Synopsis: Title of The Topic: A Project On The Role of Outdoor Advertising - Hoarding Print Media

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Advertising is the life blood of the Marketing organization. Now a day most of the organizations have own advertisement on their products. Without advertisement the organization could not survived. The advertising is done through the medias like printed and visual medias. Now the situation has been changing, that means new advertising Medias are come into picture. Here we are discussing about, how we can influence the young people to the product through advertisement. The best way to convey the information about the product which is available in the market is advertise.

2 Review of Literature Marketing affects almost every aspect of todays daily life. Modern age is the age of marketing. Marketing is a dynamic, exciting and challenging activity. Today the success or failure of a company and its product in the market place depend largely on the adoption of effective marketing strategy by the company.

1 Meaning and Definition of Marketing In common practice Marketing means the process of distribution of goods and services. The aim of marketing is to make sales in order to earn reasonable profit for the product. The term marketing embraces all resources and activities necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services from the producer to the customer. Philip Kotler defines marketing as human activity directed at satisfying need and wants through exchange process. According to him activities such as product development, search, communication, distribution, pricing and service contribute the core of marketing activities.

3 Objectives of Marketing Barker and Ashen says The end of all marketing activities is the satisfaction of human wants .Though the satisfaction of human wants, profits are rewarded to the business and the reward is inducement of marketing. The following are the aims of marketing: Intelligent and capable application of modern marketing policies. To develop the marketing field. To develop guiding policies and this implementation for a good result. To suggest solutions by studying the problems relating to marketing. To take appropriate activities in the course of action. Functions and Importance of Marketing As a country becomes more industrialized and urbanized, marketing becomes functionally more important. Marketing is a connecting link between the consumer and the producer. It helps in increasing the living standard of people. It helps to increase the nations income. Marketing process increases employment opportunity. Therefore marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying goods and services goods and services to prevent and potential customer. Thus, greater marketing effort is required in case of more industrialized and urbanized societies. So, marketing has to play a vital role not only in profit making, but in non-profit making organization also. It includes buying, selling, transporting, storing, standardization and grading, financing, risk taking and marketing information.


Outdoor advertisement is an important factor in marketing any consumer durables. Outdoor advertisements include hoardings, mobile displays, show window advertising, Tri-ads, neon signs, bus panels, bus shelters, glow signs etc. Among all these hoarding is the widely used medium of outdoor advertising. Hoardings play a vital role in outdoor advertising and they are more appealing to the customers. The problem lie in the size of hoardings, lit and unlit hoardings, target areas of hoardings, strategic positioning of the hoardings, quality of the hoardings, visibility of the hoardings and the cost of the hoardings.


This study has a wide scope as the entire marketing activity depends on types of advertisements. This study focuses on outdoor advertising. Hoarding as a medium of outdoor advertising plays an important role. This study covers all the aspects of hoardings, including the size of the hoardings, pricing, visibility, lit and unlit hoardings, strategic positioning of hoardings, location etc. It is observed that most of the big business firms use hoardings to promote their product. Hoarding is not a matter of little concern as big business firms are using them. This study

throws light on all the aspects of marketing through advertising, outdoor advertising and forms of outdoor advertising and definitely has an immense scope.


To study the overall outdoor advertising market in Bangalore and prepare a strategy for Print Media Advertising.

To find out how many organizations are using outdoor advertising services.

To find out how many of them are using hoardings.

To find out how many advertising agencies are there.

To find out the customer preference in selecting the hoardings.

To find out the other forms of outdoor advertising used.

To find out the strategic positions of hoardings.

To study the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of the competitors.

To identify different areas of focus for Print Media Advertising.

To find out the criteria looked for while placing a hoarding.


The next stage of marketing research calls for developing the most efficient plan for gathering the needed information to solve the problem for this asks. Researcher has to look out for the type and sources of data, which may field the desired results for stated objectives. The design of data collecting method is the backbone of research design. There are basically two methods of data collection: Observation Survey In observation, the researcher personally collects the data. Where as in the survey method, data originates from the persons on whom the research is being introduced. Questioning is a process of data collection used in the survey method, questioning as its name suggests asking question to people who are thought to have the desired information. Data can be distinguished as: Primary Data. Secondary Data.

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