Biography Maulana Inamul Hasan Kandhalawi

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The passage discusses the biography of Maulana Inamul Hasan of Tablighi Jamaat and highlights his noble family background and spiritual upbringing.

Maulana Inamul Hasan came from a noble and pious Siddiqi family that traced its lineage back to Hadrat Abu Bakr and was known for its religious virtues over generations.

Some of Maulana Inamul Hasan's notable ancestors mentioned included Qazi Ziyauddin Sanami, Maulana Hakim Muhammad Ashraf Zinzanawi, who was famous for his spiritual miracles and virtues.

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Forum New PostsFAQCalendarCommunity Forum Actions Quick Links Blogs Advanced Search ForumGeneral ForumsInspirational Stories and HistoryBiographies biography of Mau lana Inamul Hasan of Tablighi Jamat. + Reply to Thread Results 1 to 8 of 8 Thread: biography of Maulana Inamul Hasan of Tablighi Jamat. Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display 17-04-2007, 04:53 PM #1 tajul_malya Junior Member Join Date Jan 2007 Gender Madhhab Shafi'i Location Malaysia Posts 9 biography of Maulana Inamul Hasan of Tablighi Jamat. When Allah Ta'aala favours some one He makes unseen arrangements for all the necessary things. The learned say that there are two aspects which play an important role in making a person's personality. The first aspect is one's family, because family traditions and virtues are transmitted from one generation to another. This is the probable reason why the prophets were born in the noblest of families only. Imaam Bukhari has quoted a narration in which the Ceasor of the Roman empire said (He knew it from the ancient divine scriptures) that prophets were always born in the noblest families of their communities .The second aspect that plays an important role in building a person's character is the child's environment and surroundings as these become part of the person's life and personality. Hadrat Maulana Inaamul Hasan Saheb was given both of these to a high degree. Allah Ta'aala selected a noble

and high Siddiqi family which was blessed with the virtues of religious knowledge, piety, sincerity, Taqwa etc. from their great ancestor Hadrat Abubakr [radhiallaahu anhu] whose legacy came down from one generation to another. Several great persons were born with special characteristics and virtues which cannot be easily understood by the people of these times. Hadrat Maulana Sayyed Abul Hasan Nadwi (Alimia) (may Allah be pleased with him) says about this family that not only males but also the females of this family were models of piety. They remained busy in divine worship, zikr, Tasbeeh, and tilawat day and night as a daily pattern of life. The ladies busied themselves in non-obligatory (Nawaafil) prayers themselves and behind the male members of the family they prayed Taraaaweeh Salaat. During the month of Ramadhaan, there used to be a very wonderful home atmosphere. The recitation of the holy Quraan used to be continuous day and night during the whole month. The ladies had so much of enthusiasm that tilaawat was their great pleasure. Their Salaat was such that they remained completely unaware of the happenings in their houses. (Hadrat Maulana Ilyas and his Dini Dawat). Hadrat Qazi Ziyaa'uddin Sanami RA, a contemporary of Hadrat Khwaaja Nizaamuddin Awliya RA was Hadratji's ancestor. Maulana Hakim Muhammad Ashraf Zinzanawi was also one of his ancestors. He was famous for miracles (karaamat), Ilm, Taqwa. And Marifat. Ulama of his days acknowledged his kamaal (perfection) and fadl (virtues). A great aalim, Allama Abdul Hakim Sialkoti said that he did not believe in Qudusi persons but I came to know that such persons do exist in this world after having discussion with him in a meeting. On receiving an unknown sign Maulana Hakim Muhammad Ashraf went out in search of a murshid (a spiritual Sage-teacher), met such a Buzrug of the Qadiriyyah order of Tasawwuf. He was greatly impressed with what he saw and heard. He took the Bait (an oath of allegiance) and became engrossed in wird, wazaa'if , zikr, azkaar and mujaahida (various activities of divine rememberance and meditation). After two years his murshid asked him to go to another Buzrug. After some time he was sent to yet another who

