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Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores

Academic Address: Linacre College, St Cross Road, Oxford OX1 3JA, United Kingdom
Current Address: Obrajes Calle 6 No 704, Casilla 14309, La Paz, Bolivia
Telephone: +591(2)2787876 Mobile: +591 (7)89 19454 Skype: izambrana
E-mails: [email protected] - [email protected]


DPhil Candidate in International Development

Queen Elizabeth House (QEH), Linacre College, University of Oxford. Oxford, UK
WWF Russell E. Train Education For Nature Fellowship.
Oxford Department International Development (ODID) Scholarship.
Topic: The political ecology of a complex socio-ecological system: Mother Earth
and biodiversity governance in Bolivia.


Master of Arts in Conservation Biology

Columbia University in the city of New York, NY, USA
AMNH/Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Teaching Fellowship.
GPA 3.7, GRE quantitative 780/800 (top 10% worldwide).


Licencing in Biological Sciences (5 year thesis-based degree equivalent to a B.Sc.)

Universidad Mayor de San Andrs (UMSA). La Paz, Bolivia
Grade Average 75 out of 100 (top 5%).
Highest grade at admission test in 1998.



International Diploma in Environmental Economics, Sustainable Development and

Political Ecology
UMSA/Cuban Universities. La Paz, Bolivia


Certificate in Biodiversity Information Systems

Biodiversity Center of Japan. Tokyo, Japan
Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Training Course Scholarship.


Certificate in Management of Network Systems

University of Colombo, School of Computing. Colombo, Sri Lanka
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) training grant.


Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education

UMSA. La Paz, Bolivia
Training in E-Learning, and Moodle Academic Platform developer.

Spanish (fluent), English (fluent, self-taught, TOEFL 273/300), Aymara (basic)

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores




Graduate lecturer (classes ranging from 20 to 35 students). Master of Science Program

in Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Military School of Engineering
(EMI). La Paz, Bolivia
Guest graduate speaker (20 students). Master of Science in Biodiversity, Conservation
and Management (School of Geography and Environment), University of Oxford, UK
Undergraduate tutor (One student). St Annes College, University of Oxford, UK
Graduate assistant teacher (20 students). Statistics, Master of Science in Migration
Studies (ODID), University of Oxford, UK
Graduate lecturer (20 students). Specialization in Knowledge Dialogue, and New
Paradigms in Sciences and Development. Universidad Mayor de San Simn (UMSS),
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Undergraduate lecturer (classes ranging from 30 to 40 students). Department of
Environmental Engineering, EMI. La Paz, Bolivia
Graduate lecturer (classes ranging from 30 to 60 students). Postgraduate Department,
Faculty of Medicine, UMSA. La Paz, Bolivia
Undergraduate lecturer (classes ranging from 10 to 105 students) Department of
Biological Sciences, Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences, UMSA. La Paz, Bolivia



Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, EMI

Biodiversity Governance (Guest lecture: Payment for ecosystem services and biodiversity
conservation as an spectacle), Oxford
Qualitative Research Methods (Statistics), Oxford
State and Politics I, UMSS
Inferential Biostatistics, UMSA
Environmental Management Systems, EMI



Latin American Politics, Oxford

Environmental Management Systems, EMI
Environmental Economics, EMI
Biology, Research Methods, EMI
Environmental and Ecological Economics, UMSA
Introductory Biology (also Coordinator), UMSA
Biodiversity and Society, UMSA
Bolivian Fauna Collection (Research Assistant), NMNH of Bolivia, UMSA
Introductory Zoology Lab (Teaching Assistant), UMSA
Vertebrate Zoology Lab (Teaching Assistant), UMSA


Alejandra Loayza Guzmn, EMI (Environmental engineer, graduated with honors)

Topic: Environ. effects and mitigation of pesticide misuse in a suburban farming community
Adhalid Alfrid Alemn Auza, EMI (Environmental engineer, graduated)
Topic: Regulation of environ. impact assessments inside national protected areas in Bolivia

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores



The political ecology of a complex socio-ecological system: Mother Earth and

biodiversity governance in Bolivia
Ongoing research for the DPhil program in Development Studies, QEH/ODID,
University of Oxford, UK. Supervisor: Laura Rival, PhD.


