Youth To Youth: Public Services International

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February - 2013

Public Services International (PSI) is is a global trade union federation representing 20 million working women and men who deliver vital public services in 150 countries. PSI works with the United Nations system and in partnership with labour, civil society and other organisations. Asia Pacific Regional Organisation Address: 295 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Singapore 534929 Tel: +65 62823219 Fax: +65 62804918 Regional Secretary: Ms. V. Lakshmi E-mail: [email protected]

PSI Young Workers Meeting - In the peoples interest: a youth perspective

On 24 November 2012 in Durban, South Africa, around 60 young workers met to discuss the needs, aspirations and challenges facing young workers at the first World Young Workers Meeting. An open discussion during the meeting provided young workers with space to address current challenges and issues for concrete actions that are integrated with PSIs policies and programme 2012-2017. The meeting also helped them to formulate strategies for action to strengthen young workers involvement in public sector unions, including greater representation and increasing the number of young people in positions of leadership and/or members of decision-making bodies. On 30 November 2012, the young workers met PSIs new general secretary, Rosa Pavanelli. It was moving meeting. She committed to establishing a network of young workers to support the growth and success of PSI.

Youth to Youth is the Asia Pacific news bulletin for young members in the region. It is published every two months by the Public Services International Asia Pacific Regional Organisation (PSI-APRO). Should you wish to contribute to this bulletin or news subscription, please contact: [email protected]

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Youth to Youth

Introducing our Young Workers representatives

PSIs new Asia Pacific youth representatives on the Executive Board (EB) are Ms. Katie Rowsell, 30, from Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Australia, who holds the titular position and Mr. Fandi Setia, 30, from Persatuan Pegawai Indonesia Power (PPIP), Indonesia, is substitute. The Young Workers representatives have key roles in representing and voicing young members concerns and interests from the region to the PSI. The young workers involvement in the Executive Board will require not only enthusiasm, but also a commitment of time and energy for this important role, which includes participation in the decision-making processes. Both representatives will also take on the role of Asia Pacific Youth Network (APYN) Coordinators. Their tasks are to coordinate and work with young members across the region, and report back with recommendations to PSI. Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]

Ms. Katie Rowsell

Mr. Fandi Setia

Introducing PSI new Equality and Rights Officer

Ms. Sandra Vermuyten is the new PSI Equality and Rights Officer and has been working with PSI since 5 November 2012. Sandra is Belgian and speaks fluent English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Dutch. She is experienced in trade union rights, international labour law, social dialogue and labour migration. Her work will also include the area of young workers issues and interests, and our network will work closely with her. Contact: [email protected]

Ms. Sandra Vermuyten

ILO launches global photo contest "WORK4YOUTH"

The ILO Youth Employment Programme has launched a photo contest focusing on young people at work. The objective of the contest is to highlight the challenges young people face in the workplace, as well as innovative ideas to address them. Participants are invited to submit up to a maximum of five photos per person by no later than 15 April 2013. For more information, please click here

United Nations World Youth Report 2013: Youth Migration and Development
The United Nations is in the process of preparing its 2013 World Youth Report (WYR) on Youth Migration and Development. The report will offer a multidimensional account and/or perspective of the life experiences of young migrants and young people affected by migration. To learn more about the report, click here. Learn more about how you can participate in our consultations and input to the report by clicking here

Youth to Youth

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Training, jobs and decent work for young people in the public sector
On 17 January 2013, EPSU launched a report on Training, jobs and decent work for young people in the public sector. This report examines the extent to which young workers are employed in three sections of the public services and are affected by precarious employment in these sectors. The report also looks into the approaches adopted by EPSU affiliates, public sector unions, to support young workers in public services, whether through collective bargaining, campaign or internal structures. For more details, please click here.

Let's invest to get young people into decent jobs!

The world is facing a worsening youth employment crisis: young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and over 75 million youth worldwide are looking for work. The ILO has warned of a "scarred" generation of young workers facing a dangerous mix of high unemployment, increased inactivity and precarious work in developed countries, as well as persistently high working poverty in the developing world. The ILO is partnering to promote decent work opportunities for young men and women through knowledge and action. To watch the video, click here

New Zealand : Public Service Association Youth Conference

On 28 and 29 November 2012, 47 young Public Service Association (PSA) members from around the country came together in Wellington, New Zealand, for the 2012 PSA Youth (PSAY) National Conference. The focus of the two days was on youth participation and engagement in the union, and campaigning and advocacy for social change. PSA members elected Asher Goldman from Parliamentary Services in Wellington as the new National PSAY Convenor to succeed Andrea Fromm. For more information, visit the PSAY webpage, click here

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Youth to Youth

ILO Talk Show: ILO youth employment focal point for Asia-Pacific
The recently released ILO Global Employment Trends 2013 report announced that total global unemployment rose to 197 million people worldwide. Of those, over 73 million are young unemployed people. In the AsiaPacific region, young people are over twice as likely to be unemployed than adults. In this programme, the ILO's Focal Points for Youth Employment in the Asia Pacific look at the rising youth unemployment globally and how the ILO can respond to the challenges across this region. Please click here to watch the show. If you would like to be part of a future show, or have any comments, please send an email to [email protected]. For more information:

Young AUPE work to reach out and engage the youth

Young Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (YAUPE) had their annual work plan retreat in Downtown East, Singapore, on 26 January 2013. In a relaxed and casual environment, they shared and reviewed their objectives and achievements in 2012 as well as the direction they intend to go towards for 2013. Armed in the New Year with a fresh work plan and strategic priorities, the YAUPE will carry on its commitment and visions of outreach and engagement programmes which will attract and nurture the young members of the union. For further information, please contact Ms. Surianah Sufarman, Chairperson of YAUPE: [email protected]

Ms. Surianah Sufarman (Chairperson of YAUPE) and Mohammad Rizal (Secretary of YAUPE)

Irish nurses boycott low-pay new graduate scheme

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) calls on their members to boycott a new scheme which would pay graduate nurses only 80 percent of the agreed salary rate. Under the scheme, the Health Services Executive (HSE) proposes to hire 1000 nurses graduating in 2012 on pay rates 20 percent lower than before. The new starting rate would be 22,000 instead of 26,400 at present. In addition, they would be hired on two-year contracts instead of for permanent posts. For more information, click here
Visit the PSI website at: and explore the Young Workers webpage at: LIKE and connect with PSIs Facebook at: Follow and connect with PSI Twitter at: @psiglobalunion

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