The Daily Part4
The Daily Part4
The Daily Part4
Volume 22, Number 5 May 2007
The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God
The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
Understanding Aright
Part 4 the “Daily”
Joe Olson
after all. The ramifications of a life
Whether we comprehend or not, we If our Lord were not always on of self-indulgence, a life of perpetu-
may trust that God is in control of guard, continually overseeing us ally thinking of our own pleasure,
these earthly events for the accomplish- and keeping the devil and his evil our own desires, of fulfilling our
ment of His purposes. minions at bay, without our heav- own wills, is positively scary, and
enly angels keeping their charge God is trying to wake us up to the
oe, woe, woe, to the inhabit- over us, we would be like these results of such a course before it is
ers of the earth! mentioned in Revelation 9:5 and 6, forever too late.
Revelation 9:5-6 “And to them it desiring to die. To live for self is to live a life of
was given that they should not kill And is it not interesting to note presumption. We are “presuming”
them, but that they should be tor- that it is again the Mohammedans, that God will allow us to continue
mented five months: and their tor- or Muslims, who are wreaking in that course. We “presume” upon
ment was as the torment of a scor- havoc upon the people of the earth God’s mercy until finally, He has to
pion, when he striketh a man. And today. They have once again risen give us up. We do not realize that
in those days shall men seek death, up as a scourge upon the land. I all the good that happens to us, all
and shall not find it; and shall de- believe it is “given” them to do this our joy, all our contentment, has
sire to die, and death shall flee from now, as much as it was over 700 come from Him and not our sin-
them.” years ago. ful course. We have been “blind-
For 150 years (five prophetic Revelation 9:5 “And to them it ed” by sin!
months) men were tormented to was given. . . .” Yet we still have in Jesus Christ,
the point that they despaired of Verse 3 of this same chapter says in the Father, in the Holy Spirit,
life, preferring death over the de- the locusts were “given” power. . . . such a friend, such a Lord, such a
struction from the scourge of the Revelation 9:3 “And there came guide, such a comforter, and such
Mohammedans, or Muslims. This out of the smoke locusts upon the true love, as we cannot imagine. I
must have been a terrible “woe” in- earth: and unto them was given for one want to acknowledge that
deed, as the angel said in verse 13 power. . . .” I know where my good gifts and
of chapter 8 of Revelation. When sin is what we want, when wonderful life come from. I want to
Revelation 8:13 “And I beheld, sin is our desire over righteous- renounce sin and all its “supposed”
and heard an angel flying through ness, the Lord will ultimately give pleasures.
the midst of heaven, saying with a us the desires of our hearts. We are “Are you ready to make the sur-
loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the just too ignorant to know what we render now? You are to put away
inhabiters of the earth by reason are really asking for. In God’s won- your sin right now when you see it.
of the other voices of the trumpet derful mercy, He keeps back the . . . Do not make leeway [that] you
of the three angels, which are yet true awfulness of sin, for if not, we are going to overcome by degrees;
to sound!” would all perish. Yet again, in mer- you are going to try little by little to
So terrible was this “woe” that cy, He allows enough of sin’s results give up sin. Now, while it is called
they desired to die. The life they to come to us to help us “see” and today, heed the invitation and hard-
had was no life at all. No peace, no recognize the exceeding sinfulness en not your hearts.” UL 283
contentment, danger always lurk- of sin, and its devastation.
Background Photo: © Rene Paille
ing around the next corner. Ready Revelation 9:5 and 6 are but a Joe Olson serves as
to be “stung” at any moment. Even small snapshot of what life would the executive direc-
death would be a release from the be like if Satan and sin had free tor and chairman of
constant stinging of the scorpions. reign. We would beg for death! All the board of Hope In-
It sounds a lot like the life many joy, all happiness, all peace comes ternational. He also
have here today, without God’s from above. We are being deceived travels as an interna-
protective blessing and watch care. when we think sin is not so sinful tional speaker.
this world are few, and we must work quickly. We must
boldly proclaim the historic truths of Adventism that
Scripturally and Historically – Part 4
place us on so firm a foundation in the midst of this Heidi Heiks
troubled world.—Editors
Word studies in Daniel 8, as well as pioneer and world
Editor Emeritus: Ron Spear history, prove the “daily” to be Christ’s sanctuary
Executive Director: Joe Olson
[email protected]
Editor: Heidi Heiks
[email protected]
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson The Duty to Preserve Health
[email protected]
Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N.
