ZTE Media Gateway ZXC10

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cdma2000 Media Gateway

Alarm and Notification Information (1)

Version 2.04.20

ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL: http://support.zte.com.cn E-mail: [email protected]

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Revision History Date Jan. 28, 2008 Revision No. R1.0 Serial No. sjzl20080260 Reason for Issue First edition

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Document Name Product Version Serial No. ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway Alarm and Notification Information (1) V2.04.20 sjzl20080260 Presentation: (Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization, Appearance) Good Your evaluation of this documentation Accessibility: (Contents, Index, Headings, Numbering, Glossary) Good Fair Average Poor Bad N/A Fair Average Poor Bad N/A Document Revision Number Equipment Installation Date R1.0

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About This Manual ............................................................ i
Purpose ................................................................................ i Intended Audience ................................................................. i Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge .............................................. i What Is in This Manual ........................................................... i Related Documentation.......................................................... ii Conventions ......................................................................... ii How to Get in Touch............................................................. iii

Chapter 1.......................................................................... 1 General Concept............................................................... 1

Overview ............................................................................. 1 Alarms and Notifications Mechanism ........................................ 1 Alarm Handling Flow.............................................................. 1

Chapter 2.......................................................................... 3 Alarm Information ........................................................... 3

Overview ............................................................................. 3

Handling Error Alarms......................................................3

SMBUS Error ........................................................................ 3 The CSIX Receptivity Examination Error Surpasses the Threshold 4 Area Number from Database does not agree with the one in Bootcfg.ini ........................................................................... 4 OMC MAC in Database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini . 5 OMC IP in Database does not agree with the One in bootcfg.ini.... 5 MP Type in Database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini... 5 Bootcfg.ini does not Exist ....................................................... 6 The Bit Error Rate in a Fiber High ............................................ 6 FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (M size) ........ 6 FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (The Symmetry between Operation and Configuration) ..................................... 7

FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (IMA agreement Version Number) .................................................. 8 FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters ................... 8 NE is in Config_Aborted State ................................................ 9 Persistence of Loss of IMA Frame Defect at the NE .................... 9 Persistence of Link out of Delay Synchronization Defect at the NE ........................................................................................10 Persistence of an RDI-IMA Defect at the NE.............................10 APS Reset ..........................................................................11 L2FWDTBL Get DB Info Fail...................................................11 L2FWDTBL Get SCS Info Fail .................................................12 Resource Board can not Get L2fwd's Information from UIM Board ........................................................................................12 Bureau Number does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini ........13 MTP2 Link Sending Traffic Overload .......................................13 MTP2Link Receiving Traffic Overload ......................................13 MTP3 Link Congest ..............................................................14 UTS HOST Power Fail ...........................................................14 UTS HOST Request NPL2TAB Timeout ....................................14 SDH: Multiplex Section far End Receive Failure ........................15 UTS HOST Request Security Variable of Timeout ......................15 Connection Check Switch is Off .............................................16 SNTP Client cant get the Network Clock .................................16 Cx29704 Status is ERR.........................................................16 Block or Unblock Office is not success ....................................16

Equipment Alarms ......................................................... 17

OMP Config is Changed ........................................................17 Boards ENUM Switch is ON...................................................17 Rare and Front Card Mismatch Error.......................................17 Port Link Breaks..................................................................18 Sub-card is Abnormal ..........................................................18 Phase Lock Loop is Unlocked .................................................18 The Bit Error Rate in E1 Link is High.......................................19 The Micro Code is Abnormal ..................................................19 Link Level Flow Control cant be Eliminated .............................20 All HSSLS are Out of Sync ....................................................20 Fibers Connect Error ............................................................21 Board does not Exist............................................................21 Clock Base Lost First Level (High) Alarm .................................22 Optical Module has no Light ..................................................22

SDH: Loss of Signal............................................................. 23 SDH: Loss of Frame ............................................................ 23 CPU Sub Card Is Active, But not Configured in the Database ..... 24 CPU Sub Card is Not Active, But Configured in Database........... 24 OMP Gate-Way IP in BootCfg.ini File is Different from DBs ........ 24 OMC Server IP in BootCfg.ini File is different from DBs ............. 25 Gate-Way Mask in BootCfg.ini File different from DBs ............... 25 The State of Out Port is Down............................................... 26 Hard Disk Utilization Ratio Threshold Warning ......................... 26 The Boards Hard Disk is Bad ................................................ 27 LVDS Signal Unlocked.......................................................... 27 FPGA is Abnormal ............................................................... 27 The Hard Disks Reliability Reduces........................................ 28 Far End is in Starting-up State .............................................. 28 FE is in Blocked State .......................................................... 28 FE is in Insufficient Links State ............................................. 29 FE Transmit Clock Mode is different than NE Transmit Clock Mode ........................................................................................ 29 NE Group is in Insufficient Links State.................................... 30 Implementation Specific TX Fault Declared at the NE................ 30 FE TX is Mis-Connected........................................................ 31 Implementation Specific Rx Fault Declared at the NE................ 31 Implementation Specific Rx Failed Declared at the NE .............. 31 NE TX is Mis-Connected ....................................................... 32 FE TXLSM is in Unusable State .............................................. 32 APS Protection Channel Mismatch.......................................... 33 APS Protection Mode Mismatch ............................................. 33 CLKG 32M Output Clock Lost ................................................ 34 CLKG 32M8K Output Clock Lost............................................. 34 CLKG 16M Output Clock Lost ................................................ 34 CLKG 16M8K Output Clock Lost............................................. 34 CLKG PP2S Output Clock Lost ............................................... 35 CLKG PP2S Clock Base Lost .................................................. 35 CLKG Clock 16CHIP Base Lost............................................... 35 SDH: Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal ....................... 36 SDH: Signal Failure ............................................................. 36 SDH: AU-4 Pointer Lost ....................................................... 37 SDH: AU-4 Alarm Indication Signal........................................ 37 SDH: VC-4 Trace Identifier Mismatch ..................................... 37

SDH: VC-4 Unequipped ........................................................38 SDH: VC-4 Channel Payload Mismatches.................................38 SDH: TU-12 Loss of Multi-frame ............................................38 HP_SF ...............................................................................39 CPU Rate is Over Threshold ..................................................39 Flash Device Initialize Failed .................................................39 Media Port is Abnormal ........................................................40 Alarm RSMM HW Loop Error..................................................40 Input Clock Abnormal ..........................................................41 Communicate Link of PWRD 485 Broken .................................41 Clock Base Lost Second Level (Middle) Alarm ..........................42 OSS Communication Link Off ................................................42 Alarm of Office not Access from MTP3 ....................................43 Cluster Not Access...............................................................43 Alarm of Office not Access from M3UA ....................................44 Cannot Reach the Office .......................................................45 Association Broken Down .....................................................45 8k Input Clock Lose .............................................................46 16M Input Clock Lose...........................................................46 PP2S Input Clock Lose .........................................................46 32M Clock Lost in TSNB........................................................47 Phase Lock Loop Work Mode is Abnormal ................................47 The Channel in the Sub-card is Abnormal................................48 Recive Bad Packets..............................................................48 PVC Fault ...........................................................................49 SDH: Signal Degrade ...........................................................49 SDH: VC-4 Far End Receive Failure ........................................50 HP_SD...............................................................................50 GE Link Error ......................................................................51 The DB Config does not Inconsistent with the Hardware Equipment ........................................................................................51 Clock Base Lost Third Level (Low) Alarm.................................52 SCCP SSN is Invalid.............................................................52 SSCS Congest.....................................................................52 SSCS Overloaded ................................................................53 Alarm of Link Unavailability...................................................53 SUA Subsystem is Invalid .....................................................54 M2PA Link is Broken ............................................................54 Association is Congestive......................................................55

Trunk Frame Lose ............................................................... 55 Trunk Signal Lose ............................................................... 56 Trunk Alarm Indication ........................................................ 56 Trunk Multi-frame Lose ........................................................ 56 Trunk Receive far End CRC Multiframe Alarm Indication............ 57 Trunk Receive Far End Alarm ................................................ 57 Cell Delimiter cannot Synchronize ......................................... 57 Cell Delimiter Lose .............................................................. 58 SDH: TU-12 Loss of Pointer .................................................. 58 SDH: TU-12 Alarm Indication Signal ...................................... 58 SDH:TU-12 Remote Defect Indication .................................... 59 SDH: TU-12 Remote Failure Indication ................................... 59 SDH: TU-12 Trace Identifier Mismatch ................................... 60 SDH: TU-12 Unequipped ...................................................... 60 SDH: TU-12 Payload Mismatch.............................................. 61 The HDLC is Unusable.......................................................... 61 The UID Bind is Unusable ..................................................... 62 MAC Address of the board Conflicts ....................................... 62 DSP over Load High Alarm ................................................... 63 DSP over Load Middle Alarm ................................................. 63 DSP over Load Low Alarm .................................................... 63 Tone Resource Board DSP Tone Type Differ ............................ 63 Error Connection on 129ts of T-net board ............................... 64 Loop Error of LVDS 129 time slot .......................................... 64 Dual Attribution Office has been Blocked ................................ 64 Dual Attribution Link has been Blocked................................... 65 Dual Attribution Association has been Blocked......................... 65 8K, 16M Input Clock no Match .............................................. 65 BOOT/EPLD Upgrade Information .......................................... 66 BOOT Version Synchronization Information............................. 66 Powing Error of SETS........................................................... 66 Spending of DSP has Reached a Dangerous Degree ................. 66 The BFD Session is Down ..................................................... 67 This Trunk is Used to CSU Test ............................................. 67 VC_4 Far End Error Indication............................................... 67 High Order Signal failure ...................................................... 68 A Class Error of SETS .......................................................... 68 B Class Error of SETS .......................................................... 68 TRUNK Link Error ................................................................ 68

MP PROC INST ERROR .........................................................69 TRUNK Port Down ...............................................................69 OSS Check out that IP&MAC Address of the Board Bonflicts .......69 DSP Automatic Check Abnormal ............................................70 Function Epld Version Update Fail ..........................................70 E3S Sub-card Receive Alarm Signal Indication .........................70 Remote Error Indication .......................................................71 FE RX LSM can't turn to Active State ......................................71 Associate Path Break ...........................................................71 STC Office Unaccess ............................................................71 STC Office Congest ..............................................................72 Abis Link Down ...................................................................72 The Communication Flow over Alarmed Threshold Value ...........72 Ctrl Port to UIM Error ...........................................................73 Input Clock of Subcard is Lost ...............................................73 2350 Receive Rardware Error ................................................73 FE RXLSM is in Unusable State ..............................................73 SCCP Connect ID Less than1000............................................74

Communication Alarms .................................................. 74

PPP_UID Link Down .............................................................74 PPP Link Down ....................................................................75 Internet Port Physical Link Off ...............................................75 The Communication between the Master and Slaver is Interrupted ........................................................................................76 IUA Association is Broken .....................................................76 The Link between NE And Server Breaks.................................77 Communication between MP and OMP Error ............................77

Qos Alarms .................................................................. 77

INLP Fails to Request SCTP's Load Balancing Table ...................78 Expired Password Alarm .......................................................78 Expired Password Notify .......................................................78

Environment Alarms ...................................................... 78

CPU Temperature over Threshold...........................................79 Rack Temperature Higher than Higher Threshold .....................79 Rack Temperature is Lower than Low Threshold.......................80 House Temperature is Higher than High Threshold ...................80 House Temperature is Lower than Low Threshold .....................80 Voltage is Higher than High Threshold ....................................81 Voltage is Lower than Low Threshold......................................81

Humidity is Higher than High Threshold.................................. 82 Humidity is Lower than Low Threshold ................................... 82 Fan is Lower than Low Threshold........................................... 83 Alarm Because Of Door ........................................................ 83 Alarm because of Fume ....................................................... 83 Alarm because of Infrared .................................................... 83 Alarm because of Thunder.................................................... 84 Inner Media VLAN Communication Abnormal........................... 84 E3S sub-card Transmitter Direction Loss of Signal ................... 84 E3S Sub-card Receive Direction Loss of Signal ........................ 85 Out of Frame...................................................................... 85 Port not Work on the Configured Mode ................................... 86

Appendix A ..................................................................... 87 Abbreviations ................................................................. 87 Appendix B ..................................................................... 93 Collection of Alarm Information.................................... 93 Tables ........................................................................... 103 Index ............................................................................ 105

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About This Manual

This manual provides alarm and notification information of ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform operations on ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway.

