Elements of Ruin

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The document discusses a publication called Elements of Ruin: The Challengers and previews a superhero team called The Challengers.

It is about a publication called Elements of Ruin that revolves around an invasion from an ancient extradimensional threat called the Ruin.

It discusses copyrights and licenses for open game content as well as trademarks.


Vigilance Press Jack Norris & Alex Williamson

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Elements of Ruin: The Challengers
Author: Jack Norris
Art: Alex Williamson
Interior Art and Additional Design: James Dawsey
Editing: Nathan Kahler
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Ruben Byrd

Elements of Ruin: The Challengers is Copyright 2012 Vigilance Press. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the
respective copyright holders of that material.
Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark
License (see www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/licensing for details). Hero points and power points are Product Identity of Green Ronin Publishing, used with permission.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Special Edition Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012
Visit our new site! http://www.vigilancepress.com/
If you would like to contact the Editor, please write to [email protected] with the subject Letter to the Editor. Any letters to the editor may be published in future
Vigilance Press products. All submissions become property of Vigilance Press and James Dawsey.

A note about piracy: For those of you who purchased this honestly, thank you for your business. You are the reason I do this. If you obtained this work illegally, please consider
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Thanks for your time, and happy gaming to you!

James Dawsey
Vigilance Press Publisher and Owner

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 1

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Th e Co ming of th e Ch allengers
The following is a free preview of the Challengers, a PL 11 superhero team the team, exist. We have our own plans for the team that you will see in the
that features in the upcoming Vigilance Press release Elements of Ruin. The future beyond Elements of Ruin, but do not let that stop you from using the
first in our new Event Horizons series, the book (a mix of campaign tool- team however you see fit. They are our little gift to you, a free, fun extra to
kit, setting, and optional rules) is designed to help M&M gamemasters and show our appreciation for your support, enthusiasm, and interest.
players create large, comic book-style events with their PCs as the central
focus of a world-spanning, world-changing crisis. Elements of Ruin revolves Without further ado, here come the Challengers, straight from their chapter
around an invasion from the Ruin, an ancient extradimensional threat that in Elements of Ruin. We hope you have as much fun playing with them as we
has laid waste to countless realities and now sets its sights on your cam- did creating them.
paign world! If they are going to be stopped, it will take the best and bravest Authors Note: A few hours before writing this I was informed of the
heroes around; failure dooms not only Earth, or even the galaxy, but the death of one of comics true greats, Joe Kubert. Mr. Kuberts creative en-
entire universe! And in the aftermath, it is unlikely ANYTHING will ever be ergy and fantastic artistic talent entertained and inspired so many. Id like
quite the same again. to dedicate this piece to him and many of the departed greats who inspired
The book further fleshes out parts of the Beacon City setting glimpsed in me, and many others, to build our own worlds of heroism and wonder:
products such as Oktobermen, Black Chapter, Six Gun, and others. However, Gil Kane, Gene Colan, Archie Goodwin, Will Eisner, Jim Aparo, Joe Simon,
you do not need to play in that setting to enjoy Elements of Ruinyou can John Buscema, Bill Finger, Robert Kanigher, Gardner Fox, Steve Gerber,
drop this threat in the middle of an existing campaign or use it as the kick- Curt Swan, Bob Kane, Joe Schuster, Jerry Siegel, Lou Fine, Mark Gruenwald,
off point for a brand new one. Dwayne MacDuffie, and, of course, the King himselfJack Kirby. And to
those still living and equally inspiring greats such as Marv Wolfman, George
Who are the Challengers? Well, that is up to you. They are ready to play PCs Perez, Steve Ditko, Denny ONeil, Stan the Man Lee, John Romita, Neal Ad-
for those who want to pick them up and dive right into Elements of Ruin. ams, and my personal favorite, Mr. Roy Thomas. To all of you, and so many
They might be heroic allies to help your own PC heroes when they need others, I can only express my sincerest admiration and thanks. You showed
assistance, or possibly even rivals, romantic interests, family members, old us what heroes are made of and how mere mortals can give birth to gods
friends, or even hated enemies, ready to make things tougher and more and legends. Thank you.
complex for your PCs. Perhaps they are heroes from an alternate Earth,
allowing for cross-dimensional team-ups like those of DC Comics old pre- Jack Norris
Crisis on Infinite Earths JLA and JSA. These, and many other possibilities for August 13, 2012

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Beacon City Challengers
Changing the Challengers
The Challengers are a ready to play PL11 superteam usable as either PCs or
NPCs in your campaign. They are designed to cover a wide range of roles and As noted, GMs and players should feel free to change whatever they need
concepts, from mystics to high-technology. In Elements of Ruin, the Chal- to make these characters work better in their campaigns. Furthermore, some
lengers can be tied to Perks or Interludes, as neededfor example, a group elements of the characters have been left intentionally vague so they can be
who selected the Band of Brothers or Heroes, Inc. Perks might have defined in ways better suited to an individual campaign. For example, the
the Challengers as their team of superhuman allies. Individual members sexual preference of most of the characters is left open; with some excep-
can also be rivals, romantic interests, friends, or even relatives of the PCs. tions, the same is true of their race, religion, and politics. While in real life it
is difficult (or even impossible) to simply change these traits to suit a story,
The Challengers can also be used as a new villain group in your campaign,
plot or group, in the case of RPG fictional characters, it is not only possible,
though their origins and personalities will need to be altered to make this it is encouraged!
option work.
So, feel free to make Bounce Hispanic, White, or Asian instead of African-Amer-
The following paragraphs provide histories, personalities, and ideas for fit- ican if you already have a young African American PC hero and want to make
ting the Challengers into a campaign; none of it is set in stone. Any player things more diverse. Make Safeguard gay if it fits what the PC playing him wants
who wants to play one of these characters should feel free to personalize to do. You can even switch genders fairly easily in most cases: Dreamweaver can
them to maximize their fun. GMs seeking to use the Challengers as NPCs just as easily be Jon or Xavier Francisco, or maybe Masquerades costume hides
should change whatever is needed to make the characters better fit their more than just a younger man playing the role.
games; maybe Titans powers come from a mixed alien-human heritage, or
Changing origins significantly is a bit trickier, but even that is up for grabs.
Apex is an amnesic mutant. Maybe the heroes are not even a team, just a Bounce could be a mutant, Titan a result of a scientific accident, and Dream-
collection of random heroes found in your setting. weavers powers could be a result of far-future super-science. Some changes
are bigger and harder than others to implement, but there is nothing wrong
However they are used, the Challengers exist to help GMs and players fur- with making them.
ther flesh out their games and add fun characters to interact with. They are
not the stars of Elements of Ruin; your PCs are. Unless, of course, the Chal- The Challengers are presented to help GMs, players, and PCs craft an awe-
lengers are your PCs, in which case they are totally the stars and you should some campaign about big, world-saving superheroes. They are not supposed
just ignore what was just said. to create stress or other challenges to your fun.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 3

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Apex P L11
The being known as Apex was part of Project 21, an experiment by Orion
Private Security to create the perfect covert military operative. Crossing hu-
man DNA with that of dozens of apex predator species, the OPS researchers,
after multiple failed attempts, created Apex. Unfortunately, creating the
perfect predator and controlling him were two different things.

