Bulletin 3 2003

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The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

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The Sikh Bulletin

A Voice of Concerned Sikhs World Wide

March 2003 cyq 535 nwnkSwhI [email protected] Volume 5, Number 3

Published by: Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of N.A. Inc; Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA 95678. Fax (916) 773-6784
Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of N.A. Inc. is a religious tax exempt California Corporation.

In This Issue/qqkrw
The Sikh Review Reviews The Sikh Bulletin....... .. 1
‘Technical Difficulties’ or Lies …………………. 2 THE SIKH REVIEW
Afghana’s Videoconference Put Off……………….5
nwS isDNwq…………………………………………5 REVIEWS THE SIKH BULLETIN
syvw ivKy isNG swihbwn.…………………………….. 6
AwrNBk pRwrQnw…………………………………… 6 ipAwryy y vIr hrdyy yv isNG jI, SrDw BrI vwihguu u rU jI kI Piqh]
prm siqkwrXoo g pNj isNG swihbwn…………………7
ig: joo iNgdr iNsG vydNwqI jIa……………………… 9 With every issue of The Sikh Bulletin my admiration for you
pNQk ivdvwn Aqy kwlw APgwnw jI…………………12 and your Editorial team is enhanced. The Bulletin not only
Letter To Jathedar Vedanti From Australia………15 upholds the basic ideals of religion, but makes constructive
Time For Good SikhsTo Stand Up &Be Counted 15
Why Hindus Insist Sikhs Are Hindus…………… 16 contribution towards solving contemporary problems in the
pr APsoo s nNw pVHH HdI qNw cNgw hNuu dw………………... 18 spirit of:
Sikhs Are Not Hindus……………………………19 nw koo bYYrI nhI byy ygwnw, sgl sNg hm ka bin AweI]
Too Well Or Not Too Wisely……………………21
Laugh Or Cry…………………………………… 22 The November 2002 issue is of special interest in so far as it
kbXoo bwc bynqI coo peI……………………………23 traces the roots of Sikhism in North America – to the hardy
Status Of Women In Sikhism……………………24 pioneers of 19th century who faced vicious discrimination (Dr.
Prof. Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar………………. 28
Sikh Profiles……………………………………..29
Bruce La Brack’s sudy) and the valiant voyagers of the
Letters To The Editor ........................................ ..31 Japanese vessel Kamagata Maru under the indomitable Baba
Gurdit singh. Kamala Bhatt’s luminous writing on “Our Pind
Editor in Chief – Yuba City” deserves to be compulsory reading for all Asian
Hardev Singh Shergill – Americans as well as Sikhs in Punjab. The latter need to pull
Editorial Board up their ‘collective’ socks to regain the glory of their Khalsa
Avtar Singh Dhami
Gurpal Singh Khaira heritage.
We wish you God speed in your endeavour.
Production Associates
Amarjit Singh Padda Sincerely, Saran Singh (Editor)
Jasnain Singh
The Sikh Review, 116 Karnani Mansion, 25A Park Street, Kolkata 700
016. Telephone: 229-9656, Fax: 091-033-475-7092, Email:
The Sikh Bulletin is distributed free around the [email protected]
World. All you have to do is ask. We invite offers A theological, educational and socio-cultural Monthly Founded in 1953
of help in disribution in other countries.
Please note our new e-mail adderess **************************************************
[email protected]

The views expressed by the authors are their pNQ puu u Cy ds bwdlw, vyy y dNwqI v`fw ik bdNUU U gr BweI ]
own. Please send the feedback and inputs to:
[email protected] bwdl khyy y suu x isKiVa, myy y rI cmcwigrI ibn doo ono nNwhIN ]
Our Website: sikhbulletin.sadapunjab.com gurpwl isNG Kihrw

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 1
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

‘TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES’ OR LIES? against a common enemy, eighty-one years old S.

Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana, fondly called ‘Canada-
Events of the last few weeks have made it imperative that based cop-turned Sikh scholar’ by Tribune reporter
Sikhs in diaspora critically examine the actions of their Varinder Walia. To this date Vedanti has not responded to
‘defenders of the faith’ back home. Once they do, they the criticism of his book nor has he responded to the
cannot help but agree with us that we have pigmies allegations made against him by Shiromani Khalsa
occupying seats of authority at the Takhats and the SGPC, Panchayat in Dhanwant Singh Baba scandal, although he
that should rightly be occupied by giants. Almost entire did sacrifice his personal assistant, Prithipal Singh, over
issue of Feb. 2003 of SB was devoted to the defense of Sikhi the incident. Arrogance and brazen disregard for
against these ‘dharmik thekedars’. decency by Jathedars and SGPC President is what lead
to action by the SKP and its aftermath described in The
Badungar, handpicked by Badal, came upon the scene in Tribune below :
Nov. 2001. He has become a judge and jury in the case of S.
Kala Afghana whom he is accusing of blasphemy. He ‘Mishandling’ of rape case led to row.
himself cannot tell the difference between AGGS and 19 hurt as Khalsa Panchayat men, SGPC staff clash.
‘Gurbilas Patshai 6’. He has sacked Jathedar Manjit Singh Tribune News Service Amritsar, February 22, 2003
without giving any reason other than a vague statement, “All
“It was ‘mishandling’ of the infamous rape case by the Sikh
Charges of corruption levelled against Prof. Manjit Singh clergy, which snowballed into a major controversy today. The
had been proved. By his acts of ‘omission and Shiromani Khalsa Panchayat (SKP) had brought out a brochure,
commission’, Prof. Manjit Singh had tried to denigrate which had alleged that the Sikh clergy had been ‘hushing up’ the
the prestige of the institutions of Takhats”…”Charges cases pertaining to Sikh Panth after taking ‘bribes’ on this issue.
against Prof. Manjit Singh were so ‘vulgar’ that these The Sikh high priests had summoned the members of the SKP at
could not be disclosed in front of women members”. Akal Takht to submit proofs of corruption.
Manjit Singh is calling Badungar a liar and ungrateful who
‘stabbed a friend’. What kind of a friend? You scratch my The SKP had agreed to submit the evidence on the condition that
back, I will scratch yours. Manjit Singh may be as corrupt as Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar, Akal Takht, and Prof
Manjit Singh, Jathedar Keshgarh Sahib, should not sit in the
Badungar says but the irony is that the timing of his sacking meeting of the Sikh clergy, being a party to the case. However, the
coincides with Manjit Singh telling the truth about ‘sewa’ ‘proofs’ were submitted to the SGPC Chief. It was alleged that Mr
inside sanctum sanctorum of The Golden Temple, where as Prithipal Singh Sandhu, the then Personal Assistant to Jathedar
Badungar’s personal assistant, Raghbir Singh, who was Vedanti, had taken a bribe of Rs 70,000 for giving favour to Baba
manager of The Golden Temple in 1996 at the time of the Dhanwant Singh, who was accused of raping a girl of his own
directive, is obviously lying. Vedanti is also lying by his ‘dera’. Though Mr Sandhu, who is also a close relative of Jathedar
silence and not resigning, as a matter of principal, when Vedanti, was removed as personal assistant to Jathedar Akal
Manjit Singh is sacked. We would have loved to congratulate Takht, Mr Budungar had given a ‘clean chit’ to the Sikh priests.
Badungar but we can’t because the main culprit, Vedanti is
A series of secret meetings were held between Prof Manjit Singh
still in the saddle. This accomplice of Nanaksaria Thug ‘Sant and the SKP to sort out the matter but in vain. Later Baba
Baba’ Amar Singh Barundi, Vedanti, needs to be sacked Dhanwant Singh was booked by the Nawanshahar Police on
equally unceremoniously. Another person desereving the charges of raping the girl. Ultimately the SKP took the decision to
same fate is Giani Bhagwan Singh, Head Granthi, Akal launch an agitation for removal of Jathedar Vedanti and Prof
Takhat Sahib. He spoke against Jathedar Ranjit Singh only Manjit Singh.
after he was sacked, just as he is speaking ill of Manjit Singh
now. The man has no principles. Does any one there? After performing ‘ardas’ at Akal Takht, the SKP activists,
including women, tried to sit in dharna in front of the SGPC office.
Vedanti, hand picked by Badal, became Jathedar of Akal However, the Task Force of the SGPC and activists of the Sikh
Students Federation formed a human chain to prevent them from
Takhat Sahib on March 28, 2000 after Puran Singh was staging the dharna. A scuffle took place when they (Task Force
unceremoniously sacked from that position. Simultaneous and SSF) pushed the protesters towards the exit gate of the SGPC
with his ascendance to the throne of Guru Hargobind, the complex, with the result turbans fell off on both sides. The clash
book ‘Gurbilas Patshahi 6’, compiled by Vedanti and became violent when certain activists from both sides attacked one
published by the SGPC came to the notice of S. Kala another with unsheathed swords. The convener of the SKP, Mr
Afghana. As a Gursikh who was devoting all his time in Rajinder Singh, Mr Charanjit Singh Channi, Mr Apandip Singh
writing on the topic of ‘Bipran Ki Reet Ton Sach Da Marg’, and Mr Damandip Singh (son of Mr Rajinder Singh) were severely
Gurbilas Patshahi 6 was nothing short of ‘blasphemy’. beaten up.
His book in response to Vedanti’s work is shortly going to
Weapons like swords and bricks were used in the clash which is
the printers. Personal interests of Vadanti, RSS, Akhand unprecedented in the history of the SGPC. The trouble started
Kirtani Jatha and Damdami Taksal all came together when activists of the SKP who were chanting Satnam Waheguru
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 2
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

tried to stage a dharna in front of the historic Teja Singh Samundari Sikhi Reform Movement
Hall (SGPC complex). The SKP activists who were about 500 were In the beginning of the 21st century we find ourselves facing
demanding the removal of Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti and Prof the same problems as the founders of the 19th century
Manjit Singh as Jathedars of Akal Takht and Keshgarh Sahib Singh Sabha Lehr and the 20th century Akali Lehr. The
respectively, who allegedly faced charges of corruption”.
former saved Sikhi from annihilation in post Ranjit Singh
Knowing full well that S. Kala Afghana cannot travel to era and the latter liberated Gurdwaras from the Mahants.
India, Vedanti orders him to appear at Akal Takhat Sahib to The tasks before us in the 21st century are to reform Sikhi
respond to out of context statements picked out by ‘some’ and then propagate it among not only those who are born
unnamed organizations. Devoid of any knowledge of history into Sikh families but also among the people of other faiths
he refuses to meet S. Kala Afghana’s representative, no other and no faiths. Deras have flourished at the expense of
than SGPC appointed Prof. of Sikhism, S. Gurtej Singh, Gurdwaras. In the vacuum created by the absence of SGPC
who was accompanied by over 300 Gursikhs from Delhi, missionaries in the villages and the world stage, Babas,
Haryana, Himachal, Jammu and every city of Punjab. He Sants, Shiromani Sants and Yogis have replaced Mahants
then gives S. Kala Afghana less than 24 hrs notice to and in most cases flourished with the covert and not so
appear at the Dasmesh Darbar Gurdwara in Surray at covert support of the SGPC officialdom. As is clear from
07:30AM on Feb.18th. for videoconference, completely the events of May 14th, 2000 gathering at Akal Takhat
ignoring S. Kala Afghana’s plea hand delivered to the convened by the acting Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti,
Jathedar, for the change of venue because the leadership of not much has changed. Only strategy has changed.
this Gurdwara has been openly hostile towards S. Kala Jathedar Ranjit Singh, after a long period of throwing his
Afghana. He then bows to pressure from Badungar and weight around, had called a ‘Sarbat Khalsa’ consisting
hides behind the ‘technical difficulties’ lie. This time S. Kala primarily of Sant Smaj when he realized his days were
Afghana gets barely an hour’s notice not to go to numbered. Vedanti is being smarter by creating an
Dashmesh Gurdwara. Are these grown men? image of Panthic involvement in the beginning of his
tenure of office. This is the same person who got every
Now a word about the Dashmesh Darbar Gurdwara that ‘Who is Who’ of SGPC to praise and endorse his
Vedanti chose of all the Gurdwaras in Vancouver area. This compilation of the vulgar and blasphemous book,
Gurdwara was started by the International Sikh Youth ‘Gurbilas Patshahi – 6’. (See Sikh Bulletin of May and June 2000
for critical analysis of that book).
Federation after they were expelled from Guru Nanak Sikh
Gurdwara Delta Surrey. ISYF has been declared a terrorist
organization and banned in UK, Canada and the USA. In In a mature and civilized society leaders step aside when
Canada they have changed their name but the principals are they have made blunders whether advertent or inadvertent.
the same. According to an item put out on the internet by an That unfortunately is not the case with us. Jathedar
‘Andy Mark’ <andym1997@y…> (obviously a fake name) Vedanti, (whom we identified as a Trojan horse in June
Jagtar Singh Sandhu, President of Dashmesh Darbar made 2000 SB) although saying all the right things, sounds
some derogatory remarks about S. Kala Afghana on AM hollow because he gave in to Badal’s pressure not to
1550 Radio Station talk show on Feb.11, 2003. name RSS for its anti Sikh Activities. Jathedars Kewal
Singh and Manjit Singh have already admitted to condoning
In a CBC documentary “Beyond Tables and Chairs” wrong doings of and signing along with Jathedar Ranjit
prepared by Kevin Evan in 1998, Jagtar Singh Sandhu Singh under duress. As far as the fence sitter Giani Mohan
shares the limelight with three other colleagues of his i.e. Singh is concerned, he first accepted the position of
Piara Singh Natt, Manjit Singh Dhami and Harjit Singh Jathedar to replace Ranjit Singh and then, at the eleventh
Atwal. This documentary details accumulation of wealth in hour, under duress from Ranjit Singh, backed off and the
real estate and businesses beyond their visible sources of Sikh Qaum ends up with Vedanti.
income. Neither has there been full disclosure of accounts
during their ten years of stewardship of the Gurdwara. A These four gentlemen who were in the forefront of this May
copy of this documantry that aired in Canada may be 14th event must leave the stage. They are not going to do
obtained from Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Delta Surrey, that voluntarily, nor are they going to be removed by the
7050 – 120th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 3M8 Canada. present hierarchy that appointed them in the first place.

On May 14, 2000, at a gathering at Akal Takhat Sahib, called What is needed is a rebellion in the ranks of the SGPC
by Jathedar Vedanti, certain ‘Gurmatas’ were passed. We and SAD that we in diaspora should support.
reproduce below the editorial from July 2000 SB because of Alternative is complete break with Punjab and creation
its immediate relevancy to the issues addressed in this issue: of our own SGPC in diaspora as proposed in the June
2000 Sikh Bulletin.

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 3
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

Look who is Talking! Gurmata No. 2 has three parts to it:

i) “Today’s representative Panthic gathering
On May 14th 2000, some Sikh leaders held a gathering at Sri unanimously resolves that the Khalsa Panth…is unique and
Akal Takhat Sahib and ‘representatives’ of the Panth made distinct, both in form and doctrine…today…it is a matter of
some decisions in the name of the Panth and adopted the regret that some narrow-minded forces are still not inclined
following Gurmatas. Editorial comments follow in italics, to give a status of equality to men of all faiths…”
section by section: We are lead to believe that the above (narrow-minded
forces) is a reference to the shenanigans of RSS but at the
Gurmata No. 1 has four parts to it: personal request of Mr. Badal the new acting Jathedar of
i) “…effort should be made by all Sikh organizations Akal Takhat Joginder Singh Vedanti chose not to name
to propagate Sikhism in a simple and common man’s RSS. So much for courage of one’s conviction.
Do they mean the language of Sant Singh Maskeen, his ii) “Taking serious notice of such conspiracies and
disciples, Jathedar Puran Singh and Deras? expression of sentiments and actions that smack of narrow
ii) “…dreadful problems facing the world and thinking, this Panthic gathering at the Akal Takhat directs
mankind…should be made to solve, in particular, the the principal party of the Sikh nation (Akali Dal) …should
problems of…Aids…” get provisions included in the Constitution that will ensure
We did not know Aids was a Sikh scourge let alone it had the preservation of the uniqueness of doctrine, form and
reached epidemic proportions among Sikhs so as to attract traditions of Sikhism…”
the attention of our religious leaders who have better things Now which Akali Dal does this illustrious group of Sikh
to do, such as, getting our youth released from Indian Jails leaders mean? Every time a political leader has been
and our Dharmi Fauji’s taken care of. Please read the thrown out of the Akali Dal, he has created his own Akali
letter of a Dharmi Fauji on p.4. How can a nation that Dal. What is left has no resemblance to the ideals of the
cannot solve its own problems, solve the problems of the original Akali Dal. The faction in power, Badal Akali Dal,
world? Should not charity begin at home? Our scourges preaches ‘Punjabiyat’, whatever that term means and is
are RSS, quasi – Sikh scholars and leaders, and Granths, lead by a Kesadhari Hindu. It is high time that there is a
other than the Adi Granth. rebellion in all the various Akali Dals which leads to
ouster of the present leadership and emergence of united
iii) “…to inculcate teachings of Gurbani, in the hearts original Akali Dal under new, honest and enlightened
of the Sikhs and to urge them to shape their lives leadership that we the Sikhs in diaspora can support and
accordingly, a board of Gursikh scholars should be be proud of.
Bravo! Here we thought we already have had for a long iii) “All Sikh organizations should feel duty bound to
time a board of Gursikh scholars in the person of our follow only the ‘rehat maryada’ approved by Sri Akal
Jathedars. What is needed is not yet another board but a Takhat Sahib.”
body of dedicated sewadars/missionaries who would go into Left unanswered are the questions: Are Sant Smaj and
the villages and work at the grass roots level to spread the Deras exempt from following Akal Takhat Maryada and
true message of Sikhi to the masses much in the same free to adopt and follow their own as they currently do or;
manner as the work done by the volunteer missionaries of Are they to be treated as non-Sikh organizations and
the Mormon faith. institutions and left alone to go their own way as are the
“A committee of historians dedicated to Sikh doctrine should
be constituted in order to remove confusion created by anti- Gurmata No. 3 deals with only one issue that of Dasam
Panthic forces and the so-called scholars as part of a Granth:
conspiracy or out of ignorance and to get Sikh history “Today’s Panthic gathering takes a very serious note of
rewritten and published in a scientific manner, after getting it attempts being made to raise controversy on Dasam Granth
tested on the touch stone of Gurbani…” in the press, because it is likely to further complicate
This is a very noble thought but unfortunately it is merely a matters. Therefore, it is unanimously resolved that all
lip service and smoke screen. If Jathedar Vedanti wants the controversy in the newspapers on this subject should cease
historians to test what they write with the touch stone of forthwith. At the same time, the SGPC, the representative
Gurbani,why did he not apply the same test to ‘Gurbilas religious body of the Panth, is hereby directed that through
Patshahi – 6’ that he compiled and had ‘Who is Who’ of its Dharmik Salahkar Board (Religious Consultative Board),
Sikh Panth endorse in glowing terms? We have been taken it should arrange seminars and discussions for Sikh scholars
for fools for a long time, but no more. on this subject, so that, a unanimous, universally accepted
and meaningful decision may be taken after deep research
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 4
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

and investigation in a cordial and friendly manner as per It is reliably learnt that the video conference had to be put off
Panthic practice and tradition. due to certain objections raised by Sikh scholars, including
How much faith can we place in the SGPC and the person SGPC chief, Prof Kirpal Singh Badungar, who had reportedly
conveyed his displeasure to the high priests that there was no
of Takhat Jathedars? How long has the Dasam Granth
precedent in the Sikh history to hold a video conference with a
controversy been raging? How long can we allow it to person facing charges of blasphemy. The Sikh scholars had stated
simmer? Is SGPC prepared to enforce the reading and that the persons summoned by the Akal Takht had to appear in
interpretation of only Sri Adi Granth Sahib in Gurdwaras? person to give clarifications.
Is it prepared to promulgate a ban on Hemkunt Yatra? Is it In a fax message to Mr Kuldip Singh Jagpal, president Gurdwara
prepared to call for removal of Dasam Granth from Surrey, (Canada), Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar Akal
Gurdwaras that already display it alongside Adi Granth and Takht, said that the video conference could not be held today due
engage in its Akhandpath? We think the time for seminars to unavoidable ‘technical reasons’. It is learnt that as per the
and discussions on this topic is already gone and time for directions of Akal Takht, the management of gurdwara Surrey had
made arrangements for the videoconference in the shrine by
action has arrived. Time to rethink and redefine our Ardas
spending more than Rs 3 lakh.
and rehat maryada tested on the touchstone of Gurbani Earlier, Mr Kala Afghana had pleaded that he was unable to appear
(i.e., Adi Granth only) has also arrived. before Akal Takht. He had told the Sikh clergy that being a
To staff the various committees suggested by the ‘Guru confidant of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale his name had
Panth’ at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib on May 14, 2000 and to figured in the ‘black list’ prepared by India and hence he would be
accommodate the sentiments of those who would endlessly arrested if he tried to visit the country. Another reason cited by Mr
discuss, debate and delay hard decisions, The Sikh Bulletin Kala Afghana was of health.
suggests the following names for staffing Vedanti’s *****
1. Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. éÅô ÇÃè»å
2. Tarlochan Singh, Jathedar Sri Kes Garh Sahib øðòðÆ A, B@@C ù ÇÕÃÅé íòé, Ú¿âÆ×ó· ÇòÖ¶ Ô¯ÂÆ íðî-éÅô ÕéòËéôé Çò¼Ú
3. Balwant Singh, Jathedar Sri Damdama Sahib êÅà ÕÆå¶ ×¶ îå¶
4. Bhai Ranjit Singh, Sabka Jathedar Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Á¼Ü çÆ ÕÅéøð¿Ã :
5. Bhai Devinder Singh 1. êÈð¶ ÿÃÅð ù ÇÂÔ ç¼ÃçÆ ÔË ÇÕ ÃÌÆ ×¹ðÈ ×¯Çì¿ç ÇÃ¿Ø ÜÆ é¶ õÅñÃÅ
6. Bhai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale)
ê³æ çÆ éÄÔ èðî-éÅô, íðî-éÅô, Õ°ñ-éÅô Áå¶ Õðî-éÅô ç¶
7. Bhai Harbans Singh (Jagadhari Wale)
ÇÃè»å Óå¶ ð¼ÖÆ ÃÆÍ ÇÂà ñÂÆ ÇÂÔ ÕéòËéôé ÿÃÅð ç¶ ÃîÈÔ
8. Baba Thakur Singh (Damdami Taksal)
Çüֻ ù ÇÂà éÅô-ÇÃè»å Óå¶ Ú¼ñÇçÁ» ÇÂà ù å鯺-î鯺
9. Baba Kashmira Singh
10.Giani Mohan Singh ÁêéÅÀä Áå¶ çôî¶ô ÜÆ ç¶ ÇÂà ÁÅô¶ Ó嶶 ÇéôÚÅ ÇñÁÅÀ°ä çÅ
11.Giani Puran Singh, Sabka Jathedar Sri Akal Takhat üçŠ綺çÆ ÔË å» Ü¹ îé°¼ÖåÅ çÆ ò¼âÆ Ã¶òÅ Ô¯ ÃÕ¶Í
Sahib 2. ×¹ðîÇå Áé¹ÃÅð íðî-éÅô ù êÌÚÅðé òÅÃå¶ À°μçî Õð ðÔ¶
12.Giani Sant Singh Maskeen ÃîÈÔ ×¹ðî¹Ö-ÇêÁÅÇðÁ» çÆ íðêÈð ôñÅØÅ ÕðçÆ ÔË ÇÜé·» Çò¼Ú
13.Mahaan Sant Shiromani Baba Maan Singh Ji Pihowa ÃÌ. ×¹ðìõô ÇÃ¿Ø ÕÅñÅ Áø×ÅéÅ êÌî¼Ö Ôé, ÇÜÔó¶ ÇÕ ÇêÛñ¶
(Bhewe Wale) ¦î¶º Ã 寺 ¶à ׹ðîÇå-ÕÅðÜ Çò¼Ú îôðÈø Ôé Áå¶ ò¼âÆ
14.Mahant Mangal Singh ØÅñäÅ éÅñ üڶ êÅåôÅÔ ç¶ Ô¹Õî ÒÒÖ¯Ü ôìç îÇÔ ñ¶Ô¹ÓÓ Óå¶
15.Sant Baba Amar Singh Barundi Ú¼ñÇçÁ» ×¹ðìÅäÆ çÆ Ö¯Ü À°êð¿å I ç¶ ÕðÆì ê¹ÃåÕ» ÇñÖ Ú¹¼Õ¶
16.Baba Virsa Singh Ôé Áå¶ Á×»Ô ñÂÆ òÆ ÕÅðÜôÆñ ÔéÍ ÁÇÜÔ¶ ÇÕö òÆ ñ¶ÖÕ
17.Sant Baba Darshan Singh Dhakki (Unless still in jail)
çÆÁ» ÇñÖå» Ãì¿èÆ Õ¯ÂÆ Ç¼ÕêÅÃó ðÅÇ éÔÄ ìäÅÂÆ ÜÅäÆ
18.Sant Baba Jagjit Singh
ÚÅÔÆçÆ Áå¶ Ôð Çéðä¶ å¯º êÇÔñ» ÇÂÔé» Óå¶ ÃîÈÔÕ ðÈê ÓÚ
19.Sant Baba Nahar Singh
î¹Õ¿îñ ìÇÔà ԯäÆ ÚÅÔÆçÆ ÔËÍ
20.Baba Dhanwant Singh
21.Baba Ashutosh 3. ÇÂÔ Áé°íò ÕðçÆ ÔË ÇÕ Çéð¯ñ ×¹ðìÅäÆ ç¶ êÌÚÅðÕ» çÆ Ô½ºÃñÅ-
22.Maharaj Gurmit Ram Rahim Singh, ‘ DeraSacha Sauda’ Áø÷ÅÂÆ ÕðéÅ ×¹ðîÇå ù êÌäÅÂÆÁ» Õ½î çÆÁ» ÃîÈÔ ÇüÖ
(Hardev Singh Shergill) ÿÃæÅò» çÅ øð÷ ÔË ÇÜé·» Çò¼Ú ÃÌÆ ÁÕÅñ åõå ÃÅÇÔì êÌî¹¼Ö ÔËÍ
Õ½îÆ ÇÔå» ù Ãîðêå ÃîÈÔ Üæ¶ì¿çÆÁ» ÁÇÜÔ¶ ×¹ðÇüֻ ù
***** ÃÇÔï¯× Áå¶ ÃéîÅé ç¶äÍ
4. ðÅôàðÆ ÃòËïî öòÕ Ã¿Ø ç¶ î¹ÖÆ Ã¹çðôé ò¼ñ¯º ÇÃ¼Ö ×¹ðÈÁ» Áå¶
Varinder WaliaTribune News Service
ÇéÖ¶èÆ ÕðçÆ ÔË Áå¶ ÁÇÜÔ¶ ÇøðÕ± å¶ ë¹¼à-êÅÀ± ÁÅ×ÈÁ» ù
Amritsar, February 18, 2003
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The videoconference with Canada-based cop-turned Sikh scholar,
Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana which was scheduled to be held this ÇÔ¿çÈ îÔ»ÃÅ×ð Çò¼Ú ÃîÅ ñËä ç¶ îéÃÈÇìÁ» 寺 ìÅ÷ ÁÅÀ°ä; À°Ô
evening by the Sikh high priests has been put off at the eleventh ÇÂÔ ÜÅä ñËä ÇÕ ÇÃ¼Ö ÁÅêä¶ ×¹ðÈ ç¶ ÁËñÅé êÌåÆ Ã¹Ú¶å Ôé å¶
hour on ‘technical grounds’.
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 5
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

