Foundation Foundation: Our Our
Foundation Foundation: Our Our
Foundation Foundation: Our Our
Volume 22, Number 9 September 2007
The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God
The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
Something Better
Editorial No Act of Christ
Joe Olson
mentioned? Is He really the most
Jerusalem, there would be much important object in our lives? Does
talking and visiting which would our conversation show it?
nd when they had ful- not be seasoned with humility “It is the privilege of all to retain
filled the days, as they re- and grace, and the Messiah and Jesus with them. If they do this,
turned, the child Jesus tarried be- his mission would be nearly for- their words must be select, sea-
hind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and gotten. It was his choice to return soned with grace. The thoughts of
his mother knew not of it. But they, from Jerusalem with his parents their hearts must be disciplined
supposing him to have been in the alone; for in being retired, his fa- to meditate upon heavenly and di-
company, went a day’s journey; ther and mother would have more vine things.” 5BC 1118.
and they sought him among their time for reflection, and for medita- I wish I could say I have not
kinsfolk and acquaintance. And tion upon the prophecies which re- been guilty of forgetting my
when they found him not, they ferred to his future sufferings and Redeemer. I have to admit that
turned back again to Jerusalem, death.” 2SP 36. I have “gone a day’s journey”
seeking him. And it came to pass, Jesus knew that the multitude through life before I realized my
that after three days they found would be talking about many Lord was not with me.
him in the temple, sitting in the things, things not beneficial to Sister White says that we must
midst of the doctors, both hearing growth in grace and Christian “discipline” ourselves. That takes
them, and asking them questions. character. We have something to effort. Our minds do not naturally
And all that heard him were as- learn here. lean toward the right and holy;
tonished at his understanding and “Here is a lesson of instruc- it takes determined discipline. I
answers. And when they saw him, tion to all the followers of Christ. find I must work at it constantly.
they were amazed: and his mother . . . There is necessity of careful- But oh, what a reward for those
said unto him, Son, why hast thou ness of words and actions when who do. Here is some advice
thus dealt with us? behold, thy fa- Christians are associated together, from the father of the wisest man
ther and I have sought thee sorrow- lest Jesus be forgotten of them, and who ever lived:
ing. And he said unto them, How they pass along careless of the fact “And thou, Solomon my son,
is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that Jesus is not among them. . . . know thou the God of thy father,
that I must be about my Father’s Jesus will not be found in the com- and serve him with a perfect heart
business? And they understood pany of those who are careless of and with a willing mind: for the
not the saying which he spake His presence, and who engage in LORD searcheth all hearts, and un-
unto them.” Luke 2:43-50. conversation having no reference derstandeth all the imaginations of
“Not one act in the life of Christ to their Redeemer.” TMK 29. the thoughts: if thou seek him, he
was unimportant. Every event of We never want to lose the pres- will be found of thee; but if thou
His life was for the benefit of His ence of Jesus, or of the heavenly forsake him, he will cast thee off Photos: © Hemera Photo Objects CD (notebook); Paul Williams (background)
followers in future time. This cir- messengers, His angels! for ever.” 1 Chronicles 28:9.
cumstance of the tarry of Christ in “These heavenly messengers We are promised that if we
Jerusalem teaches an important are not attracted to the crowd will seek, we will find. Don’t go
lesson to those who should believe where minds are diverted from anywhere and lose Jesus in the
on Him. . . .” 5BC 1118. heavenly things. These pure and crowd. Keep Him ever before
Jesus tarried, the Bible says. holy spirits cannot remain in the you.
He had specifically stayed be- company where Jesus’ presence
hind. Why? Why not leave with is not desired and encouraged, Joe Olson serves as the
the others? Inspiration pulls back and his absence not marked.” executive director and
the curtain: RH, December 31, 1872. chairman of the board
“Jesus was acquainted with How often have we been some- of Hope International.
hearts. He knew that, as the where, visiting, resting, playing, He also travels as an
crowd returned in company from where Jesus’ name is not even international speaker.
Something Better - Part 1
Norman Peek
Song “is one of the most effective means of impressing
Our Mission - It is the mission of Hope International the heart with spiritual truth.”
and the editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly present
Christ and His truth. The days remaining for this world
are few, and we must work quickly. We must boldly
proclaim the historic truths of Adventism that place
The Words and Works of Satan
us on so firm a foundation in the midst of this troubled
world.—Editors Repeated in the World
Editor Emeritus: Ron Spear Ellen G. White
It is Satan’s determined purpose to intensify sin by
Executive Director: Joe Olson
[email protected]
making it legal in the children of disobedience.
