit(1) uint4

DF067 # of GPS Satellites

DF068 GPS Satellite ID

1 32



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF #

DF Name

DF Range 32.767 m

DF Resolution 0.5 mm

Data Type int17

Data Field Notes

Ionospheric Carrier Phase Correction Difference (ICPCD) is the Correction Difference for ionospheric part calculated based on integer leveled L1 and L2 correction differences (L1CD and L2CD).
ICPCD = f 22 f 22 f12 L1CD f 22 f 22 f12 L 2CD

DF069 GPS Ionospheric Carrier Phase Correction Difference

L1CD, L2CD, and ICPCD are presented in meters. (See discussion of L1 and L2 corrections in Section 3.5.6.) In extreme conditions the value of this field may lie outside the specified range. If this happens, the data block for the specific satellite containing this field (Tables 3.5-18 & 20) should not be transmitted.

DF070 GPS Geometric Carrier Phase Correction Difference

32.767 m

0.5 mm


Geometric Carrier Phase Correction Difference (GCPCD) is the Correction Difference for geometric part calculated based on integer leveled L1 and L2 correction differences (L1CD and L2CD).
GCPCD = f12 f12 f 22 L1CD f 22 f12 f 22 L 2CD

L1CD, L2CD, and ICPCD are presented in meters.

(See discussion of L1 and L2 corrections in Section 3.5.6.)



IODE value of broadcast ephemeris used for calculation of Correction Differences.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF072

DF Name Subnetwork ID

DF Range 0 15

DF Resolution

Data Type uint4

Data Field Notes

Subnetwork ID identifies the subnetwork of a network identified by Network ID. In general the area indicated by Network ID will consist of one subnetwork. The Subnetwork ID indicates the actual solution number of integer ambiguity level (see the description of Integer Ambiguity Level in Section 3.5.6). If one network has only one subnetwork, this indicates that an ambiguity level throughout the whole network is established. In case of problems it might not be possible to have one homogenous integer ambiguity leveled solution throughout the whole network. The solution might break up into several homogeneous solutions, which can be indicated and distinguished by separate Subnetwork IDs. Every independent homogeneous integer ambiguity leveled solution needs to have an independent Subnetwork ID. Master Reference Stations with different Subnetwork IDs indicate that no hand-over from one to another Master Reference Station is possible since the solutions are not consistent and have no common stations. (See description on how to use Network IDs and Subnetwork IDs in Section 3.5.6. or Appendix A.1.) Note: Subnetwork IDs greater than 0 should be utilized only if the associated messages for Master Reference Station observations (1001 through 1004) are brought to the same Ambiguity Level. It is recommended that this field be set to 0 for now. In the future a Subnetwork ID of 0 will indicate that corresponding raw data streams are not ambiguity-leveled. Note: for Version 10403.1 of the standard, only one Master Reference Station with its associated Auxiliary Stations should be used in a single data stream. The result of this restriction is that Subnetwork IDs may not be needed. Future versions are expected to support Subnetwork IDs.

DF073 RESERVED for Provider ID

0 255


Unique ID identifying a service provider for a region. Service providers have to make that they are using a unique ID that is not used by another service provider in the region.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF074

DF Name GPS Ambiguity Status Flag

DF Range 03

DF Resolution

Data Type bit(2)

Data Field Notes

0 reserved for future use (artificial observations) 1 Correct Integer Ambiguity Level for L1 and L2 2 Correct Integer Ambiguity Level for L1-L2 widelane 3 Uncertain Integer Ambiguity Level. Only a likely guess is used. (See the description of Correct Integer Ambiguity Level and Ambiguity Status Flag in Section 3.5.6.)

DF075 GPS Non Sync Count DF076 DF077 DF078 DF079 DF080 DF081 DF082 DF083 DF084 DF085 DF086 GPS Week number GPS SV Acc. (URA) GPS CODE ON L2 GPS IDOT GPS IODE GPS toc GPS af2 GPS af1 GPS af0 GPS IODC GPS Crs



Whenever an unrecoverable cycle slip occurs this count shall be increased. The counter shall not be increased more than once per minute. (See the discussion of cycle slips and ambiguity levels in Section 3.5.6) GPS week number. Roll-over every 1024 weeks starting from Midnight on the night of January 5/Morning January 6, 1980 meters; see GPS SPS Signal Spec, 00 = reserved; 01 = P code ON; 10 = C/A code ON; 11 = L2C ON semi-circles/sec unitless; see GPS SPS Signal Spec, seconds sec/sec2 sec/sec seconds unitless. The 8 LSBs of IODC contains the same bits and sequence as those in IODE; see GPS SPS Signal Spec, meters

0 -1023

1 week N/A

uint10 bit(4) bit(2) int14 uint8 uint16 int8 int16 int22 uint10 int16

0-3 See Note 1 0-255 607,784 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 0-1023 See Note 1

1 2-43 1 24 2-55 2-43 2-31 1 2-5


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF087 DF088 DF089 DF090 DF091 DF092 DF093 DF094 DF095 DF096 DF097 DF098 DF099 DF100

DF Name GPS n (DELTA n) GPS M0 GPS Cuc GPS Eccentricity (e) GPS Cus GPS (A)1/2 GPS toe GPS Cic GPS 0 (OMEGA)0 GPS Cis GPS i0 GPS Crc GPS (Argument of Perigee) GPS OMEGADOT (Rate of Right Ascension) GPS tGD

DF Range See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 0.03 See Note 1 See Note 1 604,784 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1

DF Resolution 2-43 2-31 2-29 2-33 2-29 2-19 24 2-29 2-31 2-29 2-31 2-5 2-31 2-43

Data Type int16 int32 int16 uint32 int16 uint32 uint16 int16 int32 int16 int32 int16 int32 int24
semi-circles/sec semi-circles radians unitless radians meters1/2 seconds radians semi-circles radians semi-circles meters semi-circles semi-circles/sec

Data Field Notes


See Note 1





RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF102


DF Range See GPS SPS Signal Spec, Subframe 1, Word 4, Bit 1

DF Resolution 1

Data Type uint6

Data Field Notes

MSB: 0 = all NAV data are OK; 1 = some or all NAV data are bad. See GPS SPS Signal Spec, 0: L2 P-Code NAV data ON 1: L2 P-Code NAV data OFF GLONASS almanac health (Cn word) 0= GLONASS almanac has not been received: GLONASS almanac health is not available; 1= GLONASS almanac has been received: GLONASS almanac health is available;

DF103 DF104 DF105

GPS L2 P data flag GLONASS almanac health GLONASS almanac health availability indicator GLONASS P1 GLONASS tk

bit(1) bit(1) bit(1)

DF106 DF107

bit(2) bits 11-7: 0-23 bits 6-1: 0-59 bit 0: 0-1

GLONASS P1 word current day. The integer number of hours elapsed since the beginning of current day occupies 5 MSB. The integer number of minutes occupies next six bits. The number of thirty-second intervals occupies the LSB.

bit(12) Time referenced to the beginning of GLONASS subframe within the

DF108 DF109 DF110 DF111 DF112

GLONASS MSB of Bn word GLONASS P2 GLONASS tb GLONASS xn(tb), first derivative GLONASS xn(tb) 1-95 4.3 km/s 27000 km 15 minutes 2-20 km/s 2-11 km

bit(1) bit(1) uint7 intS24 intS27

GLONASS MSB of Bn word. It contains the ephemeris health flag. GLONASS P2 word Time to which GLONASS navigation data are referenced. GLONASS ECEF-X component of satellite velocity vector in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-X component of satellite coordinates in PZ-90 datum


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF113 DF114 DF115 DF116 DF117 DF118 DF119 DF120 DF121 DF122 DF123 DF124 DF125 DF126 DF127

DF Name GLONASS xn(tb), second derivative GLONASS yn(tb), first derivative GLONASS yn(tb) GLONASS yn(tb), second derivative GLONASS zn(tb), first derivative GLONASS zn(tb) GLONASS zn(tb), second derivative GLONASS P3 GLONASS n(tb) GLONASS-M P GLONASS-M ln (third string) GLONASS n(tb) GLONASS-M n GLONASS En GLONASS-M P4

DF Range 6.2*10-9 km/s 4.3 km/s 27000 km 6.2*10-9 km/s 4.3 km/s 27000 km 6.2*10-9 km/s

DF Resolution 2-30 km/s2 2-20 km/s 2-11 km 2-30 km/s2 2-20 km/s 2-11 km 2-30 km/s2

