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Our Firm

Volume 22, Number 9 September 2007
The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God

The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary

Something Better
Editorial No Act of Christ
Joe Olson

mentioned? Is He really the most
Jerusalem, there would be much important object in our lives? Does
talking and visiting which would our conversation show it?
nd when they had ful- not be seasoned with humility “It is the privilege of all to retain
filled the days, as they re- and grace, and the Messiah and Jesus with them. If they do this,
turned, the child Jesus tarried be- his mission would be nearly for- their words must be select, sea-
hind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and gotten. It was his choice to return soned with grace. The thoughts of
his mother knew not of it. But they, from Jerusalem with his parents their hearts must be disciplined
supposing him to have been in the alone; for in being retired, his fa- to meditate upon heavenly and di-
company, went a day’s journey; ther and mother would have more vine things.” 5BC 1118.
and they sought him among their time for reflection, and for medita- I wish I could say I have not
kinsfolk and acquaintance. And tion upon the prophecies which re- been guilty of forgetting my
when they found him not, they ferred to his future sufferings and Redeemer. I have to admit that
turned back again to Jerusalem, death.” 2SP 36. I have “gone a day’s journey”
seeking him. And it came to pass, Jesus knew that the multitude through life before I realized my
that after three days they found would be talking about many Lord was not with me.
him in the temple, sitting in the things, things not beneficial to Sister White says that we must
midst of the doctors, both hearing growth in grace and Christian “discipline” ourselves. That takes
them, and asking them questions. character. We have something to effort. Our minds do not naturally
And all that heard him were as- learn here. lean toward the right and holy;
tonished at his understanding and “Here is a lesson of instruc- it takes determined discipline. I
answers. And when they saw him, tion to all the followers of Christ. find I must work at it constantly.
they were amazed: and his mother . . . There is necessity of careful- But oh, what a reward for those
said unto him, Son, why hast thou ness of words and actions when who do. Here is some advice
thus dealt with us? behold, thy fa- Christians are associated together, from the father of the wisest man
ther and I have sought thee sorrow- lest Jesus be forgotten of them, and who ever lived:
ing. And he said unto them, How they pass along careless of the fact “And thou, Solomon my son,
is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that Jesus is not among them. . . . know thou the God of thy father,
that I must be about my Father’s Jesus will not be found in the com- and serve him with a perfect heart
business? And they understood pany of those who are careless of and with a willing mind: for the
not the saying which he spake His presence, and who engage in LORD searcheth all hearts, and un-
unto them.” Luke 2:43-50. conversation having no reference derstandeth all the imaginations of
“Not one act in the life of Christ to their Redeemer.” TMK 29. the thoughts: if thou seek him, he
was unimportant. Every event of We never want to lose the pres- will be found of thee; but if thou
His life was for the benefit of His ence of Jesus, or of the heavenly forsake him, he will cast thee off Photos: © Hemera Photo Objects CD (notebook); Paul Williams (background)

followers in future time. This cir- messengers, His angels! for ever.” 1 Chronicles 28:9.
cumstance of the tarry of Christ in “These heavenly messengers We are promised that if we
Jerusalem teaches an important are not attracted to the crowd will seek, we will find. Don’t go
lesson to those who should believe where minds are diverted from anywhere and lose Jesus in the
on Him. . . .” 5BC 1118. heavenly things. These pure and crowd. Keep Him ever before
Jesus tarried, the Bible says. holy spirits cannot remain in the you. 
He had specifically stayed be- company where Jesus’ presence
hind. Why? Why not leave with is not desired and encouraged, Joe Olson serves as the
the others? Inspiration pulls back and his absence not marked.” executive director and
the curtain: RH, December 31, 1872. chairman of the board
“Jesus was acquainted with How often have we been some- of Hope International.
hearts. He knew that, as the where, visiting, resting, playing, He also travels as an
crowd returned in company from where Jesus’ name is not even international speaker.

2 Our Firm Foundation

Table of Contents Volume  22,  Number  9 September  2007

Something Better - Part 1
Norman Peek
Song “is one of the most effective means of impressing
Our Mission - It is the mission of Hope International the heart with spiritual truth.”
and the editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly present
Christ and His truth. The days remaining for this world
are few, and we must work quickly. We must boldly
proclaim the historic truths of Adventism that place
The Words and Works of Satan

us on so firm a foundation in the midst of this troubled
world.—Editors Repeated in the World
Editor Emeritus: Ron Spear Ellen G. White
It is Satan’s determined purpose to intensify sin by
Executive Director: Joe Olson
[email protected]
making it legal in the children of disobedience.
Editor: Heidi Heiks
[email protected]
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson
[email protected]

Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N.
[email protected]
Flee to the City of Refuge
Layout & Design: Paul & Mihaela Williams Clark Floyd
“The cities of refuge appointed for God’s ancient
people were a symbol of the refuge provided in
Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: Christ.”
Hope International
P.O. Box 220 Understanding Aright the “Daily,”

Knoxville, IL 61448 USA
Phone: (309) 343-1844
Scripturally and Historically – Part 8
  Monday–Thursday: 8:00am–5:00pm, Central Time Heidi Heiks
  Friday: 8:00am–12:00pm , Central Time
Fax: (309) 343-3721
How both the sanctuary and the host are trodden
Email: [email protected] underfoot.
Web: www.hopeint.org

About Hope International

Hope International is a lay ministry founded, supported,
and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist God’s
Church in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel in
Editorial page 02
every way that is consistent with the principles of God
as revealed in Inspiration. Theological Waymarks page 16
Invitation to Writers
We are accepting article-length manuscripts (1850 Children’s Story page 24
to 2250 words) for possible publication in Our Firm
Foundation. We prefer that submissions be submitted Health Gem page 25
in Word .doc format as a computer file or on letter size
paper neatly typed. Include a digital picture and a short
bio. Please address all correspondence to Editors, Our News Watch page 26
Firm Foundation, PO Box 220, Knoxville, IL 61448, or by
email to [email protected]. Historical Footnotes page 28
Subscription Information: See page 30
Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 30 Product Catalog page 29
Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s), and is licensed or used
with permission. Other items are the property of Hope International.

Cover Photo: © iStockPhoto.com Background Photo: © Paul Williams

Letters to the Editor page 31
Something I
would like to call your
attention to three texts in the
New Testament having to do
with music:

Eph 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves
in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord;”
Col 3:16 “Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and

Part 1 spiritual songs, singing with grace

in your hearts to the Lord;”
1 Cor 14:15 “. . . I will pray with
the spirit, and I will pray with the

Norman Peek understanding also: I will sing

with the spirit, and I will sing with
the understanding also.”

A Deeper Understanding

There are several phrases that

we should consider to determine
their meaning:
“Speaking to yourselves”—A
song or hymn should have a worth-
while message that echoes the mes-
sage of the scriptures or of our
commitment to Christ.
“Psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs”—Again, the music should
express our heartfelt praise, com-
mitment or spiritual facts, not just
a sentimental feeling.
“Melody in your heart”—A song
should be melodious and express
our commitment to serve the Lord.
“To the Lord”—Do we sing to the
Lord our commitment and praise,
or just some sentimental words in
a popular song that might apply to

Song “is one of the most a girlfriend or boyfriend?

“Word of Christ dwell in you

effective means of impressing richly in all wisdom”—Do the

words express the words of the

the heart with spiritual truth.”

scriptures? Are they rich with
meaning? Are they full of the wis-
dom of the scriptures? Do they give
evidence of a good understanding
of the English language, or are they
Photo: © iStockPhoto.com

sentimental, only about feeling?

“Teaching”—Do the words (and
music) teach the lessons of the
scriptures, or do they merely echo
sentimental thoughts? Many of the

4 Our Firm Foundation

and are impatient under leadership.
Well-matured plans are needed in
the service of God. Common sense is
an excellent thing in the worship of

Plato’s political maxim:

“Let me make the songs
of a nation and I care not
who makes the laws.”
the Lord.” Evangelism, 505; VSS 415.
“Beauty, Does the song have beauty, pa-
psalms Pathos, and thos, and power? Does it have real
are teaching Power [Pathos is beauty in the words and melody, or
psalms. defined as “a quality in is it something similar to the sen-
“Admonishing”—Perhaps something or someone that arouses timental or shallow songs of the
we do not sing many songs of this feelings of pity, sympathy, tender- world? Does it have power to change
type today because we do not want ness, or sorrow in another.”]--Music lives? If there is not harmony, is it ac-
to be admonished. can be a great power for good; yet we ceptable to God? How many songs
“Sing with the spirit”—We should do not make the most of this branch of devotion do we sing? Does the
sing with expression, not dragging of worship. The singing is generally last sentence in the above quotation
the songs in an unenthusiastic man- done from impulse or to meet spe- imply that we often do not use com-
ner. More than this, we should be cial cases, and at other times those mon sense in worshiping God or,
filled with the Spirit, expressing our who sing are left to blunder along, more particularly, in our music?
inmost desires as we sing. and the music loses its proper effect
“Sing with understanding”—We upon the minds of those present. Something Better
should understand that we are mak- Music should have beauty, pathos,
ing a commitment to God in our and power. Let the voices be lifted “‘Something better’ is the
songs; as we sing let us remember in songs of praise and devotion. watchword of education, the law
that we are expressing our desire to Call to your aid, if practicable, of all true living. Whatever
follow His instruction and leading. instrumental music, and let Christ asks us to renounce, He
the glorious harmony as- offers in its stead something
Singing an Act of Worship cend to God, an acceptable better. . . Bring them in
offering.” VSS 415. contact with truer beauty,
“As a part of religious service, “But it is sometimes with loftier principles,
singing is as much an act of wor- more difficult to dis- and with nobler
ship as is prayer. Indeed, many a cipline the singers lives. Lead them
song is prayer. If the child is taught and keep them to behold the
to realize this, he will think more of in working or- One ‘altogether
the meaning of the words he sings der, than to lovely.’ When
and will be more susceptible to their improve the once the
power.” Education, 167-8; The Voice in habits of gaze is
Speech and Song (VSS), 408. praying fixed
Considering singing, preaching, and ex- upon
praying __all of which are a part of hort- Him,
worship __the songs that we sing ing. the
will be remembered far longer than
Photos: © iStockPhoto.com

the sermons we hear; therefore, we

need to use more songs and choose
them with care.
Many want to do things after their life finds its center. The enthusiasm,
A Potential Power for Good own style; they object to consultation, the generous devotion, the

Volume 22, Number 9 5

“Lyrics” in Religious Songs

There are four other words that

we need to consider: song, hymn,
anthem and lyrics. A song is a
rhythmical arrangement of words
(poem) designed to be accompanied
by music. (Yes, there is a rhythm to
words in a poem, a sequence of ac-
cented and unaccented syllables.) A
hymn is a song of praise or adora-
tion, and refers primarily to the po-
etical aspect. An anthem is a sacred
choral composition with words usu-
ally from the Scriptures or a song
of praise. A word that is being used
much more today than it was fifty
years ago is “lyrics,” which refers to
poetry expressive of the poet’s feel-
ings, rather than an outward inci-
dent or events. Perhaps this term is
passionate ardor, of the youth find write good prose or poetry requires now being used for religious songs
here their true object. Duty becomes that one have a good command of because the writers of most of the
a delight and sacrifice a pleasure. To grammar and the English language. newer songs base the words on feel-
honor Christ, to become like Him, Harmony is the agreement or ings, rather than on the Word of God,
to work for Him, is the life’s blending of sounds. Some sounds go which will stand forever.
highest ambition and its well together; some combinations of
greatest joy.” Ed 296. sound have dissonance. They create Consider These Songs
tension in the listener. In general, a
Music’s Three Aspects major chord is more pleasing than Let us now consider examples of
a minor chord or a random selec- some songs, most of which are found
Let us take a few minutes tion of notes, although a careful in The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal
to consider the three major use of minor chords can be pleas- (and also The Church Hymnal). These
aspects of music: melody, harmony ing and give a message all its own. might not even be considered to be
and rhythm. Dissonance or untuned sounds are in the category of Contemporary
Christian Music (CCM).

