Indiana Senate Bill SB555

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Reprinted February 26, 2013

SENATE BILL No. 555 _____

DIGEST OF SB 555 (Updated February 25, 2013 5:35 pm - DI 106)
Citations Affected: IC 10-13; IC 14-16; IC 35-47. Synopsis: Indiana firearms reciprocity license. Allows a person to obtain an Indiana firearms reciprocity license to carry a handgun in Indiana in addition to or as an alternative to obtaining a qualified or an unlimited license to carry a handgun. Provides that, in addition to submitting information required to obtain a qualified or an unlimited license to carry a handgun, to obtain an Indiana firearms reciprocity license, a person must also submit: (1) a recent dated photograph of the person; (2) a certificate demonstrating that the person has successfully completed a handgun safety and training program; and (3) if the person is not a resident of Indiana, evidence that the person resides in a state that recognizes the validity of the Indiana firearms reciprocity license or otherwise has reciprocity with Indiana's handgun license law. Specifies the requirements of a handgun safety and training program, including: (1) the program and the instructor must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization; (2) the program must consist of at least eight hours of instruction, including three hours of instruction on a firing range; and (3) the program must require the (Continued next page) Effective: July 1, 2013.

January 14, 2013, read first time and referred to Committee on Judiciary. February 21, 2013, amended, reported favorably Do Pass. February 25, 2013, read second time, amended, ordered engrossed.

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Digest Continued firing of at least 45 rounds of ammunition. Makes it a Class D felony for a person to falsely certify completion of a handgun safety and training program. Provides that Indiana will not recognize a handgun license issued by a state which recognized an Indiana qualified or unlimited handgun license on March 1, 2013, but which after that date recognizes only the Indiana firearms reciprocity license and refuses to recognize a qualified or unlimited handgun license. Permits the state police department, in consultation with the attorney general, to enter into a reciprocity agreement with another state. Permits issuance of a lifetime reciprocity license, and requires the state police department to reevaluate the holder of a lifetime reciprocity license every four years, and to revoke the license if the person is no longer eligible for the license. Makes conforming amendments.

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SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

Reprinted February 26, 2013

First Regular Session 118th General Assembly (2013)
PRINTING CODE. Amendments: Whenever an existing statute (or a section of the Indiana Constitution) is being amended, the text of the existing provision will appear in this style type, additions will appear in this style type, and deletions will appear in this style type. Additions: Whenever a new statutory provision is being enacted (or a new constitutional provision adopted), the text of the new provision will appear in this style type. Also, the word NEW will appear in that style type in the introductory clause of each SECTION that adds a new provision to the Indiana Code or the Indiana Constitution. Conflict reconciliation: Text in a statute in this style type or this style type reconciles conflicts between statutes enacted by the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly.


A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning criminal law and procedure.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

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SECTION 1. IC 10-13-3-40, AS ADDED BY P.L.190-2006, SECTION 1, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 40. (a) The department may use the appropriations described in subsection (b) for either or both of the following purposes: (1) Operating and maintaining the central repository for criminal history data. (2) Establishing, operating, or maintaining an electronic log to record the sale of drugs containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine in accordance with IC 35-48-4-14.7. (b) If the amount of money that is deposited in the state general fund during a state fiscal year from handgun license fees (as described in IC 35-47-2-4 and IC 35-47-2-4.5) exceeds one million one hundred thousand dollars ($1,100,000), the excess is appropriated from the state general fund to the department for the purposes described in subsection (a). An appropriation under this section is subject to allotment by the budget agency. SECTION 2. IC 14-16-1-23, AS AMENDED BY P.L.35-2011, SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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SECTION 1, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 23. (a) An individual shall not operate a vehicle under any of the following conditions: (1) At a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard for existing conditions or in a manner that unnecessarily endangers the person or property of another. (2) While: (A) under the influence of an alcoholic beverage; or (B) unlawfully under the influence of a narcotic or other habit forming or dangerous depressant or stimulant drug. (3) During the hours from thirty (30) minutes after sunset to thirty (30) minutes before sunrise without displaying a lighted headlight and a lighted taillight. (4) In a forest nursery, a planting area, or public land posted or reasonably identified as an area of forest or plant reproduction and when growing stock may be damaged. (5) On the frozen surface of public waters within: (A) one hundred (100) feet of an individual not in or upon a vehicle; or (B) one hundred (100) feet of a fishing shanty or shelter; except at a speed of not more than five (5) miles per hour. (6) Unless the vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke. (7) Within one hundred (100) feet of a dwelling between midnight and 6:00 a.m., except on the individual's own property or property under the individual's control or as an invited guest. (8) On any property without the consent of the landowner or tenant. (9) While transporting on or in the vehicle a firearm, unless the firearm is: (A) unloaded; and (B) securely encased or equipped with and made inoperative by a manufactured keylocked trigger housing mechanism. (10) On or across a cemetery or burial ground. (11) Within one hundred (100) feet of a slide, ski, or skating area, except for the purpose of servicing the area. (12) On a railroad track or railroad right-of-way, except railroad personnel in the performance of duties. (13) In or upon a flowing river, stream, or creek, except for the purpose of crossing by the shortest possible route, unless the river, stream, or creek is of