Issues in Canada CH 5 Textbook

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Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5


How well do Canadas immigration laws and policies respond to immigration issues?
Take an informal survey of how many of your friends have ancestors from other countries. The families of many Canadians originated in other parts of the world and immigrated to Canada. How does Canada benefit from new immigration? How does the government respond to emerging issues related to immigration today? This chapter explores Canadas immigration laws and policies. Canadas government used These say who can come to Canada from other countries to work posters such as these in the late and live. 1800s to recruit immigrants. It Immigration is an important part of Canadas legislative wanted to recruit immigrants to fulfill the objectives of the framework because it affects the quality of life of Canadians and of National Policy: to promote people who seek to build a home in Canada. People want to come Canadian industry, finish the to Canada for many reasons. Quality of life in Canada pulls many national railway and settle the people. Canada also offers shelter to refugees, who are pushed out west. The National Policy was of their home countries by war and other circumstances. formulated by John A. Immigration poses opportunities and challenges for citizenship: Macdonalds Conservative government in 1873. To recruit for building a society in which all Canadians existing and immigrants, the government new belong. targeted the U.S., Britain and As you read, you will assess how effectively Canadas many parts of Europe, but not immigration laws and policies meet the needs of all Canadians. countries with French-speaking Think about how the government responds to emerging issues populations, such as France, that arise from immigration. Belgium or Switzerland.
immigration: the process of people establishing homes, and often citizenship, in a country that is not their native country

What criteria does Canada use when accepting immigrants and refugees? How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies? How do provinces influence immigration laws and policies?

Examine the posters. What factors affected immigration in the past?


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

Based on the photographs below, what challenges and opportunities does immigration create for Canada today?
This sign is an opportunity for someone. Canada accepts more immigrants when it faces labour shortages, including immigrants with specific skills to fill demand for workers in particular jobs.

This is Michalle Jean, a Francophone originally from Haiti, appointed governor general of Canada in 2005. Immigration can affect the identity of people who come to Canada and of people who already live here, including groups in Canada with collective rights. Immigration creates a mix of cultures, where people need to learn each others beliefs, values and worldviews.

This photo shows a refugee camp in north Darfur, Sudan. Conflict in Sudan made the people in this camp flee their homes. Canada has obligations to shelter people who need to escape war and other dangers.

Immigration policy needs to take into account the security, health and quality of life of people who already live in Canada.

Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Create a storyboard about issues concerning immigration in Canada.

Yo u r R o l e
Canadas leading educational multimedia company is creating a series of documentaries related to citizenship and immigration in Canada. The producers of the series want to highlight current issues that affect immigration policy. They are asking for young producers to submit a proposal, in the form of a storyboard, for a documentary. Your proposed documentary needs to answer this question:
Ahcene Zouaoui immigrated to Canada from Algeria, a country with many French-speaking people. He and his family chose to live in Montral, where the majority of people speak French. In this 2002 photo, he is stocking shelves in his fathers grocery store in Montral. Think critically: What opportunities and challenges does immigration create for citizenship in Canada? Whose perspectives should you include in your documentary?

What factors should shape Canadas immigration policies most: economic, political, health or security?
You will research one issue and create a storyboard that outlines your research and conclusions.

Yo u r P r e s e n t a t i o n
Your research should reflect: An evaluation of the factors and issues that influence immigration policies. An understanding of how government responds to issues related to immigration. Facts, ideas and other evidence supporting your ideas. Immigration has an impact on citizenship, identity and quality of life. Share your ideas on issues that arise from immigration in Canada!


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

L e t s g e t s t a r t e d !
As you read and take notes, evaluate the factors related to Canadas immigration policies. After, rate each one on a scale of 1 to 5 to identify which factor, in your opinion, should be most important.
Economic Factors Why was the policy developed? What individuals and groups in society are affected? What are the issues or problems involved? In what ways is quality of life affected? What views and perspectives exist about the policy? How does the government respond to the issues? Overall Rating 12345 12345 12345 12345 Political Factors Health Factors Security Factors

In my opinion, ____________ should influence Canadas immigration policies and most because...


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

What criteria does Canada use when accepting immigrants and refugees?

When you become a citizen of Canada, you swear to be faithful to Canadas monarch, to observe the laws of Canada, and to fulfill your duties as a citizen. You gain the right to vote. This photo demonstrates two kinds of decisions: the decision of these people to become citizens of Canada, and the decision of Canada to accept them as immigrants. Think critically: What factors may have influenced these decisions?

In this section, you will read about the criteria the government uses to accept immigrants into Canada. You will find: Types of immigration legislation related to immigrants and refugees. A comic illustrating Canadas point system. Factors influencing immigration policies.

What are you looking for?

