Jews in The Americas, 1621-1826 Colour Leaflet

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This collection covers documents from the 17th-19th centuries related to Jewish life in the Americas, including family histories, synagogue records, and literature. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Jewish history in the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and Canada during this time period.

The documents cover a wide range of topics including family life, houses, food, life cycles such as circumcision and marriage, synagogue records, politics, and literary works. The collection aims to provide insight into early American history, the Atlantic world, race and identity, and Jewish religious history during this time period.

The collection includes previously under-researched groups at the margins of Jewish society, such as women, children, and conversos (Jews who converted to Christianity).



Jews in the Americas, 16211826

Editors: Michael Hoberman, Fitchburg State University and Laura Leibman, Reed College
4 Volume Set: c.1600pp: December 2013 978 1 84893 242 5: 234x156mm: 350/$625

From their first arrival in the Americas, Jews were involved in a social and cultural exchange which encompassed the entire Atlantic world. Although never the majority of the population, Jews were disproportionately important to colonial economies and trade. Their rapid assimilation into the mercantile cultures of the New World contrasts with their history in Europe, where legal and social restrictions prevented them from attaining equal status. This four volume primary resource collection brings together a wealth of rare and newly translated texts from archives around the world. Covering the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and Canada, the set is the first of its kind to include material on previously under-researched groups at the margins of Jewish society, including women, children and conversos. The inclusion of extensive and previously controversial materials relating to Africans and Eurafricans reveals much about the Jewish role in the slave trade. It will be indispensable to scholars of early American history, the Atlantic World, race and identity and Jewish and religious history. Many of the texts relate to business endeavours and commercial practices meaning that there is much of value for economic historians. The set also includes a large proportion of material that will be of interest to scholars of American literature, including poetry, letters and drama.

View of Jodensavanne, an important Jewish sugar plantation community established in 1652. P J Benot, Voyage to Surinam (1839)

Contains material from forty-six archives in eleven countries and ten states Over 200 of the texts have been translated into English for the first time Texts are translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Yiddish Editorial apparatus includes a general introduction, volume introductions, headnotes and endnotes Consolidated index in final volume