sufficient water depth to permit SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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movement by flotation of the vehicle at all times. (14) An individual shall not operate a vehicle while a bow is present in or on the vehicle if the nock of an arrow is in position on the string of the bow. (b) Subsection (a)(9) does not apply to a person who is carrying a firearm: (1) if: (A) the firearm is a handgun; and (B) the person has been issued an: (i) unlimited handgun license; or (ii) Indiana firearms reciprocity license; to carry a handgun under IC 35-47-2; (2) if: (A) the firearm is a handgun; and (B) the person is not required to possess a license to carry a handgun under IC 35-47-2-2; or (3) if the person carrying the firearm is operating the vehicle on property that the person: (A) owns; (B) has a contractual interest in; (C) otherwise legally possesses; or (D) has permission from a person described in clauses (A) through (C) to possess a firearm on. SECTION 3. IC 35-47-2-1, AS AMENDED BY P.L.6-2012, SECTION 231, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 1. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) and section 2 of this chapter, a person shall not carry a handgun in any vehicle or on or about the person's body without being licensed under section 3 or 3.5 of this chapter to carry a handgun. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), a person may carry a handgun without being licensed under this chapter to carry a handgun if: (1) the person carries the handgun on or about the person's body in or on property that is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise legally controlled by the person; (2) the person carries the handgun on or about the person's body while lawfully present in or on property that is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise legally controlled by another person, if the person: (A) has the consent of the owner, renter, lessor, or person who legally controls the property to have the handgun on the SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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premises; (B) is attending a firearms related event on the property, including a gun show, firearms expo, gun owner's club or convention, hunting club, shooting club, or training course; or (C) is on the property to receive firearms related services, including the repair, maintenance, or modification of a firearm; (3) the person carries the handgun in a vehicle that is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise legally controlled by the person, if the handgun is: (A) unloaded; (B) not readily accessible; and (C) secured in a case; (4) the person carries the handgun while lawfully present in a vehicle that is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise legally controlled by another person, if the handgun is: (A) unloaded; (B) not readily accessible; and (C) secured in a case; or (5) the person carries the handgun: (A) at a shooting range (as defined in IC 14-22-31.5-3); (B) while attending a firearms instructional course; or (C) while engaged in a legal hunting activity. (c) Unless the person's right to possess a firearm has been restored under IC 35-47-4-7, a person who has been convicted of domestic battery under IC 35-42-2-1.3 may not possess or carry a handgun. (d) This section may be not construed: (1) to prohibit a person who owns, leases, rents, or otherwise legally controls private property from regulating or prohibiting the possession of firearms on the private property; (2) to allow a person to adopt or enforce an ordinance, resolution, policy, or rule that: (A) prohibits; or (B) has the effect of prohibiting; an employee of the person from possessing a firearm or ammunition that is locked in the trunk of the employee's vehicle, kept in the glove compartment of the employee's locked vehicle, or stored out of plain sight in the employee's locked vehicle, unless the person's adoption or enforcement of the ordinance, resolution, policy, or rule is allowed under IC 34-28-7-2(b); or (3) to allow a person to adopt or enforce a law, statute, ordinance, resolution, policy, or rule that allows a person to possess or SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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transport a firearm or ammunition if the person is prohibited from possessing or transporting the firearm or ammunition by state or federal law. SECTION 4. IC 35-47-2-3, AS AMENDED BY P.L.34-2010, SECTION 4, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 3. (a) A person desiring a qualified or an unlimited license to carry a handgun shall apply: (1) to the chief of police or corresponding law enforcement officer of the municipality in which the applicant resides; (2) if that municipality has no such officer, or if the applicant does not reside in a municipality, to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant resides after the applicant has obtained an application form prescribed by the superintendent; or (3) if the applicant is a resident of another state and has a regular place of business or employment in Indiana, to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant has a regular place of business or employment. The superintendent and local law enforcement agencies shall allow an applicant desiring to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun to submit an application electronically under this chapter if funds are available to establish and maintain an electronic application system. (b) The law enforcement agency which accepts an application for a handgun license shall collect the following application fees: (1) From a person applying for a four (4) year handgun license, a ten dollar ($10) application fee, five dollars ($5) of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued. (2) From a person applying for a lifetime handgun license who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license, a fifty dollar ($50) application fee, thirty dollars ($30) of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued. (3) From a person applying for a lifetime handgun license who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license, a forty dollar ($40) application fee, thirty dollars ($30) of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued. Except as provided in subsection (h), the fee shall be deposited into the law enforcement agency's firearms training fund or other appropriate training activities fund and used by the agency to train law enforcement officers in the proper use of firearms or in other law enforcement duties, or to purchase firearms, firearm related equipment, or body armor (as defined in IC 35-47-5-13(a)) for the law enforcement officers employed by the law enforcement agency. The state board of accounts shall establish rules for the proper accounting and expenditure of funds SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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collected under this subsection. (c) The officer to whom the application is made shall ascertain the applicant's name, full address, length of residence in the community, whether the applicant's residence is located within the limits of any city or town, the applicant's occupation, place of business or employment, criminal record, if any, and convictions (minor traffic offenses excepted), age, race, sex, nationality, date of birth, citizenship, height, weight, build, color of hair, color of eyes, scars, and marks, whether the applicant has previously held an Indiana license to carry a handgun and, if so, the serial number of the license and year issued, whether the applicant's license has ever been suspended or revoked, and if so, the year and reason for the suspension or revocation, and the applicant's reason for desiring a license. The officer to whom the application is made shall conduct an investigation into the applicant's official records and verify thereby the applicant's character and reputation, and shall in addition verify for accuracy the information contained in the application, and shall forward this information together with the officer's recommendation for approval or disapproval and one (1) set of legible and classifiable fingerprints of the applicant to the superintendent. (d) The superintendent may make whatever further investigation the superintendent deems necessary. Whenever disapproval is recommended, the officer to whom the application is made shall provide the superintendent and the applicant with the officer's complete and specific reasons, in writing, for the recommendation of disapproval. (e) If it appears to the superintendent that the applicant: (1) has a proper reason for carrying a handgun; (2) is of good character and reputation; (3) is a proper person to be licensed; and (4) is: (A) a citizen of the United States; or (B) not a citizen of the United States but is allowed to carry a firearm in the United States under federal law; the superintendent shall issue to the applicant a qualified or an unlimited license to carry any handgun lawfully possessed by the applicant. The original license shall be delivered to the licensee. A copy shall be delivered to the officer to whom the application for license was made. A copy shall be retained by the superintendent for at least four (4) years in the case of a four (4) year license. The superintendent may adopt guidelines to establish a records retention policy for a lifetime license. A four (4) year license shall be valid for SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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a period of four (4) years from the date of issue. A lifetime license is valid for the life of the individual receiving the license. The license of police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after twenty (20) or more years of service, shall be valid for the life of these individuals. However, a lifetime license is automatically revoked if the license holder does not remain a proper person. (f) At the time a license is issued and delivered to a licensee under subsection (e), the superintendent shall include with the license information concerning handgun safety rules that: (1) neither opposes nor supports an individual's right to bear arms; and (2) is: (A) recommended by a nonprofit educational organization that is dedicated to providing education on safe handling and use of firearms; (B) prepared by the state police department; and (C) approved by the superintendent. The superintendent may not deny a license under this section because the information required under this subsection is unavailable at the time the superintendent would otherwise issue a license. The state police department may accept private donations or grants to defray the cost of printing and mailing the information required under this subsection. (g) A license to carry a handgun shall not be issued to any person who: (1) has been convicted of a felony; (2) has had a license to carry a handgun suspended, unless the person's license has been reinstated; (3) is under eighteen (18) years of age; (4) is under twenty-three (23) years of age if the person has been adjudicated a delinquent child for an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult; or (5) has been arrested for a Class A or Class B felony, or any other felony that was committed while armed with a deadly weapon or that involved the use of violence, if a court has found probable cause to believe that the person committed the offense charged. In the case of an arrest under subdivision (5), a license to carry a handgun may be issued to a person who has been acquitted of the specific offense charged or if the charges for the specific offense are dismissed. The superintendent shall prescribe all forms to be used in SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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connection with the administration of this chapter. (h) If the law enforcement agency that charges a fee under subsection (b) is a city or town law enforcement agency, the fee shall be deposited in the law enforcement continuing education fund established under IC 5-2-8-2. (i) If a person who holds a valid license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter: (1) changes the person's name; (2) changes the person's address; or (3) experiences a change, including an arrest or a conviction, that may affect the person's status as a proper person (as defined in IC 35-47-1-7) or otherwise disqualify the person from holding a license; the person shall, not later than thirty (30) days after the date of a change described under subdivision (3), and not later than sixty (60) days after the date of the change described under subdivision (1) or (2), notify the superintendent, in writing, of the event described under subdivision (3) or, in the case of a change under subdivision (1) or (2), the person's new name or new address. (j) The state police shall indicate on the form for a license to carry a handgun the notification requirements of subsection (i). (k) The state police department shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement an electronic application system under subsection (a). Rules adopted under this section must require the superintendent to keep on file one (1) set of classifiable and legible fingerprints from every person who has received a license to carry a handgun so that a person who applies to renew a license will not be required to submit an additional set of fingerprints. (l) Except as provided in subsection (m), for purposes of IC 5-14-3-4(a)(1), the following information is confidential, may not be published, and is not open to public inspection: (1) Information submitted by a person under this section to: (A) obtain; or (B) renew; a license to carry a handgun. (2) Information