LTE and Beyond

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Department of Computer Science Institute for System Architecture, Chair for Computer Networks

LTE, WiMAX and 4G

Mobile Communication and Mobile Computing Prof. Dr. Alexander Schill

LTE: Characteristics
LTE is the European implementation of IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) high data rates: up to 100 Mbit/s in local area (even up to 300 Mbit/s with advanced antenna technology [MIMO] and Modulation via OFDMA for down link and SC-FDMA for up link) flexible channel bandwidth (1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15 or 20 MHz) small latency of 5ms between mobile phone and conventional telephone network optimized for travelling speeds of up to 15 km/h (up to 500km/h possible) up to 200 participants per cell (at 5MHz channel bandwidth) only packet oriented propagation (VoIP) Handover/Roaming also between LTE, UMTS, GSM/GPRS and satellite networks configurable as Single-frequency network (Broadcast and Multicast efficiency like DVB-T/-H)

LTE: Modulation basics OFDM

LTE Modulation techniques are based on OFDM (Orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing) in OFDM data is distributed over a large number of closely spaced orthogonal subcarriers (two subcarriers are orthogonal if the maximum amplitude of one subcarrier is reached while the other subcarriers amplitude is zero) Subcarriers modulated with conventional modulation scheme (QAM) Pro: robust against interference because interference on subcarrier does not influence the whole frequency band, Improved spectrum efficiency and lower bandwidth demand W with OFDM Con: expense for coding and decoding and therefore the power consumption increases with the number of subcarriers OFDM with 3 subcarriers FDM with 3 subcarriers

LTE: Modulation techniques

LTEs modulation techniques used for Downlink and Uplink are based on OFDM with a special focus on simultaneous access of multiple users *OFDMA (Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access) for Down Link subsets of subcarriers are assigned to individual users > simultaneous (low data rate) transmission for several users *SC-FDMA (Single Carrier FDMA) for Up Link multiple access realized by insertion of coefficients on the transmitter side before Fourier transformation, and removing on the receiver side. Different users are assigned to different coefficients (subcarriers). More energy-efficient for battery-driven mobile devices.

LTE: User Equipment Categories

Category DL UL 1 10 5 2 50 25 3 100 50 4 150 50 5 300 75

Peak data rate Mbit/s

Capability of physical functionalities RF bandwidth Modulation Multi-antenna 2 Rx diversity 2x2 MIMO 4x4 MIMO
Assumed in performance requirements Not supported Mandatory Mandatory

20 MHz

Not supported

LTE: German frequency bands

frequency spectrum of the digital dividend: better building penetration & propagation features > higher range
790 MHz 5 MHz frequency block (72 Mhz)
Duplex gap* 820 MHz 12 MHz 832 MHz

862 MHz

* The Duplex gap is meant as a fallback position for wireless production technology.

frequency spectrum of the IMT extension band: Enough blocks for 20 MHz bandwidth > Higher data rate
2500 MHz 5 MHz frequency block 2570 MHz (190 Mhz)
10 x 5 MHz blocks uncoupled

2690 MHz 2620 MHz


LTE Licenses in Germany



subframe = 1 millisecond
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Uplink (UL) Downlink (DL)

Special Frame 0 1 2


3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Uplink (UL) Downlink (DL)

DwPTS Guard Period


two versions of LTE provide solutions for coupled/uncoupled frequency blocks transmitted signals divided into subframes (time units of 1 ms) FDD (Frequency division duplex) -separated frequency blocks for UL/DL TDD (Time division duplex) one frequency block alternately used for UL/DL: - Downlink subframes, Uplink subframes and Special Frames Special Frame = one subframe for each switching from down to up link; contains DwPTS (Downlink Pilot Timeslot), GP (Guard Period avoids overlay of sent and received messages) and UpPTS (Uplink Pilot Timeslot)