Data Type intS5 intS24 intS27 intS5 intS24 intS27 intS5 bit(1)

Data Field Notes

GLONASS ECEF-X component of satellite acceleration in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Y component of satellite velocity vector in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Y component of satellite coordinates in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Y component of satellite acceleration in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Z component of satellite velocity vector in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Z component of satellite coordinates in PZ-90 datum GLONASS ECEF-Z component of satellite acceleration in PZ-90 datum GLONASS P3 word GLONASS relative deviation of predicted satellite carrier frequency from nominal value GLONASS-M P word GLONASS-M ln word extracted from third string of the subframe GLONASS correction to the satellite time relative to GLONASS system time GLONASS time difference between navigation RF signal transmitted in L2 sub-band and navigation RF signal transmitted in L1 sub-band The age of GLONASS navigation data GLONASS-M P4 word

2-30 0-3


intS11 bit(2) bit(1)

2-9 seconds 13.97*10-9 seconds 0-31 days

2-30 2-30 1 day

intS22 intS5 uint5 bit(1)


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF # DF128 DF129


DF Range 0-15 1-1461

DF Resolution 1 day

Data Type uint4 uint11

Data Field Notes

GLONASS-M predicted satellite user range accuracy at time tb GLONASS calendar number of day within four-year interval starting from the 1-st of January in a leap year. Note. For GLONASS satellites this data field (if it is not equal to zero) may contain computed calendar number of day that corresponds to the parameter tb.





Type of GLONASS satellite. If this data field contains 01, the satellite is GLONASS-M. Correspondingly, all GLONASS-M data fields are valid. If this parameter equals 00, GLONASS-M parameters are not valid, thus they may contain arbitrary values. The rest parameters of GLONASS ephemeris message contain data (data fields DF132-DF136) extracted from the fifth string of the subframe. These parameters do not belong to predefined ephemeris data. Nevertheless, they can be useful for positioning and timing. Given flag defines whether the parameters are available (=1) in the message. If this flag is set to zero, DF132-DF136 may contain arbitrary values. GLONASS calendar number of day within the four-year period to which c is referenced. Difference between GLONASS system time and UTC(SU). This parameter is referenced to the beginning of day NA. GLONASS four-year interval number starting from 1996


GLONASS The Availability of Additional Data


DF132 DF133 DF134


1-1461 1 second 1-31

1 day 2-31 4-years interval 2-31

uint11 intS32 uint5

DF135 DF136 DF137

GLONASS-M GPS GLONASS-M ln (fifth string) GPS Fit Interval

1.9*10-3 seconds

intS22 bit(1)

Correction to GPS system time relative to GLONASS system time. GLONASS-M ln word extracted from fifth string of the subframe 0: curve-fit interval is 4 hours 1: curve-fit is greater than 4 hours

Subframe 2, Word 10, Bit 17



RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

DF #

DF Name

DF Range 0-127

DF Resolution 1 character

Data Type uint7

Data Field Notes

Provides the number of fully formed Unicode characters in the message text. It is not necessarily the number of bytes in the string.

DF138 Number of Characters to Follow DF139 Number of UTF-8 Code Units DF140 UTF-8 Character Code Units DF141 Reference-Station Indicator


1 byte


The number of UTF-8 Character Code Units in the message.

utf8(n) Code units of a Unicode 8-bit string. bit(1)

0: Real, Physical Reference Station 1: Non-Physical or Computed Reference Station Note: A Non-Physical or Computed Reference Station is typically calculated based on information from a network of reference stations. Different approaches have been established over years. The NonPhysical or Computed Reference Stations are sometimes trademarked and may not be compatible. Examples of these names are Virtual Reference Stations, Pseudo-Reference Stations, and Individualized Reference Stations.


Single Receiver Oscillator Indicator


0: Indicates that all raw data observations in messages 1001-1004 and 1009-1012 may be measured at different instants. This indicator should be set to 0 unless all the conditions for 1 are clearly met. 1: Indicates that all raw data observations in messages 1001-1004 and 1009-1012 are measured at the same instant, as described in Section 3.1.4.

Note 1: Effective range is the maximum range attainable with the indicated bit allocation and scale factor.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.4-2. Lock Time Indicator, Data Fields DF013, DF019, DF043, DF049 (Note 1) Indicator (i) 0-23 24-47 48-71 72-95 96-119 120-126 127 Minimum Lock Time (s) Range of Indicated Lock Times 0 < lock time < 24 24 lock time < 72 72 lock time < 168 168 lock time < 360 360 lock time < 744 744 lock time < 937 lock time 937

i 2 24 i 4 120 i 8 408 i 16 1176 i 32 3096


Note 1 - Determining Loss of Lock: In normal operation, a cycle slip will be evident when the Minimum Lock Time (MLT) has decreased in value. For long time gaps between messages, such as from a radio outage, extra steps should be taken on the rover to safeguard against missed cycle slips.

Table 3.4-3. SBAS PRN Codes, Data Fields DF009, DF038 SBAS Code 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 GPS/GLONASS Satellite ID 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SBAS Code 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 GPS/GLONASS Satellite ID 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 SBAS Code 134 135 136 137 138 GPS/GLONASS Satellite ID 54 55 56 57 58


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.4-4. Carrier Smoothing Interval of Code Phase, DF008 and DF037 Indicator 000 (0) 001 (1) 010 (2) 011 (3) 100 (4) 101 (5) 110 (6) 111 (7) Smoothing Interval No smoothing < 30 s 30-60 s 1-2 min 2-4 min 4-8 min >8 min Unlimited smoothing interval


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.4-5. GLONASS Carrier Frequencies in L1 and L2 Bands Satellite Frequency Channel Indicator
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

No. of channel
-07 -06 -05 -04 -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Nominal value of frequency in L1 Band, MHz

1598.0625 1598.6250 1599.1875 1599.7500 1600.3125 1600.8750 1601.4375 1602.0 1602.5625 1603.125 1603.6875 1604.25 1604.8125 1605.375 1605.9375 1606.5 1607.0625 1607.625 1608.1875 1608.75 1609.3125

Nominal value of frequency in L2 Band, MHz

1242.9375 1243.3750 1243.8125 1244.2500 1244.6875 1245.1250 1245.5625 1246.0 1246.4375 1246.875 1247.3125 1247.75 1248.1875 1248.625 1249.0625 1249.5 1249.9375 1250.375 1250.8125 1251.25 1251.6875


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution



This section describes the messages. Each message contains a specific set of data fields, sometimes repeated, as in the case where information on several satellites is provided. The data fields are broadcast in the order listed. Multi-byte values are expressed with the most significant byte transmitted first and the least significant byte transmitted last. Unlike version 2 of the SC-104 standard (RTCM 10402.x), there is no reversal of bits within a byte. 3.5.1 GPS RTK Messages

Tables 3.5-1 through 3.5-5 provide the contents of the GPS real-time kinematic (RTK) messages, which are based on raw data. From these data, valid RINEX files can be obtained, although when the Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity (DF014, DF044) is not provided, ephemeris and clock information will be required to make the conversion. As a consequence, this set of messages offers a high level of interoperability and compatibility with standard surveying practices. If GPS RTK Messages (1001-1004) are used in a Network RTK application, their content representing L1 and L2 PhaseRanges might be altered by correcting for antenna phase center variations (see also 3.1.6). However the properties of the PhaseRanges have to be indicated properly with an Antenna Description message. Note: observations corrected for antenna phase center variations are no longer compatible with RINEX standard definition. Table 3.5-1. Contents of the Message Header, Types 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004: GPS RTK Messages DATA FIELD Message Number (e.g.,1001= 0011 1110 1001) Reference Station ID GPS Epoch Time (TOW) Synchronous GNSS Flag No. of GPS Satellite Signals Processed GPS Divergence-free Smoothing Indicator GPS Smoothing Interval TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF004 DF005 DF006 DF007 DF008 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint30 bit(1) uint5 bit(1) bit(3) NO. OF BITS 12 12 30 1 5 1 3 64


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1001 Message supports single-frequency RTK operation. It does not include an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise ratio as measured by the reference station.