“Singing is as much an act of worship as is Repetitious songs:

#627 (We Are Climbing) Jacob’s Ladder
prayer.” #208 There’ll Be No Dark Valley
#403 Let Us Break Bread
Together (on Our Knees)
Melody is the intelligence of not pleasing, nor do they exhibit the #471 Give Us Your Peace
music; it is the part that most ap- harmony of heaven. I’ve Got a Home in Glory (Do, Lord)
peals to the mind. When you sing Rhythm is what carries music
a song, you sing the melody, unless forward; it is the regularity or flow Sentimental songs:
you are singing with someone and of movement. Think of it like your Listen to many of the modern
you sing a harmonic part. Melody heartbeat. If your heart beats regu- songs (if you can understand the
also partakes of rhythm. Changing larly, you do not think of it unless words). They are about feeling, rath-
the rhythm will change the melody you decide to give it special attention. er than about the certainties of the
(message) that is being delivered. However, if you hurt yourself or are Bible or our commitment to Christ.
The message should draw us closer ill, the heartbeat become noticeable,
Photo: © Paul Williams

to heaven, rather than to the world or you may have an irregular heart- “Rah, rah, rah” songs, or
around us. To write good music re- beat which indicates that something foot-stomping songs:
quires that one have an understand- is wrong. Of course, if there is no #216 When the Roll is Called
ing of the rules of music, even as to heartbeat, the person is dead! Up Yonder (I’ll Be There)

6 Our Firm Foundation

#294 (There Is) Power in the Blood to heaven. Have we, by not singing meanings of the word of God un-
I have the Good Old SDA songs relating to our “willing obe- less they are put vigorously and
Religion Down in My Heart dience,” accepted the false doctrine persistently to the task of searching
of “once saved, always saved”? for truth. The mind will enlarge if
These songs are not necessarily it is employed in tracing out the re-
all bad, but there is “something bet- Ancients Knew lation of the subjects of the Bible to
ter.” Do our songs talk about our Music’s Effect on Nations one another, comparing scripture
devotion to Jesus, our “willing obe- with scripture, and spiritual things
dience to all His commands? This The principle of the effect of mu- with spiritual. The richest treasures
is true worship.” DA 189. sic was recognized by Plato in his of thought are waiting for the dili-
political maxim: “Let me make the gent student.” Counsels to Parents,
#241 Jesus, the Very songs of a nation and I care not who Teachers, and Students, 460; Messages
Thought of Thee (#158) makes the laws.” Donald J. Grout to Young People, 262.
#494 We Would See Jesus (#29) and Claude V. Talisca, The History Are we preparing for the heav-
#325 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (#267) of Western Music, 5th ed., p. 6. enly kingdom, or for the kingdom
#461 Be Still, My Soul In ancient Greece, music “was of him who was once the leader
#507 Moment by Moment considered to be such a potent and of the heavenly choirs but is now
(Dying with Jesus) (#583)

Are these songs spiritual? Are The songs that we sing will be remembered far
they Christ-centered or me-cen-
tered? longer than the sermons we hear.
Will the songs we sing affect
our lives? Has the shallowness of influential force in society that lead- the prince of this world? Would
our songs made us lose the ability ing philosophers and politicians he know how to use mu-
to grasp the deep meanings of the advocated its control by the nation’s sic, even so-called religious
word of God? When one goes to a constitution. . . . They believed mu- music, to accomplish his
typical Protestant funeral, there is sic affected the will, which in turn diabolical purpose? Do you
the almost universal assumption influenced character and conduct.” want to resist temptation, to
that the deceased is saved—gone Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, ed., Here have your nature changed
We Stand (2005), p. 401. to be like that of Jesus?
Similarly, in China Confucius
wrote, “If one should desire to Songs Repeat
know whether a kingdom is well- Story of Redemption
governed, if its morals are good or
bad, the quality of its music will “As the children of Israel, journey-
furnish the answer.” Ibid., 402. ing through the wilderness,cheered
their way by the music of sacred
A Law of the Mind song, so God bids His children
today gladden their pilgrim life.
“Men are changed in accor- There are few means more effective
dance with what they contemplate. for fixing His words in the memory
If commonplace thoughts and af- than repeating them in song. And
fairs take up the attention, the man such song has wonderful power. It
will be commonplace. If he is too has power to subdue rude and un-
negligent to obtain anything but a cultivated natures; power to quick-
superficial understanding of truth, en thought and to awaken sympa-
he will not receive the rich bless- thy, to promote harmony of action,
ings that God would be pleased to and to banish the gloom and fore-
bestow upon him. It is the law of boding that destroy courage and
the mind that it will narrow or weaken effort.” VSS 407.
expand to the dimensions of the “It [Song] is one of the most effec-
Photo: © Photos.com

things with which it becomes fa- tive means of impressing the heart
miliar. The mental powers will with spiritual truth. How often to
surely become contracted and will the soul hard-pressed and ready to
lose their ability to grasp the deep despair, memory recalls some word

Volume 22, Number 9 7

of God’s--the long-forgotten burden of a
childhood song--and temptations lose
their power, life takes on new meaning
and new purpose, and courage and glad-
ness are imparted to other souls!” VSS
“Song is a weapon that we can always
use against discouragement. As we thus
open the heart to the sunlight of the
Saviour’s presence, we shall have health
and His blessing.” Ministry of Healing, 254;
VSS 409.

Be Diligent with Children

“Evening and morning join with your

children in God’s worship, reading His
Word and singing His praise. Teach
them to repeat God’s law. Concerning
the commandments, the Israelites were
instructed: ‘Thou shalt teach them
diligently unto thy children, and shalt
talk of them when thou sittest in thine
house, and when thou walkest by the
way, and when thou liest down, and
when thou risest up.’ Accordingly,
Moses directed the Israelites to set
the words of the law to music. . . .”
VSS 410.
“When Christ was a child like
these children here, He was
tempted to sin, but He did not
yield to temptation. As He
grew older He was tempted,
but the songs His mother had
taught Him to sing came into
His mind, and He would lift
His voice in praise. And be-
fore His companions were
aware of it, they would be
singing with Him. God
wants us to use every facility
which Heaven has provided
for resisting the enemy.”
Manuscript 65, 1901; VSS 412.

To be continued.
Photos: © Hemera Images; iStockPhoto.com

Tennessean Norman Peek’s var-

ied interests have led to a wide
variety of occupations. Recently,
Norman has written accounting
programs for several non-profits
and currently serves as an account-
ing consultant to a self-supporting
ministry. 

8 Our Firm Foundation

The Words and Works of Satan
Repeated in the World
Ellen G. White

It is Satan’s determined purpose
efore Lucifer was banished
from heaven, he sought to
to intensify sin by making it legal
abolish the law of God. He in the children of disobedience.
claimed that the unfallen
intelligencies of holy heaven had were prompted by this love to do At that day it will be evident to all
no need of law, but were capable of his pleasure. The law of God was that there is not, and never was, any
governing themselves and of pre- not a grievous yoke to them, but cause for sin. At the final condem-
serving unspotted integrity. Lucifer it was their delight to do his com- nation of Satan and his angels and
was the covering cherub, the most mandments, to hearken unto the of all men who have finally identi-
exalted of the heavenly created be- voice of his word. But in this state fied themselves with him as trans-
ings; he stood nearest the throne of of peace and purity, sin originated gressors of God’s law, every mouth
God, and was most closely connect- with him who had been perfect in will be stopped. When the hosts of
ed and identified with the adminis- all his ways. The prophet writes rebellion, from the first great rebel
tration of God’s government, most of him: “Thine heart was lifted up to the last transgressor, are asked
richly endowed with the glory of because of thy beauty; thou hast why they have broken the law of
his majesty and power. The proph- corrupted thy wisdom by reason of God, they will be speechless. There
et writes of his exaltation, saying: thy brightness.” Sin is a mysterious, will be no answer to give,no reason
“Thou art the anointed cherub that unexplainable thing. There was no to assign that will carry the least
covereth; and I have set thee so; reason for its existence; to seek to weight.
thou wast upon the holy mountain explain it is to seek to give a reason
of God; thou hast walked up and for it, and that would be to justify it. Self-Exaltation Sees
down in the midst of the stones of Sin appeared in a perfect universe, No Need for Law
fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways a thing that was shown to be inex-
from the day that thou wastcreated, cusable and exceeding sinful. The
till iniquity was found in thee.” reason of its inception or develop- The change from perfection of
ment was never explained and nev- character to sin and defection did
God’s Law a Delight; er can be, even at the last great day come even in heaven. Lucifer’s
No Excuse for Sin when the judgment shall sit and heart was lifted up because of his
the books be opened, when every beauty, his wisdom was corrupted
man shall be judged according to by reason of his brightness. Self-
Photo: © Photos.com

The angels had been created the deeds done in the body, when exaltation is the key to his rebellion,
full of goodness and love. They the sins of God’s repentant, sancti- and it unlocks the modern theme of
loved one another impartially and fied people shall be heaped upon sanctification. Satan declared that
their God supremely, and they the scapegoat, the originator of sin. he had no need of the restraints of