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Volume 1: 16211760
Family Life Letters: Bautisa Perez family (1634); Gratz family (175860); Lopez family (17537); Solomon and Asher families (172735). Family Histories: Moses Gomez, Family Records from the Spanish Bible of 1660 (16931760); Benjamin Sheftall, Sheftall Family Diary (173360). Houses: Sebastian Duarte and Manuel Bautista Perez, Description of house in Lima (1635); Excerpt from the inventory of the estate of Sebastian Duarte; List of Jews plantations and houses in Barbados and Jamaica (16921702); Names of Jewish Plantations in and around Jodensavanne and their Owners (1737). Food: Importation of flour, meat, and other products by Mr Moses Mikael (Curaao) and Michael Asher (Boston) (1720); Mendoza, Dinim de Sehita y Bedica (1733)*; Letter from Samuel Mendes de Sola (Curaao) to the Parnassim, Gabay, and Adjunta of Sererit Israel (New York) (1753); Abraham I Abrahams (Congregation Shearith Israel, New York), Certificate of Kashrut for meat shipped by Michael Gratz to Barbados (1767); Certificate of Kosher Beef Sent from Newport to Suriname (1787). Life Cycles Circumcision: Isaac Fernando Cardoso, Defense of circumcision, Las excelencias de los Hebreos (1679); Letter from Daniel Gomez (New York) to Aaron Lopez (Newport) (1753); Abraham I Abrahams, Registry of Cases of Circumcision (175660)*. Education: Isaac de Matatas de Aboab, Books for every condition and age, particularly in order to educate young people from immaturity to virtue (1685)*. Marriage: Ketubot(16761727); Regulation Demoting Portuguese Jewish Men who Marry Ashkenazi Women (1754). Mikveh: Minutes from Shearith Israel regarding Mikveh (1760). Death: Petition to Use Land for a Burying Ground and Memorandum for Those Who Contributed to the Purchase of the Burial Ground (1657); Epitaphs (16791757). Natural Disasters: The Port-Royal Earthquake of 1692: Description of Port-Royal, Colonial Papers (1670); The truest and largest account of the late earthquake in Jamaica (1692)*; Inventory of Moses de Lucena (1692); Petition of Certain Jews of Jamaica to the Queen (1692). Smallpox Epidemic of 16923: Letter from Gabriel aLevy to Manuel Levy Duarte (1692); Epitaph of Isaac Senior (1693). The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755: An Account of the late dreadful earthquake and fire, which destroyed the city of Lisbon (1756)*. Synagogue Life Synagogue Records and Controversies: Minute Book and Hascamoth of Congregations Zur Israel of Recife (164853)*; Miguel de Barrios, Description of the Esnoga in Amsterdam (1683); Separation of the Portuguese Jewish Community and High German Jewish Community (1735); Permission to build a Synagogue in St. Eustatius (1737); Sefer Torah given to Isaac de la Penha for delivery to St. Eustatius (1738); Prince of Orange, Peace edict concerning the Portuguese Jewish Nation of Curaao (1750); The Battle of the Balcony at Shearith Israel (1755); Jacob Rodriguez Rivera, Moses Levy, Isaac Hart, Deed for the Land of the Newport Synagogue (1760). Sermons and Religious Tracts: Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Nishmat Hayyim (1648)*; Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Introduction to Herreras Shaar Hashamayim (1655); Samuel Mendes de Sola of Curaao, Triunfo da unia contra o pernicoso vcio da discordia (1751). Prayers, Prayer Books & Bibles: Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Prayer commemorating the siege of Recife (1656?); Livro dos Miseberagh of Shearith Israel (1759)*. Communal Boundaries Inquisition Records: Commemoration of the Martyr Francisco Maldonado da Silva of Chile, arrested in 1627 by the Inquisition (1650); Inquisition records (160849)*; Processo de Diogo Jos Ramos (17205)*; Processo de Joo Carlos Moro Pinheiro (1757)*; Processo de Rosa Margarida (17202)*. Slavery, Servants, Race, and the Jewish Family: Will of Joseph Ydania (1707); Indenture of Archibald Kennedy and his wife to Jacob Gomez (1716); Ketubot (17219); Scandal between Ganna, a Jewish Girl, and Jan, an Amerindian Slave (17301); Sarah, run away from Judah Hays, New-York Gazette (1751). Banishment: Request to banish Salomon de Montel (1749); Request to banish Jacob Juda Polak (1756). Conversion Pamphlet: Judah Monis, The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth (1722)*; Advertisement for A Hebrew Grammar by Judah Monis (1735). Brotherhoods and Freemasons: The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1734)*. Politics and the State Census: Jews, from A list of the inhabitants in and about the town of St. Michaels (1680); Jewish Households from the Census of Nevis (17078). Naturalization and Citizenship: Grant of Denization of David Raphael de Mercado of Barbados (1661); Naturalization of Simon Valentine, Merchant: an alien of the Jewish Nation (1697); Act of Denization from Queen Anne for Luis Gomez (1705); Houses of Parliament, Plantation Act of 1740 (1740). Privileges and Rights: Privileges granted by the Directors of the West India Company (Amsterdam) to Joseph Nunes da Fonseca, alias David Nassi and Company (Curaao) (1652); Privileges granted to the Hebrew Nation by the Governor, Council, and Assembly of Suriname (1665); Recommendation to encourage Jewish settlement in Jamaica (1672); Complaints against the Jews (Barbados) (1679); William Dyer, suit against Newport Jews (1685); Houses of Parliament, Act for Suppressing Blasphemy (1697); Privileges granted to the Jews of St. Eustatius by the Directors of the West Indian Company (1730). Economics and Trade Slavery and the Slave Trade: An Act to restrain the Jews from keeping and trading with negroes (Barbados) (1679); Purchase of slaves by Isaac Pinheiro and Abraham de Mesquita (Nevis) (1669); Epitaph