Table 3.5-2. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1001 Message, Each Satellite GPS Basic RTK, L1 Only DATA FIELD GPS Satellite ID GPS L1 Code Indicator GPS L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 Lock time Indicator TOTAL DF NUMBER DF009 DF010 DF011 DF012 DF013 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint24 int20 uint7 NO. OF BITS 6 1 24 20 7 58


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1002 Message supports single-frequency RTK operation, and includes an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Since the CNR does not usually change from measurement to measurement, this message type can be mixed with the Type 1001, and used primarily when a satellite CNR changes, thus saving broadcast link throughput.

Table 3.5-3. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1002 Message, Each Satellite GPS Extended RTK, L1 Only DATA FIELD GPS Satellite ID GPS L1 Code Indicator GPS L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 Lock time Indicator GPS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity GPS L1 CNR TOTAL DF NUMBER DF009 DF010 DF011 DF012 DF013 DF014 DF015 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint24 int20 uint7 uint8 uint8 NO. OF BITS 6 1 24 20 7 8 8 74


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1003 Message supports dual-frequency RTK operation, but does not include an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Table 3.5-4. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1003 Message, Each Satellite GPS Basic RTK, L1 & L2 DATA FIELD GPS Satellite ID GPS L1 Code Indicator GPS L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 Lock time Indicator GPS L2 Code Indicator GPS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference GPS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L2 Lock time Indicator TOTAL DF NUMBER DF009 DF010 DF011 DF012 DF013 DF016 DF017 DF018 DF019 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint24 int20 uint7 bit(2) int14 int20 uint7 NO. OF BITS 6 1 24 20 7 2 14 20 7 101


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1004 Message supports dual-frequency RTK operation, and includes an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Since the CNR does not usually change from measurement to measurement, this message type can be mixed with the Type 1003, and used only when a satellite CNR changes, thus saving broadcast link throughput. Table 3.5-5. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1004 Message, Each Satellite GPS Extended RTK, L1 & L2 DATA FIELD GPS Satellite ID GPS L1 Code Indicator GPS L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L1 Lock time Indicator GPS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity GPS L1 CNR GPS L2 Code Indicator GPS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference GPS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GPS L2 Lock time Indicator GPS L2 CNR TOTAL DF NUMBER DF009 DF010 DF011 DF012 DF013 DF014 DF015 DF016 DF017 DF018 DF019 DF020 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint24 int20 uint7 uint8 uint8 bit(2) int14 int20 uint7 uint8 NO. OF BITS 6 1 24 20 7 8 8 2 14 20 7 8 125


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution


Stationary Antenna Reference Point Messages

Message Type 1005 (see Table 3.5-6) provides the earth-centered, earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates of the antenna reference point (ARP) for a stationary reference station. No height above a monument is provided. Message Type 1006 (see Table 3.5-7) provides all the same information as Message Type 1005, but additionally provides the height of the ARP above a survey monument. These messages are designed for GPS operation, but are equally applicable to GLONASS and the future Galileo, and system identification bits are reserved for them. The phase center is not a point in space that can be used as a standard reference. For one thing, it varies with frequency. In addition, the location of L1 phase center is strongly dependent on the antenna calibration method used during the calibration process. Therefore, the location of the L1 phase center may vary between different calibration tables for the same antenna model. Message Types 1005 and 1006 avoid the phase center problem by utilizing the Antenna Reference Point, which is used throughout the International GPS Service (IGS). Message Types 1005 and 1006 contain the coordinates of the installed antennas ARP in Earth-Center-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates -- datum definitions are not yet supported. The coordinates always refer to a physical point on the antenna, typically the bottom of the antenna mounting surface.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.5-6. Contents of the Type 1005 Message Stationary Antenna Reference Point, No Height Information DATA FIELD Message Number (1005= 0011 1110 1101) Reference Station ID Reserved for ITRF Realization Year GPS Indicator GLONASS Indicator Reserved for Galileo Indicator Reference-Station Indicator Antenna Reference Point ECEF-X Single Receiver Oscillator Indicator Reserved Antenna Reference Point ECEF-Y Reserved Antenna Reference Point ECEF-Z TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF021 DF022 DF023 DF024 DF141 DF025 DF142 DF001 DF026 DF001 DF027 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint6 bit(1) bit(1) bit(1) bit(1) int38 bit(1) bit(1) int38 bit(2) int38 NO. OF BITS 12 12 6 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 38 2 38 152


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.5-7. Contents of the Type 1006 Message Stationary Antenna Reference Point, with Height Information DATA FIELD Message Number (1006= 0011 1110 1110) Reference Station ID Reserved for ITRF Realization Year GPS Indicator GLONASS Indicator Reserved for Galileo Indicator Reference-Station Indicator Antenna Reference Point ECEF-X Single Receiver Oscillator Indicator Reserved Antenna Reference Point ECEF-Y Reserved Antenna Reference Point ECEF-Z Antenna Height TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF021 DF022 DF023 DF024 DF141 DF025 DF142 DF001 DF026 DF001 DF027 DF028 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint6 bit(1) bit(1) bit(1) bit(1) int38 bit(1) bit(1) int38 bit(2) int38 uint16 NO. OF BITS 12 12 6 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 38 2 38 16 168


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution


Antenna Description Messages

Table 3.5-8 provides an ASCII descriptor of the reference station antenna. As noted for DF031 in Table 3.4-1, the International GPS Service (IGS) Central Bureau convention will be used most of the time, since it is universally accessible. Table 3.5-9 provides the same information, plus the antenna serial number, which removes any ambiguity about the model number or production run. The Committee adopted the naming convention from the IGS equipment-naming table as supplied by the International GPS Service Central Bureau (IGS CB). This table provides a unique antenna descriptor for antennas used for high-precision surveying type applications, which is utilized in the Antenna Descriptor (DF030). IGS limits the number of characters to 20 at this time, but the standard allows more characters for future extension. The Antenna Setup ID (DF031) is a parameter for use by the service provider to indicate the particular reference station-antenna combination. "0" for this value means that the values of a standard model type calibration should be used. The Antenna Serial Number (DF033) is the individual antenna serial number as issued by the manufacturer of the antenna Table 3.5-8. Contents of the Type 1007 Message Antenna Descriptor DATA FIELD Message Number (1007=0011 1110 1111) Reference Station ID Descriptor Counter N Antenna Descriptor Antenna Setup ID TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF029 DF030 DF031 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint8 char8(N) uint8 NO. OF BITS 12 12 8 8*N 8 40+8*N N 31 NOTES


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.5-9. Contents of the Type 1008 Message Antenna Descriptor & Serial Number DATA FIELD Message Number (1008=0011 1111 0000) Reference Station ID Descriptor Counter N Antenna Descriptor Antenna Setup ID Serial Number Counter M Antenna Serial Number TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF029 DF030 DF031 DF032 DF033 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint8 char8(N) uint8 uint8 char8(M) NO. OF BITS 12 12 8 8*N 8 8 8*M 48+ 8*(M+N) M 31 N 31 NOTES


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution


GLONASS RTK Observables

Tables 3.5-9 through 3.5-14 provide the contents of the GLONASS real-time kinematic (RTK) messages, which are based on raw data. From these data, complete RINEX files can be obtained. As a consequence, this set of messages offers a high level of interoperability and compatibility with standard surveying practices. The service provider using these messages should also transmit an Antenna Reference Point message (Type 1005 or 1006) and an Antenna Descriptor message (Type 1007 or 1008). A provider of combined GPS-GLONASS service should provide completely independent sets of Observables. In addition, if the time tags of the GPS and GLONASS RTK data are synchronized, the Synchronous GNSS Flag should be used to connect the entire RTK data block. Table 3.5-10 Contents of the Message Header, Types 1009 through 1012: GLONASS RTK Messages DATA FIELD Message Number (1009=0011 1111 0001) Reference Station ID GLONASS Epoch Time (tk) Synchronous GNSS Flag No. of GLONASS Satellite Signals Processed GLONASS Divergence-free Smoothing Indicator GLONASS Smoothing Interval TOTAL DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF034 DF005 DF035 DF036 DF037 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint27 bit(1) uint5 bit(1) bit(3) NO. OF BITS 12 12 27 1 5 1 3 61


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1009 Message supports single-frequency RTK operation, but does not include an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Table 3.5-11. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1009 Message, Each Satellite GLONASS Basic RTK, L1 Only DATA FIELD GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number) GLONASS Code Indicator GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number GLONASS L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 Lock time Indicator TOTAL DF NUMBER DF038 DF039 DF040 DF041 DF042 DF043 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint5 uint25 int20 uint7 NO. OF BITS 6 1 5 25 20 7 64


