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101 Essential Startup Tips

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101 Essential Startup Tips

101 Essential Startup Tips

by Richard Banfield


If you’ve considered starting your own business then you’ll know the overwhelming feeling of knowing where to get started.
We’ve gathered the best real-world advice from the frontlines. Almost every idea here is relevant to both early stage and grow-
ing businesses. Keep this list close from day one to the day you sell.

Getting Started 6. If you don’t have any money you can borrow from family
or friends. This generally ends in tears so think carefully
1. Write a Business Plan. Take the time to do this. Even if you about this before you ask.
need to change it a few times the exercise is invaluable.
7. Get an accountant or a firm in your state. Each state has
2. This may be a good time to hire a professional business different laws.
plan writer/editor.
8. Make sure the accountant knows business taxes. Do not
3. Give it to friends, co-workers, even family to read. Your hire a family-oriented accountant.
business will be immeasurably stronger because you took
the time for this step. 9. Try to trade or barter services but beware of being taken
advantage of. Discuss the value of what you are offering
4. Register a domain. before you start work on the barter.

5. Start the business with your own savings or borrow from

a bank. You’ll care for it a lot more if it’s yours.

101 Essential Startup Tips

Business Planning 17. Create a matrix that compares vendors and competitors
against all the chief factors which buyers consider when
10. Figure out what business problem you are solving. If you making a purchase decision.
are just creating an elegant solution for a problem that
doesn’t exist you will be out of business very soon. Raising Money

11. Solve the smallest possible problem that people will pay 18. Before deciding to raise money make sure you have
for. Complexity is expensive and time consuming. exhausted all options to get money. Venture money is
expensive and comes with conditions.
12. Technical people like to build a “better mousetrap” but
you need to be able to commercialize your ideas. Make sure 19. Getting the right investment partner is like marriage.
someone on your team can productize and sell your Don’t enter into an investment agreement without careful
mousetrap. consideration. Not all money is equal.

13. Know what your "unfair advantage" is and how to 20. Ask around your circle of lawyers and accountants to
describe that to your customers in ten words or less. find out who has the best reputations.

14. Understand what your industry and market look like 21. Before signing anything with an investor ask them for a
and where the best opportunities exist. list of companies they have worked for and call the CEO’s to
get the other side of the story. If the investors can’t provide
15. Stay focused. Don’t get distracted by features and fads. you with references it’s better to keep looking.

16. Pick your industry carefully. High visibility and low barri- 22. Under funding a company is not wise but you're much
ers to entry will result in supply exceeding the growth rate more likely to have a clear sense of exactly where that
of demand. money is going to go than if you raised too much money.

101 Essential Startup Tips

Managing Money and Forecasts will take 5% of that market. Closer inspection of any fore-
cast reveals that you will only be able to sell to a tiny frac-
23. Separate your personal and business finances. Never be tion of this huge market.
tempted to break this golden rule.
30. Furthermore, you’ll need a distribution channel to make
24. Don't start a company if you cannot assuredly come up that happen. More about this later.
with more capital than you think you'll need. It's almost cer-
tain that you'll have to. Partnerships and People

25. Watch your cash flow like a hawk. History shows that 31. Start the business with a partner. This person should be
90% of the time, first year sales and gross margin do not someone who challenges you and offers the business a dif-
reach expectations. ferent skill set.

26. Failure to understand industry trends and norms sets 32. This person should ideally be neither close personal
you up for failure. friend nor family.

