Impact of English Urdu Medium in Education System

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Impact of English and Urdu Medium Education System in Pakistan


Introduction: In fact, medium of instruction is a matter of great debate among teachers, educationists and parents. The majority of teachers and parents say that English should not be the medium of instruction but should be taught as a subject right from the very beginning of the school. But as we all are well aware that English is a widely used international language. It has (as a medium of instruction and as a subject). After the emergence of Pakistan in 1947, the problem of language arose for teaching as well as for other communications. Like all free nations, there was a national demand in the public for the national language as a medium of instruction in teaching institutions. However, English language occupies a very important place in the educational curricula in Pakistan. It enjoys the status of an international language. It also remains the language of diplomats of Pakistan in diplomatic affairs, legal proceedings. Of all the language in the world today, English is taken as the primary language. Pakistan has a dual system of education, Urdu and English medium, but in both English is taught as a compulsory subject. Mostly Urdu medium schools are run by the government where English is a subject, while, on the other hand, in the English medium schools, which are run by some private organizations and missionaries, English is a subject, the medium of instruction and communication tool. English medium schools are being establishing more rapidly in Pakistan and educated parents, even non-educated also, prefer to send their children to English schools. Medium of instruction should be understandable to teachers and students. It should also enable them to attain comfort levels so that they can both deliver

Impact of English and Urdu Medium Education System in Pakistan

and receive messages using the chosen medium. Farani (1990) described the characteristics necessary for a language in order for it to be adopted as a medium of instruction. These are: The language should be lucid and understandable for the teacher sand taught. It should be possible to promote advance research work in that language. It should have simple grammatical structure, not complicated one. It must have rich vocabulary. It should be considered language, spoken and understood all over the country. Companies gives preference to the English medium candidate as compare to urdu medium candidate because now the companies have different people from different areas of the world so only the language which can be understandable is English and this is the only language which is internationally accepted so the primary language in the education system should be English. On the other hand the student who came from English medium background he is more confident and has an edge over the urdu medium student. Definitely he will not face any difficult problem which might be faced by urdu medium students, he is more confident because his/her education background is widely accepted and advanced. THERE ARE SOME DEPENDED AND IN-DEPENDED VARIABLES DEPENDED VARIABLE:Your Confidence Level: Confidence is depended variable, the way you present yourself and describe other elements. It directly shows what you are, and you have.

Impact of English and Urdu Medium Education System in Pakistan

IN-DEPENDENT VARIABLES:Parents \literacyParents knowledge plays a vital role in deciding the education system of a child. Normally Parents with a higher literacy admit their children into English medium education systems as in their view comparing against English systems has a higher merit. However illiterate parents generally opt for Urdu medium system, because according to their view point, standards dont matter. Communication GapStudents coming from English Medium schools have a better edge in understanding and communicating in a professional environment. They normally convey better thoughts, ideas and sharper stimulus to situations Co-curriculum ActivitiesStudents who participate in activities have a shaper edge and are active situations. These activities improve their portfolio for the professional life and help them to process and act quicker. MediumEnglish or Urdu medium effects the professional life, because normally everyday language of the world is English. Hence one who has done English Medium can generally pick things up quicker mentally.


Impact of English and Urdu Medium Education System in Pakistan

MEDIATING VARIABLES: IncomeIncome of the family accelerates the general trend of the mass. Higher income family admit their children to English Medium in hopes they compete against the world. MODERATING VARIABLE: HousingWhether the student lives in the family house or hostel, it does affect the situation of his performance as its dependent on his environment. at the family house there can be a strict watch on him and his activities. INTERVENING VARIABLE: AgeThere is a fixed time for everything. Once that time goes by, its then too late. Hence for students of English or Urdu Medium there is a constant race against time. CONCLUSION English Medium student have a higher edge than their counter parts due to many factors. First to days top international competition is mostly run by institutes that have a higher number of individuals who excel in English. The Urdu medium student would have major difficulties in understanding instructions and thoughts of the organization which would hence lead to lower progress. English medium schools also give an outline of the habits and the cultures of different countries hence giving a general outlook. While at the same time cultivation of different ideas and focus on intensive mind exercise are carried out in English medium schools

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