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this manual effectively, users should have a general understanding of wireless communication technologies. Familiarity with the following is helpful: ZXC10 MGW system and its various components User interfaces of ZXC10 MGW Local operating procedures

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Chapter 1, General Concept Chapter 2, Alarm Information

Summary Introduces mechanism and general flow for handling alarms. Provides alarm information about the daily occurring alarms of MGW, including alarm code, alarm name, alarm level, etc.

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Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual: ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway System Description ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway User Guide ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway Operating Instruction ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway Alarm Monitoring ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway Configuration

Typographical Conventions ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

Typeface Italics Quotes Bold

Meaning References to other Manuals and documents. Links on screens. Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, radio button names, check boxes, dropdown lists, dialog box names, window names. Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name. Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names. Optional parameters. Mandatory parameters. Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it.

CAPS Constant width [] {} |

Mouse Operation Conventions


Typeface Click Double-click Right-click Drag

Meaning Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once. Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice. Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once. Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and moving the mouse.


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About This Manual

How to Get in Touch

The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software. Customer Support If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830. ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at [email protected]; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also browse our website at http://support.zte.com.cn, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.

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ZXC10 MGW cdma2000 Media Gateway Alarm and Notification Information (1)

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General Concept
Description Alarm management system implements centralized monitoring on the running status of the whole system. The system collects real time abnormal information of each board, link, database, server, and other necessary units. When an alarm occurs, the alarm management system informs the maintenance engineer about the occurred alarm information in real time. So it is easy for the engineers to locate and recover the faults to ensure the stability of the system.

Alarms and Notifications Mechanism

Description An alarm occurs when there is a fault or abnormal event. Alarm system monitors the entire system. When any part of the system has a fault the alarm service process of the foreground server sends messages to OMC server. Thus generates alarm information. A notification is originated against an event that does not directly effects. Notification information occurs during the daily running of the system to prompt the maintenance personnel of the system running status information. Notification information refers to unrepeatable or transient events occurring during running of the system and is displayed by OMC. The maintenance personnel can grasp the running status of each part of the system with the help of the information. Notification stands for occurrence of an event, but not potential danger. Besides, notification information needs no subsequent restore.

Alarm Handling Flow

Description Alarm management system implements centralized monitoring on the running status of the whole system. An alarm is given

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when part of the system is abnormal. Alarm level indicates the level of the alarm. Alarm information is prompting information displayed by OMC when the system has troubles or faults during running, usually lasts for a time period and disappears after the trouble shooting. If there is alarm, conduct troubleshooting in time to clear the alarm, otherwise, the result may be critical. Alarm Level Alarm information can be classified into four levels according to the severity: Level 1, Critical Level 2, Major Level 3, Minor Level 4, Warning Take different measures to handle alarms of different levels. When critical and major alarm information occurs, notify the local office of ZTE Corporation at once and handle the fault according to the instruction of the engineers from ZTE Corporation. When minor and warning alarm information occurs, the maintenance personnel in equipment room should record the fault phenomenon, and handle the fault according to the methods provided in this manual. Notify the local office of ZTE Corporation if the fault can not be handled. Steps Generally, alarms are cleared according to the following flow: 1. Confirm the alarm code, alarm level, description and involved parts. 2. Estimate the cause for the alarm and effect on the system. 3. Decide the handling method according to the result of the two steps above. 4. Handle the alarm.

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Alarm Information
Description Alarm information is divided into the following classifications: Handling error alarm information Device alarm information Communication alarm information Service quality alarm information Environment alarm information A collection of alarm information listed in ascending sequence of alarm codes is provided in Appendix B Collection of Alarm Informationat the end of manual.

Handling Error Alarms

Description This section introduces alarms related to handling error.

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 5636 Default level: Critical Alarm description: SMBUS has error. Cause Influence Resetting boards before reading and writing time sequence may cause this alarm. While booting MPX86 board and running the version through setting BIOS when SMBUS is invalid, the temperature of the board may not be truly tested. Then the board may run at very

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high temperature without being observed. Moreover, in the invalid SMBUS, the memory size is configured based on default rule and may be inconsistent with the real configuration. Handling Verification Pull out and insert the board or replace it. The alarm disappears.

The CSIX Receptivity Examination Error Surpasses the Threshold

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 15873 Default level: Critical Alarm description: CSIX surpasses the threshold. Cause Handling receptivity examination error

CSIX receptivity examination error surpasses the threshold. Handle this fault referring to the following actions: Automatically restart the board. If the board is successively restarted automatically, and there is alarm for receptivity examination error, plug out and then plug in the board. If the fault still exists after extracting the board, exchange the board.


The alarm disappears.

Area Number from Database does not agree with the one in Bootcfg.ini
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5384 Default level: Major Alarm description: Alarm due to the area code inconsistency. Influence Cause Handling Verification The system can not start normally. The area code exported from the database is inconsistent with that read from bootcfg.ini. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

OMC MAC in Database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5385 Default level: Major Alarm description: The OMP generates this alarm because the MAC address of the background OMP is inconsistent. Influence Cause Handling Verification The system can not start normally. The MAC address of the background OMP read from the database is inconsistent with that read from bootcfg.ini. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

OMC IP in Database does not agree with the One in bootcfg.ini

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5386 Default level: Major Alarm description: The OMP generates this alarm because the IP address of the background OMP is inconsistent. Influence Cause The system can not start normally. The IP address of the background OMP read from the database is inconsistent with that read from bootcfg.ini, which does not frequently happen. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

MP Type in Database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5387 Default level: Major Alarm description: The OMP generates this alarm because the MP type is inconsistent.

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Influence Cause

The system can not start normally. The MP type read from the database is inconsistent with that read from the bootcfg.ini file, which does not happen frequently. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

Bootcfg.ini does not Exist

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5388 Default level: Major Alarm description: The Bootcfg.ini startup file does not exist. Influence Cause Handling The system can not start normally. The Bootcfg.ini startup file does not exist, which does not happen frequently. Restart the board (If the version is the DEBUG version, it is required to manually set the MP type before restarting the board; if the version is the RELEASE version, then the file is corrupted.) The alarm is eliminated.


The Bit Error Rate in a Fiber High

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm Code: 5639 Alarm Level: Major Alarm description: The error rate at the optical port is high. Cause Handling Verification The error rate at the optical port is high. Check whether the optical fiber is inserted correctly and whether it is damaged. The alarm is eliminated.

FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (M size)

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19201

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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group enters into the status of configuration failure because the local end refuses to participate in negotiable parameters (frame length) configuration. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group being in the configuration failure status. IMA group enters into this status because the local end refuses to configure the frame length. Check whether the frame length configurations at both the local group and the remote group are consistent. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (The Symmetry between Operation and Configuration)
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19202 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group enters into the status of configuration failure because the local end refuses to participate in the negotiable parameter (symmetry of configuration and operation) configuration. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group being in the configuration failure status. IMA group enters into this status because the local end refuses to configure the symmetry-related parameters. Check whether the group symmetry-related parameters at the remote group are correctly configured. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

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FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (IMA agreement Version Number)

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19203 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group enters into the status of configuration failure because the local end refuses to participate in the negotiable parameter (IMA protocol version number) configuration. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group being in the configuration failure status. IMA group enters into this status because the local end refuses to configure the IMA protocol version number. Check whether the protocol version parameters at both the local group and the remote group are correctly configured. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19204 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group enters into the status of configuration failure because the local end refuses to participate in the negotiable parameter configuration (other reasons). Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group being in the configuration failure status. IMA group enters into this status because the local end refuses to participate in the negotiable parameter configuration. Check whether the parameters at both the local group and the remote group are correctly configured. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

NE is in Config_Aborted State
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19207 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local IMA group enters into the status of configuration failure because the remote IMA group refuses to participate in the Config_Aborted State negotiable parameter configuration. Influence Cause Handling Verification The physical link on IU port can not be established. Invalid configuration of remote IMA group parameters causes that the local IMA group to enter into the Config_Aborted status. Check whether the parameters at both the local IMA group and the remote IMA group are correctly configured. The alarm is eliminated.

Persistence of Loss of IMA Frame Defect at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19213 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local receiving link loses the IMA frame. Influence Cause Handling The physical link on IU port can not be established. Fault in the E1 physical connection causes the loss of the IMA frame. Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check whether the E1 link is connected with the corresponding remote link to avoid errors in the connection sequence of the E1 link. If the onsite environment causes the loss of the IMA frame, but the alarm automatically disappears. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

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Persistence of Link out of Delay Synchronization Defect at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19214 Default level: Major Alarm description: The delay synchronization signal of the local receiving link is lost. Influence Cause Handling The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs on the link when the delay synchronization signal of the local receiving link is lost. Check whether the access clock of the IMAB works normally and whether the RUN indicator on the clock board of the corresponding NE is green and flashes slowly. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


Persistence of an RDI-IMA Defect at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 19215 Default level: Major Alarm description: The alarm occurs when the local receiving link receives the remote failure indication. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The causes for this alarm may include the followings: If the ICP cell received by the local receiving link from the remote end contains remote failure indication, the alarm occurs at the local end. The alarm indicates that the remote receiving link connected with the local end is in LIF and LODS. Handling Handle the alarm referring to the followings: Check the working status of the remote receiving link by using the DDM dynamic management tool of the background to make sure it is active. The alarm caused by the reliability problem of the chip automatically disappears. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

APS Reset
Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 19714 Default level: Major Alarm description: APS resets the board (there is resolute character string in alarm source). Cause There may be two causes for this alarm: The boards are configured to be active and standby, but APS is not configured. It fails to open FE or HW. Influence Handling The service is interrupted. Handle this fault according to the causes: Configure APS. Exchange the board. Verification The alarm disappears, and the system works normally.

L2FWDTBL Get DB Info Fail

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 19968 Default level: Major Alarm description: There is no response to the request of Level 2 forwarding table from database. Cause There may be two causes for this alarm: OMP is not powered on normally. The control plane messages are delayed. Influence Handling Level 2 forwarding table can not be generated. Handle this fault referring to the following operations: Ensure UIM and OMP are powered on normally. Use relevant tools to test whether the control plane between UIM and OMP is reachable. Verification The alarm disappears, and the system works normally

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L2FWDTBL Get SCS Info Fail

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 19969 Default level: Major Alarm description: There is no response while retrieving Level 2 forwarding table port information from the system. Cause There may be two causes for this alarm: The system control process on UIM is not normally powered on. Number of IP addresses configured for the subunits of one shelf surpasses the maximum value (200). Influence Handling Level 2 forwarding table can no be generated. Handle this fault referring to the followings: Ensure the system control process on UIM is normally powered on. Ensure the number of IP addresses of all subunits is less than 200. Verification The alarm disappears, and the system works normally.

Resource Board can not Get L2fwd's Information from UIM Board
Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 19970 Default level: Major Alarm description: The resource board can not acquire information of Level 2 forwarding table from UIM. Cause There may be three causes for this alarm: UIM is not normally powered on. Level 2 forwarding table is not generated on UIM. Messages can not be sent to the control plane. Influence Handling The resource board can not get the Level 2 forwarding table. Handle this fault referring to the followings: Ensure that UIM is normally powered on. If there is no Level 2 forwarding table on UIM, but there is alarm L2FWDTBL get DB info fail or L2FWDTBL get SCS info fail. Clear the alarm referring to the two topics immediately prior to this topic.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

If there is no alarm information, check whether the shelf with UIM is BUSN. Note that Level 2 forwarding table can be generated only when UIM is in BUSN shelf. Use relevant tool to test whether the control plane between UIM and OMP is reachable, ensuring it reachable. Verification The alarm disappears, and the system works normally.