Senior Consultant
United Nations Development Programme (UNEP) ART Global Initiative
(Articulation of Territorial and Thematic Networks of Cooperation for Human
On charge of developing a Cleaner Production Plan for micro and small enterprises
sector for the Vice-ministry of Micro and Small Enterprise in the Ministry of
Productive Development and Plural Economy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.


Unit Chief of Biodiversity and Genetic Resources

Vice-ministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Changes, and Forestry
Management Ministry of Environment and Water Plurinational State of Bolivia
On charge of developing and implementing State policies regarding inter alia
biodiversity, ecosystems, bio-commerce, genetic resources, and biosafety.
Member of the committee that developed the Law of Mother Earths Rights (No. 71),
and the first draft of the Framework Law of Mother Earth (No. 300).
Overseeing and contributing with the implementation of the following initiatives:
- Bioculture Program: Local Management and Public Policies for the
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Andean Ecosystems (10Mi USD in 3 years).
- BioCAN Program: Biodiversity in the Andean Amazonian Regions of CAN
Member Countries (6Mi USD in 3 years). Current president of the International
Supervision Committee.
- EVA Project: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Land in
Andean Vertical Ecosystems (EVA) of Ayllus in Northern Potos and
Southeastern Oruro (6Mi USD in 5 years).
Alternate Head of Delegation of the Plurinational State Bolivia for the COP10 of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Nagoya, Japan.
Acting as interim General Director of Biodiversity and Protected Areas when


Senior Consultant on Socio-Environmental Management

Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy Plurinational State of Bolivia
Invited to collaborate on socio-environmental issues with a team led by Manuel
Morales Olivera for the development of the New State Policy on Hydrocarbons of
Review, systematize and elaborate strategies, programs and project profiles to
develop the New Policy in the social and environmental dimensions, including topics
such as energy sustainability, integrated management, social participation and
control, and public environmental management restructuration.
Responsibilities also included the analysis of informed consent and compensation
schemes regarding environmental impacts of the hydrocarbon industry.

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores


Specialist Consultant on Nature Sciences

Ministry of Education Plurinational State of Bolivia
Member of an interdisciplinary team of curricular design specialists of Bolivia.
Review, systematize and elaborate programs and plans for the Plurinational
Educational System regarding the field of Life and Territory in the Regular,
Alternative, and Diversity Education subsystems.
Integrate knowledge of indigenous peoples in the Bolivian core curriculum.


Consultant on Biodiversity Management

Vice-ministry of Biodiversity, Forestry Resources, and Environment Ministry of
Rural and Agrarian Development, and Environment Republic of Bolivia
In charge of evaluating of biodiversity use and conservation projects, monitoring
protected areas, also promoting capacity building and communication.
Co-authored the annual operative plans and Ministry Pluriannual Plan 2008-2011.
Reviewed and corrected a general outline document on Biodiversity for its discussion
by the Bolivian Constitutional Assembly of 2007.


Specialist Consultant on Nature Sciences

Ministry of Education and Cultures Republic of Bolivia
Member of an interdisciplinary and pluricultural team of education specialists.
Co-authored the fundamental guidelines for the design of the new curriculum for the
Plurinational Education System.
Intense discussion and knowledge dialog with indigenous elder leaders from the
Aymara, Qichwa, Chipaya, Yuracar, Chiquitano, Movima, Moxeo and Guaran
nations to build a new unified vision of the Bolivian Education.


Teaching Fellow
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH) New York, NY
Collaborator with the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners.
Conducted research on predictive models of biodiversity distribution.
Co-authored the module on Key Ecological Principles for Conservation Biology, coadapted the module on Monitoring and Adaptive Management, and reviewed
modules on Ecosystem loss and Fragmentation, and Applied Demographics.


Computer Technician
DIGITECH (Private Bolivian Information and Communication Technologies firm)
Computer software trainer. Computer assembler, vendor, and repairman.



Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas Consortium

( International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Honorary Member. Helping to deepen the understanding of Indigenous Community
Conserved Areas (ICCAs) in Bolivia across varying contexts, support field-based
initiatives and consequent national and international policy.


Bolivian Committee of the IUCN

Member, Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores


Linacre College, Oxford, UK Common Room (student organization)

Welfare and Equalities Officer.


Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS)

Co-organizer PILAS Annual Conference, Cultures in Perspective: from Indigenous
Politics to Street Dancing, QEH. Oxford, UK.


Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Indicators for the Strategic Plan for
biodiversity 2011-2020, Convention on Biological Diversity
Participant as an expert in a workshop at High Wycombe, UK, 20-24 June 2011.


Pact of Unity (Coalition of national indigenous organizations) Ministry of Foreign

Relations Ministry of Environment and Water
Assisting moderator of the working group on Harmony with Nature in the PreConference of Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights,
Cochabamba, Bolivia.


Confederacin Nacional de Mujeres Indgena Originario Campesinas Bartolina

Sisa (CNMIOC BS, Largest Bolivian female indigenous peoples organization)
Assisting in a preparatory workshop for the Pre-Conference of Indigenous Peoples on
Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

2008, 2010

Where There Be Dragons (US-based Study Abroad Programs)

Giving lectures to US students of the Andes & Amazon Semester Program.


Qhapac Uma Suyu Nation, members of the Consejo de Ayllus y Markas del
Qullasuyu Bolivia (CONAMAQ, Andean indigenous peoples organization)
Carrying out workshops for capacity building on environmental issues.


Inter-institutional Panel on Agro-fuels (Coalition of gov. institutions and NGOs)

Generating debate on the impacts of the introduction of agro-fuels in Bolivia.


Radio Televisin Popular (RTP) Pacha Ajayu (Earths Soul) Talk Show
Guest on a six-part TV interview on climate change and the environment.


International House Ambassador Program International House-NY

Advised prospective residents online about International House issues.

2005, 2009

Movement toward Socialism Political Instrument for Peoples Sovereignty

MAS-IPSP (left-wing indigenous political organization)
Member of the professional Working Group for the 2005 and 2009 presidential
elections, as part of the Land and Territory Commission.
Collaborated with the political platform on Nature Resources and Biodiversity.


Research Field Assistant, UMSA

Ph.D. project: The landscape context of fragmentation: A study of amphibians and
reptiles in a Neotropical forest. El Refugio, Santa Cruz. Florida Internat. U.
M.Sc. project: Effects of human disturbance in diversity of reptiles in the Iao
Mountain Range, Chuquisaca. University of Copenhagen.
Consultancy: Baseline for the monitoring of biodiversity and natural resources in

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores

Sajama National Park, Oruro. Center of Spatial Analysis, UMSA.

Consultancy: Geo-morphological and environmental impact assessment of the
construction Villa Aspiazu-Tawakosi-Yanacachi, La Paz. CIACT (NGO).

Biology Students Council, Biological Sciences Career, UMSA

Elected as General Secretary (highest post).
Represented the whole student body in all academic and administrative matters.


