CSS Notes For Arabic PDF
CSS Notes For Arabic PDF
CSS Notes For Arabic PDF
Note: The CSS Point is not repsponsible for any fact/information mentioned in this booklet. The Owner of Notes is Muhammad Faisal ul Islam (03336587420) The CSS Point has complied this booklet.
1- Free Prose: In very initial stage the poetry dont follow any pattern. It was just an expression of thoughts and thus was called as free prose. 2- Masjah Prose: Sermons and saying of wise people were mentioned in poetry which was in raw nature and was used to impress the people.
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3- Rijz: Rijz, a way to invoke emotion of the warrior Arab was in the blood of the Arabs as they were racially proud. 4- Qaseedah: Qaseedah was the natural outcome as the Arab was fond of self praise. 5- Hadi Khawani: The life is rugged terrain and unfavorable conditions resulted in the emergence of Hadi Khawani in the peninsula. 6- Behr and Qafia: Final touch to the Arabian Poetry was given after the introduction of Behr and Qafia in it.
Types of Poetry:
1- Ghanai or Wajdani Poetry: Ghanai poetry is a type of poetry in which the poets express the feelings of his heart. 2- Narrative Poetry: Narrative poetry is used to narrate some happening or incident in war to boast of tribal pride. 3- Dramatic Poetry: Dramatic poetry is concerned with the narration of conceptual or idealistic view points from some heroic achievements. Criticism: Zaidan in his treatise Tarikh al adab al Arabiand Adab al Jahli has mention that Dramatic poetry emerged even before the narrative or ghanai poetry but this does not seem to be true as Clement Huart and Dr. Nicholson validate the poetry. Second, Arabs were nomads and were not able to think conceptually to such an extent.
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poet used to present their Qasaids and best of the best was selected or judged by Banu Tamin in Souk Akaaz. The best Qaseedah was written in gold and then was hanged with the wall of Kaabah. Hammaad - The Rhapsodist has collected some of the Qasaids in the volume named as Mualqaat because these were believed to be hanged with the wall of Kaabah. Another name Muzhabat is also given to them because these were believed to be written in gold. Another significance of pre Islamic poetry is that it depicts the social and moral condition of the society of Arabs before the emergence of Islam. It is the pre Islamic Poetry which serve as a window through which one can see the situation, whether, it was moral or social, it was political or cultural, of the society of pre Islamic era. Through this poetry of Dour-e-Jahlia, we know that Arabs were racially prejudiced without any central government or authority. The Arab were worrier and they were disintegrated into tribes. The ordinary Arab out of the love for his tribe did not leave any stone unturned. Hijv, Fakhar, Madah, Qaseedah, Marsiya etc. were the main asnaf of poetry. The sole purpose of the poet was to show that his tribe was more respectable than the rival tribe. The poetry was given so much importance that Allah bestowed on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) His miracle in the form of a lucid and eloquent Holy Quran. It is an established fact that the miracle bestowed by Allah to different Prophets were according to the art, which was at its apex in that era e.g. Juses was awarded with a miracle by dint of which he could touch a leaper and make him alright and could reincarnate life in a dead body. This miracle was bestowed by Allah Almighty on Jesus just because of the fact that Ilme-Tib was touching the heights of glory. Similarly Moses was the miracle to answer the magicians of that era. Same is true for the Holy Quran, a miracle of Allah, to show and answer the eloquent and lucid poets of Arabs. This fact validates that the poetry was most significant thing in the pre Islamic era.
