Buckling of Laminated Composite Construction

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Mcanique des Composites - Mechanical behaviour of composites materials

Buckling of laminated composite construction Buckling of straight beams, plate

-Euler theory for beams, composite plates buckling -Influence of shear modulus -Curved beam -Stability of plates strengthened by longitudinal ribs

Face wrinkling of sandwich structures

-Influence of core material, skin stiffness

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Mcanique des Composites - Mechanical behaviour of composites materials

Buckling: definition
Eulers formula for isotropic column under compression


Uo stable

2 2 n EI Pcr = --------------2 L


unstable Uo constant U=NRJ=Uo

-The maximum axial load that a structural component (a.k.a., column) can support when it is on the verge of buckling is called the critical load, Pcr. -Any additional load greater than Pcr will cause the column to buckle and therefore deflect laterally.

Buckling is a geometric instability and is related to material stiffness, column length, and the crosssectional dimensions of the column. Strength does not play a role in buckling. Structure wants to move from one previous state of equilibrium to another one which at Pcr corresponds to less energy.
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Overview: Post-buckling
If P/Pc (buckling) happens, it does not necessarily mean critical failure
-Structure is in a post-buckling state, -When load returns to zero, the structure could return to its initial state or enter another state.
Figure 1 - Example (thin plate with stiffeners)

before buckling F


U axial displacement

Post-buckling is the ability of a structure to carry loads well in excess of the initial buckling load.
-Post-buckling is often associated with a change in load sharing, because buckled plate has a lower equivalent modulus than straight initial plate.

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Buckling and flow

Buckling needs compression stresses:

simple compressive in plane flow

double compressive in plane flow

in plane shear flow in plane torsion

Buckling is heavily dependant upon boundary conditions: free edge, simply supported, clamped
-in real structures, boundary conditions are a mix of several ideal conditions, -use a coefficient K for semi-clamped (mean value of simply supported and clamped), -choose most pessimistic conditions.

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Buckling and composites

Buckling is not specific to composite materials, but some factors could promote buckling
-thin plate, -very different stiffnesses along different directions, -coupling could have a softening effect, -observation of an unperfect plane due to residual stresses, -sandwich skins are a special case.

Other structures as well as intact plane should be analysed using buckling or stability analysis
-parts with holes -damaged structures (delamination, loss of mechanical properties) -parts with initial imperfections (curvature) -thickness variations, curved structure -environmental effects

Eulers load with axial modulus and transverse shear modulus

(1) 1 P Cr = ---------------------------------2 L 2 ----------- + --------------2 GS k BC E 1 I where L= beam length kBC Eulers coefficient depending on boundary conditions.(=1 simply supported ends, =4 for both clamped ends,= 2 for one end simply support and the other clamped, =1/4 for one end clamped and the other free.

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Buckling and hygrothermal analysis

When subjected to an increase of temperature or moisture expansion, laminates want to expand.
-If the structure is restrained, compressive flow would occur. -Note that in the general case of anisotropic materials, a decrease in hygrothermal conditions could also create compressive flow in the part (negative thermal expansion coefficient, coupling).

Example: buried composite pipe with end restrained:

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Governing equations for bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plates

Kirchhoff assumptions CLT
0 = A B BD 1 N M

equilibrium differential equations

Nx + Nxy = 0 x y Nxy + Ny = 0 x y Mx + My + 2 ( Mxy) = p x y xx yy

U x0 = x y0 = xy0 = V y

mid-plane strain and curvature

V U + x y

2 w x = 2 x 2 w y = 2 y xy = 2 w ( ) x y

3 coupled governing differential equations in U,V and w: -derivation order 4 and 3 for normal displacement w -derivation order 3 and 2 for in-plane displacements U and V

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Buckling equations for laminated plates

A plate buckles when the in-plane compressive load get so large that the originally flat equilibrium state is no longer stable:
-the plate deflects into a non-flat (wavy) configuration. -if there is a membrane-bending coupling B, the plate under in-plane compression will always bend. There is prebuckling bending deformation which softens the plate because of buckling. This effect is very difficult to get using analysis. laminate without B matrix

laminate with B matrix






Closed form solution of laminates is only valid for orthotropic plates (symmetrical and balanced):
-D16=D26=0, A16=A26=0 and B=0

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Linear buckling calculation for plate: principle

Governing equations from a membrane pre-buckled state
Nx + Nxy = 0 x y Nxy + Ny = 0 x y

2 2 Mx + My + 2 ( Mxy) + Nx w + Ny w + 2Nxy ( w) = 0 x y x y xx yy 2 2 x y

-where denotes a variation of force, moment or displacement in pre-buckled state (membrane behaviour) -N load is applied in a plane -membrane state: simplified equation
D 4 2 2 4 2 2 w w w w = Nx + Ny + 2Nxy (w) + 2(D + 2D ) w + D 12 66 22 4 11 4 2 2 x y 2 2 y y x x x y

w= w, no membrane-bending coupling B=0 so M = D

-w is a function of trigonometric series -buckling solution is an eigenvalue problem

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Techniques for solving buckling problems

Exact solution with many restrictions and assumptions Finite element calculation or finite differences Rayleigh Ritz and Galerkin method
-Often variable separation assumption in x and y coordinate -Put a reliable form for the displacement w which satisfies boundary conditions -Minimise energy