2013. Mother Earth and Natural Value: An introduction to Political Ecology. 3 day seminar-workshop
lecturer. Area of Biological and Nature Sciences, Universidad Amaznica de Pando. Cobija,
2013. Is a new form of environmental governance brewing in the Andes?: Contrasting Ecuadorian Rights
of Nature and Bolivian Rights of Mother Earth. Oral presentation. Latin American Centre DPhil
Seminar, University of Oxford. UK.
2013. Mother Earth politics and policies in Bolivia. Oral presentation. Lunch Time Seminar, Master of
Science in Environmental Change and Management, School of Geography and Environment,
University of Oxford. UK.
2012. Mother Earth Rights?: Discourse evolution in Bolivian environmental and resource politics and
policy. Oral presentation. LASA 2012 XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies
Association. San Francisco, CA, USA.
2012. No silvery green bullets: A note of caution on natural value and payment for ecosystem services
schemes. Oral Presentation. Human Welfare Conference V Crisis? What Crisis? Human Welfare in
the Balance, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. UK.
2012. Indigenous Biodiversity Governance and Climate Change in Bolivia: Looking for Effective
Solutions in a Complex Landscape. Oral Presentation. DPhil Research Seminar, ODID, University
of Oxford. UK.
2012. No silvery green bullets: A note of caution on natural value and payment for ecosystem services
schemes. Oral Presentation. Graduate workshop: Environment and Development in Latin America,
ODID, University of Oxford. UK.
2011. The TIPNIS conflict. Oral presentation and debate. National School of Political Formation, MASIPSP. La Paz, Bolivia.
2011. Rights of Mother Earth. Oral presentation. Seminar-Workshop on Mother Earth, De-colonization,
and Youth. Vice-ministry of De-colonization, Vice-ministry of Environment. La Paz, Bolivia.
2011. Contents of Law 71 on Rights of Mother Earth, and Contents of (projected) Framework Law on
Mother Earth. Oral presentation. National Encounter on Mother Earth. Pact of Unity, Vice-ministry
of Environment. Cochabamba, Bolivia.
2011. Mission Mother Earth, A new perspective on Environmental Management. Oral presentation. 1st
Departmental Summit on Environment, Climate Change, Water, and Mother Earth. Departmental
Secretariat of Environment and Mother Earth, Vice-ministry of Environment. Oruro, Bolivia.
2011. Bolivian policies and actions on biodiversity conservation and environment. Oral presentation. V
International Encounter on Amazonian Biosphere Reserves. UNESCO-Man and Biosphere, Viceministry of Environment. Rurrenabaque, Bolivia.
2010. The Government for the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the Environmental Management of Lake
Titicaca. Oral presentation. Workshop on the Environmental Management of the Lake Titicaca.
Bolivian Armada, Armed Forces of Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia.

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores

2010. ICCA Governance from the Perspective of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Oral presentation.
Workshop on Indigenous Conservation Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous Peoples and
Local Communities. ICCA Consortium. Shirakawa, Japan.
2009. Draft curricular structure of the Licence in Education in Sciences of Nature. Oral presentation and
commission coordinator. Pedagogic Meeting of the Plurinational Education System: Education for
Teachers. Ministry of Education. Sucre, Bolivia.
2008. Environmental implications of agro-fuels for the analysis and debate. Oral presentation and
moderator of the environmental panel. Oral presentation and co-organizer. Workshop on Agrobiofuels, a space for dialogue: possibilities and risks en Bolivia. Center of Research and Promotion
of Peasants (CIPCA). La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Panel on Indigenous Knowledge and Territory Management. Moderator. Workshop on Knowledge
and Practice Dialogue for the Management of Renewable Natural Resources. SIRENARE, IUCN
Bolivian committee. La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Pacha: Biodiversity conservation from the Andean cosmo-vision. Oral presentation. V National
Congress of Biology. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
2007. Conservation ideology: Do we, Bolivian biologists, need to de-colonize ourselves? Oral
Presentation. V National Congress of Biology. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
2007. Shared breeding of a new born by a captive silvery marmoset family (Callithrix argentata) at
Central Park Zoo, New York. Poster presentation. V National Congress of Biology. Santa Cruz,
2007. Government policies on Biodiversity use and conservation. Oral presentation. Workshop on the
formulation of a strategy of the conservation of Polylepis (Quewia) forests and associated
Biodiversity in Bolivia. DGBAP, CBG, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
2006. New concepts in Biodiversity conservation. Invited oral presentation. Seminar: The Importance of
Having Policies that Protect our Diversity. PRODENA, La Paz, Bolivia.
2006. GARP predictive distribution models applied to five Eleuterodactylus (Anura: Amphibia) species
present in Bolivia. Oral presentation. 1st Bolivian Congress of Ecology. La Paz, Bolivia.
2006. New and inexpensive techniques for digital recording and analysis of bird call. Poster presentation.
Poster presentation. 1st Bolivian Congress of Ecology. La Paz, Bolivia.
2001. Metrics of forest islands in Estancia El Porvenir and surrounding area, Beni Biological Station
(Bolivia) in 1993. Oral presentation and organizer. II Scientific Journeys of Biology. La Paz,
2000. Physical characterization of soils in the Polylepis tarapacana forests of Sajama National Park,
Oruro, Bolivia. Poster presentation with C. Buitrn, A. Canseco & D. Kopp. 1st International
Congress of Ecology and Conservation of Polylepis Forests, Cochabamba, Bolivia.