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The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 6
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

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fBwosk ;fjs, w/oh j/m fby/ nB[;ko p/Bsh j? ihL
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 7
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

wkofwe ftuko do;kT[Idh j? . J/;/ soQK d/ ftuko

1. GkJh r[op]F f;zx ekbk ncarkBk fJZe, r[owfs T[jBK dhnK j'o g[;seK ftZu'I th (nzFe wkso) G/N
B{z ;dhth s"o «s/ gqDkJ/ j'J/, 81 ;kbk nzfwqsXkoh eo fojk jK .
ftdtkB jB . T[BQK dh r[opkDh-gVu'b-ftXh r[owfs d/ 3. frnkoK fJsokia:'r ;wM/ rJ/ tkeK d/
n?B nB[e{b j? . T[jBK dh fbyD F?bh ftZu ;EkJh ;gFNheoB ftZu p/Bsh j? fe gfjb/ fJsokia:'r tke B{z
gqktXkB j? fe T[j nkgD/ b/y fby e/ nkgD/ gzE d/ ;zdoG ftZu oZy e/ gVQhJ/ sK noE pDdk j?L ªe/tb
;fseko:'r ftdtkBK ns/ s]sK fJfsnkfd d/ ;/tkdkoK, o;wh s"o TÆs/ Sfenk yzv/-pkN/ dk nzfwqs fe;/ B{z
gqw[Zy rqzEh f;zxK ns/ J/E'I sZe fe w/o/ ij/ wkw{bh r[o{ tkbk BjhI pDk ;edk id'I sZe fe nzfwqs dh ofjs
f;ZyK B{z th G/i e/ rabshnK ;[XkoB dhnK dhB B{z wB ftZu Bk t;kfJnk ikt/ . e/tb ;oho B{z f;zx ;ik
p/BshnK eod/ jB . T[jBK dk i[nkp nkT[D TÆs/ b?D d/ fotki ekoD f;Zyh ihtB fiT{D ns/ r[o{ T[gd/F
r[owfs dh o"FBh ftZu ftukod/ jB ns/ nw{wB T[jBK B{z wB ftZu t;kT[D dh gqfefonk B{z Ykn bZr ojh
B{z nkgDh g[;se dk fjZ;k jh pDk fdzd/ jB . r[o{-pkDh j?, fi; dk fe sB dh ofjs fJZe gqshe j? .« fJj fe;/ gZy'I
gkm s'I i' T[jBK B{z f;XKse gZy T[AxVdk B}o th n:'r puB BjhI jB .
nkT[Idk j?, Uj U; B{z gktB pkDh d/ xZN'-xZN gzi
gqwkD d/ e/ ebwpzd eo fdzd/ jB . go c/o th i/ e[Jh nkg d/ gZso ftZu d{;o/ Bzpo TÆs/ fby/
Hbs Fpd fbfynk ikt/ sK U; B{z fbys ftZu'I eZYD bJh fJsokia:'r tke dk Gh n;b gqeoD ftZu T[j noE BjhI
ssgo ofjzd/ jB . T[j r[opkDh-Nhek gq'ca?;o ;kfjp f;zx pDdk i' ;zdoG s'I pkjo eZY e/ fe;/ fBzde B/ pDk e/
tkbk tosd/ jB . fJT[I T[jBK dh fbyD-ftXh ns/ r[owfs- nkg B{z r[wokj eoB dh e[u/FNk ehsh j? . J/; tke
frnkB ;zg{oD s"o TÆs/ d'F-ofjs, fBoSb, fBFegN ns/ B{z ¿;oho B{z f;zx ;ik b?D d/ Gow B/ wB B{z f;Zy
fBFekw j? . pDkT[D dh b'V w[ek fdZshÀ Bkb fwbk e/ gVQhJ/
sK jh n;b noE dh ;'Mh j' nkT[Idh j? . fJj ns/ fszB
T[go'es g?oQ/ ftZu do;kJ/ sZEK d/ gqwkD fJ; Bzpo fJsokia:'r tkeK B{z i/ w{b ;'u Bkb'I fBy/VhJ/
gqeko jB L ;qh r[o{ rqzE ;kfjp dogD tkb/ gowjz; B/ sK jh fJsokia:'r ikgd/ jB . GkJh ekbk ncrkBk dh
th r[opkDh d/ noE r[opkDh ftZu'I jh bZGD dh ftXh w{b GktBk fJj j? fe r[o{pkDh gqsh gq/w, Bkw dk
do;kJh j? . r[opkDh ftZu nB/eK T[j Fpd jB i' wB ftZu tk;, f;Zyh ihtB XkoD eoBk jh nzfwqs SeDk
gq'ca?;o ;kfjp f;zx ns/ GkJh ekbk ncarkBk dh j? ns/ sB dh ofjs J/; dh gqshe j? . fJj ftuko fpbe[b
r[opkDh-gj[zu dk ;woEB eod/ ikgd/ jB . gZso (n) fBod'F, r[owfs d/ nkF/ nB[;ko, f;Zyh dh tfvnkJh
fJZe fe;/ r[of;Zy dk gZso j? fi; ftZu T[j dZ;d/ jB fe Bkb Gog{o ns/ jo gZy'I Fbkxk:'r j?l n;hw FoXk-:[es
GkJh ekbk ncrkBk B/ T[jBK d/ efjD TÆs/ cabkDh j? .
g[;se ftZu'I cabkD/-cabkD/ ;apd eZY/ i' fe g[;se d/
Bt/I ;z;eoD ftZu BjhI jB . T[jBK dh ªwk;[ wk;[ efo uT[E/ Bzpo TÆs/ doi tke fe;/ gZy'I th
w{oy[ MrV/« g[;se ftZu ;qL fgnkok f;zx gdw fJfsnkfd fJsokia:'r BjhI .¿r[o{ wkfBU rqzEÀ ;kfjp d;t/I gksFkj
dhnk SghnK fuZmhnK nkgD/-nkg ftZu gqwkD jB . j}{o d/ nkgD/ tke jB i' fdqVQ j[ew d/ s"o TÆs/ ;dk
fJj g[;se nkg B{z G/N ehsh ik ojh j? . bJh f;ZyK TÆs/ feogk eo e/ ;kfjp B/ nkfJd ehsk j?
2. feT[I i[ GkJh ekbk ncrkBk ][d nzfwqsXkoh . fJj fBo'b ;Zu j? fe fe;/ f;Zy B/ r[o{ rqzE ;kfjp dh
jB, J/; bJh T[jBK TÆs/ fJj d'F nkfJd jh BjhI j[zdk fe pkDh s[b fe;/ j'o pkDh B{z BjhI ikDBk . F'qwDh
T[jBK dhnK ªyzv/-pkN/ d/ nzfwqs ;pzXh ftukoK ew/Nh tZb'I gqekFs gzE-gqtkDs ofjsBkw/ d/ th
B/«¿r[o{ ]kb;k gzE d/ f;Zyh f;de ns/ gzEe FoXk B{z fJzB-fpzB J/j' Fpd ns/ Gkt jB .
m/; gj[zukJh j? .À T[j sK ;r'I nkgDhnK fbysK okjhI
yzv/-pkN/ d/ nzfwqs dh ;Zuh-;[Zuh f;cas eod/ jB ns/ gzit/ Bzpo TÆs/ doi Fpd sK fJsokia pDd/ jh
jo wkJh-GkJh Bz{ yzv/-pkN/ dh gkj[b SeD dh BjhI pbfe fJZe irs f;ZX ;ZukJh B{z do;kT[Id/ jB . fJj
gq/oBk eod/ ofjzd/ jB . fpbe[b ;Zu j? fe p/-p[fBnkd f;cas eoB tkb/ B{z
T[sb/ g?oQ/ ftZu g/F ehshnK p/BshnK d/ jZe Fofwzdk j'Dk g?Idk j? . ;zsK-wjKg[oyK s'I b'e ;Zu
ftZu gqwkD L ikDB d/ fJZS[e j[zd/ jB ns/ fBo'b ;Zu jh T[jBK d/
w{zj'I cZpdk j? . M{mh f;cas fe;/ gZy'I th ikfJ} BjhI .
(J) ftZu w[ZYb/ s"o «s/ T[jBK dh fJZe g[;se nrbk tke fJfsjk;e ;Zu j?l gzE ns/ f;Zy fJfsjk;
fpgqB eh ohs s'I ;Zu dk wkor Gkr gzitK, ;qh nekb ftZu gqtkBs j? . J/; soQK gzithI wZd ftZu fdZs/
;jkfJ ;[;kfJNh, nzfwqs;o, 1999 ftZu'I T[jBK puBK dh FpdK TÆs/ fJsok} n:'r j? .
cjfo;s G/N eo fojk jK i' fe yzv/-pkN/ d/ nzfwqs gqsh S/t/I Bzpo TÆs/ fbyhnK gzeshnK th sZEK
nfsnzs fBowb GktBk ns/ Gkt[esk dh jZd sZe B{z T[ikro eoB tkbhnK jB . fJjBK B{z M[mbkT[D
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 8
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

bJh fJfsjk;e sZEK dh b'V j? fiBQK dh j'Id BjhI j? . 4. fJ;kJh wZs dk fJfsjk; d;dk j? fe ftd/F ftZu
T[IM T[go'es S/ d/ S/ wZdK gq;zr s'I pkjo eZY tZ;d/ g?o'ekoK dhnK S'NhnK- w'NhnK T{DskJhnK
e/ jh fJsokia:'r fdZ; nkT[IdhnK jB . gq;zr s'I fBy/V e/ (<) B{z Bk podkFs eoB ekoD gzdoK ;dhnK uZfbnk
fJsokia:'r dZ;Dk fBjkfJs H?o-f}zw/tkokBk, f;Zy-;'u- Xow nZX-ftukfbT[I d'cakV j' frnk . gfjb'I nkJ/ fJZe
xkse ns/ JhoyK s'I T[gfink eow j? . fJj wzdh GktBk f;zx ;kfjp p-d/;h f;zxK B{z bzro SeD d/ w;b/ TÆs/
dh T[gi j? ns/ fpwko wB dh fBFkBh j? . fBnK dk ykjwykj pd}B eo u[Ze/ jB . ;kv/ tZv/ (rzvk f;zx tor/)
sek}k sK fJj j? fe n?;h p/-p[fBnkd fFekfJs eoB tkb/ fJfsjk;ekoK ns/ Xowfrnksk F];hnsK d/ ftuko gqtkB
B{z FoQ/nkw BFo eo e/ Gzfvnk ikt/ . eo e/ jh ;qh nekb s]s ;kfjp tZb'I okfJ fdZsh rJh ;h fe
T[go'es ;G d/ gqwkD fjs ;pzXs g[;seK, fiBQK e[o;hnK TÆs/ p?m e/ bzro SeD Bkb f;Zy Xow dh
ftZu'I fJj Fpd bJ/ rJ/ jB, d/ w[ezwb 11 gzB/I Bkb fe;/ th ofjs wfo:kdk dh wZd dk T[bzxD BjhI j[zdk .
BZEh ehs/ iKd/ jB . fJjBK ftZu fJsokia:'r ;wM/ rJ/ J/; B{z ft;ko e/, fpBK gzE B{z Go';/ ftZu bJ/ d/
Fpd w'N/ eo e/ ns/ Bhb/ ozr ftZu T[mkJ/ rJ/ jB . f;oc j[ewBkwk ikoh eo fdZsk frnk fi; B/ J/E'I d/ ns/
11 gzfBnK dk ;o;oh gkm jh nkg B{z ;gFN eo d/t/rk ftd/Fh f;ZyK ftZu pVk tZvk wkBf;e gkVk gk fdZsk .
fe fe; soK w'N/ nZyoK dk Hbs noE eZYD dh Gog{o
u/FNk j'Jh j? . J/; wB'oE fjZs nkg d/ fJZe feskpuk th GkJh ekbk ncrkBk d/ jZe ftZu gj[zu/ nB/eK
g/F j? fi; ftZu ft;Eko Bkb, nkgDh iku/, w[ezwb gZso fJfsnkfd dZ;d/ jB fe T[jBK fto[ZX ehsk frnk
;gFNheoB g/F ehsk frnk j? . }kjo j? fe fJsokia:'r e[Jh th Hbs j[ew f;Zy :eijsh bJh tZvh u[D"sh pD
do;kJ/ rJ/ FpdK d/ nkXko TÆs/ GkJh ekbk ncrkBk ;edk j? . J/; ;zGktBk B{z w[ZY'I BjhI gBgD d/Dk
TÆs/ e[Jh d'F BjhI bZrdk . ukjhdk---yk; s"o TÆs/ J/; bJh fe fjzd{sP d/ gquzv
gqe'g ekoB j[D e/tb ftd/FK ftZu jh f;Zyh d/ ;bkws
tZvh j?os tkbh rZb fJj j? fe gfjbhnK fszB wZdK ofjD dh ;zGktBk j? .
tkb/ 3 tke e/tb gzitK Gkr g[;se d/ d' gzfBnK TÆs'I
bJ/ rJ/ jB . j'o x'ythI B}o wkohJ/ sK fszB'I tke d' 5. jo fiT{Id/ Xow bJh }o{oh j[zdk j? fe ;w/I dh
g?foQnK ftZu'I bJ/ rJ/ jB ns/ fJsokia:'r wZdK dh ukb Bkb U; d/ o"FB gfjb{nK TÆs/ i' X{V izw iKdh
frDsh tXkT[D bJh fJjBK B{z fszB GkrK ftZu tzfvnk j?, U; B{z frnkB-Xow-wfo:kdk-soe dh pj[eo Bkb
frnk j? . fJT[I 332 ;ca/ dh g[;se ftZu'I e/tb 2 g?oQ/ p[jkodk oj/ . fJ;bkw ftZu J/; GktBk B{z b? e/ w?jdh
fJsokia:'r ;wM/ rJ/ jB . dk ;zebg th j? . F/y nfjwd ;ojzdh tor/ w[iZdd nbca/-
;kBh d/ bep Bkb wFj{o j' u[Ze/ jB . fgSbh ;dh d/
uT[Eh wZd ftZu fdZsk tke d'F ofjs j? . nkozG ftZu GkJh r[ow[y f;zx, frnkBh fdZs f;zx,
GkJh ekjB f;zx, frnkBh frnkB f;zx nkfd f;zx ;GhnK
wk;[ wk;[ efo w{oy MrV/ ftZu'I fJsokia:'r ;wM/ r[ow[yK B/ f;Zy gzE gqsh fJj ;/tk fBGkJh ;h . fgSbh
rJ/ S/ tke e/tb fJZe' gzB/ TÆs'I bJ/ rJ/ jB (t'y' wk;[ ;dh dh f;nk;s ftubhnK eqKshekoh spdhbhnK ekoD
wk;[ efo w{oy MrV/, frnkB gpfbFo}, b[fXnkDk, eJh Xkofwe ;q's, edoK-ehwsK fJfsnkfd pko/ tZv/
d;zpo 2000, gzBk 255). fJj ;ko/ e/tb d' g?foQnK Gow-G[b/y/ g? rJ/ jB . J/; bJh Xow-w{b B{z T[ikro
TÆs/ nkXkos jB . eoBk fBjkfJs }o{oh j? . GkJh r[op]F f;zx ekbk
ncarkBk seohpB T[jBK nZXh doiB b/yeK ftZu'I jB
;Zs-nZm g[;seK ftZu'I e/tb uko g?foQnK TÆs/ i' fJj nfs b[VhIdk ezw eo oj/ jB . nekoD fJjBK dk
Bk pD ;eD tkbk fJsokia Jhoykb{ fe;w dh wkBf;esk jI";bk g;s eoBK fe;/ gZy'I th e"w dh, Xow dh }o{os
dk gqrNktk eodk j? . f;zx nytkT[D tkb/ fFekfJs-eosk BjhI .
B{z sK T[IM jh BjhI F'Gdk feT[I i[ jo f;zx nkgD/
n"r[DK B{z ¿t/y e/ nDfvZmÀ eoD dh nodk; d' t/b/ 6. nZi f;Zy Xow ftZu eJh fe;w dhnK e[ohshnK
eodk j? . i/ n;hI nkgD/ r[oGkJhnK d/ fe;/ GqKsh tZ; nk t;hnK jB . shoE :ksok, feokJ/ d/ nyzv-gkm, Fpd
fwE/ rJ/ n"r[D B{z nDfvZm BjhI eo ;ed/ sK ;Zu/ ftuko dh xkN, ehosB TÆs/ b'V'I f}nkdk pba, nwkt;,
gksFkj ;kv/ n"r[DK B{z feT[I nDfvZm eoBr/ < eh ;zroKd dh wjZssk nB/eK ca'eN eow nkfd . fJj eow
n;hI T[jh r[of;Zy jK i' ¿;fsr[fo Ykfe bhnk w'fj gkgh n"ozr}/p d/ fJ;bkwh FoQk bkr{ eoB tKr nZi fjzd{sP
gVdkÀ rkT[Id/ j[zd/ jK ns/ fiBQK gqsh r[o'gd/F j?L d/ em'o tsho/ d/ gq;zr ftZu f;Zy e"w bJh xkse f;ZX
¿i' dh;? r[of;yVk fs;[ fBft fBft bkrT[ gkfJ ihT[ .À j' ;ed/ jB . fpwkoh J/E'I sZe tZX uZ[eh j? fe ;odko
fJek;h ;kbk p}[or r[ow[y gqsh n;hw Bcos feT[I < e[bpho f;zx e"Vk (s/ f;Zy th fBHfbnk frnk g[;se
«u) efjzd/ jB fe f;ZyK B{z pqkjwDtkd dh ;okb fBHb
u[Zeh j? . dfbs tkfJ; dk n?vhNo fbydk j? fe ca'eN
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 9
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

eow gquZbs j'D ekoD f;Zyh nzsw ;kjK TÆs/ j? . ;op-;KM/ fgsk d/ gftsq s]s TÆs'I f;o'gk ns/ gqFkd
fJjBK pkjo'I rqfjD ehs/ ftukoK dh r[opkDh d/ nkXko p]fFF ehsk ikt/ . nkgK ;ko/ fJBQK ;[fjod fbysK d/
TÆs/ gVu'b fJjBK d/ r?o f;Zy yk;/ B{z T[ikro eo e/ nykT[sh fSdqK B{z d/y e/ nDfvZmk eo d/JhJ/ .
f;Zy-Xow-ftFtk; ftZu'I wBcah eoBk fBjkfJs }o{oh j? . r[ow[yskJh dk fJj' sek}k j?l J/j' ftFkb fjod/ r[o{ ]kb;k
]k; s"o TÆs/ J/; bJh th fe nkw b'eK B{z n;kv/ b'Gh gzE d/ jkD dk eow j? .
f;nk;h B/skrD oki;h ;Zsk d/ bkbu fjs e"wh edoK- nzs ftZu w?I p/nzs nXhBrh Bkb p/Bsh eodk jK fe
ehwsK d/ xkD B{z gqtkB eod/ fdZ; nkT[Id/ jB . nfijh s]sK dk wkbe gzE kb;k ;qh dfJnk f;zX{, gow
gVu'b ftZu GkJh ekbk ncarkBk dhnK fbysK tZvk feqgkb{ ;fsr[o ;Zu/ gksFkj d/ fpod Ì gkb/ ns/ g{oD
:'rdkB gk ojhnK jB . fJj e"wh fjs ftZu j? fe ekbk ftuko T[gozs GkJh ekbk ncarkBk Ì T[jBK tZb'I
ncarkBk ns/ U; dhnK fbysK dk wkD ;fseko tXkfJnk ehshnK p/jZd ehwsh ;/tktK d/ fJt} ftZu ;fseko p]F/.
ikt/ feT[I i[ fJj fBo'b r[owfs B{z T[xkVB, gqukoB ftZu ;fseko ;fjs, r[os/i f;zx
;jkJh jB .
pikfJ J/; d/ fe e[Jh d/jXkoh dzGh v/o/dko nZi
f;Zyh ftZu gquZbs f;Zy-Xow-fto'Xh ftukoK B{z
u[D"sh d/ e/ nkgD/-nkg B{z ;[Xkoh f;Zyh dk wjzs ig: joigMdr isMG vydWqI jIE
Ekg/, fBo'b r[opkDh ns/ r[o{-nkF/ ftZu iBwh, gqtkB > ] < siqgur pRswid ] >
uVQh ;'u d/ XkoBhnK dk fJjBK r[owfs s'I e'o/ eowK February 13 3003
B{z fBzdDK f;Zyh d/ fjs ftZu j? . siqkwr Xog, isMG swihb ig: joigMdr isMG vydWqI jIE, (jQydwr sRI
Akwlq`^q swihb AMimRqsr)
7. f;Zyh dk Hbs gquko f;Zy Xow d/ tXD-c[ZbD vwihgurU jI kw ^wlsw [ vwihgurU jI kI &qih ]
dhnK n;hw ;zGktBktK dk brksko xkD eodk nk fojk AkqUbr 2002 dy sMq ispwhI iv`c pMQ-vwrsW dy nW KulHI icTI ivc quhwfy
j? ns/ d/jXkohnK v/o/dkoK d/ gDgB dk tZvk ekoB j? vloN idvwey ies Brosy qoN ik, "sRI Akwl q^q iek rUhwnI Adwlq hY..eyQy
. f;ZyK d/ oki;h s"o TÆs/ fBFgqkD j'D ns/ f;Zy ;wki pMj isMG swihbwn vloN gurU dI BYBwvnI ivc rihMidAW hI inAW kIqw jWdw
ftZu tZvhnK e[ohshnK d/ f;o uZ[eD dk th J/j' w{b hY" qoN auqSwhq ho ky AqIAMq ADIngI , sihq hyT ilKIAW jodVIAW,
ekoD j? . fBo'b r[owfs dk gquko, ;zuko J/; dk s'V j? quhwfy vrgy rUhwnI inAWkwr dI hzUrI ivc ies Aws nwl Byj irhw hW ik
. e/tb r[owfs B{z XkoBk, gqukoBk f;Zy-wZs d/ qusI ienHW nUM ivcwr ADIn ilAw, ky Ajyhy gurmiq-vqIirAW dy pUrny pwaugy
TÆsw ekoiK ftZu'I j? . fJj ;'Mh feT[Ife ª;cab« ;z;koh ijs nwl swry SMky dUr huMdy jwx qy hr pwisauN ql^IAW dw ^wqmw ho ky
ihtB d/ fto'X ftZu j?, J/; bJh e[Jh ftobk jh J/; dk shodr gurBweIAW vrgy ipAwr siqkwr dw mwhOl bxdw jwvy[ AOJVy ipAw
g?o'eko pDdk j? . GkJh ekbk ncarkBk T[jBK uzd ieh pMQ muV Awpxy ausy "scu Awcwr" nwl Aw juVy ijs nwl juV ky siqgurU
Gb/ g[oFK ftZu'I j? i' eJh ;kbK s'I J/; ;fEsh dk nwnk swihb jI dy "nwnk pMQIAW" dI igxqI kroVW qk jw pu`jI sI [
jodVIAW dw vyrwvw:-
ftFb/FD eo e/ ]sfonK s'I nkgD/ r[oGkJhnK B{z ;[u/s
1- 11 &rvrI svyry hI s: hrmIq isMG jI ny d`lI qoN Pon qy d`isAw
eo fojk j? . U; B{z fJj wkBtsk gZyh ezw eod/ ofjD
ik krIb 300 qoN vD isK sMgqW dy nwl auh vI swrw idn, sRI drbwr
ftZu f;Zy irs dhnK F[ZGekwBktK, e"w d/ tZfvnK
swihb jI dy ivhVy ivc quhwfy drSnW dI is`k ivc Bu`Kw ipAwsw bYTw irhw
dhnK n;h;K dh b'V j? . T[jBK dh ns/ T[jBK tor/ j'o
sI[ Aw^r p`qrkwrW rwhINN ieh hukm imilAw ik, doSI dy QW ausdy iksy
r[ow[yK dh j"I;bk-nca}kJh eoB B{z e"wh cao} ;wM
vkIl dy pyS hox vwlI nvIN lIh qusI pMQ ivc nhIN pwauxw cwhuMdy, sgNo do
e/ fBGkT[DK pDdk j? .
h&iqAw ivc qusIN dws nwl vIfIaU mulwkwq dw pRbMD kr rhy ho[ auprMq
kmytI bxw ky gurqyj isMG huxw dI gl krvweI jwvygI[ ies qoN dws nUM
nzs ftZu w?I nkg gzi f;zx ;kfjpkB okjhI s]s TÆs/
aucycI hYrwnI ies kwrn hoeI ik, jd igAwnI myvw isMG jI (nwbInw) dy
fpokiwkB ;qh r[o{ ]kb;k gzE B{z nfs nXhBrh Bkb
nwl gurmiq prcwr leI kYnyfw Awey swau qW qusI ivktorIAW B.C. dy
p/Bsh eodk jK fe fJZe F[ZX fjod/, nzfwqsXkoh, gzE
gurduAwry vI do h&qy kQwvwrqw dIAW rOxkW lweIAW sn[ dws gRMQI hox dy
dk Gbk b'uD tkb/ nDEZe ;/te e'b'I i/ T[go'es uko
kwrn siqgurU jI dI qwibAw bYiTAw bVy iDAwn nwl suxdw rihMdw [
g?foQnK ftZu e[Jh fe;/ Ì nD;[ykthI bZrdh rZb ejh th
igAwnI myvw isMG jI ny 'sqy blvMf dy r`us jwx vwlI, Aqy pMcm siqigurU
rJh j? sK th e/tb w[ZYb/ soe (Ii' r[owfs nB[;ko j?), Ì
jI vloN fUMm BrwvW dI s&wrS leI Awaux qoN bVI s^qI nwl vrijAw hox
pbtkB eoB tk;s/ jh ejh j? . ;qh nekb s]s ;kfjp TÆs/
dy bwvjUd BweI l`Dw jI dw s&wrSI bx ky Awaux vwly nUM pRsMg nUM bVy
J/; Ì J/t/I ikfDnK ikDk :'r j? . feT[Ife T[j r[owfs d/
ivsQwr nwl suxwieAw sI[ aus pRsMg dy jnm dwqy guriblws pwqSwhI 6
gfjo/dko jB J/; bJh T[jBK dhnK ;/tktK B{z fuskofdnK
dI sMpwdnw kridAw AOKy l&zW dy ArQ qusW Apxy hI krkMvlW nwl ilKy
j'fJnK T[jBK B{z g?Id/ ]kB Bhu d/ th w{zj TÆs/ Ykb
sn[ iPr qusIN ieh vI nhIN sI Bu`ly hoey ik, rokx dy bwvjUd vI s&wrSI
dh SKn eoB tkb//, GkJh eBQJhnk ih B{z d[FwDK
bx Awey BweI lDw jI dI mMg qy fUMm BweIAW nUM pMcm pwqSwh ny inrw iMKmw
d/ cZNK TÆs/ bkT[D bJh wojw d/D tkb/ ;ot-fwZso,
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 10
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

