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Blowers are used for supplying low pressure air up to between 2-10 psig. They consist of two parallel shaft rotors They may have 2 4 lobes The rotating shaft in the constitution of the blower traps some gas The compression of the gas in the blower is negligible


They are used for;


Pneumatic transportation of particulate material Water and waste treatment Providing moderate vacuum

Compressors & Gas Compression

Ranges of Application

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compression Process
Gas compression is a thermodynamic process where change takes place in the physical state of the gas Compression adds energy to the gas resulting in pressurevolume changes defined by ideal gas laws Compression take place under conditions defined: Adiabatic: no heat added or removed from systems Isothermal: constant temperature in system Polytropic: heat added or removed from system Compression of real gases in actual compressors deviate from conformance with ideality, usually significantly, affecting compressor design.

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Characteristics

Capacity/Head Performance Terminology

Compressors & Gas Compression

Reciprocating Compressor

Performance Diagram Terminology

Piston Displacement Clearance Volume Volumetric Efficiency Pressure Ratio Rod Loading

Compressors & Gas Compression

Reciprocating Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Reciprocating Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

Performance Curves Terminology

Operating Point Surge Point Stonewall Stability Turndown

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor Performance

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor Key Design Parameters Capacity Gas Properties Pressure Head Power Efficiency Multi-Stages

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor Key Design Parameters

Flow Rates
Normal Maximum Minimum

Design Capacity

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor Key Design Parameters

Gas Properties
Composition Contaminants Molecular Weight MW Specific Heat Ratio Cp/Cv Compressibility

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

10C 38C 66C 93C 121C

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor
100F = 560R: 560/549 = 1.02 100F = 311K, 549R = 305K: 311/305 = 1.02

PV = ZmRT/MW P=100psia = 6.89 bar a T=100F = 37.8C = 310.9K = m/V = P(MW)/(ZRT) = 6.89E5x34.27/(0.946x8314x310.9) = 9.7kg/m3 = 0.61lb/ft3

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor


1.02 0.973

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor


Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor Key Design Parameters


Available vs. Required Head Available Head is Compressor Related Required head is System-Related H(Required)
H(Available) = CV2/g C = Pressure Coefficient (0.55)

Compressors & Gas Compression

Horsepower Calculation
For centrifugal compressors the following method is normally used: First, the required head is calculated. Either the polytropic or adiabatic efficiency is used with the companion head.

Centrifugal Compressor

Compressors & Gas Compression

Horsepower Calculation
Centrifugal Compressor

Where: Z = Average compressibility factor: using 1 will yield conservative results R = 1544/(mol weight) T1 = Suction Temperature, R P1, P2 = Suction, discharge pressures, psia K = Adiabatic exponent, (N-1)/N = (K-1)/(KEp) Ep = Polytropic Efficiency EA = Adiabatic Efficiency

Compressors & Gas Compression

Horsepower Calculation
The polytropic and adiabatic efficiencies are related as follows:

Centrifugal Compressor

From Polytropic Head: HP = WHpoly/(Ep 33000) BHP = HP/Em Where: HP = Gas Horse Power BHP = Brake Horsepower W = Flow, Lb/min

From Adiabatic Head: HP = WHAD/(EA 33000)

Compressors & Gas Compression


Hydraulic Efficiency Adiabatic Polytropic Volumetric Efficiency Reciprocating Mechanical Efficiency Drivers

Compressors & Gas Compression

Centrifugal Compressor
Approximate polytropic efficiencies for centrifugal and axial compressors

Compressors & Gas Compression

Temperature Rise
Temperature ratio across a compression stage is: T2/T1 = (P2/P1)(K-1)/K T2/T1 = (P2/P1)(N-1)/N Where: K = Adiabatic exponent, Cp/Cv N= Polytropic exponent, (N-1)/N = (K-1)/KEp P1, P2 = Suction, discharge pressures, psia T1, T2 = Suction, discharge temperatures, R Ep = Polytropic efficiency, fraction Adiabatic Polytropic

Compressors & Gas Compression

Temperature Rise
The usual centrifugal compressor is uncooled internally and follows a polytropic path. Temperature must often be limited to: Protect against polymerization as in olefin or butadiene plants At T > 230-260C, the approximate mechanical limit, problems of sealing and casing growth start to occur. High temperature requires a special and more costly machine. Most multistage applications are designed to stay below 250300C

Compressors & Gas Compression

Temperature Rise
Intercooling can be used to hold desired temperatures for high overall compression ratio applications. This can be done between stages in a single compressor frame or between series frames. Sometimes economics rather than a temperature limit dictate intercooling. Sometimes for high compression ratios, the job cannot be done in one frame. Usually a frame will not contain more than 8 stages (wheels). For many applications the compression ratio across a frame is about 2.5 4.0 The maximum head that one stage can handle depends on gas properties and inlet temperature. Usually this is about 2000 to 3400m for a single stage.