Bureau Number does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini

Alarm Information The alarm information has the following content: Alarm code: 5383 Default level: Major Alarm description: Alarm occurs due to the inconsistent office number. Influence Cause Handling Verification The system can not start normally. The office number exported from the OMP inconsistent with that previously saved on OMP. Restart the OMP board. The alarm is eliminated. database is

MTP2 Link Sending Traffic Overload

Alarm Information The alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8399872 Default level: Major Alarm description: Alarm is generated due to the traffic overload on the MTP2 link. Cause The sent traffic overload on the link of the local end is caused by the service message flow control. The alarm severity level 1 is the highest and level 4 is the lowest. Reduce the sent load of the local end. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

MTP2Link Receiving Traffic Overload

Alarm Information The alarm information has the following content:

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Alarm code: 8399873 Default level: Major Alarm description: Alarm due to received traffic overload on the MTP2 link. Cause The received traffic overload on the link of the local end is caused by the service message flow control of the opposite end. The alarm severity level 1 is the highest and level 4 is the lowest. Reduce the sent load of the remote end. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

MTP3 Link Congest

Alarm Information The alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8400131 Default level: Major Alarm description: MTP3 link congestion. Influence Cause Handling Verification It may delay the response time of subscribers services. The link is congested. The percent of the buffer occupied by the service messages sent from mtp3 to mtp2 reaches the threshold. Reduce the service message flow at the local end. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

UTS HOST Power Fail

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 25166848 Default level: Major Alarm description: Powering on HOST process fails. Cause Handling Verification HOST process can not be powered on. If system running abnormally, contact maintenance personnel of ZTE Corporation. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

UTS HOST Request NPL2TAB Timeout

Alarm Information The alarm information includes:


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Alarm code: 25166849. Default level: Major Alarm description: Requesting Level 2 forwarding table during powering on VTCD is timeout. Cause Handling Verification Requesting Level 2 forwarding table during powering on VTCD is timeout. Please contact maintenance personnel of ZTE Corporation. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: Multiplex Section far End Receive Failure

Alarm Information The alarm information includes: Alarm code: 1796 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: receiving failure (MSFERF). Cause multiplexing section far end

When a network node (such as the regenerator) of the multiplexing section where the board is located detects any fault in the uplink direction of its downstream equipment, it will all send 1 in the uplink (ADM direction) multiplexing section. When the ADM detects MS AIS, it will send MS RDI remote alarm in the downlink direction. Eliminate original fault according to the alarm generated by the network node equipment of multiplexing section where the board is located. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



UTS HOST Request Security Variable of Timeout

Alarm Information Alarm information has the followings: Alarm code: 25166850 Default level: Minor Alarm description: Security variable request during powering on VTCD is timeout. Cause Handling Verification During powering on VTCD, security variable request is timeout. Check OMP. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

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Connection Check Switch is Off

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25600 Default level: Warning Alarm description: connection check with board is turned off. Cause Influence Handling Verification Connection check on board is turned off, so connection check cannot be done. Sometimes, the connection can not be self-restored. Restore the connection in proper time. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SNTP Client cant get the Network Clock

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8392705 Default level: Minor Alarm Description: SNTP client fails to get the network clock. Cause Handling SNTP client fails to get the network clock. Check whether the SNTP server exists.

Cx29704 Status is ERR

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 6400 Default level: Minor The Status of Cx29704 is ERR. Cause Handling The Status of Cx29704 is ERR. Change another chip.

Block or Unblock Office is not success

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 16782146


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Default level: Minor Alarm Description Block or unblock office is not success. Cause Handling Block/unblock office is failed. Please check whether the office has been manual block.

Equipment Alarms
Description This section introduces alarms related to equipment.

OMP Config is Changed

Alarm Information Alarm information has to the following contents: Alarm code: 5394 Default level: Critical Alarm description: The OMP configuration is changed. Influence Cause Otherwise, the system can not run normally. The OMP configuration is changed, and it is necessary to perform manual reset. For example, if the configuration type of OMP is changed, it is necessary to manually reset the OMP. The OMP is needed to be reset. Manually reset the OMP again. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

Boards ENUM Switch is ON

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5635 Default level: Critical Alarm description: ENUM switch of the broad is turned on. Cause Handling Verification ENUM switch of the broad is turned on. Turn off the ENUM switch of the broad. The alarm is eliminated.

Rare and Front Card Mismatch Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5637

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Default level: Critical Alarm description: Error in the back board that mismatches with the front board. Cause Handling Verification The back board mismatches with the front board. Replace the back board with one that matching with the front board, or pull out the back board if not needed. The alarm is eliminated.

Port Link Breaks

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5641 Default level: Critical Alarm description: Port link breaks and causes alarm. Cause Influence Handling Verification Chip lan91 or bcm5328 has fault. Call loss is increased. Reset the correspondent DSP chip or the board through background tool. The alarm is eliminated.

Sub-card is Abnormal
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5645 Default level: Critical Alarm description: Sub-card is abnormal. Cause Handling Verification Sub-card is abnormal. Check the connection status of the sub-card or replace it with another sub-card. The alarm is eliminated.

Phase Lock Loop is Unlocked

Alarm Information Alarm information has to the following contents: Alarm code: 5646 Default level: Critical Alarm description: The phase-locked loop is unlocked.


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Cause Handling Verification

The phase-locked loop is unlocked. Check the phase-locked loop of the board. The alarm occurs maybe due to the hardware fault. The alarm is eliminated.

The Bit Error Rate in E1 Link is High

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5647 Default level: Critical Alarm description: The bit error rate in E1 link is high. Cause Influence Handling E link or uplink device has fault. The trunk is interrupted in receiving trunk signals. Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check there is fault with the trunk link of the local end. Check there is other device fault in the upward trunk link. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

The Micro Code is Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 15360. Default level: Critical Alarm description: The micro code is abnormal Cause The causes leading this alarm include: Micro code program falls into endless loop. Micro engine hardware failure has caused this alarm Influence Handling The board can not receive and send messages. Handle the fault referring to the followings: Restart the board.. If the board successively restarts automatically, and still there is and alarm about micro code, plug out and then plug in the board. If the fault still exists, exchange the board. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

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Link Level Flow Control cant be Eliminated

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 15874. Default level: Critical Alarm description: The link level flow control is unable to eliminate. Cause Influence Handling The link level flow control is unable to eliminate. The board can not receive and send messages. Handle the fault referring the followings: Restart the board. If the board successively restarts automatically, and still there is a link level flow control alarm, check whether PSN is abnormal. If PSN is normal, plug out and then plug in the board. If the fault still exists, exchange the board. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

All HSSLS are Out of Sync

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19456. Default level: Critical Alarm description: All HSSLS are out of sync. Cause The causes for this alarm may include: 872 chip have fault if out of synchronization is with PSN high speed serial link 882 chip on PSN have fault. PSN board have fault. Influence Handling Verification Some board may completely fail to work. If the alarm is caused by PSN fault, the whole service is interrupted. Check whether the PSN board is correctly configured and normally powered on. If both are normal, restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Fibers Connect Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5120 Default level: Critical Alarm description: connected. Cause Handling Verification The fiber cables are not properly

The fiber connection between the UIM and the TFI is inconsistent with the optical interface configured in the background. Reconnect fibers, or reset DB. The alarm is eliminated.

Board does not Exist

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5379 Default level: Major Alarm description: The board is not in the position, or the CPU is in the reset status for a long time. Influence Cause The board in the slot or the CPU on it runs abnormally. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The board configured in the database is not in the position. A fault occurs after resetting the board. The TDM connection chip has exceptions. The UIM end connection has exceptions. The Healthy hardware pin of this slot on the backboard is destroyed. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Plug the configured board into the slot. Manually reset the board through the background. Unplug and plug the board again, or check whether the pin of this slot is destroyed. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

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Clock Base Lost First Level (High) Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26129 Default level: Critical Alarm description: Level-1 alarm due to the loss of the Clock Base source. Cause Handling Verification The Clock Base has been lost for more than 24 hours. Check the access reference of the back board). The alarm is eliminated.

board (through the


Optical Module has no Light

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2 Default level: Major Alarm description: The optical module has no light. Influence Cause The associated communication link is broken. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The receiving fiber (RX) of the local end or the sending fiber (TX) of the opposite end is not connected properly. The optical module of the local end or the opposite end is faulty. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check whether the fibers of the local end and the opposite end are properly connected. If the alarm still exists replace the fibers. If the alarm still exists after replacing the fibers, replace the optical module of the local end; if the alarm still exists, replace the optical module of the opposite end. Verification The alarm is eliminated, this optical module and the link works normally.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

SDH: Loss of Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1792 Default level: Major Alarm description: SDH: Loss of Signal (LOS). Cause The causes leading to the alarm may include: The optical signal generation equipment is faulty The optical fiber transmission line is faulty The tail fiber and the flange between the local-end ODF and the equipment are faulty The local-end optical receiver is faulty. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check the opposite-end SDH sending equipment Check the optical fiber transmission line Check the local-end optical fiber connection Check the local-end optical receiver If it is confirmed that the local-end optical receiver is faulty, it is required to replace the board. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: Loss of Frame

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1793 Default level: Major Alarm description: SDH: Loss of Frame (LOF). Cause LOF can have following reasons: LOF occurs due to LOS, SDH transmission equipment is faulty. Note: When A1A2 frame location signal cannot be correctly received for 3ms, LOF occurs. Handling Check whether LOS occurs and whether the SDH transmission equipment is faulty. Invite the equipment maintenance personnel to check the SDH transmission equipment. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


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CPU Sub Card Is Active, But not Configured in the Database

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5389 Default level: Warning Alarm description: The (CPU) sub-card is in position, but the database is not configured. Cause A (CPU) sub card is online, but is not configured in database. The host CPU of the board will check it and alarm. The alarm will not appear frequently. Pull out the sub-card where the alarm occurs. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

CPU Sub Card is Not Active, But Configured in Database

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5390 Default level: Major Alarm description: The database is configured with the CPU sub-card, but the sub-card is not in position. Cause The database is configured with the CPU sub-card, but the subcard is not in its proper position. The alarm is detected and reported by the active CPU of the board. Plug the configured CPU sub-card into its position. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

OMP Gate-Way IP in BootCfg.ini File is Different from DBs

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5391 Default level: Major Alarm description: The IP address of the gateway of the OMP in the BootCfg.ini file is inconsistent with that configured in the database. Influence The system can not start normally.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Cause Handling Verification

The IP address of the gateway of the OMP read from the database is inconsistent with that read from the bootcfg.ini. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

OMC Server IP in BootCfg.ini File is different from DBs

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5392 Default level: Major Alarm description: The IP address of the OMC Server in the BootCfg.ini file is inconsistent with that configured in the database. Influence Cause Handling Verification The system can not start normally. The IP address of the OMC Server read from the database is inconsistent with that read from the bootcfg.ini file. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

Gate-Way Mask in BootCfg.ini File different from DBs

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5393 Default level: Major Alarm description: The mask of the gateway in the BootCfg.ini file is inconsistent with that configured in the database. Influence Cause Handling Verification The system can not start normally. The mask of the OMC gateway read from the database is inconsistent with that read from the bootcfg.ini file. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

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The State of Out Port is Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5395 Default level: Major Alarm description: The external port of the board is down. Influence Cause Data can not be transmitted. Causes leading to the alarm may include: The network port at the local end is faulty. The switch at the opposite end is faulty. The middle connection line is faulty. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check whether the network port at the local end is faulty (by using SCSShowCTData). Check whether the switch at the opposite end runs normally (by checking the flashing indicator of the network port on the switch), and whether the corresponding port is broken. Check whether the connection between the two ends is broken. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Hard Disk Utilization Ratio Threshold Warning

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5632 Default level: Critical Alarm description: The hard disk is full. Influence Cause Handling Verification Data may be lost. The usage rate of the hard disk exceeds the threshold of one level. Switch the board. The alarm is eliminated.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

The Boards Hard Disk is Bad

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5633 Default level: Critical Alarm description: The hard disk of the board is broken. Cause Handling Verification Precautions The hard disk of the board is broken. Replace the hard disk of the board. The alarm is eliminated. The alarm may cause data loss.

LVDS Signal Unlocked

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5638 Default level: Major Alarm description: LVDS signal is unlocked. Cause Handling Verification LVDS signal is unlocked. Detect whether the LVDS signal cable on the backboard is unblocked. Block this signal cable. The alarm is eliminated.

FPGA is Abnormal
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5640 Default level: Major Alarm description: FPGA is abnormal. Cause Influence Handling Verification FPGA loses and correct verification can not be found. The board works abnormally. Restart the board. The alarm is eliminated.

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The Hard Disks Reliability Reduces

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5642 Default level: Major Alarm description: Reliability of hard disk is degraded. Cause If the error rate, starting/stopping times, seek error rate, power-on time, GSense error rate, power off retract count, reallocated sector event count, currently to-be-determined sector count, offline and irretrievable sector count, and Ultra ATA CRC error rate cause this alarm. The data loses or the system goes down. Save the attached information of the alarm, and then exchange the hard disk. The alarm is eliminated.

Influence Handling Verification

Far End is in Starting-up State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19200 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group connected with the local IMA group is in the startup status. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group status machine being in the startup status. Check whether the UIM/DTB connection, the clock and the trunk cable connection are correct, and confirm that the IMA equipment at the opposite end runs normally. The alarm is eliminated.



FE is in Blocked State
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19205 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group connected with the local IMA group is in the blocking status.


