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Service Audit

Submitted By
Abhilash Prasad Sahoo Gaurav Sharma Rishi Raj Shailendra Singh Sharma Mohit Vijit Jain Vinit Bhardwaj Virendra Pratap Singh Vishal Singh

Submitted to
Ms. Yogita Singh

Table of Contents

Executive Summary Introductions of ICICI BANK LTD. 7 Ps of marketing mix Weakness in 7 Ps Service Blueprint Service Gap Model Flower of Service Service quality (Rater scale) Recommendations and suggestions

It is a matter of great satisfaction and pleasure to present this report for the subject Managing Marketing and Service Operation. I take this opportunity to owe my thanks to all those involved in the execution of the project. I am really thankful to ICICI BANK LTD. for giving their valuable time to us for the survey of their branch in sector 54 (Gurgaon). I would like to express my deep indebtedness for Avinash Jaiswal (mob. - 99998-70757) branch officer, for information and briefings they provided during the survey. I take this opportunity to whole heart thanks to our faculty guide Ms. Yogita Singh who guides us at every step in the execution of the project.

ICICI BANK is the Indias second largest bank and largest bank among private banks in India. The bank has a network of 2,543 branches in India and 7,037 ATMs. Globally, ICICI BANK has presence in 19 countries, including India. ICICI BANK provides a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retails customers through a variety of channels. ICICI BANK has its subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. This is the bank which has leveraged technology to introduce several innovations to make banking simple and convenient for the customer. ICICI BANK has been awarded by the business world Most Tech-friendly bank in 2011. Managing director and CEO of ICICI BANK Ms. Chanda Kocher was ranked 10TH in the list of Top 50 women in the world business2011 by financial times. Recently ICICI BANK is in news to launch their websites in Hindi for the convenience of customer.

Product ICICI bank offered many types of product. The product and service offered by the organization in various field. 1. Saving Account- ICICI bank offered various types of saving account with a convenient feature like womens account, senior citizen account, youngsters account etc. 2. Fixed Deposit- In ICICI bank the fixed deposit is very safe and very flexible. Fixed deposit provides a combination of good feature. 3. Loan- In ICICI bank there is many types of loan -


Home loan Car loan Personal loan Two wheeler loan Medical equipment loan Farm equipment loan


Cards In ICICI bank there are different types of cardCredit card Debit cum ATM card Travel card Business card Commercial card

Price Price basically regulate by RBI and IBA. The rate of interest is controlled by BI and other interest is control by IBA. The pricing policy of a bank is considered important for raising the number of customer with the deposit also the quality of service is provided through direct relationship with the free charge. ICICI bank are required by two fold strategieso o First strategy is concerned with free charge and interest. Second strategy is related to the interest paid

So these two strategy follow the ICICI bank. And both the strategy is important to the bank to establish to the correlation. Its a win- win situation to both buyer and seller. Assets and liability mix is also impact the pricing strategy. Another important pricing mix is earning assets is the risk of loss. Its a very relevant to the loan pricing.

Promotion ICICI bank there are promote product in different component and those component are(1) Advertising (2) Print Media (3) Publicity (4) Sales Promotion (5) Personal Selling (6) Telemarketing

People All the people are directly or indirectly involve the consumption of the banking. People mix is very important of marketing mix. In ICICI bank the employees are very contact with customer. So the employees are play very important role in any service organization. Service company can be only as good as its people. The basic need in any service organization is to develop the motivation of employees. Every employees of ICICI bank is committed to 5 core value(1) Integrity

(2) Customer first (3) Boundary less (4) Ownership (5) Passion Therefore investing the people quality in service business means investing in the product quality.

Process ICICI bank basically follows RBI guideline. The ICICI bank activities have been segregate into various departments accordingly. (1) Standardization (2) Customization (3) Number of steps (4) Simplicity (5) Customer involvement

Place The 2 important decisions in place mix areo o Making available the promised services to the ultimate user Selecting the suitable place to open in the branch

For the safety and security provision, ICICI BANK provides best infrastructure facility, to coverage the market and most important is convenient to both the bank and user.

Physical Evidence Physical evidence is basically material part of the service. There are many examples of the physical evidence and that evidence are(1) Internet / web page (2) Paperwork (3) Brochures (4) Furnishing (5) Business Card (6) The building The physical evidence also include, Punch Line, Employees dress code etc.