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1- There are many strange words or Gharaib in the Holy Quran which were alien to Arabs because these were no more in use in there day to day life. However these words were used by the poets in their poetry. So, in order to understand these Gharaibs , the interpreters and Mufasareen used to consult the pre Islamic poetry, e.g. Is the opening of a Surah in Holy Quran. This word has been used by Amrao ul Qais in his poetry also. To understand Waduhaa the Mufasareen sought help from Pre Islamic poetry. 2- Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas was asked to explain some Ayats of the Holy Quran, he made allusion to the pre Islamic poetry to make it comprehendible for the people who asked him to explain: People asked: Hazrat Abdullah points a verse of labid: People asked: Hazrat Abdullah replied by quoting Labid who mentioned:
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People asked: Hazrat Abdullah replied by quoting Labid who mentioned: People asked: Hazrat Abdullah replied by quoting Labid who mentioned: 3- The pre Islamic poetry was the master piece in the Arabic literature therefore this poetry provided as being a source for the grammar and it was used as a guideline. 4- Pre Islamic poetry also shows when it is compared with the Holy Quran that Holy Quran is the best of the lot and superior in its style, eloquence and lucidity than the pre Islamic poetry. Pre Islamic poetry validates the fact the Holy Quran is the Kalam of Allah and can not be of man, e.g. a German scholar writes when he compared Surah Rehman with the Qaseedah of pre Islamic era, The Quran flips the Qaseedah-totally. Quran shows that the nature is transitory and human legacy is permanent while in ordinary Qaseedah human legacy change while the nature remain the same. Secondly, pre Islamic poetry a propensity in people to listen to the poetic work of the poet in that era. It was obvious, Quran the miracle was the kalam of Allah which penetrated deep in the hearts of the people and thus the pre Islamic poetry indirectly helped the propagation of Quran and Islam. Similarly, the poetry was indirectly helpful to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in preaching the non-believers. The people were very responsive to the literary activity. Quran being the most lucid and eloquent of the all works of that era, it was the master piece
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of Allah Almighty, casted deep impact on their hearts. They were turned non-believer to the follower of Holy Prophet because they got impressed by the miracle of the Holy Quran.
Al-Muallaqat is the work (poetic) compiled by Hammad Al- Rawya or Hammad- the Rhapsodist. This poet work is consisted of Qasaids long poems of the poet of pre Islamic era. These are known as Muallaqat as it indicates these qasaids were hanged on the wall of Kaabah. This point towards the customs of Arabs who used to hang the important documents wit the wall of Kaabah. This goes with the historical evidence too. These Qasaids were declared, best of the lot, of the contemporary poetic work and these were hanged with the wall of Kaabah to appreciate the poet. Many scholars objected this very fact but historical events e.g. hanging of document of boycott of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and hanging of Sorah Kosar by Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) are enough to prove this claim. Secondly, these qasaids, collectively are called Muzhabat which mean that these were written in gold.
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Al-Nahas in his treatise writes the true matter of the fact is that Hammad-The Rhapsodist saw how little the people cared about the Pre Islamic poetry, he collected all the poems and asked people to read them and respect them. This goes with all the other information as singing poetic work was the profession of Hammad. He had a very good grip of Arabic literature so it was instrument set for him to do this important task.
Hammad collected the work of these seven poets: 1234567Amra ul Qais ZAuhair bin abi Salma Labid bin Abi Rabia Tarfa al Abad Haris bin Halza Umro bin Kalsoom Antra Absi
Abu Zaid Qureshi along with some other scholars has mentioned the name of: 1- Aashi 2- Nabigah Zaibani 3- Umro bil Al Bars In this context.
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1- Starting Style:After a conventional prelude, the Nasib , in which poet remembers his best beloved by standing on the forsaken place e.g. Amra ul Qais starts Qasidah as: Zuhair bin Abi Salmas Qaseedah starts with the following verse:
2- San-Artificiality:The poetry of pre Islamic era does not have any attribute of artificiality in it. It is altogether natural an outcome of the emotion of the poets.
3- Extemporaneous:The Arab poets were very much like reflectors what used to fall on them it was immediately reflected. They had a natural sense of ideas.
4- Love for Nature:The Arab had a deep contact with the nature. Some of the poets like Amra ul Qais had spent the life of wanderers bay making encampment here and there and remained in search of water and greenery. So it was obvious that love for nature was manifested in their poetry.
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5- Mufakhirat:The poet has a sense of personal pride and prejudiced. This was very clear from their poetry also. The poetry of Umro bin Kalsoom is a good example of it.