As you read the section, look for: The criteria Canada has used and still uses when accepting immigrants and refugees into the country. Advantages and disadvantages of Canadas point system. Issues related to immigration legislation.


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

What is the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act?

The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act dates from 2002. It is the most recent of many laws Canada has had about immigration since it became a country in 1867. It establishes categories of who can come to Canada from other countries to make permanent homes here. It lays out the objectives of those categories. Immigration Categories, 2006
Refugees (13%) People who are escaping persecution, torture, or cruel and unusual punishment. Other (4%) People accepted as immigrants for humanitarian or compassionate reasons.

Family Class (28%) Spouses, partners, children, parents and grandparents of people living in Canada.

Economic Immigrants (55%) Skilled workers and businesspeople.

Objectives fo r immigration : Pursue soci al, cultural an d economic b Canadians. enefits for all Respect the bilingual and multicultural Support th character of C e developmen anada. t of minority communities official languag in Canada. e Share the b enefits of imm igration and su economy acro pport a prosp ss all regions erous of Canada. Reunite fam ilies in Canad a. Promote th e successful in tegration of im Canadian soci migrants into ety, recognizin g that integra mutual obligat tion involves ions for new immigrants an society. d Canadian

Some Obje ctives of t he Immigr Protection ation and Act, 2002 Refugee

For the objectives of the act regarding refugees, see page 177.

What are the underlying values reflected in the objectives of the act? What do they mean for citizenship and identity in Canada?


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

How does immigration aim to meet C a n a d a s w o r k f o rc e n e e d s ?

demographic: to do with the characteristics of populations labour force growth: the growth of the labour force, or the number of people who can work

The following statement comes from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, which is the federal department responsible for putting Canadas immigration legislation into action. It comes from a document that describes the governments plans for immigration in the future. What benefits of immigration does this source identify for Canada?

What issues affecting immigration are illustrated in the plan?

In what ways does the plan attempt to meet the needs of Canadians?

ns and Pri Immigration has largely def orities ined what Can a sustaining fe at ad built and tran ure of Canadas history. W a is today and has been sformed the p aves of immig op contributions ra to the develo ulation while making sign tion have pment of our our culture. ificant economy, ou r society and Immigration will continue Canada of to to play a key mo ro many other in rrow and in supporting o le in building the ur economic dustrialized co growth. Like demographic untries, Canad ch between 2025 anges. According to Stat a is facing significant istics Canada, an so will equal the d 2030, the number of b irths to Canad metime number of dea ian parents continue to gr ths. If Canad a o unless birth an w, immigration will be th s population is to e source of th d death rates is growth, change. These demogr growth. Labo aphic factors are also slow u in Sometime bet r force growth is key to en g Canadas labour force ween 2011 an suring econo d mic growth. the labour fo rce will equal 2016, the number of Can adians enterin the number o immigration, g f people retiri Canadas labo ng. Without ur force will shrink. Adap
ted from 2006 2007 Report on Plans and Citizenship an Priorities, d Immigratio n Canada, p. 5.

20062007 Pla

CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGE In 2007, Canada accepted more than 250 000 immigrants one of the highest numbers in the last 50 years. What might be the reason for this policy?


Governments create laws, and they also create policies. A law describes principles or conditions that must be followed. A policy describes objectives of the government, within the law.

Example: Immigration
Immigration law says who is allowed into Canada. Immigration policy sets the procedures for evaluating immigrants and says how many people are allowed into Canada from year to year. For another example of law versus policy, see page 131.


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Why do you think immigration criteria exist? Why might Canadians have different views and perspectives on these criteria?

H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

1. How does the comic Adding Up the Points demonstrate that economics is a factor that influences who Canada accepts as immigrants? Identify points in the story where this factor comes into play. What other factors political factors, and health and security can you identify in the comic? 2. How might decisions about immigration based on economics affect your quality of life? 3. Consider the information about the photo below, then answer this question: What issues arise from immigration based on economic factors?

Alla Andrusiv, in the green sweater, celebrates Canada Day in 2007 with other recent immigrants. She is a doctor from Ukraine, who arrived in Canada in 2006. My qualifications arent recognized here and I would have to start again Im like many professionals. We gave up good jobs and came here to work as cleaners or in restaurants. Its extremely frustrating. But I hope to return to medicine, perhaps as a nurse.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

What is the point system for accepting immigrants?

The comic you read in the previous section explores Canadas point system. The point system is part of the criteria Canada uses to decide who to accept as immigrants. The point system dates from 1967. It applies only to economic immigrants (skilled workers and professionals). Refugees and family-class immigrants do not have to qualify under the point system. If a person is not a refugee or a family-class immigrant, they must qualify under Canadas point system to enter Canada as an immigrant. Economic immigrants make up the biggest group of immigrants to Canada (see page 167).

CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGE How might assessing the health, background and experience of immigrants connect to Canadians right to security of the person under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

How does health factor into qualifying as an immigrant?

Every potential economic immigrant to Canada must provide proof that they are in good health. A person may be refused entry to Canada if: Their health could put the health of Canadians at risk for example, they have tuberculosis. They have a condition that could endanger public safety for example, a mental disorder. Their health could put an excessive demand on Canadas health services for example, HIV/AIDS. None of these health requirements apply to people entering Canada as refugees or as family-class immigrants.

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of Canadas point system? Create a chart organizing your ideas. Compare ideas with a partner. 2. Working with a group of two or three, develop criteria for accepting new immigrants into the country. Think about whats important for example, what Canadians need, what is fair to applicants. Share your criteria with the class. Be prepared to explain the reasons for your criteria. 3. Over the next few weeks, scan your local newspaper for articles about immigration. What current issues are being debated? Create a media collage of the articles you find. Work with a partner to share your information and your opinions.


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

H o w a r e C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s t o d a y different than in the past?

No one today is excluded from Canada because of their race or country of origin. The point system, for example, evaluates people based on their skills and education. In the past, Canada favoured immigrants of British ancestry and restricted immigration from Asian countries, such as China and India.
This photo from 1914 shows people from India protesting Canadas immigration policies. They arrived in Vancouver on a Japanese ship called the Komagata Maru. At the time, Canadas government allowed people from India to enter Canada only if they sailed directly from India without stopping anywhere. Since no shipping line offered this service, Canadas policy excluded immigrants from India. Canadian officials did not let the passengers of the Komagata Maru off the ship. Supporters of the protest challenged this decision in court, but lost the case. After two months, the ship was forced to return to Asia.

CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGE Why do you think Canadas immigration policies have changed over time? How do you think they might change in the future?

Debbie Yam of Toronto displays the head-tax certificate of her Chinese grandfather. Between 1885 and 1923, Canada discouraged immigration from China by requiring every Chinese immigrant to pay a fixed fee, known as a head tax. This was one of several laws that restricted immigration from Asia. Today, and for more than a decade, people from Asia have made up the largest group of immigrants to Canada. In 2006, Canadas government formally apologized to Canadas Chinese citizens for the head tax.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Volunteering a Welcome
Fahd Mirza volunteers with the Calgary Bridge Foundation, an organization that offers services to help immigrants and refugees adjust to life in Canada. He is 19 years old and an immigrant himself.
We came to Canada because my parents wanted a better quality of life than in Pakistan. Theres so much stress in terms of survival in Karachi the city Im from. Crime is one of the major problems. You dont know if youre going to get home safe or not. Canadian society has helped me in every single way. The most important part is welcoming me and integrating me without any concerns. It has provided me with opportunities for education and work. The government of Canada makes sure that our rights and freedoms are protected.
Fahd Mirza came to Canada fourteen months ago with his parents. He feels a responsibility to give back to Canada, because of the opportunities Canada has given him. Think critically: How do his actions reflect active citizenship?

I found out about the Calgary Bridge Foundation last year at school. Our teacher invited the Foundation to talk about the Homework Club, where immigrant kids from Grades 1 through 12 get mentors, like me, to assist them with schoolwork. I help kids in Grades 5, 6 and 9 especially with math and science because Im really good at math and science. Being a volunteer gives me so much personal satisfaction. It helps me so much, just a few hours in the whole week. Ive learned a lot about different cultures and traditions. The kids I work with come from Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. We learn from each other. The most important lesson is how to live together. The big reason I volunteer is that I want to pay back Canadian society for all the things that it has done for me. For welcoming me. Not every country does that.

The Calgary Bridge Foundation is one of several organizations in Alberta that offers assistance to immigrants and refugees. Check the yellow pages of your phone book under associations. Or check online. What organizations are in your community? How could you or your class volunteer?


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

Steps to Researching an Issue

In this chapter, you have been learning about factors that affect Canadas immigration laws. In your opinion, which factors should influence Canadas immigration policies most: economic, political, health or security? To find out more, do some in-depth research on one of the four factors. Research can help you develop an informed position on issues. It relates to the steps for Spot and Respond to the Issue on pages 12 and 13. See the next page for details.


Research starts with questions and ends with conclusions. It sounds like a straight line, but its really more like a circle. Sometimes you have to change your questions as you learn more about a topic. You have to loop back and adjust your starting point. Its important to keep an open mind.

I like to make a diagram that shows how I think information might be connected. Then I see how well the information and the diagram match up. I change the diagram to fit what the information tells me, and I then use it to record information. Sometimes I find out I need more information on something.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Tr y t h i s !
Use these steps to help you research, gather and summarize ideas for your storyboard and complete your project. The numbers down the side of this chart show how this process fits with the steps of Spot and Respond to the Issue on pages 12 and 13.
Steps Notes What issue do you want to inquire into?

