SCA - Pocket Guide To Adhesive Bonding EN

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Some of the key takeaways are that adhesive bonding is an efficient and productive joining technology that is widely used in industries like automotive, aerospace, electronics and appliances. It is used to join lightweight materials and reduce weight, fuel consumption and emissions.

Some of the industries that commonly use adhesive bonding mentioned are the automotive, aerospace, electronics, renewable energy and appliances industries. In particular, it is used to join lightweight metals and composites in the automotive and aerospace industries.

Some of the benefits of using adhesive bonding over other joining methods mentioned are that it is more efficient and productive. It can also replace riveting, welding and threaded fasteners. Adhesive bonding allows the production of lighter products and reduces manufacturing costs.

Pocket Guide to

Adhesive Bonding
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1. Overview of joining techniques..................................................................................... 4

2. Historical background..................................................................................................... 5

3. Examples from nature..................................................................................................... 7

4. Definitions: Bonding; Adhesion; Viscosity; Rheology; Wetting.................................. 8

5. The adhesive joint and its tension distribution......................................................... 16

6. Advantages/disadvantages of bonding....................................................................... 18

7. Benefits of bonding ....................................................................................................... 20

8. Structural bonding, elastic bonding, and sealants.................................................... 22

9. Influences on the bonding function............................................................................ 24

10. Importance of surface treatment................................................................................. 32

11. Surface energy................................................................................................................ 36

12. Properties of adhesives................................................................................................. 38

Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 43

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 3

1. Overview of joining techniques
Classification of joining methods



Bonding Soldering
joining Welding Riveting Screwing

Type of Chemical
Thermal Mechanical
method Physical

Result Only partly detachable / not detachable Detachable

4 S CA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g
2. Historical background
Material and technology
development – the wheel
Since the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia in 3500
BC, man has continuously striven to improve the smooth-
ness of the ride.

Today’s vehicle tires are made from a number of materials,

including fabric, steel cord, synthetic fiber and rubber, Wood
bonded together using adhesives. disc wheel
3000 BC
The smooth, quiet ride we enjoy in our cars
today would not be possible without adhesive
chariot Tutan­
khamun 1400 BC

Wood and iron

Roman spoke wheel
200 AD

A modern car tyre

Contact surface:

Synthetic fiber

Radial layer:
Steel cord

Wheel rim:

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 5

Adhesives go back a long way
Asphalt/pine resin mixtures, an early form of today’s hot-
melt-type adhesive were in use as early as the building of
the Tower of Babel.
Drops of pine resin.
Bonding together materials such as wood, stone, cera-
mics, etc. with the help of adhesives, glues or putties is
something which goes back to the prehistoric age.

Fragments of an alabaster statuette crafted between 3000

and 3300 BC were found in Uruk (Erech). The eyeballs
consist of the centre of a mussel, into which pupils of la-
pis lazuli were stuck by means of adhesive. The glue used
was asphalt or glue made from animal products (fish skin/
bone glue).

The milky sap of the dandelion.

The sensation of stickiness has

been part of man’s experience
since the earliest times. Humans
were always aware of the pheno­
mena of adhesion due to nature
without even knowing what
adhesion is.

6 S CA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g
3. Examples from nature
The gecko’s adhesive system
Geckos have the remarkable ability to run at any orienta-
tion on just about any smooth or rough, wet or dry, clean
or dirty surface.

The secret of the gecko’s adhesive properties: Millions of

micron-scale setae on each toe of the gecko form a self-
cleaning dry adhesive.


Meso Micro

Sundew – carnivorous plants

These plants use droplets of adhesive to make their prey
“stick around” long enough to be digested.

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive B o n d i n g 7
4. Definitions
To truly understand the concept of bonding, it is help-
ful to also understand adhesion, viscosity, rheology and

What is bonding?

Bonding is joining of two or more substrates using an


Bonding is an everyday activity

and self­evident, but hardly
anyone knows how it actually
works, due to lack of knowledge Substrate 1
of what adhesive must be used.
Adhesives are used more frequ­
Substrate 2
ently than people think. Bonding
is unconsciously considered by Substrate 3
many people as a method of
second choice because nailing,
screwing or welding seems to be
more fixed.