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The Type 1010 Message supports single-frequency RTK operation, and includes an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Since the CNR does not usually change from measurement to measurement, this message type can be mixed with the Type 1009, and used only when a satellite CNR changes, thus saving broadcast link throughput. Table 3.5-12. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1010 Message, Each Satellite GLONASS Extended RTK, L1 Only DATA FIELD GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number) GLONASS L1 Code Indicator GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number GLONASS L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 Lock time Indicator GLONASS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity GLONASS L1 CNR TOTAL DF NUMBER DF038 DF039 DF040 DF041 DF042 DF043 DF044 DF045 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint5 uint25 int20 uint7 uint7 uint8 NO. OF BITS 6 1 5 25 20 7 7 8 79


RTCM 10403.1

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The Type 1011 Message supports dual-frequency RTK operation, but does not include an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Table 3.5-13. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1011 Message, Each Satellite GLONASS Basic RTK, L1 & L2 DATA FIELD GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number) GLONASS L1 Code Indicator GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number GLONASS L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 Lock time Indicator GLONASS L2 Code Indicator GLONASS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference GLONASS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L2 Lock time Indicator TOTAL DF NUMBER DF038 DF039 DF040 DF041 DF042 DF043 DF046 DF047 DF048 DF049 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint5 uint25 int20 uint7 bit(2) uint14 int20 uint7 NO. OF BITS 6 1 5 25 20 7 2 14 20 7 107


RTCM 10403.1

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The Type 1012 Message supports dual-frequency RTK operation, and includes an indication of the satellite carrier-to-noise (CNR) as measured by the reference station. Since the CNR does not usually change from measurement to measurement, this message type can be mixed with the Type 1011, and used only when a satellite CNR changes, thus saving broadcast link throughput. Table 3.5-14. Contents of the Satellite-Specific Portion of a Type 1012 Message, Each Satellite GLONASS Extended RTK, L1 & L2 DATA FIELD GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number) GLONASS L1 Code Indicator GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number GLONASS L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L1 Lock time Indicator GLONASS Integer L1 Pseudorange Modulus Ambiguity GLONASS L1 CNR GLONASS L2 Code Indicator GLONASS L2-L1 Pseudorange Difference GLONASS L2 PhaseRange L1 Pseudorange GLONASS L2 Lock time Indicator GLONASS L2 CNR TOTAL DF NUMBER DF038 DF039 DF040 DF041 DF042 DF043 DF044 DF045 DF046 DF047 DF048 DF049 DF050 DATA TYPE uint6 bit(1) uint5 uint25 int20 uint7 uint7 uint8 bit(2) uint14 int20 uint7 uint8 NO. OF BITS 6 1 5 25 20 7 7 8 2 14 20 7 8 130


RTCM 10403.1

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System Parameters

The complete list of record announcements summarizes all messages transmitted by the particular reference station. 3.5-15 Contents of the Type 1013 Message, System Parameters DATA FIELD Message Number Reference Station ID Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number Seconds of Day (UTC) No. of Message ID Announcements to Follow (Nm) Leap Seconds, GPS-UTC Message ID #1 Message #1 Sync Flag Message #1 Transmission Interval Message ID #2 Message #2 Sync Flag Message #2 Transmission Interval (Repeat until Nm sets) TOTAL 70+29* Nm DF NUMBER DF002 DF003 DF051 DF052 DF053 DF054 DF055 DF056 DF057 DF055 DF056 DF057 DATA TYPE uint12 uint12 uint16 uint17 uint5 uint8 uint12 bit(1) uint16 uint12 bit(1) uint16 NO. OF BITS 12 12 16 17 5 8 12 1 16 12 1 16


RTCM 10403.1

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GPS Network RTK Correction Messages

The use of single reference stations to transmit RTK data is limited by the fact that the accuracy and reliability of integer ambiguity resolution deteriorates with increasing distance from the reference station. A powerful solution to this problem is offered by a synchronized network of RTK stations. Networks of reference stations mitigate the distance-dependency of RTK solutions. With such networks, a provider can generate measurement corrections for receivers operating within a large defined region, and this information can be supplied to the user in a standard format. As the current kinematic and high-accuracy message types 1001-1012 do not support an efficient use of data from multiple reference stations, new approaches must be developed to facilitate the valuable information afforded by networks of reference stations. The standardization of network information and processing models is also necessary to reduce the size of the network RTK corrections, as well as the satellite-independent error information. A simplified approach of transmitting data from reference station networks to roving users is utilized below in the form of a new message set capable of supporting reference network operations. Individual reference stations often support more than one network in a large region. A detailed description of how the message set below supports these networks is given below. The approach used here provides considerable flexibility for the service provider to support a wide variety of services within range of a large network of reference stations. The principle of determining L1 and L2 corrections is defined in Version 2.3 (RTCM Paper 136-2001/SC104-STD now designated as RTCM 10402.3) as 4.3.18 section B. However version 2.3 is defined for any type of geodetic carrier phase observation, while version 3 assumes clock adjusted carrier phase observations (see RTCM Paper 30-2004/SC104-STD or RTCM 10402.3 section 3.1.4). The Correction Difference components have been split into a dispersive and a non-dispersive part. The dispersive Correction Difference is also called ionospheric Correction Difference, after its contributor. The opposite, the non-dispersive, is also called ionosphere-free Correction Difference or geometric Correction Difference, recognizing that it is not purely due to geometry because of the tropospheric contribution. The L1 Correction (L1C) and the L2 Correction (L2C) can be determined in general by:
L1C S = s S S ,1 ( t ) L 2C S = s S S ,2 (t )

c N S ,1 + t S ,1 + A S ,1 , and f1 c N S , 2 + t S , 2 + A S , 2 , with f2

Computed Geometric Range in meters between the ARP of station S and satellite


RTCM 10403.1

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S ,1 ( t )
c N S ,1 f1

= =

Phase Range Measurement in meters for station S, L1 (similarly for L2) Integer Ambiguity part scaled to meters, L1 (similarly for L2). The integer can be arbitrarily chosen for an initial measurement in order to bring the resulting Phase Correction within range of the field definition. For Network RTK the all-integer ambiguities have to be brought onto a common integer level. Therefore all values per-satellite and per-frequency have to be synchronized between reference stations.

t S ,1 , t S , 2 =

Receiver clock term for the respective frequency of Phase Range Measurement

AS ,1 , AS , 2 =

Antenna Offset and Phase Center Variation Correction for the respective frequency; the service provider has to ensure that the antenna phase center corrections does not introduce biases. (See also Section 3.1.6, Proper Handling of Antenna Phase Center Variation Corrections) = = L1 carrier frequency L2 carrier frequency

f1 f2

Satellite and relativistic clock term have been neglected in the given formula. These terms cancel sufficiently in the inter-station single difference. A difference of the clock between both station receivers remains in the Correction Differences. However, the value common to all Correction Differences for every Master-Auxiliary Reference Station pair can be estimated and removed from the Correction Differences. These inter-station clock biases are also minimized for typical Network RTK applications. The clock difference term between reference stations in the L1 and L2 Correction Difference may be treated independently. Therefore clock effects may influence Ionospheric and Geometric Correction Differences. Nevertheless, this approach chosen is sufficient for general positioning approaches, since residual clock effects are removed in double differences. Proper treatment of antenna phase center corrections are crucial to avoid unrecoverable biases in Correction Differences (See also section 3.1.6, Proper handling of antenna phase center variation corrections). The L1 Correction Difference (L1CD) is calculated as the single-difference of the Auxiliary Reference Station Carrier Phase Correction minus Master Reference Station Carrier Phase Correction.
L1CD = L1C A L1C M

An alternate way of calculation is to carry out:

L 1CD = s AM ( t )
AM ,1

(t )

c N f1

AM ,1

+ t AM


+ A AM



RTCM 10403.1

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AM ,1 (t ) s AM (t )
c N AM ,1 f1

= = =

Single-differenced Phase Ranges of Auxiliary Reference Station A minus Master Reference Station M Single-differenced slope distances between Satellite and reference station antenna of Auxiliary Reference Station A minus Master Reference Station M Single-differenced Integer Ambiguity values of Auxiliary Reference Station A minus Master Reference Station M scaled to meters. In practice only double-differenced Integer Ambiguities can be fixed due to insufficient modeling of various error sources. The single-differenced Integer Ambiguities for a particular Auxiliary Reference Station minus Master Reference Station might incorporate an arbitrary Integer number. The number is arbitrary but common for all satellites and therefore is observed as a common clock error.

