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CSR Initiatives
Dabur (Dabur India Ltd.)derived from Daktar Burman is India's largest Ayurvedic medicine manufacturer. The Dabur began with a small, but visionary endeavour by Dr. S. K. Burman, a physician tucked away in Bengal. He has set up Dabur in 1884 to produce and dispense Ayurvedic medicines. Reaching out to a wide mass of people who had no access to proper treatment. Dr. S. K. Burman's commitment and ceaseless efforts resulted in the company growing from a fledgling medicine manufacturer in a small Calcutta house, to a household name that at once evokes trust and reliability.His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. With missionary zeal and fervour, Dr. Burman undertook the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases of those days, like cholera, malaria and plague.Soon the news of his medicines traveled, and he came to be known as the trusted 'Daktar' or Doctor who came up with effective cures. That is how his venture Dabur got its name - derived from the Devanagri rendition of Daktar Burman. Dabur has been ranked as the 45th most trusted brand in India by The Brand Trust Report, India study 2011.Dabar india limited has appointed Ajay devgan as its brand ambassador for its digestive brand Hajmola This noble thought by its founder has been the driving force behind Dabur India Ltd's community initiatives. At Dabur, we firmly believe that an organisation's true worth lies beyond its business, and is best reflected by the service it renders to the community and the Society. Businesses have a responsibility to subserve larger societal goals as they have the ability to contribute significantly and impactfully to sustainable and inclusive development. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a public relations exercise for us. Dabur defines CSR as conducting business in ways that provide social, environmental & economic benefits for the communities and geographies where we operate. The greatest value is in making a difference in lives of people. Dabur's CSR initiatives are driven by Sustainable Development Society or SUNDESH, which aims to reach out to the weaker and more vulnerable sections of our society. Today, SUNDESH operates in Ghaziabad & Gautam

Budh Nagar districts of Uttar Pradesh and in Rudrapur district of Uttarakhand. Over the years, it has contributed to many worthy causes, addressing children's literacy, improving healthcare services, skill development, and environment. To cite a few examples, almost 2,000 women have been offered skill development training and they are now supplementing their household income. Our self-help groups too have benefited many, with repayment of bank loans at almost 100%. It is highly encouraging to see that our small steps and efforts have helped many an illiterate kids see a school from inside, helped unemployed youth set up small businesses, made healthcare accessible to many... in short, brought smiles on the faces of scores of families. Health Services The objective of rural health care is to mobilize the community and build awareness, equipping them with adequate information, skills and confidence to access health services. SUNDESH provides health services across villages. It extends primary health services to the poor and the marginalized rural people at a reasonable cost. It focuses on community-oriented healthcare and works towards empowering every individual with essential knowledge and skills, which would enable them to lead a healthy life. Services provided to the rural people through this programme include: OPD & Diagnostic Facilities: The number of patients at the Health Post has been growing substantially every year,reflecting the increasing faith of the rural community in our medical facilities. Till date, 61,628 patients have benefitted through OPD services. It also provides diagnostic facilities like urine and pregnancy test, haemoglobin, blood sugar and Doppler test to the poor rural populace at nominal rates. Mother & Child Healthcare: This initiative is aimed at reducing infant and maternal mortality rates, besides improving the quality of life of the villagers. Given the fact that pregnancy and child-birth related deaths are high in India, SUNDESH is focused on promoting and motivating expecting mothers to go in for institutional deliveries.

Eye Care Camps: SUNDESH takes care of the elderly by holding eye care camps at its Health Post and in villages. Cataract cases are even operated free of cost. Prevention of female foeticide: SUNDESH has organised workshops in Ghaziabad on prevention of female foeticide. Anganwadi workers were sensitized to make the community aware about the importance of girl child and improve the girl-boy ratio in the region. AIDS awareness: An awareness drive on HIV/AIDS was undertaken with CARE India Trust and UP State AIDS Control Society. This sought to reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV transmission among high-risk migrants in urban areas of Ghaziabad district in Uttar Pradesh. Education & Literacy The educational initiatives of SUNDESH for underprivileged children include nonformal education [6-14 years non-school going], special school for working children [8-13 years], remedial education [6-14 years school-going], besides holding classes for women between the age of 18 and 45 years. This programme's success is reflected in the fact that a host of mothers are now following their daughters and seeking admission at our adult education centre. Non-formal Education: SUNDESH holds classes for underprivileged children between 6 and 14 years of age. After completing their basic education, these children, who have either never had a chance to see a school from inside or are school dropouts, are then encouraged to get enrolled in formal schools. Income Generation Programmes Capability enhancement programmes have been introduced offering vocational training in cutting & tailoring, machine & hand embroidery, bee keeping, mushroom farming, mehandi application and vermi-composting. Still a long way to go... Dabur believes in having a long-term relationship with communities in and around its operational area, and in providing sustenance to regions that remain isolated and neglected. A beginning has been made but there are still miles to go before the huge disparity is bridged and a better future delivered to both the rural and urban poor.

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