Volume 22, Number 9 9

law, that he was holy, sinless, and in-
capable of doing evil; and those who
boast of holiness and a state of sin-
lessness, while transgressing the law
of God, while willfully trampling
under-foot the Sabbath of the Lord,
are allied on the side of the first great
rebel. If the sanctified, holy angels
became unsanctified and unholy by
disobedience to God’s law, and their
place was no longer found in heaven,
think you that men, redeemed by
the blood of the Lamb, will be re-
ceived into glory who break the pre-
cepts of that law which Christ came
to magnify and make honorable by
his death upon the cross? Adam and
Eve were in possession of Eden, and
they fell from their high and holy and even from the pulpit do we of Christ. He declared: “Think not
estate by transgression of God’s law, not hear the words of the tempter, that I am come to destroy the law, or
and forfeited their right to the tree “Thou shalt not surely die”? Is not the prophets; I am not come to de-
of life and to the joys of Eden. the law of God represented as a stroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say
yoke of bondage which men are free unto you, Till heaven and earth pass,
The Lie Continues: to violate as they choose? Satan in- one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
“Disobedience is Liberty” sinuated to Adam and Eve that they pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
might reach a higher, happier state Whosoever therefore shall break
by violation of the divine command, one of these least commandments,
Satan had told them that they and today the same falsehood is and shall teach men so, he shall be
were under restriction, under bond- spread through the world, even by called the least in the kingdom of
age to the law, and that they might those who claim to be sanctified. Do heaven; but whosoever shall do and
teach them, the same shall be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.”
. . . They say they are saved in sin, and thus Divine Law Immutable
make Christ the minister of sin.
If the law of God should relin-
quish its claims upon men, if its
be free and independent by disre- not these who claim sanctification restraints were removed, the result
garding the divine prohibition con- while violating the commands of would be a state of society in which
cerning the tree of the knowledge of God, become a false and fatal sign lawlessness would be rife, and our
good and evil. He informed them to the world? Do they not say to the world would be in a condition simi-
that they would be as the angels if sinner, “It shall be well with thee”? lar to that which existed before the
they would but partake of its fruit, The Lord has defined sin as the flood, which brought down on the
for they would then be able to dis- transgression of his law, but they earth the wrath of God. If the law
cern both good and evil. But what say they are saved in sin, and thus of God could have been changed,
angels would they be like?--Not make Christ the minister of sin. or altered in one of its statutes, it
holy angels, but like the angels who These professed Christians are would have been so altered when
had left their first estate, who were doing the very work that Satan did sin originated in heaven, when the
reserved under everlasting chains in Paradise, they are leading souls brightest son of the morning, who
unto the judgment of the great astray by precept and example. They was good, noble, and lovely above
day. The holy pair had received say to the sinner, to the transgres- all the beings that God had created,
the positive word of God in regard sor, It shall be well with thee; you found fault with the precepts of that
Photo: © iStockPhoto.com

to what they should do, but they will rise to a higher, holier state by law in the counsels of angels. If ever
presumed on God’s mercy, and ate violating the law of God. The lesson a change was to have been made,
of the forbidden fruit. that is heard throughout the land is, it would have been accomplished
Is not the story of the fall re- “Disobey and live.” But how differ- when rebellion revealed itself in
peated by thousands of lips today, ent is this teaching from the lessons heaven, and so have prevented the

10 Our Firm Foundation

great apostasy of the angels. The fact tion. Those who claim holiness and Satan deceives and corrupts the
that no change was made in God’s make a boast that they cannot sin, world and makes men believe that
administration, even when the most though at the same time living in they are sinless and holy while sin-
exalted of the angels drew away transgression of the law, are in the ning against God, but in so doing
from allegiance to God’s law, is evi- same condition as the angels that he is only carrying on his original
dence enough to reasonable minds sinned in heaven. They make great work. He has introduced no new ar-
that the law, the foundation of God’s pretensions to the favor of Heaven, guments, he has created no new em-
government, will not relax its claims claim to possess exalted knowledge pire of darkness from which to draw
to save the willful transgressor. of spiritual things, while they go on supplies for the furtherance of his
Satan and his followers were ex- in reckless disregard of the word of deceptions. And sin that was sin in
pelled from heaven in consequence the Lord. the beginning is sin today; and sin,
of rebellion, and the spirit of the the apostle declares, is the trans-
evil one now works in the children Satan at Work in gression of God’s law. In these days
of disobedience; Satan carries on his Church and State to it is Satan’s determined purpose to
rebellion against God in this world. intensify sin by making it legal in
He seeks to corrupt all; but the in- Make Sin Legal the children of disobedience. He is
struments most favorable to his
purpose of ruining souls, are men
who have had great light and bless-
ing from God; for they can accom-
The fact that no change was made in God’s
plish more harm in making void the administration, even when the most exalted
law than can those who have been
less favored of heaven. They use of the angels drew away from allegiance to
the same flattering sophistry that
Satan used in heaven and in Eden; God’s law, is evidence enough . . . that the law
they speak of the law as a yoke of
bondage, and picture the liberty of
. . . will not relax its claims to save the willful
him who disregards its claims, as
a state of holiness and sanctifica-
to reveal to the world and to heaven
what is the order and result of a gov-
ernment carried on according to his
ideas of administration and law. He
is working with secret yet with in-
tense zeal in both Church and State,
to cause men to throw off all the re-
straints of God’s law, and take a de-
cided stand with him in the ranks
of rebellion; but when his work is
accomplished, the Lord will inter-
pose, and vindicate his honor as the
supreme Ruler of the universe.

Signs of the Times, April 28, 1890.

Ellen G. White, 1827-

1915, received the spiri-
tual gift of prophecy,
and the fruits of her life
and work accord with
Photo: © iStockPhoto.com

the biblical tests of a true

messenger of God. To
this day, her counsels are an incalcu-
lable blessing to God’s people around the
world. 

Volume 22, Number 9 11

Flee to the City of Refuge

Clark Floyd

“The cities of refuge

appointed for God’s ancient people
“T he name of the LORD is
a strong tower: the right-
eous runneth into it, and
is safe.” Proverbs 18:10. When we
were a symbol of the refuge provided
in Christ.”
sin, why are we so hesitant to come
to Jesus? Why do we worry about
whether or not we will be accepted Appoint out for you cities of refuge, into the wood with his neighbor to
by Him? The Bible tells us to run to whereof I spake unto you by the hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a
Him, and we will find safety. If we hand of Moses: That the slayer that stroke with the ax to cut down the
could just understand the meaning killeth any person unawares and tree, and the head slippeth from
of this text, we would run to Jesus unwittingly may flee thither: and the helve, and lighteth upon his
if we sin. This concept is beautifully they shall be your refuge from the neighbor, that he die; he shall flee
illustrated in the slayer’s experience avenger of blood.” Joshua 20:3-6. unto one of those cities, and live.”
of running to the cities of refuge. The slayer would state his case to Those who premeditated their
the elders of the city to be admitted, murders could not be kept in the
The Slayer’s Safety Net have judgment of his case, and find city. “ But if any man hate his neigh-
safety from the avenger. bor, and lie in wait for him, and

If an individual killed some- The cities of refuge were only rise up against him, and smite him

one accidentally, he would run to for those who killed people inno- mortally that he die, and fleeth into
one of the cities of refuge before a cently. Deuteronomy 19:5 gives a one of these cities: then the elders
person could avenge the death and scenario of who could reside in one of his city shall send and fetch him

kill him. Joshua 20:2, 3 says, “. . . of the cities. “As when a man goeth thence, and deliver him into the

12 Our Firm Foundation

“Satan knows that those
who ask God for pardon
and grace will obtain it . . . .”
hand of the avenger of blood, that Provisions were made
he may die.” Deuteronomy 19:11, 12. that the slayer could have a fair stranger, or sojourner—might avail
Having found access into one of chance to flee to one of the cities. himself of this provision.” PP 515.
the cities of refuge, the slayer would The roads leading to the cities of ref-
have to dwell there until the death uge were always maintained, and God Is Our Refuge
of the high priest. Joshua 20:6. If the the slayer could choose to flee to dif-
slayer ventured to leave the city be- ferent cities. The Bible says in Deu- The psalmist evidently knew
fore that time, he would take a great teronomy 19:3, “Thou shalt prepare about cities of refuge because of the
risk of being killed by the avenger. thee a way, and divide the coasts of comparison he gives in Psalm 91:2.
“And the revenger of blood find him thy land, which the LORD thy God “I will say of the LORD, He is my ref-
without the borders of the city of his giveththee to inherit; into three parts, uge and my fortress: my God; in him
refuge, and the revenger of blood that every slayer may flee thither.” will I trust.” What promise is found
kill the slayer; he shall not be guilty “The cities of refuge were so dis- in that text! God is our refuge from
of blood. Because he should have re- tributed as to be within a half day’s our avenger, who is the devil. “Your
mained in the city of his refuge un- journey of every part of the land. adversary the devil, as a roaring
til the death of the high priest: but The roads leading to them were al- lion, walketh about, seeking whom
after the death of the high priest the ways to be kept in good repair; all he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
slayer shall return into the land of along the way signposts were to be When we sin, the devil is on
his possession.” Numbers 35:27, 28. erected bearing the word ‘Refuge’ our tracks, trying to “obstruct the
in plain, bold characters, that the way to the mercy seat.” SC 95. He
Need Anticipated, fleeing one might not be delayed knows that if we find entrance
Provided For for a moment. Any person—Hebrew, into the cities of refuge, we will be
safe. “Satan knows that those who
ask God for pardon and grace will
obtain it. . . .” PK 586.

Do Not Delay

If we do not make it to the city,

we will be lost forever. What should
we do? “The name of the LORD is a
strong tower: the righteous runneth
into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10.
We must run to Jesus without
Photos: © Photos.com (top); iStockPhoto.com (bottom)

a moment’s hesitation because

the avenger is running to kill us!
Lamenting our sins without coming
to Jesus will cost us our lives. “Do
not listen to the enemy’s suggestion
to stay away from Christ until you
have made yourself better; until
you are good enough to come to
God. If you wait until then, you will
never come.” COL 205-6.