t AM ,1 = AAM ,1 =

Estimated single differenced receiver clock term on L1. Single-differenced antenna offset and PCV on L1

Similarly, the L2 Correction Difference (L2CD) is computed as follows:

L 2CD = s AM (t ) AM , 2 (t ) c N AM , 2 + t AM , 2 + AAM , 2 f2

Correct integer ambiguity resolution between reference stations is only possible on a double-difference basis. The correct set of double-differenced integer ambiguities is unique for a given data set. A common Integer Ambiguity Level indicates that Correction Differences are derived from a homogenous solution satisfying the double-difference requirement between all involved reference stations. Correction Differences are typically based on integer-adjusted raw observation data. Certain rules must be observed to preserve the correctness of the double-difference requirement. In particular, introducing a cycle for one specific satellite-station combination must be compensated for by adjusting other satellite-station combinations in order to maintain a homogenous solution. However, the Correction Differences are defined as single-differenced values between two reference stations. Therefore the introduction of a fixed number of cycles for the observations of one satellite for all reference stations throughout the whole network will not show up in the Correction Differences. Changing all observations for a specific reference station by a fixed number of cycles will change all Correction Differences. The number of introduced cycles will be absorbed by the clock bias estimation in the rover.


RTCM 10403.1

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Two subsets of a network might satisfy the requirement of correct double-differenced Integer Ambiguities, without necessarily being on the same Integer Ambiguity Level since the choices of integers are arbitrary. As soon as a reference station has common Integer Ambiguity Levels with two subsets of a network these two subsets can be joined and brought to the same Integer Ambiguity Level. These two subsets will then form one subnetwork with the same Integer Ambiguity Level. If circumstances are such that not enough satellites with correct fixed Integer Ambiguities are available for one reference station or a number of reference stations connecting two subsets of a network, it is advisable to treat the subsets separately. Both subsets will be considered to form different subnetworks with different Integer Ambiguity Levels indicated by assigning different subnetwork IDs. The Correct Integer Ambiguity Level L1-L2 widelane indicates that only the L1-L2 widelane is correctly fixed. The individual L1 and L2 integer ambiguities may contain integer offsets. The L1 and the L2 offsets will be the same. Changing the Ambiguity Status Flag from 3 to 2, 3 to 1, or 2 to 1 without increasing the Non Sync Count indicates that the previous good guess of the integer ambiguity turned out to be the correct integer and the correctness of the integer has been approved by the networking software. Unrecoverable cycle slips might occur for permanent reference station applications as well. If the Integer Ambiguity for the satellite with the cycle slip is on the Integer Ambiguity Level (see also the discussion above on Integer Ambiguity Level), the unrecoverable cycle will cause the loss of the Integer Ambiguity Level for the specific satellite, reference station, and frequency. Correction Difference information for this specific combination needs proper flagging in the Ambiguity Status Flag and increasing the Non Sync Count. The Non Sync Count must be increased if there is an unrecoverable cycle slip in a Correction Difference that is not on the Integer Ambiguity Level. Frequent cycle slips may cause problems with the counters range. The Non Sync Count should not be increased more than once per minute in order to reduce counter roll-overs. Satellites with cycle slips more frequent than once per minute should not be transmitted. Arbitrarily fixed, and therefore possibly non-correct integers, provide only sufficient information when the identical integers are used for a certain amount of time. An increase of the Non Sync Count will be associated with Ambiguity Status Flag of 3. In the continuation of the operation the networking software might prove that the arbitrarily chosen integers are actually on the correct integer ambiguity level. Under these circumstances the Ambiguity Status Flag might be changed to the appropriate status of 1 or 2. This is discussed further in Appendix A.1


RTCM 10403.1

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Table 3.5-16 Contents of the Network Auxiliary Station Data Message 1014 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

Message Number Network ID Subnetwork ID Number of Auxiliary Stations Transmitted Master Reference Station ID Auxiliary Reference Station ID Aux-Master Delta Latitude Aux-Master Delta Longitude Aux-Master Delta Height

DF002 DF059 DF072 DF058 DF060 DF061 DF062 DF063 DF064

uint12 uint8 uint4 uint5 unit12 uint12 int20 int21 int23

12 8 4 5 12 12 20 21 23


0 - 31


RTCM 10403.1

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Table 3.5-17 Contents of Header Network RTK -- Messages 1015, 1016 or 1017






Message Number Network ID Subnetwork ID GPS Epoch Time (GPS TOW) GPS Multiple Message Indicator Master Reference Station ID Auxiliary Reference Station ID # of GPS Sats

DF002 DF059 DF072 DF065 DF066 DF060 DF061 DF067

uint12 uint8 uint4 uint23 bit(1) uint12 uint12 uint4

12 8 4 23 1 12 12 4

1015, 1016 or 1017

Table 3.5-18 Contents of Data Block for GPS Ionospheric Correction Differences 1015 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

GPS Satellite ID GPS Ambiguity Status Flag GPS Non Sync Count GPS Ionospheric Carrier Phase Correction Difference

DF068 DF074 DF075 DF069

uint6 bit(2) uint3 int17

6 2 3 17


RTCM 10403.1

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Table 3.5-19 Contents of Data Block for GPS Geometric Correction Differences 1016 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

GPS Satellite ID GPS Ambiguity Status Flag GPS Non Sync Count GPS Geometric Carrier Phase Correction Difference GPS IODE

DF068 DF074 DF075 DF070 DF071

uint6 bit(2) uint3 int17 uint8

6 2 3 17 8

Table 3.5-20 Contents of Data Block for GPS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences 1017 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

GPS Satellite ID GPS Ambiguity Status Flag GPS Non Sync Count GPS Geometric Carrier Phase Correction Difference GPS IODE GPS Ionospheric Carrier Phase Correction Difference

DF068 DF074 DF075 DF070 DF071 DF069

uint6 bit(2) uint3 int17 uint8 int17

6 2 3 17 8 17


RTCM 10403.1

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GPS Ephemerides

The GPS ephemeris message contains GPS satellite ephemeris information. This message could be broadcast in the event that the IODC does not match the IODE, which would require the differential reference station to base corrections on the previous good satellite ephemeris. This would allow the user equipment just entering the differential system to utilize the corrections being broadcast for that ephemeris, and would support the use of the satellite for differential navigation despite the fact that the satellite ephemeris was in error. It is anticipated that this message type would be broadcast every 2 minutes or so while this condition persisted. The schedule would be maintained until the satellite broadcast was corrected, or until the satellite dropped below the coverage area of the reference station. Another use of the message is to assist user receivers to quickly acquire satellites. For example, if the user receiver has access to a wireless service with this message, rather than waiting until one satellite has been acquired and its almanac data processed, it can utilize the ephemeris information immediately. All data fields have the same number of bits, the same scale factor and units defined in GPS SPS Signal Specification, Sections 2.4.3 and 2.4.4. The name of the data fields are also kept as close as possible to those defined in GPS SPS Signal Specification document for cross-reference.
Table 3.5-21. Contents of GPS Satellite Ephemeris Data, Message Type 1019 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

Message Number GPS Satellite ID GPS Week Number GPS SV ACCURACY GPS CODE ON L2

DF002 DF009 DF076 DF077 DF078

uint12 uint6 uint10 uint4 bit(2)

12 6 10 4 2 0 - 1023


See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 00 = Reserved 01 = P code on 10 = C/A code on 11 = L2C on See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3


DF079 DF071

int14 uint8 3-63

14 8

RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution






GPS toc GPS af2 GPS af1 GPS af0 GPS IODC GPS Crs GPS n (DELTA n) GPS M0 GPS Cuc GPS Eccentricity (e) GPS Cus GPS (A)1/2 GPS toe GPS Cic GPS 0 (OMEGA)0 GPS Cis GPS i0 GPS Crc GPS (Argument of Perigee) GPS OMEGADOT (Rate of Right Ascension) GPS tGD

DF081 DF082 DF083 DF084 DF085 DF086 DF087 DF088 DF089 DF090 DF091 DF092 DF093 DF094 DF095 DF096 DF097 DF098 DF099 DF100 DF101

uint16 int8 int16 int22 uint10 int16 int16 int32 int16 uint32 int16 uint32 uint16 int16 int32 int16 int32 int16 int32 int24 int8