Editor: Heidi Heiks
[email protected]
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson
[email protected]
Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N.
[email protected]
Flee to the City of Refuge
Layout & Design: Paul & Mihaela Williams Clark Floyd
“The cities of refuge appointed for God’s ancient
people were a symbol of the refuge provided in
Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: Christ.”
Hope International
P.O. Box 220 Understanding Aright the “Daily,”
Knoxville, IL 61448 USA
Phone: (309) 343-1844
Scripturally and Historically – Part 8
Monday–Thursday: 8:00am–5:00pm, Central Time Heidi Heiks
Friday: 8:00am–12:00pm , Central Time
Fax: (309) 343-3721
How both the sanctuary and the host are trodden
Email: [email protected] underfoot.
Eph 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves
in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord;”
Col 3:16 “Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and
A Deeper Understanding
to heaven, rather than to the world or you may have an irregular heart- “Rah, rah, rah” songs, or
around us. To write good music re- beat which indicates that something foot-stomping songs:
quires that one have an understand- is wrong. Of course, if there is no #216 When the Roll is Called
ing of the rules of music, even as to heartbeat, the person is dead! Up Yonder (I’ll Be There)
Are these songs spiritual? Are The songs that we sing will be remembered far
they Christ-centered or me-cen-
tered? longer than the sermons we hear.
Will the songs we sing affect
our lives? Has the shallowness of influential force in society that lead- the prince of this world? Would
our songs made us lose the ability ing philosophers and politicians he know how to use mu-
to grasp the deep meanings of the advocated its control by the nation’s sic, even so-called religious
word of God? When one goes to a constitution. . . . They believed mu- music, to accomplish his
typical Protestant funeral, there is sic affected the will, which in turn diabolical purpose? Do you
the almost universal assumption influenced character and conduct.” want to resist temptation, to
that the deceased is saved—gone Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, ed., Here have your nature changed
We Stand (2005), p. 401. to be like that of Jesus?
Similarly, in China Confucius
wrote, “If one should desire to Songs Repeat
know whether a kingdom is well- Story of Redemption
governed, if its morals are good or
bad, the quality of its music will “As the children of Israel, journey-
furnish the answer.” Ibid., 402. ing through the wilderness,cheered
their way by the music of sacred
A Law of the Mind song, so God bids His children
today gladden their pilgrim life.
“Men are changed in accor- There are few means more effective
dance with what they contemplate. for fixing His words in the memory
If commonplace thoughts and af- than repeating them in song. And
fairs take up the attention, the man such song has wonderful power. It
will be commonplace. If he is too has power to subdue rude and un-
negligent to obtain anything but a cultivated natures; power to quick-
superficial understanding of truth, en thought and to awaken sympa-
he will not receive the rich bless- thy, to promote harmony of action,
ings that God would be pleased to and to banish the gloom and fore-
bestow upon him. It is the law of boding that destroy courage and
the mind that it will narrow or weaken effort.” VSS 407.
expand to the dimensions of the “It [Song] is one of the most effec-
Photo: ©
things with which it becomes fa- tive means of impressing the heart
miliar. The mental powers will with spiritual truth. How often to
surely become contracted and will the soul hard-pressed and ready to
lose their ability to grasp the deep despair, memory recalls some word
To be continued.
Photos: © Hemera Images;
It is Satan’s determined purpose
efore Lucifer was banished
from heaven, he sought to
to intensify sin by making it legal
abolish the law of God. He in the children of disobedience.