Volume 22, Number 9 13

“He who fled to the city of refuge were in rebellion against Him, He acknowledges particular sins. They
could make no delay. Family and went forth to seek you. With the may be of such a nature as to be
employment were left behind. There tender heart of the shepherd He brought before God only; they may
was no time to say farewell to loved left the ninety and nine and went be wrongs that should be confessed
ones. His life was at stake, and every out into the wilderness to find that to individuals who have suffered
other interest must be sacrificed to which was lost. The soul, bruised injury through them; or they may

“The sinner is exposed to eternal death,

until he finds a hiding place in Christ . . . .”
the one purpose—to reach the place and wounded and ready to per- be of a public character, and should
of safety. Weariness was forgotten, ish, He encircles with His arms of then be as publicly confessed. But all
difficulties were unheeded. The love and joyfully bears it to the fold confession should be definite and to
fugitive dared not for one moment of safety.” COL 188-9. the point, acknowledging the very
slacken his pace until he was within sins of which you are guilty.” SC 38.
the wall of the city. Confession is Key to Entrance
“The sinner is exposed to eternal Repentance Necessary
death, until he finds a hiding place How do we gain entrance into to Dwell in Safety
in Christ; and as loitering and care- the city of refuge? We must confess
lessness might rob the fugitive of his our case to Jesus. “If we confess our
only chance for life, so delays and sins, he is faithful and just to for- Those who accidentally killed
indifference may prove the ruin of give us our sins, and to cleanse us someone were able to stay in the
the soul. Satan, the great adversary, from all unrighteousness.” 1 John cities of refuge, while those that
is on the track of every transgressor 1:9. The confession should be of a premeditated the murder were
of God’s holy law, and he who is not specific character. “True confession not. If we think we can cherish sin
sensible of his danger, and does not is always of a specific character, and and live in the city, we are deceiv-
earnestly seek shelter in the eternal
refuge, will fall a prey to the de-
stroyer.” PP 517.

Surrender, Sinner, to Christ

Christ has made the flight from

the roaring lion as easy as possible.
He has maintained the roads and
placed the cities next to us so we
can have a sure retreat from the
devil. Christ desperately wants us
to surrender to Him, no matter how
far we have gone astray. “Despond-
ing soul, take courage, even though
you have done wickedly. Do not

think that perhaps God will pardon

Photos: © Paul

your transgressions and permit you

to come into His presence. God has
made the first advance. While you

14 Our Firm Foundation

ing ourselves. “If I regard iniquity not bear fruit of itself, except it abide unto all men, in that he hath raised
in my heart, the Lord will not hear in the vine; no more can ye, except him from the dead.” Acts 17:31. The
me.” Psalm 66:18. Only the truly ye abide in Me.’ This is no casual only way that we will be able to pass
repentant will be allowed to abide touch, no off-and-on connection.” the judgment is if we stay in the city
in Christ. We must have the godly DA 676. The Bible says, “He that of refuge. In other words, we do
sorrow that produces repentance hath the Son hath life; and he that not have to fear the judgment if we
which needeth “not to be repented hath not the Son of God hath not abide in Christ.
of” again. 2 Corinthians 7:10. life.” 1 John 5:12. As long as we maintain that con-
The only way we will sorrow for nection with Jesus, we will be able
our sin and turn away from it is if we Abiding Until Judgment to live in a land without any threat
behold Jesus. “It is ignorance of Him of an avenger. Christ will not be
that makes men so uplifted in their The slayer that killed someone our high priest forever. When He
own righteousness. When we con- unintentionally was to stay in the takes off His priestly robes and ex-
template His purity and excellence, city while judgment would take changes them for kingly ones, those
we shall see our own weakness and place concerning his case. Judgment who have stayed in the city of ref-
poverty and defects as they really would happen before the death of uge will have the right to live in the
are. We shall see ourselves lost and the high priest, and as long as he New Jerusalem and travel to other
hopeless, clad in garments of self- stayed in the city until that time, he worlds without any pestering from
righteousness, like every other sin- would be able to leave without the the devil.
ner. We shall see that if we are ever
saved, it will not be through our The Refuge of God’s Pardon
own goodness, but through God’s
infinite grace.” COL 159. “The cities of refuge appointed
Are we scared that we do not for God’s ancient people were a
have the power to repent? We need symbol of the refuge provided in
to stop trusting in our power and Christ. The same merciful Savior
trust in the power of the God of who appointed those temporal cit-
heaven. Why are we hesitating? “It ies of refuge has by the shedding
is the virtue that goes forth from of His own blood provided for the
Christ, that leads to genuine repen- transgressors of God’s law a sure
tance. Peter made the matter clear in retreat, into which they may flee for
his statement to the Israelites when safety from the second death. No
he said, ‘Him hath God exalted with power can take out of His hands
His right hand to be a Prince and a the souls that go to Him for pardon.
Saviour, for to give repentance to ‘There is therefore now no condem-
Israel, and forgiveness of sins.’ Acts nation to them which are in Christ
5:31. We can no more repent without threat of an avenger. “And he shall Jesus.’ ‘Who is he that condemneth?
the Spirit of Christ to awaken the dwell in that city, until he stand be- It is Christ that died, yea rather, that
conscience that we can be pardoned fore the congregation for judgment, is risen again, who is even at the
without Christ.” SC 26. and until the death of the high priest right hand of God, who also maketh
that shall be in those days: then shall intercession for us;’ that ‘we might
Danger in Separation the slayer return, and come unto his have a strong consolation, who have
own city, and unto his own house, fled for refuge to lay hold upon the
If the slayer went out of the city unto the city from whence he fled.” hope set before us.’ Romans 8:1, 34;
before the death of the high priest, Joshua 20:6. Hebrews 6:18.” PP 516-7.
he could be killed by the avenger. We are living in the antitypical
Likewise, we cannot have an on- day of atonement, and our cases are Clark Floyd resides in
and-off connection with Jesus. We being judged. “Because he hath ap- Leicester, North Carolina.
Photos: © Paul Williams

must abide in Christ. “This union pointed a day, in the which he will He is a board member
with Christ, once formed, must be judge the world in righteousness by and a speaker for Hope
maintained. Christ said, ‘Abide in that man whom he hath ordained; International. 
Me, and I in you. As the branch can- whereof he hath given assurance

Volume 22, Number 9 15


Heidi Heiks

Understanding Aright the “Daily,”

Scripturally & Historically
Part 8 How both the sanctuary and the host
are trodden underfoot.
I n this issue, we conclude the
study of Daniel 8:13 and 14
begun last month. We previ-
ously pointed out that the question
in Daniel 8:13 involves three noun
“Unto two thousand and three hun-
dred days; then shall the sanctuary
be “cleansed”6663 (nitsdaq).
In Hebrew thought, it is not
English meanings, all related to
the root word sadaq. Sadaq: Usage:
AV - justify 23, righteous 10, just 3,
justice 2, cleansed 1, clear ourselves
phrases: “the daily,” “the transgres- unusual for all nuances of a word 1, righteousness 1; 40 verses 41 hits.
sion of desolation,” and “both the to occur in a single usage. This is In our study the Niphal verb form
sanctuary and the host” that were to precisely what is implied from the of this root appears only once in
Photo: © Paul Williams

be trampled underfoot. Those three word nitsdaq in Daniel 8:14, in all the Old Testament, in Daniel 8:14
elements to be understood when its complementary meanings. The (nitsdaq). The more specific, single
the vision ended were addressed Hebrew word for “cleansed”6663 meanings of the root word are in-
by only one answer in Daniel 8:14: (nitsdaq) contains three basic dicated by the texts in which we

16 Our Firm Foundation

find them. In summary, as we dem- The little horn (papal Rome) is Great Controversy, 483.
onstrated in our previous issue of clearly portrayed as causing “At the time appointed for the
Our Firm Foundation, the various “transgression”6588 (pesa) because judgment--the close of the 2300
stem and verb forms of sadaq have he has indeed usurped the pre- days, in 1844--began the work of in-
the three basic meanings of (1) “to rogatives of God in hearing and vestigation and blotting out of sins.
put right” or to “restore;” (2) “to presuming to answer prayers, in All who have ever taken upon them-
cleanse;” or (3) “to vindicate.” See forgiving sin, and in thinking to selves the name of Christ must pass
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: change the Law of God. With this its searching scrutiny. Both the liv-
Old Testament (AMG: 2003), p. 938. charge against him, does the little ing and the dead are to be judged
With this Biblical understanding horn then come up for review in ‘out of those things which were writ-
and foundation, we were equipped the great investigative judgment, ten in the books, according to their
to analyze those three noun phras-
es in Daniel 8:13. Having already
studied intensively last month the In ancient Eastern mindset, it was believed that a trampling
noun phrases of “the daily” and
“the transgression of desolation” in underfoot of a host or their sanctuary was a trampling
Daniel 8:13, we now interject two
related items of interest before pro- underfoot of their god and their religious system.
ceeding with our study.

or do we look for that process only works.’” Great Controversy, 486.

Had They Understood… during the millennium? Turning The message is clear. All who
to the pen of Ellen White, we have have ever taken the name of Christ
Had William Miller and the these words: will be examined thoroughly in the
brethren understood aright the ha “As the books of record are investigative judgment. Does the
tamid, the “daily” work of Christ opened in the judgment, the little horn profess Jesus Christ? Yes,
in the heavenly sanctuary, there lives of all who have believed on he does. Therefore, the little horn
would never have been a Midnight Jesus come in review before God. must undergo the investigative
Cry. In turn, the prophecy of Beginning with those who first judgment, during which his name
Revelation 10 would never have lived upon the earth, our Advocate will either be accepted or rejected.
had its fulfillment. presents the cases of each succes- According to Daniel, Paul and John,
But the Millerites should not be sive generation, and closes with the the little horn is rejected or “cut
held in contempt for their lack of living. Every name is mentioned, off,” and will also then come under
perception. As we have seen, Daniel every case closely investigated. the executive judgment during the
had declared the “daily” was to be Names are accepted, names reject- 1000-year millennium to receive
taken away, and history confirms ed. When any have sins remain- the reward of his crimes.
it was largely removed from the ing upon the books of record, un- As a further point of informa-
mindfulness of God’s people. By repented of and unforgiven, their tion in the context of the sanctuary,
the 1840s nearly all believed that names will be blotted out of the the time of the end and the judg-
the sanctuary was the earth. Thus book of life, and the record of their ment, we know of no Seventh-day
as previously shown, it was their good deeds will be erased from Adventist that teaches that pagans,
faulty interpretation that produced the book of God’s remembrance.” heathens and unbelievers (of whom
the bitter experience so vividly por-
trayed in the book of Revelation
chapter 10. And Revelation 11:1 has
revealed to us that the restoration
of knowledge of the sanctuary and
its services would not come until
the passing of October 22, 1844.

The Little Horn in the

Photos: © Paul Williams

Investigative Judgment
Another necessary point of un-
derstanding involves Daniel 8:11-12.

