CV Thiago C Gomes

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Thiago C Gomes

PhD student in Ecology

MA, Environmental Studies
BSc., Biological Sciences

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Florianpolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
e: [email protected]
Profi l e
Emerging ethnoecologist, with research interests ranging from applied ethnoecology and ethnobotany,
restoration ecology, plant ecology, conservation biology, landscape ecology, environmental history,
participatory research, and education, with experience in projects in southern Brazil, western Canada, and
northern Mozambique.
Present 2013 PhD in Ecology
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Project: Cultural Landscapes and Biodiversity social-ecological change and local
strategies for resource management and conservation in the Lakln (Xokleng)
Indigenous Territory, Upper Itaja River Valley, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Advisor: Dr. Nivaldo Peroni. Department of Ecology.
2012 2010 Master of Arts in Environmental Studies
University of Victoria, Canada.
Project: Restoring Tl'chs: an ethnoecological restoration study in Chatham Islands,
British Columbia, Canada.
Advisors: Dr. Nancy J. Turner and Dr. Eric S. Higgs. School of Environmental Studies.
Scholarships: University of Victoria Graduate Fellowship and Pacific Century Graduate
2010 2009 Restoration of Natural Systems - Diploma
University of Victoria, Canada.
Interrupted (May/!"#").
2007 2002 BSc in Biological Sciences
Universidade Federal do Paran, Brazil.
Project: Ethnobotanical study as a basis for the elaboration of management plan in the
forest reserve EMBRAPA/EPAGRI in Caador, Santa Catarina.
Advisor: Raquel Rejane Bonato Negrelle. Departament of Botany.
Additional Education
2013 Global Environments Summer Academy ($ weeks)
Global Diversity Foundation, Center for Development and the Environment - University of Bern,
Switzerland. Sponsors: Salvia Foundation and Rolex Foundation.
2012 Protected Areas and Ethnobiology (% hours)
Sociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia, Florianpolis, Brazil
2012 Environmental Impact Studies and Reports (#& hours)
Maxiambiental, Florianpolis, Brazil
2012 Elaboration of the Conservation and Restoration Municipal Plans for Mata Atlntica ($& horas)
Planos Municipais da Mata Atlntica (Ambiental Consulting)
2011 Wilderness First Aid (!" hours)
University of Victoria
2010 ICE 2010 Student Workshop: Communication, Ethics and Networking (!' hours)
International Society of Ethnobiology
2010 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology ($" hours)
School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
2010 Traditional Systems of Land and Resource Management ('" hours)
School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
2009 Non-Timber Forest Management and Sustainable Use: British Columbia ('" hours)
School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
2009 Principles and Concepts of Ecological Restoration ('" hours)
School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
2007 Fenology as tool for conservation and plant resource management (#( hours)
EMBRAPA Florestas/Universidade Federal do Paran
2005 Coevolution of Birds and Plants: pollination and frugivory (#& hours)
Universidade Federal do Paran
Professional Experience
Present 2012 A Rocha Brasil
Scientific Advisor
Development and planning of social-ecological projects for biodiversity
conservation, ecological restoration and environmental education.
2012 2010 University of Victoria
Teaching Assistant, School of Environmental Studies
Introduction to Environmental Studies (ES!""), Introduction to Ethnoecology
(ES$!#), Ethnobotany (ES'!#), Advanced Topics in Ethnoecology:
Ethnoecology of Place (ES'%#).
2009-2012 GOERT (Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team)
Member and volunteer in field activities
Control and removal of invasive species, management of threatened plant
species and restoration of the most at-risk terrestrial ecosystem in Canada.
2010 2009 City of Victoria Parks
Volunteer in field activities
Control and removal of invasive species and ecological restoration.
2009 - 2007 EMBRAPA Florestas (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation-Forests)
Environmental Monitoring Lab
Intern and Visiting Researcher
Involved in multidisciplinary project (responsible for the ethnobotanical and
social-economic studies) for the elaboration of a management plan for the
Forest Reserve Embrapa/Epagri (Model Forest).
2009 2005 Laboratrio de Ecologia Oikos / Universidade Federal do Paran
Intern and Associate Researcher
Involved in ethnobotany and ecology projects, fieldwork and organization of
study groups, capacity building for new interns, conferences and regional
meetings promoted by the laboratory. Collaboration in projects (#) ornamental
plants of Paran: cultivation, extraction and trade, (!) Bases for the restoration
of riparian forest formations of the Araucaria Forests of Paran State, from
useful species and non-timber forest products, and ($) Ethnobotanical study as a
basis for the elaboration of management plan in the forest reserve
EMBRAPA/EPAGRI in Caador, Santa Catarina.
2008 Associao Franciscana de Ensino Senhor Bom Jesus (UNESCO Partner)
Elementary School Teacher in Environmental Sciences
Lectures, field classes, development of year curricula and teacher training
course for science teachers.
Present 2013 Ethnoecology, ethnobotany, and use of plant resources in the Lakln (Xokleng)
Indigenous Territory, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Situation: Ongoing; Nature: Research
Participants: Thiago C Gomes - participant / Nivaldo Peroni - coordinator.
Sponsor: CNPq (Brazilian Council of Scientific and Technological Development

