7 February 2013

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Vol. 2 Issue 05 10.

00 24 Pages
RNI Reg. No.: PUNMUL/2012/45041
Postal Reg. No. PB/JL-047/2013-15 SUNDAY 03 FEBRUARY 2013
National 4 | International 6 | Campus 10 | Celebrity 14 | Leisure 16 | Business 20 | Sports 22
Page 5 Page 7 Page 15 Page 23
Edition for the Tri-City
Delhi womans
loss, Suryanelli
womans gain
Writers, flmmaker fay Mamata over Rushdie episode
Several known writers and a veteran
flmmaker from West Bengal criticised
the state government after novelist
claimed he was forced to cancel his
visit to Kolkata.
Kolkata is an open city, where anyone
can come and stage his protest. I learnt
that Rushdie could not come to the city.
He is a writer of big stature. As a Ben-
gali, Im ashamed that Rushdie could
not come here, writer and activist Ma-
hasweta Devi told IANS.
When the (erstwhile) Left Front gov-
ernment forced (Bangladeshi writer)
Taslima Nasreen to leave the city, then
also I raised my voice, she added.
Rushdie, an overseas citizen of India,
was slated to visit the city to promote
Deepa Mehtas flm Midnights Chil-
dren based on his novel. He also
planned to go to the Kolkata Book Fair
and attend a session at the Kolkata Lit-
erary Meet.
But he alleged in a statement that he
was forced to cancel his trip to the city
because West Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee had ordered police
to block his arrival. He also said or-
ganisers of the literary meet were ly-
ing when they said he was not invited
to the event.
Rushdie has been embroiled in con-
troversy for long over his book The
Satanic Verses, perceived as anti-
But poet Shankha Ghosh, criticising
the Trinamool Congress government
over the episode, said: The govern-
ment surely blocked Rushdies visit
to the city as the author had himself
claimed that.
Veteran flmmaker Mrinal Sen said the
city might lose its cultural pluralism
due to such incidents.
Kolkata was once known for savour-
ing cultural pluralism. Of late, it is bet-
ter not to talk over that. It is absolutely
wrong from the governments part not
to allow Rushdie to visit the city, Sen
told IANS.
I feel sick every time I hear this kind
of news. The chief minister had said
after the Jaipur Literature Festival last
year that she would not allow Rushdie
to enter Kolkata. She has indeed lived
up to her words, he added.
But writer Samaresh Majumdar said he
was not clear who was telling the truth.
Im confused. I do not believe that
Salman Rushdie is lying. I do not wish
to believe that the organisers of the
literary meet are lying either. So frst
Rushdie has to clear the air by letting
us know from which e-mail ID he got
the invitation and from which travel
agency he received the tickets (to the
festival), Majumdar said.
Majumdar said if it was proved that
Rushdie could not come to Kolkata
because of Banerjees diktat, it would
raise a big question mark on the the
The constitution gives us freedom of
speech. So anyone can come and give
his speeches unless and until it leads to
communal disturbances, he said.
Page 3 Page 13
We need to have a
system, so the party can
work towards its goals...
we need to correct the
basics frst and ensure
we have rules that are
-Rahul Gandhi
Freedom Of Expression
Under Attack
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Send your feedback and articles to [email protected]
Andhra-Telangana, a divide deep and complete
S.K. Sinha
Manu Sharma
Spare the Artist and his Art
We live in a secular nation. Our fundamental rights ensure that we have
the Freedom of expression . But the degenerative disease of religious
fundamentalism often shows its ugly face and vitiates the atmosphere.
The freedom of expression has been under fre on a great number of
counts recently which is not a positive signal in a democracy.Hussain or
Haasan ,Oh My God!, Son of Sardar and its a long list. A movie certi-
fed by the censor board and yet to be released but the people who have
not seen it get to know that it contains objectionable material.The whole
matter seems to be a stage managed show. The censor board should
either be shut down or it should be managed by religious heads.Though
we have members from different religions on the board but it seems to
have no meaning.Anybody can gather a crowd and create disturbance
in the name of blasphemy.The courts are dutybound to maintain peace
and tranquility but the judiciary may have a re-look whether someone is
taking undue advantage. Taking of the latest issue of Vishwaroopam or
Vishwaroop , the larger question is are we going to react without even
viewing it or are we to blindly follow a set of unscrupulous fellows . The
media must support Haasan and send a strong message .
Dont worry Kamal , Carry on with your Kamaal .
Long live !
Freedom Of Expression.
RBI Maintains a Cautious Stance
The Delhi Gurudwara Management
Committee elections were the last
chapter of Badal-Tohra rift that char-
acterized Sikh politics in the last de-
cade of previous century. Followers of
frebrand cleric GS Tohra, the Sarna
brothers of Delhi formed a potent front
in Delhis Sikh politics to capture the
seat of DSGMC in 2003 and 2008 con-
secutively. They were ably assisted by
a proactive Punjab unit of INC under
the stewardship of former CM Capt.
Amarinder Singh. Sikh Gurudwara
bodies have been the trendsetters for
Under pressure from growth lobby Re-
serve Bank of India is caught between
rock and a hard place. The latest round
of growth estimates by RBI experts
peg the growth rate at 5.5% in this
fscal. The forecast for next fscal has
also been revised downwards to 6.5%
thus indicating a short run stickiness in
growth prospects. RBI was forced to
adopt a cooling stance towards growth
in face of public opinion ranged against
the infation in economy. However
both, the diagnosis and prognosis of
infation afficting the economy have
the rural and Panthic voters. Hence
the gravity of this win can be hardly
overemphasized at least as far as the
politics of Punjab and NW India goes.
The architect of this win and Punjab
Deputy CM Sukhbir Badal has fnally
cemented his place in the Akali Hall
of Fame by dominating the Sikh poli-
tics from Amritsar to Delhi. While his
methods and plans may have ruffed
a few feathers in the old guard. It is
beyond doubt that he has proven the
effectiveness of his leadership in both
Punjab Vidhan Sabha and DSGMC
proven to be wrong so far. The infation
in Indian economy is borne by supply
side shortages, corruption and massive
ineffciencies in infrastructure.
Adoption of a hawkish stance on infa-
tion has led to usage of monetary poli-
cy options over what was essentially a
fscal problem with its own set of sys-
temic issues to address. The RBI has
rather belatedly admitted that spectre
of widening Current Account Defcit
and runaway infation remains and for
factors that preclude the use of mon-
etary policy options such as base rate
elections. Implications of the historic
win of Akali Dal (Badal) are two fold,
frst this win has made Badal clan far
more powerful in Sikh politics than
earlier and secondly the urban Sikh
vote bank that had come to vote for the
INC led Sheila Dixit government may
not do so in near future. Sikhs consti-
tute a hardworking and well placed
community that carries a signifcant
voice in national affairs and a display
of uniformity of opinion in this com-
munity makes for interesting analysis
into the countrys political direction.
manipulation. Hikes in interest rates in
the recent past have only managed to
kill the prospective investment in the
economy and caused slowdown in the
growth rate. In view of less buoyant tax
revenues due to slow growth, the gov-
ernment is contemplating a hike in the
tax rates levied on an already stressed
tax base to sustain its spending. Ap-
plication of Monetary corrections was
a wrong policy move in the frst place
and now attempt should not be made
to correct a wrong policy move with
further folly.
For 56 years they have lived in the
same state and spoken the same lan-
guage. But this linguistic affnity may
not keep them together for long.
As the movement for a Telangana state
enters a decisive phase, the divide be-
tween the economically backward
Telangana region and Seemandhra (as
the rest of Andhra Pradesh is known)
appears deep and complete.
Despite many commonalities, the
people of Telangana and Seemandhra
came from different historical, geo-
graphical and socio-economic back-
There are vast differences in linguis-
tic accent, culture, customs, food hab-
its, festivals and even the deities they
Andhra Pradesh is Indias ffth most
populous state with 84.6 million peo-
ple. Telangana accounts for 35.28 mil-
lion. Andhra region and Rayalseema
are home to 34.19 million and 15.13
million people respectively.
For Telanganities, the movement is
a fght for self respect and against
exploitation by others in the state.
Andhra leaders deny this.
The proponents of a separate state cite
the Telugu flm industry as a classic
example of the divide.
All the top actors and producers are
from Andhra and the flms make fun
of the language spoken in Telangana
with Deccani accent. It is usually the
villain or the comedian in the flm who
speaks this accent.
Rayalaseema comprises four districts
while the Andhra region is made up of
nine coastal districts. Most are pros-
perous because of fertile land and in-
dustrial development.
While Telangana, comprising 10 dis-
tricts including Hyderabad, was part of
the erstwhile Hyderabad State, Andhra
state was carved out of Madras Presi-
dency in 1953 for Telugu-speaking
people with Kurnool as its capital.
Telangana remained as Hyderabad
State from 1948 to 1956 when it was
merged with Andhra to form Andhra
Pradesh, with Hyderabad as the capi-
Ignoring the reservations over the
merger of Telangana with Andhra, then
prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave
his nod for a new Andhra Pradesh.
He did comment that an innocent girl
called Telangana is being married to a
naughty boy called Andhra. It is their
choice to continue or to get separated.
Those fghting for Telangana insist the
time has come for separation, alleg-
ing that the constitutional guarantees
given at the time of merger to protect
the regions interests were never hon-
Though Telangana region witnessed
violent protests seeking statehood in
1969-70, the movement fzzled out.
It was revived in 2000. The goal was
almost achieved in 2009 when mas-
sive protests forced the central govern-
ment to announce that the process for
formation of Telangana state would be
But the backlash in Seemandhra made
the central government backtrack.
Many deadlines were set but the goal
remained elusive. Some say that some
1,000 pro-Telangana youths commit-
ted suicide in the last three years.
Offcials admits that the region is on
the boil. Many believe that a separate
state will be a reality in the near future.
Some in Seemandhra have no objec-
tion to a Telangana state. But the bone
of contention is Hyderabad.
While pro-Telangana groups insist the
new state should have Hyderabad as
its capital, the powerful Andhra lob-
by is not ready to give away a city in
which its businessmen and industrial-
ists made huge investments in the last
fve decades.
Many believe it is the status of Hyder-
abad that is delaying a fnal decision
on the issue.
Telangana groups are ready to share
the city as capital with Seemandhra
for some time but are against the idea
of making it a union territory or a sep-
arate state by itself.
Political analysts warn that unless a
formula acceptable to all is evolved on
Hyderabads future, there are no hopes
of an early solution to the Telangana
By Mohammed Shafeeq
By Minu Jain
Cultural terrorism: Idea of India threatened
Shah Rukh Khan one day and Kamal
Haasan the next. Is it mere coinci-
dence or a sign of an increasingly
knee-jerk, reactionary India that two
of its most loved flm icons are forced
to go public to painstakingly reassert
their secular identity and insist, in
case the message is lost, that they are
proud Indians?
Given the trajectory of events and
the escalating intolerance on a range
of issues -- Ashis Nandy and Salman
Rushdie are more cases in point -- this
is the time to worry. And the question
above, merely rhetorical.
Shah Rukh and Kamal Haasan are not
mere actors but extremely successful,
talented artists with millions of rupees
and many jobs riding on them and
their flms. If one rules over the pow-
erful Hindi flm industry, the other is a
veteran of south Indian cinema.
Yet, they are under attack, victims of
what some term cultural terrorism and
even state terrorism. Shah Rukh cor-
nered for his views on what it is to be
a Muslim in India and Kamal Haasan
for making a flm that allegedly has
scenes that some Muslim groups fnd
objectionable and that the Tamil Nadu
government seeks to ban.
On Tuesday evening, an upset Shah
Rukh - in the thick of controversy for
an article that sparked a ridiculous
war of words between New Delhi and
Islamabad after Pakistans Interior
Minister Rehman Malik said the In-
dian government should offer him se-
curity - said the unwarranted twist
was nonsense.
Nowhere in the article, a frst person
account for Outlook Turning Points
magazine, does he state or imply di-
rectly or indirectly that he feels un-
safe, troubled or disturbed in India,
the star said, reading out from a state-
It does not even vaguely say that I
am ungrateful for the love that I have
received in a career spanning 20
years. On the contrary the article only
says that in spite of bigoted thoughts
of some of the people that surround
us, I am untouched by scepticism be-
cause of the love I have received by
my countrymen and women, said the
actor, who has been in the eye of so
many storms.
And Wednesday, ironically Mahatma
Gandhis death anniversary and the
day to recall the spirit of tolerance,
came Kamal Haasans emotional out-
burst that if the verdict on his Rs.95
crore flm Vishwaroopam was not
favourable, he would have to consider
moving overseas to a secular state
M.F. Husain had to do it, now Haas-
an will do it, said the angry flmmak-
er, saying that he lost all his property,
even his house.
The reference to the late artist, who
died in London in 2011 after he was
literally chased away from his home-
land by rightwing Hindus who took
offence at his paintings on goddesses
and his depiction of Bharat mata,
was so apt.
It was the same righteous wrath that
links the Muslim groups who objected
to Vishwaroopam, the same calcu-
lated move for maximum publicity
that saw Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafz
Saeed invite Shah Rukh to Pakistan.
A rainbow coalition of fringe, fun-
damentalist views - all intolerant, re-
gardless of which religion they origi-
nate from.
But here is also the difference be-
tween Shah Rukh and Kamal Haasan.
While the 58-year-old Chennai-based
veteran could afford to take the of-
fensive and say he would move away
from India, the 47-year-old Khan
from Bollywood could just not do so.
Can you imagine what would happen
had Shah Rukh spoken of getting out
of India instead of stressing: We, in
India, are extremely safe and happy.
We have an amazing democratic, free
and secular way of life.
Lyricist Javed Akhtar said rightly
about Kamal Haasans outburst:
Dont listen to the words, listen to
the sentiments.
Wonder if anybody would listen to
Shah Rukhs sentiments had he said
the same thing?
As Indian celebrities, even those in
flmdom, come under scrutiny and the
discourse gets more polarised, there
are other victims. Social analyst Nan-
dy had to be questioned by police in
Jaipur for his comment during the Jai-
pur Literature Festival on corruption
and caste. And Rushdie was in the
country too, promoting Midnights
Children but was kept safely away
from the Kolkata literary fest.
The right of thinkers to argue must be
protected at all costs, an online peti-
tion said, defending Nandy.
By Wednesday evening, as the dust
settled somewhat over the SRK brou-
haha, Kamal Haasan had agreed to
make cuts in his flm but the Madras
High Court had reimposed the stay.
As flmmakers know only too well, if
you dont upset the fringe element of
one religion or another, you hurt caste
groups and other sub-sections, even
barbers. Its a tricky tightrope walk.
Remember how Billu Barber was
fnally released only as Billu.
The attack on creative freedom as
well as the debate on its limits is not
new but its getting worse.
And where does India go from here?
To another SRK storm maybe, to
more uncertainty for Vishwaroo-
pam, more tension for Ashis Nan-
dy. And other casualties of a society
where knee-jerk reactions are taking
over from considered debates and
calibrated decisions.
Jaya explains Vishwaroopam ban, Kamal
thanks her
Banning Vishwaroopam against
idea of India: Tarun Vijay
Haasan meets
Tamil Nadu
gets peaceful
release, opens
to average
There are no
bad Muslims
in my flm:
Kamal Haasan
controversy sad
time for Indian
cinemas 100
A day before the Hindi version of
Vishwaroopam is set for release,
actor-producer Kamal Haasan Thurs-
day thanked Tamil Nadu Chief Minis-
ter J. Jayalalithaa after she explained at
length why she imposed a 15-day ban
on the espionage thriller.
The versatile actor told the media that
although he was angry when he threat-
ened Wednesday to quit India, he would
certainly leave the country if similar
protests enveloped his movies.
Kamal Haasans brother Chandra Haas-
an as well as Tamil flmmaker Ameer
Sultan meanwhile met Muslim leaders
in Chennai, a day after Kamal Haasan
promised to cut parts of the Tamil-Telu-
gu flm that critics say portray the com-
munity in poor light.
There was a ray of hope for the Rs.95
crore flms release in Tamil Nadu after
Jayalalithaa made it clear that Vishwa-
roopam was banned only due to fears
of violent protests and not because of
any grudge against the actor-producer
Kamal Haasan.
I have no personal grudge, no person-
al interest in banning the movie, the
actor-turned-chief minister said, adding
she knew nothing of the movie until it
became controversial.
Reeling out statistics, she said it would
have been impossible to provide police
protection to all 524 cinemas in Tamil
New Delhi
The ban on Kamal Haasans flm
Vishwaroopam and the controversy
over social analyst Ashis Nandys com-
ments on caste and corruption in Jaipur
refected the intolerance of Indian pol-
icy makers and went against the very
grain of India, BJP MP Tarun Vijay
has said.
A silly ban on Vishwaroopam and
the misinformed controversy on Ash-
ish Nandys opinion show how intoler-
ant Indian policy makers have become
while the common people are tolerant,
large-hearted, plural and democratic,
Tarun Vijay said in a statement.
One may disagree with Ashish Nandy
on any number of issues, but his intel-
lectual brilliance and integrity cant be
questioned. Similarly, to ban Vishwa-
roopam on fimsy, almost non-existent
reasons shows an un-Indian attitude,
the Rajya Sabha MP of the Bharatiya
Janata Party said.
Nandys comment on corruption and
caste at the Jaipur Literature Festival
led to several FIRs being fled against
him. On Friday, the Supreme Court
stepped in to stop the Rajasthan Police
from arresting him.
Vishwaroopam was banned by the
Tamil Nadu government for scenes that
some Muslim groups found objection-
Posing a question, Is this the India we
Actor-flmmaker Kamal Haasan Thurs-
day said there are no bad Muslims in
his movie Vishwaroopam but added
there was no way he could portray ter-
rorists as white characters.
I have not shown bad Muslims in my
flm. The good Muslims in my flm are
Indian Muslims and the bad ones are
terrorists, he told the media here.
How can you expect me to paint ter-
rorists white? Kamal Haasan asked, a
day before the release of the Hindi ver-
sion Vishwaroop.
The actor thanked Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister J. Jayalalithaa, who earlier in
the day said her government was doing
its best to facilitate a dialogue between
Kamal Haasan and Muslims protesting
against the flm.
I was completely touched when I
saw the Muslim community offering
prayers in my support. These are true
Muslims, Kamal Haasan said.
Opposition from Muslim groups in
Tamil Nadu prompted the state gov-
ernment to impose a 15-day ban on the
movie. It has also faced ban in other
states besides Qatar, the UAE, Malay-
sia, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
Kamal Haasan has since agreed to
make some cuts that were seen by Mus-
lim critics as controversial.
Bollywood flmmaker Madhur
Bhandarkar says it is sad that while
everyone is talking about celebrat-
ing 100 years of Indian cinema,
on the other hand, maverick actor-
flmmaker Kamal Haasan has been
drawn into a controversy over his
mega-budget movie Vishwaroo-
The way he is going through ev-
erywhere to release his flm, its
very sad. It is a very sad day for the
hundred years of cinema that we are
all talking about. This is absolute-
ly sad, the 46-year-old said here
Thursday in an interview.
Kamal Haasan warned Thursday
that he would seriously leave In-
dia if similar protests again envelop
his flms.
Anybody in Kamal Haasans place
would react in the same way be-
cause defnitely he is sad. So much
money has been invested. Its a
Rs.95 crore movie. It is sad. He has
been traumatised. I understand his
trauma and his plight, added Bhan-
Meanwhile, a conclusion on the re-
lease of Vishwaroopam in Tamil
Nadu, is only expected to be an-
nounced later Friday.
The multi-lingual espionage thriller
was scheduled to release in Tamil
and Telugu on Jan 25. A day earlier,
the Tamil Nadu government im-
posed a two-week ban on the flm
after some Muslim groups objected
to some scenes they felt were de-
rogatory to their community.
Filmmaker Kamal Haasans brother
Chandra Haasan met Tamil Nadu
Home Secretary R. Rajagopal Fri-
day along with leaders of 24 Muslim
groups in a bid to end the ban on the
flm Vishwaroopam.
There are seven to eight minutes of
the flm that need to edited, said Mo-
hammed Hanifa on behalf of the Mus-
lim organisations, which complained
that certain scenes were derogatory to
their community.
Both sides are likely to come an ami-
cable agreement.
Muslim leaders met Tamil flmmaker
Ameer Sultan and Chandra Haasans
production company Raj Kamal Films
International Thursday.
Weve submitted letters to the govern-
ment requesting it to oversee the talks
between Raj Kamal Films International
and (Muslim) leaders, Chandra Haas-
an said later Thursday.
Both sides agreed to meet after Tamil
Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa
said her government would help Kamal
Haasan release the flm if he reaches a
pact with the protesters.
The Rs.95 crore espionage thriller was
set for release in Tamil and Telugu Jan
25, but a day earlier the Tamil Nadu
government imposed a two-week
ban on it fearing protests by Muslim
New Delhi
Vishwaroop, the Hindi version of
actor-director Kamal Haasans con-
troversial flm Vishwaroopam,
released peacefully Friday to an av-
erage response, which was likely to
pick up over the weekend.
The movie, the original Tamil and
Telugu version of which is currently
banned in Tamil Nadu, released with-
out any hassles in Delhi, Punjab and
Rajasthan, while in Uttar Pradesh
and Mumbai, security was beefed up
at cinema halls for the release over
fear of protests.
Vishwaroopam is under the scan-
ner of 24 Muslim organisations,
which objected to certain scenes of
the flm as derogatory to their com-
However, the situation seems to have
sparked increased interest in the
movie in north India.
In Delhi, the response was okay,
but the collections are expected to
increase during the weekend, says
Anant Verma, director and business
head, DT Cinemas.
Whoever has seen the movie has
liked it - be it people from south India
or north India. The publicity that the
movie has got is working in favour of
the movie. We are expecting a hike
(in collections) over the weekend,
Verma told IANS.
He says no security issues have been
reported at any of his halls here so far,
and everything is under control.
The occupancy for the frst show
was around 55 to 60 per cent, but that
is how it is every (early) Friday. The
flms start picking up from Friday
evening, he added.
In east Punjab, the flms opening
was below average, informed dis-
tributor Jaspal Dhingra of Nanaksar
The response to the frst show was
below average. The flm may be
good, but collections are very aver-
age. Generally, dubbed flms from
south India dont do well in Punjab.
There are very few people here who
want to watch the movie, Dhingra
told IANS.
As far as security is concerned,
there were no issues here and I dont
think there will be any problems in
the future too, he said.
Written, directed and produced by
Kamal Haasan, the Rs.95 crore thrill-
er was scheduled to release in Tamil
and Telugu on Jan 25. A day earlier,
the Tamil Nadu government imposed
a two-week ban on the flm.
In Jaipur, the flm got a peaceful
opening and there were are no pro-
tests, said police offcials.
However, the situation was different
in Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh.
Small theatres in Mumbai are said to
be full, but multiplexes lack audience
for Vishwaroop.
I feel there is so much police pro-
tection around that the audience feels
why to take a risk. Police security
is more than the audience at many
places, said Desai.
There were minor protests outside
the Shubham Hall in Lucknow and a
multiplex in Agra.
Meanwhile, Kamal Haasan and his
brother Chandra Haasan are trying
to reach a solution to end the ban
on Vishwaroopam in Tamil Nadu,
which has led to their incurring loss-
es of Rs.30-60 crore.
Nadu where the multilingual flm was
to be released Jan 25 after Muslims an-
nounced a wave of protests.
She said her government could have
banned the movie completely but it
banned it only for 15 days so that tem-
pers could cool down and both Kamal
Haasan and Muslim groups could reach
an agreement.
She pointed out that it had also been
also banned in Qatar, the United Arab
Emirates, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and
Singapore. Was I responsible for all
She said Muslim leaders had told her
that they were ready to accept the flm
now as Kamal Haasan had agreed to
delete some portions they had found
objectionable on religious grounds.
If (Muslim) leaders and Kamal Haas-
an work out an amicable agreement, the
government will do everything possible
to facilitate that ... and the deck will be
cleared for screening the movie.
Kamal Haasan has written, produced
and directed the movie and also fea-
tures in the title role in Vishwaroo-
pam, which revolves around an Al Qa-
eda plot and an Indian couple in the US.
But the chief minister found fault with
Kamal Haasan for not showing the
movie early on to the Muslim critics.
In Mumbai, a visibly grateful Kamal
Haasan thanked Jayalalithaa for her
intervention and insisted there were
are proud of, Tarun Vijay compared
the ban on Kamal Haasans mega bud-
get spy thriller with the shooting of
Mahatma Gandhi. Such bans, he said,
show a Talibanistic attitude.
Sixty-fve years on, the person who
assassinated Gandhi still exists in the
psyche of those who are intolerant to a
different voice, just because its differ-
ent. However healthy, academic or ar-
tistic it might be in its content.
In Tarun Vijays view, to disagree and
yet to be able to live with respect can
happen only in the land of those who
gave the world a unique concept of not
just tolerating the different viewpoint
but having a honourable place for the
If there is any thing derogatory, insult-
ing and uncivil in a movie, please have
the censor board cut it. But an innocent
expression of ideas and opinion cant
be a reason for persecution, he said.
no bad Muslims in his flm that has
already been released in the US and
It is also being screened in Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, where
it was taken off the theatres earlier. The
Hindi version, Vishwaroop, will hit
the cinemas Friday.
I have not shown bad Muslims in my
flm. The good Muslims in my flm are
Indian Muslims and the bad ones are
terrorists, Kamal Haasan said.
He added: In anger and in an emo-
tional outburst I had said I will leave
the country. But if this happens again, I
will seriously leave.
I was angry (when I spoke earlier) and
I am still angry, he added.
He thanked his fans, the media and the
flm industry for supporting him, and
said the delay in the movies release
had caused a loss of Rs.30-60 crore.
In Uttar Pradesh, however, the rul-
ing Samajwadi Party said it wont let
Vishwaroop to release in the state un-
til it ceased to be controversial.
The row over Vishwaroopam took a
political turn after Jayalalithaa threat-
ened to sue DMK leader M. Karunani-
dhi for alleging that she had once writ-
ten against Kamal Haasan to then chief
minister M.G. Ramachandran.