Volume 22, Number 9 17

paganism is comprised) are judged then, to have trodden underfoot the into the second apartment of the
this side of the Second Coming. holy sanctuary is to have trodden heavenly sanctuary for the sake
Seventh-day Adventists are united of investigation. Christ is eager,
in the belief that the judgment of all through due process and the merits
those whose unconfessed sins “fol- of His blood, to exonerate His peo-
low after” (1 Tim 5:24) takes place ple and declare their rightful en-
after the Second Coming, during try into heaven. Our loving Savior
the 1000-year millennium. demonstrates to all the unfallen
heavenly intelligences that the
faithful have indeed washed their
The Sanctuary: robes in the blood of the Lamb. But
Trodden Underfoot that is not all that is to be accom-
plished in the sanctuary during the
We now come to our third investigative judgment.
and final noun phrase in Daniel Revelation reveals the primary
8:13, “the sanctuary and the host.” aspect that cannot be overlooked:
We will begin with the first of “Saying with a loud voice, Fear God,
the two nouns in this phrase: and give glory to him; for the hour
“the sanctuary6944 (qodes). Usage: of his judgment is come: and wor-
AV - holy 262, sanctuary 68, (holy, ship him that made heaven, and
hallowed,...) things 52, most 44, earth, and the sea, and the foun-
holiness 30, dedicated 5, hallowed tains of waters.” Rev. 14:7. Yes, the
3, consecrated 1, misc 3; 382 verses hour of His judgment is come.
470 hits. underfoot the rightful owner of that God’s faithful people living to-
As we mentioned before, heav- sanctuary. In this sense, it is none day realize the profound personal
en places the sanctuary and the other than God Almighty. He has relevance of the events taking place
host under one umbrella, “to give obviously been defamed before the in heaven since 1844, but the scrip-
both . . . to be trodden under foot.” entire universe; He’s been declared tural emphasis is not exclusively on
The sanctuary that is to be trod- unjust or weak and incompetent. them. During the cosmic controver-
den underfoot is a holy sanctuary, In ancient Eastern mindset, it sy, it is first and foremost God—His
character and His government—
that has been on trial, with the uni-
“The working out of Satan’s rule, its effects upon both men verse as “courtroom” spectators. It
is God’s integrity and laws that are
and angels, would show what must be the fruit of setting being challenged, and His rightful
authority to legislate and judge. The
aside the divine authority.” Bible says that at the very last rem-
nant of time, just before the Second
the qodes. It is none other than the was believed that a trampling un- Coming, God is to be vindicated in
heavenly sanctuary of the new cov- derfoot of a host or their sanctu- a very special way. It is He who will
enant. We now investigate how it is ary was a trampling underfoot of act to sanctify and elevate His holy
to be trodden underfoot. their god and their religious sys- Law. “Vindicate” is the last of the
“To be trodden4823 (mirmas) un- tem. Thus the understanding was three nuances of sadaq that is yet
der foot.” Usage: AV - tread down that their god was weak and un- to be defined and interpreted. Its
4, tread 2, trodden under foot 1; 7 deserving. Given that connotation place and application in scripture
verses 7 hits. “Trodden underfoot” of “trodden underfoot,” it is under- will now be shown.
can be a figurative expression, as standable why God’s government, “But I had pity for mine holy
Paul so clearly illustrates: “Of how encompassing His holy name and name, which the house of Israel
much sorer punishment, suppose personality, must be justified and had profaned among the heathen,
ye, shall he be thought worthy, who seen in its rightful place of honor. whither they went. Therefore say
hath trodden under foot the Son of unto the house of Israel, Thus saith
God, and hath counted the blood the Lord GOD; I do not this for your
Photos: © Paul Williams

of the covenant, wherewith he was The Hour of HIS Judgment sakes, O house of Israel, but for
sanctified, an unholy thing, and mine holy name’s sake, which ye
hath done despite unto the Spirit How will this be done? On have profaned among the heathen,
of grace?” Heb. 10:29. Figuratively, October 22, 1844, heaven moved whither ye went. And I will sanc-

18 Our Firm Foundation

tify my great name, which was pro- by all. He must have time to mani- destroy Satan. Since only the ser-
faned among the heathen, which fest himself by his wicked works.” vice of love can be acceptable to
ye have profaned in the midst of Patriarchs and Prophets, 42. God, the allegiance of His creatures
them; and the heathen shall know “. . . He had determined to claim must rest upon a conviction of His
that I am the LORD, saith the Lord the honor which should have been justice and benevolence. The inhab-
GOD, when I shall be sanctified in given [Christ], and take command itants of heaven and of the worlds,
you before their eyes.” Eze. 36:21-3. of all who would become his fol- being unprepared to comprehend
Again, in the writings of Paul, lowers; and he promised those who the nature or consequences of sin,
the Bible is very explicit: “God for- would enter his ranks a new and could not then have seen the justice
bid: yea, let God be true, but every better government, under which all of God in the destruction of Satan.
man a liar; as it is written, That thou would enjoy freedom. . . . Had he been immediately blotted
mightest be justified in thy sayings, “. . . God’s government included out of existence, some would have
and mightest overcome when thou not only the inhabitants of heaven, served God from fear rather than
art judged.” Rom. 3:4. but of all the worlds that He had from love. The influence of the de-
created; and Lucifer had concluded ceiver would not have been fully
that if he could carry the angels of destroyed, nor would the spirit of
The Charges Against God heaven with him in rebellion, he rebellion have been utterly eradi-
could carry also all the worlds. . . . cated. For the good of the entire
At the introduction of sin or “The discord which his own universe through ceaseless ages, he
rebellion in heaven, as depicted course had caused in heaven, Satan must more fully develop his prin-
in Revelation 12:7-9 and further charged upon the government of ciples, that his charges against the
revealed in Patriarchs and Prophets, God. All evil he declared to be the divine government might be seen
Lucifer charged the government result of the divine administration. in their true light by all created be-
of heaven--the Law of God and He claimed that it was his own ob- ings, and that the justice and mercy
the Lawgiver, God Himself--with ject to improve upon the statutes of of God and the immutability of
being unjust and unfair. As the Jehovah. Therefore God permitted His law might be forever placed
following words of Ellen White him to demonstrate the nature of beyond all question.
will reveal, this is the sole rea- his claims, to show the working out “Satan’s rebellion was to be a les-
son for the hour of His judgment of his proposed changes in the di- son to the universe through all com-
that was and is to come: vine law. His own work must con- ing ages--a perpetual testimony to
“God could employ only such demn him. Satan had claimed from the nature of sin and its terrible
means as were consistent with truth the first that he was not in rebellion. results. The working out of Satan’s
and righteousness. Satan could use The whole universe must see the rule, its effects upon both men and
what God could not--flattery and deceiver unmasked. angels, would show what must be
deceit. He had sought to falsify the fruit of setting aside the divine
the word of God and had misrep- authority. It would testify that with
resented His plan of government, The Wisdom and Justice of God the existence of God’s government
claiming that God was not just in is bound up the well-being of all
imposing laws upon the angels; “Even when he was cast out of the creatures He has made. Thus
that in requiring submission and heaven, Infinite Wisdom did not the history of this terrible experi-
obedience from His crea- ment of rebellion was
tures, He was seeking to be a perpetual safe-
merely the exaltation of guard to all holy beings,
Himself. It was therefore to prevent them from be-
necessary to demonstrate ing deceived as to the na-
before the inhabitants of ture of transgression, to
heaven, and of all the save them from commit-
worlds, that God’s gov- ting sin, and suffering its
ernment is just, His law penalty.” Ibid., 40-42.
perfect. Satan had made
it appear that he himself
was seeking to promote The Cross: Proof of
Photos: © Paul Williams

the good of the universe. An Immutable Law

The true character of the
usurper and his real ob- The issue is cosmic,
ject must be understood to say the least, and the

Volume 22, Number 9 19

focus of the agitation is vertical, not cated in the Most Holy directly un- clear to the reader as we pull back
earthly or horizontal. It is the govern- der the mercy seat, where God said the veil and reveal why we have
ment of God, the Law of God. Today, he would commune with His people. been told the hour of His judgment
the Christian world hears the same Ex. 25:16, 21-22. is to, and indeed has, come: “In or-
voice of Satan through his ministers Sixty-five years after the cross, der to endure the trial before them,
as they promote a so-called new John was given that vision of the they must understand the will of
and better government, under a heavenly sanctuary. God Himself God as revealed in His word; they
“new” covenant, in which all would sits on His throne above the mercy can honor Him only as they have
enjoy freedom from the bondage of seat, which is situated above the ark a right conception of His charac-
the Law of God. This new covenant of His testament containing the Law ter, government, and purposes,
of grace, they declare, is confirmed of God. Thus the very foundation of and act in accordance with them.”
by the writings of Paul in A.D. 64, that throne as seen by John is the Ten Great Controversy, 593.
The government of heaven, as we
have seen, is exhibited in none other
than the Law of God, a transcript of
“…With the existence of God’s government is bound up the His character that cannot and does
not ever change. Heb. 13:8. It is His
well-being of all the creatures He has made.” purpose that we understand this
work of rebellion. The government
of Satan must be allowed to be dem-
found in the book of Colossians 2:14- Commandments. They are the writ- onstrated before the entire universe,
17, allegedly declaring the Law of ten reflection of the nature and char- until a time when the entire world
God to be nailed to the cross. Thus acter of its Sovereign and the basis unites under a universal bond of
the same warfare as carried out in of His government of the universe. Satan’s rule. That will be the church’s
heaven by Satan and his angels is “The cross of Calvary forever con- most trying hour. All during the
carried out here on earth by Satan’s demns the idea that Satan has placed development and culmination of
human instruments. before the Christian world, that the Satan’s futile challenge for rulership,
But thirty-two years after A.D. death of Christ abolished not only we are to act in accordance with the
64, we have this testimony of John: the typical system of sacrifices and revealed will of God.
“And the temple of God was opened ceremonies but the unchangeable Satan’s accusations of the breth-
in heaven, and there was seen in his law of God, the foundation of His ren and his thrusts that God has been
temple the ark of his testament. . . .” throne, the transcript of His charac- unjust and unfair must and will be
Revelation 11:19. ter.” Faith and Works, 90. met. One can be assured Satan will
Moses had been commanded of contest every inch of ground. This
God to make a sanctuary according scenario will be further played out
to the pattern of the heavenly, so He Imperative We Understand by the following:
could dwell among them. Ex. 25:8-9. “. . . In free America, rulers and
In that sanctuary was the resting This supernatural battle for uni- legislators, in order to secure public
place of the Law of God, the ark lo- versal supremacy should be coming favor, will yield to the popular de-
mand for a law enforcing Sunday
observance. Liberty of conscience,
which has cost so great a sacrifice,
will no longer be respected. In the
soon-coming conflict we shall see
exemplified the prophet’s words:
‘The dragon was wroth with the
Photos: © iStockPhoto.com (bible); Paul Williams (border)

woman, and went to make war

with the remnant of her seed,
which keep the commandments
of God, and have the testimony
of Jesus Christ.’ Revelation 12:17.”
Great Controversy, 592.
Thus the final crisis begins,
which brings the inhabitants of
this world to make a stand with or
against the Law of God. “The so-