Apex broke out of the secret facility where he was born and found himself
on the outskirts of Beacon City. He hunted and scavenged for weeks, while
simultaneously observing human society. Early attempts to contact humans
ended badly, but a few encounters with local gangs and criminals brought
the Beacon City Wild Man to the attention of the newly-formed Challeng-
ers. After a brief misunderstanding that leveled the abandoned warehouse
Apex was using as a den, the team was able to calm the young man down
and take him to their headquarters.

Challengers founder and moneyman Titan spared no expense in helping

Apex assimilate, providing him with teachers, therapy, and everything else
he needed. The young man learned very quickly, and within a few months
expressed his desire to join both human society and the Challengers. Though
there have been a few incidents (including one involving an overly aggressive
government liaison), Apex has quickly proven himself a valuable and unshak-
ably loyal member of the team. He even adopted a civilian identity with Titans
help: Abraham Peck, a freelance security consultant for Rhodes, Inc.

Apex is a mix of human emotions and animal instincts. The human side of
him desires to discover his origins, find a fulfilling purpose, and forge lasting
relationships. The animal side of him is surprisingly social, being encoded
with canine pack instincts. However, animalistic territoriality and the urge
to challenge those who show weakness make his behavior sometimes more
aggressive than most humans.

Apex sees his friends and teammates as part of a pack, though one he is
sometimes uncertain of his role in. These instincts, plus a very human de-
sire to belong, make him a solid team player and staunch defender of his
companions; these same instincts make it harder for Apex to show restraint
towards enemies, however, though he is slowly learning to control his use
of force.

Powers & Abilities:

Apex is an artificially-created human encoded with the DNA and instincts of
over 60 predatory species. This gives him enhanced strength, speed, endur-
ance, and recuperative powers. Apexs five senses are enhanced and overlaid
with other, less conventional senses, such as shark-like electroreception and
chiropteran echolocation. He can manifest a number of offensive and defen-
sive abilities based on various animals, including (but not limited to): sharp-
ened claws and fangs, various poisons, and an electric eel-like shock. Apexs
predatory instincts and mental conditioning make him a skilled but feral
combatant, making up in power and ferocity what he lacks in discipline.

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar acters


6 6 6 0 9 1 6 1
Altered Physiology: Enhanced Advantages 5 (Close Attack 3, Extraordinary Initiative +10
Effort, Great Endurance), Immunity 2 (Pressure, Cold), Movement 1 (Envi- Predator Adaptations +12 Close, Affliction 10, Resisted by
ronmental Adaptation: Aquatic), Regeneration 1 Fortitude
Animal Senses: Enhanced Advantages 2 (Skill Mastery, Uncanny Dodge), Unarmed +16 Close, Damage 6, Crit. 17-20
Senses 11 (Acute Olfactory; Acute, Radius, Ranged Detect Living Beings;
Direction Sense, Extended Hearing, Extended Olfactory, Extended Vision,
Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing) DEFENSE
Apex Predator: Feature 1 (Registers as predator to animals.) Dodge 13 Fortitude 12
Claws & Teeth: Enhanced Advantages 3 (Improved Critical 3 (Unarmed)), Parry 13 Toughness 9/6*
Feature 1: Treat unarmed as slashing/piercing damage Will 8 *without Defensive Roll
Gills: Immunity 1 (Drowning)
Land Movement: Leaping 1 (15 feet), Speed 5 (60 mph); AE: Aquatic
Movement: Swimming 6 (30 mph) POWER POINTS
Pack Instincts: Enhanced Advantages 4 (Inspire, Interpose, Set-up, Teamwork)
Predator Reflexes: Enhanced Advantages 5 (Defensive Roll 3, Evasion, Im- Abilities 70 + Powers 49 + Advantages 7 + Skills 20 + Defenses 19 =
proved Initiative) 165
Predator Adaptations: Affliction 10 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned,
Incapacitated), Variable Descriptor (Predator Attacks (venom, shock, etc.)), COMPLICATIONS
Fades; Alternate Effect of Strength Damage
Tracking Senses: Senses 2 (Tracking 2), Variable Descriptor (Animal Senses) Secret Weapon: Orion Private Security (OPS), the organization that created
Apex, wants him back to further study his abilities and recondition him to
serve their interests. Barring this, they want his body for dissection and
ADVANTAGES raw genetic material.
Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Close Attack 3, Daze (Intimida- The Beast Within: Apex was engineered to be the perfect predator and, de-
tion), Defensive Roll 3, Evasion, Extraordinary Effort, Great Endurance, Im- spite his human mind and pack socialization programming, is occasionally
proved Critical 3 (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Inspire, Interpose, Move-by overwhelmed by animal urges and instincts.
Action, Power Attack, Set-up, Skill Mastery (Perception), Takedown, Team-
work, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 4 (+10), Athletics 4 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+13), In-
sight 1 (+7), Intimidation 11 (+12), Perception 11 (+17), Stealth 4 (+10),
Technology 1 (+2) Ally Options:
Apexs pack instincts and animal urges make it easy for him to team up with
nearly any character who becomes associated with his established friends
and teammates. Otherwise, Apex might feel a strong connection to other
animal-themed heroes. He might provide a good romantic foil to a PC hero
interested in exploring themes involving balancing biological urges and pri-
mal instincts with romance and human attachments.

Nemesis Options:
Aside from any mercenaries or operatives from OPS (or their competitors)
sent to reclaim Project 21, other animal-themed characters make great
foes for Apex. He has a natural desire to throw down and prove his domi-
nance over any aggressive animal-themed opponent. Characters whose
themes center on hunting also make good enemies, as these characters
might see taking down Apex as the ultimate test of their skills.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 5

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Bounce P L11
Born in Cowan Heights, one of the poorer neighborhoods in southern Beacon
City, Lee Stevens was raised by his maternal grandmother after the death of
his parents in a drive-by shooting. Raised to believe in personal responsibil-
ity and pushed to better himself however he could, young Lee turned his
natural intellect towards science. Impressing a local research firm with his
talents, he was given a paid internship during high school. The program car-
ried the possibility of a scholarship and future employment, a combination
that would allow Lee to get his grandmother and him out of the Heights.

While assisting on a project to tap into extradimensional energies as an

alternate fuel source, an accident caused the machine to overload and ex-
plode. The explosion bathed Lee in strange energies, changing his life for-
ever. Quickly discovering he had been granted superhuman abilities by the
accident, Lee made a decision. He would use these powers as Beacon Citys
newest superhero, Bounce. Fashioning a costume and training to master his
abilities, he set to cleaning up the Heights. It was not long before the young
mans actions came to the attention of Beacon Citys resident superteam,
the Challengers. Impressed by Bounces energy, intellect, and skills, the
Challengers invited him to join the team despite his youth. Now Lee splits
his time between his studies, lab work, and heroics.

Bounce is young, but extremely intelligent and responsible. He loves to trade
quips with villains and show off his powers, but he is cautious to not push
things too far. He loves finding ways to have villains defeat themselves, and
will often use his bouncing power to set up bad guys to take themselves
out of a fight.

Bounce loves to learn. He absorbs new ideas and theories like a sponge,
and hopes to contribute to society not just with his powers, but also with
his mind. He idolizes other great visionaries and thinkers, both heroic and
normal. Because of the death of his parents and growing up in the violence-
plagued Cowan Heights, he dislikes guns and takes great pleasure in taking
them away from those using them to harm others.

Powers & Abilities:

Bounces body has been altered by the accident that gave him his powers.
His primary ability is bridging spatial distances by bouncing to a new lo-
cation without crossing the intervening distance. This teleportation has a
distance of only a few miles, but his control is impressive. He also possesses
a low level of superhuman strength, enhanced endurance, heightened agil-
ity, and heightened spatial awareness.