Ellen G. White
[email protected] The Christian’s only safe course is to shun the world’s
Layout & Design: Paul & Mihaela Williams dietary practices.
Hope International
P.O. Box 220 Bridling the Tongue
Knoxville, IL 61448 USA Clark Floyd
Phone: (309) 343-1844 By our own words, we will be justified or condemned.
Monday–Thursday: 8:00am–5:00pm, Central Time
Friday: 8:00am–12:00pm , Central Time
Fax: (309) 343-3721
Email: [email protected]
“Daily,” Scripturally &
Part 4
Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historical
508 and legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happened
1798 in AD 508 and 538. Finally, the dates for the commencement of the 1290- and 1260-year
Source Book
prophecies are fully established. Submitted beforehand for critical review before the most
(Preliminary) prestigious scholarly institutions within Adventism the world over, it is now presented with
the endorsements of William H. Shea, Ph.D., associate of the Biblical Research Institute of
the General Conference, professor at Andrews University; Herbert Edgar Douglass, Th.D.,
professor at Pacific Union College, president of Atlantic Union College; and others. To
Heidi Heiks
obtain your copy of this documentation in hardback, call or visit our bookstore and request
the 508 538 1798 1843 Source Book (Preliminary).
BEHH-5085 $19.99
prove the “daily” to be Christ’s sanctuary ministry.
n our ongoing study of the A. T. Jones’ writings may also there- ticed and prospered.’ This plainly
“daily,” we have emphasized fore supply us with some present points out that which took away the
that our foundational under- truth yet today. Jones wrote: priesthood, the ministry, and the sanc-
standing must not be based tuary of God, and of Christianity. . . .
upon man’s words but upon the “It was ‘by reason of transgres-
scriptures, in which we are shortly A. T. Jones on Daniel 8 sion,’ that is, by reason of sin, that
to fully review several verses of the this power gained ‘the host’ that
book of Daniel. However, in 1888 “Now let us read verses 11 was used to cast down the truth
the Lord sent a most precious mes- and 12 of Daniel 8, and it will be to the ground, to shut away from
sage of righteousness by faith to his plainly seen that here is exactly the church and the world Christ’s
church through two delegated mes- the place where Paul found the priesthood, His ministry, and His
sengers known as A. T. Jones and scripture from which he taught the sanctuary; and to cast it all down
E. J. Waggoner, who also gave talks Thessalonians concerning the ‘man to the ground and tread it under-
on the three angels’ messages and of sin’ and the ‘mystery of iniquity:’ foot. It was by reason of transgres-
the sanctuary. Ellen White pub-
licly endorsed Jones and Waggoner
over 100 times. Furthermore, Jones This historic document proves
not only closely paralleled but also
expanded Crosier’s position on the that the pagan state religion had received
sanctuary—the same view that
Ellen White had endorsed because a fatal blow and ceased to exist 116 years
the Lord had revealed to her that
Crosier had the true light on the prior to the year 508.
sanctuary. As we have already seen
earlier in this series, Ellen White ‘Yea, he magnified himself even to sion that this was accomplished.
recommended that Crosier’s article the Prince of the host, and by him Transgression is sin, and this is
on the sanctuary be given to every the daily sacrifice was taken away, the consideration and the revela-
saint. (For a copy of his booklet, and the place of his sanctuary was cast tion upon which the apostle in 2
please visit our book store.) Below down. And an host was given him Thessalonians defines this power
is a sample of those public en- against the daily sacrifice by reason as the ‘man of sin’ and the ‘mystery
dorsements for the works of Jones of transgression, and it cast down of iniquity.’
and Waggoner. the truth to the ground; and it prac- “In Daniel 8:11-13; 11:31; and
“I would speak in warning to
those who have stood for years re-
sisting light and cherishing the spir-
it of opposition. How long will you
hate and despise the messengers of
God’s righteousness?” TM 96.
“I have no smooth message to
bear to those who have been so
long as false guideposts, point-
Photos: © (bible & lamp); Rene Paille (flower)
sins. For though the ‘man of sin,’ sacrifices, and many sanctuaries, Epiphanes position grossly supply
the ‘mystery of iniquity,’ has taken on earth, which in every possible re- words here to sustain their invalid
away the true priesthood, ministry, lation are only human and utterly interpretation, we therefore briefly
One day I asked my Hebrew scripturally that the “daily,”8548 when support for Smith’s admitted sup-
teacher of twenty-six years’ teach- used in the context of the sanctuary, position, we shall move on to other
ing experience, “Should the Hebrew is always the work of the priest in word studies.