informed him that he (Maulana Hakim Muhammad Ashraf) had reached the final stage (of Tasawwuf), so he was told to go back to his native place and advised that if he wished to declare his spiritual status he should take bait and give guidance to the people, but if he wished to conceal it from the people he should remain busy in teaching. He replied that he preferred to devote himself to the service of the Ilme shariah (knowledge of the Islamic Shariah-jurisprudence). So the Buzrug made Du'aa that the zaaheri (the publicly known) Ilm (knowledge) of Islamic Shariah would remain in his family. After receiving khilaafat (spiritual authority) he returned to his native place and busied himself in obtaining and transmitting the knowledge (Ilme-deen) of the Shariah. Maulana Muhammad Ashraf had two sons, Maulana Muhammad Shareef and Abdul Muqtadir. The former followed the footsteps of his father in Ilm, Fadl, ma'aarif. Moulana Ihtisaamul Hasan Kandhalwi writes in his kitaab "Halat-e-Mashaa'ikh-e-khandalah", Hadrat Maulana Ashraf was told by his Pir-murshid that Ilm of Shariah would remain in his children till the day of judgement (Qiyaamah). This was evident first of all in Maulana Muhammad Shareef. Since then this bashaarat has remained in his progeny of eleven generations till this day. Insha'allah this Ilme-shariah will remain in every generation of his family till the last day. Maulana Hakim Muhammad Shareef had two sons. One son Maulana Muhammad Faiz lived in Zinzana. Some great scholars like Maulana Isma'eel Khandlawi, Maulana Muhammad Yahya Kandalwi and his sons Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakaria, his brother the pioneer (Baani) of Tabligh Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas and his son Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandalwi were born in his family. The second son of Maulana Hakim Muhammad Shareef was Maulana Hakim Abdul Qadir who lived in Kandhala. Many great religious scholars were born in this family, e.g. Mufti Ilaahi Bakhsh Kandhlawi, his nephew Maulana Mufti Muzaffar Husain Kandalwi and others. Maulana In'aamul Hasan is also from the same family. The Zinzana and Kandalwi family branches join in Maulana Muhammad Shareef. Maulana Mufti Elahi Bakhsh was very famous in his

family. He was one of the very great disciples of Shah Abdul Aziz Dehelvi RA. He was a famous author, Mufti of his age. His "takmilah" on the mathnawi of Maulana Rumi RA is wellknown, his son Maulana Abul Hasan was also a great Aalim, (Islamic scholar) as well as a famous physician (Hakim). He had a high position in the matter of piety (taqwa). His son Noorul Hasan was also a great Aalim. Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan, the founder of the Aligarh college was his student. His son Zahurul Hasan and his son Hakim Riyazul Hasan were great scholars and physicians. Maulana Hakim Riyazul Hasan studied Hadith from Maulana Rashid Ahmed Gangohi RA. His son Maulana Ikramul Hasan was the maternal nephew of Maulana Ilyaas RA. Moulana Ikraamul Hasan got religious education, and then he obtained B.A. and L.L.B. degrees from the Aligarh university. He then for some time had law practice in the Kerana court. After giving up the lawyer's profession, he remained in the service of Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakaria RA. whose companionship and the service of Madressah Mazaahir Uloom became the aim of his life. Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas loved him very much. He rendered a great deal of help in nursing Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas in his last illness. Maulana In'aamul Hasan was his son. Hadrat Moulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb [ra] was born in the town of Kandhla., Dist Muzaffar Nagar, U.P., India on the 18th Jumadul Oola 1336 A.H. i.e. 20th February, 1918 C.E. The famous Hafez Mangtu taught him Hifzul Quraan. He learnt Persian upto Bustaan of Sheikh Saadi RA. from his maternal grandfather Abdul Hamid and Arabic based education from Mizan-Munshaeb to SharehJami from Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas RA. in Nizaamuddin Kaashiful Uloom. When Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas went for Haj in 1451 A.H., he and Maulana Yusuf were given admission in Madressa Mazaahirul Uloom, Saharanpur. He learnt Hidaya from Maulana Zakaria RA. and Mebzi from Maulana Jameel Ahmed Thanvi. When Maulana Ilyaas returned from Haj, Moulana In'aamul Hasan went back to Basti Hadrat Nizaamuddin where he studied Mishkaat from Maulana Ilyaas and Jalaalain from Moulana Ihtisaamul Hasan Kandhalwi [ra].