Lee is an extremely talented young man, possessing a genius-level intel-

lect, photographic memory, and keen understanding of sciences, especially
physics. He has developed an unorthodox, but highly effective, acrobatic
fighting style that is a mix of parkour, strategic teleportation, and street
fighting. He has quickly become a popular hero among Beacon Citys youth.

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


6 4 6 12 6 4 2 1
Reflexive Teleport: Enhanced Advantages 8 (Defensive Roll 4, Evasion 2, Initiative +6
Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Defense), Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Unarmed +15 Close, Damage 6
Parry 4)
Spatial Awareness: Senses 2 (Direction Sense, Distance Sense)
Spatial Jump: Teleport 10 (4 miles), Change Direction, Change Velocity, In- DEFENSE
creased Mass 2 (200 lbs.) Dodge 14 Fortitude 12
Parry 14 Toughness 8/4*
ADVANTAGES Will 8 *without Defensive Roll

Agile Feint, Defensive Roll 4, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Extraordinary Effort,

Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Inter-
pose, Luck 2, Move-by Action, Redirect, Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Athletics), Abilities 60 + Powers 42 + Advantages 16 + Skills 25 + Defenses 22
Takedown 2, Taunt, Well-informed = 165

Acrobatics 4 (+10), Athletics 4 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 9 (+15), De- Responsibility: Bounce feels a great responsibility to use his powers and
ception 5 (+6), Expertise: Science 5 (+9), Expertise: Streetwise 2 (+6), In- natural talents to help his community, the innocent, and stop the corrupt
sight 4 (+6), Investigation 2 (+6), Perception 4 (+6), Sleight of Hand 1 (+2), and evil.
Stealth 4 (+10), Technology 5 (+9), Treatment 1 (+5) Secret Identity: To protect his loved ones, classmates, and co-workers,
Bounce strives to keep his identity secret.
Ally Options:
Bounce will likely get along well with many heroes, particularly those who
are younger or share his interests of science and cleaning up the streets.
Hardened gun-toting vigilantes will not impress him, but heroes who put
their lives on the line to help the downtrodden and underprivileged will find
a good friend in Bounce.

Nemesis Options:
Bounce is best served by having an array of villains who contrast some part
of his character. Young, angry super-criminals contrast his responsible hero-
ism, while rich, corrupt villains highlight his poor upbringing; twisted scien-
tists show the dangers of abusing science and technology for selfish ends.
While Bounces African-American heritage is important to him, GMs should
be careful not to repeatedly throw raging racists at him; that said, getting to
beat up the occasional super-bigot should be fun.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 7

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Dreamwe aver P L11
who kept her dream-self prisoner, forced to dance for his nightmarish courts
amusement. Seriously doubting her own sanity, Jennas salvation soon ar-
rived in the same form as her troubles.

One night, in her cell in the Elsewises dream-keep, an old man named Au-
gustus visited her. He explained he was the Guardian of Dreams, a champion
and protector of the Dream Realms who had been deposed and depowered
by the nightmarish Elsewise. So weakened, he was unable to defeat his foe
without assistance. Over several nights, he showed Jenna how to manipu-
late and shape her dreams, teaching her the mystic art of dreamweaving
and explaining the responsibilities of the Guardian. Once she was ready, he
helped her fight the Elsewise.

The battle razed the Elsewises keep and scattered his followers. In the end,
the Elsewise lay weakened and nearly obliterated, and her mentor, Augustus,
lay mortally wounded. The old man explained that Jenna was the new Guard-
ian and passed along his remaining power and knowledge to her. Now, Jenna
seeks to rebuild her dance career and resume her studies while also operating
as Dreamweaver, the Guardian of Dreams. She sought the Challengers help
when a menace from the Dream Realms threatened to devastate the waking
world, and has since worked with the team whenever time allows.

Dreamweaver finds confidence through performance. She suffers from the
same insecurities and doubts as many young people, but she uses both
dance and her time as Dreamweaver to empower herself. She can be a bit
quiet and shy in her civilian identity, but as Dreamweaver, she is outgoing,
witty, and forceful. This strength is always present within her, but she tends
to really let it out in her costumed identity.

While still young, Dreamweaver takes her responsibilities as the Guardian

of Dreams very seriously. She has seen firsthand what the darker elements
of the Dream Realms can do, and she does not want others to suffer as she
once did. Intent on not letting these responsibilities interfere with her stud-
ies, Jenna sometimes allows her social life to slide; most of her friends are
either fellow dancers or costumed heroes.

Powers & Abilities:

As the current Guardian of Dreams, Dreamweaver has various powers and
Jenna Francisco was always special. A graceful dance prodigy from an affluent
abilities relating to sleep, dreams, and the extradimensional Dream Realms.
West Coast family, she was granted early admittance to one of the worlds fin-
She can cause others to fall into a deep slumber, enter others dreams, be-
est dance institutes. Sadly, this changed when the nightmares started.
come dreamlike and insubstantial, make minor changes to her physical ap-
Every night, Jenna dreamed of being locked away in a terrible, twisted place pearance, and summon up images and creatures from the Dream Realms to
and forced to perform for the amusement of an audience of fiends, mon- do her bidding.
sters, and demons. This hellish court was led by a twisted being known as
Jenna is a skilled dancer and has picked up some occult knowledge since
the Elsewise, who told Jenna she was his special little swan and refused
receiving her powers.
to let her leave his dream-realm. Unable to truly rest, Jennas waking per-
formances, schoolwork, and friendships faltered. She began suffering panic Dreamweaver inherited the Tapestry of Dreams from her predecessor, a
attacks, daytime hallucinations, and extreme mood swings. Her family and pocket dimension contained in an ancient, ornate tapestry. This pocket
friends tried to help her, but none believed her stories of a dream demon realm molds itself to its owners will, and can be used to access the Dream

