Base Plate Anchor Bolt Design
Base Plate Anchor Bolt Design
Base Plate Anchor Bolt Design
Program Description:
"BASEPLT9" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates. Specifically, wide flange column base plates may be subjected to axial loads (compression or tension), with or without major-axis column bending, plus major-axis shear. Base plate bearing pressure is checked as well as bolt tension, if applicable. If shear is present, bolt shear as well as interaction of bolt tension and shear, if applicable, are calculated. Finally, the required base plate thickness is calculated. There is a separate worksheet for base plate shear lug design, when shear load is high and cannot be effectively handled by bolts. This program is a workbook consisting of four (4) worksheets, described as follows:
Worksheet Name
Doc Base Plate Shear Lug Base Plate (Table)
This documentation sheet Steel column base plate analysis Steel column base - shear lug analysis Multiple steel column base plate analysis (table format)
10. The "Base Plate (Table)" worksheet enables the user to analyze/design virtually any number of individual column bases or column load combinations. Refer to that worksheet for list of specific assumptions used. 11. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
Version 1.1
KN KN KN In.-kips
Base Plate Length, N = 18.000 in. Base Plate Width, B = 18.000 in. Plate Yield Stress, Fy = 36.00 ksi Concrete Strength, f 'c = 3.000 ksi. Bearing Area, A2 = 1296.00 in.^2 Shear Coef., C = 1.85 Coef. of Friction, m = 0.55 Anchor Bolt/Rod Data: Total No. of Bolts, Nb = 4 Bolt Diameter, db = 0.750 in. Anchor Bolt Material = F1554 (36) Bolt Edge Dist., ED1 = 2.000 in. Bolt Edge Dist., ED2 = 2.000 in. 19.050 mm Results:
Eccentricity, Bearing Length, and Bearing Pressures: e = M*12/P = 23.234 Eccentricity, e = 23.234 in. P(total) = Length, Xc = 4.491 in. Fp = 2.100 ksi -2.4953799 fp(max) = 0.129 ksi (-down) fp(min) = 0.000 ksi Fp >= fp(max), O.K. HE120A Col. Anchor Bolt/Rod Tension and Shear: Ft = 19.10 ksi tp=14.918 Ta = 8.44 k/bolt Tb = 1.35 k/bolt Ta >= Tb, O.K. fp(max)=0.129 Fv = 9.90 ksi T= Xc=4.491 Va = 4.37 k/bolt Tb*(Nb/2) = V(total)-1/2*m*P(DL) V(bolts) = 0.81 N=457.2 Vb = 0.20 k/bolt Elevation Va >= Vb, O.K. (Interaction) S.R. = 0.246 = Tb/Ta+(C*Vb)/Va S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Base Plate Thickness: Suggested plate thickness for rigidity: tp(req'd) = tp(min) = 0.587 in. 1.778 in. tp(min) >= max. of m/4 or n/4 14.918 mm 45.150 mm
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17.25 -7.00
kips kips
P(DL)=-7 Column
18.000 18.000 1.5000 2.00 4.00 9.00 1.250 0.0000 36.00 0.55 20.000 20.000 3.000
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. ksi in. in. ksi
Shear Lug t=1.25
15.33 5.11
kips in-kips
0.851 1.050
ksi ksi
Concrete Shear in Front of Lug: Vu = 26.05 EDx = 9.375 EDy = 5.500 Av = 209.50 fVc = 39.01 Shear Lug Welding: s= Rw = w(req'd) = 1.250 4.174 0.281
Vu = 1.7*V(lg) (assume L.F. = 1.7) EDx =(Lpx-t)/2 EDy =(Lpy-W)/2 Av = (2*EDy+W)*(H-G+EDx)-2*W fVc = 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)/1000*Av (allowable) Vu <= V(allow), O.K. s = t+2*(1/3)*w (moment arm between C.G. of welds) Rw = SQRT((M(lg)/s)^2+(V(lg)/(2*W))^2) w(req'd) = Rw/(0.7071*0.3*70) Weld < Weld req'd.
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e = M*12/P
Input Data: Base Plate Yield Stress, Fy = 36.00 ksi Concrete Compressive Strength, f'c = 3.000 ksi Anchor Bolt/Rod Material = F1554 (36) Shear Coefficient, C = 1.85
Plan COLUMN LOADS Case 1: Maximum Load Condition Case 2: Minimum Load Condition Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment P V M P V M
(kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips)
Elevation DESIGN DATA Pier Data Length Width Total No. Lpx Lpy Nb
(in.) (in.)
