Physico-Genetic Determinants in The Evolution of Development

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Physico-Genetic Determinants in the Evolution of Development Stuart A. Newman Science 338, 217 (2012); DOI: 10.1126/science.


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a niche (11). Theoretical models that include both cell-cell communication and intracellular expression dynamics have been investigated (12, 13). Extensive simulations of such models over a huge variety of gene expression networks have found that cells that can both proliferate and also differentiate to cell types of different composition generally show temporal oscillations in their gene expressions at the single-cell level (Fig. 2B). In such cases, with the increase in cell number, state differences between cells are amplified by cell-cell communication such that the sensitivity to a signal increases. Some cells at a certain phase of oscillations (i.e., at a certain location within the orange trajectory in Fig. 2B) escape their original attractor in response to a signal and fall into the trough of a different attractor, whereas other cells of different phases remain with the original attractor. Thus, gene expression oscillations are necessary for stemness, potentiality both to proliferate and differentiate, whereas the loss of stemness is characterized by a loss of oscillatory dynamics. Notably, in this mechanism, the timing and pathway of differentiation are robust to noise, a property Waddington termed homeorhesis (1). With cellcell communication, the differentiation frequency of a stem cell is autonomously regulated by the population of each cell type, resulting in a robust population ratio. Recently, Huang used time-series transcriptome data to experimentally verify the existence of attractors in the dynamics of hematopoietic progenitor cells by demonstrating the robustness of the cellular state (14). Additionally, from the fluctuating expression level of stem cell marker Sca1, they found slow-scale changes in cellular states, which was suggested to be regulated by cell-cell communication (15). Single-cell measurements of gene expression dynamics have shown heterologous gene expressions of Rex1, Nanog, and Stella in embryonic stem cell populations (16) and Sca1 in hematopoietic stem cells (15, 17), a heterogeneity closely linked to the fate of the stem cell. One possible mechanism for such heterogeneity could be noise in the expression dynamics. Another is oscillatory expression dynamics. Indeed, Kageyama and colleagues found temporal oscillations in the Hes1 expression level of neural precursors and embryonic stem cells, where the phase of the oscillation was potentially seen to control the fate decision (18, 19), whereas existence of a complex dynamic attractor is also suggested (20). Furthermore, cell-cell communication via Notch-Delta signaling was suggested to regulate the fate decision of neural progenitors under the control of the oscillatory expression dynamics of Hes1 and other genes (18). Using a dynamical-systems approach to explain the differentiation of stem cells, we have described here how fluctuating and oscillatory gene expressions underlie the essence of stemness. If so, reactivating specific genes may recover these oscillations in differentiated cells to potentially restore potency (21). To characterize the attractors of stem and differentiated cells quantitatively, however, further experiments, including systematic sensitivity analysis of gene expressions (22), as well as theoretical formulations that go beyond Waddington's epigenetic landscape, are needed.
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Physico-Genetic Determinants in the Evolution of Development

Stuart A. Newman Animal bodies and the embryos that generate them exhibit an assortment of stereotypic morphological motifs that first appeared more than half a billion years ago. During development, cells arrange themselves into tissues with interior cavities and multiple layers with immiscible boundaries, containing patterned arrangements of cell types. These tissues go on to elongate, fold, segment, and form appendages. Their motifs are similar to the outcomes of physical processes generic to condensed, chemically excitable, viscoelastic materials, although the embryonic mechanisms that generate them are typically much more complex. I propose that the origins of animal development lay in the mobilization of physical organizational effects that resulted when certain gene products of single-celled ancestors came to operate on the spatial scale of multicellular aggregates. any of the classic phenomena of early animal developmentthe formation and folding of distinct germ layers during gastrulation, the convergence and extension movements leading to embryo elongation,

the formation of somites (paired blocks of tissue) along the main axis of vertebrate embryos, the generation of the vertebrate limb skeleton, the arrangement of feathers and hairshave been productively analyzed by mathematical and comSCIENCE VOL 338

putational models that treat morphological motifs as expected outcomes of physical process that are generic; i.e., pertaining as well to certain nonliving, chemically active, viscoelastic materials (14). Given that the thousands of genes of extant animals have been subject to mutation and (at the organismal level) natural selection over the more than 600 million years since the Metazoa first emerged (5), it is counterintuitive but revealing that the morphological motifs animals began with were carried over to the present, with few additions. Many developmental events that might be characterized by their simple generic physical properties are, in fact, much more complex. For example, many cells of embryonic tissues are individually mobile while, at the same time, collectively cohesive, as in the formation of distinct layers during gastrulation and of boundaries during later development: behaviors that had been attributed to cell adhesive differentials, with analogy to the phase separation of liquids such as oil and water (1). Although differential adhesion is indeed capable of sorting cells into separate
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