He and Maulana Yusuf were companions of studies. He was admitted again in Mazzahir Uloom, Saharanpur where Maulana Abdul Latif taught him Bukhari Sharif, Maulana A. Rahmaan Kamilpuri taught him Tirmidhi Sharif, Maulana Manzoor Ahmed taught him Muslim Sharif and Maulana Muhammad Zakaria taught him Abu Dawood (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood are the famous Hadith literature). It is narrated that both of them had made an arrangement to study at night by turn. One would study till mid-night, prepare tea for the other and wake him up and then go to bed. Both of them took turns every other day (life story of Hadrat Maulana Yusuf RA. Page 170, 171). Before he could complete his studies, he had to leave Mazaahir Uloom and return to Basti Hazrat Nizaamuddeen due to Maulana Yusuf's illness. He studied Ibn Majah, Nasa'ee, Tahawi and Mustadrake Haakim (compilations of Hadith) from Maulana Ilyaas RA and thus completed his religious education. Hadrat In'aamul Hasan [ra] was engaged for marriage with the second daughter of Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakaria RA. and Maulana Yusuf was engaged to the eldest daughter of Hadrat Shaikhul Hadith. On the 3rd Muharram, 1354 Hijra the annual Jalsa (gathering) of the Mazaahirul Uloom was held. Maulana Ilyaas RA expressed his wish to Shaikhul Hadith that it would be better if the Nikaah of both Moulana Yusuf and Moulana In'aamul hasan be performed in the Jalsa though there was no preparation for it. Shaikhul Hadith Saheb readily accepted the proposal. When he was leaving for the Jalsa he then informed his wife about it. She said politely that if she had been informed of the Nikah she would have got a pair of clothes ready for their daughters. Hearing this he remarked that if he had known that their daughters were naked (in dire need of clothes), he would have been informed earlier. Hadrat Shaikhul Islam Maulana Sayyed Hussain Ahmed Madani RA. performed the Nikaah ceremony which was attended by the religious elders of the day. Maulana In'aamul Hasan RA. went together with Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas RA. for his first Haj-pilgrimage to Mecca in 1356 Hijri. Maulana Yusuf RA. and Maulana Ihtisaamul Hasan were with them.

They commenced their Haj journey from Karachi by ship. During this journey they did Tabligh (propagation). The Arabs praised their efforts and promised to help them. He also received several good tidings (Bashaarat) about the tabligh mission in this journey. After he returned home, for a long period Maulana In'aamul Hasan remained ill. He lived in his native place Kandhla during this illness. Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas passed on the 21st Rajab 1363 A.H. on 23rd July, 1944 C.E. It was a Thursday morning. Two days before his death he named six persons from among his special people as his khalifas. Hadrat Maulana In'aamul Hasan was among these six people. After the death of Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas, the elders made Mashwara with Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Maulana Fakhruddin Saheb and Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakaria and decided that Maulana Yusuf Saheb should be the successor of Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas as the Amir (leader) of the Tabligh Jamaat. Hadrat Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb used to assist Maulana Yusuf Saheb and he was known to be the right hand of Maulana Yusuf Saheb. He continued till the last moment of the life of Maulana Yusuf with complete support and he played the main role in the various activities of the Tablighi centre (markaz) of Nizaamuddin. He also discharged the responsibilities of Mohtamim (Administrator) of Madressah Kaashiful Uloom even during the time of Maulana Yusuf. He also taught Bukhari Sharif for many years. He was well versed in Hadith. Hadrat Shaikhul Hadith included some of his narrations in the marginal notes of his kitaab "Lami'uddarari". Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb had a reserved nature. He avoided unnecessary talk. He remained busy with his own work. He would not see anyone unless it was necessary. He strictly observed his routine. When necessary he replied to questions very effectively. He could understand intricacies very well. He dressed himself in fine and clean clothes. His food was limited as necessary. He was fond of reading. He passed most of his leisure time in studying books. He had a unique collection of books on various branches of knowledge in his own library.