What is an adhesive?
DIN EN 923
An adhesive is defined as a non-metallic binder that acts
via adhesion and cohesion.

ASTM D907-06
An adhesive is a substance capable of holding materials
together by surface attachment.

8 S CA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g
Why does an adhesive adhere?
If we succeed in bringing loose molecules close enough
together, considerable forces of attraction are effected
between them. This force of attraction is called cohesion if
the molecules are of the same kind. If the molecules are of
a different kind, then it is called adhesion.

n Water molecules which we cool down move so close
together that a firm, hard material is created - ice. If we
bring a glass pane into contact with a water surface,
then we require considerable force to lift it up again.
This is due to the adhesion between glass and water.

n Pressing finely polished surfaces of lead brick onto

one another, we recognise a force of attraction which
attempts to hold them together. In this case it is

n When we use an adhesive, we utilize both cohesion

and adhesion. The adhesive must stick to the surfaces
we wish to bond because of adhesion and, naturally,
the cohesion must hold the adhesive itself together.

Why does a thin layer of adhesive achieve better

bonding results than a thick layer?

n Strangely, in most cases, the adhesive has greater ad-

hesive force than cohesive force. Therefore, if we use
too much adhesive, we increase the possibility that
small particles of the adhesive will separate from one
another. The bond then fails in the joint’s interior.

n But there are exceptions – for elastic bonds we require

a layer 3-5 mm thick.

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 9

What is adhesion?
Adhesion can be divided into two categories:
1. Adhesive materials fill the voids or pores of the surfaces
and hold them together by mechanical interlocking.

2. Adhesion by effects such as chemical bonds and by

interaction forces, such as electrical forces and “Van der
Waals” forces.

What is cohesion?
The tendency of similar or identical particles/surfaces to
cling to one another. In terms of glues, cohesion forces are
responsible for the viscosity and flow properties (rheolo-
gy) of uncured glues and for the strength of the glue cured
when being stressed.

The final strength (maximum cohesion) will be reached

after curing.

10 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Example: Water has a lower
viscosity than honey, therefore it
flows more easily.

The resistance of a substance to flow. Viscosity is related
to the concept of shear force; it can be understood as the
effect of different layers of the fluid exerting shearing
force on each other, or on other surfaces, as they move
against each other.

From an adhesive bonding perspective, viscosity is impor-

tant because of its influence in the quality of an applica-
tion bead.

Viscosity – its influence

Pasty adhesives

Application Joining Pressing

Liquid adhesives Pasty adhesives =
high viscosity

Liquid adhesive =
low viscosity

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 11


Rheology is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in

the liquid state, but also as “soft solids” or solids under
conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather
than deforming elastically in response to an applied force.
Rheology is important from a bonding perspective be-
cause when you apply the material, it should not flow
away or fall from the product.

Newtonian Fluids
These fluids can be characterized by a single coefficient of
viscosity for a specific temperature. Although this visco-
sity will change with temperature, it does not change
with the flow rate or strain rate. Example: Water.

The property of certain gels or fluids that are thick (vis-
cous) under normal conditions, but flow (become thin,
less viscous) over time when shaken, agitated, or other-
wise stressed. They then take a fixed time to return to a
more viscous state.

It exists if the viscosity of a substance being under shear

forces decreases by time, but recovers to the original value
after a certain non-shearing period.

Low thixotropy, i.e., just after Higher thixotropy, i.e., striking

leaving the applicator at car body

Shear period Rest period Shear period

Thixotrophy in viscosity/time diagram.

12 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Rheometers – measuring viscosity
Types of rheometer

a) Stationary, b) Stationary, c) d) F
oscillating oscillating

e) f) g)
a) to c) Rotation rheometers
a) Coaxial cylinder (Couette system), medi­
F um viscosities
b) Plate/plate, all viscosities
c) Cone/plate, all viscosities
G d) High­pressure capillary rheometer, melts
e) Ubbelohde viscometer, low­viscosity
f) Meissner expansion rheometer, melts
g) Falling ball viscometer, low and medium

Differences between viscometers and rheometers Units for viscosity

Viscometers, in comparison to rheometers, are usually 1 Pas = 1 Nsm­2 = 1 kg m­3 s­1
relatively simple instruments. Their simplicity of design 1 mPas = 0.001 Nsm­2
and operation can offer advantages in terms of ease of 1 mPas = 0.01 Poise (P)
1 Poise = 0.1 Pas
use. Most viscometers operate by rotating a spindle in
one direction in the sample. Viscosity is determined by
measuring resistance to this rotational force.