Compressors & Gas Compression

Surge Controls

A centrifugal compressor surges at certain conditions of low flow. Surge control help the machine to avoid surge by increasing flow. For an air compressor, a simple spill to atmosphere is sufficient. For a hydrocarbon compressor, recirculation from discharge to suction is used.

Compressors & Gas Compression

Surge Controls
There are many types of surge controls. Avoid the low-budget systems with a narrow effective range, especially for large compressors. Good systems include the flow/P type. The correct flow to use is the compressor suction. However, a flow element in the suction can rob excessive horsepower. Therefore, sometimes the discharge flow is measured and the suction flow calculated within the controller by using pressure measurements. The compressor intake nozzle is also sometimes calibrated and used as a flow element.

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Method

Define gas properties: MW, Cp/Cv, Z 1 Define inlet conditions: Temp & Press. Calculate gas flow rate: Normal and Design 1 Establish total discharge pressure. Calculate compression ratio and number of stages Define selection & polytropic efficiency 1. At inlet conditions

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Method

Calculate heat capacity factor M Calculate required polytropic head Calculate hydraulic gas horsepower Calculate discharge temperature Calculate total brake horsepower Estimate inter-stage cooling requirement

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Example 1:
Calculate compressor required to handle a process gas at the following operating conditions: Inlet press and temp at 20 psia and 40F. Discharge pressure of 100 psia. Gas rate 2378 lb.mol/hr of the following composition and calculated properties:
Mol% Mol/h Mol. Wt Ethane 2 48 2259 71 2378 30.1 44.1 58.1 Propane 95 Butane Total 3 100 0.60 41.9 1.74 44.24 Cp 11.96 16.55 0.24 Tc 550 11 633 23 667 Pc 708 617 551 14 587 17 618

15.70 666 766

22.50 0.68 16.62

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Example 1:
Inlet flow: Weight flow = 2378 x 44.24/60 = 1753 lb/min Pr = 20/618 = 0.0324, Tr = (40+460)/667 = 0.75 Compressibility factor Z = 0.97 (from generalized Z chart) Density = (MW x P1)/(10.73 x T1 x Z) = (44.24 x 20)/(10.73 x (40 + 460) x 0.97) = 0.17 lb/cu.ft Inlet volume = 1753/0.17 = 10 310 cu.ft/min

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Example 1:
Heat Capacity Factor k = Cp/Cv = Cp/(Cp 1.99) = 16.62/(16.62 1.99) = 1.137 M = (k-1)/(kEp) Assume Ep = 77%: M = (1.137 1)/(1.137 x 0.77) = 0.156

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Example 1:
Polytropic Head, Hp

= 0.97 x (1545/44.24) x (40 + 460)/0.156 x [(100/20)0.156 -1] = 30 988 ft

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressor Calculation Example 1:
Discharge Temperature, T2 T2 = T1(P2/P1)M = 500(5)0.156 = 643R = 183F Gas Horsepower (GHP) & Brake Horespower (BHP) GHP = W . Hpoly/(33000Ep) = 1753 x 30988/(33000 x 0.77) = 2140 BHP = 2140/0.98 = 2180 (Assume Mechanical Eff. = 98%)

Compressors & Gas Compression

07TI002 99 C 07PI005 4300 kPa g 07TI004 50 C 07PI006 4250 kPa g

Calculate the Brake Horsepower for the following Compressor:

07TI005 124 C 07PI007 7700 kPa g 07TI006 55 C 07PI017 7643 kPa g 07T1008 139 C 07PI009 14 MPa g 07FI003 107 kmn3/h 07TI010 57 C 07PI013 14 MPa g 07TI012 65 C 07PI011 14.6 MPa g 07FI004 353 kmn3/h

Red Blocks = Local Readings (necessary for MW calculation) 07TI001 22 C 07PIC004 2418 kPa g




Actual Speed = 11497 Reference Speed = 11464

HC02 TO NH3 REACTOR C3030 HC02 C3031

0.0% 0.0% 20.0 87.0 kmn3/h H2 N2 65.6 21.4 KNM3/H

C3032 HC06


0.1% 15.0%

08AI004 2.5% % Argon



Argon Purge to Flare

Compressors & Gas Compression

Calculate the Brake Horsepower for the following Compressor:

Calculate Gas Mixture Properties

Composition: H2 = 65.6/(65.6+21.4) = 75.4 vol% N2 = 100 75.4 = 24.6 vol%
Mole% 75.4 24.6 100.0 Mole Wt 2 28 MW 1.51 6.89 8.40 mass% 18.0 82 Cp 14.3 1.04 11.04 MW 2.57 0.85 3.42

Composition Hydrogen Nitrogen Total Gas Mix

Use Z = 1 for conservative results

Compressors & Gas Compression

Calculate the Brake Horsepower for Compressor: Contd

Lets look at the first stage: First calculate Polytropic Head:

T1 = 22C = 295K T2 = 99C = 372K P1 = 2418 kPag = 2518 kPa a P2 = 4300 kPag = 4400 kPa a

T2/T1 ln(T2/T1) (N-1)/N

= (P2/P1)(N-1)/N = (N-1)/N ln(P2/P1) = ln(T2/T1)/ln(P2/P1) = ln(372/295)/ln(4400/2518) = 0.416 = 1 x (8.314/8.4) x 295 x ((4400/2518)0.416 -1) 0.416 = 183.4 kJ/kg


Compressors & Gas Compression

First stage:
Cp/Cv = Cp/(Cp-R) = 3.42/(3.42-8.314/8.4) = 1.4 = (K-1)/(KEp) = (1.4 -1)/(1.4 x 0.416) = 0.69 Calculate the Brake Horsepower for Compressor: Contd

(N-1)/N Ep

W = (107 000/22.414) x 8.4 = 40100kg/h = 11.14 kg/s

Compressors & Gas Compression

First stage:
Gas Horsepower = W . Hpoly/Ep = (11.14 x 183.4)/0.69 = 2960 kJ/s = 3.0 MW Calculate the Brake Horsepower for Compressor: Contd

Similar for stage 2, 3 and Recycle: GHP(stage 2) = 2.9MW GHP(stage 3) = 3.3 MW GHP(recycle stage) = 1.0 MW Total GHP = 3.0 + 2.9 + 3.3 + 1.0 = 10.2 MW A good assumption for Mechanical Efficiency = 95% BHP = 10.2/0.95 = 10.6 MW

Compressors & Gas Compression

Compressors & Gas Compression

Supporting Equipment in a Compressor System

Supporting Equipment in a Compressor System Intercooler and after cooler heat exchanger - compression of gases create heat in compressor - control high temperature - intercooler lower the temperature as gas is discharge out of first stage of compressor - as the gas is compressed (create more heat), discharge into after cooler before go to receiver Safety valve - used to relieve excess pressure that could damage operating equipment - sized to handle specific flow rates

Supporting Equipment in a Compressor System (cont.)

Silencers - most compressor exceed OSHA standards noise pollution - muffle some of the damaging noise produced by compressor - should be mounted on the inlet and outlet of a compressor Demister - designed to remove liquid droplets from gas - function as a cyclone - heavier component fall to the bottom of the demister and removed - clean gas escapes out the discharge line on the top of the demister Dryer - for dry air service, discharge of a compressor is run through a dryer - filled with moisture adsorbing chemicals called desiccant dryer (alumina, mol sieves and silica gel) - operation uses parallel or series dryer

Compressor system

Start up and shutdown a dynamic compressor

Start up and shutdown a positive displacement compressor

Troubleshooting a centrifugal compressor

Troubleshooting a reciprocating compressor

Compressor Symbols


The fans have wide range of flowrate The material selection is important during manufacturing fans The blowers have low power and pressure applications The blower is less efficient method of compression


The centrifugals are tolerant to liquid carry The liquid with the gas can cause erosion and severe damage in centrifugals In axial equipment, high compression efficiency is observed The axial equipment is applied for high flow andlow discharge pressures


The reciprocating systems are applicable for low flow rate of high pressure ratio The oil contamination is important in reciprocating systems The reciprocating systems have higher maintainance cost The reciprocating systems are not suited to dirty gasses The process gases that are taken in should be clean and dry in axial equipments The reciprocating systems are not tolerate liquid droplets in the suction flow


The screw compressor have higher initial cost than reciprocating compressors for the same duty The sliding vane compressors have low pressure applications The sliding vane compressors operate at low speeds The noise level of the sliding vane compressors is low

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