16 8 16 22 10 16 16 32 16 32 16 32 16 16 32 16 32 16 32 24 8

See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution






GPS SV HEALTH GPS L2 P data flag GPS Fit Interval


DF102 DF103 DF137

uint6 bit(1) bit(1)

6 1 1

See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3 0: L2 P-Code NAV data ON 1: L2 P-Code NAV data OFF See GPS SPS Signal Specification, 2.4.3


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution


GLONASS Ephemerides

The GLONASS ephemeris message contains GLONASS satellite ephemeris information. One use of the message is to assist user receivers to quickly acquire satellites. For example, if the user receiver has access to a wireless service that distributes this message, it can utilize the ephemeris information immediately, rather than waiting until one satellite has been acquired and its almanac data processed. The GLONASS ephemeris message contains GLONASS satellite ephemeris information. This message could be broadcast in the event that an anomaly in new ephemeris data set is detected, which would require the differential reference station to base corrections on the previous good satellite ephemeris. This would allow the user equipment just entering the differential system to utilize the corrections being broadcast for that ephemeris, and would support the use of the satellite for differential navigation despite the fact that the satellite ephemeris was in error. It is anticipated that this message type would be broadcast every 2 minutes or so while this condition persisted. The schedule would be maintained until the satellite broadcast was corrected, or until the satellite dropped below the coverage area of the reference station. The GLONASS ephemeris message contains GLONASS satellite ephemeris information. This message could be broadcast in the event that an anomaly in new ephemeris data set is detected, which would require the differential reference station to base corrections on the previous good satellite ephemeris. This would allow the user equipment just entering the differential system to utilize the corrections being broadcast for that ephemeris, and would support the use of the satellite for differential navigation despite the fact that the satellite ephemeris was in error. It is anticipated that this message type would be broadcast every 2 minutes or so while this condition persisted. The schedule would be maintained until the satellite broadcast was corrected, or until the satellite dropped below the coverage area of the reference station. All data fields have the same number of bits, the same scale factor and units defined in the 5th edition of GLONASS ICD, which contains the most recent information about GLONASS-M navigation data. This document can be downloaded from the official source of information about GLONASS at the website http://www.glonass-center.ru, under the heading ICD 2002. The names of the data fields are also kept as close as possible to those defined in the GLONASS ICD for cross-referencing.
Table 3.5-22. Contents of GLONASS Satellite Ephemeris Data, Message Type 1020 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

Message Number GLONASS Satellite ID (Satellite Slot Number) GLONASS Satellite Frequency Channel Number GLONASS almanac health (Cn word)

DF002 DF038 DF040 DF104

uint12 uint6 uint5 bit(1) 3-66

12 6 5 1


See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0

RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution






GLONASS almanac health availability indicator GLONASS P1 GLONASS tk GLONASS MSB of Bn word GLONASS P2 GLONASS tb GLONASS xn(tb), first derivative GLONASS xn(tb) GLONASS xn(tb), second derivative GLONASS yn(tb), first derivative GLONASS yn(tb) GLONASS yn(tb), second derivative GLONASS zn(tb), first derivative GLONASS zn(tb) GLONASS zn(tb), second derivative GLONASS P3 GLONASS n(tb) GLONASS-M P GLONASS-M ln (third string) GLONASS n(tb) GLONASS-M n GLONASS En

DF105 DF106 DF107 DF108 DF109 DF110 DF111 DF112 DF113 DF114 DF115 DF116 DF117 DF118 DF119 DF120 DF121 DF122 DF123 DF124 DF125 DF126

bit(1) bit(2) bit(12) bit(1) bit(1) uint7 intS24 intS27 intS5 intS24 intS27 intS5 intS24 intS27 intS5 bit(1) intS11 bit(2) bit(1) intS22 intS5 uint5

1 2 12 1 1 7 24 27 5 24 27 5 24 27 5 1 11 2 1 22 5 5

See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0


RTCM 10403.1

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DF127 DF128 DF129 DF130 DF131 DF132 DF133 DF134 DF135 DF136

bit(1) uint4 uint11 bit(2) bit(1) uint11 intS32 uint5 intS22 bit(1) bit(7)

1 4 11 2 1 11 32 5 22 1 7

See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0 See GLONASS ICD Version 5.0

Note: GLONASS-M data are valid for GLONASS-M satellites only: refer to the description of data field DF130.


RTCM 10403.1

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Unicode Text String

Message type 1029 contains a variable length text string for any displayable information the service provider may want to transmit to the user. For maximum flexibility, the characters in this message are in the Unicode encoding scheme. Unicode is a system for providing a unique numeric code for each character in every language, while allowing for support of any subset of the complete code space. See http://www.unicode.org for the Unicode specification and conformance information. The characters in this message are in the UTF-8 encoding form to provide transparency for ASCII code points (00h-7Fh). That is, the 128 ASCII characters are encoded in the identical 8-bit form in UTF-8. All other characters are multi-byte and each byte in that sequence will be in the range 80h-FFh. Therefore, each byte does not necessarily constitute a full character, but is instead referred to as a code unit of a character. The Unicode specification defines how to identify the number of 8-bit code units constituting a received character and how to handle unknown or ill-formed characters. Because the length of the string is known, a terminating NULL must not be included.


RTCM 10403.1

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

Table 3.5-23. Contents of the Unicode Text String, Message Type 1029 DATA FIELD DF NUMBER DATA TYPE NO. OF BITS NOTES

Message Number Reference Station ID Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number Seconds of Day (UTC) Number of Characters to Follow

DF002 DF003 DF051 DF052 DF138

uint12 uint12 uint16 uint17 uint7

12 12 16 17 7

(Note 1) (Note 1) This represents the number of fully formed Unicode characters in the message text. It is not necessarily the number of bytes that are needed to represent the characters as UTF-8. Note that for some messages it may not be possible to utilize the full range of this field, e.g. where many characters require 3 or 4 byte representations and together will exceed 255 code units. The length of the message is limited by this field, or possibly by DF+1 (see previous note).

Number of UTF-8 Code Units (N) UTF-8 Character Code Units


DF139 DF140

uint8 utf8(N)

8 8*N

Note 1 The time tag used in this message refers to the approximate time of message transmission (the actual time of transmission may be delayed by buffering). If a different time of applicability is required, the service provider may include that time within the Unicode message text.


RTCM 10403.1

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Example Unicode Text String Message

The following is an example of the Unicode Text String Message represented in hexadecimal with the UTF-8 code units in bold: D3 00 27 40 50 17 00 84 73 6E 15 1E 55 54 46 2D 38 20 D0 BF D1 80 D0 BE D0 B2 D0 B5 D1 80 D0 BA D0 B0 20 77 C3 B6 72 74 65 72 ED A3 3B The parameters of the message are Message Number = 1029 Reference Station ID = 23 Modified Julian Day (MJD) Number = 132 Seconds of Day (UTC) = 59100 Number of Characters to Follow = 21 Number of UTF-8 Code Units = 30 The message text used in the example is UTF-8 wrter (UTF-8 check words) without quotes. The Unicode code points and character names for this message are: 0055 0054 0046 002D 0038 0020 043F 0440 043E 0432 0435 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F HYPHEN-MINUS DIGIT EIGHT SPACE CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE 0440 043A 0430 0020 0077 00F6 0072 0074 0065 0072 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A SPACE LATIN SMALL LETTER W LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS LATIN SMALL LETTER R LATIN SMALL LETTER T LATIN SMALL LETTER E LATIN SMALL LETTER R


RTCM 10403.1

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Proprietary Messages

The 95 message types from 4001 through 4095 are reserved for proprietary use. Each company or organization may be assigned by RTCM one message type for proprietary use. The format is similar to the other messages, in that the transport layer is defined in the same way, and the first data field is a 12-bit message number. Each company is free to define several sub-types of messages, but they must all utilize the assigned message type. At the time of printing, the following Proprietary Message types have been assigned. Contact RTCM to acquire a new message type.
Table 3.6-1. Assigned Proprietary Message Types Message Type Organization Contact

4095 4094 4093 4092 4091 4090 4089 4088 4087-4001

Magellan Navigation Inc. Trimble Navigation Ltd. NovAtel Inc. Leica Geosystems Topcon Positioning Systems Geo++ Septentrio Satellite Navigation IfEN GmbH RESERVED

http://www.magellangps.com http://www.trimble.com http://www.novatel.ca http://www.leica-geosystems.com http://www.topconpositioning.com http://www.geopp.de http://www.septentrio.com http://www.ifen.com