obtained by a federal, state, or local government entity in the course of an investigation concerning a person who applies to: (A) obtain; or (B) renew; a license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter. (3) The name, address, and any other information that may be SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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used to identify a person who holds a license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter. (m) Notwithstanding subsection (l): (1) any information concerning an applicant for or a person who holds a license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter may be released to a federal, state, or local government entity: (A) for law enforcement purposes; or (B) to determine the validity of a license to carry a handgun; and (2) general information concerning the issuance of licenses to carry handguns in Indiana may be released to a person conducting journalistic or academic research, but only if all personal information that could disclose the identity of any person who holds a license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter has been removed from the general information. SECTION 5. IC 35-47-2-3.5 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 3.5. (a) A person desiring an Indiana firearms reciprocity license to carry a handgun shall apply: (1) to the chief of police or corresponding law enforcement officer of the municipality in which the applicant resides; (2) if: (A) a municipality does not have a chief of police or law enforcement officer described in subdivision (1); or (B) the applicant does not reside in a municipality; to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant resides after the applicant has obtained an application form prescribed by the superintendent; (3) if the applicant: (A) is a resident of another state; and (B) has a regular place of business or employment in Indiana; to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant has a regular place of business or employment; or (4) if the applicant: (A) is a resident of another state; and (B) does not have a regular place of business or employment in Indiana; to the superintendent. The superintendent and local law enforcement agencies shall allow an applicant desiring to obtain or renew an Indiana firearms reciprocity license to submit an application electronically under SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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this chapter if funds are available to establish and maintain an electronic application system. (b) A law enforcement agency that accepts an application for an Indiana firearms reciprocity license shall collect a fifty dollar ($50) application fee from the applicant. The fee: (1) shall be deposited into the law enforcement agency's firearms training fund or other appropriate training activities fund and used by the agency to: (A) train law enforcement officers in: (i) the proper use of firearms; or (ii) other law enforcement duties; or (B) purchase: (i) firearms; (ii) firearm related equipment; or (iii) body armor (as defined in IC 35-47-5-13(a)); for the law enforcement officers employed by the law enforcement agency; or (2) if the law enforcement agency is a city or town law enforcement agency, shall be deposited in the local law enforcement continuing education fund established under IC 5-2-8-2. The state board of accounts shall establish rules for the proper accounting and expenditure of funds collected under this subsection. (c) An applicant for an Indiana firearms reciprocity license shall submit the following information to the appropriate law enforcement officer or superintendent under subsection (a): (1) The applicant's name, full address, length of residence in the community, and whether the applicant's residence is located within the limits of any city or town. (2) The applicant's occupation or place of business or employment. (3) The applicant's criminal record, if any, and convictions (except for minor traffic offenses). (4) The applicant's age, race, sex, nationality, date of birth, citizenship, height, weight, build, color of hair, color of eyes, scars, and marks. (5) Whether the applicant has previously held an Indiana license to carry a handgun issued under this chapter and, if so: (A) the serial number of the license and the year the license was issued; SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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(B) whether the applicant's license has ever been suspended or revoked; and (C) if the applicant's license was ever suspended or revoked, the year of and the reason for the suspension or revocation. (6) The applicant's reason for desiring the license. (7) One (1) recent dated photograph of the applicant. (8) One (1) set of legible and classifiable fingerprints of the applicant. (9) A certificate signifying that the person has successfully completed a handgun safety and training program that meets the requirements set forth in section 17.5 of this chapter. (10) If the applicant is not a resident of Indiana, evidence that the applicant: (A) holds a current firearms license or permit issued by the appropriate licensing or permitting authority of the nonresident applicant's state of residency; and (B) resides in a state that: (i) recognizes the validity of the Indiana firearms reciprocity license; or (ii) otherwise has reciprocity with Indiana's handgun license law. The law enforcement officer to whom the application is made or the superintendent shall conduct an investigation into the applicant's official records to verify the applicant's character and reputation. If a law enforcement officer conducts the investigation, the officer shall verify for accuracy the information contained in the application and forward the information together with the officer's recommendation for approval or disapproval and one (1) set of legible and classifiable fingerprints of the applicant to the superintendent. (d) The superintendent may make whatever further investigation the superintendent considers necessary. Whenever disapproval is recommended, the law enforcement officer to whom the application is made shall provide the superintendent and the applicant with the officer's complete and specific reasons, in writing, for the recommendation of disapproval. (e) If it appears to the superintendent that the applicant: (1) has a proper reason for carrying a handgun; (2) is of good character and reputation; (3) is a proper person to be licensed; and (4) is: SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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(A) a citizen of the United States; or (B) not a citizen of the United States but is allowed to carry a firearm in the United States under federal law; the superintendent shall issue to the applicant an Indiana firearms reciprocity license to carry any handgun lawfully