In response, Karunanidhi said he stood
by his charge and would present the
evidence in court.
Small cylinders, synthetic
clothes banned at Kumbh
New York
based Naeem
Khan to debut
on Indian
India says demand for Headley,
Rana extradition stands
Lt Gen. Ashok
Singh to head
Delhi kids to photograph
earths surface
48 arrested for
women on
Kolkata Metro
Rajasthan to constitute panther
conservation panel
Duped by NRI husband, Punjab woman fles
The Uttar Pradesh has banned small gas
cylinders from being used in the Maha
Kumbh and also synthetic clothes after
a fre in the premises last week left 19
people injured, offcials said.
In a bid to increase safety levels at the
site of the Kumbh mela, the worlds
largest gathering of people, divisional
commissioner of Allahabad Devesh
Chaturvedi held a high-level meeting
late Monday and also asked gas com-
panies, police, fre department, electric
board and sector magistrates to form a
The team will inspect and create aware-
ness on the issue.
In case of any faults, written com-
plaints can be given to the team, which
can be asked to rectify the problem,
Chaturvedi told IANS.
A special drive has also been launched
to identify defective pipes and regula-
tors and the residents at Kumbh, spe-
cially in the Kalpa Vaas area.
Keeping of more than six cylinders at a
place has also been banned.
New Delhi
New York-based Indian designer
Naeem Khan is all set to enter desi
runways with Lakme Fashion Week
(LFW) summer-resort 2013.
LFW announced that Khan will be
showcasing his signature repertoire at
the upcoming edition of the fashion
gala to be held in Mumbai.
The fve-day fashion extravaganza
starts March 22.
I am incredibly excited to showcase
my collection in India for the frst time,
especially in my hometown of Mum-
bai. It is truly an honour to be part of
Lakme Fashion Week, Indias answer
to the international runway, and I am
thrilled to announce our partnership,
Khan said in a statement.
Saket Dhankar, head-Fashion, IMG
Reliance, said that this season they are
bringing the biggest name in the fash-
ion industry - Naeem Khan.
It is indeed our honour to have Naeem
showcase his collection at LFW. This
association brings to life our endeavour
of making Lakme Fashion Week a truly
global fashion event, he added.
Naeem Khans client list includes US
First Lady Michelle Obama, Beyonce
Knowles, Penelope Cruz, Eva Longo-
ria, Lea Michele, Taylor Swift, Lady
Gaga, Carrie Underwood, Florence
Welch, Emily Blunt, and Queen Noor
of Jordan.
New Delhi
India said that its demand for extradi-
tion of 26/11 plotter David Headley
and his accomplice Tahawwur Hussain
Rana continues to stand and it would
work with the US in taking the legal
processes forward in the Mumbai at-
tack cases.
We have received good cooperation
from the US in the 26/11 cases. We
intend to work closely with the US in
taking the legal processes forward. Our
demand for extradition of Rana and
Headley continues to stand, said the
external affairs ministry spokesperson
The spokesperson also said that India
would seek access to Rana, who has
been sentenced by a US court, for his
involvement in the 26/11 attack.
We have not been able to question
Rana given his rights as an accused un-
der US law. Now that he is a sentenced
person, we will seek US government
support for access to him and for fur-
ther access to Headley, the spokesper-
son added.
Rana, 52, was on Jan 17 sentenced to
14 years in jail by a Chicago court for
providing material support to Pakistan-
based LeT and for backing a dastard-
ly plot to attack a Danish newspaper.
Headley on Jan 24 was handed a 35-
year prison sentence for his role in plot-
ting the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks
that killed 166 people and for a foiled
plot in Denmark.
India had said after Headleys sentenc-
ing that the LeT operative should have
got a harsher punishment for his role
in plotting the attacks.
External Affairs Minister Salman
Khurshid had said that though the US
legal system does not have provision to
extradite Headley, India will continue
to try and get him tried in India.
The spokesperson said Thursday that
bringing to justice the perpetrators of
the 2008 Mumbai attacks is a work in
progress and we will take it to its logi-
cal conclusion.
He also said that India intends to con-
tinue to work with the US to seek ac-
cess to others who may be of interest
and would use all existing bilateral
mechanisms for that.
We wish to continue to work the US to
help us to seek access to others who are
chargesheeted to be placed before the
National Investigation Agency (NIA)
Headley had entered into a plea deal
with the US under which US prosecu-
tors had agreed not to seek the death
penalty against him and to not extra-
dite him to Pakistan, India or Denmark
for the offences to which he pleaded
Lieutenant General Ashok Singh will
Friday take over as the general offcer
commanding-in-chief of the Indian Ar-
mys Southern Command here.
Lt. Gen. Ashok Singh earlier com-
manded 7 Guards in Operation Orchid
in Nagaland, led a mountain brigade
on the Line of Control and took part in
counter-insurgency operations in Jam-
mu and Kashmir, said an army release
here Thursday.
He was also the defence and military
adviser in the High Commission of In-
dia in Islamabad from 2006 to 2009 and
commander of Army War Colleges Ju-
nior Command Wing in Mhow.
He is also a recipient of Vishisht Seva
Medal, Sena Medal and Ati Vishisht
Seva Medal.
A second generation offcer, Gen.
Ashok Singh was commissioned into 7
Guards in 1974. He is an alumnus of St.
Anselms in Ajmer.
New Delhi
A three-day workshop will allow school
students here to photograph a range of
fascinating features on the earths sur-
face, courtesy a NASA sponsored edu-
cation programme, an NGO said.
The three-hour workshops - under the
project International Space Station
(ISS) EarthKAM - will begin at the In-
draprastha World School. The project
is being coordinated by NGO Science
New Delhi
Concerned over the rise in panther
deaths, Rajasthan will soon constitute
a committee for their conservation and
develop a separate territory for these
big cats in the states Sariska Tiger Re-
serve, offcials said.
The forest department is setting up a
panther conservation committee com-
prising of wildlife experts and offcials
that will chalk out a plan for their safety
in the reserve, a senior forest depart-
ment offcial told IANS.
The conservation panel will ensure that
panthers are provided the same kind of
protection as is given to the tigers in the
reserve in Alwar district, some 150 km
from here.
A separate area will be developed for
panthers, so that they can roam safely,
the offcial said.
The decision was taken in the wake of
recovery of an eight-year-old panthers
mutilated carcass in the Malala forest
range near the Sariska Tiger Reserve.
The offcial said a probe has been
launched into the panthers death and
that an autopsy found that the animal
died of head injuries.
In the past, there had been some in-
cidents where panthers were killed by
poachers in Sariska. In the census con-
ducted in 2010, the number of panthers
in the reserve was tagged at 45, the of-
fcial said, adding that the latest death
has left the government worried.
In March last year, the body of an
eight-year-old panther was found with
its neck entangled in a trap set up by
poachers. The Sariska Tiger Reserve is
home to nine tigers.
In 2004-05, the forest department and
the Rajasthan government faced all-
round criticism over the disappearance
of tigers from Sariska.
The Sariska reserve, originally a hunt-
ing preserve of the erstwhile princely
state of Alwar, was declared a wildlife
reserve in 1955. It got the status of a
national park in 1979.
A special task force, constituted by the
Kolkata Metro Railway for nabbing
those found harassing women commut-
ers in Metro premises, has caught 48
offenders in its frst week.
Headed by a woman, the 10-member
task force comprises eight women and
two men, said a Metro Railway spokes-
It patrols the entire north-south metro
corridor from the entrance to the exits
and inside the trains as well.
The task force is aided by sniffer dogs
and police constables. Further we have
established helplines where women can
call if they are in distress. We are try-
ing our best to provide a safe journey to
women, said the spokesman.
Apart from the personnel, there are
333 CCTV cameras placed at vantage
The number will go up to 602 in a few
months and it will include night vision,
high resolution cameras as well. Be-
sides in the next two to three years, we
plan to introduce AC trains with cam-
eras inside them, said the spokesman.
Popularisation Association of Commu-
nicators and Educators (SPACE).
Participants will be able to control a
digital camera - the same serviced by
astronaut Sunita Williams on her last
mission - mounted on the ISS the pro-
cessed images will then be available
for viewing and studying, said a state-
Teachers can use these images for
the development of the curriculum
plans for studies in subjects like phys-
ics, oceanography, climate, geography,
Earth science etc., it added.
The workshop will give the students
an opportunity to view large scale geo-
graphical features of the earth, weather
and climate and also to study the areas
affected by natural disasters such as
foods, earthquakes, fres etc.
Through this project they also learn
about the mission and science of ISS,
and about the life of astronauts on
board ISS, said the statement.
A woman has fled a complaint with the
police here alleging that her NRI hus-
band got a divorce from her in a Cana-
dian court by using forged documents
while she was pursuing a case of dowry
harassment against him and her in-laws
in India, police said.
Jasdip Singh Sekhon, a divorced man,
promised Charanjit Kaur (complainant)
that he would take her to Canada. But
he left her at his parents house before
leaving a month after the wedding. Lat-
er, Charanjits in-laws began harassing
her for dowry, a senior police offcial
here said.
Fed up with the harassment, Charanjit
fled a dowry harassment case against
her husband and in-laws in a local
court here. However, later she received
a communication from Canada that she
and Jasdip have been granted divorce
by a court of that country.
I did not even know that a divorce
case was fled in a Canadian court. It
came as a shock to me and my parents.
On inquiry, we came to know that a
man called Sukhvir Singh, a resident
of Chet Nagar village in Ludhiana, had
fled a fake affdavit seeking divorce on
my behalf.
I did not even receive a court notice,
which is mandatory in divorce cases,
Charanjit said.
She added: We have been duped by
Jasdip and his relatives. He has also
been declared proclaimed offender by
a Ludhiana court in the dowry harass-
ment case in March 2010.
Police said that Charanjit, who is in her
late twenties, is a resident of Kaunke
Kalan village in Ludhiana. According
to her, Toronto-based Jasdip married
her in March 2007.
Ludhiana Police commissioner Ishwar
Chandra has ordered an inquiry into the
Ludhiana city is around 100 km from
Chandigarh, which serves as the capital
of Punjab as well as Haryana. Of late,
scores of cases have been reported in
Punjab where NRI men duped women
on the pretext of taking them abroad af-
ter marrying them.
All residents of Kalpa Vaas have been
requested to keep sacks full of sand and
water buckets to be used in case of fre.
The police has been alerted on sup-
ply trucks and other vehicles trying
to sneak in small cylinders inside the
Use of synthetic clothes is totally pro-
hibited in the Mela area and the entry
and exit of big tents and wire connec-
tions is also being checked for safety,
mela in-charge Mani Prasad Mishra
told IANS.
Besides, residents have been cautioned
against use of high energy consuming
devices like heaters to CFL or bulb
points. On Jan 25, 19 people were in-
jured as a fre swept through tents at the
Kumbh Mela premises.
The cause of the fre is said to have been
caused by incense sticks left behind in
the tent by devotees. It then found way
to a gas cylinder which exploded.
Eight pilgrims, who were seriously
injured, were fown by the Indian Air
Force (IAF) to Delhi for treatment at
Safdarjung Hospital.
The Himachal Pradesh government will
not increase the fare in state-run buses
despite the Rs.11 rise in diesel prices for
bulk users, state Transport Minister G.S.
Bali said here Thursday.
The state transport will not hike bus
fare, Bali told reporters here.
The recent hike of diesel price for bulk
users has hit the Himachal Road Trans-
port Corporation (HRTC) badly, he said.
But we wouldnt burden the common
man. We will overcome the additional
burden by cutting down our operational
The HRTC, with a feet over 1,200 bus-
es, had losses of Rs.572.79 crore up to
March 31, 2011 against Rs.230.06 crore
in 2010, say offcials.
Private bus operators in the state have
also been demanding a hike in fare after
the central government raised the diesel
price by 50 paise per litre this month.
Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali and Gujarati are
among the top 10 languages spoken in
Britain, according to latest census fg-
BBC reported that the number of people
in England and Wales who could not
speak any English was 138,000.
According to the 2011 census, after
English, the second most reported lan-
guage was Polish, with 546,000 speak-
ers, followed by Punjabi and Urdu.
Some four million people - or eight per-
cent of the population - reported speak-
ing a different language other than Eng-
lish or Welsh.
The top 10 reported languages were
English, followed by Polish, Punjabi,
Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Arabic, French,
Chinese (excluding Mandarin and Can-
tonese) and Portuguese.
Not all languages were spoken, with
22,000 people using sign language,
BBC reported.
English or Welsh was the main language
for 92 percent - or 50 million - of resi-
dents aged three and over.
Of those with a main language other
than English, 1.7 million could speak
English very well, while 138,000 could
not speak English at all.
In London, 1.7 million residents used a
main language other than English.
New Delhi
Two teenaged brothers who ran
away from home 15 months ago
after their parents forced them to
work were found in Uttar Pradesh,
police said.
The boys, who wanted to study,
were forced to work in a torch-
making factory here by their par-
ents. They were found in a school
in Etah district in Uttar Pradesh,
where they were studying.
The siblings, aged 13 and 15
years, were rescued on Repub-
lic Day from Etah district in Ut-
tar Pradesh. They were allowed
to study in the school as they
claimed that they were orphans.
They used to stay in the school,
Delhi Deputy Commissioner of
Police (Crime) S.B.S. Tyagi told
The brothers had run away from
their house in Nihal Vihar in west
Delhi in October 2011, Tyagi said.
Police traced them after the elder
teenager called his mother Jan 24.
They told us that they did not
want to live with their parents as
they stopped them from going to
school, Tyagi said.
The boys have been sent to a child
observation home in Dwarka in
southwest Delhi.
After running away, they ini-
tially worked in a hotel for a few
months. Seeing their desire to
study, the hotel owner got them
admitted to a school run by his
Himachal not to
hike bus fares, says
Slain youths
family awaits
outcome of British
Punjabi, Bengali,
Gujarati among
top 10 languages
in Britain
Delhi womans loss, Suryanelli
womans gain
India urges China to ensure dams dont harm its
Youth can help tackle complex challenges, says PM
Kerala might be amongst the most lit-
erate states in the country, but when it
comes to empathy, it is far from being a
leader. The fate of the family of the vic-
tim of the infamous Suryanelli sex case
mirrors the callousness of society here.
The victim and her family has waited
17 years for justice, and has fought
long and hard. The apex court annulled
the verdict of the Kerala High Court
and ordered retrial of the case.
The huge huge public outcry across the
country and the coverage in the inter-
national press following the Delhi girls
brutal rape Dec 16 has undoubtedly had
a role in the recent turn of events in the
Suryanelli case.
The Suryanelli case gets its name from
the place from which the victim hailed,
in Idukki district. The crime occurred
Jan 1996, when the victim was only 16
years old. The girl was threatened, ab-
ducted, abused by a bus conductor, and
brutally raped and treated as a pleasure
object for a period of 45 days by 42
She was then let off, asked to return
home, given a small amount of money
and threatened with dire consequences
if she spoke of the crime.
The girls father, a post master, got the
New Delhi
India Thursday urged China to ensure
its plans to construct upstream dams on
Brahmaputra river do not harm inter-
ests of lower riparian states.
On a query about Chinas move to build
three hydropower dams in the middle
The family of Indian youth Souvik Pal,
whose body was found Jan 22 in a ca-
nal at Manchester in Britain 23 days
after he went missing from a nightclub,
is waiting here for the outcome of the
probe into his mysterious death.
As the investigation is still underway,
we dont have much information on
how Souvik went missing and how his
body was found three weeks later in the
canal near the soccer stadium and the
nightclub where he was last seen Dec
31. We are anxiously waiting to know
what happened to him, the 19-year-old
victims grieving father Shantanu Pal
told reporters Thursday.
Earlier in the day, Pal returned to the
city with Souviks body from London
and met his devastated family, includ-
ing his inconsolable wife Mahuya Pal.
The mortal remains were later cremat-
Hoping that the truth about the sudden
disappearance of his son would come
out, Shantanu said he was grateful to
Manchester police for tracing Souviks
body and helping him in bringing it to
We are also thankful to the Indian
High Commission in London and Bir-
mingham for helping me in completing
the formalities to bring the body as his
mother was keen to conduct the last
rites here, Shantanu said.
Emotional scenes were witnessed at the
Pals residence at Hebbal in the citys
northern suburb when the coffn was
brought from the airport. His mother
broke down after having a glimpse of
the body before the last rites.
Souvik, an engineering under-graduate
student at the Manchester Metropolitan
University since September 2012, was
last seen at a nightclub on the New Year
Souvik called his parents Dec 31 night
to wish them a happy New Year and
told them that he would be going with
his friends to celebrate the New Year at
a nightclub.
The Pals came to know Jan 2 from Sou-
viks friends that their son was not seen
in the hostel after the New Year party.
shock of his life when the police ini-
tially refused to register a case; when
the case was registered, it became clear
that there were powerful forces work-
ing to prevent speedy delivery of jus-
Four years after the incident, a special
court sentenced 35 accused to rigorous
In 2005, however, the Kerala High
Court acquitted all but one of those ear-
lier convicted by the special court.
The family of the victim -- her parents
and sister -- have been ostracised by the
local community, and live in isolation.
Both parents of the victim are now
retired; the woman was granted a job
by the then E.K. Nayanar government
(1996-2001) in a state government es-
tablishment. Despite the memory of the
trauma and the indifference of the local
community, the victim has now man-
aged to pick up the pieces and live with
some dignity.
The frst ray of hope came when, to-
wards the end of last year, the apex
court decided that it would take up, in
early 2013, the appeal petition against
the acquittal of all but one of the ac-
As the judgment was announced, a
reaches of the Brahmaputra, the Exter-
nal Affairs Ministry spokesperson said
India carefully monitored all develop-
ments on the river and had conveyed its
views and concerns to China.
As a lower riparian state with con-
siderable established user rights to the
waters of the river, India has
conveyed its views and concerns
to the Chinese authorities, in-
cluding at the highest levels of
the government of the Peoples
Republic of China, the spokes-
person said.
India urges China to ensure
that the interests of downstream
states are not harmed by any ac-
tivities in upstream areas, the
spokesperson added.
Brahmaputra originates in the
Tibet Autonomous Region and
fows into India.
Defence Minister A.K. Antony
said earlier in the day that the
government was yet to get de-
tails of Chinas plan to construct
upstream dams on the Brahma-
putra river and would take a con-
sidered view on the move.
We will take a considered view
about that, Antony told reporters at a
function here.
A media report Wednesday said the
Chinese State Council had approved
the dams under an energy development
plan for 2015.
huge posse of media people rushed to
get reactions from the family and the
victim. The womans father had warned
her against offering comments to the
media, and the woman refused to meet
the media, staying within her offce
Thursday afternoon.
Media people returned empty-handed
from the womans offce.
When she took the bus home too,
no one spoke to her even though co-
passengers murmured about the judg-
ment, the source said.
There was relief in the victims home,
though, where the womans parents
greeted her with a warm hug.
Incidentally, as the retrial begins, this
would, in all probability, be the frst
case to be heard in the newly set up spe-
cial court in the country to try cases in-
volving women and children. The court
to hear such cases in Kerala would
open in Kochi Monday.
The apex court has asked all the 35 ac-
cused to surrender in three weeks, and
move a fresh bail application in four
At last, there is hope that justice de-
layed is not justice denied, says a
source, describing the mood in the vic-
tims home.
New Delhi
The country can address most complex
challenges if the youth channelised
their energies in a positive direction,
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said.
Addressing the annual National Ca-
det Corps (NCC) rally here, the prime
minister said the youth should exploit
emerging opportunities with a frm re-
solve and contribute positively towards
the countrys development.
India is a young nation... I assure you
and through you the youth of the coun-
try that the best is yet to unfold, the
future belongs to you, said the prime
If the energy of the youth was used in
positive direction, it could address the
most complex challenges facing the
country, he said.
The prime minister, who took the sa-
lute at an impressive ceremonial parade
by NCC cadets at the Garrison Parade
Ground here, complimented the young
cadets for their performance.
The prime ministers banner was
awarded to Maharashtra director-
ate, which emerged champion for the
fourth year in succession.
Manmohan Singh said the NCC had
made immense contribution to the pro-
cess of nation-building. It has trans-
formed the lives of millions of youth
honing their skills.
He said the organisation had lived up
to the vision of former prime minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru who saw it as an
instrument of training youth to be re-
sponsible citizens.
The prime minister also presented
awards to cadets who had excelled in
various competition categories.
The parade comprised 17 marching
and one mounted contingent of various
NCC directorates.
The parade was followed by tableaux
of the army, naval and air wings of the
Two runaway
teenagers found
after 15 months
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Immigration deal may help 240,000 illegal
Indians in US
N.Koreans eating own kids in
famine-hit country
Pollution reaches dangerous
levels in Beijing
Girl who performed at Obamas
inauguration shot dead
Looking for big changes in womens lot in India: Hillary
Mexico to have
high-speed rail
President Barack Obama hopes to get
a comprehensive immigration reform
law offering a pathway to citizen-
ship to 11 million illegal immigrants,
including 240,000 from India, done by
the end of this year.
In interviews with Hispanic television
networks, Obama said that signifcant
details of a bill still must be worked
out by lawmakers, but the progress
made by a bipartisan group of senators
has given him hope that a deal can get
However, given the deep divisions on
the issue, Obama said thats contingent
on bipartisan negotiations continuing
A terrible famine in North Korea has
killed up to 10,000 people, and amid
increasing reports of cannibalism, a
man has been executed for allegedly
murdering his two children for food,
the Daily Mail reported.
According to undercover reporters
from Asia Press, one man dug up his
grandchilds corpse and ate it. Another
boiled his own child for food, the re-
port said.
People in the farming provinces of
North and South Hwanghae are bat-
tling starvation after a drought. Short-
ages were compounded by party off-
cials who reportedly confscated food.
North Korea was hit by a famine in the
1990s -- known as the Arduous March
-- which killed between 240,000 and
3.5 million people.
In my village in May, a man who
killed his own two children and tried
to eat them was executed by a fring
squad, the daily quoted an informant
as saying.
The informant said the man killed his
eldest daughter while his wife was
away on business and then killed his
son because he had witnessed the mur-
When his wife returned, the man told
Pollution in the Chinese capital has
again surpassed the worst alert levels,
leading authorities to urge residents to
remain indoors and to order more than
100 factories to suspend operations.
Dozens of fights have been cancelled
due to the reduced visibility.
Monitors installed in the US Embassy
in Beijing detected at 6 p.m. a concen-
tration of 411 micrograms of particu-
lates per cubic meter of air, 20 times the
level deemed acceptable by the World
Health Organization.
Hours before, the American measur-
ing devices gave a reading of 517 mi-
crograms on an index where anything
above 500 is considered in the worst
possible range of pollution.
New Mayor Wang Anshun, appointed
on Monday, has promised to make the
environment his frst priority.
Pollution has become an important
source of popular discontent and has
received unprecedented criticism in the
offcial media.
This is the fourth strong spike in Bei-
jings contamination levels since Jan
12, when the Chinese capital suffered
the worst day of pollution in its history,
with the concentration of particulates
reaching 993 micrograms per cubic
meter of air, or 40 times the maximum
Lamenting the double standards faced
by women around the world, Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton hopes to see
big changes in India following the
horrifc gang rape of an Indian woman
in New Delhi.
The young woman who essentially
was raped and then died of her terrible
injuries, who knows what she could
have contributed to Indias future? she
said Tuesday in what was described as
a Global Townterview at the News-
eum here.
When you put barriers in the way of
half the population, you, in effect, are
putting brakes on your own develop-
ment as a nation, Clinton said in re-
sponse to a question from India about
diffculties faced by woman politicians
to access political space.
I personally was very encouraged
and even proud to see young men and
young women out in the streets pro-
testing the way that young women are
treated by men who do not understand
or have never been taught to accept that
its not just their sisters and their moth-
ers that they should respect, but all girls
and women, she said.
So Im looking for big changes in In-
dia in the years to come, added Clin-
Although it is better than it was, she
said women still face a double stan-
dard that exists from the trivial, like
what you wear, to the incredibly seri-
ous, like women cant vote, women
cant run for offce, women are not sup-
posed to be in the public sphere.
But there is a spectrum of the double
standard, and of the both legal and cul-
tural barriers to respect for women, for
the full participation of women.
So we do have a ways to go, and even
in democracies like India where
women have achieved a lot of political
success, Clinton said.
There is still a tremendous amount of
discrimination and just outright abuse
of women, particularly uneducated
women, women who cant stand up for
themselves, but clearly, even as we saw
in the terrible gang rape, a woman try-
ing to better herself, go to school.
This has been the cause of her life,
Clinton said, and will continue to be
as I leave the Secretary of States of-
fce, because we are hurting ourselves.
Mexico City
Mexicos federal government and off-
cials from the central state of Queretaro
have signed an agreement to build a
high-speed rail system, an offcial said.
The train will be able to cover the ap-
proximately 200 kilometers (124 miles)
from Mexico City to Queretaro city in
less than two hours, Communications
and Transportation Secretary Gerardo
Ruiz Esparza said.
The train will have state-of-the-art
technology and operate at speeds of up
to 180 kph, offcial said.
The project will cost between 25 billion
and 32 billion pesos ($1.95 billion and
$2.5 billion), with the federal and state
governments funding the project, Ruiz
Esparza said.
Engineeering studies are to be com-
pleted in late February or early March,
with the train expected to start operat-
ing between 2015 and 2016.
Hadiya Pendleton, a teenager who per-
formed at President Barack Obamas
inauguration ceremony last week, was
gunned down in Chicago, a media re-
port said.
Pendleton, 15, was shot dead while
hanging out with friends after school,
reported NBC News.
She had performed with the King Col-
lege Prep school band at Obamas in-
She was standing under a canopy in
Vivian Gordon Harsh Park when a gun-
man came from an alley, opened fre
and fed, police said.
She was shot in the back but managed
to run about a block before she col-
lapsed. She died at a hospital.
A 16-year-old boy was wounded in the
Pendleton, who did not have a criminal
record, was probably not the intended
Never in a million years did I think I
would get a call that my own baby had
been gunned down, Pendletons moth-
er, Cleo Cowley, was quoted as saying.