Christianity.” Yitzhak Hen, Culture & about paganism, nor was it solely a most recent definition began advo-
Religion in Merovingian Gaul, AD 481- political conflict. It was a religious cating that the Hebrew word rum,7311
751 (Leiden: Brill, 1995), p. 160. war, as well, that would ultimately “take away,” now means to “lift
The condemned practices were decide the dominance of the Catholic up” or “to exalt.” To unsuspecting
bishop of Rome was declared to ing on the true meaning of the counterfeit of His “daily” minis-
be the head over the entire church. “place4349 (makon) of his sanctu- tration in the sanctuary. Without
Paganism had given place to the ary,” we turn to the scriptures question, these scriptures reveal
papacy. The dragon had given to to see what the Bible says. that the little horn has taken on a
makon is used for the designation of We now progress to the inter- strength and power unto his peo-
God’s “place of dwelling:” 1 Kings pretation of the second noun in the ple. Blessed be God.” Ps. 68: 35.
8: 39, 43, 49; 2 Chron. 6:2, 30, 33, phrase “the place of his sanctuary:” And miqdash may refer to God’s
39. These texts show His “place of sanctuary4720 (miqdash). Usage: AV- sanctuary/temple on earth and in
ever 2, open 1, space 1, country 1; cast out 15, cast away 11, cast down all of that documentation can be
379 verses, 402 hits. 11, cast forth 4, cast off 2, adventured found in the book 508 538 1798
Let’s view the word “place” 1, hurl 1, misc 3; 121 verses, 125 hits. 1843 Source Book (Preliminary), upon
(maqom) as it is used in Deuteronomy: While the little horn, the papacy, only which we rely heavily for this se-
“Ye shall utterly destroy all the plac- “thinks to change times and laws,” ries. If you are a reader that prefers
es,4725 wherein the nations which it has indeed “cast down” the con- the Biblical as well as all the legal
ye shall possess served their gods, tinuance of divine services for man’s and historical documentation, then
upon the high mountains, and upon salvation, in that its usurpation and we encourage you to obtain your
the hills, and under every green blasphemous priestly claims for cen- copy from our book store before
tree:” Deut. 12:2. “And ye shall over- turies have blinded the eyes of too your next Firm Foundation magazine
throw their altars, and break their many who knew or presently know comes out. Most of the references
pillars, and burn their groves with nothing of the heavenly mediation in the book come from primary
fire; and ye shall hew down the available to them. Through church sources heretofore unknown to
graven images of their gods, and de- law and through exaltation of the Adventism. You will be glad to have
stroy the names of them out of that counterfeit worship system so vivid- your own reference copy of this rare
place.4725” Deut. 12:3. It is this word ly portrayed in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, historical documentation.
maqom, clearly alluding to places of the truth has been concealed so as
pagan religious activity, that Daniel to deny or otherwise block access to Heidi Heiks, editor
would have used if the sanctuary in the forgiveness freely offered. This of Our Firm Founda-
8:11 was a pagan sanctuary. deliberate obscuring or “casting tion magazine, has
Again we present evidence that down” attacks the very foundation- been a college edu-
maqom is used when referring to al intent of God’s sanctuary. In the cator, an author, and
pagan sanctuaries: “Then shall ye eyes of heaven these acts to interfere a radio speaker for
know that I am the LORD, when with or prohibit mankind’s access The People of the
Photo: © Dustin Sheldon
their slain men shall be among their to the holy sanctuary are viewed as Book radio program. He continues
idols round about their altars, upon an attack on God Himself. It should to write and is currently a teacher
every high hill, in all the tops of the be no marvel that Daniel 8:25 tells and speaker for Hope International
mountains, and under every green us the little horn’s interference and throughout the United States.
The Duty
insane asylums. Intemperance in
drinking tea and coffee, wine, beer,
rum, and brandy, and the use of to-
bacco, opium, and other narcotics,
has resulted in great mental and
to Preserve
physical degeneracy, and this de-
generacy is constantly increasing.
Are these ills visited upon the
race through God’s providence? No;
they exist because the people have
gone contrary to his providence,
and still continue to rashly disre-
gard his laws. In the words of the
apostle I would entreat those who
are not blinded and paralyzed by
wrong teaching and practices, those
who would render to God the best
service of which they are capable:
“I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by the mercies of God, that ye pres-
ent your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God, which
is your reasonable service. And be
not conformed to this world: but be
Ellen G. White ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.”