6- Balaght -i- Kalam:Eloquence, lucidity and extemporaneousness was the the most outstanding feature of the poet of the pre Islamic rea.
7- Not of Reward Except Nabigah Daibani Poerty:Not a single except Nabigab Al Daibani who has used poetry for material gains. Taksab bil Sher was done by Nabigah.
8- Repetition of Subjects:There were repetitions of subjects in almost all the Qasaids of the poets of pre Islamic era.
9- Simplicity:The Arab led a simple life and that was depicted in the poetry also. The main events explained in the poetry were related to their best beloved, the adventure etc.
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Three Ways:
1- Dewaan 2- Muntehibat 3- Kutb-i-Adb-i-Nasr
1- Dewaan:The following poets had their dewaan: Amra-ul-Qais Zuhair bin Abi Salma Hassan Bin Sabat Aasha Turfa Antra Nabigah Al Daibani Some other famous Dewaans are: Dewaan Al Mehjhan Dewaan Al Khansaa Dewaan Al Hatyia Dewaan Uos Bin Hajar Dewaan Hatim Tai Dewaan Labid
2- Muntehibaat:
Muntehibat are actually a collection of books made for the purpose of reading pre Islamic poetry. We can classify it in the following five categories. (i) Al-Mualliqat:-
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These are also called Al-Mashuraat. These were collected by the legend Hammad Al Rawya, who though corrupted in some extent, yet his effort to collect the data was not less than an achievement. The numbers of Mualliqat are 7 to 10. (ii) Hamasa:-
Hamasa is basically the collection of best poetic work by the well on scholar Abu Tamam Habib bin Aus who died in 850 A.D. he selected the master pieces of poetry from pre Islamic era and complied them in one book. The book has 10 chapters. Some of the chapters are as under: Hamasa, Marasi, Adab, Naseeb, Hija, Muzamt un Nisa, Al Sanaat, (iii) Al-Mufazilliat:This is also a collection of poetic works done in the 8 th century, by Al Mufzil Al Ghabi. Basically Al Mufzil Al Ghabi was directed by the Caliph Mansoor to collect the poetic works from the pre Islamic era for his son. Originally there were 30 qasaids in that book but Asmai added 90 new qasaids so that total number of qasaids are 120 now. (iv) Hamasa Al Bahtari:Many people were impressed by success of Hamasa, so they tried to follow the pattern of Hamasa. Al Bahtari was one of those scholars who jumped into this race. Though he died in 897 A.D. yet he completed his book which due some reason could not meet success. (v) Jumhrah Ashaar Al Arab:-
Abu Zaid Qureshi was the author of this book. The book has 49 qasaids and 7 chapters. So the ratio was 7 qasaids per chapter
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3- Kutb-i-Adb-i-Nasr:These were the books which are not basically the book of poetry, but in these books frequent reference to the poetic works have been made. So these books are important source for pre Islamic poetry. iiiiiiivKitab Al Biyan Wal Bateen by Al Jahiz Kitab Al Sher Wal Shuraa by Ibn Qutaiba Al Kamal By Mubard Khazana Al Adab by Abdul Qadir Baghdadi
Ilm-i-Nahv:Nahv i.e. syntax a branch of grammar which help in understanding the relation of a sentence with another and also of Irab (vowel sound) as change in Irab is a change in eanings.
Sarf:Etymology a branch of grammar which helps in knowing the root words and conjugation. The meaning of a word change with the change in the root and with a change in conjunction. Allama Zamhashri says, One who loses the knowing of etymology loses a great deal.
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Ishtiqaq:It meaning is derivatives. It is necessary to have the knowing of derivatives and their roots words because if the word has been from two different root words it will be two different meanings e.g. The word Masih is derived from Masah which mean to touch or to move the wet hand and also from Masahat which mean measurement.
Ilm-ul-Muani:Knowledge of semantics, because phrase construction are understood from their meaning.
Ilm-ul-Bayan:Knowledge of figures of speech like similes and metaphors due to which expression or shades of meaning or similes and metaphors become known.