hI nhIN sI kr id`qw sgoN aunHW dI bwxI nUM gurU bwxI dw drjw dy ky, sdw leI 4- gurmiq dy AnkUl Awp jI dy hr &urmwn dw dws pwbMd hY[
jgq gurU Qwp id`qw ? suixAw hY ik doSI dy QW iksy dUjy isK dy pyS hox duhweI hY ik vIfIaU mulwkwq dw pRbMD JgiVAW qoN qy DVy bMdI qoN rihq
vwlIAw AjyhIAW hor audwhrxw vI gurU pMQ dy ieiqhws ivcoN imldIAW hn[ AkwlI isMG is`K suswieqtI ivc krnw dSmyS drbwr ivc dws SWqI nwl
pr ikauNik qusIN swry inrxy siqgurU jI dI BY BwvnI ivc rih ky krdy ho gl bwq nhIN kr skygw jI[ auNj siqguurU gRMQ swihb jI dI hzUrI qW GrW
ies leI ros krn dy QW swnUM iehI kihxw cwhIdw hY ik, Swied siqgurU jI ivc vI auplbDd hY[ BulW dI iKmw[ gurmiq Anuswr jIvn dI GwVq GVI
dy nwmxy nwl jUVI auprokq sw^I JUTI hovy Aqy swfy pMj isMG swihbwn dy r`Kx dI Awhry l`igAW dI crn DUV:- gurb^S isMG
inrxy vwlI vIfIau mulwkwq dI mrXwdw Swied purwqn simAW qoN hI pMQ ivc
cwlU rhI hovy ? *****
2- dws ny ieh vI suixAw hY ik aus mulkwq leI qusW Ajyhw
sRI Akwl q^q swihb
gurduAwrw cuixAw hY jo dws dy k`tV ivroDIAW dw gVH hY[ jgqwr isMG sMDU
Siri Akal Takhat Sahib, Sri Amritsar (Pb.) India.
aus dSmyS drbwr gurduAwry dw krqw Drqw hY[ 10 &rvrI nUM ryfIaU qy jo
Fax Phone - 540820, PBX , 553957-58-59 Ext-434nUM:-A9 /03/3002:
aus ny BwSn id`qw aus dw AgryzI ivc qrjmw Internet qoN dws kol puijAw
imqI 11-02-2003
ijs dw auqwrw ies jodVI p`qr dy nwl hI Byj irhw hW[ ieh swrw AnrQ
<vwihgurU jI kI Pqih]
ausy gurU Gr nwl sbMDq hY ijQy quhwfI sihmqI nwl igAwnI myvw isMG jI ny
sR. gurb^S isMG kwlw APgwnw,
dws dI BrpUr soBw kIqI sI[ aus BwSn dI typ vI iml skdI hY[ Ajyhy by-
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ]
inXmy JUiTAW dy kbzy vwly gurduAwry nwloN hrmn ipAwry Aqy SWq mwhOl
sRI Akwl q^q swihb vloN p`qr nMbr A: q/02/1985 imqI 23-12-2002
vwlw AkwlI isMG suswietI gurU drbwr bVw TIk rhygw[ dws dI ieh bynqI
rwhIN Awp jI dIAW ilKqW ivclI KMfy dy AMimRq sbMDI ieqrwjXog sm`grI
prvwn krnI Aqy Gto Gt iek h&qw pihlW dws kol Awp jI vloN ilKqI
dy ADwr qy Byjy doS-p`qr dy auqr ivc Awp dw p`qr imqI 10 jnvrI
hukm Awauxw zrUrI hY[ ijs idn dw quhwfw hukmnwmw AwieAw hoieAw hY idl
2003 nUM pRwpq hoieAw, ijs ivc qusIN sRI Akwl q^q swihb ivKy in`jI
dI mrIz dws dI pqnI nUM ZSIAW dy dOry pY rhy hn[ bImwrI Aqy kmzorI dI
qOr qy hzr nw ho skx leI do kwrn pyS kIqy hn, iek kwnUMnI Aqy dUjw
hwlq ivc ijs krVI imhnq nwl pusqkW iLKdy rhy Aqy Arthitis rog qoN
ishq dw TIk nw hoxw[ quhwfI p`qrkw dy ienHW p`KW qy A`j imqI 10 &rvrI
dohW hI goifAW dy nwkwrw ho jwx kwrn AqIAMq pIVw JldI hoeI gurUbwxI dy
Anyk SbdW dI suDweI poQIAW nwl krdI rhI ivcwrI swh sq hI guAw bYTI[ 2003 nUM isMG swihbwn vloN dIrG ivcwr krn auprMq &Yslw kIqw igAw
hwey Akwl q^q hI swfw vYrI bx KloqW ? eyhI rtn leI rKdI hY[ Swied ik Awp dIAW auprokq mjbUrIAW nUM iDAwn ivc r`KidANw quhwfy vloN in`jI
swfI swrI inSkwm Gwlxw AjWeI hI geI ? sRI Akwlq^q swihb kdy iksy qOr qy juAwb dyx leI gurduAwrw swihb dSmyS drbwr srI bI.sI. kYnyfw
dy vYrI nhIN bx skdy[ gurdyv jI dy igAwn dy vYrI sRI Akwl q^q swihb ivc hI pRbMD kIqw jwvy [ so vIfIau kwn&rMs (iedMtrnY`t sYtlweIt
jI dy vI s`jx nhIN huMdy[ pr hux jd suihrd gurmKW ny hYrwn krn vwlIAW mwiDAm) rwhIN sp`StIkrn dyx leI Awp jI imqI 18 &rvrI 2003,
hmrdIAW vyKIAW qW smJ Aw geI ik; swfI ies Gwlxw ny sdIAW qweIN idn mMglvwr nUM kYnyfIAn smy Anuswr 7-30 vjy svyry srI bI.sI. kYnyfw
siqkwrI jwxw hY[ "kUV inKuty nwnkw EVik sic rhI" [ idl dIAW siQq gurduAwrw dSmyS drbwr ivKy sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI hzUrI ivc
ibmwrIAW dy mwhr ijs fwktr kol dws A`j lY igAw sI aus ny pRkwS dy hwzr hovo[ joigMdr isMG, jQydwr, sRI Akwl 1^q swihb[

srIr nwl Ajyhw XMqr bnH id`qw hY ijs dI sMBwl Aqy aus ivc AwaudI
qbdIlI nwlo nwl ilKdy rihx bwry dws qoN ibnw hor koeI nhIN hY[ so h&qw auqwrw:-s: kuldIp isMG jI pRDwn gurduAwrw swihb dSmyS drbwr srI
ds idn piuhlW pqw hoxw ies leI zrUrI hY, qW jo dws pRkwS dI sMBwl dw bI. sI. kYnyfw 114-121, 12885-85 AVE SURREY B.C. CANADA
Xog pRbMD kr sky [ V3W 0K8 Xog kwrvweI krn ih`q [
3- vfI hYrwnI ieh vI ho rhI hY ik, dws dIAW pusqkW do swl qoN
ivdvwnW dIAW kmytIAW dy hvwly huMdIAW rhIAW[ iksy vI kmytI vloN dws *****
ivru`D kuJ nw iliKAw igAw[ iPr dws ny gurmiq bwry ilKx dy Kyqr ivc sRI Akwl q^q swihb
qW ifgdy FMihdy nUM siqgurU gRMQ swihb jI hI auNglI PVw PVw ky hI qurnw Siri Akal Takhat Sahib, Sri Amritsar, (Pb.) India.
isKwauNdy rhy sn-Buj bl bIr bRhm suK swgr grq prq gih lyhu Fax Phone - 540820, PBX , 553957-58-59 Ext-434, nUM:-A:q:/3012-13 :
AMgurIAw ]1] hr dlIl guurU SbdW dI dy prmwxw sihq ilKI[ Awp jI vl imqI 17-02-03
keI jodVI p`qr ilKy ik dws dI koeI Bu`l jy gurU Sbd dy hI ADwr qy dso <vwihgurU jI kI Pqih]
qW dws Awp jI dw sdw irxI rhygw[ hux qusW lokW dI SrDw dI gl kIqI sR. gurb^S isMG kwlw APgwnw,
guurU gRMQ swihb jI dI Av`igAw dw qW sMkyq mwqr vI nhIMN[ jy dws A`j qWeI vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ]
mr igAw huMdw qW kI qusI dws dIAW ilKqw qoN koeI vI inrxw nw lYNdyy ? iek hvwlw:-sRI Akel q^q swihb dw p`qw nUM ey tI/03/3002, imqI 11-2-2003.
pwsy auh gRRMQ ijhVy gurmiq dI vroDqw nwl nkw nk BpUr hn aunW nUM qW SRI mwn jI,
siqgurU grMQ swihb jI dI brwbrqw id`qI jwx qy zor l`g irhw hY[ pr dUjy quhwfy nwl, imqI 18-2-2003 nUM gurduAwrw swihb dSmyS
pwsy dws ny iek vI dlIl gurU bwxI dY ivroD vwlI nhIM ilKI dws dy ivru`D drbwr srI kYnyfw ivKy sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI hzUrI iv`c jo vIfIaU
nvyN qoN nvW SoSw ? Swied ies kwrn kI dws Ajy mirAw nhIN Aqy kUV kwn&rMs r`KI geI sI, aus bwry Awp jI nUM sUicq kIqw jWdw hY ik kuJ
kbwV nwl Bry gRMQ ies kwrn mwx siqkwr pw rhy hn ikauNik aunHW krmW qknIkI kwrnw krky sRI Akwl q^q swihb Aqy gurduAwrw swihb dSmyS
vwilAW dy ilKwrIAW dw nwm pqw hI iksy nUM nw lg sikAw ? drbwr srI dy ieMtrnYt isstm dw Awps iv`c sMprk nW hox krky ieh

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 11
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

kwn&rMs mulqvI kIqI jw rhI hYY[ Agly pRogrwm bwry Awp jI nUM CyqI sUcq Awswr Aj sR: gurbKS isMG jI kwlw A&Zwnw jI bwry, EhnW dI ies
kr idqw jwvygw [ joigdr isMG, jQydwr, sRI Akwl 1^q swihb[ vfyrI aumr ivc bny hoey hn, Aqy iehnW nUM kOm dI bdiksmqI hI kihxw
pvygw[ ieh hwlwq sB kuJ BWvy iksy smyN dy dbwA ivc bxy hoey hn jW
auqwrw:-s: kuldIp isMG jI pRDwn gurdvwrw swihb dSmyS drbwr srI bI. iPr EhnW dI Asl pihcwx bwry kuJ BulyKw Kw ky[ pr Aj dI ieh iek
sI. kYnyfw pws jwxkwrI Aqy Xog kwrvweI krn ih`q ByijAw jWdw hY[ scweI hY[
siqkwr jog isMG swihb jIE! AwpjI rwhI jo pqR A&gwnw jI nUM ByijAw
***** igAw hY Eh pqR dws dI nzr gocry vI AwieAw hY[ aus pqR ivc, EhnW
dIAW iliKqW ivcoN, ijnHW pMkqIAW dw hvwlw idqw igAw hY, A&gwnw jI
bwry koeI &Yslw lYx qoN pihlW bynqI krnI cwhWgw ik kyvl Eh pMkqIAW
isMG swihb ig: joigMdr isMG jI vydwNqI jIE, hI nhIN- AwpjI ApxI p~Dr qy Kud EhnW pMkqIAW dw A~gw ipCw pUrI
Personal Regd. A.D Dated : 25 Jan. 2003
qrHW GOKx dI ikRpwlqw krogy qW iek qW EhnW dy ArQ kyvl mwqr iehnW
syvw ivKy, siqkwrjog isMG swihb ig: joigMdr isMG jI vydwNqI jIE, ivSyS pMkqIAW nwl, pUry nhIN auqrxgy[ dUjW EQy, A&gwnw jI dI jo Bwvnw
jQydwr, sRI Akwl qKq swihb, kMm kr rhI hY aus ivc iek pMQk hUk qy drd vI spSt swhmxy
drbwr swihb, sRI AMimRqsr, pMjwb Awvygw[EQy qW suAwl ieh hY ik- kI kwrx hY ik pwhul lYx qoN bwd vI
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI &iqh ] swfy AMdr gurbwxI vwlw jIvn qy soc pYdw nhIN ho rhI? dUjw- ijsnUM Aj
sinmr bynqI hY Aqy ijvyN ik AwpjI jwxdy hI hO ik dws AwpjI dw qno-mno ASIN AMimRq C~kxw kih rhy hW Asl ivc ieh KMfy dI pwhul lYxw hY [
pUrn siqkwr krdw hY AwpjI dy AMdr kut kut ky jo pMQk Aqy gurm~q AMimRq qW bwxI hY, ijsnUM C~kx vwsqy hI qW AsW pwhul lYxI hY pr jdoN
ipAwr BirAw ipAw hY dws aus kwrx vI AwpjI dw AqI siqkwr krdw hY[ AsW ieh pihlW hI mMn ilAw ik AsIN AMimRq CkhI cuky hW qW Agy bwxI
iesdy nwl nwl AwpjI vI dws nUM ik~qnw v~D ipAwr-mwn qy siqkwr jIvx-isiKAw nwl juVx vwlI gl, EQy hI ruk jWdI hY[
bKSdy ho, dws nUM aus bwry vI koeI BulyKw nhINY[ iehI kwrx hY ik AkwlpurK
dI bKiSS sdkw jdoN AwpjI ies auc pdvI nUM pRwpq hOey qW swirAW qoN iesy qrHW AwpjI rwhIN dUsrw suAwl -gurUbwxI Aqy gurbwxI dw hY[ ghu nwl
v~D hwridk KuSI dws nUM hI hoeI sI[ ies swrI cIz nUM iDAwn ivc rKdy dyiKAw jwvy aus ipCy vI EhnW dw pMQk drd Aqy gurU gRMQ swihb jI bwry
dws AwpjI nUM iblkul injI p~Dr qy Aqy Aqy inmrqw sihq iek do mhwn siqkwr dI Bwvnw hI kMm kr rhI hY[ A&Zwnw jI Anuswr, dsmyS
bynqIAW krn dw mwn pRwpq kr irhw hY[ jI ny pMQ nUM gurU gRMQ jI dy lV lwieAw hY[ BWvyN TIk- pr jdoN AsIN iksy
vI rcnw nUM iek vwrI gurbwxI dI brwbrI dy dyNdy hW qW ivroiDAW nUM swfy
AwpjI ies scweI nwl pUrI qrHw sihmq hovogy ik ies smyN swfI isK kOm, AMdr GuspYT krn Aqy gurU gRMQ swihb jI bwry Awm sMgqW ivc gurbwxI
jwxy Aqy Axjwxy, isr qON pYrW qIk pUrI qrHW bRhmxI Aqy AnmqI rsmW bwry Awm BulyKy pwaux dw Kulw mOkw iml jWdw hY, ijs vl swnUM ivSyS
rIqW ivc PsI peI hY[ ieQON qIk swfw smuicq pRcwr isstm qW iesnwl iDAwn dyn dI v~fI loV hY[ auMJ ies ivc koeI Sk nhIN ik pMQ pRvwixq
dUiSq hoieAw hI ipAw hY blik swfI AjokI gurbwxI ArQwvlI vI iesdI dsmyS jI dIAW rcnwvW ivcoN, loV Anuswr dsmyS jI dI bwxI mNnky,
j~kV ivc AweI hoeI hY[ ies swry dw nqIjw hY ik qno mno iemwndwr Aqy A&Zwnw jI ny vI keI QWeI Awp imswlW idqIAW hn[
smripq huMdy hoey vI-swfI swrI dI swrI socxI-rihnI –gurU soc Aqy isiKAw
nwl myl nhIN Kw rhI[ iesy dw hI nqIjw hY ik gurm~q dw ie~qnw v~D siqkwr jog isMG swihb jIE! “Bulx AMdir sBu ko ABulu gurU krqwru”
jzbw-joS-SrDw Aqy pRcwr-pRswr pRbMD hon dy bwvjUd, pwqSwh rwhIN 239 (pM: 61) Aqy “Bulx ivic kIAw sBu koeI krqw Awip n BulY” (pM: 1344)
virAW dI mhwn Gwlxw srwsr Alop ho rhI hY[ isK Drm dI jnmBUmI gurvwkW Anuswr iksy vI ivdvwn, drdI, jW pMQk hyqU bwry Ajyhw qW
pMjwb ivcoN qW spSt isKI srUp hI qyzI nwl Alop ho irhw hY Aqy isKI soicAw hI nhIN jw skdw ik ausdI khnI, krnI, iliKq jW kQnI AMdr
jIvn pUrI qrHW lVKVwieAw ipAw hY[ koeI glqI nW hovy, ikENik ieh iek Akwl purKI nIXm hY[ hW A&Zwnw
jI bwry ieh gl bVy XkIn nwl khI jw skdI hY ik EhnW nUM ApxI iksy
dUsrI cIz ies swry dw kwrx Swied ieh vI hY ik BweI gurdws jI Aqy iliKq jW sbdwvlI aupr koeI iksy qrHW dw h~T vI nhIN[ loV hY, EhnW
BweI mnI isMG jI qoN bwd AsIN, pMQk p~Dr qy, kOm dy iksy vI ivdvwn nUM AMdrly pMQk ipAwr Aqy ih~q nUM iDAwn ivc zrUr riKAw jwvy[ ies
ausdy jIvn kwl ivc nW hI qW pihcwixAW Aqy nw hI smy isr EhnW nUM scweI nUM vI nzroN Ehly krnw Xog nhIN hovygw ik Aj dy smyM ivc pMQk
Xog siqkwr hI dy sky[ nqIjw-Apxy Apxy jIvn kwl dy AMqm idnW ADogqI Aqy piqqpuxy dw muK kwrx pMQ AMdr ivAwpk AnmqI Aqy
ivc……..[ scmuc jy kr smyM isr AsW EhnW dI pihcwx hI kIqI huMdI qW ivprn j~kV hY- ijqnI bwrIkI nwl A&Zwnw jI ausnUM p~kV Aqy dlyrI
Aj Swied pMQ dI AjokI hwsohInI hwlq nw huMdI[ bwd ivc AsIN klpy, nwl auGwV sky hn, pMQk ihq ivc, ieh krqy dw iek mhwn kirSmW hI
roey, EhnW dIAW h~fIAW vI FUMfx tury, pr ieh kyvl lkIr ip~tx vwlI hI ikhw jw skdw hY[ BWvy ik keIN QwvyN dws vI EhnW dI SbdwvlI nwl
gl sI[ ies lVI ivc BWvyN BweI gurmuK isMG jI dI gl krIey, ig: id~q sihmq nw ho sikAw pr iehvI idk scweI hY ik EhnW dIAW iliKqW Aj
isMG jI, pRo: sihb isMG jI jW ig: Bwg isMG jI AMbwlw jW kuJ hor smyM smyN pMQ pws Ajyhw srmwieAw hn ijhnW dw nqIjw pMQ dy iek v~fy ih~sy ivc
dy pMQk p~Dr dy ivdvwn s~jx[ jwgirqI dI iek AjokI lihr hY[
AMq ivc h~Qly ivSy sMbMDI dws dI jodVI hY ik- kyvl AwpjIdw Ehdw hI
AwpjI Aqy AwpjI dy Ehdy vwsqy jo dws dy mn ivc AQwh siqkwr hY Aqy nhI -AwpjI injI p~Dr qy vI iek mhwn pMQk drdI, bylwg Aqy ivdvwn
AwpsI pivqr sMbMDW nUM pUrI qrHW iDAwn ivc rKdy hoey, sinmr bynqI s~jx hO iesdy nwl hI nwl AwpsI siqkwr nUM mdynzr rKdy hoey AwpjI
sihq AwpjI dw iDAWn ies ivSY aupr puAwauxw cwhuMdw ik lgBg EhI inrol injI p~Dr qy swrI cIz nUM ivcwrogy Aqy pMQ dy v~fy ihqW ivc smyN
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 12
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

dI sMBwl krogy[ gurU pMQ dw dws icnHW vwsqy, ijnHW nUM gurbwxI, pihly jwmyN qoN hI, krmkWf qy pwKMf
(ipRN: ig: surjIq isMG, isK imSnrI, id~lI) krm ds rhI hY[ ieh mhwn ShIdI, ibnW Sk, mzlUmW nUM bcwaux dI
Kwiqr Aqy zulm dy ivruD sI[ aus vkq jykr ies zulm dw iSkwr
***** muslmwn vIr jW koeI hor huMdw qW vI gurU Gr dw iehI k~dm huMdw[
kwlw A&gwnw jI ny ApxI iliKq ivc ies scweI nUN, pUrI qrHW
pMQk ivdvwn Aqy kwlw A&gwnw jI:
spSt kIqw hY[ ivroDI sj~x jy kr scmuc iemwndwr hn qW pUrI
pMQk ivdvwn Aqy kwlw A&gwnw jI: ieaN jwpdw hY ik pMQ dI cldI
iliKq sMgqW ivc ilAwax[
iPrdI XUnIvirstI pRo. Swihb isNG jI fI.ilt. qoN bwd BweI gurbKS isNG
jI kwlw A&gwnw (hwl kynyfw invwsI ) nUN AkwlpurK ny, GUk suqy pMQ nUN • gurUGr ivc iesqrI-purK vwsqy brwbr dw siqkwr hY[ jdoN gurU
jgwaux dI syvw sONpI hY [ kwS ik smyN isr EhnW dI , AsIN kdr pw srUpW bwry hI iqMn-iqMn Aqy s~q-s~q SwdIAW dw izkr ieiqhws dy
skIey] pMinAW ivcoN imldw hY[ iesyqrW ds gUrU srUpW dy jIvnkwl ivc
kyvl Akwl buNgw {mojUdw Akwl qKq swihb} kwiem krky, swry isK
• AjyhI gl nhIN ik BweI gurdws jI Aqy BweI mnI isNG jI qoN bwd,
pMQ nUM, iek kyNdrI kmwn ivc ilAWdw[ bwkI qKqW dw bwd ivc
pMQ ivc koeI pMQk p~Dr dw ivdvwn hI pYdw nhIN hoieAw[ scweI ieh
PYlwA kI scmuc ik~Dry isKW dI kyNdrI kmWf qoV ky, pMQ nUN KyrUN KyrUN
hY ik sMn 1716-bwbw bMdw isMG jI bhwdur dI Shwdq qoN bwd pMQ
krn dI, bRwhmxI kwl dI dyn hI qW nhIN? “gurU nwnk pwqSwh ny
aupr ivroDI qwkqW dI AjyhI p~kV clI hY ik ivdvwnW nUM jINdy jIA
Apny dsW hI srUpW ivc, isK nUNM krqy AkwlpurK dI Elwd
AsW bhuqw krky roilAw hY Aqy bwd ivc EhnW dy hI nwm dy cYk kYS
ielwixAw Aqy ausdI godI dw in~G bKiSAw[ kI scmuc prqky SKsI
krvwax vl tury hW[ ig: id~q isNG jI, pRo:gurmuK isNG jI, pRIispl
pUjw vl kOm nUM mOVn ivc, iv~cly smyM dI koeI bRwhmxI pgfNfI qW
hrBjn isNG jI {BweI swihb} pRo:swihb isNG jI, ig: Bwg isNG jI
nhI? “isK ieiqhws dw ie~k ie~k sunihrI pMnW, isKI rihxI Aqy
AMbwlw, BweI Ardumn isNG jI bwgVIAw Aqy hOr[ pr iek vI scy
socnI dw ie~k ie~k kdm,--ies v~kq gurUGr dy ivroDIAW dI
ivdvwn dI AsW jINdy jIA k~dr nhIN pweI, blik roilAw hY[ bwd
mwnisk kwlK nwl hnyrw kIqw jw cukw hY[ ies dI pihcwx krn
ivc pihcwixAw qW auhnwN nUM kI lwB?
vwlw jykr hw dw nwhrw mwrdw hY[ GUk su~qI kOm dy ivroD dw Apxy
• pRO:swihb isNG jI nUM AkwlpurKny smrQw bKSI, gurbwxI ivAwkrx, vwsqy BrvW K~qrw shyV ky vI sc dI Awvwz mwrdw hY, qW scmuc
ArQ-boD Aqy isDwMq dI tyk lYky bRwhmxI Aqy AKauqI khwxIAW dI ieh v~fy idl gurdy dI gl hY[
guMJl ivcoN pMQ nUN BrvW hlUxw dyn dI [ mOjudw isKI jIvn qy lgwqwr
FweI sO swlW qoN v~D smyN ivc ie~qnIAW v~D pVHqW jMm cukIAW hn ik AMq ivc krqwpurK dy crxW ivc Ardws hY, Eh Apxy pMQ dI bhuVI kry
iehnW pVHqW dI pMQ nUM pihcwx krvwauxI Aqy Krocnw iksy mrd sUrmyN Aqy Apxy dUly pMQ nUN bRwhmxI ckrivauh ivco k~Fy[ ieh pMQ Apxy suc~jy,
dw kMm hY[ dUjy l&zW ivc, gurm~q jIvn nUM pMQ AMdr muV aujwgr inAwry gur~mq srUp nwl Awp vI juVy Aqy sMswr nUM joVn ivc vI smrQ
krnw, mwno mojUdw pMQk jIvx cwl nUM pUrI qrHW cYlyNj krn qoN Gt bny[ pMQ smyN smyN nwl Apxy ivdvwnW dI pihcwx EhnW dy jINdy jIA kr
nhIN[ isr qy k&n bxky, ApxI moq nUNM shyVnw hY [ sky[ ivkwau iksm dy kOm vycU lokW dI pihcwx, pMQ smW rihNdy krn ivc
• kwlw A&gwnw jI ny “ivprn kI rIq qON sc dw mwrg” Bwg dsvyN smrQ hovy Aqy EhnW nUM nSr kr sky [
smyq hriek ipRMt Aqy pRkwiSq Bwg ivc gurbwxI Kzwny ivcoN Gt qoN
Gt pMj pMj pRmwx dy ky, hriek q~Q nUN pMQ swhmxy bVI dlyrI nwl mhwn siqkwr jog, pMQ dI srboc izmyvwrI qy, AkwlpurK dI
riKAw hY [ EhnW rwhIN EuTwey gey hriek ikMqU ivc d~m Aqy dlIl bKiSS sdkw ibrwjmwn isMG swihb, jQydwr swihb jIE: Aj smUcw pMQ
hY[ dws dI AwpjI pws sinmR ApIl hY ik pMQ dy ies b~uFy Syr-mrd pUrI qrHW ivprn dI jk~V ivc PisAw ipAw hY[ isKI jIvn ivcoN gurm~q
nUN ausdy jIvnkwl ivc hI snmwinAw jwvy[ bwd ivc qW XkInn pMQ nUN FUMfnw nwmumikn bixAw ipAw hY[ duSmx pUrI qrW XkIn bnw cukw hY ik
EhnW dI k~dr pwvygw hI[ ibnW Sk EhnW rwhIN idqIAW geIAW isKI rihxI Kqm krn qoN bwd isKI srUp nUM vI sNswr dy nkSy qoN Kqm
auprokq iliKqW pMQ dy BivK vwsqy iksy mIl p~Qr qoN G~t nhIN[ kr dyvygw[ ErMgzybI zulm dI qlvwr dy mukwibly, im~TI cwSnI ciVHAw
ieh vwr, pihcwnxw sOKw nhI[ Aj ivroDI isKW aupr pUrI qrHW ApxI
• dws dI ieh spSt rwie hY ik ijhVy lok iesvkq EhnW dIAW “swm dMf- dwm dMf-rwj dMf” vwlI kutilnIqI pUrI qrHW vrqky, Apxy
ilKqW ivcO ApxI mrzI dIAW pMkqIAW curw curw ky Asl ArQwN qoN vlON vwr qy vwr kr irhw hY[ isK pnIrI qyzI nwl Aj Apxw isKI vwlw
htwky sMgqW nUM gumrwh krn vwsqy vrq rhy hn, Eh pMQk hyqU nhIN srUp guAw rhI hY isKI dw BivK. Apxy bVy nwzuk dOr ivc hY[ AwpjIdy
blik pMQ ivroDI qwkqW dy hQW ivc Kyf rhy hn jW iPr hYn hI pMQ mONifAw qy bVI BwrI izmyNvwrI hY[
dw ivkwau mwl ijhVw hmySW hI pMQ vwsqy nukswndyh irhw hY pr smyN Aj swihb sRI gurU gRNQ swihb jI dI Azmq nUM cyYlyNj kIqw jw cukw hY[ Aj
isr Ajyhy Ansr dI pihcwx kdy Gt hI hoeI hY[ pihcwx hoeI hY qW ivroDI qwkqW pUrI qrW ivauNqbMd Aqy lwmbMd hn[ EhnW ny, gurU gRMQ
smW inkln qON bwd jdoN isKI srUp ivc huMdy hoey Ajyhy Ansr Apxw swihb jI dy nwl nwL, brwbrI ivc, khy jWdy dsm gRMQ dw pRkwS
vwr kr cuky huMdy hn Aqy smW hQoN inkl cukw huNdw hY[ krvwauxw hY[ vI:AYc:pI (VHP) qoN nvyN isK sjy, sRI pRym isNG {pihlW sRI
• dws dI iliKq gurm~q pwT nM 27 “gurU qygbhwdur jI dI ShIdI iknHW bI.AYl.Srmw} qW iek sUcnw Anuswr ivdySI dOry qy hI iesy pRogrwm qy hn[
vwsqy qy ikauN” {AnYksr-3} dy rUp ivc n~QI hY[ pwqSwh dI mhwn ivroDI, ijnHW dw Drm hI isKI srUp ivc rihky, inAwry isK Drm nUM, ihMdU
ShIdI, XkInn iksy dy iqlk jMjU dI rwKI vwsqy nhIN[ i&r kI EhnW Drm dI mwqR-iek SwKw swbq krnw hY, Kulky swhmxy Aw igAw hY[ ivroDI
SkqIAW EhnW dI hr hIly ip~T TokI kr rhIAW spSt nzr Aw rhIAW
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 13
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