She said that Tuesday afternoon she
got an unexpected call from one of her
daughters friends.
She was screaming on the phone that
Hadiyas been shot, shes been shot,
and I just didnt understand, said
White House press secretary Jay Car-
ney said: Well, its a terrible tragedy
any time a young person is struck down
with so much of their life ahead of
them. And we see it far too often. The
president and the frst ladys thoughts
and prayers are with the family of Had-
iya Pendleton. All of our thoughts and
prayers are with her family.
He added: And as the president has
said, we will never be able to eradicate
every act of evil in this country, but if
we can save any one childs life, we
have an obligation to try when it comes
to the scourge of gun violence.
her they had meat. But she became sus-
picious and contacted offcials.
Jiro Ishimaru from Asia Press which
compiled a 12-page report, said: Par-
ticularly shocking were the numerous
testimonies that hit us about cannibal-
Undercover reporters said food was
confscated from the two provinces and
given to the residents of the countrys
capital Pyongyang.
In a village in Chongdan county, a man
who went mad with hunger boiled his
own child, ate his fesh and was arrest-
ed, said an offcial of the ruling Ko-
rean Workers party.
UN offcials visited the area during a
state-sponsored trip but local reporters
said it was unlikely they were shown
the famine-hit areas.
This is not the frst time that cannibal-
ism has been reported in the country.
In May 2012, South Koreas state-run
Korean Institute for National Unifca-
tion said one man was executed after
eating part of a colleague and then try-
ing to sell the remains as mutton.
In 2011, one man killed and ate a girl,
while another man was executed after
murdering 11 people and selling the
bodies as pork.
recommended by the WHO.
Since then Beijing has announced new
measures, such as taking 180,000 ob-
solete vehicles out of circulation, and
has promised to reduce contaminating
emissions by 2 percent per year.
Experts say that a large part of the pol-
lution in the capital comes from heavy
industry installed in the surrounding
provinces, so that without joint action
the measures adopted by the city will
have a limited effect.
to proceed well.
The only way this is going to get done
is if the Republicans continue to work
with Democrats in Congress, in both
chambers, to get a bill to my desk, he
was quoted as saying by ABC News.
And Im going to keep on pushing as
hard as I can. I believe that the mood
is right.
Unveiling his own plan at a campaign
style event at a Hispanic majority high
school in Las Vegas, Nevada, Obama
Tuesday warned that if Congress does
not act in a timely fashion he will
propose a bill and insist that they vote
on it right away.
But on Wednesday he said he was
content to let lawmakers hash out the
details among themselves for the time
If they are on a path as they have al-
ready said, where they want to get a
bill done by March, then I think thats a
reasonable timeline and I think we can
get that done.
Im not going to lay down a particular
date because I want to give them a little
room to debate, he said. If it slips a
week, thats one thing. If it starts slip-
ping three months, thats a problem.
A broad consensus seems to be emerg-
ing over immigration reform with La-
tinos seen as crucial vote banks as 6.8
million or 59 percent of the illegal im-
migrants are from Mexico. El Salvador
was a distant second with 660,000.
At 240,000, barely making two per-
cent of the undocumented immigrants,
India ranked seventh after Guatemala,
Honduras, China and the Philippines in
2011, according to a March 2012 De-
partment of Homeland Security report.
But illegal immigrants from India were
among the fastest growing with their
numbers nearly doubling since 2000.
Indian immigrants are also generally
better educated with many students
overstaying their visas as they endless-
ly wait for green cards.
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 7
The United Nations Educational,
Scientifc and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) today announced it will
help rebuild and safeguard Malis cul-
tural heritage, which has been the target
of attacks during the current crisis.
This heritage is an integral part of the
dignity and identity of its people, said
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bo-
kova, and it is our responsibility to
restore it.
According to media reports, Islamist
extremists set fre to a library in the
city of Timbuktu containing thousands
of historic manuscripts, many of them
dating back to the 13th to 16th centu-
ries. The manuscripts deal with sub-
jects ranging from religious studies to
mathematics, medicine, astronomy,
music, literature, poetry, architecture
and womens and childrens rights.
The latest attacks on the West African
countrys cultural heritage follow the
destruction of at least three mausole-
ums last month.
The United Nations Childrens Fund
(UNICEF) is scaling up operations in
the Central African Republic (CAR) to
help thousands of children who have
been affected by the recent violence in
the country and in urgent need of as-
From what we have seen in some of
the hardest hit areas, including Ndele,
Bria, Bombari, and Kaga Bandoro,
children are living in extremely pre-
carious conditions, said the UNICEF
Representative for the CAR, Souley-
mane Diabat.
It is critical we reach them now with
immediate assistance, but we urge all
parties involved to make long-term
welfare an urgent priority and a criti-
cal part of any political settlement, he
stated in a news release.
The CAR has a history of political in-
stability and recurring armed confict.
State authority is weak in many parts of
the country. Most recently, the country
has been dealing with the impact of an
alliance of rebel groups known col-
lectively as Slka which had been
advancing on the capital, Bangui, but
New York
The top United Nations humanitarian
offcial in the occupied Palestinian ter-
ritories is seriously concerned about
increased civilian casualties resulting
from the use of live ammunition by Is-
raeli forces.
Using live ammunition against civil-
ians may constitute excessive use of
force and any such occurrences should
be investigated in a timely, thorough,
independent and impartial manner,
UN Humanitarian Coordinator James
W. Rawley said today in a statement.
He urged maximum restraint in order
to avoid further civilian casualties.
Eight Palestinian civilians, including
three minors and one woman, have
been killed since mid-November in
separate incidents in the West Bank.
Individuals found responsible must be
held accountable, Mr. Rawley noted.
Israeli authorities are reportedly inves-
tigating some of the incidents.
In the statement, Mr. Rawley also un-
derscored that the right of peaceful
protest must be upheld and all protests
should be kept strictly non-violent.
The United Nations envoy dealing
with Western Sahara is on his way to
the Russian capital, Moscow, as part
of consultations designed to build in-
ternational support for the negotiations
aimed at resolving the long-running
The UN has been involved in mediation
efforts to fnd a settlement in Western
Sahara since 1976, when fghting broke
out between Morocco and the move-
ment known as Frente Polisario, after
the Spanish colonial administration of
the territory ended.
A UN peacekeeping force, known as
the UN Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara (MINURSO), has also
been in place since 1991.
Christopher Ross, the Secretary-Gen-
erals Personal Envoy for Western Sa-
hara, met yesterday with senior off-
cials from the US Department of State.
Those meetings, along with the ones
planned for Moscow, are the frst steps
The United Nations envoy tasked with
mediating talks between Greece and the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedo-
nia in the dispute over the latters name
held talks today in New York with rep-
resentatives from both sides.
Matthew Nimetz told reporters after
the closed-door session at UN Head-
quarters that he found gratifying the
fact that almost two hours was spent
discussing the substance of the issues.
The positions of the countries have
crystallized, he said, adding that there
were reactions to some of his ideas. It
was decided that the parties would meet
again soon but a date has not yet been
Since 1999, Mr. Nimetz has been hold-
ing talks with the two sides and pro-
posed compromise names in his capac-
ity as the Secretary-Generals Personal
Envoy for the talks.
His efforts are in line with a UN-bro-
kered interim accord reached in 1995
which details the differences between
the two over the name of the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and
obliges both Athens and Skopje to con-
tinue negotiations under the auspices of
the Secretary-General to try to reach an
This is a sensitive issue in a sensi-
tive part of the world and a resolution
of this issue would open the doors not
only to better relations between these
two countries but to greater stability in
the region, said the envoy.
Todays talks were a follow-up to Mr.
Nimetzs visit to Athens and Skopje a
few weeks ago.
I feel generally that the process is a
constructive one. Im not at all disap-
pointed, he stated. I think that both
sides are being thoughtful about the
I am deeply distressed by the wanton
destruction of Malis heritage that the
world has witnessed in recent months,
Ms. Bokova said. UNESCO will spare
no effort in working with the people
of Mali to recover what is rightfully
theirs. We will help them rebuild the
mausoleums of Timbuktu and the tomb
of Askia in Gao.
Ms. Bokova stressed that UNESCO
would mobilize the expertise and re-
sources to help the Malian people
safeguard and preserve the ancient
manuscripts that testify to the regions
glorious past as a major centre of Is-
lamic learning.
UNESCO will send a team of experts
to Mali to assess the damage and de-
termine the most urgent tasks as soon
as security conditions allow it, Ms. Bo-
kova said. A special working group will
also be established to draw up an action
plan to guide reconstruction activities
in the medium and long term.
Ms. Bokova also called on the leaders
of Malis neighbouring countries, in-
stitutional partners including the Inter-
national Police (Interpol), and all those
involved with the art market, to mo-
bilize against all attempts to smuggle
manuscripts or other cultural artifacts
out of the country.
These treasures are extremely valu-
able and vulnerable. We must act
quickly, she said, adding that UNES-
CO will boost efforts to accelerate the
digitization of both private and public
Fighting between Government forces
and Tuareg rebels broke out in northern
Mali last January, after which radical
Islamists seized control of the area. The
renewed clashes in the north, as well as
the proliferation of armed groups in the
region, drought and political instability
in the wake of a military coup dtat in
March have uprooted hundreds of thou-
sands of civilians.
agreed to start peace talks under the
auspices of the regional group known
as the Economic Community of Central
African States (ECCAS).
According to UNICEF, the recent con-
fict has affected nearly 1.8 million
people and left 800,000 in urgent need
of humanitarian assistance.
The agency said its priority would be
to reach communities that have been
inaccessible and lacked food, medi-
cine, water, sanitation, hygiene, educa-
tion and protection. It currently assists
45,000 people.
To scale up the immediate response,
some 17 tons of supplies, including
medicine, water purifcation tablets,
therapeutic food, cooking sets, tarpau-
lins, mosquito nets and other essential
household items, have arrived to the
country by air, and another 52 tons will
arrive by road this week.
Even before the recent outbreak of
fghting, CAR was one of the poorest
countries in the world. It has the ninth
highest rate of child mortality with 8
per cent of children between six months
and fve years of age suffering from
in further consultations with the Group
of Friends of Western Sahara.
In addition to the US and Russia, the
Group includes France, Spain and
the United Kingdom. During his trip,
which runs until 15 February, Mr. Ross
will also visit Germany and Switzer-
These consultations aim at building
additional international support for the
Western Sahara negotiations in prepa-
ration for the next phase of engage-
ment with the parties and neighbour-
ing States, foreseen for March, UN
spokesperson Eduardo Del Buey told
reporters in New York.
Numerous rounds of UN-backed in-
formal talks aimed at reaching a settle-
ment in the Western Sahara dispute
have taken place in the past few years
involving delegations from the parties
Morocco and the Frente Polisario
and the neighbouring countries of Al-
geria and Mauritania.
moderate acute malnutrition and 1.9
per cent with severe acute malnutrition.
In confict-affected areas, only 48 per
cent of children, and only 42 per cent
of girls, are enrolled in school. There
have also been recent reports of child
recruitment by armed groups that had
previously made commitments to stop
this practice.
We urge all actors to unite to work for
the beneft of their people, especially
children, said Mr. Diabat.
UNICEF will be working with Govern-
ment ministries and other partners to
prevent and respond to children at risk
of traffcking and armed recruitment,
prevent child mortality through medical
support, improve access to water and
sanitation, provide support to displaced
families, and ensure children regain ac-
cess to education in safe schools.
The agency said $2.1 million is needed
immediately to support the emergency
response, and an estimated $11.5 mil-
lion is needed to sustain emergency
life-saving assistance for nearly 1.8
million people through 2013.
Narender Modi,
Gujarat Chief Minister:
I called up Shri Rajnath
Singh ji and congratu-
lated him. He brings with
him vast experience of
both organisation and
Mamta Banerjee, West
Bengal Chief Minister :
The government has
decided to accord a
heritage status to the
ancestral house of Sub-
hash Chandra Bose at
Nitin Gadkari, Ex-BJP
President :
I have committed no wrong
or any impropriety either di-
rectly or indirectly. Yet, the
UPA government has been
making an effort to spread
disinformation about me
in order to hurt me and my
party. I have always said
that I am willing for any in-
dependent inquiry.
P. Chidambaram,
Finance minister:
That is not to say that
tax rate should not be
stable. I think we should
have stability in tax rates
but we should consider
the argument whether the
very rich should be asked
to pay a little more on
some occasions,
Ashwani Kumar, Law
Minister :
Not as a Law Minister,
but I personally believe
that there should be at
least one conviction to
debar a politician from
contesting elections,
Mayawati, BSP Chief :
The hurry which he has
shown is not right. Even
if he has facts, there are
cases that are before
courts across the nation
and until the judgement
is out he should have re-
served his opinion,
New Delhi,
There was nothing wrong in
union Home Minister Sushilku-
mar Shindes statement on Hin-
du terror, his colleague V. Nara-
yanasamy said while describing
as unwarranted the Bharatiya
Janata Partys (BJP) protests on
the issue.
People who were arrested in
the Malegaon incident and the
Samjhauta Express blast were
New Delhi,
Keeping up its demand for sack-
ing Home Minister Sushilkumar
Shinde over his Hindu terrorism
and saffron terrorism remarks,
the BJP said it will create such
a situation in parliament that will
force Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh to remove him.
Speaking at a rally as part of its
protests against Shindes re-
marks, Bharatiya Janata Partys
(BJP) new president Rajnath
Singh and Leader of Opposition
Protests were held across Telan-
gana over Congress leader Gh-
ulam Nabi Azads statement that
a decision on the Telangana is-
sue is not likely by Jan 28.
Educational institutions in the
districts were closed on a call
given by Osmania University
students Joint Action Commit-
Activists of various groups de-
manding statehood to Telanga-
na took to the streets, demand-
found to be members of some of
the Hindu fundamentalist groups
and it was in that context the
home minister said this. I dont
see any kind of objection to any
part of his statement, Narayana-
samy told reporters.
Terrorism is terrorism; whether
Hindu fundamentalism or Muslim
fundamentalism, it is condem-
nable, he said even as the BJP
in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj
demanded an apology from top
Congress leaders over Shindes
What is your (Gandhi) view on
Shindes remarks? If you do not
give directions to Manmohan-ji
that Shinde should be sacked, I
want to tell you, we will create a
situation in both houses of par-
liament that Manmohan-ji will be
forced to sack Shinde-ji. No pow-
er on earth will be able to stop
it, said the newly-installed BJP
ing that the central government
stand by its word and announce
a decision by Jan 28.
Azad had said evening that a de-
cision was not likely to be taken
by Jan 28, though Home Minis-
ter Sushilkumar Shinde had said
after the Dec 27 all-party meet-
ing that a decision would be
made within a month.
Protestors attacked the offce of
the Congress party in Warangal
town. They set afre an effgy of
Azad and also demanded resig-
pressed for Shindes removal as
home minister.
Our country is a secular coun-
try and we are a secular gov-
ernment. We carry all religions
together and what the home min-
ister said was that we should not
allow any terrorism in any part of
the country, he said.
He said the BJPs nationwide
protest was unwarranted and
Shinde had said: Whether it is
the BJP or RSS, their training
camps are promoting Hindu ter-
Congress general secretary Ja-
nardan Dwivedi had said that it
was a slip of the tongue by the
home minister and the Congress
did not believe in identifying ter-
ror with religion.
chief. He (Shinde) has raised
such a big question on the coun-
trys prestige, even then there is
silence. No power will be able to
save him (from sacking), said
Rajnath Singh.
Sushma Swaraj said the prime
minister and Congress chief
should apologise for Shindes
remarks and he should be sacked.
Till the time an apology comes
on (Shindes) statement, our agi-
tation will continue, she said.
Asking Shinde not to cross his
nation of all the ministers from
the region.
Pro-Telangana protestors laid
siege to the residence of state
minister Sudershan Reddy in
Nizamabad, demanding his res-
Police arrested pro-Telangana
lawyers who tried to lay siege to
the ministers quarters in Hyder-
abad, while raising slogans fn-
ish off Congress, achieve Telan-
The protestors alleged that
limits, Sushma Swaraj said poli-
tics can be practised to the extent
that it benefts the Congress or
even harms the BJP, but should
not be taken to a level where na-
tional interest is affected.
Shinde had referred to Hindu
terrorism and saffron terrorism
during the Congress conclave
in Jaipur. Whether it is BJP or
RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh), their training camps are
promoting Hindu terrorism, he
had said.
the pressure by leaders from
Seemandhra (Rayalaseema
and Andhra regions) forced the
central government to defer the
Students of Osmania University
in Hyderabad staged protests
to condemn Azads statement.
They alleged that the Congress
government had once again be-
trayed the people. The protes-
tors set afre the Congress party
fag and Azads effgy at Arts
College on the campus.
Renuka Chowdhary,
Party spokesperson:
What wrong has Shinde
said? He is the home
minister. He must be
having some facts. The
party has already made
it clear that they believe
that terror has no religion
or colour. Then what is
this fuss all about. They
are just trying to divert at-
Nothing wrong in Shindes Hindu terror comment:
BJP threatens parliament ruckus to force Shinde out
Protests in Telangana over delay in decision on statehood
Murder accused takes oath as Himachal legislator
Congress legislator Ram Kumar Chaud-
hary, who faces murder charges, took
oath in the Himachal Pradesh assembly
after being brought from a jail in Haryana.
Chaudhary, sworn in the chamber of
Speaker Brij Bihari Lal Butail, has been
booked for murder by Haryana Police.
He was brought to Shimla, where a large
number of his supporters were assem-
bled, from Ambala jail under heavy se-
curity cover. He is one of four suspects
in the murder of a 24-year-old woman in
Panchkula in Haryana Nov 22.
Its a political conspiracy by my political
rivals. I am innocent, Chaudhary told re-
porters after taking oath.
Asked about his confession, he said: Its
a police theory. I have full faith in the judi-
ciary. I have never confessed that I com-
mitted the crime.
Ruling out the possibility of quitting the
house in the wake of the J.S. Verma Com-
mittee report that legislators involved in
woman-related crime should morally re-
sign, he said he would come out clean.
I will continue to work as a legislator.
Even people are contesting elections
from behind the bars, he said. I have
just submitted a list of his priorities as a
legislator to the speaker.
After evading arrest, Chaudhary surren-
dered before a Panchkula court Jan 8,
the day other legislators took oath.
Chaudhary is a frst-time legislator from
Doon in Solan district. He is the son of
four-time Congress legislator Lajja Ram.
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 9
13 BJP legislators quit
Karnataka assembly
Complaint against Telangana
MP for remark on women
251 to contest in Tripura
Sinha pitches for Modi as PM candidate, BJP
says decision later
Andhra CM orders probe into former
ministers arrest
In a jolt to Karnatakas ruling BJP, 13
legislators loyal to the partys former
leader B.S. Yeddyurappa submitted
letters resigning from the assembly to
Speaker K.G. Bopaiah.
The 13 would also quit the Bharatiya
Janata Party soon to join the Karnataka
Janata Party (KJP), which Yeddyurap-
pa formed and is leading after he left
the BJP and the assembly Nov 30.
The resignations are part of a plan by
Yeddyurappa to try to prevent Chief
Minister Jagadish Shettar from pre-
senting the budget for 2013-14 in the
assembly on Feb 8. The assemblys
10-day budget session is scheduled to
begin Feb 4.
Bopaiah is expected to take some time
to decide on the quit letters, though
these legislators are demanding their
immediate acceptance.
Among the 13 are three who were
ministers in the Shettar cabinet. While
C.M. Udasi and Shobha Karandlaje
quit as ministers last Wednesday, Sunil
Vallyapure had resigned last month.
Udasi handled public works depart-
ment, Karandlaje energy, and Vally-
apure infrastructure development.
The BJP, in an apparent strategy to de-
lay the acceptance, has made two of its
assembly members petition Bopaiah
to disqualify 12 of these legislators for
anti-party activities as they had par-
A police complaint has been lodged in
Visakhapatnam against a Congress MP
from Telangana for allegedly making a
remark which insulted Andhra women.
A total of 251 candidates will be in the
fray in the Feb 14 elections to pick a
new 60-member Tripura assembly, of-
fcials said Friday.
The contestants include independents
as well as representatives of 16 politi-
cal parties including the ruling Com-
munist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M).
Of the 251, 14 are women and 25 are
independents. In 2008, 313 candidates,
including 18 women, contested.
Altogether 296 candidates had fled
nominations. Thirty nominations were
rejected due to various reasons and 15
candidates withdrew their candidature,
Chief Electoral Offcer Ashutosh Jindal
told reporters here.
Thursday was the last date for with-
drawing nominations.
Jindal said: For the frst time in Tri-
New Delhi
Former union minister Yashwant Sinha
backed Gujarat Chief Minister Naren-
dra Modi for the BJPs prime ministe-
rial candidate but the party said that a
decision will come at an appropriate
time and a key ally said they would
comment when it was offcial.
Sinha, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
MP and former union minister, said
here that declaring Modi as partys
prime ministerial candidate ahead of of
the Lok Sabha elections will immense-
ly beneft the party.
He also said that Janata Dal-United
(JD-U), BJPs ally in National Demo-
cratic Alliance (NDA) which has strong
reservations on Modis candidature be-
cause of the 2002 Gujarat riots, should
accept the prime ministerial candidate
decided by his party.
JD-U downplayed Sinhas remarks and
said it will react once BJP makes an of-
fcial announcement.
Sinha said there has been a strong de-
mand from workers that Modi should
be declared as the prime ministerial
I have also reached this conclusion
After widespread criticism of police
for the manner in which Congress
legislator and former minister Shan-
kar Rao was picked up in a land grab
case, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N.
Kiran Kumar Reddy Friday ordered a
high-level probe.
The chief minister directed Director
General of Police V. Dinesh Reddy to
hold an inquiry by Additional Director
General of Police Krishna Prasad.
The chief minister issued orders after
Deputy Chief Minister Damodar Raja-
narasimha and other ministers called on
him and voiced their unhappiness over
the way police behaved with the Dalit
The police behaviour evoked strong
condemnation not just from ministers
but also several Dalit groups, some of
whom approached state human rights
commission seeking a probe.
Activists of Mala Mahanadu, a Dalit
group, tried to lay siege to the state sec-
retariat to protest Raos arrest. Police
arrested them.
Raos brother-in-law and Congress
ticipated in a public rally to formally
launch the KJP and took part in other
meetings of that party.
The petition was fled Monday.
The resignation of the 13 legislators
from the assembly would not threaten
the survival of the Shettar ministry as
the ruling party would still have 105
members, including the speaker, in the
225-member assembly with two vacan-
The BJP also has the support of one of
the seven Independent members who is
a cabinet minister.
The Congress has 71 members and the
Janata Dal-Secular 26. One is a nomi-
nated member.
The resignations were to be submitted
to Bopaiah last Wednesday but could
not be done as he went out of Banga-
lore the previous day.
Upset that he was not present in spite of
being informed about the plan to meet
him the next day to submit the resig-
nations, the legislators had met and
complained about the development to
Governor H.R. Bhardwaj.
They had also given Bhardwaj copies
of their resignation letters and urged
him to intervene for their immediate
acceptance by the speaker.
After keeping quiet for three days on
his whereabouts, Bopaiah said late Fri-
day that he had been to Nepal on a pri-
vate visit.
Samaikhya Andhra Joint Ac-
tion Committee, which is oppos-
ing a possible division of Andhra
Pradesh, lodged a complaint at po-
lice stations in three towns in the
coastal city against MP Ponnam
Prabhakar from Karimnagar had
compared his counterpart from
Andhra region Vundavalli Arun
Kumar to a Peddapuram prostitute.
Peddapuram is a town in East Go-
davari district in coastal Andhra.
Arun Kumar is an MP from Raja-
hmundry constituency in the same
A woman leader of the JAC de-
manded that Prabhakar publicly
apologise to Andhra women for
making the comment.
She said the politician had stooped
to the level of hurting the senti-
ments of women.
Prabhakar had made the comment
while reacting sharply to Arun
Kumar criticizing Telangana leaders
during a speech at a recent meeting at
pura four all-women polling stations
will be set up to conduct the elections.
The CPI-M-led Left Front, the Con-
gress and its ally Indigenous National-
ist Party of Tripura (INPT) will feld
candidates in all 60 seats. The Bharati-
ya Janata Party will have 50 candidates.
Jindal announced several steps to hold
a free and fair election.
Two other northeastern states, Megha-
laya and Nagaland, will go to the polls
Feb 23.
Over 20,000 personnel would be de-
ployed to conduct the elections in 3,018
polling stations in Tripura.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,
Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, her son
and party vice-president Rahul Gan-
dhi and the chief ministers of Assam,
Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur are
likely to campaign in Tripura.
that if Modi is declared the partys PM
candidate, the BJP will gain hugely in
the elections. It will have a big impact
on voters. I have no doubt on this, he
He said the decision had to be taken by
the party but he was refecting feelings
of party workers.
The remarks have raised eyebrows in
the party as leaders of opposition in the
two houses - Sushma Swaraj and Arun
Jaitley - are also considered as potential
prime ministerial candidates and senior
leader L. K. Advani has also not ruled
himself out either.
Sinha also took exception to JD-Us
reservations about Modis secular cre-
dentials, calling it a fawed argument
and saying that it was unfair to target
an individual.
I am refecting the mood of the coun-
try, and the mood of the BJP. JD-U is
a different party. My personal view is
that if BJP leadership were to project a
prime ministerial candidate, other part-
ners should accept and should not make
an issue about it, he said.
JD-U leader Shivanand Tiwari said his
party would react to the choice of prime
MP G. Vivek called on Home Minis-
ter Sushilkumar Shinde in New Delhi
to complain against the attitude of the
state government.
Vivek alleged that the chief minister
was targeting Rao as he had moved a
court seeking probe against him in the
red sandalwood (red sanders) scam.
Meanwhile, a police offcial in Hyder-
abad clarifed that Shankar Rao did
not want to change the clothes and ac-
companied policemen in lungi. Rao
was picked up from his residence here
Thursday evening amid high drama.