2 4

Choose an Issue

To what extent do security issues affect immigration?

Planning A plan helps you get started. Begin by writing some questions you would like to investigate on the issue. Then, find out where you will get the information. Questions Information Sources

I may need to make changes here

What security concerns do Canadian officials have? How many people are turned away from Canada because of security concerns? What groups in Canada have a perspective on the issue?

as I make changes here


Locate information from a variety of sources such as the Internet, books, and newspapers. Decide what sources contain the most useful information.

My checklist for useful information:

as I learn more here


related to my questions not biased from informed people and organizations

need I may tion a inform more

passport requirements

border security

who security affects


perspectives of groups

Organize the information persuasively. Use your skills of persuasive communication.

When did we do those steps on persuasive communication? Note: look that up again.



Create a product that effectively communicates your ideas.

For my storyboard, I think Ill explain my ideas in a voice-over instead of in writing.

Sharing Share your research with others.

My storyboard needs to showcase my research and ideas. Note: be prepared to explain storyboard in class.

Im a co y ne nn ed ec tio new ns

Record key information that helps you know more about your issue, find patterns and draw conclusions. Look for connections among these ideas:

H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

W h a t i s C a n a d a s p o l i c y t o w a r d s r e f u g e e s ?
Refugees are one of the categories of immigrants established under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Here is some background on how Canadas position on refugees evolved: Canada signed the U.N. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees in 1951. During the 1950s and 1960s, Canada offered to shelter refugees in response to specific world crises. In 1976, Canada made refugees one of its immigration categories. The change meant that Canada accepted refugees steadily, instead of crisis by crisis. What does the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act say about refugees?
refugee: a person who seeks refuge in another country because of danger or persecution in their home country


Objectives for Canadas refugee program: Save lives and offer protection to people who are displaced and persecute d. Fulfill and affirm Canadas inte rnational commitments to protect refugee s. Grant fair consideration to peo ple who claim to be persecuted, as an exp ression of Canadas humanitarian ideals. Offer refuge to people facing per secution because of race, religion, politica l opinion or membership in a social group, and to people who face torture, or cruel and unusual treatment or punishment .
This photo shows Hungarian refugees boarding a flight to Vancouver in 1956. Canada accepted 37 000 refugees from Hungary who opposed the government of their home country a government that did not tolerate opposition.

CRITICAL THINKING C H A L L E N G E What issues might arise from accepting refugees into Canada?


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

A Refugees Experience
Mary came to Canada in 2005 as a refugee from Sudan. Civil war in Sudan had broken apart her family and put her life in danger.

How did qualifying as a refugee to Canada affect Marys quality of life?

Sudan was like World War II. People were fighting everywhere, and nobody knew where they were supposed to go. My family got separated we couldnt find each other so thats how I became a refugee. Later, I learned that my mom was alive and in Canada. So in 2005 I came here with my two brothers. I was 12 years old, and my brothers were 8 and 9. When we landed in Calgary, my mom came and picked us up at the airport. I hadnt seen her for eight years. I didnt remember her she seemed like another lady. But because she was my mom, I thought, Okay, I guess Ill hug her. When I came to Canada, I didnt know what it would be like. I didnt know it was a nice country, a safe country. I thought that there would be war and fighting, like in Sudan. I worry about my dad, and my stepmom, and my stepbrothers. I worry about them when I hear on the news that people are still fighting in Sudan. I hope that theyre safe. Canadians are lucky to live where there is no war. And they are lucky to have good schools. They should thank God, because they are lucky.

Mary, a refugee from Sudan, now lives in Alberta.

1. What evidence can you find on pages 177 and 178 that Canadas immigration legislation responds to world issues? 2. What evidence can you find that political factors influence Canadas policies on refugees?


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?


How has immigration policy changed in response to security concerns?

Canadas position on refugees evolved in response to world issues. Use the information on this page to investigate another way world issues have shaped Canadas immigration legislation. Compare the excerpts below. They come from Canadas most recent immigration law and the law in effect before it. What similarities and differences do you see in these immigration acts? How do you account for them?

19. No perso Act 1976 n shal of any of the l be granted admission wh fo o is a member persons wh llowing classes: o have engage d in acts of subversion ag espio ai or processes, nst democratic governmen nage or as they are un t, institutions persons wh o there are re derstood in Canada asonable grou will, while in nds to believe C subversion b anada, engage in or instig y force of an y governmen ate the t


Based on the information on this page and in the chapter so far, why do you believe issues related to security affect immigration policies?

Many events and issues in other parts of the world can result in more people applying as immigrants to Canada. For example: Natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes. Population pressures. War. Poverty.