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar acters


0 3 3 2 2 1 5 3
Attractive, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 4, Fascinate (Expertise: Dancing), Fa-
Dream Mastery: 35-point Array vored Environment (Dream Realms), Skill Mastery (Expertise: Dancing)
Become Like a Dream: Concealment 10 (All Senses), Precise, Passive,
Quirk: any parts concealed can be seen in Dream Realms; Immunity 2
(Suffocation); Insubstantial 4, Precise, Quirk: any parts insubstantial are SKILLS
solid in Dream Realms Acrobatics 5 (+8), Athletics 3 (+3), Deception 1 (+4), Expertise: Dancing 9
Dreamreading: Mental Area Communication 4, Dimensional 2 (Dream (+12), Expertise: Dreams 5 (+6), Expertise: Magic 1 (+2), Insight 1 (+6), Per-
Realms), Subtle, Limited to Dreamers only; Mind Reading 11, Dimen- ception 1 (+6), Persuasion 1 (+4), Ranged Combat: Dream Mastery 9 (+11),
sional 2 (Dream Realms), Sensory Link, Subtle, Feedback, Limited to Stealth 1 (+4), Treatment 1 (+2)
Dreamers only
Dreamstuff Blast: Ranged Damage 9, Accurate, Alternate Resistance
(Will), Dimensional 2 (Dream Realms), Homing, Reversible, Ricochet, OFFENSE
Sleep, Variable Descriptor 2 (Dream versions of existing phenomena)
Kiss of Morpheus: Cumulative Cloud Area Affliction 11 (Resisted by Initiative +3
Will; Fatigued, Exhausted, Asleep), Cumulative, Dimensional 2 (Dream Dreamreading Perception Ranged, Mind Reading 11
Realms) Dreamstuff Blast +13 Ranged, Damage 9, Resisted by Will
Mold Dreamstuff: Create 8, Dimensional 2 (Dream Realms), Movable, Kiss of Morpheus Close, Cloud Area Affliction 11,
Precise, Selective Resisted by Will
Waking Dreams: Illusion 11 (Auditory, Olfactory, Visual), Dimensional 2
(Dream Realms), Limited to One Subject DEFENSE
Dream Shields: Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4), Protection 3
Dreamdancing: Movement 2 (Dimensional 2 (Dream Realms)), Affects Oth- Dodge 14 Fortitude 8
ers, Increased Mass 4 (800 lbs.); AE: Dreamstepping: Extended Teleport Parry 12 Toughness 8/6*
14 (16000 miles), Increased Mass 4 (800 lbs.), Limited to Extended, Me- Will 13 *without Defensive Roll
dium (Dreamers), Tiring, Quirk: Tiring affects passengers as well; AE: Fly-
ing: Flight 5 (60 mph)
Dreamsense: Remote Sensing 1 (Visual & Auditory), Dimensional 2 (Dream
Realms), Simultaneous; Side Effect (can be attacked normally by those in Abilities 38 + Powers 72 + Advantages 10 + Skills 19 + Defenses 26
Dream Realms) = 165
Shape Appearance: Feature 4 (change clothes and minor cosmetic features
with free action; increase Attractive bonus to +5 at will.)

EQUIPMENT Guardian of Dreams: Dreamweaver has great responsibilities as the Guard-

ian of Dreams, and if she is remiss in policing the Dream Realms, various
Headquarters: Tapestry of Dreams 20 points nightmarish horrors could threaten both those realms and the waking
Size Large, Tou 10, Features: Dimensional Portal, Dual Size (Small), world.
Grounds, Gym, Holding Cells, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power Sys- Lonely Dreamer: Her role as a hero and the pressures of her dancing career
tem, Sealed, Secret, Self-repairing 2, Temporal Limbo 3 sometimes leave Dreamweaver feeling overwhelmed and alone.

Realms directly. The Tapestry of Dreams is currently hanging in Dreamweav- Nemesis Options:
ers otherwise empty room in Challengers HQ, but it can be rolled up and Nightmare creatures and dream demons, like the evil Elsewise that once
relocated anywhere if necessary. tormented her, make the best villains for Dreamweaver. Since the Dream
Realms are mystic in nature, most supernatural threats are also appropri-
Ally Options: ate enemies, especially those whose plans threaten multiple planes of exis-
Mystics, heroes whose powers involve sleep and dreams, and similar types tence. A dreamless, soulless villain might also make a good foil for the hero
will find Dreamweaver a staunch ally. Any character interested in dance by representing the opposite of everything she embraces.
might encounter Jenna in her civilian identity. Romance with the young
heroine is possible, but any potential suitor would have to fit themselves
between Dreamweavers heroic duties and dance career.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 9

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Masquer a de P L11
Aaron Stewart is the second person to wear the mask and mantle of
Masquerade. The first was James Miller, a talented young
playwright and director who lost the love of his life to
criminals in the late 1960s. Seeking a way to avenge
his lover and protect others from the same fate,
he fought crime as the vigilante Masquerade for
over four decades. He was well into his twilight
years when he first met the man who would
replace him.

Aaron Stewart was an intense, talented

young actor. He gained some notoriety for
his method acting style and the way he
threw himself into even bit parts, but despite
his skill and passion for acting, fame eluded
the young man. He was working various odd
jobs, auditioning when finances and time
allowed, when James found him.

At first, James approached the young

man under the guise of needing a leading
man for a play about masked vigilantes he
was working on. He assured the young actor
this was the role of a lifetimeone perfectly
suited to Aaron. Convinced and desperate to prove
his skill, Aaron threw himself into the training and re-
search the older man insisted was necessary for the role. The
pair spent countless nights discussing the main character of
the supposed play and what it meant to be a masked hero. The
two became very close, both as director-and-actor and mentor-

When he felt it was time, James revealed his true purpose and
identity. He explained that as he grew older, being Masquerade
became more difficult and he needed a younger man to assist
him in keeping the legend built up around his alter ego. Angry at
being deceived, and refusing a role that he could not share
with the public, Aaron angrily rejected Masons

James Miller was killed in a battle

with a supervillain two weeks
later. When Aaron found out,
and it was revealed Mr. Miller had left
everything to him, he realized he could not simply walk away from the role
he had spent months preparing. Breaking into the police evidence locker, he
stole his predecessors mask and has since been operating as Masquerade.

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


3 3 6 3 10 2 2 5
Mask of Thespis: Removable Initiative +6
Cloaking: Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses), Blending, Passive; Enhanced Unarmed +19 Close, Damage 3
Advantage 1 (Hide in Plain Sight)
Eyes of Erebus: Senses 4 (Darkvision, Sight Counters Illusion)
Mask Appearance: Morph 2 (Humanoids), Continuous, Activation (move DEFENSE
action) Dodge 13 Fortitude 9
Project Voice: Feature 1 (Can throw voice up to 100 ft.) Parry 13 Toughness 9/6*
Summoned Costume: Flight 4 (30 mph), Gliding, AE: Movement 2 Will 11 *without Defensive Roll
(Wall-crawling 2); Protection 3; Feature 1 (Summon & dismiss costume
at will)
EQUIPMENT Abilities 68 + Powers 22 + Advantages 19 + Skills 31 + Defenses 25
= 165
Headquarters: Theater of Shadows 10 points
Size Large, Tou 8, Features: Communications, Gym, Holding Cells, Infirmary,
Library, Living Space, Secret COMPLICATIONS
Acting or Calling?: Aaron is torn between the conflicting ideas that being a
ADVANTAGES hero is simply a performance, and that it is truly what he is.
Secret Identity: Masquerade keeps not only his identity secret, but also the
Beginners Luck, Benefit (Well-off), Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll 3, fact he is the second person to wear the mantle.
Equipment 2, Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip,
Jack-of-all-trades, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Redirect, Set-up, Skill Mas-
tery (Deception), Takedown, Ultimate Disguise

heroic until he threw himself into the role. It is unclear just how far Aaron
Acrobatics 3 (+9), Athletics 6 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 9 (+19), Decep- will take his devotion to playing a masked vigilante, or if he will ever realize
tion 7 (+12), Expertise: Performance 7 (+12), Expertise: Research 6 (+8), that, by playing a hero for so long, he has truly become one.
Insight 3 (+5), Intimidation 4 (+9), Investigation 3 (+5), Perception 7 (+9),
Sleight of Hand 2 (+5), Stealth 4 (+10), Treatment 1 (+3) Powers & Abilities:
Masquerade has no superhuman powers, relying instead on an artifact
known as the Mask of Thespis. James Miller never revealed the origins of the
He joined the Challengers while investigating his predecessors death, and
mask to Aaron, nor how he came to possess it; but given its name and vague
has remained with them since, finding camaraderie and a supporting cast
resemblance to the actors masks of ancient Greece, it may be connected to
for his great performance.
that culture and its myths. The Mask of Thespis allows Aaron to blend into
Personality: shadows, throw his voice, see in the dark, take on the appearance of others,
Outside of his obsessive tendencies, Aarons personality is unremarkable. He and summon a protective costume that allows him to glide short distances
does not see himself as exciting or interesting, and this personal dissatisfac- and scale walls.
tion drew him to acting. He finds more fulfillment in being other people
Aaron is a skilled actor who has trained intensively in martial arts, stunt
than in being himself, so much so he dives completely into a role. He is a se-
work, stagecraft, and infiltration. He is an especially talented researcher, a
rious devotee of the method acting school, believing he has to become
skill that has served him well in both investigating crimes and preparing for
his role as much as possible to truly play it.
roles. Aaron operates out of the old Masquerades Theater of Shadows, an
Aaron applies this passion to being Masquerade. He has not suffered a tragic abandoned historic theater equipped with living quarters, training facilities,
loss and has no personal vendetta against crime and corruption, but is so library, and even a sub-basement that can hold prisoners for a short while.
into the character of Masquerade that he has embraced these motivations The facility is relatively low-tech, though it does have a police scanner and
as his own. Likewise, he is not a bad guy, but was never self-sacrificing or some high-end, commercially available computers.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 11