hn[ jo Koj kIqI mhnq krI aus Agy cMgy-cMgy lokwN dw isr Juk igAw hY auhnw
jo iliKAw hY gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI ksv`tI auqy s`c iliKAw hY hux Agra
Q~QW dy AwDwr qy Aqy bhuqy gurm~q KojI ivdvwnW Anuswr mOjudw dsm gRMQ, uh s`c iksy nUN hjm nhI ho irhw qwN koeI kI kry Awp ieh gl cMgI qrHwN
isK Drm nUM FwA lgwax vwsqy bRwhmxI kutlnIqI dI aupj hY[ ieiqhwisk jwxdy hovogy KwVkUvwd dy smy ANdr iek-iek idn ivc sYkVo lokwN ny
gvwhIAW Bwv mOjUdw “bRwhmxI imlgoBw isK ieiqhws” ivcoN ies scweI nUM AimRq Ck ilAw sI pr Aj auh log ikQy hn[ kwrx swP hY gurmiq dI
pihcwnxw AEKw nhIN[ BulyKw pwaun vwsqy, aupr ibAwxIAW pMj dsmyS jI soJI nhI sI fr kwrx Ck ilAw sI ijs idn fr Kqm ho igAw aus idn
dIAW pMQ pRvwixq rcnWvW nUN ies ivc AYfjst kIqw igAw hY[ GIs Aqy SRI swihb auqwr id`qI ieho Aj bhuqy mhwpurK bwby kr rhy hn pMj s`q
DImk ijvyN iblifgW-&rnIcr nUN AMdr hI ANMdr KoKlw kr dyNdI hY pihlW Dwrnw lw ky mwieAw ik`TI krdy hn Aqy jwndy vwly kihNdy hn swD sMgq
qW, mojUdw dsm gRMQ nUM, aunHIvIN sdI dy AMq qIk, AMdr hI AMdr, prvwx jI AimRq Ck ky gurU vwly bxo hr bwby kol l`KwN lokwN nUN AimRq Ckwaux dI
cVHw ilAw igAw[ jdoN ies kMm ivc ipCly drvwzy qoN, s&lqw pRwpq ho ilst bxI huNdI hY Agr ieqny lok gurU vwly bn gey hn qwN pMQ dI hwlq
geI, qW AglI Kyf ArMNB ho geI-ieh Kyf sI, “ies pRclq kIqy jw cuky idn pr idn in`Gr ikauN rhI hY Aj pMjwb fyrykwr gurU fMm vwly idno-idn
dsm gRMQ nUM, gurU gRMQ jI dI brwbrI ivc sQwipq krvwExw Aqy gurU gRMQ vD rhy hn Aqy lokwN dI hwlq kI bxI peI hY ies gl qoN qusI Bu`ly qwN
swihb jI dI Azmq nUN h~Q pwaxw” ieh Aj sBkuJ pRqK hY, su~qy qW AsIN nhI hovogy iksy dy isKwN dI mirAwdw iek nhI hY s: gurbKS isMG kwlw
hW[ APgwnw jI ny jo hlUxw kom nU idqw aus leI hr gurU dy s`cy is`K nUN auhnw
dw DMnvwd krnw cwihdw hY jQydwr jI Aqy jQydwirAwN Aqy AhudydwirAwN
smyN dI v~fI mMg hY ik, mUl pMj bwxIAW nUN C~fky, mojUdw dsm gRNQ nUN sdw nhI rihxIAwN gurU dy fr AMdr hir ky PYslw kirau[ vrnw sMgq hun
nkwirAw jwvy Aqy jdoN qIk pMQk p~Dr qy ieh sMBv nw hovy, mqByd vwlIAW bhuq jwgirq ho cukI hY[ Awp jI dy crnw ivc ibnqI hY ik gurU dI gl
rcnWvW dw pMQk styjW Awid qy iesqymwl bMd krvwieAw jwvy[ ij~Qy ieh kro gurU nwnk dy inrml pMQ dI gl kro jo ds pwqSwhIAwN ny smpUrx
kdm sMgqW nUM bRwhmxI j~kV ivcoN k~Fn ivc shweI hovygw, ivroiDAW dy pMQ kIqw Aqy dSmyS ipqw KMfy bwty dI pwhul dy ky ies dI sMBwl kIqI[ gurU
GwqI mnsUibAW qy kwrI cot vI hovygw[ iesdy nwl jy scmuc kl nUN ieh swihbwN dI 239 swlwN dI Gwlxw kI sI auh sMgq iv`c jwgrq kro
swbq ho jwvy, ijhVw ik honw pUrI qrW sMBv hY. iesqrHW AsIN “kihdy kcy, guris`KwN dw jIvn gurmiq dI isiKAw iv`c bxwau[ jQydwrwN dw jIvn
suxdy kcy” vwly gurU doK dy BwgI bnx qON vI bcy rvWgy[ sMgqW vI Xog pMQk nOjvwnwN leI koeI cMgI syD bxy AsI Gwlxw GwloN A`j dI hwlq qwN ieh
&Yslw hon qIk, vwDU dI iKcwqwxI ivcoN b~c jwxgIAw[ iesqrHW, doKI vI bxI peI hY[ jQydwrwN smyq pMQ dI AsI koeI sKsIAq nhI bcI ijs auqy
sMgqW nUN vwDU Awps ivc iBVw Aqy BVkwky, Apxw aulU isDw krn ivc koeI ieljwm nhI hY[ s: gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw jI iek AYsy ienswn
sPl nhIN ho skxgy[ pMQk eykqw Aqy isKI jIvn vwly pwsy ieh ie~k bhuq hn ijnHw ny bhuq kuJ gurmiq dw sd sMgq Agy rK idqw hY[ ausnUN smJx
v~fw kdm is~D hovygw[ dI loV hY ivcwr dI loV hY[PYslw qwN isK sMgq krygI[ quhwfw PYslw qwN
Awr AYs AYs dy dPqr ivc Aweygw Aqy Akwl qKq dI mohr vhwvweI
ies swry qoN ielwvw- kwlw A&gwnw jI dIAW rcnWvW nUM GoK ky Aqy EhnW dy jweygI[ quhwfy rwhI suvwiAw jweygw[ ieh ivcwr ikly swQI nhI hn ieQy
ihrdy dIAW gihrweIAW AMdrON ful ful pYNdy pMQk drd Aqy cIs nUM dI bhuq vfI sMgq ih mihsUs kr rhI hY AsI iPr vI AwsvMd hwN
pihcwnx vwsqy sinmR bynqI hY[ myry Dur AMdroN ieh Awvwz hY, ik pRo: vwihgurU jo vI kry BlI krygw[
swihb isNG jI qoN bwd AkwlpurK ny EhnW nUM jo soJIN Aqy smrQw bKSI hY Santokh Singh,
P.O. Box No. 24961, c/o Mubarak & Sons TRPT, Dubai. U.A.E.
ik Eh, bRwhmxI (ivprn) Aqy AnmqI jUly ivc pUrI qrW Ps cUkI isK kOm
nUM, gurU nwnk-gurU goibMd isMG jI dy crxW nwl joVn vwsqy hlUxw dy skx[
EhnW dIAW rcnWvW nUM, ij~Qy ik~Qy SbdwvlI jW iksy vwDy Gwty dI loV hY, *****
EhnW nUM pUrw sihXog dy ky TIk krvw ilAw jwvy Aqy pNMQk p~Dr qy jQydwr juigMdr isMG vydWqI jI dy nW KulHw p`qr
ApxwieAw jwvy[ iesqrHW, ies bu~Fy Syr nUM ausdy jINdy jIA, snmwinq krn
vwsqy, dws dI purzor ApIl hY[ quhwfI 23 dsMbr, 02 dI, bzurg ivdvwn sR. gurbKS isMG
AqI-AqI siqkwr sihq, gurU pMQ dw dws kwlwAPgwnw nMU 10 PrvrI, 03 nUM Akwl qKq swihb qy hwzr ho ky
kuJ itpxIAW bwry spStIkrn dyx leI, il`KI ic`TI dI kwpI ieQy
(ipR: ig: surjIq iNsNG, isK imSnrI,idlI)
sMgqW nUM pVHn leI pRwpq hoeI[ic`TI ivc AMkq ieqrwzW nUM srsrI
piVHAW hI pqw lg jWdw hY ik Skwieq krn vwly kOx
***** hn[inrsMdyh,ieh EhI lok ho skdy hn ijnHW nUM sR. APgwnw dIAW
jQydwr swihb s: joigMdr isMG vydwNqI jI KrIAW KrIAW ilKqW pVH ky QoVHw bhuq syk ligAw hovygw Aqy ijnHW
1a siq gur pRswid dI dukwndwrI nUM BivK ivc koeI Kqrw nzr AwauNdw idisAw hovygw
ijvyN iksy vyly bRwhmx nUM is`KI qoN AwieAw sI[quhwfI ic`TI ivc ieh
sRI Akwl qKq dy jQydwr swihb s: joigMdr isMG vydwNqI jI ilKxw ik kwlwAPgwnw dIAW ilKqW ny gurU Kwlsw pMQ dI is`KI
isdk Aqy pMQk SrDw nUM Tys phuMcweI hY,iblkul glq hY ikauNik
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh]
aunHW dIAW ilKqW pVHn nwl qW is`KI ivc pMQ ivroDIAW vloN pwey gey
ivSHw: s: gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw jI
Brm-BulyKy dUr huMdy hn Aqy is`KI dI AslI qsvIr swP swP nzr
isMG swihb jI Awpny s: gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw nUN Akwl Awaux lg pYNdI hY[
qKq auqy qlb kr ilAw hY pr gurmiq dI jo syvw aunwN ny kIqI hY Aqy kr Awp jI dI ic`TI qoN ieh BI jwpdw hY ik qusIN ku`J lokW dy khy khwey
rhy hn auh qwN v`fI mhwn syvw hY auhnw dw snmwn hoxw cwhIdw sI auhnw ny ieh ieqrwz ijauN dy iqauN sR. kwlwAPgwnw nUM Akwl qKq swihb qy

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 14
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

hwzr ho ky spStIkrn dyx leI Byj id`qy hn[quhwnUM cwhIdw sI ik gutikAW ivc pwT krn dIAW v`K v`K ivDIAW, iksmW Aqy ikMny ikMny
ienHW ieqrwzW dI gurmiq Anuswr GoK Awp kr lYNdy jW iksy inrp`K pwT A`f A`f idSWvW vl mUMh krky krn nwl ikhVy ikhVy Pl imldy
ivdvwn qoN krvw lYNdy[ sR. kwlwAPgwnw dIAW ikqwbW ivcoN ijQoN hn, Awid BI il`K id`qy hn[jQydwr jI dsx dI ikRpwlqw kro,kI
ieqrwz vwlIAW ieh lweInW cukIAW hn ,jy aus qoN QoVHw Agy ipCy ieh sB ku`J gurmiq Anuswr TIk ho irhw hY? sR.kwlwAPgwnw ny
iek-A`Dw sPw pVH ilAw huMdw qW Awp jI nUM ilKwrI dy mn dI ienHW jQybMdIAW dy mhWpurSW v`loN kIqIAW gurmiq ivroDI kwrvweIAW
Bwvnw,pMQ ipAwr Aqy pMQ leI drd dI smJ Aw jwxI sI[swry SMky dw bhuq hI dlyrI nwl prdw PwS kr ky sMgqW nUM gurmiq nwl joVn
dUr ho jwxy sn Aqy ies bzurg ivdvwn nUM Swied Akwl qKq qy qlb dw auprwlw kIqw hY[Aijhw il`K ky aunHW ikhVw mwVw kMm kr id`qw
krn dI nObq BI nw AwauNdI[ieh mMnxw BI AOKw lgdw hY ik Awp jI ijs dI szw qusIN aunHW nUM dyxI cwhuMdy ho[
nUM sR. APgwnw dIAW ilKqW bwry swrI AslIAq dw pqw ikvyN nw sR.kwlwAPgwnw ny pMQ nUM inGwr v`l jwx dy kwrn lB ky Aqy 8-10
hovy[Awp jI gurbwxI dy igAwqw ho Aqy ieh BI BlI BWq smJdy ho ik swl gurbwxI Aqy ihMdU Drm dy gRMQW dw AiDAYn krky ‘ibprn kI
gurbwxI ivc swry Sbd dI ivcwr jW rhwau dI qu`k nU smJy ibnW iek rIq….’ ikqwb dy ds Bwg ilKy hn[aunHW ny bhuq hI dlyrI nwl A`j
lweIn dy ArQ TIk nhIN ho skdy[ies qoN spSt hY ik iksy Kws dI is`KI dI AslIAq pyS kIqI hY[ieh TIk hY ik ikqy ikqy sKq
sizS ADIn hI,sR. APgwnw nUM sbk isKwaux leI ieh AfMbr ricAw SbdwvlI vrqI hY pRMqU jy ienHW ikqwbW nUM swP mn nwl piVHAw jwvy
igAw hY[ieh BI ho skdw hY ik AwpjI ny bdly dI Bwvnw nwl aunHW nUM qW ienHW ivcoN iksy ivr`uD kroD nhIN sgoN ilKwrI dy idl ivc pMQ leI
KUMjy lwaux dw ieh FukvW mOkw smiJAw hovy[ kwrn BwvyN koeI BI ipAwr Aqy drd JlkW mwrdw idsygw[ijnHW q`ukW dw qusIN AwpxI
hovy,ieh swrw kWf AKIr nUM is`K kOm leI mMdBwgw hI swbq hovygw[ ic`TI ivc izkr kIqw hY,aunHW nUM iesy sMDrB ivc dyKx dI loV hY[sR.
j`Qydwr jI! hux lgdy h`Q ieh il`Kx dI guSqwKI BI kr lYx idE ik APgwnw ny kuJ BI qW gurU gRMQ swihb jW iksy gurU swihb ivru`D
ies swry puAwVy dI jVH,pUrI qrHW isAwsq dy glby hyT dbI hoeI,swfI ilKxw qW iek pwsy irhw,soicAw BI nzr nhIN AwauNdw[iPr BI swry
AwpxI Dwrimk lIfriSp hI hY Aqy qusIN BI kwPI dyr qoN ies dw iek fyrydwrW ny aunHW iKlwP kWvW-rOlI pweI hoeI hY[jo vI gurU dw lwflw
AMg hoN[ jy SurU qoN swfI lIfriSp qkVI hoky pMQ pRvinq rihq gurmiq dI g`l krdw jW is`KI dI Asl qsvIr pyS krn dI koiSS
mirXwdw lwgU kr idMdI qW ieh bwby ,fyrydwr,sMq smwjI Awid A`j krdw hY,aus dy iKlwP ienHW lokW ny , AwpxI Awdq muqwibk, vw-
l`By nhIN sn iQAwauxy[ ienHW lokW ny Akwl qKq swihb dy brwbr vrolw KVHw krnw hI hY[
AwpxI AwpxI mirXwdw bxw ky Akwl qKq swihb nUM cYilMj kIqw huxy hI qusIN nwnkSwhI kYlMfr lwgU krn dI pRvwngI (BwvyN Ajy pUrI
hoieAw hY ijs dw A`j q`k iksy BI j`Qydwr jW is`K sMsQw ny koeI nhIN) id`qI hY[swry is`K jgq ivc KuSI dI lihr dOV geI pRMqU pqw
gMBIr noits nhIN ilAw[vydWqI jI, qusIN hI ds idE,kI ieh pKMfI nhIN ienHW T`gW dy iF`f pIV ikauN hox lg peI[qusIN AwphI dyK ilAw
fyrydwr pMQ qoN v`D au~cy Aqy izAwdw isAwxy hn? is`K sMgq A`j hY ik ikvyN quhwfy PYsly ivruD ieh lok m`KIAW vWg iek`Ty ho ky rOlw
smJdI hY ik ienHW fyrydwrW dIAW krqUqW kwrn hI is`K kOm lIro lIr r`pw pwaux lg pey hn[ies kYlMfr dI pRvwngI nwl ienHW nUM is`K
hoeI peI hY[pMjwb ivc sMq bwibAW dy Axigxq fyry sQwipq ho cuky kOm dI v`KrI pCwx mMn ley jwx dI KuSI nhIN hoeI sgoN ihMdU-is`KW
hn pRMqU au~Qy is`KI dw kI hwl hY?pMjwb dy ipMfW ivc swbq sUrq vwlw ivc pwVw nzr Awaux lg ipAw hY[Swied ieh TIk hI hox ikauNik
A`DKV aumr dw koeI bMdw jW muMfw qW l`B ky idKwE? au~Qy hwlq ieh pMQ vloN nwnkSwhI kYlMfr nUM pRvwngI imlx nwl ienHW dIAW ‘auproN
bx cukI hY ik is`KW Aqy ‘BeIAW’ dy muMifAW ivc pihcwx krnI AOKI Aw rhIAW grWtW’ jW ‘gupq dwnW’ au~qy koeI mwVw Asr pYNdw hovy[
ho geI hY[ik`Qy hY swfw invyklwpx ijs nUM kwiem rKx vwsqy swfy jQydwr jI! AKIr ivc Awp jI nUM bynqI hY ik Kud Awp sR.
gurUAW Aqy hor AnykW vfwrUAW ny AYny kSt J`ly Aqy kurbwnIAW kwlwAPgwnw dIAW ilKqW,swP mn nwl, pVH ky Aqy ivcwr ky hI
id`qIAW?jQydwr jI! kI iksy nUM ies gMBIr siQqI dI icMqw hY jW iksy koeI PYslw lYxw[ijvyN aunHW ny AwpxI hr dlIl dy p`K ivc gurU gRMQ
ny ies dy kwrn lBx dI koiSS kIqI hY? hr iek dw au~qr swihb ivcoN keI keI Sbd id`qy hn, quhwnUM BI aunHW dIAW ilKqW ivc
hovygw,‘nhIN’[ jy koeI itpxI glq nzr AwauNdI hY ,aus nUM gurbwxI dy AwDwr qy
pMQ ivc kyvl ibpR ny hI nhIN sgoN keI is`K ivdvwnW Aqy lokW swhmxy pyS krnI cwhIdI hY[vYsy BI hr ikqb Cpx qoN pihlW
bRhmigAwnIAW ny BI gurbwxI ivcoN iek A`DI lweIn lY ky AwpxI aus ikqwb dw KrVw Akwl qKq swihb nUM Aqy sbMDq ‘mhWpurSW’ nUM
‘loV’ muqwibk ArQ krky is`K sMgqW nUM vihmW BrmW ivc pwaux leI itpxI leI ByijAw jWdw irhw hY pRMqU iksy ny BI koeI jvwb nhIN sI
koeI ksr bwkI nhIN C`fI[ies sbMD ivc ieQy ku`J ku auDwrxw dyxIAW id`qw[mhWpurSW nUM Byjy ku`J pq`r, fwkKwny dIAW rsIdW smyq, ikqwbW
Xog hoxgIAW: ivc AMkq hn[ikqwbW Cpx qoN bwd, kI aunHW nUM hux ieh sB kuJ
iek jQybMdI Anuswr qW iek AMimRqDwrI isMG srbloh dy bwty ivc glq idsx lg ipAw hY? qusIN ienHW m`kwr lokW dI cwl smJo Aqy
A`DI ku CtWk pqwSy pw ky srb loh dI ikrpwn bwty ivc Pyrdw Awpxw p`qr vwips Ly ky ies bzurg ivdvwn nUM aunHW dIAW pMQ pRqI
hoieAw bIr Awsn lw ky jpujI swihb dw kMToN (mUMh zbwnI) pwT krky syvwvW leI snmwinq krn leI koeI auprwlw kro[ies ivc hI swry
AMimRq iqAwr kr skdw hY[d`so, kI ies nUM AMimRq kihxw jwiez pMQ dw Blw hY[vwihgurU sBnW nUM sum`q bKSy[ Bu`l c`uk leI iKmw kr
hY?iesy jQybMdI dy iek mhWpurS ilKdy hn ‘AMimRq Ckx smyN ipCly dyxw jI[
jnmW dy swry pwp bKSy jWdy hn[siqgurU swihb jI bKS idMdy gurU pMQ dw dws, myvw isMG itvwxw, kYYny fw
hn[siqgurW dw hukm hY,iek vwr vI ijs dy muK ivc AMimRq pY igAw
iPr BwvyN glqI krky mukq nw ho sko pr ds hzwr vrHy qk AsIN *****
nrkW ivc nhIN pYx idAWgy[vwr vwr is`K dy Gr jnm idAWgy[kdy qW LETTER TO JATHEDAR VEDANTI FROM
rihq rK ky mukq hovygw’[kI AijhI loV qoN v`D pRsMsw gurmiq AnukUl
hY? iek hor jQybMdI dy isMG Awm gurduAwirAW ivc dyg BI nhIN lYNdy
Aqy nw hI iksy hor jQybMdI dw koeI isMG aunHW dy lMgr ivc syvw hI
Param Sattkaaryog Giani Joginder Singh Jee,
kr skdw hY[keI jQybMdIAW ny gurbwxI ivgwV ky gurU dy SbdW nwl
Prof. Kirpal Singh Jee and other Jathedaars Jeeo
k`cIAW Dwrnw pVHnIAW SurU kIqIAW hoeIAW hn[iek hor jQybMdI ny
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 15
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh

We have received your very logical response to the actions
It is understood that you have given notice to the Author Bhai of Jathedar Akal Takht. You have very respectfully pointed
Gurbakhsh Singh Jee of Kala Afghana village in Gurdaspur out the limitations of the powers of the Jathedar and the
but now resident of Canada. It is not clear which provision of weakness in his stand. The matter was discussed in another
the Sikh Code of Conduct he has violated? Who is going to group of scholars here at Chandigarh. All were of the view
pay for his travel and accommodation expenses apart from that Kala Afghana has dared to come out with
harassment by the Central Agencies or his elimination like statements challenging Brahmanism, which has taken
Late Jaswant Singh Ji of Khalra and Jathedar Gurdev Singh over most of the Sikhs and their institutions, particularly
Ji Koanke? Will the SGPC or you take the responsibility? the Sant group. We should recognise his efforts.