, 2002 rotection Act d Refugee Preign national is an Immigration or a fo

ent resident ounds for: 34. A perman on security gr ionage or an act of inadmissible p in an act of es rnment, (a) engaging against a democratic gove stood in n der subversio as they are un on or process instituti n by Canada; the subversio or instigating in (b) engaging government; force of any in terrorism; ada; (c) engaging ger to the security of Can or might would g a dan (d) bein lence that s in in acts of vio (e) engaging e lives or safety of person th endanger ere ization that th Canada; or er of an organ ieve engages, has emb (f) being a m le grounds to bel to in e reasonab ar in acts referred or will engage engaged (b) or (c). paragraph (a),


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies?

This section presents: Information and views about a Supreme Court decision involving individual rights and refugees. Perspectives of First Nations on immigration policy. Interviews about issues for Francophones in Alberta arising from immigration.

What are you looking for?

As you work through this section, look for: Ways that rights connect to political, economic, health and security factors the factors at the centre of your chapter task. Opportunities and challenges that immigration creates for groups that hold collective rights in Canada.

Note that language qualifications only apply to economic immigrants. Check back to the comic Adding Up the Points on pages 169 and 170 to see how. Language qualifications do not apply to family-class immigrants or refugees.


Immigrants knowledge of French and English, 2006
5% French 33% Neither

Top five first languages of immigrants, 2006

Mandarin English Arabic Punjabi Spanish

53% English

9% Both French and English


Why might the information in this graph connect to issues raised by immigration for Canadas official language groups?

H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

What is the Singh decision?

In Canada, April 4 is known as Refugee Rights Day, following a 1985 Supreme Court decision known as the Singh decision.
The Facts

Satnam Singh came to Canada from India seeking refugee status. Canadas government rejected his case under the Immigration Act, 1976. The Immigration Act, 1976, did not allow Mr. Singh to state his case in person or to appeal the governments decision on his case. The Supreme Court said this violated section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which says:
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person, and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

The Supreme Court said everyone in the Charter means everyone every person physically present in Canada.
The Result
Every person who seeks refugee status in Canada, like Imam Said Jaziri pictured here, has a face-to-face hearing with the Immigration and Refugee Board. This is their right because of the Singh decision and Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

People claiming refugee status in Canada have the right to a hearing, which they attend in person. Canada established the Immigration and Refugee Board to provide quick and fair hearings. Canadas government provides people seeking refugee status with the necessities of life while they wait for a hearing.



The individual rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect every person in Canada, whether they are citizens or not. The only rights that do not apply to non-citizens are democratic rights, such as the right to vote.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

What are some examples of views and perspectives on the Singh decision?
Canadians have different opinions about the Singh decision and still debate its effects today. Here are examples of some opinions that Canadians might express.
The only people who should be considered as immigrants or refugees are those who apply through the proper procedures and are vetted abroad. There should not be an automatic right for refugees or immigrants to come to Canada. Its unfair that Canadian taxpayers have to pay for legal aid, medical care, food, housing and security measures for people who arrive in the country illegally and then claim to be refugees. These rules encourage abuse people arrive without papers or identification because they can get away with it. Without proof, how do we know who they really are?

How can you apply to come to Canada from your own country if youre being persecuted there? We need to give people in that situation a full hearing.

The Singh decision was made by unelected officials Supreme Court judges. Should the Supreme Court be allowed to make such important decisions by itself, without consulting the people of Canada?

We need to protect people who are at risk from human rights violations. Our previous policies violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and had to be changed. The Singh decision is consistent with our own human rights legislation and with international treaties Canada has signed.

1. Consider what you have learned about refugee rights on pages 181 and 182. What individual rights do refugees seeking entry into Canada have that Canadian citizens also have? Describe an impact this right has had on immigration law in Canada. Explain why people have different perspectives on this right. What is the connection between refugee rights and citizenship? What do refugee rights have to do with who belongs in Canada? 2. Conduct your own informal debate on on an issue related to the Singh decision: To what extent should Canada provide refugee status to all people who request it? Use what you learned about how to plan and prepare for a debate in Chapter 3 skills centre on page 116. Refer to page 372 in the Skills Centre for more tips on debates.

H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

How does immigration involve the collective rights of Aboriginal peoples?

Aboriginal peoples are partners in Canada. They have collective rights under the constitution and a reasonable expectation to be consulted when the government of Canada makes decisions that fundamentally shape the future of the country. Treaties and agreements between First Nations, Inuit or Mtis peoples and the government of Canada create a commitment for Canada and Aboriginal peoples to work together and share CRITICAL prosperity. Some Aboriginal peoples, however, continue to THINKING face health, education and employment challenges linked to CHALLENGE poverty and the impact of past policies and laws. These challenges can create obstacles to full participation in What impact do the Canadas economy for individuals from First Nations, Inuit or rights of First Nations, Mtis communities. For example, some people can face Mtis and Inuit peoples difficulty gaining access to educational, training and have on the way Canada employment opportunities. Where such conditions exist, sets immigration, and they can create issues, especially during times when Canada other laws and policies? needs more skilled workers and professionals, and seeks to fill these roles partly through immigration.

