ENSY5000 hwk5
ENSY5000 hwk5
ENSY5000 hwk5
Fall 2012 Homework problem 5 Due: Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. Please submit one PDF file electronically. Note: some of the problems involve the recorded lecture of Wednesday, 10/10.
1. In an industrial process, a tank containing 200 liters of water must be heated from a temperature of 293 K to 372 K at a constant pressure. The water is stirred during this process to maintain a uniformly distributed temperature. During the process the convective heat transfer coefficient between the water and the ambient air is 8.5 W/(m2K) and the surface area equals 2.0 m2. The ambient air remains at a constant temperature of 293 K. Neglect the work associated with stirring the tank. a) Calculate the energy required to heat the water to its final temperature neglecting the heat loss to the surroundings. This calculation assumes the tank is perfectly insulated and does not convectively lose energy. b) For this part of the question calculate the rate of heat transfer at its final temperature, its steady state temperature, from the water. The effects of the convection are now included in the calculation. c) Calculate the time to heat the water to its final temperature assuming that the heat transfer calculated in part (b) is the heat input to the device. Plot the temperature time history of the water. d) Determine the energy added to the water during the transient heating process determined in part (c). 2. A piston cylinder contains 2 Kg of air at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 1.1 bars. The air mass expands following a process where PV0.9 = a constant process until the volume has doubled. During this process heat is transferred to the system. For the air the specific heat cv =0.79 KJ/(Kg K) and its gas constant is R=0.287 KJ/(Kg K). Determine the work output from this process and the direction and magnitude of the heat interaction. 3. A piston cylinder device has a volume of 0.04 m3 and initially contains air at 293 K and 1 bar. This device is used to perform a cycle in which the gas heated at a constant volume until the temperature reaches 1000 K. The air is allowed to expand following a PV1.4 = a constant process until the volume is 1.5 times the original volume. It is then cooled to a temperature of 293 K at a constant volume process. The completion of the cycle is an isothermal process to the original state. a)Calculate the net work produced by this cycle, the required heat input to the cycle and its thermal efficiency. b) How much heat is removed from the system during the cycle?