Cgw4u World Issues Unit 3 Assignment

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World Bank:

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.
We provide low-interest loans, interest-free credits, and grants to developing countries. These support a wide
array of investments in such areas as education, health, public administration, infrastructure, financial and
private sector development, agriculture, and environmental and natural resource management.

For the purposes of this assignment, we will say that the World Bank has a budget of 5 million dollars when
considering providing money to 11 countries.

TASK: You will present (individually) at a World Bank “conference” as a representative of a certain country.
Your presentation will be approximately 12 minutes. Your goal is to demonstrate your overall
understanding of economics through this conference. WHEN YOU PRESENT, YOU MUST PROVIDE


For your presentation, you have to convince your peers and the “World Bank” that your country deserves loans,
grants or credit. You must justify the amount of money you are asking for. Therefore, this requires research on
your part.

Part 1) Summarize for your audience what your current debt crisis is – what your current debt is, brief
explanation of WHY AND HOW your country has accumulated this debt (4-5 minutes)

Part 2) Describe/summarize a minimum of FIVE major issues that your country faces. Explain how much
money you would like to help remedy these 5 issues. You must justify these amounts of money. You must
explain specifically how you intend to spend this money and how the spending of this money will help to
resolve these issues. (6 minutes)

Examples of Sectors to Consider When Planning Your Country’s Budget

Education Agriculture and food Health Social Services

supply, Fishing,
Forestry, (natural
resources in general)
Trade and Industry Public Administration, Water, sanitation and Military
Law and Justice flood protection
Infrastructure and Environment Employment/Labour Immigration
Part 3) Once you have presented your information, you have to be prepared to answer questions about your
proposed budget by your teacher (the World Bank) and your peers (the other countries). This will test your
ability to think on your feet, demonstrate your knowledge and further justify your choices. There will be a vote
determining whether or not your country will be granted the money you ask for. (approximately 2-3 minutes)

Here are some suggestions of countries that currently have debt crisis:

Tell your teacher right away what country you plan to do your presentation on.

Things to consider in regards to your presentation:

 What kind of economic system does your country use?

 What things does your country spend the most or least amounts of money on?
 Has colonialism or neo-colonialism impacted your country in the past or past?
 How does your country participate in the globalized world?
 How do tariffs factor in?
 Is economic disparity present in your country?

CHECKBRIC Few Attempts Approaches Meets Exceeds Expectations

Expectations Expectations

-Demonstrates an understanding of their

country’s debt crisis and its causes

/10 marks

-Demonstrates critical thought when

determining solutions to economic issues
in their country

/15 marks

-Student appears confident and prepared

for their presentation
-Student clearly explains and
summarizes information and is also able
to answer questions about the material

/10 marks

-Student applies key economic concepts

and terms to their summarization and
explanation of information

/15 marks
Total: /50 marks =

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