Siemens Power Engineering Guide 7E 328
Siemens Power Engineering Guide 7E 328
Siemens Power Engineering Guide 7E 328
saturation characteristics (rated symmetrical short-circuit current limiting factor) of the cores and secondary windings must meet the requirements of the particular application.The CT classication code of IEC is used in the following: Measuring cores These are normally specied with 0.2 % or 0.5 % accuracy (class 0.2 or class 0.5), and an rated symmetrical short-circuit current limiting factor FS of 5 or 10. The required output power (rated burden) should be higher than the actually connected burden. Typical values are 2.5, 5 or 10 VA. Higher values are normally not necessary when only electronic meters and recorders are connected. A typical specication could be: 0.5 FS 10, 5 VA. Cores for billing values metering In this case, class 0.25 FS is normally required. Protection cores The size of the protection core depends mainly on the maximum short-circuit current and the total burden (internal CT burden, plus burden of connected lines, plus relay burden). Furthermore, a transient dimensioning factor has to be considered to cover the inuence of the DC component in the short-circuit current.
Glossary of used abbreviations (according to IEC 60044-6, as dened)
The requirements for protective current transformers for transient performance are specied in IEC 60044-6. In many practical cases, iron-core CTs cannot be designed to avoid saturation under all circumstances because of cost and space reasons, particularly with metal-enclosed switchgear.
CT dimensioning formulae Rct + Rb Kssc = Kssc (effective) Rct + Rb Iscc max with Kssc Ktd (required) Ipn
The Siemens relays are therefore designed to tolerate CT saturation to a large extent. The numerical relays proposed in this guide are particularly stable in this case due to their integrated saturation detection function. The effective symmetrical shortcircuit current factor K'SSC can be calculated as shown in the table above. The rated transient dimensioning factor Ktd depends on the type of relay and the primary DC time constant. For relays with a required saturation-free time from 0.4 cycle, the primary (DC) time constant TP has little inuence.
CT design according to BS 3938 / IEC 60044-1 (2000) IEC Class P can be approximately transfered into the IEC Class PX (BS Class X) standard denition by following formula: (Rb + Rct) In Kssc Uk = 1.3 Example: IEC 60044: 600 / 1, 5P10, 15 VA, Rct = 4 (15 + 4) 1 10 IEC PX or BS: UK = = 146 V 1.3 Rct = 4
For CT design according to ANSI / IEEE C 57.13 please refer to page 331
Kssc Kssc Ktd Issc max Ipn Isn Rct Rb Rb TP UK Rrelay Rlead with l A
= Rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor (example: CT cl. 5P20 Kssc = 20) = Effective symmetrical short-circuit current factor = Transient dimensioning factor = Maximum symmetrical short-circuit current = CT rated primary current = CT rated secondary current = Secondary winding d.c. resistance at 75 C / 167 F (or other specied temperature) = Rated resistive burden = Rlead + Rrelay = connected resistive burden = Primary time constant (net time constant) = Knee-point voltage (r.m.s.) = Relay burden 2l = A = Single conductor length from CT to relay in m = Specic resistance = 0.0175 mm2 / m (copper wires) at 20 C / 68 F (or other specied temperature) = Conductor cross-section in mm2
The CT requirements mentioned in table 6.2-3 are simplied in order to allow fast CT calculations on the safe side. More accurate dimensioning can be done by more intensive calculation with Siemenss CTDIM ( program. Results of CTDIM are released by the relay manufacturer. Adaption factor for 7UT6, 7UM62 relays in g 6.2-122 (limited resolution of measurement) Ipn INrelay Ipn 3 UnO INrelay FAdap = = InO Isn SNmax Isn In-pri-CTmax 1 8 Transformer ratio* In-pri-CTmin * If transformer in protection zone, else 1 In-pri-CT-Transf-Site 2 In-Obj-Transf-Site In-pri-CT-Transf-Site In-Obj-Transf-Site with InO UnO INrelay SNmax = Rated current of the protected object = Rated voltage of the protected object = Rated current of the relay = Maximun load of the protected object (for transformers: winding with max. load) AND Request: 8
In general, an ac-curacy of 1 % in the range of 1 to 2 times nominal current (class 5 P) is specied. The rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor KSSC should normally be selected so that at least the maximum short-circuit current can be transmitted without saturation (DC component is not considered). This results, as a rule, in rated symmetrical short-circuit current factors of 10 or 20 depending on the rated burden of the CT in relation to the connected burden. A typical specication for protection cores for distribution feeders is 5P10, 10 VA or 5P20, 5 VA.