possessed by the applicant in Indiana. The original license shall be delivered to the licensee. A copy shall be delivered to the officer to whom the application for license was made. A copy shall be retained by the superintendent for at least four (4) years in the case of a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license. The superintendent may adopt guidelines to establish a records retention policy for a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. A four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license is valid for a period of four (4) years from the date of issue. A lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is valid for the life of the individual receiving the license. The Indiana firearms reciprocity license of police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after twenty (20) or more years of service, is valid for the life of these individuals. However, a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is automatically revoked if the license holder does not remain a proper person. (f) An Indiana firearms reciprocity license may not be issued to any person who: (1) has been convicted of a felony; (2) has had any license to carry a handgun suspended, unless the person's license has been reinstated; (3) is less than twenty-one (21) years of age; (4) is less than twenty-three (23) years of age if the person has been adjudicated a delinquent child for an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult; or (5) has been arrested for a Class A felony or Class B felony, or any other felony that was committed while armed with a deadly weapon or that involved the use of violence, if a court has found probable cause to believe that the person committed the offense charged. In the case of an arrest under this subdivision, an Indiana firearms reciprocity license may be issued to a person who has been acquitted of the specific offense charged or if the charges for the specific offense are dismissed. (g) The superintendent shall prescribe all forms to be used in SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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connection with the administration of this chapter. (h) If a person who holds a valid Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this section: (1) changes the person's name; (2) changes the person's address; or (3) experiences a change, including an arrest or a conviction, that may affect the person's status as a proper person (as defined in IC 35-47-1-7) or otherwise disqualify the person from holding a license; the person shall, not later than thirty (30) days after the date of a change described under subdivision (3), and not later than sixty (60) days after the date of the change described under subdivision (1) or (2), notify the superintendent, in writing, of the event described under subdivision (3) or, in the case of a change under subdivision (1) or (2), the person's new name or new address. The state police department shall indicate on the form for an Indiana firearms reciprocity license the notification requirements of this subsection. (i) The state police department shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this section. Rules adopted under this section must require the superintendent to keep on file one (1) set of legible and classifiable fingerprints from every person who has received an Indiana firearms reciprocity license so that a person who applies to renew a license will not be required to submit an additional set of fingerprints. (j) An Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this section must be: (1) of a different color; or (2) otherwise distinctively marked; so that the Indiana firearms reciprocity license is easily distinguishable from a four (4) year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter. (k) Except as provided in subsection (l), for purposes of IC 5-14-3-4(a)(1), the following information is confidential, may not be published, and is not open to public inspection: (1) Information submitted by a person under this section to: (A) obtain; or (B) renew; an Indiana firearms reciprocity license. (2) Information obtained by a federal, state, or local government entity in the course of an investigation concerning SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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a person who applies to: (A) obtain; or (B) renew; an Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this chapter. (3) The name, address, and any other information that may be used to identify a person who holds an Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this chapter. (l) Notwithstanding subsection (k): (1) any information concerning an applicant for or a person who holds an Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this chapter may be released to a federal, state, or local government entity: (A) for law enforcement purposes; or (B) to determine the validity of the license; and (2) general information concerning the issuance of Indiana firearms reciprocity licenses may be released to a person conducting journalistic or academic research, but only if all personal information that could disclose the identity of any person who holds a license issued under this chapter has been removed from the general information. SECTION 6. IC 35-47-2-4, AS AMENDED BY P.L.155-2007, SECTION 2, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 4. (a) Licenses to carry handguns issued under section 3 of this chapter shall be either qualified or unlimited, and are valid for: (1) four (4) years from the date of issue in the case of a four (4) year license; or (2) the life of the individual receiving the license in the case of a lifetime license. A qualified license shall be issued for hunting and target practice. The superintendent may adopt rules imposing limitations on the use and carrying of handguns under a license when handguns are carried by a licensee as a condition of employment. Unlimited licenses shall be issued for the purpose of the protection of life and property. (b) In addition to the application fee, the fee for: (1) a qualified license shall be: (A) five dollars ($5) for a four (4) year qualified license; (B) twenty-five dollars ($25) for a lifetime qualified license from a person who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license; or (C) twenty dollars ($20) for a lifetime qualified license from SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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a person who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license; and (2) an unlimited license shall be: (A) thirty dollars ($30) for a four (4) year unlimited license; (B) seventy-five dollars ($75) for a lifetime unlimited license from a person who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license; or (C) sixty dollars ($60) for a lifetime unlimited license from a person