Kathryn Lainchbury is a Mtis welding apprentice from Alberta. First Nations, Mtis and Inuit peoples are the fastest-growing groups in Canada, and they are under-represented in Canadas workforce. How would more effectively engaging Aboriginal peoples in Canadas economy affect their quality of life, citizenship and identity? Government seeks to create a balanced way to support growth in Canada while meeting the needs and respecting the rights of all peoples. How the government does this can create issues for Canadians.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

This page presents a resolution from the Assembly of First Nations. The resolution reflects the AFNs concern that the federal government is not adequately fulfilling its obligations to First Nations peoples, including its obligation to consult with First Nations, and to allocate resources with the rights and interests of First Nations in mind. How does it reflect a First Nations perspective on immigration?

igration Ente rin Third World Conditions in g Canada vs. Addressing First Nations Communities 31 October 20 05 WHEREAS C anada is k richest countr nown as one of the worl ds ie of First Natio s, yet fails to address the needs n communitie s, such as Kashech WHEREAS C ewan Reserve anada fail of First Natio s to consult with the Ass embly n immigration s (AFN) leadership on policies and le THEREFOR gislation. E BE IT R on the federal ESOLVED that the AFN call government immigration coming into C to freeze all anada until th federal govern e m delivers resou ent addresses, commits, an rces to First N d the housing co at nditions, edu ions to improve ca employment in First Natio tion, health and ns communit ies

Assembly of First Nations, Resolution n o. 49 Subject: Imm

Phil Fontaine was first elected National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations in 1997. The Assembly of First Nations represents many, but not all, First Nations in Canada. The AFN seeks recognition of First Nations as partners in Canada, with a right to share fully in Canadas prosperity.

CRITICAL THINKING C H A L L E N G E What could be a government perspective and an immigrant perspective on the AFN resolution? How could a balance among these perspectives be achieved, so that decisions about immigration benefit all people in Canada?


Compare the statement of Citizenship and Immigration Canada on page 168 with the resolution of the Assembly of First Nations on this page. What issues arise from this comparison? Refer to Spot and Respond to the Issue on pages 12 and 13 to formulate your answer.



H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

What challenges and opportunities does immigration pose for Franco-Albertan communities?
In 2006, Canada established a five-year plan to help Francophone communities in minority settings attract French-speaking immigrants. To what extent does this plan meet the needs of Francophones in Alberta, who are in a minority setting? What can you learn from the comments on this page?
Weve been able to establish, in Calgary and in Edmonton, centres to welcome and help Francophone immigrants to get settled. We work with the immigrants to show them how they can become part of the Francophone community, and that they dont have to lose their association with the French language and culture, even if they live in a minority setting, like Alberta. Ten years ago, if you went into a Francophone school in Alberta, you wouldnt see African children, or very, very few of them. Now, in Edmonton and Calgary, you see them in very large numbers. Their percentage is increasing every year. This requires a major adjustment for Francophone institutions, to deal with people who come from non-European cultures. We want Francophone organizations to recognize that theres a challenge here: that we need to welcome and integrate people from non-European cultures, particularly from French Africa.
Frank McMahon is a former dean of Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta. He helped to organize a Francophone symposium on integrating Frenchspeaking immigrants to Alberta in 2008.

Francophones need a vision for French-speaking immigration to this province. Too many French-speaking immigrants, when they get here, become only numbers statistics no different than all the other immigrants. Students gravitate to the English schools. The parents are not involved in the schools. We need to talk about these issues related to immigration

CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGE A symposium is an event where people share ideas. How does organizing and attending a symposium demonstrate active citizenship?

Paulin Mulatris is a professor of sociology at Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta. Like Frank McMahon, he contributed to the Francophone symposium on integration. Dr. Mulatris immigrated to Canada from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

1. To what extent do Frank McMahon and Paulin Mulatris have the same or different perspectives on immigration? Back up your conclusions with evidence from this page. 2. Identify and explain one connection between the chart on page 180 and the perspectives of Frank McMahon and Paulin Mulatris on this page.

Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

How do provinces influence immigration laws and policies?


In this section you will read about: A map describing where immigrants settle in Canada. Point-form notes about ways provinces influence immigration.
Yolande James is Ministre de l'Immigration et des Communauts culturelles (Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities) in Qubec. Immigration is a responsibility of Canadas federal government. Think critically: Why do you think Qubec might have its own immigration minister? What other provinces have their own immigration ministers?

What are you looking for?