RTCM 10403.1

4.1 Description

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

The transport layer defines the frame architecture for sending or receiving RTCM SC-104 Version 3 messages. The purpose of defining this layer is to ensure that RTCM 10403.1 data can be properly decoded by applications. The frame is mandatory from this respect but it is not required throughout the transmission of the data. Providers may package the messages into a separate frame structure that best suits the transmission medium. The data set would need to have this frame structure reestablished before transfer to the application. For high-integrity applications, it would be up to the provider to demonstrate that adequate integrity is maintained in the process of disassembling and reassembling the transport layer frame structure. The basic frame structure consists of a fixed preamble, a message length definition, a message, and a 24-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for high data transfer integrity. The structure of the frame format is shown in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1. Version 3 Frame Structure Preamble Reserved Message Length Variable Length Data Message CRC

8 bits

6 bits

10 bits

Variable length, integer number of bytes 0-1023 bytes

24 bits


Not defined set to 000000

Message length in bytes

QualComm definition CRC-24Q

The Preamble is a fixed 8-bit sequence. The next six bits are reserved in RTCM10403.1 and should be set to zero by the Transport Layer Control for all messages. The mobile user receiver should ignore these bits and not assume they will always be set to zero. In future versions these bits may contain the version number of the standard. The Variable Length Messages are those defined in Chapter 3. If the data link requires short messages in order to maintain a continuous stream of data, the message length may be set to "0", providing a "filler" message of 48 bits in length, because the data message length will be zero. This standard uses the QualComm CRC algorithm. Twenty-four bits of CRC parity will provide protection against burst as well as random errors with a probability of undetected error 2-24 = 5.9610-8 for all channel bit error probabilities 0.5. The CRC operates on the sequence of bits beginning with the preamble, through to the end of the Variable Length Message Field, using a seed of 0. The sequence of 24 bits (p1,p2,...,p24) is generated from the sequence of information bits (m1,m2,...,m8N), where N is the total number of bytes in the sequence consisting of the message plus preamble and Message Length Definition Parameter. This is accomplished by means of a code that is generated by the polynomial


RTCM 10403.1
g( X ) = gi X i
i =0 24


gi = 1 for i = 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24 = 0 otherwise

RTCM Not for reproduction or redistribution

This code is called CRC-24Q (Q for Qualcomm Corporation). The generator polynomial of this code is in the following form (using binary polynomial algebra): g( X ) = (1 + X ) p( X ) where p(X) is the primitive and irreducible polynomial
p( X ) = X 23 + X 17 + X 13 + X 12 + X 11 + X 9 + X 8 + X 7 + X 5 + X 3 + 1

When, by the application of binary polynomial algebra, the above g(X) is divided into m(X)X24, where the information sequence m(X) is expressed as m( X ) = mk + mk 1 X + mk 2 X 2 + + m1 X k 1 the result is a quotient and a remainder R(X) of degree < 24. The bit sequence formed by this remainder represents the parity check sequence. Parity bit pi, for any i from 1 to 24, is the coefficient of X24-i in R(X). This code has the following characteristics: 1) It detects all single bit errors per code word. 2) It detects all double bit error combinations in a codeword because the generator polynomial g(X) has a factor of at least three terms. 3) It detects any odd number of errors because g(X) contains a factor 1+X. 4) It detects any burst error for which the length of the burst is 24 bits. 5) It detects most large error bursts with length greater than the parity length r = 24 bits. The fraction of error bursts of length b > 24 that are undetected is: a) 2-24 = 5.96 10-8, if b > 25 bits. b) 2-23 = 1.19 10-7, if b = 25 bits. As noted earlier, the reference station should insert zeros in all reserved fields, and for messages whose lengths that dont line up with byte boundaries, zeros should be used for undefined bits to fill out the last unfilled byte.


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4.2 Example

The following is a Hex-ASCII example of a message type 1005 (Stationary Antenna Reference Point, No Height Information).
D3 00 13 3E D7 D3 02 02 98 0E DE EF 34 B4 BD 62 AC 09 41 98 6F 33 36 0B 98

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The parameters for this message are: Reference Station Id = 2003 GPS Service supported, but not GLONASS or Galileo ARP ECEF-X = 1114104.5999 meters ARP ECEF-Y = -4850729.7108 meters ARP ECEF-Z = 3975521.4643 meters


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The Data Link Layer defines how the RTCM 10403.1 message data stream is encoded on the Physical Layer. This may also include flow control, packetization, encryption, or additional error checking. It is up to the service provider to determine how to define this layer as appropriate to the application.


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The Physical Layer defines how the RTCM 10403.1 message data is conveyed at the electrical and mechanical level e.g.: beacons, MSK; UHF, VHF Modems; DARC FM Subcarrier, Satellite links, fixed cable. It is up to the service provider to determine how to define this layer as appropriate to the application.


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The following two sections provide additional guidance and information for Vendors, Service Providers and Mobile Users. Appendix A.1 provides guidance to Service Providers on the selection of master and auxiliary stations, and to Users on how to best use the information in the messages. Appendix A.2 provides a scheduling example that demonstrates one method of utilizing the Synchronous Message Flags and Multiple Message Indicators to support operation with multiple GNSSs.
A.1 How to Use Network IDs and Subnetwork IDs

Figure A.1-1 gives an example of a network 1 containing 23 reference stations identified by 2 4 3 Network ID. In general the network will consist of 7 10 5 8 only one subnetwork identified by Subnetwork ID. 13 9 Every one of these 23 reference stations can be 6 14 used as a Master Reference Station and all 11 12 15 reference stations within a certain range around the 17 16 19 18 Master Reference Station might be used as 20 22 Auxiliary Reference Stations. The figure shows 3 21 23 different Master Reference Stations (11 <red>, 14 <blue>, and 17 <purple>) and associated radii. The radii are defining in the example the range holding Figure A.1-1. Network Example all associated Auxiliary Reference Stations for the designated Master Reference Station. However other ways of selecting Auxiliary Reference Stations for a designated Master Reference Station are possible and the selection process might have to be adapted to the specific environment of the permanent networking application. Master Reference Station M11 has the Auxiliary Reference Stations A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A12, A13, A14, A16, A17, A19, A21, and A22. Master Reference Station M14 has the Auxiliary Reference Stations A2, A3, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A15, A16, A17, A18, A22, and A23. Master Reference Station M17 has the Auxiliary Reference Stations A7, A8, A11, A13, A14, A15, A16, A18, A19, A21, A22, and A23. All three Master Reference Stations (M11, M14, and M17) are also Auxiliary Reference Stations (A11, A14, and A17) for each other. Under the assumption that all Master Reference Stations are on a common Integer Ambiguity Level, a handover to the next Master Reference Station data stream would be possible without reinitialization of the integer ambiguities as used in the rover application. However, Integer Ambiguity Leveling is not mandatory for Master Reference Stations. Normally, all stations would be available to a network processing facility and a networking provider could combine all stations in one network (e.g. 122). When all Reference Stations could be brought to a joint Ambiguity Level, a common Subnetwork ID 0 would be assigned. An example of individual data streams may be for Master Reference Stations M11, M14, and M17 respectively as a sequence of information of Network ID (122), Subnetwork ID (0), Master Reference Station ID, Auxiliary Reference Station ID,:


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122, 0, M11, A1, 122, 0, M11, A2, 122, 0, M11, A5, 122, 0, M11, A6, 122, 0, M11, A7, 122, 0, M11, A8, 122, 0, M11, A12, 122, 0, M11, A13, 122, 0, M11, A14, 122, 0, M11, A16, 122, 0, M11, A17, 122, 0, M11, A19, 122, 0, M11, A21, 122, 0, M11, A22, 122, 0, M14, A2, 122, 0, M14, A3, 122, 0, M14, A7, 122, 0, M14, A8, 122, 0, M14, A9, 122, 0, M14, A11, 122, 0, M14, A13, 122, 0, M14, A15, 122, 0, M14, A16, 122, 0, M14, A17, 122, 0, M14, A18, 122, 0, M14, A22, 122, 0, M14, A23, 122, 0, M17, A7, 122, 0, M17, A8, 122, 0, M17, A11, 122, 0, M17, A13, 122, 0, M17, A14, 122, 0, M17, A15, 122, 0, M17, A16, 122, 0, M17, A18, 122, 0, M17, A19, 122, 0, M17, A21, 122, 0, M17, A22, 122, 0, M17, A23,