Ilm-ul-Badi:The knowledge of rhetorics which reveal the beauty of language and its implication.
Asbab Al Anzaal:The knowledge of those conditions in which a verse of Holy Quran was revealed. Without the knowledge of those conditions, it is very difficult to understand the meaning of that verse.
Nasikh - Mansukh:Knowledge of the commandments that have subsequently been abrogated or changed so that the abrogated commandment can be distinguished by standing ones.
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How Quranic Theme is Different from the Themes Depicted in Contemporary Poetry:The subject matter of the poetry in the era when the Holy Quran was revealed was very limited. The poet usually said poems on verses on the incidents of their love affairs, the memorization of the forsaken place by their beloved and the events boasting the status of their tribe. Quran presents the illustrations from a minute to the universe. It is complete code of life because it contains the preaching, legislation, way to lead a social and every bit of information necessary for spend a life according to the commandments of Allah.
Qurans Style Is Narrative And Dramatic:While explaining the stories of Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, Joseph, David, Suleiman, etc. while the poets followed ghanai or wajdani style in contemporary era which is inferior. Another point which is elaborated by Angleika Neuwirth explain how Quran flips qaseedah (one of the most important sanf of poetry). In surah Rehman Allah Almighty has presented the bounties which will be showered on those people who will accept the commandments of Allah and spend their lives accordingly. In this surah, the nature in transitory while the human legacy lives on which is the reversal of the ordinary qaseedah. Some scholars, however, by keeping in view, the style followed by the Holy Book have drawn influence that it has some time the characteristics of both the poetry and prose. The harmonious effects of Surah Al Najam and initial verses of Surah Al Maryum are cited as the example to validate the above stated notion. But overall, the Holy Quran in neither a verse nor a prose, it is something else above the level of a man as it is Devine and from the Providence. This is the miracle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
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Arabic Poetry in Sub-Continent with Special Emphasis on the Contribution of Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami
Introduction:The Indian continent did not participate to such an enormous extent as was done by other poet or non Arabic areas such as Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria. Whatever was the work done by the poets in Indian Sub-Continent was mostly lost unfortunately. Whatever poetry is available to us shows following are important figures who contributed in this genre of literature: 123456789Syed Abdul Jalil Bilgrami Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami Molvi Fazl-e-Haq Khair Abadi Ameer Khusru Shah Ahmad Sharee Qazi Abdul Muqtadar Nasir-ud-Din Chiragh Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz Syed Ali Khan Ibn-e-Masoom
10-Masood bin Saad Out of these Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz is the only poet whose life history is available to us. Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz is the one who saw the era when Vascode Gama invader the southern India and he had fought against Raja Samri. He explained all the incidents in a Razmia nazm composed of 503 verses. This is master piece in the literature of Arabic in Sub-Continent.
given the title of Hasan Al Ajam. He got his education in Aahadith and Islamic law from Abdul Wahab Tantavi. He learnt the art of poetry from Syed Abdul Jalil Bilgrami who was also his maternal uncle.
Dewans:He left many dewans behind him. Some scholars believe that he left 7 dewans behind him. In his book subht ul marjaan fi asaar hindostan he has mentioned about many mufasreen and figures that have done some great service for the cause of Islam. In total he has mentioned about 150 people in his book.
Azad As Use In Name:Ghulam Ali used Azad as his Takhalas and this was liked by his teacher Abdul Wahab Tantavi. Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami has also written in Persian language.
Subht ul Marjaan fi Asaar Hindustan;This book was published in 1885 and in one of its poem; Mirat Al Jamal the poet has praised all the body parts from starting head to the toe. This poem shows the class of the poet. Another thing very interesting about Azad is the use of similes and metaphor. In one of his verse he has written a word sari which mean walk, but at the same time he has used this word to make an allusion to the word sahri which is the dress of Indian women. Azad has performed his immaculate work in all the forms of poetry i.e. Nazem, Masnavi, Rubai etc. His Work:123456789Subht ul Marjaan fi Asaar Hindostan Dewan Azad Mukhtarat Dewan Azad Tasliya ul Lail Shafa ul Lail Al Sahjra Al Tabiya Al Sabah Al Sariya Shamamah Al Amber Mazhar Al Barkat
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Initial Work:Initially small rasails containing the correct Arabic name of common thing were written by ulema e.g. some rasails containing the name of days of week, body parts, other common thing of day to day use. But the situation turned from bad to worse.