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Influence Cause

The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group status machine being in the blocking status. Check the status of the remote IMA group. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

FE is in Insufficient Links State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19206 Default level: Major Alarm description: The remote IMA group connected with the local IMA group is in the status of having insufficient links. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when the local IMA group receives the report of the remote IMA group status machine being in the status of having insufficient links. Check the statuses of the links in the remote IMA group to confirm that the number of active links is greater than or equal to the configured minimum number of activated links. The alarm is eliminated.



FE Transmit Clock Mode is different than NE Transmit Clock Mode

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19208 Default level: Major Alarm description: Mismatch between the clock mode sent by the remote IMA group and that sent by the local IMA group. Influence Cause Handling The physical link on IU port can not be established. The clock mode sent by the remote IMA group through the ICP cell mismatches with that sent by the local IMA group. Check the related configuration of the clock mode of the remote end or the local end to make the clock modes at the two ends match with each other. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally


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NE Group is in Insufficient Links State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19209 Default level: Major Alarm description: The links in the local IMA group are insufficient. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The number of links in the ACTIVE status at the local end does not reach the minimum number of sending/receiving links set by the user. Handle the alarm referring to the followings: The alarm automatically disappears when the number of links in the ACTIVE status in the corresponding group exceeds or equals the minimum number of sending/receiving links configured in the group. Checks whether the number of links configured in the group are more than the required links. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


Implementation Specific TX Fault Declared at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19211 Default level: Major Alarm description: Fault in the local sending link, which is generally caused by the equipment. Influence Cause Handling Verification The physical link on IU port can not be established. In general, the IMA equipment fault causes the fault in the local sending link. Check whether the IMA chip works normally and the E1 cable connection. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

FE TX is Mis-Connected
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19212 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local sending link is broken. Influence Cause Handling Verification The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when a sending link in the group is not connected to the remote IMA group as others are. Check whether the IMA chip works normally and make sure each link connected to the remote IMA group. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Implementation Specific Rx Fault Declared at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19216 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local receiving link is faulty. Influence Cause Handling Verification The physical link on IU port can not be established. The local receiving link is faulty. Check the IMA chip works normally, and make sure each link can be normally connected to the local IMA group. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Implementation Specific Rx Failed Declared at the NE

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19217 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local receiving link is disabled. Influence Cause Handling The physical link on IU port can not be established. The local receiving link is disabled. It can automatically recover to normal status.

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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

NE TX is Mis-Connected
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19218 Default level: Major Alarm description: The local receiving link is broken. Influence Cause Handling The physical link on IU port can not be established. The alarm occurs when a receiving link in the group is not connected to the remote IMA group as others are. Check the connection conditions of each receiving link at both the local end and the remote end to make sure that each receiving link is connected to the local IMA group. Check the specified local E1 link is connected with the corresponding remote E1 link. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally


FE TXLSM is in Unusable State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19219 Default level: Major Alarm description: The far-end sending link connected with the local end is unusable. Influence Cause The physical link on Iu port can not be established. The causes leading to the alarm may include: A sending link at the remote end is faulty, so it is changed to the Unusable status from the ACITIVE status. The link enters into the Unusable status after the link is just enabled. Handling Handle the fault according to different causes: The alarm automatically disappears in case that the link enters into the Unusable status after the link is just enabled. For the alarm caused by the fault in the remote sending link, check whether the IMA link configuration such as scrambling code and direction at the remote end matches with that at the local end. Check the E1 cable is loosed.


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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

APS Protection Channel Mismatch

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19712 Default level: Major Alarm description: Mismatch of the automatic protection switchover channel Influence Cause Handling The APS may not function. The services at the two ends are not transmitted on the same optical fiber. Handle the fault referring to the followings: Use the man-machine command on the background to switch the service on one end from one optical fiber to the other one. If the switchover cannot be performed through the manmachine command, it is necessary to pull out and plug the optical fiber to implement the APS switchover at one end. If the step 2 fails, it is required to reset the board. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

APS Protection Mode Mismatch

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19713 Default level: Major Alarm description: Mismatch of the automatic protection switchover mode Influence Cause The APS may not function. The protection types at the two ends are inconsistent. The protection type at one end is 1+1, and that at the other end is 1: n. Modify the protection types to make them consistent at the two ends. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

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CLKG 32M Output Clock Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26112 Default level: Major Alarm description: The 32M output clock is lost. Cause Handling Verification The 32M output clock of the CLKG board is lost. Check (measure) the output clock of the CLKG board. If the output clock is exceptional, replace the CLKG board. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG 32M8K Output Clock Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26113 Default level: Major Alarm description: The 32M8K output clock is lost. Cause Handling Verification The 32M8K output clock of the CLKG board is lost. Check (measure) the output clock of the CLKG board. If the output clock is exceptional, replace the CLKG board. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG 16M Output Clock Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26114 Default level: Major Alarm description: The 16M output clock is lost. Cause Handling Verification The 16M output clock of the CLKG board is lost. Check the CLKG board and the software. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG 16M8K Output Clock Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26115


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Default level: Major Alarm description: The 16M8K output clock is lost. Cause Handling Verification The 16M8K output clock of the CLKG board is lost. Check (measure) the output clock of the CLKG board. If the output clock is exceptional, replace the CLKG board. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG PP2S Output Clock Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26116 Default level: Major Alarm description: The CLKG PP2S output clock is lost. Cause Handling Verification The CLKG PP2S output clock is lost. Check (measure) the output clock on the CLKG. If the output clock is exceptional, replace the CLKG board. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG PP2S Clock Base Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26117 Default level: Major Alarm description: The PP2S Clock Base is lost. Cause Handling Verification The CLKG PP2S input clock is lost. Check there is any input in the CLKG PP2S, and whether the connection line is correct. The alarm is eliminated.

CLKG Clock 16CHIP Base Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26118 Default level: Major Alarm description: The 16CHIP Clock Base is lost. Cause The CLKG 16CHIP input clock is lost.

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Handling Verification

Check there is any input in the CLKG 16CHIP, and whether the connection line is correct. The alarm is eliminated.

SDH: Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1795 Default level: Major Alarm description: SDH: Indication Signal (MSAIS). Cause Multiplexing Section Alarm

When a network node of the multiplexing section has any fault in its upstream equipment, it all send 1 in the downlink (board direction) multiplexing section. The faults in the upstream equipment include LOS, LOF and RS TIM. Eliminate original fault according to the alarm generated by the network node equipment of multiplexing section where the board is located. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



SDH: Signal Failure

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1797 Default level: Major Alarm description: SDH: Signal Failure Cause Causes leading to the alarm may include: The error code occurs because the fiber pigtail on the downlinks of all the NEs in the multiplexing section is damaged, transmission line attenuation is increased or the optical transmission mode changes; The ADM sending equipment is faulty. Handling Handle the fault according to the causes: Check whether the fiber pigtail is polluted; Check whether the optical power attenuation of each connection point in the downlink of the multiplexing section using optical dynamometer. Ask the transmission network maintenance personnel to check whether the ADM sending equipment is faulty.


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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: AU-4 Pointer Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1799 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: Loss of AU-4 pointer. Cause Handling Verification The upstream AU-4 pointer processing unit is faulty. Ask the transmission network maintenance personnel to check whether the upstream AU-4 pointer processing unit is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: AU-4 Alarm Indication Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1800 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: AU-4 Alarm Indication Signal Cause Handling Verification The upstream VC-4 channel control unit is faulty. Check whether the upstream VC-4 channel control unit is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: VC-4 Trace Identifier Mismatch

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1801 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: VC-4 signal trace mismatch Cause During the cutover and dispatching of the optical fiber, the optical fiber connection on ODF is wrong or the expected value set by the network management system is wrong. Check the fiber connections on the local-end and opposite-end ODFs, and whether the preset values of the VC-4 channel access point identifiers of the two ends are consistent. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



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SDH: VC-4 Unequipped

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1802 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: VC-4 unequipped (UNEQ). Cause Handling Verification The upstream VC-4 channel control unit is faulty. Check whether the upstream VC-4 channel control unit is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: VC-4 Channel Payload Mismatches

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1803 Default level: Minor Alarm description: SDH: VC-4 channel label mismatch (VC4PLM). Cause Handling Verification The cross connection in the SDH network is incomplete during the stage of engineering installation. Check the circuits in the corresponding slots of the data cross connection equipment at each station are correctly configured. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: TU-12 Loss of Multi-frame

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1805 Default level: Major Alarm description: Loss of the branch multi-frame. Cause Handling Verification The upstream VC-4 channel control unit is faulty. Check the upstream VC-4 channel control unit is normal. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


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Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1814 Default level: Major Alarm description: High-channel signal failure. Cause Causes for this alarm may include: The error code occurs because the fiber pigtails on the downlinks of all the NEs in the multiplexing section are damaged, transmission line attenuation is increased or the optical transmission mode changes; The ADM sending equipment is faulty. Handling Check whether the ADM sending equipment is faulty, whether the attenuation of the fiber line is too big, and whether the optical power of each connection point is normal. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


CPU Rate is Over Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2560 Default level: Major Alarm description: The CPU usage is too high. Cause Handling Verification When the upper-layer service traffic is huge, the CPU usage is too high and many exceed the threshold of CPU occupancy. Reduce the service traffic. The alarm is eliminated and the system works normally.

Flash Device Initialize Failed

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 3073 Default level: Major Alarm description: Flash device initialize failed. Cause Handling Verification FLASH is damaged. Replace the board. The alarm is eliminated and the system works normally.

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Media Port is Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5376 Default level: Major Alarm description: Media port is abnormal. Cause Influence Handling Verification Media port is abnormal. BRS can not perform processing related to Level 2 forwarding table. Check the hardware port and the board are normal. The alarm is eliminated and the system works normally.

Alarm RSMM HW Loop Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5378 Default level: Major Alarm description: Board HW loop test failure. Influence Cause Circuit switching traffic may be interrupted. The causes for this alarm may include: The HW electronic switch is not opened. The NE clock is exceptional. The TDM connection chip is exceptional. The UIM end connection is exceptional. The board connection is exceptional. Handling Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check whether the HW electronic switches on this board and the UIM board in the same frame are normally opened. Check the clock of this frame, and check whether any alarm is lost. Check the connection chips on this board and the UIM board are normal through timeslot self-loop (in the TestMenu operation). Check the connection of the corresponding slot on the UIM board is normal (in general, the test of some timeslot receiving/sending packets is performed on the UIM board). Check the board connection is normal (test the connection chips in TestMenu)


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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Input Clock Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5381 Default level: Major Alarm description: The input clock is exceptional. Cause The causes for this alarm may include: The clock board runs exceptionally, and is not in the normal working status. No Clock Base is input to the clock board or the Clock Base is exceptional. Handling Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check the clock board runs normally through the indictors on the panel. Check the Clock Base is input to the clock board, whether the Clock Base is exceptional, and whether the input line is correctly connected. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

Communicate Link of PWRD 485 Broken

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5382 Default level: Major Alarm description: interruption Influence Cause PWRD 485 communication link

It may not be monitored whether the power supply of each shelf and board is normal. The causes for this alarm may include: The 485 communication link between the PWRD and the OMP is interrupted. There is no connection between the PWRD and the OMP, or the connection line between the PWRD and the OMP is faulty. The number configured for the rack where the PWRD is located in inconsistent with that dialed up by the PWRD.