Benefits of Obedience
We have no right to wantonly
violate a single principle of the laws
of health. Christians should not fol-
low the customs and practices of
the world. The history of Daniel
T h e C h r i s t i a n ’s o n l y s a f e is placed upon record for our ben-
c o u r s e i s t o s h u n t h e w o r l d ’s efit. He chose to take a course that
would make him singular in the
dietary practices. king’s court. He did not conform to
the habits of courtiers in eating and
he health reform is an im- physical law, is brought upon indi- drinking, but purposed in his heart
portant part of the third viduals by their own wrong habits. that he would not eat of the king’s
angel’s message; and as a Our ancestors have bequeathed meat nor drink of his wines. This
people professing this re- to us customs and appetites which was not a hastily-formed, wavering
form, we should not retrograde, but are filling the world with disease. purpose, but one that was intelli-
make continual advancement. It is The sins of the parents, through gently formed and resolutely car-
a great thing to insure health by perverted appetite, are with fearful ried out. Daniel honored God; and
placing ourselves in right relations power visited upon the children to the promise was fulfilled to him,
Photo: ©
to the laws of life, and many have the third and fourth generations. “Them that honor me, I will honor.”
not done this. A large share of the The bad eating of many generations, The Lord gave him “knowledge
sickness and suffering among us the gluttonous and self-indulgent and skill in all learning and wis-
is the result of the transgression of habits of the people, are filling our dom,” and he “had understanding
ing cold water with their meals. of your stomach, eat fruit with your kind of fruit. When traveling, some
Taken with meals water diminishes meals, and the irritation that calls are almost constantly nibbling, if
the flow of the salivary glands; and for so much drink will cease to exist. there is anything within their reach.
the colder the water, the greater the But if anything is needed to quench This is a most pernicious practice.
further counsel, “Blessed is the man or wife? Do you use words that are “No, your honor.”
unto whom the Lord imputeth not not kind and pure? “Then how do you manage
iniquity, and in whose spirit there In Eph. 4:29, Paul says, “Let no to weigh the butter you sell?”
is no guile.” Psalm 32:2. “Keep thy corrupt communication proceed inquired the judge.
tongue from evil, and thy lips from out of your mouth, but that which The farmer replied, “That is easi-
speaking guile.” Psalm 34:13. is good to the use of edifying, that ly explained, your honor. I have bal-
the house—everyone, that is, except a peak at me. Nels grabbed him,
els, the fun-loving, eter- Nels. His wrath, which had been “Come on, Julius, we’ve got to milk
nal optimist, was not in a waxing up hot until this time, now the cows, feed the calves, and check
happy frame of mind. He turned to pure steam. “Wouldn’t on the sheep. And, oh, yes, you girls,
knew very well why he was told you know it. A GIRL! If there had you mother hens, have you forgot-
to hustle his five sisters and Julius to be another kid, why couldn’t ten to gather the eggs and feed and
off to church on Sabbath afternoon, it have been a boy—someone to water the chickens?” This remark
January 14. He didn’t like the rea- help Dad in the fields when I leave was meant to be either funny or
son one bit. “I hope the folks stop home. I guess I should have prayed sarcastic, but no one cared. Martena
having kids before I get married,” it would be a boy!” volunteered for chicken duty.
he grumbled to Dorathy as he Julius was at the kitchen door Soon the chores were done
wrapped buffalo robes around his when Nels yelled, “Julius, you get and the family gathered for sup-
sisters huddled on bales of straw in back here and help me put this per. When Nels drew his chair up
the horse-drawn sled. team in the barn.” Ten-year-old to the table, he came within five
“Why is Mama sick?” Gladys Julius obeyed that tone of voice feet of the boot box, but he never
asked innocently. pronto. Since Nels was the oldest, looked at me.
