Optical Devices and Comm System

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Capt Asif TE-47 ''A''

Optical Devices and Comm System

Assignment - 1

Submitted to: Lt.Col Dr Abdul Rauf

Nondispersion-Shifted Fiber (ITU-T G.652)

The ITU-T G.652 fiber is also known as standard SMF and is the most commonly deployed fiber. This fiber has a simple step-index structure and is optimized for operation in the 1310-nm band. It has a zero-dispersion wavelength at 1310 nm and can also operate in the 1550-nm band, but it is not optimized for this region. The typical chromatic dispersion at 1550 nm is high at 17 ps/nm-km. Dispersion compensation must be employed for high-bit-rate applications. The attenuation parameter for G.652 fiber is typically 0.2 dB/km at 1550 nm, and the PMD parameter is less than 0.1 ps/ km. An example of this type of fiber is Corning SMF-28.

Low Water Peak Nondispersion-Shifted Fiber (ITU-T G.652.C)

The legacy ITU-T G.652 standard SMFs are not optimized for WDM applications due to the high attenuation around the water peak region. ITU G.652.C-compliant fibers offer extremely low attenuation around the OH peaks. The G.652.C fiber is optimized for networks where transmission occurs across a broad range of wavelengths from 1285 nm to 1625 nm. Although G.652.C-compliant fibers offer excellent capabilities for shorter, unamplified metro and access networks, they do not fully address the needs for 1550-nm transmission. The attenuation parameter for G.652 fiber is typically 0.2 dB/km at 1550 nm, and the PMD parameter is less than 0.1 ps/ km. An example of this type of fiber is Corning SMF-28e.

Dispersion-Shifter Fiber (ITU-T G.653)

Conventional SMF has a zero-dispersion wavelength that falls near the 1310-nm window band. SMF shows high dispersion values over the range between 1500 nm and 1600 nm (third window band). The trend of shifting the operating transmission wavelength from 1310 nm to 1550 nm initiated the development of a fiber type called dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF). DSF exhibits a zero-dispersion value around the 1550-nm wavelength where the attenuation is minimum. The DSFs are optimized for operating in the region between 1500 to 1600 nm. With the introduction of WDM systems, however, channels allocated near 1550 nm in DSF are seriously affected by noise induced as a result of

nonlinear effects caused by FWM. This initiated the development of NZDSF. Figure 3-14 illustrates the dispersion slope of DSF with respect to SMF and NZDSF. G.53 fiber is rarely deployed any more and has been superseded by G.655.

Fiber Dispersion Slopes

1550-nm Loss-Minimized Fiber (ITU-T G.654)

The ITU-T G.654 fiber is optimized for operation in the 1500-nm to 1600-nm region. This fiber has a low loss in the 1550-nm band. Low loss is achieved by using a pure silica core. ITU-T G.654 fibers can handle higher power levels and have a larger core area. These fibers have a high chromatic dispersion at 1550 nm. The ITU G.654 fiber has been designed for extended long-haul undersea applications.

Nonzero Dispersion Shifted Fiber (ITU-T G.655)

Using nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber (NZDSF) can mitigate nonlinear characteristics. NZDSF fiber overcomes these effects by moving the zero-dispersion wavelength outside the 1550-nm operating window. The practical effect of this is to have a small but finite amount of chromatic dispersion at

1550 nm, which minimizes nonlinear effects, such as FWM, SPM, and XPM, which are seen in the dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems without the need for costly dispersion compensation. There are two fiber families called nonzero dispersion (NZD+ and NZD), in which the zero-dispersion value falls before and after the 1550-nm wavelength, respectively. The typical chromatic dispersion for G.655 fiber at 1550 nm is 4.5 ps/nm-km. The attenuation parameter for G.655 fiber is typically 0.2 dB/km at 1550 nm, and the PMD parameter is less than 0.1 ps/ km. The Corning LEAF fiber is an example of an enhanced G.655 fiber with a 32 percent larger effective area. Figure 3-14 illustrates the dispersion slope of NZDSF with respect to SMF and DSF.

Classification of Polarization
Light in the form of a plane wave in space is said to be linearly polarized. Light is a transverse electromagnetic wave, but natural light is generally unpolarized, all planes of propagation being equally probable. If light is composed of two plane waves of equal amplitude by differing in phase by 90, then the light is said to be circularly polarized. If two plane waves of differing amplitude are related in phase by 90, or if the relative phase is other than 90 then the light is said to be elliptically polarized.

Linear Polarization
A plane electromagnetic wave is said to be linearly polarized. The transverse electric field wave is accompanied by a magnetic field wave as illustrated.

Circular Polarization
Circularly polarized light consists of two perpendicular electromagnetic plane waves of equal amplitude and 90 difference in phase. The light illustrated is right- circularly polarized.If light is composed of two plane waves of equal amplitude but differing in phase by 90, then the light is said to be circularly polarized. If you could see the tip of the electric field vector, it would appear to be moving in a circle as it approached you. If while looking at the source, the electric vector of the light coming toward you appears to be rotating counterclockwise, the light is said to be right-circularly polarized. If clockwise, then left-circularly polarized light. The electric field vector makes one complete revolution as the light advances one wavelength toward you. Another way of saying it is that if the thumb of your right hand were pointing in the direction of propagation of the light, the electric vector would be rotating in the direction of your fingers.Circularly polarized light may be produced by passing linearly polarized light through a quarter-wave plate at an angle of 45 to the optic axis of the plate.

Elliptical Polarization
Elliptically polarized light consists of two perpendicular waves of unequal amplitude which differ in phase by 90. The illustration shows right- elliptically polarized light.If the thumb of your right hand were pointing in the direction of propagation of the light, the electric vector would be rotating in the direction of your fingers.

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