Khalil Bin Ahmad:During this crucial time, a prolific figure, named Khalil bin Ahmad emerged on the scene. He wrote the first and most comprehensive book of lexicography in which the words consisted of one, two or more words mere arranged in order. He also arran ged the words according to their pronunciation e.g. 1234Larynx Tongue Teeth Lips
This book was the first complete effort in this regard. Abu Bakar bin Dureed prepared the compendium of this book which collected more fame then the original book. This book of Khalil bin Ahmad remained incomplete during the life time of Khalil and this was completed by one of the pupil of Khalil. The part compiled by his pupil shows certain mistakes.
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Lisan-ul-Arab by Ibn-e-Manzoor:Ibn-e-Manzoor was born on 1233, and was descendant of Governor of Tripoli. Ibn-eManzoor was a moderate shia and his work in Arabic Lexicography is second to none. He wrote Lisan ul Arab, a dictionary which was published in 18 th century and contains 20 volumes. This show how enormous was the work of Ibn-e-Manzoor. The comprehensiveness of this book is second to none in this regard. The book Liasan ul Arab follows a specific pattern. It follows the arrangement of roots. The headwords are not arranged by the author contrary to what is done in modern Lexicography of Semitic Language. The arrangement made by Ibn-e-Manzoor is according to the last radical which makes finding rhyming ending. In short the contribution of Ibn-e-Manzoor is the most valuable service done to Arabic Lexicography.
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Main Satges:1- Embryonic Stage (From beginning to 1914) 2The Trial Stage (1914 to 1925) 3- The Formative Stage (1925 todate) The Embryonic Stage:This time period extends from the beginning of short story in 1870 to the year of 1914. The work of Khalil Jabran, Mustafa Lutfi al Manfluti is the trade mark work of this stage. They adopted western way of narrating the short story.
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The Trial Stage:This also called the traditional stage which starts from 1914 and extends up to 1925. This is the stage in which we find the authentic vices from the Arab world. The Formative Stage:The third stage is the formative stage which starts from 1925 to present era. It is logical more sound as an obscure or vague tone in used in the story to let the reader interpret the story by himself after reading it. In 1960s it took new turn and psychological development of readers was done through these stories. The short story was short in length with minimum number of characters and encompassing small time fram.
Khumriat Is Abbasid Era:The Abbasid poet excelled in the composition of Bacchic poetry devoted drinking, singing and luxury. Ti was obvious that the economic prosperity and progress of that era supplied ample resources for the Abbasid during their reign. The propagation of political ideas was needed so the poet were given patronage by the influential person and the caliph. Under the auspices of the caliph, these poet excelled in Madah, khumriat etc. It is a well established fact that there were certain caliphs ho liked such poetry. IbneMutaz is quoted as an example in this content. In Abbasid era the most prominent figure who wrote khumriat was Abu Nawas. He was such a prolific poet in this context that it was said by Al Jahiz,
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Had Husnain ( Ibn-e-Sereen and Hassan Basri) listened/heard the khumriat of Abu Nawas, they would have left the path of virtue and adopted a habit of drinking. Al Jahiz who was all in praise for Abu Nawas once said, I have not seen any one more prolific in lexicography and eloquence then Abu Nawas. Al Jahiz declared Abu Nawas as capable as Bashar bib Bard. Abu Nawas started poetry when he learnt by heart the poetic work of all the male poets along with the poetry of more than 60 ladies poets. So, the immaculate poetry by this outstanding figure was a glaring addition in Arabic literature. Other poets in this regard are: Ibn-e-Mutaz Bashar bin Bard Abu al Atahia But their contribution is in no comparison to Abu Nawass work done in writing khumriat
Holy Quran, Hadith and Fiqh requires a good grip of Arabic language because without it comprehending Quran and Islam become impossible. Many a literary figure were brought by Sultan Mehmood Ghaznawi with him who introduced the people with Arabic literature and history. This exchange was not one way rather it was two ways. The Arabs who come to India learnt a lot from their Indian counterparts. The Sultan also sent people to the Arabian region so that they could learn Arabic culture in better way. Abu Aflah and Abu Mehshar Sindhi are two prominent names. They contributed a lot in Arabic language. Abu Mehshar was a Muhadiss and when he passed away, his funeral prayer was offered by the people under Immamat of Caliph Haroon Ur Rasheed. This shows the clas of the man named Abu Mehshar.