He was taken to the government-run
Gandhi Hospital after he complained of
chest pain at Neredmet police station in
As the ministers and Dalit groups
strongly condemned the manner in
which Rao was picked up, police off-
cials clarifed that he was not arrested
and was free to go anywhere from the
Raos family members Thursday night
shifted him to a corporate hospital.
Doctors Friday said the condition of
65-year-old Rao was stable but he
would remain under observation for 24
ministerial candidate once an offcial
announcement was made, noting it had
already made its stand clear.
JD-U leader and Bihar Chief Minister
Nitish Kumar has insisted that NDAs
prime ministerial candidate should
have impeccable secular credentials.
Asked about Sinhas remarks, BJP
leader M. Venkaiah Naidu, terming
them personal views, said the party
will take appropriate decision at an ap-
propriate time, noting there were sever-
al leaders with experience in the party
capable of leading the country.
He however said that several party
leaders have said that Modi had the
capability for the post.
The party will discuss the issue. Ap-
propriate decision will be taken at ap-
propriate time. There is no hurry, he
said, adding the issue will be frst dis-
cussed in BJP and then talks will be
held with allies.
Newly-installed BJP chief Rajnath
Singh told reporters that the issue will
be discussed at the partys parliamen-
tary board at an appropriate time.
Congress spokesperson Raashid Alvi
there was no need to react to Sinhas
remarks as it was an internal discussion
and there was no possibility of the BJP
winning the elections.
There has been growing clamour in the
BJP for a national role to Modi after his
third successive victory in Gujarat. Par-
ty MPs Smriti Irani and Tarun Vijay are
among those who have backed Modi as
prime ministerial candidate.
There have been suggestions that Modi
could be appointed head of partys
campaign committee for 2014 polls - a
move which will effectively pitch him
against Congress vice-president Rahul
According to them, Rao might have
suffered brain damage due to hyperten-
sion and high blood pressure.
Raos father-in-law and former union
minister G. Venkatswamy, revolution-
ary balladeer Gaddar and several oth-
ers rushed to the hospital. They con-
demned the police action.
Venkatswamy said police misbehaved
with Rao and pulled him into a vehicle,
not allowing him to even change his
The controversial leader had undergone
bypass surgery in November after he
fainted during a protest at the offce of
the director general of police.
He was protesting against police
searching his house. Rao had allegedly
gone into hiding in October when po-
lice went to his house to pick him up
for questioning.
Rao, a member of the state assembly
from Secunderabad (Cantonment) in
the state capital, is a bitter critic of the
chief minister.
He was dropped from the cabinet in
January last year after embarrassing the
government by fling a petition in the
high court seeking a probe into allega-
tions of corruption against Home Min-
ister Sabita Indra Reddy.
Some residents of Greenfeld Colony
on the citys outskirts had lodged a
police complaint against Rao and his
brother Dayanand in 2011. Police had
booked them for cheating and forgery.
It was on a letter by Rao that the high
court had ordered a probe by Central
Bureau of Investigation against YSR
Congress party leader Jaganmohan
Reddy which fnally led to Reddys ar-
rest in May last year.
Vintage look takes the spotlight
at Tokyo fashion fair
Peer pressure infuences body image of girls
Citi India, IIM
Lucknow hold
The vintage style, sailor look and in-
dustrial, ethnic and environmental
weaves are among the styles making
waves at the International Fashion
Fair in Tokyo, where some 750 frms
from 20 countries are unveiling their
Organizers of the event, the largest
fashion fair in Japan, expect up to
25,000 domestic and foreign buyers to
pass through its doors.
The buyers are checking out the work
of designers and placing orders for
wholesalers for the spring-summer
Surprisingly, peers
exert a greater in-
fuence on teenaged
girls body images
than do reed thin
models that fash
on TV screens, says
a new study.
The infuence of
the media on body
image, life satisfac-
tion, and symptoms
of eating disorders
in teenage girls is
hotly debated.
Some experts be-
lieve that media
infuences on body
dissatisfaction may
extend to symp-
toms of eating dis-
Christopher J.
Ferguson and col-
leagues from Texas
A and M Inter-
national University, compared the
effects of peers and the media on
girls dissatisfaction, eating disorder
symptoms, and satisfaction in gen-
Aimed at building capabilities among
young students to prepare them for the
dynamic and challenging banking sec-
tor, a workshop was held at the Indian
Institute of Management (IIM) Luc-
Demystifying Banking - the frst of a
series of such workshops, partnered by
Citi India, is to engage with students
to prepare them for the changing de-
mands of the banking industry, an IIM
offcial said.
The workshop was conducted by se-
nior business leaders from Citi for 60
select students of the institute, forty of
whom were second-year fnance stu-
dents, sitting for their fnal placements.
Sudeep Yadav, Head of Citi transac-
tion services and Rajat Madhok, Head
of Citi India, led the discussions.
The workshop started with an update
by Sudeep Yadav on current develop-
ments in the banking industry globally
and in India, including Basel III and
its implications, regulatory trends and
demands from discerning clients and
The aim of the session was to make
students familiar with the require-
ments of the modern banking sector.
Anuranjita Kumar, country human re-
sources offcer, Citi India, said that the
group continues to invest in young
talent at the campuses.
Women, based on the designs on dis-
play in Tokyo, are expected to return
in a few months to classic cuts.
European sophistication, frills, fne
fabrics, boots and beads are the name
of the game in Tokyo, where dresses
accompanied by a showy hat or beret
make an elegant fashion statement.
Some designers are showcasing
weaves that are a play on nature, with
dry leaves and f forest colours, as well
as wools that provide an exotic and
adventurous touch.
eral, the Springers Journal of Youth
and Adolescence reports.
To assess exposure to thin ideals in
the media, researchers asked 237
young Hispanic girls, aged 10 to 17
years, to name
their three fa-
vourite TV
shows and to
rate the attrac-
tiveness of the
female actresses
in those shows,
according to
Texas state-
They also as-
sessed their
body weight
and height,
whether or not
they had feel-
ings of inferiori-
ty in response to
other girls (peer
compet i t i on) ,
and how often
they used social
The girls were
then asked how
they felt about
their bodies, whether they had any
eating disorder symptoms, and how
satisfed they were, overall, with
their lives.
While faculty and infrastructure
defcits are major hurdles in increasing
the reach of education in India, Birla
Institute of Technology and Science
(BITS) vice chancellor Bijendra Nath
Jain says there is a need to take note
of the changing pedagogy and using
technology to fll the gaps in the system.
"People haven't quite understood there
is shortage of faculty, and technology
can address it," Jain said while talking
to IANS after the premier technology
institute launched a service to connect
all its campuses through
The future of education
depends on such initiatives,
Jain noted.
"Indian students prefer to
take a research or teaching
job abroad but not in India.
It is a problem for society,
which does not value the
worth of a teacher. Even the
compensation is very low," he
"We have not understood the
pedagogy is changing," the
vice chancellor said.
"It used to be teacher going to
a classroom, giving a lecture...
But today, all the information is
already on servers. Classroom
contact is still required for
clarifcations of doubts, but most of
us have not understood that growth of
education will now depend on how we
use these technologies," Jain added.
BITS is one of the leading technical
institutes in India and a deemed
university. The new technology
is launched along with the BITS
Alumni Association (BITSAA), BITS
campuses in Pilani, Hyderabad and
Goa through an advanced wireless and
internet-based technique.
Called BITS Connect 2.0, it uses
immersive telepresence, high-
defnition video conferencing and live
streaming technologies for interaction
between the different campuses.
The technology is Web-based and uses
a high internet bandwidth to ensure
glitch-free transmission and high
Technology will change the face of education:
BITS vice chancellor
quality picture and sound which make
it a good alternative to face-to-face
It has an edge over normal video
conferencing through the internet or
Skype as it assures high quality. It has
been used to create a classroom and a
conference room in each of the three
"The classrooms can seat 180-200
students and are equipped with a high
defnition screen. The rows for students
are equipped with microphones and
push buttons. Pressing the button
automatically focusses a high defnition
camera on the student, making the
interaction more personal," the vice
chancellor pointed out.
The conference room is also equipped
with a semi-oval table, with another
half oval being visible on the huge
screens mounted on the wall.
It gives a feeling of sitting face-to-
face in a conference - as if it is a large
oval table, explained Prem Jain,
Chief Mentor, BITSConnect 2.0 and
a member of the Alumni Advisory
Council that has substantially assisted
in developing and implementing the
In the classroom, students can even
have eye-contact with a teacher who
is in a different campus, Prem Jain
Elaborating on the technology, the vice
chancellor said: It will hugely help
in coping with the faculty shortage.
It will also facilitate conferences and
campus interviews as people wont
have to drive all the way down to
BITS Pilani also was one of the
frst Indian universities to set up IP
Telephony, Gigabit Ethernet and
Wireless accessibility on campus with
BITSConnect 1.0 in 2003.
Commenting on the technique,
noted industrialist and BITS Pilani
Chancellor Kumar Mangalam
Birla termed it a signifcant
step forward that extends the
boundaries of technology-
enabled learning.
A similar network across major
Indian universities has also
been launched by the central
government under the National
Knowledge Network.
Faculty shortage is a major
problem faced by India as it
attempts to provide educational
opportunities for its growing
According to a task force
constituted by the human
resource development ministry,
there is a shortage of 300,000
faculty members at present.
Such is the extent of that shortage
that the prestigious Indian Institutes of
Technology have proposed mentoring
the top 15 percent undergraduate
students from IITs, National Institutes
of Technology (NITs), Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research
(IISER) and National Institute of
Science Education and Research
(NISER) through a teacher training
Speaking about the role of private
universities in the growing education
market, the vice chancellor said the
contribution being made by private
institutes was still to be recognised.
The role of private universities
has to be understood, encouraged
and recognised. Not all government
universities are good and not all private
universities are bad, Jain added.
Emirates ruler
grants $3.25
Ras Al Khaimah ruler Sheikh Saud
in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
granted $3.25 million (Rs.16 crore)
to the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientifc Research (JN-
CASR) here for buying equipment
and funding research projects.
The six-year grant will be used to
buy equipment and chemicals and
fund research of junior as well as se-
nior scientists, the centre said in a
statement here Friday.
In recognition of the grant, a wing of
the new building set up for materials
and chemistry research will be named
after the ruler as Sheikh Saqr Labora-
tory, which will be part of the inter-
national centre for material science.
Centres director and Prime Ministers
Scientifc Advisory Council chairman
C.N.R. Rao will head the lab.
Set up by the department of science
and technology in 1989 to mark the
centenary of Jawaharlal Nehru, the
multi-disciplinary institute promotes
world-class scientifc research and
training at the frontiers of science and
As a deemed university, the centre
grants Masters and Ph.D degrees to
about 150 graduate students every
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Tug of war over Annandale fnally ends
On 10th death anniversary, school remembers alum-
na Kalpana Chawla
Minister raids school, teachers
get the stick
Its status quo for Shimlas historical
Annandale ground, the picturesque fat
highland that could have well become a
cricket stadium, with Himachal Pradesh
Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh declar-
ing that it would stay with the army - as
it has since 1941.
Stymieing the previous Bharatiya Jana-
ta Party (BJP) governments moves,
Virbhadra Singh said this week that the
Annandale ground, in the armys pos-
session since 1941 when World War II
was raging, would not be taken away
from the armys protective cover. The
ground, he said, had strategic value and
compromising with it could impact se-
The government will remain the cus-
todian of the ground but it will remain
under the armys control. Since it is of
strategic importance, it cannot be com-
promised, Virbhadra Singh told IANS.
The 121-bigha (one bigha is 0.4 hect-
are) fat highland ringed by dense
groves, just three kilometres from
Shimlas Ridge, was a bone of conten-
tion between the previous Prem Kumar
Dhumal- led government and the army.
The government had initiated the move
to take over its control and hand it over
to the Himachal Pradesh Cricket As-
sociation (HPCA), headed by Anurag
Thakur, a BJP MP and Dhumals son,
for constructing a cricket stadium there.
According to Virbhadra Singh, top po-
From being a shy girl from this small
town in Haryana to reaching out to the
stars by becoming an astronaut - the life
and times of NASA astronaut Kalpana
Chawla were recounted Friday as her
school remembered its most famous
alumna on her 10th death anniversary.
Faculty members, students and staff
of the Tagore Bal Niketan School here
This is one lesson the teachers and staff
of a government school in a Punjab
town got the hard way Friday.
Sixteen teachers and staff members, in-
cluding the principal, were placed under
suspension when Punjabs education
minister raided the school in Mohali
town, 10 km from here, and found them
either absent or coming late.
Education Minister Sikander Singh
Maluka, who arrived at the Govern-
ment Model Senior Secondary School
in Phase-3B1 of the town Friday morn-
ing was not only surprised to see the
staff arriving late but was also shocked
at the upkeep of the school.
He immediately ordered the suspension
of school principal Baljinder Singh,
and local residents paid their tributes to
Kalpana Chawla to mark the occasion.
Born in Karnal, 130 km from Chan-
digarh, Chawla studied at the school
and became the frst woman of Indian-
origin to go into space aboard the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
trations (NASA) re-usable spacecraft,
Columbia, in 1997.
The space scientist, who did her en-
gineering degree in
aeronautical engineer-
ing from Chandigarhs
Punjab Engineering
College (PEC), was
chosen by NASA for
her second space mis-
sion in January 2003.
It was during the return
journey, once again in
spacecraft Columbia,
that the fight disinte-
grated while re-enter-
ing the Earths atmo-
sphere Feb 1, 2003. All
seven astronauts on the
fight perished in the
Addressing children at
the school, legislator
Sumita Singh said they could also bring
laurels to the country with will power
and working hard like Chawla.
The state government is setting up a
Rs.650 crore medical college and hos-
pital here named after Kalpana Chawla.
A planetarium has also been set up in
her name in Kurukshetra town, 40 km
from here.
fve lecturers and
other staffers.
During the raid,
the minister also
found out that the
place of the morn-
ing prayers was
flled with muddy
water and due to
lack of cleanli-
ness, the wash-
rooms were stink-
ing and there was
no arrangement
for drinking wa-
ter, a spokesman
of the minister
said here.
He said the min-
ister warned the
late-comers and categorically said no
complacency would be tolerated on the
part of teaching or non-teaching staff.
The minister asked the secretary-school
education to seek explanation from the
absent lecturers.
Talking to mediapersons after the raid,
the minister said the Punjab govern-
ment was committed to improving edu-
cation standards in government schools
and he would make surprise raids more
frequently throughout the state.
He told education department offcers
to conduct surprise visits with the dual
purpose of ensuring punctuality of
teachers and maintaining standard of
education being imparted in govern-
ment schools.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has
stepped up its probe into the nexus be-
tween drugs mafa, NRIs and business
houses in Punjab in the drugs trade, of-
fcials said Friday, adding that the scam
could involve over Rs.200 crore of ha-
wala money.
Offcials of the ED Friday raided a for-
eign exchange agency in Jalandhar and
a jeweller in Ludhiana in this connec-
The scam could involve hawala (ille-
gally transmitted remittances) money
worth over Rs.200 crore, ED sources
told IANS.
ED assistant director Niranjan Singh
also told IANS that the alleged nexus
between the drug mafa, NRIs and busi-
ness houses was turning out to be much
bigger than earlier expected.
The drugs mafa was manufactur-
ing drug intoxicant Ice, which is in
demand among youth in Canada and
countries in Europe, from methamphet-
amine salt which is believed to be eas-
ily available and cheaper in Punjab.
Police sources here say that the drug,
also known as Speed, was being
smuggled to other countries from here
and the payment was coming through
the hawala transactions. The ED has
also put offcials of some airlines, op-
erating from Amritsar international air-
port, under the scanner.
The ED, which had conducted raids at
nearly 20 places across Punjab, Hary-
ana, Chandigarh and Delhi in this con-
nection Wednesday, is likely to conduct
more raids in the coming days, the
sources revealed.
The raids were conducted to tracking
a money-laundering scandal involving
nexus between NRIs and the drugs ma-
Properties of drugs mafa kingpin Raja
Kandola alias Ranjit Singh, who is him-
litical functionaries of the previous gov-
ernment under the guise of developing
a stadium were aiming to grab prime
land surrounding Annandale ground.
The controversy came to end Monday
when Lt. Gen. Sanjiv Chachra, General
Offcer Commanding-in-Chief Western
Command, called on Virbhadra Singh,
who took over the reins of the state
Dec 25 last year. Immediately after the
meeting, the chief minister said status
quo would be maintained.
Offcial sources said Lt. Gen. Chachra
stressed that the Annandale ground was
needed for many army operations. He
also drew the chief ministers attention
to an arbitration case pending before
the divisional commissioner of Shimla
over the legality of the armys claim
over the ground.
The chief minister, soon after the meet-
ing, issued directions to withdraw the
arbitration proceedings, a government
offcial told IANS.
The tussle fared up last April when the
Western Command inadvertently sent a
statement on the Annandale ground to
the media.
The unsigned note, which was not
meant for distribution to the media but
only for internal circulation, said the
state government seems to be hell-
bent on destroying the meagre exist-
ing forest cover, all at the behest of
self an NRI and now lodged in Tihar
jail following his arrest from Punjab
in August last year for involvement in
a Rs.200 crore drugs trade, and others
were raided at several places, the sourc-
es said.
The raids were conducted in Delhis
Karol Bagh area, Paharganj, Sainik
Farms, Gurgaons DLF colony, in
Chandigarh and Punjabs Jalandhar,
Nawanshahr, Sunam, Garhshankar,
Abohar, Samrala and Mohali, ED off-
cials said here.
Niranjan Singh had earlier told IANS
that his agency was probing the nexus
of NRI money laundering with the
drugs trade. The details will come out
in investigations, he had said.
The ED registered a case of money
laundering against 18 people in Octo-
ber 2012.
Kandola was arrested by police from a
farmhouse in Punjab along with other
accomplices, for his involvement in the
drugs trade. Two separate cases have
been registered in Jalandhar and Hoshi-
arpur districts against him and others.
In January 2010, Punjab Police un-
earthed a racket of manufacturing high-
end drugs with the recovery of 18 kg
methamphetamine worth over Rs.90
crore. The drug is considered to be
more expensive than heroin.
Police found a unit set up for manufac-
turing Ice.
Police sources said the high-end drugs
were being supplied to the high-heeled.
The accused in the drugs and money
laundering trade were using expensive
and high-end imported cars.
Punjab is a major transit and destina-
tion point for drugs trade in the region.
Every year, various agencies recover
hundreds of kilograms of heroin and
other drugs being smuggled from Paki-
stan through the international border.
land mafa, eyeing phenomenal profts,
which the (proposed) cricket stadium
project would bring.
Dhumal took strong exception to the
armys statement.
Subsequently, at a meeting of chief
ministers on internal security in New
Delhi in April last year, Dhumal took
up his governments row with the army.
He had said the ground is in the illegal
possession of the defence authorities as
its lease had expired many years back.
Various sports organisations and local
residents under the banner of the HPCA
took out public rallies in Shimla, seek-
ing the grounds transfer to the local
The Annandale ground was on lease
with the army, but the lease was not
renewed after 1982. However, the state
continued to accept the lease money till
Historians say the Annandale ground
has a glorious past. It was once used by
the Durand Football Tournament Soci-
ety set up in 1888.
Author E.J. Buck wrote in Simla Past
and Present that Major Kennedy, a
British offcer, was so struck with the
grounds beauty that he named it after
Anna, a young woman he was in love
with back home. Dale, or a meadow,
was tagged on to her name to make the
ground Annandale.
NRI-drugs mafa nexus: ED
raids point to Rs.200 crore
hawala ring
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Cabinet approves Lokpal bill amendments;
BJP, activists slam it
Hazare slams government for betraying
Government cant amend
Lokpal bill panel report: Jaitley
New Delhi
The union cabinet delinked the Lok-
pal from the Lokayuktas or anti-graft
ombudsmen in states as it gave its nod
to the Lokpal bill amendments but the
BJP and activists, including Anna Haz-
are, slammed the proposed law as not
enough to curb corruption.
The cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh, accepted 14 of 16
amendments recommended by a select
panel of the Rajya Sabha on the pro-
posed Lokpal bill.
Speaking to reporters after the meeting,
Minister of State in the Prime Minis-
ters Offce V. Narayanasamy said: We
have accepted 14 out of 16 amendments
proposed by the select committee... we
did not approve two.
He said the PMO will also be under the
Lokpal, with some riders related to na-
tional security and external affairs.
The bill will now be put to vote in the
Rajya Sabha in the budget session, and
will also return to the Lok Sabha with
the new amendments, Narayanasamy
The Lok Sabha had approved the Lok-
pal bill in 2011, but it got stuck in the
upper house. In May 2012, it was re-
ferred to the select panel.
The select panel had recommended
delinking of the creation of Lokayuktas
from the Lokpal Bill, with several par-
ties contending this would lead to en-
croachment on the rights of states. The
earlier bill had said that the states have
to set up Lokayuktas within one year of
New Delhi
Activist Anna Hazare slammed the
government Friday for betraying the
people on Jan Lokpal, saying Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh had failed
to keep his word.
The battle for Jan Lokpal has been
on for two years. The government has
been repeatedly betraying the people of
this country, he said, and threatened to
go on an indefnite fast.
The cabinet has taken the decision of
forming Jan Lokpal and Lokayukta in
every state. If it has to be created by the
states, then why did the prime minister
write to us that the central government
was ready to establish Lokayukta in
states? He did not keep his word, Haz-
are told a press conference here.
The cabinet Thursday delinked the
Lokpal from Lokayuktas -- or anti-graft
ombudsmen -- in states as it gave its
nod to the Lokpal bill amendments.
We frst protested at Jantar Mantar
New Delhi
BJP leader Arun Jaitey Friday took ex-
ception to the government deciding to
drop two recommendations of the Ra-
jya Sabha select committee on the Lok-
pal bill, saying it had no right to amend
the report which was the property of
the house.
In an article posted on the Bharatiya
Janata Partys (BJP) website, Jaitley,
leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha,
said the report of the select committee
is the property of the upper house un-
der its rules of procedure for conduct of
Once a report is presented to the
House by a select committee, the gov-
ernment has no authority to amend the
report. When the report is taken up for
consideration, any member can propose
amendments to the said bill, he said.
He, however, added that the govern-
ment can propose fnal amendments to
the bill, as passed by the Lok Sabha.
Jaitley, who was a member of the se-
enactment of Lokpal.
The government turned down two
amendments, saying that now offcials
facing a preliminary probe will be giv-
en a hearing, and the Lokpal will have
no power to transfer Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) offcials investigat-
ing a case referred by it.
The Lokpal will be selected by a pan-
el comprising the prime minister, the
speaker and leader of opposition in Lok
Sabha, Chief Justice of India, and an
eminent jurist, Narayansamy said.
The CBI director will be selected by the
prime minister, the leader of opposition
in the lower house and the chief justice.
He also said that a person affliated
with any political party would not
qualify to be a member of the proposed
The new draft also says that charitable
institutions aided by the government
will also come under the ambit of the
anti-graft ombudsman.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said
the government had no right to approve
or reject the amendments under the
rules of parliament.
The government said they have ac-
cepted 14 or 16 amendments. It was a
Rajya Sabha committee that made the
amendments and the bill is a property
of Rajya Sabha. The government can-
not make any amendment to it accord-
ing to the rules of parliament, BJP
leader Ravishankar Prasad said.
He added that the governments reluc-
tance to accept certain amendments re-
(in New Delhi) demanding that a joint
committee be constituted to make a
draft on Jan Lokpal, but the govern-
ment refused. Then I wrote to the prime
minister. The government then issued a
gazette and formed a committee which
did not meet for three months, he said.
The joint committee had fve ministers
and fve of our people and had decided
on a draft. But the government did a U-
turn, Hazare said.
He also said that their draft was never
presented in parliament, the cabinet or
standing committee.
The BJP and social activists, including
Hazare, have slammed the proposed
law saying it was not enough to curb
We wanted Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 offcers
to be under its purview. The govern-
ment agreed to it but now it says these
offcers will not be under Jan Lokpal.
What is the meaning of the Jan Lokpal
bill, Hazare said.
He also criticised the government for
not including the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) and the Central
Vigilance Commission (CVC) in its
The CBI and CVC should be autono-
mous. While they are under govern-
ment control, you cannot end corrup-
tion. Now they say even the CBI will
not be under the Lokpal. This govern-
ment lies a lot. What will happen to
a country whose government lies so
much, Hazare said.
I will travel across the country for a
year-and-a-half for Jan Lokpal. (Re-
tired army chief) Gen V.K. Singh will
travel with me, he said.
I wrote to (Congress president) Sonia
Gandhi that power is not poison but an
addiction. I have no enmity with the
government. If the government brings
a strong Lokpal, I will congratulate it.
But if nothing happens, then I may go
back to Ramlila Maidan and ask people
to elect people who will give laws that
empower you, he said.
lect committee appointed by the Rajya
Sabha chairman to look into the Lok-
pal bill, said he had different views on
at least two of the suggestions made
by the panel and also disagreed with
changes and deletions made by the cab-
inet Thursday.
Referring to the cabinet decision that
notice should be given to a public ser-
vant by the Lokpal before an investiga-
tion was ordered, Jaitley said the select
committee had consciously called for
deletion of such a provision in the bill.
Such an inquiry, though ostensibly ap-
pears to be in compliance of the prin-
ciples of natural justice, would be de-
structive of any effective probe against
a delinquent public servant, he said,
contending this could help any such of-
fcial hide evidence of any wrongdoing.
On the government move concerning
change of offcers of Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) without the approv-
al of Lokpal, he said the offcials must
function without fear or favour.
An investigating offcer may prove
inconvenient for the powers that be.
Removing him and replacing him with
a pliable offcer cannot be the discre-
tion of the government, he contended,
adding that there was no plausible rea-
son why this recommendation which
would have strengthened the institution
of Lokpal was axed.
On re-employment of a retiring CBI di-
rector by the government, Jaitley said
he had suggested against this as the
desire of a future favour can infu-
ence the CBI chief in conduct of his
Referring to reservation based on re-
ligion in appointing members of Lok-
pal, he said the select committee did not
favour the suggestion of BJP members.
lated to the CBI raised questions over
the governments intentions, noting of
the eight suggestions given, only one
was accepted.