Weakness in 7 Ps
There are 7 Ps, out of which there are weaknesses in People and Physical Evidence due to which ICICI BANK service hampering. Utilization of PEOPLE in the inefficient manner: People in the ICICI BANK has not been utilized properly the employee of branch are not ready to provide the wow service to the customer. They provide only that service for which they have been recruited i.e. providing the service. Sometime customer has problem related to his/her account they guide them to call customer care even the problem is critical, they do not listen to the customer. This is the service industry and due to intangibility in nature, customers unable to claim for the same service. Here, the main reason is either supervisory problem or the training required to the employee specially the interpersonal skills. If we see the company mistake then it is that either they recruit wrong supervisor i.e. deputy manager/manager. Here the problem creates in the interactive marketing and internal marketing within the organization.

Company -They recruit wrong supervisor -No proper training to employee Service Marketing Customer Interactive Marketing Employee

Not providing the wow service to customer they only do the job for which they recruited

Technical Problem in Physical Evidence: In the branch or ATM most of the time servers are down due to which transaction couldnt happen, this situation adversely affects the service and customer has to face inconvenience.

Service Blueprint
A layout of all the key activities involved in creating and delivering the service supported by support system. A key characteristic of service blueprint is that it distinguishes between what customers experience front- stage and the activities of employees and support processes back-stage where customers can not see them. Service blueprints clarify the interaction between customers and employees and how these interactions are supported by additional activities and service backstage. Because they show the interrelationship among employees roles, operational processes, information technology and customer interactions, blueprints can facilitates the integration of marketing, operations and human resource management with in a firm. Blueprints also give managers the opportunity to identify potential process fail point, where things are going wrong and diminishing the service quality. Knowledge of such fail points enables managers to design procedure to avoid their occurrence. The blueprint has 5 components

Physical Evidence Customer Actions Onstage/ Visible Contact Employee Actions Backstage Employee Actions and Support Processes

Physical evidence It is at the very top of the blueprint. Physical evidences provide some degree of tangibility to the services offered. So anything associated with the process can be listed under physical evidence if it provides tangibility. Seen in this regard, even employees of the company and their attire also provide tangibility. Different physical evidences associated with the services of ICICI Bank are: 1. Website 2. Browser 3. Employees 4. Attire of the employees 6. Pamphlets 7. Office

Service Blueprint of ICICI BANK

Physical Evidence





Seek Information Customer Action Submit the document Onstage/ Front Stage

Take call

Give appointment


Sign up form

Look the demo

Give the form for sign up

Line of interaction

Make call/email

Process the form

Collect the document

Clear the deficiency in form Back stage

Line of visibility

Take call/email

Fix appointment

Process the form forward

Inform the customer about deficiency in the form

Support System

Line of Invisibility

Training to new employee

Processing the form

Inform about deficiency

Activate client account

Customer Actions The customer actions area includes the steps, choices, activities and interactions that the customer performs in the process of purchasing, consuming and evaluating the services. The possible customer actions list for the clients of ICICI Bank is a very long one, which can be modified into following actions 1. Seeking information 2. Taking Calls 3.Giving appointments to the executive 4.Meeting the executives 5.Signing up the forms 6.Submit the documents 7.Watch the Demo 8.Transactions using the login ID 9.Calling up Relationship Managers

Onstage Contact Employee Actions Now, paralleling the customer actions there two areas of contact employee actions. The steps and activities that the contact employee performs that are visible to a customer are the onstage employee actions. The onstage contact employee actions identified at ICICI Bank are: 1.Make Calls or send e-mails 2. Take Appointments 3.Meeting clients and pitch the product 5.Get the forms signed up 6. Collecting documents 7.Process the forms 8.Clear deficiencies in the form if any deficiency has been found.