What action has been taken against S. Parkash Singh Ji All of us may not agree with his statements but to
of Badal village, Giani Puran Singh Ji, Prof. Manjit Singh chargesheet him is not the right step. There are hundreds
Ji, Baba Thakur Singh Ji of Mehta Chowk, Baba Amar of authors who have written against the Sikh philosophy,
Singh Ji and other so called Sants and Babas because they even against Gurbani and Sikh history. We have not
do not follow the Sikh Reht Maryada? Can you or SGPC taken this sort of drastic action against them. There are
President transfer Giani Puran Singh Ji and Prof. Manjit alcoholic leaders who publicly drink and commit anti-Sikh
Singh Ji to Patna Sahib and Hazoor Sahib respectively? I acts. Some Sikh leaders are on record disrespecting Gurbani
humbly request that first take action against those Sikhs in and practicing Brahminical practices openly. Even the
Punjab and India and then only consider calling others from Jathedar Professor Manjit Singh in London has been
abroad provided SGPC meets all expenses and clearly points accused of many anti-Sikh activities, singing Kirtan to a
out their any lapses specifically. Or alternatively, when you dead body, brought to the Gurdwara. The list can go on
again visit Canada, you can visit his place. Respectfully, I and on.
follow "Gurbani & Sikh Reht Maryada" With kind regards,
An ordinary member of the Guru Khalsa Panth, In view of all this, I join you to suggest that a Sikh round
Gurmit Singh (Australia)
table conference of all Sikh shades should be held to design
***** procedures to educate Sikh masses regarding Gurmat
philosophy and Sikh Rehat Maryada. There is merit in the
Dear Prof. Kirpal Singh Jee, President SGPC, suggestion that Jathedars have lost their moral right to
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh preside as judges when they themselves have been
involved in anti-Sikh activities. It looks fine that some
As you know, Jathedaar, Giani Joginder Singh Jee, has summoned judges well-versed with Sikh philosophy and conversant
Bhai Gurbakhsh Singh Jee from Canada. It appears that he has not
done any wrong and at the most any clarification can be called for
with Sikh maryada are invited to clear the mess which our
from him in writing. There is no need to call him personally. With a Jathedars have created by their actions or lack of action.
view to avoid such controversy, will you kindly select five persons
from the following panel who may listen to both the parties/views While doing all this we have to be very submissive,
and then report to the SGPC for further remedial steps: obedient and use good words. There should be no rancour
in our minds believing that we all can make mistakes. The
1. Justice Kuldip Singh Jee, 2. whole situation is in a flux and unfortunately the SGPC
2. Justice Ajit Singh Jee (Bains), 3. leadership and the DSGMC leadership do not seem to be
3. Justice R. S. (Narula) Jee, 4. appreciative of finding correct religious leadership of the
4. Justice (Tiwana) Jee, 5.
5. Advocate, Dr. Malkiat Singh Jee (Rahi), 6.
Panth. They want to misuse their positions for personal
6. Advocate H. S. (Phooka) Jee, 7. propaganda only. Our philosophy that Sikh Panth should
7. Lawyer, Dr. Gurmit Singh Jee, lead the political party has been turned upside down.
plus any other retired Sikh Judge. Political leaders are known to decide as to who should be
With Guru Khalsa Panth's Charhdi Kalaa, Gurmit Singh, the President of the SGPC or DSGMC. These facts are
Australia. known to everybody and every rational thinking person is
worried about it. We have to find a solution for it. At
***** present there seems to be none.
IT IS TIME FOR EVERY GOOD SIKH TO All this was in the view of the scholars who gathered at
STAND UP AND BE COUNTED Roseville a couple of years back. They decided to start the
Singh Sabha Movement (International) to create the right
e-mail letter from Dr. Gurbakhsh Singh Gill kind of leadership for the Panth having the same characters
Dear Sardar Ujagar Singh ji and Giani Surjit Singh ji, of the Singh Sabha Movement of the 20th century. If Sikh
Gur Fateh! leadership in the world can agree to that philosophy, we
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 16
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

shall have to first create a World Singh Sabha consisting of been living here were sons of this soil and hence could not
Sikhs willing to sacrifice for the Panth and not sacrificing the be construed as members of the minority communities.
Panthic interests. Since conversion was never banned in India and hence
people kept on converting from one faith to another, all
May God bless you for your good intentions and give you including Jews and Christians were safest in India.
strength, moral, religious, social and also political so that However, Hindus who had migrated from India to England
your desire to restore the pristine glory of the Panth is or other countries should be considered as minorities. He
fulfilled. With regards, yours sincerely, Gurbakhsh Singh ridiculed the radical leaders who had been considering the
Sikhs as “separate distinct community”. When asked as to
[We whole-heartedly agree with Dr. Gurbakhsh Singh’s views as why he did not direct his leadership to hold meetings with
expressed above. Since he appears to have a role in the workings of Sikh high priests to sort out such matters, he said they had
the SGPC and its Dharam Parchar Committee, we would like him to
express these views to the Jathedars and powers that be in the
been doing so from time to time.
SGPC, openly and forcefully, as the recipient of his letter and Mr Sudarshan said that the Sikh masses were unlikely to
others, such as, Prin. Jasbir Singh, Bhai Jagtar Singh Jachak, Prof. accept the “Nanakshahi calendar” as all Gurpurbs and
Gurtej Singh and others have done. For several years Dr. Gurbakhsh other Sikh festivals had been celebrated on the basis of the
Singh has rendered a valuable service to the Sikh diaspora and we old Saka era. He claimed that in due course of time, Sikh
had hoped that with his return to Punjab and Sikh religious politics masses would reject the “Nanakshahi calendar”.
he would render similarly effective service. If he feels he is not Varinder WaliaTribune News Service
being effective in leading the Jathedars in the right direction, we
invite him back to carry on his effective service for the diaspora [Highlighted argument of Sudarshan is the only thing we partly agree with.
youth. We will join him in his endeavours. ED.] Rest is crap. Same argument was thrown at this writer by a group of
Sudarshanites in Sacramento not too long ago. Their contention was that
because Sikhs consider all the Gurus as ‘Jyote’ of Guru Nanak, therefore,
***** when 10th Nanak says, “ Deh Shiva Ver Mohe Ihe…” he is praying to a
Hindu Goddess. Thus all the Sikh Gurus were Hindus. This writer agreed
with them only in part, i.e. it would be true to say that any one who recites
WHY HINDUS INSIST SIKHS ARE HINDUS that, he would be addressing a Hindu Goddess and will be a Hindu, not a
Sikh, but the 10th Nanak did neither recite nor write that. It was a diabolical
K.S. SUDARSHAN SPEAKS FOR JATHEDARS scheme of the ‘Bipar’ to mislead us. That scheme will succeed only so long
Tribune Chandigarh of Jan.31, 2003. as we allow Jathedars like Vedanti to stay on the job and treat Akhand
“The recitation of Gurbani from the holy Dasam Granth Kirtani Jatha , Damdami Taksal and Rashtrya Sikh Sangat as part of the
Sikh Panth. It should be crystal clear to the apologists of the so-called
at Patna Sahib and Hazoor Sahib, two of the five Takhts Dasam Granth ( Baba Virsa Singh, Akhand Kirtani Jatha, Damdami Taksal,
of Sikhs, every day has proved beyond doubt that Sikhs RSS and Five Takhat Jathedars) that their game is over. Please read the
are part of the Hinduism.” These were the views expressed following pieces by Giani Surjit Singh, Missionary, New Delhi, Sudesh Pal
here today by RSS chief K.S. Sudarshan in an interview with Kaur, daughter-in-law of Prin. Harbhajan Singh, Bhai Jagtar Singh Jachak,
and Dr. Jasbir Singh Mann. Our views about what is happening at Patna
The Tribune. He claimed that even Sikh Gurus had preached Sahib, Nanded Sahib and Hemkunt are well expressed in the Sept. 2000
that Sikhs were part of Hindus. Mr Sudarshan said that the and Jan. 2001 issues of The Sikh Bulletin. ED]
definition of Hindu “dharma” was deliberately distorted by
the British while translating it into English as “religion”. He *****
said the word “dharma” had wider meaning than the word
“religion”. Elaborating, he said the word “dharam” did not syvw ivKy,isMG swihb BweI juigNdr isNG jI
have any synonym in English. Hindu dharma should be vydwNqI
considered as a way of life — a definition which was even
Date. 20-08-2000
accepted by the Supreme Court in 1944. “Whosoever lives in siqkwr jog jQydwr sRI Akwl qKq swihb
India will have to accept it”. He claimed that even Sikh
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ]
Gurus preached this definition during their lifetime. He said
if Muslims, Jews etc. accepted this definition of “dharma”,
they were free to worship at their religious places. AkwlpurK dI mhwn bKiSS sdkw, pMQ dI srboc sMsQw, sRI Akwlq^q
swihb dI syvw AwpjI vrgy Ajyhy mhwn siqkwrjog s`jx pws AweI hY,
Replying to a question, Mr Sudarshan said the British had ijnHW nwl dws idlW dIAW gihrweINAW qON gl sWJI kr skdw hY[ pMQ dy
created a chasm between Hindus and Sikhs for their vested vfy ihq ivc ApxI ies mwnisk Gbrwht nUM AwpjI nwl swNJI krnI
interests. He alleged that “Keshadharis” (those who wear Aiq zrUrI smJdw hW jI[ Aj Dwrimk p`Dr qy pMQ dy jo ANdrUnI hwlwq
unshorn hair) were mentioned as Sikhs by the British during bxdy jw rhy hn, pMQ dI hoNd Aqy BivK vwsqy iek bhuq vfI Kqry dI
the first census of the country, though they (the Sikhs) had GNtI qoN Gt nhIN[
asked the census authorities to record them as “Hindus and mYklof qoN ieh gl SurU hoeI sI Aqy bVy lwMmbNd qrIky nwl swihb SRI gurU
Sikhs both”. Coming heavily on radicals, Mr Sudarshan said gRNQ swihb jI dI Azmq qy hmlw ho cukw hY Aqy sNgqwN nU in~q BmlBUsy
that there was no minority community in India, as they all ivc pwieAw jw irhw hY [ khy jWdy dsm gRMQ nUN hiQAwr bxwieAw igAw
were part of Hindus as the Muslims, Jews and Jains who had
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 17
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

hY[ dUjy pwsy gurbwxI soJI dw TIk pRcwr pRbMD nw hon dw istw ivdySW ivc • ipCly lgBg FweI sO swlW qoN vD smyN qoN lgwqwr v~D rhI Aqy
isK pnIrI pUUrI qyzI nwl isK Drm dw iqAwg kr rhI hY [ iek pUrw vDweI jw rhI, pMQ aupr bRwhmxI j`kV sMgqW ivckwr gurbwxI jIvn
KfXNqr rc ky ipCly drvwzy qoN sMswr p~Dr qy duSmx ApxI GuspYT ivc dI Gwt dw is~tw hY[ iesy AigAwnqw dw is~tw hY ik Aj pMQ dI
pUrI qrW s&l hY[ pMjwb ivc vI ies pKoN hwlq bhuq mwVI ho cukI hY[ ip~T ivc Curw Gopx vwly, ivkwau lokW dw vI pMQ AMdr koeI Gwtw
nhIN[ Aj in~q pMQ ivcoN Ajyhy bMdy Aqy fyhry KrIdy qy pMQ ivruD
isK ivroDI dy rUp ivc,A^aqI Awr.AYs.AYs (RSS) auBr ky swhmxy Aw vrqy jw rhy hn[ smW rihNdy Ajyhy lokW nUM pihcwnx Aqy nSr krn
cukw hY[ dsm gRNQ nUN hiQAwr bxwieAw igAw hY[ gurbwxI jIvn dI Gwt dI loV hY[
vwly mOjUdw vwqvrx ivc, pNQ ivcoN hI ivkwa iksm dy bMidAW nUN KrId ky
• iqMn sO swlw dI AwV ivc, Awr. AYs.AYs dy pVHdy ivc, pMQ aupr
vriqAw jw irhw hY[ sRI gurU gRNQ swihb jI dy nwl dsm gRMQ dw brwbrI dw
bVw v~fw Aqy mwrU hmlw ho cukw hY[ ivcly smyN ivc bVy ivaMqbMD
pRkwS, mukwbly ivc ausdI rcnw dw v~D cVH ky pRcwr, EhnW vwsqy AauKI
qrIky kIqIAW-isK ieiqhws Aqy isK rihxI ivc imlwvtW, aunINvIN
gl nhIN[ gurduAwirAW Aqy isK skUlW ivc Awr.AYs.Ays.dw dwKlw pUrI
sdI dy AMq ivc pRgt kIqy gey “dsm gRMQ” nUN AwDwr bnw ky, ivroDI
qrHW ho cukw hY[ AnykW AKaqI isKI dy fyhry ies GtIAw kwrguzwrI ivc
qwkqW ijvyN lwMmbND ho ky, pMQk hsqI nUM imtwax vwsqy hmlwAwvr
EhnW dI vfI qwkq dw kMm kr rhy hn[ smyN dI QoVI ijnHI iFl vI bhuq
ho cukIAW hn, bhuq vfI icMqw dw ivSw hY[ hriek pMQk hyqU, sUJvwn
vfw nukswn kr skdI hY[
Aqy drdI dI nzr ies vkq, ies pKoN, ApxI srboc sNsQw “sRI
Akwl qKq swihb” qy itkI hY[
AkwlpurK ny AwpjI nUN Swied smyN dI qwkq iesy vwsqy bKSI hY ik ies
pMQGwqI swizS nUN smW riNhdy nkyl pweI jw sky[ AwpjI vrgy sulJy mojUdw dsm gRMQ Aqy AslI dsm gRMQ
ivdvwn s~jx vwsqy bhuqw vyrvw AwpjI dI Swn nwl myl nhIN KwNdw ,nwl
n~QI ies pKoN hlkI jhI ivcwr dI iejwzq cwhuNdw hW jI[ • dsmyS jI ny Awid bIV ivc nONvy pwqSwh dI bwxI, BweI mnI isMG jI
Awr.AYs.AYs Aqy iesdw ipCokV pwsoN drj krvweI[ aus v~kq sNMgqW kol hun do qrHW dIAW bIVW sn[
pUry l&zW ivc iesdw nwm “rwStrIAw isK sMgq” vriqAw jw pihcwx vwsqy nvIN bIV vwsqy , kuJ smW- l&z “ dsvyN pwqSwh
irhw hY Aqy iesdI jnmdwqw “rwStrI svXm syvk sMG” hY[ vwlI bIV” pRclq ho igAw[ mukdI gl, mOjudw swihb sRI gurU gRMQ
swihb jI hI kuJ smyN vwsqy “dsvyN pwqSwh vwlI bIV” dy nwm nwl
• sNswr Br ivc iksy vI sMsQw jW smudwX nUM “isK sMgq” dI trm
pRclq rhy Aqy ieiqhws ivc ieh nwm imldw hY[
vrqx dw AiDkwr nhIN[ ieh Sbd kyvl SRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI
qwibAw juVIAW gurU kIAW sNgqW (Kws kr isK sMgqW) vwsqy hY Aqy • sRI nwMdyV swihb dy sQwn qy, sMn 1708 ivc ,pMj ipAwirAW nUN
pMQ nUM gurU pwqSwh dI dyn hY[ pMQ dI ies ivrwsq pKON rwKI vwsqy qwibAw KVy krky gurg~dI AQvw sMpUrxqw kyvl swihb SRI gurU gRMQ
dws dI AwpjI pws sinmr bynqI hY[ swihb jI nUM hI bKSI [ kI Aj AsIN gurU swihb qoN vI v~D isAwxy ho
gey hW ik vIhvIN sdI dy AMq ivc Acwnk hI pRgt kIqy dsm gRMQ
• Awr.AYs.AYs iek AjyhI sMsQw hY jo isK Drm dI inAwrI hsqI nUM
dw pRkwS vI, ijQy zor cilAw, swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy nwl
mUloN hI pRvwn nhIN krdI[ iesdw ieko iek inSwnw isK Drm nUM
Aqy brwbrI ivc vI krnw SurU kr idqw[ ieQy hI bs nhIN, ivroDI
bRwhmxI AQvw ihMdU Drm ivc Klq mlq krky iesdI inAwrI hoNMd
sj~x– “dsm gRMQ” gurbwxI dI brwbrI dw siqkwr duAwax vwsqy hr
nUNM Kqm krnw hY[ swihb sRI gurU gRMQ jI rwhIN qwN ieh gl, iqMn kwl
hIlw vrqx vwsqy koeI ksr Cfx nUN iqAwr nhIN[ scweI ieh hY ik
sNBv nhIN[ hiQAwr bxwieAw jw irhw hY AKauqI dsm gRMQ nUN, jo
vIhvIN sdI dy AMq qIk mojUdw swry “dsm gRMQ” dw nwm “bicqr
ivdvwnW Anuswr, ibnwN Sk hY hI 95% bRwhmxI rcnw[
nwtk” hI sI[ AnMdpur swihb dw iklw C~fx smyN,pOMtw swihb vwlI
• ApxI dUr dI plwinNg Anuswr bVy ivENMqbMD qrIky nwl Aj ieh swrI rcnw srsw ndI dI ByNt ho geI[ ieiqhwskwrW Anuswr ies
sMsQw gurduAwrw swihbwn Aqy isK ividAwKyqr (AnYksr-2) ivc swry dw vzx nO mn Aqy gRMQ dw nwm ‘ividAwDr’ AQvw
pUrI qrHW dwiKl ho cukI hY[ iqMn sO swlw dI AwV ivc ies vloN vMifAw ‘ividAwswgr’ gRMQ sI[ hun qW kuJ fyhry AQvw lok Ajyhy vI pRgt
igAw iltrycr, ies ivSy aupr iek vfw sbUq hY[ hony ArMB ho gey hn, ijnHwM ieh pRcwrnw SurU kr idqw hY, aus ivc
dsm gRMQ vI sI[zrUrI hY ik vyly isr ies cwl dI gihrweI nMU
• gurU nwnk pwqSwh rwhIN sc Drm dy pRkwS dy nwl hI , hnyrw psMd
nwipAw jwvy Aqy nkyl pweI jwvy[
aulU ibrqI jnUMnI lokW rwhIN gurU Gr qy qwbV qoV hmly AwrMB ho gey
pr dsmyS ipqw dy smyN qIk ieh ivroDI qwkqW gurU Gr dy mzbUq ikly • dsmyS jI dy joqI joq smwax auprMq, BweI mnI isNG jI Awid
ivc dwKl nhIN ho skIAW[ sMn 1716 bwbw bNdw isNG jI bhwdur dI isAwxy AwgUAW ny audm kIqw ik dsmyS jI dIAW rcnWvW nUN iekqR
Shwdq qoN bwd isKW nUN lmW smW jNglW mwrUQlW ivc jwnw ipAw[ gurU kIqw jwvy[ pMQk hwlwq bhuq Krwb sn, hirmNidr swihb qy
AsQwnW qy ivroDI qwkqW keI rUpW ivc, pUrI qrW kwibz ho geIAW[ msyrMgV dw kbzw sI [ jo kuJ iekqR hoieAw Eh imlwvt sI[ CWtI
isK rihxI, isK ieqihws, isK rvwieqW-mqlb ik hr pKoN isK aus smyN sNBv nhIM sI[ swrI rcnw nUM hwl dI GVI “ivicqr nwtk”
jIvn nUM Klq-mlq kr idqw igAw[ ieh Apxy ivc iek lMmI Bwv “ivicqR nwtkIX sNgrih”dw nwm dy ky rK idqw[ mqlb sI,
iviQAw hY [ iesy klm qoN “gurbwxI qoN Pwslw” ivc inBwax dw sOKy smyN CwNtI kr leI jwvygI[ pMQ aupr bRwhmxI j~kV Aqy gurbwxI
inmwxw ijhw j~qn kIqw igAw hY[ soJI pKoN AigAwnqw idnoidn v~DdI geI[

• aunHIvINN sdI dy AMq qIk pMQ kyvl pMj bwxIAwN “jwp swihb,
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 18
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

z&rnwmw, qyqI svYXy, Sbd hzwry Aqy Akwlausqq {ANqm dyvI jgt jnnI-m", BEN d; aEs; soSn ate Puh vI abl;b" dI rLiKA krn v;le
ausq~q vwly slok C~fky} nUM hI dsmyS rcnwvW mMndw sI[ swry dsm K;lse dI pn;h 'c. pMq aLge jodxI hE, pMq drdIa" nU| isr jox bEW ivc;r
gRMQ nUM dsmyS jI dI rcnw dw h~T krn vwly kyvl vIhvIN sdI ivc krn dI. Pus sitgur de n;m lev; gurisLK" nU| ijs de anmol te hLkI bcn
Acwnk Aqy iekdm swhmxy Awaxy SurU hoey hn[ vyrvy ivc jwvo qW hn:-
iksy kol koeI dlIl nhIN[ keIN ilKqW ivcoN qW h~TDrmI Aqy ipCly BMiD jMmIaE BMiD inMmIaE BMiD mMgNu vIAhu.
drvwzy qoN iksy KfXNqr dI bU vI spSt AwNdI hY[ BMDhu hovE dostI BMDhu clE r;hu.
BMDu mUA BMDu B;lIaE BMiD hovE bMw;nu.
• dsm gRMQ qyy pI.AYc.fI dI ifgrI , iek AjyhI dOV cwlU kIqI geI hY[
so ikPu mMd; AKIaE ijtu jMmih r;j;n.
hriek gurbwxI igAwn qON korw bMdw vI kyvl ifgrI lYx vwsqyy
sudeS p;l kOr, aEm Xe, spuLtrI B;XI s;ihb hrBjn isMQ
,ApxI kVHI Goln leI sBqON v~D Agy Aw irhw hY[ jy smyN isr iDAwn [Contributed by Sarbjit Singh Sandhu, Sacramento]
nw idqw igAw qW nyVy BivK ivc, ivroDIAW kol, ieh srkwrI ifgrI,
v~fw pMQ mwrU hiQAwr vI swbq ho skdI hY[ dsm gRMQ aupr *****
pI.AYc.fI iksy AigAwnqw qoN cwlU kIqI geI jW iksy ivrODI swizS dw
is~tw-ies pwsy vI pMQ nUM bhuq jldI iDAwn dyn dI loV hY[
guris~K sMgqW nwl DRoh Aqy DoKw
AqI siqkwr sihq, (ipRN:ig:surjIqisNG,isK imSnrI) A~j klH dyS-ivdyS dy gurduAwrw swihbwn ivc 'isK sMgq
Aw& AmrIkw' vloN pRkwiSq 'sMgq sMdyS' nwmI pusqk,
***** A^bwrW dy nwl mu&q vMfI jw rhI hY[ 'isK sMgq Aw&
AmrIkw' Asl ivc 'rwStrI isK sMgq' dw bdilAw hoieAw
pr afsos n; pxHdI t" cMg; huMd;--- nwm hY jo ik gurisK sMgqW nUM Brmwaux ih~q k~tV ihMdU jmwq
asih wLk; lLg; Pudo' jdoo' pt; cilA ik iXh hE dsm gRMq dI 'rwStrIX svYm syvk sMG' vloN bxweI hoeI iek SwKw hY[isK
b;NI d; vLD; ihLs;, ''Srm AtI hE, mgr Aj yeh kihn; hog;'' sMgq Aw& AmrIkw dw pRDwn svwmI sRI rvI SMkr hY[ ies
mere ipt; jI B;XI s;ihb (ipRs M Ipl) hrBjn isMQ jI ne koXI 25 ku pustk" pusqk dy AwrMB ivc isK sMgq Aw& AmrIkw dy mwrg drSk
isLK wrm-gurmit ivc;r" b;re ilKIa" ate anek" gRMqI, pRc;rk, ivdv;n, mMfl dy mYNbrW dy nwm Aqy ilKy hoey sMdyS pVH ky inScy ho jWdw
lIDr, jqed;r ate ividA d;t; pEd; kIte. Qr ivLc merI iDPUTI ijqe ipt; jI
hY ik ieh lok kOx hn[
dI roTI p;NI dI sev; dI hud M I, Puqe mE' Pun"H nUM ihMdI 'c ilKIa" pustk" pxH ke
suN;Pu'dI ate Puh bxe SOk n;l ApNIa" ilKt" mEnUM pxH;Pu'de.
pusqk dy pMnw nMbr 7 qy Bwrq dy pRDwn mMqrI Atl ibhwrI
pr sMn 1995-96 'c PunH" ne iXLk pustk d; Krx; 'dsm gRMq b;re coNve' leK'
vwjpweI dw sMdyS dyx auprMq 'rwStrIX isK sMgq Bwrq' dy
itAr kIt; . kdI mere n;l Pus b;re gLl n; kItI, n; kdI pxH ke uN;iXA. kuZ
pRDwn icrMjIv isMG dw sMdyS hY[ pMnw 15 qy rwStrIX svYm
poqIa", pustk" te gMRq ApNI alm;rI ivc luk; ke rLKNe SurU kr idLte. smZ
sMG dy swr sMG cwlk pRo. rijMdrw isMG vloN 'Kwlsw
nhI' sI APu'dI, kI m;jr; hE. iXh ikhx; KJ;n; hE jo t;le c;bI 'c luk; ke
isgnIPweIz, siprt Aw& ihMdUiezm' dy isrlyK hyT lyK hY[
rLiKA j"d; hE, pr puLizA kde n;.
dwdw lCmx cylw rwm, sMq bwbw ivrsw isMG Aqy rwjw
mrigMdrw isMG dy nwm BI Swiml hn[duK dI gl hY ik bwdl
22 m;rc 1998 nU| ipt; jI klm mere ptI sitn;m isMQ nU| ivrse 'c sO'p
srkwr dI vrqoN krky SoRmxI kmytI dI aus smyN dI pRDwn bIbI
pRRItm de deS tur gXe. sitn;m isMQ jI ne ApNI pustk 'dunIa" husIAr bed;r'
jgIr kOr nUM lpytidAW ausdw sMdyS vI Poto smyq AMikq hY[
itAr krnI SurU kItI. huN irh; n; igA iXLk idn sitn;m isMQ jI dI gEr
h;JrI ivc hOsl; kr t;l; KolH poqIa" d; aiwaEn kIt;.
gurisK sMgqW nUM pusqk pRqI luBwiemwn krn leI pusqk dy
muK pMny qy sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI mhwrwj dw bhuq suMdr icqr
pr afsos n; pxHdI t" cMg; huMd;. aEnI aSlIl B;S; Aqy ipCly pwsy vI gurU swihb jI dy jIvn nwl sbMiDq icqr
ate aEnIa" ivBc;rI gLl". mE' kde soc nhI' sI idqy geY hn[ pr pusqk dy AMdr pMnw 19 qy gurdyv jI nUM bhu
skdI ik s;De Qr ivc aEsIa" pustk", poqIa" cricq dsm gMRQ qy AwDwirq dyvI BvwnI, sUrj dyvqw Aqy
cMdr dyvqw A~gy pRwrQnw krdy drswey hn[ cirqro pKXwn
hoNgIa" ate idl nU| asih wLk; Pudo' lLg; jdo' pt; ivclI 'hmrI kro hwQ dy r~Cw' vwlI cOpeI dy pihly A~T bMd
cLilA ik iXh hE dsm gRMq dI b;NI d; vLD; ihLs;, ilK ky ihMdI ivc ivSyS qOr qy ieauN iliKAw hYY:
jo m;t; itRpt; de spuLtr te bebe n;nkI de vIr dI “dsm gurU goibMd isMG dyvI durgw BvwnI ky AnnIX aupwSk
gLdI de v;rs, m;t; gMg; jI de pxpote, m;t; n;nkI Qy[ Kwlsw kI isrjnw sy pihly aunyH SkqI X~g kw AnuSTwn
kIXw Qw[ auprokq CMd myN aunhoN ny dyvI kw AwSIrvwd pwny ky
de pote ate srbMs d;nI m;t; gujrI jI dIa" aLK" de lIey pRwrQnw kI hYY "[
t;re, s;ihbe km;l gurU goibMd isMQ de muK;ribMd to' cMfI cirqr ivcoN 'dyih iSvw br moih iehY' dy ArQ kridAW
Puc;rI khI j"dI hE. afsos, sd afsos. iliKAw hY :

“hy dyvI BvwnI muJy XhI vrdwn dIjIey ik mYN Apny jIvn myN
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 19
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

sdw suB krmoN myN privrq rhUM ”