Al Beruni:Al Beruni came to India during the early period of introduction of Islam in Sub Continent. He wrote a book kitab ul Hind which was a master piece. The work done by the Indian figure was also translated in to Arabic e.g. kulia wa Damnta, the incident of Adam (A.S) being arrived to cylon was also introduced in Arabic after being translated. The work in the field of medicine by Chirka and Sehserta was also translated in to Arabic. Many Tafseer of Holy Quran were written in this content. The important name are: Turab Ali Salam Ullah Abdul Hakeem Sialkoti Shah Wali Ullah Dehlvi Much work was done in sub-continent in the field of Ilm ul Hadith and Ilm e Fiqh. Along with it Philosophy was another field where in Arabic work done by the natives can not be ignored. Fatwa Alamgeire and other treatise of Shah Wali Ullah are the illuminating example in this perspective.
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Poetry:Some poet have also rendered invaluable service for the promotion of Arabic. Unfortunately, their work is confined to southern India. Amir Khusru Moulana Fazl-e-Haq Khair Abadi Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami Syed Abdul Jalil Bilgrami Are the prominent poets of Arabic in sub-continent.
Promotion of Arabic In Modern Era In Pakistan:After the emergence of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam said in his speech, Urdu will be the national language of Pakistan while it is the first and foremost duty of Pakistans people to lean and speech Arabic For promotion of Arabic following steps proposed are worth mentioning: 1- Jamiet Hizb Ullah arranged a conference in East Pakistan in 1951, for the promotion of Arabic language. 2- Majlis Rabita Islami supported Arabic language. 3Co-ordination of Islam Rabica council. 4- Urdu, Bengali and Arabic would be taught up to Matric Level. 5- It is essential to facilitate the propagation of Arabic in Pakistan.
The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973:1- Quran, Islam and Arabic compulsory. 2- From 1982, Arabic language has been taught as compulsory subject to higher secondary level. Syllabus of Azad Kashmir shows that it is even taught at Graduation level. 3- In our universities Arabic subject is also included in higher education 4Arabic language is also taught in our medrassah system.
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Spanish language as thousands of words of Spanish language still find their roots in Arabic.
Literature and Notable Figures of Spain:Spanish contribution in Arabic literature is very valuable. Two new asnaf were added in the Arabic poetry by the poets of Spain. 1- Mohshahaat 2- Zajal (it was more a local asnaf than being a trans national one) Other asnafs were Maddah, Ghazal, Maesiya, Tasawaf, Philosophy, Mazah, etc. in which these poet rendered in valuable services. Even political matters were also discussed in the poetry. However, in the style and format, Spanish poets always looked forward towards the East. Another field was Ilm-e-Lughat in which though less, work was done. Abu Bakar Ibn Duraid wrote a compendium of Kitab ul Ain, a book of Khalil Bin Ahmad. This compendium got more fame then the original book even.
