Reliance Industries Limited.: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics FOR Directors AND Senior Management AND Employees

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Reliance Industries Limited.



Submitted to: PROF . CHRISTINA Submitted by: SWETA VISWANATH Roll no: 120 (MMS FINANCE)

INTRODUCTION The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Company believes that a good corporate governance structure would not only encourage value creation but also provide accountability and control systems commensurate with the risks involved. The Companys Board of Directors and Senior Management are responsible for and are committed to setting the standards of conduct contained in this Code and for updating these standards, as appropriate, to ensure their continuing relevance, effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of local and international investors and all other stakeholders as also to reflect corporate, legal and regulatory developments. This Code should be adhered to in letter and in spirit. 1. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS: The Company is committed to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines in every jurisdiction where it operates. It is therefore desirable that Directors / Senior Management possess / acquire appropriate knowledge of the legal requirements relating to their roles and duties to enable them to be in compliance thereof and to recognize potential risks. Directors / Senior Management shall ensure due compliance for every activity undertaken under their supervision and authority. Directors / Senior Management shall extend full co-operation to regulatory authorities, and disclose information as may be required. 2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: (a) The term "conflict of interest" pertains to situations in which personal financial or other consideration(s) may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising the professional judgement of Directors / Senior Management. A conflict of interest exists where the interests or benefits of Directors or Senior Management or of people or entities related to them conflicts with the interests or benefits of the Company. (b) Directors / Senior Management are prohibited from engaging in any activity that interferes with the performance or discharge of responsibilities towards the Company or is otherwise in conflict with the interest or prejudicial to the Company. (c ) In addition to mandatory disclosures all Non-Executive and Independent Directors shall disclose their association with any other company which, in

their judgement, may lead to conflict of interest with the Company. All other Directors / Senior Management are required to obtain approval from the Companys Corporate Governance Committee before accepting any other directorship / assignment in any company other than Reliance Group Companies, Subsidiaries, Associates etc. (d) Directors / Senior Management are free to make personal investments and enjoy social relations and normal business courtesies. They should however ensure that such interests do not directly or indirectly influence the performance of their responsibilities. (e) Directors / Senior Management are advised to avoid conducting the Companys business with a relative, or with a business in which a relative is associated in any significant role. (f) If there are any transactions proposed with such related parties within the knowledge of Directors / Senior Management, they must report the same to the Compliance Officer. If determined to be material to the company, the transactions shall be placed before the Audit Committee for review. Any dealings with a related party must be conducted on an arms length basis and on commercial terms and no preferential treatment shall be given. (g) If a proposed transaction or situation raises any question or doubts, the Compliance Officer should be consulted. (h) Holding or contesting an election for any political post by Executive Directors and Senior Management is discouraged as it could interfere with the performance and discharge of responsibilities towards the Company. If any Executive Director / Senior Management decides to consider a political post, the same shall be disclosed to the Corporate Governance Committee. The Committee shall consider whether the acceptance of such a post is in any manner prejudicial to the interests of the Company and make appropriate recommendations to the Board. 3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) broadly covers patented or potentially patentable inventions, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrightable subject matter, and trade secrets. Directors / Senior Management shall make their best efforts to protect all such Intellectual Properties related to the Company, as it is critical to the Companys overall success. It is advisable to highlight and consult the Chairman / Compliance Officer for determining the appropriate course of action whenever there is lack of clarity and issue of any kind related to IPR.

4. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Confidential information includes all information of the Company not authorized by the management for public dissemination. This includes information on trade, trade secrets, confidential and privileged information regarding customers, employees, information relating to mergers and acquisitions, stock splits and divestitures; non-public information about discussions and deliberations relating to business issues and decisions, between and among employees, officers and Directors in formal meetings or otherwise, and will include all such information which is not available in the public domain at that point of time. The Company believes that protection of all confidential information is essential and is committed to protecting business and personal information of confidential nature obtained from clients, associates and employees. Directors / Senior Management shall ensure that no confidential information is disclosed inadvertently or otherwise. Confidential information shall be disclosed to persons, both internal and external, only on a need to know basis and public disclosure shall be made with appropriate approval or as legally mandated. Directors / Senior Management shall ensure that all confidential information available to them by virtue of the office they hold is never directly or indirectly released to any person or entity, or made public, otherwise than as stated above. 5. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT: The Company believes in sustainable development and is committed to be a responsible corporate citizen. To uphold the Companys interest and preserve the quality of life of all concerned, the business and operations of the Company shall be conducted in an environmentally friendly manner and provide a safe and healthy working environment to its employees Directors / Senior Management shall ensure compliance with all applicable environmental, safety and health laws and regulations and internal policies. 6. FREE AND FAIR COMPETITION / ANTITRUST: Most countries have well-developed bodies of law designed to encourage and protect free and fair competition. The Company is committed to obeying both the letter and spirit of these laws. As a general rule, contacts with competitors should be limited to formal forums and should always avoid casual / careless mention on subjects such as business plans, prices or other terms and conditions of sale, customers, and suppliers.

7. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS: The Company expects all its business to be conducted in a legal and ethical manner. The quality of products and the efficiency of services at competitive prices will be the biggest tool for marketing activities. Profits by no means justify use of unfair / unethical business practices. Directors / Senior Management shall not make any promises or commitments that the Company does not intend or would not be able to honor. Also, they should not be engaged, directly or indirectly, in any act, dealing or conduct likely to bring discredit to the Company. Directors / Senior Management must uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in every kind of third party dealings. They shall not give, offer, or authorize the offer, directly or indirectly, of anything of value (tangible or intangible) to any third party to obtain any improper advantage. A contribution or entertainment shall not be offered to anyone in the course of business that might create the appearance of an impropriety. However some modest and acceptable corporate gifts etc. appropriate to give in the normal course of business practice may be acceptable. 8. PROTECTION & PROPER USE OF COMPANYS ASSETS & RESOURCES: Directors / Senior Management shall as far as practicable, protect the Companys assets from loss, damage, misuse or theft and ensure that the assets are only used for business purposes and other purposes specifically approved by Management and must never be used for unauthorized purposes. Directors / Senior Management shall not apply the Companys assets / resources and/or proprietary information for personal benefit and/or for the benefit of any other related party. 9. CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES: Except as may be approved by the Board of Directors or a Committee thereof, Directors / Senior Management are prohibited from: taking for themselves personally, opportunities that belong to either the Company or are discovered through the use of Companys property, information or position; using the Companys property, information, or position for personal gain; competing with the Company 10. INTERACTION WITH MEDIA: To facilitate the achievement of the Companys vision and business plans, it is necessary to communicate the policies, plans and accomplishments in the most

effective manner through the media to our investors, customers, existing and potential, other stakeholders and to the community at large. All statements made to the media on behalf of the Company should be true and fair. Only persons duly authorized by management are allowed to interact with media on specified subjects. Disclosures of any information other than statutory disclosures or those specifically authorized by the Management is prohibited. Disclosure of information on proceedings of board meetings / committee meetings / internal meetings, and disclosure of forward-looking statements is prohibited. In case any such disclosure has to be made it has to be approved by the Management and shall be combined with cautionary statements, wherever required. Directors / Senior Management shall not disclose non public information selectively to a particular group as it may lead to unfair advantage / discrimination. For any outside publication of books, articles or manuscripts which relate specifically to the Companys business, policies and processes, Directors / Senior Management should take the approval of the Management prior to its release. All such documents should be supplemented by a statement: All views & observations made/expressed in this article/presentation are solely that of the authors and the Company is in no way responsible for the substance, veracity or truthfulness of such views and statements. 11. FRAUDULENT AND UNFAIR PRACTICES IN THE SECURITIES MARKET: The Companys securities are listed on the major Stock Exchanges. The Company is committed to comply with securities laws in all jurisdictions in which its securities are listed. The Company prohibits its Directors / Senior Management from any fraudulent and unfair trade practices in the securities market, with regard to the securities of the Company or of any other company with whom the Company has business dealings to the best of their knowledge. 12. FAIR DEALING: Director / member of the Senior Management shall not take a discriminatory stance towards or give unfair advantage to the Company's employees, customers, suppliers, or competitors through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair-dealing practice. No discrimination shall be done on the basis of caste, religion, sex, nationality or disability of any kind towards any employees, customers, suppliers, or any business partner.

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