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of David Rodrigues Monsanto, who died in a slave uprising (1739); Testimony of Esther Francina van Hertsbergen, wife of Jacobus Cordova regarding the Maroon attack on Mayacabo Plantation, November 5, 1751 (1762). Piracy: Description of the Jewish militias defense of Fort Zeelandia under the command of Isaac Pinto during Cassards attack on Suriname (1712); Ransom of Curaao from Jacques Cassard (1713); Taxes paid by Jews for the ransom of Curaao from Jacques Cassard (1713). Business Records, Court Cases, & Advertisements: Grant of sole use of sugar mill newly invented by David de Mercado (1663); James Lucena, Advertisement for Goods to be Sold, Newport Mercury (1759); Deposition of David Redoch and Frederick Eck about Mr. Moses Mikael and his refusal to pay importation taxes (1718); Shipping Records of Aaron Lopez (1755). Literary Work Autobiography and Biography: Menasseh ben Israel, The Relation of Antonio Montezinos (1650)*; David Aboab, Emeth ve Yahib (1745); David Aboab, Sefer hesed veemet The mercy and truth. Or, a brief account of the dealings of God with David Aboab, A Native of Venice (1748)*. Philosophy: Josseph de la Vega, Confusion de confusions (1688)*. Poetry: Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Zecher Asiti Leniflaoth El: Reminded was I of Gods Miracles (1656); Miguel de Barrios, rbol de la vida con races de la Ley (1683)*; Daniel Israel Lopez Laguna, Espejo fiel de Vidas (1720)*. Jews as Other: Description of Joabim, the Jewish Merchant-Scientist from Sir Francis Bacons The New Atlantis (1627); Marquis dArgens, The Jewish Spy (1739)*. Libraries: Inventory of Manuel Bautista Perezs library (1635); Catalogue of the Library of Rabbi Isaac Aboab (1693)*.

Life Cycles Childbirth: Epitaph of Rachel, wife of Jacob Henriquez, who died in childbirth (1766); Epitaph of Sarah, wife of Abraham Lopez, who died in childbirth (1767). Circumcision: Abraham I Abrahams, Registry of Cases of Circumcision by Abraham I Abrahams in New York (176281); Salomon Levy Maduro, Blessing for Circumcising and Converting Slaves and List of Circumcisers in Curaao and Suriname Sefer Brit Itschak (17678); Instructions from Abraham Isaac Abrahams to Moses Seixas regarding the proper performance of a circumcision (1772). Education: De Montel, J H de Barrios, et. al., Prospectus for a College of Literature for Evening School (1785); David Cohen Nassy, Prospectus for a College of Letters at Jodensavanne (1797). Marriage: Samuel Robles de Medina, Removal of Requirement for Levirate Marriage (halizah) and Formula for Ketubot and Divorce (1763); Special Act of the Assembly regarding exceptions to prohibited marriages (1764); Controversy about Uncovered Heads for Married Women (1786); Ketubah of Rebecca Eve Hendricks and Solomon Levy (1789). Mikveh: Jonas Philips on leaving space for a ritual bath at the new synagogue complex for Mikveh Israel (1782); Manuel Josephson, petition to board of Mikveh Israel to build a mikveh (1784); Shmuel Robles de Medina, specifications for a mikveh (1763). Death: Epitaphs (175387); Wills (176989); Death Announcement for Aaron Lopez, (1782); Eulogy for Aaron Lopez (1782); Memorial for Revd Isaac Touro and Epitaph for Mrs Reyna Touro (1784). Natural Disasters: St. Eustatius Hurricane of August 31, 1772: Response to the Plea to the Parnassim of Amsterdam for assistance to rebuild the Honen Dalim Synagogue (1772); Epitaph of Moses de Piza (1780); Epitaph of Ephraim Baruh Lousada (1780). Yellow Fever Epidemic of 177582: Epitaph of Samuel Hart (1773). Smallpox Epidemic of 1789: Epitaph of Esther Cohen Nassy (1789). Synagogue Life Calendar: Abraham Eleazar Cohen, Hebrew Calendar for the year 5539 (17789)*. Synagogue Records and Controversies: Newport Mercury article announcing the opening of Congregation Jeshuat Israels synagogue in Newport (1763); Amsterdam Parnassim, Letter of Recommendation for Rabbi Hayyim Joseph David Azulai of Hebron to the Jewish Communities of Curaao and St. Eustatius (1778); Minutes, Proposals and By-Laws of Shearith Israel Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal (177089); Excerpts of the Revised Hascamoth of the Portuguese Jewish Community (1787). Sermons and Religious Tracts: Rabbi Haim Isaac Carigal, A Sermon Preached (1773); Reverend Gershom Seixas, Address to the congregation upon his return to New York after the Revolutionary War (1784); Reverend Gershom Seixas, A Religious Discourse (1789). Prayers, Prayer Books & Bibles: Frontmatter and excerpt from Biblia en dos Colunas Hebrayco y Espanol (Amsterdam) produced for Curaaoan Abraham Mendes de Castro (1762); Isaac Touro, Thanksgiving Prayer (1765); Isaac