Backstage Contact Employee Actions Those contact employee actions that take place behind the scenes for the support of the onstage employees are called backstage contact employee actions. In ICICI Bank that are as follows: 1.Making calls to the customers 2.Attending calls of the existing customers (both internal as well as external) and prospective customers who call up for information. 3.Fixing appointments for the onstage contact employees 4.Processing the forms and forward for account activation 5.Inform onstage contact employees about the deficiencies in the form if found. 6.Informing the customers about the deficiencies in the form (this can be clubbed with the first action of making calls). 7.Advise the customers (Relationship Managers)

Support Processes This part of the blueprint covers the internal services, steps, and interactions that take place to support the contact employees in delivering the service. In this case, we have following support processes: Generate leads for the acquisition process Training to new employees Processing the forms Inform about the deficiencies if found to the contact employees. Activating the account

Service Gap Model

Knowledge Gap: This gap is raised due to not knowing that what customer expect. The knowledge gap is the difference between the management perception and customer expectation. Here the management has no idea that what customer expect. Management perception Customers all problems get solved by phone banking or by writing mail. Customer expectation Phone banking should only for the service not for the complaint handling. In this case, customer want there should be some responsible person in the branch with whom they can talk face to face for the critical problem, but whenever customer visit the branch for the problem, officer guide him the phone banking. Management do not know about this serious problem, there are many customer who seek some specialized officer who listen him. Here, the gap raised due to wrong service provided in wrong channel. Standard Gap: This gap is the difference between standard perceived and actual service standard made. The reason behind this gap is not selecting the Right Service Design Standards. Standard Perceived (Planned) Please be on line your call will be connected within one minute This reply often customer listen whenever they called the phone banking. ICICI BANK has made standard of connecting the call of customer within one minute. Actual service standard made - Most of the time the call exceed the standard time and customer has to wait for long time to talk to officer. Here, this gap impact the service of ICICI BANK in the phone banking channel due to long call taken by the officer the customer care. Management either need to increase their employee in that channel or should increase their standard time to wait for customer.

Delivery Standard: Not delivering to service standards made by the company is the main reason to raise this gap which is called Delivery Gap. This gap is the difference between delivery standard made by the company and actual delivery. Delivery standard - Customer make the request to get the cheque book at their address timely and actual time standard made by the company is 3 working to receive by the customer. Actual standard Often customer receive their deliverable late that is the time get exceeded by the company and customer lose the confidence on the company. The customer with whom we talk, they receive their cheque book after 7 days of making the request. Here, the employee dispatch late the customers deliverable the reason they take time more time for the execution and forward late the request of customer to concern department.

Communication Gap: If the firm does not provide the service that is promised generate the communication Gap. This is difference between what the companies promised and what actually they delivered in other word we can say that Mismatching promises and performance. Communication Promise Sir, you upgrade your debit card to platinum debit card you will get 1 movie ticket free on purchasing 2 tickets. These types of communication made by the officer for cross-selling their products to existing customers. Actually delivered Customer not get the same benefit which was promised before buying that products. Hence, it is mismatching the promises and performances within the organization. There are many customers who buy products for the benefits but they do not get due to some terms and condition. Perception Gap: This is the hidden gap. In this gap the role of customer plays vital role and customer make perception about the company for specific service which is not communicated. Here, the difference is that what customer perceived and what actually delivered by the company. Customer perception Customer visit the branch keeping in mind that this is the private bank and he will get service immediately and get his work done very soon. Service delivered Customer has to wait for his turn in the branch and the time get exceeded what he perceived despite it is private bank.

Interpretation Gap: In this gap there is discrepancy raised due to wrongly interpretation made by the customer. This gap is the difference between communication done by the company and the same communication interpreted by the customer in other way. Communication Done Sir, your EMI date of loan is 10th of every month, this communication is made by the officer in the ICICI BANK. Communication Interpreted Customer deposits the EMI amount on 10th of every month and EMI get bounced. Here, EMI date is 10th of every month, customer interpret that if he/she will deposit the EMI amount at any time on 10th EMI will get deducted from their account automatically, but it cant. EMI is considered on the opening balance of the day. Here, customer interprets wrongly whatever officer communicate.

Service Gap: Here the gap is differences between customer expectation and customer perceived. In this scenario the gap is raised due to what customer expects to receive and their perceptions of the service that is actually delivered. For the service gap we need more survey from the customer which we had not done. We had surveyed very few customer for this project, hence this gap we unable to analyze.