Poets of Spain:123456Ibn Aubdrba Ibn Zaidoon Ibn-e-Hani Undalsi Lisan ud Din Ibn Khatib Ibn-e-Hamd Las Saqli Ibn-e-Khafafa Undalsi
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1- Poetry:Poetry was an area in which the new trends were emerged during 20 th century. Overall these are four main groups of poet in modern era of Arabic poetry. 1234Neo - Classical Pre - Romantic Romantic Committed Poets
First part of 20 th century witnessed that most of the poets wrote romantic poetry. Poetry of Adb-e-Mehjar was part of it. Jabran, Abu Alia Mazi, Mikhail Naemia etc. were from famous Mehjari poats. Ibrahim Naji, Khalil Matran and Ahmad Zaki Abu Shadi were some other poets of romantic group of poets. However, after world war-I, the political situation took new turn. The forceful creation of Israel was a sort of injury inflected on the heart of Arabs by the western world. Romantic poetry lost its charm and was replaced by the committed poetry. Now it was regarded necessary that there should be an objective or commitment of the poetry. No poetry can be said as according to the circumstances and charm full until an objective is not tried to achieve. Some poets resort to write for the favor of Nationalism. Mahmood Dervaish, who got unmatchable fame, was a Palestinian Poet who wrote for
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the propagation of Nationalism. Another innovation was the introduction of Free Verse by the poet named Badr Shakir Al-Sayab.
2- Modern Arabic Novel In 20th Century:Modern novel or novel of 20th century also witnessed two trends. These trends are as following: 1- Neoclassical movement to revive the old traditions of past. Maqama and Thousand and One Night is an example. 2- Modern movement which emphasized on imitating the French novel. Notable novel writers include: 1234Jurji Zaidan Jabran Mekhail Naemia Najib Mehfooz
3- Drama In 20th Century:Though Drama in Modern era was started to be written in 19 th century, it took major trends in 20th century by getting influenced by the French Drama. Tofique Al Hakim is one of the most famous Drama writers of his times. His drama which was re-telling of Quranic story of seven sleepers and epilogue of Thousand and one Night
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Quran - Its Miracles, Language of Quran with special Influence on Subsequent Literature
Miracles of Holy Quran:1- Inimitable:The Holy Quran was revealed in an era when the Arabian Peninsula was full of the lucid and eloquent poets. But Quran as it was kalam of Rehman was superior to the poetic work of the poets. Quran challenges everybody to bring even a very small verse in competition to Quran. Quran put the same challenge four times before the non-believer. No one was able to meet the challenge from then to now.
3- Quran - Safeguarded by Allah Almighty:Even after 1400 year time, the Holy Quran is safeguarded and intact. This is indeed a marvelous miracle of the Holy Quran that Allah Almighty has safeguarded this book by employing His Wisdom. Even a minute change can not occur in this Holy Book, this indeed is the blessing and miracle of Allah.
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Impact of Quran For The Who Understand It Are Miraculous:The Holy Qurans lucidity made it even more effective for the people who try to understand it. Labid bin Rabia embraced Islam when he tried to complete (in poetic sense, he tried to add another stanza) Sura-al-kusar but could not do so. He understood that this cannot be the kalam of a man. So, he wrote This is not written by any man and embraced Islam. Similarly, the incident of Hazrat Umers embracing Islam shows that its impact are great and cannot be explained in words.
Quran neither A verse nor A Prose:Another miracle is that Quran has been revealed in such a way that it looks like a neither prose nor like a verse, as depicted by Dr. Taha Hussain. It flips qasidah, totally, when Sura Rehman is revealed and understood. All the magnificence shows that Quran is also a miracle in its context and style.
1- Impact on Language:The Holy Quran introduced new words in it e.g. Al Qayam Al Rakuh Al Sajood
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Ghraibs were used by Quran. Imam Raghib Asfahani has counted many Ghraibs which were mentioned in the Holy Quran. These Ghraibs were no more use of the ordinary Arab people.
2- Impact on Prose:As the Holy Quran was revealed and preached by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), soon it as spread far off areas which came under the sway of Muslims. Their expenses were recorded the revenue and expense of the Caliphate. Secondly, the letters written by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Maktubat e Nabvi and Khutbat e Nabvi followed a specific style which was propagated in Islamic Caliphate.