Volume 2: 17611789
Family Life Letters: Gratz family (17614); Lopez family (176781); Sheftall family (1788); Levy family (1776). Family Histories: Levi Sheftall, Sheftall Family Diary (176189)*; Seixas Family Register (176089). Houses: Henriquez, Parera, and Suares families, Land evidence (176379); David and Phoebe Lazarus House, Notre Dame Street, Land evidence (1767); Rebecca Hays House, Broad Street, Advertisement of Theft (1767); List of properties in Senesclasy, Petit Goave, Pajot, Fonds des Negres, and Aquin (176379); Inventory of the House of Hiam Levy (1779); Estate Inventory of David Cohen Nassy (1782); Estate Inventory of Leah Henriquez (1770); Inventory of the House of Myer Polock (1779). Food: Meyer Josephson, Request for kosher cheese from London to Michael Gratz (1762); Meyer Josephson, Request for trustworthy shohet to Michael Gratz (1764); Meyer Josephson, Gift of kosher deer meat to Michael Gratz (1764); Shmuel Robles de Medina, Certification of ritual slaughter (1763).

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Pinto, Selections from Prayers for Sabbath, RoshHashanah and Kippur (1766). Communal Boundaries Inquisition Records: Inquisition Records of Rafael Crijanto Gil Rodrguez (1789)*. Slavery, Servants, Race, and the Jewish Family: Difference between Yehidim and Congreganten from the Revised Hascamoth of the Portuguese Jewish Community (1787); Advertisement for the Capture of thief Mary Dennis (1764); Epitaph of Margaret Rivera (1771); Epitaph of Peter Cranston, Jr. (1771); Letter, Meyer Josephson on slave troubles to Barnard Gratz (1787); Epitaph of David HaCohen Nassy (1787). Brotherhoods and Freemasons: Henry Andrew Francken, Patent for Moses Michael Hays (1768); Records of King Davids Lodge, No 1, as made by Ara Hildreth*; Pennsylvania Grand Lodge Freemasons, Ahiman rezon abridged and digested (1783)*; Anonymous, Rules of the Jewish mens club (1761). Politics and the State Census: Names and addresses of Jewish residents from MacPhersons Directory for the City and Suburbs of Philadelphia (1785); Jews living in St. Eustatius (1790). Naturalization & Citizenship: Oath of Allegiance, Aaron Lopez and Isaac Elizer (1761); Rejection of Petition for naturalization of Aaron Lopez and Isaac Elizer (1761); Moses Michael Hays argues his loyalty to the American cause (1775). French & Indian Wars: Petition of Samuel Jacobs (1762); Deposition of Isaac Levy (1766); Memorial of Isaac Levi, et. al. (1768). Revolutionary War & Politics: John Charles Lucena, Moses Nunes and James Christie, Petition to the King of England (1775); Samson and Moses Levy Renounce Allegiance to King George III (1778); Frances Sheftall, Petition to Continental Offices to intercede on behalf of husband and son (1779); Fast at Jodensavanne for the Jewish Community of St. Eustatius, Desolated by the British (1781)*; Lord Edmund Burke, Description of the British Invasion and the suffering of Jewish residents (1781). Economics and Trade Slavery and the Slave Trade: Bill of Sale of Slave Charles from Joseph Holloway of Exeter to Aaron Lopez (1774); Prayer at the time of revolt of the Negroes, probably in Surinam. Piracy: Letter for help in the release of Abraham Punedo and Manuel Taboado from the Spanish (1764); Mahamad of Amsterdam asks for reimbursement of ransom from the Parnassim of Curaao (1765); Letter from the Amsterdam Parnassim to Curaao, regarding the capture, imprisonment, conversion, and release of Moses Bueno de Mesquita and Eliau Lopez da Fonseca of Curaao in St. Sebastian, Spain in 1751 (1754). Stores & Taverns: Petition of Eleazar Levy to the Earl of Dartmouth (1774); Naphtali Hart, Jr., Store Inventory, List of Creditors, and Declaration of Bankruptcy (1769); Lots owned by Abigail Minis (175668); Notice of License Keep a Tavern in Savannah (1764).