'ikRSnw Avqwr dI pMgqI ' hy riv hy sis hy kruxwinD' dy - Martyrdom of the 5th and 9th Guru to uphold religious
ArQ, ' hy sUrX dyv! hy cMdr dyvqw kIqy hn[
- Testimony of Moshan Fani (Muslim Chronicle, 1645)
svYm sMG dw muKI sRI ky sudrSn pMnw 30 qy ilKdw hY, 'AMgryzoN
ny sMpUrn is~K pMQ ( ijs myN kySDwrI-sihjDwrI sBI Qy) ko
sMkIrx kr kyvl kySDwrIAW q~k sImq kr dIAw Aor khw ik - Execution of Banda and 740 Sikhs in New Delhi (not
even one desecrated while given the choice to do, 1715-
isK ihMdU smwj kw AMg nhIN hYN[mYkwilP jYsy AMgryzoN ny pRXqn
kIAw ik isKoN ko CyS ihMdU smwj sy Alg kr dIAw jwey[ ies
pRkwr eyk AYsI iviDq pRMprw auqpMn ho geI ijs ny ies ihMdU - First sikh ghalughara in 18th century when governor
smwj ky Kvg Asq ko ihMdU smwj sy Alg krny kI koiSS Yahiya Khan issued proclamation killing all Sikhs
kI[Xid gurU gMRQ swihb Aor dsm gMRQ kw AiDAYn kIAw jwey
- Why prices on Sikh heads were fixed by Mughals?
qo vh ienky sBI dwvoN ko KoKlw isD kr dyqw hY[ iesI lIey
Xh lok dsm gMRQ kw AiDk AiDAYn nhIN krqy ikauN ik Xid - Misal Raj
Xh dsm gMRQ kw AiDAYn kryNgy qo vh aus myN ihMdUqv hI
pweyNgy['.. 'Awj jo ivAkqI Kwilsqwn kw nwArw lgwqy hYN vy - History of Maharaha Ranjit Singh period (His
vwsqv myN Apny gurUEN kI sIK ky ivprIq kwrX kr rhyN government was know as Sarkar-i-Khalsa; he issued
coins in the name of the Guru and all his princes were
hYN['(pMnw 31)
addressed as Khalsa. He was made to appear at Akal
Takhat and was granted Tankhah.)
Ayh swbq krdw hY ik iesy leI sudrSn vrgy sMG syvk sRI
gurU gMRQ swihb jI dI QW sRI dsm gMRQ nUM pRkwSmwn krn leI Sikhism Vaisnism
auqwvly hn[ikauN ik ies duAwrw ihMdUqv nUM bfwvw imldw hY[so 1. Spiritual experience is that God is Sach Chit Anand –
Love-Ocean of virtues. A dynamic Blissful and Quiet.
gMRQI, pRcwrk, gurisK sMgqW Aqy gurduAwrw swihbwn dy pRbMDk experience.
sjxW nUM sucyq hox dI loV hY qW jo AsIN isK sMgq Aw& 2. World Real-Arena of spiritual growth. Maya
AmrIkw dy nwm duAwrw idqy jw rhy DoKy Aqy Droh qoN jwxU huMdy, 3. Life Affirming Life-Negating
ibprvwdI soc qoN bc ky gurU nwnk dy inrml qy inAwry pMQ dy 4. Monotheism Pantheism
pWDI bxy rhIey[gurisK sMgqW dw dws, 5.God interested in the world. He is milk Dichotomy between
jgqwr isMG jwck, 100 lYitMg twaUn rof, glYn kov inaUXwrk 11542
to child, eyes to blind, riches to poor and spiritual and empirical
Tel: 516 674 6793
helper of the weak. This means life of man. Hence
[Please see SB Nov.& Dec. 1999 and Aug. 2000 on RSS & SSA. ED] combination between spiritual and monasticism& Sanyas.
empirical life of man.
6. Householder’s life with full social Celibacy and Sanyas
***** responsibility
SIKHS ARE NOT HINDUS 7. Equality of man and woman. Women Woman not fit for
Comparative Study of Hindu Traditions and Sikh Religion in charge of missionary districts. Vaishnava path.
(Uniqueness of Sikh Scripture, Sikh Identity & Sikh Ideology) 8. Equality and brotherhood of man. Hierarchical caste –
By Dr. Jasbir S. Mann Sudras not fit for Bhakti.
9. Man’s spiritual assessment of his All morality is supernal-
This is in reference to the recent controversy raised by Rashtriya virtuous deeds. By our deeds we are near moral. To do only one’s
Swayamsewak Sangh Chief, K.S. Sudershan that Sikhs are Hindus or away form God. Higher than Truth is caste duty or ritual acts.
which was published in many of the newspapers published in truthful living.
Punjab and outside on January 30-31, 2003. He blames that 10. Work and sharing essential Sanyas
Britishers deliberately distorted the meaning of word “dharma” as 11. Methodology of remembering God Ritualistic, formal, or
they did not have any synonymous word in the dictionary. It is an and of virtuous deeds and social emotional dancing,
interesting observation of Sudershan who seems to be totally responsibility. meditational.
ignorant about the Sikh identity and Sikh history prior to Britshers Sex-methodology
arrival in India. If Sikh religion has no separate identity then he has accepted.
to explain the following historical facts: 12. Use of force accepted if other means Ahimsa.
- History of Guru Period (Sri Chand , Mohan, Prithi , and 13. Goal is to be the instrument of Gods Merger in Brahman
Ram Rai transgressed Sikh beliefs in early Sikh history Will.
and were isolated)
- Sikh Scripture delineating independent Sikh identity. 3rd
Guru on pg. 360 GGS is very clear “although the Six
Hindu systems are prevalent everywhere but the Guru
system is profound and unequalled”.

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 20
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

14. Jivan Mukta active and accepts social Individual salvation. Therefore it decries the renunciation and all types of
responsibility. In the above context Guru Ritual duties performed. ascetic practices.
Nanak did three things. He created a 7. It advocates the equality of all human beings,
panth and appointed a successor to irrespective of birth and sex. The woman is in no way
continue the mission. He identified the inferior to man. It rejects all distinctions of caste and
social problems of caste and that of the color.
political oppression. Rejected Ahimsa as 8. The State has to play its part in the provision of food,
an inviolable rule. Finally Panth was shelter, and clothing to the members of the society.
created and Guru Granth was appointed There can be no devotion, if the individual is not carefree
as Guru in pursuance of the doctrine of about his requirements.
Miri and Piri. 9. It presents a balanced combination of action, devotion,
and knowledge. Whereas the body has to work for the
well-being of family and society while the mind has to
Sikhism: A Religion of Numina (Naam) and not Phenomena remain in tune with the Lord. Service is, thus, the motto
Guru Gobind Singh himself directed the sikhs to follow guru of an adherent of Guru Granth Sahib. His best service
granth and no other book nor any human being. Numinous toward the Guru and the Lord is the remembrance to the
experience is inherent in Frie’s Ahndung (longing), Name.
Schleiermachar’s Feeling, Kant’s Things in Themselves (noumena) 10. The religion of Guru Granth Sahib is most practical. The
and Kapur Singh’s Antithesis of phenomena. It stands for the holy devotee overbrims with love and devotion. The whole
minus its moral factor and without any rational aspect. It is world appears as a family to him. The earth is an abode
irreducible to any other factor. Numinous consciousness involves of Dharma for him.
shaking fear of repulsion and an element of powerful fascination. It 11. Breaks dichotomy between spiritual and empirical lives.
can only be understood by “ideograms” i.e. not through logic, but 12. Rejects Ascetism.
only symbolically. The core of religious experience is inherent in 13. Rejects Varnasharm Dharma which incorporates basic
the awareness of non-moral holiness as a category of value. The caste system.
numinous experience is the core and base of Sikh religion and its 14. Rejects Ahsma.
ingredients i.e. religiously sensitive mind in relation to his/her 15. God Never incarnates. He is Un-Incarnated and
apprehension of himself/herself and universe around him/her. The Transcendent.
ultimate reality is not comprehensible through the sensory motor
perceptions and speculations. Sikhism is a religion of Naam World-View and Guru Granth Sahib
(neumina), which is asserted through 30,000 hymns of Sikh Both the surveys of Maxwebster and Schwitzer bring out that all
scripture through revealed statements, literary similes and allusions. Indian religions are life-negating and suggest withdrawal from life.
Naam is God, and God is Naam, and the practice of religion This is quite true of Buddhism, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Vedanta and
revolves around the Naam. Sikh religious thought cannot be even the Sant Tradition. All these Hindu systems as indicated
interpreted through any phenomenal process.Guru Ganth is a unique above, involve withdrawal from life, and denial of social
scripture and Sikhism has its own identity as follows: responsibility. Evidently, systems that recommend Ahimsa,
asceticism, monasticism, Sanyasa, celibacy or withdrawal from
1. Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Scripture is purely life, reject every kind of social involvement, much less social
monotheistic. It accepts only one God and rejects all other responsibility, as an unwanted bondage.
deities, spirits, angels, etc. Only God is immortal. All
other deities are mortal and prone to death. S. K. Mitra, who has surveyed the ethics of all Hindu systems, says
2. The religion of Guru Granth Sahib, being free from “that the common feature of all doctrines of the ideal life, or
inhibitions of any kind regarding the way of life and its Moksha, is the conception of ideal as strictly moral idea.” It is so,
adaptability in all the religions of the world vouches its because all these systems accept a clear dichotomy between the
universality. It is not a religion of the chosen people (like spiritual path and the empirical path, and, thus life-negation is a
Judaism), but instead, it is the religion of the entire natural and logical consequence of all these religious systems and
humanity. It raises above all the regional barriers. their world-view.
3. It rejects all ritualism, formalism, and symbolism. It has
no belief in any sacrament. But Sikhism, as the hymns and lives of the Gurus express and
4. It focuses all its attention on the enfoldment of discipline demonstrate very clearly, has a world-view of life-affirmation,
for the attainment of the unity of the soul with God. The since in the Sikh ideology there is an inalienable combination
emphasis has been laid on the adoption of godly qualities between the spiritual life and the empirical life of man. For,
by the seeker. whatever is within the domain of God, is also within the sphere of
5. It repudiates the prevalent theories of Creation and scans operation of the Godman. In short, Sikhism is a whole-life
the universe as the wok of the Creator, whose existence religion with a world-view entirely opposed to that of other
pulsates everywhere in His Creation. The extent and Indian religions.
expanse of the Creation of the Infinite Lord cannot be
delimited. Guru Granth as a New Scripture with New Ideology with New
6. It lays great emphasis on honest and sincere labor. Its Religious Experience.
religion is the religion of workers and householders. Vedas and Upanishads are without doubt the scriptures of all
Hindu systems. But Sikhism completely denies their authority,
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The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

and Guru Nanak even calls some of their injunctions to be wrong. Upset over “distortions” in NCERT books on Sikh Gurus, SGPC
The Sikh Gurus were so clear and particular about the independent Chief Prof Kirpal Singh Badungar has drawn the attention of Prime
and separate identity of their religious system and the complete Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to the ‘bunglings’, which has
originality and newness of its character that they took very misrepresented the facts.
significant stage, which no other religious leader in the world had
done. They specifically compiled and authenticated the Sikh It is alleged that the class XI history book in a chapter on a
Scripture. Secondly, since the time of its compilation in 1604 A.D., ‘Mediaeval India’ page 125 mentions that Guru Nanak Dev
it is the complete repository of and the final authority on the Sikh ‘renounced’ the world which is complete mis-representation of
ideology and its doctrines. Since the Gurus called it revealed Sikhism and against first Sikh Guru’s teachings on “grahist jiwan”
Bani, it has been regarded as the Shabad having the sanction of (family life).
Similarly a mistake has been committed on page 175 of the same
The Tenth Master took two important steps in this regard. First, he book. In this, 10 Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh has been
introduced the Nash doctrine, thereby making a complete and final mentioned as “devotee of Goddess Chandi”. Since Sikh religion
break with all other Indian ideologies. Neither the Vedas and does not accept any intermediary between God and man the
Upanishads, nor any other religious systems is given any reference was against Sikh theology, history and philosophy, he
sanction or accepted as authentic. We all know that the Bani of said.
Bhagats in the Guru Granth is a selection. It is accepted only to the
extent it is in consonance with the doctrines of the Gurus. And even Prof Badungar also pointed out that in another instance on the
where differences seem to be suggested, the Gurus have made same page the Sikh revolt has been said as “Hindu movement”.
adequate comments and clarifications. The Bani of Bhagats outside These distortions had hurt Sikh sentiments because these portrayed
the Granth Sahib is not given any authenticity. Secondly, he made their religion in a different light truth, he added.
the Sikh Scripture not only as the exclusive vehicle of the Guru’s
message, but also gave it the status of the Guru, Guide or Teacher of The SGPC chief stated that earlier too some facts related to Guru
the Sikhs. The creation and sanction of Guru Granth as the sole Tegh Bahadur were distorted in history books of NCERT. They
scripture of the Sikhs reveals that the Gurus were very clear and were rectified after protests by the SGPC and other representatives
conscious of its independent and separate character, and wanted of Sikhs community. He also requested to the government to
their ideology to remain as such without chance of any addition, include members of the SGPC whenever a book on history was
alteration, or any departure from its authenticity or contents. prepared where reference to Sikhs or Sikh religion was included to
avoid embarrassment to the community.
Sikh community of North America invites Mr. sudershan to
have an open dialogue on the issue if he wishes. Copies of the letter have been sent to Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi
Dr. Jasbir S. Mann, USA Minister for human resource, Mr. Tirlochan Singh Deputy
Chairman of the National Minorities commission, and Mr.
***** Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Minister for Chemicals and fertilisers for
Combat RSS Propaganda, Say Sikh Bodies early rectification in history books.
Our Correspondent, Tribune News Service [We welcome SGPC President’s initiative. Please see SB Jan.2003
Editorial ‘Liars’ List’. ED.]
Tarn Taran, February 16, 2003
The ‘panthic vichar sammelan’ organised here by the Khalra
Mission Committee and other radical Sikh organisations took today *****
serious note of the alleged anti-Sikh propaganda by the RSS and TOO WELL OR NOT TOO WISELY?
other pro-Hindutva organisations and called the Sikhs to unite to I.J. Singh
face the “challenges of these organisations.”
Not so long ago I highlighted some traditions that continue to
Mr Gurdarshan Singh Dhillon, writer of the White Paper on the demand our attention. Not surprisingly, almost like a lightening
Operation Blue Star, Justice Ajit Singh Bains, president, Punjab rod, it set off a stream and an explosion of protest and analysis.
Human Rights Organisation, Mr Inderjit Singh Jeji, president,
Sarkari Jabbar Virodhi Lehar, Bibi Paramjit Kaur, Mr Dalbir Singh, The responses even, if they disagree with me, are indeed
a journalist, Mr Balwinder Singh Chabal, general secretary, Khalra gratifying, for they could perhaps lead to a larger longer lasting
Mission Committee, and other addressed the gathering. Three movement of introspection and self-examination.
resolutions were passed at sammelan condemning the propaganda It is time to revisit the value of traditions from a slightly different
against Sikh principles. The sammelan condemned the government perspective.
and the judiciary for its alleged anti-Sikh attitude and also
condemned the death sentence awarded to Davinder Pal Singh. They We all have a past, but a people without a sense of their history are
demanded pardon for Davinder Pal Singh. lost. Santayana was right in that they who do not remember their
They called the Sikhs to raise their voice against the USA’s move to history are condemned to repeat it. But how do you remember
attack Iraq. history? Not through textbooks or boring lectures but through
***** tradition.
SIKH HISTORY ‘DISTORTED IN NCERT BOOKS’ The past then has its uses but possibly only through traditions. It is
Tribune Correspondent Amritsar, January 20 through traditions that history comes alive. And the past lives
(Contributed by Dr. Onkar Singh Bindra, Sacramento) through tradition. Traditions then become what someone once
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 22
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

said, “habits of the heart” that lie beyond intellectual rational airing and some sweeping. Gurbani is the prescriptive medication
analysis and yet are peerless in defining an individual in his place in and the mind is the tool for cleaning the cobwebs of the mind just
time and society. Traditions represent the past but without them the as Comet and broom do the job in the corners of rooms.
present has no substance and future becomes undefined and unreal, I.J. Singh, New York
murky, ethereal, even meaningless.
Traditions represent teachings and doctrines of a people – indeed the LAUGH OR CRY
soul of a people - but they take root in a human society and are not
divorced from it. They are influenced and shaped by culture,
language, cuisine, music, history, even the land – not just of a given Dr. I. J. Singh has a keen sense of perception, command of English
people but also those of their neighbors. language and fearlessness of a Gursikh that most of us lack. In the
February and October 2002 issues of the SB we introduced a
If for 500 years Sikh tradition has been shaped by the Indian feature “Laugh Or Cry”. Our intention was to make our readers
(predominantly Hindu and also Islamic) culture and history ‘clean the cobwebs of their mind’ as they read it. They could
surrounding it in Punjab, now that Sikhs have a global presence either laugh it off or cry their hearts out over how far from Marg of
and worldwide contacts with all religions, some indigenously Sikhi, thanks to our Jathedars and Sikh intellectuals, we have
Indian, others not so, don’t you think our traditions will be deviated, and then resolve to make a constructive contribution to
influenced somewhat by our rubbing shoulders with Jews and remedy the malady. Feb. issue carried an incident from the
Christians and a predominantly western society, particularly in ‘tapasvi’ life of ‘Sant Baba’ Attar Singh, perhaps the first person to
the diaspora? call himself ‘Sant’ a title that has destroyed Sikhi. This article had
appeared in ‘Sant Baba’ Waryam Singh’s May 2000 issue of
Not only do we need to recognize that but we also need to continue ‘Atam Marg’, publication of his organization ‘Atam Marg
our introspection on what we are, how we live and why we are the Spiritual, Scientific, Educational, Charitable Trust’. The October
way we are. Are many of the traditions that are seen in our issue dealt with miracles experienced by those who under took the
homes or families truly representative of what the Gurus did or pilgrimage to Hemkunt. This latter article was put on the internet
taught? These we need to nurture and transmit. Are some by none other than ‘Sant Attar Singh Ji Brahm Vidhya Niketan,
accretions from the cultures that were around us and shaped us? Malayasia’. Of all the various websites, Malayasia leads in ‘Blind
Are some of these innocuous, are others vicious? Did they just ooze Leading The Blind’.
and creep into our existence and our lives along with other cultural
habits? Are they integral to our belief as the Gurus taught and What is prompting this third ‘Laugh Or Cry’ piece is the
envisioned it? appearance in two current periodicals things that should make us
pause and think. Periodicals are ‘The Sikh Review’, and
This does not mean at all that some or any of these habits of the ‘Abstracts Of Sikh Studies’. They are both premier Sikh
heart are necessarily bad, only that some if not many of them will periodicals and have done magnificent work to keep the message
change in time and with new cultural influences. We need not shed of Sikhi alive. We also reproduce their articles in The Sikh Bulletin
tears over their loss. with their kind permission. But perhaps it is time they started to
apply the touchstone of Gurbani to the articles submitted to them.
As habits of the heart traditions are habit forming, indeed addictive.
We need to continually examine them to see that they still make Sikh Review of January 2003:
sense and are not just an addiction. I know withdrawal from an “Mantra: The Tide and Rhythms of the Universe”
addiction is never comfortable or painless. Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD, USA
“My wife, Kirti and I took a brief bus tour to a small Gurdwara in
Just look at a few simple examples: Bakala, where the great Guru Teg Bahadur had meditated
When the much-admired Lion of Punjab, Ranjit Singh, died hundreds of years before. The Guru had spent twenty-seven
history tells us that several of his wives and concubines committed years in a dark basement in his mother’s home, meditating on
the heinous act of sati. The Gurus had rejected this Hindu the nature of God.”
custom most forthrightly, yet it happened in the household of a
Sikh who ruled in the name of the Khalsa. “I entered the small Gurdwara, and was drawn immediately to
Another example - how clearly did the Gurus speak against the the doorway of the basement, where Guru Teg Bahadur had
custom of pilgrimages? See and weep how successfully we have meditated. Suddenly, for no explicable reason, my emotional
promoted our own Sikh centers of pilgrimages – the historical self-involvement vanished, as if nothing could have been more
gurdwaras. These are the influences of the larger non-Sikh culture trivial, and a sense of peace swept over me. At that moment,
around us, and now they have become habits of the heart and much nine words came to my mind in a language that I don’t speak.
flaunted traditions. In Gurmukhi, an ancient spiritual language derived from
Sanskrit, I said: Dahn Dhan Guru Teg Bagadur Sahib Ji, Wahe-
I selected only two examples to make a point. Readers can provide Guru (Honred and adorned is Guru Teg Bahadur; ecstasy is in
their very own better and more personal illustrations. If one has the light of God).”
always been doing it, a habit of the heart is difficult to break and
withdrawal symptoms are inevitable, whenever any serious attempt “I have no idea how I spoke a language I don’t know. It had
is made. The thinking space of the mind needs spring-cleaning never happened before, and I don’t expect it to happen again.”
much like corner rooms, offices and attics do. They need some “ I closed my eyes and more words came into my mind: Wahe-
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 23
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

Guru- Guru mantra hai (God’s name takes from dark ness to [Similar stories are floated by many families in Punjab about their
light. ………The mantra I had been saying was, it turned out, connection with the Gurus, some to obtain personal advantage and some to
the very mantra that Guru Teg Bahadur had used hundreds of create reverence for the family. One such story is floated by the House of
Patiala having been blessed with the kingdom by the Guru. In the United
years before.”
States the term for someone who makes a gift and then takes it back is
“The small lake in front of the Golden Temple was renowned as ‘Indian Giver’. We do not do Guru honour by characterizing him as an
body of healing water. The Golden Temple, the geographic ‘Indian Giver’. ED]
center of Sikh religion, is as famous for healing in the East as
Lourdes in the West……. As a medical doctor, I longed to see
this power expressed in a positive medical outcome. After all, *****
seeing, as they say, is believing…….. According to legend, this kbyo b;c bentI .. cOpXI ..
Sarover (lake) was the place where a young woman came, long 1/9
ago, seeking refuse. The woman, daughter of a king, met a leper, [Chaupai is neither Gurubani nor Gurbani. It is written by a Kavi. It is not
saw the man behind the disfigurement and fell in love with only not incorporated in AGGS, but is also in conflict with the Gurubani
him……. When the leper accidentally fell into the lake, he was incorporated in AGGS. For three hundred years our Jathedars and other
cured…….From that time on, people began to come to the lake religious leaders have failed us. Their present crop is determined to silence
for healing. In this place, people now come to cleanse their S. Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana. What for? Below we begin a nine part
karma and find their highest selves.” thoughtful critique of Chaupai by S. Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana.ED.]

(Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa is a disciple of Yogi Bhajan. Being a medical pMq de srbR;h" dI sev; ivc jodxI hE ik, d;s de mn dI klpN; to' Pupje heW
doctor one would expect rational thinking from him. Healing power of any ilKe sMke dUr kr deN dI imhr kr Bejo t" bx; Pupk;r hove:--
sarovar is due to the faith and conviction of the devotee and the blessing of
the Guru and not the property of the water. We need to get away from Hindu (1) iXs cOpXI nU|, j" ikse vI b;NI nU| ibn; gurmit dI ivwI anusr
mythological tales. It is also hard to believe the good doctor never came guirAXI imila", sRI gurU n;nk s;ihb jI dI joit de y;rHve' aibn;SI pRk;S
across the words Dhan Dhan, Waheguru, Guru Mantra and Sahib Ji in the sRI gurU gRq
M s;ihb jI dI b;NI dI br;brI iml j;NI, inrI br;brI hI nhI'
‘ashram’ of his teacher, Bhajan Yogi. After all Sahib appears twice and Ji
once in Bhajan Yogi’s eleven word name. See SB Feb. 2003 p.26. ED] sgo', KMDe b;Te de aMimRt dI itArI ivc, gurU pdvI dI jugojug
* m;lk bN cuLkI gurU-b;NI n;lo' vI vLw mhLtt; idLtI j;NI,
Abstracts Of Sikh Studies January – March 2003: guirAXI dI inr;drI iks dlIl n;l nhI' mMnI j;NI c;hIdI ?
“One Guru, One Movement”
(2) guirAXI imlN to' ibn; hI, je ikse b;NI nU| gurU-b;NI dI br;brI
Late Bhai Ardaman Singh Bagrian
Submitted by Bhai Ashok Singh iml skdI hE t", ikse pKMDI mnuLK d; gurU bN bihN; iks dlIl n;l bur;
mn;iXA j;ve ?
To prove the continuity of the Guru in ten human forms the writer (3) cirtRo pKy;n gRMq ivc hor vI kXI q"XI kbyo b;c isrleK
gives an example from his own family history: AiXA hE, Pus to' aglI b;NI nU| vI dSmeS jI d; Furm;n mMn ke
iks dlIl n;l Xeve hI nhI' sitk;irA j; irh; ijve' ik, iXs bentI cOpXI
“In the month of Baisakh 1630 AD Bhai Rup Chand and his
father Bhai Sadhu (Bagrian’s ancestors) were getting the Rabi dI pUj; hE?
crop harvested. When they touched the water in hanging goat - (4) 376vI' cOpXI tLk s;rI kq; aiswuj-rUp (Qwp ley hoey)
skin to quench their thirst, they found it so cold that they prm;tm; dI hI hE. kiqt tOr te ilKN v;le vI gur prmeSr sRI dSmeS
thought it worth offering to the Guru and would not touch it
jI hI hn, ifr iXh s;r; sbuiw b;c (iXs cOpXI de smet) iXko pLwr te iks
themselves although the heat of the day made them unconscious.
The 6th Nanak, Guru Hargobind Singh, was at Daroli at that dlIl n;l nhI' riKA igA?
time. Feeling attracted by his devotee’s love and plight, he sRI aiswuj jI dI PupRokt kq; dI rv;nI ate 375 vI' cOpXI to'
rushed to them, brought them back to senses and took water. He age-r;kS" de r;je svws-bIj-Aqu`l bIj dI mOt hoN te yuLw sm;pt ho
got so pleased with their devotion that he bestowed upon them
his sword and robes and a horse and took them out to the place j;N PupRMt, 376 vI cOpXI ivc, sRI aiswuLj-mh"k;l jI d; wnv;d--wMny
where he founded a village for his devotees and named it Bhai
Rupa, now in Bhatinda district. On the way he noticed that the
wMny logn ke r;j;--kIt; igA hE. Pus to' aLge, n;l hI iXs bentI
sword and the robes that he had bestowed, were being carried cOpXI d; nMbr--377--hoN de k;rn, iXh dlIl ikve' rLd kItI j; skdI hE
on their heads and the horse being led. On being asked Bhai ik, bentI d; sMbMw, kq; ivclI 35 nMbr cOpXI [sV;s bIrj d;nv jb mir
Sadhu Singh and his son Bhai Rup Chand said that the gifts hE' .. ith p;ze suMdir muih bir hE'] n;l hI hE.
were too sacred for them to wear or ride upon. This further
pleased the Guru who gave them the most coveted title of Bhai (5) sB qoN zrUrI ivcwr gocrw mslw--ijhVy jQydwr
(his own brother) and put them in charge of his mission in the
Cis Sutlej area. At that time he told the Bhais to keep his gifts swihbwn sRI gurU gRMQ swihb ƒ nhIN sgoN ies cOpeI ƒ pMQ dw QMm
bestowed on them, in trust for the Guru and he will get them back ilK ky ies ƒ gurU bwxI nwloN vI A`gy lMGw qury hn aunHW ƒ pMQ ivcoN
when the time came. And this the Sixth Nanak did when as Guru iks dlIl nwl nhIN CyikAw jw skdw ?
Gobind Singh (Tenth Nanak) he reached Dina, Near village Bhai
Rupa, from Chamkaur and asked for his entrusted weapons, robes kq; de iXs pLK nU| vI BuilA nhI' j; skd; ik, dUl; devI n;mk
and horse.” (=41vI cOpXI ) Puse iXstRI (ijs nU| vr ke ApNI ptnI bN; lEN d; bcn
sRI aiswuj jI ne pRgT ho ke ApNI Jb;nI kIt; sI (-cOpeIO -23) nU| jd
kiqt tOr te beSum;r dE't" ne Qere ivc rLK ilA, t" aMtr iwAn ho ke (ApNe
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 24
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