who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license. The superintendent shall charge a twenty dollar ($20) fee for the issuance of a duplicate license to replace a lost or damaged license. These fees shall be deposited in accordance with subsection (e). (c) Licensed dealers are exempt from the payment of fees specified in subsection (b) for a qualified license or an unlimited license. (d) The following officers of this state or the United States who have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after at least twenty (20) years of service or because of a disability are exempt from the payment of fees specified in subsection (b): (1) Police officers. (2) Sheriffs or their deputies. (3) Law enforcement officers. (4) Correctional officers. (e) Fees collected under this section shall be deposited in the state general fund. (f) The superintendent may not issue a lifetime qualified license or a lifetime unlimited license to a person who is a resident of another state. The superintendent may issue a four (4) year qualified license or a four (4) year unlimited license to a person who is a resident of another state and who has a regular place of business or employment in Indiana as described in section 3(a)(3) of this chapter. SECTION 7. IC 35-47-2-4.5 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 4.5. (a) Indiana firearms reciprocity licenses issued under section 3.5 of this chapter shall be issued for the purpose of the protection of life and property and are valid for: (1) four (4) years from the date of issue in the case of a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license; or (2) the life of the individual receiving the license in the case of a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. (b) In addition to the application fee, the fee for: SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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(1) a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license is thirty dollars ($30); (2) a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is seventy-five dollars ($75); and (3) a duplicate license to replace a lost or damaged license is twenty dollars ($20). Fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited in the state general fund. (c) The following officers of Indiana or the United States who have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after at least twenty (20) years of service or because of a disability are exempt from the payment of fees specified in subsection (b): (1) Police officers. (2) Sheriffs or their deputies. (3) Law enforcement officers. (4) Correctional officers. (d) This subsection applies only to a person holding a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. At least one (1) time every four (4) years, the superintendent shall reevaluate a person who holds a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. If the superintendent determines that the person no longer: (1) has a proper reason for carrying a handgun; (2) is of good character and reputation; (3) is a proper person to be licensed; and (4) is: (A) a citizen of the United States; or (B) allowed to carry a firearm in the United States as a noncitizen of the United States under federal law; the superintendent shall revoke the person's lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. If the superintendent revokes a license under this subsection, the superintendent shall provide the person with the superintendent's complete and specific reasons, in writing, for revoking the license. The superintendent may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this subsection. SECTION 8. IC 35-47-2-4.8 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 4.8. (a) A person may: (1) apply for; and (2) hold; a valid Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter at the same time the person holds a valid four (4) SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter. (b) Except as provided in section 4(f) of this chapter, a person may: (1) apply for; and (2) hold; a valid four (4) year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter at the same time the person holds a valid Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter. SECTION 9. IC 35-47-2-5, AS AMENDED BY P.L.1-2006, SECTION 535, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 5. (a) The superintendent may suspend or revoke any license issued under this chapter if he the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person's license should be suspended or revoked. (b) Documented evidence that a person: (1) is not a "proper person" to be licensed as defined by IC 35-47-1-7; or (2) is prohibited under section 3(g)(5) or 3.5(f)(5) of this chapter from being issued a license; shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of a license previously issued under this chapter. However, if a license is suspended or revoked based solely on an arrest under section 3(g)(5) or 3.5(f)(5) of this chapter, the license shall be reinstated upon the acquittal of the defendant in that case or upon the dismissal of the charges for the specific offense. (c) A person who fails to promptly return his the person's license after written notice of suspension or revocation commits a Class A misdemeanor. The observation of a handgun license in the possession of a person whose license has been suspended or revoked constitutes a sufficient basis for the arrest of that person for violation of this subsection. (d) The superintendent shall establish rules under IC 4-22-2 concerning the procedure for suspending or revoking a person's license. SECTION 10. IC 35-47-2-17.5 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 17.5. (a) For a person's completion of a handgun safety and training program to satisfy the condition for the issuance of an Indiana firearms reciprocity license set forth in section 3.5(c)(9) of this chapter, the handgun safety and training program must meet the following SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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requirements: (1) The program must consist of at least eight (8) hours of instruction. (2) The: (A) program must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization; and (B) instructor must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization as qualified to teach an eight (8) hour handgun safety and training program. (3) The program must provide at least five (5) hours of instruction in the following: (A) The safe storage, use, and handling of a handgun, including safe storage, use, and handling to protect child safety. (B) Knowledge of ammunition. (C) Handgun firing positions. (D) Firearms and the law, including civil liability issues and the use of deadly force. The instruction in the subject described in this clause must be provided by an attorney or a person trained in the use of deadly force. (E) Avoiding criminal attack and controlling a violent confrontation. (F) All laws that