Youth To Youth: Investing Workers' Retirement Funds For Progressive and Socially Responsible Purposes

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Public Services International

January 2014

Youth to Youth
Youth to Youth is the Asia Pacific news bulletin for young members in the region. It is published every two months by the Public Services International Asia Pacific Regional Organisation (PSI-APRO). Should you wish to contribute to this bulletin or news subscription, please contact: [email protected]

Investing workers' retirement funds for progressive and socially responsible purposes
The conventional wisdom is that young people today suffer insecurity knowing that they will change jobs repeatedly over their careers and, because of that, they don't really think much about pensions. However, it turns out that the conventional wisdom is wrong. A current survey mentions that people tend to stay with their current employer if they provide a better pension plan. It is understood that retirement benefits and social security schemes are an integral part of the quality of employment.

The economic crisis has without a doubt led to reduced job security and declining working conditions that often disproportionately affect young workers. Many young workers risk becoming the new working poor. So, what can unions do for you? Unions are protecting young workers. The union defends the interests of all members, including those who have only recently entered the workforce. In the public sector, budget cuts have brought a broad range of significant employment challenges and young workers have been hit the hardest. The effects are damning including the impact of pension changes. Pension changes will impact peoples short-term ability to make ends meet as well as their future working lives. This concern is understood and shared by others in the union, of all ages and at all levels. Therefore, the union needs to mobilize workers and strengthen their political muscle in order to be part of the policy-making process of our future. This will help to protect workers interests and benefits and lessen the burden on the next generation of workers. Public Services International (PSI) Asia Pacific region and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Regional Cooperation office jointly held a Forum on Pension and Social Security for the affiliate unions on 14-15 December 2013 in Singapore. This forum was timely and important for workers and public sectors unions to be part of the development and be involved in the pension fund governance that they can play a major role in ensuring that workers' retirement funds are invested for progressive and socially responsible purposes. Through this forum, the participants discussed: (1) the diversities of public pension funds and a deeper understanding about pension and social security at the global context; (2) how to provide regional perspectives and what mechanisms or interventions can be employed and useful for workers actions; and (3) how to come up with recommendations and action points on how PSI at the global level can articulate the local concerns and how the unions at national level can play a bigger role with regards to pension funds and social security. Read more here.
Asia Pacific Regional Organisation 295 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Singapore 534929 Tel: +65 62823219 Fax: +65 62804918 Regional Secretary: Ms. V. Lakshmi E-mail: [email protected]

India: Social media and youth involvement in union campaigns

Report by Manorajan Pegu, PSI Project Coordinator Trade unions, especially in India, need to recognize the immense potential of Social Media. Many unions avoid social media and those that do use it only post pictures or occasionally news about union activities on Facebook. Many unions do not have websites, and often those who do seldom update them. Communications is still predominantly limited to phone and personal conversations in the trade union circles in India.

The ILO-ACTRAV, South Asia, organised a four day workshop on Strengthening the CLS Ratification Campaign & Giving Importance to Youth Involvement from 25-28 November 2013, in Agra, India. A similar workshop was organised in Trivandrum from 29 July to 1 August 2013 for the youth members in Southern States in India. The workshop, which was attended by trade union members from 11 central trade union organisations in India, sought to fulfil the following objectives: 1) Strengthen the trade union platform for ratification of Core Labour Standards; 2) Strengthen the role of youth in the ratification campaign and 3) harnessing the potentials of IT tools to strengthen the overall ratification campaign. Like on previous occasions, Manoranjan Pegu, PSI-South Asia Project Coordinator, was invited as the resource person to facilitate the sessions on Social Media for Trade unions in Agra. Manoranjan Pegu talked in detail about the importance of social media for trade unions with the participants. He also gave examples of internet campaigns being done by LabourStart, Public Services International and the ITUC to practically demonstrate the importance and use of social media to the participants. For more information, contact: [email protected]

How can sports help to promote youth employment?

Employers often refrain from hiring young people for their apparent lack of soft skills rather than their lack of experience. Understanding how these soft skills that can be developed through sports are relevant to the world of work provides an interesting perspective on youth employability. The recent Pacific Youth and Sports Conference, which took place in Noumea, New Caledonia, from 2 to 7 December 2013, was a great opportunity to discuss many of the ideas and programmes that are being implemented in the region on youth and sports. The conference focused on three themes: health, social inclusion, and education and capacity building. How are these issues linked to sports? Firstly, sports can be used to tackle education around non-communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancies, and improve mental health. Secondly, sports not only foster social inclusion but can also help to prevent domestic violence and anti-social behaviour as well. And thirdly, sports can help promote school attendance, develop a range of life skills and encourage active citizenship. Read more here El Empleo or The Employee is a film about the use and abuse of workers. The objectualization of the human being in our society is shown allegorically in a very particular way: a world where everyone is used as an object. With dark humour and a critical look at the issue, it explores the place of the human being in modern societies, searching for a deep reflection from the audience. Watch the movie via YouTube here.
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Young workers and the future of organised labour