claimed that the unfallen
intelligencies of holy heaven had were prompted by this love to do At that day it will be evident to all
no need of law, but were capable of his pleasure. The law of God was that there is not, and never was, any
governing themselves and of pre- not a grievous yoke to them, but cause for sin. At the final condem-
serving unspotted integrity. Lucifer it was their delight to do his com- nation of Satan and his angels and
was the covering cherub, the most mandments, to hearken unto the of all men who have finally identi-
exalted of the heavenly created be- voice of his word. But in this state fied themselves with him as trans-
ings; he stood nearest the throne of of peace and purity, sin originated gressors of God’s law, every mouth
God, and was most closely connect- with him who had been perfect in will be stopped. When the hosts of
ed and identified with the adminis- all his ways. The prophet writes rebellion, from the first great rebel
tration of God’s government, most of him: “Thine heart was lifted up to the last transgressor, are asked
richly endowed with the glory of because of thy beauty; thou hast why they have broken the law of
his majesty and power. The proph- corrupted thy wisdom by reason of God, they will be speechless. There
et writes of his exaltation, saying: thy brightness.” Sin is a mysterious, will be no answer to give,no reason
“Thou art the anointed cherub that unexplainable thing. There was no to assign that will carry the least
covereth; and I have set thee so; reason for its existence; to seek to weight.
thou wast upon the holy mountain explain it is to seek to give a reason
of God; thou hast walked up and for it, and that would be to justify it. Self-Exaltation Sees
down in the midst of the stones of Sin appeared in a perfect universe, No Need for Law
fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways a thing that was shown to be inex-
from the day that thou wastcreated, cusable and exceeding sinful. The
till iniquity was found in thee.” reason of its inception or develop- The change from perfection of
ment was never explained and nev- character to sin and defection did
God’s Law a Delight; er can be, even at the last great day come even in heaven. Lucifer’s
No Excuse for Sin when the judgment shall sit and heart was lifted up because of his
the books be opened, when every beauty, his wisdom was corrupted
man shall be judged according to by reason of his brightness. Self-
Photo: ©
The angels had been created the deeds done in the body, when exaltation is the key to his rebellion,
full of goodness and love. They the sins of God’s repentant, sancti- and it unlocks the modern theme of
loved one another impartially and fied people shall be heaped upon sanctification. Satan declared that
their God supremely, and they the scapegoat, the originator of sin. he had no need of the restraints of
to what they should do, but they will rise to a higher, holier state by law in the counsels of angels. If ever
presumed on God’s mercy, and ate violating the law of God. The lesson a change was to have been made,
of the forbidden fruit. that is heard throughout the land is, it would have been accomplished
Is not the story of the fall re- “Disobey and live.” But how differ- when rebellion revealed itself in
peated by thousands of lips today, ent is this teaching from the lessons heaven, and so have prevented the
Clark Floyd
If an individual killed some- The cities of refuge were only rise up against him, and smite him
one accidentally, he would run to for those who killed people inno- mortally that he die, and fleeth into
one of the cities of refuge before a cently. Deuteronomy 19:5 gives a one of these cities: then the elders
person could avenge the death and scenario of who could reside in one of his city shall send and fetch him
kill him. Joshua 20:2, 3 says, “. . . of the cities. “As when a man goeth thence, and deliver him into the
Do Not Delay
must abide in Christ. “This union pointed a day, in the which he will He is a board member
with Christ, once formed, must be judge the world in righteousness by and a speaker for Hope
maintained. Christ said, ‘Abide in that man whom he hath ordained; International.
Me, and I in you. As the branch can- whereof he hath given assurance
Heidi Heiks
be trampled underfoot. Those three word nitsdaq in Daniel 8:14, in all the Old Testament, in Daniel 8:14
elements to be understood when its complementary meanings. The (nitsdaq). The more specific, single
the vision ended were addressed Hebrew word for “cleansed”6663 meanings of the root word are in-
by only one answer in Daniel 8:14: (nitsdaq) contains three basic dicated by the texts in which we
Investigative Judgment
Another necessary point of un-
derstanding involves Daniel 8:11-12.
of the covenant, wherewith he was The Hour of HIS Judgment sakes, O house of Israel, but for
sanctified, an unholy thing, and mine holy name’s sake, which ye
hath done despite unto the Spirit How will this be done? On have profaned among the heathen,
of grace?” Heb. 10:29. Figuratively, October 22, 1844, heaven moved whither ye went. And I will sanc-
ceremonies of Romanists.
“In the warfare to be waged in the world under his deceptions. God, of God and the laws of men. Here the
the last days there will be united, in the One infinite and all-wise, sees dividing line will be drawn. There
opposition to God’s people, all the the end from the beginning, and will be but two classes. Every char-
corrupt powers that have aposta- in dealing with evil His plans were acter will be fully developed; and all
tized from allegiance to the law of far-reaching and comprehensive. It will show whether they have chosen
Jehovah. In this warfare the Sabbath was His purpose, not merely to put the side of loyalty or that of rebellion.
of the fourth commandment will be down the rebellion, but to demon- Then the end will come. God will vin-
the great point at issue, for in the strate to all the universe the nature dicate His law and deliver His people.”