Flower of service
Supplementary services play one of two roles. Facilitating supplementary services are either required for service delivery or aid in the use of the core product. Enhancing supplementary services add extra value for customers. In ICICI Bank, the core service is Account opening and other services are classified according to whether they are facilitating supplementary services or Enhancing supplementary services. Facilitating Services Enhancing Services Information Order taking Billing Payment Consultation Hospitality Safekeeping Exceptions

INFORMATION To obtain full value from any good or services, customers need relevant information. New customers needs information like Saving account details, charges for account opening, what minimum balance should be there in account, terms and conditions of saving account, details of documentation work, bankingBank, for every service like needs information like any change in policy, details ofCar), Credit In ICICI hours. Existing customers Saving and Current account, Loans (Personal, Home, any policy. Card they have employees which have the detail information about that service. The concerned person gives the whole detail about the service which customer looking for, terms and condition of respective service. They also have the facility of 24 hr Customer Care. If customer needs information regarding any service then they only have to dial a toll free number and they can collect information and also can solve the query. ICICI Bank has their official website, in which they mention all the service, service detail, terms and conditions. Customer can collect all information which he/she required by sitting in home or office. ORDER TAKING Once customers are ready to buy, a key supplementary element comes into play- accepting application, account opening. After selecting the service by customer its very important to do the process fast and accurate. After selecting the service by customer, the next step is documentation and verification. The concerned employee takes care of application form, proper documentation and relevant process so that Its very important that allany problem should be complete within limited time period promised by the customer should not face the process in future. company. Its only possible when all the Information given by company should be equally understand by the customer. During the whole documentation and verification process, concerned employee of ICICI bank will be in touch with the customer so that customer should not suffer any problem in future.

BILLING Inaccurate, illegible, or incomplete bills risk disappointing customers who may, up to that point, have been quite satisfied with their experience. The transactions done through the employee account should be known by the customer so, ICICI bank have the facility like they provide monthly statement to customer by these they can check their previous transaction.

ICICI bank also provide the facility like mini statement through ATM and also internet banking. By these customer not required to go in bank to check previous transaction now he/she can check through internet or ATM. They start new mobile banking in which customer get the information after crediting or debating the account.

PAYMENT In ICICI bank, they take some charges for giving the facility but they always try to make the system more transparent. In ICICI bank, for every transaction through debit card they take some charges for giving the facility and for giving the debit card they also take some charges. They also have the system like they deduct some charges for not maintaining the AQB. All the information regarding the additional charges is given to the customer at the opening of account and if there any change in charges then they provide all the information through mail or by SMS. CONSULTATION Value can be provided to the customer here by offering advice and consultation tailored to each customers needs and situation. This is a very important function since the requirements & capabilities of every customer are different. ICICI bank has consulting officers who helps customers according to their requirement. HOSPITALITY Hospitality related services should ideally reflect pleasure at meeting new customers and greeting old ones when they return. When a customer is visiting the physical outlet of the bank, he is investing time and energy. Thus a bank must ensure that the environment is welcoming. Hospitality includes Greeting from the Banks employees, Friendliness of the staff especially atthey information desk/help counter. In ICICI bank, Hospitality starts from the security guard because the are the first person from bank who meets with the customers. In ICICI bank, always there is a one employee in help desk to attain the customer.

For senior citizen and handicapped person they have separate sitting arrangement so that they will not face any problem.

SAFEKEEPING When customers are visiting a service site, they often want assistance with their personal possessions. ICICI bank always maintains the customer database secured so that no one can use the data for any wrong purpose. Inside the bank they have instruction board by which they gave information like how to use the ATM card, how they maintain their account secured. ICICI bank have their own parking area in maximum branches because customer enters into the bank premises by keeping their vehicle in parking area of bank so its also important to have security in parking area. . EXCEPTIONS Exceptions involve supplementary services that fall outside the routine of normal service delivery. ICICI bank gives the additional services for the important or loyal customer for their long term relations. It includes the up gradation for debit card and loan amount.

These five dimensions have been found to be relevant for a wide range of organizations ICIC BANK and, although the importance of each dimension will vary. The model is used by bank to identify and assess customer expectations, to plan and improve services, and to measure customer satisfaction.


Ability to perform the service dependably and accurately service threw the employs to the best way of obtaining a better understanding of your customers needs and expectations is to ask them. However, before you do this, it is useful to put some work into obtaining a view of your services from your customers perspective. Deliver the service you promised and what your customers believed they were promised, the service must be timely, consistent, accurate, and dependable An example of reliability the ICICI bank 3D master and visa card service which provide customer secure pin and six digit numeric password identification number to the customer personal use in banking service.