27. Counting on unrealistic performance metrics and fore- 33. Partners make it easier to deal with hard times.
casts has destroyed many businesses.
34. Partners should not be equal in responsibility. Pick a
28. Cash is more important that your mother if you are an CEO and treat him or her like one. The buck has to stop
entrepreneur. Know where it is at all times and stretch somewhere.
every cent.
35. A new venture's most precious resource is talent. Find
29. Forecasts are crap. Nobody really believes that the A+ people and avoid hiring B teams at all costs.
market for pens is a billion-dollar market and your new pen

101 Essential Startup Tips

36. Only work with people that can admit mistakes and 42. You don’t need a secretary. I don’t care how big you are,
move forward without an emotional explosion. Having a you don’t need someone to screen your calls or book your
well developed EQ, or emotional quotient, is essential to a flights. That’s insanity.
successful relationship with any business partner or
employee. The Paper Trail

Setting up Office 43. Make sure to keep a solid paper trail with clients, and
that means a real, physical file with hardcopies of proposals,
37. Good presentation is essential but don’t get stuck with contracts, invoices, time sheets and anything else you can
an expensive lease. think of that relates to the project.

38. Remember to write off all office expenses (rent, internet, 44. This also includes all financial records, bank statements,
phone, etc). receipts, deposit slips, etc.

39. Gets you out of the house. Having a real place to go to 45. Before beginning your business, establish several impor-
work makes the business more real, and forces you to take tant things. First, design a consistent and scalable filing sys-
it that more seriously. tem for all the forms. Whether you organize by client or
project is irrelevant, but make sure you can find the infor-
40. Some businesses require a place to host clients but for mation when you need it.
others it’s not as important.
46. Make sure to have airtight contracts. Get a good tem-
41. Show me a startup with brand new furniture, flashy plate, tweak it and have your lawyer read it over.
office space and top-end laptops and I will show you a
future failure. 47. You will also need to look for NDAs (non-disclosure
agreements, for contracting work out to other freelancers),

101 Essential Startup Tips

RFP (request for proposal) templates for clients to fill out, 53. Make sure your invoices arrive in the client’s mailbox
expense reports, invoices, and time sheets. Every project is while the project is still fresh. Every invoice should clearly
different, so be prepared to make changes on these forms. mark the amount to be paid and terms of payment and
clearly indicate any additional fees resulting from delin-
48. Make sure all contracts, whether they are with clients or quent recompense.
vendors, have all the necessary signatures. Seems like an
obvious thing, but you'd be surprised. Don't do any work 54. If payment is late, don't be afraid to call the client.
without one, because legally, you will have a very hard time
forcing a delinquent client to pay without one. 55. If there’s one thing to remember from this article, it
should be this point. Proper pricing is the one thing that
Pricing and Payments keeps the business alive, on multiple levels. When you
charge appropriate amounts for the work, the client will
49. Get a good invoice system. feel like they hired the right people; when you under-
charge, the client will know this and take advantage of you
50. Always charge fitting amounts for the work. If you by demanding similar rates in the future.
undercharge, the client will learn to advantage of you by
negotiating low rates in the future. 56. If you give every client a discount just to get the job
(and this will be tempting, especially in the beginning),
51. If you’re selling a service make sure you get a deposit you'll find yourself working twelve-hour days and not being
before you start work. It separates the serious clients from able to pay the bills.
the tire-kickers.
57. Undercharging hurts the industry in general as well;
52. Retain a part-time bookkeeper. This will be some of the undercharged clients come to expect and request absurdly
best money you spend. It’ll also make tax time a lot easier low prices.
to bear.

101 Essential Startup Tips

58. there is no start-up strategy more likely to fail than one 65. Get involved with as many events you’ll potential clients
predicated on being the lowest price competitor. will be attending.

59. Price to market. Gross margin is your best friend. It can 66. Get everyone you know with a legitimate website or
absorb all manner of adversity with two exceptions: philan- blog to link to you. The bigger and more relevant the site
thropy or pricing stupidity (actually, in this case, the two are the better.
67. Vendors like manufacturers or retailers or even other
Cut Costs business partners might be willing to link to your site.