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Message streams such as those in the example above might be transmitted on separate data links or jointly in one data link. Note that the current standard document recommends disseminating only one Master Reference Station per data link (See section 3.1.5). As long as all reference stations are on the same 1 2 integer ambiguity level, a hand-over to another 4 3 Master Reference Station is possible as long as the 7 10 5 8 new Master Reference Station was already an 13 9 Auxiliary Reference Station for the previous 6 14 11 Master Reference Station. In the example user 12 15 17 equipment could operate using the red Master 16 19 18 Reference Station with fixed integer ambiguities 20 22 21 on the rover. When roving it might be desirable to 23 switch to the pink or blue Master Reference Station and its associated Auxiliary Reference Stations. Note that with the current Figure A.1-2. Example of Multiple Solutions recommendation of only one Master Reference Station per data link, switching Master Reference Stations requires that different data links be used. There are situations where a homogeneous integer ambiguity solution might fall apart. For instance, some stations in the center could have communication problems with the central computation facility, or their observations might become unavailable for some other reason. The example given in Figure A.1-2 shows 2 independent homogenous solutions with separated integer ambiguity levels (gray shaded areas). The circles marking the initial area with all the associated Auxiliary Reference Stations for particular Master Reference Stations span both shaded areas. Since the correction differences (with Ambiguity Status Flag = 1, i.e., correct Integer Ambiguity Level for L1 and L2) may be generated only between Master Reference Station and its Auxiliary Reference Stations on the same integer ambiguity level, the example data streams will be different:


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122, 1, M11, A1, 122, 1, M11, A2, 122, 1, M11, A5, 122, 1, M11, A6, 122, 1, M11, A7, 122, 1, M11, A12, 122, 1, M11, A16, 122, 1, M11, A19, 122, 1, M11, A21, 122, 2, M14, A3, 122, 2, M14, A8, 122, 2, M14, A9, 122, 2, M14, A15, 122, 2, M14, A17, 122, 2, M14, A18, 122, 2, M14, A23, 122, 2, M17, A8, 122, 2, M17, A14, 122, 2, M17, A15, 122, 2, M17, A18, 122, 2, M17, A23,

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Note: It is possible to form other Correction Differences as well, but their Ambiguity Status Flag will be different from 1. The reaction of the user system may be manifold and is strongly dependent on the processing strategy implemented in the system itself. The simplest strategy is to use only homogenous information of Master Reference Station-Auxiliary Reference Stations combinations referring to the identical epoch. In this case the implementation and handling within the user system is quite straightforward. The user system will first receive the homogenous ones of any of the Master Reference Station-Auxiliary Reference Station combinations and may correct its observations. When a second data stream, with a different Master Reference Station, becomes more suitable the user system may switch to the new data stream, and probably needs only to ensure that no jump occurs in its results due to the switch of the Master Reference Station. However this again is dependent on designated strategy of the user systems processing strategy. When a homogenous solution with a common integer ambiguity level as given in Figure A.1-1 breaks apart, resulting in a setup as given in Figure A.1-2, the reaction of the user system might depend on the area of actual operation. Within the white area, the zone where the reference stations are no longer part of any solution, the user systems only chance is to use the remaining information and try an extrapolation. The resulting positioning will probably be degraded under this circumstance. If the user system is operating in one of the gray areas and is using a Master Reference StationAuxiliary Reference Station combination outside his gray area, the user system may continue without major interruption, but eventually with less flexibility in modeling the information for proper mitigation of biases. If the user system is operating in one of the gray areas, but is utilizing a Master Reference StationAuxiliary Reference Station combination of the opposite gray area, the user system probably will have to change to a Master Reference Station-Auxiliary Reference Station combination in its area of operation. Ultimately this will probably result in a reset of the user systems integer ambiguities and the user has to reinitialize again. As stated above, a processing strategy using only information of the latest available epoch is probably the simplest strategy possible. More sophisticated processing strategies may involve the usage of the information of Master Reference Station-Auxiliary Reference Station combinations of different Master Reference Stations and/or different observation epochs. The information of the Network RTK messages have the potential to be used within another centralized networking solution. In the future a further application might be a complete network solution on a user A-3

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receiver. The status information of the network calculation transmitted in form of the data fields Network ID and Subnetwork ID provide sufficient proof to indicate to the user system that it is secure or non-secure to continue operation with the new set of information. At the time the complete description of all these potential applications is not possible, due to the number of variations. The experienced developer in the field of network RTK will understand the meaning of the Network ID and Subnetwork ID for his envisioned applications. Therefore further details are left open and will need further description in case the given description is considered ambiguous.
A.2 A Scheduling Example for RTK Networks Demonstrating the Proper Use of Synchronous Message Flags and Multiple Message Indicators

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It is anticipated that RTK services in the future will transmit data for more than one satellite system concurrently. Such facilities already exist for non-network RTK service, using GPS and GLONASS data, all referenced to the same time epoch. Such operation supports the mixing of measurements from different GNSSs. As Galileo comes on line, it will initially be used in conjunction with GPS and GLONASS, so RTK services utilizing multiple GNSSs will be common. The Synchronous Message Flags and Multiple Message Indicator in the RTK messages are designed to support multiple GNSS operation. However, not all rover receivers will be designed to receive and process information from more than one GNSS, and the RTCM standard should enable rovers to know when relevant information has been completely transmitted for a particular epoch. Otherwise such user receivers would have to wait until data for the next epoch has been received before they could begin processing. Such delays are neither desirable nor necessary. TheSynchronous Message Flag supports the use of two or more GNSSs. It is set to 1 if data from another GNSS will follow, and it is set to 0 if there are no other services, or if this data set is for the last GNSS for that epoch. With networks, it might be necessary to transmit data for different Auxiliary Reference Stations at different times, but referenced to a single epoch. For example, if there are 5 Auxiliary Reference Stations and one particular message is sent for one auxiliary station every epoch, it will take 5 epochs to provide a complete set of information. The Multiple Message Indicator is set to 0 for the last Auxiliary Reference Station in the specific message set (e.g. 1015 or 1016), and the others are set to 1. With more than one GNSS, the data stream will contain the Auxiliary Reference Station data first for one satellite system, then the other. How these rules are applied is demonstrated in Table A.2-1 below for a combined GPS and GLONASS service. The Epoch is the reference time in seconds. GPS 1004 refers to the GPS Master Reference Station reference epoch, and 1004 SMF refers to the value of the Synchronous Message Flag in the 1004 message. GLONASS 1012 refers to the GLONASS Master Reference Station reference epoch, and1012 SMF refers to the corresponding GLONASS flag. For ease of explanation at each epoch Network RTK data for one Auxiliary Reference Station and one GNSS is transmitted. Actual service implementations may send several messages per epoch, but the explained principle is readily apparent. GPS 1015 refers to the reference epoch for the GPS Auxiliary Reference Station Iono message, and the corresponding MMI refers to the value of the Multiple Message Indicator in the 1015 message; similarly for the 1016 Geometric message. The A-4

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corresponding GLONASS values are then given, where 1015* refers to the not-yet-defined GLONASS Iono message, and similarly for 1016*.
Table A.2-1. Example Showing the Use of SMFs and MMIs

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GPS Epoch 1004 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28

SMF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GLONASS GPS Network RTK 1012 SMF 1015 MMI 1016 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 5 0 1 1 1 6 0 1 1 1 7 0 1 1 1 8 0 1 1 1 9 0 1 0 1 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 15 1 15 16 0 15 1 15 17 0 15 1 15 18 0 15 1 15 19 0 15 1 15 20 0 15 1 15 21 0 15 1 15 22 0 15 1 15 23 0 15 0 15 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0

MMI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

GLONASS Network RTK 1015* MMI 1016* MMI

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 15 15 15 15 15

1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 0

15 15 15 15 15

1 1 1 1 0

It can be seen that all the GPS and GLONASS Auxiliary Reference Station messages are referenced to Epoch 1, until the entire set of data has been broadcast, after which the data is referenced to Epoch 15. Note that the GPS SMFs are all 1, indicating that the GLONASS message is to follow, while the GLONASS SMFs are all 0, indicating that there is not a third GNSS represented in the data stream. The final MMI for each GNSS and message type is set to 0, indicating that the complete set of network corrections have been transmitted, and the rover can proceed immediately to apply them. The extension of this technique to three or more GNSSs is readily apparent.


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