Present 2013 Ethnobotany, management and domestication of species and landscapes of southern
Situation: Ongoing; Nature: Research
Participants: Thiago C Gomes - participant / Nivaldo Peroni - coordinator.
Sponsor: CNPq (Brazilian Council of Scientific and Technological Development

Present 2013 Plant interactions and community dynamics in tropical, seasonal systems
Situation: Ongoing; Nature: Research
Participants: Thiago C Gomes - participant / Natalia Hanazaki - coordinator.
Sponsor: CNPq (Brazilian Council of Scientific and Technological Development

2013-2010 Bringing the Food Back Home: Indigenous Food Systems and Place in Western Canada
Situation: Ongoing; Nature: Research
Participants: Thiago C Gomes - participant / Nancy J. Turner - coordinator.
Sponsor: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada)

2009 2007 Development of innovative models for protected areas management: the case of Forest
Reserve Embrapa/Epagri, in Caador, Santa Catarina, Brazil Action IV
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Development.
Participants: Thiago C Gomes - participant / Raquel Rejane Bonato Negrelle participant
/ Yeda Malheiros de Oliveira - coordinator.

2014-2017 FAPESC PhD Scholarship, Foundation for Research and Innovation of Santa Catarina
2014-2015 ISE Darrell Posey PhD Fellowship for Ethnoecology and Traditional Resource Rights,
International Society of Ethnobiology.
2012 Darrell Posey Prize mention for best poster: IX Brazilian Symposium of
Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology, Sociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia.
2011 Best application: Sarah Spencer Foundation Research Fellowship, The Spencer
2010 2012 Pacific Century Graduate Scholarship, Province of British Columbia, Canada.
2010 2012 University of Victoria Graduate Scholarship.

Academic production
2012 IX Brazilian Symposium of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology,
Poster: Ethnoecological restoration as strategy to assure ecological and cultural integrity in
degraded areas: study cases from west coast Canada and southern Brazil.
2012 World Social Forum: Thematic Forum
Round table: Climate change and poverty
2011 Salish Sea Ecosystems Conference
Oral presentation: Restoring the Gardens at Tlchs.
2011 World Conference on Ecological Restoration (Society for Ecological Restoration International)
Poster: Restoring Tlchs.
2011 4th Annual Vancouver Island Traditional Foods Conference
Keynote presentation: Restoring Traditional Food Systems in Tlchs.
2011 8th Annual GOERT (Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration Team) Research Colloquium
Oral presentation: Ethnoecological Restoration in Chatham Islands, British Columbia.
2010 33rd Annual Conference: Society of Ethnobiology
Poster: Negrelle, R.R.B. and Gomes, T.C.: Ethnobotanical Study as Basis for the Elaboration of
Management Plan of Forest Reserve Embrapa/Epagri (RFEE) in Caador, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
2007 II Simpsio de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia da Regio Sul do Brasil
Poster: Resultados preliminares de estudo etnobotnico como subsdio para elaborao de plano
de manejo para Reserva Florestal Embrapa/Epagri no Municpio de Caador, Santa Catarina,

2013 Gomes, T.C. Novel ecosystems in the restoration of cultural landscapes of Tl'chs, West Chatham
Island, British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Processes !"#$ !:#& doi: #".##.%(/!#)!-#*")-!-#&

2012 IX Brazilian Symposium of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
Sociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia, Florianpolis, Brazil

2012 Seminar on Sociobiodiversity Research in Federal Protected Areas in Santa Catarina
Ministry of the Environment/ICMBio/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

2012 I Latin-American Environmental Law Journey
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

2012 Restoration 2012: SER NW/BC Annual Meeting
University of Victoria, Canada
2011 Salish Sea Ecosystems Conference
Vancouver, Canada
2011 World Conference on Ecological Restoration
Society for Ecological Restoration International, Mrida, Mexico
2011 4th Annual Vancouver Island Traditional Foods Conference
Vancouver Island, Canada
2011 Restoration Institute
University of Victoria, Canada
2011 8th Annual GOERT Research Colloquium
Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration Team, Victoria, Canada
2010 International Congress of Ethnobiology
International Society of Ethnobiology, Tofino, Canada
2010 33rd Annual Conference: Society of Ethnobiology
Society of Ethnobiology, Victoria, Canada
2007 II Southern Brazilian Symposium for Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
Universidade Federal do Paran, Curitiba, Brazil
2007 III Simpsio do PPG em Ecologia e Conservao: Biodiversidade, da teoria economia
Universidade Federal do Paran, Curitiba, Brazil
2006 IV OIUDSMA Congress: International Organization of Universities for Sustainable
Development and the Environment, Curitiba, Brazil
2006 United Nations COP8-MOP3 and CBD
Curitiba, Brasil

Organization committee
2012 IX Brazilian Symposium of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianpolis, Brasil
2007 II Southern Brazilian Symposium for Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
Universidade Federal do Paran, Curitiba, Brasil

Additional Information
2012 MediaEpisode on Down2Earth series (APTN Canada/New Zealand)
Canadian TV show on indigenous communities and innovative sustainable alternatives.

2011 Media Interview and profile on the Year of Science British Columbia: A Garden Story

2009 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 110/120
2006 Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) University of Cambridge
2005 Iris Inc.
Transcultural training and volunteer work on projects with local indigenous Makhua,
Makonde and Moni people in Northern Mozambique.
Portuguese Native
English Advanced
Spanish Intermediate
French Beginner

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