Advertising Impact On Customer - Hyundai

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Advertising is the means of informing as well as influencing the general public to buy
products or services through visual or oral messages. A product or service is advertised to
create awareness in the minds of potential buyers. Some of the commonly used media for
advertising are T.V., radio, websites, newspapers, magazines, bill-boards, hoardings etc. As a
result of economic liberalization and the changing social trends advertising industry has
shown rapid growth in the last decade.
Advertising is one of the aspects of mass communication. Advertising is actually brand-
building through effective communication and is essentially a service industry. It helps to
forms the basis of marketing. Advertising plays a significant role in today's highly
competitive world. A career in advertisement is quite glamorous and at the same time
challenging with more and more agencies opening up every day. Whether its brands,
companies, personalities or even voluntary or religious organizations, all of them use some
form of advertising in order to be able to communicate with the target audience. The salary
structure in advertising is quite high and if you have the knack for it one can reach the top. It
is an ideal profession for a creative individual who can handle work-pressure. Today, new
areas are emerging within advertising like event management, image management, internet
marketing etc. Event management wherein events are marketed, Image management wherein
a a particular profile of an individual or an organization is projected. Internet marketing has
also brought about a lot of changes in advertising as Internet means that one is catering to a
select group of audience rather than a mass audience .Today 'Celebrity Endorsement' has
attracted immense debate on whether it really contributes to the brand building process or
whether it is just another lazy tool to make the brand more visible in the minds of the

Although it has been observed that the presence of a well-known personality helps in solving
the problem of over-communication that is becoming more prominent these days, there are
few undesirable impacts of this practice on the brand. The issue of matching the values of the
celebrity with the brand values is also very important, i.e. getting the right celebrity to
endorse the right brand. Consumers perceive the brand as having superior quality because it
has been endorsed by a credible source. This makes endorsement as one of the indictors of
quality for any brand. Corporate credibility along with endorser credibility plays a significant
role in the attitude of the consumer towards the brand and the advertisement respectively. On
the other hand, the over popularity of the celebrity sometimes overshadows the brand.

Advertising is a method of enticing the public to become paying customers of your business.
Common forms of advertising include television and radio ads, print ads in newspapers and
magazines, and online advertisements. No matter which medium you choose, each ad must
have a call-to-action that asks the viewer to begin exhibiting the behavior you want them to
do. Once the ad campaign begins, you add up the number of people who take the desired
action. If a lot of people take action, the ad had a big impact on influencing customer
behavior. Set advertising success metrics related to positive customer behavior. Common
metrics include measuring the number of new purchases made or increased traffic to a store
during an ad campaign. Once your ad campaign begins, simply add up the number of people
who do what you want them to. For example, if one of your metrics is "the number of new
purchases," add up the number of people who make a purchase during the lifetime of your ad

Ensure that your ads have a clear call-to-action. Common calls-to-action include "call now,"
"visit our site" or "buy now and receive 10% off with this promo code." Make sure the call-
to-action is prominently placed near the top of the ad for high visibility. Time sensitive
promotions, like "10% off today only," will encourage viewers to act right away.
Review your sales reports from the previous year and note the number of leads or sales you
brought in during the same time last year. As the ad campaign begins, watch for increases in
the number of leads or sales. Upward trends or large spikes indicate that your ad is having a
positive impact on customers.
Analyze the return-on-investment you make from the campaign. Know how much each ad
campaign cost to run and how much profit you made from it. If you made more than you
spent, the campaign is a success and it is worth repeating.
This project helps in projecting the impact of advertisement on customer’s brand
preference. It also shows how celebrity endorsement impact customers.

1) A study on the impact of electronic media on brand preference.
2) A study on the impact of print media on brand preference.
3) A study on the impact of other media on brand preference.


Collection of data:
One of the important tools for conduction market research is that availability of
necessary and useful data. Date collection is more of an art than a science. The methods of
marketing research are in a way the methods of data collection. The sources of information
fall under two categories.
Internal sources:
Every company has to keep certain records such as accounts, reports etc. these
records provide sample information which an organization usually keeps collection in its
External sources:
When internal records are insufficient and required information is not available, the
organization will have to depend on external sources. Of data are.
a) Primary data:

The data collected for a purpose in original and for the first time is known as primary
data. The researches collect this data to study a particular problem.
Here the primary data is data collected through questionnaire by directly meeting the

b) Secondary Data:
The data, which is collected from the published sources i.e., not originally collected
of the first rime is called secondary data.
Here the secondary data is data collected from the company’s brochures, pamphlets,
Journal catalogues and website.

Sample Procedure: Random sampling

Research design: the primary data and secondary data will be studied and analyzed
appropriately and interpreted to extract certain facts. Whenever necessary statistical tools and
financial tools like tabulation, graphs etc will be used to present the findings effectively.


Article: 1


Author: Anusha KS

Source: Department of Human Resource (Organisation development), Ronald Ross PG

College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana


This review article aims to examine the importance of branding and ADVERTISING

IMPACT ON CUSTOMER. The article has estimated the ways to promote the product and

how the product gains the brand name based on the written points by the authors it has been

estimated that the marketing strategy have directly or indirectly helped in gaining brand

image with the few aspects which emphasis on the promotion and ADVERTISING IMPACT

ON CUSTOMER to gain the brand name.

Article: 2


Author: Margarita Išoraitė

Source: Margarita Išoraitė, “ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER Theoretical

Aspects” International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, Vol. 4, No. 6

(2016): 25-37.

Abstract: Aim of article is to analyze ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER

theoretical aspects. The article discusses that ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER is

one of the main objectives of the ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER elements for

setting objectives and marketing budget measures. The importance of each element depends

not only on the company and its activities, but also on the competition and time. All

marketing elements are interrelated and should be seen in the whole of their actions. Some

items may have greater importance than others; it depends mainly on the company's strategy

and its activities. Companies that provide services - the provision of services will be a key

element. Article arises research questions is ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER

create added value for enterprises. There are used scientific literature and analysis methods in

article. An analysis of the scientific literature, it can be said that the ADVERTISING

IMPACT ON CUSTOMER measures are the actions and measures necessary to achieve

marketing goals. Marketing elements: product, price, place and promotion are used for

marketing objectives. These instruments operate most efficiently when all the elements are

combined and working together

Article: 3

Title: The Effect of ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER in Attracting


Author: BahmanSaeidi Pour, Kamran Nazari and MostafaEmami

Source: Department of Educational, Payam Noor University, Iran

Abstract: This study investigated the impact of ADVERTISING IMPACT ON CUSTOMER

in attracting customers to Saderat Bank in Kermanshah Province. Questionnaire which

included 30 questions was used to collect information in this research. The reliability of the

questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha, and a value of 0.882 was obtained,

greater than 0.7 which is the reliability of the questionnaire. The population used in this study

is the customers of Saderat Bank in Kermanshah Province, with at least one account,

interestfree loans and savings. 250 questionnaires were collected by stratified random

sampling. The work has one main hypothesis and 5 sub- hypotheses. Pearson correlation test

was used to test the hypotheses. It was established that factors in the ADVERTISING

IMPACT ON CUSTOMER have a significant positive effect in absorbing customers. That

means the bank has a significant positive effect. Key words: Marketing, ADVERTISING

IMPACT ON CUSTOMER factors, customers’ orientation, customers‘ satisfaction

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