Literary Works Jews as Other: Testimony of the Maroon Quakoe against his former mistress Sara de la Parra from 1759 (1770); Epitaph of Sara de la Parra (1759); Edward Long, complaints against the Jews from the History of Jamaica (1774); Edward Long, a description of the Jews of Spanish Town, Jamaica from the History of Jamaica (1774). Poetry: David Franco Mendes, poem for the epitaph for Hakham Isaac Henriquez Farro (1762); Abraham Gabai Isidro, Sefer Yad Avraham (1763)*; Acrostic poem from epitaph of R R Moses Cohen D D (1762); On the Death of Mr. Aaron Lopez (1782). Philosophy: Joshua Hezekiah DeCordova, Reason and Faith, or Philosophical Absurdities (1788)*. Libraries: Excerpts from Books owned by David Cohen Nassy (1782).

Volume 3: 17901816
Family Life Letters: Gratz family (180615); Hays family (1798); Moses family (1798); Seixas family (181315). Family Histories: Seixas Family Register (17901816). Houses (Inventories, Deeds, Descriptions): Land Evidence record between Sarah Lopez and Hannah Rivera (1796); Land Evidence record between Sarah Lopez and Hannah Rivera (1797); Land Evidence record between Sarah Lopez and Hannah Rivera (1800). Life Cycles Childbirth: Epitaph of Rachel, wife of Jacob Hayim del Castilho (1793); Obituary of Rachel del Castilho (1793). Circumcision: Moses Lopez, Brakhot ha-Mila (1794)*. Education: Sampson Simson, Address Delivered in Hebrew at the Columbia College commencement (1800). Marriage: Marriage Contract of Abraham Mendes Belisario and Esther Lindo (1791); Marriages of kindred allowed by Jewish religion, The Public Laws of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations (1798); Prenuptial Agreement of Isaac Minis (1804); Governor Bonham, Edict abolishing of the demotion of Portuguese congregants upon marring an Ashkenazi woman (1814). Death: Epitaphs (17931811); Wills: Abigail Minis (1794), Alexander Lindo (1811). Natural Disasters: Epitaph of Walter J Judah (1798). Synagogue Life Calendar: Moses Lopez, American Jewish Calendar (1806)*. Synagogue Records and Controversies: Hascamoth of Congregation Mikve Israel, 17501810 (1810); Financial Report of the Jewish Community of St. Eustatius to Commissioners Grovestins and Boey to the Prince of Orange-Nassau (1790)*; Constitution, Bylaws and Charter from the Jewish congregation of New York (1790); Constitution, Bylaws and Charter from the Jewish congregation of Savannah (1790); St Thomas Synagogue Protocols (1796); Pledges made by members of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, from the Book of Offerings (1811, 1813, 1814). Sermons and Religious Tracts: Gershom Seixas, A Discourse Delivered (1798); Myer Moses, An Oration, Delivered before the Hebrew Orphan Society, on the 15th Day of October, 1806 (1807).
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Communal Boundaries New Christians: Excerpt of Will of John Charles Lucena (1813). Brotherhood: Moses Seixas, Warden of the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island to George Washington (1790); George Washington to Moses Seixas, Warden of the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island (1790). Slavery, Servants, Race, and the Jewish Family: Manumissions of Alexandre Lindo (1791); Hascamoth, Tract 25: Honors Reserved for Community Regents (1787); Memorandum of the colored Jews to Governor De Frederici (1793); Demotion of David Abraham de Vries for his marriage to coloured congregant Marianna Levij (1796); David Abraham de Vries, Plea to the Governor to overturn his demotion (1796); Epitaph of Frederick Baruh Louzada (1816). Politics and the State Revolutionary War: Sheftall family petitions Georgia Assembly and United States Congress regarding Mordecai Sheftalls service as chief commissary officer for Georgia militia (1802). Privileges & Rights: Petition of Levy Solomons and Response of John Elmsley, chief Justice of Upper Canada (1798); Petition of Moses David and Land Board Decision (1800); Controversy surrounding the election of Ezekiel Hart to the Legislative Assembly (1808); Royal Decree granting of Civil Equality to the Jews of Denmark and the Danish West Indies (1814). Economics and Trade Slavery and the Slave Trade: Reward for the Runaway Slaves Anthony, Pender, Ber, and Abraham, The Daily Advertiser (1793); Advertisement for sale of slaves and request for slave who can work as a blacksmith, The Daily Advertiser (1793); An Act to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States (1807); Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (1807). Business Records, Court Cases, & Advertisements: Theodore Hart to Ezekiel Hart (1810); Theodore Hart to Louis Foy (1810). Literary Works Jews as Other: Susanna Rowson, Slaves in Algiers (1794)*; Description of Sheva (the Jew) from Richard Cumberlands The Jew. A Comedy (1795)*; Portrait of Adonah Ben Benjamin from Royall Tylers The Algerine Captive: or the Life and Adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill (1795)*; Descriptions of Jews from John Gabriel Stedmans Narrative, of a five years expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America (1795)*; Views on Jews from Peter Markoes The Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania (1797)*. Poetry: Poem from the epitaph of Abraham Fernandes (1804). Philosophy: Elijah Gratz Etting, Elements of Moral Philosophy (1811); Moses Hart, Modern Religion (1816)*. Publishers: List of Books Published by Benjamin Gomez, bookseller and stationer; Advertisements for Benjamin Gomez, bookseller and stationer, No. 97 Maiden-Lane (17911806).