Employees knowledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. A comprehensive Car and two wheeler Insurance policies that keep it secure against damage caused by natural and manmade calamities, including acts of terrorism. Avail of Own Damage, Personal Accident and Liability cover all in one policy. Insurance in India is governed by the India Motor Tariff, so the coverage for your vehicle would be the same no matter which company you would buy it from. Moreover, Insurance is

mandatory and needs to be renewed every year. So choose the best insurance company in India. ICICI bank provides all kind of vehicles and life insurance facilities to the specific consumers.

Appearance of physical facilities equipment, employees, and communication materials personnel and communication materials look attractive and appropriate. ICICI BANK Services differ from physical goods as they emphasize experience qualities, which can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption. Service offering are becoming an integral part of todays business and in the process of differentiating ones offerings effectively in the eyes of the consumer, branding services have started playing an important role. Building a strategic relationship with the customer is very essential. To develop service brands, choose appropriate brand architecture, position the brand, develop the programmers needed to deliver the brand and align the business system to the brand promise.

Employs well dressed in bank to provide best service to the customer in banking time for example some banking clients required for saving account in bank and transaction account and withdraw money from the account and accounting transfer these type of services are likely tangible services in ICICI bank provide to the consumer.

Caring, individualized attention given to customers. It is easy to access staff; services and information the communication with customers clear, appropriate and timely, employs provide services that are appropriate to the individual needs of the customer the staff demonstrate they understand the customers needs and situation. ICICI bank caring the individuals consumer the specified needs. They provide loan services to consumer, ICICI Bank loans have a lot of offer to those people who require finance for different needs and purposes such as marriage expenses, purchasing a car or a home, financing higher education or even planning a holiday trip. Given below are the different categories of loan products offered by ICICI Bank ICICI Bank personal loans Home loans Commercial vehicle loans Loans against securities Car loans NRI loans from ICICI Bank Corporate financing from ICICI Bank Business financing from ICICI Bank Export Finance

Agricultural Financing from ICICI Bank rowers:

Willingness to help customers, provide prompt service and solve problems. Employs willing to help the customer, provide prompt service, and resolve problems satisfactorily. For example a customer of ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank offers great service to its customers. Customer really impressed with the standard of global banking facilities provided by ICICI Bank. It is making banking a pleasant experience for customers. The efforts of ICICI's Customer Service Centre. The banking with ICICI gives a lot of peace to the mind. ICICI bank gives customer trading information threw sms alerts and gives a personal phone call to the consumer and tell about the stock market and tell how to invest and gain profit , the bank not take extra charge from the consumer these information, it is responsiveness of bank.

Recommendations and Suggestions

ICICI BANK requires many changes in order to improve their service, so that they can acquire the customer and retain their existing clients. This bank is one of the largest bank in India and leader in innovation and new technology in the banking arena but in some area it seems weak i.e. service. As service audit has been done, there are many improvements need to improve which is mention below: Company must recruit the right people who can lead the team very well, they can motivate their officer to work in the branch efficiently and accurately to provide wow service Training required in order to improve the service in the front stage where employee interacted with customer face to face. Training should be focus more on interpersonal skill In the branch, when server get down customer has to wait for long time, if server down for 3-4 minutes then customer can wait but for half an hour it impact the service. Here, the bank should keep some other substitute in order to provide faster service. In the service industry, physical evidence plays a major role for retaining the customer. Management should do the market research in order to get the details about the customer what they expect like for handling complain there should be some officer from grievances

department in the branch with whom they can talk, make the request and get the status regularly Banks should increase their standard time to wait in call, while calling phone banking In the back stage the process should be fast to dispatch the customer deliverable so that customer receives it timely. The concern department (backstage) receives the request to dispatch the deliverable very late from the front stage employee During cross-selling the products, employee should not wrongly communicated to the customer because there is a chances will be increase to lose the existing clients and due to word of mouth it might be they unable to acquire some new clients.


Services Marketing Lovelock, Wirtz and Chatterjee www.icicibank.com

Avinash Jaiswal (mob. - 99998-70757) branch officer, ICICI Branch Manager Sector-54, Gurgaon

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