apply to carrying a concealed handgun in Indiana. (4) The program must: (A) provide at least three (3) hours of instruction on a firing range; and (B) require the firing of at least forty-five (45) rounds of ammunition. (5) The program must provide to a person who successfully completes the program a certificate of completion stating that: (A) the program complies with this section; and (B) the person has successfully completed the program. The certificate must contain the printed name and signature of the instructor who instructed the person. (b) A person who grants a certificate of completion described in subsection (a)(5) to an individual knowing that the individual did not satisfactorily complete the program commits a Class D felony. SECTION 11. IC 35-47-2-21 IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 21. (a) Retail dealers' licenses issued by other states or foreign countries will not be SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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recognized in Indiana except for sales at wholesale. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), licenses to carry handguns, issued by other states or foreign countries, will be recognized according to the terms thereof but only while the holders are not residents of Indiana. (c) This subsection applies only to a state or foreign country that recognized an Indiana license to carry a handgun on March 1, 2013. Indiana will not recognize a license to carry a handgun issued by a state or foreign country to which this subsection applies if the state or foreign country: (1) refuses to recognize a qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued by Indiana under section 3 of this chapter; and (2) recognizes an Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter. (d) The superintendent, in consultation with the attorney general, may enter into agreements for reciprocal recognition with any state. SECTION 12. IC 35-47-2-23 IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 23. (a) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates section 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 14, 15, or 16 of this chapter commits a Class B misdemeanor. (b) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates section 7, 17, or 18 of this chapter commits a Class C felony. (c) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates section 1 of this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Class C felony: (1) if the offense is committed: (A) on or in school property; (B) within one thousand (1,000) feet of school property; or (C) on a school bus; or (2) if the person: (A) has a prior conviction of any offense under: (i) this subsection; or (ii) subsection (d); or (B) has been convicted of a felony within fifteen (15) years before the date of the offense. (d) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates section 22 of this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Class D felony if the person has a prior conviction of any offense under this subsection or subsection (c), or if the person has been convicted of a felony within fifteen (15) years before the date of the SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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offense. SECTION 13. IC 35-47-2.5-1, AS AMENDED BY P.L.190-2006, SECTION 5, IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 1. (a) This chapter does not apply to the following: (1) Transactions between persons who are licensed as firearms importers or collectors or firearms manufacturers or dealers under 18 U.S.C. 923. (2) Purchases by or sales to a law enforcement officer or agent of the United States, the state, or a county or local government. (3) Indiana residents licensed to carry handguns under IC 35-47-2-3 or IC 35-47-2-3.5. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the state shall participate in the NICS if federal funds are available to assist the state in participating in the NICS. If: (1) the state participates in the NICS; and (2) there is a conflict between: (A) a provision of this chapter; and (B) a procedure required under the NICS; the procedure required under the NICS prevails over the conflicting provision of this chapter.

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COMMITTEE REPORT Madam President: The Senate Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 555, has had the same under consideration and begs leave to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that said bill be AMENDED as follows: Page 13, between lines 39 and 40, begin a new paragraph and insert: "(l) An Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under this section must be: (1) of a different color; or (2) otherwise distinctively marked; so that the Indiana firearms reciprocity license is easily distinguishable from a four (4) year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter.". Page 13, line 40, delete "(l)" and insert "(m)". Page 13, line 40, delete "(m)," and insert "(n),". Page 14, line 15, delete "(m)" and insert "(n)". Page 14, line 15, delete "(l):" and insert "(m):". Page 16, between lines 19 and 20, begin a new paragraph and insert: "SECTION 8. IC 35-47-2-4.8 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 4.8. (a) A person may: (1) apply for; and (2) hold; a valid Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter at the same time the person holds a valid four (4) year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter. (b) Except as provided in section 4(f) of this chapter, a person may: (1) apply for; and (2) hold; a valid four (4) year or lifetime qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued under section 3 of this chapter at the same time the person holds a valid Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter.". Renumber all SECTIONS consecutively. and when so amended that said bill do pass. (Reference is to SB 555 as introduced.) STEELE, Chairperson Committee Vote: Yeas 6, Nays 1. SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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SENATE MOTION Madam President: I move that Senate Bill 555 be amended to read as follows: Page 10, line 34, delete "excepted)." and insert ").". Page 12, line 37, delete "years." and insert "years in the case of a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license. The superintendent may adopt guidelines to establish a records retention policy for a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. A four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license is valid for a period of four (4) years from the date of issue. A lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is valid for the life of the individual receiving the license. The Indiana firearms reciprocity license of police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after twenty (20) or more years of service, is valid for the life of these