20 Our Firm Foundation

folding, showing both His justice
and His mercy, and fully vindicating
His wisdom and righteousness in
His dealings with evil. . . . By the
facts unfolded in the progress of the
great controversy, God will dem-
onstrate the principles of His rules
of government, which have been
falsified by Satan and by all whom
he has deceived. His justice will fi-
nally be acknowledged by the whole
world, though the acknowledgment
will be made too late to save the
rebellious. God carries with Him
the sympathy and approval of the
whole universe as step by step His
great plan advances to its complete
fulfillment. He will carry it with
Him in the final eradication of re-
bellion. It will be seen that all who
called Christian world is to be the Lawgiver identifies Himself as the have forsaken the divine precepts
theater of great and decisive actions. Creator of the heavens and the earth. have placed themselves on the side
Men in authority will enact laws . . .” Selected Messages, Vol. 3, 392-3. of Satan, in warfare against Christ.
controlling the conscience, after the Yet God is at last to be vindicated, When the prince of this world shall
example of the papacy. Babylon will and the government of heaven will be judged, and all who have united
make all nations drink of the wine never again be contested through- with him shall share his fate, the
of the wrath of her fornication. Every out the ceaseless ages. whole universe as witnesses to the
nation will be involved. Of this time sentence will declare, ‘Just and true
John the Revelator declares: are Thy ways, Thou King of saints.’
God Vindicates His Name Revelation 15:3.” Patriarchs and
Prophets, 78-9, emphasis added.
A Confederacy of Evil “Satan is constantly at work, with “The warfare against God’s law,
intense energy and under a thou- which was begun in heaven, will
“‘. . . These have one mind.’ There sand disguises, to misrepresent the be continued until the end of time.
will be a universal bond of union, character and government of God. Every man will be tested. Obedience
one great harmony, a confederacy With extensive, well-organized or disobedience is the question to be
of Satan’s forces. ‘And shall give plans and marvelous power, he is decided by the whole world. All will
their power and strength unto the working to hold the inhabitants of be called to choose between the law
beast.’ Thus is manifested the same
arbitrary, oppressive power against
religious liberty, freedom to wor- Had William Miller and the brethren understood aright
ship God according to the dictates
of conscience, as was manifested by the ha tamid, the “daily” work of Christ in the heavenly
the papacy, when in the past it per-
secuted those who dared to refuse sanctuary, there would never have been a Midnight Cry.
to conform to the religious rites and
Photos: © Photos.com (planet); Paul Williams (border)

ceremonies of Romanists.
“In the warfare to be waged in the world under his deceptions. God, of God and the laws of men. Here the
the last days there will be united, in the One infinite and all-wise, sees dividing line will be drawn. There
opposition to God’s people, all the the end from the beginning, and will be but two classes. Every char-
corrupt powers that have aposta- in dealing with evil His plans were acter will be fully developed; and all
tized from allegiance to the law of far-reaching and comprehensive. It will show whether they have chosen
Jehovah. In this warfare the Sabbath was His purpose, not merely to put the side of loyalty or that of rebellion.
of the fourth commandment will be down the rebellion, but to demon- Then the end will come. God will vin-
the great point at issue, for in the strate to all the universe the nature dicate His law and deliver His people.”
Sabbath commandment the great of the rebellion. God’s plan was un- Desire of Ages, 763, emphasis added.

Volume 22, Number 9 21

for they are worthy. And I heard
another out of the altar say, Even so,
Lord God Almighty, true and right-
eous are thy judgments.” Rev. 16:5-7.
Before the universe, the remnant
will proclaim the righteousness and
justice of God’s dealings. On earth,
under the severest test, they will
have displayed their loyalty and
obedience. They will have proved
that God’s law can be kept even
under the most dire circumstances.
God will then be cleared of all ac-
cusations before the universe.
“. . . That thou mightest be justi-
fied when thou speakest, and be
clear when thou judgest.” Ps. 51:4.
Therefore, when the heavenly
sanctuary of Daniel 8:13, which has
been “trodden underfoot” for centu-
ries by the false accusations leveled
against the God of that sanctuary, is
“cleansed” (nitsdaq), it will be mani-
fest before all that its God will most
surely be “vindicated” (sadaq) in the
hour of His judgment. This interpre-
tation bears the test of investigation.

The Trampling of the Host

Vindication Continues gative and executive judgments, He
After Close of Probation shows Himself to be and is declared We now begin our consideration
to be just. of “the host”6635 (saba). “Host” is the
Even after the close of probation, The unfall-
the scriptures yet portray the vindi- en creation are
cation of God by His people along also represent-
with the unfallen agencies of heaven. ed as recogniz-
“Who shall not fear Thee and glorify ing the right-
Thy name, for Thou only art holy”3741 ful judgments
(hosios). Rev. 15:4. The Greek word of the Creator:
for “holy” is not the one commonly “And I heard the
interpreted so. This particular word angel of the wa-
hosios denotes that which is “right,” ters say, Thou
and it involves the vindication of art righteous,
God, especially in His pronounce- O Lord, which
ment of a righteous and just verdict. art, and wast,
It is a recognition of moral obliga- and shalt be,
Photos: © iStockPhoto.com; Paul Williams (border)

tions. “Shall not the judge of all the because thou

earth do right?” Gen. 18:25. hast judged
When God metes out His judg- thus. For they
ments in the seven last plagues, it have shed the
will be a revelation of His righteous- blood of saints
ness and justice in the great contro- and prophets,
versy between Christ and Satan, in and thou hast
which the remnant have played a given them
significant part. In both the investi- blood to drink;

22 Our Firm Foundation

second noun in the third noun Christ, they were judged and pre-
phrase of Daniel 8:13, and the con- sented in the most dark and mali-
cluding topic of our study of verses cious light before the world.
thirteen and fourteen in Daniel 8. The events culminating in
Usage: AV - host 393, war 41, army October 22, 1844, and the renewed
29, battle 5, service 5, appointed understanding of heaven’s sanc-
time 3, warfare 2, soldiers 1, com- tuary, prove that depiction false
pany 1, misc 5; 461 verses 485 hits. beyond doubt. God again demon-
In the context of Daniel 8:13, the strates His faithfulness to His moral
host is clearly the people of God, obligations. When the investigative
and the trampling underfoot of the judgment concludes, God’s Word
host refers to none other than the reveals the saints in their true light,
persecution of the saints. picturing them in garments of pur-
In Daniel 8:12, as well as Daniel est white, with a righteous judg-
7:25, we witnessed a very specific ment given in favor of the saints.
time period during which the God is vindicated, as well as the
saints were to be trodden under- faithful of all ages. Rev. 19:8; Dan.
foot: when the papacy was per- 7:22. The “restoration,” “cleansing,”
mitted to “practice and prosper” and “vindication” (sadaq meanings)
for 1260 long years. foretold in the sanctuary’s cleans-
As shown, this prophesied ing (nitsdaq, with all of the nuances
trampling of the host would occur of sadaq implied for Daniel 8:13), is
prior to 1844. It is in Daniel 12:7 that finally and forever accomplished.
the portion of Daniel’s question re-
garding the treading underfoot of We will finalize this series by first
the host is answered, showing that clarifying Ellen White’s communica-
the trampling and scattering of the tions regarding Brothers Daniells and
saints would be until 1798: Prescott, and lastly by addressing other
“And I heard the man clothed in legitimate issues related to this series.
linen, which was upon the waters
of the river, when he held up his
right hand and his left hand unto Heidi Heiks, editor
heaven, and sware by him that of Our Firm Foun-
liveth for ever that it shall be for a dation magazine,
time, times, and an half; and when has been a college
he shall have accomplished to scat- educator, an author,
ter the power of the holy people, and a radio speaker
all these things shall be finished.” for The People
Daniel 12:7. of the Book radio
During the Dark Ages of pa- program. He continues to write and
pal rule, when over fifty million of is currently a teacher and speaker
God’s people were condemned to for Hope International throughout
death for their faith and loyalty to the United States. 

Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historical
and legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happened
538 in AD 508 and 538. Finally, the dates for the commencement of the 1290- and 1260-
1843 year prophecies are fully established. Submitted beforehand for critical review before
Source Book the most prestigious scholarly institutions within Adventism the world over, it is now
presented with the endorsements of William H. Shea, Ph.D., associate of the Biblical
Research Institute of the General Conference, professor at Andrews University; Herbert
Photos: © Paul Williams

Edgar Douglass, Th.D., professor at Pacific Union College, president of Atlantic Union

Heidi Heiks College; and others. To obtain your copy of this documentation in hardback, call
or visit our bookstore and request the 508 538 1798 1843 Source Book (Preliminary).
BEHH-5085 $19.99