Volume 4: 18171826
Family Life Letters: Hays family (181326); Gratz family (181926); Lopez family (1822). Family Histories: Sarah Lopez to Priscilla Lopez, Genealogy of the Lopez Family (182230); Isaac Gomez, Jr. (1826); Moses Lopez Penha, Lopez Penha Family Chronicle (1826). Houses: Colonial Minister, Plantations and gardens belonging to Jews (1817)*; Land evidence (18204); House Inventory: Indenture between Moses Myers and Lamb & Co. Trust (1820); Myers Family Household Accounts (18246). Food: Conflict regarding the abilities of Jacob Lippman (1822). Life Cycles Education: Summary of Isaac Harbys Academy Cashbook (181920); Isaac Gomez, Jr., Selections of a Father for the Use of his Children (1820). Conversion: Certificate of Conversion of Jacob Bar Abraham Abinu (1819); Conversion of Joseph Alvares Correa and suspension of Pastor De la Olleria (1824). Marriage: Ketubah of Meir Meyerstone and Rebekah De Meza (1819); Ketubah of Aaron Lopez and Hetty Hendricks (1821); Controversy Regarding the Marriage of Jacob Isaac Soesman and Esther Jacob de Meza (1821). Death: Epitaphs (181721). Natural Disasters: Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1822, Diary of Aaron Levy (1822)*. Synagogue Life Synagogue Records and Controversies Minute Books of the Mahamad of Nidhe Israel Synagogue (181726); Abraham Mose, Petition by congregants of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim to the Adjunta (the trustees) to change the Sephardic Orthodox liturgy (1824); Minutes, Proposals and By-Laws of Shearith Israel Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal (18161826); Congregation Shearith Israel, Report of the Proceedings in the Case of Mrs. Anne Seixas (1823). Sermons and Religious Tracts: Jacob de la Motta, Discourse Delivered (1820); Jacob Mordecai, Discourse Delivered (1822). Prayers, Prayer Books, & Bibles: Service on the occasion of the visit of Abraham Defehr of Surinam to the synagogue (1822). Politics and the State Naturalization & Citizenship: Request to the King from the Jews of Suriname Regarding Jewish Privileges in the Colony (1816); Marylands Jew Bill (181926)*; Speeches, newspaper articles and internal synagogue correspondence regarding the controversy over the 1820 so-called Vestry Bill (181920); Assembly of Jamaica, An act to entitle Jews, born within the ligeance of the King, to the rights and privileges of the natural born subjects (1826). Literary Works Plays and Travel Literature: Mordecai Manuel Noah, Travels in England, Spain, and the Barbary States (1819)*; Mordecai Manuel Noah, Marion, or the Hero of Lake George (1821)*.
** Full contents can be found on our website indicates that the text has been translated * indicates that the text has been excerpted

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