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
R ockhou n d P L11
Andes Mountains. Henri had no idea just how much that rock would change
her life.

Strange energies from the mineral unlocked something inside Henrietta.

She quickly learned she not only had the power to control earth and seismic
activity, but could also summon earthen creatures to protect and assist her.
Using her newfound powers, she helped defend Beacon City as a founding
member of the Challengers, taking the name Rockhound to reflect her pow-
ers, academic training, and ever-present sandstone mastiff, Sandy.

Rockhound is a levelheaded, grounded young woman who rarely loses her
temperin fact, she is often eerily calm or even cheerfully upbeat during
a crisis. She takes most things in stride and is hard to throw off her game.
Part of this is her natural personality, but this calm demeanor is augmented
by her pet Sandy operating as an extension of her subconscious. When-
ever a normal person would feel defensive, angry, or scared, Rockhounds
mind channels this into the protective canine behaviors that Sandy exhib-
its. Henrietta is not aware this is happening, though she has come to see
Sandy more as a living pet or family member than a chunk of dog-shaped
animated rock.

Powers & Abilities:

Rockhound can control earth and seismic activity at will. She can sense
and cause seismic events, move and shape massive quantities of earth and
stone telekinetically, and even fly on a floating platform of rock. She can
also summon up earth elemental-type beings to assist her. These creatures
are strong and tough. Henri can summon up several lesser earth elemen-
tals if desired, but she usually relies on Sandy, a sandstone-based, giant
mastiff-like creature. Being linked to his mistress subconscious, Sandy stays
around even if Rockhound is knocked out or otherwise incapacitated, and
will defend or seek to rescue her in such situations. If destroyed, Sandy can
be reformed, though Rockhound always feels a bit uneasy when this hap-
pens due to their mental connection.

History: Henrietta is a gifted scientist with a focus in geology, and speaks fluent
Henrietta Holmes grew up loving travel, learning, and adventure. Her mother Spanish.
was a noted anthropologist and her father a famed travel writer, and young
Henri spent most of her childhood traveling the globe and experiencing Ally Option:
new cultures and places. While some children might have rebelled against Rockhound makes a good ally for scientists, elemental-powered heroes, and
their family and become homebodies, Holmes embraced these experiences others who share some of her interests. Given her love of travel, she could
and picked her career of geology to allow her to continue this lifestyle. easily meet and befriend international heroes and other luminaries.

Within a few years of graduating, she landed a professorship at Beacon Nemesis Option:
Citys prestigious Perez University. While doing research on rare mineral for- Other elemental-themed villains make a good contrast for Rockhound. A vola-
mations linked to volcanic activity, she figured she hit the jackpot when she tile fire-based villain or flighty air manipulator would work particularly well.
discovered a previously uncategorized mineral in a dormant volcano in the

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


0 3 2 1 3 3 2 1
Earth Control: 22-point Array Dodge 14 Fortitude 10
Dust/Ash Cloud: Ranged Cumulative Cloud Area 2 Affliction 4 (Resisted Parry 12 Toughness 5/3*
by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) Linked to Environ- Will 10 *without Defensive Roll
ment 1 (Visibility)
Geokinesis: Move Object 15, Accurate 3, Limited to earth and stone
Landslide: Ranged Line Area Affliction 11 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome
by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Prone and Disabled), Extra Con- Abilities 30 + Powers 77 + Advantages 8 + Skills 14 + Defenses 36 =
dition, Limited Degree, Limited to targets touching ground) 165
Shape Earth: Create 11, Movable, Limited to needing earth or stone to
form objects
Volcanic Eruption: Ranged Cylinder Area Damage 11, Limited to origi- COMPLICATIONS
nating from ground
Subconscious Link: Sandy reacts to Rockhounds subconscious desires and
Earth Surfing: Flight 6 (120 mph), Platform; AE: Tunneling: Burrowing 6 (4 mph)
thoughts. This makes the creature seem more real and gives Rockhound
Summon Rockhound: Summon 9, Heroic, Continuous, Mental Link, Limited
an outlet for feelings of defensiveness and aggression, but can sometimes
to requiring sufficient earth & stone; AE: Summon Rock Creatures: Sum-
cause problems.
mon 4, Active, Controlled, Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 2, General
Volcanic Personality: Though usually calm, extreme emotional states can
Type: Earth Elementals, Limited to requiring sufficient earth & stone
cause her powers to go out of control.
Tremorsense: Senses 6 (Acute, Extended 2, Ranged, Radius Detect Seismic

Sandy - PL 10
Attractive, Benefit (Well-off), Defensive Roll 2, Extraordinary Effort, Great
Endurance, Languages 1 (Spanish; English is Native), Skill Mastery (Expertise: STR 10 STA - AGL 3 DEX -3 FGT 6 INT - AWE 3 PRE -
Earth Sciences) Powers: Bonds of Earth (Movement 8 (Permeate 2, Sure-footed 2, Track-
less 2 (Sight & Smell), Wall-crawling 2), Limited to Earth & Stone only);
Earthen Camouflage (Feature 1 (+5 Stealth circumstance bonus when hid-
SKILLS ing in rock, earth, or stone)); Elemental Construct (Immunity 32 (Critical
Acrobatics 2 (+4), Athletics 4 (+4), Expertise: Earth Sciences 8 (+11), Insight Hits, Fortitude Effects)); Fast (Leaping 3 (60 feet), Speed 6 (120 mph), AE:
1 (+3), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 2 (+3), Technology 1 (+4), Treatment Burrowing 9 (30 mph)); Large (Growth 2, Permanent); Rebuild Self (Re-
1 (+4), Vehicles 3 (+4) generation 10, Source: Earth and Stone); Rocky Hide (Immunity 10 (Fire/
Heat), Limited to Half Effect, Impervious Toughness 12, Protection 10); Teeth
& Claws (Enhanced Advantages 2 (Improved Critical 2), Feature: can treat
OFFENSE unarmed attacks as slashing/piercing); Tremorsense (Senses 11 (Accurate,
Acute, Extended 2, Radius, Ranged, Tracking Detect Seismic Effects/Vibra-
Initiative +2 tions; Direction Sense, Distance Sense))
Dust/Ash Cloud Ranged, Cloud Area 2 (30 feet) Advantages: All-out Attack, Close Attack 4, Favored Environment: Rocky Ter-
Affliction 4, Resisted by Fortitude rain, Improved Critical 2, Improved Hold, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power
Geokinesis +7 Ranged, Move Object 15 Attack, Takedown, Teamwork
Landslide Ranged, Line Area Affliction 11, Skills: Acrobatics 1 (+4), Athletics 3 (+13), Perception 5 (+8), Stealth 7 (+8)
Resisted by Dodge Offense: Initiative +3, Unarmed +10 (Close, Damage 10)
Volcanic Eruption Ranged, Cylinder Area Damage 11 Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 12, Will Immune
Power Points: Abilities 4 + Powers 101 + Advantages 12 + Skills 8 + De-
fenses 9 = 134
Complications: Canine Form: Rockhound has no manipulative append-
ages and is physically limited in the same way as a flesh and blood canine.
Quirky: Sandys behavior is largely determined by Rockhounds subconscious.
The creature acts loyal, protective, and brave, but can also be temperamental
or eccentric.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 13