3- New Fields of knowledge:After the revelation of the Holy Quran, it was propagated to the far off areas. Non Arabic people committed blunders while pronouncing the Holy Quran. This necessitated the introduction of new fields of knowledge in order to understand Holy Quran. The new fields e.g. Ilm e lughat Ilm e Fiqah Sarf e Nahv Istanbat Were introduced by the Muslims.
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Introduction:His full name was Abu Usman Umro Bin Behr Al-Jahiz, born in Bsara. He was very ugly, of short stature and strange eyes. Therefore he was named as Al-Jahiz as the person with stange eyes is called:
He spent a life of 100 years where he saw many upa and downs yet he was the most glaring personality of Arabic literature as he has been designated the title of Imam ul Adab in a book of Al Qairwani. The name of that book is Al Umda
Education:He got his education from the prominent and capable scholars of their times. He got his education from Basra, which was the stage of learning at that particular time; Asmi Abu Ishaq Abu Obaida Were his teacher. He was very fond of reading and used to read ferociously.
School of Thought:Al Jahiz belonged to Mutazilla school of thought initially but then he developed his own school of thought, the followers of which named it as Al Jahizya
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His Activities
1- A prolific intellectual and translator. He translated the works of Persian and Greece in Arabic. 2- He did invaluable service in the fields of Geography and even wrote a book in this regard. 3- When we see the second group of prose writers, without any doubt and dispute, Jahiz was the leader of this group. 4- He wrote as many as 200 hundred books but as bad luck would have it, most of his books have been lost. His books have been praised by Ibn Al Amid in these words the books of jahiz teach us knowledge and duty Some of the name of his books are given as under: I - Kitab al Biyan wal Batin (Arabic culture and literature) II - Kitab al Najla (society and man) III - kitab al Haivan (About animals) IV - kitab al Usmania (Three caliphs were defended and reject shiaism) V kitan al Taaj 5- Another contribution of Al Jahiz is that he was the first who started to pen down the literary tradition in Abbasid era. This was done by him because of the reason that many non Arabic crept in because of the territorial expansion. Mistakes and flaws in the Arabic of non indigenous people who was avoided by Al Jahiz by ensuring what was pure Arabic work. He also invented the technique to introduce humor in serious writing to make it more interesting and affective.
Some Interesting Facts About Al Jahiz:Ahmad Hassan Ziyat in his book Tarikh e Adb e Arabi has commended that Al Jahiz was man of terrible features with unbalanced body. Once he was called by Caliph Mutawakil, when he heard about his accomplishment in all the fields of knowledge. The Caliph wanted him to be the tutor of his beloved child but when he saw Al Jahiz, the ugly but prolific literary man he gave him 10 thousand Dirham and asked him to leave. Nevertheless, he was a man of high literary status. He remained for 100 long years and died after his right side was paralyzed owing to illness.
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Criticism:Although he was one of the most glaring personalities of Arabic literature yet he was not able to avoid criticism. The criticism about him is pertaining to his exaggeration while praising the Caliph.
4- Khalil was efficient in sehat qiyas, Nahvi Tehlil o Tawaa and Istinbat. Saibovias book Al Kitab has been majority completed by Khalil bin Ahmad.
Kitab ul Ain:During the time Khalil bin Ahmad was rendering service in all the fields of knowledge, Arabic was spread to the non Arabic areas. People began to make mistakes and this presented a challenge to the scholars. Many tries were made to combat this problem but all in vain. It was Khalil bin Ahmad, who wrote Kitab ul Ain the first ever book on the Ilm-e-Lughat. He arranged the words composed of two three and four letters and then he arranged the words according to their pronunciation. He organized according to the following order: 1234Larynx Tongue Teeth Lips
Abubakar bin Duraid wrote a compendium of Kitab ul Ain which was presented to the Caliph of Spain. This compendium got more fame than the original book.
Some Other Books of Khalil:123456Kitan ul Nagham Kitab ul Arooz Kitab ul Shawahid Kitab ul Eeqah Kitab ul Naqat wa Shakal Kitab ul Ain
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