Handle the fault referring to the following operations:

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Check the corresponding 485 link is broken on the OMP (by using SCSShowPWRDInfo). Check the connection line between the PWRD and the OMP is faulty. Check the number configured for the rack where the PWRD is located is consistent with that dialed up by the PWRD. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Clock Base Lost Second Level (Middle) Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26128 Default level: Major Alarm description: Level-2 alarm due to the loss of the Clock Base source. Cause Handling Verification The Clock Base has been lost for more than 10 minutes. Check the access reference of the back board). The alarm is eliminated.

board (through the


OSS Communication Link Off

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8393985 Default level: Major Alarm description: The OSS-layer communication between the service board and the homing module is interrupted. Influence Cause Inter-board communication is abnormal. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The board is configured in the database, but it is not normally powered on. The board is powered on, but the control panel link between the board and its homing MP is broken. After the board is powered on, the ENUM switch is opened. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check the board is successfully powered on, and the indicator on the panel is normal (the RUN indicator flickers at


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the frequency of 1HZ, while the ALARM indicator is off all the time). (Use OSS_DbgShowComm and OSS_DbgCommBrokenStatShow to) check the status of the control panel link; (use OSS_DbgShowUbPool to) check whether there is UB deficiency in the board or its homing MP. Check the ENUM switch on the alarm board is opened (check whether the ENUM indicator is on all the time). Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Alarm of Office not Access from MTP3

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8400128 Default level: Major Alarm description: The MTP3 office direction is inaccessible. The system failed to receive/send any message to the corresponding office direction. Influence Cause The system fails to transmit message to or receive messages from the corresponding office. The causes leading to the alarm may include: There are errors configuration. The link is broken. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check whether the static route destination office direction is correct. configuration of the in the office direction and route

Query the statuses of the office direction and the dynamic route through the dynamic management. Query the status of the link in the route table. If the link is broken, see the processing method for the Alarm of link unavailability for the fault location method. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Cluster Not Access

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8400130 Default level: Major

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Alarm description: Cluster unreachable. Influence Cause Messages can not be sent to or received from the corresponding office. The causes leading to the alarm may include: There are errors in the cluster and route configuration. The link is obstructed. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: Check whether the static routing configuration of the target cluster is correct. Query the cluster status and the dynamic routing status through the dynamic management tool. Query the status of the link in the routing table through the dynamic management tool. If the link is obstructed, refer to the processing method of the alarm of the link unreachable. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Alarm of Office not Access from M3UA

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8400384 Default level: Major Alarm description: The M3UA office direction is inaccessible. The system failed to receive/send any message to the corresponding office direction. Influence Cause Messages can not be sent to or received from corresponding offices. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The association releasing or AS not in the service status causes the office direction inaccessible. The SIOLOCAS sheet data to the office direction is not configured, which causes that the office directions managed by the AS and M3UA cannot be bound. Handling Handle the fault referring to the followings: If the association status is normal, check the status of the AS serving the office direction through the dynamic management, and change the AS enter to service status. If the association is unavailable, see the SSM alarm. Check the data configuration to see whether the SIO of the office direction is configured, and whether there is ASP service.


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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Cannot Reach the Office

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8401153 Default level: Major Alarm description: unreachable Influence Cause Alarm due to SUA office direction

Messages can not be sent to or received from corresponding offices. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The association status or the AS not in service status makes a signaling point unreachable. The AS information of the SSN location of all the subsystems to the office is not configured.


Handle the fault referring to the followings: Use the dynamic management tool to check the association status. Check the status of the AS serving the office direction, and make it into working state. If the association is unavailable, refer to the SSM alarm. If the association status is normal, and the AS is in the serving status, check AS information configuration of the location of the corresponding subsystem.


The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Association Broken Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8402690 Default level: Major Alarm description: The association is broken. Influence Cause It may cause office inaccessible and congestion at other associations. The causes leading to the alarm may include: The association is deleted. The association is manually released. Other reasons cause that the association is broken. Handling If the association is not deleted or manually released, check the association status to make it recover to the normal status.

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The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

8k Input Clock Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1280 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The 8K input clock of the board is lost. Influence Cause Handling Verification Precautions This alarm may cause communication interruption. There is a problem in the clock input of this frame. Check the clock input line of this frame is well connected. The alarm is eliminated. This alarm may cause communication interruption

16M Input Clock Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1281 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The 16M input clock of the board is lost. Influence Cause Handling Verification Precautions This alarm may cause communication interruption. There is a problem in the clock input of this frame. Check whether the clock input line of this frame is well connected. The alarm is eliminated. This alarm may cause communication interruption.

PP2S Input Clock Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1282 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: PP2S input clock loses. Cause Influence Handling There is a problem in the clock input of this frame. This alarm may cause communication interruption of the system. Handle the fault referring to the following operations:


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Check the clock input line of this frame is well connected. Check GCM shelf has locked GPS signals. Verification The alarm is eliminated and the clock board is normal.

32M Clock Lost in TSNB

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1283 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The 32M clock of the TSNB board may be lost. Cause The causes leading to the alarm may include: The 32M clock and the 8K clock are bound, 32M clock alarm occurs when the 32M clock or the 32M8K clock jitters to a certain extent, which influences the connection. There is no clock. Handling Handle the fault referring to the following operations: To ensure that the 32M clock source and the middle link can work normally, switch the clock board first to verify that the alarm disappears or not. If the clock board is normal, it is necessary to check whether the clock driving chip on the board is normal. Check whether the clock input line of this frame is well connected. Verification Precautions The alarm is eliminated. A system has two TSNB boards. One is active, and the other is standby. When the clock alarm occurs, the system switches the standby board to active state, and the active one to be standby state. For the TSNB, if this alarm occurs, the whole link is obstructed. In a big T Net, if the clock is lost, the data in the whole link is lost. When the clock is recovered, the link will be recovered.

Phase Lock Loop Work Mode is Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5643 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Working mode of the phase lock loop is abnormal.

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Cause Influence Handling

The working mode of the phase lock loop varies. Processing related to clock becomes abnormal. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check whether there is available reference resource. Check whether the distributing line is correct and whether there is self-loop. Check whether a Level 2 clock locks a Level 3 clock.


The alarm is eliminated.

The Channel in the Sub-card is Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5644 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The channel for the sub-card is abnormal. Cause Influence Handling The channel for the sub-card is abnormal. Individual channel can not be used normally. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Reset the board. Replace the sub-card. Replace the board. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

Recive Bad Packets

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 15616 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The number of frames discarded at the external port exceeds the threshold. Influence Cause The system can not receive data messages normally. The causes for this alarm may include: The status of the network connected with the external port is exceptional. The hardware of the board is faulty.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

The 2400 sub-card originally working normally is loosed due to vibration. Handling Verification Check whether the board and the link are normal or whether there is any exceptional attack message. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

PVC Fault
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 18944 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Fault in PVC. Influence Cause Handling Upper-layer traffic may be interrupted. Timeout when perform the local continuity checking. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check whether the physical link is normal. Make sure that the status of the optical fiber and the optical module are good and that the indication link of the port indicator is normally connected. Check the local office has activated the CC module and acts as the receiving end. If the local office cannot receive the CC cell or the subscriber cell sent from the sending end, the link continuity is lost, activate the CC on the background and check whether the link is normal. If other NEs on the whole PVC link indicate that the PVC link is faulty, AIS or RDI received by the local NE also indicates that the PVC link is faulty. Check the reasons of PVC faults in other NEs by referring to steps 1 and 2. Verification

The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally

SDH: Signal Degrade

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1798 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: signals get degraded. Cause SD occurs when the board tests that there is error code larger than 1e-6 in the multiplexing section of the received signals. Clear SF first when SD and SF occur simultaneously. If SD occurs individually, it can be determined that the transmission device of the ADM network element has problem.

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Influence Handling

Various alarms occur with part of trunk received signals. Handle the alarm referring to the following operations: Clear SF. Inform the transmission network maintenance personnel to check whether the ADM transmission device has fault.


The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally

SDH: VC-4 Far End Receive Failure

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1804 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: SDH: VC-4 remote receiving failure (VC4FERF). Cause When a network node of the VC-4 channel where the board is located detects any fault in the uplink direction of its downstream equipment, it sends 1 in the whole AU-4 in the uplink direction. The upstream VC-4 channel terminal sends VC4 RDI remote alarm in the downlink direction. Eliminate original fault according to the alarm generated by the network node equipment of VC-4 channel where the board is located. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1815 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: High-order channel signal deterioration. Cause When the board detects the error code greater than 1e-6 exists in the receiving signal multiplexing section, SD occurs. When SD and SF occur at the same time, eliminate SF first. When only SD occurs, it can be judged that the ADM sending equipment is faulty. Check the ADM sending equipment is faulty, whether the attenuation of the fiber line is too big, or the optical power of each connection point is proper. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.




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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

GE Link Error
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5121 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Exception in the GE routing Influence Cause Media layer is down. Causes for this alarm may include the followings: The UIM needs no cascade connection between frames, but the GXS sub-card is inserted. The UIM and UIM/GLI fiber connections are incorrect or fiber is not connected. There are exceptions in receiving/sending the detection packets on the UIM link, or the GE routing. The UIM background configuration is inconsistent with the foreground physical configuration. Handling Verification Check the physical connection configuration and the optical fiber connection. The alarm is eliminated.

The DB Config does not Inconsistent with the Hardware Equipment

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5123 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The DB configuration is inconsistent with the hardware equipment. Influence Cause Handling The system functions can not be implemented. The database configuration is inconsistent with the hardware equipment. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check the background configuration. Modify the configuration according to the hardware device. Powering on the board again. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

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Clock Base Lost Third Level (Low) Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26127 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Level-3 alarm due to the loss of the Clock Base source. Cause Handling Verification The loss of the Clock Base is successfully detected for the first time. Check the access reference of the back board). The alarm is eliminated.

board (through the


SCCP SSN is Invalid

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8398848 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The SCCP subsystem is unavailable. Influence Cause Handling Messages can not be sent to or received from the subsystem that it concerns. A signaling point subsystem exits the service; or a signaling point is inaccessible. Make the link recover to be normal, the (office direction) signaling point accessible, or the subsystem enter into the service again. The alarm is eliminated.


SSCS Congest
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8399104 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: congestion in the broadband link. Influence Cause Congestion occurs on the link, which may cause package loss and even call loss.


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The SSCOP detects that the usage of sending buffer and queues are over 85% of the total window size, which may be caused by congestion in the link or insufficient processing ability of the opposite end. Handling Verification MTP3 detects the congestion report of this layer. The system can automatically make processing. The alarm is eliminated.

SSCS Overloaded
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8399105 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Alarm due to overload in the broad-band link. Influence Cause Congestion occurs on the link, which may cause package loss and even call loss. The SSCOP detects that the usage of the sending cache and the queue has reached about 80% of the cache, so it reports overload. The MTP3 detects the congestion alarms on this layer and the system automatically processes it. The alarm is eliminated.

Handling Verification

Alarm of Link Unavailability

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8400129 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The MTP3 link is unavailable, which may cause the office direction inaccessible and congestion in other available links. Influence Cause It may cause office inaccessible and congestion on other links. Causes leading to the fault may include: The physical link is broken. The link test is not passed. The SMP board or the SPB/APBE board is restarted. Handling Handle the fault referring to the following operations: The link breaking request initiated by the MTP3 may be caused by that two times of link tests are not passed.

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If T2 times out, and the link is in the Initial_alignment status all the time. Check the configuration and physical connection at the two ends of the link. There are many errors, and the link quality is not good. It is necessary to check the configuration from the engineering side, including E1 resistance and clock. When the link receives SIOS from the opposite end in its service status, it is necessary to confirm the reason of the link broking at the opposite end. Check whether the configurations at the two ends of the link are consistent, including point code and SLC. Check the link. If the link needs to be tested, check the test code is configured, Check whether there is any alarm about the SMP board or SPB/APBE board restarting Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SUA Subsystem is Invalid

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8401152 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: SUA subsystem unusable Influence Cause Handling Messages can not be sent to or received from the subsystem that it concerns. A signaling point subsystem exits the service or is unreachable. Recover the link or the association to the normal status, the (office direction) signaling point reachable, or the subsystem enters into the service status again. The alarm is eliminated


M2PA Link is Broken

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8402177 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The M2PA signaling link is broken. Influence Cause Data may be lost. Causes leading to the fault may include: The timer of data receiving/sending times out.


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The association is broken. Handling Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Use the dynamic management tool (use the debugging function SsmState if there is no dynamic management tool on the background) to check the status. If the association status is normal, check the configurations at the two ends is consistent. Check whether the M2PA predefined timers T1~T4 are configured. Check whether the protocol type of the M2PA link is consistent. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally

Association is Congestive
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8402688 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: association congestion. Influence Cause Handling Verification Data may be lost. The sending cache of the association at the SCTP layer is congested. Reduce the data flow of the upper-lay user to the sending direction. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Trunk Frame Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 512 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The trunk frame is lost. Influence Cause Handling Verification It fails to receive signals from this trunk. The trunk frame is lost. Check whether the upstream equipment. The alarm is eliminated.

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Trunk Signal Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 513 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The trunk signal is lost. Influence Cause Handling Verification It fails to receive signals from this trunk. The two ends have no common ground, the clocks are not synchronized, or the transmission equipment is faulty. Check the upstream equipment or the physical connection at the local end. The alarm is eliminated and the system works normally.

