Synthesis Rubric

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The document provides a grading rubric for a synthesis essay, an outline template for writing a synthesis paper, and MLA formatting requirements. The rubric evaluates elements like the introduction/thesis, evidence/citations, argument/position, and writing mechanics. The outline template includes sections for an introduction, three body paragraphs with evidence from different sources, and a conclusion. The MLA formatting listed includes requirements like font, spacing, header/footer information.

The grading rubric is assessing several elements in student essays. It evaluates how effectively the introduction establishes the topic context and position, how well the essay supports its position by synthesizing and citing at least three sources, the strength and convincingness of the argument, and the writing mechanics.

The components that must be included in the synthesis paper outline are an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs providing evidence from different sources to support the thesis, and a conclusion paragraph. Each body paragraph must include a topic sentence, evidence from one source, and commentary explaining how the evidence supports the thesis.


Intro & Thesis Successful Effectively establishes the context of the topic; effectively takes a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim in the prompt. Effectively supports position by effectively synthesizing and citing at least three of the sources. Writers argument is convincing, and cited sources effectively support position.

Grading Rubric: Synthesis Essay

Satisfactory Adequately establishes the context of the topic; Adequately takes a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim in the prompt. Adequately supports position by effectively synthesizing and citing at least three of the sources. Writers argument is generally convincing, and cited sources generally support position, but less developed than successful. Writing Writing demonstrates an demonstrates ability to control a general ability to wide range of write clearly enough elements of effective to convey ideas writing; few to no adequately; some errors in formal errors in formal English spelling and English spelling and grammar; Proper grammar; some citation integration mistakes in citation & punctuation integration & punctuation Inadequate Inadequately establishes the context of the topic; Inadequately takes a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim in the prompt. Attempt to present an argument and support position by synthesizing and citing two sources, but may misunderstand, misrepresent, or oversimplify either writers own argument or the cited sources included. Link between cited sources and argument is weak. Writing demonstrates inadequate control of writing; errors are consistent and may be distracting to reader; may show inattention to citation integration or punctuation Little Success Little success in establishing the context of the topic; Little success in taking a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim in the prompt. May merely allude to knowledge gained from reading the sources rather than citing the sources themselves. May misread sources, fail to present an argument, or merely respond to the question tangentially or by summarizing sources. Writing shows consistent weaknesses through lack of development or organization, grammatical problems; errors are consistently distracting to the reader; shows little to no attention to citation or integration punctuation

Support, Citations, & Argument

Writing Mechanics

First Draft & Outline Included: ____/ 1 point Attention to MLA Formatting: Heading order/Left-aligned: ___/ point Title: ____/ point Date: ____/ point Last Name/Page # in Upper Right: ___/ point Times New Roman Font: ___/ point Double-Spaced: ____/ point

Total: _________ / 28 Writing Points




Synthesis Paper Outline Outline & Draft of Paper Due: Day 1, Week of February 4 ________________________ Final Draft Due: Day 2, Week of February 4 __________________________
Remember: The synthesis question asks you to synthesize information from a variety of sources to inform your own discussion of a topic. Your evidence ONLY may come from the sources. Write an essay in which you defend, challenge, or qualify the following statement: The 20th and 21st century American woman faces many of the political, social, and physical restraints that limited her 19th century counterpart.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Grabber: Set Up the Debate & then Transition to Thesis: One side believes: The other side believes: The side Im not on is illogical, though, because: General Thesis: Specific Thesis/Blueprint (listing reasons, not sources):

Paragraph 2: Support from Source _______ Topic Sentence: An Argument (not a statement of fact) introducing how your first reason supports your thesis.

Evidence: A brief explanation of your first source; a quote, statistic, or detail from this source that supports your thesis

Commentary: A thorough explanation of how this source supports your thesis. Should connect the dots for your reader This evidence supports my thesis because

Paragraph 3: Support from Source _______ Topic Sentence: An Argument (not a statement of fact) introducing how your second reason supports your thesis.

Evidence: A brief explanation of your second source; a quote, statistic, or detail from this source that supports your thesis

Commentary: A thorough explanation of how this source supports your thesis. Should connect the dots for your reader This evidence supports my thesis because

Paragraph 4: Support from Source _______ Topic Sentence: An Argument (not a statement of fact) introducing how your third reason supports your thesis.

Evidence: A brief explanation of your third source; a quote, statistic, or detail from this source that supports your thesis

Commentary: A thorough explanation of how this source supports your thesis. Should connect the dots for your reader This evidence supports my thesis because

Paragraph 5: Conclusion Restate Thesis & Blueprint: What is your position? What did your three sources show readers that should have convinced them of your argument?

Explain how this topic affects our lives and society todayyou might think about how your argument shows the social construction of gender is reinforced or undermined, or how you expect this argument might be relevant or irrelevant in upcoming years.

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