As you read this section, look for: Facts about the regional distribution of immigrants. How the distribution of immigrants affects the quality of life of Canadians. How federal immigration laws attempt to respond.


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

H o w d o e s i m m i g r a t i o n a f f e c t C a n a d a s cities and regions?

Use the information on pages 188 to 191 to consider some of the impacts immigration has on Canada.



Geographic questions explore how people and their physical surroundings affect one another. They help you learn more about issues because they make you inquire in new ways. They help you connect issues to the physical world, and draw conclusions about your surroundings. When you examine the map and chart on the next page, start digging into geographic connections with these questions: How do the map and charts relate to each other? How do they relate to immigration? What immigration patterns or trends do you see that affect cities and regions? How does where immigrants settle create opportunities and challenges for cities and regions? How does this affect the quality of life of Canadians? What conclusions can you draw about the physical effects of immigration on cities? Think about environmental impacts. Think about the cost of roads and sewers. What other geographic problems does the information suggest? Alone or with a partner, focus on one geographic question that you identify on pages 188 to 191. Include geographic data presented in maps and charts to clarify the question. Check pages 345 to 348 of the Skills Centre for tips on creating and interpreting maps and charts. Create a short multimedia presentation that explores the issue from three different perspectives.


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Where Immigrants Settle in Canada, 2007


% total immigration to Canada Toronto Montral Vancouver 39% 15% 14%


Arctic Ocean

Whitehorse Yellowknife


Pacific Ocean
Victoria Vancouver

St. Johns Edmonton


Charlottetown Winnipeg Qubec Montral Ottawa Toronto Fredericton Halifax

500 km

Atlantic Ocean

This map shows the top three locations where immigrants settled in Canada in 2007. The rest of Canada, taken together, received 32% of total immigration. To find out more about immigration to Alberta, see page 190.

Toronto: Population and Area

Census Year 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 Population 2 998 947 3 427 165 3 893 046 4 263 757 4 682 897 5 113 149 Area (km2) 3742.94 5613.71 5583.51 5867.73 5902.74 5903.63

One objective of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2002 is to share the economic benefits of immigration across all regions of Canada. Based on the map and chart, how well has Canada achieved that goal? CRITICAL THINKING C H A L L E N G E Why might immigrants to Canada not choose to settle in Toronto, Montral or Vancouver? Why might they choose other cities in Canada? Why might they choose to settle in rural areas?


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

In what ways can provinces influence and implement immigration policies?

Provinces control some aspects of immigration, in an attempt to make sure immigration fits and meets their needs.
Provincial Nomination Program
Iris Evans was Albertas Minister of Employment, Immigration and Industry in 2007. Employment and immigration are linked to industry because industry creates jobs that need workers.

Under the Provincial Nomination Program, provinces can nominate a percentage of the immigrants Canada selects each year. This means, for example, that Alberta can specify that it needs immigrants with particular skills. The program also allows some provinces to set up their own immigration offices in foreign countries. Governments in Canada cant require immigrants to settle in particular places or work in particular jobs. The Provincial Nomination Program increases the likelihood that immigrants will settle in the provinces whose labour needs match their skills.

Alberta currently receives about 20 000 immigrants annually and I expect the expanded Provincial Nomination Program will help increase and speed up the flow of immigrants and help address our labour shortage. Alberta needs the right workers, at the right time, with the right skills.
Alberta Government press release, Expanded program will help increase immigration flow, May 22, 2007.

1. Alberta wanted to speed up the flow of immigrants in 2007 for economic reasons, because of a boom in oil sands development. To what extent has the situation changed or remained the same to the present? 2. What issues related to immigration might economic changes create? 3. Including employment, immigration and industry in one ministry portfolio the portfolio of Iris Evans in 2007 is an example of a government policy. What does this policy reflect about the objectives of government concerning immigration?


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

What workers does Alberta need?

Albertas Minister of Employment, Immigration and Industry said in 2007 that Alberta was facing labour shortages. Examine the chart on this page. What parts of Albertas economy faced labour shortages? Businesses and services reporting worker shortages in Alberta, 2006

If you were responsible for setting immigration priorities for Alberta, how would the information in the chart on the right influence you? What skills would you ask the federal government to target in immigration?

Economic sector Construction (e.g., carpenters, roofers) Transportation (e.g., truckers, bus drivers) Manufacturing (e.g., chemical engineers) Resource development (e.g., heavy equipment operators) Retail (e.g., sales staff) Hospitality (e.g., hotel staff) Agriculture (e.g., farm labourers) Education, Health, Social Services (e.g., teachers, nurses, doctors, mental health workers, social workers) Overall in Alberta

Percent reporting worker shortages 98 91 89 86 85 78 68 58

From a survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses, 2006.