Trunk Alarm Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 514 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Trunk alarm indication signal. Influence Cause Handling Verification It fails to receive signals from this trunk. The upstream equipment is faulty. Check which alarms occur in the corresponding E1 of the upstream equipment, and eliminate them. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Trunk Multi-frame Lose

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 515 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The trunk multi-frame is lost. Influence Cause Handling Verification It fails to receive signals from this trunk. The frame format is inconsistent. Configure the frame format at the two ends connected together consistent and check the upstream equipment. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Trunk Receive far End CRC Multiframe Alarm Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 516 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The alarm indication occurs when the trunk receives remote CRC multi-frames. Influence Cause It fails to receive signals from this trunk. Causes for this alarm may include the followings: The clock is instable. The uplink equipment is faulty. Handling Verification Use the E1 tester or loop tester to check whether the middle transmission equipment of the trunk link is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Trunk Receive Far End Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 517 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The alarm occurs in the remote receiving end. Influence Cause Handling Verification It fails to receive signals from this trunk. A problem occurs when the local end sends signal, or the middle transmission equipment is faulty. Check the communication between the board and the control plane of its home module. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Cell Delimiter cannot Synchronize

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1024 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: synchronized. The cell delineation cannot be

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Generally, the reason is that the configurations of mutuallyconnected equipments are inconsistent, and the cell cannot be delineated from the physical-layer frames through the HEC check. Check whether there is any other physical-layer alarm. If the OCD/LCD alarm still exists, check the opposite-end and local-end equipments have performed the co-set processing on the HEC. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



Cell Delimiter Lose

Alarm Information Cause Alarm information has the following contents: The cell delineation Alarm code: 1025 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: The cell delineation is lost. Handling Check whether there is any other physical-layer alarm. If the OCD/LCD alarm still exists, check the opposite-end and local-end equipments have performed the co-set processing on the HEC. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally


SDH: TU-12 Loss of Pointer

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1806 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Loss of branch pointer (TU12LOP). Cause Handling Verification The upstream TU branch pointer processing unit is faulty. Check the upstream TU-12 branch pointer processing unit is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH: TU-12 Alarm Indication Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1807 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch alarm indication signal (TU12AIS) Cause A fault occurs in an upstream equipment of the branch function node that sends all 1 for TU.


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Handling Verification

Check the upstream TU-12 branch pointer processing unit is faulty. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SDH:TU-12 Remote Defect Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1808 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch remote defect indication. Cause The reason may be that a fault occurs in the downstream equipment (including boards) of the branch function node that sends TU RDI remote alarm. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Use the SDH tester to check whether any TU-12 branch function fault exists on the local end. Use the SDH tester to check whether any branch function fault exists on the equipments of other nodes in the TU-12 branch. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


SDH: TU-12 Remote Failure Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1809 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch remote failure indication. Cause Handling Verification When the 5 consecutive frames of the V5 bit4 received by the board in the TU branch are 1, the TU RFI alarm occurs. Use the SDH tester to check whether any fault exists on the control unit in the upstream TU-12 branch. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

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SDH: TU-12 Trace Identifier Mismatch

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1810 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch signal track mismatch. Cause During the cutover and dispatching of the cable, the cable connection on DDF (Digital Distribution Frame) is wrong or the expected value set by the network management system is wrong. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Use the SDH tester to check whether the remote equipment of the branch has been equipped with the branch. Check the circuit configuration in the corresponding slot of each DXC node in the transmission line by using the SDH tester. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


SDH: TU-12 Unequipped

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1811 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch unequipped. Cause The cross connection in the SDH network is incomplete during the stage of engineering installation, or the branch remote equipment is not equipped. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Using the diagnostic test function check the signal label received by the branch is consistent with that configured at the local end. Check the configuration at both local and remote end. Check whether the circuit configuration in the corresponding slot of each DXC node in the transmission line is correct by using the SDH tester. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.



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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

SDH: TU-12 Payload Mismatch

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1812 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: Branch channel label mismatch. Cause Handling The cross connection in the SDH network is incomplete during the stage of engineering installation. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: First eliminate the SF alarm in the SDH. Use the SDH tester to check the bit error rate in the highorder channel and fix it. Check the transmission line is faulty. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

The HDLC is Unusable

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8407296 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: HDLC channel is unavailable and HDLC drops packets successively for three times. Cause Causes leading to the alarm may include the followings: HDLC is dynamically created. HDLC link is unconnected or the quality is bad, or the bottom layer module (e.g. BSP or microcode) has fault,. For active and standby boards, when HDLC of the new active board has an initial state BAD, it is first restored to OK state, and then the alarm occurs. Influence Handling Traffic amount reduces, or the service is interrupted. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: When HDLC receives replied packets successively for three times, it can be considered that the HDLC is connected. Change the state BAD to OK, and then restore the alarm. If there is a need to delete HDLC and the previous state of HDLC is BAD, first restore the alarm to avoid that there is no alarm next time the HDLC is generated. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

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The UID Bind is Unusable

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8407297 Default severity: Warning Alarm description: UID Bind is Unavailable. Cause Causes leading to the alarm may include the followings: HDLC is dynamically created. For power-on UID, because there is only one home HDLC, therefore, whenever the state varies from OK to BAD, the alarm occurs. For service UID, when all home HDLCs change to BAD state, first delete UID binding with bottom layer BSP, and then generates the alarm occurs. While the active and standby boards changing over, when UID of the new active board does not be bound, restore it before the alarm occurring. Influence Handling Traffic amount reduces, or the service is interrupted. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: For power-on UID, when the state recovers to normal state, the alarm occurs; For service UID, when there is one HDLC firstly connected in UID (the state changes to OK) , first add UID binding in bottom layer BSP, and then restore the alarm. If to delete a UID without adding binding, first restore the alarm to avoid that there is no alarm next time the UID is generated. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

MAC Address of the board Conflicts

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5650 Default level: Critical Alarm description: MAC address of the board conflicts. Cause Handling Board is not on its position rightly or other exceptional reasons. Reinsert the board.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

DSP over Load High Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26626 Default level: Major Alarm description: DSP over load High Alarm. Cause Handling DSP load is higher than the high threshold. Please decrease DSP's call load.

DSP over Load Middle Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26627 Default level: Minor Alarm description: DSP over load High Alarm. Cause Handling DSP load is higher than the middle threshold. Please decrease DSP's call load.

DSP over Load Low Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26628 Default level: Warning DSP over load Low Alarm. Cause Handling DSP load is higher than the low threshold. Please decrease DSP's call load.

Tone Resource Board DSP Tone Type Differ

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5659 Default level: Major Alarm description: Tone resource boards DSP tone type differ.

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Cause Handling

Differ Tone cannot exist On Board. Switch Same Type Tone.

Error Connection on 129ts of T-net board

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25601 Default level: Major Alarm description: Error connection on 129ts of T-net board. Cause Handling Connection error on 129ts of T-net board. No further solution. Inform staff of 3G platform to analyze if alarm can't restore.

Loop Error of LVDS 129 time slot

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5658 Default level: Major Alarm description: Loop error of LVDS 129 time slot. Cause Handling Loop error of LVDS 129 time slot. Change the board.

Dual Attribution Office has been Blocked

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 14592 Default level: Minor Dual attribution office has been blocked. Cause Handling Dual attribution office changing to slave state, DH process starts to block the office. Unblock the dual attribution office or unblock the links and associations of it by hand.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Dual Attribution Link has been Blocked

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 14593 Default level: Minor Alarm description: Dual attribution link has been blocked. Cause Handling Dual attribution office changing to slave state, DH process starts to block the links of the office. Unblock the dual attribution office's associations or unblock all associations of it by hand.

Dual Attribution Association has been Blocked

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 14594 Default level: Minor Alarm description: Dual attribution association has been blocked. Cause Handling Dual attribution office changing to slave state, DH process starts to block the associations of the office. Unblock the dual attribution office's associations or unblock all associations of it by hand.

8K, 16M Input Clock no Match

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1284 Default level: Minor 8K, 16M input clock no match. Cause Handling 8K, 16M input clock no match. Check the CLKG board.

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BOOT/EPLD Upgrade Information

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5891 Default level: Warning Alarm description: BOOT/EPLD upgrades information. Cause Handling BOOT/EPLD upgrades information. Switch BOOT version again, and reset board manually.

BOOT Version Synchronization Information

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5892 Default level: Warning BOOT version synchronization information. Cause BOOT version synchronization information.

Powing Error of SETS

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5654 Default level: Critical Alarm description: Powing Error of SETS. Cause Handling SETS chip has some fault. 1. Check whether the SETS chip abnormal by the diagnostic test. 2. If problem does not recover, change the board and check the alarm information.

Spending of DSP has Reached a Dangerous Degree

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 26624 Default level: Minor


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Spending of DSP has reached a dangerous degree. Cause Handling Spending of DSP has reached a dangerous degree. Limit the traffic of DSP.

The BFD Session is Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 22784 Default level: Minor Alarm description: The BFD session is down. Cause Handling The BFD session is down. Check that whether the link is normal and the BFD configuration is correct.

This Trunk is Used to CSU Test

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 518 Default level: Minor Alarm description: This trunk is used to CSU test. Cause Handling This trunk is used to CSU test. Unit A transmits CSU Loop down Code to unit B.

VC_4 Far End Error Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1821 Default level: Major Alarm description: VC_4 Far End Error Indication. Cause Handling VC_4 Far End Error Indication. 1. Find out whether the receive power is too low. If true, make sure the fiber and optic modulator are all right and compatible. 2. Conduct the self loopback test. If no B1ERR declare, the remote peer device may have problem. It is recommended to change a board.

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High Order Signal failure

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 1822 Default level: Major Alarm description: High order signal failure. Cause Handling When the bit error rate exceeds 1e-3 in the VC_4, SF shall be declared. Check if the optical fiber is damaged or link is broken.

A Class Error of SETS

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5652 Default level: Critical Alarm description: A Class Error of SETS. Cause Handling SETS chip has some problems. 1. Check whether the SETS chip is abnormal by the diagnostic test. 2. If problem does not recover, change the board and check the alarm information.

B Class Error of SETS

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5653 Default level: Major Alarm description: B Class Error of SETS. Cause Handling SETS chip has some problems. 1. Check whether the SETS chip abnormal by the diagnostic test. 2. If problem does not recover, change the board and check the alarm information.

TRUNK Link Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents:


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Alarm code: 5124 Default level: Minor Alarm description: TRUNK Link Error. Cause Handling Physical FE Link or port setting Error. Check TRUNK connecting, correct the wrongs.


Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2562 Default level: Critical Alarm description: MP PROC INST ERROR. Cause Handling MP PROC INST ERROR. Reconfigure the process's instance.

TRUNK Port Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5634 Default level: Critical Alarm description: TRUNK port down Cause Handling TRUNK line or bcm5615 port is wrong. Check up board ENUM and close the ENUM. If the alarm happens because of EXCH, repeat the operation again.

OSS Check out that IP&MAC Address of the Board Bonflicts

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5651 Default level: Critical Alarm description: OSS checks out that IP&MAC address of the board conflicts. Cause Handling Board is not on its position rightly or other exceptional reasons. Reinsert the board.

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DSP Automatic Check Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5655 Default level: Major Alarm description: DSP automatic check is abnormal. Cause Handling DSP check port or abnormal status is more than the threshold limit (default 25%). Reset DSP.

Function Epld Version Update Fail

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5890 Default level: Warning Alarm description: Function EPD Version Update Fail. Cause Following causes lead to this alarm: EPLD version too big (limited to 64K). Write EPLD fail. Handling Switch another EPLD version

E3S Sub-card Receive Alarm Signal Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2051 Default level: Minor Alarm description: E3S sub-card receives alarm signal indication. Cause Handling AIS is asserted when AIS pattern is received in near end;AIS is eliminated when valid frame is received. Check the remote device whether there is e3 subcard corresponding alarm, if exist, and eliminate the corresponding alarm.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Remote Error Indication

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2052 Default level: Minor Alarm description: Remote error indication. Cause Handling Remote error indication is asserted when remote error indication bit in received frame is set. Use a new cable to replace old cable.

FE RX LSM can't turn to Active State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19221 Default level: Minor Alarm description: FE RX Links's LID has been changed, that caused FE RX LSM can't turn to active state. Cause Handling The links have been misconnected or the LID has been changed from OAM. Configure the TX clock mode on NODEB, or disconnect the links and then connect the links again.

Associate Path Break

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8417537 Default level: Minor Alarm description: Associate Path Break. Cause Handling Associated path break. Check link and IP configuration.

STC Office Unaccess

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8402944 Default level: Major Alarm description: STC office inaccessible.

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Cause Handling

All associations are out of service. Check the state of associations.

STC Office Congest

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8402945 Default level: Major Alarm description: STC office congestion. Cause Handling All associations are out of service. Check the state of associations.

Abis Link Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8392448 Default level: Major Alarm description: Abis link is down. Cause Handling Abis link failed to negotiate. This could occur frequently. Check the BTS state. Check the Alarming Board workload.