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
S afeguar d P L11
A medic assigned to the USAFs Rescue and Recovery teams, Leon Wong has
always been more interested in saving life than taking it. Joining the Air
Force ROTC in college, he stayed with the service until a disastrous mission
in Afghanistan cost him the life of fellow soldier, and best friend, Thomas
Saito. For months after the incident Leon blamed himself for his friends
death, convinced he could have saved him and unable to face his friends
family. That changed when Thomas family found him.

Hisao Saito found Leon working with the Beacon City Fire Department as a
paramedic and firefighter. He gently admonished the young man for avoiding
contacting him, and gruffly dismissed Leons claims that he was responsible
for his son Thomas death. Then he offered Leon a job testing Saitos various in-
ventions designed to assist rescue workers, medics, and others in saving lives.
Leon refused, convinced that working with the family of his deceased friend
would be too painful. Gentle encouragement and occasional active pressuring
from Saito-san and his daughter Rebecca finally converted him.

Working with Saitos company, Saito Solutions, Leon tested the Nightingale
Armored Rescue System, a powered exoskeleton designed to do the work of
a whole team of recovery workers. The armor found other uses when Leon
used it to help several of his fellow heroes defend Beacon City from a super-
villain attack. Leon and his companions formed the core of the Challengers,
and he has remained with the group to this day as Safeguard. In his spare
time, he does charity work with the Thomas Foundation, an organization
started by Hisao Sato to honor the memory of his fallen son.

Leon is a very responsible man, often taking more responsibility for things
than he should. Every casualty that occurs is one he feels he could have
stopped, though he has slowly become better about beating himself up
over those few people he could not save. Outside of this, Leon is a friendly,
good-natured and charitable sort who often uses his wry humor to dis-
arm tense situations. While an experienced soldier who has seen his
share of combat in and out of the Safeguard armor, at heart Leon
does not want to see anyone get hurt and gets angry only at those
showing a clear disregard for others life and safety.

Powers & Abilities:

Safeguards Nightingale armor is a powered armor suit designed
for dangerous non-military operations. It can fly at subsonic speeds,
protects the wearer from hostile environments, boosts his strength, and is
equipped with a sophisticated life-support system. Nanotechnology and
neural boosters in the armor enhance his stamina, endurance, and reaction
times somewhat. The armor is equipped with numerous advanced rescue
and recovery operation devices that, though not military hardware, have
substantial offensive and defensive capabilities. These include: a plasma
torch than can cut, weld, or shoot blasts of superheated plasma; a force-
field emitter whose size and shape can be reconfigured at will; advanced
sensors that detect heat, life signs, and energy; a stasis projector; nanite-

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


8/2 4/2 1 2 6 3 3 1
Nightingale Armor: Removable Initiative +5
Armor: Protection 6, Impervious Disassembler Nano-darts +11 Ranged, Weaken Toughness 11,
Booster Jets: Flight 7 (250 mph), Aquatic Resisted by Fortitude
Commlink & Loudspeaker: Feature 2 Plasma Bursters +15 Ranged, Multiattack Damage 7
Life Support System: Immunity 9 (Disease, Environmental Conditions Plasma Torch +11 Close, Damage 11
(All), Poison, Suffocation) Stasis Projector +11 Ranged, Affliction 11, Resisted by
Physical Augmentation: Enhanced Strength 6, Enhanced Stamina 2, Fortitude
Enhanced Fortitude 2; Enhanced Strength 1, Limited to Lifting (lifting Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 8
STR 9; 12 tons)
Reflex Boosters: Enhanced Advantages 7 (Close Attack 3, Improved Ini-
tiative, Ranged Attack 3), Enhanced Defenses 6 (Dodge 3, Parry 3) DEFENSE
Searchlights: Environment 1 (Light) Dodge 10/7* Fortitude 10/6*
Sensor Suite: Senses 4 (Extended Hearing and Vision, Infravision, Low- Parry 10/7* Toughness 12/4*
light Vision) Will 10 *without Armor
Suit Systems: 24-point Array
Disassembler Nano-darts: Ranged Weaken Toughness 11 (Resisted by
Fortitude), Affects Objects Only, Homing, Ricochet POWER POINTS
Force Field Emitter: Create 11, Stationary, Tether
Nano-medic Injectors: Healing 5, Persistent, Restorative, Resurrection, Abilities 40 + Powers 84 + Advantages 7 + Skills 16 + Defenses 18 =
Stabilize; Feature 2 (analyzes medical condition of target) 165
Plasma Bursters: Ranged Damage 7, Accurate 2, Multiattack, Penetrating
Plasma Torch: Damage 11, Accurate, Penetrating, Precise COMPLICATIONS
Scanning Beam: Remote Sensing 3 (Visual and Auditory), Senses 15
(Analytical Auditory and Visual, Ranged Detect Vital Signs, Distance Conditional Operation: Safeguard does not own, nor did he design, the
Sense, Microscopic Vision 2, Vision Counters Invisibility, Vision Pen- Nightingale armor. He requires the approval and aid of Hisao Saito to use
etrates Concealment); Sustained and repair it.
Stasis Projector: Ranged Affliction 11 (Resisted by Fortitude; Vulner- Heroic: Even for a superhero, Safeguard is exceptionally self-sacrificing and
able, Defenseless, Paralyzed) devoted to helping others.

Close Attack 3, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Improved Initiative, Lan-
guages 2 (Mandarin Chinese, Spanish; English is native), Move-by Action,
Ranged Attack 3, Teamwork

SKILLS Ally Option:

Safeguard makes a great ally for military-type heroes who are not too com-
Acrobatics 1 (+2), Athletics 1 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+9), Expertise: bat-happy, other characters based around rescue-based professions, and
Military 1 (+4), Expertise: Rescue Operations 5 (+8), Insight 1 (+4), Percep-
non-military technological heroes. Anyone connected to Saito Solutions
tion 5 (+8), Persuasion 1 (+2), Ranged Combat: Suit Systems 6 (+8), Tech-
nology 1 (+4), Treatment 5 (+8), Vehicles 2 (+4) could also know Leon and have worked with him previously.