Volume 22, Number 9 23

Children’s Story
Something Good
from Something Bad
E llen Harmon was only
nine years old when
something very serious
happened to her. She and
two friends were walking together
when an angry older girl threw a
stone at them. The stone hit Ellen
am I so ill?” She was very thin.
Her young face wasn’t attractive
anymore because of her swollen,
broken nose.
Very slowly, she got her strength
back. Then she was able to play
with her friends again. But soon her
her and had forgiven her sins. She
was full of joy and love for Jesus.
She forgot about her loneliness.
And then---the most amazing
thing! She completely changed her
mind about her face! Imagine that!
She wrote in her journal, “I started
right on the nose. It must have been feelings got hurt very badly. Her thinking that it was a GOOD thing
a big stone, or else the girl threw it friends didn’t seem to like her as that my face wasn’t attractive. I
pretty hard, for poor little Ellen fell much as they used to. Sometimes might have started thinking about
to the ground, unconscious. they acted like her feelings weren’t how to be prettier and how to make
When she came to, she found important. They’d be rude or people notice me and praise me.”
herself in a store. A grown-up impatient with her. That’s the way people think when
offered to take her home. “No,” she “It’s my face,” she said to herself. they think about themselves a lot—
said, “I am well enough to walk.” “I’m not so nice to look at any more but Jesus wants us to think about
Soon after the trio started since my nose has been broken.” others, not ourselves.
homeward, though, Ellen nearly But she was the same friend inside, Ellen thought back on the girl
fainted. “Please help me get home,” wasn’t she? she was before the stone hit her
she asked her friends. She couldn’t For several more years, she was nose and changed her life. She
even walk, so the other two girls treated badly by those who had wrote, “I realized I had been proud
had to carry her home. been her closest friends. Poor Ellen! of myself. I had always been eager
For three weeks she lay in a big She couldn’t do anything about the to show off my abilities to others.
cradle built just for her. She didn’t change in her face. She still wanted If it hadn’t been for that stone, I
notice anything around her. Only friends to play with, but often they might have grown up full of pride.
her mother thought she would didn’t invite her to play with them. I would have wanted people to
live. When she finally regained “If only that stone hadn’t hit my face,” pay attention to me and think I
full consciousness, Ellen did not she’d say to herself, “people would was pretty and smart. I might not
remember what happened to her. like me.” How lonely she was. have wanted to humbly give my
“Mother, why am I so weak? Why What’s really sad is that those heart to Jesus.”
friends weren’t listening to Jesus. God says that pride is one of Photos: © iStockPhoto.com (rock); Photos.com; Paul Williams (mountain road)

Jesus wants us to treat others our biggest problems. Pride stops

the way we would like to be us from realizing how much our
treated. I’m sure those other hearts need to be changed, so we
girls would not want to be can live in heaven with Jesus and
treated as they treated holy angels. Pride keeps us from
Ellen. asking Jesus to change our hearts.
But God caused Ellen was grateful for that stone,
something good to after all! It helped her get rid of her
happen after all that dangerous pride.
unhappiness. After Ellen
turned thirteen, she heard a
precious gospel message. She Adapted from Life Sketches of Ellen
became so very sure God loved G. White, Pacific Press, 1915. 

24 Our Firm Foundation

Health Gem ar da
G uard
s that cause 70% of all cervical can-
cers.) “And even among those cases,
last month’s American Cancer As-
Ca ly G ter?
sociation guidelines report that
most HPV infections, even carcino-

e al g h genic ones, resolve without treat-

Heather R Da u ment.” (Yes, that’s right. Most go

away without treatment.) “Approx-

imately 75 percent of infections in
Olson, RN adults and 90 percent of those in
Part 1

adolescents disappear on their own.
It’s worth noting that the American
elp guard your daugh- girls to receive this vaccination-- Cancer Society sees its fight against
ter. You can do some- specifically before they enter mid- cervical cancer as a success story
thing mothers before dle school. In fact, Merck says that
you never had the chance to do.” girls need to be vaccinated before
(Merck Advertisement). they become sexually active for
Makes you feel good inside, it to really be effective. Well, how
doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly how young? They want to start with girls
the multi-billion dollar pharma- as young as nine years old. They
ceutical company Merck would don’t mention the fact that as far as
have you feel! Their web site and they know, it could be effective for
advertisements are full of feel-good only three to five years. Then they
promotions. They make you feel would have to be vaccinated again!
like not only should you do this for It is said that the average age that
your child, but you need to! girls become sexually active (as
The product I’m talking about sad as it is) is around sixteen years
today is a vaccine called Garda- old. Wait a minute. If it may only even without Gardasil. . . .”
sil. I’m sure you’ve heard about be good for five years anyway, why So why would Merck have us
it in the news by now, as it has are we giving it to nine-year-olds? believe that cervical cancer is much
raised quite a stir. Now, normal Doesn’t make sense, does it? more of a threat than it actually
vaccinations (supposedly) protect But why the concern about is? Well, let’s put it this way. With
against contagious diseases such HPV? Well, they are right that the the elevated price of about $360
as measles, mumps, rubella, and incidence of HPV is on the rise, but for a series of three shots, you can
the like. The government says the what does that mean? What they imagine the profits Merck would
children need these since they will tell us is that HPV causes cervical stand to make if they could make
be in such close quarters at school cancer and we surely don’t want it mandatory in all states. Take just
and would be easily susceptible to our girls to get cervical cancer, do one state, for instance. If all the
these diseases. The difference with we? Well, unfortunately, as in much eleven- and twelve-year-old girls
this vaccination is that it (suppos- of advertising today, we are being in Colorado were vaccinated, the
edly) protects against human pap- misinformed. Dr. David J. Graham, company could make almost $150
MD, MPH, Associate Director for million in that state alone. Vacci-
Get this invaluable resource Science and Medicine in the FDA’s nation of nearly two million New
book for your health! The Office of Drug Safety, says, “Gar- York children would bring in al-
Vaccination Crisis contains dasil is not all it’s cracked up to most $700 million. Think it might
a wealth of data on the be. A recent study in the Journal be about the money?
potential dangers and effects of the American Medical Association Also, according to the medical
of vaccines. This is a must finds that among women ages 14 to journal Lancet (2005), as many as
read! 24, the rate of all 37 types of sexu- 61,600 Americans died as a result of
Paperback, 304 pages $3.99 ally transmitted HPV combined is taking another drug manufactured
33.8 percent - much lower than the by our friends at Merck. To find out
illomavirus (HPV) (genital warts), 50% figure cited on Merck’s web- more . . . stay tuned.
a disease that is contracted ONLY site. More importantly, the rates For more information on vac-
through sexual contact. for HPV 16 and 18 - the two types cines, order The Vaccination Crisis
Photos: © iStockPhoto.com

So, is this vaccination promot- responsible for 70% of all cervical today. To improve your immune
ed only for girls who are sexually cancers - are astronomically lower: system and combat disease, try
active? Not at all. Merck is trying only 1.5% and 0.8%, respectively.” our Mighty Immune Plus, C-
to get legislators to pass laws that (Did you catch that? Only 1.5% or Blast, or Mega-Multivitamin. Call
would make it mandatory for all less actually contract the strains 1-800-468-7884 today! 

Volume 22, Number 9 25

News Watch
employment. No one would be able
to work in the United States with-
out DHS approval.
The current pilot program has
an estimated error rate of 4.1 per-
cent. At that rate, one in 25 would
experience difficulties with the
Immigration Bill Aimed at federal government in obtaining or
American Citizens, Too retaining employment. The ACLU
said this provision of the immigra-
As this is- tion bill would create a “No Work
Evangelical Head
sue went list,” and “there would be virtually Now Catholic
to press, no way to challenge the error or re-
the im- cover lost wages” because, incred- Francis Beckwith, “the president of
migration ibly, the bill includes prohibitions the Evangelical Theological Society,
bill pro- on judicial review! an association of 4300 Protestant
posed by “‘The bill denies essential due theologians, resigned this month
the Bush process, seeks to overturn Supreme because he joined the Catholic
admin- Court limits on detention and fails Church.”
istration to guarantee meaningful judicial He “said he was deeply affected
had not review,’ said…[the] director of the by the joint declaration in 1999 by
yet passed. ACLU’s Washington Legislative the Lutheran World Federation and
That bill contains a little-known Office.” “The ACLU noted that Catholic Church on the doctrine of
proposal for a major expansion these policies do nothing to solve justification….
of  the Employment Eligibility the problems of illegal immigra- “At the end of the day, the reason
Verification System (EEVS), which tion and violate the fundamental for the Reformation was… over
would establish a national data- American value of due process.” justification. If that is no longer
base of American and non-Ameri- aclu.org, May 25, 2007; sixwise. an issue, I have to be Catholic,”
can workers within 18 months. The com, June 2007; “The EEVS of Our Beckwith said. “It seems to me
bill would require every American Destruction,” renewamerica.us. that if there is no strong reason
to have a REAL ID, which is a na- to be Protestant, then the default
tional ID card (remember the REAL End-time perspective: position should belong to the
ID Act of 2005?), which would “…No man might buy or sell, historic church.” Alan Cooperman,
be linked to states’ DMV data- save he that had the mark, or the Washington Post, May 12, 2007.
bases.  This proposed national ID name of the beast, or the number of
is  basically a  new  “hardened” so- his name.” Rev 13:17. End-time perspective:
cial security card with additional When people are faced with Justification was hardly the only
personal data, likely to include bio- destitution and death, one option reason for the Reformation. “In
metrics. All American employers for survival is servitude in ex- giving the Bible to his countrymen,
would have to submit this data on change for life’s essentials. “As the [Wycliffe] had done more to break
their employees to the Department defenders of truth refuse to honor the fetters of ignorance and vice,
of Homeland Security (DHS). Tax the Sunday-sabbath, some of them more to liberate and elevate his
information, including   private fi- will be thrust into prison, some country, than was ever achieved by
nancial information,  is also to be will be exiled, somewill be treated the most brilliant victories on fields
Photos: © iStockPhoto.com (globe, liberty); Photos.com

made available to DHS and its con- as slaves. To human wisdom, all of battle…. It was with difficulty
tractors.  this now seems impossible; but as that the copyists could supply the
Also, whenever  people  want to the restraining Spirit of God shall demand.
get a job or change jobs, employers be withdrawn from men, and “The appeal to men’s reason
would be required to submit appli- they shall be under the control of aroused them from their passive
cants’ information from the nation- Satan, who hates the divine pre- submission to papal dogmas.
al IDs and REAL ID-compliant state cepts, there will be strange devel- Wycliffe now taught the distinctive
drivers’ licenses  to the  DHS  for fi- opments. The heart can be very doctrines of Protestantism,--
nal approval. The DHS would have cruel when God’s fear and love salvation through faith in Christ,
authority to prevent or terminate are removed.” GC88 607. and the sole infallibility of the