WiMAX / IEEE802.16
WiMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, standardized by IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX-Forum (more than 230 members, including AOL, Deutsche Telekom, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia) IEEE 802.16 FBWA (Fixed Broadband Wireless Access) is an alternative for broadband cable services like DSL; frequency range: initially 10-66 GHz, in assumption of LOS (line of sight) Enhancement IEEE 802.16a; frequency band: 2-11 GHz, NLOS (non line of sight) Enhancement IEEE 802.16e for MBWA (Mobile Broadband Wireless Access); frequency band: 2-6 GHz, NLOS

WiMAX/IEEE 802.16: overview

Spectrum, GHz LOS-condition Bit rate, MBit/s Range, km Channel bandwith, MHz Modulation

10-66 LOS 32-134 2-5 20, 25 and 28 QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 2001

2-11 NLOS <75 (extensions up to 365) 7-10 max. 50 (cellular) Variable: 1,520 OFDM, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 2004

2-6 NLOS 15 (with further extensions) 2-5 1,5 -20 OFDM, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 2006


(N)LOS (Non) Line-of-Sight


WiMAX: Frequencies worldwide

For Germany especially: 3,41-3,452 GHz and 3,51-3,552 GHz


802.16 Physical Layer

Specification WirelessMAN-SC Frequency band 10-66 GHz Licensed bandwidth 2-11 GHz Licensed bandwidth 2-11 GHz Licensed bandwidth 2-11 GHz Licensed bandwidth 2-11 GHz Licensefree Channel bandwidth 20, 25, 28 MHz 3,5, 7, 10, 20 MHz variable 1,25-20 MHz variable 1,25-28 MHz 10, 20 MHz Duplex method TDD, FDD Modulatio n Single carrier Single carrier OFDM Line-ofSight LOS

WirelessMANSCa WirelessMANOFDM WirelessMANOFDMA WirelessHUMAN






OFDMA (multiple access) OFDM, OFDMA





WiMAX: Modulation
WiMAX: strong dependency of effective channel capacity, spectrum efficiency, range, signalnoise-ratio etc. on used modulation method:
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 16QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 64QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

(typical example distribution (percentage) of users in different coverage areas)


802.16 Medium Access

TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) Each communication channel gets fixed slot for data transmission DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access) 2 Phases: Reservation: every station tries to acquire slot for each transmission phase (collision possible) Data transmission: within reserved slot guaranteed collision free transmission Duplex connection FDD (Frequency Division Duplex): simultaneous use of different frequencies TDD (Time Division Duplex): Switching between upand downlink on the same frequency

802.16 Protocol Stack

Two lowest (PHY, MAC) layers specified according to the ISO/OSI-model


application representation session transport network security bittransfer

Service-Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) Common Part Sublayer (CPS) Security Sublayer PHYsublayers


802.16 MAC - SSCS

Service-Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) Receive PDUs of higher layers and classify depending on classification processing and forwarding to the CPS (Common Part Sublayer) Packet Convergence logic interface to Packet-based protocol e.g. IP, Point-to-Point-Protocols, Ethernet


802.16 MAC Security Sublayer

Security layer directly in MAC Encryption with DES or AES; digital certificates based on X.509 with public-key-method RSA PKM (Privacy Key Management) Protocol authentication Subscriber Station sends digital certificates, consisting of MAC-Address and Public Key to Base Station, which verifies If valid, an authorization key (AK) with Public Key of the Subscriber Station is encrypted and sent back Subscriber Station decrypts with private key and can log on at the Base Station with AK


WiMAX: Cellular backbone


802.16 PHY

e.g Gigabit Ethernet

802.16 OFDMPHY UMTS cell WiMAX cell

Point to Point Backbone

Point to Multipoint


802.16 Network topologies (1&2)

1) Last Mile or 2) Point to Multipoint (PMP) network (see bellow)
Base Station (BS) is the central point for the Mobile Stations (MS) Sending in Downlink-direction: Broad-, Multi-, Unicast Connection of a MS to BS is characterized via Channel ID (CID), Channel id gives the possibility for the BS to receive multicast messages




802.16 Network topologies (3)

3) Mesh network
MS can communicate directly Mesh BS: connected with a network outside the mesh other differentiation neighbor: direct connection to a node neighborhood: all other neighbors extended neighborhood: remote neighborhoods