Rheometers can apply oscillatory and rapid step changes

in stress and strain, and can therefore determine visco-
elastic properties (providing information on the structural
properties of the sample) as well as flow properties.

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 13


Wetting is the ability of a liquid to maintain contact with

a solid surface, resulting from intermolecular interactions
when the two are brought together. The degree of wetting
(wettability) is determined by a force balance between
adhesive and cohesive forces. Wetting deals with the three
phases of materials: gas, liquid and solid.

Wetting achieved with different viscosities

Minimal wetting with sag-resistant materials

Ideal wetting with highly liquid materials

No wetting (theory)

Minimal wetting with sag-resistent materials

Slight wetting with pasty materials

Good wetting with viscous materials

Ideal wetting with highly liquid materials

14 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

n Wetting of the substrate when using pasty adhesives/

n Wetting of the substrate when using liquid adhesives/


“Water drop“ test

Poor wetting

n For this reason:

Cleaning, grinding, fine-grain blasting, pickling/caustic

Good wetting

n Optimal Wetting:
Provides optimum conditions for all types of adhesives
whilst making optimum use of their properties

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 15

5. The adhesive joint and its
tension distribution
Cross-section of an adhesive bond

Transition zone

Substrate 1 Surface of substrate/

Boundary layer 1 adhesion zone

Adhesive Cohesion zone

Boundary layer 2

Substrate 2

The boundary layer refers to a

thin layer corresponding to the Distribution of tension
interfaces between the substrate
and the adhesive where all the Bonding:
molecular forces, called “Van der – Uniform tension distribution
Waals forces”, are.
– Force distribution over the entire surface

Riveting and Screwing:

– Non-uniform tension distribution
– Spot force transmission

16 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

On the strength of riveted joints

a= Distance between the rivet holes
d= Rivet hole diameter
s= Sheet metal thickness
y= force
s a a a
dd d d d

When exposed to tensile load, tension peaks arise at the

drilled and counter bored rivet holes. The extent of these
tensions is independent of the rivet hole diameter.

On the strength of bonded joints

i.e Beveled overlaps
When exposed to tensile load, tensions are uniformly
distributed. In addition, neither warping nor scaling will
occur with bonding.

1 = Bonded joint
l = Length of the beveled part
s = Sheet metal thickness

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 17

6. Advantages/disadvantages
of bonding
Some advantages of bonding

Different kinds of material can be joined

n Metals of the same kind or different and plastics.

n At the same time the adhesive prevents contact
n Compensates tensions between the components.
n Seals at the same time.

No thermal changes in the material


n As with welding, soldering.

No costly treatment of the visible surfaces is

required afterwards

n Polishing of the visible surfaces as with welding, etc., is

not necessary.

Bonding permits extremely lightweight


n Thinner sheet metal than with riveting.

18 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Disadvantages of bonding

The final strength is not achieved


n As compared to screwing, riveting, soldering and

n You have to wait for the reaction time.

In most cases, the bond cannot be

detached without damaging the mating
parts* – unlike screwing or riveting

n Bonds can only be used in a limited temperature range.

n Bonds are sensitive to peel and split forces (uneven

* There are exceptions. Such as

in the case of hot melt adhesives
or water­based acrylates where
the part can be reheated and

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 19

7. Benefits of bonding

The Big 4 – main benefits

Materials Design
Combination of different Freedom to use
materials, possibility to innovative geometric
reduce weight configurations


Functions Processing
Integration of additional Maintenance of material
functions such as properties
sealing and damping or

Bonding in comparison

Joining Multi mate- Body Crash Engin- Corrosion Acoustics Speed of Initial
rial design stiffening stability eering resistance produc- strength
technique strength tion

Bonding (structural) 333 333 333 333 33 333 333 7

Spot welding 7 m m m 7 7 7 333
Clinching (press joining) 7 m 7 3 m 7 7 333
Riveting m m 7 3 7 7 7 333
Screwing / bolting m m m m 7 7 7 333
Laser welding 7 33 33 33 m m m 333
Laser stitching 7 3 m m 7 7 33 333

