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The American Revolution

By Alex Maner

Monday, February 4, 13

Table of contents
#1 - The Battle of Trenton and Princeton #2 - The Battle of Saratoga #3 - Winter at Valley Forge #4 - The Battle of Yorktown #5 - The Treaty of Paris #6 - George Washington

#7-Did you know...

Monday, February 4, 13

the battle of trenton and princeton

- It was held on december 26th 1776
- It took place in delaware - The morale of the troops was very low because they had lost so many battles lately - After the battle George Washington promised extra salary to anyone who stayed for longer - The Americans easily beat the british in trenton but in ten days they were defeated in princeton - The outcome of the battles was very signicant because when the Americans beat the British in the rst battle it gave the continental army hope and the signicance of the second battle was that the americans really needed to win the battle but it still had a striking impact on the british
Monday, February 4, 13

the battle of saratoga

-The battle took place on October 17th 1777 in New York -The role of Gen. Burgoyne was to move his army from Canada down to the Hudson river

-The role of Gen. Howe was to move his army from New York to the Hudson River

-The British plan of attack was to move Burgoynes army from Canada to The Hudson River and to move Howes army ( who was stationed in New York ) to the Hudson River where they would meet each other and ght the patriots -The British plan was unsuccessful because Gen. Howes army was called in to late -The battle was signicant because the small patriot army beat a big British army and a highly decorated general
Monday, February 4, 13

winter at valley forge

-It was in 1777 in Pennsylvania -The weather conditions were very harsh, snowy and about 2,500 men died because of them -It was signicant because they had lost so many battles lately and they nally had a good hiding spot -Baron Von Steuben was a Persian ofcer and his role was to help the Americans in a time of need -George Washingtons role was to keep his men safe and to help them when they had next to nothing

Monday, February 4, 13

the battle of Yorktown

- It was on September 28th 1781 and held in Yorktown, Virginia -There were three key factors for the continental armys victory and they were #1 The French Gen. Comte De Grasse,brought food, supplies and troops. #2 Comte De Grasses eet of ships sealed of the Yorktown harbor so no one could get in. #3 With Comte De Grasses troops they outnumbered the British 16,000 men to 7,500 men. -The role of Gen. Washingtons role was to get his men to the outer defense works and attack the British -The role of Gen. Cornwall was to get his men past the Delaware River and to retreat -The signicance of the battle was that the British were supposed to win but instead they had to surrender

Monday, February 4, 13

the treaty of paris

-It happened in Paris on September 3rd 1783 -The roles that Benjamin Franklin and the others played were not to be sidetracked by anything else and not to sign anything that would endanger America or that no one would like or agree with -The terms of the treaty were that Britain would remove all soldiers that were in america, America got all the land from the Great Lakes on the North down to Florida on the south and all the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi river. In exchange the United States would have to allow any British soldiers who were in America to return to Britain and America also agreed to pay all the debt that was owed to Britain and not to persecute any loyalist who were in America but, allow any people who left America to return -The next step for America was to build a Government and army

Monday, February 4, 13

George washington
-He was one of the main Gen. in the American army -He was president from 1789 to 1797 -He was born on February 22nd 1732 and died at the age of 67 on December 14th 1799 -He fought in 9 battles and out of those 9 he only won 3 -Washington met with a bunch of other delegates in Philadelphia where they were discussing whether or not to make a Constitution but at the end of the meeting it was decided that they would make a constitution -The rst Capitol of The United States was in New York

Monday, February 4, 13

did you know...

-There were 36 battles in the American Revolution -The British won more battles than the Americans but the Americans still won

-Over 23,500 men fought in the the battle of Yorktown -Approximately 37,500 people died during the American Revolution (10,000 British and 27,500 Americans)

Monday, February 4, 13

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