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Simply supported laminated plates under in-plane load

Uniaxial flow with all sides simply supported
x y w = A mn sin m - sin n - b a

Nx b a


m is the number of buckled half wavelength in x direction and n in y direction

solution :
Nx = k= b
2 2

D 11 D 22 k D 11 D 22 m

smallest value for n=1

+ D 22 D 11 m

2 D 12 + 2 D 66 D 11 D 22

where is the aspect ratio =a/b

The value of m (number of half wavelength in x direction) depends upon aspect ratio:
D 11 D 22 D 11 D 22

m m-1

< <

m m+1

allows us to find m value

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Figure 2 - critical load

D11=751 D22=751 Nx D12=96 D66 =61


D11=7510 D22=751 D12=96 D66 =61

= a/b
simplified complete formula

= a/b

It is usual to take a conservative approach using least possible value of the series which is:

Nx = 2

2 D 66 + D 12 + b

D 22 D 11

where kn is a series which converges to 1 (1.025 for m=4) l'quation (2) is also valid for clamped loaded edges

Uniaxial flow with various boundary conditions

-see Handbook of thin plate buckling and post-buckling or Mil Hdbk 17-3

Uniaxial loading: long plate with all sides fixed

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plate only a/b>4

Nxmil =

5.33 D 66 + 2.67 D 12 + 4.6 b


D 22 D 11

Uniaxial loading : three sides simply supported and one unloaded edge free
long plate only a/b>4
Nxmil = 12 D 66 b

D 11 a

Biaxial loading : plate with all sides simply supported

2 2

D 11 m

b a

+ 2 D 12 + 2 D 66 m

m n

b a

+ D 22 n

Nxmil =

b a

+ N n

where N is the ratio Ny/Nx

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Buckling and laminate stacking sequence

Stability is strongly affected by laminate stacking sequence. General rules that define the best laminate stacking sequence for buckling do not exist.
Figure 3 - example: evolution of buckling load for an antisymmetrical angle ply laminate

angle +-

formula for buckling of simply supported long plate subjected to compressive flow
2 2 b

Nx =

Qpm 1 1 Qpm 2 2 + Qpm 1 2 + 2 Qpm 6 6


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Mcanique des Composites - Mechanical behaviour of composites materials

Curved structures
Special case of the ends of a cylinder under external pressure
-dished end is equivalent to a square plate under pressure -curved ends are very sensitive to buckling when sujected to external pressure -internal pressure creates positive membrane flow in the curved end critical external pressure
rf. 1

for a long cylinder: (diameter D and thickness h)

3 E2 - h P C = 2 -------------------------- --- 1 12 21 D

valid if ratio K=L/D is greater than (L = length between stiffeners):

(4) K > KC 2.5 E 1 D K C = ------ 4 ----- ----2 E 2 2h

1. NF T 57-900 3-10.2 and 3

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Damaged structures
Damaged plane structure due to manufacturing, in service manipulation or impact
-can create delamination for monolithic laminate or skin debonding for sandwich structures -when delamination dimension (length or width) reaches a critical value-> local buckling of the laminate delamination in a monolithic laminate

development of the delamination

critical value of the defect -Analytical formula (laminate buckling), FEM calculation, more difficult to calculate delamination development Mca Composite Training Page 16/20

Mcanique des Composites - Mechanical behaviour of composites materials

Buckling and FEM

Linear buckling
-provides critical factor kc, if loads are multiplied by kc then buckling would occur -kc = reserve factor

Non-linear buckling
-perform a non-linear analysis to take into account material non-linearity or geometric non-linearities -global stiffness matrix will be recalculated for each step.

Material properties and FEM

-Buckling is very sensitive to material properties, -use mean values of modulus, knockdown coefficient p2/22

Interlaminar shear: influence on buckling

-For thick plate for example, transverse shear displacement can be significant. -CLT fail, use FEM with 3D model

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Local buckling in sandwich structures

When a sandwich is loaded with flexion, one skin is in a compressive state of stress Skin buckling is called wrinkling. It depends upon the properties of the skin and of the core.
-local skin buckling can crush the core, debond the skins,...

Another form of local buckling is dimpling (or intercell buckling)

-critical compressive stress for wrinkling by Howard G. Allen is:
1 2

crit 1 = B 1 Ef 3 Ec 3

Ef: Young modulus of the skin Ec Young modulus of the core normal to the skin or z thickness direction B1 is a function of Poissons ratio of the core
1 3

B 1 = 3 12 3 - c

1 + c

2 -

c = 0.95

-With Young modulus Ef = 12394 Mpa and Ec = 139 Mpa There is a criticial buckling stress of about 320 Mpa.

Other formulas for wrinkling

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m = 0.82 Ef Ec ef ec

where -ef: thickness of the skin 0.95mm -ec: thickness of the core Nida 38.5mm We find m = 191 MPa

m = 0.5

Gc Ec Ef

where -Gc: shear modulus of the core 25 MPa We find m = 190 MPa

formula for Intracell buckling

ib = 2 Ef ef s

where -l = 1 -s: diameter of the cell 9mm We find ib = 276 MPa Mca Composite Training Page 19/20

Mcanique des Composites - Mechanical behaviour of composites materials

Finite element model for skin buckling

top skin is put into compression
Figure 1 First buckling mode

We find a compressive stress of 376 Mpa.

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