60. Consider working from your house/apartment to start, 68. Develop business relationships with non-competing
especially if you have clients that will never visit you. businesses in the same field. Leverage these relationships
online and off, by recommending each other via links and
61. Keep your expenses down! Working out of a basement distributing each other's business cards.
for a year will pay off more than you know.
69. Launch an affiliate program. Most of the links will not
62. Look for sales everywhere and shop smart. You’re going have SEO value, but the added exposure will probably lead
to need the start-up capital down the road, so don't blow it to additional links.
all on consumables and frills.
Outsourcing and Vendors
63. Stay small for as long as possible.
70. You can’t do everything yourself. Get help from profes-
Get Connected sionals.

64. Join the Better Business Bureau. 71. Outsourcing to experts saves you time, money and gets

101 Essential Startup Tips

you a better product or service. Marketing and Promotions

72. Running a business is hard enough without having to 77. Build a very detailed roadmap of how you are going to
manage other people. Make sure you have good chemistry reach your market.
and complete transparency with the people you choose to
work with. 78. Assign responsibility and accountability to the people
involved to execute these ideas.
Technology and Development
79. If you are raising money make a list of all the things you
73. Technology should solve specific customer problems. have already achieved and what still needs to be done with
Solve little problems that have a big impact. the marketing dollars you will be asking for. Investors want
to see you have made progress before you came to their
74. Ideas are everywhere and you can’t make a business out doorstep asking for more cash.
of an idea. If your technology is as good as you think it is,
build a prototype and get someone to pay you for it. 80. Don’t just rely on one or two big clients. Make sure you
are constantly putting your company’s name in front of
75. Perfection is the enemy of any technology launch. Some potential clients.
engineers hate to launch before the product is perfect. The
problem with this approach is that you never launch and 81. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool. Get you exist-
you never get good feedback before the product hits the ing customers, vendors, partners and friends to talk about
mainstream. you by providing excellent service and kindness.

76. Test, test and test. There is no replacement for a bug free 82. The visual identity is critical to making a good first
experience. impression. Get business cards and a logo designed by
someone who knows what they are doing.

101 Essential Startup Tips

83. Get people hooked on your service before up-selling 89. Distribute your articles and web content on Flickr, with
them. Craig’s List was free for a long time before they start- Google Adwords, Amazon affiliates, Indeed jobrolls,
ed adding paid-for services. del.icio.us linkrolls, moblogging, RSS, e-mail alerts, etc.

84. Launch everyday. Don't wait until it’s perfect to put it Execution
out in the open. Put whatever you can out there and get
people using it as soon as possible. 90. Focus on the “how” you do things and not just on the
“what” you do.
85. Feed your clients weekly with new updates and features
to keep them interested and excited to come back. 91. There is no substitute for getting things done. All the
planning in the world won’t get you to where you need to
Your Website be.

86. Your website is your most important marketing and 92. Fire, aim, fire.
sales tool. Don’t settle for a $3 template and hosting service
on this significant element. 93. Make a list every morning and tick off the tasks you
complete as you go.
87. Extra clicks will kill traffic and conversions. Make things
really simple. 94. Begin the day by focusing on the biggest tasks so you
will build momentum and feel energized for the rest of the
88. Use technology on your website to improve the cus- day.
tomer experience not to look sexy. Ajax is great but if it is
pointlessly adding additional work for you and for the 95. Better to iterate a hundred times to get the right feature
customer, dump it. right than to add a hundred more.

101 Essential Startup Tips

More Stuff to Know ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

96. Never get too comfortable. Success can breed laziness If you enjoyed this ebook, check out others at these web
which takes your eye off the ball. sites:

97. Grow yourself, not just your business. Get educated and www.freshtilledsoil.com
adjust as you. www.startupbusinessschool.com

98. Be willing to walk away from clients or opportunities

that don’t help you move the ball downfield. Easy money
has a cost.

99. Design something to start taking money within six

months then you have something to fuel marketing costs
with. Having money gives you options and flexibility. That’s
a good thing.

100. Get going. Start making that product or service.


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