Nemesis Option:
filled missiles that can dissolve inanimate matter; and medi-gel injectors Any villain who revels in senseless large-scale destruction is going to tick
that can repair moderate injuries and stabilize the dying. Safeguard off. Arsonists, terrorists, and crazed bombers make good villains
for Safeguard. He does not think highly of those who skimp on safety pre-
Leon is a highly trained soldier, firefighter, and paramedic who keeps him- cautions, disregard civilian casualties, or do anything that can endanger a
self in peak physical condition. An American of Hispanic-Chinese descent, he large number of lives. Anyone who tries to destroy or hurt Saito Solutions or
is trilingual, speaking Chinese, English, and Spanish fluently. the Saito family is also going to find Safeguard a natural enemy.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 15

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Titan P L11
The origin of David Rhodes superhuman abilities is not particularly exciting
or compelling. Born with achondroplastic dwarfism, he often mused what
it would be like to be bigger. One day, in the middle of just such a thought,
a teenaged Davids mutant power manifested. He grew to fifteen feet tall in
an instant, much to the surprise of himself and those around him. That was
pretty much it. What is interesting is what David did with his newfound

Deciding to use his abilities to help others, as well as himself, David began
a lifelong plan to become a hero. He rescued trapped children from wells,
helped prevent several deaths in a tenement collapse, and engaged in other
selfless acts. He managed his public image effectively, going on talk shows,
posting about his experiences on the Internet, and even appearing in vari-
ous TV shows and movies. In school, he studied business, investment, and
marketing. He realized the novelty of his powers, combined with his nor-
mally small stature, would secure him the notice and fame he needed to not
only become a hero, but to turn his heroic status into a profitable venture.
He pursued his heroic identity, Titan, not just as an alter ego, but also as
a corporate brand. With eyes wide open, Titan shamelessly turned himself
from the littlest Giant to a true giant of industry.

It was Titan who first organized and funded the Challengers, bringing them
together to save Beacon City from a terrible menace. He also hired the law-
yers, publicists, and support staff who would make it possible for the group
to do their job free of hassle and harassment. He might not be the most
powerful member of the team, but he has always been at the heart of it.

Titan is a generally cheerful and incredibly self-aware sort. He worked hard
to get to where he is, but he is acutely aware of how luck, random genetics,
and the publics interest in him helped. It is this mix of personal drive and
humble realization that pushes him to help others and fight evil and corrup-
tion; he simply acknowledged that the easiest way for him to do this was to
be popular, rich, and influential.

In his private moments and among his closest confidants, David is a bit
differenthe is still helpful, funny, and charming, but he is also driven
to succeed and a bit lonely. Despite being seen with famous and beautiful
companions over the years, he has never quite found the one who will look
at him not just as a millionaire hero or superhuman novelty, but as an intel-
ligent, sensitive man.

Powers & Abilities:

Titans mutant power allows him to increase his size and mass to gigantic
proportions, increasing his physical strength and durability. Originally able
to grow to roughly 15 feet, he has since learned he can comfortably assume
sizes of around 37 feet. He might be able to grow beyond this, though it is
unknown what sort of strain this might put on his body.

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


14 14 1 0 4 3 1 1
Dwarfism: Enhanced Defenses 2 (Dodge 1, Parry 1), Enhanced Skill 1 (Stealth Initiative +1
+2), Innate, Permanent, Quirk: Small stature Throw +6 Ranged, Damage varies
Giant-Sized Fight Training: Enhanced Advantages 10 (Accurate Attack, Unarmed +8 Close, Damage 14 or Grab
All-out Attack, Close Attack 4, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Interpose, Take-
down), Quirk: Only when using Size Increase
Size Increase: Growth 12 (+12 STR, +12 STA, +6 Intimidation, -12 Stealth,
-6 active defenses, +3 size categories, +1 speed ranks) Linked to Enhanced Dodge 6/12* Fortitude 14/2*
Strength 2; Impervious Fortitude 14, Impervious Toughness 14; Enhanced Parry 6/12* Toughness 16/4*
Strength 4, Limited to Lifting (lifting Str 18; 6,000 tons) Will 8 *without Growth
Trade Speed for Power: Feature 4 (Treat as having 8 extra ranks of Close
Attack; loses 2 ranks for every 3 ranks of Growth active.)

EQUIPMENT Abilities 24 + Powers 76 + Advantages 20 + Skills 21 + Defenses 24

= 165
Headquarters: Rhodes Tower 19 points
Size: Huge Tou 10 Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, COMPLICATIONS
Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living
Dwarfism: Titan was born with achondroplasia, commonly known as dwarf-
Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System 1, Workshop
ism. When not using his powers he is a little over four feet in height.
Famous: Titan is a well-known superhuman, businessman, and philanthropist.
ADVANTAGES Between this and his physical appearance, he has a hard time blending in.

Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Benefit 6 (Billionaire, Celebrity), Close Attack

4, Connected, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 4, Fast Grab,
Improved Grab, Interpose, Languages 1 (Japanese; English is native), Power
Attack, Redirect, Set-up, Takedown, Taunt, Teamwork

Acrobatics 1 (+2), Athletics 2 (+16), Deception 5 (+6), Expertise: Perfor-
mance 1 (+2), Expertise: Business 7 (+10), Insight 5 (+6), Intimidation 0
(+1/+7), Perception 4 (+5), Persuasion 5 (+6), Ranged Combat: Throwing 6
(+6), Stealth 1 (+4/-8), Technology 1 (+4), Vehicles 4 (+4)

David is an extremely intelligent businessman, skilled leader, and good sure and marketing that not every hero desires. Titan is not heavily involved
judge of character. He has trained extensively since gaining his powers, be- in mutant causes, but he is a philanthropist and nice guy, meaning he could
coming particularly adept at using his increased size in combat. This training easily befriend and support various mutant characters. Any character who
counteracts most of the physical limitations of his dwarfism, though even at can look past his appearance and public image might find Titan a great
maximum height he retains the physical proportions common to his condi- source for romance.
tion. Davids company, Titan Industries, is a multinational business focused
on multimedia, entertainment, and investing in new technologies. They do Nemesis Options:
not actually make much, but fund and contribute to the development of Titans powers make him a natural to fight giant monsters, robots, and
everything from new TV shows to green energy sources. aliens. His business sense and heroic ideals also make him a good enemy for
evil industrialists and corrupt corporations.
Ally Options:
Titan is a good choice to assist other business-oriented heroes. He might
offer to fund a down-on-his-luck PC, though that would entail media expo-

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 17

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Viridian P L11
Since childhood, Regina Gina Wilde has lived up to her dynamic surname.
Always independent and determined to be her own person, Gina constantly
butted heads with her conservative mother. In contrast, Ginas father ac-
cepted his daughter for who she was. This tolerance and unconditional love
kept the two close until his death several years ago. After losing the only
family member she felt close to, Gina left home and committed herself to
travelling the world and seeing everything it had to offer.

Using the piloting skills she learned from her father, Gina landed a comfort-
able job early on as a private pilot for an aging, wealthy eccentric, Simon
Starker. Over time, the two became close, and she began to see him as a
surrogate father. When he finally passed, Gina found herself jobless, with
the money left her in appreciation for her companionship and service seized
by Starkers greedy relatives. Forced to start over, she decided to return to
school in hope of expanding her options.

Frustrated and needing a break, Gina took a summer-long trip across the
Southeastern United States. Lying under the stars, alone, Gina gazed out at
the night sky and wished for something more. As she drifted off, she saw
a glimmer of green light among the stars. In her sleep, she was struck by
a strange beam of that same green light. She awoke two months later
changedand was discovered by two forest rangers investigating reports
of a strange light in the Appalachians, only to find a young glowing woman
floating in the middle of the wilderness. Controlling her new powers through
instinct, she flew off, leaving the bewildered rangers without explanation.