Rejecting the new draft of the Lokpal
bill, Anna Hazare said he would contin-
ue his fght for the Jan Lokpal Bill, pre-
pared by him and some other activists.
The proposed new draft of the Lok-
pal bill is useless. We will continue our
fght for the Jan Lokpal Bill and force
the government to pass it, Hazare told
reporters here.
Such a bill will not beneft the people,
he said, adding that he would intensify
his campaign in the coming months.
Arvind Kejriwal, who was part of the
team that drafted the Jan Lokpal Bill,
also criticised the United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) government for not
coming out with a strong Lokpal bill.
Why should you have any Lokpal? If
an agency is created which will not stop
corruption, will lead to increased cor-
ruption and provide protection to min-
isters, then what is the point, he told
reporters here.
We were not interested in just the word
Lokpal. You can name it anything. The
government has not done a favour to the
people of the country (by the bill). It is
the governments constitutional duty to
give a corruption-free regime, he said.
Half of the ministers of the same cabi-
net, which passed the bill today, will
be in jail if a strong Lokpal comes, al-
leged Kejriwal.
Salient points of the new Lokpal bill that was cleared Thursday by
the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh:
* The Lokpal at the centre has been delinked from Lokayukta in
the states.
* State government will have to enact a law for setting up Loka-
yukta within a year of the central government passing the Lokpal
* The prime ministers offce will be under the Lokpal, with some
riders related to national security and external affairs.
* Offcials facing a preliminary probe will be given a hearing.
* Lokpal will have no power to transfer Central Bureau of Investi-
gation (CBI) offcials investigating a case referred by it.
* Director prosecution of the CBI will be selected by the chief
vigilance commissioner.
* The selection panel for the Lokpal will comprise the prime min-
ister, speaker and leader of opposition in Lok Sabha, Chief Justice
of India and an eminent jurist.
* Prime minister, the leader of opposition in the lower house and
the chief justice of India will select the CBI director.
* Charitable institutions aided by the government will come under
Lokpal bill: Now
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Supreme Court stays Ashis
Nandys arrest
Nandys comments
misinterpreted: Javed Akhtar
Fresh case against Nandy in Jodhpur
Jamia, DU teachers rally behind Ashis Nandy
Nandy made bad statement with good intentions:
Kancha Ilaiah
Ashis Nandy told an audience at the Jaipur Literature Festival the following:
This will be an almost vulgar statement on my part. It is a fact that most of the corrupt come
from the OBCs and the Scheduled Castes and now increasingly Scheduled Tribes. And as long
as this is the case, Indian Republic will survive.
The Supreme Court on Friday stayed
the arrest of eminent sociologist Ashis
Nandy for making remarks alleged to
be anti-Dalit at the Jaipur Literature
Though the bench stayed his arrest, it
said, He cant continue making state-
ments like this. Whatever may be your
intent you cant go on making state-
Tell your client he has no license to
make such comments, the bench told
senior advocate Aman Lekhi who was
appearing for 76-year-old Nandy.
The apex court issued notices and
sought response of the Centre and the
Rajasthan government on a petition
fled by Nandy seeking quashing of
the FIR lodged against him for mak-
ing the alleged statements at a literary
In the meantime, the petitioner (Nan-
dy) will not be arrested in FIR fled in
connection with the statement made
by him at the JLF, on January 26,
a bench headed by Chief Justice Al-
tamas Kabir said.
The bench also issued notices to the
governments of Chhattisgarh, Ma-
harashtra and Bihar and sought their
response within four weeks as FIRs,
in connection with his statement, have
been lodged against him in Raipur,
Nasik and Patna respectively.
The bench also comprising justices A
R Dave and Vikramajit Sen told Nan-
dy that statements are to be made in a
responsible manner.
Why do you say something which
you dont want to intend, the court
said when Lekhi was trying to impress
Ashis Nandy made a bad statement
with good intentions, Dalit activist
and writer Kancha Ilaiah said Monday
in a bid to end the controversy over
the social analysts comment on Dalit,
tribals and Other Backward Classes
(OBCs) and corruption.
Ashis Nandy made a bad statement
with good intentions. However, as far
as I know, he was never against res-
ervation. The controversy should end
here, Ilaiah, who was in the audience
at the discussion during the Jaipur Lit-
erature Festival Saturday.
IIaiahs statement comes a day after
Nandy was booked by Rajasthan Po-
lice under the SC/ST (Prevention of
Teachers of Jamia Milia University
and Delhi University have rallied to
the support of social scientist Ashis
Nandy whose remark linking Dalits,
tribals and backward classes to cor-
ruption was pilloried at the Jaipur
Literary Festival.
The Jamia Teachers Solidarity Asso-
ciation, in a statement Monday, said
the accusation against the scholar was
just not true.
Nandy had said at the Jaipur Literary
Festival Saturday: It will be an un-
dignifed and vulgar statement. But
the fact is that most of the corrupt
come from the OBC, the Scheduled
Castes and now, increasingly, STs. As
Lyricist Javed Akhtar Thursday
backed sociologist Ashish Nandi, say-
ing his comments on corruption in
the weaker sections of the society ahs
been misinterpreted and misrepre-
It was misinterpreted. It was misrep-
resented. He has fought for the down-
trodden. Suddenly why would he take
a U-turn? Aktar told media persons
at the Kolkata Literary Meet.
He was saying that in the corrupt
society when powerful or privileged
people commit corruption, then it is
acceptable. Whereas when the weaker
section commits corruption, it looks
very corrupt.
Ashish meant that ultimately cor-
ruption is the equaliser in a corrupt
society. He was not trying to say that
weaker sections are corrupt, said
The sociologist sparked widespread
protests from activists of Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes groups and also
Renowned sociologist Ashis Nan-
dy found himself in fresh trouble
Wednesday as another police case was
registered against him in Rajasthans
Jodhpur city under the SC/ST Act.
This case too relates to comments
Nandy made at the recently concluded
Jaipur Literature Festival.
Speaking of how people long denied
power were wresting it from the es-
tablished elite, Nandy had said that
Dalits, tribals and other backward
upon the bench that a person cannot
be punished for expressing an idea.
During the proceedings, Lekhi con-
tended that several FIRs at different
places cannot be lodged for the same
offence, to which the bench said, It
affects people all over. Dont go into
that type of submissions.
When Lekhi said that hysteria has
been created, the bench shot back,
Who is creating (hysteria). Who is au-
thor of the statement. Please say what
your client has instructed you to say.
During a panel discussion at the Jaipur
meet, Nandy had allegedly said that
people belonging to OBCs and SCs/
STs were more corrupt.
Later, a case was registered against
him under the SC/ST (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act.
The counsel said the scholar has al-
ready tendered an apology for his al-
leged statements.
Nandys counsel commenced the sub-
missions by saying, Can law penalise
an idea? However, the bench said,
We are not at all happy.
Nandy, apprehending his arrest for the
statements made by him, had moved
the apex court on Thursday for quash-
ing of the FIR against him.
Challenging the proceedings, he had
submitted he was facing a serious
threat in the surcharged environment
against him. Because of the sur-
charged environment against him and
the rabid statements made by impor-
tant political personalities, his physi-
cal safety is itself compromised and
there is imminent threat of injury to
him, his petition said.
Atrocities) Act for his comment at the
discussion, Republic of Ideas, in-
cluding Patrick French, Ashis Nandy,
Tarun Tejpal, Richard Sorabjee and
Urvashi Butalia.
Nandy fuelled a controversy when
he said, ...The fact is that most of
the corrupt come from the OBC, the
Scheduled castes and now increasing-
ly STs, and as long as it was the case,
the Indian Republic would survive.
He followed it with an example. The
state of least corruption is West Ben-
gal. In the last 100 years, nobody from
the backward classes and the SC and
ST groups have come anywhere near
power in West Bengal. It is an abso-
long as that is the case, the Indian Re-
public will survive.
Nandy was commenting about the
manner in which sections of society
that had long been powerless were
wresting power from an established
He was booked the following day
under Section 3(1) of the SC/ST Act,
which is non-bailable and invites a 10-
year jail term. This section pertains to
the actions of a non-SC/ST person,
performed with the intention of hu-
miliating a member of the group.
Teachers of the two universities in
Delhi said: Not only has he been
grossly misunderstood, but the accu-
lutely clean state, Nandy said.
Nandy left Jaipur Jan 25 evening and
did not return to attend subsequent
discussions he was scheduled to ad-
His statement drew Dalit and back-
ward groups ire, leading to protests
outside the venue. Nandy later clari-
fed to the media that what he meant
was corruption was an equalising
force in India.
Ilaiah, who heads a research centre at
the Maulana Azad National Urdu Uni-
versity, Hyderabad, launched his frst
work of fction Untouchable God
at the DSC Jaipur Literature Festival
sation is an affront to his decades-long
deeply sensitive scholarship, includ-
ing that on the backward communi-
Calling the media hypocritical, the
statement said sensationalism in re-
porting such incidents had eroded
the culture of freedom of speech and
thought in India.
It is interesting to note that those in
the political class and media who now
claim to stand for the rights of the
backward communities vis-a-vis Nan-
dy have been active participants in
the violent anti-Mandal agitation that
rocked Delhi and other parts of India
two decades ago, the statement said.
had two police cases slapped on him
for his comments at the recently held
Jaipur Literary Festival.
Speaking of how people long denied
power were wresting it from the es-
tablished elite, Nandy had said that
Dalits, tribals and other backward
classes (OBCs) were engaged in cor-
ruption, by which he meant that these
groups functioned without being con-
strained by law or propriety in their
bid to better their plight.
classes (OBCs) were engaged in cor-
ruption, by which he meant that these
groups functioned without being con-
strained by law or propriety in their
bid to better their plight.
A case was booked Saturday by Jai-
pur police against the maverick soci-
ologist for these comments under the
same sections of law.
The First Information Report (FIR)
was registered against Nandy with
Mahamandir police station in Jodh-
pur, some 330 km from Jaipur.
One Naresh Kandara has registered
the case under the Scheduled Caste
and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act (SC/ST Act) and one
section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
on Tuesday, said the offcer.
The Jaipur police have already sent
Nandy a notice at his New Delhi resi-
dence, requiring him to appear before
the investigation offcer for question-
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 CELEB
Why no Bharat Ratna for
Bollywood, wonders Suniel Shetty
Rihanna confrms patch up with
Randeep wants to cash in on
Murder tag
Brangelina to marry in May?
Ghais new discovery is my heroine in Porichoi:
Bhootnath sequel will start after
Big Bs dates are locked
Butler happier
with Romanian
High School
Musical star
sues parents
Actor Suniel Shetty says it is surpris-
ing that Bollywood is ignored for the
Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian
award in the country for performance
of the highest order in any feld.
My view is that there are only two
things that unite this country - sports
and Bollywood. So this has always
been surprising and we also ask this
question again and again, the 51-year-
old said when asked about Sachin Ten-
dulkar and Bollywood being ignored
yet again for the Bharat Ratna.
He was speaking at a wrestling compe-
tition here.
Somewhere a solution will come out
and I am sure something will come
out, he said sounding hopeful.
This years Padma awards were an-
Los Angeles
Singer Rihanna has confrmed she has
patched up with her ex-boyfriend Chris
Brown puting thereby an end to ru-
mours in this regard.
The couple, who separated after Brown
was accused of physically assaulting
Rihanna in 2009, became close again in
2012. However, since a long time, none
of them were confrming their relation-
ship status.
Were very, very close friends. We
built a trust again and thats it. We love
each other and we probably always
will. I think he was the love of my
life, Rolling Stones magazine quoted
Rihanna as saying.
Although, Rihanna faced criticism
amid rumours of a patch up previously,
the singer is not ready to follow others
I decided it was more important for
me to be happy. I wasnt going to let
anybodys opinion get in the way. Even
if its a mistake, its my mistake. After
being tormented for so many years, be-
ing angry and dark, Id rather just live
Los Angeles
Hollywood celebrity couple Brad Pitt
and Angelina Jolie will reportedly get
married at the end of May this year.
The couple, who raise six kids together,
have been telling close pals to keep the
last week of May free, sparking specu-
lation their nuptials will be taking place
Brad has asked those closest to him
to make sure they are free the week
after the Cannes Film Festival fnishes
on 26 May, showbizspy.com quoted a
source as saying.
Brad will be in Cannes with Angelina
and the kids to promote World War
Z. He has also blocked out a couple of
weeks in his work schedule afterwards,
which has made his friends even more
Everything is pointing to the end of
May or begging of June. Their renova-
tions are due to fnish any day now and
builders have been working around the
clock to complete in time, added the
Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari, who will di-
rect the sequel to 2008 release Bhoot-
nath, says they will start shooting once
they get dates from Amitabh Bachchan,
who played a ghost in the original.
Chillar Party fame director Tiwari
told IANS: We will start shooting once
we get Amitabh Bachchans date. He is
busy with his other commitments. So
once we get Big Bs dates, we will start
Los Angeles
Actor Gerard Butler, who is reportedly
dating Romanian model-actress Mada-
lina Ghenea, is happier and calmer
since they met.
The two were frst rumoured to be ro-
mantically involved in May last year,
reports contactmusic.com.
Ghenea played down the claims at
the time, stating: Gerard is a friend
of mine. We are friends and nothing
However, Butler told Britains Sunday
Express that he is romancing Mad-
die, adding: Its going good. Im
happier and calmer than Ive been for
a long time. These days Im more zen
and thats an easier way to exist.
Randeep Hooda hopes to strike a lot-
tery with Murder 3 as the previous
two flms of the franchise did well. But
the actor admits he is not under any
pressure either.
It is my good luck that this flm is titled
Murder 3 because the frst two flms
were very successful and I would also
want to strike a lottery with this one.
(But) More than that, I dont have any
expectations or pressure, the 36-year-
old said here in an interview.
He asserts the pressure is only on the
flmmakers. They (Bhatts) titled it
Murder 3 and the pressure is on them.
I have done my work and it is over.
Murder 3 is the third flm of the fran-
chise, which began with the 2004 flm,
which starred Mallika Sherawat and
Emraan Hashmi. The second instal-
ment, featuring Emraan opposite Jac-
queline Fernandes, released in 2011.
The new flm is directed by Vishesh
Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatts son, features
Aditi Rao Hydari and Sara Loren. It
hits theatres Feb 15.
Los Angeles
High School Musical actor Chris
Warren has taken legal action against
his parents, accusing them of accessing
his cash from his personal trust.
The 23-year-old claims his father,
Christopher Warren Sr., and mother,
Passions actress Brook Kerr, estab-
lished a fund for him in 2001 for all the
money he made as a minor, but alleges
they have been personally using the
cash, reports tmz.com.
Warren claims that when he attempted
to make a withdrawal in 2011, his par-
ents refused to grant him access.
The former child star is now suing his
parents for the alleged missing money.
Kerr and Warren Sr. separated in 2009.
Mishti, who plays Subhash Ghais
protagonist in Kanchi, is actually
Indrani Chakraborty and she is not the
flmmakers discovery, says Bengali
Superstar Prosenjeet Chatterjee.
Mishti, aka Indrani, has just completed
a flm with Prosenjeet directed by Ru-
pali Guha.
Said Prosenjeet: Shes a talented pretty
girl. We are playing father and daughter
in Rupalis flm Porichoi. Now I hear
shes being launched by Mr. Subhash
Ghai. How can she be launched by
another flmmaker when shes already
completed her frst flm with me?
We all would have loved to see her
being launched by Subhash Ghai. Af-
ter all Mr. Ghais banner is an all-India
banner. The girl called me up when I
was in Mumbai last week for the Star-
dust Awards and she told me excitedly
about her big opportunity with Mr.
Ghai. I told her I was very happy for
her. But she shouldnt deny her frst
Porichoi is produced by Soumo Gan-
guly and it is set for April release, long
before Ghais Kanchi.
Elaborating on his flm with Indrani,
Prosenjeet said it is a father-daughter
subject, somewhat like the mother-son
flm Aandhiyaan.
In Aandhiyaan, Mumtazji and I
shared the same kind of parent-child re-
lationship as I do with Indrani in Pori-
choi. The only difference is that I am
the father now. But were like friends.
I play an NRI who left the country
14 years ago. His estranged daughter
comes for a vacation with him and they
re-discover their love for one another.
Its a very sweet subject and Rupali
Guha, who is veteran director Basu
Chatterjees daughter, has done a won-
derful job, said Prosenjeet.
Porichoi was shot in Newcastle, Brit-
ain, over a period of a month in Decem-
ber 2012.
I had no qualms playing Indranis
father. If you look at our photographs
together, we look more like the lead
pair than the father and daughter. In-
drani may have her reasons for writ-
ing off her debut flm because its a
regional flm. But Id give full credit to
my producer and director for giving a
newcomer such a big break. She should
have been gracious enough to acknowl-
edge our flm as her debut. Maybe she
doesnt think I am a big enough name.
Director Guha said that it is not true
that Indrani has no acting experience.
I have no clue why shes being pro-
jected as a newcomer. She was a new-
comer in my flm Porichoi. But after
working with an institution like Pro-
senjeet Chatterjee, projecting oneself
as a newcomer is just not done. I won-
der which era were living in, she said.
nounced on Friday. While no one was
awarded the Bharat Ratna this year,
quite a few flm personalities have won
Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan.
Till date, flmmaker Satyajit Ray (1992)
and singer Lata Mangeshkar (2001)
have been the only flm personalities to
have been awarded the Bharat Ratna.
Meanwhile, talking about the impor-
tance of wrestling as a sport, Suniel
said: I personally believe that wres-
tling and hockey are our national sports
and not cricket. Of course, I am a huge
cricket fan, but if wrestling is also pro-
moted like this (cricket) it will be good
for India.
At the Olympics and Asian Games
also, we get most medals in wrestling.
Still it is not given that kind of impor-
tance, he added.
my truth and take the backlash. I can
handle it, she said.
Brown was sentenced to six months of
community service after beating Ri-
hanna. However, Rihanna is clear he
wont be allowed to behave the same
way again.
He doesnt have the luxury of f***ing
up again. Thats just not an option. I
cant say that nothing else will ever
go wrong. But Im pretty solid in the
knowing that hes disgusted by that,
Rihanna said. And I wouldnt have
gone this far if I ever thought that was a
possibility, she added.
rolling. The flm is in its early stage.
Directed by Vivek Sharma, Bhoot-
nath has a cast that boasts of Juhi
Chawla, Shah Rukh Khan and child
artist Aman Siddiqui.
Will he take the story forward?
It will be altogether a fresh story.
We are not taking ahead the previous
story, he said and added that we are
contemplating with other titles as well.
We are yet deciding the star cast.
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 CELEB
Ranbir, Deepika shoot in snowy
Four new faces to shine at Lakme
Fashion Week
Murder 3 not just about
erotica: Aditi Rao Hydari
thrilled at
response to
Race 2
wants love
song from
Sofa Vergara is
house hunting
Oscar academy gets 1,000
original movie posters
As peace returns
to Kashmir, Bol-
lywood too is re-
turning -- with
cast and crew to
shoot in dream out-
door locales of the
snow-flled valley
-- much before al-
mond and cherry
blossoms herald
Reports say at least
six Bollywood flm
units will be arriv-
ing in the valley by
March for shooting.
The frst such unit to descend here is of
Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani -- with ac-
tors Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padu-
The flm, produced by Karan Johar, is
being directed by Ayan Mukherji (of
Wake Up Sid fame) and will be re-
leased in May. After recently complet-
ing shooting in the Gulmarg ski resort
where Chief Minister Omar Abdullah
hosted a dinner for the cast, the unit has
moved to Pahalgam.
The unit is shooting song sequences
at choice Bollywood locales in the hill
station such as Betaab Valley (named
More than 1,000 original Hollywood
movie posters have been donated to the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences by a private collector from
Chicago, BBC reported.
The 1,088 posters document the era of
flm-making in the frst half of the 20th
Century, covering genres such as west-
erns, war flms and musicals.
They were donated by Dwight M.
Cleveland, a property developer.
The academy said the posters flled
signifcant gaps in its collection and
were a dream to receive.
All the posters will be housed in the
academys Margaret Herrick Library in
Beverly Hills.
Cleveland has been collecting since
1977, amassing what has been de-
Los Angeles
Actress Keira Knightley wants to make
her fance Klaxons singer James Righ-
ton write a love song for her.
I dont know if James ever wrote a
song for me, but now that I think about
it, Ill have to force him to do so! He
should, contactmusic.com quoted
Knightley as saying.
The couple has been together for two
years. The 27-year-old got engaged to
Righton in May 2012.
Although she is excited about tying the
knot and has been busy planning their
big day, Knightley admits she never
thought she would ever walk down the
I had never even thought I would get
married, my parents, though, have been
together for 40 years and I know many
people who have been in very long re-
lationships. I dont know what to ex-
pect from my marriage, I guess its just
one of those things you have to wait to
fnd out, she said.
Los Angeles
Actresses Sofa Vergara and her busi-
nessman fance Nick Loeb are on
house-hunting spree.
The couple are looking for proper-
ties in the most exclusive areas of Los
Angeles and are set to start viewing a
number of homes in the coming weeks,
reports contactmusic.com.
Vergara and Loeb had been searching
for a new house before Christmas.
They briefy called the search off, but
now their broker is back looking for
properties in Beverly Hills and Brent-
wood, said source.
Aditi Rao Hydari, who is a part of the
latest instalment of the Murder fran-
chise, says the movie goes beyond erot-
ica and boasts of a great storyline.
This particular flm is about relation-
ships and there is love, lust and sex in
(all) relationships... that is natural. So,
there is that element. Murder 3 is far
beyond these things... it is not only
about erotica. It is a fantastic story, the
34-year-old here in an interview.
Aditi is also all praise for frst-time
director Vishesh Bhatt, son of veteran
flmmaker Mukesh Bhatt.
Vishesh handled this flm amazingly.
It is his frst flm, he studies in New
York and had a very clear idea about
what he wants, said the actress, previ-
Actress Jacqueline Fernandez is
thrilled with the box offce collections
of her latest flm Race 2.
It (the flm) is my biggest opener and
I am hoping it continues to do really
well. Irrespective, it is a very success-
ful flm and it is being liked, so I am
very happy, Jacqueline said here.
Directed by Abbas-Mustan, the action
thriller managed to earn Rs.51.35 crore
in its opening weekend. Made at Rs.60
crore, the flm released across 3,200
Race 2 has got an overwhelming re-
sponse in the overseas market too. The
flm has already collected $3.5 million.
The movie is a sequel to 2008 flm
scribed as one of the worlds largest
and most historically signifcant movie
poster collections.
Film posters are one of the very few
truly indigenous art forms of our coun-
try, he said.
By making these gifts, I hope to excite
an appreciation for the works them-
selves among members of the general
public and also set a good example for
other collectors.
Posters in the librarys collection are
stored in climate-controlled vaults and
can be accessed by flm-makers, histo-
rians, journalists and students, as well
as the general public.
They are frequently shown at the acad-
emys own exhibitions and loaned to
cultural institutions worldwide.
ously seen in flms like Rockstar and
London, Paris, New York.
Murder 3, releasing Feb 15, also stars
Randeep Hooda and Pakistani actress
Sara Loren.
Asked about the reason behind quitting
Raanjhnaa, Aditi said: It was a very
nice part, I would have wanted to do
the flm but I had committed to Muder
3 already.
If I have committed to something, I
cannot do anything else. I did not even
sign Raanjhnaa.
The role is now being played by Swara
Being directed by Aanand Rai, Raan-
jhnaa also stars Dhanush, Sonam Ka-
poor and Abhay Deol.
New Delhi
The upcoming Lakme Fashion Week
(LFW) Summer/Resort 2013 will
launch four new models on the runway.
The fresh faces - Pallavi Singh, Bhu-
mika Arora, Radhika Nair and Sangya
Lakhanpal - have been fnalised after
75 aspiring models were auditioned
from all over the country for the fashion
extravaganza, to be held March 22-26.
Each face is full of poise and beauty,
says Purnima Lamba, head (Lakme),
This seasons auditions attracted sev-
eral exciting new faces and Im happy
that we were able to discover models
with the poise and elegance worthy of
the runway at Lakme Fashion Week.
Each of these models represents the
confdence, creativity and beauty that
Lakme as a brand stands for, Lamba
They were chosen after three strict
stages of auditions with a panel of nine
judges in each round. The panel includ-
ed names like Katrina Kaif, Mugdha
Godse, Yana Gupta, Frieda Pinto, Miss
Earth 2010 Nicole Faria and Miss India
World 2011 Kanishta Dhankar.
The fnal jury panel comprised a mix
of LFW advisory board members,
fashion experts and stalwarts of the
Indian fashion industry - among them
designer Neeta Lulla; show directors
Anu Ahuja, Lubna Adams and Alison
Kanuga; columnist Nonita Kalra; and
Shalini Raghavan, marketing manager,
Lakme Fashion Week is the countrys
premier fashion event. This season will
see four young and talented models
shine on the runway for the frst time.
They are contemporary, confdent and
have the right attitude to bring a de-
signers creation to life, Saket Dhan-
kar, head (Fashion), IMG Reliance,
said in a statement. Lakme Fashion
Week Summer/Resort 2013 will be
held March 22-26.
after a 1983 flm), Aru Valley and
Last year, flmmaker Yash Chopra shot
parts of Jab Tak Hai Jaan in Kashmir
and Ladakh last year.
Ranbir too shot for his 2011 flm
Rockstar in snow-covered Kashmir.
Bollywood flmmakers shifted outdoor
shooting schedules to foreign countries
after violence erupted in Kashmir in the
Several popular flms of the 1960s and
1970s such as Junglee, Kashmir Ki
Kali and Mere Sanam were shot in

Jhen~ Hkxon~ xhrk
bwbw &rId jI dy slok
|.-+ +-+.= +a ..+...++ i
|.-+ +++.. +a ..+...++ ii
..+.. ..+ |+.+r o.. .+ r+.. +r
==. =+ |=. = = r . ..+ o..
.+ ;= a.. =. r ==. =.+= + =+ ri
=. =+. ....++-.+. i
..+++...-+ .+-+ =+ |+ r ii
..+.. ;=a| =+ +.. | |=.-|=.