B;vI-ptI) mh"k;l jI dI ar;wn; PunH" 52 to' 56 nMbr cOpXI ivcle Sbd" ivc m;rn lXI Pus dUlU devI ne dE't de iklHe nU| Qer; j; p;iXA. dE't n;l yuLw izx
kItI sI ijhxe asI arq" smet ipLze ivc;r AXe h" . ate ifr s;nU| Pus (91 to' ipA.
101 nMbr cOpXIa" ivclI) bentI nU| vI iwAn ivc rKN; bNd; hE, ijhxI
bRhm;, ibSn, mheS, iXMdR Aid s;re inLke vDe devita" ne Xese mh"k;l aLge kItI yuLw BUmI ivc qLk j;N te dUlo' bIbI ne mh"k;l nU| ar;iwA t" mh"k;l ApNe
sI. cOh" hLq" ivc SstR lE ke rN BUmI ivc A igA. Puwr dE't" dIa" FOj" h;qI,
iXnH" tLq" to' isLw huMd; hE ik iXh bentI cOpXI vI Puse sRI aiswuj-mh"k;l dI Qoixa" aqv; rq" to' zuLT KLcr", Koita", mLZ", kuiLta:, sLp", cIte, cItl,
hI Pustit ivc Puc;rI gXI hE, ijhxe ApNI PupRokt kq; de hIro sn. jMg dI ibLila", sUr", biQAx", igLdx", ictira", ikrila", zzUMdr",, k;v", aWUihMa"
sm;ptI to' qohx; pihl" vI iXPu ilK deN;-- ate igrZ" Aid te asv;r ho AXIa". (179 to' 184), iXs lx;XI sme' Qoixa"
mh" k;l kI Srin je pre su lXe bc;Xe .. aOr n Pupj; de suLm" n;l wrtI de ze pux PuC LD gXe ijs to' sLt" pt;l" to' kevl iXLk pt;l
dUsr jg BLzyo sBE cb;iX ..366.. hI rih igA ate st ak;S" to' 13 ak;S bN gXe.
je pUj; aisketu kI intpRit krE' bn;iX .. itn pr apno sEn; nU| mh"k;l ne <tm kr idLt; t" sV;sbIj ne ApNe mU|h
hq dE aiswuj let bc;iX .. 367 .. ivco' aLg PuglI ijs ivco' pW;N pEd; ho gXe . ifr mUho' hv;x kLYI t"
ate jMg dI sm;ptI de PupRt M ZLT pT--wMnv;d de do Sbd ate ifr, Pus ivco' muGl pEd; ho gXe. ifr mU|h q;NI sV;s kLYe B;v, hv; zLDI t"
(sv;s bIj dE't dI mot hoN te mh"k;l-pRBU jI ne ApN; bcn inB;Pu'ida" dUl; Pus to' syLd PuC LW Kxote. Xeqo' tLk ik nwhr Kwn, bYrm Kwn, bhwdr
devI n;l gMwrv ivAh kr ilA t") kRow agnI ivco' pRgT hoXI mh"k;l jI Kwn, rusqm Kwn Aidk nwvW vwly pTwn muslmwn lxn lXI,
dI pTr;NI, dUlo devI ne hI ivAh de sm;gm ivc juxe ApNe Bgt" de s;hmNe, mh"k;l de s;hmNe A DTe. mh" k;l ne huaM Sbd Puc;irA t" Aw-ibAw
(sLjre bNe ptI) mh"k;l dI Pustit ivc bentI cOpXI rUpI bcn bol.e S;iXd, Aidk ibm;rIa" pEd; ho gXIa" ijnH" n;l aNigNt dE't" dI sEn; mr
XehI k;rn hE, ik, sitgur" de iXs kUkr dI mit ne, cOpXI nU| gurmit dI KMDn" gXI. aMt mh"k;l ne vD; kRow kIt; t" tIr m;r ke sv;sbIj dE't d;
v;lI mMina" ate gurmit dI ksvLTI te prK krn dI dlerI dI b<SS hoXI. ZMD; igr; idLt;, dUje tIr n;l Pus d; sIs PuD;iXA ifr do tIr" n;l
gurU n;nk p;itS;h jI dI b<SS to' imle PutS;h duAr; iliKA igA iXh leK, rLq de phIXe cUr cUr kIte ate Qoxe m;r idLte. swrI isRStI ƒ " eyk
jqed;r s;ihb;n de ivc;r gocr; kr irh" hW. ijLqe vI d;s ne gurb;NI dI GVI mih Qwip auQwip ]" SkqI ny hzwrw swl Xu`D krky ieh ij`q
ksvLTI vrtN ivc Puk;XI K;wI hove, gurmit sew dI b<SS kr BejNI, d;s prwpq kIqI ?
sow kr lEN ivc ApNe w|nB;g smZ ke tuh;D; sd; irNI rheg; jI. *****
bentI copXI d; mUl-B;g, ' sbiuw b;c' ate gurmit STATUS OF WOMEN IN SIKHISM
Dr. Harinder Kaur Sekhon.
B"ve' g;q; ivc n;lo n;l vI gurmit d; pLK ilKde rihN d; ytn kIt; j"d; [The author, a historian, is now a Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Centre
irh; hE pr, <;ls; pMq lXI gurU b;NI n;lo' vI vLw ipArI bN cuLkI, iXs for Contemporary Studies, Nehru Museum and Library, New Delhi.]
bentI cOpXI b;re ivc;r aLge torn to' pihl", sRI aiswuj jI dI PupRokt
g;q; ivc hoXI gurmit dI KMDn; vLl, ate sRI aiswuLj-aisketu-Kxgket-- "Women have great talent, but no genius for they always remain
subjective," said Schopenhauer in The World as Will and Idea.
Kxgw;rI-k;l-mh"k;l dI gurmit-pz;N lXI ho rhe ytn vl (gurmit de Greek philosophers thought a "woman is an unfinished man left
ZroKe ivcdI) iXLk v;rI fer Z;tI m;r leIey :--- standing at a lower step in the scale of development. The male
is by nature superior and female inferior. The one is the ruler
aiswuj-mh"k;l dI iXs kq; anus;r sitjug ivc hoXe sitisMw n;mI bxe and the other ruled. Woman is weak of will and, therefore
incapable of independence of character and position." Such
pRt;pI r;je nU|, bRhm" jI ne Ap r;j itlk de ke (iXMdR dI bj;XE ?) devita" d; prejudices prevail even today. On the threshold of a new
r;j; q;p ilA. kXIa" s;l" b;ad dIrQd;xH n;mI hor vI vLw prt;pI dE't, millennium the status of woman is still to be elevated to that of
(pt; nhI' ikqe pEd; ho ke ate ikve XeD; Jor fx ke ?) ds hJ;r KUhNI sEn; lE man.
ke devita" de r;je sit-s|wu te cxH AiXA sitsi|w 20 hJ;r KUhNI devita" dI
sEN; lE le T;kre te A DiTA. doh" joiwa" ivc jMg izx pXI. vIh s;l r;t Against this backdrop it is significant that Sikhism, one of the
world's youngest religions, accorded women complete equality
idn jMg huMdI rihN--bIs brs insu idn rn kr; .. (cOpXI-27) te jd doh" with men in all spheres of life over five hundred years ago. This
p;isa" dI tIh hJ;r KUhNI sEn; m;rI gXI t" doh" p;isa" de r;ija" (sitsMiw was a remarkable position for any religion in any part of the world
ate dIrQd;xH) dI isLwI TLkr ho gXI. doh" dI kRow agnI ivco' bxI suMdr to take in the 15th century. In a patriarchal society like that of
rUp v;lI iXLk bxI tejv;n, dUl; devI n;mk iXstRI ne jnm lE ilA, India, the exploitation and subjugation of women is commonplace.
Socio-religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries
yq;--itsI kop kI agin te' b;l hvEkE .. hsI h;q mE SstR aO astR lEkE did strive to emancipate women, but with limited success.
..(cOpXI-29) kRow agnI ivco' pEd; hoXI. dUl; devI pEd; huMida" s;r ApNe lXI In sharp contrast, Guru Nanak (1469-1539), founder of the Sikh
ptI lLBN lLg pXI pr mnuLK" ivco' ptI dI pdvI jog; Pus nU| koXI vI (mnuLK) religion made Sikhism conform to enlightened, simple, practical,
psMd n; AiXA. mh" m;XI (=p;rbtI) devI nU| jMtR" mMtR" n;l pEsn M kr progressive and humane ideals right from its inception. It shunned
obscurantism, fanaticism, superstition and religious bigotry, which
ilA. Pus dI sl;h n;l dUlo bIbI nH;-wo ke mh"k;l dI ptnI bNn d; sMklp were integral to 15th century India. This refreshingly liberal
kr ke leT gXI. aLwI r;t nU| sRI aiswuLj jI ne bcn kr ilA ik jdo' approach of Guru Nanak encompassed both religion and society.
sv;sbIj dE't m;irA igA, Pus devI n;l S;dI kr lENge. sV;s bIrj nU|
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 25
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

The secondary status of women was unacceptable to Sikh Guru Amar Das stopped women from wearing purdah (the
philosophy. Woman was recognised [sic.] as the spiritual equal of veil) and did not allow the queen of Haripur to sit in the sangat
man. Guru Nanak understood and appreciated the unifying role of (congregation) if she insisted on wearing one. He stopped
women in society and worked for their emancipation. Sikh contemptuous references to women as mere childbearing
scriptures categorically state that man and woman together make machines. "Blessed is the woman who creates life", he wrote in
society a composite and well balanced whole: the two are the Granth Sahib. During his pontifications, he made sure women
complementary to each other and should not be viewed as a threat to were provided opportunities to lead more meaningful lives which
one another. Women as multifaceted personalities had a significant enabled them to actively participate in social and religious affairs.
role to play in society. For the propagation of the faith's ideology, he created twenty-two
“Then why call her evil from whom are great men born, administrative units called manjis or parishes. Of these four were
And without woman none could exist, headed by women - which was unheard of in those times. In status
The eternal Lord is the only one, O Nanak these four women were equal to modern Bishops because each
Who depends not on woman." (Guru Granth Sahib, P. 473) enjoyed full economic and decision-making powers within her
parish or manji. Thus Sikhism had four women Bishops in the
Asceticism and renunciation were not favored [sic.] by Guru Nanak. late 16th century - a remarkable feat since no other religion could
Marriage was seen as a sacred institution, a spiritual bond between stake such a claim.
two equal partners, not merely a physical union of two individuals.
Guru Nanak said that by "living within family life, one attains Of the 146 persons the Guru trained as missionaries to preach
salvation". (Guru Granth Sahib P.661). A strict moral code of and carry the message of Guru Nanak to the masses, 52 were
conduct was prescribed for men and women in Sikhism where the women. Besides religious instruction, missionaries educated rural
duties of both husband and wife towards each other were defined. people, especially women, in the basics of reading, writing and
Such thinking was revolutionary and far ahead of the times. The arithmetic. These initiatives of Guru Amar Das were remarkable
superior spiritual and philosophical attributes of women were given the prevailing conservative and archaic social climate.
acknowledged. So was their contribution towards making a happy With the creation of Khalsa on the Baisakhi day (1st day of the
family the basis of a vibrant, egalitarian, strong society and state. second solar month of Vaisakh, considered auspicious to begin
Guru Nanak underscored the fact that intellectually women were at harvesting of the crop) of 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh, Sikhism
par with men, capable of deep insights and a complete under went a major transformation. The Khalsa was created to
understanding of spiritual matters: undeniably an important link in instill a fresh spirit of courage and confidence among the Guru's
the achievement of salvation by man. followers. Here again women were an integral part of the
celebrations. They were baptized [sic.] and initiated into the
Bibi Nanaki, the elder sister of Guru Nanak, was a perfect example. Khalsa fold without discrimination. At the time of taking Amrit a
The Guru was especially close to her and regarded her as his man was given the name "Singh" (lion) and women added "Kaur"
inspiration and mentor. Nanaki had implicit faith in her brother's (princess) to their names. The suffix "Kaur" is of immense
ideology and encouraged him in his life's mission and became the significance as a woman was recognised [sic.] as an individual
first person to be initiated into Sikhism by Guru Nanak. Another who need not take her husband's name after marriage. She could
outstanding woman in the early Guru period was Bibi Amro, use the word "Kaur" after her name from birth to death. The
daughter of Guru Angad Dev. She was highly learned and had a word 'Kaur" is derived from the word "kanwar" - the son of a king.
thorough knowledge of Shabads (hymns) composed by Guru Nanak, This explanation of Bhai Kahan Singh in the Mahankosh (P 353) is
which she sang in the most melodious style. She was married to symbolically significant. Apart from equality in socio-religious
Bhai Jasoo, a nephew of Guru Amar Das. Even after marriage she affairs, Sikh women could participate in political matters as well,
continued with her work of spreading Guru Nanak's Sikhism mainly including leading an army into battle. This gave women in Sikhism
through Kirtan (the singing of hymns). The impact of Guru a sense of enormous self-confidence.
Nanak's message through her Kirtan was so profound that
Guru Amar Das gave up the worship of Devi (the Hindu Mother Guru Gobind Singh's widow Mata Sundari played a key role in
Goddess) and embraced Sikhism. Sikh history for forty momentous years. She issued Hukamnamas
(decrees) to the Khalsa giving directions at a critical juncture and
Guru Nanak's ideals were given a practical shape and consolidated successfully guided the destiny of the Sikhs against both the
by Guru Amar Das (1479 - 1574), the third Sikh Guru. He was a Afghan invaders and various claimants to the "Guruship".
great champion of women's rights who based his concepts on Maharaja Ranjit Singh owed much of his success to the astute
complete gender equality and specified norms for ameliorating the statesmanship and diplomacy of his mother-in-law, Rani Sada
status of women in medieval India. The institution of Guru Ka Kaur. She has been called "the ladder by which Ranjit Singh
Langar or the community meal was given great importance by him. climbed to greatness in his early years". She accompanied him on
Every visitor was invited to eat food in the langar before meeting his triumphant capture of Lahore in 1799 and urged Ranjit Singh to
the Guru. This was not only a way of extending open house proclaim himself the Maharaja of Punjab. The house of Patiala too
hospitality, but also a way of emphasizing [sic.] a deep commitment produced some exceptional ladies during the eighteenth Century.
to the concept of equality. Men and women sat side by side and ate The most celebrated of them was Rani Sahib Kaur who
food together prepared by themselves in a common kitchen personally led her forces into battle and defeated the Maratha
irrespective of their religious background or social status. Even the Holkar in 1793.
Mughal Emperor Akbar who once visited the Guru at Goindwal ate
in the langar like any other pilgrim. The 20th century continued to witness Sikh women in the forefront
in different spheres, especially in India's independence movement.
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 26
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

One such notable person was Rajkumari Amrit Kaur who joined GENDER DISCRIMINATION AT THE GOLDEN
nationalist politics and the Quit India Movement under Mahatma TEMPLE
Gandhi's inspiration. Belonging to the royal family of Kapurthala
Amritsar, February 14, 2003
she was one of Gandhi's closest lieutenants and took a leading part
Gender discrimination came to the fore when two England-based
in protest marches, which were subjected to ruthless lathi charges in
Sikh women were allegedly ‘assaulted and insulted’ by SGPC
sevadars during ‘sukhasan’ (ceremony of carrying Guru Granth
Sahib in a palanquin) at the Golden Temple late last night.
Some other outstanding women freedom fighters of Punjab were
Gulab Kaur, Kishan Kaur, Amar Kaur, Harnam Kaur, Dilip In a complaint lodged with the Akal Takht secretariat here today,
Kaur and Kartar Kaur. The latter picketed everyday during the
Bibi Mejinderjit Kaur and Bibi Lakhbir Kaur who had come all the
Civil Disobedience (satyagraha) of 1930. She was arrested under the
way from London to participate in the daily evening ceremony of
picketing ordinance and kept under strict vigilance in jail.
taking ‘savari of the holy Guru Granth Sahib’ on the personal
Contemporary Sikh women are making a mark all over the world as
assurance of Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti during his visit to
academicians, administrators, entrepreneurs, politicians, doctors,
Britain, became victims of gender discrimination.
poets and painters. An important aspect of the rights conferred
on women in the Sikh faith was that they did not have to fight Both the Sikh women sought immediate intervention of the
for their rightful place in Sikh society: they were given their due Jathedar of Akal Takht and SGPC chief for ensuring that women
voluntarily because of the enlightened ideals of the Gurus. be allowed to perform any ‘seva’ at the Golden Temple including
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
carrying of ‘palki’ (palanquin) during the ceremony of ‘sukhasan’.
Instead of allowing them to participate in the ceremony, they were
***** maltreated, they alleged.
Noble and Brave Sikh Women
By Principal Sawan Singh The women asked the Sikh clergy to grant permission to women to
Pages 103 perform any seva in the Golden Temple without any
A Review by Hakam Singh discrimination. “We travelled from London to do Guruji’s palki
Principal Sawan Singh, for the past several years, has been involved seva at Sri Harmandir Sahibji and would like to take the message
in love’s labor. He has written half a dozen books concerning back to the Sikh community that Sikh women are being allowed to
Gurbani teachings and Sikh history, which he has been distributing, do any seva at the Golden Temple as per the Guru’s tenets and that
free of charge, to various Gurdwaras. Darbar Sahib is now liberated from the mahants in the true spirit”,
His present book, “ Noble and Brave Sikh Women” includes short they said in a letter addressed to the SGPC and Akal Takht.
biographical sketches of twenty Sikh women who excelled in
devotion, steadfastness on Sikh principles and valor. This book is an Talking to TNS, Bibi Mejinderjit Kaur said that she had never
important step towards filling a badly neglected void in the History experienced such a rude behaviour. She alleged that when she
of Sikhs. It is a known fact that Sikhs, for whatever reasons, along with Bibi Lakhbir Kaur tried to touch the ‘palki’, they were
have failed to make the world aware of the incredible wealth of pushed back and the SGPC employees shouted that women were
teachings of the great Gurus, their sacrifices and those of not allowed to perform this seva.
innumerable Sikhs for upholding righteousness. Whatever scanty
literature is available, almost totally neglects to note the sacrifices The complaint further reads, “The sevadars attending to the
and achievements of Sikh women. procession prevented us from queuing with the male members of
the congregation. They said only male members of the
Very often, in Gurdwaras as well as in inter-religious meetings we congregation are allowed to do so”.
hear the claim that Sikhism is the only major religion of the world,
which professes gender equality. A natural question then arises that “We were pushed, assaulted and insulted by the sevadars. One of
if for the past five hundred years women have been treated at equal the sevadars said his livelihood was at stake if he allowed us to
level to men among Sikhs then there must have lived many Sikh join the queue of male members taking the palki”, they added.
women who could be equated with men in various walks of life; and
they must have been recorded in the history. This question is Meanwhile, Bibi Kiranjot Kaur, former general secretary, SGPC,
currently being asked frequently by Sikh youth. However, the body has condemned the incident and urged the Sikh clergy to ensure
of literature specifically addressing this subject is almost non- that there should not be any gender discrimination in the Golden
existent, which makes it difficult to satisfactorily answer the Temple. She said it (gender discrimination) was against the tenets
question. of Sikhism.
Principal Sawan Singh seems to have put in tremendous effort to *****
find isolated cases, scattered in the literature, and put them together
in the form of the present book, which should be specially useful to
young Sikhs. It is sincerely hoped that he continues to carry out Bhai Manjit says it’s not true
Varinder WaliaTribune News Service
service to the community with greater enthusiasm.
[Those who want the book should write to Sawan Singh, 10561 Brier Lane Amritsar, February 16, 2003:
Santa Ana, CA 92705 and send with it a donation of minimum $2 per check The controversy over allowing baptised Sikh women to allow any
for the Sikh Center of Orange County, Santa Ana and a separate envelope of ‘seva’ inside sanctum sanctorum of the Golden Temple took
five inch by nine inch along with U.S. stamps for $1.52.] another turn when Mr Raghbir Singh, personal assistant to the
***** SGPC, Chief Bhai K.S. Badungar, who was manager of the Golden

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 27
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

Temple at that time, claimed that the Sikh clergy had not issued any VEDANTI FAILS TO END CONFUSION OVER
directive in this regard on February 9, 1996. ‘SEVA’
Tribune News Service
Prof Manjit Singh, the then Acting Jathedar of Akal Takht, told Amritsar, February 19, 2003
TNS that he and the then Jathedar Damdama Sahib, Giani Kewal The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and Akal Takht
Singh, had taken a jatha of baptised Sikh women to implement the failed to resolve the issue of whether baptised Sikh women should
directive of Sikh high priests and ensured that they (baptised Sikh be allowed to perform ‘seva’ inside the sanctum sanctorum of the
women) were allowed to perform ‘seva’ inside the sanctum Golden Temple, though gender discrimination is not permitted in
sanctorum at that time. However, Mr Raghbir Singh told The Sikhism.
Tribune that the SGPC had never received such directive from the
Sikh clergy for performing such ‘seva’ as he himself was manager The manager of Darbar Sahib, Mr Ajaib Singh, said there was no
of the Golden Temple at that time. (But The Tribune has procured precedent in Sikh history allowing women to perform seva in the
the copy of the directive which was signed by all five Sikh high sanctum sanctorum. However, he said the SGPC would implement
priests). any directive by the Sikh clergy allowing baptised Sikh women to
perform any seva. He feigned ignorance about the directive already
Interestingly, Prof Manjit Singh was honoured by the UN for taking issued by the Sikh high priests in 1996 directing the SGPC to allow
initiative to end gender discrimination in the Golden Temple. Sikh women to perform seva as tenets of Sikhism did not preach
Giving details of implementing the directive to allow Sikh women gender discrimination. In a letter to Akal Takht Jathedar, the
to perform ‘seva’, Prof Manjit Singh said that Bibi Inderjit Kaur Darbar Sahib manager alleged that some UK-based Sikh women
Khalsa, wife of Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi, Bibi Amarjit Kaur of tried to touch the ‘palki’ (palanquin) on February 13. However,
Akhand Kirtani Jatha, Mr Jaswinder Singh, advocate, an SGPC they (the UK-based Sikh women) started threatening the SGPC
member and his wife and a jatha of American Sikh women had sevadars when they tried to stop them from carrying the ‘palki’.
performed the ‘seva’. He said he had to face a lot of opposition by The manager sought guidance from the Sikh clergy on the issue so
some orthodox persons for implementing the directive. Prof Manjit that such incidents do not recur.
Singh said that it was unfortunate that Sikh women were later
disallowed to perform the ‘seva’. In his reply to the SGPC chief, the Jathedar of Akal Takht, Giani
Replying to a question, Prof Manjit Singh said that the Sikh high Joginder Singh Vedanti, said Akal Takht had been flooded with
priests had issued this directive after marathon meetings with reactions (negative and positive both) on the issue whether
various panthic organisations and taking the then SGPC Chief, Mr baptised Sikh women should be allowed to perform seva in the
Gurcharan Singh Tohra, into confidence. He said he had been Golden Temple? Jathedar Vedanti asked the SGPC to take
pursuing Bibi Jagir Kaur, the then SGPC Chief and Bibi Kiranjot concrete steps in the wake of the gravity of situation. He said steps
Kaur, the then General Secretary, SGPC, to mobilise public opinion should be taken keeping in view the sentiments of the devotees
to end gender discrimination in the Golden Temple. He said the and the Sikh traditions. Interestingly, Jathedar Vedanti who was
Sikh tenets did not preach any gender discrimination and hence one of the signatories to the directive allowing the baptised Sikh
baptised Sikh women should be allowed to perform any ‘seva’ in women to perform seva in the sanctum sanctorum in 1996, did not
the Golden Temple too. mention the same (the directive of 1996) in his reply to the SGPC
On the other hand, as per Sikh traditions, the SGPC could be in
dock for not implementing the directive of Akal Takht which had While the Sikh Panth is clear on the issue that a directive once
directed to allow Sikh women to perform ‘seva’ in the Golden issued could not be withdrawn, Jathedar Vedanti has failed to
Temple. stress it perhaps under pressure from the ‘orthodox’. Earlier,
Jathedar Vedanti had stated that there was no gender
Text of directive: discrimination in Sikhism.
Following is the text of the directive issued by the Sikh clergy on
February 9, 1996, for allowing baptised Sikh women to perform Meanwhile, the inquiry committee constituted by the SGPC to
seva at the sanctum sanctorum. probe into the issue disallowing UK-based women to perform seva
“There is no gender discrimination in Sikhism. Both men and had reportedly given a ‘clean chit’ to the SGPC employees, the
women are treated equal as per Sikh tenets. Manager, Darbar manager of Darbar Sahib in his statement recorded by the inquiry
Sahib, is hereby directed to implement the following directives committee had claimed that it was the ‘fault’ of the UK-based Sikh
to ensure that baptised Sikh women are allowed to perform seva women who tried to browbeat the SGPC employees and the
in the Golden Temple.” ‘premis’ (the devotees) and insisted on performing the seva which
was against Sikh traditions.
The signatories to the directives include Prof Manjit Singh, the
then acting Jathedar Akal Takht, Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti On the other hand, Mr Baldev Singh, an SGPC member, urged
and Giani Mohan Singh. Jathedar Vedanti not to take any decision with regard to allowing
women to perform seva in the sanctum sanctorum.