2011. Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for the Strategic Plan for biodiversity
2011-2020. Convention on Biological Diversity. Co-author. UNEP/CBD/AHTEG-SP-Ind/1/3.
Meeting held in High Wycombe, UK (20-24 June 2011).
2010. Building Capacities and Generating Support for the Sustainable Future of Indigenous Peoples
Conserved Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
(ICCAs).Contributor. Shrumm, H. and Jonas, H. (Eds.). Report of a workshop (October 28-30,
2010) at Shirakawa-Go Eco Institute, Japan.
2003. Bio-acoustical properties of an Anuran assemblage in the Paragu River, Biological Reserve El
Refugio, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Undergraduate thesis dissertation. UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia.
2001. Metrics of forest islands in Estancia El Porvenir, Beni Biological Station (Bolivia) in 1993.
Research Internship. Center of Spatial Analysis (CAE). UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia.
2000. Applying some collecting methods for arthropods and a brief description of their diversity near
Yanacachi, South Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia. Revista de Estudiantes de Biologa (La Paz) 1(1):34-40.

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores

1999. Introduction to Botany: A University Manual. Coauthor with others. Editorial of the San Calixto
Laboratory of Biology. La Paz, Bolivia. 138 pp. (Book: ISBN 99905-56-00-8).

2009. Final curricular systematization of the thematic area Sciences of Nature for the Plurinational
Educational System. Product 5 - Revision, systematization, and proposal of study programs and
plans for the Plurinational Educational System (PES) of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and
Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2009. Curricular systematization of the thematic area Sciences of Nature for the Subsystem of Education
for Teachers. Product 4 - Revision, systematization, and proposal of study programs and plans for
the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2009. Curricular systematization of the thematic area Sciences of Nature for the Subsystem of Alternative
Education. Product 3 - Revision, systematization, and proposal of study programs and plans for the
PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2009. Curricular systematization of the thematic area Sciences of Nature for the Subsystem of Regular
Education. Product 2 - Revision, systematization, and proposal of study programs and plans for the
PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2008. Curricular systematization of the thematic knowledge field Life, Land, and Territory and involved
thematic areas. Product 1 - Revision, systematization, and proposal of study programs and plans for
the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Initial Education in Family and Community, general fundaments, specific fundaments, and general
structure. Coauthor with others. Product 5 Proposal for the transformation of the curricular design
of the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Wisdom and knowledge of the Aymara indigenous people of Bolivia for the programs and plans of
the new curriculum. . Coauthor with others. Product 4 Proposal for the transformation of the
curricular design of the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. First Part: Diagnose of existing initial education in Bolivia. Second Part: General Guidelines for
the transition to the new initial education system during the 2007 School year. Coauthor with
others. Product 3 Proposal for the transformation of the curricular design of the PES of Bolivia.
Ministry of Education and Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Organization of the curricular structure. Coauthor with others. Product 2 - Proposal for the
transformation of the curricular design of the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures.
La Paz, Bolivia.
2007. Curricular design for the New Education. Coauthor with others. Product 1 - Proposal for the
transformation of the curricular design of the PES of Bolivia. Ministry of Education and Cultures.
La Paz, Bolivia.

In preparation. Key ecological principles for conservation biology - Synthesis. Coauthor with others.
Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP), CBC, AMNH.
2006. Monitoring and adaptive management synthesis, presentation, and exercise. Coauthor with N. G.
Pacheco-Flores. Adapted from: Gibbs, J. P. 2005. Monitoring in the Context of Adaptive
Management. NCEP, CBC, AMNH.
2005. Eco-Tools, Clculos en lnea para Ecologa y Biologa de la Conservacin. Co-translation with
others of: Russell, G. J. 2005. Eco-Tools, On-line Calculations for Ecology and Conservation

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores



BIOFARBO Scientific Journal (La Paz, Bolivia) Vol. 16 ISSN 1813-5363.