“Don’t ask stupid questions,” he had to assume the role of “boss” After supper Papa and Mama
Nels snapped as he slapped the at times. He usually was lots of fun, called Nels into the bedroom. “Nels,
reins of the horses. The team trot- but today he was a bear. we are sorry that you are unhappy
ted briskly down the snow-covered Inside the house the five sis- about the new baby. But she is here,
road. “Just stay covered, or the ters gathered around the hard- and we aren’t going to toss her out.
wind will freeze your breath.” coal heater and looked down into You’ll soon learn to love her. She’s
“Why didn’t Papa take us to Papa’s boot box. “There she is,” kind of cute. Take a good look at
church?” Gladys persisted. “More Papa said proudly, pulling back the her, and then you can name her.”
dumb questions,” Nels growled. blanket. He put his rough farmer’s Nels finally relented and looked
“Oh, Nels, be civil. She’s only finger into his baby’s diminutive at me. He studied my rosy cheeks
three and a half. She doesn’t under- hand. Instinctively her little fin- and blond hair. In spite of my spas-
stand.” Sixteen-year-old Dorathy gers curled around his, captur- tic newborn motions, a love for me
cuddled her youngest sister closer ing Papa’s heart. “Isn’t she a little started to grow in his heart, and he
to her. “Papa is staying with Mama midget? Just 18 inches long. Shall chose what he thought was the best
because—well, when we get home we name her Midget?” name in the world for me. (When I
from church there’ll be a nice sur- “No, Papa,” Dorathy protested. came to years, I tended to disagree
prise waiting for you.” “We’ll think of something better.” with his choice.) He named me
Now anyone with any experi- Then the girls took turns holding Alice, after the missionary daughter
ence in child psychology knows their new sister until it was time for of Mrs. Flatten who helped Dr. Doty
that promising a three-year-old a them to prepare supper (that’s what deliver me, and Mildred, a famous
surprise just before you want her the evening meal is called on a South dancer. So I was officially named
to settle into a quiet church mood Dakota farm). Their departure gave Alice Mildred. Papa nicknamed me
is in for trouble. For the next two Lela and Gladys free access to me, Middy, while the rest of the family
hours Gladys badgered Dorathy the baby. Somehow I survived the called me Midge. And Nels, who
about the surprise, making Dorathy pummeling, hugs and sloppy kisses played with me a lot, soon became
wish that either she or Gladys was from the two who were to become one of my favorite people.
deaf and dumb. my closest friends. Perhaps my 80-
Photo © (girl)
About five p.m. the seven year-old grandmother rescued me Copyright © 2005 by TEACH Ser-
Thompson children drew into the from annihilation more often than vices, Inc., and used with permis-
farmyard. Papa was waiting. “Hey, I will ever know. sion. Available on the web at:
kids, you got a new baby sister.” When Nels and Julius came in to and in the
Everyone yelled with delight, change from their church clothes to Hope International Bookstore.
Where do your
end up?
O ne of the greatest profit-
generating industries
today is the dietary
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of billions of dollars a year.
But not all supplements are alike.
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low, low prices are synthetics and food is a very important character-
possibly of little value. Couple with istic of a good quality, economical
this the fact that most vitamin pills supplement. Vitamins made with
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get a fraction of their value to start ing available the nutrients that you
with, and you will see that you need to have that healthier lifestyle
may be spending a lot of money for you want.
almost nothing. Here is a simple experiment we
It is very easy to surf the web found on the internet that poses
these days and find multitudinous and answers the question, “Does
Photos: © Hemera Photo Objects CD
News Item: “As many as 150 million News Item: “At last, scientific
Americans live with ongoing pain. proof of the link between shop-
This usually is caused by such ping and sin. A study by Daniel
problems as arthritis or injuries to Hungerman… and Jonathan
the neck or back. Gruber… found that when states
“Being overweight and having dropped blue laws…, church at-
a poor diet are crucial factors, too. tendance dipped by 15 percent
Fatty tissue is an endocrine (hor- among those who had been going
mone-producing) organ, just like weekly. That’s not all: church-goers
other organs in the body. Studies became as likely as non-attendees
show that patients who are over- The Love of Money to use drugs, and the gap between
weight produce high levels of cy- the two groups’ heavy-drinking
tokines, C-reactive protein and other News Item: A survey of college rates closed sharply. Hungerman’s
proinflammatory chemicals—sub- freshmen found that “nearly three- take: What you do Sunday morning
stances that promote joint and tis- quarters of respondents said it is could make a big difference in how
sue damage and increase pain. very important to them to become you spend Saturday night.”“Never
“Losing as little as 10 pounds ‘very well-off financially.’… Less On A Sunday,” Reader’s Digest,
can significantly reduce inflamma- than half did so in the inaugural December 2006, 26.