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Forces in Development
The operation of generic physical effects in before being recruited into developmental roles layers, the embryo is more complicated; for example, with tension being exerted on the cell animal embryogenesis, along with developmen- as multicellularity emerged (23, 24). The morphogenetic and patterning functionalsurface by the cytoskeleton and active cell-cell tal mechanisms that are complex and nongeneric repulsion (phenomena with no known counter- but nonetheless produce similar stereotypical mor- ities that arose when interaction tool kit molecules, parts in liquids), often contributing more to the phological motifs (multiple layers, interior cav- acting in the new multicellular context, mobilized configuration of the separated tissues than rel- ities, segments, folds, etc.), suggest a scenario in generic physical effects, have been termed dywhich the nongeneric mechanisms are evolved namical patterning modules (DPMs) (22). Although ative affinities (6) More generally, cells in embryos have the embellishments of the generic ones, with selec- primitive metazoan-type body plans could have ability, via contractile and protrusive activities, to tion stabilizing and reinforcing inherent forms quickly arisen in aggregates of genetically variaexert forces on one another and on the extracel- rather than inventing new ones (20). Hierarchical ble cells as long as they contained DPM-enabling lular matrices they produce (7). Although these programs of gene expression during the devel- genes (Fig. 1, aggregation route), without enforced mechanical properties can lead to, and in some opment of modern animals (21) regulate shape genetic uniformity among the cells of multicellular cases account for, the buckling of epithelial tissues and form by coordinating, fine-tuning, and con- forms, intraorganismal competition would tend to into ridges, as in neurulation, this developmental straining the activities of a subset of the con- undermine their persistence (25). The emergence process actually occurs by several different mech- served developmental tool kit, the tools of of an egg stage of development, with the cell clusanisms across chordates, only some of which de- which are the products of genes that directly ter stage of development then generated by cell mediate cell-cell interactions (22). These mole- cleavage, would have obviated such chimerism pend on mechanically mediated buckling (8). An embryos cells are tiny chemical reactors cules (such as cadherins, Notch, Wnt, Hedgehog, (Fig. 1, cleavage route), facilitating the generawith stored and exchangeable sources of en- bone morphogenetic protein, and collagens) typ- tion of evolutionarily stable lineages (26) (Fig. 1). The early products of DPMs would have ergy. This is evidenced in their ability to switch ically served single-cell functions in one or more among multiple stable compositional states (the unicellular ancestors of the multicellular animals borne the generic morphological signatures of basis for cell differentiation) (1, 9) and to exhibit biochemical oscillations (the basis of the cell cycle Non-stable lineages and other cell-physiological perioStable lineages S dicities) (10, 11). By virtue of this dynamicity, embryonic tissues are chemically excitable media, the physical properties of which can explain some enigmatic developmenCleavage Aggregation Gallus tal phenomena. Nonliving chemical embryo oscillators that are weakly coupled Dendraster readily come into synchrony (12). larva Correspondingly, interactions between adjoining cells in an embryonic tissue will synchronize intracellular oscillations; an example is the periodic expression of the transcriptional modulator Hes1 transforming Drosophila a clump of individual cells into a embryo Trichoplax globally coordinated embryonic field (13). Although a spatial uniformity of biochemical state can thus emerge in embryonic tissues, patterns can also form based on the self-organizing capabilities of inCaenorhabditis teracting diffusible activators and Mnemiopsis embryo inhibitors of cell differentiation (morphogens) (1416), Some periodic and quasiperiodic develLoligo embryo Amphimedon opmental patterns (such as the distribution of hairs, pigment patches, Fig. 1. A core set of physico-genetic modules underlies the morphological evolution of animals. Multicellular entities or skeletal structures) clearly de(center image) were formed by the aggregation of unicellular organisms (red curved arrow) or the cleavage of enlaged pend on such effects (17), but oth- cells [proto-eggs (26) or eventually fertilized eggs] (green curved arrow). The green inner circle shows morphological ers, such as the seven stripes of motifs generated by some of the key DPMs: physical forces and effects relevant to the multicellular scale, mobilized by pair-rule proteins in the syncytial certain ancient single-cell gene products and pathways. Emergent motifs include (clockwise from top of inner circle) Drosophila embryo, although they appendages, segments, elongated bodies and primordia, coexisting alternative cell types, interior cavities, dispersed cells, exhibit some self-organizing as- and multiple layers. Genetically uniform clusters produced stable lineages (straight green arrows), whereas chimeric pects (18), are generated in a less clusters did not (broken red arrows). Contemporary organisms containing some or all of these motifs are shown in the outer generic fashion, employing stripe- circle. Clockwise from top right: vertebrate (Gallus) embryo, arthropod (Drosophila) embryo, ctenophore (Mnemiopsis), dedicated duplicated gene pro- cephalopod (Loligo) embryo, demosponge (Amphimedon), nematode (Caenorhabditis) embryo, placozoan (Trichoplax), and moters (19). echinoderm (Dendraster) larva.


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