Colors 1-Sentence Matcher
Colors 1-Sentence Matcher
Colors 1-Sentence Matcher
1) El cuaderno de Mara es de color fucsia. - A: It's green. - B: The tree is green. - C: It is in the brown box. - D: Maria's notebook is fuschia. 2) El cabello de mi pap es caf. - A: Maria's notebook is fuschia. - B: My dads hair is dark brown. - C: My favorite dress is orange. - D: My shirt is orange. 3) Mi pap tiene el pelo color caf. - A: My dad has brown hair. - B: My favorite color is pink. - C: The door is black. - D: My shirt is orange. 4) El perro es negro. - A: The dog is black. - B: The chair is yellow. - C: The trees are green. - D: Your sweater is light blue. 5) Mi cuenta est en nmeros rojos! - A: Well, the yellow shirt is pretty but I like the green shirt. - B: It's green. - C: The plant is green. - D: My account is in the red! 6) Bueno, la camisa amarilla es bonita, pero a m me gusta la camisa verde. - A: Well, the yellow shirt is pretty but I like the green shirt. - B: The chair is yellow. - C: The blouse is green. - D: The trees are green. 7) La planta es verde. - A: The plant is green. - B: Well, the yellow shirt is pretty but I like the green shirt. - C: My car is red. - D: The blouse is green. 8) Los rboles son verdes. - A: My car is red. - B: The trees are green. - C: I like bright colors. - D: It's green. 9) Ella tiene un vestido violeta. - A: My account is in the red! - B: The plant is green. - C: My dad has brown hair. - D: She has a violet dress.
Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: colors_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 10) Es verde. - A: It's green. - B: My car is red. - C: My account is in the red! - D: The tree is green. 11) El csped es verde. - A: The grass is green. - B: The chair is yellow. - C: The sun is yellow. - D: My shirt is orange. 12) Las margaritas son flores con centro amarillo y ptalos blancos. - A: Daisies are flowers with a yellow center and white petals. - B: The plant is green. - C: The tree is green. - D: The blouse is green. 13) El sol es amarillo. - A: The sun is yellow. - B: The dog is black. - C: She has a violet dress. - D: My dad has brown hair. 14) La silla es amarilla. - A: My car is red. - B: Yes, a little more green. - C: The grass is green. - D: The chair is yellow. 15) La pelota es azul y blanca. - A: My dads hair is dark brown. - B: Maria's notebook is fuschia. - C: The sun is yellow. - D: The ball is blue and white. 16) El sol es amarillo. - A: The dog is black. - B: My shirt is orange. - C: It's green. - D: The sun is yellow. 17) La puerta es negra. - A: Maria's notebook is fuschia. - B: Your sweater is light blue. - C: The door is black. - D: Daisies are flowers with a yellow center and white petals. 18) Mi casa tiene el tejado rojo. - A: My house has a red roof. - B: The blouse is green. - C: I like bright colors. - D: It is in the brown box.
Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: colors_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 19) La blusa es verde. - A: The plant is green. - B: The dog is black. - C: Maria's notebook is fuschia. - D: The blouse is green. 20) Tu jersey es celeste. - A: Your sweater is light blue. - B: Your watch is turquoise. - C: The grass is green. - D: The door is black. 21) S, un poco ms verdosa. - A: She has a violet dress. - B: The door is black. - C: Daisies are flowers with a yellow center and white petals. - D: Yes, a little more green. 22) Me gustan los colores fuertes. - A: Your watch is turquoise. - B: My house has a red roof. - C: She has a violet dress. - D: I like bright colors. 23) Tu reloj es de color turquesa. - A: It is in the brown box. - B: The tree is green. - C: I like bright colors. - D: Your watch is turquoise. 24) Mi color favorito es el rosa. - A: My favorite color is pink. - B: Well, the yellow shirt is pretty but I like the green shirt. - C: She has a violet dress. - D: My car is red. 25) Est en la caja caf. - A: My shirt is orange. - B: The tree is green. - C: Maria's notebook is fuschia. - D: It is in the brown box. 26) Mi vestido favorito es naranja. - A: The blouse is green. - B: I like bright colors. - C: My favorite dress is orange. - D: My shirt is orange. 27) Mi carro es rojo. - A: My car is red. - B: My house has a red roof. - C: My dad has brown hair. - D: The grass is green.
Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: colors_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 28) Mi camisa es naranja. - A: The tree is green. - B: The grass is green. - C: My account is in the red! - D: My shirt is orange. 29) Mi camisa es naranja. - A: My shirt is orange. - B: It's green. - C: The dog is black. - D: The ball is blue and white. 30) El rbol es verde. - A: The tree is green. - B: The grass is green. - C: It is in the brown box. - D: Your watch is turquoise. 31) Mi carro es rojo. - A: My dad has brown hair. - B: Well, the yellow shirt is pretty but I like the green shirt. - C: My dads hair is dark brown. - D: My car is red. 32) El rbol es verde. - A: The dog is black. - B: The tree is green. - C: Your watch is turquoise. - D: The tree is green.