Sabbath commandment the great of the rebellion. God’s plan was un- Desire of Ages, 763, emphasis added.
Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historical
and legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happened
538 in AD 508 and 538. Finally, the dates for the commencement of the 1290- and 1260-
1843 year prophecies are fully established. Submitted beforehand for critical review before
Source Book the most prestigious scholarly institutions within Adventism the world over, it is now
presented with the endorsements of William H. Shea, Ph.D., associate of the Biblical
Research Institute of the General Conference, professor at Andrews University; Herbert
Photos: © Paul Williams
away without treatment.) “Approx-
imately 75 percent of infections in
Olson, RN adults and 90 percent of those in
Part 1
adolescents disappear on their own.
It’s worth noting that the American
elp guard your daugh- girls to receive this vaccination-- Cancer Society sees its fight against
ter. You can do some- specifically before they enter mid- cervical cancer as a success story
thing mothers before dle school. In fact, Merck says that
you never had the chance to do.” girls need to be vaccinated before
(Merck Advertisement). they become sexually active for
Makes you feel good inside, it to really be effective. Well, how
doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly how young? They want to start with girls
the multi-billion dollar pharma- as young as nine years old. They
ceutical company Merck would don’t mention the fact that as far as
have you feel! Their web site and they know, it could be effective for
advertisements are full of feel-good only three to five years. Then they
promotions. They make you feel would have to be vaccinated again!
like not only should you do this for It is said that the average age that
your child, but you need to! girls become sexually active (as
The product I’m talking about sad as it is) is around sixteen years
today is a vaccine called Garda- old. Wait a minute. If it may only even without Gardasil. . . .”
sil. I’m sure you’ve heard about be good for five years anyway, why So why would Merck have us
it in the news by now, as it has are we giving it to nine-year-olds? believe that cervical cancer is much
raised quite a stir. Now, normal Doesn’t make sense, does it? more of a threat than it actually
vaccinations (supposedly) protect But why the concern about is? Well, let’s put it this way. With
against contagious diseases such HPV? Well, they are right that the the elevated price of about $360
as measles, mumps, rubella, and incidence of HPV is on the rise, but for a series of three shots, you can
the like. The government says the what does that mean? What they imagine the profits Merck would
children need these since they will tell us is that HPV causes cervical stand to make if they could make
be in such close quarters at school cancer and we surely don’t want it mandatory in all states. Take just
and would be easily susceptible to our girls to get cervical cancer, do one state, for instance. If all the
these diseases. The difference with we? Well, unfortunately, as in much eleven- and twelve-year-old girls
this vaccination is that it (suppos- of advertising today, we are being in Colorado were vaccinated, the
edly) protects against human pap- misinformed. Dr. David J. Graham, company could make almost $150
MD, MPH, Associate Director for million in that state alone. Vacci-
Get this invaluable resource Science and Medicine in the FDA’s nation of nearly two million New
book for your health! The Office of Drug Safety, says, “Gar- York children would bring in al-
Vaccination Crisis contains dasil is not all it’s cracked up to most $700 million. Think it might
a wealth of data on the be. A recent study in the Journal be about the money?
potential dangers and effects of the American Medical Association Also, according to the medical
of vaccines. This is a must finds that among women ages 14 to journal Lancet (2005), as many as
read! 24, the rate of all 37 types of sexu- 61,600 Americans died as a result of
Paperback, 304 pages $3.99 ally transmitted HPV combined is taking another drug manufactured
33.8 percent - much lower than the by our friends at Merck. To find out
illomavirus (HPV) (genital warts), 50% figure cited on Merck’s web- more . . . stay tuned.
a disease that is contracted ONLY site. More importantly, the rates For more information on vac-
through sexual contact. for HPV 16 and 18 - the two types cines, order The Vaccination Crisis
Photos: ©
So, is this vaccination promot- responsible for 70% of all cervical today. To improve your immune
ed only for girls who are sexually cancers - are astronomically lower: system and combat disease, try
active? Not at all. Merck is trying only 1.5% and 0.8%, respectively.” our Mighty Immune Plus, C-
to get legislators to pass laws that (Did you catch that? Only 1.5% or Blast, or Mega-Multivitamin. Call
would make it mandatory for all less actually contract the strains 1-800-468-7884 today!
