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Introduction...3 References.3 Generic Pipe Stress Model Input....3 4 Specifications of Piping Components.4 5 Methodology...6 7 Allowable Nozzle Loads...8 Considerations & Assumptions.9 Results & Discussions.10 Recommendations...10
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This report covers the Stress Analysis of following Flue Gas Ducts: 36"-SO2-5001-A10-H-200 12"-SO2-5003-A10-H-150 12"-SO2-5002-A10-H-150 The analysis has been performed through CAESAR-II Ver-5.10. The applicable Load cases has been presented in Section-5.4 of this report. Refer appendix-A3 for the detailed CAESAR report. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the possible causes of failures and provide recommendations which will help to mitigate these failures. Used Code & Standards: 1.1 ASME B31.3-2004 : Process Piping Code 1.2 ASME B36.10M-2004 : Welded & Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe 1.3 ASME B16.9-2003 : Factory-Made Wrought Butt-Welded Fittings 1.4 EJMA, 9th Ed.: Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 REFERENCES 10001-PA-DI-A2-EPP-1010 : P&ID T-210-KSJ-ISO-101 : Isometric Drawing TIE-SK-01 : Drwg. for Mitered Bends KSJ-SAU-150-M-DUCT : Ducting Layout PMS (Piping Material Specifications) released by KSJ Version 5.10 CAESAR II Applications Guide; 1985-2008 COADE, Inc.
3.0 GENERIC PIPE STRESS MODEL INPUT Operating Condition: Operating Temperature T1 Operating Pressure P1 Design Condition: Design Temperature Design Pressure Line Size Nominal Pipe Thickness Pipe Longitudinal Joint Efficiency Corrosion Allowance Mechanical Allowance Mill Tolerance Pipe Material Pipe Density Insulation Material Insulation Thickness T2 P2 tn Ej CA c MT
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
480 0C 0.3 Kg/cm2, g = 0.2942 Bar, g 510 0C 0.45 Kg/cm2, g = 0.4413 Bar, g 36 NPS & 12 NPS 8 mm - 36 NPS STD Sch - 12 NPS 0.85 2 mm Nil 2.5% Eqvt. to ASTM A285 Gr. C 7833 Kg/m3 Mineral Wool 100 mm
Doc No. : TIE/12/KSJ/CAE/02 Project : 150 TPD Sulphuric Acid Plant Insulation Density Fluid Specific Gravity 4.0 4.1 SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPING COMPONENTS Fittings: NPS 36" 36" 12 12 Description 900 Elbow 90 Elbow 90 Elbow Tee
0 0
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= ~
150 Kg/m3 0
No. of Cuts 4 4
Expansion Joints: Nominal Size = 36 Bellow Effective ID Expansion Joint Type Make Style MAWP No. of Convolutions Maximum Angular Movement Bending Stiffness Overall Length Nominal Size = 12 Bellow Effective ID Expansion Joint Type Make Style MAWP No. of Convolutions Maximum Angular Movement Bending Stiffness Overall Length De = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 948.5 mm Gimbal type Senior Flexonics AG 3.5 Kg/cm2 8 100 320 N-m/Deg 330 mm 267 mm 355.6 mm Gimbal type Senior Flexonics AG 3.5 Kg/cm2 8 100 78 N-m/Deg 330 mm 333 mm
N fb
N fb
Doc No. : TIE/12/KSJ/CAE/02 Project : 150 TPD Sulphuric Acid Plant 4.3.1 Butterfly Valve Nominal Size Mounting Dimension Weight Butterfly Valve Nominal Size Mounting Dimension Weight
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= = = = = =
Doc No. : TIE/12/KSJ/CAE/02 Project : 150 TPD Sulphuric Acid Plant 5.1
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General The software used for the stress analysis is Caesar II software package, version 5.10, by Coade Inc. The program analyses flexibility under the assumption that displacement strains will produce proportional stress over a sufficiently wide range. CAESAR automatically calculates the Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) for all fittings (including bends and tees) to accommodate complex stress distribution at fittings. Nomenclature 5.2.1 Coordinate System: The direction of X, Y, and Z coordinates are as defined below: X = Positive in south direction Y = Positive in vertical upwards direction Z = Positive in west direction 5.2.2 Support Types: Nomenclature for support used in analysis: ANC = Translational and Rotational movements restrained +Y = Vertical downward movement is restrained GUIDE = Guided support, lateral movements are restrained for horizontal pipe; horizontal direction movements are restrained for vertical pipe
Allowable Stresses Piping material was considered as Carbon Steel equivalent to ASTM A285 Gr. C. Appendix-A of ASME Code B31.3 provides the value of Allowable Stress for ASTM A285 Gr. C upto 593 0C. Hence, Code Allowable Stresses are as follows: Allowable Stress at Cold condition = Sc = 18300 Psi Allowable Stress at Optg. condition = Sh1 = 6600 Psi Allowable Stress at Design condition = Sh2 = 4500 Psi Load Cases Case No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Load Case W + T1 + P1 W + T2 + P2 W + P1 W + P2 L1 - L3 L2 - L4 Type OPE OPE SUS SUS EXP EXP Output Disp / Forces Disp / Forces Disp / Force/Stress Disp / Force/Stress Disp / Force/Stress Disp / Force/Stress
Where: W : Pipe and contents weight T1 : Operating Temperature P1 : Operating Pressure T2 : Design Temperature P2 : Design Pressure OPE : Operating Load Case SUS : Sustained Load Case EXP : Displacement Stress Range Load Case CAESAR Output Flexibility Analysis has been performed as per the guidelines of Appendix-S, ASME B31.3-2004. CAESAR output included the following in-line with the requirements of Appendix-S, B31.3:
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Operating Load Case: The operating load case is used to determine the operating
Position of the piping and reaction loads for any attached equipment, anchors, supports, guides, or stops. Hence, nodal movements and restraint loads are included in CAESAR output for operating load cases (W + P1 +T1 & W + P2 + T2).