333 excellent 33 very good 3 good m average 7 bad

20 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Bonding in comparison
Application Cost factors Bolts/ Rivets Wel- Spot Clin- Clip Bonding Bonding
screws ding welding ching faste- (Structural ) (Elastic)
criteria ning

Joining together Optimum choice/ 33 O – 3 33 33 33 33

dissimilar materials most economical
use of materials
Calculability of joint, Development 33 33 33 33 3 O 3/O 3
dependability of costs, the need
joint strength on to take account
temperate, creep of specific work
under statistic load process and de-
sign requirements
associated with
the fastening
Thermal distortion Additional proces- 33 3 – – 3 33 33 33
sing stages
Occupational physio- Loss of man-hours 3 O O O O 33 3/ 3/O
logy (noise, chemical as a result of
emissions) illness
Sealing of joint Additional work – – 3 O O O 33/3 33
and expense in
sealing joint
Susceptibility to Preventive me- O – 3 O 3 O 3 3
corrosion asures to guard
against crack
corrosion and gal-
vanic corrosion
Waiting time Integration in the 33 33 33 33 33 33 3/O 3/O
between joint production cycle
assembly and
adequate strength
Temperature- Need to take 33 33 33 33 33 3/O 3 3/O
resistance of joint account of
extreme exposure
Ease of disassembly Ease of repair/ 33 3 O O 3 3 O 3
effect on recycling

33 very suitable 3 suitable O partly suitable – unsuitable

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 21

8. Structural bonding, elastic
bonding and sealants
Bonding, sealing and insulation
1. Bonding according to DIN 16920, is a process designed
to join two materials of similar or different characteris-
tics, with an adhesive substance. An adhesive is thus a
non-metallic substance capable of producing a joint based
by means of surface bonding (adhesion) and inner bon-
ding (cohesion).

2. Sealing according to DIN 52460, is a method for closing

peripheral areas. A technical seal should reliably close
off areas of division brought about as a result of manu-
facturing or assembly in components against penetra-
tion or escaping of media, i.e., gases or liquids, to avoid

3. Insulating is a method of dispensing material that pre-

vents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat,
electricity, or sound. This application is very common
when sound dampening is a requirement.

22 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Insulating effect against contact

Example of insulation

Drop of water
Fe (cathode)

Electrical contact Contact corrosion Zn (anode)

Fe (cathode) Drop of water

Adhesive/sealant =
insulating layer No corrosion Zn (anode)

Structural bonding, elastic bonding, sealing

Structural and insulating
• High force transmission
10 ­ 30 N/mm2 TSS Force transmission
• Low elongation at break 30 60
Tensile shear strength (N/mm2)

0 ­ 70%
• Small gap (approx. 1 mm) 50

Elongation (%)
20 40
bonding Admissible permanent

for elastic sealants


10 20
• Medium force transmission
1 ­ 10 N/mm2 TSS 10
• Medium elongation at break
70 ­ 300%
Hard Elastic Plastic
• Medium gap
Structural Elastic
Sealing and insulating
Sealing and
• Low force transmission Basic rule: Exception:
• High elongation at break Higher strengths are the result Elastic bonding.
300 ­ 700% of thinner adhesive layers!
• Large gap

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 23

9. Influences on the bonding

Loads to which
exposed during

Properties Geometrical
of the Bonding form of the
adhesive mating parts

Quality and
of surfaces

How does an adhesive act?

n It wets the surface and adhesive forces become


n It gets locked to the surface

n It solidifies (cures, sets…)

n It transmits forces = structural adhesive

n It absorbs forces = elastic adhesive

24 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Loads to which adhesives are
exposed during use

Mechanical stresses

Tensile stress Split stress

critical with
of different
thickness and

Tensile shear stress Peel stress

Mechanical stresses to which adhesives are exposed


­40°C range of usage +90°C Temp. max

Reasonable Reasonable Temperature limit frequently

temperature temperature stated in technical data sheets
limit limit

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 25

Loads to which adhesives are
exposed during use

Type of load

Mechanical influences Ambient influences

Time factor
Tensile forces Environment load
Shear forces Duration of Temperature load
Pressure forces exposure – Chemical load
Peel forces long­term Corrosive load
Torsional forces short­term Climate load


Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure

Time Time Time Time

Sudden Continuous Static Dynamic

Gases, environ­
ment, air, solu­
tions, vapours,
+ / – variation X­rays, electron

Temperature Media Radiation

26 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Loads to which
exposed during

Properties Geometrical
of the Bonding form of the
adhesive mating parts

Quality and
of surfaces

Geometrical form of the mating

Unfavorable design and corrective design solutions

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 27

Design of bonds exposed to peel

Pure peel force = unfavourable Transformation into tensile and

pressure forces = favourable

Tensile/peel forces = Stiffening = favourable

very unfavourable

Transformation into tensile and

pressure forces = favourable

Roll and peel

forces = Transformation
very unfavourable into tensile
shear forces =

Design of bonds exposed to tensile

shear forces
Butt joint = unfavourable Simple­strap butt joint = favourable

Beveled joint = very favourable Double­strap butt joint = favourable

Shouldered double­strap butt joint = Double overlap = favourable

Favourable force transmission but
labour­intensive surface preparation
is very difficult

28 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

1. New Design: Welding Bonding

Welded Bonded








S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 29

How to determine the characteris-
tics of the bonding surfaces
The bonding surfaces should be as large as possible so
10 cm
as to ensure reliable force transmission!

n It is possible to achieve high levels of strength using a

1 cm

Bonding surface
spot-bonding technique with a high-strength adhesi-
ve, but basically bonding is a means of connecting via
surface areas.

n The adhesive film transmits the acting forces as with

bonds realized by means of screws or rivets.

n Owing to the fact that, in contrast to screwing or

riveting, bonding provides a bond closed in itself, one
achieves a uniform distribution of tension over the
entire surface.

Example 10 cm

Bonding surface
1 cm

Calculation (example):
10 mm x 100 mm = 1 000 mm2

Bonded using elastic MS­Polymer (3.0 MPa)

1 000 mm2 x 3 N/mm2 = 3 000 N = 300 kg
The stress­to­rupture of this bonding surface is 300 kg

Bonded using 2 part Epoxy (30 MPa)

1 000 mm2 x 30 N/mm2 = 30 000 N = 3 000 kg
The stress­to­rupture of this bonding surface is 3000 kg

30 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Cohesion and adhesion failure
An adhesive can only fulfil its job if the adhesive and
cohesive forces are approximately as great as the inherent
strength of the mating parts to be bonded.

Too little adhesion The bond breaks at the boundary

Too little cohesion The inherent strength of the adhesive
is not sufficient – on detaching, areas covered with adhe-
sive remain behind.

Adhesion breaks Adhesion/cohesion breaks Cohesion breaks

– Frequent in practical use – Frequent in practical use – Less frequent in practical use
– Insufficient adhesion properties – Caused by equivalent – Too low an inherent strength of
of the adhesive characteristics of the adhesive the adhesive (or not yet
and the bonding surfaces completely cured?)
– Insufficient preparation
(cleaning) of the substrates

Important criteria for adhesive

n The adhesive should be thin fluid (low viscosity) for
wetting the surface.

n Energy of the stream when hitting the surface should

be relatively high.

n Specific differences need to be considered for different


High viscosity adhesive Low viscosity adhesive

A real multi­purpose adhesive,

i.e., an adhesive which bonds all
materials and, if possible, under
a variety of conditions does NOT
Substrate Substrate exist!

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 31

10. Importance of surface

Loads to which
exposed during

Properties Geometrical
of the Bonding form of the
adhesive mating parts

Quality and
of surfaces

Preparing the surfaces.

Cleaning of the substrates surfaces cannot be waived!

32 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Quality and forms of surfaces

Substrate requirements

n Load-bearing capacity
– The substrates must be able to bear loads, i.e., be

n Cleanliness
– The substrates must be clean!
– Free from grease, oil, dust, moisture…dirt!
– Cleaner and adhesive must be compatible
– Exception: Automotive body manufacturing.
– Special adhesives allow oily surfaces.

n Adhesiveness
–Advanced adhesives have a wide range of adhesion
and, in most cases, adhere to the substrates without
the use of primers (coatings).
–Primers should be used where required – particularly
for structural bonds.