tion, pain and stiffness—regard- years of the survey, 1966….” Timo- End-time perspective: The aware-
less of the underlying cause of the thy Lamer, “Setting up snares,” ness Sabbathkeepers have on Friday,
discomfort. People who combine World, February 3, 2007. “preparation day,” of the holiness of
weight loss with a diet that includes End-time perspective: The au- the day beginning at sunset serves
Photos: ©; (money)
anti-inflammatory foods (and ex- thor wrote, “If the sheer desire to God’s people well. “While prepara-
cludes proinflammatory ones) can be rich is gaining as much social tion for the Sabbath is to be made
reduce pain by up to 90%. The effect favor as the surveys suggest, then all through the week, Friday is to
rivals that of ibuprofen and similar a lot of ‘snares’ that ‘plunge people be the special preparation day.” 6T
painkillers—without gastrointesti- into ruin and destruction’ (1 Tim 354. “The Lord has placed barriers
nal upset and other side effects. 6:9) are being set.” around His Sabbath, that it may not
“…People who eat a lot of meat “Jesus does not present to His be regarded with the least careless-
(including poultry) consume ara- followers the hope of attaining ness or irreverence.” 13 MR 294.
S ource: William Miller: Herald of the Blessed Hope by Ellen G. White (Review and Herald, 1994).
1. William Miller was the oldest of 5. As he grew older, thoughts of sin, a. Too lazy.
___ children? death, and destruction troubled b. He stuttered.
a. 5 him greatly. The Bible he had re- c. He hoped some minister
b. 8 jected as uninspired now offered would take on the task.
c. 12 information he sought about d. He didn’t want to commit the
d. 16 a. the existence of a Savior. time.
b. what happened after death.
c. why death existed. 9. Finally, in ____, at age 49, Miller
2. Although recognized for his could no longer ignore his per-
keen intellect, he attended school d. all of the above.
sonal duty. He presented the re-
for only ___ months. sults of his study to the public.
a. 18 6. It was in ____, after two years of
intense Bible study, that Miller a. 1823
b. 24 b. 1831
c. 28 was convicted that in 1843 Christ
would redeem His people. c. 1838
d. 36 d. 1840
a. 1818
b. 1828
3. As an adult, his income came c. 1830 10. Miller’s first lecture led to the
from d. 1832 conversion of how many entire
a. his role as justice of the peace. families, excepting two individ-
b. farming. uals?
c. both a and b. 7. He spent ___ more years review- a. 13
d. part ownership of a general ing his conclusions, lest he lead b. 10
store anyone astray when doing his c. 8
duty to warn the world of com- d. 7
ing judgment.
4. As a young man, Miller, through a. 3
association with good citizens b. 5
who were ____, adopted their re- c. 7
ligious viewpoints, even though
d. 9 any answer, please contact Hope
they rejected the Bible. Source: For specific references to
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● Hope International does not solicit tithes; however, we are a tithe-worthy organization and accept tithes.
We use the tithe only for the gospel ministry. Donations designated “Gospel Ministry” will be considered tithe.
Pastor, Oklahoma
tion and the world as a whole. May does God have to tell us “stiff-
God continue to bless your minis- necked rebels”? Appreciate your
basic honest forthrightness which
seems genuine.
Volume 22, Number 5 31
hen I was a little girl, my grandparents had several books about
God. They were actually Bible-based stories, but I just called
them the “God books.” Before I could read, I liked just holding
the books and looking at the pictures, because I knew there was some-
thing very different and special about these books. When I was able to
read, I’d read them several times during each visit. We did not have God
books at my house, except for the Bible.
My grandparents also talked about God and seemed to display more
godly characteristics than I saw at home. I never told my grandparents
how much I looked forward to reading the books each time, I never told
them how they led me closer to God in later life, but they did. It was
not something they would even live to see, but now having become a
Seventh-day Adventist and having a closer walk with the Lord, I realize
He was seeking me even as a small child through simple children’s Bible
stories I found at my grandparents’ house. – Kaye Olson, Hope International Bookstore Staff
Hope International’s bookstore stocks many children’s books. If you do not have a Free 2007 catalog, please
call the bookstore and ask for one! We are proud to present a new children’s book:
With artistic skill and regard for accuracy, this is an irresistible book of simple poetry and stunning full-page
paintings, bringing the story of the fallen angel ALIVE for young minds!
This book erases confusion for any child believing Satan to be only a “talking-snake” in the Garden of Eden!
It will serve both parents, grandparents and teachers, who strive to teach large concepts to small children!
Scripture verses and Spirit of Prophecy quotes are included to enhance story authenticity for adults reading
aloud to children.
Paperback, 35 pages
BEWG-LGAG $11.99
Hope International
P.O. Box 220
Knoxville, IL 61448