Still coming to grips with her startling transformation, she saw a school bus
hurtling out of control on the mountain roads below. Without hesitation,
she flew to the rescue, stopping the bus and saving the panicked children
and driver. Waving briefly to the children to reassure them, she flew off.
Still unsure of where her powers come from or what agency saw fit to grant
them to her, Gina has chosen the code-name Viridian (after the color of
her energy field) and dedicated herself to making the world a better place.
After an encounter with the Challengers, she joined the group, hoping they
can replace the loved ones she has lost. She often serves as Titans second-
in-command, sharing these duties with Safeguard.

Gina comes across as a confident and bold young woman ready to accept
challenges others might balk at. Though willful and cocky, she always feels
compassion for those who cannot defend themselves. This daring behavior
is part of what drove a wedge between her and her fundamentalist mother.
Gina pretends this does not wound her deeply, but wishes she either had
stronger ties to her family or enough other connections to reduce the sepa-
rations sting. This makes Viridian incredibly loyal to her friends and team-
mates, which is usually greatly appreciated by others, though at times she is
perhaps a bit more trusting than she should be of new allies.

Viridian will often taunt and challenge opponents in combat, but has a good

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
C h ar act ers


13 13 3 5 6 0 2 2
Flight: Flight 7 (250 mph) Initiative +3
Flight Enhancement: 4-point Array Neutron Strike +9 Close, Damage 13, Secondary Effect
Tachyon Shift: Flight 2, Stacks with Flight 7 (1000 mph) Unarmed +9 Close, Damage 13
Light Speed: Movement 2 (Space Travel 2)
Quantum Phase: Enhanced Power 1 (Subtle on Flight), Movement 1
(Permeate) DEFENSE
Homing: Feature 1 (Regina instinctively finds her way back to where she was Dodge 6 Fortitude 13
struck by the Viridian beam, allowing her to always find her way back to Parry 8 Toughness 13
Earth.) Will 8
Invulnerability: Enhanced Stamina 10, Permanent; Immunity 10 (Life Sup-
port); Impervious Toughness 12
The Power Viridian: Enhanced Strength 10, AE: Neutron Strike: Strength- POWER POINTS
based Damage 10, Secondary Effect
Abilities 48 + Powers 89 + Advantages 6 + Skills 11 + Defenses 11 =
Quick Change: Feature 1
Spectra-Vision: Senses 4 (Extended Vision 2, Infravision, Ultravision)

Favored Environment (Airborne), Interpose, Leadership, Move-by Action, Secret Identity: Gina has crafted a disguise for her normal identity by
Power Attack, Takedown wearing wigs and glasses in her daily life. The wigs have become a fun
signature for her, and she keeps an array of them in different colors. It dis-
tracts people from noticing she shares many facial features with the new
SKILLS superhero Viridian... for now...
Surrogate Family: Viridian has gathered with the other heroes to create a
Acrobatics 2 (+5), Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+9), Expertise: Pilot 4 (+4), surrogate family of sorts, and relies on them for companionship. She is es-
Persuasion 3 (+5), Technology 4 (+4), Vehicles 5 (+10) tranged from her own family, so she feels very protective of her newfound
sense of when to stop fighting. She will quickly rush to the aid of people in Upholding the Good: Gina believes she was given these powers to make
danger, being far more interested in rescuing innocents than in testing the the world a better place. She doesnt feel the responsibility as a burden,
limits of her powers. If given an opportunity to use her growing fame as and she honestly enjoys doing good. The relief she feels at having a pur-
Viridian to make life better for others, she will not hesitate to do so, and is pose in life is fantastic.
in no way camera-shy. Being Viridian is like a newfound independence after
years of struggling to be someone else.

Powers & Abilities:

The viridian energies that transformed Gina grant her a number of superhu-
man abilities. She can channel the energy to fly and augment her strength,
is mostly invulnerable, can withstand the rigors of space, and her sense of
sight is enhanced, allowing her to see clearly at great distances and detect treated with forthrightness and respect makes relationships with sneaky or
infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Viridian is attuned to the campsite where secretive characters difficult.
she received her powers, allowing her to find her way back to that spot, and Nemesis Option:
thus locate Earth, from anywhere in the universe. Good enemies for Viridian come in two flavors. The first are cosmic threats
Gina is a skilled pilot and possesses natural leadership skills. like giant aliens, evil extraterrestrial overlords, and domineering invaders.
These foes let Viridian unleash her might against deserving foes and prove
Ally Option: ample opportunities for her to protect large numbers of innocents. The sec-
Viridian makes a great ally for cosmic or spacefaring heroes, and is a valu- ond are intolerant, extremist types. These bad guys remind Viridian of her
able addition to any team in need of a flying brick. Her heroic attitude and mothers own distance and rejection, making fighting such foes a deeply
desire for companionship make her a valuable ally, though her need to be personal experience.

ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 19

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
Ch al l engersof Ev i l!
The Challengers do not need to be heroes or PCs in your campaign to be Titan
useful; they can just as easily be a group of villainous bastards who seek to Titan has plenty of hooks to hang a black hat on. Anti-mutant hysteria could
conquer the world. They might be amoral mercenaries or agents for some make him resentful and embittered, as could bullying he received for his
greater megalomaniacal villain. In Elements of Ruin, some or all of them size before his powers manifested. Titan could be fame-obsessed and op-
might form the basis of a new Earth-born elite to serve the Ruin Lords. As portunistic, more of a lousy, selfish hero than a true villain. Moreover, given
cool as they are as heroes, if you prefer them bad? Go nuts. his wealth, Titan makes a great evil industrialist typeone who can back
up his evil schemes with potent superhuman abilities.
Some suggestions on how to tweak the Challengers to be villains are:
Past rejection and feelings of abandonment could have pushed Viridian to
Apexs predatory nature could overpower his morality, making him into an
villainy if her moral compass was less stalwart. This version of the character
amoral super-predator out to prove his dominance over any who would dare
would be a bully and showoff, angry at the world and content to use her
challenge him. He might even work for OPS as one of their top assassins and
powers to gain wealth, power, and notoriety.
operativesone they could conceivably rent out to anyone willing to pay
their price.

A hard life, the loss of his grandmothers nurturing influence, or the wrong
mentor could easily turn Bounce into a bad guy. He could lead a gang of
superpowered thugs or use his genius to steal various devices that could be
turned into a terrible superweapon.

Dreamweaver could easily become the nightmare queen of a twisted realm,
the same as the demonic forces that once imprisoned her. It is also possible
some later trauma could transform her into a villain, despite heroic begin-

The key to making Masquerade a villain is his obsession. His unrelenting
devotion to playing a role is fine when it pushes him to heroic heights, but
what if it breaks his sanity or he decides what his story needs is a twist
where the former hero falls to evil?

Rockhounds powers could make her an effective villain, but her laidback
attitude would have to be altered. Giving her an aristocratic arrogance or
an extremist cause are the easiest ways to accomplish this, though it is also
possible the strange mineral that gave her powers also warped her mind,
making her a twisted madwoman.

Though he probably needs a name change (Blackguard? Hazard?), it does
not take much to make Safeguard a bad guy. Instead of a veteran-turned-
rescue worker using his suits technology to save lives, he could be a black
ops expert and mercenary using stolen armaments to make himself rich.
Saito Industries might be an opportunistic and corrupt military contractor,
or maybe Safeguard works for someone like Orion Private Security, the com-
pany who engineered Apex. In fact, the pair could form an unlikely two-
man strike team.

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)
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ELEMENTS of Ruin: The Challengers 21

Paul Thompson (Order #10635959)

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