Surface Surface Surface

preparation pretreatment post-treatment

Cleaning, Mechanical, Acclimatization,

degreasing, chemical and primers,
passivation physical adhesion promoters,
techniques activators

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 33

Surface preparation and pre-
treatment methods
Surface treatment
Cleaning/degreasing Mechanical methods Chemical/physical methods
Removal of loose layers of rust, oxi- Different kinds of hard brush and Pickling of aluminum, hardened
des, weathering and paint residues polishing brush methods (following and stainless steels as well as hard
degreasing in advance) metals
Reinforcing of the substrates in Application of sanding belts and Caustic treatment of plastics which
the case of sucking or crumbling grinding discs. Abrasive paper etc. are difficult to bond such as PTFE,
surfaces (K120-180) following degreasing in POM or PP
Removal of undesirable layers All kinds of blast methods (dry or wet Singeing, low-pressure plasma treat-
by means of degreasing cleaning blast) using sharp-edged, fine grains ment of plastics which are difficult
agents to bond, such as PE, PA, PP or others
with a problematic surface layer

What is a primer?
Primers are liquids applied prior to the application of
the adhesive in order to:

n Increase the bonding quality, thus achieving a better

adhesion of the adhesive
n Act as a barrier at open-pored substrates

Why use primers?

Permanently adhering almost anything to a porous sub-
strate can be a nightmare at times. The problem is that,
because the substrate is porous, it will absorb the adhesi-
ve and shorten the usable life.

The solution to this problem, and problems like it, is to

use an adhesive primer.

34 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Why must the substrate be clean?


Material 2

Spots of grease

n Dirt on the substrates prevents the adhesive from

building up adhesion bridges

n The adhesive adheres well to the dirt but not to the

material’s surface.

Different surface characteristics

n Geometric surface
(2-dimensional measurements)

n Real surface
(3-dimensional measurements)

n Effective surface
(wetted surface)

Smooth and rough surfaces

n Extremely smooth – polished – surface


n Normal surface
No approach of the molecules

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 35

11. Surface energy
What is it?

n The sum of all intermolecular forces that are on

the surface of a material; the degree of attraction
or repulsion force that a material surface exerts on
another material.

n In the case of liquids this same definition is applied to

define the surface tension – as a result of this surface
tension, liquid with low surface tension tends to con-
tract and form droplets.

n Surface tension can be defined as the resistance of a

fluid to deform or break. Such resistance is defined
directly by the intermolecular forces that are on the
liquid surface.

Influences of surface energy on

the adhesive force

n Low-surface-energy substrate
Rubber, polyolefines (PE, PP, ...), silicone, silicone-
containing paints and coatings, Teflon...

n High-surface-energy substrate
ABS, acrylic glass, aluminum, bronze, iron, glass, rigid
PVC, copper, brass,steel, zinc.

36 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

High surface energy = Low surface energy =
good adhesion results poor adhesion results
ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene EPDM Ethylenepropylene terpolymer
BS Butadiene-styrene EVA Ethylenevinyl acetate
CA Cellulose acetate FPM Fluoric elastomers
CFK Carbon fibre reinforced plastic HDPE High-density polyethylene
EP Epoxy LDPE Low-density polyethylene
GFK Glass fibre reinforced plastic NBR Nitrile rubber
PA Polyamide NK/NR Natural rubber
PC Polycarbonate PE Polyethylene
PI Polyimide PETP Polyethylene terephthalate
PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate PO Polyolefine
PPO Polyphenylene oxide POM Polyoxymethylene
PSU Polysulfone PP Polypropylene
PUR Polyurethane PS Polystyrene
PVC Polyvinyl chloride PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
SBR Styrene-butadiene rubber SI Silicone

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12. Properties of adhesives

Loads to which
exposed during

Properties Geometrical
of the Bonding form of the
adhesive mating parts

Quality and
of surfaces

38 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Classification of adhesives on a
chemical basis


Organic Silicones Inorganic

compounds compounds
Natural Synthetic Ceramic materials,
materials materials metal oxides,
Proteins, Hydrocarbons phosphates,
carbo­ + oxygen, borates
hydrates, nitrogen,
resins chlorine,