Assumptions: 1. Program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual (2nd Revision, 1995) pages 3-106 to 3-110 for wide flange column base plates subjected to concentric axial compressive load only. 2. Program uses a "cubic equation" method of solution for column base plates subjected to axial compression or tension load with major axis column bending as presented in "Design of Welded Structures" - by Omer W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation), pages 3.3-6 to 3.3-10. 3. The total number of anchor bolts on both sides of the column flanges is 'Nb'. Anchor bolts MUST be in only 2 rows, one row outside of each column flange. 4. Permitted anchor bolt diameters are: 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", 1", 1-1/8", 1-1/4", 1-3/8", 1-1/2", 1-3/4", 2", 2-1/4", 2, 1/2", 2-3/4", and 3". 5. For case of concentric axial compression load without moment: P = -P (which was input) for use in equations below fp = P/(N*B) , m = (N-0.95*d)/2 , n = (B-0.8*bf)/2 , n' = SQRT(d*bf)/4 , q = 4*fp*d*bf/((d+bf)^2*Fp) < 1.0 , l = 2*(1-SQRT(1-q))/SQRT(q) <= 1.0 tp = 2*c*SQRT(fp/Fy) , where: c = maximum of: m, n, or l*n' 6. For case of axial load (compression or tension) plus moment resulting in anchor bolt tension, with eccentricites (e) as shown below: P = -P (which was input) for use in equations below ABS(e) = M*12/P > N/2-Xc/3 (for P = compression) , ABS(e) = M*12/P > N/2-ED1 (for P = tension) MR = Es/Ec = 29000/(57*SQRT(f'c*1000)) , As = (Nb/2)*p*db^2/4 Xc^3 + 3*(e-N/2)*Xc^2 + 6*MR*As/B*((N/2-ED1)+e)*Xc - 6*MR*As/B*(N/2+(N/2-ED1))*((N/2-ED1)+e) = 0 , and solve cubic equation for Xc T = -P*(N/2-Xc/3-e)/(N/2-Xc/3+(N/2-ED1)) , Tb = T/(Nb/2) , fp(max) = 2*(P+T)/(Xc*B) 7. Plate bending is calculated due to both plate bearing stress and anchor bolt tension, where effective plate width used for anchor bolt tension is as follows: be = Minimum of: (m-ED1) or (B-2*ED2)/(2*(Nb/2-1)) + Minimum of: (m-ED1) or (B-2*ED2)/(2*(Nb/2-1)) or ED2 8. For interaction of anchor bolt tension and shear, this program follows the article: "Design Aid: Anchor Bolt Interaction of Shear and Tension Loads", by Mario N. Scacco, AISC Engineering Journal, 4th Quarter - 1992. Anchor bolt interaction formula is as follows: Tb/Ta + (C*Vb)/Va <= 1.0. RESULTS Plate Thk. Check tp S.R. =
(req'd) (in.) tp(req'd)/tp
Anchor Bolt Data Eccentricities and Bearing Lengths Diameter Edge Dist. Edge Dist. Eccentricity Brg. Length Eccentricity Brg. Length e(case 1) Xc(case 1) e(case 2) Xc(case 2) db ED1 ED2
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6
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1 2 3 4
2 2 3 4
Profile HE100AA HE140AA HE140AA HE120A HE220A HE240A HE260A HE300A HE320A HE360A HE400A HE400B HE600B PIPX100 PIPX120
A cm^2 in^2 15.6 2.4180 23.0000 3.5650 44.1000 6.8355 25.3000 3.9215 64.3000 9.9665 76.8000 11.9040 86.8000 13.4540 113.0000 17.5150 124.0000 19.2200 143.0000 22.1650 159.0000 24.6450 198.0000 30.6900 270.0000 41.8500 16.1000 19.2000
d mm 91 128.0000 186.0000 114.0000 210.0000 230.0000 250.0000 290.0000 310.0000 350.0000 390.0000 400.0000 600.0000 inch 3.5827 5.0394 7.3228 4.4882 8.2677 9.0551 9.8425 11.4173 12.2047 13.7795 15.3543 15.7480 23.6220 10.7500 12.7500
Tw mm 4.2 4.3000 5.5000 5.0000 7.0000 7.5000 7.5000 8.5000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 13.5000 15.5000
inch 0.1654 0.1693 0.2165 0.1969 0.2756 0.2953 0.2953 0.3346 0.3543 0.3937 0.4331 0.5315 0.6102 0.5000 0.5000
Bf mm 100 140.0000 200.0000 120.0000 220.0000 240.0000 260.0000 300.0000 300.0000 300.0000 300.0000 300.0000 300.0000 inch 3.9370 5.5118 7.8740 4.7244 8.6614 9.4488 10.2362 11.8110 11.8110 11.8110 11.8110 11.8110 11.8110 10.7500 12.7500 mm
Tf 5.5 6.0000 8.0000 8.0000 11.0000 12.0000 12.5000 14.0000 15.5000 17.5000 19.0000 24.0000 30.0000 inch 0.2165 0.2362 0.3150 0.3150 0.4331 0.4724 0.4921 0.5512 0.6102 0.6890 0.7480 0.9449 1.1811 0.5000 0.5000