Sustained Load Case: Sustained stresses due to the axial force, internal pressure,
intensified bending moment are combined to determine the sustained longitudinal stress, SL. So, Nodal Stresses for sustained load case (W + P1 & W + P2) are included in CAESAR output and are compared with Allowable Code Stress.
Displacement Stress Range Load Case : The displacement stress range, SE, is based on
the temperature range from the installation to maximum metal temperature for the thermal cycles under analysis. Hence, CAESAR output includes Displacement Stress Range for Expansion load case (L1 L3 & L2 L4) and is compared with the Allowable Stress range, SA, where SA is calculated automatically according to the following relationship defined in para. 302.3.5(d) of ASME B31.3-2004: SA = f (1.25Sc + 0.25Sh)
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Allowable Nozzle Forces and Moments from Thermal displacement and Deadweight are estimated from the following equations: Axial force (Tension or compression) Tangential force (in plane of flange) Longitudinal force (in plane of flange) Torsional Moment Circumferential Bending moment Longitudinal Bending moment Fa = 2000 x B x D FO = 1500 x B x D FL = 2000 x B x D MT = 150 x B x D2 MO = 100 x B x D2 ML = 130 x B x D2 (N) (N) (N) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm)
D = Nominal Dia. of Nozzle in inches B = Factor dependent upon Nozzle Flange rating = 0.6 ( for Class 150#)
Hence, for 36, 24 and 12 Nozzle, the Allowable loads are as under:
D (Inch) 36 24 12
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CONSIDERATIONS & ASSUMPTIONS Vessels are refractory lines; so, vessel expansion is neglected in comparison to Duct. Hence, no displacement is considered for the vessel Nozzles. *Gimbal type Expansion Joints allow only the Angular movement. Hence, very large value was considered for the Axial and Lateral stiffness for these Expansion Joints during the CAESAR input. As per the classical approach in CAESAR, Gimbal type Expansion Joints are modeled with zero length. As the flowing Fluid is Flue Gas, so, Fluid density is negligible and considered as zero during the CAESAR input Coefficient of Frictions at Guides is taken as 0.3. Valves has been modeled as Rigid Elements in CAESAR Wind & Seismic Loads not considered during Analysis. Flanged Joints not analysed. Dynamic Analysis Not applicable Hydrotest load case Not Applicable
* Refer Page 5.22 in Version 5.10 CAESAR II Applications Guide; 1985-2008 COADE, Inc.
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The Results obtained from CAESAR are as follows: 8.1 Load on Nozzles From the Restraints summary report obtained from CAESAR-II it is clear that Loads on the following Nozzles are within permissible limits (as estimated in section-6 of this report): Node-10 : Nozzle N1 of R-9205 Node-210: Nozzle N2 of FT-9204 Node-1300: Nozzle N9 of R-9205 Node-1380: Nozzle N10 of R-9205 Load on Supports From the Restraints summary report obtained from CAESAR-II it is observed that Load on any of the supports is less than 5 Metric ton. Rotation at Gimbal type Expansion Joint As evident from the above Nodal movements table obtained from CAESER-II, Rotation at any of the Gimbal type Expansion Joints is less than 10 Deg. Nodal Stresses & Code compliance The Nodal Stresses are listed in CAESAR output (Appendix A2). The nodal stresses are found to be less than Allowable Stress.
1. Before designing the Supports, Support Designer need to check the Nodal movements at Supports (listed in
the CAESAR output). Support need to be designed to allow the Nodal movements at the corresponding support. 2. Supports to be designed according to the Support load tabulated in Restraint load table obtained from CAESAR-II analysis.
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