When Hadrat Moulana Yusuf RA. was writing Hayaatus-Sahaba and Amanil-Ahbar, he thought deeply about problems that would arise and search for information in the books. Even then if he could not get the necessary information he used to send Maulana Abdullah Taariq Saheb to get the necessary information from Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb. Maulana Abdullah Taariq says that it mostly happened that Maulana In'aamul Hasan would open a book and point out the required information exactly in its place or his active mind would give the right information for the solution to the problem. Quickly he would rise up, pick up the book from the cupboard and hand it over saying, : Go and show it to Maulana Yusuf RA. One of his special Khaadim's (servants) informed that Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb studied the whole volume of "Fatwa Alamgiri" twice. From this we can get an insight into his enthusiasm and untiring efforts for the search of knowledge. He has written several explanatory notes of research in the manuscript of "Tarajimul Abwab" of the Bukhari Sharif. This shows his scholarship and versatility of the traditions of the holy Prophet SAW. Maulana Yusuf Saheb RA. died on Friday 29th Zilqaad, 1384 Hijra, i.e. 2nd April 1965 C.E. in Lahore, Pakistan. The question of his successor arose. There was a need of a person who had a great attachment for the Tablighi mission with mind and heart. Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb was the most likely choice because he was the companion of Maulana Yusuf RA. from their young days and he was also his righthand. Maulana In'aamul Hasan Saheb was also an Aalim of repute. He had a fine personality. He was considered trustworthy by Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas RA Saheb. Maulana Yusuf RA. Saheb relied on his advice and consultation. Hadrat Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakaria held consultations with others and then appointed Maulana In'aamul Hasan as the Amir of the Tablighi jamaat as the successor of Maulana Yusuf RA. Moulana Fakhrul Hasan, an Ustaadh of the Darul Uloom made the declaration in the assembly of thousands of people. All

of them expressed their satisfaction and relief and promised their trust and co-operation. Since that day till the last breath Maulana In'aamul Hasan for a period of 31 years discharged his responsibility as the Amir with foresight and courage. Under his leader ship the great mission of Tabligh spread far and wide in all parts of the world. When he became the Amir-e Tablighi Jamaat he was not a orator. But when he became the Amir, he made good progress in the art of oratory. He talked briefly but with firmness. After some years of experience he began to deliver lengthy speeches. We should know that Dawah and Tabligh are not the names of Takrir (lectures). It is more than Takrir (lectures). He paid much more attention to other activities of the Jamaat than giving lectures. Yet if there was a big gathering (Ijtima) he would give brief but factual guidance and the Ijtima would come to an end with his Du'aa. He had a reserved nature. This enabled him to achieve important activities, i.e. if someone asked about a matter, whose reply would create fitna he used to observe silence. Hadrat Umar Ibne-Khattaab, the second Khalifa once remarked ' observe silence and destroy baatil (falsehood)". He was an expert in the art of observing silence. As he disliked unnecessary contact, people did not try to get his companionship. It saved his and their time. They devoted their time to some useful activities instead. He believed in the division of labour. He allocated activities. He sent people to the responsible man selected for a particular work. He did not interfere in the activities of others. He remained bed-ridden for the last few years. So the special visits were reduced to minimum. He supervised every activity himself and remained in close contact with all the matters of the markaz, the country and foreign lands. At ten'o clock at night on the 9th June 1995 he was taken to hospital in a wheelchair by car. Everything possible was done for his medical treatment. At last he breathed his last at the age of seventy years at 1.25 p.m. on Saturday, 10th Muharram, 1416 Hijra, 10th june, 1995 C.E. Innaalillaah. He left behind in this world his son Maulana Zubairul hasan and a daughter. The sad news of his death spread around the world like a