What challenges face Alberta without enough immigrants? How can Aboriginal peoples be part of a solution to meet labour shortages? How do these questions connect to your quality of life as someone living in Alberta?

W h a t p e rc e n t a g e o f i m m i g r a t i o n t o C a n a d a does Alberta receive?

Immigration by province and territory, 2006
3% Rest of Canada 18% Qubec 17% B.C.

8% Alberta

4% Manitoba

50% Ontario

H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

Canada-Qubec Accord
The Canada-Qubec Accord is a specific agreement with Qubec. Under the accord, Qubec can nominate the percentage of immigrants to Canada that corresponds to its population within Canada. The accord also allows Qubec to require immigrants who settle in Qubec to send their children to French-language schools. Under the Canada-Qubec Accord, Qubec seeks immigrants whose first language is French. Every year, about 75 percent of French-speaking immigrants to Canada settle in Qubec. Overall, more non-Francophone immigrants settle in Qubec than Francophone immigrants.
accord: a formal agreement

Based on the information on this page, how does the Canada-Qubec Accord attempt to strengthen the French language in North America? Consider what you learned about the rights of official language groups under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Chapter 4. How does the accord reflect those rights?

Under the Canada-Qubec Accord, Qubec has an immigration office in this city: Damascus, Syria. Many people in the Middle East, where Syria is located, have some knowledge of French, because France controlled parts of the Middle East during the twentieth century. Canadas government endorses recruiting French-speaking immigrants from Syria and other countries of the world. Think critically: How might immigrants from the Middle East help affirm Francophone identity in Canada?

1. How does the Canada-Qubec Accord offer ways for Qubec to affirm the use of the French language? Identify two specific ways. 2. Based on the information you have learned, to what extent is the CanadaQubec Accord beneficial to Qubec and beneficial to Canada?


Issues for Canadians

Chapter 5

Wrap Up Your Task

Move the pieces of your storyboard around and try different sequences. I like to think about what scene will get peoples attention and put that at the beginning.

You need to create a storyboard for a documentary that answers the question:

What factors should shape Canadas immigration policies most: economic, political, health or security?

S u m m a r i z e Yo u r I d e a s
Review the chart you started on page 165 to help you evaluate issues that affect immigration in Canada. Identify the issue you feel is most important and explain your reasons. Examine the factors that affect this issue and identify which factor economic, political, health or security you believe has the most impact. Explain why this factor should become the focus of laws and policies about immigration in Canada.

M a k e Yo u r S t o r y b o a r d
Using a pencil or computer program, illustrate each main idea on a separate piece of paper. Think of these as scenes in your documentary. Draw in a background or use visuals you have found during your research. Add notes about each scene. Describe the information it will communicate. The scenes should showcase your research. Organize your storyboard into a sequence. Think about how you, as the maker of this documentary, want to tell the story of your investigation. What do you want others to understand?

om Albertas Comments fr minister immigration nomic regarding eco uence infl factors that policies immigration ortages. e.g., labour sh

Interview wit h spokesperson a for Treaty 6 for a perspec tive on economic fact o immigration rs and i.e., how are some First N and the govern ations ment addressing is sues related to employmen t, training and educatio n?

Interview with an immigrant for a perspective on the factors that influenced their decision to come to Canada.


H o w w e l l d o C a n a d a s i m m i g r a t i o n l a w s a n d p o l i c i e s r e s p o n d t o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s ?

Chapter 5 Review

What criteria does Canada use when accepting immigrants and refugees? How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies? How do provinces influence immigration laws and policies?
Revisit the Chapter Issue Ta k e A c t i o n

Use what you have learned in this chapter to develop your own informed position on the chapter issue:

How well do Canadas immigration laws and policies respond to immigration issues?
Work through the directions for Demonstrating Your Learning on page 55 to present your position.
S h a r e W h a t Yo u K n o w

Choose a provincial or federal immigration issue currently in the media or from the chapter. Write a letter to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration stating your position this issue. Express your recommendations for how you think the government should respond to the issue in meeting the needs of Canadians.
R e f l e c t B e f o r e Yo u F o r g e t

Apply your research skills by conducting an inquiry into how a factor affecting immigration policies today influenced immigration policies in the past. Create an oral report describing the relationship between the context of the time and immigration legislation. Share your report with your classmates. Refer to the Skills Centre on pages 356 to 369 to get ideas on how to conduct your inquiry.

Reflect on what you learned in this chapter about Canadas immigration laws and policies. In this chapter I discovered about the research process. The most important thing I learned in this chapter about immigration in Canada is One thing Id like to know more about, regarding how governments respond to emerging issues in immigration is

L i n k w i t h Te c h n o l o g y

Do an online search of organizations that welcome and support new immigrants. Create a summary of the services they offer. Ask to include your summary in your school or community newspaper to inform new immigrants of these services.


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