individuals. However, a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is automatically revoked if the license holder does not remain a proper person.". Page 16, delete lines 8 through 16 and insert "under section 3.5 of this chapter shall be issued for the purpose of the protection of life and property and are valid for: (1) four (4) years from the date of issue in the case of a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license; or (2) the life of the individual receiving the license in the case of a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. (b) In addition to the application fee, the fee for: (1) a four (4) year Indiana firearms reciprocity license is thirty dollars ($30); (2) a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license is seventy-five dollars ($75); and (3) a duplicate license to replace a lost or damaged license is twenty dollars ($20).". Page 16, between lines 27 and 28, begin a new paragraph and insert: "(d) This subsection applies only to a person holding a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. At least one (1) time every four (4) years, the superintendent shall reevaluate a person who holds a lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. If the superintendent determines that the person no longer: (1) has a proper reason for carrying a handgun; (2) is of good character and reputation; (3) is a proper person to be licensed; and SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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(4) is: (A) a citizen of the United States; or (B) allowed to carry a firearm in the United States as a noncitizen of the United States under federal law; the superintendent shall revoke the person's lifetime Indiana firearms reciprocity license. If the superintendent revokes a license under this subsection, the superintendent shall provide the person with the superintendent's complete and specific reasons, in writing, for revoking the license. The superintendent may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this subsection.". (Reference is to SB 555 as printed February 22, 2013.) HERSHMAN

SENATE MOTION Madam President: I move that Senate Bill 555 be amended to read as follows: Page 10, line 34, delete "excepted)." and insert ").". Page 11, line 10, delete "Evidence of the applicant's general familiarity with" and insert "A certificate signifying that the person has successfully completed a handgun safety and training program that meets the requirements set forth in section 17.5 of this chapter.". Page 11, delete line 11. Page 11, delete lines 31 through 42. Page 12, delete lines 1 through 17. Page 12, line 18, delete "(f)" and insert "(d)". Page 12, line 24, delete "(g)" and insert "(e)". Page 12, line 38, delete "(h)" and insert "(f)". Page 13, line 14, delete "(i)" and insert "(g)". Page 13, line 16, delete "(j)" and insert "(h)". Page 13, line 33, delete "(k)" and insert "(i)". Page 13, line 40, delete "(l)" and insert "(j)". Page 14, line 6, delete "(m)" and insert "(k)". Page 14, line 6, delete "(n)" and insert "(l)". Page 14, line 23, delete "(n)" and insert "(l)". Page 14, line 23, delete "(m)" and insert "(k)". Page 17, line 12, delete "3.5(h)(5)" and insert "3.5(f)(5)". Page 17, line 16, delete "3.5(h)(5)" and insert "3.5(f)(5)". SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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Page 17, line 30, delete "A person desiring to" and insert "For a person's completion of a handgun safety and training program to satisfy the condition for the issuance of an Indiana firearms reciprocity license set forth in section 3.5(c)(9) of this chapter, the handgun safety and training program must meet the following requirements: (1) The program must consist of at least eight (8) hours of instruction. (2) The: (A) program must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization; and (B) instructor must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization as qualified to teach an eight (8) hour handgun safety and training program. (3) The program must provide at least five (5) hours of instruction in the following: (A) The safe storage, use, and handling of a handgun, including safe storage, use, and handling to protect child safety. (B) Knowledge of ammunition. (C) Handgun firing positions. (D) Firearms and the law, including civil liability issues and the use of deadly force. The instruction in the subject described in this clause must be provided by an attorney or a person trained in the use of deadly force. (E) Avoiding criminal attack and controlling a violent confrontation. (F) All laws that apply to carrying a concealed handgun in Indiana. (4) The program must: (A) provide at least three (3) hours of instruction on a firing range; and (B) require the firing of at least forty-five (45) rounds of ammunition. (5) The program must provide to a person who successfully completes the program a certificate of completion stating that: (A) the program complies with this section; and (B) the person has successfully completed the program. The certificate must contain the printed name and signature of the instructor who instructed the person. (b) A person who grants a certificate of completion described in SB 555LS 7276/DI 69+

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subsection (a)(5) to an individual knowing that the individual did not satisfactorily complete the program commits a Class D felony.". Page 17, delete lines 31 through 42. Delete page 18. Page 19, delete lines 1 through 10, begin a new paragraph and insert: SECTION 11. IC 35-47-2-21 IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013]: Sec. 21. (a) Retail dealers' licenses issued by other states or foreign countries will not be recognized in Indiana except for sales at wholesale. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), licenses to carry handguns, issued by other states or foreign countries, will be recognized according to the terms thereof but only while the holders are not residents of Indiana. (c) This subsection applies only to a state or foreign country that recognized an Indiana license to carry a handgun on March 1, 2013. Indiana will not recognize a license to carry a handgun issued by a state or foreign country to which this subsection applies if the state or foreign country: (1) refuses to recognize a qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun issued by Indiana under section 3 of this chapter; and (2) recognizes an Indiana firearms reciprocity license issued under section 3.5 of this chapter. (d) The superintendent, in consultation with the attorney general, may enter into agreements for reciprocal recognition with any state.". Page 19, line 13, after "15," reset in roman "or". Page 19, line 14, delete ", or 17.5". Renumber all SECTIONS consecutively. (Reference is to SB 555 as printed February 22, 2013.) HERSHMAN

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