The Communication Flow over Alarmed Threshold Value

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 23296 Default level: Major Alarm description: The communication flow over alarmed threshold value. Cause Handling OAM called the interface of calculating the flow afforded by OSS, judged if the flow over the alarmed value. Decrease the communication flow.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Ctrl Port to UIM Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5648 Default level: Critical Alarm description: CTRL Port to UIM Error. Cause Handling CTRL Port to UIM links is down or packets are being lost for 3 minutes. Check the status of UIM port, Reset board or reset uim and so on.

Input Clock of Subcard is Lost

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5656 Default level: Major Alarm description: Input clock of sub-card is lost. Cause Handling Sub-card is inserted wrongly or hardware is error. Reinsert or exchange sub-card, or exchange the board.

2350 Receive Rardware Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 16640 Default level: Major Alarm description: 2350 receive hardware error. Cause Handling The Alarm happens when MNIC_2 board receive a certain numbers of hardware-error frames. Check the board, maybe need to replace another board if alarm occurs continually.

FE RXLSM is in Unusable State

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 19210 Default severity: Major

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Alarm description: The remote receiving link connected with the local end is unusable. Influence Cause The physical link on IU port can not be established. The causes for this alarm may include: A receiving link at the remote end is faulty, so it is changed to the Unusable status from the ACITIVE status. The link enters into the Unusable status after the link is just enabled and not activated. Handling Handle the alarm referring to the following operations: The alarm automatically disappears in case that the link enters into the Unusable status after the link is just enabled. For the remote receiving link problem, check whether the IMA link configuration such as scrambling code and direction at the remote end matches with that at the local end. Check whether the RUN indicator on the clock board is green and flash slowly, and use the debugging function ppdbgpslot BYTE ucSlot to check the UIM/DTB connection relationship, and check whether the E1 cable is loosed. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

SCCP Connect ID Less than1000

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8256 Default level: Major The SCCP Connect ID Less Than 1000. Cause Handling The SCCP Connect ID Less Than 1000. Please Contact ZTE.

Communication Alarms
Description This section introduces alarms related to communication fault.

PPP_UID Link Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8407040. Default severity: Major


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Alarm description: PPP_UID link breaks. Cause Influence Handling PPP negotiation fails due to E1 link to BTS has problem or BTS is down. The service is interrupted. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check whether BTS has booted. Check whether the E1 link to BTS is normal. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

PPP Link Down

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8407041. Default severity: Major Alarm description: PPP link breaks. Cause Causes for this alarm may include: Most ports are dynamically created. And there is alarm while initially creating a port. If the previous state of IPCP is OPENED, when the link changes from connected to unconnected or the link quality is not good The bottom layer module has fault (e.g. BSP or microcode fault), PPP drops packets successively for 5 times, the alarm occurs. Influence Handling The service is interrupted. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: If the link is connected and IPCP can successively negotiate, restore the alarm. Restore alarm first before deleting the opened ports to avoid that there is no alarm next time the port is created. According to different logic boards, PPP port is created and deleted in different ways. INLP and ABPM, IB_PPP are added/deleted dynamically, while POSI does not vary (has only one exterior port). Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Internet Port Physical Link Off

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents:

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Alarm code: 256 Default severity: Major Alarm description: The physical link of Ethernet controller is broken. This alarm may cause breaking of the one Ethernetrelated link. Influence Cause Handling Verification Associated link off There may be faults in the network cable or network interface. Check the Ethernet cable connection. The alarm is eliminated, and the link connection is normal.

The Communication between the Master and Slaver is Interrupted

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5122 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: communication link Influence Cause Interruption of the active/standby

The active and standby boards can not communicate with each other. Causes for this alarm may include: The board is configured to active/standby mode, but the standby board is not inserted. The communication link between the active board and the standby board is broken.


Handle the fault referring to the following operations: For the board configured to active/standby mode, insert the standby board, and the alarm disappears after power-on. Check the statuses of the communication links at the bottom layers of the OSS subsystem and the BSP subsystem.


The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

IUA Association is Broken

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25168128 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: IUA association is broken Cause IUA association is broken.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Handling Verification

Check the association, and restore it. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

The Link between NE And Server Breaks

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 58720256 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The link between NE and server breaks. Cause Handling Verification The network cable or port has fault. Check the Ethernet link. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Communication between MP and OMP Error

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 8393988 Default severity: Major Alarm description: The communication between the module and the OMP is interrupted. The status of the unit belonging to the MP is unknown. Influence he heartbeat signal of the MP cannot be successfully detected du to IP address problem or some error in the link. The status of units belonging to this home MP is unknown if the communication between MP and OMP is broken. The communication between the module and the OMP is interrupted. The heartbeat signal of the MP cannot be successfully detected on the OMP. Check the control panel communication between the module and the OMP. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.


Handling Verification

Qos Alarms
Description This section introduces alarms related to service quality.

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INLP Fails to Request SCTP's Load Balancing Table

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25166851 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: balancing table. Cause Handling Verification INLP fails to request SCTP's load

INLP fails to request SCTP's load balancing table. Check the configuration for SMP and INIP boards. The alarm is eliminated, and the system works normally.

Expired Password Alarm

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 50001 Default severity: Minor Expired Password Alarm. Cause Handling Expired Password Alarm. Please modify password immediately.

Expired Password Notify

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 50002 Default severity: Warning Expired Password Notify. Cause Handling Expired Password Notify. Please modify password immediately.

Environment Alarms
Description This section introduces alarms related to environment conditions.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

CPU Temperature over Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2561 Default severity: Major Alarm description: The CPU temperature is too high. Cause Handling The CPU temperature of one board is too high due the CPU fan failure. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Check whether fans work normally. Check the power supply of the fan. If the environment in the equipment room is too high, improve ventilation and take other measures to reduce the temperature in the equipment room. Verification Precautions The alarm is eliminated and the temperature is within the normal range. Too high temperature may cause that the CPU is automatically reset.

Rack Temperature Higher than Higher Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25856 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The temperature of the rack exceeds the upper limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling The temperature of the rack exceeds the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold due to increase in the room temperature. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Cool the rack. Increase the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Check the environment in the equipment room, make sure the air conditions work normally, and cools the rack. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the temperature in the equipment room and that of the rack are within the normal range.

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Rack Temperature is Lower than Low Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25857 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The temperature of the rack is lower than the lower limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling The temperature of the rack is lower than the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Increase the temperature of the rack. Reduce the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the temperature in the equipment room and that of the rack are within the normal range.

House Temperature is Higher than High Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25858 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The temperature in the equipment room exceeds the upper limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling The temperature in the equipment room exceeds the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Cool the equipment room. Increase the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the temperature in the equipment room is within the normal range.

House Temperature is Lower than Low Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25859


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Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The temperature in the equipment room is lower than the lower alarm threshold. Cause Handling The temperature in the equipment room is lower than the preset lower limit of the alarm threshold. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Increase the temperature in the equipment room. Reduce the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated, and the temperature in the equipment room is within the normal range.

Voltage is Higher than High Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25860 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Any line of voltage exceeds the upper limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling One line of voltage exceeds the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold du variable performance of power supply equipment. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Try to reduce the voltage of this line. Increase the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

Voltage is Lower than Low Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25861 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: Any line of voltage is lower than the lower limit of the alarm threshold. Cause One line of voltage is lower than the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold due to low voltage supply of power supply or shot circuit. Handle the fault referring to the following operations:


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Try to increase the voltage of this line or check whether there is any short circuit. Reduce the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

Humidity is Higher than High Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25862 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The humidity exceeds the upper limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling The humidity in the equipment room exceeds the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Try to reduce the humidity in the equipment room. Increase the pre-set upper limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated.

Humidity is Lower than Low Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25863 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: The humidity is lower than the lower limit of the alarm threshold. Cause Handling The humidity in the equipment room is lower than the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Handle the fault referring to the following operations: Try to increase the humidity in the equipment room. Reduce the pre-set lower limit of the alarm threshold. Verification The alarm is eliminated.


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Chapter 2 Alarm Information

Fan is Lower than Low Threshold

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25864 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: There are faults in the fan frame. Cause Handling Verification The fan is faulty. Check the hardware fault in the fan. The alarm is eliminated, and the fan work normally.

Alarm Because Of Door

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25865 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: access control alarm. Cause Handling Verification The access control of the corresponding rack is not closed. Close the access control of the corresponding rack. The alarm is eliminated.

Alarm because of Fume

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25866 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: smog alarm. Cause Handling Verification The smog detector detects there is smog, which is generally caused by open fire, smolder or even smoking. Clear smog in the equipment room and forbid smoking in the equipment room. The alarm is eliminated.

Alarm because of Infrared

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25867

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Default severity: Minor Alarm description: infrared alarm. Cause Handling Verification The infrared is too strong. Reduce the intensity of the infrared in the equipment room. The alarm is eliminated.

Alarm because of Thunder

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 25868 Default severity: Minor Alarm description: thunder alarm. Cause Handling Verification The weather is stormy, and equipment room is influenced by thunder stroke. Take good protection measures. The alarm is eliminated.

Inner Media VLAN Communication Abnormal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 5396 Default severity: Major Alarm description: abnormal. Cause Handling Inner media VLAN communication VLAN

Board packet lost percentage of inner media communication is more than the threshold (default 25%). Check if trunk line or the BCM5615 port is normal.

E3S sub-card Transmitter Direction Loss of Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2048 Default severity: Minor E3S sub-card transmitter direction loss of signal.


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Transmitter loss of signal is observed when no transitions are observed on transmit data for at least 32 consecutive clock cycles. Reboot board.


E3S Sub-card Receive Direction Loss of Signal

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2049 Default severity: Minor Alarm Description: E3S sub-card receives direction loss of signal. Cause Receiver loss of signal is asserted when a continuous run of 128 consecutive 0s occurs; receiver loss of signal is de-asserted when minimum 1's density is at least 20%. Check whether the cable impedance of our company meets with the corresponding node, the board DIP Switch is of the same type of cable and the pitch jump(female) of rear card is consistent with the type of cable. Check whether the device's grounding signals on the two sides.


Out of Frame
Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2050 Default severity: Minor Out of frame. Cause Handling Out of frame error. Check the cable impedance meets the requirements. The board DIP Switch is consistent with the type of cable and the pitch jumper (female) of rear card is consistent with the type of cable. Check whether the device's grounding signals on the two sides.

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Port not Work on the Configured Mode

Alarm Information Alarm information has the following contents: Alarm code: 2050 Default severity: Minor Port not works on the configured mode. Cause The working mode of out port or chip performance is not proper or the other end linked has problem. The ports don't work on the mode set. Check mode out port and also check chip of the corresponding port.