The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 28
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

jQydwr vydWqI jI nUM KulHw p~qr rihq mirAwdw dw ikqwbcw vI pMQ pRvwinq nhIN hY[ Bulcuk muAw& Awpdw
jQydwr sRI Akwl q^q swihb sRI AMimRqsr jgqwr isMG jwck, inaUXwrk
BweI joigMdr isMG jI, Adb sihq, swbkw gMRMQI sRI drbwr swihb AMimRqsr
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw]vihgurU jI kI Pqih] Aqy ieMtrnYSnl isK imSnrI AYs. jI. pI. sI

Awp jI BlIBWq jwxU ho ik sMswr dy Dwrimk ieiqhws ivc sRI gurU nwnk dyv
jI mhwrwj Aijhy pihly rihbr hn ijnHW swry nr nwrIAW nUM iek Akwl purK *****
vwihgurU dI sMqwn Aqy ausdw rUp mMnidAW, aus iek nUM swirAW ivc ivAwpk
dyKidAW mnuKI smwnqw dw isDWq b^iSAw[ purS Aqy iesqrI nUM Awps ivc sRI drbwr swihb AMimRqsr ivKy bIbIAW nUM syvw
AByd dyiKAw Aqy iesqrI SRyxI nUM BMfx vwilAW dw mUMh bMd kridAW hyT ilKy
kRWqIkwrI bcn kIqy:
(a) Drix ggin nh dyKau doie] nwrI purK sbweI loie](pMnw 223) (A) bIbI ikrnjoq kOr jI mYNbr AYs. jI. pI. sI,
iesqrI purK hoie kY ikAw Eie krm kmwhI] vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw] vwihgurU jI kI Pqih]
nwnw rUp sdw hY qyry quJ hI mwih smwhI] (pMnw 162)
(e) nwrI purKu, purKu sB nwrI sBu eyko purKu murwry](pMnw 983) mubwrk sihq DMnvwd [ sRI drbwr swihb AMimRqsr ivKy bIbIAW nUM
(s) purK mih nwir nwir mih purKw bUJhu bRhm igAwnI] (pMnw 878) (h) so syvw sMBwl Aqy kIrqn dy rUp ivc r~bI is&q slwh krn dw Avsr
ikau mMdw AwKIAY ijqu jMmih rwjwn](pMnw 473)
idvw ky Awp jI siqgurU jI dI ikrpw dy pwqr bxy ho[ BwvyN ies
hzUr dI AijhI ivcwDwrw dw isty vjoN hI 'ijnHW isMGW isMGxIAW Drm hyq sIs
kyNdrI Drm AsQwn ivc hor BI bhuq kuJ AijhIAW prMprwvW
idqy.......' Sbd swfI pMQk Ardws dw AMg bxy ikauN ik izMdgI dy hr ^yqr pRc~ilq ho geIAW hn jo gurmiq AnukUl nhIN pr iesqrI SYRxI qy
ivc isK AOrq dw swvW qy sMGrS meI rol irhw hY[ iesy kwrn hI isK rihq lweI hoeI rok gurmiq ivclI smwnqw qy iek kwlw D~bw sI [ quhwfw
mirAwdw ivc kMinAw mwr nUM qn^whIAw krwr idMidAW aus nwl vrqoN ivhwr qy morcw ieQy ^qm nhIN ho igAw sgoN hux Aws BrI SurUAwq hoeI hY Aqy
rok lweI Aqy AMimRq sMskwr vrgI Aihm mirAwdw inBwaux leI isMGW dy nwl BivK ivc BI quhwfI AZvweI hyT is~K smwj ivc purS prDwnqw
isMGxIAW dI SmUlIAq nUM vI prvwx kIqw igAw[ sMswr Br ivc pihlI vwr dw ivcwr ^qm krky iesqrI purS ivc smwnqw ilAWdI jw skygI
1925 ivc isK dy rUp ivc hI gurduAwrw AYkt bxn qy AoOrq nUM vot dyx dw [ ijvyN is~K rihq mirAwdw Anuswr AnMd kwrj smwgm smyN lVkI
AiDkwr pRwpq hoieAw[ bIbI jwgIr kOr SRomxI kmytI dI pRDwn rhI[
nUM lVky dy K~byy pwsy bYTx dw Aqy prkrmw krn smyN ipCy clx dw
gur ieiqhws qy isK ieiqhws Anuswr pr Srmkun hYrwnI dI gl hY ik gurU dy
AwdyS, bRhmxI ivcwrDwrw dy pRBwv hyT bxy purS prDwn smwj nUM
Aijhy dUly pMQ dy kyNdrI Drm AsQwn sRI drbwr swihb AMimRqsr ivKy kwiem rKx ivc shwiek ho irhw hY[ lVkI nUM lVky dw p~lw
AMimRqDwrI isK AOrq nUM BI sRI gurU gMRQ swihb jI dI syvw sMBwl qy kIrqn pkVwauxw vI iesqrI nUM purS nwloN kmzor idKwauNidAW swrI aumr
krn dw AiDkwr pRwpq nhIN, jo ik iek inrol ibprvwdI pRMprw hY[ leI aus dI ADIngI nUM kbUl krI rKx dy i^Awl nUM hI auBwrdw
hY[jdoN ik kudrq dy bxwey inXmW Anuswr sMqwn auqpqI Aqy jIvn
jQydwr jI, gurU swihbwn ny mnuKqw dy Bly ihq isDWqk syD dyx leI lokweI dI sPlqw leI donW nUM iek dUjy dy shwry dI brwbr loV hY[Aws hY
dIAW AigAwnqw BrIAW pRMprwvW Aqy suAwrQ qy AwDwirq pRcilq kIqIAW ik Awp isK rihq mirAwdw dIAW iehnW DrwvW bwry ivdvwnW dI
Dwrimk rsmW dI kdy pRvwh nhIN sI kIqI[ jykr Aijhw socdy qW -nw hI auh
koeI ivcwr goStI krvw ky isMG swihbwn dy iDAwn ivc ilAwaugy qW
'Alu mlu KweI isir CweI pweI mUriK AMDY piq gvweI'] dw bcn krky jYn mq
dy SrDwlUAW qy cot krdy Aqy nw hI 'imtI muslmwn kI pyVY peI GuimHAwr]
jo pMQk rwie Anuswr ies ivc koeI qbdIlI kIqI jw sky[
GiV BWfy ietW kIAw jldI kry pukwir]' dI dlIl idMdy hoey muslmwn Awp dw vIr, jgqwr isMG jwck, swbkw gMRQI sRI drbwr swihb
SrDwlUAW nUM JMjoVdy[ nw hI auh bydI Grwxy dI hzwrW virHAW qoN bxI hoeI AMimRqsr 100 lYitMg twaUn rof, glYn kov inaU Xwrk, 11542
bRhmxI pRMprw dy ivprIq jnyaU pihnx qoN ienkwr krdy Aqy nw hI hrduAwr
ivKy p~Cm vl pwxI Jr~t ky SrDwlUAW dI bxI hoeI Bwvnw nUM Tys phuMcwauNdy[ *****
pr 20 PrvrI dI 'dI itRibaUn' pVH ky duK BrI hYrwnI hoeI ik ieMglYNf dIAW PROFESSOR DAVINDER PAL SINGH BHULLAR
do bIbIAW vloN pwlkI nUM moFw dyx dy Xqn vjoN pYdw hoey ivvwd nUM sulJwaux leI PRESS RELEASE
jd mYnyjr sRI drbwr swihb vloNy Awp jI pwsoN Dwrimk muKI hox dy nwqy puiCAw January 31, 2003
igAw ik quhwfI kI rwie hY qW Awp jI ny sRI gurU gMRQ swihb jI dI rOSnI ivc
isDWqk syD dyx dI QW kutl rwjnIqkW dI qrW ieh kih idqw ik hwlwqW nUM On Tuesday January 28, 2003, VFF (Voices For Freedom)
muK rK ky PYslw kr lau ikauN ik kuJ lok bIbIAW nUM syvw dyx dy h~k ivc hn representatives met with Mr. Martin Thuemmel in New York City
qy kuJ ivroD ivc[ iPr Awp jI vloN ieh vI ikhw igAw hY ik Aijhy msilAW to discuss the case of Professor Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar. Mr.
ivc SrDwlUAW dIAW BwvnwvW Aqy clI Aw rhI pRMprw nUM vI muK rKxw pYNdw hYY[ Thuemmel is the Human Rights Officer in the German Mission to
pr dUjy pwsy Awp jI AwpxIAW ilKqW Aqy viKAwnW rwhIN zor idMdy ho ik pMQk the United Nations.
ivvwdW dy h~l dI syD pRwpq krn Aqy hr pRkwr dy ivcwrW nUM prKx leI sRI
gurU gMRQ swihb jI dI ivcwrDwrw gurU hox dy nwqy swfy leI AMiqm ksvtI hY[kI Mr. Thuemmel was well aware of the basic facts of this case and
ieh dohrw mwpdMf siqgurU jI dy auprokq PurmwnW dI rOSnI ivc sRI gurU gMRQ
expressed regret concerning the fact that Professor Bhullar was
swihb jI Aqy gur ieiqhws qoN bymuK hox vwlI gl nhINY? kI ieh 1996 ivc
deported to India after his political asylum case was processed
jQydwr mnjIq isMG hurW vloN ies sbMDI jwrI kIqy AwdyS dI aulMGxw nhIN?
through a faulty Fast Track system adopted by the German
so jQydwr jI, jykr qusIN pMQk ^yqr dy dwrSink, smwijk, Dwrimk qy
Immigration authorities. He assured us that the German Ministry of
rwjnIqk PYsly ibprvwdI prMprwvW Aqy gurmiq isDwqW dI sUJ qoN sKxy
Foreign Affairs was prudently and expeditiously handling this
SrDwlUAW qy Awm lokW dIAW BwvnwvW Anuswr hI krny hn qW sRI Akwl q^q
matter and that this case has support from the top ranks of the
swihb qoN hukmnwmw jwrI kr dyxw cwhIdw hY ik hr pRkwr dy ivcwr nUM prKx
German government including the President. He alluded to the fact
leI sRI grU gMRQ swihb jI mhwrwj gurmiq dI AMiqm ksvtI nhIN hn Aqy isK
that the German
Foreign Minister will support Professor Bhullar’s clemency plea to
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 29
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

the President of India since Germany is “strongly opposed to the Several other major Sikh religious leaders such as, the Shiromani
death penalty as is the European Union,” he said. Mr. Thuemmel Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) President Prof.
also concurred that it was Germany’s “moral obligation and Badungar and former SGPC chief, G.S Tohra also appealed to the
responsibility” to support this case by President to commute the sentence of Devinderpal. Prof. Badungar
exercising its political relationship with India since the German said it was sad to note that those accused, of planning and
Asylum system failed Professor Bhullar. “Considering the Trade activating the 1984 Sikh riots were cleared of charges while the
Relations India has with Germany, they should take this very death sentence has been pronounced on Devinderpal.
seriously,” said Mr. Thuemmel. He
also stated that this case, “has gained significant coverage in the The Punjab Human Rights Organization's Deputy Chairman,
German media.” Kirpal Singh Randhawa appealed to the President, the Prime
Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India and said that Sikhs
VFF representatives presented Mr. Thuemmel with a comprehensive were being discriminated against in
dossier on Professor Bhullar’s case including actions taken by this particular incident too.
various Human Rights Organizations, political figures, media
outlets and all relevant judicial documents. The importance of Member of Parliament in India, Simranjit Singh Mann, in a
Germany as a crucial participant in this matter was stressed, thus statement termed the conviction of Davinder as political murder,
requiring relentless support of Professor Bhullar’s clemency plea. which would lead to alienation of Sikhs and appealed to the
Mr. Thuemmel stated that this matter is being “dealt with at a President to use his discretion to grant pardon to Devinderpal.
bilateral level” rather than through the UN, European Union or 'There is no need for the death penalty, which violates every
NGOs to ascertain that India understands that Germany is fundamental human right. We hope that people will ask the Indian
personally committed. However, he also stated that political President to commute the death sentence against Bhullar', said
pressure and support from the European Union and NGOs was Mark Lavene, a representative from grass root human rights
necessary. organization, VFF, Voices For Freedom.

The Bhullar case brings a lot of unease on how a former asylum A protest of human rights groups across India and Sikhs took place
seeker to Germany now faces the death penalty in India. Bhullar, a in Delhi to coincide with India's Republic Day on 26th January.
known Sikh political activist and dissident since 1984 (the time of Their concerns reflect the death penalty being brought back after
the Sikh massacres as well as military and police rule of Punjab), 15 years and this potential miscarriage of justice. In London, as in
had claimed, in the German fast track asylum system in 1994, that major cities around the world, Sikhs protested and held vigils to
his life was at risk in India because of his political activism. His show their concern for the death penalty. Thousands of anti death
family were tortured and persecuted as evidenced by the penalty campaigners across the world have asked their foreign
'disappearances' of his father, uncle and best friend by police. A ministers to ask India to commute the death penalty.
German court later ruled that he should not have been deported.
Amnesty International published a report on 20/01/03showing that As one elderly Sikh campaigner from the UK, Gurjeet Singh, said,
torture at the hands of the police is endemic in Punjab, India. It "I am very sad and shocked that a boy who faced torture so many
mentions the Bhullar case, where torture was also reportedly used. times, whose family were tortured and persecuted, faces such a
AI has made this an urgent action case now. The major evidence terrible thing as execution after
against him is his confession, extracted he pleaded for asylum."
under torture. None of the prosecution's 133 witnesses could even
identify him. Further contact information from Campaigning Team for
Devinderpal Singh Bhullar (a coalition of international community
Sikh representatives and anti death penalty campaigners from across and human rights groups) email: [email protected]
the UK met Thomas Matussek, the new German Ambassador in (VFF, Voices For Freedom, Inc., 158 Church Street, PMB:5, New
London, 14/01/03, to express their grave concerns about the death York, NY 10007: FAX: 775-429-8098).
penalty and this case. The Sikhs in the UK, who are one of the The Amnesty report is available from:
largest Sikh communities outside of India, have spent over a year http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/Index/ASA200022003?OpenDocum
campaigning against the death penalty. Sikhs strongly believe in the ent&of=COUNTRIES\India
sanctity of life, and are against the death penalty. The ambassador *****
said the German government abhors capital punishment and said, SIKH PROFILES
"we share your view that the death penalty is a violation of one of
the most elementary human rights".
February 2003
Dr. Jasbir Singh Kang
From Amritsar, Punjab, on January 24, 2003, major religious Sikh
Dr. Kang is a medical doctor
leaders issued their concerns about Devinderpal Singh's execution.
practicing in the field of Internal
Bhai Ranjit Singh, a former Akal Takht Jathedar (the head of the
medicine and has been residing in
Temporal Seat of the Sikhs), requested the German government to
Yuba City, CA since 1991. He
pressurize India into respecting the extradition treaty with its
acquired his M.B.B.S. from the
government in the case of Devinderpal Singh. At a press conference
Government Medical College,
he said the Indian government was violating the international treaty
Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
under which death sentence could not be awarded to an extradite
While in medical school he excelled
(Devinderpal). In a letter to the President of India, Dr Abdul Kalam
in sports by winning gold medal in
he sought presidential pardon for Devinderpal.
All India University and National
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 30
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

(junior) Cycling championships. Also represented University Chess Sikh Americans were racially profiled and attacked. In order to
team. He was President of Students, Junior Doctors Association and handle this growing problem Dr. Kang worked rigorously as
senate member of Punjabi university n 1986 Dr. Kang moved to the executive director with WLWD 2000 Inc. to produce a
United States in order to seek better opportunities and freedom as he documentary entitled “Mistaken Identity” which features the plight
describes in his interview that was published in December 1999 in of Sikh Americans during those days. During that time he was also
the well-known newspaper Appeal-Democrat. “My personal frequently seen and heard appealing for peace on many radio and
memory which changed my life was when the Indian army invaded television news channels such as BBC, National public radio and
the Golden Temple in 1984 and there were riots in New Delhi, Fox news. His speech to Citizens of Yuba City and one given at
Which really was the most dramatic memory. I never expected those Sacramento was widely covered by media. Furthermore he has
things can happen in a democratic country.” He further adds in the been widely speaking and conducting multimedia educational
same interview. After moving to the United States he joined a three presentations on history of Sikh migration, misgivings about Sikh
years Categorical Internal Medicine Residency Training Program in appearance and basic concepts of Sikhism to the non-Sikh
Cook County Hospital, Chicago. After completion of this program Americans with a purpose of creating better understanding. Dr.
he joined the Peach Tree Clinic at Marysville, CA. Marysville is a Kang has authored many articles on diverse subjects including
neighboring town of Yuba City which is the home of a large Sikh health & medicine, early Punjabi migration to North America,
farming population. It is also worth mentioning that Yuba City growing traffic problem in India, co-existence, human rights and
became the first home for Sikhs when they arrived in United States issues faced by migrant Sikh youth. These articles have been
in early 19th Century. n the year 1995, Dr. Kang opened up his own published in many magazines, websites and journals. He strongly
General Internal Medicine private practice in Yuba City, which he is believes that social justice and fairness is fundamental for success
still successfully running with special emphasis on management of of any society. He thinks your professionalism (being a physician)
Diabetes Type II. comes before your religion or any other kind of human affiliation.
Some of his medical affiliations have included: He feels blessed by being in a position to help the society through
Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine. his education and medical skills. Dr. Kang lives in Yuba City with
Chairman, Department of Medicine at both local hospitals. his wife and three children.
Chairman, Utilization Review Committee, January 1999 to 2001. *****
Member Medical Ethic Committee from 1999 to present. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Chairman of ICU committee 1995 Dear S. Hardev Singh,
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
Apart from being an excellent medical professional, Dr. Kang has I have just finished reading the February issue of Sikh Bulletin and
been an active community leader too. He has played a key role in wanted to express my support for the Khalsa Tricentennial
mobilizing efforts to reach out to the mainstream Americans in the Foundation's efforts. My father (Dr. Baljit Singh Sidhu of
Yuba, Sutter area by undertaking various outreach activities and Richmond, VA) speaks very highly of you and passed along a copy
programs. He is a firm believer that culture is the cement for any of the bulletin earlier today. As a current student of law, I
faith that helps strengthen bonds and friendships between people of appreciate and applaud your use of current legal cases as basis for
different communities and origins. He was the founding member of subsequent discussion and analysis. This fact-based reporting is
the Punjabi American Heritage Society, which is responsible for lacking in many Sikh publications despite being necessary to
many educational and cultural initiatives such as the Annual Punjabi ensure credibility amongst the broader community. The case is
festival in Yuba City. This Mela has become one of the largest made much stronger when it is not simply a personal opinion
ticketed events of a minority group in the United States. Other than appearing in print.
the festival the Punjabi American Heritage Society proudly hosted
the Teachers appreciation evening to thank and acknowledge the Again, I truly appreciate your sewa to the community in publishing
contributions of Teachers in the Yuba City area. He is also the this newsletter. I have a favor to ask, if it is not too much trouble.
founding member of Yuba Sutter Interfaith Council and the Vice Is it possible for you to send an electronic copy of the February
President of “Friends of Yuba City Foundation”. Furthermore to issue? I would like to share with the other directors of the Sikh
promote better understanding and friendship between cultures and Coalition so that we all may subscribe and support your efforts.
communities in the Yuba City area Dr. Kang and his brother Jasjit Guru Fateh, Amandeep Singh Sidhu, Director of Regional Affairs,
jointly operate a Punjabi Television program called “Apna Punjab”. The Sikh Coalition Tel 804.426.3337, Fax 202.318.2345
He has frequently interviewed people of different backgrounds, Email [email protected]
opinions and shades. Diverse list of guests had included Mr. Nute www.sikhcoalition.org
Gingrich, Punjabi films actor: Raj Babbar, Congressman Herger, Dr. *
N.S. Kapany, Punjab politician: Vinod Khanna and Justice Ajit I have received a copy of Sikh Bulletin (February issue) at Akal
Singh Bains. In the above picture he is seen interviewing Ms. Kartar Takhat Sahib on Feb'10, 2003, while we were there for presenting
Dhillon, the first born Punjabi in the United States. He further uses the case from S. Gurbakhsh Singh Ji. Your efforts are excellent
this program to educate people on community related issues and and marvellous for the cause of Sikh panth. I heard about SB in
medical diseases. He has co-produced educational video on largest The Spokesman. I request, you to send the regular copy of SB to
annual Sikh parade in Yuba City attended by 40,000 people and me through e-mail or through post. If the old issues are available,
Punjabi American festival. these may also be sent via e-mail. I shall be very thankful to you.
Er. Gurmit Singh, Kapurthala
After the tragic events of September 11th, 2001 Dr. Kang has been *
actively organizing press meetings and candle night vigils to pray Dear Bhai Sahib Ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh. I
for peace and harmony in America. After the terrorists attacks many am in receipt of Feb.2003 Sikh Bulletin and going through it, one
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 31
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

has to wonder what worse thing can happen to the Sikh Nation. To the Roseville Gurdwara in November 1999 regarding the
call this bunch of utterly unprincipled people "SIKH" and then have Nanakshahi calendar:
them our religious and political leaders is the greatest folly we are "…that the new Nanakshahi calendar with fixed 'Gurpurabs'
doing. When are we going to get up from our deep slumber? We and 'Sangrands' meets that need…"
need to chuck the present leadership, both religious and political,
out of Sikh Panth, lock, stock and barrel. Otherwise the harm they I was surprised to see the word 'Sangrand' being used. As you are
are doing to the Sikh Nation, we may never be able to correct. Bhai well aware 'Sangrand' has no connection with Sikhism - 'thith var
Sahib, your efforts are commendable and keep on doing the good na Jogi jane...' and the Sikh bulletin has been in the forefront in
work. May Waheguru be with you always. warning the Sikh Sangats away from such Bhraminical rituals.
Amarjit Singh Victoria B.C. Canada.
* Over the last few years, with inspiration from your writings in the
Dear Sardar Sahib ji my friend Kanwar Ranvir Singh gave me a Bulletin, some of us have been trying to inform members of our
copy of your newspaper The Sikh Bulletin of Feb.2003 and I was Gurdwara about the inappropriateness of such Brahmanical
very impressed to read it. I request you to post me a copy of this practices in our religion and highlighting the true teachings of our
magazine regularly on my address and also send one copy to Gurus.
Library Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Alice Way, Hanworth Road,
Hounslow, Middlesex, U.K. To associate Sangrands with Gurpurabs in an otherwise laudable
resolution is not only wrong but also sends the wrong message. It
I also wish to mention that I have read all the books written by not only sets us back but also gives the skeptics an opportunity to
S.Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana and I have kept that treasure in my point to us that the Bulletin is advocating such rituals. In fact I was
home library. Being incharge of Gurdwara's library I have also so taken aback that I spoke to S. Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghan on
included these books in the library's shelves. I always recommend the telephone and he assured me that this must be an error and that
the readers to study these books. Those who have studied them, 'Sangrands' have no place in Sikhism. He urged me to write to you
have thoroughly appreciated them. Please do congratulate respected and gave me permission to mention his name to you with regards
Sardar Gurbaksh Singh ji on my behalf for this great work. May to this matter.
Guru bless him. I offer my services to distribute The Sikh Bulletin
in Hounslow area. Guru Panth da das, Sewa Singh, Hounslow, U.K I would be most grateful if you could clarify this matter in the next
* issue of the Bulletin. I write to you not as a critic of the Bulletin
Many thanks for sending me the last 12 copies of The Sikh Bulletin. but as staunch supporter! Kind regards, Jasbir Singh, London UK
I really appreciate your efforts for dealing with some controversial
issues in this journal. Herewith this note I am enclosing a cheque [When Roseville Gurdwara Sahib was liberated from Nanaksaria ‘Sant
worth $100.00. Coul you please mail me a copy of “Sikhs in Baba’ Amar Singh’s control in 1996 we changed several things, such as
History” by Dr. Sangat Singh and a copy of “Teaching Sikh removal of Guru and Sant Baba pictures and programs for Puranmashi and
Masaya. We have continued the practice of programs on Sangrand
Heritage To The Youth”.
essentially to avail of another opportunity (in addition to Sunday programs)
Paramjit Kaur Khera, Ohio
to convey to the Sangat the real meaning of Guru’s message. We make it a
* point to inform the Sangat that there is nothing special about Sangrand.
My dear S. Shergill Ji, Sat Sri Akal: Besides Nanakshahi Sangrand is the first of the month regardless of the
I am sure you must have first hand knowledge of events in regards position of the sun, which is the basis of Bikrami calendar. Similarly, we
to S. Kala Afghana. I noticed the following in Feb. 18, 2003 Tribune hold programs every Friday night. While I was growing up in District
and wanted to bring to your attention, as to my knowledge you are Ganganagar only days for regular services in our village Gurdwara were
Sangrands and Gurpurabs. People worked on Sundays. ED.]
the only brave and honest person who speaks his mind in the most
truthful way that you were aware of. I hope you would have the *
courage to bring to the kind attention of Holy Akal Takhat that I was given old copies of The Sikh Bulletin by Bhai Madan Singh
world is evolving and one must change his or her ways of thinking Ji. The content looks very good and informative. We, at Guru
to keep up with the modern day progress. One must wonder why Nanak Gurdwara in Luton have a library and would appreciate it if
first of all Holy Akal Takhat gave directions for a videoconference you could supply 2 to 3 copies regularly to the following address.
and then called it off. I believe this act of S. Vadanti was against Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Luton, U.K. Jagdev Singh Grewal.
our maryada and he should present himself before the high priests *
to accept some pinishment. I am glad to have received a copy of the said Bulletin and had
pleasure in reading it. I am taking this opportunity of writing to
I am sure you would also make an effort to educate others like me make a request from you - send me regularly a copy of the said
who are ignorant of what S. Kala Afghana did that was so wrong for Bulletin at the following name and address:
such an action. It is not up to us to say if S. Kala Afghana was or is Mahinder Singh, Adelaide, Australia
guilty of blasphemy, but they should have kept their promise in
holding such a conference. Respectfully, Ram Kalia, Sacramento *
* In response to U.S.Gills letter published in The Sikh Bulletin Feb
I have just received this month's copy of the Bulletin and as ever it 2003 I would like to bring in to your notice that Mohan Singh the
is full of your and your fellow Gursikhs efforts in establishing the current head of Taksal at Bhinder Kalan village is not a son of
truth, condemning falsehood and spreading the true message of Giani Gurbachan Singh Bhinderanwale. He is one of the other
Sikhism. May Waheguru ji bless you in all your endeavors. In your followers of Taksal. Avtar Singh Sandhu, Hayes.U.K.
leader on the front page you quoted a resolution that was passed at *
The Sikh Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 32
The Sikh Bulletin cyq 535 March 2003

Following May Be Ordered From The Sikh Center Roseville

201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA 95678

Books by Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana available from Sikh Center Roseville:
1. Seven volume set of “Bipran Ki Reet Ton Sach Da Maarag” Bheta U.S. $ 10.00 per volume. (May be ordered individually)
2. One volume “Maas Maas Kar Moorakh Jhagre” Bheta U.S. $ 10.00
3. Bachittar Natak– Bheta U.S. $10.00
Note: Items 1,2, and 3 combined please add U.S. $ 10.00 for postage. For individual volumes please add $3 for postage.
Please make checks payable to KTF of N.A. Inc.

Others Books available from Sikh Center Roseville:

4. Sikh Religion and Christianity, author G.S. Sidhu, UK. ] Bheta $5.00 including postage
5..Sikh Relgion and Islam, authors G.S. Sidhu and Gurmukh Singh, UK.] for both
6. Teaching Sikh Heritage To The Youth, author Dr. Gurbakhsh Singh. Bheta $5.00, including postage. For bulk copies please
write to Canadian Sikh Study and Teaching Society #108, 1083 SE Kent St. Vancouver, B.C. V5X4V9, Canada.
7..“Sikhs in Hisotry” by Dr. Sangat Singh, Paper Back, Bheta $10.00, Hard Back, Bheta $15.00, including postage.
8. Gurbani CD and SGPC publications FREE. We pay the postage.
9. dsm gRNQ inrxYY , igAwnI Bwg isNG, ANbwlw] Bheta $10.00 including postage

Books available from other sources:

10. Avtar Singh Dhami, 3336 Bridge Road, Hayward, CA 94545. Various titleson Religious books, including publications of
Missionary College Ludhiana.
11. Thanks to S. Avtar Singh Dahami, Dr. Sahib Singh’s ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib Darpan’ is now on :
12. Dr I. J. Singh, 2414 Capri Place, North Bellmore, NY. 11710-1624. 1. The Sikh Way: A Pilgrim’s Progress. 2. Sikhs And
Sikhism: AView With A Bias
Your kind donations are used to print religious literature and this Bulletin

Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Inc.

The Sikh Center Roseville
Gurdwara Sahib Roseville
201 Berkeley Ave
Roseville, CA 95678


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