According to an article in In These Times, young workers are more pro-union than middle-aged and older workers. It is, indeed, a good sign for the future of the labour movement. Making unions relevant for young workers is the key to organising them. Young people unite by common interests, education, income, demographics, needs, geographies, occupations, goals, communities and ethnicities (amongst other things). This stresses the importance of organising and campaigning on issues that matter to them and creating a sense that the union reflects their concerns. Organising young workers should be engaging, interactive and relevant, it is important to build and organize around issues that directly affect their generation. They also need to encourage young workers to become more involved. Providing mentoring is also a good way to bring the next generation to learn new leadership skills and how to navigate the political terrain of their union settings. Read the article here.

Anxious youth, then and now

Todays millennials face many of the same concerns and challenges of the late 19th century, when the booms and busts of the industrial revolution tore apart the accepted order. The economic rules changed while millennials were growing up. It's no wonder they are confused when the "success road map" doesn't work like it used to. Each New Years, young men and women filled their diaries with worries that seem very familiar today: the unstable careers, the confusion of technologies, the delayed romance, parenthood and maturity. To read the article in the New York Times, click here.

International trade union mission condemns continuing labour rights violations in South Korea
PSI participated in an international trade union mission in South Korea on 17-20 January to investigate continued fundamental labour rights violations against trade unions including PSI affiliates. The mission comes in the midst of increasing repression against Korean trade unions in response to a 23-day long rail strike. Participants in the mission included PSIs David Boys and other representatives from ITUC and ITF. Read more here.

Brain drain: a headache for India and China

Brain drain is now the major concern of many countries, where skilled and professional migration is being fuelled to seek for better life, economic and politic stability. It is a major source of concern for two of Asia's biggest nation-states, India and China. They fear the negative consequences of the loss of skilled nationals in terms of economic and human development.


The loss of the best and brightest may have diminished the growth prospects of the two countries, but at the same time there are some obvious advantages to emigration, such as the remittances migrants send back to their countries. Read the article in The Age here.
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Union member: Inspired to make a change

Mohammad Rizal Bin Mohamed Kassim, 30 year old, secretary of Young Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE), Singapore, has found it inspiring to learn about the role of the union and was surprised at the variety of issues covered that directly affect workers in the workplace. The union has also been a real eye-opener by giving an opportunity to young workers to speak up and discuss their problems over a meeting and come up with a solution. This is how he realised that as union member you can make a difference and be part of the voice that can make a how inspiring it was to learn about the a history of their union with other young workers. change. Read his story here.

Active network inspires members

PSAY is a very active network for young members of the Public Service Association (PSA) in New Zealand, the goal is to reach out to the young members and get them actively engaged in the union and the workplace. In ensuring that the union movement hears and responds to young workers unique concerns - and to channel their skills and energy to build the next generation of activists, the PSA engages them in skills development through regular PSAY conferences and youth leadership training sessions. Communicating with them directly by using popular social media such as Facebook and Twitter ensures that they stay in conversation with young members. In order to improve communication with members, the youth network webpage is set up to personalise the events and actions that PSAY has taken up. They also publish E-Newsletters that circulate monthly. Posting to the PSAY profile could encourage your own network to use this new communication model by bringing in young people to the union and actively engaging with their activities.

Guatemala: Member of young trade unionists network murdered

The ITUC has firmly condemned the killing of Marlon Dagoberto Vsquez Lpez, aged just 19. Marlon played an active role in the young trade unionists network in Quetzaltenango and was a member of the construction and service workers union SINCSG (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Construccin y Servicios de Guatemala). See the ITUC website. Guatemala is the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists. Public health care workers who expose corruption or demand their legal labour rights are specifically being attacked and assassinated. Public Services International (PSI) has launched a major solidarity campaign. This included leading an international trade union delegation in August 2013 to meet with Guatemalan government leaders demanding that immediate steps be taken to stop all violence directed towards trade unions and their members and to ensure workers lives and legal rights are respected in Guatemala. PSI asks all affiliates to join in lobbying European leaders to suspend special free trade provisions with Guatemala until the deadly campaign against trade unionists is ended in that country. There can be no free trade without trade union rights! Guatemala health workers share their stories in PSIs new short documentary available on the PSI website here.

PSI affiliates generously answer call for Philippines solidarity

Following the request for donations via the PSI Aid Fund, PSI affiliates around the world have contributed generously to assist our sisters and brothers and their communities in the Philippines, in the wake of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan which swept through on 8 November 2013. Just over a month after this monster storm made landfall, the death toll stands at 5,924 and 1,779 people are still missing, according to the latest government figure. More than 12 million people have been affected. Relief and rehabilitation efforts will take many years. To date, affiliate unions have donated a heart-warming 236,056 to the PSI AID Fund for the Philippines. Read the full report here.

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