=r -.+ r+ r| .| a. =.. ==r
..+ |+.+r =. r. =+ . = .. =i
+- ===-r. ==+o |+.+r i
=r=. +=. .c. +. |+.|+.= ii
..+.. =.+. + +o +: |+.|. |+.+r
..+ = != ..= = ; + r. !|-=
=+ r| ! -+ = =r =. r.: =
=.+= == .c. +=..i
++ .c.. . |.+.==.+c.. i
=r=+.r--+ = .-++a.s.++ ii
..+.. ;== |.+ .c. . =.: +..
.a, + . ==. . +.= |= =..
r. += !i !==. +r . +:. .= r.i
++ ++r++ +r+ --= -.+. i
+..+ |.:++ . .c.. |++ ii
..+.. ;== =-+ == ..:. = ++
!++ . + + r| =.=. +r..= .
== = .. a.== .c. +=.|i
|.=- ;..=.. ++ .== i
|.: +. +r..c. ..+=+. +=. ii
..+.. =.=. +r..= = |.=- =.+=,
== = ++ =.+= . ..== =++.a
..+== = |.: =.+= +r..c. +=..i
=-++= .=. =-+.|+. . i
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..+.. =-+.|+ .=. . = =-++=
=.+= . ==a +.. =r+ = =... .
+.||= =.+= .c. +=.|i
U0|U! H| U| 3||H' H| H|
0| N!!
Fareed, my eyes have become
weak, and my ears have become
hard of hearing.
H! NU| H!8|H! J0 N0'U| !!
The bodys crop has become ripe
and turned colour.
U0|U! N!| |H| 0!|H! U|
0! N|8!!
Fareed, those who did not enjoy
their Spouse when their hair was
black - hardly any of them enjoy
him when their hair turns grey.
N|0 H'8| |HU |0J3| 0T ! J|8!!
So be in love with the Lord, so that
your colour may ever be new.
U0|U! N!| U| H!|J8 HU! J H
N |8|3 N0!!
Fareed, whether ones hair is black
or grey our Lord and Master is al-
ways here if one remembers him.
H!! !|8H! |0H T8| H
8 H N|8!!
This loving devotion to the Lord
does not come by ones own efforts,
even though all may long for it.
8J |0H |H!! HH N! H ! 3 U|8!!
This cup of loving devotion belongs
to our Lord and Master; He gives it to
whomever he likes.
U0|U! |HJ |8 HT H|JH! H
|8 H |85!!
Fareed, those eyes which have
enticed the world - I have seen
those eyes.
NH 0 HJ|UH! H | H|8 8|J5!!
Once, they could not endure even
a bit of mascara; now, the birds
hatch their young in them!
Sudoku Solution 27-JAN-2013
1915 - In France, German lieutenant Erwin
Rommel lead his company in the daring cap-
ture of four French block-houses that housed
artillery positions.
1917 - The Battle of Khadairi Bend ended.
1929 - In Germany, the World War I novel All
Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria
Remarque was published.
1942 - Iran signed the Treaty of Alliance
with Great Britain and the Soviet Union. The
agreement offered Iran protection and cre-
ated a supply route from the West to Russia.
1969 - The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour
debuted on CBS-TV.
1982 - Prince and the Revolution appeared on
TVs Solid Gold. The entire 1999 tour stage
set-up was used and the song was lip-synched.
1970 - In Murmansk, Russia, an Aerofot
fight crashed on approach killing all 11 peo-
ple onboard.
1973 - In Kyrenia, Cyprus, 37 people were
killed when an Air Sinai fight crashed into the
Kyrenia Mountains while on approach.
2002 - In Colombia, 92 people were killed
when an Ecuadorean TAME fight crashed
into mountains.
1970 - In Murmansk, Russia, an Aerofot
fight crashed on approach killing all 11 peo-
ple onboard.
1973 - In Kyrenia, Cyprus, 37 people were
killed when an Air Sinai fight crashed into the
Kyrenia Mountains while on approach.
2002 - In Colombia, 92 people were killed
when an Ecuadorean TAME fight crashed
into mountains.
1970 - In Murmansk, Russia, an Aerofot
fight crashed on approach killing all 11 peo-
ple onboard.
hintu :I think that girl is deaf.
Mintu :how
Chintu :When I said ,I love you. Then she
said that she had bought the new sandals
man went to the Police Station wishing
to speak with the burglar who had bro-
ken into his house the night before.
Youll get your chance in court, said the
Police offcer.
No, no no! said the man. I want to know
how he got into the house without waking
my wife. Ive been trying for years.
otel Management gave advertisement
for a good cook to recruit. One cook
has sent one application as follows :
Dear Sir, I am a good cooker. If you ap-
point me, I am sure I will be able to cook
you. When I was working earlier in a hotel I
cooked them all.
man is cutting sides of a capsule before
talking it. His neighbour saw this and
asked him, Why are you cutting the sides
of the capsule?
He replied, To avoid side effects.
nce a young mas was asked in an in-
terview Did you ever meet any Rail-
way accident?
The man replied: Yes, once the train was
going through a long tunnel I havekissed
the father instead of his daughter.
aths teacher: If you have 12 choco-
lates and you give
5 to Priya,
3 to Sonia and
2 to Neha then what will u get????
Mantoo: 3 New Girlfriends Mam!!!
Fashion is only the attempt to realize art in
living forms and social intercourse.
Francis Bacon
Children begin by loving their parents; after
a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do
they forgive them.
Oscar Wilde
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well
to remember from time to time that nothing
that is worth knowing can be taught.
Oscar Wilde
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. What-
ever has to be done, its always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It
William James
Even if you fall on your face, youre still mov-
ing forward.
Victor Kiam
Always desire to learn something useful.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a
shadow. The shadow is what we think of it;
the tree is the real thing.
Abraham Lincoln
In order to succeed, your desire for success
should be greater than your fear of failure.
Bill Cosby
Think twice before you speak, because your
words and infuence will plant the seed of
either success or failure in the mind of an-
Napoleon Hill
Always be yourself, express yourself, have
faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a
successful personality and duplicate it.
Bruce Lee
Develop success from failures. Discourage-
ment and failure are two of the surest step-
ping stones to success.
Dale Carnegie
Success is not fnal, failure is not fatal: it is
the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
All our dreams can come true, if we have
the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney
You will have a fortunate week
ahead when you will be sought
by various clients or organiza-
tions. You have been putting
in a lot of hard work and have
achieved excellent results.
This has certainly given a
boost to your career and you
now have more responsibility
to maintain the image that you
have created for yourself. The
surplus funds at your disposal
should be invested wisely and
not put into any speculative deals. You may not be
as fortunate with a matter that doesnt come under
your feld of expertise. Your personal life is happy
and full of good cheer. Romance is more on your
mind than in actuality due to your inability to fnd time
for amorous sport.
You will have a period of hard
work when you are required to
attend to several new jobs and
also complete some pending
work assignments. It appears
you have been taking things
rather easily and will now have
to put in extra efforts to catch up
lost time. You need to pay atten-
tion to your job or work else you
could be heading for a minor set-
back. Dont make any fresh investments in the com-
ing week for you are more likely than not to block
your money in bad bargains. Romance is very excit-
ing and you seemed to be devoting more time and
energy to matters amour than to your work and con-
sequently suffering a slight setback in your career.
You will fnd matters improve rapid-
ly at work and this gives you an op-
portunity to increase your income
and proft. This is the right time to
go ahead with your past plans on
which you may have worked hard.
If you let others interfere by giving
uncalled for advice or suggestions
you will only be confusing yourself.
Someone you met a couple of
months ago at an offcial function
will contact you with some work or business propos-
al. You should consider fresh offers dispassionately
for it is quite likely that someone may have certain
ulterior motives to work with you. Love life seem to
be getting quite interesting with your mate or beloved
making exciting plans for most evenings. Something
sure is brewing in matters of amour.
You can look forward to some
major changes in your work as
well as in location. Any change
or move that takes place now
will be for the better and will have
long term repercussions on your
career and personal life. Hence
even though all seem to be work-
ing out fne, you need to remain
extra cautious not to make any
mistake. One thing that you must
bear in mind is that not to effect any change yourself,
but let matters come up by themselves. You should
only act as an observer and when the time comes
take the right decision. Do not initiate any change in
job or location on your own. Your personal life is quite
satisfactory with you getting full support from your
mate, family or beloved.
You will unexpectedly receive a
response for a proposal you may
have made a couple of weeks or
months back. You may receive an
offer far more than your expecta-
tions but with a certain conditions
attached. This is the time to ne-
gotiate intelligently and work out
a more proftable and long-term
arrangement than lose the oppor-
tunity by asking phenomenal price. Matters at home
remain happy with elders supporting you in your
endeavours to bring about major changes in the do-
mestic environment. The married will hardly fnd any
time to be with their mate with frequent visitors com-
ing home and renovations being carried out.
You need to rein in your enthusi-
asm and work in co-operation with
others. This is the time to listen to
the wise counsel of those who may
be more experienced or those hav-
ing special qualifcations for the
type of work you do. In fact this is
the right time to add to your quali-
fcation by taking up a specialized
study or a training programmed.
Students will be required to work
very hard before they are given the
clearance to appear for a test or an interview. Domestic
scene could get a bit chaotic with lots happening in the
form of renovation, arrival of guests and an elder not
keeping well. Housewives will fnd themselves on their
toes throughout this week with something or the other
cropping up each time they plan to rest.
You will need to work in co-op-
eration with others for by antag-
onizing a colleague or a senior
will jeopardize your position in
your job or business. In fact
you will beneft more through
the efforts of others than by
your enterprise. Your ingenuity
lies in getting others to work for
you and by maintaining good
rapport with government or other offcials. Home
and family life is likely to get upset due to your
busy work schedule. You may also get romanti-
cally drawn to someone who is married or with
whom there can be no stable relationship. You
could be treading a dangerous path as far as
matters of the heart is concerned.
Travel fgures strongly on your
agenda this week. You may have
to undertake a short journey to
conclude an important business
deal. Some of you will make a
short trip to complete some pa-
per work in preparation for an
overseas sojourn that seem to
come up quite unexpectedly.
Work related travel is bound to
bring positive results and you
will succeed in setting up something on long term
basis. The single and eligible will receive proposal
for marriage that they will fnd suitable and give
their acceptance. Love ties forged this week will
prove happy and enduring. Hence if you are in
love now is the time to make commitment.
Let not an over confdent ap-
proach upset your business
plans, for others may suspect
your motives. You need to
take others into confdence
and seek their indulgence right
from planning to the stage of
executing the deal. This will
endear you to some infuential
people who will later delegate
to you more important task with
prospects of handsome gains.
Your personal life takes an interesting turn. Where-
as the married will fnd their mate in a charming
and cheerful mood throughout, the fancy free will
get more popular with members of the opposite
sex. Make most of fun times while it lasts for you
will soon set out on a long journey on work.
You will be making good prog-
ress in your career especially
after handling your current as-
signment to great satisfaction.
Financial benefts will follow
though a bit later. Independent
entrepreneurs will feel the need
to expand their workspace and
may either buy an additional
premise or move into a larger
accommodation. Some of you
will travel this week to sign a new agreement or to
discuss a fresh project in another town. Home and
family life is happy more so after you get the good
news of a youngster doing exceptionally well in
education or sports.
Fresh opportunities appear on
the horizon but you will have
to scrutinise each and every
offer before making any com-
mitment. You could well be
on way to achieving a major
breakthrough in your career if
you play your cards carefully.
It is quite possible that some
of the new offer you get may
be tempting but may have a
short tenure. These should be rejected outright.
You need to make plans for a long-term move in
your job or business. Love life begins to sparkle
with the advent of a new person in your life. The
single and eligible will receive a favorable pro-
posal for marriage that they are likely to accept.
You are doing well in your work
and it should be your endeavor
to keep up the fast and ef-
fcient pace to maintain your
position. There will be others
waiting on the sidelines for you
to falter and to replace you in
the companys hierarchy. Dont
press for fnancial advantage
as yet until you secure your
position, for pecuniary benefts
are assured to you in the following weeks. You
love life is quite exciting more due to the impish
and playful nature of your beloved or mate. How-
ever, you too will be sporting by participating in all
the wild plans made by your sweetheart. You will
have great times together.
Mar 21-Apr 19
Jul 23 - Aug. 22
Aug. 23 - Sep 22
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Sep 23 - Oct 22
Jan 20 - Feb. 18
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - Jun 20
Jun 21 - Jul 22

Amazing Facts About The
Human Body
The stomachs digestive acids are strong
enough to dissolve zinc. Fortunately for
us, the cells in the stomach lining renew so
quickly that the acids dont have time to dis-
solve it.
The lungs contain over 300,000 million
capillaries (tiny blood vessels). If they were
laid end to end, they would stretch 2400km
(1500 miles).
A mans testicles manufacture 10 million new
sperm cells each day enough that he could
repopulate the entire planet in only 6 months!
Human bone is as strong as granite in sup-
porting weight. A block of bone the size of a
matchbox can support 9 tonnes that is four
times as much as concrete can support.
Each fnger and toenail takes six months to
grow from base to tip.
The largest organ in the body is the skin. In
an adult man it covers about 1.9m2 (20sq
ft). The skin constantly fakes away in a
lifetime each person sheds around 18kg
(40 lb) of skin.
When you sleep, you grow by about 8mm
(0.3in). The next day you shrink back to
your former height. The reason is that your
cartilage discs are squeezed like sponges
by the force of gravity when you stand or sit.
The average person in the West eats 50
tonnes of food and drinks 50,000 liters
(11,000 gallons) of liquid during his life.
Each kidney contains 1 million individual fl-
ters. They flter an average of around 1.3
liters (2.2 pints) of blood per minute, and ex-
pel up to 1.4 liters (2.5 pints) a day of urine.
The focusing muscles of the eyes move
around 100,000 times a day. To give your
leg muscles the same workout, you would
need to walk 80km (50 miles) every day.
In 30 minutes, the average body gives off
enough heat (combined) to bring a half gal-
lon of water to boil.
Interesting Fact
Sudoku 03-FEB-2013
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 17 REVIEW
Music: Sachin Jigar
Lyrics: Mayur Puri
Label: Sony
One of the most awaited re-
leases of 2013 has to be Remo
DSouzas frst 3D movie on
dance ABCD AnyBody Can
Dance.if we go on the title,
audience expect a soundtrack
loaded with some serious danc-
ing songs and Sachin and Jigar
certainly deliver their best work
with this album .
Psycho re- This Tamil number
sung by Mika Singh, Udit Na-
rayan is a instant mood lifter
with catchy lyrics. This crazy
number brings together some of
Indias best choreographers frst
time on silver screen. The Kar-
nataki background score adds
more fun to the track so you
cant afford to miss this one!
Shambu sutaya the devo-
tional track dedicated to lord
ganesha is sung by Shankar
Mahadevan and Vishal Dadlani
with high beats. Sachin-Jigar
will surprise you with this pow-
erful composition which starts
off with shloka after which the
music of dhol beats take over.
Overall quite a good hear.
Sorry Sorry- sung by Jigar
Saraiya turns out to be a highly
entertaining number has some
comical lyrics. Jigars funky
version and and rhythmic pace
makes this track easy to ears.
Bezubaan-This rap number
sung by Mohit chauhan, accom-
panied by an exquisite Priya
Panchal makes a fantastic return
in the soundtrack with amaz-
ing foot tapping beats. Also the
rap portions sung by Deane Se-
queira & Tanvi Shah make you
addictive to this amazing dance-
Mann Basiyo Sanwariyo -
a rock favor track sung by
Anushka Manchanda.Like an-
other compositions with slight
Rahman effects this song is well
composed and sung with cre-
ative arrangements.
Over all Any Body Can Dance
is fultoo entertainment on
ears,songs are just perfect for a
dance movie creating suffcient
pep-fzz.The talented duo Sa-
chin-Jigar pile up another suc-
cess by composing out eleven
soundtracks that entertain in
their own way.
Music Movies
Director: Mahesh Kodiyal
Producer: Subhash Dawar ,
Nitin Shankar
Cast: Naveen Kaushik,Asha
Bhosle,Ram Kapoor,Padmini
Mai is a tragic tale about a
mother-daughter relationship,
the lead characters portrayed by
Asha Bhosle and her real-life
niece Padmini Kolhapure as
Madhu. Its somewhat a simi-
lar story of an Alzheimer-struck
woman Mai whose beloved son
Munna lets her down by aban-
doning her because hes got a
job abroad. The younger two
daughters also show discomfort
from the responsibility of tak-
ing care of their aged mother,
but the eldest, Madhu decides
to take her in, in spite of her
husbands strong objections and
her daughters frm refusal to
adjust. Overall, the 80-year-
old singer delivers a marvelous
performance in her debut mov-
ie as Mai, but the monotonous
story doesnt lives up to your
Cast: Neil Ni-
tin Mukesh,
Vinay Virmani,
Vikram, Tabu,
Isha Sharvani,
Monica Dogra
Director: Be-
joy Nambiar
Director Be-
joy Nambiar
of critically ac-
claimed movie
Shaitan, Be-
joy Nambair is
back after two
years with Da-
vid. The story
establishes the
three characters
in their respec-
tive eras Neil
Nitin Mukesh
in 1975 london, Vinay Virmani
in 1999 Mumbai and Vikram in
2010 Goa.
1975 London - 30 year old Da-
vid works for Iqbal Ghani, a
dreaded Mafa don, who con-
trols the entire Asian commu-
nity. David is dependent on him
for the love ghani has showered
on him.The father-fgure Ghani
is his world.
1999 Mumbai - 19 year old
David is an aspiring singer,
born into a lower middle class
family of Christians. He is a
responsible teenager who loses
all resemblance when his fam-
ily gets dragged into a political
issue. He stays back to protect
his family and to battle for jus-
tice for his father.
2010 Goa - 40 year old Da-
vid is a fsherman living in the
small fshing village of Betul in
Goa. He falls in love with the
deaf and mute Roma who ends
up marrying his friend Peter.
At the end he pass on his feel-
ings to his dear friend Frenny,
a small time body massage par-
lour owner.
David is strongly recommended
for those who want to see the
creative work of this innovative
flmmaker on silver screen. And
all those who are interested to
see how the stories of all three
David in three different time
periods link up together?
Kamal Hassan
Kamal Hassan, Atul Tiwari
Kamal Hassan, Pooja Kumar,
Andrea Jeremiah
After a gap of three years, Kamal
Hassan is back with Viswaroo-
pam, which is written, directed
and produced by him. Set in the
back drop of America.
Viswanath (Kamal Has-
san) as Kathak trainer is
surrounded by girls and
one among them is An-
drea Jeremiah. In past
he had some connec-
tions with an Al-Qaeda
terrorist group headed
by Omar (Rahul Bose).
Thus he comes to know
about the plan of terror-
ist to activate a blast in
New York City. Niru-
pama (Pooja Kumar) is
stunned to fnd that her
husband Viswanath is
a Muslim and a RAW
agent. The remain-
ing story is about how
Viswanath and his group com-
plete their mission of destroying
the plan ofJihadis.
With a whopping Rs 95 crore
invested in this controversial
fick you will get to see the bril-
liant performance of Indias one
of the greatest actors. Must for
those who love to watch action
spy thriller
Director : Deepa Mehta
Producer : David Hamilton
Screenwriter : Salman
Cast: Satya Bhabha,
Shahana Goswami, Seema
Biswas, Siddharth, Ronit
Roy,Shriya Saran,
Kulbhushan Kharbanda,
Samrat Chakrabarti
The story follows the journey
of Saleem in India,Pakistan and
Bangladesh. Saleem (Bhabha),
who was born at the stroke of
midnight when India gained
independence in 1947. He was
also swapped with another
baby in the hospital, which put
him in the hands of a wealthy
Pakistani couple (Goswami
and Roy) while their biological
son Shiva (Siddharth) grew up
in poverty with a single-father
minstrel (Samrat Chakrabarti).
Oblivious to all of this, these
people cross paths with each
other over the decades as India.
And Saleem also discovers that
he has the supernatural ability
to connect all children born at
that same moment, including
Parvati (Saran, the witch who
can cast real spells, and Shiva,
who has a penchant for creating
confict) who become key play-
ers in his life.
The flm is beautifully shot de-
picting a historical backdrop.
Midnight Children adapta-
tion of original book written
by Salman Rushdie is worth a
watch but it fails somewhere in
giving birth to believable char-
Midnights Children
A web site that makes others
dreams come true
3-D imaging surgery can cure
skull disorders
AERB to set up x-ray regulation in Maharashtra, Odisha
US can spy on
Google, Apple servers
Two new BlackBerry phones
closer to
hydrogen fuel
New York
Argentine Martin Parlato has created a
web site so that netizens can help make
other peoples dreams come true, a
project he began in honour of his father
who died when he was a child.
The US-registered site Posibl.com,
which went online last November and
has already helped several youngsters
fulfll their dreams, began out of per-
sonal necessity, Parlato told EFE.
I believe social networks have an im-
mense potential to be truly social and
perhaps the way they are used is not
focused on that. Thats why I felt the
need to create a tool that was differ-
ent, he said. Parlato recalled that his
father - the son of an Italian immigrant
who died when he was seven - gave
me some very clear ideas about fnd-
ing people who have needs, getting in-
volved in their lives and changing them
completely - and being generous with
Craniosynostosis, a rare skull disorder
in newborns in India, can now be suc-
cessfully treated with surgery based on
3-D imaging, doctors said here.
With one in 2,000 to 2,500 infants be-
ing diagnosed with craniosynostosis in
India, which has life altering complica-
tions, such advanced surgeries based on
3-D imaging are the best options avail-
able in the country, said Richa S. De-
bgupta, facility director of Fortis Hos-
pitals, Kolkata, that recently performed
such a surgery on a six-month-old.
Craniosynostosisis is a birth defect that
causes one or more sutures on a babys
skull to close earlier than normal. This
results in increased pressure inside the
brain, which leads to facial deformities
and blindness if not treated properly.
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
(AERB) will set up a Directorate of
Radiation Safety (DRS) to strengthen
the regulatory control on medical di-
agnostic x-ray facilities in Maharash-
tra and Odisha, an offcial said here
This will increase the number of
states to 10 in the country where simi-
lar facilities have been set to keep
check on the medical diagnostic x-ray
There are around 50,000 diagnostic
radiology facilities utilizing x-rays all
over the country and a large number
of patients undergo diagnostic proce-
dures every year.
These units, if not designed or oper-
ated properly, may lead to unwanted
radiation exposure to the patients
as well as the operators, an AERB
spokesperson said here.
The AERB, the national regulatory
body for enforcement of radiologi-
cal safety regulations, conducts safety
review and assessments of these ma-
The other states where DRS will be
set up are: Kerala, Mizoram, Tamil
Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab,
Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Gu-
jarat, and now Maharashtra and Odi-
While the DRS in Kerala and
Mizoram have already become func-
tional, the AERB is in the process of
setting up similar facility and signing
agreements with Andhra Pradesh, Bi-
har and Uttar Pradesh.
These machines function under strin-
gent safety regulations including
design certifcation, type approval/
NOC, layout approval, registration
of x-ray equipment, commissioning
of x-ray equipment, inspection of x-
ray installations, de-commissioning
of x-ray installations, certifcation of
radiological safety offcers and certi-
fcation of service engineers.
In view of the huge growth in medical
diagnostic installations utilising med-
ical x-rays, the AERB had initiated a
process to decentralize their regula-
tions at the state-level by setting DRS
in various states.
Canadas tech giant Research In Mo-
tion Ltd, now renamed just BlackBerry,
has launched the much delayed Black-
Berry 10 with a slew of new features
and innovations.
Its been more than a year since the
launch was supposed to happen, but
BlackBerry took the stage in Toron-
to, London, Dubai, Paris, Johannes-
burg and New York to showcase what
theyve been laboring over during this
period of hibernation, reported Xinhua
They unveiled the frst two phones in
the series, a sleek Z10 touchscreen
phone, and a Q10 that carries the iconic
QWERTY keyboard BlackBerry loyal-
ists love.
A piece of legislation that permits US
agencies to snoop on foreign nation-
als by hacking into cloud servers of
Google and Apple, has sent alarm bells
ringing among privacy campaigners, a
British media report says.
The renewal of the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA), would grant
the US government the right to spy on
anyone using the internet storage facili-
ties provided by Google and Apple.
One of the most disquieting provi-
sions of the FISA justifes snooping
even without the fg leaf of a threat to
national security. Offcials could pry
into foreign individuals cloud data for
purely political reasons as well.
Simply stated, it means that any non-
US citizen who stores data on the cloud
services operated by Amazon, Google
and Apple, could open themselves up
to a probe by US authorities, the Daily
Mail reports.
Google, responding to media requests,
Hydrogen has unparalleled potential as
a low cost eco-friendly fuel, but it is ex-
pensive to produce.
Now, researchers from Princeton and
Rutgers Universities have edged a step
closer to harnessing nature to produce
hydrogen for us.
The team, led by Annabella Selloni, a
Princeton chemistry professor, takes
inspiration from bugs that make hydro-
gen from water using enzymes called
di-iron hydrogenases, according to a
Princeton statement.
Sellonis team uses computer models
to fgure out how to incorporate the
magic of these enzymes into the design
of prac-tical synthetic catalysts that
humans can use to produce hydrogen
from water cheaply.
The catalysts designed so far are sus-
ceptible to poisoning by the oxygen
present during the reaction. By making
changes to the catalyst to improve the
stability of the structure in water, the
researchers found that they had also
created a catalyst that is tolerant to oxy-
gen without sacrifcing effciency.
What is more, their artifcial catalyst
could be made from abundant and
cheap components, such as iron, indi-
cating that the catalyst could be a cost-
effective way of producing hydrogen.
Six Chinese bloggers have launched a
ride-share hitchhiking programme
to ease the burden of holiday travel for
people who fail to get tickets ahead of
the Spring Festival.
The programme was launched by the
bloggers for the holiday travel season
last year, and relaunched it again this
year, Xinhua reported.