made available to DHS and its con- as slaves. To human wisdom, all of battle…. It was with difficulty
tractors. this now seems impossible; but as that the copyists could supply the
Also, whenever people want to the restraining Spirit of God shall demand.
get a job or change jobs, employers be withdrawn from men, and “The appeal to men’s reason
would be required to submit appli- they shall be under the control of aroused them from their passive
cants’ information from the nation- Satan, who hates the divine pre- submission to papal dogmas.
al IDs and REAL ID-compliant state cepts, there will be strange devel- Wycliffe now taught the distinctive
drivers’ licenses to the DHS for fi- opments. The heart can be very doctrines of Protestantism,--
nal approval. The DHS would have cruel when God’s fear and love salvation through faith in Christ,
authority to prevent or terminate are removed.” GC88 607. and the sole infallibility of the
million in 2000.” the world is running out of fresh weighed down with care, those
On June 30th, the pope issued water because of uncontrolled who are burdened with sorrow, to
a letter to Catholics in China. growth in population, industry whom the invitation is given.” RH,
In the letter, called “a pressing and agriculture…. Fresh water is October 23, 1888.
Source: Excerpted from Ellen White: Woman of Vision by Arthur L. White (Review and Herald, 2000)
1. In May 1866, Ellen White pointed c. August 1861 9. Although the camp meeting
out that Sabbathkeepers had been d. July 1872 schedule was too demanding for
neglecting to act on health reform. the Whites, in concern for souls
She specifically stated a need for 5. The camp meeting’s intended they added 3 more to their itinerary.
audience was The entire schedule comprised
a. another printing press.
b. another publishing house. a. both unconverted persons and a. 3 months.
c. a hospital. early Advent believers. b. 4 months.
d. a health institute. b. only early Advent believers. c. 5 months.
c. primarily unconverted persons. d. 6 months.
2. About 4 years later, a health institute d. divided, with separate lectures
was prosperous and expanding, for each group. 10. In Iowa, a heavy storm would have
with 4 physicians on staff. A “hygienic made camp meeting miserable,
festival” was held to acquaint Battle 6. In preparation for camp meeting, except for the foresight many
Creek and surrounding towns with one issue of the Review had showed in bringing
the work being done there. How instructions on how to make
many attended? a. musical instruments
a. dried foods. b. coal stoves for the tents.
a. about 2000 b. tents. c. snow shovels.
b. about 800 c. sleeping bags. d. prepared foods.
c. about 300 d. meals for 100s.
d. about 100
7. An estimated ____ people
3. An outdoor vegetarian banquet attended at one venue, despite
was provided for the guests, short notice.
followed by
a. 3000
a. a tour of the facilities. b. 2000 International.
b. more lectures by the Whites. c. 1000 any answer, please contact Hope
4. When was the first annual camp meetings were held annually?
meeting held (Wright, Michigan)? a. 4
b. 7
a. September 1868 c. 10
b. June 1865 d. 14
The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
Something Better
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Ellen G. White
Messages to Young People
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sympathy, reproof and encouragement. Give
this great gift to the youth in your life!
Hardcover, 466 pages
BEWE-MTYP $13.99
Hope International does not solicit tithes; however, we are a tithe-worthy organization and accept tithes.
We use the tithe only for the gospel ministry. Donations designated “Gospel Ministry” will be considered tithe.
Lift Him Up
This collection of inspired pen-pictures will draw you to Jesus in a very special way. Each month
brings a new perspective, showing you Christ lifted up as the Son of God, as Creator, as the Bread of
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Ellen G. White
This very popular devotional book will help you prepare for the imminent return of our Lord. The
daily readings focus on the very culmination of the Adventist hope – the second coming of Christ!
Hardcover, 383 pages
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My Life Today
In this daily devotional, Sister White portrays the beauty of holiness, shares the secrets of Christian
victory, and paints with glowing colors the future destiny of the saints.
Hardcover, 369 pages
BEWE-MLTO $12.99
Hope International
P.O. Box 220
Knoxville, IL 61448