Classification of organic adhesives and silicones

according to the bonding mechanism

Physically hardening Chemically curing

adhesives adhesives
Hotmelts Polymerization adhesives:
Wet solvent-containing adhesives Methyl methacrylates (MMA)
Unsaturated polyesters
Contact adhesives Anaerobically curing adhesives
Radiation curing adhesives
Dispersion adhesives
Polycondensation adhesives:
Water-based adhesives Phenolic resins
Pressure sensitive adhesives Polyimides
Plastisols MS-polymers
Polyaddition adhesives:
Epoxy resins

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 39

Properties of adhesives

Typical portfolio of industrial adhesives

1­component 2­component

Ambient Curing under

temperature heat

Not reactive Reactive

Solvent­ Reactive
Dispersion Not reactive



40 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

The addition of various ingredients affects the properties
of the adhesive in different ways.

Chalk helps the oil absorption and glass beads are in the
later joining process (folding) for a defined minimal dis-
tance so that a certain minimum thickness of the adhesive
can be guaranteed in the fold.

Color pigments are there to help the ”visibility” of the

adhesive on the metal sheet by a vision system.

Adhesive application – “bead” application vs. surface Ingredients

n A bead-style adhesive application is recommended, n Carbon black
especially with pasty adhesives n Cotton fibers
n Glass beads
n Silica sand
n Chalk
n Urea
n Paint pigments
n Stabilizer

– As even an application/bead cross-section as possible
– Bead diameter and distance coordinated with the
bonding joint
– Mating parts bonded with adhesives which crosslink
under the influence of moisture must be joined
before the adhesive has formed a skin
– Keep pressure as even as possible
– Do not reduce the bonded joint to “zero”, use spacers
if necessary

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 41

Properties of adhesives

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Application technologies

1. Controlled bead application 5. Swirl applications: electric or air

2. Quilted seam 6. Flat-stream application
3. Bead application 7. Spray application
4. Multi-point 8. Shaping nozzle

Setting Curing of the adhesive by PSA Low-cohesion adhesive, adheres
means of chemical/physical Pressure-Sensitive when exposed to low pressure
processes Adhesive
Setting time Period of time during which the bon- Hardening time Period of time during which the
ded joint reaches its final strength bonded joint reaches its final
Evaporation Period of time required for the Resin A component which effects
time evaporation of solvent or adhesion by means of a
water chemical reaction
Adhesion Bond between the mating parts Bonding joint Space between two bonding
and the adhesive layer surfaces, filled with adhesive

Curing See “Setting” Cohesion Molecular bond within the

adhesive layer

Dispersion Solid polymer particles stably Reaction adhesive Adhesive setting/crosslinking by

dispersed in water means of a chemical reaction

Final strength Max. load-bearing capacity Hotmelt adhesive Solid and solvent-free adhesive,
following complete curing liquefying under the influence of
heat and solidifying when cooled
Final strength Body (to be) bonded together
with another body

42 SCA – Po cket G u i d e to A dh e s ive B o n di n g

Other Pocket Guides in this series

Adhesive & Sealant Materials

Adhesives and sealants are made from a range of different
materials. The choice of materials has a major impact
on temperature resistance, tensile shear strength, peel
strength and other characteristics. In turn, these charac-
teristics dictate the areas of application for which specific
adhesives or sealants are suitable.

The SCA Pocket Guide to Adhesive & Sealant Materials

gives comprehensive information on a wide range of diffe-
rent adhesive and sealant materials, their characteristics
and application areas.

Dispensing Technique
Many industries now use adhesive bonding on a large
scale for their assembly operations. Techniques available
for metering and dispensing the adhesives include manual
applicators, automated application units (robots), and
special systems for pumping adhesive material with low
or high viscosity. The method of application is selected
according to adhesive type and the demands of the assem-
bly operation.

The SCA Pocket Guide to Dispensing Technique explains

and compares the different techniques and discusses their
areas of application.

S C A – Pocket G ui de to A dhesive Bonding 43

SCA Schucker GmbH & Co. KG / July 2014. Technical changes might apply without further notice

SCA Schucker GmbH & Co. KG

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D-75015 Bretten- Goelshausen
Tel.:+49 72752 5560-0
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