It is aimed at helping those people who
cannot get tickets to go home, espe-
cially migrant workers with limited ac-
cess to offcial ticketing systems. Those
failing to snap up tickets can now turn
to shunfengche.org via text messages, a
mobile app and microblog. Real names
are essential for hitchhiking safety.
In 2012, over 1,000 people took advan-
tage of the programme, and the num-
ber is expected to jump to 10,000 this
year, said Wang Yong, one of the pro-
grammes founders.
The Spring Festival, Chinas most im-
portant holiday for family reunions,
falls Feb 10. The holiday travel period
runs from Jan 26 to March 6.
Over 220 million passenger trips are
expected during the period, putting
enormous stress on the countrys trans-
port sector.
whatever success one might have. He
said that on Posibl.com, people tell
what dreams they have that are in need
of help, and can then receive that help
in numerous ways over this platform -
one of them being with cash donations,
as occurred, he said, with a child in the
Argentine city of Cordoba needing a
transplant of mother cells, to whom a
company donated $60,000 to have the
procedure done in China.
Another way is to put the person with
the dream in contact with someone who
can help it come true, maybe by giving
a gift like a wheelchair or just by pro-
viding moral support.
The Argentine, who wants to move his
company headquarters to New York, is
holding meetings these days in the Big
Apple with possible investors and with
foundations that want to affliate with
Due to increasing intracranial pres-
sure, the forehead does not grow fully.
The skull would be defective and dis-
torted and loss of vision would result
eventually. Eyeballs would also pro-
trude abnormally, said Dr. Amitabha
Chanda, consultant neurosurgeon at
Fortis Hospitals who was part of the
team that performed the surgery.
Usually the method used to treat this
is to relieve the intracranial pressure
through surgery. However, this does
not eliminate facial distortion or blind-
ness, Dr. Chanda said.
This type of surgery is a unique cra-
nio-facial approach to such a problem.
It helps the child lead a normal life,
said Dr. Srijon Mukherjee, consultant
maxillofacial surgeon at Fortis Hospi-
tal here.
Remarketing the products
with a new, unifed brand
name, the companys
CEO Thorsten Heins said
at the New York launch
that theyre hoping to start
afresh and rebuild their
brand with this launch.
BlackBerry has changed,
we have re-designed the
BlackBerry experience,
we have re-engineered
our products, we have
re-invented this company
and we want to refect this
in our brand, he said.
We are now more than ever a compa-
ny that is united in our vision for mo-
bile computing, and it all starts today,
Heins said.
Some of the new features include a
speedy predictive keyboard, a hub for
social media addicts to unite all their
different accounts and information,
BlackBerry Balance which allows us-
ers to separate work from play on a
secure system, an impressive time shift
camera that allows you to choose the
best photos by capturing moments be-
fore and after you snap the photo.
Apple Incs iPhones and devices pow-
ered by Googles Android have cap-
tured the market over the last few years,
leaving Blackberry makers in constant
efforts to keep up.
said: It is possible for the US govern-
ment (and European governments) to
access certain types of data via their
law enforcement agencies. We think
this kind of access to data merits seri-
ous discussion and more transparency.
Cloud computing allows internet users
to store their information and data in an
network server as opposed to a physi-
cal memory stick or tangible location
on their hard drive or on their smart-
phones. FISA was actually put into
place under President George W. Bush
in 2008, and it was quietly renewed
in December 2012 under President
Barack Obamas purview.
The blogsite Slate quoted Caspar
Bowden, who co-wrote the report
which is now being examined by the
European Union, as saying that the leg-
islation has been so gravely ignored by
European government offcials.
Its like putting a mind control drug
in the water supply, which only affects
non-Americans, he said.
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Shabbir innocently asked his mother,
Mom what is an advertisement?
Mom thought for a while and answered
Dear Child an advertisement is some-
thing which makes you buy things that
you dont want.
Advertising is an enveloping infuence
on children. Young people view more
than 40 000 advertisements per year
on television alone and increasingly
are being exposed to advertising on
the Internet, magazines, and newspa-
pers. Since many companies spend lots
of money infuencing kids that their
product is the best thing out there, but
the truth is that it can also affect their
way of thinking and can affect image
as well. This experience may contrib-
ute extensively to childhood, obesity,
and cigarette and alcohol consumption.
Earlier, advertising for games and oth-
er products for children was primarily
targeted towards parents with a direct
message. However today, things have
changed. Advertising messages are
more pervasive and are designed di-
rectly to catch their attention at a very
early age. Some advertisers try to por-
tray more positive items to children,
but many of them overcome with the
negative ways of advertising.
Leading to Nag factor: Nag factor
is the tendency of children, in response
to marketing, to insistently request ad-
vertised product. It is the continuous
demand that makes it so hard to deal
with for even the strictest parents. Un-
fortunately tolerating the nagging child
is the worst thing that can be done in
the long term. Successful nagging leads
to more nagging and consuming poor
quality food resulting in childhood
How does advertising infuence
A Few Questions on the Life of
the Mahatma
The Helpless Children: Children are
immature and innocent. When a mar-
keter advertises a product, they do not
understand that it is their main aim to
sell that product. They are not aware of
their intentions in which try to sell their
products in such a persuasive way that
child want to buy it.
Food advertising and children: Ev-
eryone knows that marketing of junk
food to kids affects their eating habits
What they see is what they want. But
now government has fnally accept that
limitations are needed to help children
eat healthier and fght against obesity.
Studies reveal that what children desire
to eat is affected by marketing, both di-
rectly and indirectly through peer pres-
Television advertising: These days,
with so much directness and coverage
in Television commercials, parents are
worried about what their children are
watching. It has been seen that children
are able to remember advertisements
and messages targeted towards adults
also. Parents have also felt the impact
of TV advertisements on childrens
purchase request. Television commer-
cials can be damaging to children and
should be better regulated.
What parents can do? : Watch TV
with your kids. A good conversation
with your child can decrease many of
the negative effects of commercials.
They should teach their children of
how to be signifcant of advertisements
and how to become less infuenced by
the messages. They must also teach
their children the importance of money

1.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was
born on________
2. Where was Gandhiji born?
3. Mahatma Gandhi was shot three
times in the chest and died while
on his way to a prayer meeting, on
4. In _______, Mahatma Gandhi called
for the non-cooperation movement
against the British Government with
the sole object of attaining Swaraj or
independence for India.
5. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated
by Hindu fanatic ________________
6. Gandhi campaigned to improve the
lives of the untouchables, whom he
called _________.
7. ___________ was the mother of Ma-
hatma Gandhi
8. Which of Mahatmas Gandhis sons
converted and became a Muslim?
9. When did Mahatma Gandhi get mar-
ried and what was the name of his wife?
10. Where did Gandhi study and re-
ceive his law degree to become a prac-
ticing barrister (lawyer)?
11.Where did Mahatma Gandhi choose
to discard his western clothes for the
loincloth and shawl for which he be-
came known for?
12. During the Boer War in South Af-
rica, Mahatma Gandhi served in what
13. Who assassinated Mahatma
14. Where are Gandhijis blood stained
garments after his assassination stored
in India?
15. Time magazine named Gandhi the
Man of the Year in ________.
16. Gandhijis The Story of My Ex-
periments with Truth was originally
written in which language?
17. When is the International Day of
Non-Violence celebrated?
18. What title did Gandhiji give to his
Gujrati translation of Unto This Last?
19. Gandhiji jailed for the frst time in?
20. __________ asked Gandhiji to eat
meat in order to become strong
21. Where did Gandhiji receive his pri-
mary education?
22. Which book infuenced Gandhiji
greatly, which he read in England?
23. The differences with Gandhiji led
Subhas Chandra Bose to resign the
Presidentship of the India National
Congress in 1939. Leaving the Con-
gress he formed a new party called
24. Who worked as Private Secretary to
Mahatma Gandhi?
25) _________was the leader who last
met Gandhiji for about an hour and left
him just few minutes before he was
shot dead on January 30, 1948 while on
his way to the prayer meeting
1) Prodigality
Meaning: excessive spending, useless
or proftless activity
Example- The parties thrown by the
man are a prodigality of his money.
2) Perennial- Appearing again and
Example-Pizza is a perennial favorite
of young and old alike in the United
3) Covenant-A binding agreement
Example - Shabbir made a covenant
with Shruti to protect her property.
4) Gibe- To make Taunting Remark
Example-The bullies gibed at the new
kid in school because he had glasses
5)Regale-A great feast, great enjoyment
Example- The King regaled his guests
with excess of food and drinks.
1) I am an odd number. Take away one
letter and I become even. What number
am I?
2) What is it that goes up and goes
down but does not move?
3) What English word has three
consecutive double letters?
4) What vehicle is spelled the same
backwards and forwards?
5) Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me,
When I have fown.
What am I?
Experient Time: What Absorbs More Heat?
When youre out in the sun on a hot summers day it pays to wear some light
colored clothes, but why is that? Experiment with light, color, heat and some water
to fnd out.
What youll need:
2 identical drinking glasses or jars Thermometer
Water White paper
Black paper 2 elastic bands or some cellotape
Wrap the white paper around one of the glasses using an elastic band or
cellotape to hold it on.
Do the same with the black paper and the other glass.
Fill the glasses with the exact same amount of water.
Leave the glasses out in the sun for a couple of hours before returning to
measure the temperature of the water in each.
Whats happening?
Dark surfaces such as the black paper absorb more light and heat than the lighter
ones such as the white paper. After measuring the temperatures of the water,
the glass with the black paper around it should be hotter than the other. Lighter
surfaces refect more light, thats why people wear lighter colored clothes in the
summer, it keeps them cooler.
A n s w e r s
1 . S e v e n ;
2 . T e m p e r a t u r e ;
3 . B o o k k e e p e r ;
4 . R a c e c a r ;
5 . T i m e
Google launched a global science fair
by inviting students around the world
to present ideas that could change the
world and perhaps become the next
Ada Lovelace.Lovelace was a teenager
in the early 1800s when she became
fascinated with math and went on to
write what is considered to be the frst
computer program.
Partners in the third annual Google
Science Fair include European research
organization CERN and toy maker
LEGO Group.The Internet powerhouse
known for investing in unusual projects
such as self-driving cars and glasses
linked to the Web said that students
ages 13 to 18 can vie for top prize in
the science contest.
Challenges tackled by prior fair winners
included early diagnosis of breast
cancer, cataloguing the ecosystem
found in water, and enabling people
with hearing loss to better listen to
music, according to Peter.Science fair
prizes include a $50,000 scholarship
and a trip to the Galapagos with
National Geographic Expeditions.
The deadline for submissions is April
30 and top fnalists will be brought
to Googles campus in Mountain
View, California, where winners will
be announced during an event on
September 23.
Google Science Fair 2013 seeks next
generation scientists
Strange Facts You
Didnt Know ??
30th January 1948, our nation had faced
a biggest tragedy when Mahatma Gan-
dhi also considered as father of the na-
tion, was assassinated in Birla house.
The day 30th January has been chosen
as the Martyrs Day. Martyrs Day is an
annual observance day in India for the
people who sacrifced their lives. While
paying respects to the father of the na-
tion Mahatma Gandhi, the country as
well pays respect to all the freedom
fghters who have laid down their lives.
Take this interactive quiz, Test your
knowledge to see how much you know
about our Father of the Nation.
1. October 2, 1869, 2. Porbandar, 3. January 30, 1948, 4. 1921, 5. Nathuram
godse, 6. harijan, 7. Putlibai Gandhi, 8. Harilal, the eldest son, 9. 13 years,
10. University College, London, 11. Madurai, India, 12. As a nurse for the
British Ambulance Corps, 13. Nathuram Godse, 14. Madurai, Tamil nadu,
15. 1930, 16. Gujarati, 17. 2october, 18. sarvodaya, 19. 1908 pretoria, 20.
Sheikh Mehtab, 21. Rajkot, 22. Plea for Vegetarianism, 23. Forward Bloc,
24. Mahadev Desai, 25. Vallabhbhai Patel
Butterfies taste food by
standing on top of it! Their
taste receptors are in their
feet unlike humans who have
most on their tongue.
A hippopotamus may seem
huge but it can still run faster
than a man.
A person eats around 60,000
pounds worth of food during
his life which is the equivalent
of six elephants.
Sneezing with your eyes
open is impossible.
Even when a snake has its
eyes closed, it can still see
through its eyelids.
Infosys unveils business portal
Satyam, Tech Mahindra launch integration
Realty to be our largest business
in 10 years: Godrej
Bosch to make solar water
heaters for multiple users
Puerto Rican frms to advertise
more on social media
output grows
Cannon India eyes 26 percent growth in 2013
Indian IT bellwether Infosys unveiled a
business (eBiz) portal of the commerce
ministrys industrial policy and promo-
tion department for investors and busi-
The eBiz portal will be a single plat-
form for online G2B (government-to-
business) services for domestic inves-
tors and businesses, reducing delays
and complexity in getting information
and services, the global software ma-
jor said in a statement here.
The frst of its kind portal was formally
launched by Union Commerce, Indus-
try and Textiles Minister Anand Shar-
ma at the CII Partnership summit being
held at Agra in Uttar Pradesh, about
200km from New Delhi.
We are taking multiple initiatives to
foster the business environment across
the country in a holistic way. The ap-
proach includes leveraging technology
to bring transparency, effciency and
Mahindra Satyam and Tech Mahindra
have started defacto integration process
and are only waiting for the legal as-
sent for formal merger, said Mahindra
Satyam chairman Vineet Nayar.
He told reporters here Thursday that
the process of merger was in fnal stage
and was confdent that it would soon
get the courts nod.
I am confdent that this matter will be
closed soon and we will operate as a
combined company in the near future.
In fact, defacto we are already doing it
and what we are looking for is a legal
assent, he said while announcing com-
panys third quarter results.
The merger was proposed soon after
Anand Mahindra-owned Tech Mahin-
dra purchased Satyam Computer Ser-
vice Limited in 2009 and re-branded as
Mahindra Satyam.
The government auctioned the Hyder-
abad-based IT services frm Satyam
after its founder and chairman B. Ra-
malinga Raju admitted Indias biggest
accounting fraud.
However, the merger was put on hold
in view of the investigations into Sa-
tyam fraud by various agencies.
Mahindra Satyam CEO C.P. Gurnani
said telecom would be the biggest ver-
tical for the combined entity followed
by manufacturing and BFSI (Banking,
Financial Services and Insurance).
He said within manufacturing aero-
space and defence would play domi-
nant role because of the synergies of
Mahindras with companies like Ma-
hindra Defence Systems and Mahindra
Nayar said they would be using the
synergies of both the companies while
ensuring that there was no duplication.
While Tech Mahindra is strong in tele-
com, Satyam has its presence in all oth-
er verticals. He believes services would
be the only area where there could be
some overlap.
On branding the new entity, Gurnani
said this was put to vote among clients,
customers and analyst community and
they were waiting for the result.
Mahindra Satyam, which is sitting on
huge cash reserves of Rs.3,311 crore, is
also looking for strategic acquisitions.
Gurnani said there would acquisitions
would be in Europe and Australia as
there were more opportunities there.
He also indicated that the acquisitions
would be in engineering services and
that size was not an issue for them.
He also pointed out that companys
non-America revenue came down
during third quarter which ended Dec
2012. He attributed this to some large
technology customers in US deciding
to take a holiday during the period.
Currently America accounts for 53
percent of the revenue, Europe 24 and
emerging markets 24 percent. He be-
lieves this trend would continue for
Manufacturing contributed 34 percent
to the revenues in Q3 while BFSI ac-
counted for 20 percent revenues.
Nayar said the current projections indi-
cate some positive signs in the global
economy but full recovery would be a
long and slow process. Our expecta-
tions are customers would invest more
in technology and IT this year com-
pared to last year, he added.
New Delhi
Digital imaging major Cannon India is
eying 26 percent growth in 2013 on the
back of its cameras and a range of new
products including compact cine cam-
eras and home and commercial print-
ers, a top offcial said.
We achieved Rs.1,850 crore last year.
We are aiming at a 26 percent increase
to Rs.2,350 crores this year. We see our
sales equally divided between cameras
and printers, Canon India President
and CEO Kazutada Kobayashi told
IANS in an interview.
We see big growth in the camera seg-
ment. Today, less than 5 percent of ur-
ban households in the $5,000-35,000
New Delhi
Godrej Group, a major player in con-
sumer durables and fast moving con-
sumer goods sector, is investing heav-
ily in the property sector and expects
that realty would be the biggest con-
tributor to the companys business 10
years ahead.
Talking to reporters here, the $3.2 bil-
lion Godrej Groups chairman Adi Go-
drej said the company had increased its
focus on the real estate business in the
past few years.
In the next 10 years, I expect real es-
tate will be the single largest contribu-
tor to our business, Godrej said at a
media briefng on the sidelines of the
Partnership Summit here.
San Juan
Puerto Ricos businesses plan to spend
up to 10 percent of their advertising
budgets on social media this year, fo-
cusing on social-networking giants
Facebook and Twitter.
Companies based in the Caribbean is-
land plan to target social media with
between 7 percent and 10 percent of
their advertising budgets, the Puerto
Rican Association of Sales and Market-
German industrial major Bosch India
will manufacture solar water heaters
and steam generators using thermo-
technology for multiple users, span-
ning residential, commercial, industrial
and institutional sectors.
As a major supplier of water heating
and comfort heating systems in the
thermo-technology space, we will offer
commercial, industrial, power boilers
and solar water heaters to multiple seg-
ments, the Indian subsidiary said in a
statement here.
The thermo-technology division will
be part of Bosch Ltd and will market
the products initially in Maharashtra,
Karnataka and the national capital re-
gion (NCR) through about 40 agents.
We see good potential in India on
account of favourable weather condi-
tions, with 300 days of solar energy in
a year and a friendly regulatory envi-
ronment that makes it mandatory for
installation of water heaters on any new
residential construction, Bosch coun-
try head Vidyasagar Haligali said in the
Apart from serving the Indian mar- Tokyo
Japans industrial production rose a
seasonally adjusted 2.5 percent in De-
cember 2012 from the previous month
for the frst rise in two months, accord-
ing to the data released by the govern-
ment Thursday.
The index of output at factories and
mines stood at 88.9 against the base of
100 for 2005, the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry said in a prelimi-
nary report.
The index of industrial shipments rose
4.4 percent to 90.6 while that of inven-
tories was down 1.1 percent to 105.2,
reported Xinhua.
Godrej Groups real estate unit Godrej
Properties is currently developing sev-
eral residential and commercial proj-
ects in different parts of the country
including Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata
and the National Capital Region.
Godrej said he was expecting good
growth in Indias real estate business in
the coming years.
Real estate is the single largest indus-
try in India. There is no player who
dominates the business, Godrej said.
There are seven major companies un-
der Godrej Group with interests in the
sectors like FMCG, industrial engi-
neering, appliances, furniture, security
and real estate.
ing Executives said.
Puerto Rican businesses are expected
to gradually increase the amount they
spend on Internet advertising, especial-
ly social media, the association said.
It report, however, concluded that
Puerto Rican consumers were still not
attuned to social-networking brands,
making it clear that frms still have
much work to do to gain traction in this
ket, the thermo-technology division
will promote the products in the South
Asian Association for Regional Coop-
eration (SAARC) region, including Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh beginning with
solar water heater and commercial in-
dustrial boiler.
Till date, the solar water heater market
has been governed with solutions pri-
marily for Individual houses and hence
system design from an industrial per-
spective was never thought of. We wish
to fll this gap with our innovative, pio-
neering solutions and provide hot water
solutions for multi-storey apartments,
Halingali said.
With over three decades of global ex-
pertise in the area, the foray will al-
low the company to bring world class
optimum design solutions in thermo-
With strong research & development
base and system design competency,
the division aims to achieve about 10
percent market share by 2015.
Designing its systems, attention is paid
to combining effcient use of natural
resources, system fexibility, and user
(Rs.250,000-Rs18 lakhs) earning bas-
ket has a camera. We aim to take this to
20 percent as a frst step and then jump
to 100 pecent, Kobayashi said. By
2015, he estimated there would be 4.4
crore families in this earning bracket.
Speaking about demographics, Ko-
bayashi saw women from their late
20s onward as the primary market for
point-and-shoot cameras (Rs.5,000-
For the higher end digital SLRs
(Rs.25,000-Rs.430,000), the aver-
age customer would be 40-plus, mar-
ried and with two children and earning
$40,000 (Rs.21 lakh), he added.
We want to create a culture of photog-
raphy, he said.
To this end, he pointed to the next big
step: home printing.
The company earlier this month in-
troduced an inkjet printer priced at
Rs.4,000 that utilises photo paper that
turns out professional quality 4x6
prints suitable for framing.
It would be nice to have the walls
of homes and offces full of pictures
of family and other loved ones, Ko-
bayashi said.
At the upper end of the range are com-
mercial printers that can accept up to
A3 size paper.
These can print just about anything
from brochures, to cards, to menus, to
pamphlets to what have you. They are
extremely versatile.
The company will also be aiming to
make a dent in the movie industry with
its Eos digital cine camera that ranges
between Rs.15 lakhs and Rs.45 lakhs.
This is one-third the size and one-
tenth the cost of the existing cameras,
Kobayashi said.
We sold 50 units last year, mainly in
Mumbai and some in Chennai and plan
to expand the market four times this
year. This is a small but symbolically
important move on out part, he added.
promote convenience, Sharma said on
the occasion.
As part of the projects frst phase, the
portal will provide investors an inter-
active tool to assess licence and permit
requirements for setting up and operat-
ing a business in India.
The portal will also be a gateway to
obtain services related to planning,
starting and operating businesses
across the country, including licenses,
approvals, clearance, no objection cer-
tifcates, permits and fling returns,
Infosys board member V. Balakrishnan
As part of the 10-year national pro-
gramme, the company will roll out
services in a phased manner for better
governance, transparency and ease of
use for businesses.
In the frst year of the three year pilot
phase, 29 services will be unveiled in
fve states -- Andhra Pradesh, Delhi,
Haryana, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
In the second and third year, an addi-
tional 21 services will be rolled out and
fve more states will be covered under
the project. From fourth year, the proj-
ect will have 200 services rolled out
across the country, Balakrishnan said.
The portal adheres to global e-gover-
nance standards.
It is an integrated mission-mode proj-
ect that aims at providing central gov-
ernment, state governments and local
administration related services, Bal-
akrishnan added.
Index Starting Value Close Value Your Money Change Change in Money Total Sum in Hand
S&P CNX Nifty 6082 6035 10000 -0.8% -78 9922
CNX Nifty Junior 12268 12271 10000 0.0% 2 10002
CNX 100 5990 5951 10000 -0.7% -66 9934
CNX 200 3086 3068 10000 -0.6% -57 9943
S&P CNX 500 4821 4795 10000 -0.5% -53 9947
NIFTY Midcap 50 2349 2325 10000 -1.0% -104 9896
CNX Midcap 8375 8364 10000 -0.1% -14 9986
CNX Smallcap 3664 3639 10000 -0.7% -67 9933
CNX Auto 4688 4650 10000 -0.8% -82 9918
CNX Bank 12706 12709 10000 0.0% 2 10002
CNX Energy 8660 8483 10000 -2.0% -205 9795
CNX Finance 5142 5113 10000 -0.6% -56 9944
CNX FMCG 15061 15265 10000 1.4% 136 10136
CNX IT 6796 6778 10000 -0.3% -27 9973
CNX Media 1815 1820 10000 0.2% 25 10025
CNX Metal 2772 2773 10000 0.1% 6 10006
CNX MNC 5573 5543 10000 -0.5% -54 9946
CNX Pharma 5959 5935 10000 -0.4% -40 9960
CNX PSU Bank 3776 3699 10000 -2.0% -204 9796
CNX Realty 290 295 10000 1.50% 150 10150
CNX Consumption 2337 2319 10000 -0.7% -73 9927
CNX Commodities 2569 2544 10000 -1.0% -99 9901
CNX Dividend Opportunities 1752 1749 10000 -0.2% -19 9981
CNX Infrastructure 2625 2562 10000 -2.43% -243 9757
CNX PSE 3110 3094 10000 -0.5% -52 9948
CNX Service Sector 7409 7344 10000 -0.9% -87 9913
*In Rs *In Rs
Best Performer 10150 CNX Realty
Worst Perfromer 9757 CNX Infra
If I invested Rs 10,000
This column tabulates and calculates the net amount with a person if he invested Rs. 10,000 in an index or market linked plan. The section
provides the readers with net returns linked to CNX Nifty and also its sub-indices like IT, Realty and Automobiles to name a few. The column
is a potent tool to understand market performance in simple Rupee terms rather than percentage or basis points.
Jet Airways third quarter
proft at Rs.85 crore
V-Guard net up 23 percent in Q3
Mahindras January sales up 11
Oil India stake
sale over
Jet Airways Friday reported a net proft
of Rs.85 crore in the third quarter of
2012-13 from a net loss of Rs.101.22
crore in the like period of the previous
All of our efforts on revenues, costs
and network side have resulted in turn-
ing around the airline operations. This
is despite higher fuel prices and rupee
depreciation impact that we have had in
the last few months, said Nikos Kar-
dassis, chief executive, Jet Airways,
said in a statement.
The companys total income in the
period under review increased by 6.6
percent to Rs.4,205.77 crore, from
Rs.3,939.16 crore in the corresponding
quarter of last fscal.
The companys fuel cost decreased by
3.69 percent and stood at Rs.1,688.53
crore from Rs.1,753.34 crore in the cor-
responding period of 2011-2012.
While the total expenses went down by
Leading sports utility vehicle (SUV)
manufacturer Mahindra and Mahindra
Friday reported a healthy 11 percent
sales growth in January, a company
spokesperson said Friday.
Sales of SUVs stood at 49,503 units
from 44,718 units sold in the same pe-
riod last year.
According to the company, its domestic
sales increased by 16 percent and stood
at 47,841 units during January this year
under review from 41,369 units sold
during January 2012.
The company hoped the repo and cash
reserve ratio (CRR) rate cuts by 25 ba-
sis points would help sales.
The recently announced reduction of
25 BPS (basis point) both in the repo
Electric and electronics goods major V-
Guard Industries Ltd reported net proft
of Rs.15.4 crore for the third quarter
(October-December) of fscal 2012-
13, registering 23 percent year-on-year
(YoY) increase from Rs.12.5 crore in
the like quarter a year ago.