Network Mesh MS Mesh MS Mesh MS Mesh BS

Mesh MS

Mesh MS

Mesh MS


MBWA (Mobile Broadband Wireless Access); 802.20 (1)

Working Group 802.20 originated from 802.16
goal: Specification of PHY and MAC for Packet-based MBWASystem Should close the gap between WLAN and slower but highly mobile networks (UMTS)


variable cell size Handover- and Roaming-mechanism Velocity up to 250 km/h Transport of IP-data traffic QoS on transport layer Licensed bands below 3,5 GHz, variable bandwidth NLOS, for in- and outdoor TDD, FDD, Half-Duplex FDD More than 100 simultaneous sessions per cell End to End Security, AES


802.20 (2)
User data rate Downlink User data rate Uplink Data rate Downlink per cell Data rate Uplink per cell Cell size

> 1 MBit/s > 300 KBit/s > 4 MBit/s > 800 KBit/s Correspond. to all modern MANs, with ability to use the existing infrastructure

Peak data rates

Data rates Peak data rate per user 1.25 MHz Downlink 4.5 MBit/s Uplink 2.25 MBit/s 5 MHz Downlink 18 MBit/s Uplink 9 MBit/s


Technology comparison pre-4G

UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+ WiMAX MBWA 250 km/h LTE 500 km/h

Mobility Handover, Roaming Max Speed 300 km/h Switching type circuit and packet Peak data 2/14,4/28 Mbit/s rates Down (5MHz channel) Link
pico(1)-, micro(2)-, Cell sizes macro(3)-cells End-to-end QoS QoS Different classes

---------------- Handover, Roaming, Mobile IP --120 km/h 365 Mbit/s (2x 20MHz channel, variations) variable End-to-end QoS Different classes ---------------- Packet switching ---------------100 - 300 Mbit/s (1.4-20 MHz channel)

pico(1)-, pico(1)-, micro(2)-, micro(2)-, macro(3)-cells macro(3)-cells End-to-end QoS End-to-end QoS Different classes

Scalability ---------------- variable data rate ~ Multiple users per BS -------------OFDM(A), CDMA adaptive Air Interface adaptive Modulation Modulation MIMO MIMO OFDM Adaptive Modulation AES OFDM, SC-FDMA adaptive Modulation MIMO SNOW 3G

Security AES
(1)<100m, (2)~500m, (3)>1km

AES, X.509

4G requirements
high mobility Handover, Roaming, velocity up to 300 km/h switching technique pure packet switching integrated multi-media-services VoIP, TVoIP, VoD, Streaming high data rate (1Gbit/s) even at high mobility should be like DSL Size of cell variable and scalable QoS prioritization of specific data packages scalability available and reliable with many users air interface OFDM (better spectrum efficiency) security up to date standards (e.g. AES) Extension / integration of UMTS and WLAN approaches

Technology comparison 3G to 4G
LTE (3G) Peak data rate Down Link (DL) Peak data rate Up Link (UL) Transmission bandwidth DL Transmission bandwidth UL Coverage Scalable bandwidths Scalability Capacity
300 Mbit/s 75 Mbit/s 20 Mhz (max.) 20 Mhz (max.)

LTE Advanced (4G)

1 Gbit/s 500 Mbit/s 100 Mhz 40 Mhz (requirements as defined by ITU) Same as LTE requirement. Should be optimized or deployed in local areas/micro cell environments. 20-100 MHz variable data rate Multiple users per BS 3 times higher than that in LTE

Full performance up to 5km 1.4, 3, 5, 10 and 20 MHz variable data rate Multiple users per BS 200 active participants per cell at 5 MHz


Data rate and mobility

High-speed /Wide-area


Medium-speed /Urban area

Walking /Local area


Standing /Indoors 0.1 1000





Bitrate, MBit/s

Some further readings

3GPP long term evolution: WiMAX technology: IEEE web sites for 802.16 and 802.20: and /802/20 LTE:

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