lightning. The namaaz-e-janaza was to be held at six'o clock in the evening. There was a huge gathering in the Basti nizamuddin. There was no space for more people so all the roads leading to the basti hadrat Nizaamuddin were closed to traffic. His funeral was attended by more than half a million people, but everyone observed perfect discipline and order. After the Magrib namaaz he was laid to rest beside Hadrat Maulana Yusuf. Reply Reply With Quote "How To Begin Reading And Understanding An Arabic Book in 21 Days" 17-04-2007, 06:15 PM #2 aboujandal Member Join Date Oct 2004 Gender Madhhab Maliki Posts 74 Reply Reply With Quote

Muslim Charity - UK Homelessness Campaign 17-04-2007, 10:06 PM #3 Saad Moderator Join Date Nov 2006 Gender Madhhab Hanafi Location Home Posts 5,733 JazakAllah Reply Reply With Quote 18-04-2007, 12:26 AM #4 aboujandal Member Join Date Oct 2004 Gender Madhhab Maliki Posts 74

*** Reply Reply With Quote 22-04-2007, 02:49 AM #5 taalib_e_ilm Senior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Gender Madhhab Hanafi Location Chicago Posts 508 Jazakallah brother, but can you please not posted as big and bold. Reply Reply With Quote 10-06-2007, 09:15 PM #6 Sist@ Junior Member Join Date Jun 2007 Gender Madhhab Hanafi Posts 4 subhanAllah very informative!a very great personality;he was my dads shaikh. Reply Reply With Quote 11-06-2007, 04:56 AM #7 Ahmed Senior Member Join Date Mar 2005 Gender Madhhab Hanafi Location DEWSBURY Posts 3,293 mashaallah and hadhrat called the effort self reformation often now misunderstood and well forgotten by "tableeghis" 2 things are /were paramount

humility through service ..khidmah.. of anyone not just "big shots" as we see to day and bait to a shaikh how far are we away from the true essence of the effort of deen and islam itself ..innalillah Reply Reply With Quote 11-06-2007, 06:45 AM #8 Al-Khattab Member Join Date Jun 2007 Gender Madhhab Hanafi Location Birmingham, UK Posts 94 what a bueatiful personality, may Allah send others of his calibre to guide the ummah Reply Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread Quick Navigation Biographies Top Previous Thread | Next Thread Thread Information There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. (1 members and 0 guests) abuzayd2k Similar Threads Hazratji Moulana Inamul Hasan Sahab Al Kandhalvi (RA) By safwaan.suleman in forum Biographies Replies: 9 Last Post: 18-01-2010, 09:26 AM Maulana Zubairul Hasan (db), son of Hazratji Inamul Hasan (rah) By ahlezikr in forum General Islam Replies: 0 Last Post: 17-12-2009, 07:51 PM Urdu book of mufti Mahmudul Hasan (ra) or tablighi jamat? By Abu_Uzair in forum General Islam Replies: 3 Last Post: 01-11-2009, 03:20 AM Tablighi Jamat Shuykuh in the UK? By True Life in forum General Islam Replies: 25 Last Post: 19-12-2008, 04:31 AM Tablighi Jamat Shuykuh in the US? By taalib_e_ilm in forum General Islam Replies: 6 Last Post: 18-12-2008, 12:27 AM Tags for this Thread Add / Edit Tags inaamul hasan kandhlawi, tabligh View Tag Cloud Bookmarks

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