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Abbreviation 1X EV 1X EV-DO 1X EV-DV 3G 3GPP2 AAA APGW API ATM BCSN BCTC BER BPSN BS BSC BSS BTS BUSN CACH CAS CBC CCS CDMA CF CFB CFBI Full Name 1X Evolution 1X Evolution Data Only 1X Evolution Data & Voice The third generation mobile communications 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 Access, Authorization, and Accounting Access Point Gateway Application Programming Interface Asynchronous Transfer Mode Backplane of Circuit Switch Network Backplane of ConTrol Center Bit Error Ratio Backplane of Packet Switch Network Base Station Base Station Controller Base Station System Base Transceiver Station Backplane of Universal Switch Network Common AsSIGnment Channel Channel Associated SIGnaling Cell broadcast center Common Channel SIGnaling Code Division MultIPle Access all Call Forwarding services Call Forward Busy Central Fiber Bus Interface

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Full Name Call Forward Default Call Forward No Answer Call Forward No Reachable Call Forward No Reply Call Forward Unconditional Circuit IDentification Code Central Clock and Communication Driver CLOCK Generator Call Number IDentification Presentation Call Number IDentification Restriction Content ProvIDer Common SIGnaling Process Module Central Power Switching Network Cyclic redundancy check Central Switching Module Destination SIGnaling Point Code Digital Trunk Board Digital Trunk Interface Digital Trunk Unit External Short Message Entity Frequency Division MultIPle Access Front-End Processor Fleet Number Field Programmable Gate Array File transfer access management File Transfer Protocol Graphics Interchange Format Gateway MSCe General Packet Radio Service Global System for Mobile communications Global Title Graphical User Interface High level data link control Home Location Register emulator Hyper Text MakeUP Language Hypertext Transfer Protocol


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Appendix A Abbreviations


Full Name High speed data Way Input/Output International Mobile Subscriber IDentity IP bearer Interface International Roaming MIN Integrated Service Digital Network International Standardization Organization ISDN User Part ISDN User Protocol InterWorking Function kilo-bits per second Legacy Mobile Station Domain Message Center Mobile Data Number Media Gateway Mobile Station IDentify Number Mobile Network Code Multi-service Network Interface Card Main Processing Board Mobile Station Mobile Switching Center emulator Mobile Station IDentifier Mobile Switching System Message Transfer Part Message Transfer Part-layer 1 Message Transfer Part-layer 2 Message Transfer Part-layer 3 Next Generation Network Network Management Center Network Management Subsystem Operations & Maintenance Center Operation Maintenance Module Originating SIGnaling Point Code Over The Air Personal Digital Assistant Packet Data Network

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Full Name Packet Data Serving Node Packet Data Switching System Personal Number Point to Point Protocol Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet Packet Switch Network Packet Switched Public Data Network Public Switched Telephone Network Push-To-Talk POWER Distributor Remote Authentication Dial In User Service Redundant Array of Independent Disks Short message Center SIGnaling connection control part Service control point Service Control Point emulator Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SONET Digital Trunk Board SIGnaling Gateway system IDentify Service Information Octet SIGnaling IP bearer Interface SIGnaling Link Selection Short Message Entity Short Message Gateway Short Message Peer-to-Peer protocol Short Message Service Simple Message Transfer Protocol Service Network Module Simple Network Management Protocol Simple Object Access Protocol Service ProvIDer SIGnaling Processing Board Synchronous Transfer Mode Time Division MultIPle Access Temporary Location Digital Number


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Appendix A Abbreviations


Full Name all-User BroadCast User IDentity Module Visited MSCe Virtual Private Network Wireless Application Protocol Wireless Datagram Protocol Wireless Data Services System Wireless Intelligent Network Wireless Virtual Private Network

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Collection of Alarm Information

Alarm Classific ation 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Alarm Code 2 256 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 1024 1025 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1792 1793 1795 1796 1797 Alarm Level 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 Pag e No. 22 75 55 56 56 56 57 57 67 57 58 46 46 46 47 65 23 23 36 15 36

Alarm Name Optical module no light Internet port physical link off Trunk frame lose Trunk signal lose Trunk alarm indication Trunk Multi-frame lose Trunk receive Far end CRC Multi-frame Alarm Indication Trunk receive Far end alarm This trunk is used to CSU test Cell delimiter cannot synchronize Cell delimiter lose 8K input clock lose 16M input clock lose PP2S input clock lose 32M Clock lost in TSNB 8K,16M input clock no match SDH: Loss of signal SDH: Loss of frame SDH:Multiplex section alarm indication signal SDH: Multiplex section far end receive failure SDH: Signal failure

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Alarm Classific ation 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 2 2 2 5 2

Alarm Code 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1814 1815 1821 1822 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2560 2561 2562

Alarm Name SDH: Signal degrade SDH:AU-4 pointer lost SDH:AU-4 alarm indication signal SDH:VC-4 trace identifier mismatch SDH:VC-4 unequipped SDH: VC-4 channel payload mismatches SDH:VC-4 far end receive failure SDH:TU-12 loss of multiframe SDH:TU-12 loss of pointer SDH:TU-12 alarm indication signal SDH:TU-12 remote defect indication SDH:TU-12 remote failure indication SDH:TU-12 trace identifier mismatch SDH:TU-12 Unequipped SDH:TU-12 payload mismatch HP_SF HP_SD VC_4 Far End Error Indication. High order Signal failure. E3S subcard transmitter direction loss of signal. E3S subcard receive direction loss of signal. Out of frame. E3S subcard receive alarm signal indication. Remote error indication. CPU rate is over threshold CPU temperature over Threshold MP PROC INST ERROR.

Alarm Level 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1

Pag e No. 49 37 37 37 38 38 50 38 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 39 50 67 68 84 85 85 70 71 39 78 69


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Appendix B Collection of Alarm Information

Alarm Classific ation 2 2 2 3

Alarm Code 3073 5120 5121 5122

Alarm Name Flash device initialize failed Fibers connect error GE link error The communication between the master and slaver is interrupted The DB config does not inconsistent with the hardware equipment TRUNK Link Error. Media port is abnormal Alarm RSMM HW loop error Board does not exist Input clock abnormal Communicate link of PWRD 485 is broken Bureau Number from database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini Area Number from database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini OMC MAC in database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini OMC IP in database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini MP Type in database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini Bootcfg.ini does not exist A (CPU) sub card is online, but is not configured by database A (CPU) sub card is not online, but has been configured by database OMP Gateway IP in BootCfg.ini file different from Dbs OMC Server IP in BootCfg.ini file different from Dbs Gateway Mask in BootCfg.ini file different from Dbs

Alarm Level 3 3 3 3

Pag e No. 39 21 51 76

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5123 5124 5376 5378 5379 5381 5382

2 3 2 2 2 2 1

51 68 40 40 21 41 41






1 1 2

5387 5388 5389

2 2 4

5 6 24



2 2 2

5391 5392 5393

2 2 2

24 25 25

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Alarm Classific ation 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Alarm Code 5394 5395 5396 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656

Alarm Name OMP config was changed The state of out port is down Inner media VLAN communication abnormal. Hard disk utilization ratio threshold warning The board's hard disk is bad TRUNK port down. The board's ENUM switch is turned on SMBUS error Back card error, Back and frontal card do not match LVDS signal is unlocked The bit error rate in a fiber is high. FPGA is abnormal The port link breaks. The hard disks reliability reduces. Phase lock loop work mode is abnormal. The channel in the sub-card is abnormal Sub-card is abnormal. Phase lock loop is unlocked The bit error rate in E1 link is high. Ctrl Port to UIM Error. Port not work on the configured mode. MAC address of the board conflicts OSS check out that IP&MAC address of the board conflicts. A Class Error of SETS. B Class Error of SETS. Powing Error of SETS. DSP automatic Check abnormal. Input clock of subcard is lost.

Alarm Level 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2

Pag e No. 17 26 84 26 27 68 3 3 17 27 6 27 18 28 47 48 18 18 19 73 86 62 69 68 68 66 70 73


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Appendix B Collection of Alarm Information

Alarm Classific ation 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Alarm Code 5658 5659 5890 5891 5892 6400 8256 14592 14593 14594 15360 15616 15873

Alarm Name Loop error of LVDS 129 time slot. Tone resource Board DSP Tone Type differ Function Epld Version Update Fail. BOOT/EPLD upgrade information. BOOT version synchronization information. The Status of Cx29704 is ERR SCCP Connect ID Less Than1000 Dual attribution office has been blocked. Dual attribution link has been blocked. Dual attribution association has been blocked. The micro code is abnormal Receive bad packets The CSIX receptivity examination error surpasses the threshold. The link level flow control is unable to eliminate. 2350 receive hardware error PVC fault Far End is in starting-up state FE Reports Unacceptable Configuration Parameters (M size) FE reports unacceptable configuration parameters(the symmetry between operation and configuration) FE reports unacceptable configuration parameters(IMA agreement version number) FE reports unacceptable configuration parameters FE is in blocked state FE is in insufficient links State NE is in Config_Aborted State

Alarm Level 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 1

Pag e No. 64 63 70 66 66 16 74 64 65 65 19 48 3

2 2 2 2 1

15874 16640 18944 19200 19201

1 2 3 2 2

20 73 49 28 6



1 2 2 1

19204 19205 19206 19207

2 2 2 2

8 28 29 9

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Alarm Classific ation 2

Alarm Code

Alarm Name FE transmit clock mode is different than the NE transmit clock mode NE Group is in insufficient links State FE RXLSM is in unusable State Implementation specific TX fault declared at the NE FE TX is mis-Connected Persistence of a LIF(Loss of IMA Frame) defect at the NE Persistence of a LODS(Link Out of Delay Synchronization) defect at the NE Persistence of an RDI-IMA defect at the NE Implementation specific Rx fault declared at the NE Implementation specific Rx failed declared at the NE NE TX is mis-Connected FE TXLSM is in Unusable State FE RX LSM can't turn to active state All HSSLS are out of sync APS protection channel mismatch APS protection mode mismatch APS reset L2FWDTBL get DB info fail L2FWDTBL get SCS info fail Resource board can not get L2FWD's information from UIM board The BFD session is Down The communication flow over alarmed threshold value Switch of Connection Check is turned off. Error connection on 129ts of T-net board.

Alarm Level

Pag e No. 29


2 2 2 2 1

19209 19210 19211 19212 19213

2 2 2 2 2

30 73 30 31 9



1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2

19215 19216 19217 19218 19219 19221 19456 19712 19713 19714 19968 19969 19970 22784 23296 25600 25601

2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2

10 31 31 32 32 71 20 33 33 11 11 12 12 67 72 16 64


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Appendix B Collection of Alarm Information

Alarm Classific ation 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Alarm Code 25856 25857 25858 25859 25860 25861 25862 25863 25864 25865 25866 25867 25868 26112 26113 26114 26115 26116 26117 26118 26127 26128 26129 26624 26626 26627 26628

Alarm Name Rack temperature is higher than high threshold Rack temperature is lower than low threshold House temperature is higher than high threshold House temperature is lower than low threshold Voltage is higher than high threshold Voltage is lower than low threshold Humidity is higher than high threshold Humidity is lower than low threshold Fan is lower than low threshold Alarm because of Door Alarm because of Fume Alarm because of infrared Alarm because of thunder CLKG 32M output clock lost CLKG 32M8K output clock lost CLKG 16M output clock lost CLKG 16M8K output clock lost CLKG PP2S output clock lost CLKG PP2S clock base lost CLKG clock 16CHIP base lost Clock base lost third level(low)alarm Clock base lost second level(middle)alarm Clock base lost first level(high)alarm Spending of DSP has reached a dangerous degree DSP over load High Alarm DSP over load Middle Alarm DSP over load Low Alarm

Alarm Level 3 3 3 3 3 3

Pag e No. 79 80 80 80 81 81 82

3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 4

82 83 83 83 83 84 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 52 42 22 66 63 63 63

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Alarm Classific ation 4 4 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Alarm Code 50001 50002 839244 8 839270 5 839398 5 839398 8 839884 8 839910 4 839910 5 839987 2 839987 3 840012 8 840012 9 840013 0 840013 1 840038 4 840115 2 840115 3 840217 7 840268 8 840269 0 840294 4

Alarm Name Expired Password Alarm Expired Password Notify Abis Link Down. SNTP client fails to get the network clock OSS communication link off Communication between MP and OMP error SCCP SSN is invalid SSCS congest SSCS OVERLOAD MTP2 Link sending traffic overload MTP2 Link receiving traffic overload Alarm of office unaccess from mtp3 Alarm of link unavailability Cluster Unaccess Mtp3 link congest Alarm of office unaccess from m3ua SUA subsystem is invalid Cannot reach the office M2PA link is broken Association is congestive Association Broken down STC office unaccess.

Alarm Level 3 4 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2

Pag e No. 78 78 72 16 42 77 52 52 53 13 13 43 53 43 14 44 54 45 54 55 45 71


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Appendix B Collection of Alarm Information

Alarm Classific ation 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 3

Alarm Code 840294 5 840704 0 840704 1 840729 6 840729 7 841753 7 167821 46 251668 48 251668 49 251668 50 251668 51 251681 28 587202 56

Alarm Name

Alarm Level 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3

Pag e No. 72 74 75 61 62 71 16 14 14 15 77 76 77

STC office congest. PPP_UID link down PPP link down The HDLC is unusable The UID bind is unusable Associate Path Break Block or unblock office is not success UTS HOST power fail UTS HOST request NPL2TAB timeout UTS HOST request security variable of timeout INLP fail to request SCTP's load balancing table IUA association is broken The link between NE and server breaks

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Table 1 Chapter Summary ....................................................i Table 2 Typographical Conventions ....................................... ii Table 3 Mouse Operation Conventions ................................... ii

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Association............ 45, 55, 100 clock ................................. 74 Frame ................ 9, 23, 60, 98 HW ........................ 11, 40, 95 Querying Alarms Alarm Code .................... 93 Alarm Level ................ 2, 93 Reset ..................... 11, 18, 48 Server OMC .............................. 25 Server OMC ........................ 1, 2, 5 Server OMC.............................. 95 Server OMC.............................. 95 Server OMC.............................. 95 SIGTRAN AS ...........................44, 45 ASP............................... 44 SIO ............................... 44 SSN ......................45, 52, 100 Sub-card ......................18, 96 System Management Restore.......................... 16

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