The Unseen Ones in This World, Not of This World

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The Unseen Ones In this World, Not of this World Written by, DeAnna Durant 01/27/2013 One day

a Father took his young inquisitive son out to cruise the universe. Though this was not the regular Sunday voyage the man would take the family on, no, this would be a learning experience. The Father travelled through many galaxies, passing glorious stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. As he approached the Milky Way the father cautiously began to decelerate, observing the interest his child would take. His son stretched high in his seat, with the expression of wonder and awe upon his face. Weve never been here before! The boy exclaimed. No son, we havent. Look at that one! It is so big! It has so many moons! What is it called? The child asked with excitement. That is called Saturn The child squinted his eyes and puckered his lip, After the farmer! he asked? Ha ha ha, yes son, but he was also the timekeeper, a Conductor so to speak. The Star here is so small! commented the child. Suddenly the childs eyes affixed to a specific planet and his mouth fell open. Whoa! Look at that one! Can we go there? Unbeknownst to the child this would be the very reason his father would bring him to the Milky Way. The father put the small 2 door scout coup in cruise control toward the glorious object. It is so beautiful Father! The son was in awe the glowing green and blue planet. His father pulled the bangs from his sons eyes, It appears to be doesnt it? Do people live there? The boy asked. Many people inhabit the planet, yes. Father why do you answer like that, is something wrong with it? The father had long prepared for this moment and as it turns out no matter how much preparation is involved it is still difficult to explain. It is something I must show you

The father placed the vessel into invisibility mode, though no craft is completely invisible it is still essential as not to be detected.

The scout descended and hovered upon the ocean, then a mountain range and within a meadow filled with an array of flowers. Oh father all of this is so majestic, but where are all of the people? He asked. The scout took to a large city, and hovered while the child observed. Are those their buildings, why are the people so crammed together, what are they doing? One after the other the father listened as his son asked all of the same questions he once asked his own father. He purged the scout high above a dessert range where war was taking place. What are they blowing up? His father paused a moment, each other son. The sons face grew worried, But why? Why? Take me closer! The father merged as close as he safely could to the combat as the son used the vehicle scan-cam to hone in on the dessert floor where bodies lay dead, Why? His son repeated! They drain the blood of men in order to drain the blood of the planet. The blood of the planet? Yes son, this is why I brought you here. These governors care nothing about the life of men, let alone that which is a giver of life. The planet is strong, and it will eventually recycle itself, unfortunately it hasnt the ability to recycle mentalities. People must want change in order for it to happen.

But how is it possible that someone cannot naturally understand they shouldnt do to others what they do not want done to them? So his father took him back to the city and hovered above a school. That is why son. He began explaining that the people of the planet were required a certain education that causes many of the most educated to consider the less educated their slave, though few ever admit it!

Educated, Educated! If they are educated then why do they do this? The child asked anxiously. It is how they are educated son. Many of them from the time they are born are taught to increase their monetary value. This instantly pits one against the other, though all seem to be fine with that, especially the rich. This has taken place here repetitively. They are controlled by it!

The father flew the scout to a lovely neighborhood full of luxurious houses, fancy cars, and happy children riding their bikes, while adults mingled in small groups over refreshments. This doesnt look so bad! mentioned the child. It doesnt, but it is part of the cause! These people are so educated that they refuse to help because they know how many backs it took to allow them to feel less the slave that they really are. As long as they do not have to struggle or face horrors they are comforted by blinding themselves from the realities others face, and that is something every human on this planet no matter their station, rich or poor will succumb to because of this monetary system. He flew to a part of the city where the homeless migrate. See these people; they do not have a home at all! Some of them survived what I showed you in the dessert so that the people in the neighborhood could live in luxury, but they havent a home themselves. It will be those people that live in luxury that will see to it that these people who have nothing are moved further away from them because they are considered undesirable, vermin, though their ego will not allow them to admit that is what they think. They do things that appear to be good, while assisting in the continued neglect of what really should be done. The child sat in thought a moment, But how did it get this way? The father paused and took a deep breath, This planet became evil and full of greed because of a few things, unlike a simple solution to population control, they have men murdering one another, and very seldom do you see life here allow natural selection. Many years ago the wealthy learned that by telling people that if they did not follow their rules that an unseen god will curse them. They did this because they felt it would bring order among the people, and to a certain extent it did. The trick is to offer options, though not the same options for everyone. A few get to actually choose, but as long as there is enough balance between those who get to choose and those that dont then the ones with choice prove to care nothing about those that wish to, in fact become so blind that they wish to make the choice for others. The son pondered a moment, If they believe in an unseen god, and they cant see us, does that mean they think we are gods? Raising his eyebrows, Now there is a thought! The father replied laughing. Well son, if we are the unseen gods they speak of, then our so called representatives that cause the fear of us certainly have no fear themselves. Somehow I think if the rulers were aware of us, they would make sure that people thought of us as anything but what we actually are! So some of these people dont get to make choices? The son said with sadness. No son, because their education is doctrine and our education is communication.

Why dont we send some of our men to teach them our way? The son exclaimed! Oh, but we have son, and it is not all that easy because they have to live among them without any of our own means accept our love Only once was one of our own successful, briefly, but he was killed and the rulers had no choice but to use his name in order to re-establish control. In fact I think they did or still do consider him a god, and needless to say this is used to benefit those in control, using the name of the person that tried to free a planet in order to maintain the opposite. Perhaps to those that are aware, this is the only way to describe us, gods or aliens, ooooo He explained as he scouted the vast mountains. But father, why cant we go back and get all of our men and stop this? He wondered. Well son, because of what happened to the last man that chose to come here, few of us have chose to live among them and attempt to make change, but with very little success, many have been called crazy for trying to save this planet, many inadvertently insist upon allowing their rulers to destroy them, maybe one day your idea will come to fruition? The father had secretly hoped that his son would tell all of his friends back home about his Sunday scout with his father, so that other children will wish that their fathers took them on the same exploration. Deep down inside it was his fathers desire that his sons wish would become a reality. He took the scout outside the boundaries of the planet and reverted back to visibility mode, as they gazed once again upon the magnificent celestial body. What is the planet called Father? The boy asked. Do you remember when I told you the story of a planet subjected to hell, the place where everything is a deception? The father asked. Yes. They call this beautiful planet Earth, and they indoctrinate the fear of going to hell, because that is the easiest way to prevent the people from realizing they are already there.

The first man is of the earth, the second man is of heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:47

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