Socio-environmental interactions in a dynamic world, Second Global Environments Summer

Academy (GESA 2012). Global Diversity Foundation, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and
Society. Munich, Germany.
Preparation for Teaching and Learning Course, Oxford Learning Institute, University of
Oxford, UK.
Environmental Valuation and Household Surveys, IV LACEEP Environmental and Resource
Economics Training Course. Tropical Agricultural Center for Research and Training (CATIE).
Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Key Topics in Environment and Development Economics, IX LACEEP Biannual Short
Course, IX LACEEP Biannual Workshop. CATIE. Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Environmental economics of the role of businesses on climate change issues. III
Environmental and Resource Economics Training Course. CATIE. Turrialba, Costa Rica
Institutional Analyses/Environmental Impact Assessments/ Project Evaluation/ Logical
Framework for the Design of Projects. Virtual courses. Skillsoft - The Inter-American
Development Bank (IADB). Washington, DC, USA
Scientific Editing. Virtual course. Argentinean Center of Scientific and Technological
Information, CONICET. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Estimation Methods of Animal Population Densities. Short curse. Institute of Ecology/Wildlife
Conservation Society. La Paz, Bolivia.
Arc View Geographic Information Systems. Theoretical-practical course. Latin-American
Society of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems/UMSA. La Paz, Bolivia.
Ecology of Montane Forests. Field course. Institute of Ecology/Wildlife Conservation Society.
Tunquini Biological Station, Bolivia.
Ecology and Conservation of Amphibian. Field course. Institute of Ecology/Wildlife
Conservation Society. Tunquini Biological Station, Bolivia.
Basic Health and First Aid Procedures. Short course. Military Naval School. Armed Forces of
Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia.



1st Year Fieldwork Grant. ODID, University of Oxford, UK. Value: 500 GBP
Training Scholarship to attend GESA 2012 in Munich, Germany. ODID, University of Oxford,
UK. Value: 400 GBP
Course Fee Waiver to attend GESA 2012 in Munich, Germany. Global Diversity Fund, UK.
Value: 1 500 EUR
Overseas Conference Grant to attend LASA 2012 in San Francisco, CA. Linacre House Trust,
Linacre College, UK. Value: 300 GBP
Frances Stewart Bursary, Trinity 2012. ODID, University of Oxford, UK. Value: 500 GBP
ODID Scholarship. Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford,
UK. Value: 37 575 GBP
Education for Nature Russell E. Train Fellowship. World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Washington
D.C, USA. Value: 40 000 USD
IV LACEEP Training Course Award. CATIE. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Value: Full travel costs
and living expenses for a two-week course
IX LACEEP Workshop and Short Course Award. CATIE. Heredia, Costa Rica. Value: Full

Curriculum Vit, Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores



travel costs and living expenses for a two-week workshop and short course
III LACEEP Training Course Award. CATIE. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Value: Full travel costs
and living expenses for a two-week course
JICA Training Courses Scholarship. Japanese International Cooperation Agency. Tokyo, Japan.
Value: Full travel costs and living expenses for a two-month course
SIDA Training Grant. Swedish International Development Agency. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Value: Full travel costs and living expenses for a two-month course
IH-NY Resident Grant. International House, New York, NY, USA. Value: 1 000 USD
IH-NY Outreach Grant. International House, New York, NY, USA. Value: 1 000 USD
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Graduate Student Fellowship. AMNH/Columbia
University, New York NY, USA. Value: Full tuition, travel costs and living expenses for a twoyear Master of Arts degree
IE Undergraduate Thesis Research Scholarship. Foundation for the Development of Ecology,
UMSA. La Paz, Bolivia. Value: Full field research costs (1 100 USD approx.)

ICT skills:

High proficiency in computer hardware and software related to statistics, geographic

information systems, virtual learning environments, project planning and evaluation, and
digital graphic design.


High capacity for interdisciplinary and intercultural understanding and teamwork.


Reserve naval officer training, firearm handling, and discipline.


Amateur photographer, 3rd place in national photography contest about natural resources.


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