The Kochi-based listed frms total in-
come from sales and during Q3 shot up
42 percent YoY to Rs.349 crore from
Rs.247 crore in the same period year
ago, with new products such as switch
gears and induction cook tops contrib-
uting signifcantly.
Though total income was up 12 percent
from Rs.314 crore in second quarter
(July-September) this fscal, net income
declined 14 percent sequentially from
Rs.18 crore in the same quarter.
New Delhi
The Oil India (OIL) stake sale was
oversubscribed before closure of mar-
kets, signalling a minimum earning of
Rs.3,100 crore for the government from
the divestment.
The OIL auction got bids for over 7.50
crore shares as at 3 p.m. against an offer
of over 6.01 crore, according to Nation-
al Stock Exchange (NSE) data.
The indicative price, that is the weight-
ed average price of all valid bids, was
Rs.518.04 per share and the govern-
ment would earn Rs.3,100 crore at this
The government had fxed the foor or
minimum price for the OIL share auc-
tion through offer for sale (OFS) route
at Rs.510 a share.
This represents a 5.41 percent discount
to its current market rate.
The government holds 78.43 percent
stake in OIL, which would come down
to 68.43 percent after disinvestment.
The company got listed on stock ex-
changes in 2009.
The government has so far raised Rs.69
billion ($1.25 billion) through its disin-
vestment programme.
7.81 percent at Rs.3,870.16 crore from
Rs.4,198.05 crore incurred in the like
quarter of last fscal.
The companys domestic operations
garnered 4.01 percent more revenue
which stood at Rs.1,822.26 crore from
Rs.1,751.84 crore earned in the corre-
sponding period of 2011-2012.
The earnings from international op-
erations increased by 8.96 percent at
Rs.2,383.51 crore from Rs.2,187.32
crore in the third quarter of last fscal.
The healthy growth results may also
help in closing a possible stake sale by
Jet Airways to the Abu Dhabi based
passenger carrier.
The Indian government last year al-
lowed foreign airlines to invest up to
49 percent in private domestic carriers.
The companys scrip at the Bombay
Stock Exchange (BSE) closed high-
er by 0.55 points and 0.09 percent at
Rs.622.65 per share from its previous
close of Rs.622.10.
and CRR (cash reserve ratio) rates is a
positive step and is expected to bring
in the much desired momentum in the
market, said Pravin Shah, chief exec-
utive, automotive division, M&M.
The industry has already seen reduc-
tions in auto loan rates announced by
some banks which will help improve
customer sentiments, he added.
Segment-wise, four-wheeler com-
mercial vehicle sales in last month
grew fve percent at 14,451 units from
13,725 units sold during the same pe-
riod of last year.
The companys passenger vehicles seg-
ment reported a healthy sales growth
of about 33 percent at 26,555 units
from 19,975 sold in the corresponding
month of 2011.
Digital UPS (uninterrupted power
supply), electric and solar water heat-
ers and wires performed exceptionally
well, contributing 56 percent to total
revenue, V-Guard managing director
Mithun K. Chittilappilly said in a state-
ment here Friday.
A whopping 141 percent jump in ad-
vertisement-spend during the quarter,
however, impacted the companys mar-
The Rs.965-crore company plans to
unveil its mixer grinder during the
frst quarter (April-June) of next fs-
cal (1213-14). It also plans to launch
its new products, including switch
gears and induction cook tops in other
markets across the country in a phased
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Arsenal to
visit Indonesia
in July
The only thing
that matters is
winning: Messi
Neha wins frst
leg of Hero
Womens Golf
New Zealand
gets $1.8m
from ICC
included in
India A squad
Raina breaks into top 10 for
frst time
Chennai to host last round of
MRF Challenge
Ecclestone predicts long life for Indian GP
Lotus F1 team launches 2013 car
English Premier League team Arsenal
has confrmed its visit to Indonesia in
July, local media reported here.
Arsenals visit is part of a pre-season
tour. Tom Fox, chief commercial off-
cer of Arsenal, said it will be a full team
There will be players, coaches, and all
staffs. Weve been waiting the moment
to visit Indonesia for about 31 years,
Fox was quoted as saying by Antara
news agency .
Organisers of Arsenals tour have
scheduled the team to face Indonesia
Dream Team in a friendly match July
14, at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Ja-
Fox said they may bring a full-strength
team to the country.
We will take all players possible, he
New Zealand Cricket (NZC) was allo-
cated $1.8 million by the International
Cricket Council (ICC) for next three
years to develop the sport in the coun-
ICC also confrmed at their board meet-
ing which concluded here that their an-
nual conference will be held in London
in June following the Champions Tro-
phy, which will be held in England and
ICC chief executive David Richardson
said: We had a constructive meeting
in which many wide ranging subjects
affecting international cricket were
thoroughly discussed and those discus-
sions will continue through the future
ICC board meetings as well as the ICC
chief executives committee.
Buenos Aires
FC Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi
said in an interview published over the
weekend that he did not care about re-
cords and only wanted to help his club
and the Argentine national team win.
My goal is not to break records, I want
to win everything possible with my
team every season, whether its Bar-
celona or the national team, the four-
time FIFA player of the year told the
Buenos Aires daily Clarin.
The superstar said he needed to con-
stantly improve everthing he did on
the feld.
We live trying to improve in every
area of life and I am not the exception
in soccer, Messi said.
FC Barcelona is not perfect and has
things it can improve, but that is coach
Tito Vilanovas job, Messi said.
FC Barcelona is led by Messi and sev-
eral members of Spains 2010 FIFA
World Cup-winning squad, including
defenseman Pique.
The soccer club has arguably been the
worlds best thus far this century, hav-
ing won three of the past seven UEFA
Champions League crowns. It also is
the favorite to win this seasons title.
Neha Tripathi managed to keep Smriti
Mehra at bay despite a card of fve-over
77 to win the Hero Womens Profes-
sional Golf Tour (WGAI) here.
After a tight error-flled front nine,
Neha totalled 226 to fnish three clear
of Smriti Mehra (76) and fve ahead of
Vani Kapoor (76).
It was a good start for Neha, who went
through 2012 without a win and was
ranked fourth in the Order of Merit.
Nehas last win came in the 2011-12
season. Overall it was Nehas third title
on the WGAI Tour, which started in
Smriti, a 16-time winner on WGAI,
was second at 229 and Vani ended third
at 231. Rani Sonti (76) was fourth at
239 and Ankita Tiwana (79) was ffth.
Neha, who started the day four ahead of
Smriti, parred the frst two holes, even
as Smriti had a bogey-double bogey
start, extending Nehas lead to seven
shots. When Neha double bogeyed the
third and Smriti birdied the same, there
was a three-shot swing to reduce the
lead to four for Neha. Smriti eagled the
fourth and Neha birdied it but the gap
was now down to three.
Neha gave Smriti a further opportunity
as she dropped another double bogey
on sixth and a bogey on seventh before
picking a birdie on ninth. Smriti parred
from ffth to ninth and turned in 36 as
compared to Nehas 39, reducing the
lead to just one shot.
Then Smriti lapsed into a series of er-
rors with four bogeys on back nine,
while Neha managed to limit the dam-
age with just two bogeys and emerged
a winner by three shots.
Vani bogeyed three times in last four
holes to drop from a possible second
place to third with a card 76. In all Vani
had two birdies and six bogeys.
The second leg of the 12-event Tour
will be held at Tollygunge Club from
Feb 4-7, followed by the third leg in
BPGC, Mumbai Feb 25-28.
Mumbais Abhishek Nayar has been
added to the India A squad for the
three-day game against Australia to be
played at Guru Nanak College Ground,
Chennai, Feb 16-18.
Delhis Shikhar Dhawan has been
named the captain for the domestic
The following is the India A squad:
Shikhar Dhawan (Captain), Jiwanjyot
Singh, Rohit Sharma, Manoj Tiwary,
Ajinkya Rahane, C. Gautam, Rakesh
Dhruv, Jalaj Saxena, Manpreet Gony,
Vinay Kumar, Dhawal Kulkarni, Ashok
Menaria, Abhishek Nayar.
Australia will play two practice games
before the four-Test Border-Gavaskar
Trophy which starts in Chennai Feb 22.
India batsman Suresh Raina has bro-
ken into the top-10 of the International
Cricket Council (ICC) Player Rankings
for ODI batsmen for the frst time in his
Raina has jumped 15 places to 10th in
the latest rankings released on Mon-
day. Raina was named player of the
series against England after he scored
277 runs in the fve-match series at an
average of 92.33. Rainas efforts also
helped him achieve a career-best 669
ratings points. Another batsman inside
the top 10 to improve his ranking is
England captain Alastair Cook, who
has moved up one place to seventh.
Outside the top 10, the batsmen head-
ing in the right direction are Graeme
Smith in 15th (up by six), Ian Bell in
23rd (up by six), Kevin Pietersen in
29th (up by one), David Warner in 35th
The Madras Motor Racing Track at
Sriperumbudur will host the fnale of
the MRF Challenge Feb 8-10, making
its frst ever visit to Indias longest serv-
ing purpose-built motorsport venue.
The MRF F2000, Dallara designed
and Renault powered cars built in Co-
imbatore, will be the premier category
of racing in the weekend. They will be
joined by the MRF Formula 1600 cars
in their debut as the premier category
of the Indian National Racing Champi-
onship (INRC).
The third and fnal round of the MRF
Challenge will feature four races, two
each Saturday and Sunday.
The MRF Challenge will see the re-
turn of all the current series leaders.
Jordan King currently leads the points
table from Conor Daly by just fve
points with Alice Powell in third, just
one point ahead of reigning Formula 2
champion Luciano Bacheta. Japanese
Yudai Jinkawa will also return, this
time bringing along one of his peers
Shinya Michimi.
There will be fve new drivers enter-
ing the series. Apart from Michimi,
there will also be new entries from the
United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Ger-
Josh Hill, son of the 1996 Formula 1
World Champion Damon Hill and
grandson of double World Champion
Graham Hill, will make his debut in the
MRF Challenge. Spain and Italy will
be represented by lady racers Carmen
Jorda and Vicky Piria, both of whom
have GP3 experience, and the lone
German entry in the series is Formula
ADAC driver Sebastian Balthasar.
India will be represented by Formula
2 racer Parthiva Sureshwaren as well
as the reigning Asian Formula Pilota
Champion Parth Ghorpade.
The MRF Formula 1600 cars will make
a return to the venue which saw their
debut in 2010. The championship will
consist of four rounds with three races
per round, totalling 12 races.
The MRF F1600 cars have a space-
frame chassis, designed by single-
seater manufacturer Van-Diemen with
a Ford 1600cc Duratec engine built in
New Delhi
The Indian Grand Prix will survive
competition and hold its place in the
ever-changing Formula 1 calendar, its
chief Bernie Ecclestone has asserted.
The race at the Buddh International
Circuit (BIC) in Greater Noida is slated
for Oct 25-27, on a calendar compris-
ing 19 races after reports that Nurbur-
gring will host the German GP in July.
For 2014, the new venues are Sochi,
Russia and New Jersey, United States
while Thailand (Bangkok) and Mexico
(Mexico City) are also linked to staging
a round.
Amid all these dynamics, Ecclestone
feels Indias future is secure at the back
of two successful editions.
We see F1 prospering in India. That is
exactly why we came here in the frst
place, Ecclestone told IANS.
The Formula One Management (FOM)
has a fve-year contract with BIC pro-
moters Jaypee Group and the efferves-
cent 82-year-old sees the event going
on beyond 2015.
I cannot see why it should not, and an-
other fve years after that.
On the performance of the organisers
so far, Ecclestone said: Considering
the diffcult conditions under which
they have staged the event, they have
done well.
The three-day affair went smoothly
in the last two years even though the
teams had a tough time getting their
equipment cleared from the Indian cus-
The inaugural round saw 90,000 fans
turn up at BIC while 65,000 watched
the race last year.
The frst time the excitement is always
high, second time it goes down. Third
year is what is important as there is
something to worry if the interest keeps
falling. And we have stiff competition
from cricket, Ecclestone had said ear-
(up by two), Kane Williamson in 36th
(up by 18), George Bailey in 48th (up
by three), Rohit Sharma in 54th (up by
two), Lahiru Thirimanne (up by 12)
and Faf du Plessis in joint 64th (up by
three), Colin Ingram in 83rd (up by
14), Samit Patel in 86th (up by 10) and
James Franklin in 90th (up by 13).
Australias debutant batsman Philip
Hughes, who was the highest run-getter
in the series against Sri Lanka with 257
runs, has entered the rankings in 73rd
The batting table continues to be head-
ed by South Africas Hashim Amla, fol-
lowed by teammate A.B. de Villiers in
second and Indias Virat Kohli in third
The Player Rankings for ODI bowl-
ers is still topped by Pakistans Saeed
Ajmal, followed by teammate Moham-
mad Hafeez in second place. But there
has been a lot of movement inside the
top 10 of the bowlers list.
South Africas Lonawabo Tsotsobe has
moved up a place to third, Sri Lankas
Nuwan Kulasekara, who was the num-
ber-one ranked ODI bowler in March
2009, has jumped up 16 places to sixth
spot following his 11 wickets in the se-
ries against Australia, Steven Finn has
gained one spot and is now in ffth po-
sition, and Lasith Malinga has returned
after jumping 10 places to 10th.
Lotus has become the frst Formula 1
team to unveil its car for the 2013 sea-
son after curtains were drawn from
the Renault powered E21 in an online
launch at the teams Enstone base here.
The car, revealed to team partners on
site, was streamed live on YouTube and
broadcasted live on Sky Sports News
in the UK.
The E21 will contest the 2013 Cham-
pionship with drivers Kimi Raikkonen
and Romain Grosjean.
With only limited changes to the tech-
nical and sporting regulations from
2012, the car continues the design
themes seen in its race-winning prede-
cessor, the E20.
However, it is pushing last years
concepts even further as well as in-
corporating some innovative technical
solutions. The new car also features a
slightly tweaked livery, incorporating
an extra touch or red, said Lotus in a
Joining the team as third driver is
reigning GP2 series champion Davide
Valsecchi, whilst Nicolas Prost will
perform development driver duties.
Jerme DAmbrosio will continue with
the team as a reserve.
Eric Boullier, Lotus team principal
said: I think it is fair to say that great
things are possible from the team and
the E21. The leap we made from 2011
to 2012 showed what we are capable
of. Add to this the continuity and po-
tential of our driver line-up and we
have a very powerful cocktail for the
season ahead.
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013 23
ICC Womens World Cup: India start
campaign with convincing win
Thirush Kaminis 100 off 146 balls
helped India defeat the West Indies by
105 runs in the opening game of the
ICC Womens World Cup at Brabourne
Stadium here Thursday.
Put in to bat, India posted a massive
score of 284 for six, largely owing to
the 175-run stand between Kamini and
Poonam Raut (72) for the frst wicket.
Australia captain Michael Clarke and
former captain Ricky Ponting attracted
the highest base price in the list of 101
players that feature in the 2013 Indian
Premier League (IPL) player auction to
be held here Sunday.
The Australian duo will go under the
hammer with highest reserve price of
$400,000 (approx Rs.2 crore).
Clarke played for Pune Warriors India
in IPL 2012 after they bought him on
a one-year contract outside of the auc-
tion. Ponting was part of the inaugural
IPL season, in 2008, playing for Kol-
kata Knight Riders. He was released by
the franchise in 2010.
Along with the two Australians, South
African all-rounder Johan Botha
($300,000) and Indian medium pacer
RP Singh ($100,000) form the list of
four marquee players.
New Delhi
Akhtar Ali has been part of Indian ten-
nis for fve decades -- frst as a player
and then as a successful coach. Now
his son Zeeshan is following in his
footsteps, doing everything he did,
to make it the only father-son duo to
coach Davis Cup teams.
Akhtar got emotional talking about his
and his sons tennis graph. What has
delighted him is the confrmation from
the International Tennis Federation
that he and Zeeshan are indeed the only
father-son to coach Davis Cup teams.
Akhtar is here on a thanksgiving mis-
sion apart from watching Zeeshan han-
dle the Davis Cup team. He says he is
grateful to the almighty for bestowing
on them the rare distinction.
Its a great feeling to hear from the
ITF. When I was a coach, Zeeshan used
to watch me from the stands. Tomor-
row it will be my turn to do so when
my son is part of the Indian squad as
coach, Akhtar told IANS.
Akhtar, who was part of the Davis Cup
team that made the fnal in 1967, has
been the India coach for over two de-
cades in different phases. He was also
in charge of the team that shocked a
formidable French side in the 1993
Davis Cup quarterfnals.
Zeeshan told IANS that he could not
have asked for more than having his
Defending mens champions Punjab
Police shrugged off the shock defeat to
Indian Air Force late Wednesday night
by defeating Captains Club (Delhi) 74-
53 in the Federation Cup basketball
tournament here.
The police team, which has lost a cou-
ple of key players who had fgured in
their title triumph last year, overcame
some early resistance to chalk up their
frst win in two matches.
Meanwhile, ONGC, one of the title fa-
vourites, recorded their second straight
win by thumping Jind (Haryana) 96-
59, to stay on course.
In the womens section, South-East
Central Railway overcame a resurgent
Kerala 79-68 while Tamil Nadu got
past Chattisgarh 64-57 and Maharash-
tra made light of Andhra Pradesh with
a 89-41 score line that accurately re-
fected their dominance.
The results:
Men: ONGC 96 (Riyazuddin 18, Mo-
hit Bhandari 14, Bhrugvenshi 14) beat
Jind 59 (Deepak 16, Sukhbir Singh 15)
Ht: 51-17.
Punjab Police 74 (Amruthpal Singh
New Delhi
London Olympics bronze medallist
Saina Nehwal retained the second
place in the womens singles rankings
in the Badminton World Federation
(BWF) rankings released.
In the mens singles, Olympic quarter-
fnalist Parupalli Kashyap also retained
his career-best World No.9 ranking.
Hyderabadi P.V. Sindhu also remained
static at a career-best No.16 in the
womens singles rankings.
New Delhi
Indian Premier League franchise Kings
XI Punjab named former Australia
batsman Darren Lehmann as their new
I am extremely honoured to get a
chance to coach Kings XI Punjab in
this years IPL. Im looking forward
to working with Adam Gilchrist again
and help all the players grow on and off
the feld, said Lehmann in a statement
issued by the team.
Lehmann had coached the now defunct
Deccan Chargers.
Kuala Lumpur
The Asian Football Confederation
(AFC) has decided to elect a new
president in May, turning a new page
for the Asian governing body after its
former chief Mohamed Bin Hammam
was banned.
The AFC Executive Committee Thurs-
day decided to hold an extraordinary
congress and an ordinary congress here
May 2 and 3 respectively, two years af-
ter Bin Hammam was banned by FIFA
for buying votes in FIFA presidential
race, reports Xinhua.
The extraordinary congress will also
elect one female AFC vice president
and two female members to the AFC
Executive Committee.
The term for the AFC president, one
female AFC vice president and two fe-
male AFC Executive Committee mem-
bers will be from 2013 until 2015.
The position on the FIFA Executive
Committee will have a four-year term
until 2017, AFC said.
AFC acting president Zhang Jilong,
who took over after Bin Hammams
fall, urged the Executive Committee to
take Asian football to new heights.
West Indies World Twenty20 2012
winning captain Darren Sammy will
feature in the player auction for the frst
time with a reserve price of $100,000.
The list of 101 players feature seven
Indians, including Mumbais Ranji
Trophy winning all-rounder Abhishek
Nayar ($100,000), who has been re-
leased by Kings XI Punjab.
Nayars Mumbai team-mate Wasim
Jaffer, who scored a century in the
Ranji Trophy fnal, is also on the list at
a reserve price of $50,000.
Pacers Sudeep Tyagi, Jaydev Unadkat,
Pankaj Singh and Manpreet Gony are
the remaining Indians to go under the
On the list that is dominated by the
South Africans, Sri Lankans and the
Australians, Irelands all-rounder Kev-
in OBrien is the lone representative of
the associate countries.
father to see him make his debut as a
Davis Cup coach.
It feels great to be the only father and
son duo to coach a Davis Cup side.
It is a great honour to represent your
country as a player and now as a coach
and realise that you have earned a rare
distinction, he said. Talking about his
son, Akhtar lamented that Zeeshan had
not got the Arjuna Award.
I think he was a deserving candidate.
He has been a seven-time national
champion. It is sad that he gave up ten-
nis early. I believe that he will do good
in his new role as the Davis Cup coach.
It is a big challenge for him, he said.
Zeeshan was appointed the Davis Cup
coach despite strong objections from
the Somdev Devvarman-led rebel
Akhtar said he was honoured to be part
of the Indian Davis Cup team and re-
quested the rebel players to keep aside
their differences with the All India
Tennis Association (AITA) in the na-
tional interest.
For me representing India in any ca-
pacity, be it as a player or a coach, was
always a great honour. It is sad to see
that some of the young players are be-
ing misguided. They should realise that
at the end of the day they are the losers,
not those who led them up the garden
path, he said.
23, Ranbeer Singh 17) beat Captains
Club 53 (Vinaya Kaushik 16, Praveen
15, Sachin Sharma 10). Ht: 36-32.
IOB, Chennai 80 (Rikhin 21, Harish
15, Raghuram 13) beat South Central
Railway 45 (Sujith 17). Ht: 39-24.
IAF 62 (Sethu 20, Joginder Singh 15,
Narender Garewal 14) beat Punjab Po-
lice 53 (Amruthpal Singh 24, Ranbir
Singh 13). Ht: 32-25.
Customs and Central Excise, Kochi 88
(Manoj 33, Pereira 19, Nikhil 13) beat
Captains Club, Delhi 63 (Praveen 28,
Devesh Nair 12). Ht: 45-33.
Vijaya Bank, Bangalore 72 (Arvind 19,
Srinivas Naik 17, Sanjay Raj 15) beat
Customs and Central Excise 68 (Sub-
ash Shenoy 25, Philip Basil 16). Ht:
Women: South East Central Railway
79 (Pushpa 30, Seema Singh 16, Akan-
sha Singh 15) beat Kerala 68 (Surya
25, Jina 16, Nixon 14). Ht: 43-23.
Tamil Nadu 64 (Anita Paul 27, Apoor-
va M 18, Adhrai 10) beat Chattisgarh
57 (Poonam C 22, Sangeetha 14, Sa-
ranjeeth 16). Ht: 39-25.
Maharashtra 89 (Manisha 23, Renu 20)
beat Andhra Pradesh 41 (Shravanthi
12, Surya 12).
In reply, the West Indies lost wickets at
regular intervals and were bowled out
for 179 in 44.3 overs.
Indian bowlers bowled in good areas
and extracted movement off the pitch
and in the air.
Nagarajan Niranjana picked up three
for 52 but it was the opening spell of
new ball bowlers Jhulan Goswami (2-
13) and Amita Sharma (1-28) that put
the team from the Caribbean on the
Earlier, after a brilliant start by Kamini
and Raut, Goswami smashed her way
to 36 off 21 balls. It was the impe-
tus the hosts needed as the lanky all-
rounder hit six fours in a blitzkrieg off
an innings.
Harmanpreet Kaur (36) too played a
good hand as India went on to post a
big score.
The West Indies batters were in trouble
from the outset, fnding it hard to play
the moving ball.
Deandra Dottins 39 off 16 balls was
the only bright spot for an otherwise
poor batting performance.
Brief Scores:
India: 284 for six in 50 overs (Thirush
Kamini 100, Poonam Raut 71, Jhulan
Goswami 36, Harmanpreet Kaur 36;
Deandra Dottin 3-32) vs West Indies:
179 all out in 44.3 overs (Deandra
Dottin 39, Shanel Daley 28, Shemaine
Campbelle 21; Nagarajan Niranjana
3-52, Jhulan Goswami 2-13, Gouher
Sultana 2-38)
Clarke, Ponting top IPL
auction list
Fedration Cup Basketball:
Punjab Police post frst win
Saina retains
World No.2
Darren Lehmann
appointed Kings
XI Punjab coach
AFC to elect new president in May
Akhtar-Zeeshan earn a rare
distinction in Davis Cup
SUNDAY 03 Feb 2013
Printer, Owner and Publisher: Manu Sharma, Editor: Manu Sharma, RNI Reg. No.: PUNMUL/2012/45041 Postal Reg. No. PB/JL-047/2013-15. Published at Central Town,
Jalandhar Printed at: Tej Mohan Nagar Jalandhar
A controversial new sex app called Bang
With Friends claims to facilitate sexual
encounters with users and their Facebook
friends without the embarrassment of re-
Anonymously fnd friends who are down
for the night, the company website said.
Your friends will never know youre inter-
ested unless they are too!
The Bang With Friends app, aimed at
20-somethings, was created by three
college-aged men from California, who
are withholding their identities, according
to US media reports.
The app only alerts users of a potential
hookup if both parties express interest
by selecting what is called the Down to
Bang button.
The creators of the app said it has already
gained more than 30,000 users, register-
ing fve new users every minute according
to a report on the online tech site Mash-
Critics of Bang With Friends told RIA
Novosti, putting the physical frst is the
reason for the demise of the majority of
marriages and relationships in the US.
Back in the days people would court, they
would go out with different people without
exploring the sexual relationship because
it allowed you to get to know what you
may or may not have in common, said
Kristen Crockett, a Washington-based re-
lationship coach.
And while some who use the app may
be more interested in sex than building a
relationship, Crockett cautions users with
the potential drawbacks of getting physi-
cal with a Facebook friend.
Once you start sleeping with someone,
your red fags, your fears, all of those
things get pushed into the back of your
mind, she said.
She added that often people ignore sig-
nals and signs because of how the person
makes them feel physically.
One of the apps creators told The Daily
Beast that the group came up with the
idea as a way to improve traditional online
dating sites like Match.com.
New app lets
users have
sex with
A model walks the
ramp displaying an
outft by designer
Pria Kataria Puri at
Post Position Draw
of McDowell
Signature Indian
Derby 2013 in the
Mahalaxmi Race
Course, Mumbai.

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