26 Our Firm Foundation

Scriptures. The preachers whom invitation to charity, unity and contaminated with thousands of
he had sent out circulated the Bible, truth,” the pope also “reconfirmed chemicals…. Add climate change
together with the reformer’s the Church’s position on religious to the mix… and we have the mak-
writings, and with such success freedom: ‘The solution to existing ings of a real disaster.
that the new faith was accepted by problems cannot be pursued via an “Second, an estimated $1 trillion
nearly one-half of the ongoing conflict with the legitimate is desperately required to repair,
people of England. civil authorities; at the same time, upgrade and build infrastructure
“The appearance of the though, compliance with those worldwide. The 100-year-old US
Scriptures brought dismay to the authorities is not acceptable when and European water and wastewa-
authorities of the church. They had they interfere unduly in matters ter infrastructure consists of a mil-
now to meet an agency more regarding the faith and discipline lion miles of pipes - thousands of
powerful than Wycliffe,--an agency of the Church.’” which are eroding and leaking. In
against which their weapons would On July 1st, “the Chinese the developing world, new infra-
avail little. There was at this time government expressed a desire to structure is sorely needed to serve
no law in England prohibiting the promote ‘constructive dialogue’ the billion people who currently
Bible, for it had never before been with the Vatican in a statement lack access to fresh water.
published in the language of the released after the publication of “While the technology is avail-
people. Such laws were afterward Benedict XVI’s letter to Catholics in able to fix the problems, there isn’t
enacted and rigorously enforced. that country.” Zenit.org. the money to pay for it. Water is
Meanwhile, notwithstanding the currently managed - through sub-
efforts of the priest, there was for a End-time perspective: sidies and absurdly low prices - as
season opportunity for the “And I saw one of his heads as if it were worthless instead of the
circulation of the Word of God.” it were wounded to death; and his life-sustaining, valuable, and in-
GC88 89. deadly wound was healed: and all creasingly scarce resource that it is.
the world wondered after the beast. The root of the problem is that wa-
And they worshipped the dragon ter is ridiculously cheap, concludes
which gave power unto the beast: the report.
and they worshipped the beast, “Water utilities can’t afford to
saying, Who is like unto the beast? upgrade, the infrastructure contin-
who is able to make war with ues to decay, and individuals, busi-
him? …And he opened his mouth nesses and farms have little incen-
in blasphemy against God….” tive to conserve and change their
Revelation 13:3-4, 6. extremely inefficient practices, the
report continues.
Pope Eyes Africa and China Scarce Clean Water “‘The drivers for huge growth
to be Costly are there and investment capital is
On June 28th, “Benedict XVI there, but these won’t connect until
has called the Second Special Concerns the price of water rises significantly,’
Assembly for Africa of the Synod about di- says Rona Fried, CEO of Progressive
of Bishops to be held in the Vatican minish- Investor…. “Where’s the return on
in October 2009…. In 2004, John ing, con- investment for the $300 billion dol-
Paul announced his intention taminated lars needed to prevent the infra-
to convoke a second African w a t e r structure from literally collapsing
synod, citing new challenges and suppl ies under our feet?’” www.world-wire.
unparalleled growth in the African and an com, March 28, 2007.
church. Benedict XVI confirmed aging in-
the decision after his election. f rast r uc- End-time perspective:
“According to a report based ture have Come what may, by the grace
on documents analyzed by the made the water industry one of the of God we know of other water:
German bishops’ conference, the hottest areas for investors…. “‘And whosoever will, let him take
number of Catholics in Africa grew “There are two main reasons for the water of life freely.’ It is the
from 1.9 million in 1900 to 130 the impending water crisis. First, needy, the fainting, those who are
Photos: © Photos.com

million in 2000.” the world is running out of fresh weighed down with care, those
On June 30th, the pope issued water because of uncontrolled who are burdened with sorrow, to
a letter to Catholics in China. growth in population, industry whom the invitation is given.” RH,
In the letter, called “a pressing and agriculture…. Fresh water is October 23, 1888. 

Volume 22, Number 9 27

Historical Footnotes
“We have nothing to fear for the future,
except as we shall forget the way the Lord
has led us, and His teaching in our past
history.”—E. G. White, Life Sketches, 196.
Many today have neglected to study the
history and people that made up the early
days of the Advent movement. To help
encourage interest in Adventist history,
we have put together questions about
people and events of our past. Our goal
is to spark faith and further study into “the
way the Lord has led us, and His teaching
in our past history.”

Source: Excerpted from Ellen White: Woman of Vision by Arthur L. White (Review and Herald, 2000)

1. In May 1866, Ellen White pointed c. August 1861 9. Although the camp meeting
out that Sabbathkeepers had been d. July 1872 schedule was too demanding for
neglecting to act on health reform. the Whites, in concern for souls
She specifically stated a need for 5. The camp meeting’s intended they added 3 more to their itinerary.
audience was The entire schedule comprised
a. another printing press.
b. another publishing house. a. both unconverted persons and a. 3 months.
c. a hospital. early Advent believers. b. 4 months.
d. a health institute. b. only early Advent believers. c. 5 months.
c. primarily unconverted persons. d. 6 months.
2. About 4 years later, a health institute d. divided, with separate lectures
was prosperous and expanding, for each group. 10. In Iowa, a heavy storm would have
with 4 physicians on staff. A “hygienic made camp meeting miserable,
festival” was held to acquaint Battle 6. In preparation for camp meeting, except for the foresight many
Creek and surrounding towns with one issue of the Review had showed in bringing
the work being done there. How instructions on how to make
many attended? a. musical instruments
a. dried foods. b. coal stoves for the tents.
a. about 2000 b. tents. c. snow shovels.
b. about 800 c. sleeping bags. d. prepared foods.
c. about 300 d. meals for 100s.
d. about 100
7. An estimated ____ people
3. An outdoor vegetarian banquet attended at one venue, despite
was provided for the guests, short notice.
followed by
a. 3000
a. a tour of the facilities. b. 2000 International.
b. more lectures by the Whites. c. 1000 any answer, please contact Hope

c. raffle drawing for free therapies. d. 500

Source: For specific references to

d. a and b only. 5: a; 6: b; 7: a; 8: d; 9: c; 10: b

8. Within 2 years, how many camp Answers: 1: d; 2: b; 3: d; 4: a;

4. When was the first annual camp meetings were held annually?
meeting held (Wright, Michigan)? a. 4
b. 7
a. September 1868 c. 10
b. June 1865 d. 14

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are but two men going to heaven, you will which with Mrs. White’s permission became
be one of them, and live accordingly.” This part of The Great Controversy in Spanish and
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Messages to Young People
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Letters to the Editor 
do. I pray for you every day.  Thank you for sharing your six
BF DVDs with me. I am a new subscrib-
er to your magazine. I am learn-
 I praise God for the relevant ing much from it. We need Present
and timely content of Our Firm Truth now.
Foundation. I am interested in learn-
OJ ing more from the DVDs. I have an
 We just wanted you to thank eye problem and can’t read for
you for all the DVDs you have  I just finished reading your very long. All I want is to learn
sent from your ministry. We es- excellent book 508 538 1798 1843 truth.
pecially enjoyed the “Musical Source Book (Preliminary). I’m Please pray for me about a
Tribute to the Lord,” but also eagerly anticipating the re- decision I am thinking of mak-
feel blessed from the teachings lease of the full volume. ing. I am considering sending my
of “The Lord is My Shepherd” (ex- JH, North Carolina tithes to you for spreading the
cellent study) and “Who are the gospel. I believe you are giving
Scribes and Pharisees?” (This  Please, please don’t stop Present Truth to the people.
one makes you think!) May the sending me the DVDs. I’m unable to I hope more tapes will be made
Lord continue to richly bless get to church and I watch the DVDs. on health and herbs and natural
you. Pray for us as we pray for I share them with my friends and remedies. It is hard to find good
you. family. food and good herbs. I look for-
OS, Kentucky Thanks for the DVD on green ward to receiving your health
clay and recipes. I’m taking the articles.
 Thanks so much for the clay clay and it sure is helping me. I pray for your ministry.
DVD. I enjoyed it so much, and I I’m 83 years old and have cracked BM, Alabama
want to order the green clay and ribs from a fall but I’m doing
the Swedish bitters. good. Thank God for people like I love the articles on the
MO you. Keep up the good work. “daily.” You are hitting it right
WG on the head! Right on the money!
 I’ve really been enjoying the I’m ordering the 508 book.
recent article series on “the  Thank you for the recent se- DL, Pennsylvania
daily” and related topics. ries on “The Daily.” That was a
RB true keeper. I was blessed. I had  I’m giving your 508 book as a
been an adherent to the “pagan” Father’s Day gift.
 We have enjoyed the DVDs. What view up until about five years LU
a blessing they are. May the Lord ago.
Jesus Christ continue to bless DT, Maine
you all as you serve Him in His
dear cause.
J&TQ, Maryland

 Thank you for the DVDs you are

sending me. I really enjoy them.
Please keep sending them to me.
I also enjoy the Firm Foundation
Photo: © Paul Williams (Historical Village - Eureka, MT)

magazine subscription I have.

Here is a $35 gift for my appreci-
ation. Keep up the good work and
God bless you all.

 I’m handicapped so I don’t get
to do much, so I’m thankful for
the DVDs you send me. I thank God
you are there, and for what you

Volume 22, Number 9 31

A s the days begin to grow shorter, this is a perfect opportunity to gather your family together in the evenings for a
devotional time. If you have been procrastinating, or if your family is busy, consider changing courses to make time to
reflect on the Word of the Lord each evening. You will be astounded with the difference it will make in the lives of your
family; you will find that peace which surpasses understanding. To aid you in this endeavor, we would like to remind you of
all the wonderful devotional books by Ellen G. White. You don’t have to start on January 1st; there is no time like now!

Lift Him Up
This collection of inspired pen-pictures will draw you to Jesus in a very special way. Each month
brings a new perspective, showing you Christ lifted up as the Son of God, as Creator, as the Bread of
Life, as the Divine Lawgiver and as the Coming King, to name but a few!
Hardcover, 379 pages

Ellen G. White
This very popular devotional book will help you prepare for the imminent return of our Lord. The
daily readings focus on the very culmination of the Adventist hope – the second coming of Christ!
Hardcover, 383 pages
BEWE-MARA $11.99

My Life Today
In this daily devotional, Sister White portrays the beauty of holiness, shares the secrets of Christian
victory, and paints with glowing colors the future destiny of the saints.
Hardcover, 369 pages
BEWE-MLTO $12.99

Our High Calling

What is the relationship between faith and feeling? When does temptation become sin? In this daily
devotional Sister White answers these questions and warns against the pitfalls of the Christian path.
She also explains how to overcome doubt, guilt, and selfishness; she will motivate you with her en-
couragement and assurances!
Hardcover, 384 pages
BEWE-HCAL $11.99

Ye Shall Receive Power

The person, presence and work of the Holy Spirit are essential as we near the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. As you read this daily devotional, you will see the Holy Spirit more clearly as the messages
open your eyes and heart to all He longs to do for you.
Hardcover, 374 pages

This Day With God

Each daily reading brings you an inspirational message that was actually written or presented orally
by Ellen White on that particular day sometime during her ministry. At the close of this book you’ll
find a short outline of her activities and travels that provide a setting for a number of the readings.
Hardcover, 381 pages

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